WEEKLY EBA. THURSDAY, FED. 13, 1873. My Neighbor. Lot thou thy neighbor," we are told, Eren as thyself." That creed I hold ; But love her more, a thousand fold ! . My lorely neighbor ; oft we meet. In lonely lane or crowded street ; I know the music of her feeU She little thinks how, on a day She must hare missed her usual way And walked into my heart of aye. Or bow the rustle of her dress Thrills through me like a soft caress. With trembles of delicious ness. iWee woman, with her smiling mier. And soul celestiallly serete. She passes me, unconscious queen ! Her face mostly innocently good. Where shyly peeps the sweet red blood, - Her form a nest of womanhood ! Lik Raleigh for her dainty tread When ways are inLry I could spread My cloak, but there's my heart instead. Ah, neighbor, you will never know Why 'tis my step is quickened so ; ." Nor what the prayer 1 murmur low. I see you 'mid your flowers at morn. J- reu as the rcbud newly born ; I marvel can you have a thorn ? ' If so. 'twere sweet to lean one's brcat Against it, and. the more it nrest. King like the bird that pain hath blest, You know not, dear, how dear you be ; ! All dearer for the secrecy ; The State Debt. j The debt of the State of North j Carolina amounts, in round nura- f bers, to Thirty Seven Millions of j Dollars. The fact of the existence of this large indebtedness alarms capitalists and makes them reluc tant to Invest their money Jiere. T9 At t ill " " t mmW i a a m k mm w vv ov tu uvii iv 'km v. va a i a, 1 r 1 a tA, i , un ii Carolina is able to pay thirty-three pef cent. leS3 than be fore the war, we must also bear in mind that our lands, which will produce cotton, tobacco or corn, are worth intrinsically thirty-three per cent, more than they were then ; be cause of the value of the three arti cles has been enhanced to a larger per (rentage than that. But making due allowance for all of our dis astrous surroundings it is absolutely certain that the" property of the State Is worth rive Hundred Mil lions. Now, a tax of one-fourth of one per cent, upon this sum, would pay the interest upon the debt, re duced as above suggested ; would pay all the other State taxes, and would leave several thousand dol lars, to' be applied as a sinking fund every year. Indeed, so far as ability isconcerned.the people of the State are amply able to pay the in terest upon the State debt, as it now exists, without material damage to their business interests. This brings one to the second question. Are the jeople of North Carolina willing to pay their just obligations ; or to put the question in a little different shape, are the people of North Carolina honest? One of four courses of action is open to the Legislature. 1st. Hie total repudiation of the State debt. Any State or Twigrs A Pennsylvania Dutchman stopped cut A Fists. J The Gofdsboro Xeirs If lis this: a railroad train tihe other night by A happy young bridal party went over winging a lanternl and giving the fire- one of our railroads the other day. Tho man some currency, asked him to blushing young bride thrust her head bring down a quarter of a pound of fine I out of the car window as the train start ed off, after looking around ror a mo ment or two, suddenly jerked her head back with a quick exclamation, and buried her face in' her hands. Her lov ing, frightened husband sought to learu the cause of her dismay, and offered the following feeble consolation : "What was it darling? What frightened it dear? Tell it' owa hubby! What makes it crv ?"' There wasn't much to fond husband informs us that early one morning recently bis wife awakened him by shouting: "I saved my watch from the thief by throwing it out of the window."' She had been dreaming of burglars. "George," asked the teacher of a Sunday school class, "who above all others shall you ish first to see when 1 .... you get to IleaVen?" With a face trjr auoui' 4 ,uw "urc '""'" '"'" " B briehtenin nnrith antieioation. the had only dropped a set of glittering - f W llaiir u lie ltttle fellow exclaimed. " Golier I" ,roni ieein oul 01 c winaow, mat was . , .. an. s the I wwm mm r. - a skull of her deceased husband in a teF alt street mercnani ana me -A San Francisco widow keeps the glass case. Sho onte remarked to a friend Schoolmaster : The following, said to who was viewing the remains: "Alas! how often Lave I banged these bones with a broomstick: I am sorry for it now." J Secretary Robeson discovered that he was standing pn a lady's train, and exclaimed, " Thdugh I may not have the power 0 draw a mortal from the skies, I have pinned an angel to the earth." The lady, did not teem to be in the least offended. That joung bride of Lake City, Fla., has a sanguine disposition, but still is not averse to the voice of authority. The justice who married her performed the ceremony fof the first time then. He got the affair considerably mixed, and wound up by saying: "Suffer lit tle children to como unto them:" At which the bride remarked: "Thank you; John, let's go; that's all we want." There is a station on the Pittsburg, Fort Wayneand Chicago Kailroad called which are comparatively free of "jdebt. Every material interest of our people is suffering from our ruined credit. North Carolinians, once so proud of the honor of the State, when they go among stran gers, hang their heads in shame at the bare mention of the subject. Every lover of the Slate earnestly ilesires to see this terrible burden removed, and the honor and credit bf North Carolina restored to the standard, which it had reached, Just prior to the late war. How this important rt-ult shall be brought hco millions of dollars per about is the great question, which The longer the people fail Mur giMu.ure win nave to taxes, the more averse will they be consider. The la hikes the liberty to doso,- The publil,honesty 0our of suggesting a remedy which, it is I)Cople will be stained, and a gener elieved, will satisfy the bond- al feeling of distrust and uncertain holders and, at the same time, meet ty will seize upon foreign capital .the approbation of the tax-payers ists in reg-ard to investing here, and of the State. will dhiurb am, dislrat.t ourown ; Let a bill be passed providing for poople. The ljesiMurtl shouId u uuiui 01 une uiousami, aim constituents demand it. any man, that would refuse to pay a just debt, when he had the ability to do so, would deserve and receive the contempt and scorn of all virtuous men; and especially would this be so, if after paying the debt, an abundance was still left. the principal and the interest upon her public debt andtill be rich. But it is unnecessary to discuss this question. 