J jjliWEEKLY ERA. j nt :.t M. nnowx, - - maxaoeb. mtowx, KAir "ubrrlplln. lKtv - tne year, in auvaru-e, M;x months three months, ... 1'BIMIX u: Job i ,,ru'I tl execute!, of every atyle I cut parts of the r','", , ' J ' ' : ' - - ' : ': ; - A, : THE WEEKLY "ERA. . - - . r I I -11 I I l-J 1 f ! i I J 1 - : I 1 ; a 1 " . I I 1 I V X I 1.' J'l I 1 ' I J - ". . g- . .---..--- ii , : , 1 WAV ' :.; i- i y m.; mi A - iwiilii'i . 2 , V g " ' ' -W.l'r .'W 1 1 V I I Jt 1 V g i f. '!-? 1 I i I t I" V V O ! . I Vr! 5 001 17 00 28 00 40 00 I v.orn neatly ,.- ' ' f . . ; ;V. . . . I . ! V , XX XX l 00 1 4.1 00 ; : - : 1 ' .' ' : : J tlo go oo s w uo w ,K t . : ' ; ' " .. i ', ; '-. v 1 . " zzz i do oo oo 40 oo; 50 OO, 8t tMt, ,K, : ; i-- i i ' -". k 0Transiont advertising o5E bOUan ! VOL. n. I , KjiOliElGH, N. C, THURSDAY, JUNE 12, 1873. ; ' NO. olj !K:;Sr" " - - - I -- ; : !rP, H.liiitxl from all 'Co, Bt lii-A'k" a specialty. Our Own. ' j , - - - j -f - j . - r ; ; . r ": : : r - i . : lit ' f f i- i s I. t ) ' IMS a V, j i i "I r'i ft , 1 baI known i the morning if. airily all tte day. The words unkind Vo! trouble my mind , arben voti went away, ffr. tn liiore direful, darling. )r iven vou needless pain vx"ar own-" 1.4 X and tone or - .... ,i Y T!-J r ver f'r nie :,, rthe heart should ease. r r nitfV ' I,,rth iU Th d nfver conic l.oine at nii;t't, ,n.l hearts have broken K.t hnrf h word spoken. Tte' "-rrtw t an ne t r hot rijrlit. ..- , .YeoarefulthoUR!iSfi tlc stranger ; !;:..ftf'r"ourown, . j Th..u 'le love "our own ft. het. ih 1! with thecurve impatient, ' ll J .row fi:h tJut io-.k of acorn, Taere ru.;l f.te .i-. vA" it U. late .To'ttnd.t!i work of morn. ,,,( h rch iuo-t h C-roliim ' t)n Lt-t Sal.bath wti-k, it was my PriSlfiot worship at Su?ar tYok I fharvhtthn miU-H t of Char lotte. j ' 1 . ! .. . i - - :t .... ... -line ton or JtiiiiL' 'iitult r tlu t V!rl h m:rKei uev. niign MoA'leh preached occasionally lor them during the years 17." ami ll.'n"., and was succeeded ly llev. Kli-iia encer and Kol.t. McMur ,!. H 1 7 they (-allel Rev. Nat. K, ir friwii Ncw'Vork Fresbytery. :outiu or the gos- j h,u-iil ai-1 one of the brethren SMy fayo thousand dollars; for j tions to replace notes of a design hXl'to M)iin- two or three hun- f tne Interior Department, two nun- and denomination now successfully I; i L,,,, jn hv "rove at the drtHl 1111,1 twenty thousand dollars; i counterfeited, six hundred thousand l Ml... Ii.i'l.,. I1lllT ll:lV( IH'HI O f . , ... 'i.iu- tint wor-liin was going ,er Bncuiiurai JJeiartnu.nt, dollars: iTovuled, That each of ' i i th.- ho'is. twenty thousand dollars; for the ud national banking associations "Vt i it'-l l.i itl I witnessed a 1 Department of Justice and the At- shall reimburse the treasury the .li .iWiiibI-i"'of ioil's pei.Ie 1 torney (ieneml'sollice, ten thousand costs of the" .circulating notes fur-Cn-ek church eidit 'miles ' dollars ; for the Supreme Court of nished under this provision. uUVof Charlotte, and'thnv mih-s iho t'nik-ii States twenty five thou- For expenses in detecting and f in tlif Citiwhi river. This -sand dollars; for the supreme court bringing to trial and punishment liurihhvas organized in 17io, and ( "f l,,e V'n01 C;!mi"bia' -"e i Person engagetl in counterfeiting . . . . i . i i it i n i it-n nil ill iihui.ii ' . . i . ...w. .............. . i i 1 1 1 in'." - - Mr. Kcfr having d , i ti;---!li tla y alter- declined t accvpt rward stvured the i-ti'ial laiM.rs oi llev. liooen lhr.rv ; of Donegal l'relytery. r i C f . . AI.j. - k-nburg county, May-iHh, i;7o,and mbsequently lKrean active part in i-uriuj the imlepcndence tf his totintrxt" llev. K Ij. Watson was the fourth Iator, Who serve 1 the church for eleven years, and was greatly bles hiI in his labors. After him wine Uev. .!llertus Ij. Watts, who was uTeeded by Rev.O. D. 1 'arks, now jni'tor jnf SiigJir Creek church. Tlu n fol 1 owe I Ke v. J a n i es 1 . Wa 1 1 , alio was succeeded ly Rev. JS. C. Alexander. Their ninth and pres ent pastor is Rev. John Douglas, wh'jy.mie from Charleston Ireby ury i ' l;ptlier Douglas has bevu at this ihun hj for m vcii yi-ars,Vaud has Urn greatly blessed in liis Jabors. Tin-singing is by the vomjrry ut ion, aad nt the H-opie praise the Ird. (.trot he c DiUprlas, it is thought, has the largest meiiilfer.-hip in the Mate probably in the Southern Mates. He thinks his membership larger than Rocky River, and that i Lurch '1 think, has been regarded us our' largest church for many years. ; During the pastorate of Rrother Parks, they built a very large and neat house of worship. It was a delightful communion season ; the peon! so harmonious and so devot td to their pastor. For seven years dure have km added annually thirty inciidrvrs to this church. C'irisij,! OWrcr. F. II. D. ;Fim the Wilmington Star. Hydrophobia. A t. if ,;:c,-c.fttl Cure in thi.t (V.'iA lAtUrfnym the I'hy-fii-ittii Tie JtemeditA Employed. The' following communication, n.trr.dig a remarkable and sue-; i-es-ful cure of hydrophobia in this city, and whicheems to be fully MUthetitieated, has been sent to the i New York Herald by the physician who attended the victim, and his account of the treatment used may j lr mailt' of value and lenefit to ' ethers ih the hot days that are ap- ! l Touching: To thr VjUtor of the Xnr York Her- I o.'d: l rtnit me to contradict an item fii'vs which apjieared in a morn ing pa'pVr of yesterday, which read as ft, Hows: "l'hilip Iftus, aged ninu years, -f s! Cherry street, was bitten by a d-g in Cherry street a few days ago, and ha hvilroi.holna. lie cannot ! as li erl" reeove 1 a ni a phy.-ician, and this case was brought to mv notice on Mon- nay. the lth instant. nearly three was bitten. weeks waiter the Ikv , h n I arrived at his home he was u!.oriug under mo-t violent convul- ; ami iiutiuicsuti an me sy ni- toin- of the terrible disease. The ce apicared to me so bad that I felt reluctant toaduiinLster anything without consulting other physi cians. ; Accordingly I procured the at tendance of three brother doctors, who pronounced the case to be one fif hydrophobia, and also felt reluc tant to administer anything to the patient. I considered, however, that there was still a hote, having given this disease long years of :uay, though it is generally con sidered incurable by the standard hiedieal authorities. I lirat admin istered a warm bath, after which I Used cold applications to the spine; save him hydrate of chloral and troiniJe ammonia, with suposito ries a 1 ministered every three hours. After the first dose the paroxysms were partially relieved, and he fell into a sound sleep, which lasted for a few Iiours. When he awoke the paroxyms again returned with their usual severity, the deglutition be came extremely difficult, so much so that it was only by a great effort he was made to swallow another portion of the medicine. Again the symptoms" became obedient to the remedy, with a marked improve ment in the general condition of the patient By continued persistence n the treatment he is now almost in a state of convalescence, and there is every hope of his recovery, i D. McN., M. D. The Roman Catholic Mission, founded for the conversion of the Southern colored people, is making rapid progress. There are present, ays the Ctttholic y.VnVtr, six Ameri can students at the College ol St. Joseph, at Mill Hill, Middlesex, England, making the preparatory studies for this mission, besides five Englishmen, six Irishmen, three 'iennans, two Hollanders' and one Belgian,. rt.