WIEEKILT H RALEIGH, N. C, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1874. vol. in. NO. 33. t -' ! - THE FRA AND EXAMINE. -. ! T1IUHSHAY. FEBRUARY 12, 174. Co i.i: hint ion Change Gallic. oi A Iritn.l -it our elbow a-iks:" How would our Western Iriends like t have the t'arolina Central railway company take charge of tho western North Car olina railr.vul and complete it to Ten nessee and western connections with tlo saoio lite and active energetic efTrt that tlv re ileitis in completing their line to OharlottH? The only road lii t iias urtci-oMtl K?rations of consti i -tiun d. iritis the late financial pani.:!" We ftr uured that if the consul: tton plan Jail to make a great raii nruy to the Wei Uia new and livo coinpany wll rtn tt. It tne lln can be Meared priooandno change of gauge wiJl'TSo made, but the old North Carolina gauge maintained, thus giving the western trader and farmer the choice of mar ket to the seaboard. WtiN m rawn for retain In r the power In tho coasoli&atiou act to change YXUgeaf arry ume. ououia we uiruci - ura Lie tit U exercise it. tbe entire sra tc-nr of North Carolina railway is dis connected forw hat T To connect with the 8 rate m of Tennessee. We are in formed that the Kentucky railways. those runniiis from Louisville to Lex- iugton, with direct line to Cumberland ap, are the same gauge as the North Carolina railroads, and as all tho ten dency now U to a uniform gauge, the lesser must coine to the greater. As nine-tenths of tbe roads are four feet eight and a half Inch gauge that will ul timately become the gauge of the conntry. At an evidt-nro of the good feeling to wards the old btockholdera of the Wilmington, Charlotte and Ruther ford Kail road, wo are assured by one who knows that stock in tho Carolina central railway com Iiny will lie Issued to them equal in amount to the stock they owned in :ho former company. This will givo our pvplo some interest in this com pany and make them feel that they have not been turned out in tho cold by the act of foreclosure, as certainly the new stock will be worth as much as the old was before foreclosure. We venture this fact in justice to a corporation that has been looked upon by boiue of our people as "foreign and alien to our interests." Thatuth is not the fact wo have evi dence in many ways. Recently by a sub scription to tiie railroad to the seashore, tho prwider.. of tho Carolina Central railway subscribed lor 100 shares of -tock, subject to the approval o his di rectors. The facts we i.aVo stated, and tho much more important one, tho de sire of this company to pnxh it lino, if the people will aid but little, to Hickory and Cranberry, and if they can buy the line to Old Fort, to own connection with Cincinnati and tho west. Wil mington Juui-Htil. Feb. 6A. roads, riht at ltd own dour, does not desire our legislate -m ami peo ple to go hack to tho ppirit of those days in which iikii fondly, but fogyishly, imagined that the way to build up southern commerce was to cut ofr, with a wider gauge, all rail km.! communication between the ti.-rth and south. South and we-; ,, .ortii Carolina the Journal kiHiv.s that every foot of railroad U forc the war wis made wider, by three and a half incites, than tho roads north of us. As to the third paragraph in the Journal above, which treats of the eaucethat paper is correct as to States named, but the Journal fails to tell its readers that Old Fort, tho present terminus of the Western North Carolina road, ia a long wajrs from (the four feet eight "Solomon" liennctt's 1aec Mr. "Solomon" Bennett, the roar ing representative from Anson, ad dressed the house of representatives a few days since on the proposition to pay Profeseor Kerr's expenses to Vienna,whither he went, at the ur gent solicitation of leading Citizens, to introduce North Carolina's re sources to the old world. Mr. "S." Bennett could not vote to pay Prof. K's expenses became: 1st. Mr. Van Buren, the Ameri can commissioner, had disgraced us abroad and trailed our flag in the dust. . . . . " ry,i Tf TT TiffrT urrittpn ashnrtt Tho Financial Remedy.. letter ciiiplalnilJgHalLL'rtiilii pur- ties who had solemnly promised to send articles for exhibition failed to do so. . , 3rd. Bocaose.I)r , Ljinanr th as4 :'7Vt'7: alsunt Bishop Of North; Carolina; geologist, had ' spoken In compll- Onfl of the firsi gentlemen of letters and practical business Intel ligence, thought and experience, oc cupies, tho correspondence columns of the Examiner to-day on the finan cial question ; and he proposes ns a remedy, neither expansion nor con traction, but a liberal expenditure for internal improvement. There is truth and force in what he says, and his article suggests much thought on the subject. The Examiner has held and still holds that, perhaps, the best remedy for our financial ills is to issue XJni ted States Treasury -poteredeen Tho Remedy Not Expansion siot Contraction but liberal Expenditures for Internal im provement. To the Editor of the Examiner .