S ..- ' - ' :! . ' THE. WEEKXiT JBffiA EXlfflNEffio ' VOL. III. RALEIGH, N. C, THTJBSDAY, JANUARY 29, 1874. v. f NO. 31. - ; " t ...,..- THE ERA AND EXAN1INER. Suscrlption 2.00 Per Annum. To the Public Tho la t!,i,l Examiner is now published daily at 3 ; tri-weekly at $-"tt and weekly at $2 a yrar. Friends of the republican caue fOibuld brsiir thrnnelves In behalf of (lie pajier. After this the weekly will le double this sheet. AiK.Iogy is offered for the inside of this issue; in making the change it was the Ut that could bo done. promise n' ma-y that they would jfivnrnn additional appropriation. I Finding the .sum wholly insuffi cient the Board were at a 1ms how to act, aud the question way fully J condemn Mr. Waddell, or by their vote? say Congress done wrong in repealing the salary-grab law. Seeing the predicament they are in, the Sentinel comes to the rescue and freely discussed in a full meet-. of the Democrats by attacking Mr. in" of the Board. It was finally Trivett's personal character. And - w . Xtiw Departure. In resuming a daily republican paper at the capital of the State, it ha been deterniinetl to issue it under a new name. TTi ri rrr to.notrv1 t fhf Vrrrmt. agreed to commence the construc tion of the present building, with understanding thattlie whole mat ter should be fully reported with the reasons for their action, to the present General Assembly, which was done in the report of the Pres ident and Principal of the Institu tion at the beginning of this session. How was this met by the raem ters of the General Assembly? TbA Committee who examined into all the facts, unanimously endorsed the action of the Board of Trustees, but members of the Legislature who knew nothing of the facts, and who made no effort to know, de nounced in severe terms the action of thcJJpanlwIuQbwaa f;r,Jcsa an unknown writer in the Neics adds his mite of scurrility. Now if Democrats expect to extricate themselves from the back-salar"Knonev for imnrovements. and ex dilemma by making a target of Mr. ceeded the appropriation by $2,500. Trivett, for their little whipper- snappers to fire at, they are mista ken. They charge that Mr. Trivett is an unknown and obscure politician. kThis may be true as to the past, and might have remained so. comnara f K tively, for the future, but for the Sentinel, unknown scribblers in the JYeics, and his legislative career of faithfulness to the people he repre sents, as well as the people of the whole State. It Is a truthful adage, homely kv ; a name. looru appropriate to the character the paper will main tain than the old one, for it wil have tho character, from the start of a Public Examiner. Tho Era is a name not without public favor iu the State, and some would doubtless regrets its disuse; huch arc here informed that it will le retained at the head of the weekly, for it is a name that has twice leen associated with signal defeats of the democracy, and it would not be respectful to discard it at a time when the republican party in North Carolina is about to enter on what is destined to be its most victorious campaign in the State. It is hoped that the llraraincri meet with great favor at the hands of the North Carolina public, and that the times arc too auspicious to permit even the small array of pre judice the old name innocently in voked in some sections of tho State, and in some republican communities. A Icuioi!..tratloii of Nonsense. Among all tho silly and ridicu lous proposi: ions brought forward by the Democrats in this legisla ture in relation to the Suite debt, was one offered in the Senate on yesterday, by the Solomon from .Ashe, whose surname is Todd which by the way is a proper name to force the State into bank ruptcy by compelling her to make an assignment, of all her interest in internal improvements, to only part of her creditors, and leaving the others entirely out. 'The people entertain the opinion that whenever any person on cor juration goes into bankruptcy, that idl debts of equal dignity arc enti tled to an equitable pro rata share in the distribution of the assets of the debtor. But the So'oiuoii from Ashohas discovered a different rule for dividing out tho assets of a bankrupt, and that is to exercise discretionary owers. From such foolish legislation, good Lord, de liver the jteople. their prodeceascnC" which ""these arways"' select the ties t frui Island j same members had, by their silence and their votes, approved The former board had not only contracted a debt, but they had diverted tho original ap propriation for repairs and improve ments to an entirely different pur pose, and to one for which their President had positively declined to ask an appropriation. The pres ent board did faithfully apply the money which came into their hands to the purpose designed by the General Assembly, and the debt contracted was candidly and cor rectly stated. Why this difference in the conduct of the same General Assembly which reviewed the ac tion of both boards ? Let the pub lic decide in view of all the facts The State Debt. l?etwceii Tweedle Xicliolft and Tweedle McKce. In 1S71 the