-r hi :-. liev.Jann- -McKaerrom V"""'" ww orange! 2'resbvterv Ui-ame their d'ates in Congress, approver j ,,a-tor if, ,.-7s. Ileeontinuetl with -Apnl stvond, eighteen hundrecl and : iuin until 17-J7. - In the year isol, ! seventy two is hereby repealed : j ...... ii;,...i.r..v. nnt..r .-iihi 1'rovideil, I hat, until a contract is rr-tor.! His tombstone savs "he jnade, the debates shall he printed ' i,....,.i,,..r:,- ;.r,w.t. by the congressional printer, under OFFICIAL. JAIVS OF THE UNITED STATES. Iissed lit the 'third Session of the forty-second (bngress. GEXEItAt, XATUR E Xo. 27. AN ACT making Appropriations for sundry civil Expenses of the Govern ment for the fiscal Year ending June thirtieth,' eighteen hundred and sev enty four, and for other Purposes. -Bo it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Can press assembled, That the following' j sums ho. and the raimp nrr hirthv i appropriated, for the objects herein after expressed, for tho fiscal vear ' ending June thirtieth, eighteen hand red and seventy four, namely: ruBLic rniXTixG and bixdixg. For the public printing for the j public binding, and for paier for the . public printing, two million dollars,' Jutid the sum hereby, appropriated, i printing and binding may be done ftmouts foliowing. namely thousam yJof ! Jolto . .. ..., .1 1 1 . Y 4. Liiuu.iiiiv.1 uuunia: mr nit; irt'iian- btate, twenty five thousand lor the J retisury Depart- dollars ; for the rsavy Department, iX'partment, one hundred and seventy live thous;tnd dollars; and fr loth houses -of Congress, one million dollars; and the amounts herein designated for the several executive departments may be dis tributed to the bureaus thereof at the discretion of the head of each department, who shall certify such distribution to the public printer ; and tin? last proviso to the act iro- ling for printing and report in. i--- i the direction of the joint committee on public printing on the part of the Senate. For printing the preparatory cir culars, and for printing and bind ing, at the government printing of fice, the report on life insurance statistics, made under authority of the Kighth International Statistical Congress, by William IJarqes, a delegate from the United States, in accordance with the plan of"pubIi cation adopted at the said congress, under the direction of the Secretary of State, three thousand five hun dred dollars. For lithographing, mapping, and engraving for both houses of Con gress, the Supreme Court, and the court of claims, fifty thousand dol lars. TItEASI" H V I EPA IiTM EN T. For IJfe-savinq Stations: For salaries of two superintendents of the life-saving stations on the coasts j oi Long island ana .xe v Jersey, at one thousand live nunorea uonars each, three thousand dollars; and for one superintendent on the coasts of CajK? Cod and of Block island, Rhode Island, one thousand dollars. For fifty four keepers of stations, at two hundred dollars each, ten thousand eight hundred dollars. For seventeen keepers of stations, at two hundred dollars each, three thousand four hundred dollars. For ten keepers of stations, at two hundred dollars each, two thousand dollars. For pay of crews of experienced surf men at such stations and for such eriods as the Secretary of the Treasury may deem necessary and pro.er, eighty five thousand dollars. For establishing new life saving stations on the coast of the United States, one hundred thousand, dol lars. r ... . i el ,?v-nn of the Lnited For contingencies stations on the coast States, fifteen thousand dollars. And that the, s-reiary oi v ar ne, and hereby is, authorized to estab- lish signal stations at light houses, t And that the, Secretary of ar be, at such of the life saving stations on the lake or sea coasts as may be suitably located lor that purpose, j and to connect the same with such i oints as may le necessary for the proper discharge of the signal ser- vice by means of .a suitable tele graph line in cases where no lines ! are in operation, to be constructed, j maintained, and worked under the : direction of the chief signal officer j of the army, or the Secretary of War ! and the Secretary of the Treasury'; i and the use of the life saving stations ; as signal stations shall be subject to such regulations as may be agreed m,n bv iiil nrticials: and the sum oi thirty thousand aouars is nereoy appropriated to carry into effect this provision. Jlecenue-atter Service: For pay of thirty four captains, one hundred am onre lieutenants, and sixty three engineers and pilotseinployed, three hundred and sixty one thousand three hundred dollars. For rations for officers: Thirty four captains', one hundred and one i lieutenants, sixty three engineers i and pilots, twenty five thousand five hundred and eighty three dol lars and forty cents. For pa v of crews: Eight hundred and sixty petty officers, seamen, j cooks, stewards, boys, coal passers, j and firemen, two hundred and eight v two thousand seven hundred i am forty eight dollars. For rations for crews: Eight hun dred and sixty petty officers, sea- men, cooks, stewards, ooys, coai passers, and firemen, two hundred and ninety eight thousand seven hundred and forty eight rations, at thirty three cents, including the li quor equivalent, ninety eight thou sand five hundred and eighty seven dollars. For fuel for thirty eight vessels, repairs and outfits for same, ship chandlery and engineers store for same, travelling expenses of officers travelling on duty under orders from the Treasury Department, commutation of quarters, and con tingent exenses, including wharf age, towage, dockage, freight, ad vertising, and surveys, and miscel laneous exense4 which cannot be included under special heads, two hundred and sixty thousand dollars. Murine Hospital Service. For supplying deficiency In the fund for the relief of sick and disabled sea men, one hundred thousand dollars ; and the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized, in his discre tion, to sell tho marine hospital grounds and unfinished cast iron hospital buildings, located in the city of New Orleans, Louisiana, and out of the proceeds of said sale to purchase a more healthful site for a marine hospital, at a point which shall be convenient of access to and from the port of New Or leans, and to erect thereon a pavil- ion marine hospital of one hqndred and . fifty bed capacity, with the necessary auxiliary structures, in accordance with designs to be pre pared Dy the supervising architect. to me satisiaction or the supervis ing surgeon or the marine hospital service, and approved by the Sec retary of tho Treasury: Provided, That said site and pavilion hospital shall in no event cost more than the amount received from the! sale of the hospital and grounds which are hereby authorized to be sold: And provided further, That in case the materials of the iron hospital build ings can with advantage be used in the eonstruetiontion of other gov ernment buildings now being erect- eu, said mnterial may be so used, and the amount of money value thereof, which shall be determined by the Secretary of the Treasury, is hereby appropriated, for the pur poses of the new hospital, out of any moneys in the Treasury not other wise appropriated. . National Curreurj. For ' paper, engraving,printing,express charges, and other expenses of making and issuing the national currency, one hundred thousand dollars, i - For replacing tlie worn timl imi tated circulating notes of national banking associations, and fr en graving and preparing in such man ner and on such paer and of such form and de.