WEEKLY EP.A. 1 i !i Y1L 21. BHOWX, JlAXAcr.a. f t ' I I f ! i f IlAtM or Subscription . Dailt On ver,-In aJrance, f7 Co Ml month, iu advance, 3 J TJireo months In adrinca, 2 ID Wikit-One ycir. In aJranct f 2 C3 Six mc-r.ths, . i c) Tbreo tuontii. TiiElate and transient jtaics nun from Orange, Mr. Watson seems to have considered carefully how he can best curtail his political exis tence. Ho has already rendered Its continuance very dubious by his Bill to prevent those .unable to pay taxes from voting,, and by Axis K. K. Arcncity record. , - . : - ' - ' - It was painful to sec thel-wiih I-hadn't-aaid-any thing appearance of the aged but shortlived slzievnan from Orange, Mr. Jones Watsdn; as the able representative from Mitch- ell, Mr.-Bow man; flayed him alive. . For those who know Ihe two men it is enough JLd gay, Mr. Watson made a speech Hi voring Amnesty, and Mr. Bowman followed oppos ing It. v.'. -. -r 1 j ) o t .I'I a e Thcm The Supremo Court in the exer else of its discretion did not impose a ffW of $2,000.00 on each of the persons unlawfully holding pod tions in the State Institutions; bu m a m inoso to wnora salaries ana per diems and mileage was paid since 21st January. 1871, will doubtless be compelled to fork over to those whom the Courts decide were the lawful custodians of these institu tions. "Would not Scare Worth a Cent. The Editor of the Sentinel states that he wrote or inspired the An derson letter merely to scare Sena tor Norwood, but finding that the said Senator would not scare worth a cent, he expresses the utmost con tempt for that venerable gentleman, ' and says : "We wanted the Amnesty bill to pass, and resorted to this means " of obtaining a caucus through Mr. Norwood's fears for the fate of the "Amnesty bill." And this is the party of high morals, and "all the wealth, virtue and intelligence of the State." lVraonal Privilege. Iu the Senat yesterday, Harris, col., protested against the prat-:i-e of the Re porters iu distinguishiiiir his race from the whites in the report. f the Legisla tive proceedings, styling it an invidi ous distinction." TYhcn Harris and his tbeir-clannUhness audita with the white Tterrrrte- uf a- t ' . r the whole peoplo of the South white as well as blck and turn their backs up on the thieving adventurers who have corrupted them and almost ruined the whites, his complaint may be heeded. Sentinel. Which means to say nothing more nor less thau a colored man who adheres to . the Republican party is a " nigger;" but if he vcte the Democratic, Conservative or Liberal ticket he becomes a Mister and a gentleman', and can have jus tice and consideration at tne hands of Democratic and Conservative Editors and Reporters. Only this and nothing more. What a commentary is this con fession of the Sentinel ! Triumph of the Lavft The Supreme Court has decided the cases involving the legality of the Boards of Charitable and Penal Institutions appointed respectively by the Legislature and the Gov ernor. These questions would have been determined last June, but the Leg islative appointees would not allow the cases to go up as long as they could prevent it, hoping that the Legislature would circumvent the Court if the matter should be deter mined during a session of that law less and revolutionary body. It will be seen that the opinion in the leading case, involving the Institution for the Deaf and Dumb' nod tlu Blind, is full and compre hensive, covering all the ground and meeting the evasions sought by the Legislature in letting out by contract positions which the law says must be filled by appointment of the Governor and Senate ; and so goes for naught the present effort of the General Assembly to enlarge the powers of the Board of Public Charities. lt has taken two years to undo trjo mischief of the Legislature of 187l-72 ; but the evil results of that body will be felt in North Carolina for ft Century. .. Governor Caldwell has been fully sustained by the Courts as he was by the people, first in August, 1871, and again in August, 1872, and in pursuit of his duty he will not be trifled with. If these revolutiona ry, unlawful and lawless Boards at tempt longer to hold the places a itsuroinc' Legislature gave them, ..r .in sn hold bv force: and If they apply force they will meet equal force, and if collision and bloodshed be their purpose they will be gratified. At the point to which matters have arrived, the law will be en forced, if the aid of the military power of the United States has to be invoked. Vol. 2. to -hs. IT. C. . L: -"irlitnre. . SENATE, RTXTY-8ECTJXD DAY. Moxdav; Feb.