THE ERA AND EXAMINER. ! J::':: for lanlic; ro com,so1 for THURSDAY FEIUUARY 1-71. Thk Hor last N iniiT. The Imp nt tho Yarborough hotel wa recherche in every resp-t l;t ti iiili'. Dancing com menced at '. xtuirp and at H is writing is priM-codim with unusual spirit t lively limbic. The bulbs never looked ve ;pr in their u;erb tiltt : the gen tlemen re well dressed jiinl iicvir more ira'daut. Kniu Stanly, his broth er Andrew, and Mr. Yaujhan :urni-h-1:1:1 eh'zant anil e -1 m to ai t f r tua I - defendant. A.JVI. Sloan ami Company, vs. R. J. McDowell, from Mecklenburg. Wil son ami Son for plantill, II. W. Guion, for defendant. S. D. Smith vs. J. D. Mellwaine. frin Mecklenburg, liailey. and Jnhn ston tor plaintiff, Wilson A S n for de fendant. "i noma- D. John-ton vs. M. L. Davis, ;!iiiItrti r. from Mecklenburg. No Prominent Personal! Hon. W. A city to-day. Dr. L. M Fe; roll, tne l arolitni. M. J. Hawkins, of Ridgeway, is at the Yarbo rough. Smith is expected ia the of Chatham, is at of Winston, is at the i 1 1 iel ; r J Ian;. r i uiutitf, Wilson A Son for i rilh and wait.--. T. !? and R.-ans seemed in ex ellent gie and everything went ni'-r ry : a marriage e!l"i!in the v. .:ia. hours of the (v. i I : r. J. R. Krwin.'-ts,: 'nee. vs. L. II. Luv- rouce etal., from Mecklenburg. Wil son A Son for plaiiitill', II. W. iuion for oe.-enoant. E lert R. Ilea, No counsel for and Johnston for J. Masten, Esq. Carolina Hotel. Judge Samuel W. Watts is in cham bers at the- Yarbjrough. Thos. II. Hudson, Esq., of Hickory, came down to the city of oaks yesterday. .John M. l wle vs. Tr :ri Moi-kleniiur;. ! :I;i;ititr. i:ii i!i, .I'Hii'.s His H ,or on v..erdav : IU. road from . Mec enburg. No cm, - " vs. .lolnon. in which the jurv ' Pt. H-irringw aul li . . . - , f.' mm .t .Son lor defendant. noer a von.rt aiusi I'.aimiu .or sector v.,. S P. Smith OOts, Rattle Re. eiver vs. Hall, a judgment for plaintitl for ?l,lf--V and costs. Rattle Re-MVer v. Jeo. Bishop. Di--mi-od. Thompson vs. Lee. Judgment f. r pUmiiil for Kerrell v-. Iwis, on triala:i(l argued at this writing. for beins Salcof Vam-aju-k City pRorEUT)'. Mr. J. Ruflin Williams, in acconlanc with a jrevi ins announcement, on yes terday, upon the spot, vld at auctioo to thi lnhet bidder, his valuable prop erty where his residence is itualat the corner of Martin and Wilmington streets, c-onistin f three lots fronting hirtv feel on Martin street and rnnning ia tn luifidrol nrnlti?ntv wt. Trie oriier lot was knocked down to Mr, 1-a II. Adams for the mim of ;,l00. T:i. adlolniiiir I ; w is bit! for the sum i,;' $ i..r M, and tie; I ist one M r. tieo.-e T Strona. h f r the sum T $l.."m la ikitij :i o! S !."..( tVi Mr. reserv- incr all the buildings now t tndimr upon - the around. It is Hi-- eoir.ein jdatioti of the pureh i scr. we l-a n. to erect son, handome ;n-s th -ie- ii. Mr. Wiili.inis h ren ! l" r :ulv'lilii ' the !a.. rctd'MlC. to John D. I'lilHHM', Esq. from Mwklenburg. Wilson A Son for plaintitl", no I for defendant. -M. J. Hu3's, administrator, vs. R. J. Davidson, et al., from Mecklenbutg. J.m'.s ar.d Johnston lor plaintiff, li. Rarrinrer and C. D nvd for delenlant. James S. 4'hillips vs Win. II . Treze- vant from Mecklenburg; W. H. Guion for plaintiff, Jones and Johnston, Wil son and Son for defendant. State on rel. W. R. Harris vs. Robt. C. Harris et al. No counsel to cither recorded on appendix. Thk Vii'ioi; eoiniiiiv with invti, paraded tin iinii rio ho'.e -ari iair-". To-x 1 app a r.iiin as a new o.'ii ir, indlent wor!iinir vittl !, v 1 ;-. roijh hotel, t I 'IKK I'dMI'VNY. This - full eomplement o! - : d iy e eiiin z in full : . : lie ir en-j: n- and : . t 1 1 -j tit if ii-ual e:.-itr a- bright and everv rtiin in e oriler. Thev were !t:.iekna!l of ue water f th( Yailxi- r "iiiirtiii ei-t rn. i eccii'.lN reception room oi the new addl'i- il it- anacitv Pel li r'.'in :i had their machine in place oV the si of tho i-dcrn, w it 1 1 t!ie hose exp-ndiic; plII"fH.e IroHl his recie. 1 in i car f th'" the hot.'!, between mid the ..Id 1 . ;i : i -i i r ; ir. of ile.n-. 1 i. qlllcklV o; .IV' Olli 1 at the ;naii Jone- ; lei p!a v iii -T i 1 oj!iee :te iiie word it o:;ce .-!! tie- through the re. eptl t the middle street, a'.d ol Colillll Itel I'V ;"!' h id a stream oi w :t' biiiidinz. which th. v continued tto rratilie.i'i 'ii an I a:ii:i- lie;;' i' i l.cct' crowd who I. ad withered in l.ontoi the building I r -me time. 'tie;-' is a j e .uncctcd ith tois. t'.r wiii- ii w hope ie, m w id : e.t--ndcd ;U its nc n tion. itisilu-: I wnto the m - n. the,- suirf' ol with th" intent; n ot draining tie ,-t- ru. and after pniupini; mid sweating, -w i . itinr ami fr a considerable tim", some one oi their Miimhc r ui-'covcn-o that as last as thev ptimped t!ie water out ot the ci tern, it did ii ; 's in to decrciisc. Imt remaiiK!l about the .same. Th.- Doctor apjHMrin-; on the ei.e, convulsed w ith laughter,' lileiy informed tiiem that all the water throw n upon the hotel de- throuli the mitters into the Idled ly the joke Alkx. M. Whalixo. We hope if this gentleman sees this use of his name, he won't make ugh, wry faces at it, nor at w hat we have to say, ad vm a ha is to leiri udvcrtbted. In Charlotte the other day, (happen ing to be; tho local had tho pleasure of shaking l3' tho hand this worthy man. He w as .""or a long time the gentlemanly Traveling and Soliciting Agent of the Richmond and Danville Railroad, ar.d is now Master of Transporting of the Richmond and Atlanta ir Line. " Eiic," as he is familiarly known by Railroaders, rose from the ranks En gineer, Conductor and Soliciting Agent, to his present position. He is noted for his immense store of fun anil anecdotes, and has wedged his way into many crowds of travellers by tho remark, 'gentlemen, allow me, but that reminds ni of a certain story," which he invai ia tly proceeds to tell "gaining their appro bation, and closing his storv, "Now I want you ail to try my route; ii is uiusai est,'e m st beautiful .scene ry imaginable, and th'J nicest, easie.