WEEKLY EEA. THURSDAY, MARCH 13, '73. l"raj-er and Potatoes. If a brother or ulster bo naked, and desti tute of dally food, ami one of you say unto tlin. lprt in pewoe. ix ym wrrara " nfied: noiwitli5tiudine ye give them not tlHjMtthing which are m-odful for the body, what dot ti It protit? James ii, An old ladv aat In her old arm chair. With wrinkled vlate and disheveled hair, And huner-Trorn feature: Flrdayid fr weeks h r only tire, AW "he nat there In her old arm chair, I Had been potato-. Hut now they were (rone; of Iwul ors;ord Nt one waa'lefl for the old lady's food, t t If t hM w ta U n-h. Andahe hrl-d and ld. "What hall I do? Where Miail I aeiid.and to whom Khali I go j For more ioUtto-." .tnd ihe thought of the deacon over the way, The deacon wo n-wdy to worship and pray, i Whone ecllar Wa full f potatoes. And he ald: I will etid for thedenoon to I come: Ile'll not mind much to live me some of fuch a More of potatoes." And thedeacrn cameoveraa fat a.s he rould, 1 urn kimc to do the old ldy pumegmd, 1 Hut never for onw of potato- ; He k-d her at once what wan her chlt-t want. And hc. tfr ouI. Xe tinir a grant. Immediately aiutwt-red. "Potatoes!" Hut the deacon's religion didn't lie that way; lie vw more accustomed to preach and to ; pray i Than toalveof liUhordedpotatoea: Mo not hearing, of course, what the old lady Mild. le rre to pray with uncovered head. , I!ut h!ie nly thought of potatoc. lie prayed for patience, and wisdom, and Hut when he prayed, Ird. give her H-ace, i Hbe nudtMv olgtied. 4ilve potatoes." .ndat t fie end of each prayer which he sold , He Iteanl.or tlioiiKlit lie iiearti, in iu sicao. The Mime request for otatMf. ! The dea.-on was troubh-d ; knew not what to J flo; i 'I'waM ery emlrrji.Hsins to have her act fco ' i AIxmU the - carnal aio-. Mil. t-ndlnit hi traver. he started for home; li.it. an the door clotw-d.lie heard adeepgruan j U, Rive to the hungry potatoes : nd tlint groan followed him all the way home. i the midst of t hen luh t It haunted hi room. I . Kive to the hungry potato- ! Men, old liear It iio1oiikt; arcweand I reused; Kroni hi well-filled cellar taking in liuMe 1A I Kilt of hi bet jiotatocK. rain lie went to the widow's lone hut ; r leeptes eye she hail not yet fchut ; lint tliere lie hut in tli.lt old arm-chair. With the wime wan features, the same Bad I air. And, im rlntf In. he oun! on the flr , J'UKhcl or n mre In. in til goodly store j Of choice potatoes. flie widow" heart lenied tip for Joy, Her f.ue wa hugi;:rd and wan no more; 1 Sow." nid the tteaoui. . hall we pray? , Yew." wild the widow. now. you may:" And he kneeled him down oil the tandcd I Moor, Where he hatl ouril hi goodly ktore, Ind audi a prayer the deacon prayed never Ix-iore hi lip eayed ; X o longer MiiUinunml, tut fre' ami full, lie iMtiinil out the voice of a lilieral aoul. And the widow reNndl aloud, " Amen " ! Hut Kaid no more of iKrfatoea. t And vimlil you. who h-:ir tills simple tale, liray lor the poor, and have praying. pre- vail," Tlion pr-U your prayer with aim and I difNl ; S4-arcti out the joor, their want, and their 1 neet I. lYay for i-ac, and xrr;c, and spiritual food, Kor wi-"loin, mid guidaii-.-e, for all lhe are Ifood; i Itut don't forget the iwitatM. perity and happiness of all the peo ple of North Carolina. Your legislation forms a part of thef history of the times in which wo now live. Much business has been brought before the Legislature, some of it has been carried through, and some has failed. . Let us hope that what has been done is for the best, and that it may receive the approbation of the people. If in the course of our delibera tion, any irritation has been occa sioned, or any unkind expressions escaped us, let us, in thespirit of gen erous friendship, throw over them the mantle of forsretfulness. and re collect only the pleasures arising ! icmal from association, and the conscious- mer sta Inaugural Address of President Grant. ; WASiiixojTOX, D. C, March 4. FKLtxw-CiTiE3fs: Under Provi dence I bare beoli called a second time to act as Executive oyer this great na tion. It has lcen my endeavor in the past to maintai p all the laws, and as far a lay in niyj power to act for the best interest of ho whole people. My bot efforts will be given in. the same direction iu the future, aided I trust, by my four years experience in the office ; when my, first te!rm of the office of Chief Executive begaH, vhe country had not n-corered from ih a effects of a great in- 1 revolution, and three ofthefor- itatesof th U 'nion had not been ncss, Which I am sure pervades tlu ' restored" to thei federal relations. It THE N. C. LEGISLATURF. .SENATE. SIXTY-KIOKTII DAY. 3Ioxdav, Iarch 1873. Senate met at 10 o'clock. Lieut. (Jovernor in the Chair. Heading of tlie Journal disjiensed with. Senator Powell introduced a bill tt proliibit the stile tf spirits in the town of Endor, Chatham county. Passed uudtT a sujK'nton of the rules. Senator Xorwofnl, a bill to pro hibit the Hale of spirits at Tally Ho, iininville couiity. l'asttl under a .siispen-iion of rules. .-i-nat.r Worlli r.tilt 1 ti th bill !o provitle fr tin jrhitiii and tlis tr'ti.ulion of the iu-is eoiinrning revenue, and it pa.-srd it several readings. 1 Hill to rep -al an act to rej-eal eer tain parts of u:i net eoneeniinu' tbe il-:i:l of l'uMie t harith-s. la.