2nd. The Legislature may take no action whatever, and leave the debt in its present unsettled condi tion. This would be little better than repudiation. To fail to pay . , . .. , r " 1 tie word "naiionar' on our bank w ulslmur upon tne State, bills is a guarantee of their payment, Honesty, good faith, and policy even should thb bank fail. It is this alike demand some definite action which gives all "National" bank bills now. The interest uoon our debt whether issued in New York or NevI their unquestionable credit. It is not strange, therefore, that speculators be from the commercial column of a Western paper, purports to be the reply of a New-Yorker to the preceptor Of his son, who wrote to ask his preference in the prescribed course of studies: ' Wall-strket, N. Y. Dec. 1, 1872. Sir: Your's to h'd fe cent's noted. Dont want son to study str'n'my. 'Twont pav. No ships run'g to stars and no prospect of it. All bosh, if 'twont h'lp trade. Also stop Latin fe Greek. Boy ?11 pick up such Li'tn words as petit larceny & delirium tremens, Ac, soon 'nough he'r in Gold b'd. I'm bul lish on 'rithm't'k fc sp'g, and T'k some stocK in ur m r too, but 1 can make money 'nough without Itn and G'k, etc. No use. I'm rnemb' St'k Exc'g, Chamb' Com', Ac. DalKH's Arithm'tic is short of stock terms. Put boy thr'gh on margins, corn'rs, Dr., C, ct. pr. ct., el'r house, Railr'd., and Go'v'ts your self, & ge short on y'r Grk and Lt'. fcc, tc. They'r best md'ize for the street ahvas in dem'd here. I mean Drfc Cr etc. When term ends, please ship boy A Bks by N. Y. C. or IJ. R. R. with B. Ij ug in hat, cons g n to li d st. LETTEK FK03I VAN1A. PENNSYL- orin caroiiua Ioably Dis graced. ( Draw sitfht d'ft for bill Money easy stk's stiil"fc short int'r'st cov'rd. Shall Hanna, in honor of a deceased citizen of 1'" l?nS on 100 L- S at 67 ? Boys . ... ... . . tutnon do lor margin. i.xc nge e sy. a train sioppea tnere tlie Yours etc. Fort Wavne. other day, and the brakeman, after the manner of his class, thrust his head in the door and called out, loudly " Han na." A young lady, endowed with the pathetic appellation of Hannah, sup posing he was addressing her, and shocked at his familiarity for. so short an acquaintance, frowned like a thunder-cloud, and retorted : You shut your mouth !" g? A second Aunt Abby House has been on to Washington, to see the President. 1 They call her Sojourner Truth. The old lady recently lectured tj)e' will presently cons;gn you to in Detroit and tells all about her trip. To the Editor of the Era . By the introduction, advocacy and adoption in the Senate of the Ku Klux Amnesty Bill, and by the refusal on the part of the House to remove tne disabilities so unjustly aim so unrignieousiy imposed on Governor Holden. the staid and hitherto honest old North State has been most shamefully disgraced. And when it is considered that this scandal has been brought upon the State by the party of all the wealth, virtue and intelligence in it, we ate tne more surprised and mortified. To think of a bevy of gentlemen called upon to make laws for the punishment of evil doers, go to work, introduce, advocate and pass a law to release and rel'eve Irom justice a dastardly set of villains and cut-throats. This goes a little aneau ot anything that has yet been witnessed in the line of wink'ng at and encouraging crime. And then to think that these accommodating g.'nue.nen refuse to bestow upon Goveruo- Holden a man of excel lent wo th a statesman of unsur passed ability and integrity, whom the masses in North Carolina and n the whole country delight to horo. a privilege that every principle of justice and right aema;iu ne should enjoy, and which was taken from him by a set of miserable skunLs, who were not worthy to stooj down and un loose the Jatchet of his slioe. And then to c'ap tle climax, of all b e- faced impudence, the firePvIeme 1 of all the wealth occ, in the present Jegisiatu.e, ask Congress to relieve their friends men of the same ilk, from certain disabilities mosi justly imposed oa them for their active sympathy with treason, while they excuse themselves, for refusing to do the same thing, by pleading a W mt of po .ver. Goon gentlemen, me people are taking noies of all jour actions and consistencies, and is accumulating at the rate of about annum, to' pay have, in a few instances, adopted the word ujn.ii bills issued by themselves. To prevent this fraud a bill is pending She says they bothered her with a heap of questions, people meeting her on the street, and asking, "Aunty, how old are you?" That Mr. Fish put her in the way to stop these foolish questions by in structing her to charge live dollars tor telling her age, which she did. She found Mayor Boweu in the President's room" and the mayor asked her age, she charged him $0, and he smiled and 1., .-i 1 . .... uduuCTi it over leniarKing, " it was worth that to know." Then she goes on to describe her interview with Gen. Grant: President Grant Mas sittinir that political bourne from which ro traveler ever returns. Lenox. Marklesburg, Pa., Feb. 4, 1S73. UNITED STATES MAIL. Post Omcfi Department. Washington, December 1, 1872. PROPOSALS will be received at the Con tract Office of this Department until 3 p.m. of March 3, 1873, for conveying the mails of the United States from July 1, 1873, to June 30. 