-24t 1873. fVnate met at 10 o'clock. Lieut. Governor In the Chair. ' Journal of yesterday read and ap FcTutirKInjr appeared In his arat t!..t rr'rnlng and was allowed to havei.: name recorded a vot I m? In the negative on certain Constitu tional Amendments, f ; Senator Murray rose to a" Question of personal privilege, and denounc ed the writer of a certain article In th Dally 2,purtorUnjr t havj been written from his county, Ala mance, feigned M., us one of false. malicious and rabricntlous. an1 thought the public should have the writers name. KETOKTS OP - STANDIXU CUMMlTr v jWports from sLatuhng commit tees were piesented by 3IeKsrs. Flemming, Murray, Love, and Todd. BILLS AC. INTRODUCED. Senator Norwood, a bill to organ ize the Fire Department of Wil mington. Referred. Senator Morehead, of Guilford, a bill supplementary and explanatory or all acts of incorporation passed at tne present session or the uenerai Assembly. This bill provides that notmng contained in any act thus passed shall be construed to em power or permit any railroad or other corporation to hold, purchase or convey any real estate exceptingr so mucn as is usual ana necessary to carry on the proper Jpgritimate business of such corporation. That not h ins: in said acts eri vincr exclu sive privilege as to location shall be deemed to apply to mountain traps. to the bridging of rivers or crossing peninsulars or swamps; nor shall anything in said act be construed to relieve any of said corporations from lenger time tnan 20 years, or to empower or permit any of them to trade or tramc in any Kind or prop erty. The bill also limits the pow ers granted Dy any act or this As sembly . incorporating any bank, oan association or insurance com pany, and bills for the relief of guar dians and administrators. Referred. Senator Seymour, a bill in regard to tne fees or the inspectors of tur pentine. Referred. f Senator Flemming, a resolution in favor of J. II. Ennis. Referred. Messrs. Grandy and Love were granted indefinite leave ofnbsence on account of sickness in their fam ilies. Senator Waring was announced as being sick. Rules suspended by unanimous consent and the following bills Bui relating to the Agriculture Society composed of the counties of Catawba, Caldwell, Burke and Alexander ; Bill in relation to the sale of town lots of Washington ; Bill allowing any five county commissioners to declare streams lawful fences under certain circum stances; Bill to prevent tho obstruction of natural water courses by felling of trees or otherwise. The following bills were tabled. Bill amending an act concerning corporations ; Bill repealing an act to construct a railroad from Salisbury to Geor gia ; and tho Bill defining the duties of Judges of Superior Courts in certain cases. SPECIAL ORDER. Bill declaring what portion of the debt of North Carolina valid and to pay off the same was taken up, when Senator Welch spoke at some length advocating that something should be done now, and went into a detailed account of the status of North Carolina. Senator Cunningham thought it would be time enough to act on this subject next November and moved to refer the matter to the committee on State debt. On that motion Senator Welch called the yeas and nays, and the motion prevailed yeas 23, nays 14. CALENDAR. Bill to regulate mortgages by corporations and sales under the same was taken up, and after con siderable discussion, the bill was tabled. Bill in relation to homestead and personal property was tabled. Bill for the prevention of fraud in certain cases was tabled. Bill to extend the time for the registration of grants, deeds, Ac., allows two years passed its several readings. Bill to prevent dams and other obstruction across the French Broad river was tabled. Bill increasing the powers of Jus tices of the Peace was tabled. Bill for the protection of railroads in North Carolina was tabled. Bill repealing an act entitled a bill for the better protection of oysters and terrapins in North Caro lina passed its several readings. B;ll authorizing the imprison ment of persons convicted in the United States Court in the State Penitentiary passed its several read ings. Bill to amend section 2G9, chapter 2, Code Civil Procedure, was tabled. Bill iu relation to bastardy was tibled. Bill to appoiut a commission to investigate frauds in the election held in 1872 was tabled. A substitute for a bill entitled " bastard children " passed its sev eral readings. Mr. Cunningham, by leave, in troduced a bill incorporating the Central Fire Insurance Company of North Carolina. Bill to repeal chapter 133, laws 1871-72, was tabled. Bills in favor of the heirs of Jesse McCoy, deceased, passed its several readings. Bill entitled an act amendatory of an act entitled an act providing for a Board of Public Charities, lc. wa taken uu s The bill provides that there shall be a Hoard or 1'ubiic ciiarilicfl com posed of fifteen male pernon. with powers to sue ana be sued, and fchali nave charge of the Insane Anylum, Institution of the Deaf, Dumb and Blind, and of all charitable and po nai institutions oi wiu maie.j ' Senators Seymour and Harris fa vored the postponement uf the bill for the present.' and characterized the bin as oue to serve party cmi. Senator Allen, Merrlmou