aujend chapter 27. pri- . ,"je of piriuinthe he"" for medicinal pur FcIk. 1873. . a , ,uth.nze the Commis- iS r rUulort count? to levy a . ' 1 . I., trnnn mmn. . - .J I lit I - - except when the water ffi f',r motive P". or ,un i re are lUiuc iui iiuir - i o2.i, isri m r-rru to the terms of ,XJOI - i. or Superior court a year. ! nnir n. t wr . ,,, j,(M on the 17th Moi 1''" . . it - i r i. ...... .U INtifioJ 2S:h Feb., 11 on tte Itoinoke river. tbep n.I.v of $100 for each :. : mi le a misdemeanor to .r htween the 1st of March 1 j'Jiiae. IUtified 1st March ... - - 1 iC. 1 1 incorporate the North i1.jV-e. Grants corporate ,, t K v. Jeremiah Ingold, Rev W. UVlker and Uv. Thomas of lbs nc!oraieiI church, an 1 f-cw rs for, religious, cdui-- l urial purposes IUtified t ti"ncorp-rate the Weldoo ;trT.bjri; Ii ad & Ferrj Cr.m- . i-.ctirixirates a company wan 'tl! .f.x-fc of $1000, to construct .tvl allow them to charge IJU.rkd 1st of March, 1873. . to prtrrnt the retailing of '. in tlic town of Statesville. .bun" r"no prohibition," to iVitc-l to the qualified Totf s, '.. n one to siell under 3 gtl IL::ti-' 1st March, 1873. i ict t ululate sales oy orpo- ( nJ sue under tue same. aJcra mortnage ly a corpora- . f - 1 MV.rnv ..rnl I.-. ! j.K)riti'n t tue trmc me acvti tile, lut mil arqune i suoss;- bereto, u: to day ot Rale. I'ur f to hive the same franchise. iiai powers a the corporation Putifed lt March. 1 873. !a:i'n nt mstrucnon to Hie .r of the 1'ublic Ground and IVrmits persons whi 1 1 t.tcted houses on the pub':c U-sto remove th-m during the PutiScI 28: h Frb , 1873. jict to amend chapter 27, pri - iijf'f 1S71 .2, and to rc-cnact i S and 11 of chapter 123 li.tlJ'GDTO. Relating to the ,.t" E It nton. X. "C. IUtified j, ; t.-: U incorporate the Farmer' ;2isk. Company incorporated l icij'ifal stock of $."0,000 with il bmkmg p-:vi!ej:es, excvp? of hi!! ' '-urrency. My : ra f irthcominv; crops, upon n ka is created. Ratified 28th ux: to amend chapter 93 of the si liS CO, relative to special xi?.Z. Makes all judgments i,ti'ni;i not signed lv the pn-- JaJje. in petitions under' otherwise regular. R tt . Mi Feb. 1873. j. V. t? anthoiizc the i'-jpn'son- l :f persons convioted in the U 'zn in North Carolina, in the j'iaj ni the state. lutiueu Fc.. 153. (Heretofore such tr were obliged to le sent to :t. .. asiiinton. L. U.. : lit ptnirentiary ol one of the --.tesrern Statis.) ii Kt to incorporate Cleveland kf,v202. Free and Accepted ci RitiGed 2Sth Feb., 1873. J Kt to allow the County Com ers of Transylvania to levy a Ux. Tax to build a Court eia Creyard ; proposition to be :."fi to the qualified voters. l-125:h Feb., 1873. p vt to repeil sections C. 7, 8 izi to amend sections 10 and tchp. 2, Revised Code, Agricul- ul Geology. Repeals the privl 1 f irming county societies : 1 tnlie counties of Burke, Cald- .li.awba and Alexander to par- n the benefits of 5. i Code. Ratified 2Sth Feb.. -J tct to incorporate the town of ' "S'ttru. in the county of Rich 1 Ratified 28th Feb., 1873. ' t to incorporate the town of i. in the county ol Wake. Per cii:.a' within the corporate r aOdaj are qualified voters. lSita Feb., 1873. a act to incorporate Eureka ;vX.. 2S3. Ancient York Ma RitiScd2Sth Feb., 1873. ct to cure any irregularities cy exist in the title to certain 3Iicon and Clay counties. valid the entries made in that aof Macon, which was annexed ia 1S72. Ratified the 2Sth :tj, 1873. tct concerning Stanly Creek :? Ground in Gaston county, and Corporate a Board of Trustees f. Trustees incorporated with il powers. Xo nerson to sell ithin two miles of the Camp during the time of religious Utified the 2Sth of llCt t lr.rnrn..t. 1. A thal M. F. Church South, - I f Cleveland. Misdemeanor KJone to sell or give away liquor ne half mile of the church. -Jtre2Sth'of Febniarv. 1S73, to incorporate the town of -""cia Jiecklenburg county. ct ot incorporation. A 'J of the voters can prohibit e of spirituous liquors within ration. Ratified the 2Sth of actto authorize County Com- to make certain water lawful rpru a. fT-. -maj apjly by etition to the -avnttt to hare anv water "tCIartd a I ttrfnt fonoo- uiic power 10 fieciare e- Give fjinnii nmm;. a- . . w. v.. ftlfW -'mh iiiin nTpr t 1. AnvirA me iaol reDruary.. 1 i' alc iiie town 01 . . u in the T?.nlln. . . Ot ln(ornnr;n. r .. ...1 IVL . v. pi.uuu, 1UIIUCI '"7:,1.8 Unties i.f nu.i- ,1 tioo ol changing the pre- ZLa sunmitted to yxz rn . - the tJh r. ottrs the 7 ?cb change. territory Ratified 4 - tebruarv.1873. act to regulate the penning of TnciM n 1 support, me poor. "Via pn-vent the -bsttuctin;; .-..n-riMes by willfuHj 1 Dare. Rat- lned 231 h February, 1873. 257. An act to incorporate the Roanoke Iron Company. Company with a capital stock of f 100,000 with the . privilege of it being increased, to manufacture iron, stet-l. ore. con struct road. May hold 50.000 acre of land. Ratified 23th February, 1873 238. An act to authorize the commls-Mom-rs of Pitt county, to levy a lc-ial tax. f 6,000 may be levied in 1873, and the same amount in 1874, t pay the outstanding debt of the county. Debt to be paid according to date. Ratified 28th February, 1S73. 250. An act to incorporate the village of Duplin Road, Duplin county. Uaual act of incorporation. A ma jority of voters may prohibit the aale t liquor in the corporation. Rat ified 23th February, 1873. - 2G0. An act amendatory of ar act en titled an art to lay off the Homestead and Personal ptoperty exemption. Proviso to be added to section 24. tProtuJt'd. That where any person has had hi homestead laid off in ac cordance itb the provisions of sec tions 2 and 3 of the above recited act, the Homestead shall not there after be vacated, set aside or again laid off by any other judgment cred itors for whom a levy shall be made, except lor fraud, complic ity or other irregularity.' Ratified 28th February, 1873. 