- Upon tho question of expanding the currency, that money may be made abundant, or of contracting that treasury notess and bank bills may be made equal to gold, much may be said for either side. On the one- hand, it is true that the present indebtedness of the people was incurred when the legal tender notes of the government were far below the gold standard ; and the effect of a forced and sudden ret urn to specie payments, while the debts xemain unpaid would . be-to swell iwuvtrurtiuy' per cent;? araship Report of the Joint Standing Committee on the Insane Asylum Senator Edward Ransom. To the Editor of the Examiner: I see in your reporter's account of the proceedings of the senate on the 7th inst., an allusion to Dr. Edward Ransom in the following language: "In assuming the duties surrender ed by Mr. Respass, as a member of the joint stading committee on the Insane Asylum, the untiring energy and ability displayed by Dr. Han som in the investigation of the ac counts and anairs of the institution, place him among the most useful members of the general assembly Dr. Hansom's report above al luded- tOvin-uch complimentary MISCELLAM EOUS. KEARNEY'S . FLUID EXTRACT B U C H U I The only known remedy for B RIGHTS D IS EA SE. !; Abd a positive remedy for NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 7 S Fn V UK lv TO A(i E NTS. astest selling? articles out. Three valuablemamples lor ten cents. J. BHIDE, 707 Broadway, New York. 82 n would be as fmm termhn rvn rrrirw hy a "fofn cttheT ccrcomm i ttee"-wi t lfgrea rettw the date of&nvsu&i to be thecir I inlustice and h culating medium of the country j great, as If a decree should go forth ik -i urJ requiring debtors to pay to credi tors, besides principal and .interest the prospect of etter connecting our North Carolina roads witn the roads of that State are still more remote in the distant future. And if all tho roads must ultimately come to the four feet eight and a half gauge.as the Journal argues, where is the reason for preventing any road, even our North Carolina system, from ac commodating itself to the tempora ry necessity of conforming to the gauges of roads with which we have first to connect? We expect to con nect with the Tennessee roads first, and for years and years, before we can hope to reach Kentucky, we ex pect to tap the valley of the Mississ ippi at JYiempnis,anu empty mucn of its rich products into the lap of Wilmington and Beaufort, instead of allowing all to go to Norfolk, Baltimore and New York, as is now the case. The Journal must be aware that cars loaded atMemphis and beyond, go through to Norfolk over a line of roads having a gauge of five feet. We may complete the Western ex tension to Paint Bock, but unless we have a road to correspond with mentary terms of Professor Kerr's efforts at Vienna. Now we can all readily see how Prof. K. was amply repaid for all his labors and expenses, by the complimentary letters of Dr. Ly man and the learned geologist; and while no one will hesitate to hold Prof. K., personally and pecuniari lv responsible for letting Gen. Van Buren disgrace the American nation abroad, and trail Mr. "Solo mon" Bennett's dear flag in foreign dust (the very same flag which Mr. Bennott fought four years to keep gentlemen of his own party from trailing in American dust). One can see all this. But why Mr B. should leave out the main argu ment against paying Prof. K. (that is : because ne nas never reporiea to the general assembly who struck Billy Patterson or even who blew up the Sentinel office) that's what One can't understand; and there's where Mr. B's logic is just a little bit defective. In everything and on every meas ure aiding the internal develop ment of North Carolina, and the commercial progress and prosperity of Wilmington, it has been the sin gular good fortune of the Journal and this writer to have differed, jKrhaps, in no single instance, biuce the war. The writer is essen tially, and' in all respects, a North Carolinian ; and he hoar recognized in the Journal the only paper ofUU the Tennessee roadJ Memphis will go Norfolk and Kiel now do. rather tl reload and switch tion for the mere Wilmington or Bes The Journal cars sealed at n through to ond as they n break bulk, in this direc- n of going to fort. st know this. fully appreci- General Mahonc ates the advantage; of his five feet line of road from Norfolk to Bris tol, that he has taken good care Mr. Solomon Aveba, the sapient senator from Johnston, has, in his place, demanded that justice be done though tho heavens fall I And the funny part of it is that he' wants it done because a North Car olinian first asked it. Now after the dispute aboufthe 20th of May Mecklenburg Decla ration of Independence, and the; recent assertion that Ham. C. Jones' didn't write "Cousin Sally Dil-i lard. " one wouldn't be at all sur party that has kept steadily in view business foresight will dictate the the material advance and develop- I construction or a roau or the same I 4 V . thus far to defeat the completion of prised if some Virginian or some! UieWlSternrilpnknowinff aj foreiguerdon'fc