T"7" Hi y lit - .,-iilpmpanor on all per- nible to a poll tax who fail lotheimelves in. Lilian anel Williamson the motion to strike out. C Dudley urjjetl the adoption ... .;,. tn strikeout. VS and nys were caKccl We motion to strike out was ."iJJfiwSLnayaCO. . iv, Sneaker announced the foi TfnVt'onimittee to prepare arti- " ofio,ISMr,llucnt 1i?aiut 'I:.42.Ik-nnett,McOflic?el Badger,. vpnnd Howman. i":ri:..thf con.sidcration of ti c , -j the House adjourned. 8EXATE. yoKTY-NIXTH HAY. Saturday, Feb. 8, 1873. .t met at 10 o'clock. lde-nt Broaden in the Chair, journals of yesterday read and rtutor KesiHs rose to a question .rvnal privilege and naid : ' , i ve-.tc relay's Era a communi- " ..r the head of "Have weji Party in North Carolina." nllK.l -.it t n t reflection ujton tiiC course ' .nubl'eui member of this (ieucral I' iiiLlv. l eviallv "-" -ertaiii n'r uivjwlf iiolu!.l, for voting lr . In of the Constitutional anund- .. ...!. litvin. I i liallf-nirO f ineonsitency la my iiti.al lire. The Kepuuiicaii if the writer ol the above com - km-w anything or me-ir hive pledged themselves iii their in iavor oi many 01 1 I.. t of. i L m: ; ion ' ... ('..iireitli ll :- v . ..... pp,H,l Hineniuienu hwjvuu-"-'u-iii. A nvi in th camiwiigii or lfc71, i eu.-v political busting, they pledged ' ' 'e in-o.Ie their urKrt in changing .CuL.tiiutioii by legislative enuei ,,h'l Tin-re is many Republicans that Til fa voi able to otne cif the proio--ed ,.! liiifiiH, ami would vote lor them, i ,1 .in h smalt minded demagogue 1""- . : . i. who omv can or win ie .' l.inviilc. .. t - .. . i .... . : . IviWii '', a liepuowe-aii, -- e.is . Lv uoh scurilems articles, to keep i iiU-al excitement. I do not know mix . 1: r do I rare, the article tells . t... :.c is u KepuMiean tif doubtful n.v.r i! .if jls little honor, integrity or . ii-y as hy has common M.nse or fi ueees of the Kepubliean i.:iy. AikI when h says that I am I ' t xjh-hs 1115- honest coiivietioi 1 liisH ll ior, or that 1 have leen maio ,.v .. i!t M-rat-., or by anything elsealwn e , :.,net oonvutiou, "his scurilotn includeil," to support any me t-.ire- nlv for the pood of North Carolina , ... the i-est interest of the i:epubli-aii ;;t. the leant I can iay of hitn is 1J1.it ',r : a b H fir. senator Cramer endorst-l the re- j uurksof Mr. lUpess as a Ilej -r.:tor Love rose to a question i j.rivi!ee in regard to Jiisapeal ;.m tledcciion of the Chair a few ,!. v inee, and said that his po-i-;;n had heen su.-tai:itd ly Mr. -i-aker Blaine of tiu JIuuve of Ut.re'nlativi s. S-::at.r Troy moveil a reeonsid ;atio:i of thf vote hy which the iiil t hai ti ring the Merchants Bank ,.f l-V.yelteviile pa-ed. Adopted. O.i niotion of N :iaor Nicholson :he vott- hy which a certain amend-aa-ni was adottil hy said bill was uNo reconsidered. O.i motion of Senator Troy the furtlar ciuisidemtioo of the inatti r us io-tiMtied unti. .'riday next at VI in. comhe county, passed lis second and third reading. The bill to allow the Commission ers of Uoiumhus county to levy a sjHrial tax passed it second read i ig. '1 he bill to incorporate the OKI North State Lumber and Mining Manufacturing Comfany passed its seeond and third reading. Bill to incorporate the Haw River and New Hope transportation and Manufacturing Company passed its second and third reading. The bill to allow cumulative suf frage in election for Commissioners of the city of Italeigh was made a special order for Friday next at 11 o chick. Bill to incorporate the Trustees of the Marion Baptist Church in McDowell county pass-nl its several re: dings. Bill lor the relief of John G. Wil liams this bill provides for the making of a deed for certain lands in Chatham county, for the return of fifty-six penitentiary bonds, de clared to be unconstitutional. This bill created considerable dis cussion participated in by Messrs. Flemming, Norwood, Ixive, Cowles, Merriman, Troy, Morehead of Guil ford and others. After being slightly amended it passed its second reading. The preamble was then stricken out and it passed its third reading by a vote ot IS to 10. I-ieave of absence was granted Senator Merrimon for 11 days by motion of Senator Ilespess. Adjourned until Monday 10 o'clock. IIOUSK OF HKPJIESKNTATIVES. FOHTY-XIXTII DAY. Saturday. Feb. 8, 1873. KEPOKTS OF CX)MMITTKi;s. . Reports from standing com mi t tis were submitted by Senators Lve, Gudgcr, Norwood, Flem ming, Cramer and Dunham. A message was recievt-tl from the Houe in relation tea resolution that had parsed that body iu favor of J;v. C. McGowan. Beferred. CAI.EXDAU. Ue-)lution in relation to the $i. if) tax 0:1 acts of incorporations in attain eases exempts corjiorations f religious or educational nature "ii.vand horse companies, from the ia, failed 0:1 its second reading. Senator Cunningham moved to rw.-uii.Mder the vote and to lay that lautioa on the table. Adopteil. Senator Davis asked and obtained leave of absence for Senator Merri tnuu for ten days. I The vote by which Senator Mer rina.ii obtainetl leave of absence w.is nxonsideretl and made a special vr.l. r for 4th of July next. Tie bill hi amend the charier of the town of Statt-sviile antl to es-taMi-h a sjHvial court for the trial ;f misdemeanors, failed bva vote of iito:. f .