2G1. An act to authorize the employ ment of a police force in the town of Statcsville. A uthorize the commis sioneis to employ as many as they deem proper, and directs the jailer of Iredell to receive all prisoners sent to him by the proper mittimus. Rat ified 1st March. 1873. 2C2. An act to amend the charter of the Halifax and Scotland Neck Railroad Co. Terminus to be at or near HilPa Ferry. Counties may subscribe, and isuu bonds at 8 per cent. Ratified 28.1. February, 1873. 2G3. An aci to authorize and empower lie Board of Commissioners of For- sythe County to appoint a Tax Col lector. Provides that it the Sherili shall fail or refuse to give the addi tional bond required to cover the tax to pay the railroad subscriptions of the county, a tax collector may be ap pointed. Ratified 28th February, 1S73. 2C4. Au act to promote stock raising. Tue price charged for the season shall be a-lin upon the colt, which shall also be subject to execution without being comprised in the personal prop erty exemption. Ratified 28th Feb ruary. 1873. 2G5. An act to incorporate the Wil mington Trust Company and Savings Bank. Capital stock, 20,000, Mi nors and feme cotert mav become depositors. Ritified 23th February, 1873. 2G(j. An act to incorporate the village of Mooresville in Hie County of Ire dell. Usual act of incorporation. Not lawful to retail spirituous liquors within the corporate limits. Ratified 1st March, 1873. 2G7. An act to re-cuact anil continue in force an act entitled An act to em . power the commsioners of Cumber land County to levy a special tax." Ratified 1st March, 1873. 2G.S. An act to incorporate the Haw Itiverand New Hope Transportation and Manufacturing Company, Com pany whh a capital stock of $100, 000, with the privilege of its being increased, with power to make navi gable Haw River to the N. C. Rail road, and New Hope to Princes' Bridge; to use the water power for manufacturing purposes; to condemn lands for the improvements ; corpora tions may subscribe; Company can connect its improvement with the Chatham Railroad. Ratified 1st March, 1873. 2G9. An act to abolish the Scotch Fair, near Laurel Hill, in Richmond count. The meetings heretofore held on the second Tuesdays in May and Novem townships in the county of Purely local in its provision?. ber as Fair are forbidden. Ratified 23th February, 1873. 270. An .net to amend See. 1, Chap. 139, Laws of 1870-'71. relative to lees of County officers. County Commis sioners may receive $2 per day and mileage. Ratified 23th February, 1S73. 271. An? act to authorize the Commis sioners of Mecklenburg county to sell the stocks f said county and for oth er purposes. Commissioners may sell any of railroad stocks belonging tc the county, or transfer, exchange or dispose of them as they deem proper. IUtified 2Sth February, 1873. 272.. An act to incorporate Lane Field Academy, in Daplin connty, near Warsaw. Purelv local. Ratified 2Sth February, 1873. ; 273. Anact to amend an act to incor porate1 the People's Building and Loan Association of Asheville. . Au thorizes new series of stock to be is sued. Ratified 2Sth February. 1873. 274. An act to extend the corpoiate limits of the town of Wadesboro.' in the County of Anson. Ratified 28th February, 1873. 275. An act to authoriza the ' town commissioners in the town of Mur freesboro,' County of Hertford, to leyy taxes. Taxes not tc exceed 25 cents on the $100 of propeity. Rati fied 28th February, 1873. 276. An act to charter the Raleigh Backet Company, No. 1. Exempts the membcis from militia duty and serving as jurors. The company is to form a part of the Fire Depart ment. 277. An act to incorporate the town of Colerain, in the county cd Bertie. The ordinary .act of incorporation. Ratified 1st day of 5larch, 1873. 278. An act to incorporate the town of Madison, in Rockingham county. Ratified 1st March, 1873. 279. An : act to incorporate the .Flat Rock Camp Ground, in Guilford county. Retailing, a misdemeanor, within one mile of the camp ground during the meetings. Ratified 1st March, 1873. 305. 2S0. An act to amend the charter of the city of Raleigh. When owners of lots avow their intention not to re pair their sidewalks, the city author ities may repiir the same immediately at the owner's costs. Where there have never been any sidewalks, the own ers must pay such portion of the ex pense as three appraisers will award. IUtified 1st March, 1873. 281. An act to incorporate the town ot Stautonsburg. in Wilson county. Ratified 1st March, 1873. 282. An act to authorize the commis sioners of Franklin county to levy a special tsx to pay the outstanding debt of the county. The question of tax or no tax to be submitted to the qualified voters ot the county. Rati fied the 3rd of March, 1873. 283. An act to prohibit the sale of spirituous liquors in certain localities ThTs act has been published in full in the News. Goes into effect the 1st ol Ratified the 3rd of March, 281. An act for changing the time of holding the Superior Court of Cum berland county. To be after the pre sent term held on the last Monday in January and July. : Ratified the 3rd of March, 1873. 285. An act amendatory of an act au thorizing the sale of certain lands, ratified 2Gth March, 1873. The re quirement that the land shall be dis posed of to actual , sellers, and the title withheld until, 100 families are located, stricken out. Ratified 28tb February, 1873. i 236. An act to amend, an act for the support of the Lunatic Asylum for 1873. Prohibits the Board of Direc ters from drawing' more than one fourth of the appropriations at one time. : J 287. An act to change the time ot holding the fall terms of the Supe rior Courts of Robeson and Bruns wick counties. Thd courts in Robe son to be held on the 4th Monday io February, and on -the 6th Monday after the 4th Monday in August. The courts in Brunswick on the 6th Mon day after the 4th Monday in Febru ary, and the 4tb Monday in August. Ratified 3rd March,! 