-t iCirs.'Wc Ho generally got his share of the p tss"iig:'rs, and but lew could co ni pt te w i:h it i in . He told a few of his "oi.l otic-." in out hearing the other day, and we mi limit they bear 'inking." He was conductor of the night ex press to,- Washing .n from Richmond. on tli-! Fredericksburg Road, with live coaches packed with passengers, leav ing Ru lniiond some hours behind time. on a outer coin nigni vc.s, inner irecz in ' niirht with instructions to make up all he could, and et to AequiaCreek as soon as lie could m ilii saietv, ior n. vas very probable the boat would be frozen in hard, and with this larsre number of p:t-seiigci s he knew if delayed here there would be some tail "cussing" done, s Eiic done everything to hmry un, and being an engineer, went nt atid caught hold of the throttle him- sel l ii i L. W. Rarringer. Esq., of this city will remove to Raltimore and enter upon the practice of the law. Col. Cad. Jonea, formerly of this State, , . . ' I j-m . V-, II. 1 I ouinowoi lorn conntv. nnum luvii mmtU ltm. I ! Ill I II o' Col. William Clarkson. a mililarx' man of great reputation as a teacher since tho war, is quartered at the Tar- borough. Col. Walter Clark, of this city, was married on Thursday evening to Miss Sudie Graham, only daughter of lion. W. A. Graham, oi ilillsboro. Thefolloing gentlemen were register ed -at the Carolina last night : 4$ol. J. Allen, M. W. Page, E. A. Carver, S. S. O'Neal, J. I). Ferrell and F. Duncan, North Carolina. Tho following were at the Yarborough yesterday : W. A. West, J. A. Norris, A. A. Mc Kethan, John Greene, Miss Gilchrist, John Black nail, G. F. Uzzell, North Caro'ina, J. A. Dunn, J. B. Clarke, II. M. Eanier, J. W. Price, Baltimore. Iter. A. W. Man gum, of tne Metho dist Church in this city is fast, but quietly and modestly making reputa tion as one of the first theologian, in the State. We predict that the time will come when he will be ranked as among the rirst pulpit orators of the Methodist Episcopal Church. OFFICIAL. IX BANKRUPTCY. II IS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, That on the 7th day of January, A. D., 1874, a warrant in Bankruptcy was is sued out of the District Court of the United States for the Eastern District of North Carolina, against the estate of Samuel D. Braswell, of Rocky Mount in the county of Nash, and State of North Carolina, who has been adjudged a bankrupt on his own petition: That the payment of any debts, and the de livery" of any property belonging to such'bankrupt, to him, "or for his use, and the transfer any property, by him, are forbidden by law ; That a meeting of the creditors of said bankrupt, to prove their debts, and to choose one or more assignees ot nis estate, win ne held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at Raleigh, N. C, before A. W. Shaffer, Register, on the 31st day of January, A. IX, 1874, at 10 o'clock, A. il. es 75. .i i ui nrrs.iQ.M7 Dt-EY Battle, Attorney. THE "COLLINS CAST" CAST STEEL PLOWS. rpiIIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, That on the 10th day of Jan., A. IX, 1873, a warrant in Bankrupty was issued out ot the District Court ol the United States for the Eastern District of North Caro lina, argainst the estate of Alexander Eatman, of Wilson P. O. in the county of Nash, State of North Carolina, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt upon the Petition of his -creditors : That the pay ment of any debts and the delivery of any Eroperty belonging to said bankrupt, to im, or for hi use, and the' transfer of any property, by him, are forbidden' by law : A meeting of the creditors of said bankrupt, to prove their debts, and to choose one or more assignees of his es tate, will be held at a Court of Bank ruptcy, to be holden at Raleigh, N. Cy before A. W. Shaffer, Register, on the 81st day of January. A. D.. 1874. at 10 o'clock, A. M. R. M. DOUGLAS. 29 3t Marshal as Messenger. Geo. Blount d: Bro., Attorneys. That tarn the "Old Richmond' '. in. I made iy My 'asiier Fredericksburg he had ro scended through the cistern again. It Uing thus rain. The lireiueii ciijoved witli a hearty good laugh, and alter oine more pulliiiK, ioiirucd and re turned to their engine bnwe. A Hanpsomk "rksknt from the " R.xoLlsii L iun Wimii. " " Rord Wood,"' recently stopping over in our c! v ;.l one of its prnici;al hotels, being on a travelling t ur io thi country in th- i-ium- of immigration, and for the b :e iit of his ho-.ilth. w as lie recipient ! inn. ih km. hies and attention from some oi our citizen. He was anxious to m ke . i large depo-it ol ri!i but our bankers no: known. g when he would in ike a i(Ki' . on a ount of tiie tnn g. :e- ot the in- u- . luai kr! just a, that li:n'" hi! t r.ti.- the oiler of tie ".rd.'' Aui-uig :li"rs who were quite attentive tv.ts one of our i ity ll tors, and it is of n:iu we propoe more P l p-.ik. "Rord Wood,'' ln Iniro' .i.i.; dcp.iitui'c Irom the ;v. t . t. I.N bi a:d bill, and I- :is-o?u nee, lias l;-eii pronounced a in t-i in 1 irien l, th Ian ilorii. Ilow . v- r, it sfr ins h sii:l h.i-s in retentive ineui r . bis visit :oi 1 many friends in our Lttie e;ty, and sends grefting,froin liis -.oouti in the e erghnies of Florida a i.Uiiig t('iiniotii.d in respect and grat irn I- t his friend, the city editor, for we learn that on yesterday a friend I His Lordship's, now in the city, had icccivi-d and was ehargi d w ith its de lixerv upon sight of th-? 