8 ; ejlcel tih Rate! of A-lrcrtltdn?: . ! 0 ." i . w n T-i pt rH.-'r tw i Tr-Vri-Tr-! .."w.-r . .: ? . V' wi Acl - J huinei Manager. One square, ono time, 00 " M two times, 1 '50 " . " " three times, i: 00 .? Contract Advertisements' takrn W'r.rKi.v -One yea.", in advance, 2 00 Sir moctJia, 1 00 1 Thro months. ft- Vol. 2.; '-,""" RALEIGH. N. 0., THURSDAY, MARCH 20. 1873. K"o. 39. at proportionately low rates. j M U II I I I I t s 1 -TV drod i i l I i i r r 9 ft I "Ik . M 6 i The Stolen Iviss. Willi l.Itioej c closed, ami head thrown l.i'-k, . Wilbin the cay-chair Kit Kitty.' Tliousrht I, "If now n pair of kIovp . I in.iv tift win. 'twill be a nity!" " i;it w'-l wrftiy rt-ached hr nide,' ." . 'i'im rvtl parted w idia niurinur; ud j,, Ijt j'V ! my iwme !ie brtatUi- Withni my heart grjw h rH?Hti!l firmer iKK-t love fnc, Kitty ?" whimpered I ; Antl olt in sle"p came lack iii wit: heci I l.v tlwe nt: J st. mn i aiiasr. Till love urKfl, Hi a her whilw you c:iii. sir: li.it ah ! the !ln oyf swift ui.clostd, iA'd clncvl :ti me w ith mirth o'er l l! )W ltlt. fi, ..i!t I, " I II 1 t Ikt thiuW R whil. liial I'vo heard roiinthin worth the i ,u .ir.iwiii-r n-ar. I lyly saiil, -Fair niai I. vnr drcaui-i have l.rt raved you. f.ir sh.uiie !"' -riel hhe, " to steal my Ih-.u-htV And yet 1 1 sle'piiif? tsie to aid vol !" Ad peiiito-it, I humbly said, H it aii! t!i- sor-ret in my k.et-in ma le mi sad !'" She anweredjw, "One never tell.s the truth while bleep-i:i-r' The Squire's Mistake. Squirt' Dudh-y w: in his g-.irdcn piUMi.: wectls in hi patch ot lamed -,r.iviMTrris. on the inorninir when ft" t(.k a fa t.rittv fut'. ncv for liuth Lee's She came down the road, liKikin fr-sli as anew-blown ph. ij: t-.i-r plain c-alico tlres and J .-traw h it. Hit brown hair, cut j quit -hort, lk-v all ahout her face ! in littie ring's, anl ln-r blue eyisand j ! ilit cheeks nunle her as pretty a ; jecfiro as one often sees. ,-iinre ladiy s;iw her jut as she came op jKHite'the trawlK'rry pat.-h, and t-dlletl out "(i'o d morning' in his brisk, cheery va y . , iT'HkI ninrning!" sheansswer cd. "Von aliii(t seiircil me, Spuire I-udley. I ilitln't seeyu until you "I'.e.t-aiit morning, isn't it?" .lid the S pi ire, coming up to the femv. Luth had haltttl in the r .itl. "It's tfcautiful veatlnr," answer it 1 llutli. "I tol.rint.tlu r it was too pica-ant to stay in doors and st irtcil fon a visit." " A r e y o u r 1 ra w 1 e r r i es r i pe y c t ? " Mid the'Sonirc, wondering that he . . f . !: Vv-r nan noiieeti wnai a iresu, ctiarnin.ir :ai.i Widow Lee's daugh- t r l.ad !'v-:ore. oar trawi- ri i-s 1. uglud II itli. "wo haven't '' one. Our oi l rooster g't in o:..- d iy, about a wn-rr 'o niiti oieice ! ail hecouhl cat, ami then coaxo l he hens in, 1 afid between them thev ruined our -iwlorrv crop." I 'iMb:td:"t-c!airmdthesvmpa- t!u tie Sou ire. "Have someoi these, P.iuh? Thev're jut ripe enough t ) I'C goo.l." jlle picked some great clusters of ntH berries ana nanueti mem over the fence to her. "Thank you," said Ruth, smiling. "How nice they an. .Mother was making great calculations on her strawberry jam. She was terribly vexed when si e found out what the hens had done." "I've got lots to spate'," said the Spure. "I'll send some over to your mother." .ne ti in..- iiuivu wj-iiu I'fjwn, said Ruth ; "if you have more than you want" . ' "Plenty of them," answered the Spiire; "plenty of them. Can have them just as well as not." "I mut Ik going," saiil Ruth. "t;.Hl morning." "(ood morning," returned the Squire, looking after her as she went down the road. "I declare t.Vreain't a prettier girl in town than Uuth Lee. I wonder some of .!.. .i i i. - i: -,..i . ..,.n the voung fellows haven't got her away from the widow. If I was young now " Squire Dudley stopped suddenly. An idea had tlaslted across his brain. "I'm fifty," he said at last, after flunking quite busily for some mo Ments. "I'm fifty, but I don't look it. 1 tl .:t't see why I shouldn't try my hi k after all. Girls as young as Ruth nu.rry older men than I am. I'm sun she'd make any man a good wife. Her mother is one of the finest women in the State, and hes brought her daughter up to know how to work, antl be saving and prudent. I'm sure we need a good housekeeper. Mrs. Brown, she's old and fussy and crooked, and this way of living ain't ha'f living. I do believe I'll marry her, if she'll have me. Maybe Charley 'I say it's foolish, but I can't help it." The Squire fell to weeding out his stawberries again diligent, and kept thinking about Ruth all the while. Longlvfore dinner was ready he had fully made up his mind to pro pose marriage to" Ruth, and bring home a new housekeeier and mis-trt-ss to the great house whose mis press had been Uad for ten years or more; provided, of course, that Ruth ilitln't say no, and the Squire thought there wasn't much danger - of. that, though why he should be so sure, I can't say. "Don't you think we need a hou.se er?"he said to his son Charles tiuit afternoon, as they sat on the verandah. The Squire evidently saw some new feature in the land scape, for he kept his ace turned away from Charley's as he spoke. "A housekeeper?" asked Charley. "We've got one. What do we want of more, I should like to know." , "Yes, I know," assented