1873. 283. An act to submit the proposed Amend meta to the Constitution, to the people of the State for ratification or rejection. Llection to be held 1st Thursday in August. The act will be published in thej News whenever the copy is obtained for that pur pose. Ratified 3d March, 1873. 289. Resolution declaratory to the meaning of section 4 of the resolution in favor of Sheiiffs,ratified 6th Dec., 1872. The expensed referred to in the resolution to be paid by the Public Treasurer. Ratified; 3d March, 1872. 290. An act to repeal chapter , laws ol 1868-69. No sale of lands to be made by the Board of Education until alter 6 weeks advertisement. Ratified 3d March, 1873. j i 291. An act to make a donation of a lot belonging to the State, and an ap propriation of $5,000 for the purpose of establishing an Institution for the colortd deaf and 'dumb and blind. Gives an acre in the southeastern por tion of the city, and $5,080 to erect suitable accommodations. Ratified 1st March, 1873. ; 292. An act providing for two addition al terms of Granvjlle Superior Court. Terms to be held 3d Mondays in January and July. Ratified 3d March, 1873. 293. An act in relation to the sale and completion of Western North Carolina Railroad. Names Gov. Caldwell, Georgo Davis. M.E. Manley, J. II. Wilson and W. Si Steele, a commit tee to act in conjunction with the commissioners appointed by the TJ. S. States Circuit Court, (Messrs. Ers win & Woodfin), who together, shall have power to arbitrate all debts and claims for and against the company, , settle terms of siile and payments. Also makes the purchaser of the road a corporation; Invested with lull power to complete iti Ratified 3d March, 1S73. ' j 291. An act to amend an act, entitled "an act" to charter the town of Dallas. Ratified 3d March, 1873. 295. An act to incorporate the town of Fair Bluu in Colombus county. Rat ified 3d March. 1873. 293. An act relating to fences, and for the protection ot crops. Provides that in the counties of Person, Orange, Alamance, Cabarrus and Mecklen- burg, an election jshall be held to de termine whether pi- not persons shall be lequircd to keep up their stock. It 6uch decision bi in the affirmative, a tax shall be levied to build a fence around the county; with gates across the public roads.jand it shall be a misdemeanor to permit one's stock to go on another's land. If any ot the counties named do. not adopt the pro visions ot the a$t. Townships may under the same regulations. Ratified 3d March, 1873. J 297. An act to incorporate the Cross Creek Benevolent Society in the town of Fayetteville. Itatified 3d March, 1873. - 293. An act to authorize Granville county to subscribe to the capital stock of the Grapjville Railroad Com pany. Commissioners to determine the number ot shades to be subscribed when after sixty days notice an elec tion to be held to determine if a ma jority of the people are in favor of - the subscription.; f County -may iisue bonds at 7 per cent, interest, and provide for the pjayment of the in terest, &c. Ratitipd 3d March, 1873. 299. An act in relation to the Peniten tiary. Directors; directed o make within the enclosure 800,000 of bricks and to prosecute the work undt the. direction of.-an :architect,whose salary is fixed at $3,500.! The Steward to be disbursing ofiicer. .Work to be done as far as possible with convict labor. Ratified 3d March, 1873. 300. An act to corporate Shallotte Baptist church in Brunswick couBty. A misdemeanor to sell spirituous liquors within two miles. Ratified 3d Marcii, 1873 301. An act to amend an act to incor porate the Newber n Co-operative Land and Building Association. Company may introduce a new series of shares. Ratified 3d March, 1873. - ' 302. An act in relation to the County of Pamlico.' Officers elected last Au gust to hold their iofficcs tor two years. Ratified 3d March, 1873. 303. An act concerning the sale of spirituous liquors' at Endor in the County of Chatham. Ie- jepot at Egypt is not included in",the prohi bition. Ratified 3d March, 1873.j 304. An act to authorize the commis sioners ot Randolph county to levy a special tax. A levy ol 5 cents on the $100 worth ot property, nd 15 cents ou the poll, to pay the floating debt authorized. Ratified ' 3rd ' ' March, 1873. i An act to establish a -House of Mav next 1873 Correction and Refuge in the County ot New Hanover.; County commis sioners may locate within the limits of the city of Wilmington a House of Refuge under arj. 1, sec 4 of the Con stitution, and have the general super vision of the same. Its immediate direction to-be under the supervision of a Board ot) Managers. County commissioners to levy a tax tor its support. Children taken up and committed as vagrants, or committed for criminal offences shall be received and provided 'for. Provides, in de tail, tor the reformation of such chil dren. Ratified 3rd March, 1873. 306. An act to incorporate the Cumber land Savings Bank. Company incor porated with the usual banking pow ers and privileges. ' Ratified 3rd day of March, 1873. 307. An act to amend an act to estab lish a Turnpike road from Statesville to Mt. Airy. Directs that 'the road be located by I Jonesyille and Elkin River Bridge. The County commis sioners of IredelL Yadkin or Surry may make a requisition for 50 able- t b died penitentiary convicts, who are to furnished, unless their labor is necessary in building the penitentia ry. Ratified 3d March, 1873. 