President of the Board of Trustees, of the North Carolina Institution for the Deaf and Dumb anil the Blind, Dr. W. II. McKce, in his report to the legislature referred to the fact, tliat the capacity of the Institution Should be increased, but declined to ftsK for an appropriation fdr that purpose, on account of the financial condition of the State, but inti mated that an oppropriation for repairs would' be satisfactory. The Legislature made an appropriation of $0,000 for repairs and improve ments. What did the Board of Trustees do? Did they use the -money for the purpose for which i t was appropriated ? For an answer to this let us refer to the Report of President McKce made to the suc ceeding ' session of the General ; Assembly.' He says, in sob-j their minds, and"dUaCithe money for what ? For the purpose for which tin Legislature appro priated it? No! But for an en tire different purpose. For the very purpose for which the Presi dent of the Board had positively refused to ak tho Legislature to make an appropriation. Nor was that all. This same Board of Trus tees came before the Legislature and aked for $5,000 more to com plete a building unauthorized, and for which the President had twelve months" before declined to ask the Legislature to make an appropria tion. Twelve months ago the Legisla ture made - an appropriation of $.3,000 for the construction of a build iqg for the colored Deaf and Dumb and Blind ; but before that money was drawn from the Public Treasu ry another Board of Trustees as sumed charge of the Institution. Hifc.lt.iard found the $5,000 appro priated willv inadequate for the purpose. They .ere told that it wa3 the impression of many of the members of the Legislator that the sum was not sufficient, and had promised to vote another appropri- tion th present session, 'lhe then In tho Senate yesterday the State debt was under consideration. Sen ator Cramer addressed the Senate at length, reviewing the different propositions introduced for the a.d- ustrnent of the public debt. lie first discussed the proposition in troduced by Senator Welch, which rovides for the assignment, or ex change, of the State's interest in all railroads, canals and internal im- fl-ovemcnts, of a like kind and character, for all legitimate claims held asrainst the State. Mr. Cramer submitted a detailed statement of all stocks held by the State, and their cash value in the, markets, which, if sold at public ( sale Would not realize one and a half million dollars. His conclu sion was, therefore, that the plan wa3 impracticable. He discussed the proposition of Senator Worth, basing his objec tion to the bill upon the ground that the people were unable to bear the additional taxation that must be levied from year to year to pro vide for the payment of the interest upon these new bonds which must be paid semi-anually. He characterised the special tax bonds as a fraud upon the State, and notwithstanding the fact that the last Federal Court held that they are binding upon the State, he would never vote to pay one cent of them denounced the Legisla ture of 1SG8 and G9 for passincr the acts that created them. And upon a review of the whole matter gave it as his opinion that the best thing that could be done at the present; time was to adopt the proposition of the Senator from Orange, which was in substance asking the General Government to assume so much of our obligation- as in justice and equity ought to be paid. that boys never throw clubs at worthless apples." Mr. Trivett is advised to pursue the even tenor of his way, for there is no better evidence of a man's honesty, patiiotism and republican ism than that democrats denounce him and seek his political destruction. was so much needed. Tbe contract amounted to $2,500 more than the appropriation for the repairs ; but this the Board feel fully satistied the legislature will approve after having seen and Investigated tne extern oi m work. So the case stands; the Legisla tive Democratic board in 1871 asked $5,000 for repairs which was given. for that purpose. The board after wards concluded to expend that And the Legislature approved their action and gave them the money to complete the improvement. The General Assembly of 1872-'73 appropriated $5,000 for the erection of a building for the colored Deaf and Dumb and Blind. The present board faithfully and honestly applied that appropriation to the piirpose named in the act, but found they could not erect a building, for that sum, large enough to accommodate .those lready.ia the Institution, md Impeaching: Judge Watts. As a reward for his decision of the-public printing against him, tho editor of the Sentinel has preferred articles of impeachment against Judge Samuel W. Watts. The charge is drunkenness, scan dalous conduct, bribe-taking, high crimes and misdemeanors in office. The friends of Judge Watts, himself, and the republican party will insist upon a thorough and searching investigation of the charges; preferred, and by these charges must the editor of the Sentinel and the democratic party stand or fall. The subjects is by no means ex