T vVr-- I VI- H vol. in. RALEIGH, N. C, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1874. no: 34 r IIhW TO , w THE ERA AND EXAMINER. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1874 FIXAXCIAL. AMD tO.nJIERCIAL. Office of the Examiner, Raleigh, Feb. 18, 1874. FINANCIAL- Gold open-.! in Nework to-day at 12J ; money at 4 ; exchange, long, 4S5, nliort 4-Ni. Gold clod at L2. rOMMKBCIAL. Yttn 1" New York closed .juiet at In the local market to-day, cotton was a bhade duller tliau Saturday, tut is usu al on Mond.iv. IU--eiits 123 bales. Iy.w middling 13i',l. Attention in ca)U-d to the adrertise tiieuts of Mcs-xr. Wayne All"oU fc Co., and Mmsm. Bennett t Wicker, and bankrupt notice. ui:viutios OF JIEMT. i:doiisf.- Sknate Chamber, Raleigh, N. C, Feb. 3, 1874. At a republican caucus, held on the 3rd or February, 1S74, the following res olutions were unanimously adopted: Itetolved 1. That this caucus recom mend The Daily Examiner and Weekly Em and Examiner to the republican party of this State, as a paper worthy of it-s confidence and support. Hexolved 2. That all republican mcm lers of this general assembly bo re- ju-Mel to Hiibscrilto to this paper and nil of their influence in giving it irculaiion and support. ' s i m cd . St i V I R E T R I V ETT, PrcVt of the Rpp. Caucus. Ki'WAUD R. Di pi.kv, Secretary. LOCAXj affairs. Thk National. Hotel. Celonel Brown opened this superb hotel on yesterday. We bespeak for him a lib eral Rhare of the travelling and home patronage. Death of an Estimable Chah t.ottb Lady. Mrs. Samuel Wolffc, a ;stor of ('apt. W. II. Green, superinten- fioht of the N. C. R. It., we are pained to learn, died in Charlotte on Saturday night last, of consumption. PRKSBirTATIOW OF A If ELKOARTAKD Handsomb - Sirm Tea. bet to Speaker J. L. Robinson. On Tester- day afternoon, immediately after the adjournment or tno nonse or represen tatives sine die, the hall was the seen of a most pleasurable kind, for the members were called to order by a rap or the gavel or its chler clerk, col s. l. Pool, wbo announced to the body that their business was nofyet concluded, requesting atthe same time the resump tion of his chair by Speaker Robinson. who upon complying, Mr. Edward Jones of Caldwell, arose and delivered a beautiful and appropriate address, wb ich was as follows: Mr. Speaker Robinson : On behalf Back Number"?. A few of tho last Weekly edition of the AVa awl Exam-I ir- P?aJte,r woeon : cm uenau ... J . .i.- r i.. wr I of mvself and m v fellow members of mis uouy, uoairo 10 present io you contait A. Smith to the general assembly, and other interesting matter, can be obtain ed on application at this office. Another Death in the City. We are pained to announce the death in our city at an early hour on yesiemay oi Mrs. Hansen, tno esieemeu wmow ui the late Mr. Hansen, Professor or mu sic at 8L Mary's chool for a series of years. We extend our sinoero condo lence to the family and her many friends in their ailliction and grief. Nkw G'old Leaf Sign. We noticed the in-laying of a beautiful gold leaf sign of Messrs. Wayne AUcott A L ., upon tho windows or.tneir new place oi business, the late stand of W. C. Stron- arch, Esq. Tho workmanship, in the finish style of the art, is done by Kraus and Thompson, of this city. It will ren der their store very attractive. Messrs. Allcott A Co., are lirst curs grocers in tho entire branch of their avocation. Iti:i'l III.K A ltlOMTI(.S. Common Schools and t Ik- Wes tern North Carolina Kuilrond. Sknate Chamber, Raleigh, Feb. 12, 174. The republican inenilnTs of the legis-i.ituri-, in joini caucus a.-vseuiblcd, rep rt ei. tin-, a they believe? too unatii-niou-, U ling -f the rejMibiicans of N'rt!i Carolina d ,v.w(n', 1-t. That the education of th" rrliil'lrf-!i of tho State, so shame- tti! th." Iiav lie,; !ft l in the K-rfoi uiai ci- attenijtct to iat. i a of which obtain from (1 u ty wo this general assembly, controlled by a larun deiiKHU-atic msj'.i ity, and in which c havu fail H but wo shall never co.vo u: i tr rt-s to obtain tho sanic at tho hands of the government, of North Carolina, atwl we confident rely upon the people to sustain us. '2, That it is to the lvst Interest of the people of Nort! i Carolina, that hergrcat worKs of internal improvement shall lo pushed vigorously to completion, and to that end every available resource idiall ho api4iel. 3. That trtief t ecouomy dictates that tie vast mineral and agricultural wealth of our trans-montane counties i ifttht lw nnKkH and jwuirttt ' Irit the markets uf tho worUl, by the speed" i!truetioii of both branches or tl.o Wotern North Carolina railroad, both ! t Ducktovrii and Faint Rock, and tho npub!i :i!s ea -t of tli uouiitaiiis pledge themselves to Immioration and St. Patricks Day. The senate, en yesterday, rocon- sidered their previous action i r re trard to Father McNamara's scheme of immigration and a proper celebration of St. Patrick's day, the 17th of March next, the Irish Patron Saint, by taking up tho resolutions and passing them. We are heartily pleased to make this announcement and trust the conven tion and celebration, as it will no doubt, be a grand success. Si'kciai. Term of Wake Siterior Col'ht, His Honor Judge Tourgek Presiding. The followiug cases were heard and disposed of yesterday : Ann R Lipscombo vs (Jeo Williams. Verdict for defendant. W C Stronarch A Co vs J Kroth. Ver dict for plaintiff. J L Labiaux vs Win II Matthews. Judgment for plaintiff. Sam Wortham vs B N Howell. Judg ment for plaintdl. Samuel Orendorfand son vs A N Up church. Verdict for defendant. Death of Mr. Voorhkef, the vic tim OK THE Lil'N