and ... , , ... Morehead' of Guilford favored tho bill. . The previous question was called on the passage of the bill Its second reading,-and it passed by a vote of 27 to 13. i - '. . ; On motion of Mr. llorchcad, of Guilford, the bill wan ordered to be printed and uiad? a ievlal order for to-morrow at 1 1 o'clock. Bill concerning fight of way to CiiLj-eheji 4"d. placvo-cf public worship passed its bevral readings. Bill in relation to attorneys at law was tamed. Bill relating to fees of county offi cers passed its several readings. Bill amending an act providing for the proceedings in special cases passed several readings. Bill establishing a hospital for the insane at Charlotte was laid on the table. Bill to regulate the time for the election of Justices of tho Peace, and other township officers, passed second reading and referred to the Judiciary Committee. Bill providing for services of pro cess issuing rrom Courts ox Justices of the Peace in civil causes where ono or more of the defendants may reside out of .the county in which the action is brought. Adjourned. NIGHT SESSION. Senator Morehead, of Guilford, called the Senate to order at 7 o'clock. The Calendar was taken un and the following bills passed their sev eral readings : Bill prohibiting the sale of liquor in the town of Asheville ; Bill to amend chap. 27, Private Laws 1871-'72. and re-enact Private Laws 186-'70, sections 8 and 11 ; Bill to authorize Commissioners of Franklin county to levy a special tax: Bill incorporating the town of Rockingham, in Richmond county. Resolution in favor of Jonas Kline, Sheriff of Catawba county : Resolution in ravor of Arthur Dennis ; Bill to amend the charter of Mon roe, in union county : Bill incorporating the Wilming ton Trust Company and Savings W V.Y'J-UL? K amendments ; ... i H Mil I 1 II W" Bill to amend an act to lncorpo-' rate thy town of Boone, in Watau ga county; Bui incorporating the town oi Stauntonsburg, in Wilson county ; Bill to incorporate the Trustees Colored Education Association of Granville county ; i Bill to incorporate EI Bethel Methodist Episcopal Church South, in the county orcieavcland : Bill to incorporate the town or Huntsville, in the county of Meck lenburg; Bill to incorporate Montana Liodge No. 318, A. t . M., in Stokes county ; Mr. Cowles, by leave, offered a resolution to authorize the En grossing Clerk to employ such as sistance as may be necessary for the remainder of the session. Adopted. Bill to authorize the Commis sioners or jMecKienourg county to sell certain stock: held by said county and for other purposes ; Bill to change tne name oi i? ranK- linsville township in Granville county was tabled ; Bill to incorporate tne trustees Stanley Camp Ground in Gaston county; ; Bill to incorporate tne .cureica Lodge A. Y. M. in Rowan county ; Bill to incorporate tne town oi Bin to incorporate the uieaveiand Lodge, A. Y. M. of Cleaveland county; Bill to incorporate tne .trencH Broad Turnpike Company the line runs from some point in Transyl vania county to South Carolina; Bill to incorporate the N. C. Mica Company of Yancey county ; Bill to empower the Commis sioners of Lenoir county to sell cer tain lands a substitute thereror, making a general law on the sub ject was adopted ; Kesoiution in iavor oi au. v. Bledsoe was tabled ; Bill to incorporate the town oi Locksville in Chatham county was tabled. i . . A message was received from the House transmitting the report oi the committee do investigate the affairs of the Western North Caro lina Railroad Cdmpany, with a pro position to priut. Concurred. - Bill to incorporate the Stowe Falls Manufacturing Company ; Bill to incorporate the Danbury Lodge F. A. M.! of Stokes county ; Bill to incorporate the town of Pineville in the county of Meck lenburg; I Bill to incorporate the White Hill Lodge No. 231 F. A. M. of Moore county; f - - Bill to extend the limits of the town of Wadesboro in Yancey county; ; j Bill to incorporate the Roanoke Iron Company in Northampton county; ...... ; . Bill to amend an act to incorpor ate; the People's Building and Loan Association of Asheville ; Bill to incorporate the Raleigh Bucket Company No. 1 ; Bill to incorporate Cold Spring Church and Bethel Church in the county of Cabarrus ; Bill to cure any irregularities In titles to land In Macon and Clay counties; t Bill to charter the town of Madi son in Rockingham county ; Bill to authorize thecommission- J 11ALEIGII, C, TJIUJIL'DAY, 3IAKCII i, rr of Yadkin county to Ivy a r;x cid tx wtijnd mtJir.jt Bill to !hvr tht rornuiUifncr of Wahli'.rt' . rtmnty to levy a pr lal tax ju:::J ftforul nwlini; Bill to lnf -:rnt the bhuilolte B!thtCht:r. i in Bniniwick cwun ty. tnatilr A t rd nmdinir. Bill toat::.'iurietiuCnmmIsion cn of Choc ui county to !ue bonds. raiiei as t rsj wvond reading. Bill to i "quorate tr, twwn Colcralne i i Bertie county pasHcdl Adjuurneil. ts sevend : 9 " Bill to uhorizo the