hausted. ALIKE, AX1 YET SO UN LIKE. Two Sections of the Constitu tion, Which, the Democracy say, Mean the same Thing, Tho Public Debt. 1 o rrvn To the Editor of the Era: The people of the West are await- insr the action of the Legislature on th -public debt-with- unusual Judge Logan Agricultural Villages. This gentleman, one of the best abused men of the State, as well as one of the truest and best men in it, has purchased a landed property in Rutherford county, and proposes to lay off a town and invite immi grants and other settlers by offering the inducements common to the North-Western country, induce ments which have caused cities and towns in the West to spring up as if by magic. Agricultural villages is the want of North Carolina and tho South People have done with the terrible isolation of country farm life as it has been known and endured in the South at least the intelligent, ed Nomine charges tie5lcKee Board with doing anything by which the State was wronged. Neither can such a charge be made against the present, or Caldwell hoard. Each did what was best for the Instltu- ion and the State. And those small potato-politicians who expect to make a little political capital out of this matter can slink back to their insignificant holes,, after they have learned that whatever is sauce for the present board is also sauce for the late Legislative board. Consolidation and the Lease. Some are constrained to distrust and oppose consolidation on the ground of their opposition to the lease of the North Carolina Rail road, which many innocently sup pose are kindrea interests, if not identical. While these are to a certain ex tent parallel interests, they end in the sharpest rivalry. j Consolidation must say surrender the lease. The lease-party will say give us our own terms over the road from Greensboro to Charlotte, open the gauge for our Piedmont cars ucated, refined and socially inclined from Richmond to Atlanta, and we people of Europe and of the North will surrender. Consolidation re- will never take to it and until the coontry gives hope of the successful establishment of agricultural vil- ages in every neighborhood, we need not look for much immigra tion. Large land owners might make a note here. It is emtifyiMr W know thut Judge Logan proposes- to initiate plies, your right to. the lease is questioned in our courts, . and yon are non-residents. However this question may be ultimately decided, it is clearly to the interest tof the people that con i better We have been promised from time to time that some definite ac tion should be taken to adjust the matter upon a satisfactory basis. both to the creditor and the State. Last Legislature insisted upon waiting- until the constitutional amendments became a law, and they would arrange it at once. That has been done and now we bear of appointing a commission to confer with the bond holder and learn upon what term3 a settlement could be effected, and to report at the next session of the Legislature. This Mr. Editor our people of both parties regard as a square out dodge, a subterfuge, to postpone and deceive the people. North Carolina has had enough of com missions. The Bragg commission, tho Shipp commission, and the Woodfin commission, all a heavy expense to the State for presiding And per diem without accomplish ing anything for the public good. The farming interest of the coun try demands that something should be done at once. We realize the fact that our system of labor and our mode of farming must undergo a change. We must cultivate less land and make it more productive. We must invite immigrants to come amongst us and become pur chasers of our soil. We must invite capital t develope our mineral re sources and utilize our magnificent water powers. We cannot dothi i x : i i r Mum we uavw suuje ussuraiicu un Z If these two articles of the consti tution mean one and the same thing, then farewell to the meaning of englifth words : Article 3, Suction Article 4, Section 13, E.iecutivo De- 3!, Judicial Do piiitiiient : i jtartinent : Tho respective! All vacances oo- duties of tlie S;cre- curriuti in tho ot- tary of State, Aud-iiices provided, for itor. Treasurer, Su-; by this Article of perinttndPiit ot this Constitution, Public Works, Su-j'shail be tilled by perintendent ofthe appointment of Public Instruction; the Governor, un arnl Attornev Gen-! less otherwise pro- eral shall bo pr-jvided tor and the scribed by law. If appointee shall the office of any of hold their places said officers shall; until tho next reg be vacated b3r'ular election, death, resignation,! or otherwise, itl shall be the duty of tha Oovernor -to' " appointanother un-' til the disability lccessor be elected and qualified. Ev ery such vacancy shall be filled by election at the first general election j that occurs more; than thirty days af-i ter the vacancy has taken place, and, the person chosen1 shall hold the ollice for the remainder! of the unexpired' term fixed in tbej first section of this article. i embraces of your alligator, and that they twain may dwell together in unity. Article II. And your jalligator for the State does further present, that,at :tnd in the county of Wake, iState ofNorth Carolina, three days before the in troduction of a resolution into the House of Itepresentatives for the impeachraeut of the aforesaid Sam uel W. Watts, Judgea foresaid', he, the said Judge, being moved and instigated by his - knowledge of the law, did, then and there, give a de cision in favor of one William 31. Brown as teuvte Printer, and against vour alligator, which last leather citmt; so iieiiir ureiiKiiig iin; camet-.