the Squire, turning red in the face, and beginning to get a little uneasy; "hut Mrs. Brown is not such a wo- nian as we need. She doesn't take any interest in the work as as a woman would who who had more interest in it." After which extremely logical ar " gament the Squire got more fidgety than ever. "I understand that," answered Charley. "If she had a personal interest in the place, and in being nwl -rr.riv.rv iKn rrm tl he'd do better than she does now. ow she gets her jwy for work, and that's all she cares for. It's all we can expect of her." . "Just so," Raid the fSquire, glad lo know that Charley asrrei with iiini o far. '"l've.been-.thinkin this niornin? that the: best: thin? could do would be to get some one who would take a personal interest in matters. . I .don't eeju. you in tt'c l to get utarrietl, and if you won't, I don't know but I'd better." , ,The Squire breathed easier. The worst part was over.with. ' , 'You get married!" exclaimed Charley, in intense surprise. "Why, I didn't know that you ever thought ofKUch a thincr." " And I haven't till this morn - o - ing," exclaimed the Squire. " I got to thinking about it this morning, and tbo more I thought about it the more I thought it a good plan., loa haven't anv obiections?" "Of course not," answered Char- lev. " You can do as a-ou think .. I 1 !.- J- Tf w-vYnnm if ol ico 1 k1tk tr get a wife 1 have nothing to say further than the hope that you will Kret .some one who will make you happy." "felie will," said the Squire very decidedly, " she will, I am sure." " May 1 asic who 'tis to be?" in quired Charley. . " I I haven't asked her yet," answered the Squire s red as a rose. " I'u ratner wait until i m sure of her before I tell who it is. She might ay no, you see, and I should feel rather cheap." Prudent Squire Dudley. That afternoon he picked a pailful of his linojt strawberries, and directly after tea stnrtetl otr across lots in the direction of the Widow I.ee's, with the berries on his arm. It was dusk In fore he got to the widow's, for he walked slowly. He had very busy thoughts for company. lie was wondering what it were best to do. Should he propose at once to Ruth, or should he see her mother first and talk with her? He concluded that the la.d was the wiser plan. Ashe opened the gate noiselessly he heard voices in the other corner of the garden, and stopped a mo ment to find out if it was the widow antl her daughter. " I never had an idea of it before," said a voice, which he recognized as Charley's; " not the least in the world, lie said he hadn't thought anything about it until to-day. I couldn't tind out who he had in view. I hope it isn't old Miss Sharp. She'd like toget somebody." The Squire burst into profuse perspiration at the idea of having Miss Sharp for a wife. ? He said he didn't see as I ever intended to get married," went on Charley. " I didn't tell him I had got me a wife picked out, but I wanted to. I am sure he'd approve my taste in making a selection." "What nonsense!" laughed a clear pleasant voice ; Ruth's voice, theSiuiro knew the moment he heard it. "If I am going to be your wife 1 want you to quit mugn ing at me in that sly way, pretend ing you are flattering me all the time?" " His wife ! Good gracious !" The Squire was so taken by sur prise that he came near dropping his strawberries. So it was all settled between them. And he had come near proposing to his son's intended wife. He felt cold all over, at the thought ofit. How luckily that he tlid not take Charley into hiscon- I iidence, and tell him whom he had concluded to marry. " I declare," exclaimed the Squire, " I've made a mistake this time, sure enough. The niscal got the start of me. I'd like to know what I'm to do? I've told him that 1 intended lo get married, and if I don't, he'll likely as not mistrust something. Dear me !" The Squire was in trouble. An other bright thought occurred to him. There was the widow. After all, she would be more suitable for him than Ruth would have been. She was somewhere near his own iage. A fine woman. A smart woman, fehe would maice a nnc mistress for his empty house. Why shouldn't he marry her, since he could not have her daughter? " I'll do it," exclaimed the Squire, bound to go through with the mat ter since he had got so far. " I'll do it." lie knocked. The door was opened by the widow, round-cheeked, rosy and smiling. "Why, Squire Dudley! Good evening," she exclaimed. "I hardly knew you at first, you havn't been here in so long. Come in ; take this rocking-chair, and let me take your hat." The widow bustled about and got the Squire a chair and deposited his hat on the table before he happened to think of his basket. " O ! Ruth told me your straw berry crop had proved a failure, so I thought I'd run over and bring vou a few. Strawberry short cake don't go bad this time of year." I'm a thousand times obliged to vou," said the widow, taking the basket. " I 'was so provoked to think tho hens should spoil mine. Such a nice lot as I would have had." " If you want any preserves come over and get 'em," said the Squire. " We've plenty of 'em. Mrs. Brown she won't do anything with 'em, except as we use them in the season of them, I suppose." " I want to know !" exclaimed the