'hindividual." '1'iiis :i i, :i 1 repaired t the otlice where his -.!;;.i s4ip gen. -rally was, hut loartl i:ig that So won! I lind the gentleman o.ig!it lor at th-- "apitol in the Senate, of yry wonld repaired thither with :rge. s-, ' i ua'-!'- m I re-ioiis, i- t -it- I ia - i. t . ai:d making ki. ii ; i s - t li s .-.:! I s- , i. : -- ; i s, n;, th.. re , ; :.- : t-.:ig, w .:s d--!;-M:eIy i til l! a ii! -ss.-reg-r .Is tii.-re; in- :! r ;:h a dainty present h.- W'.u: 1 rel l : it isii i .r i ' :-. s. g- t' in his . l;.; i. Mr. i. ucgsLu ry , to tigi.: I il' i io. an 1 retire t i 1 1 1 : 1 1 ; : . i . : n . wi. h ;; 1 1 ! i ;i '. i !. v. oil id be position as t oiuiuctor ainl coniidoiit that he would creek'' with considerable up. tnalrlntr 4 rrytrt ri- to exilain," s I lure s . . 1 . i - : i . i i u -s. . : i ': i ii;oi a w n i : broliier o i I ; 1 1 . t an a i : his :r..-i; ! happy to c. 1 1 1 : . i ; ! i n tion. "lit cepte com i i : in ; that his ,,-,! ill tin- j o " - s ; i . a : . i i i : a r v 1 1 : t ! 1. and ail n-; : i , ; t ii i lie- .11 tl' w.lli a tew wici. t c ngratula it l :i w is re.ii 1 1 ly ac-pai:i-.i to !hedci.;iiai 1 w lii-re. noon I'.piuiu r to old llistau,- . Il en -1 a .scuta! i -n atcly r j ! pres.-;,: h i-;- : ll's I. '. ; i g a In--, ' r of' I n!shir n - I t. o e g- V 1 t i - c : i h- :n I.o'i.i. .-: t.i.t' .a .- - pale!! e-: i.:i;i:s. i - s. . : -. ro i a - i' . I ' i i- .i". : Ml I 1 1 1 head i . it r". i and '!". at d'-u i '. ali i t :np. f a:ivl a i i i ; a: i a l . t ;i- s- :.s u ishing t ol.; on sili' il-.e t . ft i. r.d ; W 1 will talk pe a-su in lornia:' 'ii . E. t i i iiS, l!.c .nngh- we In i. ni.ifking, I s. .11. s tr:-. :.pp: .pr:a ii was appr. pi i ci:y editor. The i h. m. Is. .jn;- siiU at the tal de- e n. ceic lis i-i'.y, w itn the i cr.tilat. r which cause a siicti. n al all I imes pre- oaM-hi a li'dncss a s a Miic pii-s(-rva;i e c.i ui no il, an mi an natural n .this latter incut found takt n in the my nig the hat. i I'cr- o.tain a s.minir nat can i ; i'ct l.y applying npol tin.' .Vii v, wlio e ui uiiug the iK'sin-.l In the of Jo I ii great e-Miu-diHU ;Sdon '...-e this a--curate report thank you, gi-d sir, sutiied io-i was ft.--;i: rca -h the time made Approaching a station, l'olecat by n.ifue, (i-hauged now we are happy to sa Eiic, as in duty required, when the Engineer blew brakes tor the switcli, crossed the platform to tho rear car and veiled at the top of his voice the name If the station Polecat." An old wo man, whom he had not particularly noticed before, was Hitting lar back in the dim light of the car and she readilv took in w bat she thought was La mat ter and exclaimed -in lirill sorekiuf voice, "shut that doorj-ou, infernal red bo r led rascal and let no Polecat enter tliis car." Whaling was too full of lamrhter to rise to explain, slammed tho door and returned to th-j baggago car to relte his experience. Another storv was what he styles "How I put it up on a brother Conductor" and for ways that are wethink, was rather Chineeish. dark. 'old man Gill, was our Superinten dent, and as good, a man as ever I worked for, and Tom so and so was my brother Conductor. Tom was a good tellow, but some how or other was un lucky and always getting into trouble, standing in front of the Spotts woixl" one morning after breakfast, font wh had just came in from a run, approached me saying Euc 1 m into it again. I hacked my ladies car off at Ashland, and old Gill is going for me." 'Oh" Eliesavs; Tom that's nothing; there's onlv one wav to get on with old Gill and that's to do as I do when overhauled by him." "What's that?" says Tom. "Whv, givehim a good, genteel curs ing and threaten to thrash him." I'll do it," says Tom excitedly, ''and that quickly." Eiic chuckled, knowing well his joke was going to take. Tom, after getting his breakfast, shaved up, and a clean shirt, marched down toattendold Gill's court martial at his otlice. He went in, miii nillii - mctr and after -sitting a few momenta was a-oked by Mr. G. wtiat he had to sac for allowing his train t- back olf a .switch ; that it was gross n. giigenee, etc. Tom remembering what Eiic had told him, co:u luetic.'. 1 io .tinbi-Hiiil curse the old m ;n learlully, and was on the eve of striking, when he was put out by order ot Mr. li.and wis shortly thereafter no-tiiii-d by letter that his M-rvices were dispensed with. Tom can.e back to the Spotswood ' where Eiic waand relavd the whole f his mishap, recit ing v.viwiv what had transpired to Elie and a crowd of rail-roaders. Elie had let h.m into the joke. Upon the i-oneiu-sloii of his story w haling i:i the dryi'st manner eoncei able Mirprisi-il Tom by saying, "why Tmn yiiurea d n 1Vm1, I did'ni mean lor you to do this, to go don n to ol.i ( .ill's otlice and cuss him, but to do as I did, that was in this way; "wh n I euss. j old Gill, I was at A j u ; i I 'reek, and Gill w as in Rich mond, taking very good care to cuss r. , I, to myself while at it." Suffice i: to Eiic says he took tho whole crowd in a body an 1 proceeded to Mr. 