-j back, that, after due consultation it was deemed best to proceed by im peachment and intimidation; other wise other decisions may be given against yourj alligator, atid his feel ings wounded aud lacerated worse than they wpro when McAden told about Swepson lending your alliga tor money, from the corruption fund, to buy the SentmeL. . For all of which disregard of this I aiugnior a jeeniigs, im uegs uiai you wiU impeucjh the said Judge AVaiLs. Whose Ox ? solidation shall be perfected while tie o uesHon" ixrin aoubt: ancrwesr I 1 . ' rir- - 1j.i.i. terms of surrender Us it hangs over us like a mighty j veiy aect When the conservative-legisla ture Board of Directors of the Deaf and Dumb and Blind Institution diverted an appropriation for "needful repairs" to needful im provements, and exceeded the ap propriation fifty per cent, every member of the Senate endorsed the action of that board ; for, on page 3G4, Senate Journal, 1872-'73, the following is recorded : Senate bill 48o, House bill 391 A bill to be entitled an act to make appropriation for the year 1873 to the Deaf, Dumb and Blind Insti tute. Read and passed second and third times. Yeas 34; navs 0. Affirmative. Messrs. Cowles, Cra mer, CUNNINGHAM, DUN HAM, ELLIS, of Columbus. Grandy, Gudger, Harris, Hill, hlolloman, Horton, Loner. LOVE. Mabson, McCabe.McCaulev. McCot- ter, Miller, Morehead, of Guilford, Murphy, Murray, Nicholson, Nor wood, Powell, Price, Respass, Sey mour, Stafford Todd, TROY. Wal ker, WARIN. Welch and Worth. 34. . ' Mr. S. Trivett. Tho Democratic journals are indule- intf in very ungenerous and reprehen sible comments upon Hon. S. Trivett, the able and efficient member of the House, from Ashe county, because Mr. Trivett felt it to be his duty and privi lege to introduce a resolution censuring the Hon. A. M. Waddell, of New Han over, for voting in Congress against a repeal of the salary law. Mx. Trivett, who is a republican, did not spare Pre sident Grant, even, in a late address made in the House upon the same sub ject and he, of course, had no compro- r miiroraa ftn-Trnnrriyrc; v: but wx parry. . . f Mr. Trivett gentleman of nnlm- peachable moral character, is an excel lent lawyer, a truo North Carolinian ami public spirited citizen : although h8 is a republican, is no hitter partizan, and goes for the greatest benetit to the largest number. Wo do not know if Mr. Trivett, as is charged, aspires to a seat in Congress, but if so, it is his privilege, and if the people shall elect him, we have no doubts that he will make a good and efficient member. Statcsville American The above endorsement of Mr. Trivett by his neighbors, who know him well, ought to be sufficient for that gentleman, if it is not enough to work confusion to his enemies. Because of the resolution above referred to, Mr. Trivett has en countered the scurrilous abuse of some of his enemies in the Demo cratic ranks, and the Xetcs and the Sentinel have vainly sought to ridi cule him. It will be remembered that Dem ocrats and Republicans joined in the demand for a repeal of the salary-grab bill, for members of both parties had voted for the law. But now the phase of things has changed. All tho Republican mem bers from this State voted for the repeal ; but Mr. Waddell, a Demo crat, voted against its repeal, and c this system of progress and devel- wjn offered than after the courts f incubus, paralyzing our every in-J the action ct the opment In his section, and it is to shall have jded in favor of tbcfJrest. Labor will jiot come to u&5 Board in spendin doubt the past successful record of lease-party, as they most probably j and our unoccupied lands will find me man, to qoudi, nere, ine success wmi . ?ETi.-iitnrr-wEiT x ' " tv ill nnt. tmrlnrsfi of tha'ildlciary VommXttee.'Vlefee bear in mind that 1 don't want you to be harsh jwith Judge Watts, but tne truth is unless you get up an impeachment trial and employ a pnonograpnic reporter like we did when Holden was impeached, and make up a big journal each day, and order me to print it, I don't ee how I am to keep my head above water. If you will get up the im peachment I will not lose anything by Watt's decision on the printing question, provided you do as I tell you. I will not overdraw or charge by the letter "m." Remarks of Mr. S. Trivett, of the County of Ashe, ; la the House of Representatives, Jan. 17, 1874,1 upon a Resolution re questing Congress not to ass a " Civil Rights Bill." Mr. Speaker: But for the in sinuations of the gentleman from Wake, and the gentleman from New Hanover, that many white republicans, and myself among that