widow. "You ought to have them done up. They're so nice in the winter. I would like to get some for jam ; and if Mrs. Brown won't take care of them I'll do them up on shares." " I wiuh you would," said the Squire. "Things are all going to wreck and ruin about my place. Taint to be expected a hired woman will take any interest in affairs;" and hero he sighed deeply, i "No; that's so." 1 It was strange that the Squire had not found out how things were going to wreck and ruin before. Mrs. Brown had been there ever since Mrs. Dudley died. The Squire and the widow kept up a very brisk conversation, aud at the end of an hour he was more deeply in love with the widew than her daughter, and began to wonder how he had been so blind as to overlook such a delightful 'woman so loner. . -' 13y and by the widow hustled out, ana presently, can oacK with a pitcher pf last ytrs - cider and tl plate of cake: f l ' f, j ' -Do have somethiog to eat' tind out. and oregentrv. came back with 03 to eat -ana drink'.T ureed the widow. u4 I'd known you were 'Coming-I'd have made a cherri pie. 'JjferoenX ber irou-used to" -ike mychejnr' pies. -". '.. ".1 .';. " '' " . a jl ion j m i wine iuivt mai-c cherry pies fbf-txieall your life," , blurted out tho squire, turning very red in the face again. " I-I came to ask you to marry me, 3Irs. Lee.' After which innocent falsehood the Squire felt decidedly relieved. "I'm sure I'd aalieve marry you as any man," answered the widow, blushing, and looking as pretty as a roso --i-"""""'f " It's all settled, then," cried the delighted Squire, mid kissing her plump on her lips just as the door opened and Charlie j and Ruth came in. " Allow me to make you ac- quainted with my new house keeper," said the iSquire, bowing very low to hide hs red face. " And allow inq to present my wife that is to j be,!' answered Charley. " You take the mother and I'll the daughter." I am happy to sijy that, under the " new administration." things are no longer going to wrecK and ruin. St. Louis Democrat, (Rep.) Kasy Enough. The Simple Questions that Washing ington Clerks are Required to Ansicer lief ore Receiv ing their Appoint ments. . The impression ;seems to have --."" . VVJ. -.V- V -W-..- AUl to which all applicants for official losition are subjectetl is not only severe, but of a character that would render it impossible for an individ ual of only an ordinary education to pass, unless by Mobilierizing the judges, or the aid of outside influ ence. . It is but a few days since a pleas ing anecdote was in circulation to the effect that a young man pre sented himself before the board of " civil service" examiners, and after successfully answering the numer ous questions put to him was told that he had "passed," and asked frrn nnrnifl tlior. f ha nvaminfitiin what position he. desired. "I do not want any office,'. said the young man, "I am a Yile student, and Hearing a great aeai about your civil service examination,! thought 1 would drop lnandjsee whatitwas like;" so saying heflit a cigar and walked off. The fact, that gives a beautiful coloring to this little story is that it was told by the student himself, and consequently neecissno corroboration, f " . THE NEW. SCHEDULE. It A A few days since a BeporterbTfhe Democrat encpuragd by the result of the Yale student's examination, wrote to the authorities at the Na tion's Capital, asking for a list of the questions usually put to applicants for clerkships, as a matter of general interest to the public, who, next to sewing machine ifnd life insurance agents, feel the warmest interest in anything pertaining to this class of high-toned and: over-worked hu manity. The request 'was promptly complied' with, though for reasons that the government does not see proper to explain, the list of ques tions has recently been revised and rendered as difficult as possible, for the purpose of giving Boston men more of a chance for competition, and keeping out the New York drummers, who had no difficulty in obtaining positibnS' under the old regime. . f QUESTION'S. Give the year, month, day, hour and minute of your birth, to the best of your knowledge and belief. Were you born before Sumter was fired on, or after the black-bird of war had ceased to flap its dark pin ions over our beloved land ? Dou you believe n Darwinism ? If so, how many of your ancestors do you calculate you would be com pelled to dig up before you found an extra length. of spine? Fill out the following sentence from Shakespeare: "He was a gentleman, a scholor and a When is the best time to trim corns? I L Is bathing hereditary in your family? j Do you differ from Webster in your style of spelling?. If so, in what words ? i : Wrhen did New; Jersey secede from the Union,? j At the present rate of punishing crime, how long will it be before murderers are pensioned ? What was the number of acres in Rhode Island w hen first discover ed? ' f Do vour shirts open in front or behind? ': i What was the name of the son of Austerlitz, and did the old man have any daughters ? Who was Secretary of the Navy while the Erie Canal, was being built? - j .. 