'iiii's of;ce. relate ! the joke and had Tom reinstated, much to his great joy. We here ba !c Eiic g.xd-byc,inaking for the Ril-tgii train whose engine was 'whistling," and just as he wan ente ing on another story, tho crowd roar ing. I. ng may he live a good fellow and a i ll v rail l oader. UNITi:i STATES MAIL. Post Ofi ick Dkpaktmest, Washington, Dec. 1, 1S73. PROPOSALS will be received at the Contract Office, of this Department until .1 o'clock p. m. of March 13, 1874, (to be decided by the 20th March, for carrdng the mails of the United Suites from July 1, 1S74, to June 30, 1875, on tho following routes in the State of North Carolina, and lry the schedule of departures and arrivals herein speci fied, viz: No. From Salisbury to Moores- villo, 24 miles and back, once a week. Leave Salisbury Friday at Sam Arrive at Moores-ville by o p m ; Leave Mooresville Saturday at 8 a in ; Arrive at Salisbury by 3 p m. 1 I roni Ra useytown, by Egypt, to iiald creek, l, miles and baci onco a week. Leave Ramsey town Monday at a m ; Arrive at Raid Creek by 12 m ; Leave Raid Creek Monday at 1 p m; Arrive at Ramseytown by 6 p m. THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, on the 7th day of Jan., A. D, a warrant in Bankruptcy was issued out of the District Court of the United States for tho Eastern District of North Carolina, against the estate of Robert h . Ricks, of Rockv Mount in tb county of Nash, and State of North Carolina, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt on his own Petition: That the payment of any debts, and the de livery of any property belonging to such bankrupt, to him, or for his use, and tho transfer of any property, by hirn, are forbidden by law ; That a meeting of tho creditors of said bankrupt, to prove their debts, ami to choose one or more assignees of his estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at Raleigh, N. C.,' before A. W. Shaffer, Register, on the 31st day of Jan., A. D., 1874, at 10 o'clock, A. M. R. M. DOUGLAS, 21) 3t Marshal as Messenger. y Battle, Attorney. 31 IS CE L LAIii JZ O L'S. NKW AJJVi2ttTISE3I15A'tS. WINHAM-ARNOLD NX BEAD! READ! READ! READ! GREAT DISCOVERY. These plows are incontestiblv the best made in America for all nnrnoses of lint $"arms,and being most durable also, ARE THE CHEAPEST. I x ,1 bey are made of all sizes from, one to six horse right or left hand, with or without knife or revolving coulter, gaugewheel and chain. COST accord in s to size and furniture ONE HORSE. Pl.iin Sl ao t sir, tw. norse, plain, $18 to $24, actual freight charges to be added. I Can be seen in use at "HOLLY FARM," three miles east of Raleigh! j n the Tarboro road, or ill ristrated catalogue aud price list furnished on applica tion to SHAFFER cfc HAJtRIS, Agents, ! 20-f Raleigh, N. C. jj BRADLEY'S PATENT ENAMEL. PAINTi CIRCUIT COURT OF THE UNI TED STATES. Eastern District of North Carolin. Mary Ruthii vs Benjamin B. Lewis. Warrant of attachment levied on land. Notice' is hereby given to the defend ant, Benjamin B. Lewis, that in the ac tion pending in the Circuit Court of the United States of America, for the Eas tern District ol North Carolina, a war rant of attachment was duly issued by the Clerk 'of said Court n the Kith day of December. A. !.. ls7;5, returnable to June term, 1874, of said Court. Which said warrant of aitacnmeut was this day levied -upon: ;i tract of hind in the county of Franklin, State of North Carolina, as the property :' s.iid I'ei.jainin 15. Lewis, defendant, as i .Hows: About one and. one-half of Louisburg road lead Ann Spencer on the North, John Cooke on the South and Madison Hawkins along said Louisburg and Warrenton road, at psesent occupied by Misses Maria and Martha Lewis, supposed to contain about 250 acres. The plaintiff in said action claims three thousand dollars as damages for breach of con tract as set lorth in plaintiffs complaint filed in the; office of the Clerk of said Circuit Court in said action. R. M. DOUGLAS, I United States Marshall. J. B. HILL, 29 w4v Deputy U. S. Marshal. A 1V book, full of ffnod thinen, valuable Mrat on J importan information, inaiU-j for two ftjimp, Adireaa, LEK & CO., 62i bixth Ave., Now Yuti. The Magic Comb Sent hy mnH to Miiy one for SI. Will change any colored hair to a permanent black or'bmwii and contains no poison. Trado supplied at low rates. Ad., MAGIC COM R CO., Srw inirtield, Mas. ; 2S: lw miles from the town 'mm?VSSl on the uast side of the $&tJL& 4 5 lAVjSZ m? fmm Louisbunr to War-I -sT J'4rrtrir ' iSr01 TI C E ! Wo have this day disposed of our entire Book and Job Printing Estab lishment to Messrs. GOIIMAN, MA II COMd; LEE, together with all books, accounts, notes, and other claims due the establishment. The new firm will also settle all claims owing by us, by note, account, or otherwise. ' JOHN NICHOLS. Sept. 6th, Rs73. The undersigned will continue the Uook and Job Print imr Business un der tho firm, name and stylo of GOR MAN, MAl;COM& LEE, and respect fully solicit a continuance of tho liberal patronage heretofore bestowed on Mum establishment by the public. JOHN C. OIlIAN, john w. mauco-u, 3-tf 5292 From Shoe Heel, by Moiitpelier, to Ed in bo ro. 20 miles and back, once a week. Leave Shoe Heel Wednesday at 6 a m ; Arrive at Edinboro by 12 m ; Leave Edinboro Wednesday at p m; Arrive at Shoe Heel by 7 p m. i rom ivenansville, by Brancuo s Store, Outlaw's Bridge, A lberton. and Sandv Foundation, to Kins- ton, 4:i uiilew nil k, -wx m week. Leave Kenansville Tuesday at 0 am; Arrive at Kinston by p m ; Leave Kinston Monday at 6 a m ; Arrive at Kenansville by S p m. Fountain Hill, 18 miles and 6294 From Kinston, by to Ridge Spring, back, once a week Leave Kinston Thursday at G a m ; Arrive at Ridge Spring by 12 m ; Leave Ridgo Spring Thursday at 1 P ni ; Arrive at Kinston by 7 p m. i29o From Tarboro, by Robinson ville, to Williamston, 37 miles and back, once a week. Leave Tarboro Saturday at 5 a m ; Arrive at Williamston by 5 p m ; Leave Williamston Moiiday at 6 a m ; Arrive at Tarboro by 5 p in. 529G From Winfall, by Belvidere and Wardville, to Woodley's, IGi miles and back, once a week. Leave Winfall Thursday at 6 a m ; Arrive at Woodley's by 11am; Leave Woodley's Thursday at 12 in ; Arrive at Winfall by 5 p in. w e w e u oi .e Si C.lsi- li wini i'i.i:iu: Ci'i'it r. -The wcii- argued oil yesterday : S. 1',. Alexin ler, s. ( -. :n ni ,ssi i n, of Mcl 'we:'.. .1 !iCs and .l.'l-.ilstoii. pl.mtiif, .McCorkle and R.nlcy for n-ii'lant. rs tor i le- 1 . R. A! in 1 r. vs. Win. J !in MecklcnliuriT. Jone and r i lantitl, Mcforkle and tt. al. from J. illusion, 1 1 dlcv lor K ' u Ian!. Sit-iil.'MiM', M' i'.iiili v an.l Company, vs. f. C. A.'A. R- R. "Co., from Meck hnl.urg. H. W. iiiion f-r plantilf, WiN .ti and S u, and R. R.irriugcr for ii. "i r!