T 1 1 Raleigh, II. C, Thtifu:' J:;;;: I . j, K V - S V WEEKLY ERA-. .' ' v WM. M. BROWN. - - MANAGER ; ' llafea of Snbscrlptlon. Wikklt One year, In advance, Sixvnronths, TJiree montlis, f2 00 1 00 50 Rates I AdrertUlng. ( V i 1 m. 12 ma,3 m's. Qm's.lm'a ri 1 Squ $ 3 00 15 00 $ 7 00 12 00 $10 00 16 00 $16 00 26 00 35 00 40 00 45 00 50 00 80 00 2 do 3 do 4 lo 5 do i Col'n. do . 1 . do 5 00 9 00 .7 00 . 9 00 10 00 12 00 20 00 SO 00 12 00 15 00 15 00 17 00 18 00 20.00 24 00 28 00 32 00 35 00 50 00 16 00 13 00 25 00 30 00 60 00 40 001 80 001150 00 arTi-aosient advertising one dollar pe sqnae for the first and fiftt cents for each bubaeqnent insertion.' WANTED TO LEASE. For a term of three or five years premises suitable for a Printing ofllce, situajted on, Fayette ville Streets SVpply to The Era." 24 tf ' THE WEEK. . ' -War Claims. We notice that Hon. C..L. Cobb has introduced into the House of Representatives a bill to extend the time for filing claims against the government for property taken from citizens by the J federal army- during: 'the late war, - and also to modify the present act so iaf as it concerns proofs of loyal ty, .f 1 . : ': ' '-' . The Act of Congress under which applications have at present to be ' made is notoriously unjust and discriminating.- .Under . itovisdd some of the best and n Joyal cit- 4" tens to thd geyrn V J&e .rebellion are excluded ty .totufiost trifling technicalities from the priv ilege of having any hearing at all before the Commissioners at Wash-' ingtpn, while othersi whose loyalty was in no respect .'more' devoted, are from the mere absence of any of those technical bans allowed the full or a great portion of their claims. We contend that there were hundred and thousands of good and true men in the South who. for the purpose of avoiding conscription in the Confederate ser vice, and fighting against the flag of their country, accepted positions as Home Guard officers, Justices of the Peace, Clerks of Courts, Const ables and other insignihcant posi tions. It is hard that such men who. in many instances, were de voted friends to the government, 'should not be allowed the privilege of Drovi He their claims. We know of many, who at heart, were just as loyal to the government during the entire war as any man in Massa chusetts, New York or any other Northern State, but "who in order to screen themselves from conscrip tion or other service in the army of the Confederacy, allowed them selves to be appointed and acted as Home Guard officers, Justices, fcc. It is a shame and disgrace to the government that such men should be debarred the privilege of prov ing their losses. It seems that they should receive praise rather than censure for their tact in escaping the grips of the conscript officers. The bill introduced by Mr. Cobb extends the time of filing claims to March, 1875, and provides that the facts of a man holding the offices above noticed and being conscript ed into the Confederate army shall not be sufficient of itself without further evidence to prove disloyal ty. We hope the bill may receive united support of every South- ember, as we believe it will generous Northern repre- i. It js simply justice, and in i citizens who are to be y its passage. .is prevailing in Burke - Life op Edwin Foitnnsr. Tho life, rcmlnlscencei, and personal recollections of Edwin Forrest, tho Great American Tragedian, by James Rees, (Oolley Clbber,) which have 'been, appearing for several months past, in weekly Instalments, in thePhiladelphia6TwictoyJemwyt is now In press, and will be pub lished in a few days, In book form, by T. B. Peterson & Brothers, 300 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. The author has written and added to the work several introductory chap ters, which contain a full and com plete history of Mr. Forrest's life, from the time of his birth, until his first appearance on the stage. He has also carofully revised and rewritten the whole of the balance of the :work, which now will be published in one large 'duodecimo volume of "over .400 pages, and be printed from new type on the finest white paper. Every copy of the work will contain a portrait' of Ed win Forrest, "engraved on steel, in the finest style of the engraver's art, from the iast picture for which Mr.