WEEKLY ERA. LEGISLATIVE. Speech ot Lieut Gov. Brogclen. The following address was de livered by Lieut. Gov. Brogden on the opening of the' Senate on Mon day, 17th inst. Senators: You have met in compliance with your constitution al duties, for the transaction of the important business ol legislation, nfi T indulire the sincere hope that I the labors of the session which has which were not generally just commenced, will, under the foreseen or understood ; and there guidance of a spirit no less prudent fore it inflicted much injury upon thfin natriotic. issue in measures nr fi,m!n? interests, and which of conducive to- tne oest nuercsia ui ihe State and the prosperity of the Sumerous as are the providential blessings which demand our grate ful acknowledgments, our devout gratitude is due to the Supreme Z . i- I A . I leing ior naving gruuiuuaij w tinued to the people of our State, through the vicissitudes of another year, the invaluable blessings of Vtooifh npaoe. nnd Dlentv. Seldom nvomntad fmm the ravaeres of any I nnntntrinnci sickness, or the labors I of the husbandman more amply rewarded. We have not been vis- ited with the alarming pestilence which has so fatally afflicted our brethren in some other sections of our Union. ' - Peace reigns within our borders, and individual happiness rewards v.a TrivfltA virtue, industry and en- temrise of our citizens, showing the most gratifying state of affairs, ana testifying an advance in the im provements of social, and the se curities of political life. Thn eifrht amendments to our "..w o . . . formation of the ceived as yet. , rpK5, cv.rwa with what ease and facility the people can quietly and ri.. ua. onM nmnnci Liieir iuu damental and organic law, accord- ing to their own will ana picture, ...:V,f nrootinrr anv COniUSlOll Or derangement in any department of the government. - . rkni- rnnntitution DeicniTS tu mo . nn,l it i the work of their I hands. It was formed Dy tne peo- pie, and for the people, and it pro- vides for equal and impartial liber- tv and justice to all. Each indi- vidual has absolute rights which iL. c? stcoif eViAiiUl TPSDGCt. The will of the majority, legally A 4haoatinv of the e.xPresseV?c r.".cmtrnnTand fundamental limitations. The State should have for its first object the welfare of the individual, as such, SffitnSSl80 PJiV'Lur nronortion to the Sa.e adherence. t5 the ere :nA;n1i ff pivil llDeriV 'vill be the seat of order, peace, and general prosperity. . Our Federal Government is. , per haps, the only government vhich, in all its parts, was the result of 11IMI1 . - r - l'irt ' 1 irrlrio frrtm 1 frovernmenw uuvi- r .:f nnri hv a concurrence Gfnta Constitution, wnicn weic nt.-ntv n t ie mere stuay auuu- j i in,.ft.n0e;nnnftliflT,ec.r -r ru nnA Vi timo for de- and rood will have in a piissetx iiiv; ioakotou v r cussiouunt, w. : r- .Mfnroi in our midst. islature, were accepted dv mepeo- , lve action has arnyea. "Hin;; or famine, has ninf the State at the polls onine Tf North Carolina is Demna somo p w:w therefore.as it ThnrsHav of Ausrust last, it is Kr aictpr States in manufactur- Mflfni neonie. to render L-i! i oUhmmh tin omcial in-1 zA.dwiaa arwl i mnrovemenis, I A ' i ;v,t rinH fnr these ana llt'l CJ " I I I 1 ' AUUUOV&AW " -- A. I IAJ of unforeseen events. But the plan and expands the powers of the ln which the framers.pf our govern- tellectf and enabfes the frail chil- ment adopted was dictated rjy meir 1 i r v,nmnn rights and human liberty, and it is iJiuujr the ablest and best plan of govern- ment ever formed by man. As no human government can be Dcffect, the best ever devised by mortal man must he subject to changes, inconveniences and weak- cnun0, Man himself must fail ; and it need not be thought strange that all his works should, in that respect, remble him. The political tacti- Sari can easily demonstrate that no tpmoflaws or form of govern- v rA tn onrh Inn. ment can De wuujcu 0M, Saw to be teyend the ach of guaga3 w w j mnatfnrpi. r""vT;.fr ThA clearest, xnostforci- 'Se and positive expressions, are IJJJOHJ HJ tUU3k"VV,WJ " CJ o,i rnrvpraion. 