FX PLOSION. Mr. Voorheef, the unfortunate victim of the late gun explosion, died t his residence on Saturday night last.from the wounds received. "The physicians, after his dentb, performed an operation and found the breech-pin imbedded in the brain near the back of his head. We learn that there is a similar case on re cord, which occurred in England,where the wounded man lived for seven years after the occurrence, but it finally re sulted in causing death. The friends of Mr. V. havo our sym- fathies in their sad bereavement. His uneral took place on yesterday. this token of our appreciation of your valuable services as speaker of the house. The fairness, courtesy, imparti ality and ability with which you have presided, has been a distinguished feature of our sessions. The dispatch ol tho people's business has been ow ing principally to your efforts and I have no hesitancy in Baying, that our constituencies wIllrecogrniZ8 them as do we, and that in this presentation as in all things else we have endeavored to be their true representatives. May the same success attend you in your future lifor which has marked your course in the position you have so ably filled here and to which your qualities of head aud heart so eminently entitle you. In parting with you let me assure you, sir, that you are accompanied by the respect and esteem of every mem ber of this honse, and when In the even ing quiet of your home your eye may chance to fall upon this service. We trust that you may remember us with the same kindly feelings that we will ever cherish for you,!' The service consisted of a coffee pot, rWo tea pots, one milk pitcher, one suirar dishr one bowl, one butterdish, oue butter knife and one ladel of solid silver in an elegant silver waiter. Speaker Robinson, in accepting the present, said : Gentlemen of the llouse: This act of yours has produced emotions of a pleas ing, and at the same time of a painful character. Pleasing, becauso I know it to be prompted by impulses on your part, which are kind and complimenta ry ; and painful because I have no fit ting words to express the feelings your action has inspired. To say that I ap preciate and feel flattered by this testi monial, is not enough. To say that I accept it, is an indication that you en dorse my course, as your speaker, does not tell it all. The feature, on ! this oc casion, that will be remembered in after life with most pleasure, is that, aside from all political or party affinities, it comes from friends that I esteem and love, and will b prized by me while life lasts, as a souvenir of associations both of a public and social nature, which can never be forgotten. I thank you again, from my heart, for this testimo nial of your approbation and friendship. The LeiLfUnxe's If listed ' JY TT3COTHT TARBUCKBT. The "Solomons" have all gone home, The Halls are being dusted. The peanut trade is all broke up For the Legislature's busted. They sat and sat and eat their peas, And drew five dollars a day. - Bnt what they did for the peoples good la, what no one can say. m- , Ther. all loved North Carolina so They swore they would protect her The only Jaw tney passed was mis: Bill Smith shan't be a Director. Bill Smith he called them "Solomons," Which made them very mad. For they had no kin of that 'ere, name And swore they never had. Now to their homes they're all gone, The Halls are being dusted, The people sing and elap their hands Foxths Legislature's basted. Metropolitan Hall "Life as I'vk 8bbt 7t.'- ojK'rate tvit!i tho cop!e in any and a. I plans which will nccotu pli"h this cud, t AC;, s. sf.ymoi'r. 1- Pri't Republican Caucus. FiCWAi:i It. Dfni.KV, So.-retarv. To-Nioht :pt. TvO. Evans (will deliver his unique and ad ' m iraMe lecture on "Life as I've Seen 1 It," to-night, at Metropolitan hall. Wo trust our citizens will give Tom Evans a lull and large attendance. Wo must remember ho is a native among us, and not let the old saying be verified : "A prophet is not without honor save in iiis own country." We read that tho of the west . indies have greeted Capt. Evans with co- many charming smiles, (no always uia have an eye for them,) and in Milton he was solicited to repeat nis lecture, ine admission is onlv oO cents, anil doors o; en at 7: 50 o'clock, the lecture to be- fin at 8. Don't fail to attend. Adjourned, TK' general assembly has ;ul jou rHil. TUm announcement will be hailed, with joy by the people of the State, without regard to color or race. v "all the imbeciles and imprac ticable, ever assembled in council, this was entitled to the premium for utter worth letterless. Partizan, illiberal, narrow-minded, unstates-man-like, it stands pre-eminent. The distinguished democratic meinoer of congress from the 3rd North Carolina district, could find nothing with which to compare this general assembly, except a cer tain liquor ho had heard of "which was too weak to run down hill." A distinguished lawyer of West ern North Carolina, (not a republi can) is rejKjrtcd as saying, that while such another legislature in Ioint of iiiilecility might, by hard work, be picked out, that such an one could not be obtained "by any thing like a fair draft." Another distinguished democrat complained in this city, a week or so ago, that he smelt the dead and putrid camiss of this general assem bly ail the way from Charlotte. Klected under an unconstitutional and disgraceful gerrymander, by means of factious challenging of voters and ballot-box stufllngby im Iorted thieves, this legislature has been a stigma on the fair name of the State, and after an existence of two years as a mammoth excresc ence on the Ixxly iolitic it falls off of its own rottoncss, ami a feeling of relief is instantly felt from Cur rituck to Cherokee. "Sound the loud timbrel o'er Caro lina's dark sea". Tit k Mi-rray Burglary Case. From our report of tho decisions tiled. it will be seen that Allen Mcl'herson and Henry Williams, who were con victed at January term of Wake superi or court, have been awarded a new trial. The prisoners were represented in both courts bv Messrs. 