-vnatebill toauthorize the Coiri-Mik-Ioncrs of Beaufort county to levy a special tax, not to exceed 7,too tss d its third reading by a "oto ot '2 1 to 8. On n.'ition of Morehead, of Guil fonl, t'.us special order, Constitu tional Amendments, were postpon ed until Monday. The hill authorizing the Commis sioner rf Watauga county to levy apeial tax not exceeding $30(J0, t baild a new court house, passed N tliinl reading by a vote of to 5. The bill authorizing the Commis sioners of the town of Washington to levy a special tax not to exceed $IofMn) for the puqiose of purchas ing lire engines, iassed its third reading by u vote of 17 to 10. The Chair announced that he had hvvived a communication from the Secretary and Treasurer of the Uni versity in relation to the same. Itf-.ul and transmitted to the House. Senator Waring, by leave, intro duced a resolution of instruction to the Finance Committee in relation t'Jthe pay of poll tax. Adopteil. LIM.S OX SECOND HEADING. The bid in reference to executors and administrators residing in that portion of Northampton cut oil and annexed to Hertford county, passed its s..vond and third reading. liesohition in favor of Jamc-s M. Young, sheriff of Buncombe county, was slightly amended and passed iii second reading. . The rules were suspended on mo tion of Senator Morehead of Bock mgliam, and the bill relating to the turnpike road between Marion and Asheville was taken up and referred to the Committee on Internal Im provements. The bill incorporating tho Far 'iV Loan Bank of Wilmington Passed its second reading and was pmmitted. ... "" - Senator RespeM asked and ob tained leave to withdraw from the fcenatethe bill and accompanying papers proposing to establish a new -"ounty by the name of Core. Senator Worth stated that Sena wr Murphy was absent on account ofindisposition. Tho bill to change the name of Utawba Vale, In McDowell county, to that of Old Ford, passed its sev eral readings. Resolution In favor of the sureties or Jesse Sumner, Sheriff of Bun- ,Mr. Sneetl was granted indefinite leave of absence on account of sick ness. DILLS. By Mr. Waugh, a bill to appoint Commissioners to finish a road across the Blue Bidge in Surry county. Also a bill to amend para graph o32, Code Civil Procedure. U X FI XISIIED DCS I X ESS. House bill to provide for the col lection of taxes by the State and the several counties, on property, polls and incomes, being unfinished bus- ines, was taken up. The previous question was railed and the bill passed second reading, and was referred to Committee on Finance. CALEXDAIl. House; biJl to incorporate the Cape Fear Water Works Company was taken up and passed its several readings. House bill to repeal chapter Gl, private laws of ls70-'71, passes! sev eral readings. House bill to allow Cemimission- ers of Montgomery county to levy a special tax, passed tmrel reading veas GG nays 13. House bill to amend chapter 27, laws of 187 1-'72, and to re-enact chanter 12'J of the private laws of lSG'J-'70, relative to a charter of the town of Kdenton, passeel seeond anel thirel readings. House bill to incorporate Dan bury Lodge of Free Masons, pusserd sevond anel thirel readings. House bill to incorporate the Colored Educational Association of Oxford, GranvilleCo., passeel sceonel and third readings. House bill to incorporate the town of Pineville, Mecklenburg county, passed second and thirel readings. House bill to construct a public road across Grandmother Gap, through Caldwell and Mitchell counties, passeel second and thirel readings. House bill to allow Commissioners of Stokes county to levy a special tax, passeel second reaeling yeas SO, House bill to incorporate White Hill Lodge of Free Masons, passed second anel thirel reaelings. House bill to incorporate the Onslow County Agricultural Society passeel se'conel anel third readings. House bill to extend the limits of the town of Wadesboro, passed seeond anel third rcaelings. House bill to cure any irregulari ties that may exist to certain lands in Macon and Clay counties, passed seconel and third reaelings. House bill to allow Commission ers of Alexander county to levy special tax passeel its several read ings yeas Ht, nays 1. House bill to allow Commission ers ef Yadkin county to levy spe cial tax, passeel several readings yeas S7. House bill to ineor borate the Stowc Falls Manufacturing Co., passed seconel and third re-aelings. House bill to incorporate the Cape I-ear and People's' Steamboat Com pany, passeel see-ondanel third read- : " $ ii State. The term of office of Solici: tor Henry wilfi expire one year from August nfJzt. Mr. Bowmat 'inoved to postpone the motion to rtdor.sider until Moi -elay next at 11 aim. Mr. Anderson, of Clay, moved to lay the motion 1p postpone on the table. Carrie-djyeas oG nays 34. On motion off Mr. Gorman, the rules were suspfndeel anel House resolution directing the Treasurer to pay J. C. Brewster $185, was ta ken up. r U A substitute authorizing Trea:U- rer to pay Sliwas adopted, and tne resolution passed several read ings. H: Aeljourned. buildings to be WEEKLY EKA. TI1UBSDAY;;FEB. 13, 1873. ; 1 1- Gin A-FIre. Another mateh run thnmgh the cot ton and set the Kin of Mr. Mansion a fire at Durham jast Saturday. Some cotton damaged, i.lie fire was put out. ISIecteel Cen stable. Tommy Sliankiin ejaston county was once elected constable. Tommy went home and the rirs thing ho told Betsy, " Betsy, " ays he :" I'm elected consta ble. " " La ! " Betsy, " an is that so ? an now, Tomijiy, an' what' 11 J be?" "Adurn fool,'" ifciys Tom ni3r, "what you've always befiiir" N. C. Miiieral.Sbr the Lee LTni-ersit3-. I ' Gen. Cdstis Lee, resident of the Lee University in Virginia, has written to Prof. Kerr of this cty, and- Maj;o York t)f Chatham county, requesting a collec tion of North Carolina minerals to bo forwarded to that University. We taw a piece of marblo from Stokes county to Le sent on there to-day.