-ign as the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe new circulating notes for such associa- notes, and other securities of tho United States, and the coinage thereof, and for detecting other frauds upon the government, one hundred and twenty five thousand dollars. Ji'DierAKY. For defraying the expenses of the i . ri.,. l t...i. s ......1 ; cuunsui iiie Liiuiti oiaitq, liiciuu- . ... i ' iiirors :iiiii viiiies;.sesi kxiici n 's of suits in which the United States J are concerned, ot prosecutions tor offences committed against the United States; and for the safe keeping of prisoners; and for the expenses which may be incurred in the enforcement of the act relative to the right of citizens to vote, of February twenty eighth, eighteen j i hundred and seventy one, or any ; j acts amendatory thereof or supple- i j mentary thereto, three million dol- j I lars. ! To purchase one hundred sets of j Curtis's Decisions, (twenty two vol- j umes,) Howard's Reports, (seven j volumes,) and Black's Reports, (two volumes,) of the Supreme Uourt of the United States, for.distribution by the Department of Justice to the several circuit, district, and territo rial judges of the United States, twelve thousand and five hundred dollars; and the Department of Justice shall be charged with the i distribution t the various judges , and courts of Jh statutes, reports, and other ju-ii. i d documents now I provided for. by law. To enaDio tin; ."secretary oi tne m- i -w r ru mH 11 f 1 Attic ttrr.vn and company two thousand of the scventoef.th v rolume of the United States Statutes at Large for distri bution. agreeably to the act of Con gress directing tho distribution of the other volumes, seven thousand j dollars. i For the support and maintenance of convicts transferred from the District ot Columbia, ten thousand dollars. For defraying the expenses of de fending claims under the convention with Mexico of fourth July, eigh teen hundred and sixty eight, to be exended under the direction of the Attorney General, ten thousand dollars. For payment of the necessary ex penses incurred in defending suits against the Secretary of the Treas ury, or his agents, for the seizure of captured or abandoned property; and for tho examination of wit- n esses in claims against the United States pending in any Department; .i f, thn,i:t.i1, ,,f tho Vnitod States in the court of claims", to be ex.emlt.(i under the direction of the AtorTu.v General, thirtv thousand . ,..Trt. dollars, For this sum. or so much thereof as may be necessary, to be expended under the direction of the Attorney General in the detection1 and prose cution of crimes against the United States, fifty thousand dollars. For expenses to be incurred in the prosecution and collection of claims due the United States, to be disbursed under the direction of the Attorney General, fifteen thousand dollars. l For detecting and punishing vio lation of the intercourse acts of Con gress, and frauds committed in the Indian service, the same to be ex pended by the Attorneys General; in allowing such increased fees and compensation of witnesses, jurors, and marshals ; and in defray ing such other expenses as may be; necessary for this purpose, ten thousand dol lars, i For completing the revision of the statutes and preparing the same, to le presented in the form of a bill or bills to the next Congress, including the payment of salaries and inci dental expenses of the; work, and preparing proper indexes thereto, to be expended under j the super vision of the Department of Justice, twelve thousand dollars 1 For the repair of the City Hall building and ventilation of the room occupied by the supreme court of the District of Columbia, two thousand five hundred dollars. MISCELLANEOUS. , For continuing the collection of statistics of mines and mining, to be laid before Congress, to be ex pended under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury, fifteen , thousand dollars. For the continuation of the geo logical and geographical survey of the Territories of the United States by Professor F. V. Hayden, under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, during the fiscal year end ing June thirtieth, eighteen hun dred and seventy four, seventy five thousand dollars, to be available on the passage of this act. i For the preparation and publica tion of the maps, charts, geological sections, and other .engravings necessary to illustrate "the annual and final reports of the Lnited States geological survey of the Territories, twenty thousand dol lars, to 5e expended under the di rection of the Secretary of the In terior, to be available for immediate use. . That tho sum of ten. thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated to enable Professor J. w. Powell to prepare his materials, and to present to Congress at its next session a re port of the survey of the Colorado of the West and its tributaries. For continuing the. inquiry iDto I the causes of tho decrease of) the 1 'J; : '! . food-fishes of the coast and tho lakes of the United States, five thousand dollars. For the introduction of shad into the waters of the Pacific States, the Gulf States, and of the Mississippi valley, and of salmon, white fish, and other useful food fishes, into the watere of the United States to which they are best adapted, seven teen thousand five hundred dollars, to be expended under the direction of the Lnited States commissioner of fish and fisheries. For preparation of illustrations for the report of the United States commissioner of nsh and fisheries, one thousand dollars. To enable the joint committee on the library to purchase and print a series of unpublished historical doc uments relating to the early Jt renfh discoveries in the Northwest and on the Mississippi, ten thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be' nece&sary, the printing of the same to be under the direction of of said committee ; and of the fifteen thousand dollars appropriated by act of Juue tenth, eighteen hundred and seventy two, to enab said committee to purchase worka of art, the sum of ten thousand dollars is hereby declared to have" been ap propriated and shall bo expended for the purpose of providing for a statue of the late Edward Dickinson Baker. For a plan for a new building for a library of Congress, five thousand dollars ; and the selection of a plan, together with the location and su pervision of said building, shall be in charge of a commission to consist of the chairman of the joint com mittee on the library, the chairman of the committee on public build- j ings and grounds of the Senate, and j the li 1 .rarian of Congress. I To enable the clerk of the House of Representatives to pay the thir-f teen crippled and disabled soldiers now in the employment of the tleerkeeper of the House, from March fourth, eighteen hundred and seventy three, to December first, eighteen hundred and seventy three, twelve thousand six hundred dollars. i For furni-turc, and repairs of the same, lor public buildings under the control of the Treasury Depart ment, one hundred and fifty thou sand dollars. For fuel, lights, and water, and miscellaneous items for public build ings under the control of the Treas ury Department, two hundred