1875, in the State of NORTH CAROLINA, . on the routes and by the schedules of , departures and arrivals herein specified. Decisions announced on cr before March 20, 1873. npur 1 V at tli.it timn A fVn. tl.n T . in Congress imposing a penalty of $.30 ," f:,ia :' 1 r t .1 . . 1 J lefthesaid. " Have vou anv of vour nho- f tographs with you?" I gave him one, a day upon any bank or. other institu tion assu tiling j the title of "national" without authority. Albany Journal. An Ohio collector of internal reve nue submitted the following to the de partment at Washington as the cause of and then he put his hand in his pocket and took from it a $5 note. " There," said he, 44 take that, and I won't ask you what your age is, either." A tall, gaunt 1 ankee came into the room while I was ir first day of July, 1872. Let the bonds run forty years, and let the Interest upon them average six per 'cent. Graduate the interest to suit the condition of our people begin ning at lour percent, the first five years ; let them draw five percent, the nest five years, six per cent, the next filteen years, and seven per rant tkanavtflnn T .. .!... I 1 v7 77 ; present State debt, for the reason .bill provide that the fifteen millions that they believe a large part of it issued shall be offered to the is tainted with fraud. They know bond holders in exchange for the they did not get value revived (outstanding bonds of the State. If from man v miller of the bonds such a bill were passed, it would vhich are now outstanding. They settle this vexed and annoying think that the cr, ditors of the State question, would satisfy the bond ought to eonsider the great social holders, would restore the credit of and litical revolution which has the State, would remove one of the swent over n Sm,i !, -sns K. - . . . - . I "? -- v- ii iiiiiit; KKJ , ..,w vUo, iutiui accept a fair compromise. Kuu irom us, hhu woum set us holders of our bonds take tliis view upon ,our feet again, and start us on of the subject. The bondholders m .gu roau io prosperity ana and the ieoplc the creditors and Will the Legislature take such ueiay ior. iiis.ieports lor the month of there. He felt pretty important, too, I Decembi i-: 4Lelt home on the 13lh to reckon. He looked all around the' room, attend to . .(licial business. Ohio river in which were several persons, as if in blocked with ico and was detained search of some one. Then he went up away umil they'd. Got married, as per to Grant sort of pompons like, who was previous arrangement. on 2.1 to n -.f. vitHnr Ktt i.i-. r ,. seven millions. ould the people handsomO young Christian lady, (and President?" 44 Yes," said Grant quiet Of orth Carolina be willing to she's proud of meyei.) Frolicked on ly. The Yankee looked at him for a this? It id believed that the peo- th, and pitched into office work few seconds without saying any thin.- inay. pro vide for the payment of the interest upon the entireStatedebt of thiity- Hence, please conclude mat some clelav was unavmilaMo pie are honest ; that they desire to the 23lb- i ... .. . that some , rf .J; uui ii ixiin lei it eount against my oUice. s not oeneveii mat tney Would be Vl,r onue joins in me request.' willing to pay the interest upon the I vum, you ain't so old as I thought you was, not by a darned sight." After a pause, 44 How old be 3'e?" 4 I'm 49 " MAKKIAOE OUItE. EVERY ONE HIS OWN DOCTOR BeinST a private instructor for married persons. or those about to be married, both male and female, in everything concerning the physiology and relations of our sex ual system, and the production and prevention of offspring,1 including all new discoveries never belore given in the Fnglish language, by WJI. YOUNG, M. D. This is really a valuable and interesting work. It is written in plain language for the general reader, and is illustrated with numerous Engravings. All young married poople, or those con templating marriage, and having the least impediment to married life, should read this book. It disc-loses secrets that every one should bo acquainted with ; still it is a book that must be locked up and not let lie about the house. It will bo sent to any address on receipt of 50 ents. Address Dr. WJI. YOUNG, No. 416 Spruce street, above Fourth, Philadelphia. $33 AFFLICTED AND UNFORTUNATE. No matter what, may be your disease, before you place yourself under the care of any one of the QUACKS native and who advertise in this or any foreign said the President. 44 Shoo! Well, now, otll?r PaPer get a copy of i)r. Young's Chapel Hill -lEailroads and other Jllatters. Our correspondent writes: Tho en gineers have completed one route for tho railroad survey which terminates alHMit half a mile above University Station, distance i miles, and the route a very good one. I think this will bo the one h-cUkiiupoii, though others will bo tried. They are now survevintr a route to Durham. A "dentation : Well The we liave haJ anJl,ier little pleasant sen salion. 1 he rejM.rt got out that Miss was to be married last Thursday nhrht. A perfect storm .party of young men hA ,l.titnM . . r- "W """" "l ",u "uuse ' witness me u.v.uvumT-vumu! in opiIllOll. IS nuntials. I.ut i,ftil,!ffATi.-b:-.i..i. tne IjptnsLitiiri tbf u'rvonf r t . . . nctlnn? Tfnro ,1,,? e ,. . .... jim.u. e uo-Vs wer foled to - , , -v peopie, wining to rellect the will of death , ougiik luasiw inemseives two ques 1 lions: the people ? 