comrals townof Murfrecboro M oners of t lo levy a . ; ci 1 tax. passed Its second re.: Bill to rt uiate customarv trnn Ir. 0f eLc In Kinnykeo and llattem.? lo . nshlps in tne county or uare i its several readings. ltcsoiutii i to authorize the Au dltorto L-;."iti duplicate warrant or tZSO.OO to LUILUi Murrell.iheil J or onsiow, passed several readings. JieoiuUon In favor or harnucl passed its several readings." Bill to establish a public ferry across the Yadkin river, passed several readings. Bill to incorporate the 'town of Ahboro in Randolph county, pass ed Hverai readings. Bill to amend the charter of the city of - Wilmington in regard to the Fire department passed pccuiid reading, itererred. Adjourned. HOUSE OP REPRESENTATIVES. SIXTV-KECOND DAY. Monday, Feb. 24, 1873. Mr. Hanner was allowed to re cord his -vote in tho affirmative on the Constitutional amendments. ; PETITIONS. . By Mr. " Sneed, a petition from citizens of Granville asking the pas sage of a bill to allow the county of GranviIIe to subscribe to capital stock of Granville Railroad Com pany. By Mr. Brown, of Mecklenburg. from citizens of Mecklenburg, pass ing a law submitting the question of sale of liquor to the people. BILLS. By Mr. Bennett, a bill to amend an act incorporating the Wilming- on real estate and Loan Associa tion : Also a bill to charter theCaro- ina Central Bank : Also, a bill in regard to salary and fees of Supreme Court Clerk, Senate bill to incorporate the Great Western Air Railway, passed several readings. Mr. Darden was granted indefi nite leave of absence on account of sickness. Mr. Dudley introduced a bill to provide four terms of Superior Court for Craven county. A petition ac companied the bill, signed by the Craven Bar. Senate bill to allow Commission ers of Randolph county to levy a On motion of iir. Carter the rules were suspended and House bi II to anuropriate certain lauds to the colored department of the Asylum, for the Deaf, Dumb and Blind, and appropriates $5,000 to erect the nec essary buildings on the land, and was recommitted to Joint Commit tee on the Institution for the Deaf, Dumb and Blind. Mr. Gant rose to a question of privilege and pronounced false a letter in the .Era of Saturday, rela tive an alleged Ku Klux outrage in Alamance county. SPECIAL ORDER. House bill to incorporate the Trans-Montane Railroad Company, being special order, was taken up and postponed until Wednesday next at 11 a. m. The bill to alter the Constitution in regard to County Commissioners was taken up and "failed to pass its first reading yeas 59, nays 46. House bill to alter the Constitu tion so as to abolish townships, was taken up and failed to pass first reading yeas 60 nays 42. Mr. Gorman protested against the unnecessary consumption of time by considering these bills to amend the Constitution, it being well known that none of them could pass, similar bills having failed to pass in the Senate, House bill to alter the Constitu tion in relation to pay of members of the General Assembly, failed to pass first reading yeas 77 nays 27. Mr. Guyther moved to reconsider the vote whereby the bill failed to pass first reading, and moved to make the motion to reconsider spe cial order for to-morrow at 11 a. in. Mr. Dudley moved to lay the mo tion to reconsider on the table. Lost. Mr. Dudley moved to indefinitely postpone the motion to make spe cial order. LrOSt. The bill to allow a special tax in Camden county, passed its second reading yeas 99. On motion or Mr. mcnardson, tne bill to change the line between the counties of Columbus and Bladen was taken up and passed its several readings. . . The bill to require tne state Au ditor to give bond in the sum or $20,000, was taken up and passed its several readings. . The bill to allow a special tax in Pitt county passed second reading -yeas90. ' .,.,' On motion oi-ftir. nrown, oijucck.- lenburg.the bill to alter the Con stitution in regard to the Judicial power, was taken up and railed to pass its nrsi reauing yrua uo nays 46. , The motion to postpone and make special order, prevailed. House bill to alter the Court In relation to public schools and pub lie Institutions, failed to pass first readings-yeas 00 nays 43. House bill to alter tne uonstitu- tion relative to the Judiciary and Judiciary Districts, failed to passed first reading yeas 59 nays 41. House bill to authorize Commis sioners of Hertford county to levy a special tax, passed second reading yeas 99. Senate bill to incorporate tne Mechanics Bank of Fayettevllle, passed several readings. J 1 1 :r. i: I a in ?in f llr. rsttl lluw tlhoriztf tlte Auditor anil bin t , t'tvri : t U r.. I" ::r. t mtt.loy at! titiorul jrtv. nn tak n v;s and tmd and third mtdui;:. . illiatiiMtti prewntiMl a to tlilua prtitr- .cm iiuzt-ns or trankun S nalnt iMKtgeof a law j n):i;.