-lTbrrest sat,as well as a copy of his autograph and his last will in full. , The .wor "will be bound im morocco cloth, 5 gilt back, and be sold to subscribers at the low price of $2 a copy. Advance copies will be sent to all' subscribers prior to the day of publication, upon any one remitting thepHce at once to the publishers,-T.B. ' Peterson, & Bros., 306 ChestnuKStreefj Philadelphia. All copies subscribed; for "prior to the day of publication will contain proof impression of the portrait o Edwin Forrest, 'orT India proof pa paper jf- therefore, all persons wish? ' ing proof impressions of Mi. sFbf rest's portrait, h,ad bettriend their the rsttm previous aroalwfayd the best, apd all copies of ttie worK will :be sent to subscrib ers7in the order they are subscribed for. ; Agents and canvassers . are wanted every where to engage in the sale of the, above work, who can make large wages at it. Address all orders and letters to the publishers. Important Bill.. A bill to pre vent the sale of Spirituous Liquors to minors under the age of 21 years was after a long discussion passed by the House of Representatives on Thursday last. The bill seems to have had the support of some of the best men of both political par ties. This is one of the most impor tant bills ever passed by any Legis lature in North Carolina. It is a step towards rescuing thousands of the young men of the country from degredation and shame. While the bill passed the House by a large majority we regret that there were many who thought proper to with-hold their support. W e do not question their right to do t . .At' . ilJ 1 so, out we must tninK tneume win come. when they will regret the step. We were greatly gratified to find the names of GILBERT and ELLI SON, voting in the affirmative. The Mothers and Fathers of old Wake, will ever feel grateful to wards them for thus endeavoring to shield their offspring from the Tempter. Death of a North: Carolina Actress. Miss Laura Alexander, a young lady who, for some time past, has been playing leading parts atWallack's Theatre, New York, died in that city on Thursday last. Miss Alexander was a native of Mecklenburg county, N. C, and is connected with some of the best families in that section of the State. She is spoken of as a lady of great literary attainments and had a fair prospect of gaining great eminence in her profession. Coming. The Worrell Sisters amd California Minstrels are coming this way: and are expected in Ral eigh next month. MAiL ltonni:::v. (M ilo : of tho "tli Ia4.,aron! : Tf ntn i Y8. O'B. IIoMnsou, v.1 roV v between Wlliiilnirtoa m l Ci- boro of a pack of etair.; i v.il d at$ia, which wcro Intcn l. lVr the postmaster at Marj DluIT, 0 Col. Brink, tho postni-itcr at V-1 tnlnzton. was lnronncJ or th?.' f i and at onco set about to dU t h e t hlef. "llavl ng 1 earned v nostacre otamnj had been sold u.r a place called Texas, neat tho mi I- road, at the rate of $2 for $3 rrth of stamps, .Col. Brink made an in vestigation and found severr- ties who had been dealing in tlfcir. On.thol3th Instant, on scarfing the premises of 3frs. Davlcl Joyner, nearly five hundred stamps, - of three cents each, were found. Sirs. Joyner stated that .she hail bought upwards of $40 worth of stamps from Wm. T, Thraxtbn, a brakesman on the railroad, on tho 8th daiUf De cember. Acting upon this informa tion and upon 'the fact that some. 400 stamps were found iujThrax ton's trunk, ho was - arresed tMr. David Joyner has also been 'arrest- ed on suspicion of; being corncid.' After an investigation bejory Jiis tice Gardner theparties - held under bonds of $1,000 each? for fiir- ther trial. ' f V-t v.