1 -! In what part of Zell's Encyclope dia are the foilow'ing lines to be found: "We hold! these truths to be self-evident, that man is possess ed of three inalienable rights, name ly : A wife; lagerj beer, and the pursuit of horsei-thieves ?" j ' Do any member of your family make any pretensions towards keeping Lent, save your umbrella and brass kettle ? j W'ho was Commander-in-Chief of the armies of the? United States when Sergeant Bates made his raid through England? - In your judgment which should prevail, the biaS of jurisprudence or compulsory hanging, where thejury are temporarily idiotic? ' Are you well posted in vulgar fractions and polite literature of the day?.. Is there, any sentiment in the, hu-1 I man - heart more " tender than the rxwom or a aoiiar store srurtr I wnat w tne iengtn oi tne uptcago F luver, and how far from its mouth -ivivei is it "locks '& Iic is it - navigaDie ior iigni-uraugni tlackrsT I iui me d mi his come to .fvmerica -. -r l . r i a " Bk. If t beTore the. Browns? If so, why?, In -what-year was the Colorado nf ti f K n nolnn ! ' -Bhctak! lightning-rod peddlers be alla-wed to vote until alter death? wnac is a counterfeit nity-cent scrip worth in a beer saloon where the bar tender is intoxicated and with gold at 18 3-5 cents premium? -Who. was the fruit dealer wr.o first cried "Hang out our ba; annas, on the outer walls the cry Is give us rumr" y( Square a Cincinnati hogVrr,;$ by life-. Amazed and puzzled at Gen king a segment from the circle of eral Lee's unmistakable ignorance taki his tail and adding it to the diame ter of his hose. Are you in favor of "local option" as applied to sparking on the gate of your prospective father-in-law? What American General was the first to plant a whisky cocktail on the ramparts of his throat, after the battle of Bull Run and the capture of Washington by the Union forces ? Under what circumstances would you suspend the habeas corpus act in order to string up a milk ped dler? To what official do you apply for r.nar---,t2 in f TTrV.rl-or. "M T Give the names of six of the wealthiest horse doctors in the country since the epizootic gave us a whirl ? At which end of a chicken pie do you commence an attack ? Do you perspire freely while carv ing before a large dinner party? Does it take anv more cloth to dress the Goddess of Liberty in fashionable attire, than it does to rag out Hail Columbia, so that the Washington society papers will no "tice her? -. Of the several hundred chests of money and valises of cheap jewelry which Capt. Kid planted on the At lantic coast, did you or your rela tives ever get a smell? Which is the greatest female character in history Joan of Arc or Lydia Thompson? Stand on your head and repeat the multiplication table backward, at the same time give the "Heathen Chinee" in Latin, and sing "We may be happy yet." This comprises the most impor tant questions in the list. We have omitted a few pertaining to math ematics and grammar, but the above will convey to the minds of young men who desire governmental po- sitionssome idea of what they must "O 1 ' r General Leo Convulsed. An old lady, who knew General R. E. Lee almost lrom ennanooa, declared that when he was a young man he enjbyed fun and indulged in harmless frolics as much as any body. Later in life, and after his sons became stout lads, it is said that he . was fond of sleeping with them, in order that he might in the morning engage in an old-fashioned romp and pillow-fight with the boys. Juring the war, though habitually grave, as befitted a com manding officer, he relished an oc casional ioke very highly. W'hen some of his staff mistook a jug of buttermilk that had been sent him for "good old apple-jack," and made wry faces in gulping it down, he did not attempt to conceal his mer riment. So, too, when f inquiring into the nature of " this new game, rchuck-a-luck,' I think they call it," which had been introduced into his army, there was a sly twinkle in his eye which showed how shrewdly he guessed its real pur port as a gambling game. So, again, it is reported that he appreciated fully the "sell" which a wag on his staff palmed off upon a reporter, who promptly inserted it in the papers. The reporter wanted to know General Lee's hour for din ing. "Six o'clock exactly at six," was the reply. " I infer, then, that it is rather a formal meal ?" "Decidedly formal in fact, I may say it is a rigidly military dinner." " Military ! how military?" " Well, you see General Lee sits at the head of the table, and Colonel Chilton at the foot, and everything is done in red-tape style." "Red tape at table! I don't un derstand you. Please explain." "Certainly. General Lee never carves and never helps all that is left to Colonel Chilton but General Lee asks the guests what they will have; they tell him, then he issues his orders, and Colonel Chilton ex ecutes them. That's all." "Go on, go on!" opening hi3 note-book; "give me an example tell me exactly how it is done." "Suppose, then, that we have beef we generally have beef. Grace is said by the Chaplain, and then General raps on the table with the handle of his knife, and says 'At tention!' Everybody is silent. Every eye is turned towards Gen eral Lee. He looks at one of us me, for example and I rise and make a military salute. 