and twenty five thousand dollars. For heating apparatus for public buildings under the control of the Treasury Department, one hundred thousand dollars. For vaults, safes, and locks for public buildings under the control of the Treasury Department, seven ty five thousand dollars. For photographing, engraving, and printing plans of public build ings under control of the Treasury Department, hve thousand dollars. For construction and verification of standard weights and measures for the custom houses of the United States, and for the several States, and of metric standards for the States twelve thousand dollars. For pay of custodians and janitors of public buildings under the con-, .trolof tho Treasury Department,: one hundred and twenty five thou- ; sand dollars. To enable the Secretary of the Treasury to pay to Warrington Sommers a sum sufficient to make j his salary from Juue first, eighteen hundred and sixty nine, to March j first, eighteen hundred and seventy, that of a fourth-class clerk in tne fifth auditor's office, one hundred ! and fifty dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, To enable the Secretary of the Treasury to collect captured and abandoned property of the United States, and to collect, procure, and preserve all vouchers, papers, records, and evidence, and to take testimony as to claims against the United States, to be paid only upon the certificate of the commissioners of claims, seventy thousand dollars. To enable the Secretary of the Navy to organize parties to observe the transit of Venus in December, eighteen hundred and seventy four, one hundred thousand dollars, to be expended by thecommission created by the act of June tenth, eighteen hundred and seventy two: Provid ed, That no part of this appropria tion shall be covered into the treas ury until the objects for which it is made shall have been accomplish ed: And provided further, That the Secretary of the Navy is hereby authorized to detail two vessels of the navy, from the Asiatic or Pacific stations, to convey parties to the points selected for observation with which there is no regular communi cation. To enable the Secretary of the Navy to deposit with the assistant treasurer of the United States, at Washington city, District of Colum bia, the sum of one hundred thou sand dollars, subject to the order of the United States district court for District of Columbia, in the case of the United States against the rebel steamer Sumter, in prize, said sum is hereby appropriated. To purchase land adjoining the naval academy at Annapolis, Mary land, and for improving the same, for the purpose of extending the area and creating additional con venience for quarters, forty five thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary ; but no money shall be. paid for said land until the State of Maryland has ceded juris diction over the same to the United States. For the expenses of the joint select committee on alleged outrages in the Southern States, the sum of one thousand and eighty seven dollars and twenty cents, the said sum to be carried for the purpose to the contingent fund of the Senate. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. Public Lands. For rent of office of surveyor general of Louisian, fuel, books, stationery, and other incidental expenses, two thousand five hundred dollars. For rent of office of surveyor gen eral of Florida, fuel, books, station ery, and other incidental expenses, one thousand five hundred dollars. For rent of office of surveyor gen eral of Minnesota, fuel, books, sta tionery, and other incidental expen ses, two thousand two hundred dol lars. For rent of office of surveyor general of Dakota Territory, fuel, books, stationery, and. other inci dental expenses, two thousand dol lars. For rent of office of surveyor gen eral of Kansas, fuel, books, station ery, and other incidental expenses, two thousand dollars. For rent of office of surveyor gen eral of Colorado Territory, luel, bocks, stationery, and other inci dental expenses, two thousand dol lars. For rent of office of surveyor gen eral of New Mexico Territory, fuel," books, stationery, and other inci dental expenses, two thousand dol lars. For rent of office of surveyor gen eral of California, fuel, books, sta tionery, and other incidental expen ses, seven thousand dollars. For rent of office of surveyor gen- end of Idaho Territory, fuel, books, stationery, and other incidental ex penses, three thousand dollars. For rent of office of surveyor gen eral of Nevada, fuel, books, station ery, and other incidental expenses, three thousanr) seven hundred dol lars. For rent of office of surveyor gen eral of Oregon,' fuel, books, station ery, and other incidental expenses, two thousand dollars. For rent of office of surveyor gen eral of Washington Territory, fuel, books, stationary, and other inci dental expenses, two thousand dol- j lars. For rent of office of surveyor gen- j eral of .Nebraska and Iowa, fuel, ! books, stationery, and other inci- j dental expenses, two thousand five hundred dollars. For rent of office of surveyor gen eral of Montana Territory, fuel, books, stationery, and other inci dental expenses, two thousand five hundred dollars. For rent ot office of surveyor gen eral of Utah Territory, fuel, books, stationery, and other incidental ex penses, two thousand dollars. For rent, of office oi" surveyor gen eral of Wyoming Territory, fuel, books, stationery, and other inci dental expenses, two thousand five hundred dollars. For rent of office of surveyor gen eral of Arizona Territory, fuel, books, stationery, ond other inci dental expenses, two thousand five hundred dollars. Survejing the Public Lands. For surveynig the public lands in Lou isiana, at rates not exceeding ten dollars per linear mile for township and eight dollars for section lines, eighteen thousand dollars. For surveying the public lands in Florida, at rates not exceeding ten j dollors per linear mile for standard, seven dollars lor township, and six dollars for section lines, twelve thousand dollars. For surveying the public lands in Minnesota, at rates not exceeding fourteen dollars per linear mile for standard lines, twelve dollars for township, and ten dollars for section lines, fiity thousand dollars : Pro vided, Tha there shall first be paid out of said fifty 'thousand dollars, to the Saint Paul and Sioux City Railroad Company, the sum of one thousand three hundred and seven ty dollars for surveys already made by said company of the public lands in said State. For surveying the public lands in Dakota Territory, at rates not ex ceeding twelve dollars per linear mile for standard lines, nine dollars for township, and eight dollars for section lines, eighty thousan dollars. For surveying the public land in Montana Territory, at rates not ex ceeding fifteen dollars per linear mile for standard lines, twelve dol lars for township, and ten dollars for section lines, sixty thousand dol lars. For surveying the public lands in Nebraska, at rates not exceeding twelve dollars per linear mile for standard lines, nine dollars for j township, and eight dollars for sec- tion lines, sixty thousand dollars, j to take effect upon the passage of i this act. ! For surveying the public lands in j Kansas, at rates not exceeding j twelve dollars per linear mile for j standard lines, nine dollars for ! township, and eight dollars for sec- tion lines, sixty thousand dollars, ! said