North State Life Insurance Compa ny, passed several reaaings. Senate bill to Incorporate the Roanoke Iron Company, passed several readings. Senate bill to promote stock rais ins passed several readings, Senate bill to repeal an act incor porating Cape tear liulldlnjj Asso ciation, was lald.on the table. Senate bH relative to the sale of liquor to. t.lnors, passed Its second muling and was laid on the table. Senate resolution that Secretary 01 State te auxnonzea 10 issue a irrant to Samuel McCabe was adopted. . Senate bill for Amnesty and Par don, was taken up. Mr. McNeill offered an amend nient Ihnt the previsions of the bill shall not apply to K?rsons who have embezzled money irom railroad coimanies. which was adopted. Mr. Urown, CT Mecklenburg, offered, the following amendment, which was adopted : and amended so that the Register I land, L. M. McCorkle and V. Mc or ueeds shall be entitled to fifteen Donnell be appointed commission cent for each return made bv anv I prs tn confer with thn commission merchant to be paid by theeoun- ers to be appointed by the U. S. i.v. fv viti i 11 mt" hi lfrnr omrinsi. i sB i t- -v wrwirswr Hu nts were adopted, when the bill cerning the sale of the road. ent Institutions of the State under W l-TTTTTT V T7TV A a recent decision or tne aupreuie ? jl .jl. Court, and the Reporter had to re- ' - .. tire.i i : i '.::." .THURSDAY,' MAKCH Ql 1873. passed as amended. liill to make "an appropriation of a certain lot in the city of Raleigh belonging to the State, and $5,000. for an institution for the Deaf and Dumb and the Blind, for the color ed people of the State, was taken Up. . " v" " After considerable debate which St i a- Til . M- Si. i1 . nut r utict: win iiul iM-runi in a. no tice passed its third reading by a vote of 2) to 9. Mr. Harris moved to reconsider the vote and to lay that motion on the table. Adopted. Resolution in favor of J. M. Young, Sheriff of Buncombe coun ty, and John Bowles, of Catawba .county, failed on its third reading oy a vote or into I o. Bill to prevent the destruction of Lost. Bill passed its second reading. Mr. Cowles moved as an amend ment, that; the committee shall sell the road for enough to defray all expenses incurred in thcsale thereof. -i v Bill passed its third reading by a vote of 26 a vps to 9 nays. 4 Bill amending the charter of the town of Dallas. Passed. Resolution in favor of Samuel Rives, Jr., and others, for the ap prehension of one Ketchy. Passed. . Irocidetl. That all pen-onaNvho fish passiner un Roanoke river, pass- - . . I " . were not personally present at and eu severatreadings. actually particijjating in the crimes of wilful murder, arson, and bur glary ; or who were not present at and did not assent to the decree or or order for the tame, shall have the benefit of this act." An amendment offered by Mr. Trivett that the provisions of tho Lill shall not extend to larceny and robbery, was adopted. The "bill passed second reading yeas 61 nays 48. - , Mr. Abbott movtd to reconsider the bill pa-sed Resolution to provide for a casual deficit In the Treasury authorizes the Treasurer to borrow a sum of money not to exceed $140,000.00 at not over eight per cent, interest, parsed its several readings. Bill for the benefit of the N. C. Institution of the Deaf, Dumb and Blind authorizes the Treasurer to HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. 8IXTY-SIXTII DAY. Saturday, Feb. 28, 1873. House bill to allow Commission ers of Orange county to levy special tax, passed second. reading. . 3Ir. Perry of Bladen, introduced a Din to prohibit sale or liquor to nrsA fo the mv nr tho a iviitr i nnra I , ' .. I , ... mraaagt) was received ironi me '-t NIGHT SE33IONV Senate called to order at 7 o'clock; lileut. Ciovernor In the Chair. 4 Dill to prohibit the sale of spirit uous liquors within three, miles of Murfreesboro. Passed. - t " Bill establishing a house of correc tions in the county of New-Hanover. Passed. ; ; 1 -: - , - An act re-enacting an act incor porating the Granville Railroad Company. Passed. - . Resolution in favor of the Princi pal Clerks of the two Houses. Passed. : - s Bill providing for additional cler ical force in the Auditor's office--giving him $50 per month to em ploy an additional clerk. Passed 22 ayes, 16 nays. - - ' - - The consideration of this question occupied two hours, a number of the Conservatives opposing the in- A Boy llanos Himself.- - "We are informed that a bright and sensible boy named : llalbrooks hung bliiiself near Trap Hill in Wilkes county the other day. Cause of suicide un known. , He was aged about 12 or 14 years old and the son of John W. Hal. brooks. . ..: ' Cbapped Handi, face, rough skin, pimples, ringworn, salt-rheum, fe other cutaneous affections cured, and the skin made soft and smooth, by us'ine the - Juniper Tar Soap, made by Caswell, Hazard fc Co.; New York. Be certain to get the Juniper Tar Soap, as there are many worthless imitations made with common tar. : . 