- A Golel Mine lit Montgomery. Senator Vorthanel a Mr. Streeter aro working a gold mine together in Mont gomery county, rln this mine boine- time last vear wo are told that thev found a nugget of gold that weighed in its natural state olio hundred and eighty four pennyweight, eepual to about four hundred dollars. Ami then they mined besides about one hundred penny weight, the ame.da3'. f Snelden Death of an Kstimublc Lad-. We learn that the worthy and estima ble widow of tho late Cel. Prof. Jones, and the inether of Messrs. Jones and Jones, young lawyers of this city, M eat ou a trip to Henderson a day or two ago, and was taken suddenly sick with congestion of tho lungs, and died in ten minutes. Her sons left immediately for Ilender.sem 011 receipt of the sad in telligence, s Hit with a Hatchet.' Calvin Jonuakin (white) ohoppeil Pe ter Fuller (colored) on the head with a hatchet, anel as subdueel by steel the tall aah tumbles elown, so fell Peter, meas uring G feet 7 inches high. Had the boys and tho marbles boeu present a game could have instantly been playeel on Calvin's coat tail, nor is it certain he has yet stopped running. Peter is once more erect em his pins, though his head is a clotheshorse lor a buiulJe of ban dage linen. ' Hand to Ilanel anel Heart to Heart. Oh how wo lovo to see them doing this way: Marrieel, in this city, on the 5th itist., by David A. n icker, Esq., Prof. John Mowatt to Miss Susan Brock well, all of this city. Married, iu Oberlin, on tho Cth inst., by David A. Wicker, Esq., Mr. Charles Edwards, of Desoto county. Mississippi, to Miss Ann Eliza Wynne, of Oberlin. Marrieel, in Concord, X. C., on the 5th inst., at tho Presbyterian' Church, by Itev. L. McKiunon. Mr. S. E. Allen, of Ce)inpany Shops, N. C, to Miss Laura L. Miller, of Concord. (Capt. Sid is the gentlemanly Ticket Agent of tho X. C. Division of the R.t D. It. It) Our State. New business erected in Newborn. They agitate a steamboat from Madison to Danville. Hams 13 cents and butter 15 to 20 cents per pound at Hickory Tavern. By Washington Express: Elias Bright, stump, wagon upset, arm hit it, broke. The bridge over Catawba river ou the Western Railroad is said to be unsafe. Tex dollars and a lot of gooels lost by burglary in Askew's store at Trenton. Neuse river last Saturelay boom ing. Higher than has been known for many years. The streets of Asheboro crowded with wagons Saturday, anel cotton sold for IS cents. Ice bmken up on the Chesapeake bay, and yon can now take the Bay Line from Weldon. I)k. Hall's new brick building going up on the burnt square in Salis bury, is nearly finished. Nixe feet long, 3 feet and 7 inches high, antl weighed 744i pounels, was the Salem hog the either day. T. L. Duxxavaxt of Horse Pas ture in Stokes killed a pen often hogs at an average of S33 lounds.T Big revival in Guilford at New Gardens. One hundred souls converted. Mrs. Caroline Talbot eloes tho preach ing. The young men around lleiels viMc oee-asionally break a leg, wrest ling. Dr. Se-ales sit the last one, last Tuesday. Bonixsox vs. Howell. Howell stabbeel in breast ; is ot Statesville1, and an attache eif Internal Revenue Depart ment. Serious, if not fatal. A nice trick he played the Fay- etteville merchant. " I owe you a hur.- elred dollars." Merchant couldn't find it charged, clerks knew nothing abovit it, stranger insisted, merchant scolded clerks for being so careless, stranger paid tho money antl after awhile brought anotl?r bill, 700 worth, on credit, bo back directly ; " ef course' saitl mer chant and smileel and rubbed his hands, and now he is rearing around the ceun ter, snapping up the clerks, and telling everyboely about it, like they cared a cent. Vip.gixia young men with the guu and dog in our midst. Tho Rich mond State Journal says : Wo received a lew elavs since a splendid string of birds from Messrs. Malley and Hig gins, now enjoying some capital sport near Thomasville, in the Old North State. They have our abundant thanks for their thoughtful remembrance of us, and we hope to be with them ,some time this month, for a few daj-s, if wo can possibly throw off the elrudger3r of jour nalism long enough to do so. The champion wagon maker: J, T. Nissen of Salem has been for 39 3'enrs carrying on tho largest wagon making establishment in the State. It is 3 miles from Salem and his work shops are models of convenience and efficiency. He runs his Planer with a largo engine and works CO hands and turns out six complete wagons every week. Of his Smith Shop tho Salem Press says: The Blacksmith Shop is in itself, a sight worth seeing. Twelve forges are arranged around a large stack, at which sixteen hands are em ployed. A small steam engine drives a fan which forces air into a large trunk, from which it is distributed to each forgo bv' blow pipes, which are under the complete control of the workmen. Every thing goes as regular as clock work. It is not often that, you see twelve forges grouped together in the above convenient manner. ' Fists. . s- Internal revenue stamp xcill not be abolished for the present Black silk stockings are.now the rage with the Lontton ladies. JteiiF" It is thought the President trill recommend the recognition of belliger ei, t rights to the Cubans. For stealing a pot of cold cream from the dwelling of Edward Jennings, 323 West Twelfth street, New York, three white men were sent to the penitentiary six months. When they stepped up to the bar every man of them giggled. " EST" Some nice little facts about sewing machines. The New York Bul letin tell U3 the fact is clear that for a series of 3-ears the public has paid from 50 to $30 apiece for machines which never cost more than from $5 or 8 each, anel which could be sold for from 15 to 20 each, and leave a handsome profit, and hence, we