! I i r i hat UK fa a the V I a at It iii - r 1 v. In i - ii i.. ii t, r, l: f f; WEEKLY ERA. 31 AY 15, 1873. MARKETS. i r . .. !iK IS.? rnlfrtn. .. n.iof mirkitnull. ( -- . r a a J YORK, on; May lStu, ! f c-cii'W bale?. Gross 4,107. "if sr,,rt tti dy SilX Sals for . ,ry 13.WJ. May li ; June .jii.K?: September 17 . ....... ioj. n'.i in si .J-hrtU rrop in the West U ' t . - I t-.rhl fr t h Tf the .prince of Railroad in the city on Tuesday. Lpkkatk memorial clay was vantIaWropniuejyomTvtu !v)ut the .tate. Coniniiioners bent the condition of . hi no 4 nnil Ion. i;i:s are muui uiuuioi;ni ,ut the State by reason of ; u f n r.!iis of Spring and the .j it. ' -. rm. lyitiiEi: OiTTOx l- AtTor.v. "p.-kinghani South chronicles nl;i')ii of another cotton facto- 1 .r..l .t .1 county, by Mr. 13 l "'" i"" r.r: ik 'u'i- r H'"r Ifcivi-, Bojer , !i,:ta!e proivrs in lVters- j tlir ir'!i on Juuruay, un- j.n-.ur- of three hundred I iff!'!ur. No one killed. ;ouCommisios. Gover-' I.vi-Il's Railroad Commission siv the K.vcutive oHiee on Lit. The result of its deliU'm- -nV not known uj to the hour t jpx-s to press. s ri;i Ha 1 1. Capt. T. C. Kvau-, -vr'v I""d Hditor of this pr r j un.r North Carolina for the iv 1-Mjuirrr "seeking w hom f il, war." The Kii'juirtr has ! :i t s.vure his services. iiiiiuAi. MkmoV.iai. Day. .v.v ! lea inct-tingof ex-Feii- rs and their friends at May t 's oflioe on Th u rsday even it "ght o'clock, for the pur- . .f i" kipg arrangenn-nts for ration of the grave- of th- rJde:id at Raleigh .;. .heGoih uat. 'it ilut lic sentiment of the Stu; iciletlly averse to any further prosecution if Fx-Covernor mm. V iienJ me iiiusuoro iifrrrtitr L.SenJ Ttie Ilillsboi m Lirticle I;ist w t ji-ridi table to tl reek on this the head and jtofthe Alitor and the moral -.timer.t of the community which i r represents. .he Ixstitcti: (ic vr.TKiu.Y, M.cJ at Wilsn by Sylvester .-.II, Principal of the Wilson j merged, ine embankments at both ::ute is a very creditable publi-t --nds of the Petersburg bridge are i.n.. Mf. 1 lass, 11 is a ditin- ; rried away ; also twelve hundred Av ctlucator, and one of the ! f,-t t of the embankment this side of worthy yoyng im-n of the ! Island. The water was five Jt-. His sVhool is noii-sectiirian, ' "ches higher than ever known be rheNachipoirof theold "Prim-; frc. The loss to the Petersburg 1! n'k. FtuTSLizixG Com pan y. A r.h-Western gentleman of capi-Iiu?im-ss tact and experience, -rcorresjonding with the Editor '".his p;qer, has determined upon itiiig some Fertilizing Works at j :.!. ana niav ie exiecteu within n few weeks, lie will i'te with the Xurlh Carolina s,o U'vrks in Jialtimore. Lrix. ?icsrs. McCarthy and !llecai, of Richmond, fought a j 1 1 1 if u iA- l.nnt cl. irlo fkrmtrx . Rtssetl to a young lady. Mor- ivai was the challenger, McCarthy ptft-t. This must have been bad -try. We've got ioets in this v-ie who run jic-ople crazy, but as .M the effect is not to say bell iger st. Roth hhoU ttKik effect. The landed are in a fair way to re-vt-r. i I'lsASTEii i;y Flood and held.- ThiMiews from the moun ts counties of North Carolina and .rgini. is of unprecedented rains. iter higher than any time since '-L Damage done to crojis, roads, irijges, railroads and property Merally is very great. The West- North Carol in:& ILiilrnml .en up from Morganton to Old rt, but the energy of Major Smith KereiVfT will pn-ihl.i Ihu num. of the Kra t i go through to Old -rt without detention or change urs. f Tni; 1'REs.s Convention. The 'SSof North t'nmlini ni.fa in avention at Cufdsboro this week. Pje attendance will probably be me v-a will give air proper port and encouragement to the rk of the Convention, and trusts amething practical and valua- win grow out or the meeting, t R. Stanley, Esq., President of I Atlantic and North Carolina iroad has invited the Conven- Uo an excursion over his Road 'Mori head City. . -- ireei, ivsq., 01 me icean i .',u invited the members of "Stress to his splendid Summer -oifcit Beaufort.- i Oxford Orphan Asylum. :-'intributions continue to flow into ' institution of noble charity as monthly publication ofdona obs in thisla shows. "Hie institution is apparently ing a good beginning and the 4ttention of the people of -every nty is invited to its workings, lnd&llare expected to contribute niething to lu support. It would good idea for the Principal to Sje the post office address, or at the counties, of thedonators. The a will send weekly, a col tion of exchange newspapers for tJie use of the children, and wonld !u?gtst the same to other of its .nn 'nporaries in the State. ()ne can but wish the worthy Principal, Mr. Cohen and tho Gen ial Superintendent, Mr. Mills well fr praiseworthy undertaking. I Literary News-Ass S. Ste phens' New. NovEiThe Old Countess ; or. The Two Proposal, a Soque! to " Lord IlopeV Choice," Iy Mrs. Ann S. Stephen, is i:i press ( will ho published in a few days f f T. B. Peterson & Brothers. Phil adelphia, Pa. It Is tho best book that thid popular American Au thoress haa yet written. "The Old Counters," will be issued in a large duodecimo volume, uniform with "Lord Hope's Choice," and Mrs. Ann 8. Stephens nineteen other works, and will be for sale at all the Bookstores at the low price of $1.73 in cloth, cr $1.50 in paper cover ; or copies will be sent by mail, to any place, post-paid, by the Publishers, on receipt of the price of the work in a letter to them. All of Mrs. Ann S. Stephens' Books, comprising "The Old Countess," "lord Hope's Choice," "The Reigning Belle," "A Noble Woman," " Palaces and Prisons," ', " Married in Haste," " Fa-shion "and Famine." "Wives and Widows," "Buby Gray's Strategy," "The Curse of Gold," " MabelV Mistake," " Doubly Fi.-e," "The Soldier's Orphans," "Silent Struggles," "The Wife's Secret," "The Rejected Wife," "Mary Derwent," "The Old Ilome- stead," "The Heiress," and "The Gold Urick," twenty in all, are put up ,n '"t fat-'h set in a neat box, and :re bound in morocco cloth, in ubiiorm, eiegant ana durable style, with new and beautifully designed bucks, in full gilt, price 35.O0 a set, nnd are published by T. B. Peterson t Brothers, No.SOG Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa., who will send a st-t to any one, er express, freight paid, on" receipt of price. TniN ity College. Annual 0m mencemcnt, June 8th and 12th, l7;l. June 8th. At 11 o'clock, A. M., thesrmon' before the Theological Soen-.y will Ih? pmuhetl by Rev. M. L. Wok1, 1 K., of Salisbury li-lrkt. Ri pnsentiitives ot the Freshman cl i-s w ill declaim Monday evening, Jr.iH-; Tuesday evening, June loth, h presentativi-s of more ei..ss will declaim. the Sopho- Wttlnt silay Junelltli, the Trus- tees will meet at 0 o'chx-k A. M. i At 11 o'clock A. M., the Annual Sermon to the Graduating class, will be preachetl by Rev. Kenuedi, I). 