93 I2w. NEW AD VERTISE3IEXTS. pay 515,000.00 for thesupfort of that lnsti injrs. Institution, passed its several read- vote, whereby t hi rtl" reading. -Adjourned. ; SENATE. SIXTY-SIXTH DAY. Friday, Feb. 2S, 1873. Senate met at 10 o'clock. Lieut. Governor in the Chair. Reading of the journal dispensed with. - Senator Norwood gave notice that he wouM introduce a resolution to the elTW-t that the two Houses go into Kxreutive session to-morrow at 12 in., in order to consider the message from the Governor trans mitting his nominations for the of ticcs of. the different Institutions under the recent decision of the Su preme Court. Senator Rcspes3, Senator from the Second District, tendered his resignation in consequence of bein an ofiicer of the United States. An address was read to the Sen ato bidding t farewell to the Sena tors, and expressing his apprecia tion of the courtesy with which he had been treated, c. Under suspension of the rules the bill authorizing the Commissioners of the town of Mil ton to issue bonds passed its third reading. Senator Troy introduced a resolu tion to reoeal an act to exchange tho stocks of the State for which bonds have been purchased and for other purposes. Made special or der for a o'cIock lo-nigiu. Under suspension of the rules, the bill appointing a time ior suomit Rill tbehansrethe time of holdiner the Superior Courts in the 10th Ju dicial District passed its seversil reixdings. Bill in reference to statute of lim itations passed several readings. JUr. Troy introduced a bill in re lation to the Penitentiary. Calen dar. Mr. Murphy, a bill to repeal cer tain parts of chapter 170 laws 18C8-'G9. Calendar. Adjourned. tinn- the orooosed Constitutional Amendments totheiplefor their fiction or reieci.oa jiased its sAvrui readings. Senator Humphrey introduced a resolution in relation to the Vienna PThihition. Adopted under the ruins. i Knutnr Powell two bills, one to incorporate the Lock vi lie Locomo tim nil t!ar Comiuiuy. the other to incorporate the Haw River Iron Company Calendar. A number of reiorts were sub mittted by standing commutes. a iripssaire was rceived from the iinnw frrowinittinir a number of liilla am l n-solutious. referred or otherwise disiosed of. The Amnesty bill was taken up and Mr. Seymour moved an amend ment to the House amendment de claring that the provisions of this ..t'choil nntnnnlv to any member ..r tlwi Union Iairues. Heroes of America and Red Strings. After considerable skirmishing, the bill and amendments wero re ferred to the judiciary committee with instructions to report back to- dav. ". . : SPECIAL ORDER. Th bill in relation to the Ma rion and Asheville Turnpike Com jany was taken up and failed to pass by a vote of 18 to 24. Mr. King moved to reconsider the vote and lay that motion on the table. Adopted. The report of the Conference Committee on the prohibition li quor law was considered, and the various amendments in regard to different localities was concurred in. Mr. cowles introduced a resolu tion in regard to an error that ap pears in the school bill-providing lor its correction. AMNESTY BILL The bill was again taken up, when Mr. Seymour amendment failed by the following vote : yEASMessrs. Chamberlain, Cra mer, Ellis of Catawba, Ep pes, Har ris, Hill, Holloman, Hyman, King, Long, Mabson, McCabe, McCotter, Seymour, Smith, Troy, and tal ker. 17. . -,. Kays Messrs. Allen, Barnhardt, Cowles, Cunningham, Davis, Dun ham, Ellis of Columbus, Flemming, Gudger, Love, ilcCauley, Merri mon, Morehead of Rockingham, Morehead of Guilford, Murphy, Murray, Nicholson, Norwood, Row ell, Price, Scott, Tod J, Waring, and Welch. 21. . House amendments were con curred in. ' A message wa3 received from the Supreme Court transmitting an opinion of Judge Rodman concern ing services rendered by Judge Henry. Recommending that he be paid $&0 for holding certain courts. Mr. Merrimon offered a resolution that the same be paid. Adopted. Under a suspension of the rules, . v 1 1 , n s-1 i Ann tnt'inrv t tne uiii uiiicJiiiii on uu and constructing a public highway in the counties of Burke and Mitch ell passed its several readings. Bill concerning the working "of the Penitentiary convicts upon the Western Division of the Western N. C. Railroad passed its second readings. , ' . , ' Bill amending. tho school .act passed its several readings. Resolution concerning the distri bution of the laws of 18C3-'t59 was adopted. - ' , ' - ' Senator Murray introduced a res olution appointing Dr. W. R.Sharne of i Davie cwunty and Capt. C. B. Deajon of Chatham, members of tbe Board of Public Charities. Adopted. REVENUE BILL. The Revenue bill was taken up minors. By-Mr. Wheeler, a bill in favor of Mr. Masten, late Sheriff of For sythe county. . . The rules were suspended and the bill passed its several readings. The 'House refused to take up and consider the Militia bill. Senate 'bill to incorporate town of Glcraine; passed several readings. Senate bill to allow Commissoners of Franklin county to levy aspecial tax, passed second reading yeas Stf-nays' a C " " . - The bill to allow a special tax in Cumberland county passed its third reading yeas 85 rlhe bill to authorize magistrates to deputize persons to serve sum mons in civil cases passed its several readings after being so amended as to confine its operations to the county of Orange. The bill to allow the Commis sionersof the town of Chapel Hill to collect arears of taxes, passed its several readings. The biii to prevent the sale of liquor in the town of Murfreesboro, passed several readings. The resolution in reference to the Pnhlin Pri ntpr wns fnkpn un nnrl Hickory adopted." I ne bill to amend the act concern ing inspectors in the city of Wil mington, was taken up and passed its second reading. Mr. Lindsay was granted indefi nite leave of absence on account ol sickness. House bill for tho relief of the people of Forsythe county in refer ence to the Northwestern N. C. Railroad, was taken. Considerable debate ensued, and the bill was laid on.thetabh?. Messrs. Bennett and Luckey op posed the bill. ; Mr. Wheeler made a speech in favor of the bill which we will gladly publish if he will write it out. ; Resolution in favor of J. L. Henry, authorizing the Auditor to issue