'Captain C , what will you be helped to?" said General Lee. I say 'Beef,' and make another salute, and sit down. General Lee, fixing his eye on Co lonel Chilton, says, Beef for Cap tain C .' My plate is passed, helped, and then Colonel Chilton, handing it to his servant, says: Beef for Captain C , By order of General Lee, R. II. Chilton, A. A. G.' " And this absurd story went the round of the Southern papers. After the war General Lee rarely smiled, and one may say never laughed outright. Yet he was neither sad nor unsociable. But there was that about him which made it well-nigh impossible to be lieve that he could ever have given completely away to the feelings of mirth, and indulged in a real fit of rar-hination. Such, however, was tbe faipt, and it occurred at a time tttVi ar rf all rf l-iircf rr r .rV r Trt.lrl have least expected it in the re treat to Appomattox and CJenera Henry A. Wise was tne occasion ofit. On the second dr the third day o the retreat, General Wise, who had long . desired an interview with General Lee, discovered him at distance, and immediately hastened toward him. While he was yet great way off,. General Lee, who happened to be alone, turned and began to stare In a way that was most unusual with him. As Wise drew nearer, the stare became in tense and mixed with wonderment. A few steps more, and still General Leo gazed and gazed wondenngly, as if he had never seen W ise in his of his identity, Wise advanced quite close to him and said, rather stinly: "Good morning, General Lee. 7 It was very early and very cool, too a sharp .spring morning. As he said this, General JLiee's intense gaze relaxed, a smile ap peared in its place, the smile deep ened, broadened, and spread from feature to feature, and ended at last in a fit of the most immoderate and uncontrollable laughter. Astounded beyond words, and indignant beyond measure at such a reception, it was some time before General wise could demand an ex planation. During all this, time General Lee lauged as a mature man rarely ever laughs. The explanation,-given through tears of laughter not yet dried, was simple enough. General Lee had mistaken the General for a Com anche Indian. He had lost his hat or cap, a dirty blanket was thrown over bis shoulders to protect him from the keen morning air, and his face, washed in a mud-puddle and hastily wiped, retained a ring of red mud around the borders, which made the resemblance to an Indian t j i as exact as wen couia De an me more so in consequence of Wise's strong features. Barely sufficient at the time, (so incensed was Wise,) the explana tion eventually proved ample, for General Wise now laughs at this incident as heartily as any one, and often relates it himself, while it may be doubted whether ever again in me uenerai juee iounci ei ther the occasion or the disposition to relax his wonted gravity. Lip- pincotfs Magazine. Youthful Marriages. Burleigh, who is a clergyman, U-w Yofk tQ the B'osUm Jpurnal and not a "statesman," writes ft om that early marriages are the fashion of tho day. JDuys riuiu lxieen to eighteen appear in the courts wiui a writ of habeas corpus to get pos session of a child-wife. Signals hang out from fashionable boarding schools, which the initiated under stand. The first-class hotels are kept in a state of alarm over mis sing maidens who run off with lads. No punishment, no license ana no certificate are necessary to make valid a marriage. Though divorce is a difficult thing in that State, the nathwav to matrimony is as broad and the gate is as wide as that road that leads to destruction. Any priest, magistrate or justice can marry a party whether any of them reside in the State or not. Marriage is a civil contract, and if entered into by the parties in the presence of witnesses, it is as valid and bind ing as if performed by the Kabbi at Jerusalem or the Holy Father at Rome. Just outside of Brooklyn is a beautiful suburb known as Bay Ridge. One would travel thousands of miles without finding a prettier spot. It lies on a high eminence overlooking isew xorK .ay, ana is occupied by the elegant dwellings of the merchant princess of the city. The place has been stirred to its profoundest depths by a wedding that has just come off. The parties . .a 1 1 belong to aristocratic nousenoius, and their ages are eighteen and sev enteen. The bridegroom is an un dersized lad, green and retiring. He walks regularly to school, with his books under one arm and his luncheon under the other, in a tin box. He bears as little appearance of a young man matrimonially in clined as a cosset grazing on the hillside. The intimacy between the two was not pleasant to the young lady's family, and she was forbidden to keep company with her adorer. This only intensified" matters, and led to clandestine meetings. The young lady was sent to Europe. The father of the young man, who favored the match, sent his ooy abroad on the steamer that sailed the day after. When the young lady and her family ! reached the dock at Liverpool, the first sight they saw was the form of the terri ble young man awaiting the arrival of the party. His vessel was the swifter, and reached Liverpool first. He quietly but persistently followed the company through their conti nental wanderings. He was always bound to the same places was ready at the exact time never missed a train, nor