1., Ilitor p. yi. of the Srjhffiern C'irialian Advocate. At HI o'clock P.M., the address to the Literary Societies will bo de livered by J. Rarron IIoie, Esq., of Nir:Vlk, Va. At s o'clock, P. M., the Alumni Addrts will be delivered by T. R. P.in.cII, Esq., of Rideigh, N. C. Thursday, June 12th, Commence lu.'Mi Day. 15. Craven. May luth, 1S73. Heavy Freshet in the Roa- NO K E D.V MAGE TO A R A I LliO A I. ;A dispatch from Weldon says: The full extent of the damage by ' i he freshet is not yet ascertained. I in liver has fallen seven feet, but ail the low grounds are still sufc- Kailroad is very heavy, and some time must elapse before the damage ! can be repaired. In the meantime, ! the trains on this road will be com 1 polled to use the bridge of the Sea rinctrd and Roanoke Railroad. The Confederate Memorial Ceremonies. The memorial cere monies of Saturday were patriotic and appropriate. The floral offerings ( of the ladies were neatly and taste I fully arranged.; The Fire Com pa- nies participated. The music of the Citizens' Band was good, and the introduction of the orator by young Mr. Bledsoe, and the oration by Col. W. F. Greene, of Franklin, j "were in good tone and temjer. The occasion was in perfect keeping with the improving spirit of the times. The State Agricultural Journal of Raleigh is one of the best Agricultural papers published. The Bra will contain a fitting notice of this enterprise at a future day to atone for istst neglect. Price $2 a year. Jas. R. Thigien, of Edge combe, the best, most practical and most successful farmer of the South is the principal Agricultural Editor. C. B. Denson is the Horticulturist, and C. W. Westbrosk is the Po- mnloLMcal Editor. Cant. R. T. Ful- ghum, Manager, autl T. R. Purnell, Associate Editor. Sudden Death in Edgecombe. On Sunday last, a week, William Phillips, a most estimable citizen of Edgecombe, died suddenly at the residenceof Capt. Wm. W. Edwards in that county. He was well, and at the moment of his death was in pleasant conversation with relatives and friends. He died of heart dis ease, and his father passed away under similar circumstances many years ago. He leaves a wife and a large family of children. Good Journalism. The highest toned journalism in the United States is found in the Religious press of North Carolina. The JVe bytcriatti at. Fayetteville, the Chris tian Advocate and the Biblical He corder at Raleigh are a credit to the creeds they represent, and an honor to North Carolina. Their high merit Is attested by their respective circulations, ail of which are large. Newspaporial. The talented and accomplished Editor' of the Greensboro State, W. 8. Ball, Esq., was in the city Tuesday. Old Vinegar . Bitters " was looking about the same, evincing all the necessary vigor for the keen and caustic pen he wields with such masterly effect. The Governor returned to the city on Sunday. His health Is per fectly restored. The salvation of the Republican party in a former crisis, ho Is looked to by Republicans as ih-1" great bulwark of the State and the iarty, Smith Noyes, large New York tea dealers, have failed. ! ... . . The Xewi MaJ. Chandler of the tegular army died at the Washingtorninsane has pital, May 12. . The condition of the gentlemen wounded in th Bichni pnl duel is more favorable. j i: i Tho schooner Wm, 1 Baltimore for Norfolk,? sunk. The mate was 1c azer from with corn About a hundred private carriages were in the Chase funeral proces sion. No music orunupfcal display. -M? J udge Pierrcpont, of! J ew York, has been tendered the 'fmmLssion to St. Petersburg, vice OrR deceased. f I; f - Stokes says he does not- want or expect a commutation from Dix, if the Court of ApiealsdetBles against him. ? IHi J! Sand. I. Mitchell, a hbrrtminent merchant, anfl once proprietor of the Southern line ofjeamers. is dead. - jtU . U.I s "Till , ? The Boitrd of Delegajfea. of thi American Israelites haVppointed a committee to the coining Conven tion at Vienna. i : i Ben. Butler has suetif'Whitelaw Reid of the Tribune forjcdlling him a "typical old rascal..' Allegecl damages ?o0,000. j 1 i The Modocs are reported found four miles below their hist stand in ... A a very Mrong position i lney are near the foot of Snow Mountain. Hon. James Brooks, member Of Congress from New York, and Oaks Ames, member from Massa- Chusetts both (lied Within a few di v of u h nf her ' 7 ' Supplemental elections in France in all cases indicate radical or re- uublican successes. The Federalists carried every election district in Madrid. Topete is still under arrest. , , , . A courier arrivcti at A reka at 9 a. in., the 12th, with news of a bat - tie betw een Hostrack's command and the Mixlocs. The Indians were repulsed. No further particulars The exjedit ion sent for the dead bodies of Lieut. Cranston and his comrades who fell on the 2Gth, buried them where found. Decom position prevented their removal. About ISO members of Congress have accepted an invitation to at tend tho Congressional Conference to be held at St. Rouis next week. Every State in the Union, but one or tw oAvill be represented. & :. The Ttlegraph has a special that the Emperor of Germany, while holding a review at St. Petersburg, received a bullet in his helmet. His adjutant was 'severely wounded. The shot was fired by a priest. A Kansas man who was arrested on a charge of rape and acquitted, went to the house of the same wo man, killed her husband at the threshold, ravished and killed the wife, and then committed' suicide. A letter from John Bright to a Republican convention at Birming ham discountenances all Republican agitation, and emphatically declar ing the writer had no sympathy with those who sought to uproot the British monarchy. Hon. Jas. L. Orr of South Caro lina, had scarcely assumed his min isterial duties at the Court of St. Petersburg when he died. The cli mate was too vigorous for him. Pickens Minister to Russia before the war, Seymour during the war and now Orr, all ara dead, and Curtin, latelv returned, an invalid. ? A dispatch to the New York TV- j bune says, that during the past few days a member of the cabinet has said, that the President has become thoroughly in earnest in regard to Louisiana affairs, and that the diffi culties of that State would speedily be brought to a close, that he had returned with a full determination of taking some decisive action. His adhesion to Kellogg's; assump tion is more marked than ever and he will go to any length and author- i ity to sustain it. On Saturday eve ning the President had a long con sultation with General' Sherman, Attorney General Williams and Secretary Robeson, at which the New Orleans troubles wWe thor oughly discussed, and highhanded measures were suggested to which the President attentively! listened,' and which will probably! be carried out before the last of the present week. m . The administration