a warrant for $350 to that offi cer for holding Courts of Oyer and Terminer, was postponed until next meeting of the General Assembly. Adjourned. House transmitting the bill incor porating the Cincinnati and Great Western Railroad, with the amend ment on the part, of the House of the change of the names as adopted by the Senate. , The , 'House pre sented the names of Messrs. Tod R. Caldwell, George Davis, M. E. Man ley, J. H. Wilson and W. L. Steele as Commissioners to confer with others for the purchase and comple tion, of the Western North Carolina xuinroau. Senate concurred in House amend ment by a vo e of 36 to 6. Bill to incorporate the Haw River Iron Company. Passed. Bill to incorporate the Lockville Locomotive and Car Company. Passed. House resolution relieving T. F. Lee, Sheriff of Wake, he having settled with the Treasurer. 1'assed. Returned from Arkansas. Another one. He went to Arkansas three years ago, he and his wife, and they got off the cars last night, going back home, six miles from Company J Shops,, with three children, two of them twins, ! and they all had the chills mighty bad. Between the chills and the children they couldn't stand Arkan sas.' He said he made as much coin as he wanted oat there but could only sell it for 25 cents a bushel. Now see what they made s J ust been gone three years and brought back three children and their clothes full of chills ! EVENING SESSION. Lieut. Governor Brosrden called the Senate to order at 7 o'clock. I he following bills passed third readings: Bill to re-charter tho Nut Turnpike Company. Hill to repeal chapter j, laws of 1SCS-'G9. Senator Waring, Chairman of the Committee appointed to negotiate with the Messrs. Coleman Brothera in regard to their relinquishing the Penitentiary contract, submitted an elaborate report, stating that the Messrs. Coleman would surrender the contract upon the payment of $35,000. Report adopted by a vote orrd to 8. Senator Waring introduced a bill authorizing the State Treasurer to pay the Messrs. Coleman Brothers, for rescinding the Penitentiary con tract, $35,000, according to there port of the Committee. Senator W. supported his bill in an earnest manner, stating that the State could save thereby more than $200,000 the work could be done by the convicts at a nominal cost.. Senator Welch opposed the meas ure, as he thought the contract it self was a fraud and should not be recognized. Senator Gudger could not favor the bill, as the State Treasury could not stand such a tax upon it. Senator Morehead, of Guilfordj thought this the easiest-way of get ting out of the dilemma. The Leg islature had recognized the contract as good, and it was too late now to declare otherwise. He thought 53o, 000 a cheap release to the State. Senator LI lis, of Columbus, en dorsed the views held by Messrs. Waring and Morehead. This re lease would be a happy one to the State. .Mr. Norwood said there was a time when the State could have gotten rid of this contract but it could not be done now. We were now bound by the contract, and he thought this is a good release. Mr. Troy would vote for this bill with pleasure. The contract would give a proht to the contractors oi more than a quarter million ofiiol lars. The Messrs. Coleman Brothers have a legal right to carry out the contract and to hold the State re sponsible, and he thought. the State would be fortunate to be released at the figures named. , Mr. Welch again argued that he did not believe the State was legally bound to the Messrs. Coleman Brothers. Mr. Merrimon thought the con tract was vnlid, and could not be undone except in the manner pro posed. Air. worm said tne state was firmly bound, and it was only a question as to whether we would repudiate to refuse to negotiate or to carry on the contract would be one branch of repudiation. The bill passed its second reading by a vote of 31 yeas, 7 nays. Bill passed its third reading by a vote of 33 yea3, 6 nays. Messrs. Cowles, Lllis of Catawba, Gudger, Horton, Powell, Seymour and Welch voting in the negative. Bill to repeal chapter 93, public aw l&tL-'iz. passed its several readings. , Bill incorporating the Cincinnati and Great Southern Railway Com- any was considered. Senator Hemming moved to amend by prefixing his bill provid ing five commissioners., to comer with Messrs. Woodfin and Mack Erwin in 'relation to the sale and completion of the Western North Carolina Railroad. 1 Senator Humphrey moved to strike out the names in the bill and insert Messrs. Wm. A. Allen, J. 31. Worth, A. S. Seymour, J. L. Rob- nson and T. A. Jicholson in place of those named by Mr. Flemming. Senator b lemming's amendment was adopted, together witn tne amendment of Mr. Humphrey. benator Lowies offered an amend ment that no sale made under this act shall be binding by the State until such action shall have been submitted to the General Assem bly. This amendment occasioned a de bate, during which Catawba, claimed sented a large number of the private I several readings. stockholders in this road, and he knew they were opposed to the pro posed step he was in favor of let ting the suit take its own course, and not taking such hasty action as now proposed. Messrs. Merrimon and Flemming oppose the amendment. Mr. uowies' amendment laucd by a vote of 15 to nays. ' Mr. Merrimon offered a substitute to the effect that .Messrs. a. ai. Scales, R. F. Arrafieid, M. P. Pen- IIOUSI? OP REPRESENTATIVE. SIXTY-SEVENTH DAY. Saturday, March 1, 1873. kesolution. By Mr. Turner, a resolution of in quiry into the conduct of A. W. Tourgee, Judge of 7th Judicial Dis trict, appointing a Committee