amount to be available from I and after the passage of this act. For surveying the public lands in j Colorado Territory, at rates not ex- J ceeding fifteen dollars per linear ! mile for standard lines, twelve dol I i.irs for township, and ten dollars for section lines, eighty thousand dollars. For surveying the public lands in Idaho Territory, at rates not exceed ing fifteen dollars per lineal mile for standard lines, twelve dollars for township, and ten dollars for section lines, thirty thousand dollars. For surveying the public lands in New Mexico Territory, at rates not exceeding fifteen dollars per linear mile for standard lines, twelve dol lars for township, and ten dollars for section lines, thirty thousand dollars. For surveying the public lands in Arizona Territory, at rates not ex ceeding fifteen dollars per linear mile for standard lines, twelve dol lars for township, and ten dollars for section lines, twenty thousand dollars. For surveying the public lands in California, at rates not exceeding fifteen dollars per linear mile for standard lines, fourteen dollars for township, and twelve dollars for section lines, and for heavily tim bered mountain lands, at augmen ted rates, not exceeding eighteen dollars per linear mile for standard, sixteen dollars for township, and fourteen dollars for section lines, ninety thousand dollars. For surveying the public lands in j Oregon, at 'rates not exceeding fif- j teen dollars per linear mile lor standard lines, fourteen dollars for township, and twelve dollars for section lines, forty thousand dollars. For surveying the public lands in Oregon, densly covered Vith forests of thick undergrowth, a s rates not exceeding eighteen dollars per lin ear mile for standard,, sixteen dol lars for township, and fourteen dol lars for section lines, thirty thousand dollars : one third of said amount to be expended east of the Cascade ! mountains. For surveying the public lands in Washington Territory, at rates not exceeding fifteen dollars per linear mile for standard lines, fourteen dollars for township, jand twelve dollars for section lines, and for heavily timbered lands at augmen ted rates, not exceeding eighteen dollars per linear mile for standard, sixteen dollars for township, and fourteen dollars for section lines, seventy thousand dollars. For surveying the public lands in Utah Territory, at rates not exceed ing fifteen dollars per linear mile for standard lines, twelve dollars for township, and ten dollars for section lines, twenty five thousand dollars. For surveying the public lands in Nevada, at rates not exceeding fif teen dollars per linear mile for stan dard lines, twelve dollars for town ship, and ten dollars for section lines, fifty thousand dollars. For surveying the public lands in Wyoming Territory, at rates not exceeding fifteen dollars per linear mile for standard, twelve dollars for township, and ten dollars for sec tion lines, fifty thousand dollars. For survey of the western bound ry of Wyoming Territory, at a rate not exceeding fifty dollars per lin ear mile, estimated distance two hundred and seventy seven miles, thirteen thousand eight hundred and fifty dollars. For survey of so much of the south boundary of Colorado Terri tory as lies between the twenty fifth and twenty sixth meridian, west of Washington, at a rate not exceeding forty dollars per linear mile, estimated distance sixty miles, two thousand four hundred dollars. For survey of so much of the eas tern boundary of New Mexico a3 liesietween the northwest corner of Texas and the thirty-seventh parallel of north latitude, at a rate not exceeding forty dollars per lin ear mile, estimated distance thirty five miles, one thousand four hun dred dollars.' " For survey of the boundary be tween the Territories of Idaho and Washington, at a rate not exceeding sixty dollars per linear mile, esti mated distance one hundred and eighty miles, ten thousand eight hundred dollars. For occasional examinations of the publicsurveys in theseveral survey ing districts, in order to test the ac curacy of the work in the field, ten thousand dollars. For expenses of survey, appraise- j ment, and other contingent expens es for carrying out the provisions of the act of February twenty-fourth. eighteen hundred and seventy one, - ! providing for the sale of useless military reservations, twenty thou sand dollars. For survey of exterior boundaries of Indian reservations, and sub dividing portions of the same, two hundred thousand dollars. Expenses of ihe Collection of Here ?iue from Sales of Public Lands. For salaries and commissions of registers of land-offices and receiv ers of public moneys at ninety two land offices, four hundred and nine- I ty eight thousand seven hundred ! dollars. ! For incidental' expenses of the ! land offices, including rents, fifty ' five thousand and forty dollars. ; For expenses of depositing moneys received from sales of public lands, thirteen thousand dollars. To meet the expenses of suppress ing depredations upon the timber on the pubjic lands, eight thousand dollars. For this amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to de fray the expenses connected with the appraisal and sale of the tracts of laud in the State of Nebraska, belonging to the Omaha, Pawnee, Otoe and Missouria, and the Sac and Fox of Missouri tribes of Indians, in accordance with the provisions of an act entitled " An act for the relief of certain tribes of , Indians in the Northern superin tendence' " approved June tenth, eighteen hundred and seventy two, .twenty thousand dollars, said amount to be reimbursed from the proceeds of the sale of said lands. Metropolitan Police. For salaries ' and other necessary expenses of the metropolitan police for the District of Columbia, two hundred and seven thousand five hundred and thirty dollars: Provided, That a further sum, amounting to One hun dred and three thousand seven hun dred and sixty five dollars, shall be paid to defray the expenses of the said metropolitan police force by the cities ot Washington and Georgetown, and the county of Washington, beyond the limits of said cities, in the District of Colum bia, in the proportion correspond ing to the number of privates allot ted severally to said precincts ; and the corporate authorities of said cities, and proper authorities of the District of Columbia, are hereby authorized and required to levy a special tax, not exceeding one third of one per centum, which shall be specially deposited once in each week, as such collections are made, to be appropriated and expended for said purpose only, for the service of the fiscal year ending June thir tieth, eighteen hundred and seventy four: Provided further, That the annual report of the board of me tropolitan police commissioners shall hereafter be made to the At torney General of the United States, who shall also be charged with the disbursement of this appropriation. Government Hospital for the In sane. For the support, clothing, medical, and moral treatment of the insane of the army and navy, reve nue cutter, and volunteer service, who may have become insane since their entry into the service of the United States, and of the indigent insane of the District of Columbia, in the government hospital for the insane, including five hundred dol lars for books, stationery, and inci dental expenses, one hundred and twenty five thousand dollars. For repairs and improvements of the hospital