1. It. I'nrneli ana J. C. L. Harris. These gentlemen dis played much energy in the defence of tho defendants, and we have heard their arguments before the supremo court spoken of as exhibiting research and talent. They are rising young men, and deserve well of the public. The regular term ot ako seperior court will be heard in April next, at which term McPherson and Williams will bo tried again. Church Notes. We tako pleasure in stating that the Rev. Dr. Mason, who is ill of pneumonia at the parsonago ad joining Christ church had much moro favorably improved on yesterday. He li3s the prayers of his congregation and the w ish of our whole community for his early and entire restoration to his former good health. All the churches of our city were well attended on Sunday morning and evening. Tho ordinanco of baptism was admin istered on Sunday afternoon aU4 p. m. at tho Baptism church, to three candi dates. Rev. Dr. Pritchard officiating. A large number were in attendance. Prof. Grotz, of St. Mary's school, has taken charge of the organ at Christ church Episcopal) and a new choir has been organized. A member of the general assem bly a few mornings since came into the commons hall with exceeding red eyes, and on being requested to write out a committee report said " Oh, I can't do it. My brains are all gone to the dogs." His friend simply said Poor dogs!" and there was silence in the hall for the space of a minute thereafter. A good deal has been said about reformitrg the drama. It is time to say something about reforming the patrons of the drama, many of whom, just as the curtain is ready to fall at the close of the last act, seizo their hats and rush for the doof as frantically as if they had just received the startling intelli gence that the only saloon in the city would be closed for the night in two minutes and a half. Thk New Episcopal Conorkoa tion. This congregation, as p.evioiislv stated, held their lirst scrvico at their place of worship. Tucker Hall, on Sun day. We were highly plaesed to see a largo number present, amorg whom there were many strangers. Inline lat ter respect this" church will supply a desideratum long felt in our midst, it being a free church for all, and moro conveniently adapted to this latter class of personages, w ho, we havo cften w it nessed, however much they desired. were at a loss to avail themseUes of, and this congregation intend, as faias possi ble, to embrace the term " th? church of tho strangers," and fill this long de fer red vacaucy. A welcome is.we learn, especially extended to all Hose who have heretofore refrained frou church going, of whom we are sorry tosay there is an innumerable number inthis com munity. The Sunday school was or ganized by the election of R. II. Battle, Jr., Esq., as superintendent, aid opened with forty scholars. Rev. Edvard R. Rich, the pastor elect, condirted the services both morning and evening. Bishop Lyman was present anl assist ed in the morning services. Tie music was of such a character and so 'enderoa that the whole congregation eaily and earnestly Joined. Prof. Schneior pre siding at the organ. Supreme Court. This court met at its usual hour, all the Judges being present and the following causes were argued : Joseph II. Etheridgo et al. vs. Milford Vernoy, from Bertie. Called and ar gued. " Smith & Strong for the plaintiffs and W W Peebles and D A Barnes for delendant. Commissioners of tho town of Hert ford vs F E Wiuslow et al, from Per quimans. Called and continued. D A and L W Humphrey, ex'rs. vs It W Wood, ex'r, from Onslow. Called and argued. Smith & Strong for the Elaintitf and Buttle A Son and A Q Hub ard for the defendant. The cowrt to-day- wilt consider causes at the end of the docket. y Opinions were filed by the Justicos as follows : By Pearson, C. J. : W P M Wells vs F Gluder, adm'r, from Buncombe. Judgment modified. Joseph Keener et al, vs Finger fc Kee ner, adm'rs, from Lincoln. Judgment reversed and cause remanded that the facts may bo more fully found. By Reade, J. : N II Street et al, vs Commissioners of Craven county, from Craven. Judg ment affirmed. State vs Allien McPherson and Henry Williams. Error. Vtnire denovo. By Rodman : J W S Luck vs P F Patton, reversed. Judgment for defendant. dusk vs Clayton, from Buncombe. Judgment affirmed. By Settle, J : State on rel W R Cox vs N Peebles et al, affirmed. John F Logan vs J C Plummer. Judgment afiiruied. By Bynum, J : ESP Lippard vs J C Roseman et al, from Rowau. Judgment affirmed. H B and M. L. Arm field vs J 1) Brown et al, from Rowan. Judgmentaftirmed. Horrible Cruelty A Little Boy Ten Years Old Roasted Over a Fire by a Fiend ix Hutcan Shape. Upon facts coming to the knowledge of His Honer Mayor Whitaker, in the capacity of justice of the. peace, he issued the the following warrant, which read: "State of North Carolina, Wake county, to any lawful officer ; whereas informa tion has been laid 'before me, upon the oath of Can d is Hinton, that Joseph Ma son (colored) did, on the 10th of Febru ary, 1874, build a fire, and over the fire held her son, Sam Hinton, a boy about ten years of age, and seriously burned the body of the said boy Sam Hinton, in