-l int. Kink "i hari tti- s. sii'iilmiiv-aiul M.Cauley. et. a'., from Mecklenburg. Wiisi.n and Sn for plantilf, W. M. Shil'I'. 1 r dea-ndant. Burroughs and Springs et. al. vs. Rink of i harlotte, Irom Mecklenbui g. Jones and Johnston, for the plantilf, Wilson and Son lor ilcleiKiani. fii-m Dowd, Administrator vs. i-ar..Iiii. Railroad Company, Mecklenburg, n ouinsel tor plantiir, ilson and and Son. and R. Barringer lor ileii iiu.iMi. Mvlie Rinidie and Ames, vs P.ryee, from Mecklenburg. A fonscirncv strickt-ii man lias just jvturnoil to a Troy gentleman, who years ao was a wholesale and retail grocer, the sum of $-"'.o, stolen mon ey. " For twenty-five years," he says in a note which he desires pub lished which, however, he does not sig-n ' I have been haunted with this grim spectre of giiilt. I vowed to Hod that I would make restitution if 1 ever earned money enough. Thank heaven, I have earned it, and to-day I am happier than 1 have been in "all these guilty years, (iod grant that others who were cniployi d by you, and stole from you, as I did, may return your ju-t dues." This poor fellow has evidently paid heavy interest in the shape ol misery, on his ill irotten money. ' From Manteo to Hatteras, 5.5 miles and back, once a week. Leave Manteo Sunday at 6 a m : Arrive at-Haitgraa Monday fry Leave nttrn TnMday at a m ; Arrive at Manteo Wednesday' by 6 p in. "YTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, -Ll That a fifth general meeting of cred itors of tho Bank of North Carolina bankrupt, will be held at the Register's office in Raleigh, N. C, on the 3rd day of February, 1874, at 10 o'clock, A.M., beloro A. W. Shaffer, Register for the purposes named in the 27th and 2th sections of the Rankrupt Act of March 2, 18G7. CHARLES DEWEY, Assignee. 29-v3w Raleigh, N. C. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as Assignee ofJas. II. Bryan, of Clayton, in the county of Johnston, and State of North Caro lina, within the Eastern District of North Carolina, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt upon his own petition by the District Court of said District. Dated Rafeigh, Jan 3rd, 1874. THOMAS. HAMPSON, Assignee, 2Xr-St V O. Kaleign, N. C, MADE FROM Pure white Lead, Linseed Oil and Zinc, Chemically combined. Will last three times a.s long- as the best lead and oil mixi-d in ihv ordinary way. ALWAYS READY FOR USE. SOLD BY THE GALLON. One gallon covers twenty square yard two coats: F. JONES & CO., RALEJGn, IV. C. COMMISSION MERCHANTS COTTO IV I 'ACTO AM) Wholesale & Retail Grocers, "Wi!iiiiigt:!i s:: eel, OPP'OrflTK .Y.AUKJIT HoLSE, the Only Known Medicine THAT AT T" E'SASIK TIMK Parges liiri(lest and Strciij; tlicns tho System. JTr. Tuit aro composed of main' ingredients. Prominent among ' them aro Sarsapariila and wild cherry, so united as to a t together; the one, through the its admixture with other substances, purifying and purging; while the other i strengthening the system. Thus these Pills aro at the same time a tonic and a cathartic, a de sideratum long sought for. by medical meu, but never before discovered. In other words, they do the work of two medicines and do it muchbetter than any two we know of, for tliey removo nothing from the system but impuri ties, so that while they purge they also strengthen and houoe they cause no de bility and aro followed by no ronction. Dr. Tint's Pills have a wondeful iniluence on the blood. They not only purify without weakening It, but they remove nil noxious iartk-les from tin) chyle before it .is converted iuto.lluid, and thus makes impure blood an utter impossibility. An tliere is no debilita tion, 8'Athore i.-i no nausea or sick ness aUcndiilg the operation of thin most ex cellent hiedicine, which never strains or tortured tlio digestive organs, but causes them to work in a perfectly natural manner ; hence persons taking them do not become pale and emaciated, but on the contrary, while all impurities aro being removed, the combined action of the Sarsapariila mid Wild Cherry puri ties and invigorates the Uniy, uid a ro bust state of health is the result of thoir united action. Price -J.-J cuiiLs a bo::. Sold by all Druggists. Principal office, 13 and ." Cortlandt St., New York. ' 2H4w. i!- lit par'ment ihey a I t. if .-lock of first- t prices that have and attract the trade. Tliey Wc especially call the attention to the following testimonials of the Paint: rpoWUOM IT MAY CONCERN:- of his appointment as assign B. Smith, of . in the county FROM PROFESSOR W. G. SIMMONS., WAKE FOREST. j I r t T.... Wake Forest College, N. C, Oct. 4th. 1873.' AY CONCERN :Yrn".Tn, ' ? f1 i" - e nave lor several months been using vour ,. i ViHrflalAV $1 Patflnt Nlnatnnl Toinf r. nn t-i.