are told, it is time to throw the business open to fair compe tition anel giye the public the benefit of it. E The Herald's special Cuban correspondent, O' Kelly, sent a request to Gen. Morales to pass the Spanish lines. Morales replied le could go where Ire liked but if caught within the Cuban or Spanish lines afterward, he would be treated as a spy and shot accordingly. The Herald replies to this. " If the Herald Commissioner receives any in- jtir3' at your hands without violating the laws of your country, 30U will be held to a strict nceountability, and will bo made to sutler the penalty of tho outrage, not in tho island of Cuba alone, but in every inch of soil that owes allegiance L the Spanish flag." jg1 Trained snakes Mr. Prank Stockton, in hi3 " Roundabout Ram bles," tells us that b3'S and girls in France sometimes amuse themselves by getting up a snaketeam. They tie strings to the tails of two common harmless snakes, and then they elrive them about, usinga whip (I hope gentry) to make these strange steeds keep to gether and go along livel3'. It is said that snakes which have been played with in this way soon begin to like their new life, and will allow the children to elo what they please with them, showing all the time the most amiable elisposition. .There is nothing very strange in a trained snake. Qf A Cincinnati dry goods clerk proves to the editor of the Commercial that if he does part his hair in the mid dle, he's as full of poetical moonbeams as a nightingale of song. Says ho : She stood beside the counter The day I'll ne'er forget She thought the Muslin Dearer Than she'd seen yet I watch her playful lingers the Silk & Satin toss the clerk looked quite uneasy and nodded at the Boss. Show mo some velvet ribbon Borage t Satin tlark She said I want to purchase Then gave the goods a jerk The clerk was all obedience He travelled on his shape at Length with Hesitation She bought a 3-ard of Tape. jfcsT We are an old timet race down this way, as green as a country - . ... . . ." man in a side show. IjOOR n3re at tho interesting and entire change of feature generation being born into Massachu setts : The Lowell (Mass.) Courier tells a storv of a remarkable infant in that city, which was born blind, but has a wonderful memory,. and at nine months could articulate many words. At pres ent at the ago of eighteen months, it asserts, the little one can repeat most of tho catechism, correctly name the diff erent grand divisions of the earth and parts of speech, and repeat the Greek as well as tho English alphabet without prompting. Moreover, if she hears the tho name of a visitor but ont;ej she will associate it with his voice, antl be able to salute him bv name weeks afterward if he enters the house. Supreme Court Transylvania couuty : Oue case argued in the Supreme Court for this county Monday, tIz: Matthew H Love vs L II Moody ; W II Bailey and Battle and Soil for plaintiff, auel D Coleman for defendant. Jackson county: One case argued from this county: State vs Balis Henderson; Attorney General and Ovide Dupre for the State, no couuse for defendant. Haywood county: Two cakes argued and one continued from this county: R N Hix vs D D Da vies ; pupre and Ash for plaintiff, no counsel for defendant. M II Love, Guardian, vs A L Hersen : D Coleman for plaintiff, no counsel for defendant, and S P Shelton vs D D Davies, contin ued for:want of counsel. Ni:V AOVEXITISE3IENTS. M fl M F V Easily made with our Sten IYIUI1L.I Cii anj key-Check Outfit Circulars Free. 136 4w Stafford M'fg Co. CO Fulton St. X Y. Markets. London, Noon, Feb. 11. Consols 92J (o,y-i ; f lvcs ixh. Liverpool, Noon, Feb. 11. Cotton opened dull; Uplands tl; Orleans 10J. Later Cotton quiet. New York, Feb. 11. Stocks dull. Gold firm at 13L Money firm at 7. Exchange, long VZ, short lJ. Governments bonds dull, stead-. State bonds dull, steady. Cotton dull sale.-s 471 bales. Uplariels 21J ; Orleans 21, Wheat steatlj-. Flour quie t. Corn stead Pork firm, mess 14. Lard quiet, steam SJ. Turpentine'quict at GS. Rosi n qu iet, 3 621 Cd :i Freights quiet. NOTICE- COLORED SOLDIERS AND SAILORS. All Colored Soldiers or Sailors, or their Legal Representatives, Who have received notice from the Treasury Department that certificates have been issued in settlement of their CLAIMS FOIl lAr, BOUNTY PillZB MONEY, &c, and who have not received the amounts due them, are directed, in order to speedy payment of the samo by this Office, and Without further expense I Claimants, hy to send their Names, with Post Office Address, to the A el J ulnn t General 17. S. Ann), YVnsliiug'toi, I). C They should also state in What Company and Itegiment the service wus rendered. E. D. TOWNSEND, Adjutant General. War Department, Adjutant General's Office, . Washington, D. C, Fcbruray , 1873. feb 12 34 wlm .Vsl i bo ro Esrsrs A message was reeeiveel from the Senate notifying the House that the Senate had reeeiveel a menage from the House notifying the Senate that the House hatl pa-seel a resolo lution impeaching liobt. M. Henry. Mr. Johnston moved that a mes sage be sent to the Senate acknowl edging in full the receipt of the me sage ef the Senate. On motion of Mr. Badger, the motion of Mr. Johnston was laid on the table. The report of Secretary aiid Treas urer of the University was reeeiveel by message from the Senate, anel re ferred to Committee on Education. House bill to allow Commission ers of Washington county to levy special tax, passeel second reading eas 77. House bill to incorporate the Raleigh Bucket Co. No. 1, passeel seconel auel thirel reaelings. Senate bill to incorporate the town of Selma, passed second and third