Swift Creek Township, In said coun ty," Ac, Ac. The . prisoner, Joseph Mason, a colored maa some six feet in height, and about 30 years of age, was arrested by the officer and brought be fore His honor, when witnesses were sworn, and the following facts elicited: Sam Hinton, (colored) the victim,-was called, and after being questioned by the Justice concerning ins knowledge of an oath, said he did not know any thing of an oath, but he knew that God bad made him, Ac; the Justice then ex plained its nature, and he was sworn, testifying: I am about ten years old. and was living with Joe Mason, the col ored man you have here. One. night about two weeks ago, because I wouldn't study my book, he held me over the fire and burned my wrist and back. (His mother here raised his shirt and showed to his honor, the burns which were quite severe though somewhat healed at this time. I was put on the fire, and more wood piled up on me. His wife was in tho room. ' . . . , Sidney Hinton colored sworn 'and testified : One Saturday night I went home from Raleigh, the same night this boy Sam came to my house, though he said nothing of being burned; short ly afterwards Joe Mason came having a big stick in his hand and took the boy away, dragging and striking him after getting him out of the bouse with the stick. I was too unwell to Interfere t I would have done Ac, Jim Hinton (colored) s'orn: I was at a festival when this little boy came there; shortly afterwards Joe Mason also came when he whipped this boy home. I never heard he was burned before I came hero.. No other witaeses being present tn examine, his honor informed Joe ' Mason he could make a statement in his own behalf, though cautioning hint that any thing he might say injurious to nimseir would be used against mm TEJiEGRAPJIIC NEWS. .M1DMG1IT 1ISPATCIIES. SUNDAY NIGHT'S TELEGKAMS. Adjournment of Mississippi Legis lature. Memphis, Feb. 15. The Missis sippi Legislature adjourned yester day and many members left for New Orleans to participate in Mar- cli uas. Wife murder. Philadelphia, Feb. 1G. Leon ard Warabolt, kevper of a beer sa loon, fatally shot his wife last night without the least provocation. Funeral of a Prominent Tlau. Charleston, s. c. Feb. 15th. A great concourse of citizens of all classes attended the funeral of Robert Stuart Bruns, a past grand master, and one of the brightest masons in the United States. Items from the Metropolis. New York. Feb. loth. Chief Justice Waite. is now here. He leaves for Washington to-morrow. While here he has been visited by many distinguished citizens. The gold exchange has opened subscription list the relief of the poor. . ?Iurder and the Whiskey Move ment in .Yew York. New York, Feb. 1G. Ten wo men and two men organized here yesterday for tho crusade against alcohol. They will devote this week to work and prayer for an in crease in their numbers, inereis much feeling on Long Island against the whisky trade, and it is probable a movement will be in augurated there. In Iloboken yesterday, David Bowie was shot and dangerously wounded by constable Johnston. Citizens who saw the shooting set upon Johnson and kicked him about the head, fatally injuring him. No arrests. lion. Alex. II. Stephens III The Howard Court Inquiry Nomina tions. Washington, Feb. 1G. Hon. Alex. H. Stephens is ouite ill at his room with neuralgia of the kidneys. Night before last several physicians were in consultation relative to his case, and agreed that his condition was serious. He was somewhat easier yesterday and to-day. General Eaton, commissary gen eral, was retired to-day by order of the president, and General Shiras was assigned to duty as commissary general, ana General Ames Beck with was assigned to duty at Wash ington. Ihe Howard court inquiry meets the third of March. Tho following generals compose the court :- Sher man, McDowell, Pope Meiers and Holt with Major Gardner as judge advocate. Nominations Fabius Stanley to be rear admiral in the navy, and P. Clayton of Georgia, to be consul at Valparaiso. NEW AlVEItTISEMENT8. Wa .. Allcott. Ij. It. Ex line. Grantl Dinner by sia lie The Utopsjr of the Twins. Phildelphia, Feb. 15. It is re ported that the band between Chang and Lng has been operated on, and that the report will be made to tne College of Surgeons on Wednesday next. It is almost impossible to get a cine to proceedings, every thing: beinsr conducted with the greatest secrecy. St crm nrl (Unnpr mnjr by X Proposition to Abolish the Test Oath. Washington, Feb. 15. A sub committee of the house committee on the judiciary, have prepared a ong report in favor oi abolition of the test oath in all cases, and will, this week, present it to the full committee. The temper of the house is in favor of such legislation. The bill will relieve pensioners and deputy postmasters from the exac- 10ns of the test oath, and totally banish the iron-clad oath prescrip tions. the Czar of Ilus- Speaks. Petersburg, Feb. 1G. A was given last eve- the Czar to his imperial and roval visitors. In his speech his majesty said that the Emperor of Germany, and Queen of Eng land and Emperor of Austria and himself would preserve peace with me worm, xne iTince oi v aies, was the representative of the Queen who bowed his thanks, and the Emperor Francis Joseph responded ating the sentiments ot the Czar. London, Feb. 1G. has dispatch from that the Pope will -The Standard Home stating hold another consistory in June next," when eight more cardinals will be created, in eluding archbishop Manning. Fresh Garden (Seeds. We direct tha attention of our readers to tho ad vertisement in to-dav's Examiner, of Messrs. Edward J. Evans A. (.'