4th. The I'i'ilntiirf nv.iv r-f. rv-. First. Would the people be able promise the nublie debt of thirty , to pay a tax sufficient to pay the seven millions of dollars with xyr iwk k .... fifteen millions. Better than this. Second. W ould they be willing to They can receive a gift from t ie r bondholders of ticenty-two millions t !l ef ylow ?! tatiw w of dollars, upon condition that they ; settle .the first question. TheStateof rcillogreeto pay tne balanceupon a ,WUI vrunua wumiiis Uirce uiou- credit nf fnrtu ,r vi.i.. .i:.. I . u. iivivnj U15- I OI lllSl and the next day those of their friends who were too smart to be caught were hollering to them on the street, v Here s your wedding cake?" Can cer : Mrs. .Emerson, who went tn fhi.. lotte to lo treated : for cancer, died here jeand square miles of land more than putes the validity offifleeninillioi : that of New ork. The land is more 0f the present debt. Before tli f icruie anu wie cumaie more genial. war, our actual debt w: A Suggestion. To the Local Editor of the Era: A parent does not reprove a child in the presence of visitors: and the giving ructions by a high oflicer to his IS clerk, 4 not to be bothered," while in the the performance of certain duties, ought, n"i r . lit . : iiiui.umi neaun oi me btate is nine millions, with. a prospective t much greater than that of any of debt of five millions more. The the old thirteen. The whole pro- interest upon the bjds which ren- perty of the State was valued at one resented this debt Vas six per cent hundred and twenty mWfow, (In per annum, payable semi-annually. ;. round numbers) In 1870, for the pur- Nine millions, compounded in this , in of taxatl jn. In the same tyav. would havo rwhni iw , year the census report shows that time, more than twenty millions, 1 , . . A I I I t-n . .- . 1 " . . . inuic uiun '"i'cvuuiijt isuouiu, io oe civeu privately. The inability of one to wear black cloth, is no evidence that such person is not sensitive, neither is it a sign of ignorance of propriety. A Working Man. Raleigh, Feb. G, 1S73. Cotton in Wake and Johnston. Heavy preparation are beiiur made really, is that all ? Is that vour true age?" He admitted gently that it was. "Weill declare, I expected to see an older man. Why, your hair ain't gray hardly. Supposed 'twould be. And so you're only forty odd years?" Then, after a pause while ho looked at the President for n while longer, he said: " Don't know as I want to say anything else, so good day," ami off he went, saying to himself, " ain't near so old as I expected." The President merely smiled, and did what most men wouldn't have done, ho kept his patience. I felt so ashamed while that oeskv man wr talking to him. There, I'd been asking 5 to tell my age, and here was the President of the United States as patient and quiet as a lamb, a answering them foolish people who hadn't nothing better to say than that, and come and almost 44 sass" the President. I wanted to sink through the floor. Book and read it carefully. It will be tho means of saving you many a dollar, your health, and possibly your life. Dr. Young can be consulted on any of the diseases described in his publica tions by mail or at his office. No. 410 Spruce street, above Fourth, Philadel phia. 14 wCm IiTH Superior (Jourt. for Farm-Yard Scraps. CAROLINA, ) Fran lin Count v. 1 l. J. loungana W. 11.) Williard, Plaintiffs, Summons against 'f Relief. A. T. Johnston and another, Defendants, J In this cause application having been made by the plaintiff to obtain an ordej for publication, and it appearing by affidavit filed on their behalf that the defendant A. T. Johnston resides beyond the limits of this State, and that his place of residence is unknown to thai plaintiflss; it is therefore ordered that publication be made once a week for six weeks in the Era, a newspaper pub lished in tho City of Raleiirh. notifvim the defendant A. T. Johnston to be and appear before the J udge of our Superior ourc, at a court to be held ior the 5277 From Lumberton, by Floriesville, . ' Lees villa and Brooklin, to Fair BJuff."25 niiles, and back, once a week. : X '' Leave Lumbertoni Friday at 7 am ; Arrive at rair Bluff by pm, i i i i ris in an case, an make them conform to Iiiiil-l, nillinut UH-rtjH'ie of TKieu. ine running! iiuu! llie lostmaster General Leave Fair Bluff Saturday at 7 a in; part, in order to pla.-e vn ' t L. , "T Arrive at Lomberton by 5 p ip. rior service, or whenever f',. '"ui t'erefcts.in his judgnieut, bhall r...!i. ''" ' FORM OF, PROPOSAL, GUARANTEE, discontinn.uce or turuilJI-h ' AXD CERTIFICATE. Proposal, The undersigned postoffice address is , county of - State of , projKwea to! convey A L .. 4. owier cau e; ne allowiri as full nny io contractor One month' on me . whose the pfrtierilarlv t county of Franklin, at the Court House J. Irwin of Union county (Iowa) mthe lownot Louisburg, on the fourth ... 4 """"- anu lountvn lillllions thus com- in the southern section of this onntv ; perty at more than tico hundred rrii ...i.i , .... .. . J " Qi tins county, .... . . r ru.m, .wumiiuH cACVLti mirty as wen as in the western nortion rf and fifty mdhons. Which of these millions. Thus it will be seen, that, for a big cotton crop I x- u V wmn Ol upon tllO terms suggested above, -vtar- 1Ue hirmera are composing and i iorth Carolina; or does neither the State will really not pay one Pn'Paring their lands with two horse I of them do It? The criterion of cent for any bonds iued since tlu plows a thi"g tlie havo never don weauninan civiuzeu countries is war; but will have all of them j based upon population the esti- thrown in for nothing, and will j mate being a thousand dollars to compromise the old debt, prineipil ; each Individual. Taking this as a and interest, at fifty cents in the j basis (the population being more dollar, and that upon an eay dczle ' than one million) the property of of interest. Is it possible that the i.iroui huuiu worm one Oil- present Ieeris ature will in.. uiun mis season. The or.ir. rr ir about iickel and ready lor market. On an average about one-third of tho crop is unsold. lion of dollars. Is this too much? ; It is very certain that the property of the State could