buildings, t wenty thou sand dollars. For, the erection of a stock barn on one of the outlying farms of the institution, and ahay barn on the other Out lying farm, and of a poul try hbuse within the hospital in closure, nine thousand dollars. For the erection, lighting, heating and furnishing of a detached build ing to contain tailors', shoemakers', and ; mattress makers' shops and store rooms, and dormitories for mechanics and farm laborers, with out families, ten thousand dollars. For moving, repairing, and build in": cottages for the occupation of ! the employees of the hospital having I families, live thousand seven hun dred and twelve dollars and twenty two cents. For completion of the roads and walks in the exercise grounds of the patients, two thousand dollars. Columbia Institution for the Deaf and Dumb. For the support of the institution, including salaries and incidental expenses, the. mainten ance of the beneficiaries of the Unit ed States, and five hundred dollars for books and illustrative apparatus, forty eight thousand dollars. ' Columbia Hospital for 'omen and Lvina-in Asulum, and other Chari- i ties. For the support of the Colum bia Hospital for W omen and laying in Asylum, over and above the probable amount which will be receivel from pay patients, twenty eight thousand five hundred dollars. To aid in the support of the Chil dren's Hospital of Washington, District of Columbia, five thousand dollars. i For care, support, anil medical treatment of Seventy naj transient paupers, medical and surgical pati ents, in some proper medical insti tution in the city of Washington, under a contract to be formed with such I institution, fifteen thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, under the direction of the Secretary of War. For the Soldiers' and Sailors' Orphans' Home, Washington city, District of Columbia, to be expend ed under the direction of the Secre tary of the Interior, fifteen thousand dollars: Provided, That hereafter no child or children shall be admit ted into said home except "the destitute orphansjof soldiers and sailors who have died in the late war on behalf of the Union of these States," as provided for in section three of the act entitled " An act to incorporate the National Soldiers' and Sailors' Orphans' Home," ap proved July twenty fifth, eighteen hundred and sixty six : And provi ded further, That no child not an invalid shall remain in said home after having attained the age of sixteen years. To aid in the erection of a build insr for a hospital in the city of Washington, under the charge and ! control of. an incorporated associa tion in : said city, known as the Sisterhood of Saint John, twenty five thousand dollars are hereby appropriated out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appro priated, to be paid to the said asso- ciatlon. . I Smithsonian Institution. For pre servation of 4he collections of .the surveying and exploring expedi tions of the government, fifteen thousand dollars. For fitting up the new halls re- quired for the government collec tions, fifteen thousand dollars, j For steam heating apparatus for the same, twelve thousand dollars, Capitol Lxtension. ior continu ing the work on the capitol, and for general care and repairs thereof, sixty five thousand dollars. I For extending the inlets to the Senate chamber for fresh air to the lower terrace near the western park, ten thousand dollars. For constructing coal vaults with in the open space at the east frpn of the capitol, between the wings and the old building, sixtee thousand dollars; and for connect - ing the capitol by telegraph, to' be used solely for public business, with aii the departments fof government and the government printing office in tne city ot Washington, eight thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to be ex pended under the direction of tho officer! in charge of th public and grounds: Provided, Tjhat the immediate con nection of the wires with nnv of t'n public buildings shall be made uu- - .. dergrouud, or in such niannnas not to injure the appearance of t he capitol or other public buildings.) Forgradingand paving thestreets and footways around the capitol, and running from Pennsylvania avenue to B streets north and south, to the line of the east front of the capitol, and for improving the grounds within that area, one hun dred and twenty five thousand dol lars: Provided, That in the im provements of streets about the capitol, the Secretary of the Interior shall assess and collect the costlof all improvements made in front of all private property in the same pro portion as charged by the District authorities for similar improve ments. For ten thousand eight hundred and forty four square feet of land on South Capitol and South B streets, With the buildings standing thereo'n, the sum of fifteen thousand dollars, to be paid to the trustees ofthe'Is rael African Methodist Episcopal Church, -whenever shey shall, n due andiegal form, t ransfer to the United States a good and sufficient title to said land and p. eniises : Provided, That saicrdjrustces may have the right to remove tho - build - ing thereon known as the parsonsgeH and the seats and benches belonging 1 to the church, any time v. hjn thirty days after being notified to remove the same by the architect of the capitol. " . For alteration and refitting tire hall of the House of Representatives for accommodation of the increased number of members and the better ventilation and lighting thereof, to be expended under the supervision of the architect ot the capitol exten sion, according to a plan to be es tablished by resolution -of the IIous?, forty thousand dollars ; and the amounts hereby appropriated for work on and around the capitol shallTour hundred dollars be available from the passage ot this act. Botanical Garden. For the con struction of a brick wall and iron fence along First street, between Pennsylvania and Maryland ave nues, and for gateways on same lind, nine thousand five hundred dollars. For taking down. ajd rebuilding fence along Maryland avenue and Third street, to conform to new grade, four thousand dollars. For repairs to buildings, improve ments to heating apparatus, and walks, and for grading and inclos ing square of Maryland avenue op posite the botanical garden, bounded by Second, Third, and B streets, and for erecting thereon houses for stor ing pots, soil, coal, and plants, six thousand five hundred dollars. For completing the new conserv atory by erecting an octagon at the eastern end to conform to that at the western end, seventeen thousand five hundred dollars; and the sev eral amounts hereby appropriated for the botanical gardens shall be available from the passage of this act. Survey of the Coast. For contin uing the survey of the Atlantic and Gulf coasts of the United States, and Lake Champlain, including com pensation of civilians engaged in the work, and excluding pay and emoluments of officers of the army and navy, and petty officers and incn of the navy employed in the work, four hundred and ten "thou sand dollars. For continuing the survey of the western coast of the United States, including compensation of civilians, and pay and rations of engineers of steamers engaged in the work, two hundred and sixty thousand dollars. For extending the triangulation of the coast survey, so as to form a geodetic connection between the Atlantic and Pacific coasts of the United