., Nur serymen and Seedsmen. York, Penn sylvania. Their seeds and plants aro warranted. The Quincy Bank Itobbcry. Chicago, Feb. 15. Nothing has been ascertained so far in regard to the bank robbery at Quincy yes terday morning, though several persons have been arrested on sus picion. A reward of twenty thou sand dollars has been offered for the restoration of the stolen proper ty and the capture of the thieves. Among the bonds stolen were one hundred thousand dollars of Adams county bonds, numbered from 221 to 400, inclusive. An Insurance CaneJury Award $'20,691 Damages. Philadelphia, Feb. 1G. In mm pruts Deiore Juage fenarswooa, the jury in the case of llobert Fox vs. Pennsylvania Mutual Life In surance Company, which was a suit upon a policy ot insurance cnecteu by Mr. Fox upon the life of John Clark Lee, the jury this morning rendered a verdict for plaintiff for twenty thousand six hundred and ninety-one dollars and twer.tv-five cents, tho full amount claimed, with interest. Old NoitTit State Minstrels. Pomp Bryan and Charlie Howard, the energetic pasto slingers, wcro out in their zebra suits on yesterday, posting bills for the above company, who will vary tho monotony ofijuiftand dullness of this city, at Tucker hall, Friday eve ning, Feb. 20. They promise man' attractions. Ad mission 50 cents, gallery 25 cents. Go and see them by all means, being pro nounced by competent judges, a lirst chiss, refined show. ADVERTISEMENT. TO THK lUliLIC. L9b UlUll I Mason roa- 4 cold that the motlifa&wsers of the boy told him to whip him if he didn't study his book, which he would not do, and for which I whipped him by the tire, and he laid down by the tire and got burned, but I didn't know it until next day. My wife was washing his clothes and told me of it, and I look ed at his back aa he came out from the cotton patch. I have whipped him many times before about studying his book. I did not strike him as stated by one of the witnesses, with a stick, I slapped him. I only done what his mother instructed mo to do. His Honor remarked to Joe that his story was very thin and that in some states they have a law for the preven tion of cruelty to animals and its a good one too, but he was happy to know that while we have no such law here in our state, still we have a law to prevent this cruelty to children and I will bind you over in a bond of $500 to appear at the Spring term of Wake superior court of 1874 Wo have no words further to com ment upon this horrible affair and trust the perpetrator will receive merited punishment at the court above mention ed. The ISrealtin&r up of the Ice in the Hudson. Troy. jn. Y.. Feb. 14. The ice In front of this city broke up sud denly this morning. Seven men Who were at work on one of the niers of the bridge took refuge on two barges moored to the pier. The ice piled acainst the barges, cut the vmjicJi Jieiu -taemto. jno pier, ana they were iorcea Dy me ice and carried down the river to a point near Albany, but the men suc ceeded in reach insr the shore. After the ice broke up, the water rose ten feet in as many minutes. The water is now receding, and all danger of a freshet is supposed to be over. NOON DISPATCHES. CO.I3SSiONAL.. The Centennial -IUr. Kelly and Ir. Waddell, oi' North Carolina, (Speak Increase of National Jia.nk Notes, &c. Washington, Feb. 1G. In the House Mr, Kelly, of Pennsylvania, offered a resolution that, members of the house and senate will assem ble in Carpenter's hall, Philadel phia, on the Gth of September, 1874, in centennial commemoration of the assembling of the delegates from the several colonies and provinces of of North America on Monday, Sep tember oth, L 74, and that the speak er oi tne nouse De invitea to pre side over the meeting, and Vice- President Wilson he requesied to deliver an address appropriate to the occasion. After remarks In support of the resolution, Mr. Kelley yielded the floor to Mr. Waddell, of North Car olina, referring to him as the de scendant of one whose bones rested in the old Mennonite church-yard at Germantown, having fallen at the head of the troops from thesouth of the Potomac. Mr. Waddell made suitable acknowledgment of Kel- logg's politeness and courtesy, and sustained the resolution in a speech One EDWARD RANSOM, of Tyrrell county, in his place in the senate, at eleven o'clock on Satur day night, as I am credibly in formed, made, unprovoked, a gross and malevolent attack on my per- sonar as well as my , official charac ter, AND HURRIEDLY .LEFT FOR HIS HOME by the early WWJNli: ALLCOTT CO. 1 1 K A V Y AN D FANCYUOCEIW AND OUNlJItAL PltODTJC'C ' - ': Commission Merchants. Wo aro now located at tho eld well known stand of W. C. StrcnacLi, whero you wi'.l find it to your interest, to pur chase the Lett goods at tht lowest prices. Wo are daily receiving choice brands of the bent groceries. We' aro determined to continue the business upon tho pa mo basis of excellence of quality, prompt ness or shipment, strictly tho samo prices and terms lor all without varia tion or discount in favor of any indi vidual customer, and with thoroughly fair dealing in general and In particu lar. Wo shall always keep in view tho ancieut finger board, Kiutiug out tho old way to success through strict econ omy, fair dealing, business entorpriso and clove application.