-s tl. Ml-ss AC K. A iinv.-age was receivetl Irtuu his Kn lleney the (ioverti(r, Mating t!i it protntctt-tl sickness n;ul n- iitt-l him from npotaling to the ri-solutioii asking lor iiiforination in regard to the sale of the Eastern I i vi-ion of the Western N. C. Itail road nl the nindition of the Char lotte A- the liuthtT'ord I .ail road and referred this honorable botiv to ti- message ou thesubjwt sometime jinee. ! The Senate then went into execu tive session. : lill to cure th-feets in certain ju dicial proceeding. I'.isstnl. f Resolution of thanks to the Presi tlent and other offiwrs of the Senate passed, when President Erogden saidr j Sexatoks: The resolution that you have just passed unanimously HiTord the best assurance that mv t4ndeavtrs, faithfiil antl iniiartial, I i Ilopetney have oeen, to tliseliarge worthily and . proK-riy, the duties cpnfined to me, have not Ik-cii alto gether unavailing. bosom of every one, that all have been actuated by a hisrh sense of public duty. Senators, wo must now close our legislative deliberations. The hour for adjournment has arrived. We have-met to-day to part. I wish each and all of you a speedy and safe return to your families ana friends, and that you and they may enjoy a long life of peace, health and happiness. "Our several engagements now call us away. Our Y artintr Is needful and we must obey." It remains for me only to an nounce that the Senate stands ad journed until the third Monday of November next. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Moxday, .March 3, 1873. SIXTY-EICJIITII DAY. Mr. McNeil introduced a resolu tion, authorizing the publication of a bill in theLumbcrton llobesoman, passed its several leadings. ' Mr. Turner Introduced a resolu tion to inquire Into charges that the Pennsylvania Central ltailroad Company, and ether rings, are run ning papers to improperly influ ence legislation. No action taken upon the resolution. Senate bill to prohibit the sale of liquor at Lnclor, Chatham county, passed several readings. House bill, relative to county claims, paased several readings. Senate bill to incorporate the LockvilleLocomotiveand Car Com pany, passed several readings. Senate bill to incorporate the Haw River Iron Company, passed sev eral readings. Senate bill to repeal chapter 100, laws 1S70-T71, passed several read ings. Mr. Gidney introduced a resolu tion in favor of V. II. Morris, Pes- cud, Ix"e &. Co., and J. II. Enniss, which was adopted. 3Ir. liadger introduced the fol lowing resolution complimenting Speaker Robinson of the House; which was unanimously adopted: Ihe iiouo of Representatives do resolve that, for his impartiality and courtesy, by which kindly and friendly relations have been pro moted between the members, and by his strict attention to the duties of his office, and his knowledge of parliamentary usage by which the public business has been greatly forward!, Mr. Seakcr Robinson s entitled to the thanks of this body, antl of the people of North Carolina. Mr. Badger said, that in intro ducing this resolution he had ex- iressed his honet conviction and what he believed to be the unani mous st-ntinient of the House. In Irafling it he had gone out of the mlinary "rut " of complimentary resolutions, and had sought to make it speak the tnu-t truth. JO .Mr. Sneaker Robinson tht House was greaily indebted for the , harmomou that have seeraedtoinewl.se that no new ques tions should be jaised so long as that condition of .affairs existed, therefore the past four years, so far as I could control even ts, have been consumed in the effort to restore harmony, public credit, commerce and all the arts of peace and progress. It is my firm be lief that the civilized world is tending towards Republicanism or Government bj the people through their chosen Rep resentatives, and that our own jp-eat Republic is destined to be the guiding star to all others under our Republic. mation shall be continued to the best of my judgment. The spirit of the rules adopted will be maintained. I acknowl edge before this assembly, representing, as it does, every section of our country, the obligation 1 am under to my coun trymen for the great honor they have conferred on me by returning me to the highest office within their gift, and the farther obligation resting on me to ren der to them the best services within my power. This I promise looking forward with the greatest auxiety to the day when I shall be released from responsibilities that at times are almost overwhelming, and from which I have scarcely had a respite since the eventful firing upon Fort Sumter in April, 1SG1, to the pres ent day. My services were then ten dered and accepted under the first call for troops growing out of that event. 1 1 did not ask for place or position, and was entirely without influence or the acquaintance of persons of influence, but was resolved to perform my part in a struggle threatening the very exist ence of the nation. I performed a con scientious duty, without asking promo tion or command, and without a re vengeful feeling towards any section or individual. Notwithstanding this, throughout the SPECIAL NOTICES. Chapped Hands, face, rough skin, pimples, ringworn, salt-rheum, & other cutaneous affections cured, and the skin made soft and smooth, by using the Juniper Tab Soap, made by Caswell, Hazard & Co., New York. Be certain to get the Juniper Tar Soap, as there are many worthless imitations made with common tar. ' ". 