number, had voted against, or dodged, the civil rights question whenever it presented itself, I should haye remained silent; for I have dodged no issue wherein the question was presented, .but have voted against the enactment of any additional law upon the subject, and shall! vote for the resolution now pending, although I deem it folly to adopt it. But it presents a question for ou r consideration wh ich" must be met, and upon which the hand of every member upon this floor must be shown. Upon my record I must stand or fall. Therefore! in tho discussion ot ef this question I intend to meet it if this be obviated, the proprietor might exp'-i a disorderly white man, but if ins anie should bo at tempted willi a colored man, it would be charged that it was done on account oi Ids color, and indict ments would be. run for violation of the civil rights law, and thus our court- v.-'til.! .. omo'n theatre (" L ? ior iiuga .; ween tiie laces the end of. vviiich cannot bo esti mated. Ami again, if said sict shall pro vide that ail schools sh.dl le open alike to both races, it would' have the eirect of closing all of our schools and institutions of learuinz: fr L'when the colored children came, in at one door, tho whites would Have by the other. But even if mixed schools should be tolerated in some localities, such forcing of the white and colored children into the same schools would be. follow ed by endless strife and confusion, and under mixed schools acurse instead of a blessing to the the com munity. Iam clearly of opinion that only separate schools for white and coiored children can bo made useful to the rising generation. And should said act provide fluit the same accommodations shall bo steamboats, and places of public entertainment, the same bitter feel ings and prejudices will be engen dered and the same confusion and strife will follow. The colored people enquire why this is so. I answer tnat the Whito people of this country have been ed ed ucated to believe them superior every respect to tho colore! -race, and to this the colored reo have assented until it has become a tlxed principle In the two races, so much so that in my opinion no statute can v make the white race of this genera tion feel that tho colored racels their equal. A system which tends to force social equality between them ' will not only fail, hut prove a curso to the colored race. I am pleased to see the colored race, ho recently emancipated from slavery and so suddenly thrown on their own re sources without education, without money, without lands or property of any kind, .and utterly inexperi enced in providing for themselves, " -making progress. I am proud to bear testimony to the pOitceable, and quiet, manner in which' they have discharged tho new. duties de volved upon them, and to see tho rapid strides they have, mado and are making in educating their chil dren and improving their condition morally and religiously , and finan cially. I am no enemy of the col ored race; I desire to place no obstaclo in their way to pros- , pcrity or happiness. On the con- ; trary, I 'am ready and willing to strike hands with them in all legi timate pursuits, and hwne to see ; them rise higher and yet higher iu the scale of industry, morality, virtue and intelligence. But when I turn to the last census report and rind the colored race only number- insr some lour millions out oi a of his project. While on this subject it may be as well to say here that, notwith standing all tho malicious misrep rentation with which the vicious have attempted to damn this gen tleman as an official, he has outlived it all, and to-day stands well along side of the great judicial officers who have preceded him in his section. His conduct in most successfully putting down the ku klux (and he managed this business better than any other officer whose duty it was to deal with the klans) he did his people, of all parties, and his State, a real service. Despite the efforts of his enemies he is a popular man and official in his section, and very deservedly so. Twccdlo Nichols and Tweedle McKce, Agrain. for the Richmond and Dan- n0 purchasers. Democrats voting upon Mr. Triv- Principal of tho Institution had the I ett's resolution must cither vote to On the appearance of the Exam iner yesterday morning a conserva tive asked if a mistake had not been made in the article headed as above. The answer was given in the nega tive. He swore a mistake had been made that no appropriation for re pairs on tho Deaf and Dumb Insti tution building had been diverted by any democratic or conservative board from the purpose for which it was asked or given. And so the record was gotten out, and sure enough the case was even worse than wras stated in the JEZr- aminer. The record is as follows : the General As sembly in iNoveuioer, icwi, xr,, yv II. McKee, President of the Con servative Legislative Board, says The Board is aware of the financial condition of tho State, and will not ask of the Iesrislature an appropriation to enlarge tne building at this time, though much needed. After reading that report the Leg islature (see chap. 68, sec. 2, Laws 1871-,72) enacted as follows : Sec. 2. That the Public Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to pay tne saia amount or lorty-nve thousand dollars to the Treasurer of said Asylum out of any moneys in the treasury not otherwise appropriated : Provided, That the amount above stated be drawn ouarterlv in advance: And rrrovided further, 'That live thousand dollars of this appropriation, or so much thereof as may be necessary, shall be expended in making neeuiul repairs. In his report to the General As sembly, Nov. 1872, President Mc Keo tells what was done with the five thousand dollars which the Legislature appropriated for needful repairs." He says : Earlv in the Spring, the Board, after carefully inspecting the Institution as to its capacity to accm modate the pupils v ik hiotivM uiobik ouiu ftv C 1 1 Ullniao expenditure of the appropriation to erect a wooden building, or to repair the old building used as a broom-shop, printing office, Ac, " They therefore concluded to extend thi North YVinq ok the uuiLniNO so as to give additional room to tho Institution, which would in effect, be carrying out the original design heretofore contem plated by tho Legislature and which ville Company already hassufficien recognition on the part of this State to destroy the argument that an alien or non-resident corporation cannot lease or hold any ofthe prop erty of North Carolina. Clearly the opponents and cap tious enemies to consolidation are doing our people and the State great harm. Upon the success of consoli dation depends much of the imme diate progress and prosperity of our people, especially those of the West, and longer delay may prove fatal to the fondest hopes. If gentlemen are not, by this time, satisfied that there is no trick in consolidation, then it is impossible to satisfy them of the honesty, in tegrity and ability of our best and most honored men ofthe State. This writer has always been a supporter of the lease, because it was the best thing that could, at the time, have been done for the State in that railroad interest of hers in volved in the North Carolina rail road. He is a friend to the lease now, and would not disturb it, ex cept by consent and an equitable arrangement. But he is also a friend to that erreat scheme and more important interest, consolida tion, and he would neither see it strangled by unwise legislation, nor crippled by a corporation occupy ing a position to dictate terms. To argue that the lease is an evil thing for the State, or a corrupt thing in itadff iAjMideoughfbut ta associate tne lease ana consoiiaa tion together, and fight them both on the ground usually assigned, is to betray either a want of informa tion or a determination to oppose and pull down the best interests of the good people of North Carolina. Hon. A. W. Tourgee. His Honor, Judge Tourgee, open ed a special term of Wake Superior Court yesterday. He comes to us with a judicial reputation second to no man in the State, of any period. His ability as a lawyer is admitted everywhere. His rulings are al ways satisfactory to the Bar, and his decisions generally sustained by the Supreme Court. The people of Raleigh and of North Carolina have been accus tomed to hear Judge Tourgee abused and maligned by some of the presses of the State; but the people resident here, the lawyers, and visitors to the city are invited to attend sessions of the Court and see this Judge onJthe Bench. If they den't then come to a conclusion differing with what they have heard, it will be acknowledged on the part of the friends of Judge Tourgee that all the abuse he has received was fully merited. Pass what is known as the Worth bill with the amendment of Senator Waring. The only sensible plan we have seen offered, fair to the bond holder and exceedingly fair tothe State. The agricultural and mechanical interests of the State will receive tn impetus, and an era of prosperity will dawn on us as a people. We have expected that something would be done this session. We now demand this important matter shall be no longer delayed. The Governor in his message has re peated urgedly it. The Treasurer in his report has impressed upon the Legislature the importance of this matter, and yet our representatives are still delaying action. Thepeople will hold them responsible. While differing with the Governor politically, I will do him the justice to say the honest working men of the State owe him a debt of grati tude for his firm, bold and honest stand on this subject. If there is a failure to accomplish anything with the debt, tne people will hold the Conservative party responsible for its defeat. They have it in their power and in the failure many of us will act for our interest and our country, and not be lead by party ties. If this measure be carried through, the people will say well done faithful servants. ' We contend the compromise un der th6 " Worth bill,' J!J- not in- The -calculation made is that it , win tase six minion aonars in bonds to effect the compromise, the interest on six million at six per cent, will take three hundred