11 is remr.uic W A .1. W I ATI. that some of the greatest and most VZZZ. niitwi difinutes in this onuntrv have arisen respecuug uic ywuu"-' v s pnctif ii. Uon? The peoplehave taken difler- cnt Sides, and mainiainea mo e-uu- 7 homnt Qtrpniioua man- ner No representative republi- lican covernmcnt can be consider- cd as complete in which there does not exist a plenitude of legislative, executive and judicial powers. Coming from all partsof the State at this interesting period, you must be possessed of a knowledge of the sentiments and wishes of your con- stitients. . : sur!r"l e,,K;ta rvbifh will VIllUI! lliu cu.yvv.v .... not free from emDarrassmem, anu ;r 4t, nimlirfttiou which is now A. 1 ii i'i . . and enjoin our Public Treasurer not i t . r.t irnitipiinn ill f 1 1 1 i r i io5m vmir mmw uueauenuunmm h,s Diessincs upuu action is that in regard to our finan- this State, and give them all Ciai anair. . .--- - - i THE in Tmv anv monev out of the Treas - Uflfn oftAnifin laimt nst the Stoterte first pil, should De successiui, it win reuno the exercise of wisdem and states- manshiD to relieve the Treasury , a 1:.,. , HiffiAti Him .i!u a if which ouiivuuu v. . Without the employment of prompt and practical means, the ordinary operations of our State government will be greatly embar rassed, and our charitable Institu tions and the Penitentiary will soon suffer for necesary support. The late monetary paic through out the country was brougnt anoui K,r h r.nomtion of events and e . course aneciea omer their prosperity must depend upon that of agriculture. The present financial embarrass ment of a large and respectable portion of our people seems to be such as to need some practical as cictnnro. if anv feasible, safe, and constitutional remedy can rbe em- pioye(i for their relief, r There is another important sub- sf f. Vmir consideration in con- nftv,o Sfatp. Her interests and been Dlaced by youY constituents for the time being in yourcare. " i trust I do not deceive myself while I indulge the persuasion that QU may te able to make such an arrangement in regard to our State debt win be just to our creditors and honorable to the State. It is ci'nwrft desire, arid in this 1 gume I concur with you J ;V, ..At. onrl presume l concur wii-n with our constituents, that some definite action shall be taken upon cnhiph o that our position may not be misunderstood. We have reached the utmost limit of stuav anu uis- let it not oe iruiy v.. she is behind them, all in ntatang . . . . 1 : .1 F har TnQl, anv efforts to maintain and preserve f a a. A . m r s r n t 1 1 r rt-ti"i v ft bright and untarnished her honor nnnrl O mil I Jtz L Ur ii -T gomethingto prevent any such hu mjnation and sname. rpKo H r-nnt.hi nCT DOilCV demned by our Saviour in the par nhlo of the man to wnom was given rn talent. nu Jancu talent, Ana laueu wu -o it.. There is no propneiy that, because we do not ackBowi- e tho justice, and validity of e clairas against .therefore we will not acknowledge those n,i,:nVi aro int and valid, lne in- dividualwho would assume such :A! orrl tn his DriVatO 5A"U" ."lTSTIdered as not strictly honest. -n1ll . Thee is another subject of much intrest and importance to the PZr'free pubiio schooU need as- .r.Tor, svstem of education 5, without the n multiplies and cheapens the means of education, and elevates its character-in any region, enhances the material prosperity of that region. Education is calculated to promote nralitv. and it is tne villus tv tf 1 . i. v..,T-r1 orrainst. Vice. de2r sure&t ottit-Kutnv ye. , - L.iofiTi nnd crime. It elevates dren of mortality I ,i.,4:ii on nrth. S to fulfill tneir earth, and read in the dook oi divine uum " and marvelous beauty and greatness of all the works of our great Crea- tor- The christian-statesman, who does aU he can to spread abroad the immense and invaluable benefits and blessings of necessary educa- true christianlty will merit the richest reward to which he aspire, true honor on earth, immortal glory in heaven, Money invested in useful and practical education generally pays getter in real enjoyment than any I . iUAM rtrtn timrtr investment. It is . omw FV"""tv fthrt shfces darkness, and I i :x Koocf nnrl hftst nrotec- u. is the cheapest and best protec- tion and defense of the people I i&mUJW M"J . wrnnff. " o- , 1 i Our chantaDie ana peuai "hu- hinn are all sunnorted by taxes jeviea irom uie pwpic, I fV.rcck i nati tiitlona B.loulJ be scrutinized by the Legis- iature. t of no faithful v acauit ourselves 0f the duties and responsibilities imposed upon us, and actuated by pureand virtuous resolutions and fntentionsr let us go forward to meet the shadowy future with un- faltering steps and with manly hearts. And may that Being who i3 supreme over all, the roii . oi order, the Fountain of justice, and the Protector, in all ages of the 1,1 nfvirtnmw lihertv. continue i wunu,ut ,a.w.w v. , per- ana nrosnerity, consistent with the ends of his providence. . i iav inn .-mmim tii auxvu " be the residence of virtue and hap- WEEKLY ERA. Here, and throughout our rtiness! iwtpntmf tyi q r Kimnle manners, pure morals and'true religion, UUU11CU - ... : r?J nrmn i l" " S pre- you, senators, w"" A fwrvrn m in cprvA nrnner orucr auuuw vour deliberations, iml tn nasi sr. your aen Derations, ouu - me in tne periorumiiw "x cial duties as the Presiding Officer of this honorable body. " ' CITY ADVERTISEMENTS. To Members of the Legislature. . TT member tnat ine IT I w Kaf fh Yarboru iiousb SX has been remodeled aim - i rinnli a ira Tfirmftr alZiU I "Please call before making your ar rangements for the Winter. 21 St G. W. BLACKBALL, CITY HOTEL, Corner of Wilmington fc Davie Streets, centre of the city. 4 Fare equal to any in the city. Charges per dg, To the Colored Members of the Legislature. am prepared and desire to have about X ten boarders during the approaching session of the Igisiamre. 21 3t HANDY LOCKHAR1. rpHANKSGIVING PROCLAMATION. Or Hi Excellency, the Governor of North Carolina. EXECUTIVE PPBTMENT, Raleigh, Oct. 22, 1873. Whereas, The people of North Car olina have 'been abundantly blessed during the past year, anu tuo y?ekl& bounteously of all the products of its soil, so that the garners of the husbandman are filled to overflowing ; and the industrious mechanic has real izod a rich reward for his labor, and every class of eur population h.as pros- 3 i oil laudable enterprises: and WHEREm, auuvoou) " ana no visited becomes thanks number- nfhpr vlfissinffs showerea upon us lessoiuei uiOM."6 t n a rt poMwaii ,n AisSrea mercy ; I Tod Cafdwrtl, 1 ti iviiiux vf . 