readings. House bill toauthorize E. Murrill, sheriff ox Onslow county, to collect arrears of taxes, was taken up. The Committee on Finance recom mended a general bill covering all such cases as a substitute, which was adopted, and bill was passed over informally. Senate bill to incorporate the Eelgecoiiibe Female Seminary, pass ed second and third readings. Senate bill to incorporate the Horse Forel Manufacturing Co., pass eel second and third readings. Senate resolution alHrming sale of Darant's Island to Greenleaf Johnston, of Baltimore, for $1,003 and Gold &c., nother place needs a railroad. Ash- L.ro, Randolph county, is full of coun try wagons, loaded 'With produce of all kind ; corn S5 cents, Hour 7,50 per barrel, butter 2t cents, and in about three weeks, j-ou can buy eggs by the barrel full,' for ten cents a dozen. -And this plae-o is 20 nri.les from the railroad with a hack running twice a week. You can pan gold from the surface in tho northwest corner of the court house yard. Mr. Hillj .the present doorkeeper in the House, worked in gold mining in the branches and creeks around Ash bo ro for IS years. He and his son used to collect from the branches four dtllars a ehiy in golel. Sain Walker, a promi nent merchant of Ashboro, has sold out his store ai;d moved to take charge as President ,of tho Cedars Fall anel Franklinsvilhi Cotton Factory in that countv. Ladies, laste it up in your 1 Iei nes. Look here. There arc yeiur families suffering for bread. There are your children half clothed and no shoes to their feet. And you say you aro too po3T, that you can't help it, you can't get pay enough for your work, and you cut off a quid ef tobacco, or fill up your olel cob pipe, while you ceimplain. And 3'ou, my rich Mister, you who can't af ford to give so much to the poor around your, door, ytu who saith to your wife, she is too extravagant, or can't help to wards building that school house be- cause your business is so emuarrasseu, how much is your cigar and tobacco bill I Just both classes of you read these statist ics, and think, meu, think of it. Tho amount of money expended in the United States in 1S7I for tobacco), was the enormous sum of $300,000,000. Amount expended for bread was $200, 000,000. . Amount expended for spintu ous liquors was- ? i,oj,4-ji,coo, igoou gracious I how niauy, little orphans, and poor women were drowned in that!) srsreirate ppent for tobacco and liquors cash, passed second and thirel reaa- WRS $i,903,49i,85tJ Amount expended gs. - . j in excess of what was spent for the staff Mr. Bowman inoved to reconsider . IV V UVlv www - - -- r I . 1 1 l.,e; fmi.o.ii.hfni l(nlMrt weue'sw.,.' IV wtSZZ... .,:,i !, E Prisons. Orphans md iUt ws -" -- because of tne expense ineorgani we have Insane Asylums, Alms Houses, Widows home- lcf-s, houseless anel zation of a Court of Impeachment te board and clothe every orphan in n.ill . nntotl mwn ha flUllllA ftf TMAl Allien ft- J : niii vuian ujajii '-v - penny less ? Enough TWlgS. Thomas Dorsey, well known mer chant in Baltimore, fell into the water at the foot e)f Frederick Street, and was drowned. , A Connecticut newspaper solemnly asserts that a Danbury man fractured the ceiling just above a chair,. in which there had been placed a. burning hot poker. Dr. Valentine Mott said wisely to a graduating class : "Young gentlemen, have two peickets made a large one to hold the insults, and a small one to hold the fees." : Human footprints have been dis covered in the rock in Douglas county, Oregon, seven feet below the, surface of tho ground. They were fifteen inches in length. A prudent New Jersey woman who hasn't left the house all winter for fear of slipping on tho ice and hurting her self fell down her own stairs and broke her leg last week. The white of an e-gg i said to be a specific for fish bones sticking in the throat. It is to be swallowed raw, and will carry down a bone easily and certainly. There is another fact touch ing eggs, which should be remembered. When, as sometimes by accident, corro sive sublimate is swallowetl, the white of two eggs taken will neutralize the poison, aud change tho effect to that of a dose of calomel. The last worels pronounced by the Emperor, says the London 2 igctro, in his dying moments, were adelressed to his old and faithful friend, Dr. Conneau. They were: ' Etiez vous a Sedan ?'' (Were you. at Sedan? Subsequently, the Empress held his hand in hers, and gently kissed it; the Emperor smiled, and his lips moved, as if returning his wife's embrace, but he never uttered another weird after that last thought "Sedan!" , The House tobacco bill which has passed giving to producers of tobacco the right to sell direct te consumers, meets the disapproval of all the manu facturers of the country as -well as the internal revenue meu. Commissioner Douglas has addressed the members o the U. S. Senate finance committee in which he avers the disastrous effect it will have on that Bureau aud prayinga hearing before that Body . from the manufacturers and revenue men. He estimates the revenue would be reduced by the passage of such a bill $300,000 per annum. Farm-Yard Scraps. An old farmer writes to the Cincinnati Times : , For cholera, if I kuow the dis ease, as soon as you see the hog begin to droop and try to vomit, gag him, and give him twenty grains of calomel made into a pill. If you have been in tho hab it of giving your hogs spirits of turpen tine at the rate of one tablespoon ful to tho hog, put it on corn, auel you will rarely be troubled with this fatal dis ease. If tho first dose tf calomel does not relieve in twenty-four hours, repeat the tlose. I rarely have to repeat