har the cheek to does that comxnonr sense ma mmfi forward and claim that those words were not first spoken by a North Carolinian. the ' establishment-of frep ba'nldng HPdj railroad r-lfuw,' with a uniform' rate of ? In tercst ' throughout ; the country ; and the cancellation cf the national bank . currency5 anctj&e abolition of the national bank, as now organized and in operatloisr : There is no apparent reasotrhy sams of twelyewtwenty and. ,flfty ttolfars, as a gratuity, for every ne hundred actually due. On the other-tiand, it cannot be denied that an- Inflated currency is tke .fruitful source of wild speculation 4n stock-), in lands, and the products of the GOUT, GRAVEL, STRICTURES, DI A BETES, D YSPEPS I A , NEtlVO US DE 151 Li ITY, DROP3Y, Non-retention or incontinence of Urine, Irritation, Inflammation or Ul- i i in mines, ; i 1 1 r . the congress may not make a trpas- dt ury note equal in value to gpiu, directly to individual bankruptcy. dollar for dollar. If such noto is the representative of gold, and'the taxable, resources of the country ought to be suflBcient guarantee to establish it as such representative, there is practically no difference, at home and for all home purposes, between a treasury note for a stated amount, than a gold coin of corres ponding value. -The amount of treasury cutrcincy necessary to issue for the wants of and to tne loss or continence in every representative of money, whether it be bank bills, bills of exchange, promisory notes, checks, drafts, and private credits. This loss of confidence causes men to hoard their gold, and limit all their pecuniary operations to their ut most needs. The wholesale merch ants, manufacturers, and stock-jobbers, who contracted great debts when affairs went on swimmingly, are taken by surprise. They can no longer borrow from the banks to meet their engagements, their and deliberation and found to con tain numerous mistakes and errors which do great injustice to the in stitution The Doctor reported the average cost of butter for ' twelve months to have been 41 cents per lb; the books and vouchers show 33J cents only to be correct ; beef 8 1-16 cents, when it was only 6 ; coffee 27 cents when it was only 25i ; sugar 13 when it was only 12 ; syrup 97 cents per gallon, when it was only 49 1-24 cents, &c. The report will be pub lished soon. Eugene Guissom, Supt. Insane Asylum. Tho State Paper. our people, may be a question' for notes are protested, and panic seizes discussion, but it is easv of eolation : all classes. and altogether, it does seetn,hat the financial problem is one which might be speedily solved byjthe wise men or the country ; ana no doubt is, but for the conflicting in terests of jobbers and speculators trading on the life-blood oX the It is , true that the people of the South, owing to the radical changes in the social organization which have resulted from the war. have not experienced the financial exhil eration which a superabundant pa per circulation produced and kept up in the Northern States during and since the 'war. But we have been witnesses of its intoxicating ronntrv. .,. I . - : it i i , - i l j The internal improvement 'sug- ?X gestion of the correspondent alluded to is one of interest, which ought to find favor, especially at the son th. Carolina will ness men -of that section : and we can remember, or we can recall in the pages of history, similar phe- nomina in our own. The question arises, then, should we desire such a further inflation of the paper circulation as must neces sarily postpone the return to specie The people of North not soon forget the exposures mad by rtmmtir. or th nemtantlarv rim.' hv I 10, wuno hiouuuuoh vj ixr- l.H.iihmnm1 rti ppn first I nm snmp which the State has ultimately wirfld a I preduce the mania of speculation Wav left with the impression, when onrl avfrnnrominnn rn rc fr Irnrar1 I -w . To the Editor of the Examiner: In the Examiner of Februrary 8th I find the following: The legislature yesterday the demo crats made the regular weekly appro priation, of five hundred dollars to run the Sentinel newspaper. What a cam paign record for next summer! Eire huudred dollars to run the Sentiael a week f What does it go 1 5 pay for, may I ask? Certainly not for "editorial abiliiy, for after four months of patient seeking am compelled to admit that I fail to find the impress of an able, logical writer on anything appearing in its columns as editorial matter. To be sure I now and then get a little in formation about the Isand of Martinique, for instance : or the birth place of Empress Josephine and the statue erected in her honor; andil might have thought the Senti nehadan editor quite conversant with history if I had not read it all in Harpers Magazine, for January, the week before the Sentinel dished it out in its editorial columns. Now and then an article appears which seems to have the real ring of true metal about it, but reading the JSew York, Washington and 3d RUPT11RF Secley's Hard Rul TDI ICo"o l,cp T"isses, Relief, I tlUoonb r.miTurt and Cure