and sixty thousand dollars. Now the money received each year as lease for the North Carolina Ilailroad, mean the State's interest on three million of construction bonds is one hundred and eighty thousand dol lars. This sum does not now go to the State, but goes into the hands of a Receiver for the benefit of the bond holders. Thentake one hundred :md forty thousand dollars, saved by the biennal session of the Legisla ture, which when added to the one hundred and eighty thousand makes three hundred and twenty thousand, (320,000.) nearly enough to pay the interest on the whole six millions. Pass a stringent revenue law, making your officers do their duty. Shorten the present session of our Legislature, and you will have money enough without any addi tional taxation to pay the interest on the new bonds. The people are worried out with your tardy action. present Caldwel more money for the erection of a building for the colored Deaf and Dumb and Blind than was appropriated for that pur pose by the General Assembly last Winter. Whose ox ? Amnesty. Attention is invited to a corres pondence on the first page of this paper between Col. Thos Ruffin Hon. W. W. Holden, and James.E. Boyd on the subject of amnesty. The views therein expressed will go far to show the people of the State that these, and other promi nent republicans, have been very grossly maligned when they have been represented as malicious, blood-thirsty and unforgiving. Sentiments are expressed in this correspondence which do credit to the hearts of the authors, and en dorsed, as they are, by such repub licans as Col. W. F. Henderson, Col. W.A. Albright and others, there is littlo doubt what the ver dict of republicans at large will be. MACON'. Articles of Impeachment, (Supposed to have been Exhibited by T . j rri. T.. if josian Aunwr, ur., lit uic u.une 0f Himself and the Sentinel Office, against Samuel V. Watts, in Sup port of his Impeachment for High Crimes and Misdemeanors in Of fice :) Article I. That the said Samuel W. Watts, Judgre of the Sixth Judicial District ofNorth Carolina, unmindful of the hisrh duties of his high office ana disregarding the peculiar wealth of affection which vour allisrator has nan, aia so iar iorgec me amen i ties and serenities of life, particularly those which obtain among persons whose ardent souls are fired by such feelings of undying loce as your al ligator's, and who has ever labored to illustrate in all his life and con versation, that his greatest desire was to prove to the Judge that they had " Two souls with but a single thought, Two hearts tluit beat a.s one." That the said Samuel W. Watts, Judge of the Sixth Judicial District, being puffed up with dignity and pride on account of his said office, ditl so far forget your alligator's kind feelings and kinder words, both written and spoken, as to ut terly and entirely refuse to give "back sigh for sigh," but instead thereof did name his bull, Joe Tur ner ; and did instruct his man togive that dumb, patient representative of your alligator " hell on every oc casion ;" and further, that he did exhibit, or cause to be exhibited, said bull at the late State Fair, and that it was then and there ascer tained that said bull was a steer, to the great injury of your alligator's feelings and to the scandal of his good name and fair fame through out the State. For all of whieh disregard for the Constitution and the rights of man and beast, your alligator begs that you will impeach the said Samuel W. atts, J udge aloresaiu, ana de pose him from his high ottice,to the end that he may return to the warm still a republican. Twelve years 1 ago the colored people of this coun try were in the most abject slavery not one in ten thousand of wh$m ii their quiet slumbers at nightl ev0t dreamed ofthe liberties they enjoy; for they this very moment htve guaranteed to them the same rights and civil liberties that lsconierred uoon their former owners, so far as freedoiti and protection 'is con cerned cpnferrtd upon them by the Constitution and laws of the Na tional Government. For one, I am ever ready to stand by thm in their rights before the law by the enforcement of all laws that -would tend to that end. But it strikes me, and indeed it is quite apparent, that the colored people are not con tented with their freedom, right and liberty. Already the subject of realization, but exempiines tne oia adages where "an inch is given an ell is demanded." Now I cannot blame the colored people for desiring to improve their condition, but on the contrary, admire such a disposi tion, andj would encourage them in their onward march to wealth, honor and prosperi ty ; and no person in the State would rather see them aspire toj sucn position as woum render them usetui to tne country and to their own race than myself. Isavletthem be educated in the sciences and arts of the age, and let them build up society among them themselves: but while they thus move onward. I entreat of them to exhibit a! spirit of contentment, and submit to the powers that be, and await the pleasure of the great Ruler ofthe Universe for extraordinary