is j unable to understand why. Mr. Kejlogg does not make a requisition for federal troops, as it is claimed! lhe has a perfect right to do in the absence of the legislature, to maintain peace and assist the civil authorities in the administration of theflaws. It is said that he is a proper judge to determine whether there is a condi tion of society requiring! the inter ference of the army, and j Jhat any aid he might require would be promptly furnished so Tar as the President is concerned. ,Itl is not the President's intention jto take any energetic action until jthis re quisition is made by Kellogg, and it is hoped he will make a demand without further delay. As jsoon as the requisition is made, thd Presi ident will issue a proclamation in most positive language admonish ing the citizens of Louis ana to peace, depose the McEnery govern ment and proclaiming Kellogg as the lawful Governor, and j announc ing the Intention of the .executive to sustain Kellogg with the whole? military force of the country if ne cessary. This proclamation is to be accompanied with an orderjto send all available troops to report; to Gen. Emory at New Orleans. The proc lamation will be -in such language that it will be susceptiblcf of no doubtful meaning, and it will con vey as plain as words can thp deter mination of the President a above set forth. The action proposed, it is said, meets the hearty app f oval of the Attorney uenerai. The Bankrupt Act. .The fol lowing will be found of interest those concerned : To the Members of the Bar of the Congressional District of North Caro Una . Genti emex: Many letters have been roetivrxi asking I u formation npon the I present stntuf nf the Uankrnnt law. under rti-ent nnpublisbed amendments and Judicial deeisiijus. For reply to these Inquiries, 1 respectfully submit the following brief abstract of the law, as it now stands upon the subject of dis charge, exemptioiiM, &c., Jtc. i 1st. All debts contracted pi tor to January 1, 1SC9, and all security debts, and debts not proven in bankruptcy, which have been contracted since tl at date, arc discharged without reference to assets. 2nd. On all debts contracted since Jan uary 1, 1800, on which the bankrupt is liable an principal dtbtor, and which are actually proven against tho estate, the assets in the bands of tho assignee must equal 50 per cent., or the same propor tion in number and value of these cred- ! itont must assent i charge. SJ. Lischargo will be granted from debts mentioned in paragraph 1, without reference to those mentioned in para graph 2.' (See Acts of July 27, 1SGS, and July 14, 1370.) 4th. There is exempt and set apart to the petitioner in bankruptcy, $1,000 of personal property, and real estate for a Homestead to the value of $1,000, in fee simple. Total exemptions $2,000. All of which property is free and clear from all debts contracted prior to bankruptcy, wnetner ttie same te evidenced bv a note, or oen account or Judgment ob tained, and execution issued and levied thereon, or otherwise. (Seo acts of June 8, 1872, and March 3d, 1873.) The recent decision of tho Supreme Court of the United States in the Georeia ! -a-se, declaring the Homestead provis- J ions of the , Constitution of that State i unconstitutional hi so far as it relates j debts contracted prior to its adoption, hai annihilated tho Homestead and 1 IrsoHl Property exemptions in North i Carolina, except through the bankrupt- j cy courts. j In view of the demand which must j follow the recent liberal amendments to ' the lUnkrupt Act, and the decision of the Supreme Court destroying the Homestead under State laws, I have ;re,uu-T lr"Pare u "a pnnwa j ruled and endorsed in very neat style, '! all the forms liable to be used in bank- 1 ruteV by lhe oflkeM of tl)C Cmirt or the 1 profeSHion. They will be sold at?i.50 f per duplicate sot, and forwarded on re ceipt of price, by mail, post paid, or by express as dii ected. To facilitate business and promote speedy discharges, it is suggested that the sum of $100, be deposited with the petition in bankruptcy, and when so done the Register is authorized and will guarantee that no further sum shall be required of the petitioner in ordinary proceedings, and the deficiency found upon the taxation of costs will be de ducted pro rata from the costs of the several officers of court. I am Very Resectfully, Ac, A. W. SHAFFER, Register 4th District N. C. Raleigh, N. C, April 23, 1873. A No. 1 PRINTER AXD PRESSMAN who can furnish a good press (or a cash equivalent) for a 6-column Paper, the paper for which measures about 24 by 3G inches, (the printed matter of each page about 21 1 by 16 inches,) can hear of a cash partner, of considerable journalistic experi ence, for a new spaper enterprise in. the most promising field in Eastern Carolina, by corresponding w ith, or applying to " Chester," care of the Editor of the Era. 15 It NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. R. C BADGER. . T. P. DEVKREl'X, 15 ADGER & DEVEREUX, Solicitors in Bankruptcy, 03ice in Stronach Building, second door North of Yarborough House, RALEIGH, N. C, Will attend to all cases of Bankruptcy. Mr. Badger will attend all the terms of the District Courts. No extra fee charged tor consultation. May 13, 1873. 47 tf. . S PRINti MILLINERY, 1S73. MRS. CETTINGER has now received the largest stock of MILLINER V, Ladies' Fancy and Furnishing Goods, over brought to this market. This stock was selected with the greatest care by Mrs. CEttinger in person, and con sists of an endless variety of ' BONNETS AND HATS, trimmed and un trimmed FLOWERS, in the greatest profusion. 2,000 PIECES OF RIBBON. LACES, HILliS, 100 dozen pair of KID GLOVES. We i make tbis one of our snecialitiesj CoIlnrettM, lluffiing, of every scription. de- LADIES SILK ROWS & TIES. Hair Goods, real and imitation ; Ladies', Misses' and Children's Hosa ; Ladies' Undergarments; Ladies' Readv-Made Dresses ; Baby Dresses ; Corsett Cov ers; Corsetts, Knitting and Crochet Cotton; White Trimming, of every kind ; Silk and Cotton Fringes ; Collars and Cuffs; real and imitation Laces; Lace Collars ; Under-SIeeves, and many other articles not here mentioned. At CETTING ER'S you find the exact thing necessary. There you will not have to put up with a make-shift, which is often the case in a small stock. While buying at . ISAAC GETTING ER'S you buy at the fountain head, at first hand, therefore the cheapest.- All the novelties are there ; all tbe quaint and original things in endless variety. As a spectacle, it is better than a theatre. Go, young and old, with the lormer it will be a school of instruction, and with the latter it will have a most desirable effect, it will revive their yonth. . Co.'s Patterns. Send for Catalogues. Raleigh, April 8, 1873. 