it tif administered in time. We sometimes see hogs dragging their hind legs. This is caused by worms in tho kidneys, and may be easily cured by giving a table spoonful of turpentine every morning for three or four da3s mixed with corn. It is funny, but it is true, this way of "how" to drive a lien into the coop, by Mr. J. M. IJaile3' tf tho Danbury (Conn.) Neics: When a woman has a hen to idrivo into the coop she takes hold of her hoops with both hands, shakes them quietly toward the delin quent, and says, ' Shew ! there." The hen takes one look at tho object to con vince herself that it's a woman, and then stalks majestically into the coop in perfect tlisgust of tho sex. A man don't do that way. He goes out doors and says, " It is singular" nobody in this house can drive a hen but myself," and picking up a stick of wooel hurls it at the offcneling biped,, and observes : Get in there, vou 1 thief." The hen immediately loses her reason and dashes to the opposite end of the yard. The man straightway dashes after her. She comejs back again with her head down, her wings out, and followed by an assortment of stove-wood, fruit-cans and coal-clinkers, with a much puffing and very mad man i.i the rear. Then she skims up on the t;toop, and under the barn, and over a fence or, two, and around the house, and back again to tho coop, all jthe ' while talking as only an excitetl hen can talk, and all the while followed by thmgs' convenient for handling, and by a man whose coat is on the sawbuck and whose hat is on the ground, and whose perspiratien and profanit3' appear to hayb no limitj By this time the other hens have coio out to take a hand in tho debate, and help dodge tho missiles and then the man says every hen on the place shall be sold in the morning, and puts on his things and goes down street, and the woman dons her hoops and has every one of those hens housed and contented in two. minutes, and the only sound heard on the premises is the hammer ing by the oldest boy as ho mends the I broken pickets. 1 INSURANCE.. STATE INSTITUTION! Safe, Conservative, energetic. THE WILMINGTON, N. C, INSURANCE COMPANY. ITS SUCCESS ENCOURAGING. Its Stability Assured.' TO BOOK CANVASSERS. A NEW WAY of running a book. Can sell thousands per week. Ad dress MURRAY HILL PUBLISH ING CO., 129 East 2Sth-st.t New York City. 4 j 130 4w II iiil 1 ijJJi BUY A SEWING MACHINE for family use, or act as agent, address WASHINGTON SEW ING. MACHINE CO., Boston, Mass. npo Till: AVOKKIMi CLASS, male JL or female, 00 a week guaranteeei Respectable employment at home, day or evening; no capital required; lu instructions and valuable package o gexKls to start with sent free by mail Address, with 6 cent return stamp. M OUG it CO.. 10 Courtlandt-st.. New York. ! 13; 4w NEW AIVEI4TI8E3IENTS. BRIGGS & ILLUST Floral IROTHER'S ATKD I A it I III U X 11 T3SYC1IOMANCY or SOUL, X itilAHJil.MV' Howeithersex may fascinate aud gain tho love and anections of any person they choose instantly. This simple mental aeouire ment all -f-an possess, free?, by mail, for oc, -together with a marriage fimd Egyptian eracle, Dreams, Hints to Ladies, Wedding-Night Shir, ve. J queer book. Address T. WILLIAM it CO., Pubs., Phila. i I kJ 4v "S - - " - ! I Be deceived, but for coughs, colds, sore throat, hoarseness ami bronchial ehlh cultus, use only j WELL'S CARBOLIC i TABLETS. "Worthless imitations aro on the market, but the onlv scientific prepara non ot caroonc acui lor iung uiseases is when chemically, combineel with oth er well known remedies1, as in theso Tablets, and all parties aro cautioned against using any other, t In all cases of irritation of the mucous membrane these Tablets should be free ly used, their cleansing i anel healing properties aro astonishing; Be warned, never uegtect a cold, it is easily cured in its incipient state, when it becomes clirQtiic the cure is exe-eed ingly difficult, use Weils' Carbolic Tab lets as a spec: he. JOHN Q. KELLOGG, I 18 Piatt St., N. Y., I I Sole Agent for the U. S. I Send for Circular Price 2oc. per Box. 13(3 Iw The immense sale, 10,000 MOXT1J our LIVINGSTONE - AFRICA is having, PROVES it above all others tho book tho MASSES WANT. It goes like WILDFIRE. Over 000 pages only 82.50. MORE A G22XT8 WAIT ED, i NOTICE. Bo not eieccivcel by-mis' representations made to palm olfhiyh- priced inferior works, butscutl for cir culars antl see Proof ot statements and great i success ejf our agents. Pocket companion, worth .Mi', mailed iree, llUiifJAIlD BROS., Publishers, 7 Sansoiu-st., Phila. I'M 4w OFFICERS: Dk. A. J. DeROSSET, President. JOHN WV ATKINSON, Vice President. F. II. CAMERON, Secretary. Dk. E. A.: ANDERSON, Medical Director DIRECTORS: J. V. Atkinson, General Insurance Agent. I. B. Grainger, President Uank of New Haaovei. F. W. Kerchner, Grocer and Comm'ssion Merchant. C. M. Steclman, of Wright & Stedman. T. II. McKoy, of W. A. Whitehead & Co. Fayetteville. Dr. A. J. DeRosset, President. H. D. Eilers, Commission Merchant. A. A. Milliard, of Williard Brothers. W. A. t'umming. of Northrop A Cumminc G. VV. Williams, of Williams & Alurciiison. Eli Murray, of E. Murray & Co. liob't Henning, of Dawson Teel A Hennlng. Alex. Kprunt, British Vice Consul, ol'Sprunt liaison. P. Murphy, Attorney at Daw. J. L). Williams, of J. D. Williams a Co., Fayetteville. Jas. O. McRae, Att'y at Law, Fayi'tteville. I. Ii. Kelly. Merchant. Kenansville. J. T . Pope, Merchant, Luiuberton. i Agents Wanted for God's Ss Work Or, SCIENCE AND THE BIBLE This book cives the very cream of Science, making its thrilling realities, beauties, wonders, antl sparkling gems a n una reel -loiu more interesting man