- Thaukinjr you heartily lor your favors in tho past, wo hope to receive a si. aro or youx patron aire in the future, and shrill ever do our best to make tho relation to your ad vantage as well a-s our own. Respectfully, WAYNE A LLCOTT A CO. fob 10-3in SUllGE E. ARRINGTON, O N I K NTIS T jS&O-Offick Ovku Tucker's Store. febl-l-liu. B E N N E T T it WICK E K ' INTKLLKIENTK OFFICE, Corner Martin and Person Street", ( RALEKJir, X. C, Opposite Ilaptist drove. This is the cheapest and most reliaMo source to obtain honest, sober, and in dustrious servants, for wo inako it a study to understand their goi.eral char- actei lbticsf in onler to establish a repu tation for our ofll'-o. All orders sent to our ollice will bo promptly filled. vo wouia uesire ot persons rorolvinjr servants through us, upon their dismis sal from their scrvico to send usanoto stating conduct, capabilities, Ac, thus not only protecting themselves, but others from worthless no-account. ser vants. Cooks, Nurses, ITiambeririaids.IIouso girls, Dining room (servants, Teamsters, I'orters, Ulhco boys, l- loor boys. Clerk. Salesmen, Mechanics, Laborers, Ac, supplied at short notice. Particular attention paid to rentimr houses, &nd families desiring to rent houses would do well to c ill. Contracts mado for brick work, and house, sign and ornamental painting. Copying ot all kinds taken and bills collected. Persons desiring to procure white servants are requested to call and ascer tain our terms. A good white cook can be had by applying at once. Also a foiv first class colored hou:-.o girls und nurses. i , Particular attention pfviclijiwoaiiui: rarm lauor. - ' . train this (Monday) morning. Vessel Abandoned. London. Feb. 16. The schooner "Lida" from Wilmington, JS". C, for London, was abandoned on the 10th inst. Crew saved. L v Li l l'll All tl Ol,CVtil IT i IT I lluded to the honor- 1 iun th,rcl,!lt unpolled, til us New Boards for the Insane Asr lum, Penitentiary and Deaf and Dumb Institute. The followiug are the new boards for the Insane Asylum, Penitentiary and Deaf and Dumb Insti tute : Insane Asylum: Weslev "Whitaker, Anderson lietts. Dr. E. lJurke Hay wood, E. W. Pou, J. M. Pool, J. D. Uzzleand G. W. Brodie, of Wake coun ty ; T. Geo. Walton, of Burke; G. W. Stanton, of Wilson ; Wm. R. Myers, of Mecklenburg; Dr. S. G. Coffin, of Guil ford ; Dr. J. G. Ramsey, of Rowan ; W. F. Faircloth, of Wayne; James B. Ma son, ot urange; ana peter it. J-iaraon, of Alamance. I'eTiitentiary : John R. Harrison, Jacob S. Allen, John M. Coffin, Silas N. Martin and Stewart Ellison. Deaf and Dumb Institution: John Nichols, Albert Johnson, R. S. Tucker, Charles D. Ileartt, J. J. Nowell, J. W. Cole and Handy Lockhart. Meeting of Trustees of t!k Uni versity We learn that, at thsugges- tion of Kemp P. Battle, Esq., atrustee. Col. A. B. Andrews, superintodent of the Raleigh and Gaston railrhd, and Raleigh and Augusta Air Line Uilroad, Col. Talcott, Sunt, of the R. rail road company, (N. C. division: Col. E. R. Stanly, president of the AA N. C. railroad company, and Col. HL. Fre mont, of the Carolina Centrah-ailroac" company, have issued orders' for free return tickets to all trustees oflhe uni versity of North Carolina, attehing the meeting of tho board outo-mopw (the ISth) at Raleigh. Frobably th officers of the other railroad company of tho state will do the same, i Informal Meeting of the House. Previous t the speakers' calling the llouso to order, an informal meeting or the rei rsentative of the house trans pired, Mr. Scott, of Jones, being invited to tako the chair. Many members made brief congrat ulatory speeches, with tho best good wishes fr each others happiness, Ac. Mr. doorkeeper Hill and our friend, the one armed man, Carter, the assis tant door keeper, wero called out and responded happily in the same vein. The best of good humor prevaied, ana the body exhibited tho utmost delight at their early return home, though with yomo sadness at the severance of friends. Wo wish all of them a safe, pleasant journey, and a happy re-union with their families, friends and sweethearts, and tho same to the senators. Messrs. A. C. Sanders A Co. This well established and reliable firm ap pears in the Examiner this morning in a new advertisement, and the particular attention ot every one into wnose nanus this paper may fall, is called thereto. They are wholesale and retail grocers and commission merchants, in botn branches of which business they have established popular relations with their city customers, the people in tne sur roundirg country and dealers at a dis tance ; and they maintain their standing with all who deal with taem. Messrs. Sanders A Co. also advertise themselves as the agents for the highly celebrated star ammoniated superphos phate, a standard fertilizer, and dealers at this house may rely on a reliable ar ticle. They are also agents for the Graves cotton planter, a native production, having been invented in Wilson county, where some of tho best and most suc cessful planters of the State have fully tested it and speak in the highest terms of its merits and complete success. The Examiner commends the house of A. C. Sanders A Co. to the patronage of i the local and general public, and to the State institutions situated at Italeigh. Petition from Colored, men asking: to be sent to Liberia. Washington, D. C. Feb. 16. In the senate Mr. Frelinghuysen, pre sented a petition from colored cm zens asking government to detail a vesel to trans port them to Liberia and aid for construction of railroad in the interior of I hat country. lieferred to the committee on commerce. The Mqnor TCovcmciit in Ohio. Cincinnati, Ft'b. 1G. A special dispatch to the Gazette, from vari ous parts of southwestern Ohio, re port that about eignty out oi one hundred and forty places where liauor was sold, have been closed since the beginning of the temper ance movement. These reports come from