not be purchased .for this sum. But, taking Into con- goiuen opportunity of restoring the credit oi tne. stater jonn Ajaroiina is growing richer eve-y day. Such favorable times will flavor rui ntiuro.1 : t sideration the 1op Riwtlnvi r "riCZ " rr. . T U"? - . ui me ptTjpic-ui urin uaronna ing tne war, me Gisorganlzation of mere be Immediate action. Ialor and all other circumstances growing out of a conflict Of four I BACK' WOO DS'MAN.n. lathe United years, the fact still remains that there Is as much land, and that there are as many people here, as there were In 1SG0. We have the same real estate and as many la borers as we ever had. These are States, an inhabitant of the forest in the new settlements, especially on the western frontier. Wkbster. Fontl of Eggs. A tr dT n..:r i . --""t-f v uuuiuru couniv was een Free School iu Orance. tA m( nnn lA.n I l I i t I A ITCG SCIKKll v.19 nnono.1 at T tho chief sources of wealth In all thn nrti r,t.r,.- , : : in Orancecodntviast w-t n,. . . tw . , . , I .v.u., ouu lurn A Simple Thought. The dead Stephens' who was nothing but a poor white woman and her chil dren nothing but poor little runabouts for a set of - ".careless and thoughtless young gentlemen" to render fatherless. Why not pardon his murderers? Doit. And if you don't cateh I frora tue poor people, we are mistaken. while feeding hog., dropped a fifty dol lar watch trom bn pocket. An old sow gobbled it up and crunched it in :i mo ment. A cure for cramp in the stomach : Warm water, sweetened with molasses or brown sugar, taken freely, will in many cases remove cramp in the stomach, when opium i.nd other reme dies have failed. Bees, when hi veil, belong to the per son who lirt hived ihetn. If the v altpr- ward fly away, his right of ownership continues so long as he can keep the swarm in sight, ;.nu he can, under such circumstances, pursue and recapture them, even though they should settle upon a tree on another person's land. This is the law. Iron at Dunbury, Stokes county. Tho Danbury Reporter says: We have at the side of our village an Iron Furnace which has been layinsr idle sinee tho sn-! - 9 4iiVAuauKt4uiu ueu oi ore of superior quality, coal wood in abund ance, and water-powe.-sufficiect to drive any amount of machinery; all these are nig uu. x ne property once belonced Monday alter the second Monday in 1.'i t . i. .. : i .1 . " j: curuarj, loio, man anu mere to answer me eoinpiiiiiiL oi uie piainiiu nieci in this cause, (ior the pavment of $1,000. with interest from October 1st, l7o. and ?-wu liiiorcst irom me isaine uate. due on notes executed by defendant to Alien loung, winch were assigned by said- oung to plaintiffs, and for the foreclosure of the mortgage executed by ueienuaut to secure uie payment ol said notes,) and let the said defendant take notice that it he rail to appear and answer said complaint, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded therein. Witness, It. JI. Timberlake, Clerk of our said Superior Court, at olfice in tiie Town of Louisburg, the 4th day of . 1 i . . . . i .miliary, a. u., isti. : R. II. TIMBERLAKE, Clerk of Superior Court of jan 13 wGw Franklin count j NOTICE to Parties 'of -the (Name of DALLAS, M'KEhROLL, and WILKINSON. WANTED, full Particulars of the Children or Descendants of AL- Measles. ; Joe McCullers, in the' Southern nor tion of this county, produced a great EXANDERand WILLIAM DALLAS, DUNCAN M KEUIiOLL by his Wife Isabella Dallas, and of JOHN WIL KINSON by his Wife Janet Dallas all of whom are entitled to Share in the Succession of the late Peteii Dallas, of filascrnw. in Scotland Itrofhpr rf th to a company in Richmond, we know above-named who Died, Unmarried not who the owners at present are there a,,- Intestate, on 2d June, 1872. have been vague rumors tbat the nmn I he Parties were all N atives of Islay, olt r , , ac uie prop- in Scotland, and the Families of the eity was ior sale, but we have neither three first-named are supposed to be in Bidders should examine carefully the forms, and instructions annexed. See laws requiring certified check or draft - uiua oj 9o,wv ana npwara. NORTH CAROLINA. 5257 .From Hickory Tavern, by Dudley hhoals. lirusley Mountain, and Warrior Creek, to Wilkesboro, 45 miles and back, once a week. Leave Hickory. Tavei n Tuesday at l p rn; Arrive at Wilkesboro' Wednesday Dy 7 p m ; Leave Wilkesboro' Monday at 7 a m ; Arrive at Hickory lavern next day by 12 m. 5258 From Catawba Station, by Yount's Jluls, Chue s Store. lute Sul Ihur Springs, and Hickory Tav ern, to JenVrson, 8- nnies and back, once a week. Leave Catawba Station Monday at 8.30 am; Arrive at Jefferson Wednesday by 5 pia; Leavt Jefferson Thursday at 8.30 am; Arrive at Catawba Station Saturday b' 5 pm. 5259 From Trov. bv Macedonia, to Car thage, 33 miles and back, once a week. Leave Troy Wednesday at 6 a m ; Arrive at Carthage by 5 p m ; Leave Carthage Thursday at Gam; Arrive at Troy by 5 p m. J60 From Globe to Blowing Rock, 9j miles and back, once a week. Leave Globe Friday at 10 am; Arrive at Blowing Rock by 1 p in ; Leave Blowing Rock Wednesday at lpm; Arrive at Globe by 3 pm. 52G1 From Warm Sprinrrs to Snrinrr Creek, 18 miles and back, once a week. Leave Warm Springs Saturday at C am; Arrive at Spring Creek by 12 m ; Leave Spring Creek Saturday at 1 p m ; Arrive at Warm Springs by 7 p m. 5202 From Catawba Vale, by Crooked Creek and Stone Mountain, to Bear Wallow, 19 miles and back, once a week. Leave Catawba - Yale Thursday at 7 am; ' Arrive at Bear Wallow by 1 p m ; Leave Bear Wallow Thursday at 2 P ; Arrive at Catawba Yale by 8 p m. 52G3 From Mull Store to Happy Home, 12 niiles and back, once a week. Leave Mull Store Fridaj' at 1 p m ; Arrive at Happy Home by 5 p m ; Leave Happy Home Friday at 8 am; Arrive at Mull Stoie by 12 m. . 