was late.. lie not only went in the same train, but when he could bribe the guard, got into the same compartment, lodged in the same hotel, had a seat at the same table, and an adroit feeling of the steward, had his tea and toast en famUe. He was ignored and snubbed, and treated with disdain ; but all to no purpose. He stood against the car door when the party got out, and was in sight when the train stopped. The family hastened back, and the young man, nothing loth, followed. The clandestine in terviews were renewed, and the family gave at last their reluctant consent to the marriage. The an nouncement contained the ominous words, " No cards." The child wife followed the boy husband to his home. The youngster has left school and given up snowballing, and the parties will soon settle down to the sober business of hosekeeping. The mischief is that the example is con tagious, and rumor has it that half a dozen young ladies are locked up in their chambers to keeri 'them from an elopement. j A Story of the First Telegram. The bill met with neither sneers nor opposition in the Senate, but the business of that House went on with discouraging slowness. At twilight on the last evening of the session (March 3, 1843,) there was 119 bills before it.' As it deemed impossible for it to be reached in regular course belore the hour of adjournment should arrive, the I'rofessor, iwho had anxiously watched the. tardy movements of business all day from the gallery of the Senate chamber, went fwith a sad heart to his hotel and prepared to leave for JNew York at an early i . : nTu:t . fnour nejvL morning. v nut; iu breakfast a servant informed him that a voung lady desired to see him in the parlor. mere ne met jiiss .Annie ius worth, then a young school girl, the daughter of his intimate friend Mr L. Ellsworth, thenrst Commissioner of Patents,! who said, as she extend ed her hand to him. I have come to congratulate you." "Upon what?" inquired the rro fessor. Upon the passage of your bill,' she replied. "lmnossible! its late was seal ea at dusk last evening. You must be mistaken." "Not at all," she responded. "Father sent me to tell you that your bill -was passed. He remained until the session was closed, ana vours was the last bill but one acted UDOll. auu it was uasaai just e i . minutes belore tne adjournment: and I am so glad to be the first one to tell you. Mother says, too, that vou must come home with me to breakfast." Thfi invitation was reauilv ac cepted, and the joy in the household was unbounded. Both Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth had fully believed n the project, and the former, in his connuencein it anu in inp vvuiui friendship for Professor Morse, had snent all the closing hours ot the session in the Senate chamber, doing what, ho noo hi tnheln the billalomr. and giving it all the influence of his high personal ana omciai ppsiuon. Grasping the nana oi ms young riend. the Professor thanked her asrain and again for bearing him such pleasant tidings, and fissured her that she snouia sena over tne wires the first message, as her re ward. The matter was talked over in the family, and Mrs. Ellsworth suggested a message, which Pro fessor Morse referred to the daughter for her approval ; and this ivas the one wnicn was suosequenriy sent. A little more than a year after that time the line between! Wash ington and Baltimore was (Comple ted. Professor Morse was in the former city, and Mr. Alfred Vail, his assistant, in the latter ; the first in the chamber of the Supreme Court, the last in the Mount Clare depot, when, the circuit being per fect, Professor Morse sent to Miss Ellsworth for her messagej and itj came. " What hath God wrought !" It was' sent in triplicate in he dot-and-line language of the instrument to Baltimore, and was the first mes sage ever transmitted by a j record ing telegraph. j . The story of this first message has been olten told with many exagger ations. It has roamed about Eu rope with various romantic mate rial attached to it, originating mainly in the French invagination, and has started up anew from time to time in our own country under fresh forms, but the above story is simply and literally true. An in ventor in despair receives the news of his unexpected success from his friend's daughter, and he makes her a promise which he keeps, and thus links her name with his own, and with an invention which becomes one of the controlling instruments of civilization for all time. Scrib ner for Jfarch. Scaring a Yankee. The following story is told by tiie Boston Comniercial Bulletin: "Say! You! Mister! Look here!" saida specimen of the genus Ameri can Yankee, the other day, to a slightly-built citizen, who was hur rying past him at the southern part of the city. " Well, what is it? be quick I'm in a hurray," replied the citizen. " Wall, I spose you kin stop'n' arnser civil question, can'tye?" " Certainly what is it ?" " Is there much smallpox about naow?" " I think there is ; you had better avoid crowded places, and " " Yaas, I know, that's what our doctor told me, so I got aout at the Roxberry depo' instid of ridin' into the Boston one, where there's a crowd. I'm pesky 'feared on it, an' I'm walkin' daoun because " "But, sir I've answered