States, and assisting in the State surveys, including compensa tion of civilians engaged in the work, thirty six thousand dollars. For repairs and maintenance of the complement of vessels used in the coast survey, fifty thousand 'dollars. For continuing the publication of the observations made in the pro gress of coast survey, including compensation for civilians engaged in the work, the publication, to be made at the government printing office, ten thousand dollars. Lioht House Establishment. For salaries of eight hundred and ninety three light house keepers and light beacon keepers, and their assistants, five hundred and thirty five thou sand eight hundred dollars. For repairs and incidental ex penses in refitting and improving light houses, and buildings connect ed therewith, two hundred and twenty five thousand dollars. For supplying the light houses and beacon lights on the Atlantic, Gulf, Lake, and Pacific coasts, with oil, wicks, glass chimneys, chamois skins, spirits of wine, whiting, pol ishing powder, towels, brushes, soap, paints, and other cleaning ma terials, and for expenses of repairing and keeping in repair illuminating apparatus and machinery, and of gauging, testing, transportation, delivery of oil and other supplies for light houses, and other inciden tal necessary expenses, three hun dred and sixty thousand eight hun dred and thirty seven dollars. For expenses of visiting and in specting lights and other aids to navigation, two thousand dollars. For seamen's wages, rations, re pairs, salaries, supplies, and inci dental expenses of twenty two light ships and seven relief of light ves sels, two hundred and seventeen thousand seven hundred and thirty two dollars and fifty cents. For repairs and incidental ex penses in renewing, refitting, and improving fog signals and buildings connected therewith, fifty thousand dollars. For expenses of raising, cleaning, painiting, repairing, renewing, and supplying losses of buoys, spindles, and day beacons, and for chains, sinkers, and similar necessaries, three hundred thousand tlo. lars. For Light Houses, J' c ns, wul Fog Signals. For re; ig the 1 upper part of tho light house tover at Nash'l island, coast of Maine, three thousand dollars. Y.ov rebuilding the upper part of the Ugh V.-so tower nt Seguin is land, cou.. Maine, five thousand dollars. For rebuilding the west light house at Cape Elizabeth, coast of Maine, thirty thousand dollars. For replacing day beacons de stroyed by the ice on the coast of Maine and Massachusetts, thirty thousand dollars. For a steam fog signal at the Highlands, Cape ' Cod, Massachu setts, five thousand dollars. For a steam foir sicnal (to cruide ! into a harbor of refuse) at Race nt ! point. Cape Cod, Massachusetts, gs i five thousand dollars. ?n ! For a steam fog signal at the 1 mouth ef the Atchafalaya rivir, ! Louisiana, fifteen thousand dollars, ! For replacing a light on the Mus- ! cle lied beacon, Narragansett bay, Rhode Island, three thousand dol lars. For new dwelling at Conimicut light house, Narragansett bay, Rhode Island, fifteen thousand dol- lars: Provided, That upon the coni- uletion of said dwellim? the Secre tary of the Treasury is authorized . v - and directed -4 o sell, at public auc c- tion, after due notice, aud either in one parcel or divided into lots, the land constituting tho site of the old light ti(io:i at Nayat point. For wharf and boat house at Pum ham rock, Providence river, Rhode Island, one thousand two hundred dollars. For a fog signal at New London, Connecticut, four thousand five hundred dollarf. For completing the first order sea coast light house at Alligator reef, Florida reefs, twenty live thousand dollars. For a screw pile light house at I the entrance to Saint Andrew's bay, ! Florida, twenty two thousand dol I lars. For couvpkiting the Gulf coast light at Sandi island, off Mobile j harbor, Alabama, twenty thousand ; dollars. For a screw pile light house at i Horn Island pass, Gulf of Mexico, j twenty two thousand dollars. For protecting the light house I depot at the head of the Passes, ' river Mississippi, 'from the erosion ! of the shore, ten thousand dollars. For completion of the Gulf coast f iron light house at Timbalier island, 1 coast of Louisiana, fifty thousand dollars. 1 For repairs of the screw pile light ; ffcouse at Southwest reef, Louisiana, damaged by u hurricane, five thou- trance to iiuuiboidt bay, . ahfornia, sauci UoiJi. rs. , ten thousand dollars; and tho light e completion of the first order , house appropriations made in this iron liguv ho'ijse at Trinity shoal,. act for special objects shall be avail Gulf of 7MtiCo-Nforty thousand able from the date of this act faOl li i . v iiJn tpitf t.T7 a u i i ' v T.rii .) tv For completion fcV'oast light at : Matagorda island, Texas twelvo ; K ! ; thousand dollars... For si lake rn-it Kfht . ntr.r near i Thirtv-Mile point, Lake Orario, ' New York, thirtv thousand dolturs. For rebuilding" the light house at ; Ashtabula, Ohio, three thousand j For nier head litrhts on the lakes, twenty thousand dollars. For completion of Spectacle Reef j light house, Lake Huron, twenty ! thousand dollars. i For completion of -a second order I light house at Grosse point. Lake Michigan, Illinois, fifteen thousand dollars. For a light house at IAuse, Lake Superior,- ten thousand dol lars. For surveys, examination.s&tn de termine the practicability of build ing a light house on Stannard's rock, Lake Superior, ten thousand dollars ; and light house board may, in their discretion, expend for a light house at the entrance to I'or tage Lake ship canal the appropria tion heretofore made for Eagle river, Lake Superior. For a light house on Isle Royal, Lake Superior, twenty thousand dollars. For a lake coast light on Outer island, Lake sand dollars Superior, forty thou- Kr :i liirlif limine on Poverty island. Lake Michigan, eighteen ! thousand dollars. one million five hundred thousand For a lake coast light at Twin 7 dollars : Provided, That the aggre River point, Wisconsin, Lake j gate cost of such site and building Michigan, forty thousand dollars, i shall not exceed three million dol Fora foir signal at Marouette. lars. ' Lake Superior, lour thousand dol lars. For building a light house at Port Austin, Saginaw bay, ten thousand dollars. For a lighthouse at Point Huenc me, Santa Barbara channel, Calilor- nia, twenty two thousand uoiiars; and the amount heretofore appro- ! priated for a fog signal at said point j shall revert to the treasury. 1 For completing the light house at Point San Pablo, California, thirty thousand dollars; and the light houso may be built at Point San Pablo, or at such point in the near vicinity as the light house board may select. For building a small' light aild fog signal at the 1 mouth of the Co lumbia river, Oregon, thirty thou sand dollars. For building a fog signal at New j Dungenness, Straits of Fuca, Wash- j ington Territory; eight . thousand dollars. ' For a light house at Point-No-Point, Paget sound, Washington Territory? or at such other point in 1'iirrr.r minl i sound as I the light house hnard m:.v elect. Ttwontv five thou- md dollars ii ! For completingithe light house at Race rock, Long Island sound, seventy five thousand dollars LVir a rh.r hoorrn at T.Inclr I .eth ! entranc? to New London, Connect-1 . .i. . ' icut. five thousand hve hundred dollars. i1 ; , For protecting the foundations of the light house j'afr Calves island, Brockway's- beach, ' and Devil's wharf, Connecticut rfver, two tltou sand five hundred dollars. For commencing a light house on Southwest Ledgei entrance to New Haven harbor, jUonnecti!t, fifty thousand dollars For the construction of a light house to take the; place of the light ship at Stratford shoa Is, Long Island sound, fifty thousand dollars. - For protecting the siteif east beacon and fog jsigual at Sandy Hook, New York harbor, twenty thousand dollars ; and the fog bell authorized by act approved June tenth, eighteen hundred and seven ty two, to be placed at Fort Hatn- r. . - . , i i ... 