fourteen towns and vil lages. publicly to brand the said KD- WAHD RANSOM as a MALI CIOUS LIAR, A MALEVOLENT SCOUNDREL, A VICIOUS RAS CAL. A DRUNKEN BLACK GUARD, A MISERABLE POL TROON AND CRAVEN COW- ARD, unworthy alike the attention of gentlemen, or the notice of men of courage; and the people of his section were imposed upon when Fire in Norfolk, Va. We are in formed by that gentlemanly and polite express messenger, Joe Drummond, Esq.. that a destructive fire occurred in Norfolk, at an eariy hour on yesterday morning, at the corner of Market Place and East Wide Water street, which re sulted in the destruction of several fine stores. As be was coming over on the ferry boat to the Weldon traiu,he learn ed that the gallant firemne had the fldirips iindfr control- A hosentan. Mr. t Pumphrey, we were sorry to learn, had ascended the roor, which was or slate, on a ladder, fell off, in consequence of the slate giving away, and was precipi tated to the groundbreaking both arms and seriously injuring himself otherwise. Messrs. Wayne Allcott A Co;- This firm makes its appearance In the Examiner this morning to announce itself at a new location. They are heavy and fancy grocers, and general produce commission merchants. Mr. Allcott has added to his extensive and well-earned popularity the name and strength of that excellent gentle man. Captain L. R. Exline. Mr. Allcott has built up a splendid reputation in the business circles, of our city, and his increasing trade has made it necessary to extend his busi- nees and add to his facilities. He js now at the late stand of Mr. W. C. Stronach, to whose business besucceds. Throughly reliable and scrupulously pains-taking in every transaction, tkn fiirwAf KT annn All r"f f At fr maybei mplicitly trusted, and whatever paomise they convey to the public through their advertisementstbey will fulfill. The Examiner confidently commends them to the patronage of the people of the city, to the trade at large and to the pulic institutions of the State. ITIartial Law in Havana. New York, Feb. 1G. A special dispatch from Florida Bay, of the 14th. says : It is reported by steamer iiarga- ret, which arrived here yesterday from Havana, that martial law has been declared in Havana. Volunteers to the number of 7,000 have taken possession of that city, compelling the captain gene ral to take refuge on board the war ship Arapiles. they placed this DIRTY FELLOW among men of character, standing ami honor, in the senate of North Reception. Mr. Lewin M. Barrin ger and bride held an elegant reception in the parlors of the Yar borough hotel on yesterday. A large number of their friends called to pay their respects with many good wishes for their happiness. The Graves Cotton Planter. We call the attention of our readers and es pecially of our farmers to the advertise ment in to-dav's Dxaminer of tho Graves' cotton planter by A. C. Sanders A Co., tho agents. The Hop Last Nioht was all that the "club" could desire, both in point ; or numbers, elegance and refinement, being given in honor oi our young l i . i . 1 . r inenu aim mguiy esieemeu. citizen, Lew. 15arringer,Ksq.,and lady. The din ing roomlof the Yarborough'was resplen- eant and dazzling with beauty, under j the sparkle of the gas-light, while the beaux in neat black, were as gallant as possible. Stanley's trio furnished the quardrille music, while the Itallians, during the interludes, performed Straus' latest waltz. "On the Banks of the Blue Dan ube," and other charming schottlsches and mazurkas, ever so sweetly. Dan- ing was continued to a late hour, both old and young being brim full of en- ; joyment and pleasure. Decidedly the nop or me season. Xerrible It ail road Accident in Penn sylvania. Allentown, Feb. 1G. A terri ble accident occurred this morning nearStatedam station on the Lehigh and Susquehana railroad, between 1 and z o'clock, by which two men were lost, a large amount of proper ty was destroyed and several per sons sustained serious and perhaps fatal injuries. A freight train, heavi ly laden and running at a high rate of speed, ran into a land-slide, which had completely blocked the track. The engine jumped off the track, and hangs over the bank pf the river. Eighteen cars were thrown from the track and piled on each other, smashing freight of all de scriptions, which was strewn along the road and hurled into trie river. Not one of the train hagds, as far as we could learn, escaped without some slierht iniury. The body of engineer Doul Shounan was found under the engine considerably burn ed : Otto Shouman. fireman, and and Frank Ryan, brakeman, were badly scalded and burned. Three other men, unknown, are reported killed. The British Iriinister at madrid Con. term With the minister of Foreign Affairs. Madrid. Feb. 16. The British Minister had a long conference Sat urday with the Minister oi For eign Affairs. The subject of the interview is supposed to have been the case of the British vessel de tained in the Spanish port. in which he ble history of North Carolina in the war of the revolution, and in the great political events preceding it, particularizing the destruction of tho stamps openly and publicly long before the throwing of the tea into the harbor of Boston by men wearing disguises; and referring to the original declaration of indepen dence drawn up in Mecklenburg county, North Carolina. He wound up by saying, let congress then, on the sixth of September next, meet in joint Convention in that venera ble hall, and let the orator of the occasion speak with a healing pow er which will arouse the slumbering spirit of former days, and which will