for llornia or KtiMtuio. Fine Steel Spring' coated with hard rubber, highly polish ed. Free from all sour, rusty, cualing, strapping or girthing unpleasantness. Cool, cleanly, light, sufo and durable. .bveiy desirable pattern, including tho nOW IlAHD liUUUKK liLASTIC Niuht . Tuuss. Sent by mail or express. sM by all dealers. Send for illustrr.ttsl cata logue. Fstabts,1347 Chestnut St. Phil, it 137 Iird y, N. Y Beware of Japanned imitations, j " , 31: Iw That there ment of the State. In the issue now alout to be pre senttd (for the article of thcVoiuvia is significant of something of great er moment than a mere dropping in "friend" accidently "at our el bow") difference of opinion and policy iuay arise, from the fact that the JoAirnul has a local interest to serve, fvvlulc the Examiner has no limit ibr its railroad policy, save the confines of the State. But there ought not to arise a di ference on the question now under consideration, and there will not, unless the Journal shall seek to de feat the great consolidation meas ure; for in the event of the failure of that great scheme, the Examiner would willingly see the Carolina Central, or any other corporation, not hostile to the best interests of tho State, take possession of and complete the Western North Caro lina railroad to the Tennnessee line. But it is to the interest of the StatQ, and of all our people, that the great consolidation measure suc ceed ; "hot only becauso it gives us a perfect and the only system of Nuith Carolina, road, possi hie., .hut, this great scheme, n 8uo becausu cesful.x promises to work the State out of her present embarrassing and accumulating public debt. Perfect this great consolidation meagre in the legislature, and it is within the power of financial skill and ability, aided by our suc cessful railroad men, to take up the ) burden of our State debt and carry it without ever calling on the tax payers of the State for a cent where with to pay interest rr principal. Vow this is something to think of. hlitinn to workinz out the redemption of our State debt thus, to the ereat relief and exceeding joy of our people, we get a North Carolina railroad system from lipfliifnrt Harbor to the Tennessee in ope direction, and from Ashe ille to the Georgia line, via Duck town, in another direction. The Journal in common with the general public misapprehends or totally fails to appreciate the mat ter of the gauge. This is some thing that will and must regulate itself according to the wants and requirements of inter-commerce, and all restrictive legislation on the subject is of a species of fogyism that appropriately belongs te a past age ; that era, for instance, in which the imaginary wants of our com merce induced the Journal's own Ieople to make the Wilmington and Manchester railroad gauge three inches and a half broader than the gauge of the Wcldon road con necting therewith at Wilmington. Surely, the Journal, with its expe rience of the break in these two gauge as his, one that can tap the East Tennessee and Georgia road, as he does at Bristol. The suggeston thrown out by the Journal, that, stock in the Carolina central railway will be issued to tho old stockholders in the Wilmington, Charlotte and Rutherford railroad, equal in amount to the stock they owned in the former company, looks very much like a bait intend ed for the old stockholders in the Western North Carolina railroad ; and taken in connection with the presistent opposition consolidation has met with in the house, at the hands of Colonel Bennett, of Anson, there appears to hemanage ment in this thing. Is it the purpose of the Journal, speaking by authority of the Caroli na central railicay company to de feat consolidation, by deluding the old stockholders in the western North Carolina road? If the Carolina central railway company, out of good feeling is go ing to issue new stock to old stock holders in lieu of their stock in the former company, will the Journal tell how much the Stato of North Carolina. Js toget for the six auu uuu uiiinLiia In the meantime it is understood that Chief Justice Peareon still holds to the opinion that it would be much better to let justice be done and let tho heavens stand. the old Wilmington, Charlotte and Rutherford railroad pool? And if the central railway com pany pushes on to Hickory, thence to Old Fort, Cincinnati and the west, the people of Cleaveland, Rutherford andJPolk, would like to know about the chances of pushing fin their direction. The Examiner very much fears that the above article of the Jour nal develops a deep-laid opiosition to consolidation from an unexpect ed quarter, and it certainlv un- masks Colonel Bennett's Anson battery of opposition, which, for some reason or otner, ne has en deavored to adroitly conceal, al though consolidationists have been under constant fire from his guns without being able to locate him. The Journal is to be thanked for discovering this wily Anson county ranger to those he has so successful ly eluded hitherto, and while he stops to explain his