your question, and you must excuse me from stopping any longer.',' . " Sha'n't do no such thing," said Jonathan. " What in thunder's the use of your gettin' huffy about it?" " Sir, you are evidently, from the country, and don't consider" ".Consider be darned! jit's you city people that consider yourselves so confounded stuck up you can't speak to common folks." " I was about to say," remarket! the citizen, " that you don't consid er the risk you run in stopping a stranger " I - " Resk?" said the man, forgetting his smallpox scare, and misinter preting the caution. " Resk? why, there's a fist (doubling jone that looked like a flitch of bacon) that would knock you inter the middle er next week." I "No doubt of it," replid the other, drawing back as it flourished in dangerous proximity to hi3 nose. "Yaas, my little feller, continued Rtaatfcus, laying both hands upon the lappels of the man's coat, and drawing him close towajrds him, "I could throw you clean) over my head if I had a mind tew.V . "Taice your nanus on me, sir. You don't know what you are do ing! You don't know who I am." "Don't know who you be? Wall, who are ye ? Governor, or the State Constable?" j , "NoI'm one of the nurses from the small pox hospilal over yonder, and I'm going to get son.e medi- going to get cines at the doctor's office, land you are stopping me and running some thing of a risk in domg.so.r The Yankee evidently was of the same opinion, for he let go the lap- pels of the other's coat collar as if they had been red hot, and stepped aside as if he had seen a locomotive coming for him at a mile a minute speed. ' Then, easting a hurried glance at the "hospital over yonder,"' he left in the opposite direction, jand was last seen in a chemist's shop nego tiating for a iKHind of chloride .of lime and a quart bottle of disinfeet- ing tluid. lreserve This. Few readers can be aware, until they have had occasion to test the fact, how much labor or research is often saved by such a table as the following, the work of one now in his grave. If " History is Poetry," then here is "poetry personified:" 1607 Virginia settled by the English. 1G14 New York settled by the Dutch. 1620 Massachusetts settled by the Puritans. 1621 New Jersey settled by Dutch. 1 627 Delaware settled by Swedes and Finns. 1635 Maryland . settled by Irish Catholics. 1636 Connecticut settled by the the the the Puritans. v 163'J Rhode Island .settled Roger Williams. 1650 North Carolina settled the English. 1670 South Carolina settled the Huguenots. 1682 Pennsylvania settled by by. by by William Penn. 1732 Georgia settled by General Oglethorpe. 1791 Vermont admitted into the Union. 1792 Kentucky admitted into the Union. 1796 Tennessee admitted into the Union. 1802 Ohio admitted into the Un ion. 1811 Louisiana admitted into the Union. 1816 Indiana admitted into the Union. 1817 Mississippi admitted into thtt Union- ... - - - i 1818 Illinois admitted intp the Union. 1819 Alabama admitted into the Union. ! 1820 Maine admitted into the Union. 1821 Missouri admitted into the Union. 1830 Michigan admitted into the Union. ;" 1 836 Arkansas admitted into the Union. 1845 Florida admitted into the UriienJ . : . : 1846 Texas admitted into the Union'. 1847 Iowa admitted into the Un ion. 18484 Wisconsin ad nutted into Union. ' -i 1850 California-admitted into the Union. Yale's Founder. A Cosfnopolitan of a Hundred and Fifty Years Ago. . i . A correspondent of Zion's Herald, writing from England, relates his visit to Wrexham churchyard, and the tomb of Elihu lale, one of the first benefactors of Yale College, and after whom it was named. He says: - I was not before aware that he . . i . n was a native or America, out me inscription on the tomb shows such to have been the case, and that he was a wonderful cosmopolitan for those day. The epitaph is as fol- ows: Born 5n America, in Iurono bred, In Africa traveled, and in Asia wed, Where long he lived and thrived; at London dead. Much good, some ill he did ; so hope all's even. And that his soul through mercy's gone to heaven. You that survive and read this tale take care For the most certain exit to prepare ; Where blest in peace the actions of the just, ! Smell sweet and blossom in the silent dust.-' He was buried July 22, 1721. Yale was at one time Governor of Madras, where no doubt he " thrived," as stated in the epitaph, and the " ill he did," was probably the hanging of his groom for riding his horse a journey of two or three days for his health, without the leave of his master. For this he was tried in England, and escaped with a heavy penalty. "Society." j " What is society ?" asked a rus tic miss of a cynical youth. " Socie ty," was the quick answer, "is a collection of twenty or more over dressed and under-dressed young ladies, in age running from sixteen to thirty-two, who smile, and flirt, and prattle, and giggle ; of swallow tailed young men of similar years, who wear eye glasses, and look ar dent and stupid, and make poor jokes; of sedate matrons, who play too, and discuss the latest engage ments; and of respectable fathers, who play whist and bluff." And this is society, which we are all ex pected to worship, under the penal ty of being hooted at as heretics !" Cream for Coffee. Beat well one egg with one spoonful of sugar; pour a pint of scalding hot milk over this, stirring it briskly. Make it the night previous to using. il.