93 !2w. INSURANCE. NORTH CAROLINA ; STATE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA, " Capital, - - $200,000. The Purest and Sweetest Cod Liver Oil is Hazard fc Caswell's, made on the sea shore, from fresh, selected overs, Dy Caswell, Hazard & Co., OFFICERS : ework. It is absolutely pure and Hon. Kemp P. Battle, President. sweet. Patients who have once taken it j jj. Cameron Vice President, prefer it to all others. Physicians have W. H. Hicks, Secretarv. , decided it superior to any of the other Dr. E. B. Hay wood, Med. Director. oils in market U 93 I2w. ; Dr. W. 1. Royster, Ass't 31ed. Di'r. J. li. Batchelor, Attorney. O. H. Perry, Supervising Agent. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. -f O SAMPLES sent by mail for 50c. JL that retail quick for 10. R. that retail quick for $10, AVOLCOTT, 181 Chatham square, N I,. Y. ITmploymeiit, $100 per week, Agents li aud others to sell a new article, in dispensable to merchants and manufrs. Add. with stamp, E. R. SMITH tfc CO., 9o Liberty-street, iN. 1. MflWFV Easily made with our Sten IV1UIXL.I Cii key-Check- Outht Circulars Free. ; 3i 4v Stafford MTg Co. GG. Pulton St, X Y. Q copies of the STOCK ASD FAHM O JOl'RAL, 100 pages, and 3 pack ages of new Farm Seed free, .by en closing 2 stamps. Address, X.' P. HO YE It it CO.; Parkershurg, P;. YOU JVIS1I TO WANTED.'!-, A CARD, A Clergyman, while residing in South America as mi.sionar3r, ! discovered a safe and simple remedy for the Cure of DIRECTORS: Hon Kemp P Battle, Hon Tod R Cald ease of the Urinary and Seminal Organs, and the whole train of disorders brought on by baneful and vicious habits. Great numbers have been cured by this noble remedy. Prompted by' a desire to We support an army less than that of Pvar and from ,ny candicaCT for my benefit the afflicted and unfortunate, I any European power of any standing, present ouice, m iouo, w me ;iose m wm send the recipe fjr preparing and And a navy less than that of either of, lasc esiaenuai campaign, x nave oeen r,r. at least fivn of them .thirnranM ho lue Buujece oi apuse ana sianuer, no extension of 'territorj In this conti- scarcely ever equalled in political his nent which would call for an increase of tory. whi:h K-day I feel that I car this force: but rather miiht such ex- nora io aisregara in view oi yourver tension erable us to diminish it. The dict which 1 gratefully accept as my mar 13 v3m HlOnrv " T nviFApnmAnt nitonfrflo ti'ttli I IndlCatlOn ireueral nroures-i Now that the telegraph is made availa- ai 1,1 artl raps. ble for communicating thought, toireth- Newbern market, yew Corn from Nervous Weakness, Early Decay, Dis- weii, Hon John W Cunningham, Col T er with rapid transit by steam, all parts boats Go cts. Cotton 16 to 171 cts. Cotton of a continent I aro made contiguous for seed 51 to 5J cts. all purposes of 'government and com munication between the extreme limits of the country ; made easier than it was throughout the fold thirteen States, at the beginning of our national existence. The effects of tiro late civil strife have Gfoldsboro market. Bacon in Golds- boro is 12 to 15 cts. Meal 80 to 85 cts. Hay 1.25 to $2,00. Oats 85 cts. Charlotte market. Middling Cotton IS to 181 ets. Low Middling 17 to 18 ; M Holt, Hon Wm A Smith, Dr W J Hawkins, Hon John Manning, Gen W R Cox, Col L W Humphrey, C Tate Murphy, Col Wm E Anderson, John G Williams, Col W L Saunders, K Y McAden, Col A A McKoy, I J Young. James A Graham, F 11 Cameron, J C McRae, J B Batchelor, J C Blake, Walter Clark, W G Upcuurch, J J Davis, John N lcnols. FEATURES AND ADVANTAGES. It is emphatically a Homo Company. Its largo capital guarantees strength and saiety. Its rates are as -Ioav as those of any hrst-class company. It offers all desirable-forms of insurance. Its funds are invested at home aud circulated among our own people No unnecessary restrictions, imposed upon residence or travel. Policies non-iorleitable alter two years. Its officers and directors are promi nent, and well-known North ' CaroJin ians. whose experience as businessmen, . i xiu.- . -r I auui nuusc ui ill niiu. 111 ifi: 1 1 l v aio w Ullb Ult spring, x win alone sufficient cuarantees of the Coni- using this medicine, in a sealed envel ope, to any one who needs t, Free of charge. Address, ' JOSEPH T, INMAN, Station D, Bible House, Xew- York City, i TO THE SUFFERING. The Rev. William H. Norton, while residing in Brazil as a Missionary, dis covered in that land of medicines a remedy for Consumption, Scrofula! Sokh Throat, Coughs, Colds, Asth ma, and Nervous Weakness. This remedy has cured myself after all other medicines had failed. been to freo tho; slave and make him a I and good ordinary 171 to 173 cts. Corn send the recipe for preparing and using pany's strength, solvency and success. citizen, yet he is not possessed of the civil right wh-ch citizenship shov.ld carry with it ; this" is wrong and should be corrected ; to this correction I stand committed so fait as executive influence can avail. Social equality is not assum- 75 cts from wagons. Oats 55 to 60 cts. Bacon 9 to 91 cts. Butter 15 to 20 cts. Planting potatoes $2 per bushel. Baltimore market. We take from the Journal: Provisions : Bulk shoulders 5J cts; clear rib sides 7i cts; Bacon ed to be legislateVl upon lior shall I ask shoulders Gl cts ; Hams 131 to 15 cts. that anything be done to advance the social status of the colored man except to give him a fair chance to develop what there is good in him. Give him access to schools, and when he travels let him feel assured that his eonduet will regulate the (treatment and fare ho will receive. ! ( The States lately at war with the gen eral govern mentiare now happily reha bilitated, and M Executive control is this remedy to all who de.siro it FREE OF CHARGE. Please send an envelope, with y&ir name and address on it Address, Rev. WILLIAM H. NORTON, 67G Broadway, i mar 13. 