308. An act to incorporate the Central Fire Insurance Company. Capital stock $500,000, which, it subscribed, authorizes the stockholders to meet 1st January, 1874, at Raleigh, and organize. Usual powers granted. Ratified 3d March, 1873. 309. An act to re enact an act, entitled "An act to secure advances made for agricultural purposes." Ratified March, 18G7. Said act is continued in force. Superior Court inserted in lieu of Court of Common Pleas. Rat ified 3rd March, 1873. 310. An act authorizing the Public Treasurer to pay Messrs. Coleman Bros, for rescinding Penitentiary contract. Directs $35,000 to be paid out of the penitentiary fluid for a rescision of the contract for build-, ing. &c. Ratified 3rd March, 1873. 311. An act for the benefit of the N. C. Institution tor the Deaf and Dumb and the Blind. Legalizes a payment , of $15,000 made in 1870, from the special tax funds, for the support of the institution. Ratified 1st Match, 1873. 312. An act to extend the time for tha registration of grants, deeds and other conveyances. Uusual act ex tending the time to two years. Rat ified 3rd March, 1873. 313. An act to amend section 34, chap. 113, Laws of 1863 '69. Add to said section the following proviso : Pro tided, That the right to refer claims under this section, shall extend to claims in favor ot the estate as well as those against it. Ratified 3rd day of March, 1873. 311. An act to amend the charter of the Western N. C. Railroad Company. Future subscriptions mav be made and received in real estate. Ratified 3rd day of March, 1873. 315. An act to authorize the Commis sioners of Ouslow county to sell ' A'um Spiings, the former site of the Poor House. Purely local. Ratified 3rd March, 1873. 316. An act to authorize the Board of county Commissioners of Brunswick county to levy a special tax.and for othtr purposes.' Authorized to levy a tax to purchase the ferry across Bruns wick river, and run the same for the benefit of the public. Ratified 3d March, 1873. 317. An act to incorporate Methodist Episcopal Church South Cold Spring Camp Ground and Church in the county of Cabarrus. Usual act of incorporation. Retailing within half a mile a misdemcancr. Ratified 3d March, 1873. 318. An act to incorporate the Ladies' Co operative Asso fatten cf Vil Ratilied 3d March. 273. 319. An act to empower the town Com missioners of the town of Milton to issue bonds. May issue $10,000 of bone's, to be used in building a railroad from Milton to the Rich mond & Danville Road. Bonds to bear 8 per cent, interest. Ratified 3d March, 1873. 320. An act to incorporatr the Lockville Locomotive and Car Company. Capital stock $250,000, to manufac ture Locomotives. May purchase, build and use steamboats, etc. Rati fied 3d March, 1873. 321. An act to incorporate the Haw River Iron Company. Company with a capital stock of $250,000, to make iron and sttel rails, etc. Ratified 3d March. 1873. 322. An act to authorize the Board of Commissioners of Alamance county to levy a special tax. May either levy a special tax amounting to $10, 000, or to issue coupon 8 per cent, bonds to that amount. Ratified 3d March, 1873. 323. An act to amend the charter of the town of Monroe in the county of Union. To enable the Commissioners to extend the streets and alleys by purchasing or condemning land,&c. May levy a tax to pay the expenses thereof. Ratified 3d March, 1873. 324. An act to authorize the Commis sioners of Hertford county to levy and collect a special tax. To repair the Court House. Ratified 3d March, 1873. 325. An act to allow the Commissioners of Anson county to levy a special tax. To pay the interest on the bonded debt of the county. Ratified 3d March, 1873. 326. An act to incorporate the Onslow County Agricultural Society. Rati fied 3d March, 1873. 327. An act to authorize the Commis missioners of Wayne county to levy a special tax. If voted by a majority of the qualified voters, may levy $6, 000 of special tax. 328. An act to amend the charter of the Western Division of the Western North Carolina Railroad. Author izes convict labor to be employed on the road, the Company paying there for 40 cents per day each. Counties may subscribe, and pay their sub scriptions in labor, provisions, -&c Ratified 3d March, 1873. 329. An act to incorporate ihe Mechan ics and Laborers Mutual aid Society ot North Carolina. Ratified 3d March, 1873. 330. An act to authorize the Comrais siontrs ot Wilkes county to issue bonds. May issue bonds to the amount of $15,000 to nay off the indebtedness ol the county. Ratified 3d March, 1873. 331. An act to incorporate the Gran ville Railroad Company. Company -with a capital stock of $1 500,000 to build a road from Townsville to the H". C. Railroad. Municipal and oth er corporations allowed to subscribe for stock. Ratified 31 March, 1373. 332. An act concerning Right of way to Churches and places of Public Worship. Roads iaid out ty the Township Board of Trustees upon petition and notice, as other public roads are. i&auueu ou juarcu, ioo. :33. An act to amend "an net corporate the "Wilmington Ship Canal Company," with a capital etock of $500,000: Authorized to construct a canal from the Cape Fear or the NorthEast river, to the At lantic Ocean, for sea yoing vessel?. Company may issue coupon bonds, mortgage the caual and franchise, condemn land, &c. Ratified 3rd .March, 1873. 334. An act to incorporate the Mer chants Bank of Fayetttvllle. Capital stock not less than $25,000. Grants the usual banking powers ' and privileges. Ratified the 3rd of March, 1873. 321L Resolution in favor of Mason L. Wiggins, of Halifax. Pays him $60 aaileage and per diem, for performing nctra services as chairman of the Ootnniissionera of Finance, under the wderof Gen. Sickles. Ratified the 3rd of March. 1873. 1336. A resolution to provide for a i casual deficit in the Treasury. Authorizes the Public Treasurer to korow $140,000 to supply a temporary deficit. Ratified 20th of March, 1873. 