fiction. Every man, woman, and child wants to read it. It is endorsed by tho Press, it Monsters of all denominations. Sales immense Agents report 52 4.3 1G 808 antl vb copies per week, Great inducements to Agents. Employment lor lou'nijf Men, Dadies, Teachers and Clergymen m every county, send lor Circular. Also, agents wanted for tho lOPLE'S STANDARD EDITION OF THE 1IOI.V UIUE1,E. Over 5-10 Illustrations. ; All our own Agents for other books, and many Agents for other Publishers, are selling this Biblo with wonderful success, be cause it is the most valuable, and popu lar edition now in the market, and is sold at a very low price.! Canvassing books free to working Agehs. Addres ZIEGLER it M'CURDY,518 Arch-st Philadelphia, Pa., j VMiw A NEW OARPUT. The Great Woxdkr.4 Tho New England Carpet Co., established over a quarter of a century ago, having ex pended much time, talent,; and money, to produce a stylish aud durable carpet at a low price, after years of experi menting with ! the best artizans, have brought out a carpet which they have named and will be known as CiEiciflAN TAPESTKY, being an ex&ct imitation of Solid Brussels, the first thousand pieces of which, in oreler to introduce them, will be sold for 37 J cents per yard. Sample sent by mail on ; receipt of 10 cents, or 5 different patterns 50 cents. NEW ENfiEAND t'AKPET CO., 373 Washiiigton-St., ISoston, Mass. I ... I ' . : j U6-4W This is strictly a II03IE LIFE COMPANY. Its Officers and Directors are citizens of the State, ol high charater lor business capacity, enterprise and probity. It on'ors every Substantial Eenelit that Northern Companies do, with the great additional consideration that the capital is kept within the State, and, therefore, helps to build up and foster Home Institutions. Another important fact to be considered is, that the Wilmington Life has thus far obtained a very much larger interest for the money invested at home, than any of the New York Companies receive for their investments, according to their sworn state ments before the Commissioner of that State These unquestionable facts should com mend this Company, above all others, to our people. Let it be borne in mind that millions of dollars received for Life premi ums have been sent North since the war, which at pnee drains the South and enrich es the plethoric capitalists of the North If there was no other consideration, safety, fairness and cheapness being equal, why North Carolinians should insitre at home, this were more than sufficient, , The Wilmington Life has excellent special features. It place-s no restriction on Residence or Travel ; ft makes no extra charge for Fe male risks; and it policies are iucou testa ble after Five Yeirs. , , , Its business Is managed economically. Its risks are taken with equal caution. Its in vestments are made judiciously. Its motto is: - "Economy, Promptness, Pairness." AGENTS WANTED i n every County, in the State, with whom the most liberal terms will be made. Apply to JAMES D. BRO KS, General Supervising ge it, or, TIIEO. II. xiILL, Local Agent, Jan. s.-MlAwflm. Raleigh, N- C. is unequalled by any known remedy. It will eradicate, extirpate and thorough ly destroy all poisonous substances in the Blood and will effectually dispel all predisposition to billious derangement. Is there want of action in your Eiver and Spleen 1 Unless relieved the blood becomes impure by deleterious secretions, producing scrofulous or skin diseases, Blotches, Felons, Pustules, Canker, Pimples, &c, &c. Have you a Dyspeptic Stomach ? Unless digestion is promptly aided tho system is debilitated with poverty of the Blood, ; Dropsical tendency, general Weakness and inertia. Have yon weakness of the In test tines You aro in danger of Chronic Diarrhea or Inflammation of the Bow els. V i Have! yon weakness of the Eter ine or Urinary Organ 1 You are ex poseel V) suffering i a its most aggravated form. - Are you dejected, drowsy, dull, sluggish or- elepressed in spirits, with head ache, back ache, coated tongue and bad tasting mouth? For a certain remedy for all of these diseases, weaknesses and troubles; for cleansing and purifying tho vitiated blood and imparting vigor to all the vital forces; for building up and restor ing the weakened constitution LTSE ' JTJRUBEB A which is 'pronounced by the leaeling medical authorities ol London anel Paris " the most powerful tonic and alterative known to the medical world." This is no new and untried discovery but has been long used by the leading physi cians of other countries with wonderful remedial results. f ' Don't weaken and impair tho digestive organs by cathartics aud phys ics, they give only temporary relief Indigestion, llatuiency and dyspepsia with piles and kindreddiseases are ure to follow their use. - i i Keep the blood pure and health is assured.; JNO. Q. KELLOGG, ! 18 Piatt St., New York., , Sole Agent for the United States. Price One Dollar per Bottle, i )n25 136 4 w. Send for Circular I FOR JANUARY. IS7.1. NOW OUT. Issued M a Quarterly. The four liumlnrn mul to any aelilrenN, by mall, (for Z (VnU. The richest and most Instructive Illusfrntd and Descriptive rloral Guld ever imMlnlu-d. Thowof our patrons whnrdemt Neds lust year nd 'were rnylltcd Iwlth Z't ent, will rece-lve liie four OiinrtcrlifN for 17.1. Thow who order Seeds thin yiinrwill tto credited Willi a subscription for is. 1. Ihn January numlxT contain!! 