38 w3m New York City. XIIEO. H. IHIjIj. Local A cent, O. H. PERRY Raleigh, N. C. Supervising Agent. jgSS- Good Agents, with whom liberal contracts will be made, wanted in every countv in the State. March 13, 1873. . 58 wGm v jover seen irom o.u to fu."i per bushel. Timothy range from $3.75 to 1.12 per bushel. Corn crop last year. The heaviest corn crop ever grown in the United States, was that of last year, which the Agricultural Report states at the huge total of 1,100,000,000 bushels. Not only is this the largest crop, but it is said to MARRIAGE GUIIE. every one his own doctor Being a private instructor for married persons, or those about to be married, botli male and female, in everything concerning the phj'siology and relations of our sex ual system, and the production and prevention of offspring, including all STATE INSTITUTION! Snfc, Conservative, Energetic. ue corn or netter quality and of greater new discoveries never before given in intrinsic value than usual. Iowa was the Fnelish lantruae-e. bv WM. YOTTNG. 1 I r .1 .. . . . . ., , . ,.. . . I " iu 9mi mein uaiwouia not 1110 wnuer corn-growing state, her M. D. This is really a valuable and iw eaereiscu 111 any oiuer state under average uem-r nea.lv lortv-one bushels 10;, 11- 1 ' " f wr I A 11 A VObllJ L II J1 XV m I an acre. like circumstances. In the first year of thopast adminis tration, the proposition came up for the admission of Santo Domingo as a terri- utry 01 me union; 11 w not a ques tion ofiny seeking, but it was a propo sition from tho people 01 Santo Domin go, and which I entei tained. I believe now, as I did thjn, that It Was for the best interests ofithis Country, for tho people of Santo l)tntiir,' and all con cerned, t.'iat tlio projMition should bo received fivorabjy; it. was, however, rejed e. I 'oiit 1 1 h 1 lonat 5y and t Iiere fore the Kuhjvt; W.is inver brought up again by inc. iiiturtvvhile I hold my pre4ii! oice'lhe subject of acq 11 i- ' siti'iii i' f riil'ri mu-t .hiivt? t!if mm- giV.ii Iv in.UbttHl for the'8'1";";" Urrli"P) -avo th sup- s Mlltrrru-lltlly Ablings! IM"toftJ"' l""il uc.ore 1 will lecom- clKinuti ri.ttl all ,f our I ",oiu1 an-v Irti""" linking to such that ;icqtiiunm. 1 s;v ju ro, however, I do not fhare iu tjhe upprehensiou held by many as to thinner the Gov- ernmcnf.s be!oniing -u k-uei ami te- ' liivir exteiit-im reasiu Coiin transit of i of crce, eviiii-atioii, and bought bv telegraph and steam have thitngetl all this. Rather procett lings. I'ublic busiius lia I'tt-n rrt:tly forianh tl, iiul tin' ; titif iztlcrcts f tin-Slate, not swili'ly j party cmls, b:iv Iwn the rusult nf 1 ii - r t our ueiiiM-iaiions. lie ius ihi-ii str.iveil by kinl ai:l fotirtt-ous t all the mt-iti- J territory 1...-. !... ... 1! .? 4Z- I ! - " i , 'iiv t 1 or- Mine 'iiiif 111 111 it in 1 ; r..,.:,! ;..e...;i.:.. 1.;.. 1 r,Plu lllllVAIl'K 111 1 . A. II I I 1 1 111 11 Ull. Ho ll:l4 li-li!n-wl :i t hf l-(illr)i .!. a 1; iiiiui uur ureal asier IS preparing the woild in His own good time tibecome onfc Nation, seeking one language, and when armies and navies will be no longer required. My ettorts 111 tho future will le di rected to the restoration of good feeling ueiween 111c uuiereut sections of our common country, to the restoration ;f quaintatuv with parliamentary law, ! ati'l a rotnptnes in applying it, that has greatly facilitated tho pros ecution ol our work and saved to the eople much expense. The Ilou.e and North Carolina owe him a debt of gratitude. -Mr. MeGehee endorsed all that rIr. liadger had said Speaker ltobinson replietl as fol lows : f That I am t.L-. vf'':!Mt:rv :ud irenerous mani-1 N llt.li t-. . Cattlemen of the House of l&nre- .enta(ire$ : In taking leave of you it is meet that I should express my apprecia tion of the kind and flattering man ner iu vhich you have expressed yourseIes toward.' me in the reso lution just adopted. 