-.;iii; -n- the sale vt Ihiuor In cr that toxrn. I SENATE. KirrY-Tiimn iay. , Ttehday, Feb, 5, 1873. Sen :A a called to order at 10 o'clock by Lieut. Governor Brogden. Joun al of yesterday read and ap prove rETITIOXS. Senator Flemming, a petition from citizens of McDowell county fn rr"-ml to tho Marlon and Mo DowtT.Jrurnpl Company. Filed witlf bill relating to the same. Senator Dunham, on account of absence, was allowed to regard his name In the negative on the reso lution relieving the disabilities of Gov. Ilolden. Senator Seymour was allowed to record his name In the allirmative, iron i the same reason. REPORTS. Reports from standing commit tees were u omitted by Messrs, Cunningham, Love, A vera, Welch Murray, Seymour, Murphy,' tern ming and Morehead of Rocking ham. BILLS INTRODUCED. Senator Troy a bill to incorporate the Cumberland Savings 13a nk Referred. Senator Harris rose to a question of personal privilege in regard to au erroneous report of his remarks in thfe JSetvs on the resolution re lieving the disabilities of Governor Ilolden. That paper made him say that Mr. Pool advised Governor Holden to arrest and loose promi nent citizens, &c., which was the very obDosite of what he did sav. He also adverted to the invidious distinction of Senators that the Aews and Sentinel were in the habit of making, &C CALENDAR. Bill providing for the biennial election of officers of Hhe General Assembly and prescribing their du ties, was tafcen up and referred to the committee on propositions and grievances. ,Bill amending au act in relation to laying otf the personal property exemption. The amendment pro vides that. when any person has had his homestead laid offin accordance with the present exemption act, the said homestead shall not thereafter be vacated .seaside or again laid off by any"-Njdgment creditors. for whomr alUbe made, ex4 - of hfr A 111? Ull con by iL Norwood, Todd, Flemming, Hams, Love, Respess, Merrimon ami Ellis of Columbus. Senator Merrimon moved that the bill be indefinitely postponed. Lost. Several amendments were offered and ere lost and the previous question ordered when the bill passed its second reading by a vofe of22to21. The bill then passed its third reading by 23 yeas to 18 nays. SPECIAL ORDER. The bill to carry into effect the provisions of an act incorporating the Marion and Asheville Turnpike Company was,-taken up on its third reading. This bill provides that the Treas urer shall pay .out of t lie general fund of the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, all such sums of money as may be due and owing upon warrants heretofore issued for work done on this road under pro visions of said act ; and authorizes the completion of said road. This bill was discussed at some, length by Senators Merrimon, Gudger, . Flemming, Norwood and Sevmour in favpr of the bill, and Senators Morehead of Guilford and King in opposition to it. Several amendments were adopt ed when the bill passed its third reading by a vote ot"23 to 15. Senator Worthy by leave, offered a resolution autnorizing me ji.ii- grossing Clerks of the two Houses to employ clerical assistance pro viding that the i compensation of such labor shall not exceed three dollars per day. i: Adopted. ! Senator Powell, ; a resolution re quiring the Clerk to read the reso lution -adopted; on saiuruay last every morning for the information of the Senators in regard to the time allowed the members to speak on any subject. Senator Hemming, a hill to se cure the rights of the State &c. in the Western N. C. Railroad. Re ferred. Adjourned. ' EVENING SESSION. ' . Lieut. Governor Brogden called the Senate to prder at 7 o'clock. Unfinished business of last night taken up, it being the bill to amend the charte- of the city of Wilming ton, and on motion it was rererred to the Committee on Corporations. : . . 'calendar. - - Resolution in favor of II. Adams, late Auditor, was tabled. : Bill to amend an act incorpora ting the Wilmington and Wrights ville Turnpike Company was ta bled. J The following bills, and resolu tions passed their several readings: Bill incorporating Lanefield Academy in Duplin county ; Bill to incorporate the town of Duplin Road in Duplin county; ; Bill to incorporate the Cranberry Iron and Coal Company ; - Bill to organize the Fire Depart ment "of the city of Wilmington was taken up, when , Senator Mabson opposed the pas sage of the bill in a forcible and able manner, stating that it did not meet the wants of the tax-payers 1T;. mmsmmim a k tlnnt t4XtUtuu n f t. t Hy. Taet Ulin hi 1 Ihry wrr tat f. rUi tad Jatt tw f fi frl f t th IVifiiniltbv lVfpf.!ir. Hi f !ur4ctcm;s tht M) . rtftt ne ttatt a tmntftMi utA did not rsi's t th Uiw of Urn ttle of Wilmington, and- he Ik td It would not u. 5lr.r4ymourfiuml the Mil and thought it would U ttnfomtifuUotx at for It to vw. Inasmuch at It rre atrd new tifUetns &f. Mew.rs. Norwood and Merrlnion explained the features of the bill and favored Iti paage. On motion or Mr, Monhead of Guilford, thli bill va- also nf rml to the Committee on exonerations. A message was mvlved from the I lou.o Informing the Senate that tlutt body had passed a reolutlon In relation to the centennial cele bration to be held at Philadelphia on the 4th of July, 1870, and co- operating witn Hie designs and lans laid out for the wme. 31r. Welch thought'this u move 1J'.i.?.".