-ligious Keadlng. The Clirhtum Renin! er stK'aks of Thtviloie Til ton's "Brazen Si lence," with reference to the ikech- er scandal. ' a ' I U 1 ' ." J?v u -'ul i-'?i?wi that m l s i!) - T - .. r 1 1 . ... .i I !.. in tobacco. The Church of Rome has no un employed priests, J.very one is provided by the Bishops with a place and appropriate work to do. I i Henry Ward Beecher preaches to his ew-holdersin the morning, but in the evening his congregation is as unlike as n it was in another town. I I A man should be virtuous fu- h;. own sake, though nobody were lo would be clean for his own sake, though nobody wen to see him. I Efforts We being made to induce Rev. C. lL'Spurgeon to visit Amor ica durinjg the-summer, and it i .said they are likely to be crowned with success. The Alleghany Presbytery of the United Presbyterian Chinch has taken ground against the secret so cieties, especially and Masons. the Odd Fellows Repentance is ho greatest busi ness we have. in this world, and tho only harbinger we jean send to pro vide lor our aceommouation in mo next. Clurentlou.l "I Tho members f. Christ Church; St. Louis, two Sundays as,o, paid off, at a stroke, a debt of SOO.ono, which had been hanging over tho church for some time. " 7 mrch 'sta Tho Episcopal: Church 'stands eighth in the list jf the churches in this country as regards numbers,' and its rate ot incrcasu last year; was larger than any other. The proprietors of a Sacramento paper having neen arrested lately under the Sunday law. an exchange suggests that the pulpit next receive the attention oi the authorities. Rev. Mr. Murray is threatened with major excommunication, and all for "My Creed." ..Martyrdom has made great m( n sometimes out of smaller material than Mr. Mur ray. I .'.J! To get money to' educate dull boys,' because they are pious, says the New York Observer, is robbing God and a fraud upon the church. It is a crime or a blunder, and .sometimes both. The Christian Journal is. of opiu-l ion that until Mooiething is done to remedy .the. -deficiencies in clerical support, it is useless to talk about a society lor the increase of the min istry. . ' I I have fouiid nothing yet which requires more courage and indepen dence than to rise! even a little but decidedly above the par of the reli gious world around us. Dr. J. IT. Alexander. I The entire Persian mission, with forty missionariesjand sixty teach-' ers, now under the care of tin) Pres byterian Board, costs less annually than the current expenses of some of our city churches. Bishop Whipple, of Minnesota, in a recent speech in New York, said that there arJ now eight Epis copal Churches in (his dinctse, com posed of Indians; and four of tho clergymen are Indians. Patiently suffer that from others which thou canst - not amend in them until God please to do it for thee, and remember that thou mend thyself, since thou art so willing that others should not offend in anything. faaac Taylor. j I am a missionary in my nursery, once observed a christion mother. "Six pairs of little eyes are daily watching my lookw, as wi ll as listen ing to my words; and I wish my children never to see in my that which they may not imitate." The Methodists are responding liberally to the call made upon them to raise ,$800,000! this year for tho missionary department. Already in some; places ihe contributions have increased from twenty to a hundred! per centJ over those of lat year. The Methodist seminary at liiick ettstown, Perm., is completed,'and will be opened during the coming summer. The cost of Him. building has been $1 18,000J Of this amount $115,700 has been collected, and $20,500 pledged, leaving a balance of $13,000 to be provided for. The. London IJxaminer is of opin-' ion that philology and comparative mythology have driven orthodoxy out of the assumption of special revelation to tho Jews, and that no resort now remains to it but Sir. Gladstone's "convenient doctrine of a primevaltradition common to al l -'people." j Rev. A. McKeown, of Cambridge port, is reported to have said in a. sermon against the opening of the Boston Public Library, that , "a young man had better spend Sun day in the worst den of infamy than in a law-sanctioned library; for in the former place his conscience would be free to act, while in tho latter it would be, blunted." . The results of the revival at Law rence, Kansas, are thus stated: About one thousand have united with the different churches; the Episcopalians have finished a new and beautiful edifice ; the ground is broken for a newiMethodlst church, to cost $50,000; and additions and improvements have been made to the First Presbyterian and North Congregational churches. A rupture is reported Inadivis-' ion of the Baptist Church in eastern Ohio, known as Menonites. ' They are separated into two bands-kne called the Ornish and the other the Manese the point of controversy being the wearing of buttons, in stead of hooks and eyes; while a serious feud is threatened in another quarter upon the question as to the length and snape oi tnecoai tans. r 1 1

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