52t54 From Brown's Summit to Company Mills, 9 miles ai.d back, once a week. Leave Brown's Summit Saturday at 9am Arrive at Company Mills by 12 m ; Leave Company Mills Saturday at 1 P "i ; arrive at lirown s &ummH oy 4 p m. 52G5 From Wilkesboro'. bv Hunting Creek, Zimmerman, Poplar Bridge and Union Grove, to Olin, 27 3-4 miles and back, once a week. Leave Wilkesboro" Fridaj- at 7 a m ; Arrive at Olin by 4 p in ; Leave Olin Saturday at 7am; Arrive at Wiikesboro' by 4 p m. 5266 From Onslow C. II. to Swansboro'. 27 miles and back once a week.i JLcave Onslow C. II. Tuesday at 1 p m ; Arrive at Swansboro' by 7 pm ; Leave Swansboro' ednesday at 8 am; 'Arrive at Onslow C. II. by 2 p m. 5207 From Columbia to Gum Neck. 18 miles and back, once a week. Leave Columbia Monday at 1 p m ; of -iirrie at uum iecK uy o p m ; Leave Gum Neck Monday at 7am; Arrive at Columbia by 12 m. 5268 From Aqnone, by Copperville, T113 quitee, and Fort Heinbree, to Havesville, 18 miles and back, once a week. Leave Aquone Monday at 10 a m ; Arrive at Hayesville by 4.30 p m ; Leave Hayesville Monday at 5 p m ; Arrive at Aquone by 9 am. 5269 : From Dudley, by Jericho, to Stra- baue, 22 miles and back, once a week. Leave Dudley Friday at 7 a m ; .' Arrive at Strabane by 1 pm; Leave Strabane Friday at 2 p m ; Arrive at Dudley by 8 pm. 5270 From KiustoM, by Comfort, to llich- laud's, 31 miles and back, once a week. Leave Kinston Saturday at Gam; Arrive at Richland's by 8 p m : Leave Richland's Friday at 6am; Arrive at Kinston hj S p m. 5271 From Eliza bet htown, by Downing ville, Melvinville, and Warrcns ville, to Clinton, 36 miles and back, once a week. Leave Elizabeth town Friday at 6 ; am; Arrive at Clinton by 6 p m. Leave Clinton Saturday at 6 am ; Arrive at Elizabethtown by 6 p m. 5272 1 From Enfield, by Ileathsville. Brink- leyville, and Ringwood, to En field, equal to 16 ini es and back, once a week. Leave Enfield Tuesday at 6 a m : -arrive at Jt.ntieut by o p ra. From Hookerton, by Ridge Spring, John-on's Mills, Coxville, and Rose Hill, to Greenville, 36 miles miles and back, once a week. Leave Hookerton Saturday at 7 a m ; Arrive at Greenville by 7 p ru ; Leave Greenville Friday at 7am; Arrive at-Hookerton by 7 p m. inv "-'I ori . i iimv bI.. .1: " tinue or curtail the! Kervice. in...i.- " v 'in'- . i'ti,. . amount of Jervici di- " and a ro rata comiU'i1, r..'V'-' fimAlint ff nMri.u. .:.J I . 1 'lit miu.vu arid Condi;,, .. 9. Payments mU be mde bv i,.l!,., ' from, or drafts on iv.Jipa-ter ,p,ii"" wise, after the eipiruii. 11 (,f ,at , " "'r say in November. Kebruurv M;'4'''' AugutJ provided ;that rrquir,-, v t,?. ot wervice has be-n' rifiv..,l " verusement of the Postmaster General. 10 Tn li,itiinr-..a o-tvi .. dated December 1, 1872, 44 with celerity, be subslantially correct; but n.i tt 1 certainty and security" (law of June 8, ly will U l,,wet ohulld U.v ij. for the annual pura of I ... ' .'.I ': h.,i TIIFU4FIVVJ il TiUd1 w.ivk i. I ' - i - '--F. biiu a 1-1 1 i,i . i Th,'. . f ......J ..:t S..Tt I anfi. t.. I I ..;. .I.J . C .1.. . . . ' knowledge of the distance of the route. tlon ot mils.-nm,. sti. oui mails of the United States, from July 1, 1873. to Juno 30, 1875, on route No. , between and .under the ad- 1872), dollarc the weight of the mail to be canted, and all other particulars in reference to the route and service ; and, also, after a careful examination of the laws and in structions attached to advertisement tf mail service ; and of the provisions con tained in the act of Congress of June 8, 1S72. . ! Dated , Bidder. Guarantee. The undersigned, residing at , State of- , undeita'ie that, if the foregoing bid for carrying the mail on route No. , be accepted by the Post master General, the bidder will, prior to the 1st of June, 1873, enter into the re quired obligation, or contract, to perform the service proposed, with good and suffi cient sureties. . This ue do, understdndig distinctly the obligations and liabilities assumed by guarantors. Dated i ill.. 1.V bwik rn.i.U t . I'll MHO lV tt l. . I V i . '.!.. ' l .-v I n.!. expctiv iHH.m nil. .on:,., tlMIDelit i ntruet ten:,. ;, ay, 11' the tli..,. toll bridges, turnpikes. or obstructions of hhv pense may be incurred ditional pay, basei) on sL h yrowt.dl i u, i.' consiuereu ; nor ior ui, misaitprehension. as to V!l ' tlllr ft !! t tma J. Lt... 1 . . , . .. ... liunmn fd. !,( ., (, continued, or otlier ohflrueti:ii!V ,ti:-i, increasing distance or during the contract t i lished after this ad verl and also during the vii visitcu without extra be not increused. I i 11 Bidders are tnutio iclto maiJ t lu Ir i posals in time to reach the Departs, ' v; the day and hour amc l(3 p. u MJir, . '' 1873). f. r bids rtreivedLitter that tin,,. xv . not ije toxsiPKRKiijin ciinpetiti.-n witi, i,,,., of rensonable auioiiiit, receie.l u, Neither can bids e onhitlered ' without the guarantee .-quired hyMa ,", i a n-i uiicuic ui me! sum antee, and the outh o jng to section 21oj act ii. itiuuers Mioiild i vice strictly according meat, and then, it" lhF for 'different service; Innd Certificate. The undersigned, postmaster at , State of , certifies, isfr his oatii ok office, that he is acquainted wlh the above guarantors, and knowrs them to be men of property; and able to make good their guarantee; and that bidder and guar antors are above the ajre of 21 years. lency oi silt Ii ar. the bidder ii,., ,,! of June h, ls; irst proji.c ,,r s.r. r to the iiiltKii.. desire, ski'as..... n the i;.r., , ... 1 ; i i . . i i ...... . . oiu oe ine lowest puereu tor the a.K , , i service, the other propositions may -, , siucrecl. Bids of $o,000 and upwards viuxt be accompanied by a certified check, or draft, on some solvent national bank, equal to 5 per centum on the present an nual pay on the route ; or in ca se of new service, not less than 5 per centum of one year's pay proposed in bid. (Section 253, Act of June 8, 1872.) j ine x osimaster muot not sign the cer tificate until the sum of the tid is inserted and the bid and guarantee signed by all tho parties, and dated. 