11.ton', ??"in?I.CA x'"'. ! P"frr?r.T, ! which the light house board may select. For cisterns, coping of exterior walls, and the completion of other works of improvement at the light house supply depot, Staten island, New York, five thousand dollars. For commencing the construction of a light house to replace the light ship at Cross Ledge shoal, Dela ware bay, fifty thousand dollars. For commencing the construction of a light house at Bulk Head shoal, Delaware river, fifty thousand dol lars. ; ' For a lisrht houso on or near the south end of Pea Patch island, Dla- ware river, eight thousand dollars, For completing th3 range lights 1 for Craighill channel, Chesapeake bay, twenty thousand dollars. For re-establishing tho light ut Love poi't, Chesapeake bay, ten thousand dollars. . For commencing the consruction i.f a ligiit house at Shin John shoal, I .vlaware bay, fifty thousand dol lars. For completing the buoy depot at Christiana, Delaware, ten thousand dollars. For building a screw pile light house on Thomas's Point shoal, to take the place of tho old light house on Thomas's point, .Maryland, twenty thousand dollars. For three day beacons in tho ! Potomac river, fifteen thousand I dollars; and the light house author- ized at Shipping point may bo plac- t ! ed at any point in the near vicinity i that the ngnt nouse ioaru may ue- ; tcrmine uon. j For building light houses at Dutch Gap canal, Virginia, fifteen j thousand dollars. ' I For a screw pile light house to mark the entrance to the sounds of North Carolina by Hatttras Inlet, i eighteen thousand dollars. For commencing tho construction of a first order light houso at or i near Poyner'si hill, a point midway ' net ween taje iienry uiiu iouy s island. North Carolina, fifty thou- 1 a i sanu aouars. For commencing the rebuilding of tho first order sea coast light on Morris island, South Carolina, de stroyed during the war, sixty thou sand dollars. For completing thes.'a coast light at Hunting island. South Carolina, fifty thousand dollars. , For a screw pile light, houso to replace the light ship at Tybee, f Knoll river, Savannah,. Georgia, ! eighteen thousand dollars, i For day beacons in tho river I Savannah, Georgia, two thousand 'live luindrod dollars: Provided, I That the appropriation of last year for Oyster rock shall revert to tho treasury. j For completing the sea coast light at Saint Augustine, Florida, twenty j five thoesand dollars. I 'For, building a steam tender for engineers' LHiustructiunsand repairs, ; and for inspection in the tenth dis ; trict, Lakes Eric and Ontario and ; river Saint Lawrence, ninety thou , sand dollars. For building a relief light ship for general service, thirty five thousand ! dollars. - - .i 1 For a steam fog signal at or near 1 Point Montara, coast of-California. fifteen thousand dollars', For a steam fog signal at the en MJ----. jhaUltc Buildings. For completion of the Vunnimr for the custom house pant otlie." at Rockland, Maine, seventy fi c thousand dollars. For alterations and repairs of tho building lor the custom house at uoston, '.Massachusetts, thirty thou- sand dollars. For purchase of site and construc- Hon of a building for tho custom house at Fall River, Massachusetts,, two hundredthousand dollars. " For continuing the work on tho new State, War and Navy Depart ments building, one million five hundred thousand dollars. For continuation of the building" for the court houso andpostofficoat New York city, fencing, grading. : sewers, and similar necessaries, one I million nine hundred thousand j dollars. . .- ! For the purclrasu (in part) of a i site; for a building for purposes of i the general government.at Albany, j New York; one hundred and fifty I thousand dollars: Provided, That ! the corporation of the city of Albany : or the citizens thereof, make the ' purchase of the balance of the ground ! necessary for said site, tothosati.s ; faction of the Secretary of tho ! Treasury. -i For purchase of site and to com ; menco the erection of a building at I'liwadeipnia, Pennsylvania, lor a post office and United States courts, For completion of the building for a custom house at Charleston, Soutli Ca rol i na, i ncl ud i ng the sum of twen ty three thousand two -hundred and sixty six dollars and six cents for construction of and repair of Wharves, one hundred and seventy two thousand and eighty one dollars and ii fly two cents. For continuation of construction of the building for court houso and post office at Columbia, South Caro lina, one hundred thousand dollars. For completion of tho building for the custom house at New Or leans, Louisiana, one hundred and seventy thousand dollars. For purchase of the site and com mencingconstruction of the building for the custom house and post office at Port Huron, Michigan, one hun dred thousand dollars. For purchase of site for the build ing for custom house and post office at Cincinnati, Ohio, seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars. For completion of the building for the custom house at Knoxville, Tennessee, ono hundred and sixty six thousand seven hundred and forty seven dollars. For erection of building for use of custom house, post office, and court house at .Nashville, Tennessee, one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. 1-or continuation of construction of t he building for the custom houso :..iljiW' i . i - 4- I - ,,. fill:. .ui v,u.ao, nun ois, eight hundred thousand dollars. For the marine hospital at Chica go, Illinois, for engine, coal house, laundry, machinery, water works, engine, tanks, and similar necessa- ! ries, twenty three thousand eight j hundred and twenty five dollarsaud ! forty four cents. I or completion of the building for the court house and post office at Omaha, Nebraska, seventy one thou sand dollars. i For building forappraiser'a stores, and other purposes, at San Fran cisco, California, four hundred and eight thousand dollars. For completion of the building for the custom house at Portland, Oregon, seventy six thousand five hundred dollars. For continuation .of construction of the building for the custom house, court house. and iKist office at Saint Louis. Missour . one mil lion dollars: Pr?vided, That tho total cost of the building and site j shall not exceed four million dol Mars. , ; For completion of a building for ; post office and court houso In tho j city of Raleigh, North Carolina, one hundred thousand dollars. ' To enable the Secretin y of the Treasury to obtain by purchase, or to obtain by condemnation in the ; courts of the State of Massachusetts, the sevtral lots or parcels of land ! lying easterly of the pn sent . ito of the uewpost office in Boston, and bounded by said tale, Water street, Congress street and Milk street, upon the lines of .said si reeta 419 they are now established or may here- J 5