look ing to his impeachment. By Mr. Miller, a bill to require a deposit by foreign Insurance Com panies doing business in this State. Referred. House bill to allow Commissioners of Orange county to levy a special tax, passed third reading, yeas 73 House bill to empower tho Com missioners of the town of Milton to issue bonds, passed second read ing. Senate bill to provide for and reg ulate the adoption of minor chil dren, passed second and third read- Railroad Changes and Appoint ', inents. " . ,: . . , , ' Engineer Henry Smith of the Freight train has been appointed a Conductor on the North Carolina Division of the Richmond and Danville Railroad in placeoT William H. Thompson resigned. Mr. Lillingtop from the depot at B urke ville (Va.) reached this city this morn ing and will be assigned as billing clerk at the North Carolina depot. Capt. Sam. Robinson, an old railroad man, but for the last several years in charge of a marble yard in Charlotte, has been ap pointed a conductor on the freight train from Charlotte vice Felix Crutchfield who has received an appointment on the North Western N. C. R. R., and will run from Greensboro to Kernersville. Mr. Peter Adams of Greensboro, now clerk to Maj. Atkinson, the railway and bridge Supervisor, has also been made wood receiver in this Division, and we learn contemplates having the conduc tors to check for wood. The Purest and Sweetest Cod Liver oil is Hazard & Caswell's, made on the sea shore, from fresh, selected livers, by Caswell, Hazard fc Co., New York. It. is absolutely pure and sweet. Patients who have once taken it prefer it to all others. Physicians have decided it superior to any .of the other ous in marKec. aa 12w. XEW ADVERTISEMENTS. fpO CLAIMANTS! Claimants desiring testimony taken in cases (not exceeding $5,000 each) now pending against the United States, for stores or supplies, taken or furnished during the Rebellion, for the use of the Union army, will write to me at once, as 1 am now ready to officiate in that capacity. J. nsnelson, - Special Commissioner, Asheville, N. C. Feb 22 160 w2m NOTICE to Parties of the Name of DALLAS, M'KERROLL, and WILKINSON, u t INSURANCE. ( A STATE INSTITUTION! Safe THE , tuiuciiuufC) Energetic The Guide is published Quarterly. 23 cts. pay for the year, which is not half the cost. Those who, afterwards send money to the amount of One Dol lar ot ' more for Seeds may also order 25 cts. worth extra the price paid for the Guide. The First Number is be u tiful, giving plans for making Rural Homes, Dining: Table Decorations, Window Gardens, and a mass of in formation invaluable to the lover of flowers. 150 pag-es on fine tinted pa per, some 500 Engravings and a superb Color'd Plate and Chromo Cover. The First Edition of 200,000 just prin ted in .English and German. . . JAMES TICK, Rochester N. Y. WILMINGTON, N. C, INSUllANCE COMPANY, m SUCCESS ENCOURAGING. Its Stability Assured . OFFICERS : Dn. A. J. DeROSSET, President. JOIIN W. ATKINSON, Vice President. F. H. CAMERON, Secretary. Dit. E. A. ANDERSON, Medical Director. "TTTANTED, full Particulars of the tt Children or Descendants of , AL EXANDER and WILLIAM DALLAS. DUNCAN M'KERROLL by his Wife Isabella Dallas, and of JOHN WIL KINSON by his Wile Janet Dallas all of whom are entitled to Share in the Succession of the late Peter Dallas, of Glasgow, in Scotland Brother of the above-named who Died, Unmarried and Intestate, on 2d June, 1872. The Parties were all Natives of Islay, in Scotland, and the Families of the three tirst-rfamed are supposed to be in North Carolina, and of John Wilkin son in Canada. Affidavits and Evidence of Pedigree, Authenticated by a British Consul, to be lodged with James Gait, of 98 West Nile Street, Glasgow, Scotland, the Judicial Factor on Mr. Dallas' Estate. December 17, 1872. 27 w3m SENATE. SIXTY-SEVEXTH DAY. Saturday, March 1, 1873. Senate called to order at 10 o'clock by Lieut.-Governor Brogden. - Journal of yesterday read and cor rected. REPORTS. A number of reports from stand ing1 eomniittee.s were submitted. Bill for changing", the time for holding terms of the Superior Courts for the counties of Brunswick and Robeson passed its several readings. Bill to provido for and adopt mi nor children passed its several read ings. r. - Bill for the protection of public highways across the Dismal Swamp Canal passed its several readings. Bill in relation to the Penitentia ry proposes to make the brick at the Penitentiary by convict labor and for oilier work in the construc tion of the building under the su pervision of the Board also pro vides that the guard shalPbe white men. i . Senator Harris opposed the prop osition relative to the jruard, and asked if Senators considered tne Penitentiary guard superior to themselves?" Did they not recog nize colored Senators on this floor as entitled to as much rights as themselves? He did not entertain for ohe moment that the colered and w.hite should eat and sleep to gether simply because they were guard no, more than Senators on this floor." did. He defended the rights of the colored race in an able and argumentative manner and moved to strike that part from the bill relating to the guard. Mr. Waring" opposed it, and after some warm debate it was lost by a vote of 23 to 11. Mr. Morehead of Rockingham moved to amend by adding after the word guard, in the same com pany with the white men." Mr. Waring opposed it on the ground that there was no necessity for two companies. Air. narris inougnc me amenu ment satisfactorily and it was adop ted V '. i The bill 'then passed its third reading. i".' - - Resolution in ! favor of