'It is gratifying to nip, and should lie to every North Carolini an, that the avpt-ritien and bick erings of party strife are rapidly disappearing from our Halls of Leg- feeliturlv touched bv Elation, and a proper State and ational patriotism takingits place. ..tion antl favor, i our labors have been arduous, . but vou are not i "1 1 must say you have ben fai th ai conscious as 1 am of the deep j. ful attentive. Much has been impression it leaves itoii me. j tione for the good of North Carolina, N oros are wanting to full v express ; ana me vera set or the people will rhy appreciation of your uniform ; le tin your side when the results kinuness to me, ami 1 make the I re maue Known. acknowledgment with the deeiest to our currency to a fixed value as com- wun the pared values of gold. t-nsibilitv. iOur otticial intercourse lias been . c-.1s.1nt and agreeable, anil it will leave its impress and its memories "jOn the sands of our wasting j-ears.' jl am not so vain as to believe I hjive not committed errors as the presiding officer of this honorable body, but ifx, they wen indeed unintentional, and 1 think I may safely say, that no presiding officer of the Senate has ever been more unanimously sustained in hisde-r isuni than I have Ixvn. I know that 1 have acted fairly and im partial' in the K.rformance of my oftk'ial duties, and you have promptly sustained me on every occasion. To the public man the approba tion of those he has served is his highest reward. For your generous bestowal of that reward, and the indulgence at all times, kindly ex tended to me, I beg you to accept my grateful acknowledgments. Permit me, Senators, as the only return which it is now in my power to make, to tender to you the assur ance of my great anxiety to unite with you in any and all measures which may be best calculated to en courage and reward henest industry and labor, to develop the resources of the State, to improve our educa tional interests and facilities, and to promote the permanent peace, pros- made known. I am indebted ou for your kind aid and co operation in the dispatch of public uuMiitx. . Kind iToviuence has preserved us; the angel of death has passed around our Hall and no meaiber of this House has been called away. Trusting the same powerful arm may protect you and return you to your families and friends, I declare this House ad journed to tho ud Monday of No venfber next." world s standard of 1 anu if possible, to a nar ... . 1 - with it, to tno construction of cheap routes of transit throughout the land, to the end that the proceeds of all sec tions may una a jiving remuneration ; to the maintenance of friendly relations wtih all our neighbors and with distant nations ; to the re-jcstablishment of our our commerce audjsbaroin the carrying trade npon the ocean ; to the encourage ment of such manufacturing interests as can be economically pursued in this country tome enoj that the exports of home products and industries may pay for our imports, thb only sure method of returning to and nermanentlv main. tabling a specie basis ; to the elevation of lalsr, and by k humane course to bring the aboriginees of the country under the benign influences of eduea- The northern peach crop : All hopes for a crop of peaches next year have vanished. Twelve degrees below zero is considered fatal to the peach crop. Wednesday night the 29th January did tho business. A peach grower from New Vermont says that he made an ex amination of a large number of buds and every one was killed. The weather on that memorable night deducted a hundred thousand dollars from next 3-ear s agricultural productions in Morris countv. N. J. V. 1". Ilvald. How they cured tho hogs around Reidsville. Tho Keidsville llccord gives the following a.s an effec tual cure: Wo publish tlie following receipt which it is saul etlectujlly cures the malaoy with whic.. no uiaiiv hos are dying in this nvtmii. One lb of hog's lard, three table t; oiistiiI of tar and two teaspoonsful of ilower of sulphur, melt all together and when cool grease the lmgthoroughly, iced one tablcspoonlul of salpctro once j a day lor several days, if wet weather shelter hog. Superiority of Aldernev Milk : Tho.. M. llarve', formerly of tlie Experi mental Farm, Mill Grove, Pa., reorts iu tho December Practical Farmer, an experiment with Alderney milk, show ing its great superior' for butter over tho milk of common stock cows. He took eight quarts each of Alderney and native milk, the first weighing 17 lbs. 4 oz., and the latter 17 lbs. 6 oz. when set, and obtained 9-16th of a quart of cream weighing 19 oz. from the latter, and li quts., weighing 501 oz. from the Al- derney. To churn into butter required thirty-five minutes for the native and twenty-two, for the Alderne3'f with a product of 9 oz. from the former and 122 oz. from the hitter. Lastly, the native butter lost half an oz. in working, the Alderney nothing. The Alderney butter was of a rich color, aud needed no addi tions of foreign substances. Mr. II. It is written in plain language for tho general reader, and is illustrated with numerous Engravings. All young married people, or those con templating marriage, and having the least impediment to married life, should read this book. It discloses secrets that cver- one should be acquainted with; still it is a book that must be locked up and not let lie about the house. It will bo sent to any address on receipt of 50 cent". Address Dr. WM.s YOUNGi No. 41( Spruce street, above Fourth, Philadelphia.