337. An act to amend sections 31 and 33 so that they shall conform to sec tion 23 of the school bill, ratified Feb. 26th. 1873. A mere verbal amend ment. Ratified the 3rd of March, 1873. 333 An act to establish a public ferry across the Yadkin river. The Com pany may authorize the ferry, and when opened, may establish tolls. Ratified 3d March, 1873. 339 An act to change the time of hold ing the terms of the Superior Courts io the counties' comprising the lOih Judicial District. Terms commenc ing with Catawba, on the 1st Mon- days io March and September, and the other counties regularly thereaf ter, allowing as now two weeks to each Term. (Ratified 3d March, 1873. 340 An act to provide a central place for comparing the election returns of Brunswick county. Thomas E Mc Keethams is the place, in Town Creek Township. Ratified 3rd March, 1873. 341. An act to amend section 29, chap ter 213, public Laws ot 1871 '72. Ad ministrations grunted prior to the law of 1869, to be settled according to the provisions of the old law. Ratified 3rd March, 1873. 342 An act to amend an act to provide for the laying off and const luciion of a public highway in the counties ol Burke and Mitchell, passed at session ot the General , Assembly 187l-'72. Gives further lime to carry out the provisions of thej act. Ratified 3rd Match, 1873. 343 An act to repeal chapter 93, of public laws of 1871 and 1872. The act repealed, allowed the exchange of State stocks for bonds. Batified 3d March, 1873. 344 An act for the relief of t ho Sheriff and Tdx Collector of the county of Jborsythe Permits him to collect ar rears ot taxes for the years 1870-'l 12. Ratified 3d March, 1873 345. An act concerning the ratification of the laws of the present session of the General Assembly. Acts with no ratification clause to be in force from and after thirty days after the 3d March. 1873. Ratified 3d March, 1873. 346. Au act to authorize the Western Railroad Company to issue bauds. JJlay issue coupon bonds ana secure their payment by mortgage ot the road and its fjauchises. Ratified 3d March, 1873. 347. An act to provide lor and regulate the adoption of minor children. Per- eons desirous of adopting a mino may file a petition, stating all the tacts and their intentions towards such minor, and the Court may grunt letters of adoption, thereby establish ing the relation of parent and child between the parties. Ratified 3d March, 1873. 343. An act touching the sale of spiritu ous liquors in c ertain localities. Act published in full in the News, and other papers. Ratified 3d March, 1873. 319. An act for tho relief of North ampton county. County transfered to 1st Judicial District. Ratified 3d March, 1873. 350. An act to provida adequate clerical force in the office of the Au ditor. Allows the Auditor to employ an additional Clerk at a salary of $50 per month. Ratified 3d March, 1873. 351. An jHCt lo prevent the sale of spirituous liquors within three miles of . the corporate limits of the town of Murt'reesboro, in the county ol Hertford. Ratified 3d March, 1873 352. An act for amnesty and pardon. Heretofore published in full. Ratified 3d March, 1873. 353. An act to provide for the printing and distribution of the acts concern ing revenue. Secretary of State to have 4,000 of revenue act published and distributed. Ratified 3rd March, 1873. 354. An act to prohibit the sale of spirituous liquors within one mile of Wenfall, in Perquimans county. Rat ified 3rd March, 1873. 355. An act to cure defects iu certain Judicial proceedings arising lrom mistake of jurisdiction and othtr causes. Provides that all errors and irregularities in recoids and judicial proceedings shall be curerl ; and that orders signed by the Judges in va cation shall be valid. Ratified 3rd March, 1873. 356 An act to continue in force an act to charter the Hickory Nut Turnpike Company, ratified by the General As sembly of North Carolina the 11th Januaiy, 1841. The original act con tiuued in force and new corporators ..named ; provides a table of tolls. Ratified 3d March, 1873. 357 An act to amend an act concerning inspectors in the city of Wilmington. North Carolina, ratified 21st day ot December, 1870, being chapter 6, pri vate laws 1870-'71. No article to be inspected except upon the request of the vendor ot vendee or the agent of either. Ratified 3d March, 1873. 358. An act to protect public highways crossing the Dismal Swamp canal. Canal company to construct suitable bridges wherever public roads cross the canals. Commissioners of Cam den county to appoint an inspector of bridges, who shall report the'r con dition, &e. ' 359. An act to change the :. dividing line between the counties of Franklin and Granville. Purely local, and not to be. changed unless a majority of the yoters in the district embraced in the territory affected sanction it. Ratified 3d March. 1873. ! A. 8. MERRIMOX. THOS. C. FULLER, i S. A. ASHE. UTERI? mnV FFIM KR An IfiHE I 1,"""-A' Vi,5 1 I Attorneys and Counsellors ! at Law. RALEIGH, N. C, "TTTILL PRACTICE in the State and f T Federal Courts whenever their services mav be required. Office former office of Phillips & Merrimon. leb 28 din A NNOUN CEMENT I To the Firemen of Raleigh ; The undersigned announces himself a candidate for the office of Chief Engineer of the Fire Department of the City of Raleigh. Very Respectfully, mar 7-td H. T. CLiAWSON. MAYOR'S OFFICE, Raleigh, N. C, March 8, 1873. 1WILL ATTEND at the Mayor's office in the City of Raleigh, on Tues day, the 1st day of April, 1873, to take the tax list for the present year. Per sons failing to list their property will bo subjected to double tax. i 172 td W. WHITAKER, Mayor. yOR RENT! ! ij I On Saturday, -the loth instant, at the Court House door in Raleigh, the Exe cutive Mansion and Grounds will be rented' for the remainder of the year 1873, to the highest bidder. ? Terms Note with approved security. TOD R. CALDWELL, March 5. 