- v-'-, i; Public Ledger AhxSifi jteff Calendar. We ; are intimated to 'Geo;?ttCW the Public ledger; corner of 6th and Chestnut streets, Philadblphiafor the fifth &nnuaFisrae::?0rt ederAlmanac for the year 1874; This Almanac is furnished gratis to ail pubscriDers to the Jj&tger; ana m of Itself worth the price of a years subscripti6Ti.;i;It is cejiply one of in the Uniteay States, at contains amon'many other things the calen dar for 1874, electoral and popular votes for Presidents of theDnited States from 1789 to 1873. rates of postage, money orders, postage to foreign countries, great cities, relig ious denominations of the United States, American events, 1873, for eign events, 1873, United States government officers of army and navy, Senate and House of Repre sentatives, State governments 1874, farming receipts, quick passage of ocean steamships, &c, fcc. Taken altogether,it is one of the most com- i plete things of the kind we ever saw. We advise all of our friends to take the Public Ledger and get one of these Almanacs. Serious Accident. On Mon day morning last the 19th inst., at about nine o'clock, Jno. Strickland, a colored man residing in Oberlin, about a mile Northwest of the city, met with a serious accident. He had'in his possession an old musket which had been very heavily loaded for some time. In attempting to discharge the load the musket burst and frightfully shattered Stricklands right arm. It is thought that amputation may be necessary. Dividend. A dividend of7J per cent upon the par value of shares was declared by the stockholders of the Home Fire Insurance Co. at their meeting in this city on Tuesday last. 5th District. Amount collec ted in the 5th District during the month of December, 1873, was $57, 952.77; amount collected from Jan. 1st to Jan. 10th, 1874,inclasive $ 35, 077.36. The above exhibit is high ly creditable to the collector and the citizens of tho 5th District as well. Col. Winstead is deservedly one of the most popular officers of the Government, amd if he were a married man he could beat any Democrat in the District for Con gress at least five hundred votes. In fact we venture the prediction as it is. -i: ill. i i t i a A rXlATRMMV.l:;..; CJIKMlr, r;r;t toepply th6 but can rco t!. ? I I r : 'J If V. Li ; ft V , 3i:i ; !v 4. V ca::i . bdnrr furr! hedGr-AT; , with tha dlfVr cntfihades, or tinU a umbered. Not h iving used tho ExAsicz IUiriT, Te can't "cfecur. ? epeak from expe rience, but wo fcavo not a doubt, It Is all that Is claithccUbr It, land must evidently supcrccdo the old" style paint.' As aa evidence of tho great worth of tho Enamel Paint, we most respectively request all of our readers, . -to carefully read, the excellent testimonials :bf, MrC. P. Knight, on the 6th page of our pa per. ; , ' ' ' : 2ar6t. ; 'Tue WeatherL Notwithstand ing the predictions of Jour weather prophets, this has ."so- far been the mildest winter we have; known for yeaWe thinjlifewealherjias been waer .ge than any winter since: 1844.1; "VVe ijotice some weelcorW ports deal- ers out wt.were veiy much alarmed forjhefrjm is 5 thought thatihffect the price jof & During the last & wgays5 tie weather has changed considerably and we are at ; this fjnjg-having goo'd -: winter ; weather. " We "hope it may turn out for the best in every way, and that our winter may cqme now and Jhat; ;wo.t may -not have it lingering in 'the lap of spring. Election of Officers: At a meeting of the Bucket Fire Com pany No. 1, of Raleigh, held on Thursday-night last, the following officers were elected for .the present year: 3 Foreman, J. W. Butler. Asst. Foreman, J. W. Winslow. Secretary, W. H. Barker. Sergeant-at-arms, Ephraim John son. Chaplain, W. B. Taylor. Door-keeper, Ephraim Beavers. Board of Managers, Sidney Car row, Geo. Young, Geo. L. Joiner, Daniel Hinton, Louis McKay. This company is composed of some of our best colored citizens and the prompt manner in which they discharge their duty in every emergency deserves the-commenda-tion of our people. Hon. R. P. Dick. We notice that this distinguished gentleman lectured at the Female Institute in Salem on Friday evening last the 16th, inst, the subject being 44 He brew Poetry." This is said by those who have heard it to be a master-piece of composition. We think Judge Dick once deliverered it in Raleigh, but if we remember aright it was not attended largely, on account of not being generally noticed. Wetrust that an effort will be made by some of our. citizens to get him to lecture in'Raleigh, be fore the adjournment of the Su preme Court. It would doubtless be a rare treat to our literary friend. Cannot our friend Ramsay see Judge Dick on the subject ? Married. In Marklosburg, Pa., December 25th, 1873; by Rev. J. S. Heilig, assisted by Rev. S. McHen ry, Mr. Samuel G. Isett, of Hunt ington, Pa., to Miss Nellie C. Heilig, daughter of the officiating clergyman, and formerly of Ca barrus county, N. C. Special Term. A special term of the 8uperier Court for Wake county will commence on the 27th inst., for the trial of civil cases. Judge Tourgee will preside. 