- JZi- AFK1.1CTM) A. D UNFORTUNATE. - No matter what may be your disease, before yon place yourself under tho care of any one of Uur (flJACK.S native and foreign who advertise in this or any other paper, get a copy of Dr. Young's Book and read it carefully. It will be tin means of saving you many a dollar, your health, aud possibly vour life lr. Young can be consulted on a 1 3' of the di.s.ii.sc.s docriix-d in his publica tions by mail or at his oll'u-e. No. 41G .spruce street, above Fourth, Phitadel-f phia. 14 wtini " 2d ANNUAL DISTRIBUTION 75,730 Premiums, RANGING IN VALUE FROM ' 310 to $5,000 THE WILMINGTON, N. C. LIPK INSURANCE COMPANY. ITS SUCCESS ENCOURAGING. Its Stability Assured! OFFICERS : Dn. A. J. DeROSSET, President. -JOHN W. ATKINSON, Vice President. F. II. CAMERON, Secretary. Dk. E. A.' ANDERSON, Medical Director. A SEWING MACHINE for family use. or act as agent, 'address WASHINGTON SEW ING M ACHINE CO., JSoston, 'Mas. AGENTS! A RARE CHANCE! We will pay all agents $10 per week in cash, who will engage with us at onck. Everything furnished and expenses paid. Address, . A. COULTER A CO.. Charlotte. Mich. Be deceived, but for coughs, colds, sore throat, hoarsemess and bronchial dilli culties, use only WELL'S CARBOLIC TABLETS. AVorlliles imitation aro on the market, but tho only scientific prepara tion of Carbolic Acid for Lung diseases is When chemically combined with oth er well known remedies, as in these Tablets, and all parties are cautioned against using any other. In all cases of irritation trf tlie mucous membrane these Tablets should be free ly used, their cleansing and healing properties aro astonishing. Ue warned, never '.icgleot a eoldt it i easilj'- cured in its incipient state, when it becomes chronic tho cure is exceed ingly difficult, use Weds' Carbolic Tab lets as a specific. JOHN Q. KELLOGG, .IS Plait St., N. Y., Sole Agent for the U. S. Send for Circular. Price 2,"c. per Box. ;)5 4w NKW Anviq;!! - K.. ESPECIAL ATTENTION of manufacturers "who have become- dis gusted with the odors of Paraffine Oils and their ill effects upon machinery, is in v ueu 10 E. If. KELLOKStl's SPf'U.ll? Exoixu Oil ( $L'20 't. gal E. H. Kklloog's sri'isJi sriNDLK Oir, $1.15 gal liu 11. JVKLLOGG-S XILLOIV JO.NOINK Oil (a $1.10 ft gal iu. 11. ivKr.i.o(Hi s .iSii.tiw' SriNoLK On. (3 $i8o jrai Manufactured only bv- j ....... - ... iir ih(,.k rortlinff to tUrectinns, aji 1 pmi.-i pruviili'J tlicir In 'ties aw 10; .'J', '' ral !ion onothor Viistt! beyond the mini r r. ''. : 1 .1111 111 lilt: .IHHK.ieiS, ( ,; Chest, liz.ines, Snur f;.r.i'. hiach. Bail Taste t:i ttio ji;.... ralpitution of t!i n. Mjr; lV Luns. rain In tli r''i.r,'i a liuthlrol nthiT p.nui'ul spriafr of l)vsjM'ii.i. better pnar.uiteo. i f is ailvorti-iemerit. l'r Kr iiialcC'oiid marniM or sini-, :it : f . or tlie turn (f ii!e. tfie ! i , Jccti)(t ftil-iiiilt:; ::. c . , perceptible. Kor lnfl.wimiaNe v It hr ma I l-m mi I t arid liitermjiti'iit ,- i Liver, Kulm s ;ui l It'u no equal. M'seh .v. i;!o;l. I'hey ni e n f;ri:(J.' p ri a. Tonic. xwsesit a jmwerltil ayent iu n- tUlllllUUtlun 01 t II l.lVt an I in l.iliom oi- ?kiii ifisea ( ! niieUlll, U'.otchc:, M. I'.uils. C.ii'!iun!c:, .i Sore Kye. i;r.viinc!w, tious ol the Skm. H i Skin of vrliii'.cver 1 a'.ly dug r.p tuid e teni in a sli.r? 1 1 t i . ! ;i iiiiriii 1 U011.111 1'rlTKK.-; 111"! 1;I')-I bver siHtniiK'.l 1 lie s V inr. o' U'.i-'iilr-1 !.! SOM 1!V Al.l. I-!. May 1 l7l i-l 1 1'. 1 . 3(1 4 w N E. II. KJLLpGG, 'o. 17 Cedar-st., New York Its DIRECTORS : Atkinson, Cieneral Iusurnnce Af-nt. Grainger, I'n-sidciit llank. uf Xv 'o. J. V I. 15. lluM'ver. f . w. Ki'i-elii.cr, CJroccr anil I'oiinii'.ssioii Alcreliaii'. (!. M.fStedman, of Wright t Sti'ilnian T. II. Mi-Koy. .1 A. A. Whitehead iayetteville. Dr. A. J, Dellossct, President. II. li. Kiters, CoiiiiaNsioii ih reliant. A. A. Wihiani, 01' v. Hi. aid lironers. v . -y. i.umiiiiii" ui .Ntu tliiop v I 'liii.iiiin. tj. . W illlHllls, i, v llll.lliis ii .11 1: l.,m. J",u Aim ray, ni K. Mu. ray v Co. Ilob t Ilellliiny, olHawsiiu Teei & Heiiliing. Alex. Spruiit, liritish Vice Consul, ol Sprunt it llllinKll. P. Murpliy, Attorney at Law.' J. 1. I111.011:., ui J. ii. v' ii! ijiiu.s ,t Co., t ayeiievil.e Jas. O. ieliae, Ati'y at Law, 1'ayettevii i. II. Kelly, Men-li.-m., Jveua)is dii. J. 1'. l'iipi-, yieiciumt, Lua.bei ion. Agents J Wanted for alnts Dinners of the kJ bbblk. Patriarchs. Kinir.-s. Pronhets. Rebels, Poets, Priests. Heroes. I Women. Apostles, Politicians, Rulers and Crimi nals, denial as Poetry and exciting as Romance. Its execution is faultless. Its illustrations are magnificent. It is just tho book for tlie masses, or all who love History, the Study of Character, or Cheerful Heading, Extrai terms to Agents. Send for circular. Also. Atronts for the People's .Standard IZible with 550 Illustrations. Our own Agents, and many Agents, for other Publishers,' are selling this wonderful success, because i, is the most popular edition published. Can- jj vussing books free to working Agents. Auciress, y.i-Aii IAAI t M'l'UliDV, Philadelphia, Pa.; Cincinnati. Ohio; St. Louis, Mo. Springfield, .Jlw, or Chicago. III. 4fl . . FQbiO! , .4-. Corn, Ilyo, SI 1V;is, Always kept on 11:;;. gi:vs C Jrain ami !' ! . 1'rarie Ihiildinir. K' i ! t 1 i 1 is v. a. ;.vn: ' i 1 ',: 1. Raleigh, N. .. P This is strictly a II03IK I.IFJG C03IIxVNY. ItsOflicers and Directors are citizens of trie fetate, ol high charater for business capacity, enterprise ami probity. It oilers every The Guide is published Quahtkrly, cts. pay lor tho year, ..which is not half ti -e cot. Those who afterwards send money to the amount of One Dol lar or more for Seeds may also order Z- ct. worth extra the price paid for uie iiumc. 