rights and privileges, lest by an ct- fort to suiuarate the white race into a recognition of social equality they rekindle land make active all the former prejudices, which must in the end! endanger their present rights. Therefore, my advice is to let well enough alone, ever remem bering that vou are indebted to tne white pebole for all the liberties you now enjoy, and upon their will and s hang all your luiure noer- 2y , -j. Let U9 1 examine : further iraursee what the colored people have to gain by pressing their demands for additional rights; or by abandoning vast majority of the whites addud to by thousands, and perhaps hun dreds of thousands of white immi grants each year, i;feel that it is my duty as a friend of the colored raco to warn them to beware how they run counter to the deep-rooted pre judices of generations, and attempt to force social equality with a raco so vastly, superior in ' numbers, so much higher in the scale of knowl edge, and possessing, such a largo proportion of the wealth of the country. 1 . For these reasons,, and many more which will readily occur to the in telligent iconic of the State, both whito and colored. I hope Con gress will consider well before it passes any such bill as the one now under consideration. , With such a law, I am fully persuaded wo should have endless strife between tho races ; without it, but with laws pro tecting the colored man in iall his rights of person and property, With separate churches and schools, I have every reason to hope for pe;ieo and good feeling between all our people, and that we will all, lxth white and colored, give a helping . hand to each other, and thus smooth the rough places in the journey of life, and go on prospering together. JLiVllliU Af7 VTJL k'JLJI. Ji .r a ...... . January 21th, on the bill tegulizihg . '.....' Tjm -" Wtiha '. . . . ft! the erreat national republican party that to-dav protects them in their present rights before the law, be cause white republicans cannot support I the enactment of a civil ritf-hts bill that will have a tendency tn draw the line between the two races, in which event the colored neonle will be in a hopeless minor ity, and deprived of many rights thov nnwluniov. Can they go to the democratic party and expect to obtain mofe than is guaranteed to them by the republican party This question needs no answer. But I say to ouf colored friends if they force this ifesue upon us, the repub lican partly is divided; and the democratic party elevated to power, and before the next decade shall have paMJ, their condition will be reduced to a worse servitude than they ever experienced in the Paf cannot I refrain from anticipat ing the gteat evils to follow the passage o the civil rights bill which prdvides that no colored person shall be excluded from any hotel or boarding house where while persons are1 admitted. If this bill nJ biw. iut as soon as a cololed mah takes a seat at the table of a hbte , the white guests will iu-p nnd the result will be that I favor the bill because it will re lieve our people, and clear an over burdened court docket. Thecotrt has been called. Jurors: witnesses and parties to suits are now await- . . r r iLI . II 'I'l ,. tug tne action oi uiw nuuw. i nu Senate has already acted, u we refuse to legalize the action of the Governor, it will entail loss of time and extra troublp to all who are in-y terested in the holding of the court. The only parties con ven fenced if we vote down the bill are the ;i or 4 gentlemen at the bar practicing in W ake Court, who are nowattenu i rig on the sessions of the Supremo Court. The case In court parlance y is the people of Wake county vs. j . ll.. L. 1 I ( -,... -. we reiuse vo pass too uui, our ucviuu will ."-imply delay the holding of : the court for about two , ee;s. Governor Caldwell will certainly renew his order, and the court will be held. I predict that then no opposition will be made to the holding thereof. i ho legal gentlemen attending tho .Supreme Court will then beat leis ure. Their docket will have been reached, and passed over by the Supreme Court, and with their green bags they will then be ready , to appear before his Honor, atthe special term. Must their conve nience alone be consulted, however much expense and inconvenience ib may put tho hundreds of clients, jurors and witnesses.' to? I I hope not. I hope this body will rather consult the wishes of the people of Wake county, anil relieve us of the vexations and procrastina tion of an over-crowded docket. In the. police" report of a Southern . paper appears tl sentence "During the recital both demons occasionally smiled in a hellish, sarcastic way." There is a good deal of power here, siiiilar in quality to that invested in a mule's hind leg.but power nevertheless. every hote the South will be closed. But even and boarding house in f A photographer in Gloucester has been astonished by a young woman who came to ask, meekly and inno cently, How long does it lake to get a photograph after you leave your measure V sr' V i -0 X " 1 1 "mmm:

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