preierence ior the Onderdonk crowd of Wall street speculators over our native iNortn Carolina people, if the wily Lionel is not careful, the consolidationists will spike his guns. If the republicans, and the demo cratic representatives from the west do not now see the position in which democratic opposition to consolida tion seeks to place them, then they must find it diflScult to comprehend a very plain situation. August Belmont, the great head and front of the democratic party of the United States of Amer ica, has asked Judge Watts, through his attorneys, Hon. Rev erdy Johnson, Walter J. Budd, Esq., and Major R. C. Badger, for a mandamus to compel Auoiter Reilly to restore the special tax bonds on the tax lists of the vari ous counties, and ordering the collec tion of a tax to pay interest en the special tax bonds. Judge Watts will hear argument in this city,at chambers, on 20th instant. A big case for the su preme court of the United States. A melancholy scientist predicts that the world will end in a grand freezing out. He shows, by figures, that in the course of time the sup ply of coal in the bowels of the earth will be completely exhausted, by which time tho whole earth will be denuded of its forests, thus lea v- of warming themselves, as well as depriving them of fuel for all manu facturing purposes. It may be some satisfaction to the general reader to reject that it will take some thou sands of years to accomplish this gloomy result. and extravagance, to be followed by another panic and general bank ruptcy I It seems to me that something better is practicable. The thing needed is confidence between man and man, and In the success of in- tiA tTMM-ft in titM a us trial enterprises. - it is. not so, ritrtHhi rwt H!nfnrii I muc& the scarcity of money as the did, is best Illustrated 1 feJir of losI it thatparalyzes indus- try ana traae, ana inrows nunareas of thousands out of employment. In the northern States this was the first effect of the late civil war. Confidence was destroyed, as to the pecuniary success of almost every branch of business, and the greater part of the year 1861 was one of pe cuniary disaster to merchants, to bankers, to manufacturers, and in a greater or less degree to all classes. But the vast expenditures of the war soon caused trade ami industry to rally, although they were divert ed into new channels ; and from that time forward, during and since the war, up to last September, every branch of northern industry, except the shipping interest, has enjoyed almost uninterrupted prosperity. And this prosperity has existed in spite of the incalculable destruction of property which war necessarily produces. I am very far from meaning to defend war-like or other destructive or useless expenditures ; but it is le gitimate to point to their stimulat ing effects upon national industry. If war expenditures, which are used for purposes of wholesale destruction are thus productive of incidental good, what may we not look for as the result of expenditures on works of internal improvement? They support no man in idleness. They destroy no lives: and instead of wasting or destroying, the property of friend or foe, they add millions to the immediate value of the pub lic and private property of the land, and by facilitating transpor- arge amount of money. Wilmu&ton Journal. in-': The people will doubtless remem ber that these gentlemen tnaqe a great deal of fuss, all of .which .but tended to confusion. wm very little they said or by the fact that Coleman 'Brothers, the contractors for building the pen itentiary, could have been induced to surrender their contract for ten thousand dollars instead of the forty thousand the legislature paid them under the management, principally, of Senator Troy. The difference between ten and forty thousand dollars is something " the people of North Carolina will not soon forget" how to reckon up, either, Mr. Journal. Notwithstanding your high sounding praise and fulsome flat tery, Senator Troy Is a senator of no capacity, officious, a putting-in, frivolous consumer of time, and in no respect a representative man of his section ; and his people will not again send him here, or call him to J fill any other public position requir ing capacity, judgment or the faint esLshadow of statesmanship. I read the Sentinel, that I've seen the same thoughts in print be fore. Early in the session the Sentinel advised Ithe members of the legislature to subscribe for and send home that paper so the people would know what they did. If the legislature s doing no more than the Sentinel's reports show, ! advise members to let as few papers as possible get among their constit uents, if theyjeare to return again. And certainly it does not take five hundred dollars per week to pay the compositors, when in a late number before me therei are less than seven and a half columns of reading matter, and if the leads and dashes were drawn there would be far less in space than there is less than one-fourth of the paper. Of course the advertisements are read, but some of them seem very stale when one looks at the time marks at the bottom. But then they help to fill up and save waste of brain, and time of workmen, and so ena ble them to eke out an existence on the pitance allowed them ior expenses, so what's the odds? Trufax. If Judge Watts has taken no bribe, filing a petition to himself and signing, Mr. Badger's name to it, is enough to make him forfeit his oflico. Sentinel. If R. C. Badger Esq., were called to testify before an impeachment court he would prove that, in the instance above alludedto, Judge Watts followed practices and pre cedents as old as the first judicial AM I'M fcMVV Hon. W. A. Smith yesterday fulfilled his promise to the people, A Namo Wanted. 