1 he a irst ; u inner is he u tiful, giving plans for making Ilural Homes, Dining- Table Decorations, Wimlovv (hardens, and a mass of in formation invaluable to tho 1 lover of llowers. ISO pages on fine tinted pa per, some 500 Engravings and a superb v oiorn rjaie anu Cliromo Covcr.- The First Edition of 200,000 just prin ted in English and German. i JAITIlS V1CK, tSocliester N. Y. TO THE SUBSCRIBERS OF OUR FIRESIDE FRIEND Every Subscriber is sure of one premium anyway, and also concludes from this experiment that a lias an equal chance of receiving pound of butter can be obtained from CJ qU. of Alderney milk, while of or dinary milk 12 to 14 qts. is required. Mr. Harvey's native cows are also some what better than the average of their clas. An Edgecombe county boy's compo- tion and civilizatioji ; it is either this or sition on a big hog his father recently Miss Jane Thurston Forbid the Oath of Ollice to General Grant. We find the following curious adver tisement in the Washington Chronicle of yesterday: Hon. .Salmon P.- Chase and Associate Justices Nathan Clifford and others: Gestlemes: I claim all my legal rights in my purchase of the State of Maine at public auction at Augusta, January 5, 1870, to realize a lien I hold on the Constitution of the United States for a breach of the fundamental guaran tees of tie Constitution of the United States. I hereby forbid the oath of of fice to be administered by you to Ulysses S. Grant as President of the United States, his election beir.g void, he and the Attorney General havlmr d- cijnod to accept the deed of the United rotates which I tendered a war 01 extermination. Wars of ex term illation engaged in by people subjecting commerce and all in austnai purposes are expensive, even against me weakest people, and are de moralizing and wicked, and our supe riority of 8trengthj and advantage of civilization should fnake us lenient to wards the Indian. The wrong already inflicted upon him should betaken into account and the balance placed to his credit. The moral ir jew of the question should be considered, and the question asked, cannot the -Indian be made a ttsefuland productive member of society Dy proper teaching and treatment. If the effort is made in good, faifi we will stand better before tl?e civilized nations of the earth and in our own conscience for having made it. ' J . .-- All these things are not to be accom plished by one individual, but they will receive my support and such recom mendation to Congress as will in my judgement be of service tojearry them in effect and beg your support and en couragement, j . It has been and is Jmy earnest desire to correct the abuses that have grown up In tho civil servici of the country. To secure this reformation, rules regu- to President Grant. Jaxb P.Thurstos, Trrnrttrr rf Hia I " i 1 f Kingdom of Great Britain and Col- IatinS Ihe methods of appointments and onies. promotions were established and have Washington, D. C., March 1, 1873. been tried. My efforts for such refor- killed. We clip from the Rock Mt. Mail : We have on our table the tusks of a boar killed by Mr. Powell, of Ed gecombe, near Rocky Mount. The tusks measure 6" inches each, which beats anything we have yet seen. A note written by Mrs. Powell's little boy accompanied the tusks, which we pub lish verbatim et literatim: A HOG WEIGHING 325 POUNDS. a ins gentle swine was a pet hog. II is name was Flat. His age was 3 years. He was perfectly gentle from a pig, and never attempted to fight none of we children. He had ten mates, but none so gentle and kind as our friend Flat. At times he would ramble from home and get very gant, and when he would arrive he would put his large tusks un der the gate and shake it like a strong man, and if we did not seem to under stand his meanings he would grunt aloud, as if to say, " come out children, I have come to you for refuge." When his name was called he always grunted. and when ti e day came for him to be killed a negro man hit him twico and just to try him my Uncle B. called him by name and he grunted as familiar as when he was standing at the gate. So I will put this faithful animal's tusks before the public to look at. Yours truly, Daniel Poweix. a CASH Premium, or a PIAXO, ORGAN, WATCH, SEWING MACHINE, etc., etc. First Grand Cash Premium $5,000 OUK rilEKSIDK FlilEXO Fight Pages, Large Size, Illustrated, the Fam ily Weekly, is in its rimti) VOLUME and has attained the LARGEST CIR CULATION of any paper published in the West. Its success ENABLES the proprietors to furnish THE BEST, MOST DESIRABLE AND MOST USEFUL ORIGINAL READING MATTER IN GREAT VARIETY, that monev ean buy, and .to make it a HOME. WEEKLY suited to the wants ot every family. Subscription price ?3. per year of 52"numbers. The Elegant Cliromo " CUTE," Size 10 x20 inches, 16 colors. Acknowl edged by all to be the HANDSOMEST and MOST VALiUAtsijiti premium picture in America. EVERY SUB SCRIBER is presented with this Chromo at the time of subscribing, no waiting,) and also receives a N UMBER Substantial Jienefit that Northern Companies do, with the great additional consideration that tlie capital is kept within tlie .State, and, therefore, helps iaj uuuu up Him losier uume institutions. Another important fact to be considered is, inui me Wilmington Life has thus tar obtained a very much larger interest for the money invested at home, than any of loiii. companies receive lor their investments, according to their sworn state ments before the Commissioner of that State These unquestionable facts should com mend this Company, above all others, to our people. iA't it oe borne iu mind (hat millions of dollars received for L,ii'e premi ums nave ueen sent Tsortn since the war, Which at once drains the South and enrich- is unequalled, by any known remedy. It will eradicate, extirpate and thorough ly destroy all 'poisonous substances in es the plethoric capitalists of the North If the Dlood and will etlectually dispel all there was no other consideration, safety. miiucM uuu eiieapness oeillg equal, WUy North Carolinians should insure at hojie, im.