1 ii i i i i 1 i ... jo. iiuu- mhmiki ur kui onc-rmitf I ;,- ior ui (i proposaij Monsoiuiatt d ,,r , , , , bination bids. ' ' v ii . i i-i. H i ,.r iwo or more routes ) cannot le emv,,., 1 4 Tl, . .. . Ll . f -' At. xuk' iiiue, line fi-mo', the . i,;v liilV. tlie inline niul ivJ,!n,. ,.r ti... . " . . 71 T. ... ". r (tnat is, his usual posttolhte ...lihf.,, the name of each member of a linn, ; w a company oners, fchouhl I stated. I - 15. Bidders areTequestcd to u.-i,', I;ir as practicable, thj printed propi.-it;, ur nished by the Department, to write mi . full the sum of their bids, and tor,;;;:. copies ot mem. Altered bids should j nor should bids otice sjil m,.f I.nv oiMii,, ! not be milteil M.I be bid tin hi i OATII' REQUIRED BV OF AX ACT OF SECTION 21(i AP- No withrawal of a be allowed unless reived twent v-fulif time fixed for opening l.nch I. hi lj.-t . ... -1 I re-poiiMoic iicr.-oits, tee should be sion name of each per The I'o.-tinastt rignt n rewnt art deemed cxtravny; iru i-he bids ut ler or "niar withiirau us Mci a- pin t - 'If i,i. CONGRESS. PROVED JUNE S, J872J TO BE AF FIXED TO EACH BID lfOR CARRY ING TIIE MAIL, AND TC j BE TAKEN bidders. (Act of BEFORE AN OFFICER QUALIFIED TO ADMINISTER OATIS. I, , of j bidder be giiaiiiiiterii s. 'I lie hid M'd KD plainly u ilii G nt fai .lull. n! nopo ii era l I'tMiii Mill v lut ! i j, . niul also tn ug t oiiti ai ! n e 8. l.s'TJ. V for conveying the mail on route No. , from , do sweat; that I have the ability pecuniarily to fulfill 1113' obliga tion as such bidder; that the bid is made in good faith, and with the- intention to enter into contract and perfortn the service in case said bill should be accepted ; and that the signatures of the guarantors m , mi 10. ine 01a s scribed " Mail Pi Carolina, addressed Postmaster General, sent by mail, not l.y 1 of $5,000 per annum ijnd upwn'i. accompanied l.y a eei liiu on some solvent nuti. per cent, of the ninoui gress of June 8, U72.; 17. The conlruvtx returned to the )"rt. lxt dittj of Jane, lb73j ij 1 1" .11 .'7'" A. rlii thereto are genuine, and that I believe the bidder v ill L- oAiid. said guarantors to de pecuniarily respon- and the'Ji5ii( JfuMr 0 sible for and able to pay all laMia"-es the C(i)dractfor the United States shall suffer by 'reason of mv earJiu!' ,tv law' i-.iY .1 :tls. Mule ,)' "Second A-i.-i'iait 0111 tact ( llliee," , ! V tu a:i :i-i lit. 2 ....-1 i a 1 1 1 1 I' ll ( luck . a.l id bai.k. cql.nl I i 7. . ("ee law i,l ( mi: oy reason oi my failing to perform my obliga) ions as such bidder. i '. : Swoi 11 to and subscribed la-fore ine -for the of , this A. D. 187- nd in lestiinony thereof I hereunto subscribe 1113- name and affix my official seal the day and year aforesaid. seal. Transfers of contn: law, and conscquciitl y Neither run' bids, or"i translerred or nsMg Bithlers wi'J th. rejfur will be icxpectcd to awarded to them ithr tract term. 18. Section 24tf of 1872, provides that contracts for the ii. iall1)t- 'awardi-.i t., : Note. hen the oath is taken before a justice of the peace, the certificate of the portation of the mail s 1 ,1.1 1 ! ! . iwwcab uitiuer leiiuenn sumeieiil rnin air ior iaitntui pertortnarit erence to the mode ol r in In 0 M ,,. mm lit ur 'lull.,, oiltt ' .si .e r , kit! I'll! III"'! Ill,,,, with al li 1 J are f..;-l I ! ; ciinnol be ii :i- litti c.-!.s' in Ii'.. ed to oilier in,. take not ice t i, . ; erfi.rm the )iih the wie I s , the the iu t of ce, witliout .tln-r r ! fslich trHii-.iir!,it:ii than ninv I Z.1...1- r,( a r.. t ,. .l II ill . J.. . K v.. vuuiu vi ii-iuiu auoum oe auueu, uue celerity, certainty, and bcruiitv tier. under his seal ot his office, that the ners.in 01. under this law bids that i.ri.i..,-e 1.1 .- I I . ... .. L . ------ I - J who administered the oath is a dulv nnali. iransI'" e iaiw wf ' fied justice of the peace. a"' tr'!t hnvtnj j th ctlrrilii "rt,iii,:l. pern diidd to L .'V INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS POSTMASTERS. only legal bid, are Amxtmed m jmn ''!? AND 'ioueetr lurrf. i t ode if eon riiiiii 1 im- ceferifif, ceritiji, ,-J for the adire whatever may be the earu to innure it ' Containing also conditions to be incor- security," and hare tie preference .,V -'' jiorated in the contracts i to the extent other, and no others are Cnsidctfedj -r....t ior steamboat roulea. r I 19.. A modification of a bid in 1111 v f ' essential terms is jtantamour.t to n nV I ii. and cannot be received, so as to intif'n with regular competition. Making n r.i bid, with guarantee nd, certificate, i'lur only way to modify 1 previous bid. j 20. Postmaster are to be careful j n-"' certify'; to the stifl ciency of jii.ir.ii ' ' 11 wihout knowing thai, they ore jiri-.:i f sufficient resjoiisibil ty. (Seesectli n 2 it act of June 8, 187.) They mti.-t m.t - .n the certificate until t ie Mim of th" i id insert ed, and the Ibid and guarantee n' signed by the bidder and (two) guarunt"i ; auixregaraoj thin tkntructton by th J " maJtcers will miijeet tfum to imiuc.'n'l the Department may deem proper, 1. Seven minutes are allowed to each in termediate office, when not otherwise spe cified for assorting the mails. j 2. On routes where the jnode of con veyance admits of it, 'the special agents of the Post. Office Department, also post office blanks, mail bags', locks and keys, are to be convey ed witliout extra charge. 