Wm. H: Battle authorizes th3 Treasurer to pay him $1,500 for compiling the fmblic laws, passed its several read ngs. 1 j K --r. . ". - The. Serjate concurred in House amendment to .the bill submitting to the pedple for their ratification or rejection i the Constitutional Amendments proposes that they shall be submitted seriatem. Bill alloU ing the . Commissioners of Hertford "county to levy a spe cial tax parsed its third reading. , Bill authorizing Granville county to subscribeto the capital stock of the Granville Railroad Company not to exceed 1,000 shares, passed its third reading. Resolution : declaratory of the meaning of section 4, of an act passed at this session in favor of Senate bill to establish a turnpike road from Statesville to Mt. Airy, passed several readings. Senate bill to incorporate the Cumberland Savings Bank, passed several readings. Senate bill to repeal chapter 79, laws 1868-'60, passed several read ings. Senate bill to incorporate Spring and Bethel churches in Cabarrus county, passed several readings. Senate bill to amend the charter of the town of Monroe, passed several readings. Senate bill to alio w.Conimissi oners of Franklin county to levy a special tax, passed third reading. Senate hill to amend I he charter town of Beaufort, passed second readings. , ; Senate bill to repeal chapter 03, laws of 1871-'72, passed several readings. Senate bill to authorize Mayor and Commissioners of Fayetteviile to appoint a receiver of railroad taxes, passed several readings. Senate bill to amend sections 31 and 38, so that they shall conform to section 28 of School Bill ratified Feb. 2G, 1873, passed several read ings. A bill declaratory of an act in favor of Timothy F. Lee, sheriff of Wake county, passed several read ings. ; . y The Senate resolution appointing W. R. Sharpe, of Davie, and C. B. Denson. of Chatham, members of! the Board of Charities was taken up and, on motion of Mr. Johnston, referred to the Committee on Prop ositions and Grievances. Senate amendments to House bill to incorporate the Cincinnati and Great 'Western' Railway were con curred in. Adjourned. - Religious-"Notes. : When Madame .Guyon was Imprisoned In the castle of Vincennes, in 1U95, she not only sang, but wrote songs of praise to her God." " It sometimes seemed to me," she said, "as if I were a little bird whom the Lord had placed In a cage, and that I had nothing now to do but sing. . The joy of my heart gave abrightness to the objects around me. The stones of my prison looked In my eyes like rubies. I esteemed them more than all the gaudy brilliancies of a vain world. My heart was full of that joy which thou glvest to them that love thee in the midst of their greatest crosses," a sentiment which she embodied during one of her Im prisonments in a touching little poem," which begins thus : , ; , : "A little bird I am, f , ' '' Shut from the fields of air, , , And in my cage I sit and sing ' ' -' " To Him who placed me there; Well pleased a prisoner to be, ' Because, my God, it please th thee." 1 i . . By Sir Charlotte A Wooly Horse ami Spotted Dog. , A wooly horse made its appearance on tbe streets of Charlotte last Saturday, in tho bands of a countryman who asked one hundred and ten dollars for the animal, lie was a well grown iron gray, five - years old, and had as much pure wool on his back as ever a sheep had at one shearing. A spotted coach dog that knew his master's voice fol lowed his master tbe other day, where his master had no business, and the dog getting shut out went back home, and like a good dog, took bis mistress to the very place that his master was at. j? or about nueen minutes there was music in the air, beside hair pins and other articles, when the mis'iess re turned home accompanied by master and dog, and though he still thinks that dog the "smartest one in town," he thinks his only fault is to . run about" too much, and whenever he goes out now, you bcl that dog is chained at homo! Enterpiv cusiness. Wo like eijferprise, and we know of no class of business men displaying more of it than tho newspaper publish ers of America. The Publishers of Our Firbsibe Fkiend, Chicago, announce tbis week in our columns, their second AnnuaA Distribution of premiums to subscribers. This excellent Story and Family -Weekly is now in its third volume. Its success has been great. It is firmly established as one of the lead ing weeklies of the Union, with the larg est circulation of any paper in the West. Its success may in no slight degree be attributed to its method of distributing premiums which is permanent with this paper, being, held annually. Its distri bution last year gavegeneral satisfaction. Their list of premiums is fine and se cures to every subscriber for 1373 a premium either in cash or some one of the valuable articles mentioned in the list. We cheerfully' recommend the paper. Their plan of distributing pre miums is a notable part of their well conducted enterprise and our readers need have no doubts asto their being fairly dealt with. The paper is a finan cial ' success. Its immense circulation enable its publishers to offer this valu able list of premiums and to fully carry out their plan of distributing them. Specimen copies of - the paper and premium list giving full - particulars may be had by addressing the Publish ers, Chicago. ' :'-' "TCTORTII CAROLINA, ) JlN Gbanville County, j Superior Court, February 5, 1873. James M. Evans and wife Joanna and others, against Duncan. Special proceediugs to divide land. i It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that Duncan, who is the son and only