-i .i- . .. - c e re Dy gi re Bt tt"--- -" t r tfi nvTrrW i t oT o VT. " t- ulltfK isuiming. ana are well pleased i assignee of JchiMITOj0?n; it was applied by one haVing no experience In such work, yet we Vgood job ality a within said District, who has been iul- Lsr- A. "J" Warren, and State of North Carolina, f judged a Bankrupt upon his own peti tion by the District Court of said JDis trict. Dated Raleigh, Dec. 27th, 1873. J, R. O'NEILL, Assignee, 30-3t P. O Raleigh, N. C lesstf! belieyini v. . . : . Alitor ., ,1 r. -is. . " "cucvjiirt -Liitt iii i.ouii, oi ecoiimy. j- j -f.iwa.iwu it to aupenur io any oilier pigment onered very nespecnn n v, W. G. SIMM0NSJ1 in III tilt i i M'll-!;. oiler to tho li .i k elas groceries at win eoiiiiiiiie t have in store 1200 Cars. S. II. Svmp. 300 Rushel-i bolted mea!. 1-.00 Pounds cream i hecse. 40 Dozen cans licsh peaches. 25 -Boxes adamantine candles. 1000 Pounds, pure cand.y, assorted. 100 Boxes cakes and c rac k ois fretsh. 50 Bbls. superfine and family Hour. 50,000 Water proof percussion caps. 150 Sacks fine Liverpool salt. 40 Dozen boxes axle grease. 72 Doz. Masons Blacking. 3000 Pounds family soap. 25 Cases mixed p'ickles. Powder, Shot, Snuff, Tob icco, Soda, Spice, Pepper, Tea, itc, fca Bulk meatand Breakfast Strios. and a full Assortment ofotber gorrfw- Kisrmr- any sold in grocery stores. Call and ex amine tho quality of their iroods and price. uonMn ited. - - ' i firt r i f w S I 1 .Sl mm Dr. Sacre'it tni-rh lie mel r M cures by Its xniui, l ft 'Lllngpropcrtles,towl!lcr when Uio BTBtcm baa been But 1 In perfect onler irltb Doctor IHcrce's Holden ITledlcal Discovery, which bhould be taken earnestly to correct uioou ana system, which are always et fault, also to act specifically, upon tho diseased Hands of tho noso and Its chambers. Catarrh Remedy should bo appliod with Dr. Plerces Nasal Douche, with which mcdicino can bo carried high up asxdperfccUy applied to all parts of pas sages and chambers In whfch sores and ulcers exist, and from which dischargo proceeds. So successful has this course of treatment proven, that tho proprietor offers 8500 Reward for a caso of "Cold in Head " or Catarrh which ho Mnnntrnro. . ThO tWO medicines With Instrument, for $2, by all druggists. For C;ijrlis, Colds, lIoiirsonoKS, and all Throat'ulniM, t usa i . . Wells's Carbolic 'Tablets, Pnt tip only in nLVrfboxpM. A TKIEO & SUUK RI5Mi:iY. Sold by Druprplsts. ; .2:4w i-ninnt at - t t -i ni;,. 5o. in w. ivyv.ii4c ."'Uii u l8-3m . . rt ij mm Fs!5 Mr. Drar t. Vy ' , -nyeii, jur araaiey s jracent Enamel Faint. hwpT 1 Reived your favor of the 3d inst., asking rny opinio T. It. opinion of the JQTICE IS IIEREBt GIVEN That I will sell at public auction at the court house door in Raleiirh, N. C. oil Saturday, tho 31st day of January, 18i4, at 12 o clock noon, to tho highest bidder for cash, one claim against the United States lor property taken for the use of the army, amounting to S5.000 or thereabouts, and rejected by tho South ern Claims Commission, tho property of Thomas II. Coates, Bankrupt. li. Cx. L-E.YY is, Assignee, 30-2t Raleigh, N. C. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment a-s Assignee of Benj. iirv rniBui rmaujei j-aint," ior winch you aro Agent. It affords me meas ure to add my testimonial with many other, of t vi o,i ,h, : ...r 'efZJ " , " - wiai.,,. "oi"B a practical experience o: thirty years in nrcnannc nlnna anH Kn i 1H i nr. ... i I. 1 1 i .... - J r, o i .1 " js uiaiicues oi Artisans ana Mechanics, and uocu lliwan UI tut) UiailTiai ior na nt.llior I WQC ni nnm it r r t l T hmii - jl. jjjmi liii,. jrijjv j . fivvirifi- ri ir.; nm-loh i.. l...:. j .iv f uv.o on,.. Huautaira IU SU1U 1 appiieU it lor lllSltle and outside work :id tV.on.l it oried thoroughly covered the .surface perfect and dried with a beautiful Enamel; iu3Hji.auui,uvwcu twenty square yards two iwrnts. T hsu-u m ,mnn,i,i n luuiucisiu iuc uvv ui v asnincrton ann nn-cr M-.n-r an.i: , i ...... ,i ,.j ,, i . "-.. . i ,. iiimi, "'in ruuai wusiiiaiuii: .uuuiu. mixing coiors Dy ordinary Mechanics is not ottpn done to the ""7 " "! Pprietors auu mis niiit" being already mixed all desired shades and frequently to suit, renders it more desirable in " Rural Districts " I cheer fully recommend its general use and feel assured that all who use it will be satis fied that it is all that is claimed Durable. Beautiful and Kmnnmii Yours respectfully, JOHN L. DuFEIF. Architect and Builder nrr. n r i- . AshSns, Baltimore Bo-, Md., May 27, 187 mr. C. 1 . Knight : At the recommendation of a friend T wa indn,-,i t, .. your patent " Bradley's Jfaint to my house. I have nleasuro in staiinrr t,at it. V 7 Attorney at Law. RALEIGH, 3ST. C. Will practice in the SLnte and Federal Courts. !' T- OFFICE near the Court House. il ly. "T3s"c'f0ninlc r Soul :li:trin- iaig." How i-iUicr sex may fas cinate and gain the love and aM'ci tions of any person they choose instantly. This simple mental acquirement all can possess, tree, by mail, tor li.3c, together with a marriage guide.Egyptian Oracle, Dreams, Hints to Ladies, Wed ling night Shirt, Ac. A queer book. Ad. T. WIL.- L1AJ1 & Co., .rubs., Philadelphia. 4w SAMPLES sent by mail for 50c. that retail quick for $10. R. L. WOLCOTT, ol Chatham Square, xs . . 2lv St" 1? Va Oowtr S n 1 riA.os vy ni id Necoiidalfnitd. of First-Cl t lflakcr, will be fold low tZ aM I . ...... . f x-J UAVJ Obdllliv LI1HL 1 L. F. Jinkins, of Oxford, in the county nas proved highly satislactory, covering more surface than voa nromised is more fn..,..:iuJ otinf v,n. fi i: A(VilinTnir!i! ami mrrice Ultar irlnou ihon : :i , ,. ' uiuiiuiyiiicaiiu oiaroui i.i ui in vai uiiua, 1 - ""'".i s'"'-'3 "i uniary 'ai n l. anu IS IT CGT IrOIII dlhta : r - . J w ; . I i i i i r rat i ma t j t v x . . 