7 If a correspondent, signing him self "Buncombe," who published a letter in the Era the latter part of September last, in the absence of the editor, Mr. Wm. A. Hearne, will send his real name to the edi tor of this paper, he will greatly oblige Mr. Hearne, and all concerned. The conquest over his enemies, and the triumphant vindication of Hon. W. A. Smith, is thorough and complete. The fight the in sane enemies of consolidation have made on Major Smith, has brought him and the republican party in perfect accord, and given us a thor oughness of organization we could have secured in no other way. Representative Vance, in congress from this State, shows himself a very fit and appropriate represen tative of the party of all the wealth and intelligence of the State. Ho, yesterday, got up a trans-continel-tal railroad bill, and proposes to in carporate therein the Wilmington, Charlotte and Rutherford railroad, a road and a corporation which passed out of existence when it took u.. :-i,wa hill to reoealtho the name of the Carolina Central internal revenue laws. 1 railway, more than a year ago. Had he perpetrated a' judicial 1 outrage or committed an official crime, Solicitor Cox, with his assist ant, was aware of it ; and to have. remained silent for five years under such circumstances was to con done a crime, an offence quite grevious enough to impeach a solicitor. So the Sentinel is saddling Solid- j tor Cox and his assistant with an ugly piece of business ; and making it appear that the impatience of the one to become a judge and the ductive. capacity of the land by countless millions, and for all future time. Three or four hundred millions thus expended in carrying out Gen eral Grant's grand plan of internal improvements, contained in his an nual message of 1872, would at once re-animate the industry of the country, give employment to the hundred thousands of idle labor ers, and employers of labor cre ate a demand for the products of the soil, and inspire univer sal confidence. Money would pass from hand to hand with rapidity, instead of lying in the b.mk cotters: and the demands of business would Protection for honest Distillers Raid ou Illicit Distillers, by Revenue Officers, in tho South Mountain Country. To the Editor of the Examiner: Much complaint having been made by the parties in the distil ling business in this and other States, about the quantity of illicit whisky made in the Western part of our State, Supervisor Perry has determined to put forth strong ef forts to suppress the illicit traffic, and has for that purpose, urered upon the collectors of the infested districes the great importance of organizing their respective forces of subordinates in such a manner as to 1 C SPERMATORRHOEA, : Leucorrhoea or Whites, Diseases of the Prostrate Gland, stone In tne . i : . Bladder. .-;.-. ,v"-. Calculus Gravel or Brickdust Depos and Mucus or Milky Discharges. I ' f! '"" ! ! KEARNEY'S EXTRACT BUCHU 11 Permanently Cures all Diseases of the BLADDER, KIDNEYS & DROP SICAL SWELLINGS, Existing in Men, Women and Children 1 ! -NO MATTER WHAT THE AGE Prof. Steele says: "One bottle of Kearney's Fluid Ex tract Buchu is worth more than another Bucuuscombinen Price, One Dollar per Bottle, or Six Bottles for Five Dollars. Sold by all Druggists. Depot, 101 Duano St., Now York. A Pphysician in attendance to answer correspondenco and givo advice gratis. SSSend stamp for painplets, free.-&3 j TO THE Nervous and Debilitated j j Of Both Sexes. No Charge for Advice and Consultation. Da. J. B. Dyott, graduate of Jefler onn Mntliol laira Tli 5 I a ii lil r ct nil. iUUU ,V,..'V -"'"""- " " : thor of several valuable works, can be consulted on all diseases of the Sexual oryrinary Organs, (which he has made an especial study) either in male or fe male, no knatter from what cause origi nating or of how lone standing. A practice of30 years enables him to treat diseases witn success, uures guaran teed. Cnareres reasonable. I nose at a distance can forward letter describing symptoms and enclosing to prepay Dostasre. !: Send for the Guide to Health. Price 10 cents. I! J. B. DYOTT. M. D.. Physician and Surgeon, 101 Duaue St. a. . ieD. 4. ly. A CJ SANDERS & CO., Wholesale and Retail Grocers AND Comnimission Merchants, AXD AGENTS FOH THE Highly Celebrated Star Animoul atcd Soluble Phosphate, i ; AND I TIIE GRAVES COTTON PLANTER. i No. 2, Martin Street, i y ' I RALEIGH, N. C. FOR SALE. Four (4) Good Mules. One (1) Black Pony. One (1) Fine Brood Mare. One (1) Good Family Horso. One (1) " Fanrt Horse. 