heir at law ot Samuel S. Dun can, late of the State of Kentucky, dee'd, is not a resident of this State : It is thereupon,, on motion of John W. Hajs, Attorney, ordered that publication ba made for him in tho Carolina Era, a newspaper published in tho City of Raleigh, lor six w eeks, each week, noti fying him to bo and appear before the Clerk of the Superior-Court, at the Clerk's office in Oxford, on Friday, the 28th day of March next, then and there to plead, answer or demur to the said petition, otherwise it will be taken pro confesso, and heard cx parte as to him, and a guardian ad litem appointed for said Duncan. Witness. Calvin Bktts, Clerk of said Court, at Oxford, the 5th February, A. D , 1873. CALVIN BETTS, 43 v6w. Clerk Superior Court. Girl Saved from as wo. are.. ' Tempted like Robert Grant: When gathering clouds around I view, And days are dark, and friends are few, On Him I lean, who, not in vain, Experienced every human pain: He sees my wants, allays my fears, ' And counts and, treasures up my tears. It aught should tempt my soul to stray' From heavenly wisdom's narrow' way, To Ily the good I would pursue, Or do the sin i would not uo -Still He who felt temptation's power - . Shall guard, me in that dangerous hour. If wounded love my bosom swell, '. ? Deceived by those I prized too well, . He shall his pitying aid bestow i: ' Who felt n earth severer woe', , , At once betrayed, denied, or fled," ' ? " ' By those who shared his daily bread. If vexing thoughts within me rise, - ti Mr. Illis, of bherins in J-egard to conveying: con- And sore dismaved my spirit dies, that he repre- victs to the penitentiary, passed its still He who once vouchsafed to bear Tho sickening: anguish of despairs Shall sweetly soothe, shall gently dry, The throbbiut; heart, the streaming eye. Bill to amend the charter of the Western Division of the Western N. C. Railroad Company provides When sorrowingo'er some stone t bend, forworkingtheroadby penitentiary Which covers what was once a friend, . . convicts, f - ' This bill, was . discussed at some length andj amended in several sec tions and passed by a vote of 24 to 15. The Senate! then resolved itself into Executive and Secret session to Divides me for a little while : Thou, Saviour, mark'st tbe tears I shed, For Thou didst weep o'fer Lazarus dead. And oh, when I have safely past , Through every conflict but the last, - consider the confirmation of the ap- , My ;,ainfu! bed-tor Thou hast died ; . ointments ! made by His. Excel- Then pohn to realms of cloudless day, ency, the jGovernor, to the differ- V And wipe the latest tear away. - t' t-: A Country Sliamc. : - -t ' Every day ' affords us an instance of the earmarks of the brute cropping out in the being calied man.' A case of this sort occurred the other day on the Char lotte, Columbia and Air Xine railroad. A fellow living in Charlotte had sent his wife to live in South Carolina and be took the cars and ran down to Thoinas- ville after his wife's sister, a young and unsophisticated country girl'living near that town. When they got on the Air line road he 'bought a' berth in the Sleeping car for her ;(and sent her , in there to sleep some, telling Conductor Hand that she was his wife. t The con ducter thought( something , wrong and . told the porter if anything happened to let him know... In .the night the porter came . to Captain Hand and told him, "that the woman was-a crying." He, went to her' berth- a:d enquired the matter but she was sobbing so that she could hardly speak. He' asked her if that man, pointing to the fellow, was her htlsband, and she told him "No, he was her .sister's husband, and had . made base proposals to her,' and" said she, all; I could do was to cry." : Captaiu Hand suggested to the brute if he didn't go immediately r into the second class car and remain there that he would try to see bow fine he could break up his glass lantern over his head. The fellow "took his ad vice but when he got in there began putting 'on' some airs, and the passengers, who had uot wind f it and sympathized with the girl, told him if S he didn't dry up they would have the ! train stopped and "pick a tree.'! On reaching Columbia - they made up ' a purse for tbe girl and sent her oii back to her home near Thomasville. - C SAMPLES sent by mail for 50c. X A that retail quick lor $10. R. L. WOLCOTT, 181 Chatham square, N. Y. TT'inploynient, 100 per.week, Agents : JLU and otners to sen a tie w articrerin dispensable to merchants and manuf rs. Add. with stamp, E. Ii. SMITH & CO., Jo Liberty-Srtrett, N. Y. 3i 4w ftI HM F V l&silv made with our Sten mUHLI c,i HIui key-Check Outfit ,253- Circulars- Free. 3f 4W Stalf. ud MVg Co. G6 Fulton St. NY. is unequalled by any known remedy. It will eradicate, extirpate and thorough ly destroy all poisonous substances in the Blood and will effectually dispel all predisposition to billious derangement. Is there want of action tn your Liver and Spleen J Unless relieved the blood becomes impure by deleterious secretions, producing scrofulous or skin diseases, Blotches, Felons, ; Pustules, Canker, Pimples, tc, fcc. . nave you a Hyspeptlc Stomach ? Unless digestion is promptly aided the system is debilitated with poverty of The Blood, , Dropsical tendency, general Weakness and inertia. Have you weakness of the Intcs. tines t You are in danger of Chronic Diarrhea or Inflammation of tho Bow els. . i . Have you weakness of the Uter ine or Urinary Organs i You are ex posed to suffering in its most aggravated form. ,-. j Are you dejected, drowsy, dull, sluggish or depressed in spirits, with head