42-lm jTJEMOVAL. BETTS. ALLEN & CO.. have moved their . Saab, Door and mind Factory to the lot of the old Bayonet Factory, on the lino of the R. fc G. Railroad, at the northern terminus of Dawson street, where they will be pleased to see their old friends and customers. 45 lm LAND FOR SALE! I WILL SELL, PRIVATELT, A T II ACT OF T.AXD, containing between sixty-five and seventy acres, or in lots to suit borchasers, adjoining the lands of W. If. & R. S. Tucker, Insane Asylum, B. W. Green; and oth ers. For further Information applv to N. B. BARIIAM, or B. W. GREEN. Baleigb, April 15, 1873. 43 (t NEW AIVEKTISE3IKNTS.' to AGENTS! A BABE CHANCE We will pay all Agents S30 per wecl 4lh " cash, who will engage with us once. Everything mrnisuea anu ex penses paid. JIAXITFACTITRIXG CO., 4w BATTLE CKEEK, MICH. Air,mtkin ri aco male or KVUnrvmU ULftOO Female. G0 a week euarantod. Kespcctable employ ment at home, day or evening ; no cap ital required; mil instructions and valuable package of goods sent frco by mail. Address, with six cent return BUmp, M. YOUKU CO., 4w 173 Greenwich St., X. Y. A GREAT OFFER ! We will pay all agents $40 per week in cash, who will engage with us at oxcb. JSverytuins furnisnea ana ex penses paid. Address,- 4wr Cbarlotte, Jlicli. TlsrCIIOJIAXCY, OK sou, X clIAltmrvu.' How either sex may fascinate and gain the love and affections of any person they choose in stantly. This simple mental acquire ment all can posess, free, by mail, for 25c.. together with a marriage guide. I Egyptian Oracle, Dreams, Hints toLa n writing to dis- uiest Wedding Night Shirt, fce. A queer book. Address I . WILLIAM ct Co., Pubs., Philadelphia. 46 4v S Agents fJ Wanted for AINTS SKINNERS OF THE U BIBLE. AUdress ZlEGLEK & M CURDY, 4tj Jw Philadelphia, Pa. NUMEROUS TESTS have PROVED WATER WHEEI, To be I lie Heht Ever Invented. PAMPHLET FREE. ADDRESS YORK, PA 46 4 w Sewing Machine is the nrsr IX XII E WORLD. Send for circular. Agents Wanted. Address: " DOMESTIC" SEWING MACHINE CO N. Y. NOTICE. REDUCTION OF PRICE OF BOARD. ST. CLAIK HOTEL., ITIonuiuent Square, Baltimore, ITId. On and after ITIarclt 1st, 1873, board at this hotel, to merchants, will be 2.50 per day. The only hotel in .Baltimore with improved elevator. 'Suits of rooms with baths and all other conveniences. 19 VIC It Y II. FOGL.E, Manager. NEVER Neslcct a Cough. Nothing is more certain to L13 tho foundation for future evil consequences. WEIXS' CAKIIOMC TABLETS are a sure cure lor all diseases or ttie Respiratory Organs, Sore Throat, Colds, Croup, Diphtheria, Asthma, Catarrh, Hoarseness. .Dryness ot tne lnront, Windpipe, or Bronchial Tubes, and all Diseases ot tne lunj's. In all cases of sudden cold, however taken, these TABLETS should be promptly and freely used. They equal ize the circulation of the blood, mitigite the severity of the attack, and will, in a very short time, restore lieaitny action to tho affected organs. Wells' Carbolic Tablets are put up only in blue boxes. Take no substitutes. It they can t be found at vour druggist s, send at once to the Asrent in JVew York, who will forward tliem by return mail. Don't be deceived by itiii tat ions. Sold by druggists. Price 25 cents a x JOHN li. KELLOGG, IS Platt-et., New-York, Sole Agent for United States. Send for Circular. 46 4w 12,000,000 ACRES. The Cheapest Land in Market, for sale j by tho j UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY, In tlie ti It HAT PI,ATTK VAI.LKV. 3,000,000 Acres in Central Nebraske now for sale in tracts of forty acres and upwards on Fire. aivJ Ten Years' Credit at ijcr cent. Xo A ilvance Interest required. Mild and Healthful 'Climate. Fertile Soil, an Abundance of Good Water. THE BEST MARKET IN THE WEST! Ti e great Mining regions of Wyoming, Colorado, Utah amLNevada, beinj; supplied by tho farmers, in the Platte Valley. SOLDIERS ENTITLE I TO A IIOMESTEAI of IOO Acres. The Best locations for Colonies. FREE HOMES FOR ALL ! Millions ff Acres of choice Government Lands open lor entry under the Homestead Law, near this Great Hailroad, with good markets and all the conveniences of an old settled country. Free passes to purchasers of Railroad Land. Sectional Maps, showing the Land, also new edition of Descriptive Pam phlet with New Maps Mailed Free Everywhere. Address. O. F. DAVIS, Land Commissioner f.r. I. It. II., 4t3 4vv Omaha, Nkb. s the most poivcrHI cleanser, strengthener and remover of Glandular Obstructions known to Materia Medica. It is Specially adapted to constitu tions ' worn down " and debilitated by the warm weather of Spring and Sum mer, when the blood is not in active cir culation, consequently gathering im purities from sluggishness and imper fect action of the secretive organs, and is manifested by Tumors, Eruptions, Blotches, Boils, Pustules, Scrofula, Ac, &c. When weary and languid from overwork, and dullness, drowziness and inertia take the place of energy and vigor, the svstern needs a Tonic to build it up and help the Vital Forces to regain their recuperative power. In the heat of Summer, frequently the Liver and Spleen do not properly perform their functions; the Uterine and Urinary Organs are inactive, pro ducing weakness of the stomach and in testines and a predisposition to billious derangement. X3r. W HULL'S' EXTRACT OF JURUBEBA Is prepared directly from the SOUTH AMERICA F PLANT, and is peculiar lv suited to all these difficulties ; it wi 1 cleanse the VITIATED BLOOD, strengthen the LIFE-GIVING POW ERS, and REMOVE ALL OBSTRUC TIONS from IMPAIRED AND EN FEEBLED Organs. It should be taken freely, as Juru beba is pronounced by medical writers the most efficient PURIFIER, TONIO and DEOBSTRUENT known in the whole range of medicinal plants. 4w LAGERBEER BOTTLING ESTABLISHMENT, 211 Hroadway, IV. V. IMPORTED BAVARIAN LAGER BEER, of different kinds. Also, Roeliester Lagerbeer; ; . St. Li mis do New York do Tivola Beer. We prepare our beer expressly for shipping! and have shipped the same for a good many years in the hottest climates with the best results; there fore we recommend onr Lager for any climate and any place in good confi dence, and we are sure the same will give satisfaction. A liberal discount to the trade. All imported Lager Beer will qe sold by the original cask. HOLLENDER & CO. 241 Broadway, New York. Importers and Dealers in all kinds of Lager Beer. 42. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. -'. - "... at The startling drawback on nearly all medicinal agents has ever been that in their process of purgation and purifica tion they have also debilitated the sys tem. . To obviate this difficulty physi cians have long sought.for an agent that would Purge, Purify and Strengthen ' At one and tbe same time. Their research has at last ed by a discovery which fully realizes the fondest desires of tho medical fac ulty, and which is iustlv rpmrdH a the most important triumph that Phar macy has ever achieved. Thi imnnr. tant desideratum is JDr. Tutfs Vegetable Liver Pill. Which purify tho blood and remove all corrupt humors and unhealthy accum ulations from the body, and vet pro duces no weakness or 'lassitudfc what ever, but on the contrary tones the stomach and invigorates the lody dur- TIVE and a PURIFYING TONIC. Jr. lutt'n Pills are the most active and searching medicine in existence. They at once attack the very root of dis eases, and their action is so prompt that in an hour or two after thev are taken the patient is aware of their good effects. They may be taken at any time without restraint: of diet or occupation; they produce neither nausea, griping or de bility, and as a family medicine they have no rival. Price 25 cents a box. Sold by all Druggists. Principal office, IS and 20 Flatt .St., New York. 4tj4w. $50,000 FOR $,J!I! GRAND GIFT CONCERT Of the . MERCANTILE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION of the City of Leavenworth, Kan. In accordance with an act of the Leg islature and their Articles of Incorpora tion, tho Board of Directors announce their first Grand. Gift Concert and Distribution by lot. among the ticket-holders, of i 332,355 I. CASH, I at LAING'S HALL, Leavenworth, on J the 25th day of June, 1873, for the bene- nt 01 tne iiurary. 51,933 Cash tiifts, amounting' to 332,555. This enterprise is endorsed by the Governor, Secretary of State, Auditor of State. Superintendent of Public In struction, Treasurer of State, Mayor and Common Council of Leavenworth, and all leading business men of tbe State, and the certainty of the distribu tion aud payment of gifts as advertised, is fully guaranteed. TICKETS i-2 each. 3 for S3. G for 810 Memorandum of Cash Gifts to be dis tributed June 25th, 1873. 1 GRAND CASH GIFT, $o0,000 1 GRAND CASH GIFT, , 40,000 1 GRAND CASH GIFT, 35,000 1 GRAND CASH GIFT, 30,000 1 Grand Cash Gift, 25,000 1 Grand Cash Gift, 20,000 1 Grand Cash Gift, 15.000 1 Grand Cash Gift, 12,000 1 Grand Cash Gift, 10,000 1 G, and Cash Gift, 8,000 1 Grand Cash Gift, 5,000 1 Grand Cash Gift, 3,000 : Grand Cash Gift, 2,000 For balance of prizes send for circu lar. This concert is.under the supervision and direction of lhe following Hoard of Directors : C. II. Durfee, Merchant. W. O. Gould, City Engineer. H. L. Newman, Banker. P. G. Lowe, Capitalist. 11. D. Kusn, L,umtjer. C. R. Morehead. Merchant. H. W. Gillett, Merchant. J. L. Wever, M. D. G. F. Prescott, Commercial. J. W. English, Lawyer. James B. Kitchen, Farmer. C. Moller, Cashier Ger. S. I. E. T. Carr, Architect. Officers : E. H. Durfee, President. II. L. Newman, Vice President Geo. F. Prescott, Secretary. Carl Moller, Treasurer. The well known character of the Di rectors of the Mercantile Library Asso ciation and the endorsement presented, I is a sufficient guarantee to all absent ticket holders that their interests will be fully guarded and protected. All correspondence strictly confiden tial; and any person drawing a prize need not be known unless they so desire. Tickets drawing prizes will be cashed on sight. This is the grandest, safest and best enterprise ever presented to the public. Official lists of winning numbers wTill be sent to purchasers of tickets imme tliately after the distribution. For information and tickets, address ' BAMBERG E A CO., Gen. Ag'ts, 95 Liberty Street, New York. Tickets sent C. O. I), at our expense. Agents wanted. Liberal commissions paid. 46 4w ESTARLISIIED 1S44. THE "WILMINGTON JOURNAL, (WEEKLY) The Lea (est, Best and Cheapest Paper Published in North Carolina. The Wilmington Journal (Weekly) on entering upon its twenty-ninth an nual volume, has been greatly enlarged and improved. It is the only thirty-six column paper in the State. As a First-Class Sen s and Literary Journal, it is Unexcelled. Embraced it its columns is a more complete, compact, yet comprehensive history of the world's doings, from week to week, than can possibly be found in any other journal. It is just tho paper for the home ana fireside, full' of Rood reading; all the best Editorials oi'the daily ; all the Con gressional, Legislative and Political news of the day. Its Market Reports are always full and accurate. The Re view of the Markets is accepted by the mercantile community as the true index of the commerce of the city, while its reports of other markets are full and reliable. Interesting: Stories, Tales, dec. are jriveri every week, making it the best family paper published in the coun try. Its Circulation is very largo throughout the State and the vvhole South. In New Hanover, Edgeeombe, Onslow, Duplin, Sampson, Brunswick, Bladen and Columbus it is especially large, while in Halifax, Wil son, Wayne, Carteret, Robeson, Rich mond, Anson, Cumberland and Moore, and in several counties of South Caroli na, its circulation is very frood. It is published every Friday on the following Terms! One copy, for one year, 2 00 One copy, for six months, 100 Three copies, for one year, 5 00 Four copies, for one year, 7 90 Five copies, for one year, 8 50 Ten copies, for one year, $15 00 Twenty copies, for one year, 25 00 jS3 To every getter up of a CLUB OF TEN, one copy will be sent free for one vear. Address" , JOURNAL, Wilmington, N. C. Collectors Office Ath District X. C.t Raleigh, April lGth, 1S73. ALL PERSONS DESIRING TO DO any business after the 30th day of April, 1873, upon which a special tax is required to be paid tinder the Internal Revenue Law of the United States, will please notify this office of the fact, and a blank form of application will be for warded them. Application may be made to my Dep uties in the various localities, or to this office by letter. All persons doing business without license after the 30th of April, 1873, will be prosecuted. I. J. YOUNG, Collector, . 44 3 w. 4:h District, N. C. T. 31. ARGO. J. C. L. HARRIS. ARGO & HARRIS, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, . ralkkiilInc. . Office on the corner of Wilmington and Hargett streets.', .. ; T. M. Argo and J. C. LI Harris having formed a copartnership for the practice of law will attend promptly to any business entrusted, to them. 150 tf. ; iuz hm? progress oi ineir operation. Ther unite the heretofore irreconc ilable qual ities of a STRENGTHENING PT7RGA . PROSPECTUSES. A Npw Fra ' in !niirna!i5m ! "RICHMOND danville r. r.. M DICW Lid III JUUNIdllblIl. Xi NoRTH CaRolina Division, ' - ." ; AND SALiKJI UKAXCII. Xfae Great Achievement of IVineteentli Cenlurr. the THE DAIL.1T GRAPHIC. All the Xfus ajid full of Pictures. The Dailt Graphic is the title of a newspaper, published in New York, which is achieving the most remarkable journalistic success ever chronicled. It is an eight-pago evening -pajer (threo editions daily), elegantly printed, ami conducted by the ablest editorial talent attainable. Asa newspaper the Daily Graphic stands inj the lirst rank, and contains t regularly ' j The Very Latest and Fullest ev from all Parts of the World. Its great feature consists in the fact , that it is not only a newspaper, but an . illustrated newspaper as well. Four of: its pages are lilied 'with choice' reading-' matter telegrams, editorials, general ! and local news, items, gossip, and cor- : respondenco 011 the freshest and most! interesting topics. Tho remaining four i pages consist of SPLENDID ILLCSTKATIO.