100,000 Feet of Lumber, all size. 5,000 Cords of Pine Wood. 100,009 Sort and Hard Brick. A. C. SANDERS, ct CO., j No. 2 Martin Street, feb 10 3m Raleigh, N. C. Wayne Allcott. L. R. Ex LINE. WAYNE ALLCOTT Sc CJO., HEAVY AND FANCY GROCERS S2,500mt?e and all Throat Diseases, . "WellsV Carbolic vTablets, Pat- op- only Im I1LME hoxec A TRIED) & SURIJ REMEDY. 1 Sold by Druggists. . . : : ; 1 82:4vr , ft 'i t m - 7 V E -A It. ithourspl'nd'd COMBINATION rilOSl'ECTUS. It represents sample pages and stylo of binding of 30 intensoly interesting and useful books, that SELD ijeyory fani Uy. Best thing ever tried by canvassers. AGENTS WANTED fo.niake a, perma nent business on thts(f-work.1 Send $1.50 for pros pectus, the On) OBtlU needed, chooso territory antepmmonco at once. For illustrated circular and liberal terms, address JOHNjE.' POT TER ifc CO., Pub.. Phila.. Pa. 32:4w mm mi 3& Pa m w -s r w Tt ' a w mm. 1 1 The Highest Medical Author tics 61 Europe say the strongest Tonic, Purifior and Deobstrucnt known to tho medical word is ' s JURUBEBA. It arrests decay of vital forces, exhaus tion of the nervous system, reatercn vigor to the debilitated, cleanses vitia ted blood, removes vesicle obstructions fc acts directly on the Liver and Spleen. Price 81 a bottle. JONN Q. KELLOGG. 18 Piatt St., N. Y. 3&4w DR. PIERCE'S ALT. ext. or Golden Medical Discovery core all Humors from- the Dforst ncrrtf ula to a common blotch or Dim pie. From two to six bottles are warrantod to cure Salt Rheum or Tetter, Pimples on face. Boils-Carbuncles, Erssipclas and JIvor Complaint. Six to twelve bottles war ranted to cure the worst Scrofulous Swellings and Sore pains in Bones and Sore Throat caused by Poison in Blood or mercurial treatment. By the won derful Poctorial properties it will euro the most severo 6cent or tho 'Worst ncering Cough in half Iho time requir ed by any other medicine and is perfect ly safe, loosening cough, mwitbing Irri tation, and relieving sornbSA Isold by rll druggists. R. V. lUROE, M. D., World's Dispensary, Bullah, N. Y. 32 .Jltorrli Iloriody t.v-tf mild, i.eai- V linffpropcrtlcMowlUch O-rTVtho discaso yields sr-c iwhen tho stem has L It I f been put la perfect fc. 1 order vita Doctor V vinrfA'a (ioldcil medical Discovery, which ithould be taken earnestly to correct blood and system, which are always at fault, also to actspeciflcallT.upon the diseased glands of the noso indlU chambers. Catarrh ltcmcdy should bo applied with Dr. Pierce Naspl DoatTJl which medicine can bo carried taqH up and verecUy applied to all part ol paa saKcsand chambers In which sores and ulcers exist, and from whlcli .discharge proceeds. 60 successful has this course of treatment proven, that the proprietor offers 9500 Reward for a case ef "Cold in Head" or Catarrh which ho eannqtcure. - The two medicines with inTttumenVfor 82, by all druggists. other a solicitor has hurried up this probably, in a short time, make necessary a legitimate expansion of the paper currency. All except the hopelessly indebted could pay on ; and the people could start again in a new career of prospertiy. The people lose ten fold more by the paralyses of industry and trade, ho tl tho o Hrl 1 f ? nn tn ha rv,,K1 1 n Haht which the proposed improvenw would require. What has been said of the disap pearance of gold in seasons of panic, applies equally to treasury notes and national currency based on these notes. And the fact that this late demand for impeachment ; for to elect a Judge in the place of Watts, in case of his removal by impeachment, was all the go about the time tho Turner articles were preferred in the house. Not that the Examiner is making this state of things appear; but where did the Sentinel get its infor mation? Who, but the chairmen, respectively, of the State and Wake county democratic executive com mittees, knew anything about this paper currency has not depreciated matter, wherein Mr. Badger's name has been so fully used and intro duced to the public? The Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence has received much of the attention of the public of late. Dr. J. C. Welling, president of Columbia college, at Washington, has lately delivered a lecture on the subject in New York. A synopsis of his remarks is to be fouud in this paper, on the first page of the daily. Dr. Welling is a thirty-first of May advocate. in consequence of the panic, proves the execllency, of the system, as well as the strength of the Govern ment. The Say of tho People. To the Editor of the Examiner: The Solomons having agreed that the legislature shall adjourn 0.1 the 16th instant, thus sayeth the peo dle: "All glory be to God on high, And to the earth be peace ; Good-will, henceforth, from heaven to men. Begin and never cease." May no such body evcnneet again. Amen and Amen dance with;this plan, the Revenue officers