- .nA.'. h"I no opposition would be shown to this resolution. The resolution was then adopted. Bill to amend an act to establish a turnpike from the town of States- vine, in Iredell county, to the town of Mount . Airy, In Surry county. passed several readings. mil to empower the Commis- siiuier.s of Mecklenburg county to sell the jail lot ad nurchaso a new site passed its second reading. I Bill to authorize the commission ers of Franklin county to levy a special tax passed its second read ing. A message wTas received from the House transmitting sundry bills which had passed that body which were referred or otherwise dis posed of. Bill to incorporate the North Carolina Classes ot the Reformed Church passed its several readings. Adjourned. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. SIXTY:TIIIRD DAY. Tuesday, Feb. 25, 1873. Mr. Bennett, from the Select Committee to which was referred the Anderson-Norwood letter, sub mitted the following report : The Committee appointed by the House to investigate the matter of the letter written by J. S. Ander son, a member o? the House of Rep resentatives, to J. W. Norwood. Senator, report as follows : The Committee have examind Mr. An derson, and his evidence together with that of House is he the action of seen by the testimony adduced that he letter in question was sketched oy Mr. Josiah Turner, at the. in stance of Mr. Anderson, and re written with nossibl v a verbal. amendment by Mr- Anderson.. .Xfuiz ton wrtftcg"ivr7 i '. U' Norwood by writing the letter, and that he reallv did not know that the contract already made in refer ence to the public printing was pro tected by safeguards of the Consti tion of the U. S. In his anxiety to serve Mr. Turner in this case, he has exceeded the hounds of sound discretion, and put himself, to say the least of it, in a very aw kward position. We recommend that the House judge him with as much le niency as is deemed consistent with the facts submitted.. Bennett, for Com. BILLS. By Mr. Seott. a bill in relation to the .town of Trenton. By Mr. Bryson, of Swain, a bill to amend the charter of the West ern Division of the W. N. C. Rail road. By Mr. Maxwell, a bill to prohibit the sale of liquor near Churches in Sampson county. On motion of Mr. Dudley the bill giving Craven County four terms of the Superior Court, was taken up and passed several readings. By Mr. Norment, a bill to allow the Commissioners of the town of Lumberton to sell real estate for taxes. ' By Mr. Bryson a bill to allow Commissioners of Johnston county to levy special tax. By Mr. Lloyd, a bill in reference to the inspection of tar iu New Hanover county. SPECIAL ORDER. Senate bill for Amnesty 'and Par don come up as special order. Mr. Brown, "of - Davidson, moved to lay the bill on the table. The motion was lost by the; following i vote : ! Yeas Messrs. Abbott, Badger, Bean, Blythe, Bowe, Bowman,! Brown of Davidson, Bryant of Pitt, j Bryant of Halifax, Bryan of Wilkes, ! Bryan of Alleghany, Brooks, Carson, Copeland, Corson, Davis, Dudley, Dula, .Ellison, r ietcher, Foster, Godfrey, Gorman, Goodwyu, Gray, Guy ther, Hampton, Hughes, Jones ot Camden, Jones of Northampton, Jordan, lvmg, Lloyd, LiUtterioh, Marler, McLaurin, Miller, Patrick, Paschall. Perry of Bladen, Perry of Wake, Reid of -Randolph, --Rhodes, Scott, Sharp, Snced, Trivett, Wins- low,' Williamson, Wheeler" and Whisnant 52. Na YS-i Messrs. Anderson of Clay, Ballard, Bennett, Black well, Brown of Mecklenburg, Bryson of Jackson, Bryson of Swain, Bryau of Samp son, Bui lard, Byrd, Carter, Dickey, Freeman, Gant, Gidney, Gilmer, Grady, Gudger, Hanner, Haynes, Houston, Johnston, Jones of Cald well, Jones of Orange, Jones of Tyr rell, Joyner, Johns, Lindsay, Luckey, Maxwell, McGehee, Mc Neill, Mitchell, Monng, Mizzell, Morrison, Norment, Outlaw, Pres- son, Reid of Mecklenburg, Richard son, Kettle, Shaw, 'Shinn of Iredell. Shinn of Cabarrus, Shackelford, Stanford,. Stowe, Todd, Turner, Warlick; Waddill, WTatsoii, Waugh, Webb, Wiley, Whitmireand Wood- house o7. Mr. Badger offered tlTe following proviso: Provided, That nothing herein contained shall extend to pardon Other members Of thO neritv of the fctntn tht futnw. r..M. sinnors nl f!nmrtpn Arinnrv tn Ipvv n. . rewitli submitted 1 tKinl your body. It will be vofft for this hill. roartintr- . 