revive a faltering faith and un seal once more that fountain, whose waters, however,hidden or obstruct ed, still swell up perpetually in every true American heart. A motion to suspend the rules and pass the resolution did not re ceive the necessary two-thirds vote and the resolution was subsequently referred to the select committee on the centennial. Among the bills introduced to day were the following : To provide for an increase of na tional bank notes, and the with drawal and cancellation of an equal in a position iorcing his association amount oi united states legal ten der notes. Imposing a duty of six dollars per ton on jute butts. Abolishing the navy yard at Kittery, Charlestown, New Lon don and Washington. Abolishing pension agents, and providing for paying pensions by post masters and collectors of inter nal revenue,thus effecting an annual saving of half million dollars. To abolish the revenue marine service, also to abolish certain cus tom houses. To repeal the special tax imposed on dealers in tobacco, and manu factures of cigars and tobacco. A resolution was adopted instruct ing commissioners on contingent expenses in tne department of justice to inquire into the judicial expenditures, in the western dis trict of Arkansas, since 1871. Mr. Lamar of Mississippi, offered a resolution which was adopted in structing the committee on mili tary affairs to inquire into the pro priety of a sale of Horse Island, in the Gulf of Mexico, now held but not used as a military reservation. The -senate discussed a bill to equalize the distribution of the na tional banking circulation. Cameron submitted a substitute to provide for free banking under the present national laws and to re move all restrictions limiting cir culation. He supported the same in a written speech followed by Pratt and Logan favoring the sub stitute, and Freelinghuysen against it. Buckingham moved to recommit the whole subject to the finance committee pending the debate upon which the senate adjourned. -1 11 JLU C MM fit v 8') I MONEY TIME AND labor, by using tho G raves Cotton Planter." It sows tho seed without tho trouble of rubbing, and with much more regularity and precision. It will sow from 1 to 7 bushels per aero. It opens, sows and covers at tho haino time, and requires only ono hand. We refer to a few of tho will-known farmers of North Carolina, who havo used this planter: W. H. Hollenian, T. F. Leo. j Wake Coun'y. Gen. Joshua Barnes, Goo. W. Barefoot, Wiley Sim ms, W7 1,1 A. B. Williams, B. D. Rico, Borden A Korne; Wayn Edgecombe. 0 countv, A. C. SAUNDERS, it CO., Agents, Ualoigh, N. C. WANTS. A N T E D TO P U It C 1 1 AS E, From six to ten acres of JiANl), init proved or unimproved, near tho city. Apply to tho .intelligence vnace, corner Person and Martin streets,! opprslto Baptist GrovO. V w A N T E D ! Carolina. EUGENE GllISSOM. A fow good Travelling Agents to can'- vass tho State. A commission oi lorty per cent, will be paid. Apply at'. Intel ligence Ollice. t A N E T). Raleigh, N. C, Feb. 16, 1874. dlt&wlt. IN BANKRUPTCY. W At tho Insane Asylum, a good ciiri.'n ter, wholo time required. A good garden hand. Persons will apply at the Institution. Mil. B. Y. IIL'GGINS. feb22 Iw Steward Washington, Feb. 16, For south atlantic states north westerly winds, partly cloudy -ad clear weather, somewhat higrjye4temper aturo and partly cloudy weather. THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, That on the 10th day of Jan., A. D., 1873, a warrant in Bankrupty was issued out of the District Court of the United State3 for the Eastern District of North Caro lina, against the estate of Ileniy T. Clawson, of Raleigh P. O. in tho c unty of Wake, State of North Carolina, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt upon the Petition of his creditors : That the pay ment of'any debts and the delivery of any property belonging to said bankrupt, to him, or for his use, and the transter of any property, by him, are forbidden by law : A meeting of the creditors of said bankrupt, i to prove their debts, and to choose one or more assignees of his es tate, will be held at a Court of Bank ruptcy, to le holden at Raleigh, N. C, before A. W. Shaffer, Register, on the 3rd day of March, A. D., 1874, at 10 o?clock, A. M. R. M. DOUGLAS, 29 3t Marshal as Messenger. Bcsbkk A Bus bee, Attorneys. F O It a L E, Ono house situated in the Eustert Ward,, in good condition with Itight rooms, two kitchens In tho yarn, aero of land. Price $1,500. Apply at this oflice. i "yyARRANTED GARDEN SEFDS. Choice Flower-seeds, New Seed Corn, Seed Oats, And Seed Potatoes, Hedge, Grass, And other seeds; also select GOOSEBEKRIES, RASPBERRIES, CUR RANTS, Strawberries, and Other Small Fruits, by Mail (postpaid, to any post office in the U. S. Enclose stamps for "Illustrated De scriptive Priced Catalogues." EDWARD J. EVANS A CO., Nurserymen & Seedsmen, York, P "y ANTED IMMEDIATELY. , Twenty colored families to work oi- farms near this city. . Tho host of wagoi paid. Apply at Intelligence Office. BENN ETT A W I CK EK feb 14-lt TWENTY-FIVE FAMILIES TO Kettle on uncleared land in Beau fort county, N. C, and In pay for tl:a. same u have the profits for throe years of as much land as they can clear. Six barrels of corn can bo raised to the a-.'ro without even ploughing, tho owner of the land doing all the diu-hiug. BENNETT A WICKER. feb 14-lt NOKFL.EET DUNSTOX, . BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, CORNER ok Cabarrus and McDowell Mretliy RALEIGH, N. C. - IS NOW PREPARED TO DO ALL kinds of work in his lino, wllh neat ness and dispatch. Raleigh, Sept. lth, l7 t. ' 1- 4 I mil t