3. "Way bills" or receipts, prepared by postmasters, or other agents of the De partment. will accompany the mails, speci fying the number and destination of the several bags to be examined by the post masters, to insure regularity in the delivery of bags and pouches. K 4. No pay will be made for trios not irsr. formed ; and for each of such omissions, if the contractor or carrier, tliree times the pay ot the trip will be deducted. For ar rivals' so far behind time as to break ton ally public notice to ei nearci or seen that effect. The old farmers love to read medicine ioine as well as fanning. Here are two receipt kindly furnished us bv an ex cellent physician in this city, said to bo alarm by breaking out with the measles i certa5l remedy for a felon, Ae. : . and everybody thought it was the small- Take a Pint of common suift c.in L They couldn't do enough for Joe and stir in it air-slakod lime till it is of after they found ont it was inst n, ' .1 , . ""'""iinwoi measles. U JUSt lbe be consistency of glazier's putty. Make l a I eat tier thimble, rill it with th bet i iu Orangecodty last week. The county j , A" tUr paid half. ..3 Ihe neighbors, each man! f T f agricultural communities. If it be three dollars he could anet r.trr taken for granted that labor, OWine I f ndl.tent lnore were Sivn "d hauled his lojaiid built quite a respect- 10 tbe freeing of the Slaves, is Worth is fact 1 i ??se- Mrs- Pearson, a 1 I uiost estimabje lady, is the teacher. is com position and insert the finger therein, and ehanjro the commsiiinn rn- s a . "n-.w in enty minute, and a cure is certain." ertiser. vU,TA u, ivikiw mat me aixvo is a itnam Teineor. ami North Carolina, and of John Wilkix- hon in Canada. Affidavits and Evidence of Pedisrree. Authenticated bv a British Consul, to be lodged with James Gait, of 98 West Nile Street, Glasgow, Scotland, the Judicial factor on Mr. Dallas Instate. December 17, 1872. ; 27 w3m TT UTCH ESON & COMOF GRAHAM 1 1 N. C, are now manufacturing ! about seventv ealldns ner ilav nf t.h ! purest and best old-fasiiioned copper- ' oest maue in ine isoutn. ; Jjenry is a: 44 chip of the old block," and can'make f it just like his father. Wholesale price, 1.50 per gallon, do- -"-' jiwin uuum'i mil. li v lkiuire anniKf. iici.uht n.n t, i t , ..i .., i " -" " i' ciiujui'i m lor- feitnre. For repeated dehiiqacncies of the kind herein specified, enlarged penalties,' proportioned to the nature thereof, and the importance of the mail, may be made. 5. For having behind or throwing ofT the mails, or any portion of them. Jor'the admission of passengers, or ' for 1 koa T, P,.ll.,l.n,.:ti,. r... r..i n.. . iwn,l ;n ,,;.... .... .. ... i j umn,p3iiin;) uy IHIUVILO, IO I -" oiiiuii up ur rUIiniil" flJ CX bwansboro,, 27 miles and back, press conveyinz mtelli'ireiice In iulvin. .f t llii mail n ... . . . I . v.. maw, a ijuunera pay may oe deducted. 6. Fines will be imposed, unless the de linquency be promptly and satisfactorily explained by certificates of postmasters or the affidavits of other credible persons, for failing to arrive in contract time ; for ne lectibg to take the mail from; or deliver it into, a. post office; for sufferini? it to be 527 : from Rocky Point, by Lillington W. injured, destroyed, robbed or lost; : Point Caswell, and Moore's Creek th. Zn5' demaH conrey ! to Black Riv'er Chapel, SO miles roX rrl' " th.e coatr and back, once a week. 'r C0?1 " running, a coach, ! Leave Rockv Point Friday at 7 a rn ; th p " ' !?Ute- I Arrive at Black River Chapel bv 6 i ,.!'B!.-,n8ter Ge?eraA my nnnl p m. wuirwa ior repeated failures to run I Leave Black River Chapel Thur,- f ttor Tiolaling the i day at 7 am; f-j-.uws, or aisooejing the iustruc- Arrive at Rocky Point by 6 p m. ' , " u iae ""ent ; for refusing to dis- j v y I ChariTfi a earner u-hon ..:- I i.?i . n icuuirw uy Llie ije I.O -f .V. An . . . . ,1 - ., running an express tra n STort in ir iipni.ni or packages conveying mailable matter out of the mad. i i " " - "I uniLioiuiig Ij f , . the failure be occasioned bv the r,.,.it. .rl1HOal' and to 'et erf pknaltux. .i . ', i l',,ciinnC,....n ..ii. . i . ! .1 i vouuuains uil-j ill .1) name IO dlMli-'" from office for acting as agent of tur.t:ac tors or bidders, with or without coiujui nection with depending mails and not suf- ,n busings mntter, or tl.n;-. p- ficiently excused, one-foui th' of the com- ,to t,,e fd-vice. They nr.- t!.c . iruAieu agents oi tiiejjicpnrtii.eiit, n:i'i ' not consistentlv net. in l .tt. rai .:;;.. 21. All biddersl inaraiiioi", ar.d ' twice a week. Leave Pollocksville Saturday and Wednesday at 11.30 a m; Arrive at Swansboro' by 8pm; Leave Swansboro' Tuesday and Sat urday at 4 a m ; Arrive at Pollocksville by 11.30 am. ' ' - ties are' distinctly to enter into or the s: rvice projio-e meir leghj J law lit them. T2. Present known ! at the with others. con If if.ed that m ii.ia- rftji-ni t lie coiit i :a ' I s -I ceruncares I fall y of thein ir in the n cel.! ' ' ' ivill be (i f !'- ! iz-xi: ' rnctois, and l r- ' artmeiit, mu.-t j t-,i procire . guaiaiiati r ii',, in . t he forins above uriniii. '-I fho certificate of suftieii nrv mum l!c Hi:i.-'d . . . . j sufficiency t-1 by a postmaster JXO. A jan 2S wCw. CRESWKLh, - I I'ostnianttr'b'eiifrrd. j distilled rye and corn whiskey. They ! i Arrive at Rocky Point by 6pm. e .eI,artenl have for theii distiller lr. Henry Holt, B2rfi .' Frnm wilmWm, t 9m?tK;n- ,n c,mfKe a carrier when son of Col. Jere Holt, whoe w-hL-key 2'6 ! FtJ, IS to Smithville, 80- partment to do so; for was so well and favorably known as the i lles "f, Uck tw,ce a week h7 8 aforesaid ; or for ti . and recommpiKl it-, livt-i-orl -it. (l i anv wlio may be troubled with that lu-itctl Uv nil lrvor ,r arhiv-or ! . . , . - . i. maw . i li disagreeable ailment." liblic Ledger, i jan 6 2& w2m i steamboat. Leave Wilmington Tuesday and Sat urday t 3 p m ; Arrive at Smithv.Ile by 1 p m ; Leave Smithville Monday and Fri day at 6 a m ; Arrive at Wilmington by 12 ra. miWAirrffi wmm f,' .T tuTy ( ft Sdpt. 19, 1872. 14. . 6m. nrtrra , 8- Tf,e. Postmaster General may or- ' oer an increase of rvi4 .m . ' by-allowing therefor a ro bata in crease on the contract pay. He may change schedules of departures and ar- I T fcept. 13, 1872. 11 wCm i

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