1 enee to law a4 in conformity witn an honored precedent, do appoint and set apart ' Thursday, November 27, 1873, as a day of public Thanksgiving ffhnnttha State: and I do earn- . , 1 estly invite the clergy of every denom- "&iAn thmT respective houses of worship ori said day and to exnort Lrhinnn I hAir rioncrrecrations to humble selves before the throne of the ever-nv-inn- Ood. and render unto Him praises which are justly due,invokingfor them selves, their State -and their whole country, His guidance and protection throughout all time to come. the Iiord; n ooiyip lftt us sine umo let Us make a joyful noise to the Rock salvation." us come before his presence with thankseiving, and makeajoylui noise unto him with psalms. Done at the city of Raleigh, on this the 22dday of October, Anno Domini fiifrht hundred and sev enty-three and in the ninetj'-eightb year of American inQepeuueuw. TOD R. CALDWELL. By the Governor, John B. Neatheby, Private Secretary. Daily News, Fayetteville Statesman, Morning Star, Wilmington Post, olds boro Standard, New-Berne Times, Charlotte Democrat, New North State, Statesville American, Asheville Pioneer, Elizabeth City Carolinian, copy four times and forward bills to Executive office. 19-w4w o A rf RE WAR tJpttMV Executive departmkist, State of North Carolina, Baleigh, Oct. 8, 1873. Proclamation by the Governor. tit . c. nmoioi information has been received at this Department that -w. . -v i : TnnVina lar.fi OI tne tf a OivAns Rlias Jenkins, lateoftbe county of Gaston, stands charged with the murder of John V. Cheek, of said county; and that the said Owens has fled the State, or so concealed himself that the ordinary process of law cannot be served upon him ' Now, therefore, I, Tod R. Caldwell, f thA state of North Caro lina, by virtue of authority in me vest- XTta. thijmy proclama I tion nflferincr a reward -of F0UR HUNDRED DOLLARS for the arrest and delivery pflhe said R. A. Owens alias jenKins, w uiu uC rr p..ctnn nnnntv. in the town ol Tin all officers of the jaw ana an gooa cmwj r;r r: hrinmmr Raid criminal to justice Done at oui cUy o Mtolb. - i- l Th ninetv-eizhth year of Amer l. s. tne ninety eigulu J iman TndnAndence. TOD R. CALDWELL. By the Governor : J. B. Nbathbry, Private Secretar; 'Description : Owens is about 25 years old, six feet high, weigh about 165 pounds, fair com plexion, dark hair, blue eyes, a long nose and was clean shaven when he left. When he smiles a wrinkle runs across his cheek towards his ear. lS-4w C. C. WILLARD, EBBITT HOUSE WASHINGTON, 8 3m r. c. . ESTABLISHED 1844. p ' THE - WILMINGTON JOURNAL, (WEEKLY) The Largest, Best and Cheapes Paper Published in North Carolina. The Wilmington Journal (Weekly) on entering upon its twenty-ninth an nual volume, has been greatly enlarged and improved. It is the only thirty-six column paper in the State. As a First-Class News and Literary Journal, it i Unexcelled. Embraced it its columns is a more onmniotA onmnari'vet comprehensive 'Vaah from week Vk.V iw 'ho found in ontr frion inn mill 4 Tf. ia inst thn nnnor for the home ana AnUa full ftf (rnn1 radinGT : all the iaaf VrHtm-iala nf t.hn dailv : all the Con trrpssional. Tecrislative and Political o o news of the day. Its Market Keports am nlwavs full and accurate. The Ke- view of the Markets is accepted by the mp.rfiantile community as the true index of the commerce of the city, while its renorts of other markets are full and reliable. Interesting- Stories, Tales, &c. iricon srfirv wfiek. makinc it the st family paper published in the coun are try. Its Circulation is very large throughout the State and thft whole South. In