1 ' tii- trjtfi, muytUttr brrt h, rn nothing lit-rrin rmtih:l nAlu . t(:.d 1 1 p.trl ti ny f rm r r mm ZMti Immii indtitfocfit 1.4 e is-ti ijnl. Mr, 5l4r Ur rmt4 itH istnst-hiitl tmiy uVtrVh uil tlwrj-h tie uihktu to tw in opj iti.m t his arty. JlethiKigttt the provision of the hill a they tand, were tuonstnu4,and In his opinion, of. rem! a premium for crime. He did Impugn the motives of those who gave the bill their support, hut as lor himself, hi conscience and con victions of duty to Ids constituents would not allow him to vote for It. Mr. Bryan, of Alleghany, thought It unbound policy to pass the bill. Such legislation would not add to pence ami prosperity of the State. ir. waoon urged the passage of hii1"-'r..V'. 5ih2'J' "?f r Is not extendtnl to the fortv thou sand Ku Klux in this State, that these men will go over to the xtepuoiican party In order that they niigiii receive mat mercy. Mr. Morrison said the bill had been robbed of one of Its bests fea tures by having been made a parti san measure. lie would vote for the bill as a matter of right, and with a clear conscience. He be lieved theLeague laid the ee-jr that hatched the Ku Klux. The reason why the League ask not for pardon is because' the administration at Washington protect members of the League. Partisan administration of justice in this State igreated out rages. Mr. Dudley moved to strikeout the words "Union League and Heroes of America." Mr. Dudley said that tho teach- special tax, passed third reading, ings of the League were to protect A resolution in favor of A. M. this government from foreign ene- Lewis, Jr., was introduced by Mr. mies and domestic foes. If any McGehee and referred to an appro member of the League, had com- priate Committee. . . mitted any crime, let him suffer House bill to amend the charter the penalty of that the law im noses of the Halifax and Scotland Neck for such an offence. The passage of mis win win iuni loose upon tne people ot the State all the cut throats who have murdered and outraged the people of this State. Oruilty parties are now no doubt lurking in the bushes praying for the passage of this bill. Men high in society are no doubt praying for the passage of this bill. I am will ing to go on record against pardon ing these- infamous scoundrels who Mr. Tri vett Said he had never be longed to"any-4 secret' organiiiation. Those nienwho have .committed murder at the '-. instance of these or- courage cr in the bud. Members whoudvot?? the passage - of this bill are iu the position of defending the midnight assassins whose hands are now drip ping with the innocent biood of many of our best citizens. I do hope, in the interest of Christianity, that this bill will not- pass. Mr. Bowman said that a feeling had been exhibited in .this discus sion that tended to revive and re kindle that bitterness among our people whii-h has disgraced North Carolina. 1 had hoped the friends of this bill would let it go by de fault. It is dangerous to ihe peace and prosperity ot theState,and dan gerous to public liberty. It is a novelty in legislation. It is a pro position to strike from the statute books, laws which will bring mur derers to justice. The criminal laws seek to reform and also to prevent by a dreadful example that others may not commit like offenses. All law writers say that crime is prevented by the certainty and not the severi ty of punishment. The Speaker read the Amnesty Act of 178(1, and called attention to the proviso that nothing tin rt-in contained should be construed to pardon any pers n or persons of -deliberate and wilful murder. If gentlemen desire to follow this precedent, let them vote for the proviso offeree l by Mr. Badger, i Who are the classes to be benefitted by this act? The gen tleman from Orange (Mr. Watson) says there are ioriy mousand ujmo cratic voters of this State' wIk are guilty, of these crimes; and that two "hundred, and. fifty thousand men, women and children all in terested, in the passage of this hill. I do not believe it. I think there are only a few who are guilty of these heinous and diabolical crimes. The speaker read the bill of indict ment heretofore published in the Ura of .Alamance county, against the murderers of Wyatt-i Outlaw. Iain told; that the. officers of the law are upon the tracks of these murderers. Is impossible that we are called uon" to step in and stay the nanus or justice oy passing this bill? Thepeakeralluded to the mur der of Outlaw on the Court House green in Graham. The pardon of the men who committed this mur der is giving encouragement to crime. The speaker also alluded to the murder of John W. Stephens, of Caswell, and said that a Thug murder of India was not to be com pared with this murder in the temple of justice. The speaker gave the history, of the murder of Stephens as follows: While a Dem ocratic meeting was going on up stairs in the Court House at Yan ceyville, that a man approached Stephens with a smile and asked him to go lielow with him. "Ste phens went with hini totheClerk's I room. hen they got into that j room, the d;r was locked and a rope was thrown on the head of Stephens, and he was told he had lo die or leave tne county. te phens was struck with horror. He refused to leave. lie was then taken to the window of the room to get one more glance-Kt his home and -his little children playing In front of his house. There were nflJfl flpjitmvwi tin luui'ii .ini i.ri- I SptifltA hill trt nllnw Tho IVimmii. i gan izath4f-s-asa erj - t f 61 t t 1 t. i Us t. t ,n Ut t: r? k". I I t k ; s as I 'i I : I t '1 zr In . tf'l rtl to ' p t a f5i V.U tt it t ii4U U tf.t t ' '"! I a m t.f ih tr-t$ rut V J iuLtr v U 1 1 . . hi, (r, I ak thepn ! 