'J . i.r c" -?.-r.j . .. p nnd tu;hci uo trua friend tf Ncrih Curding c.ui c! Ji ct to j Sn.VATons: -Yea havo craln as rem Lied m a JcglslaUvo body to at tend to tho public interests end to -enact such laws as you may dccni necessary and expedicat. It is a part of your buslncsa to make tho necessary provision for ; tho support of tho Insane Asylum, tho Institution for tho Deaf and Dumb and tho Blind, and also for; the Penitentiary. - X , believe - they v are as well tnanagecT at i present as they ever huvd been, and that tho efficients polite, and accomblished Superintendents of these charitable Institutions employ: the means at their command to nrdmdte the wel-iX V T fare and ; happiness of those .under : H - v " their caro ana control. t vt -r y ; In revising our xevemue law, you , ;y ; r will bear ia mihd- thatour Consti- - tution provides1 that"laws shall: be . ' passed taxing, by uniform rule, all ; :.x bonds, stocks, jointstock com oaniesX or otherwise j and- also ' alt real arid" 3? personal property; acccrding-to its : true value in money.?' -i, ; . ; ;. V fit provides that; Tlio; General s i w " v Assembly,; may also tax : trades, - professions; franchises -ahdiri- , coines.??,and, that it 4shall 'levy a capitation $ taxoa every "malo in- j v habitant of the state over twenty- bhe and under fiftV3Vears6f affe. - which shall be equation each to the ' tax- on property" valued at three ' hundred dollars irx cash7 . Our ee vpublic n school system: needs some improvement by which itV may be' made more : beneficial and useful to those for whom free : ;: schoolsjire established - ' s r jfe Tneumaiu: impediment to tho scuuuta,'-ui prtsscav &iav ueeu ox more money i for - tqelr necessary Support, v !i!'liv.:...,. A due regard to the1 nhinclal condition of .the State would seem to suggest the" practice of economy ; in your legislation. f ' x . In my opinion, as a general rule, special and class legislation should be avoided as far as possible. All unjust discriminations against the farming interests should be pre vented, and all men should have equal and exact justice. In passing acts, creating corporations, whose main objects are gain and profit, regulations and provisions should be inserted in them providing that the people may be protected from v loss through mismanagement and fraud. It is the paramount purpose of wise legislation to guard and protect the rights and interests of the people. May your legislation, Senators, be just, wise and judi cious, and calculated toJbster and encourage honest industry and la bor, and to. promote and protect the agricultural, mechanical, man ufacturing and commercial interests of all our . people. May you sink and efface party differences in laud able and patriotic efforts to promote, the public good and to maintain and preserve the honor and credit of North Carolina. - The difficulties which existed between the United States and Spain, when you assembled here in session in November last, have been honorably settled, and the desolations of war avoided ; and let as hope that all future national dif ficulties may be peaceably settled by negotiation. , We have bundantcause for sincere and grateful thanks to Almighty God for his kind and merciful preserva tion of bur health and lives thus far during our present term of service. And now, Senators, may a spirit of concord and harmony prevail and preside in all your delibera tions, and may your legislation re dound to the prosperity and happi ness of the people. DROWNED.-The body of a color ed girl about ; 15 years of age was found on Sunday last floating in Neuse river near the plantation of N. M. Vinson, . Esq., in Johnston county. She1 had been missing about two weeks, and it is supposed that she accidentally fell into the water while fishing. There Granges. are in the State 139 7, : V r, !