New Hanover, TCda-finombe. Onslow. Duplin, Sampson, Brunswick, Bladen and Columbus it is especially large, while in Halifax, Wil son. Wavne. Carteret, Robeson, Rich mond, Anson, Cumberland and Moore, and in several counties oi ouiu taruxi na iha nirf.nlation is verV COOd. Tt. i rnhiishftd everv Friday on the following Terms: One copy, for one year, One copy, for six ifoonths, Three copies, for one year, Four copies, for one year, Five copies, for one year, Ten copies, for one year, $2 00 1 00 5 00 790 8 50 $15 00 25 00 Twenty copies, for one year, everv getter up of a CLiTJB OF TEN, one copy will be sent free for one year. Address J JOURNAL,gton, Wilmington, N. C. FINE IMPORTED ENGRAVINGS. ( i .at &ze) (Large s.ze) for Framing or lor Port folios. - This catalogue of engravings com prises a list of elegant works, from the hoaf. American, and European artists. -Every variety of subject is represented. Portraits, Janascapes, Animais, fig ures, Marine views, and Historical Pic rnroa fmm such well known artists as LANDSEER, HERRING, WILKIE, ROSA BONHEUR, and others. Over 700 Different Subjects. They are of all sizes, from 12x15 to kfirin and can be sent by man or ex- I 1 1 1 n nn in press, prepaiu, cartsiuu uwuo roller, and without injury. rricc, from 1 o tHO, according- to size A discount made on large purchases. Catalogues sent free to any address. We also furnish the ECLECTIC GALLKKY OF FINE STEEL. ENGRAVINGS. (Smali size) for the Portfolio, Scrap- Unnk or illustration. These engravings have appeared in the Eclectic Magazine, and comprise the Portraits of nearly every distin guished man of the past and present centuries. . ;TTTC,mi-k Our list contains portraits i oi RfANS. POETS, Aiiri&io, WAR- riors,' kings, statesmen, HIS- TORIC Aisu iuuau iuiu, Nearly 300 Different Subjects. Thev are printed on different sized naner : enner sma.ii oi, -" - size, 10x12, and can carefully done up in be sent by mail, roller, prepaid, to any address. Price, small size, 10 cts-Quarto size, 15 cts. A specimen of each size and catalogue sent on receipt of 25 cents. Catalogues sent free to any address. I -t- -r-. i i i E. R. FELiTUiN, ruDiisuer, 12 108 Fulton St., New York. Counselor at Law and Solicitor for Patents, 513 7th St., Opposite U. S. P. O. Dept., WASHINGTON, D. C. -:o:- SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO Li contested ana aDanuoucu v der the v Patent Laws; to Appeals, ite- and Infringe- mente and to suits at law and equity, Growing out of the rights and interests of Patentees. -Correspondence solicited. 14 ly FOR SALE. I OFFER FOR SALE A SMALL lot or tract of land, two miles north- west of the Japitoi, iyiuB- " oad, containing nearly three acres -The lot is in a good state of cultivation, with a number of fruit trees and grape vines on it, and commands two roads, fronting 15 or 20 poles on each. It is one of "be best locations any where n,-.ur the city for a country store, and 1m- a small shop house on it, a well of good i : v.o varfl Arc. water iu j-.r, ... . Persons desiring a bargain, undersigned at an well to call on tne unuwsig rlv dav. on tha premises or at trie office of the Workingman s Jour r.-ffflnino strpftt. Raieijrn, is. Journal,' A d-vc ' JOSIAII JONES. Oct. 30, 1873. CITY ADVERTISEMENTS. Jnt Arrived. More to ciu 1873i FALIi STOCK IbOi I S. WAITT, Dealer in ; ' - READY MADE CLOTHING FOB MEN, YOUTH'S AND BOYS. DRY GOODS, Boots, Shoe!, Hats and Cap, Cents and Laaies cumasumuB Goods, Notions, Hosiery, .Perfumery, Trunks, Valises, Urn brellas. Kailroad Hags, La dies Fine Hats and Ribbons, Snirt- Ings, Sheetings, acc., -c Calico, 7K,2HiFihe" " 16'K)-35U W'st'dtt'ia'ne, Beaver" 30UU 40 Poplins. 