1 . wiinin saio x'isiiici, ivaiu nas oeeu au- I b"" x ours respectiuilv. judged a uanKrupt upon ms own peti tion uy tue JJistnct court ot said Dis AJCkltA A MlbikAJ , JkSVs I , 1U1 U. From Rock ford. Stony Ridge, 13 by Siloam, to lii.ilcs and back, once a week. Leave Rock ford Saturday at ( Arrive at Stony Ridge by 10 Leave Ston- liidge Saturday a m ; Arrive at Rock ford by "3 p m. a m ; a in ; at 11 Farmer-' Turn-Out to Sup ( miles and back, onco a North from J. Y. Jones aud Of the C hief Justices of theUni-ti-il states, Jolm Jay was 44 at the time of his first appointment in ITs'J. and .VV at his second in 1S00. William Cusliing-, appointed in 171o, was 5G. Oliver Ellsworth was 51. Rutkde, apjioiiitetl in 1795, but not confirmed, was 50. Marshal was 4G. Mr. Taney was 5G. Mr. Chase was 55. Mr. dishing, nomi nated, but not con tinned, is 74. Mr. Waite is 5S. :299 From week Ieave Farmers Turn Out Wednes day at G a m ; Arrive at Supply by 4 p m. Leave Supply Thursday at 0 a m ; Arrive at Farmer's Turn-Out by 4 o300 From Warm Springs, by Marshall, French Broad, Riverside, Ashe ville, Busbee, Sbufordsyillo, Hen dcrsonvillc, Flat Rock, Lima (S. C.J and Traveller's rest, to Green ville C. II., ts miles aud back, six times a week between Warm Springs and Asheville, three times the residue. Leave Warm Springs daily, except Sunday, at 8 a m Arrive at Asheville by 8 p m ; Live Asheville daily, except Sun day, at 8 a in ; Arrive at Warm Springs by 6 p m ; Leave Asheviile Tuesday, Thurs- u:i , aim naturuav at s a m : ArriveatUrcenville'C. II. next day oy o p m ; Leave Greenville C. II. Tuesday, liiursiiay, ana .-Saturday at 8 a m ; Arrive at Asheville next days by 6 p in. l he contracts arc to be executed and returned to the Department by or before iie i aay oj June, lb4, otherwise the acccptal bidder uill be cojutidered at having failed, and the Postmaster Gen eral may proceed to contract for the ser vice tcith vthcr parties, accordiny to law. Transfers of contracts, orof interest in contracts, are forbidden by law, and consequently cannot be allowed. Neither ean'bids, or interest in bids, bs transferred or assigned to other parties. Bidders will therefore take notice that they will be expected to perform ths service awarded to them through the whole contract term. For forms of proposal, guarantee, and ; certilicate, and aNo for instructions as j to the conditions to be embraced in the j contract, Ac, see advertisement of Dec. ; 1, 1872, inviting proposals for mail ser vice in North Carolina, to be found at the principal post ollices. Bids should be sent in scaled n- J velopes, superscribed, "Mail proposals, ! State of North Carolina," and addressed to the Second Assitant Postmaster General. JNO. A. J. C RES WELL, 27 wOw Postmaster General. , JOHN R, OfNEILL, Assignee, 30-law3w P. O. Raleigh, N. C. JOHN WETHERED. W. T. AJDA3IS A SOX, Manufacturers and Dealers in STEAM ENGINES SAW A!VD CRIST 71 ILLS, Flows, llarrons, . Cultivators, VTE OF NORTH CAROLINA. G han ville County. William Dean, Elizabeth Carnal, Jessee Dean and others plaintiffs against Peggie Carnal, Susan Dean, Bettie Dean and others defendants. Peti tion to sell land for Partition. This cause coming on to be heard and it appearing to tho satisfaction of the Court that Peggie Carnal, Pollie Harris, Frances Clayton. Barbary Dixon. John B. Duncan, Augustin Duncan, Eliza beth Duncan, Dicv Duncan, Geonre Washington, William Washington, William S. Askew. Katie Carnal. Jacob Slaughter, Sophia Gates, Roland Terry, ronie Duncan, John B. Slaughter. W P. B. Slaughter and Susan Duncan are non-residents ot this State; that the said Peggie Oirnal is supposed to reside in tne 83tato oi lrgima : and, tne said John B. Duncan, W. P. B. Slaughter and Su san Duncan aro supposed to reside in the State of Kentucky aud Augustin Duncan iu the State of Georgia; all oth ers of the said parties have moved west to parts unknown. On motion ol Alex ander S. Peace attorney for the plaintiffs it is therefore ordered that publication be made for six iveeks in the Weekly Era a paper published in tne city ot Raleigh North Carolina, notifying the said defendants of the hling ot tiie said complaint in this proceeding ; that the same is lor sale real estate ior parti tion amongst the heirs at law and next of kin of Elizabeth Askew, deceased, and that they make appearance at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court for Granville County in Oxford on or beiore the 2Gth day of January, 1874, and answer plead "or demnrr. as thev mar see fit ; and that upon their failing to appear the prayer oi tne partitioners ho RnHlavP.lnnl 1?.,1 T.;?., r.. 1 i' . ""J J " , i ""1UW " liX' e-iuewus my expectations in economy, beau ty, and I have every reason to believe in durability. More than twelve months since, x pamtea tue rooi oi my house (Mansion House) with the Bradley Patent "llw"'vl M.v- c -m. " cv.j v, uicaacu Willi I L. 1 (IHLerill T M'lliit tin ttntu; of the " Hotel," and I am most happy to say that it gives mo perfect satisfaction.; In conclusion, I will sa it this testimonial will be of are at liberty to use it. ' J : lours most respectfully, ISAAC ALBERTSON, Jansion House Hotel, Cor. Fayette and St. Paul Sts. Baltimore. ; IIlLLTlORO. Va' .TnW IX 17i ! Mr. C. 1 Knight, Sole General Agent, ' it , "3 West Lombard Street, Raltimore. Md. i oni-iveum unuersigiieii naving used Jiradiev's Fatent Fnnmpl f,nt f-n i : i v it i mi - . J , " " - . , Allien d. x.ariy xnompson is agent, cheertullv certify that, for l,p:inn- f li.ii, i durability and economy it is in ouropin without an equal. '! x ours very respectlully, "THOMAS E. CAMP, MANLEY HAMMERSLEY, RODNEY MATTHEWS. Ilositing Iulacltiest and all kind. of ( All work neatly and promptly r-xe cuted, bv skilful workmen, -u the most reasonable terms. Tne senior partner has had over 40 years experience in the business, and feels justified ja saying that he can give entire satislaction. WANTED 100,000 pounds of old Cast Iron, for which the highest market price will be paid, in cash or exchange Joi work. Works one Square W et of lour) House. 