-VS, j executed in the most faultless and ar- j j tistic style, and portraying accurately j j and fully all leading events within twen- j j ty-four hours after their occurrence. j Those who have made journalism a , j study, and fully appreciate the great enterprise manifested in the collection j and publication of news by the aid of; I tho telegraph, steam presses, and the i j development of journalistic talent, have i been fond of ad vancing the theory that; the next advance in that held woti Id re sult in a newspaper furnishing in its ; regular issues pictures of all current j prominent events. That theory is a theory no longer ; the newspaper of the i future is the newspaper of to-day, and j that paper is the Daily Graphic. The processes w hich render tbis marvellous achievement an existing fact are the re sult of the most careful study and an endless variety of experiments, gradu ally perfected during tho past twelve 3'ears. They depend upon improve ments in lithography and the applica- j tion of tho photographic camera. By .' their aid a picture is engraved and made ; ready to print in from twenty minutes i to two hours. Costly and elaborate i plates, works of arts, scenes of interest, ; are reproduced and pictured forth with j equal facility and the most scrupulous j fidelity. Illustrations of leading events ' are engraved and prepared for the press j even before the accompanying written j narrative or descri)tion leaves the hands ! of the compositor. ; For the proper practical working of i so great an enterprise, THE GRAPHIC COMPANY was formed, with. A Capital of $500,000 in Gold, ! months and months before the lirst is sue of the Daily Graphic, tho most extensive prorww'Sjions were made, and to-day THK GRAPHIC COMPANY has The Largest and Mot Complete .cwspaper Establishment in the United States. In the great work of illustrating the events of the day an extensive corps of the best known ud most accomplished artists are constantly engaged. The Daily Graphic aims to be in its strictest sense a newspaper. Striving always to be just and truthful, it dis cusses all questions independently and impartially. It is not the organ of any party, sect or creed. It is always high- toned, and contains nothing to onend any taste. Its contents give it an im- rn ariM.ntar nVr th"nlt f.hirtn. mense advantage over the "old fashion ed" papers. The annual subscriber gets A Pictorial History of the Year, a volume of twenty-four hundred pages, constituting a valuable record of events aud a graphie panorama of our timeand progress. It possesses not merelj' a lo cal interest, but is a paper for every' reader of the language. It is, emphati cally, The Paper for the Household. Price, 12 per year, or f3 for 3 months. Address. THE DAILY GRAPHIC, 30 and 41 Park place, 40 tf. New York City. Ilest Papcrl-.Bcst Premium! NOW IS THE TIME TO SKCURE A 5 P I C X l' K E FllU K ! , BY PAYING- ONLY $2 50 FOR MOORE'S RURAL XEW-YORKEK, THE GREAT ILLUSTRATED Rural, Literary and Family Weekly. This famous farm and fireside favorite has for nearly a Quarter of a Century been the most successful and popular paper In its sphere and is now recognized as the standard american authority on rural nnd uomestKL aliairs, and a nrst-class, liijili toued-f iterury and family journal, ago attained an immense It long! Continental Circulation! Havinsr ardent frii-nds and admirers ill ev- ery State and Territory in the Union, the i-o..,iu it. h ,.,,-,. departments, and gives,more and better il- I lustrations, than any other journal of its j class. but its issues for. 1S73 will be better than ever before, in both contents and style. ! It will don a new dress of beautiful copper- i faced type, and present other decided im- ! proveineuts. 1 Moore's Rural is nut tonal in character and objects, and adaptetl to both town and I country. Sixteen tiuarto l'ages Weekly, : with title page, index, fcc. at end of June ! and December making two larye and i handsome volunmes a year. Next -to your local iaper it is the one tor yourself, fam-ily ! and friends. ?. I OIE S I All who pay wil receive the Rural j .New-1 oilier lor one .year, and, as a premi um, a post-paid copy of the superb steel plate engraving entitled "Uirth-l)ay Morn ing, or The Gardener's Present" a beautiful and pleasing picture, worth S5. In fact we furnish everybody THE 15 EST PAPER, AXD BEST PREMIUM, FOB THE LEAST PAY ! i Terms, in advance: $2.50 a year, (with premium engraving, post-paid.) In clubs of ten or more, only $2 per yearly copy! Great premiums to those forming clubs. Specimens, premium lists, &c.,sent fren and IxKst-paid. Drafts, P. O. Orders and Regis tered Letters ut our risk. Address D. D. T. MOO HE, Xew York City. PItOPOSALS. Office A. C. Post of Raleigh, N. C, May 10th, 1873. SEALED PROPOSALS, in duplicate, will be received at this office until 12 M. June 10th, 1873, for furnishing the Fresh Beef required by the Subsistence Department S. A." at this station, during the six months commencing July 1st, 1873. Information as to con dition, quality of beef, payments, Ac, can be obtained by application to -R. G. HOWELL, 46 4t 1st Lieut. 2d Artillery ACS. Offick Ticket Department, Company Shops, X. C, April 23, 1S73. Xo AgeuU, Conductors and others whom it may Concern. ON AND AFTER THURSDAY, 24th inst., you will address all commun ications, ticket reports, Ac, to me at Greensboro. Baggage masters finding packages ad dressed to me at Shops, will forward them or leave them at Greensboro. S. E ALLEN, 40 It General Ticket Agent Important to Gas Consumers. CI ALL AT TOE YARBOROUGH J Honse and see my GAS MACJIINli . ; i I . claim simplicity, economy, and brilliancy as chief io'iii!s of recommen dation. Just Half the Price of City Gas, at less than half the cost, with double the brilliancy. may 6 It S. H. BAYLEY. "V; O. P. CURTIS, ' Contractor and Bnilder, RALEIGH, N. C. Work done promptly, in- a good workman-like maim- . - tu at low prices. . - ?t pd. 4 SCHEIUL,ES. j CONDENSED TIJIE-TABIE. ; In effect on and afte r Monday. March i 2d, 1.V73. 07X0 KORTH. at ions. Mail. ExpreM. ljeave charlotte, 7.10 p. in. .2ia. m. Concord, 8.21 " t 7.20 Salisbury. I p.r0 ' - fl.34 " Eexii ! . 10.51 " ) !.2:t " Hichi -..nit .!1.."&. 10.17 Ar. at tirtensioro 1 2.;"0 a. ni.lll.tl. Ieave Grocit.M.i-(.i J.4a " 111.10 ' Co. .-si., p., .