25-75 35-125 Fey Satinet sack Bile Alpaca, Uoats. Jiwow Scotch Gingh's, 15-'-, onri fine dress Plaid Ho'spun, 12-20 coate. 6 00-200 " Livery, Sat'et Pants, 1 2o-4o0 Brown Shirt'g . IFi.cas. " xiohiw 84-r?iFcv Double & & Sheeting, Black Irish Linens, Balmo'l Shirts, White ABfyrn Single breast Vests, 100-tOO 40-125 100-125 Overcoat, 6 00-20 UU Talmas, 1000-2200 Blankets, Bed Quilts, Bed Comforts and Spreads, 200-750 300-550 Hats and Caps. Men's w'l hats, 90-209 175-300 " wide brim " 1 2o-2o0 Furnishing- Goods Sax'ny w'l" 150-225 " Fine lur " 150-4 tfu fan'H White "Highcr'wn" 17o-o00 Dress Shirts, 225-350 44 Op'n Back. " 2 00-375 V'v Rosom " 1 00-225 Boys wool " Saxnywi " iww Men and boys "Chiveats " 125-250 caps in great variety, 50-200 Morn'er nnd'r Shirts. 75-250 ' Wool, und'r, 150-275 ""drawers" 100-225 Boots and shoes, Men's fine calf : boots, 4 00-850 " fine kip b'ts, 300-550 " Whit Drill "Drawers. 50-150 " Half hose in H'w " " 3oU-6UU great q'ntity, 10-75 T.inen h'dkis. 25-t 00 " Bal'r'l shoes, 150-4 50 " Button Con. s Gaiters, 2 00-6 50 Boys b'ts,peg'd and gewed, 2 00-4 5 " Balmorals & Gaiters, 100-350 L'di's Calf sew- ed shoes, 250-3 50 ' Color'd " --25 f.adies Hats and Ribbons T.irMs Prome nade Hats, 200-3 00 " Surban hats, 175-250 " Rlk Velvet" 150-300 44 Pah. Pol. sh s2 uo-ouu " BuflfBal. 175-250 " A calf & M(K roccoShoe, 140-225 Misses " " 100-200 Rib'ns, all wid's, 5-100 Clothing:. ijq my Friends antl the Public Generally : . Having been favored with your libe ral patronage for the short time that I have been in business, I take this op portunity to return my thanks, ana re spectfully solicit a continuance of the favor shown me. Come ! bring your friends, that you and they may see and know that . S. Waitt's is the place to get the full value ol your money. Respectfully, 16-3m INSURANCE. NORTH CAROLINA STATE LIFE INSURANCE RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA, Capital, $200,000. OFFICERS: Hon. Kemp P. Battle, President. F. H. Cameron, Vice President. W. H. Hicks, Secretary. Dr. E. B. Haywood, Med. Director. Dr. w. I. Royster, Ass't Med. Di'r. ti. -Rfttahelor. Attorney. O. H. Perry, Supervising Agent. DIRECTORS: Hon Kemp P Battle, Hon Tod R Caldy well, Hon John W Cunningham, Col 'a M Holt, Hon Wm A Smith, Dr W J Hawkins, Hon John Manning, Gen W R Cox, Col L W Humphrey, C Tato Murphy, Col Wm E Anderson, John Cr Williams, Col W L Saunders, R Y .fnAAon n0l A A McKov. I J Young. James A Graham, F H Cameron, J C McRae, J B Batchelor, J C Blake, Walter Clark, W G Upchurch, J J Davis, John Nichols. FEATURES AND ADVANTAGES. rVutiAallv a Home Company.. Jt is large capital guarantees strength and safety. - Its rates are as low as those of an first-class company. It offers all desirable forms of msur sine 6 Its funds are invested at home and circulated among our own people. No unnecessary restrictions imposed upon residence or travel. Policies non-forfeitable after two rears. Its officers and directors are promi nent, and well-known North Carolin ians, whose experience as business men, and whose worth and integrity are alone sufficient guarantees of the Com pany's strength, solvency and success. XIIEO. II. HILL, Local Affent, O. II. PERRY. Raleigh, N. C. Supervising Agent. Good Agents, with whom liberal contracts will be made, wanted in every countv in ihe State. ' March lu, 1873. 38-w6m Bailey & McCorkle, Attorneys and Counselors at Law, SALISBURY, C..Qm

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