ache, back ache, coated tongue and bad tasting mouth ? For a certain remodv for all of these diseases, weaknesses and troubles; for cleansing and purifying the vitiated blood and imparting vigor to all the vital forces; for buildingup and restor ing tue weiiKeiieu constitution uoxi JURUBEBA which is pronounced by tho leading medical authorities of London and Paris "the most powerful tonic and alterative known to the medical world." This is no new and untried discovery but has been long used by the leading physi cians of other countries with wonderful remedial results. Don't weaken and impair the digestive organs by cathartics and phys ics, they give only temporary relief Indigestion, , rlatufencv and dyspepsia with piles and kindred diseases are sure to follow their uso. j Keep tho blood pure and health is assured. JNO. Q. KELLOGG, - IS Piatt St., New York., Solo Agent for the United States. Price One Dollar per Bottle. ' 6b aw. jSyail for Circu STOCSi AND FA KM 3 pack- tn- luu siijio, aim O CO)i'S of the O JOURNAL ages or new lutm iteeus tree, Dv clobinir 1 stamps. Address, X. 1. HOYEK it CO., Parkcrsburg, Pa. WANTED IF YOU WIS if TO BUY A SEWING MACHINE for family use. or act as agent, address WASHINGTON SEW ING MACHINE CO., Boston, Mass. AGENTS! ARARE CHANCE! We will pay all agents 40 per week in cash, who will engage with us at once. Everything furnished .and expenses paid. Address, A. COULTEK fe CO., Charlotte, Mich. He deceived, but for coughs, colds, sore throat, hoarseness and bronchial diffi culties, use only - ' WELL'S CARBOLIC TABLETS. ' Worthless imitations are on the market, but the only seieiitiric prepara tion of Carbolic Acid for Lung .diseases is when chemically combined with oth er well known remedies, as in these Tablets, and all parties are cautioned against using any other. In all cases of irritation of the mucous membrane these Tablets should be free ly used, their cleansing: and healing properties are astonishing. Be warned, never 'xeglcct a cold, it is easily cured in its incipient state, when it becomes chronic the cure is exceed ingly difficult, use Weils' Carbolic Tab lets as a specific. - . . .... JOHN Q. KELLOGG, "V 18 Piatt St., N.-Y., ', , :' " i Sole Agent for the U. S. , ' ' - : " '. - Send for Circular." ; Price 23e. per Box; '" 36 4w ESPECIAL ATTENTION of manufacturers who have become dis gusted with the odors of Paraffine Oils ana their ill effects upon machinery, is invited to ; . E. 11. Kelloqq's . sperm Engine' Oil. ,:, t & $1.20 $4 gal E. II. Kelloqq's SPEitm Spindlk Oil a 81.15B gal E. II. Kellogg's TA1X.OW Engine Oil v $1.10 33 gal E. H. Kellogg's taulow Spindle v Oil $1,85 gal Manufactured only bv . - ' ; ; E. II. KELLOGG. 3fl 4w . No. J7 Cedar-sL..NeV York. t jts A").. mm m ran?? awe 0 mm A PROCLAMATION I Tty tlie Governor ol North Carolina EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, - Raleigh, Feb. 11, 1873. Whereas official information has been received at this Department that one George Hill, late of Randolph county, stands charged with the murder of Jesse Gallimore, and that the said George Hill has fled or so conceals himself that the ordinary process of law cannot be served on hihv ; r - ; Now, therefore,! TodR. Caldwell, Governor of the State of North Carolina, by virtue of authority in me vested by law, do issue .this my proclamation, offering a: reward .of Two Hundred Dollars for the arrest and delivery ol said George Hill, to the Sheriff of Ran dolph county, and I do enjoin all offi cers of ; the law and all good citizens, to aid in bringing said Hill to justice. . Done at our City of Raleigh, the 1 lib TiL s 1 day of February, A. D., 1873, L J and iu the atthyeai1 of American Independence - ' .' .... s r TOD It. CALDWELL. , , By the Governor : ! ' J. J3.' Neataeuy, ' f ' ' '" ' i Private Secretary. , ' V- . DESCRIPTION : -- ' George Hill is aboutr twenty-eight years of age; -will weigh 165 pounds, is about six feet in height, dark complex ion, and lignt bair. lie is supposed to be lurking near tao line dividing the counties of Randolph and Davidson. do w4w. " 1 , , . A PROCLAMATION! S L 1 Agents OP THE r Patriarchs, Wanted for INNERS BIBLE. Its Patriarchs, Kings, - Prophets, Rebels, Poets, Priests, Heroes, Women, Apostles, Politicians, Rulers and Crimi nals, Genial as Poetry and exciting as Romance. Its execution is faultless. Its illustrations are magnificent. It is just the book for the masses, or all who love H istory, tne btuavor unaracter. or Cheerful - Heading, Extra terms, to Agents. Send for circular. Also, Agents for the '..:; , -. 550 People's Standard Bible, witn Illustrations Our own Agents, and many Agents, for other Publishers, are seUing this wonderful ' success, because it is the most popular edition published. Can- ; vassing books free to working Agents. Address, . ZEIGLER . & , M'CURDY, ' Philadelphia, Pa. ; Cincinnati, Ohio ; St. .; Louis, Mo.; Springfield, Mass , or Chicago, 111. . By the Governor of North Carolina. ', EXECUTIVE department; i UALE1GU, r B. IS, 1813. "WjiekSaS, CHUial information has been received at thin Ut-purtmentthat one John Allen Ketchy, confined in the Jail of Kowan County on a cliarge of i Kape, did escape therefrom on the night of the 10th inst., and is now at large ; Now, therefor, I, Ton -R.' Caldwell, Govarnor of the State of North Carolina, by virtue of the authority in me vested by law, do issue tliis my Proclamation offering a reward of TWp HUNDRED DOLLARS for the apprehension and delivery of the said John Allen Ketchy to the Sheriff of Rowan county, and I Uo further enjoin all officers of the law, and all good citizens to assist In ap prehending and lodgifig said offender to justice.; , V -" Done at the City of Raleigh, the 13th day' 1 ' of February, A, D., 173, and in the jr-h-& 7th year 'of American Indepen- . ?','.