4 ihl 1 1.' not til s BTm9 Nurtli 4trtUn by vImuui ' ' a &4tute at this uj-k our Mr. Houston tnovnt totwmfnona the rurttH rrinidrratlon of the bill until to-morruw.it 12 m. AdjniriUHl. i!' KIUItTSEsaiON. , Ill 1 TAllllotAII a kn 1..tt. relative to the celebration of tho centennial anniversary of tho Meck lenburg Independence, on 20th of May, 1875, which! was adopted. By Mr. Luckey, a resolution rela tive to the appil-lnttio17nrtedr SW C Uu' 'urt l the Henry Clews. Sibley and others. against the Eastern. Division of tho Western N. C. Railroad. By Mr. Bennett, I a resolution-In relation td the celebration of tho Centennial Anniversary of tho Un ion, on the 4th July 1876, at Phila delphia, which was;adopted. The amnesty bill was post oned until to-morrow at 11 a. m. I i SPECIAL ORDER. House bill to Incorporate' the Cincinnati and Great Western Rail way, passed its second reading. CALENDAR. The Calendar wap placed at the disposal of the Speaker, and the following bills were! disposed, of : House bill to allow Commission ers of Hertford countv to lew a Railroad Company, passed its third reauing. House bill to authorize Granville county to subscribe!, to the capital stock of the Granville Railroad Company, passed its 2nd reading. House bill to authorize the Com missioners of Pitt (county to levy a special tax, passed! third reading. Senate bill to change the line be tween Bladen and Columbus coun ties, passed third reaidlng. Senate bill tof allow the Commis sioners of Beanfort county to levy a special tax, passed third reading. . Senate bill to revive an act to In- yporata. the.; Bank of . , Raleigh, third reading?. aetvw-mrrraiiawH ine several counties to draw $100 a year for maintaining idiots! and lunatics,, who are refused admission to the two Lunatic Asylurns.J ' ' Messrs. Dula, Rhodes and Ben nett supported the bill. Messrs. Gudger ahd Guyther op posed the bill, i . On motion of Mri Lloyd the bill was indefinitely postponed. House bill to amend the charter of the Western Division of the W. N. C. R. R. Company, so as to al low the Company toiwork the Pen itentiary convicts, passed second reading. t The resolution introduced by Mr. Luckey, relative tothe appeal in the case of Henry Clews, Sibley and others, against the Western Divi sion of the W. N"C. Railroad, pass ed second reading. Adjourned. Farm-Yard Scraps. i f Athol, Mass., gives a premium of $25 for the best tjpeeimen'of durning" at die next cattle shbw. i : Pheasants, strawberries nnd green peas are the correct things t order for . a "lunch party" tn New York, juat. now. . , , . Here is the experience of a Rutland, (Vermont) man on a (single bear tran saction : He sold the hide for $20, tha'. meat for f 30, the bounty was $15, and tne grease brought the proceeds up to two. And this w.ui a private bear raised I y the enterprising yeoman. Turpentine hacks. The Faycttevillo JJarflc Bays : Mr. Walter Watson, of this town, is now making about 200 turpen tine hacks daily for", which he finds ready sale. Mr. Watson manufactures . superior hack and Lis brand has gained ' notoriety throughout the South, ; uy- The Western fanners alire to their In terests: : The farmers of Kane county,! III., held a mass meeting at Seneca, n the 22d inst., to take action in seeuring legislation to protect producers against railway extortions ; also, to organize for the purpose of clubbing together and buying direct of the manui:icturors nf implements and wholesale dealers in groceries. Wild geese in Cumberland.' The Eagle says: Several large flocks of wild geese have been seeii passing to the south ward within the f ast few days. . This is an indication that there is ex tremely cold weather in' the north. Some expert marksman , killed . the leader of one of these Hocks, and tho balance of them are still wandering in , the same vicinity near tho Cape Fear Hiver supposed to bo in search of their leader. ' .j ,-.'. We see that the women in Ohio form clubs and meet at each other's houses to discuss practical questions applicable to farm life. Somo of theso questions are, the best way of making and baking bread ; cake In all its varieties ; how to clean a house with the least confusion, least destruction to property, and the greatest expedition; how cows should be fed and watered, and how to take care of the milk and make the best but- . ter; the best way to can fruit; pastry and making pies, Ac, Ac. Let the womer, of North Carolina do likowise. 1 1 i M