169-td. Governor. PUBLIC ACT. An Act to "Prohibit the Sale of Intoxicating- Liquors in Certain localities. Section 1. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : That it shall be unlawful for any person or persons. to sell or give away any intoxicating liquors m any way or manner, or in any quantity, so as to receive any compen sation for the samu whatever; either directly or indirectly within four miles of Antioch church, in Alleghany coun ty ; Bluff Presbyterian church in Cum berland county ; Askpole Missionary Baptist church, in Robeson county, or Yopp's Meeting House, in Onslow county. Or within three miles of the following places, to-wit: Mount Pleasant Academy, in Cherokee coun ty; Unmberiand Union church, near Walkertowrn, in Cumberland county; jiiocKers store in .:edar Creek village. iu Cumberland county; Judson Female uoiioge, in Henderson county; Pollocks ville in Jones couuty; Laurel Hill church in KichmonJ county; Big Branch Baptist church, Beauty Spot church, Ashepole Presbyterian church, Zion's Tabernacle Baptist church, Asbury church, Horeb Methodist church, or Mount Mariah Baptist church, in Robe son county ; or within two and one-half miles of Kocky 2ole church, in Cabarrus county ; or within (wo miles of the fol lowing places, to-wit: Piney Grove church, Luneville church, or Red Hill church or ochooi house, in Anson coun ty; Christian Delight church, or Con cord church, in Beaufort co'ty; French's creek Baptist church, lirown iVlarsh Presbyterian church, in Bladen county ; Endor Furnace, or Flouring mills in Lockville, in Chatham county; Metho dist cnurcn, Presoyterian churcn, or Baptist church near Fort llenibri, or Hick's High School, Barnard's camp ground, iu Clay county; Pleasant Plains church or Peacock's store, in Columbus county ; Block.ville Academy or Cokesberry church, in Cumberland county; JNew Bridge church, in Duplm county; Mountain Island Jbactory, in Gaston county ; Corinth Baptist church, in Granville county; Flat Rock, in Guilford county: Johnston's chapel, in Johnston county ; hhiloh church, col ored, School House No. 1, in Federal Precinct Township, in New Hanover county ; Zion church, in Richmond county; Lumber Bridge Pcesbyterian church or Providence Baptist church. in liobeson county ; Jiillerbees bprings, in Richmond county; JLittle River, church, in Transylvania county ; Goshen church, Sampson county: the Paper Mills at the tails or IN euso river, in Wake county ; the Court House in Wilkes boro. in Wilkes county, or within the corporate limits of the town of Garth age in Moore county, or Lumberton in Robeson county, or Ruthertordton in Rutherford county, or within two miles of the corporate limits of Carthage1 or Lumberton. provided this shall effect the power of the commissioners of Liunv berton to errant license within its cor porate limits ; or within one and a half miles of Cherry (Jrove Baptist churcn in Columbus county ; Bell Farm Pres byterian church, (colored) Marris depot; Methodist church at Cold Spring camp ground, or Methodist church at Bethel Camp Ground, in Cabarrus county ; or M urchison Factory, in Manchester Cum berland county, or within one mile of Goose Creek ; Island church, in Beaufort couuty; the Baptist church m Abbotts- bure. in Bladen county ; isewton Acade my, or Fair View school house, in which J. S. ShUIord taught school, in Bun combe county; Pioneer M i lis Post Office, in Cabarrus countv: Cvoress Creek church, or tho Baptist or Methodist church in Hallville, Duplin county; Vino Hill Academy, in Halifax county; Bethel church, in Pitt county ; the Court House in Ash boro, in Randolph county; Turnersbury church, in Iredell county; or Union Chapel Methodist chuch, in Robeson county. Sec. 2. Any person or persons violat ing any of the provisions of this act, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemean or and upon conviction thereof before any acting Justice of the Peace, for each and every offence, shall pay a fine of not less than ten nor more than fifty dollars or be imprisoned, in the discre tion of the Court not to exceed thirty days. isec. 3. The Secretary ot estate snau furnish a certified ccpy of this act, im mediately after its ratification to the Era, JSentinel and News for publication. Sec. 4. This act shall be in torce lrom and after the first day of May, A. D., 1873. In General Assembly read three times and ratified this the 3rd day of March, A. D., 1873. J. Lu KUlihNMUJ, Speaker of tho House. C. H. BROGDFN, President of the Senate. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Office Secretary of State, Raleish. March 7, 1873. J I. William H. Howerton, Secretary of State, hereby certify that the toregoing is a true copy of the original act on iil in this office. WM H. HOWERTON, Secretary of State. March 8, 1S73. 172 d24tw4w REPORT Of the Condition of tne State Nation al Bank, of Raleigh, TV. C, at the Close of Business, 28th February, 1873. RESOURCES: Loans and discounts, 200,502 33 5,879 59 100,000 00 Overdrafts, U. S. Bonds to secure circu lation. Other U. S. Bonds, 00,100 00 43,672 '58 70,622 16 Other stocks, bonds and mortgages, Due from redeeming and Reserve Agents, Due from other National Banks. Due from other Banks and Bankers, - , 11,179 23 25,000 00 1,273 17 Banking House, Current expenses, Premiums, Cash items, ineludingstamps. 