-- dence. TOD 11. CALDWELL, Governor. By the Governor: J. D. N KATITKItV. lVivsite Hwrc-tory. ; ' DIRECTORS : I : i J. W. Atkinson, General Insurance Agent. I. B. Grainger. President Bank of Nav Haaover. . - F. W., Grocer and Commtssion Merchant. , C M. Stedman, of Wright a Stedman. T. H. McKoy, of W. A. Whitehead fc Co. Fayetteviile. Dr. A. J. DeRosset, President. H. B. Eilers, Comm lesion Merchant. ' A. A. Williard. of W illiard lirnlhorx W. A. Cumming, of Northrop a Cummlncr. G. W. Williams, of Williams A AlurcUlsou. Ell Murray, of E. Murray & Co. Robt Hennlnr. of Dawson Teel a Ilennlng. Alex. Sprunt, British Vice Consul, of Snrunt i a Hlnson. . i P. Murphy, Attorney at Law. J. D. Williams of J. D. Williams A Co., r ayeitevuie. Jas. C. McRae, Atfy at Law, Fayetteviile. I. B. Kelly, Merchant, Kenansville. J. T. Pope, Merchant, Lumberton. This is strictly a II03IE LiIFE C03IPVSY. Its Officers and Directors are citizens of the .State, ol hih i charater for business capacity, enterprise and probity, ltolfors every . Substantial Iieuelit that Northern Companies do, with the great i uuuiuuuai consiucrunon mat tne capitul is kept within the State, and, therefore, helps w ouuu ui huu luster noma lustiiuiiciis. Another important fact to bo considered la, that the mimlngtou Life has tUus far obt lined a very much larger interest for the money Invested at home, than any of theKework Companies receive for their investments, according to their sworn state ments before the Commissioner of that State These -unquestionable facts should com mend this Company, above all others, to our people. Let It be borne in mind that millions of dollars received lor Life-premiums have been sent North since the war, which at once drains the Houth and enrich es tha plethoric capitalists of the North. Lf there was no . other consideration, safety, fairness and cheapness being equal, why North Carolinians should insuhe at uomk, this were more than sulUclent, The "Wilmington Life has excellent special features. It places no restriction on Residence or Travel; it makes no extra charge for Fe male risks; and its policies are lucontesa ole after Five Years. Its business is managed economically. Ita risks are taken with equal caution. Its in vestments are made Judiciously. . Ita motto is: , j , Economy, Promptness, Fairness." AGENTS WANTED in every County, In the tate, with whom the most liberal terms bernorle. Apply to T D.BROOKS, .'" -rvi8iiig Agent, orTTIJEO. 1I.1IILL, ( Local Ageut, i Raleigh, N.C. JaR. 8. ddtwCm. JOHNSTON COUNTY In the Su perior Court. J ' j N. L. Whitley, Adm'r of f ; i James II. Raiford, dec., Summons against I for Ballard Raiford, (Nancy ( Relief. Whiiley, and others. .J Tho State of Xorth Carolina, To the Sheriff of Johns.'on cpunty Greeting: . , You are hereby commanded to sum mon Rallard Raiford, Wm Raiford, Marshal Raiford,) Mary 13 Raliance, Sally Oliver,. Dixon Phillips and wife Nancy, Mary Smith, James Oliver, Doctor Oliver, Gaston Little and wife, Nancy Whitley, Pattie 13 Oliver, Easter fane Oliver, Lucrctia A Oliver, Nettie Oliver, Thos Oliver, Richard V Oliver, lames D Wiggs, Ciias I Wiggs, John' VViggs, Nathan O Wiggs, Alexandor Wiggs, Thos II Wigg, James I Wlggs, Xestus. Wiggs, lienj Raiford, James Wiggs, Samuel Potter and wife Mary, Sarah Holland, David Carrington. Pauline Carrington, Arthur Wiggs, Delia Stoval, Phillip Pearson, Appy J Dixson, Ursula K Phillips and Sugars A Sasser, tho defendants above named, ' if they be found within your county, to appear at the office of the Clerk of the . Superior Court lor the county of John- ; ston, within twenty-tivedays, after the .service of this summons on .them, ex clusive of the day of such service, and answer the complaint, a copy of which is served with this summons, and .let them take notice, that if they fail to answer tbe said complaint within that time, the plaintiff will apply to tho ( Court for tho relief demanded in the complaint.''- ' j 1 Hereof fail not, nnld of thij summons make due return. I,! , " i Given under m v hand and seal of said Court, this 20th day of February, 1S73. , . j P.' J". MASSlSY, ... Clerk Superior Court, 37 -w3w i Johnston county. HUTCHESON A CO..OF GRAHAM f N. C. are now manufacturing j about seventy gallons per day, of. tbet ' purest Rnd best old-fashioned coppc- ' distilled rye and corn whiskey. They' have for tneit distiller Mr. Henry Holt, son ot Col. Jere II ojt, whose whiskey; : was so well and favorably known as tbe "f best made in the South, t Henry is a "chip of tbe old blojk," and can. make V it lust like his father - 'i'-, ' Wholesale price.! 81.50 per gallon'.5 de- livered at Graham depot. - Orders so licited by all lovers of pure whiskey, lano , i . ' ri , - i;y wzm giin0vi(HPf:-ie ' - . - : dksciupxios: j" ' John Allen Ketchy 'is' about Ave feet ten inches high, spare made, large nose, dark blue eyes, sallow complexion, thin beard, dark hair, and has a sour on his right shin. Sdpt. iy, 1S72. 14-6m. yosT. Certificate of Stock No. (18G7) in the North Carolina Rafi Road Company," for live shares, standing in my name on the books of theiCompany has been lost. - Notice is hereby given that I will apply to the office of, said Company, for a new certificate, i -,...- , W. F: HENDERSON. Feb IS " ' ' T ' HS lm iilii r 1 w nn m Sept. 13, 1572. 14wCm iii-

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