- wui; muic mull suilieieill. The Wilmington Life has excellent special features. It places no restriction on Travel: it makes no extra ch iimie risKs; ana us policies are lucontesta- uie alter ive ears. Its business is managed economically. Its risks are taken with equal caution. Its in vestments are made judiciously. Its motto is : "Economy, Promptness, Ihirness." AGENTS WANTED in everv County, in the State, with whom the most liberal terms win ie maue. Apply to JAMES I). BROOKS, General Supervising Agent, - - or.THEO. II. 1II1.L, Local Agent, Jan. 8. lUwGm. Raleigh, N. C. predisposition to billious derangement in mere wain i aciion m your Mver and Spleen Unless relieved the blood becomes impure by deleterious secretions, producing scroiulous or skin diseases, lilotches, Felons, Pustules, Canker, Pimples, Ac, ttc. Have you a Dvspepiic Stomacli i Residence or Unless digestion is promptly aided the large for Fe- system is debilitated with poverty of the Blood, Dropsical tendency, general W eakness and inertia. . u Have you weakness of the In tew. tines) You are in damrer of Chronir Diarrhea or Inflammation of the Bow els. I ': -. Have you. weakness of tlie '(?- ine or t'rinar' Organs J You are ex posed U) suit'eringin its most aggravated NOTICE to Parties of the Name of DALLAS, M'KERROLL, and WILKINSON. TTTANTED, full Particulars of the lorm. Are you tlejected. drnvv dnl? muyyijsn or uepresxeu ill spirits, with iieau ache, back ache, coated tongue and uau lasting mouth ? 1-or a certain reined v for all of h OCA diseases, weaknesses and troubles; for citrans,iLi; anil i nuritvmar t in v Ikfa blood and imnartinr virror to nil ihn yitai iorces; lor building up ?nd restcr- iug me weaKeneu constitution USE Children or Descendants of AI- O L J XVi I J Yli A ED CERTIFICATE ENTITLING 1 ftrTi-w xTti-TTT t i , 1 wni,v1 ,s pronounced by the lead in aim.' in ii iiLi-r 'ill m .1 w- i ir-itt-kAi ' - - - kj v i i h i uicua-di nuu ur ioi .rkiiMnn on distribution of $23,000 in cash and other i-rrX k - ; 1 ',U11 WIL- "tne most powerful tonic and alterative premiums. n v y 13 V-1le ANET Dallas known to the medical world." This is THE DISTRIBUTION TAKES aniirthJA': "i lue 1.11 1 !. . uniriea uiscovery but has PLACE on the second Tuesday in June -ni i ,Tntr8' ";u. Vie PpJl- above-named who Died. I InmarrioH i rem od iy 1 rumilru fllld Tntestato nn .M Tnnn ioto I Tim Parfiwpvooii vlr:.r T.,. ."on' weaken and lujpair the in Scotland, and the Famine F0 three first-named are supposed Tto be 7n TVii "- K' V Y temporary ieJiet: North Carolina, and of JoWnSl" ln: tel1?"?. .??.t1?nc7.nd :lYIPi kox in Canada wim piies ana Kinurea diseases aro sur Affidavits and EvideneR of Psfii" Authenticated by a British Cnnni ' lodged with. James Gait, of 98 West Nile Street, Glasgow, Scotland, the Judicial Factor on Mr. Dallas' Estate. secern Der 17, 27 w3m (.-ii. TTUTCIIESf N.A- ( ' ., 1 A N. C, are n-i-.v n. about seventy gn'W-n-i ; purest, and best o?;i :.i-i.i distilled rye and m v-l-have for th;ii dislili r M'. son of Col. Jere li lt, '' was so weN and lavM -nl-'y ' best made in tli-. ! " chip of the old )'.'.:," It jut like his lathi ?-. Wholesale price, .j . livered at Gnt'i.iiu :':. licited uy all lovers i jan (i i iiiMijiiip Sept. l.i, 1871!. T CLAIMANTS! Claimants desirim:!' cases (not ex e 'ht ;c " pending against tins. I's.;; Stores or Supplies, t;ik' n during the Rebellion, 1 ' Union arm v. will wn' t as I iini now rc.idy t i capacity. , .v;. . ill ' III III,-' Bfwa'iPr-t T t Iff fl 1 1 I rt I f ' I i' 1 Mm Snnt IO 17'? I H 1 I next. The Chromo and Certificate sent on receipt of price. SPECIMEN COPIES, PREMIUM LIST, Etc., GIVING FULL PARTICULARS sent free to any address. .; . j , Either local or canvassing every town. Large cash, pay and the . best out' WAN I LU- Send at once for terms. Address , O UR FIRESIDE FRIEND, Chicago, III. 37 w3m And Baltimore, Md. Sopt. 19, 1872. j-osV. Certificate of Kto.-li -North Carolina Rai V- ' ' for Hvn iiliarna wtl tu ! i HIT ill ' on tho books of the C.ie;'-i:;.v, , lost. Notice is horeiiV i';" L'r apply to the cilice of f i- I , ' a new certificate. v- Vv'. F. Ii:M'! Feb 18 .1:!, AGENTS g1 Jon: No II N AR.M.-sliRONC, 1 Favktikvill:: RALEIGH'S. C. 1$ O O K II I N ! i: to follow their use. Keep tho blood nure and health is assured. JNO. O. KELLOGG. Npwsn.iners . Mairazn 18 Piatt St.. New York.. f Rooks, of every descrip:i"i: Sole Aerent for the United States. i tho verv best M Vie. and atl- W'1' Pri'in Ov,n r,.)l.. !,..! I l . .. tnn.nnin ClUO tsena ror Circular. 1 ports taken in exchange iur fl!l.l I. iin I

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