in the 7th district have a just broken up nine distilleries which were being operated contrary to law, capturing three stills and de stroying six others, and all the par ties interested were bound over to the United States Court. Besides the nine distilleries above referred to as suppressed in Sottto Moun tain, three others were seized in Polk and five in Madison county. While it is absolute ly necessary to take summa ry measures with Illicit disti.lers wherever found. Colonel Perry believes the true mode of ridding the State of them, is the establish ment, by honest men, of legal dis tilleries, in the regions of country complained of, as it has been de monstrated that it is much more profitable to operate a distillery in compliance with the requirements of the internal revenue laws, and pav the grovernment tax than to incur the risk of fines, penalties and other heavy losses, which are al most certain to overtake the illicit dealer. In view of this latter fact, some forty or fifty distilleries have been started in the 6th internal rev enue district, under collector Mott, who has been ably assisted by Col. A. M.JCrane, of supervisor Perry's office, and the result is that much less complaint is heard of the illicit business in that district. The same plan is commencing to operate well in the 7th district, and the officers are determined to pro tect the honest dealers to the extent of their ability, by suppressing the establishment of illicit dealers. Ann Special Term op Wake Superior Court, His Honor JudcVe Toukoeb Presiding. Owing to a multiplicity of other duties, we failed to get a report of the doings of this court yesterday, but learn that most of the day was engaged in the cause of Battle receiver-insurance case. The proceedings will appear with those of to-day, to-morrow. Commission Merchants. We are now located at the old well known island of W. C. Stronach, where jrou will Jinditto yourf interest to pur chase the best goods at the lowest prices. We are daily, receiving choice brands 0 the best groceries. We are determined to continue the business upon the same basis of excellence of quality, prompt ness of shipment, strictly the samo prices and terms for all without varia tion or discount in favor of any indi vidual customer, and with thoroughly fair dealing in general and in particu lar. We shall always keep iu view the ancient finger boards, pointing out the old way to success through strict econ omy, fair dealing, business enterprise and close application. 1 hanking you heartily for your favors in the past, we hope to receive a share of your patron age in the future, and shall ever do our best to j make the relation to your ad vantage as well as our own. Respectfully, I WAYNE ALLCOTT & CO. feb 10-3 m The Only Known Medicine THAT AT TTE SAME TIME Purges, Purifies, and thens the System. .Sixciitr- C E We have this day disposed of our entire Book and Job Printing Estab lish ment to Messrs. GO It MA AT, MA R COM d- LEE, together with all . books, accounts, notes, and other claims due the establishment. The new firm will also settle all claims owing by us, by noto, account, or otherwise. JOHN NICHOLS. Sept, 6th, 1873. The undersigned will continue the Book and Job Printing Business, un der the firm, name and style of GOJt MAN MARCOM LEE, and respect fully solicit a continuance of the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed on this establishment bv the public. JOHN C. C! OR MAN, JOHN W. FIAKCO.TI, CIIAICLES E. LEU. 3 tf Dr. Tutt'N Iill arc composed of many ingredients. Prominent among them aro Sarsaparilla and wild cherry, so united as to act together ; tho one, hrough iU admixturo - with other substances, purifying aild purging; while the other i. strengthening tho' system. Thus these Pills are at tho name time a tonic and a cathartic, a 'de sideratum long sought for by medical men, but never before discovered: In other words, they do tho work of two medicines and do it much better than any two we know of, for they rcmovo nothing from tho system but impuri ties, so that while they purgo they also strengthen and hence they,cause no de bility and aro followed by no reaction. JDr, Tutt'N lill have a wondeful inlluenceon the blood. They not only purify without weakening it, but they remove all noxious particles from tho chyle beforo it is converted intolluid, and thus makes impure blood an utter impossibility. As there is no debilita tion, so there is no nausea or sickness attending the operation of this most ex cellent medicine, which never strains or tortures tho digestive organs, but causes, them to work in a perfectly natural manner ; hence persons taking them do not become pale and emaciated, but on the contrary, whilo all impurities aro being removed, the combined action of tho Sarsaparilla and Wild Cherry puri ties and invigorates the body, ind a ro bust stato of health is tho result of their united action. . 1 Price 25 cents a box. Sold by all Druggists. Principal office, 49 and CO Cortlaridt St., Now York. 32 w. wmwm febl2-wCm. l. mrr k 1 .