9,974 63 2,575 16 Bills of other National Banks, 24,369 00 Fractional currency, 1,160 15 Specie, coin, " oiz lo Legal tender notes, z,oiuuo $ 593,737 50 LIABILITIES: Capital stock paid in, 100,000 00 4,341 20 60,770 16 90,000 00 277,691 ,01 45,896 '84 Eichansre. Exchange. Profit and loss, National bank circulation outstanding. Individual deposits, Due to National Banks, Due to other Banks and "Bankers, 15,038 29 $ 593,737 50 J. Sam'l C. White, Cashier of the State National Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. SAM'L C. WHITE, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before mo the 8th day of March, A. D., 1873. W. rBIUROSE, Notary Public. Correct fittest:, . JSO. G. WILL.IAM3, ) W. W. Vass, Directors. Das'l G. Fowxe, J 3S It -gHENTUCKY MULES. - I shall receive on Wednesday, the I5th, forty well-broke KENTUCKY MULES. Thev can be seen in the. stables of Messrs. Wynne, Yancey & Co. lbs aiw. J. W. LEE. JpOR RENTJ The Exchange Hotel, on IliiLsboro street, is for rent. Apply to WILLIAM GRIMES, 169 lOd Raleigh, N. C. COURT ADVERTISEMENTS. JOHNSTON COUNTY In the Su perior Court. j : N. L. Whitley, Adm'r or James II. Raiford, dec., against Ballard Raiford, Nancy Whitley, and others. Action to sell real es tate for as sets, j Tho State of North Carolina, To the Sheriff of, Johnston county Greeting: j You are hereby commanded t sum mon Ballard Raiford, Win Raiford, Marshal Raiford, Mary E Batlance, Sally Oliver, Dixon! Phillips and wile Nancy, Mary Soiitjh, James Oliver, Doctor Oliver. Gaston Little and wife. Nancy Whitley. Patlie E Oliver. Easter Jane Oliver, Lucretia A Oliver, Nettie Oliver, Thos Oliver,! Richard V Oliver, James D Wisrcs. Chas r Wisrirs. John NViggs, Nathan G iWiggs, Alexander Sarah Holland. David Carrinrrton. Pauline Carringtori, Arthur Wiggs, Delia Stoval, Phillip! Pearson, Appy J Dixson. Ursula E Phillies and ,'Suirars A Sasser. the defendants above named. if they be found wifhin your county, to appear at the office : of the Clerk ot the Superior Court lor the countv of John ston, within twenty-five days, after; the service of this summons on them,: ex clusive of the day of such service, and answer tho complaint, a copy of which is served with this summons, and let them take notice,! that if they fail to answer the said complaint within that time, the plaintiff will apply to j the Court for the relief demanded in' the complaint. I j Hereof fail not, and of this summons make due return. I I i Given under mvhand and kpaI nfsuiul Court, this 20th day of February, 1873. 1 T. M ASSET, Clerk Superior CourtJ 37 w6w i Johnston countv. A.TE OF NORTH CAROLINA,) :Wake CootyJ Probate Court. W. II. Gulley. Adm'r. of W. II. Hollo- way, Plaintiff, vs. J. II'. Gradv and others. Defendants. It appearing to tho satisfaction of! the court that tho defendants, Thomas Brasfield and wife Caroline, are non residents ol the State: It is ordered that publication be made in the Carolina Era, a newspaper published in the city ot Raleigh, lor six weeks, weekly, sum moning the said Thomas Brasfield and wife Caroline, defendants, to appear at tne omce ot the J udge ot Probate tor said county, at tho Court House in Raleigh. on or beiore tue lotn day ot April next. men and tnere to plead, answer or dem ur to the complaint of the Plaintiff in, the above named action, or judgment will be taken against thein according to the complaint. ! Witness, John N. Bunting, Clerk Su perior Court and Judge ot Probate, at office in the city of Raleigh, this 5th day of March, 1873. .!. J. N. BUNTING, C. S. C. and Probate Judge Wake county. D. G. FowLK, Plaintiff's Attorney, mar 7 38 wOwj 1VTORTH CAROLINA, ) In the Pro- LI Johnston County, j bate Court William Hastings and wife Fannie E., and others, creditors, Plaintiffs, A gainst I !- Advertisement. MaryM. Secor, adm'r of E. M. Secor, dec,, Defendant. I , All creditors of E. M. Secor, deceased, late of Johnston county, North Carolina, are hereby notified to appear before the undersigned, at his office in amithheld, on or before the 24th day of April next, and hie the evidences ot their claims. This March 1st, 1873. . ! P. T. MASSE Y, C. S. C, mar o 38 wow Jonnston county. TOHNSTON COUNTY -In thd Su- LM perior Court. William William, ") against Summons for Ro- Mary Williams. J lief. The State of North Carolina, To the Sheriff of Johnston Co. Greeting : lou are hereby commanded to sum mon Mary Williams, tne dpicudani above named, if fche bo found within your county, to appear at the office of the Clerk ot the superior court lor tne countv of Johnston, within twenty days alter the service ol this summons on her, exclusive of the day of such service, and answer the complaint, a copy ot which is deposited in the office of the Clerk of said Court, and let her take notice, that it she tails to answer the said complaint within that time, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded iu the complaint. i llereol tail not, and ot this summons make due return. Given under my hand and seal of said Court, this ftli day ot reuruary, l. s. 1873. ' . i P. T. MASSE Y, Clerk Superior Court, 35 w6w Johnston county. XTORT11 CAROLINA, ) LN Granvilxe County. J Suoerior CourtFebruary 5. 