-Jjiti 112.20 p. m " ' Hillsboro, i 4.0a " Raleigh, S.05 " ArJ st (JoWimriJ a. m.t 1 1 H. Stations. I Mail IJrpress. Leave Goldsboro, Raleigh, " Hillsboro, i Co. Shops, Ar. at Greensboro Leavo G reensboro " High. Point " Lexington, " ;' Salisburj-, i " Concord, ! Ar. at Charlotte, I 4.00 p. m. 7.4.) 10.21 " 12.05 a. m. 1.30 ". 2.15 3.04 " 4.02 " 4.57 " li.10 " 7.20 a. m. 2.15 p. 3.30 4.00 ' 4.43 5.33 fi.22 7.28 8.30 p. 111. in Passenger train leaving Raleigh at 7.15, p. in., connects at Greensboro with Northern Umnd train; making the quic kest timo o all Northern cities. Prhv of Tickets same as via oilier route. Mail trains daily, both way., over entire length of road. Express daily between Company Shops ami Charlotte (Sundays excepted.) : All Passenger trains connect a. Greensboro with trains to and from Richmond. Pullman Palnco Cars on a'l night trains letveeu Charlotte and Riehmond (without change.) f- SALEM HUA.CIt. Cm au l ai'ier, March 2d, 1873, a mixed Passengt r and Freight train will be run daily, (Sundays excepted,) on theN. W. N. 0. It. R., as follows: Leave Giecnslioro, 3.40 P.M. Arrive at Kernersvillc, . 6.10 " Ijeave Km norsville, it.00 A. M. Arrive at Greensboro, 10.30 " Close connection made at G reensboro with trains to and from tho North. S. E. ALLEN, VV. II. Green, Geu'l Ticket Agent. Master Transportation. R ICHMOND A DANVILLE R. R. CON DENSE!) TI M E-TAH LE. In effect on and after Sunday, Oct. 13, 1M-2. OOISU NORTH. Stations. Mail. Ex I rci,s. Leave Greensboro 2.00 a. ni, 4.40 " i.44 " 12.45 p. m. 11. In a. 111. I. 52 p. m. G.:Ki " . II. 30 p. m. Danville, " Ruikville, Ar. at Richmond, OOl NO SOUTH. Stations. Mail, i Impress. Leave Richmond, Burkville, " Danville, 1.50 p. m. 5.10 a. 5.12 " j 8.28 " 10.00 " 12.57 p.m. Ar. at Greensboro! 12.25 a. m.! 3.ao Trains leaving Richmond at 1.50 p m, and at 5.10 a m, connect at Grocnsboio with trains on North Carolina Divison, for all points South. Passengers leaving Richmond at 1.50 p 111, connect at Greensboro with train for all points East of Greensboro. Passenger train leaving Raleigh Ht G.40 them bound Mail train, arriving in i m (-(tnnpw nr. I. rfenvltnrrh rith X tw Richmond at 12.45 p:in. JNO. R. . MACMURDO, General Freight A Ticket Agent. T. M. R. Talcott, Engineer A" General Superintendent. Office PktkrsIu'rg R. R. Co., March 27th, 1872. - ! 0N. A.N D A.f LKli A,llcn 31st the ' tiaillS Will rUll aS follows: LEAVE Express Train, Mail Train, WELDON. 7:40 a m 3:25 p m ARRIVE AT I'KTEl SUUIIG. Express, Mail, LEAVE I'ET Mail, Express, ARRIVE AT Mail, Express, 10:50 a in 7:00 p in ;rshi;rg. 5:40 a m , 3:50 p in IV EL DON. .):45 a m 0:50 in FREIGHT Leave Petersburg, Leave Weldon, Arrive at Weldon, Arrive at Petersbu THAI. VS. f-:W a m 5:Oii a m 4:00 p in . 12:2U.i) m gaktox Train. Leave Petersburg (:! a m 1:15 j in . 2:50 i in Leave aston. Arrive at Gaston, Arrive at Petei-slmf ;. S:li; m Freights for GastUL ibanch will be received at the Petersburg depot only on MONDAYS and 'THURSDAYS. The depot will be closet at:M p in No goods will be received after that hour. j. C. SPRIGG, 53 tf. Eng. aiiji Gen. Manager. 1IIAXGK OF SCHEDULE. Ralriu n A Av-oi-sta Air Link, . Supci' mien dent s Office, Raleigh, N. , Nov. 2U, 172. On and after -Satilmlaj", Nov. 30th. 1872,ftrains on tho R. A A. A. L.'Koad will run daily, (Sunday excepted;) as follows : . Mail train leaves R: aloigh. .35 r M. Arrives at Sanforjd, ti. I ."l : -r..:i :.. i, sji,..c.....i '?. v t "V V"" j ' J ' . , . Arrives at Raleigh. 5.2D Mail train makes Close eon ncer ion at Raleigh with tho Raleigh a"'1 '-"' Kailroad, to and fronl ali pon., .onL. -j-, ' o..nftlP,l tvitli the Western ;? , &aH15u V11'1 1,10 t.stcrii Railroad, to and froiri 1-ayctteville and points on Western Railroad. H. ANDREWS, j Superintendent. dec 4 tf. -V- 2d ANNUAL DISTRIBUTION 75,730 Premiums, RANGING IN VALUE 1 ROM ' $10 to $5,000 GrlVEN A WAY to this suusciuJtLns of OUR FIRESIDE FR1EM Every Subscriber i sure of one premium any way, and also lias 'an equal chance of receiving a CASH Premium, or a PIANO, ORGAN, WATCH, SEWING MACHINE, etc., etc. . First Grand Cash Premium' : $5,000 I OCR f 1BESIDE FKlKXlt Fight Pages, Large Size, Illustrated, the Fam ily Weekly, is in its THIRD VOLUME and has attained thq. LARGEST CIR CULATION of any paper published in the West. Its success ENABLES the proprietors to furnish THE BEST, MOST DESIRABLE AND MOST USEFUL ORIGINAL READING MATTER IN GREAT VARIETY, that money can bu and to make it a HOME WEEKLY iauited to the wants of every family. Subscription price 9-3. . per year of 52 numbers. ! The Elegant Chromo " CUTE," Size lQx'20 inches, la colors. Acknowl edged by all to be the HANDSOMEST and MOST VA LUABLE , premium picture in America. EVERY KUBr SCRIBER is presented with this Chromo at the time iof subscribing, (no waitina,) and also reoeiTes a NUM BER ED CiERTIFICATE ENTITLING THE HOLDER TO A SHARE in the distribution of 925,000 in cash and other premiums. THE DISTRIBUTION TAKES, PLACE on the second Tuesday in June" next. The Chromo and Certificate sent on receipt of price. SPECIMEN COPIES, PREMIUM LIST. Etc, GIVING FULL PARTICULARS sent free to any address, j -. r APCM TO Either! local or canvassing AuulilOVin every town. Large tl a iiTrn cash pay and the best out VYAIMiLU Seiid at once for terms. Addre r OLr FIRESIDE FRIEND, . . Chicago, UL 37 w:bn And Baltimore, Md. pi I SCELLAXEOUS. yhe World at targe. !lfi CIIK03IO FOR THK Great! Four Dollar Weekly. The American Literary Journal Our' germs' for tho Weekly Literary Jottmal are ?4 icr vear. and. every sub- I scriberjwill receive a " - V FUTLi: DOLLAIt CKllOMO, beautifully framed, Ize 22x28. This In ! a rare ojpj.ortuiiity lor everybody. uur oeautnui cnromooi "JTIornlnj on the Alps, is ackniowledred by the Press and the people as tho finest work of tho kind. The original .as been admirably repro duced jn H.o Chromo. Tho picture reproseipt 1 beautiful landscape scene. In the jet-:. Ire background we see the ir'assy lake, as Claude Melnotte says: ' . .