4 I:m;kavixoh, Two bl'PKKU CokoKK.U 1'L.ITKS, MUltablo for fruiniiiir, & also TiJTEi 1'LATK.sof our cor- gcoiiK Floral Chromoa; Information relative to r inwem, egetables, Ac., Si th lr cultiva tion,! fc nil sni-h matlci ioe wa.s formerly lou .j: ;:r Annual I': tnlopue. You will m!i...! si ,f v.mi order HK ''.Iih lcfor celnt UKii;s A Itiio .s. iH'AU I KUhY. W e lial loiisiij' comparison on qt nllty ofSe' riul prlct' and sizes of pack -Xn. "eiur Cai.::.n- 1A It AlVASCK iSHKKT AMI i'Klt K LlST 1VH 1-7;!,? sent free. Address j ft ic I a- ii iiotibeh. Seednnrn nnil I'l4rUla, 4v DOCIIi IOC LA M ATI eiN ! A! Ily the (Governor of j EXKCt'TIVE I Balcigh, A. C, Whereas, e)illcial ortli Cure lin ii. DKPAItTM F..NT, lcii. 27, 1ST3. . nforniati.-m has been received at this department that a vacancy exists In tho representation ef the county of EdgeceuulK, in tho IIeu er Hepresentatives of sembly of North Carol tho atloption of a resolution by that litnly elee laritig that W. P. M titled to a seat therein ; Now, therefore. I. eJoVernor of tho State o; by tirtuo of the author by law do issue this, n commanding tho Sher county la open polls at places, and hold an couiity on Weelneselay A. !., 1873, to fill sal election to bo conducted with law. abson is not cn- VelR. Caldwell, North Carolina, ty iu mo vesteil y 1 roclamatlon, if of Edeee-ombo tt lie usual iiolling blee-tion in said February' 26th. I vacancy Bait! Done at our City of ' 27th ehiy of January, Al D., 1873, and in tho i v, th year ol Ami deuce.- TOD R. By tho tiove mor : .1. B. -Nkathkuv. lSS-td. . Privato SA'cretary. d in accemlanco talelgh, this the D., la 4 3, and in ricau Indcpen CALDWELL. 1 PI10CLAMATIO Kv (tin Governor ol North Cnrolinn EXECUTIVE I RALEieiif Whereas official information has been received at this Depa James Alexander alias shaw, lato of Rowan charged with tho muni ry in said codnty; ui saiti James Alexaueh tment that ono James Brad- ejounty, ktauds T of Caleb lleu- id whereas tho alias James Bradshaw, has lhel or so conceals him self that tho ordinar cannot bo served on Now, therefore, I Tt Governor of the State ol y itroclamatiou. l'Wo lll'NDUEIl uil delivery of er. alias James by virtuo of authority in ino vestenl by law, elo issue this in offering a reward of Dollar for tho arrest said James Alexant Bradshaw, to tho Sheriff ef Rowan county, ami I elo enjoin all officer of tho Jaw aim all good ciUieiis, to aid in bringing saitl Aloxarule Done at our City i 1 day of Januar, i.. s. and in tho 07th v Intlependence TOD R. By the Governor : "j, B. Neath hrv. I'rivate Secret a dkscrii'tion: James Alexander, al shaw, is about thirty years of age, but looks older ; is about inches high, ejuito black in color, rather oval face, teeth good b apart, and is inclined spoken to, but has a efi weight about lo0 pound iigentanti incline'tl to opinions. liankruiit Said ! Itcal I-:sUtc. THE FIFTH I khall sell at public sale for cash, to tho highest bid-' ON WEDNESDA day of March, 1 SDAY, S7; der, jn the town of LouU Jill UUUIItl. Al. V, X on whichVrchibald T; situate about four mile Gold Mine, in Frank UnJ and containing, by-Taylo uankruptcy, 2,271 ACR :sti:ii, n. v. ho eienerul Ah- na, by reason of EPyUVfMKNT, , Jan. 11, lb preccss of law Y pro hihi. . R. Caldwell, North Carolina, r to justice'. ulcigh, tho Hth , A. D., isu. car of American CAId)Wi:LL. as James Brad- ivo feet seven it a little wido to smilo when bwu-cast leiok J ; lsquito intt l arguo for his Jnl5-lw. r Valuablo j burg in Frank Tract ov lanu ylor now lives, west ot Portu' county, N. C, r's sthoJulo in This is a very preiductlvc body of land adapted to tho growth of Wheat, Corn, Tobacco, ("otton, ttc. ; si largo projior- iginal growth, tion ! of which is in ei: with a largo amount eif low ground) on i ti Tho dwelling is largo, costly, with all necessary out 'Iiouhps It is supposed this land has a conveniently arrangeel. by many persons that Gold; Mine on it. The tract of land is very largo and valuable, and is sold uniler an order of tho District Judge of tlio Eastern Dls tiict of North Carolina, pursuant to the! provisions of tho Bankrupt law. I shall also sell at pu convenient and cash, to the highest bidder, on Monday, tho 10th elay of March. House eloor In Oxlord. ty. all tho' right and in Archibald Taylor, arii will il Robert laylor !73,at the Court; Jranvillo coun-i Sorest of tho fcaidl ing under the deiceascd, in allt tho property, real and jf!rsoiial,of Robt. T. Pelham, elerived un now in tha hands of an of R. C. Taylor. The i of a large Tobacco Factory at Oxford, of 96 Shares or Raleigh ex Stoc'k, and other eU'ccU-; I RICHARD W Assignee of Archibald Jail 20, 1S73. ! RALEIGH Baptist Female F. IV llonoooD, A. 1 Rev. A. F. Redi, A jflo auction for or said will, and 1 under control! roperty consists1 j;iston Railroad. HARRIS, J Taylor's estate. Semmary. M Principal. j Associate Principal. lessor of Music. SSION WILL IIV, 1S73. been enlargeel, and handsome. cnt is providctl largo collection is and a . lino F. A. Bont,-UAN, Pr THE SPRING SI open on t!io 17th of FI'KIIirA The building, having is upacious, coiiiiiiodiou The Literary Departih with a Helect Library, h of Geological hiecim Philosophical and Chciaical Apparatus. The Musio Departmejnt l prorldeel with a largo number of good Pianos, two Organs and a Harp. , , The.lady teachers employee! are. all first! class. Boarding pupils aro re quired to wear uniform dress. Boar el and English tuition ?100 per session of 5 months. i - . , For particulars, apply feir circular. Dec. 30. i lI3-HllawCwSwCt r. m, Aitao. i- JARGO, & HARRIS, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, RALEIGH, C. U H, AS BIS, i C. (OJJictcn the comer 6 Wilmington and, t ' i j Hargett streets .", ' - i T. M. Argo and J. C. Ii Harris having formed a copartnership for tho practlco of law will attend promptly - to any uusmess entrustcei to tiiem. lou ti. L