200 at Lower rices jor cash, or on -MuIImcnts, in Vltr er Comity, ring this Financial Crisis and HOLIDAYS, by IBOItAt'i: WATF.ZIS Ac SON, o. -IS I Ilronduar, ilmn ever beforo offered in Aetv York Agrent antetl for the sale of Waters Celebrated I'lanom, Concerto ind Orchestral Organs. I)lnlrati-d C'a( alugucv mailed !r-ut Induce men( to. the Trudc.A Ufi(c dhcouut Schools Raleigh, Aug. 13, 1872. w3m Bat.timouk. fn SAiif n ikT' C. P. Knight, Esq. -- Dkar Sir: I haTO had the Bradley's Patent Enamel Paint whi.-h T nurr-lmll from you, used inside and outside, both at my dwelling and store, for two sea sons. It gives me great pleasure to be able to say, that it comes fully up to your recommendations iu facility of use, economy, dnrability and beauty. i ours iruiv, THOMAS J. IRVING, 1G8 West Baltimore Street, Baltimore, Md. Phinck Gkorob County. October 24. 1S72. C P. Knight, Esq.. Baltimore i Dear Sir Having given your paint a test of six mouths. I take pleasure in sav ing that it comes fully up to your representation, and I think looks as well now, as when first applied. It maintains its gloss aii!4 color perfectly, and I think will outlast any other paint I have ever seen. V erv respectfully, MURRAY ADDISON. C. No. 93 W Specimens and Price List furnished gratis. -3r Baltimore, iVov. 2d, 183. P. KNIGHT, Sole Aaent. i Lombard, Street, Baltimore. FOOD. 31 rri will be granted and an order for sale bieenSuOrO reiTial6 bOlleffe. 20 wOw C. Betts, Clerk Superior Court. Rev. JOVEJOY ACADEMY, RALEIGH, X. C. The both Session Opens Jan. 26, 1874. The Principals congratulate them selves on the success which has attended their efforts during the past year; within which time over a hundred boys have been instructed by them. The Academy aims to teach well. It prepares boys for any College, and for the piactical pursuits of life. Tuition. rer session. $20, J.55. 30. Board and room J15and $1G per month. A few boys can secure board with one of the teachers. For other particulars address, J. M. LOVEJOY, J. W. WHITE, Prin'a R. W. LOVEJOY, Assistant Instruct' r. Raleigh, Jan. 14. 29 w2w Greensboro, N. C. T..M. Jones. D. D. President. The Spring Session of 1874 will begin on the loth January. Charges per session of 20 weeks, board and tuition in regular course, $125 00. Charges for extra studies moderate. For full particulars, apply to the President. N. H. D. WILSON, 26-tf President Board of Trustees. W. W. PEEBLES, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Jackson, North Carolina. Practices in all the Courts of North- . - . . i r a. i . t ampton, Hahlax, liertie and iienioru counties; in the Supreme Court of North Carolina, and in tne eaerai Courts. 2o-2m gKIN DISEASES ! I will send (free) receipt for my VEG ETARLE BALM, removing Pimples, Black worms, blotches, Freckles, Moth and Tan, leaving the skin clear and with a helthy glow. Also, sure process for the growth ol HAIR on bald heads or smooth faces. II. PRATT, Chemist 41 Pine St., N. Y., P. O. box 5,128. j2rSend stamp. lo-8t i REMOVAL. We have removed to our new building OX FAYETTE V I LLE STREET, Opposite METROPOLITAN HALL, where we extend a most cordial wel come to our friends and acquaint ances. WlLT.IAMSOR, TJPCHURCH it TlIOMAS. 3-3m Corn, ICye Sheaf's of Oats, IIeal, Ieas, Fodder, Hay, Oats, -Fine Feed, Shucks, Always kept on hand at OS HORN'S Grain and Feed Store, West of tho ' North Carolina Depot in the new Warehouse built for that pur poye. Orders droppeo in the Post Office will be promptly tilled. W. A. G ATT IS, Superintendent. Raleigh, N. C, Feb. 7. 173. ly IIij;Ik' The ities ol Europe Purifier and I); medical word it Tiled h al Atthor- ;sy the strongest Tonic, ibstrucnt known to tho is JUBTJBEBA. It arrests decay of vital forces, rxh iiis tion of tho nervous system, restores vigor to tho debilitated, cleanses vitia te I blood, removes vesicle 'obstructions Ai acts directly on the Liver and Spleen. Price 1 a bottle. JoNN H. KELLOG(J, IS Phut St., N. Y. 20: lw UUVU Samples scr vati:d.- nt lite by mail with terms, to ejear Irom s to per day. Address N. II. WHITE. New ark, N. J. -S- -lw 0L Br! i :' von fieo by mail the vc.rv O best ELASTIC Tkl.'.SS'. AM to at once Io pO.MJiRoV tV CO., 7 H Br. adway, N. Y. 2 4v DAII-y STAK. Till: .LAIKJKST ( I IK'FLA-' 1 of any Daily Newspaper in o FOlt SALE CUE Al ! NE NEW FIRST-CLASS HER RING'S Patent Fire and Burglar Proof Safe cost in New York $875.00, and has all the latest improvements. Will be sold cheap for cash the owner having no use for it. Can be seen at the Commission House of W. 11. Jones Co., Raleigh, N. C. 7-tf A. W. SHAFFER TIIE WILMINGTON" STAK. Established only Six Years! JLX ti' the State, and acirculatioii iu ilming- ton NEARLY twici; as large as that of any other paper. All the news of tho day will bo found in it, condensed when unimportant, at length when of moment, and always pr esented in a clear, intelligent anil in teresting manner. Si;ilNt i:ii'XIO, In Ailrnnce : One Year, - 7.00 Six Month.-, 3..W Three Months, 2.00 o-o IV E E K. Ia Y S T All. IMli'cE.S KKDUCKD. THE WEEKLY STAR, is now com bined with the CAROLINA FARMER and is one df the cheapowt papers in tho country, at tho following Rpduccd TlateM t One Copy, One Year, 1.50 Six Months, v 1.00 f-Clubs of 5 to 10, 1 year, $l)'2T, 'l copy. jr-rC!ulof lOor isiore.l y'r.fi1 cony rSpecimen copi -s :enton applicatu' Address, W.M. H. UERNARp, Editor and Proprietor, Wilmington, N. C. Bailey (St McCorkle, Attorneys and Counselors Law, SALISBURY, N. C

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