-Meet jr g softest skies," while it'sun 11 laordk'rM mirror its soft green shore, the nictiurcsouo cottaso in the shadow of spreading trees, while in the dhttanc arc the tains of the poctj Veril'ire clad vales and moun ting Alps, till wo exclaim with Ever charming, ever new. When wjiirthe laudseajni tiro the view. Wepm'id the -ri'rmou sum of Eigh teen Hundred Dollars to have it paint ed ; it i printed in eighteen oil colore and it is a gem l m t. 1 The Aitierirnn Literary Journal will published tho same sizoof tin Wavcitlv Magazine" about lhe 20th of March. It will also lo bcautifullv il- . liwinuetl. Stories from the bct author will be tjouii-.l in itscoluins. A t-plendid serial. sory ly Mrs. Eliza R. Parker will eoikimenco with the first nnmtior of its enlargement, entitled "Stanwood Grange,' a very exciting love story. We intejid t makothe American Lit' erart J mi Miil tho LEADING LITER ARY PAPER OF AMERICA. have a e;iu:iful new engraved Head ing, neW type, tVc, for the Journal. Agrents Wanted ti canvass for the JoniNAL; wo will allow f r agents One Dollar on evi-ry subscriber that they obtain, which ia very liberal cash commission. All of our A g juts are making money, Nome get as high as forty or hfty subscribers ach day. An Agent can average from $10 to J JO per day. Agents should have a sample copy of the Chromo to do well, bceauso people will subscribo quicker aftcr4hfl.v havo once seen tho Chromo. A saini "lo i Chroino, extra paper, etc., will be hciit to any agent on receipt of $1, all tjiamcd complete. Any person can act a- agent if Iheycbooso; after the A)-ent has obtained twent3' subscribers they can deduct ft sent. Agents should take ho)d of this at onco and start without klolay. . Everybody should send and rm lv tho Am Kilt ic an Literary Journal for one year,, and receive by Express our beautiful Framed Chromo, all ready to hang up with cord, etc., complete. Any person who will get up a club of live subscribers will bo entitled to a copy of the Journal for one year with Chromo. Send aHj money in a Registered Letter at our k. Address C. 15. THOMPSON, Pub; of tho Ameri. Lit. Jonrnal, 3'J 3m Bridge water, Conn. -trs T IIIKRKSITHLIC. Believing that the Inestimable privil eges of self-government guaranteed by tho Federal Constitution involve corres ponding! duties, and that among theso are sleepless vigilance and tho devotion of the befit thoughts aud effort of tho citi7.cn 111- aui 01 ine preservation anu dovcloptnent of our country and its In stitution, wo have determined. In futh erauco of these objects, to establish a monthly magazine devoted to the dis cussion iof the science of government "i to a 'review of political events. ; Assuming that the legitimate oij ea of !iool govi-riiment is provision for th weiiaru aim ii;tiiiiicB ui uiin juA-ii, mm pliybioiil comfort, educational Krowth, and moral development. The Itepubfic will briiii to this tost all economicques- tions, political action, and governmental measures. 'Holding -.firmly, that in a 'republic, constituted a- ours is, political parties arc essential, and that thoy furnish tho best, not to sny tho only means of that constant aud severe scrutiny t.i which power should bo always subjected. The Ilepnblie w ill Insist that the country in not only sale, but safest with its destiny in the keeping of tho Republican party; that measures of reform and projrres must ba carried forward through its in h.trumcitality, and that its fxjrmanent ascendancy "should bo maintained so Joiik as it responds to tho demands of cnlijfh'.encd nnd progressive public opinionl The lepublic will, a old un warranted censure of t pp mcnts as well as indts criminalo pi also of friends 'uiining at that decree of indccndenco and candor which iti.nctc'o justice to both. It will not Wiisjto wouls, inlluenco, or power by purely iiogativo criticisms, but will en deavor jto promote correct action by allirniafiv ly and plainly showinjr the better lay. Truo, this liue of criticism . involved ihoiiht, care, investigation with ih exercise of an impartial judg mcntXjljut history has conclusively l monstnitctl that by theso mcAns the cause of truth and good government can be best advanced. - The Jicpublic will furnish a brief aiid a-curuto record of events of political and general! inteYest, as Tho proceedings of Congress. The decisions and action of tho Excc- utive'ljcparlmc The action' o: bodies of iiMtioi parlments. ot Mates and of political-' mal import. Tho progress of material and educa tional (Icvclomcnt. . - Dccisjons of the judiciary of political or linaAical linportanco and ol gVnorsl -application. Tho publication being meiithly, ths re-ord will bo made up .after tho events, have tmuspi red, and will make, at th close of tho year, a volume of accurals and va uablo information in convenient form f r preservation and reference, Aiii'n) the topics claiming discussfon will be ' Tho -ljttivc power and jurisdiction of . tho Federal and State Governments ; the ex pan- ion f territory', revenue, finance, ciIikui! on, industrial school, postal tele- . raph, postal savings banks, railway and ca l.il transportation, life and fire insiira iee, liver and harbor Improve meiiis, the public health, reforms in the pn!iicsei vice, and tho establishment of equal civil and political rights. On these an.t kindred subjects The llcpublie w 111 aim to convey reliable information, ex cite thought, and induce action. The writers for The llcpublie hava b(H-n selected from among thoso whosa saaeity, judgment, and energy were. lie. roughly trjstod in the recent olitical ei nicest; and their names are withheld how. as. then, for the solo reason that they isy cl'cr success through reason, ar gument, and the merit of their produc tions. ' .1 Moved by theso considerations, and sulKrdiiiulibg the question of remuner ation eitirely, we appeal with coulldenca to thosji who, during the recent cam paign, !resoiidod so liberally lu money, time, :uid effort, to aid in the introduc tion ul The. Republic.' Tho Magazina will bei furnished at as near cost prica as practielilc, and will be enlarge! whenever tho pa Iron ago received will justify increased expenditure. The Republic will be published month, ly, on superior faer, In clear type, and will contain not less than forty-eight pages (of reading matter exclusive of. advertisements. I TERMS. Two dollars per year. In advance. Single copies, twenty-five cents. Clulsof live, remitting ten dollars, will be entitled to six copies. Remittances should be made by mon ey orders, drafts, or registered letters. Specimen copies will bo sent, postage paid, to any person enclosing ten cents Letters may fbe addressed to The. Re public Publishing .Company, or to Hon. J. M. Edmunds, Secretary of tho Union Republican (.Congressional Committee, Washington, D. C. j The llcpublie Publishing: Company, Washington, D. C. Rooms Union Repi Cong. ' Committee, JII'ashinoton, D.jC, Feb. 4, 1873. The Undersigned isi well equauite.l with tiho gentlemen wh have under taken the publication !of The Republic, and has entire confidence in their devo tion to Republican principles and n their ability to successfully accomplish the important work they have under taken. The enterprise is earnestly recoui mflndftd as worth v of the artirM nmf I liberal support of Republicans through out tne country. 43 J. M. Ewxpg, SiK-retarv. JOHN ARMSTRONG, NO. 1 FAYKTTKVItLK STBBKT, ft A LEIGH N. C, BOOK HINDER. . And Blank Book Manufacturer. Newspapers, Magazines, and Law Books, of every description, bound lt the very best style, and at lowest prices. Old (numbers of Supreme Court Re ports taken In exchangn for binding !

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