1873. James M. Evans and wile Joanna and others, against Duncan. Special proceedings to divide land. It appearing to the satisfaction Of the Court that Duncan, who is the son and only heir at law of Samuel S.i Dun can, late of the State of Kentucky, dee'd, is not a resident ot this &tate: it is thereupon, on motion of John W. Hays, Attorney, ordered that publication be made for him in tho Carolina Era, a nfvwsnaner published in the City of Raleigh, lor six weeks, each weeki noti fying him to be and appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court, at the Clerk's office in Oxford, on Friday, the 28th day of March next, then and there to plead, answer or demur to me sam petition, otherwise it will be taken pro confesso. and heard ex parte as to bim, and a guardian ad litem appointed for said - Duncan. Witness. Calvin Betts, Clerk pi said Court, at Oxford, the 5th February, A. PAT.VIK n KTTS. 43 w6w. Clerk Superior uourt. Important Sale of L.ots in the Tow n of Lexington, David son county, N. C. IN OBEDIENCE OF AJN UltUKK oi the Board of County Commissioners made on the first Monday in March instant, I shall proceed to sell for cash, at the Court House door in the Town of Lexington, on Tuesday of our next Superior Court, ft being the 29th day of April, 1873, the following described lots situate in the Town of Lexington, near the Court House, belonging to the county, to wit: Three lots northeast of the Court House. The said lots are ad jacent the lot of H. Adams and R. A. King. Three other lots opposite the re sidence of Gen. J. M. Leach, and the Store House of Earnheardt fe Nove. Also, four lots opposite the Court House, adjoining the lot of C. F. Lowe, known as the public well lots. All of the above named lots are from twenty to fifty yards of the Court House. DAVID W. PICKETT, march 5. wtd.! Commissioner. Blackmeb fe McCorcle and J. T. Brown Attorneys for Commissioners. II. C. ECCL.ES, Proprietor, . - I CENTRAL HOTEL, charlotte:, n.' c. March 7, 18731 171 tf Wiggs, Thos II Wiggs, James I Wiggs, Nestus Wiggs, Benj Raiford, j James Wiggs, Samuel Potter and wife! Marv. NEW AI VERTIS EM KNT. LOW PRICE GOODS! jjIO COFFEE, ; LACUIRA ( OF nil, ! 1 Old) GOV. JAVA COFFEE. STANDARD DEMORARA COTO RICO Cuba rtIoInr, C an I on Nyrup. Iiolttut Meal, White and Yellow (bni, i I ' Oat. Iticc, Pepper, Spier, ;lng;er, ; and " " FLOTJH,. HACON. ' IVltJV at A. C. SANDERS & CO.. No. 2 Martin nt. l 13, 1S73. 3K- w;:tu Raleigh, Marc ELECTION FOR A CHIEF ENGINEER OF FIRE I3EPART3IENT. Notice to the Firemen of the City of Raleigh. SECTION 15. of the "Ordinance for the Government of Fire Com i;mitH in the City of Raleigh, adopted by tho Board of City Commissioners. June 1". 1870," says: Sec. 15. There shall be elected in tho month of March, in each and everv vcur, a Chief Ensriiiwr of tho Kalei'di Mm Department, who nh:dl liavo jronvrul supervision of all tho Companiux of this City. He shall h cJcvlcd by the mem bers of the several Comr'anics at a iron- eral election hold lor that purposo at tho engine house at Market Hall ft r tho' term of one year, or until his sucocvsl.r shall be installed. In compliance with tho provisions of the above ordinance, AN ELECTION lor a Chief Engineer ol tho Firo Depart ment of Raleigh is hrroby ordered for THURSDAY, MARCH 20th, 1K73. Polls open at 1 iroinan's Hall, roar of Metropolitan Hall. 'from 8 n. in. to 10 o'clock, p. in. II. T. CLAWSON, Acting Chief Engineer. Raleigh, Match (, 1873. 170 td DK. CROOK'S WINK 01" TAU. Ten your of i pnb !! tost lins prove! lr. Crook's M ino of Tir to have Mont merit than any preparation over olio rod lo tho pub lic. It l.-t licii in llio inoclifimi! i'ia!iti"H of. '1'ar, i'i. otii-iiitt!li-l for diseases of II. o 'I liroat and I.iiouH. iM loi inlnn (I... . . t . a. .. Hn -T nil I. . il .1 II It ,1 II lr. . rn rju If i.i'fffri' ft t I V '.Sniy ,.i., .j oil '.. I.u I foltln. It has enrol so many oases of ANtluutl mid llroneliltlM, that It has lx:on pronounced i .specific for those com plaints. For I'aliiK in tho llrent, (Side or Hack, ravel or lilil ney iNonNC. lsoascM of the TL'rl.iHrv OriiHii. JMiiiMlieo, or any I.Ivor 1'omplHiiit it. lias no equal. It Ih also a Miiei'io- 'Ionic, ItOfetoroM Ihe Appetite, fit renctlieiiN tlie Smlcni. Restore tlie Weak nml IX Itilitnl !. CniiMOM tue Food to IHifOMt. Remove I.ypepsi nml liidiceslion, 1'reveiit MnlarloiiM J'ever, Given tone to your i-Nteiii. Thai Pale, Yellox, SIcUy-IccHBgSila ih cliaiified to olio of fi-cxli ii.-km ami iiealtli. Thono IlHen.e of the Miln. I'imple, I'liMtnle. Iwot rlie and I. mot i.on ate removed. Noroi ii iJSeroin i on iMweiit- At' the KyfM, 'U to fcwel II n?r. I.'leer. !! Nor oh or anv kind of Humor rapidly dwindle and disapiM'i.r.n'ider It Influence. In fact it will do yon more uoo.t, ami cure yon more speedily than any a-id all other nronaratloriK comMm-d. Ttit!3!tt HIhiih- ttirc'sown restorer! A M.lnMe oyd of Iron combined" with Ihe medicini.lipropTlic!4 of Poke Iloot divested of all disairieeablc Ual itles It will cure any 4'lironie or. I.onx- Mnndinvr IMwenne whose real or ill root cause is bad blood. ItheiiniHf iin,litlii In Limbs or Ronen. oiillliillon lro kriMlonii by Mercurial or oilier poibn. are nil cured by it. ForNypCilllx.or Sy ph. ililie ta nt. there i.-t hothtnu' count i IT. A trial vvlil prove It. AMi KOI llt. HOOK .N I O.UI'Ol M M III I ' I'UKi: ROOT. March 13, 1873. SS 3tn W. T. ADAMS,. T. It. ADAMS. W. T. AIA3IS fc SOX, Manufacturers and Dealers in STEAM KWOIIS lu W, SAW A ;IST TtllLXS, Ilow, Harrow, Cujlivotor, ICosltingr macliten, and all kind of CASTINGS. All work neatlv and promptly exe cuted, by Bkilfr.l woi knien, on tho most reasonable terms. j Tjo senior partner lias hud over 41 vears cxperienco in tho business and feels justified in Buying that he can givo entire satisfaction. j WANTED 100,000 pounds of old Cast Iron, for which tho highest market prieo will be paid, in cash or exchange for work. , . j Works one Square jVct of Coun Houe. Raleigh, Aug. 13, 1872. 9 w3m. KICIIMOND it DANVILLE 11. 11., North Carolina Division. Freight Trains between Coldsboroand Raleigh will run in accordance with the following Schedule after unuay, uci. 20th, 1872. Arrive. Lcav. Stations. Arriv Leave, S3 o 6.50 7.25 K 7.49 3 8.15 8.40 8?y.30-g 6.00 Raleigll, Auburn, Clayton, Wilson's, 6.30 K 8.05 8.15SO 7.JW) 17.35 7.00 7.30 8.05 8.18 Selmaj rt.50 17.10 - Pino Iev, 1.38 6.40 s Rood Hill, N3.05 j giUoldsboroi g'Og" W.! II. GREEN, Master Transportation. -I ' i -lip Sl(J.R, "C" SlljAH, sigai:. SflariM:? 1 ; I YrT OTN t : vl 'vAv

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