THE ERA AND EXAMINER; THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1874 A letter from Mr. James Rumley, of Beaufort, on the subject of in ternational arbitration will be pub lished at an early day. Oxe day next week the Examiner will ventilate three or four duels the editor of the Sentinel lately at tended to flht by proxy, violent ly as he opposes "fighting by substi tute." An argument in favor of prolong ing the session of the legislature, on the part of the democrats, Is the ne cessity of appropriating more of the peoples' money to the support of the Sentinel, It was the purpose of the Exami ner to give the report of the select committee vindicating the manage ment of the Insane asylum, but as yet could not obtain a printed copy of the report. "RrTRFHEXTATIVE JONES, Of Caldwell, last night introduced the usual weekly appropriation resolu tion in behalf of the Sentinel news paper. The tax-payers of Caldwell will make a note of this. Among other measures of great public Importance (?) as the result of a long, useless, Illegal and ex pensive session of this legislature, Is that which virtually prohibits anv merchant In North Carolina from dealing, in commercial fertil izers. Next to the tax on the people, Is the tax this legislature Imposes on the Examiner in trying to present an intelligent full and reliable re port of proceedings. No other pa per in tho city approaches the Ex aminer In this respect, as all good Judges and fair-minded men will admit. By what code of manners or rule of. honor do certain of the chivalry of this city justify their action of repeating to the editor of the Senti nel everything they can gather from republicans in private conversation ? Gentlemen are somewhat given to the habit of regarding tome conver sations as confidential ; never priv ileged, if personal. Mr. McGehee, of Person, In his place in the house, on Thursday, pointed out an error into which the editor of the Examiner had inad vertently fallen. The remarks of this paper were based on a hurried statement of a member, who has also called attention to the error. Will Mr. McGehee, a courteous as well as a truthful gentleman, give vtor. ta-thft end that full justice va dona ail concerned : The democrats of the legislature looked with forlorn distrust, vester- - - r o r day, at the republican resolutions on common schools, and the com pletion of the Western North Caro lina railroad. As an earnest of their faith in adoDtinsr these resolutions, the re publicans of the senate yesterday voted solidly, with a solitary ex ception, for those people in Western North Carolina whose immediate hope of advantage from internal im provement lies In their chances for turnpike roads. Where stands the democracy on internal improvement in the West? Our Colored People. The Examiner begins in this issue short biographical sketches of the colored members of the legisla ture, from the pen of Chas. N. Hunter Esq., a talented young col ored man of this city. Senators and representatives of that race will please afford Mr. Hunter all ossiblc facilities for the early com pletion of his work. The Wcel-ly Era and Examiner of the 2Cth inst. will contain sketches of every col ored man of this general assembly. Want to Prolong tlie'Session. Tho representative from McDow ell, Dr. 1-Ytvman. last night intro duced a res-o'uliou lo session another week. To do this will be to prolong the rob the peo- pie of North Carolina of seven thou sand five hundred dollars more. Republicans ought to take no hand in a game of this kind except to defeat it. Already have crats who wanted to stay said they counted mainly demo- longer on re- publicans to put the resolution of Dr. Freeman through, presuming to say that the members of this party of tho people are poor, and can be easily induced to stay for the sake of the five dollars per day. At this stage of the session repub licans ought to makn tho question of adjournment a strict party ques tion, and if the session is prolonged, throw the gravest responsibility on the democratic party. As the legislature has been in session for -over two months, it is fair to presume that nothing of im portance remains to be done ; or if there is, that it will not be done. On this question of a longer ses sion, let tho republicans demand the ayes and noes; and the Exami ner appeals to every republican sen ator and representative to vote NO. With the record of this demo cratic legislature for puerile and personal legislation, coupled with the responsibility of now prolong ing this session, republicans could not desire better auspices under which to enter the campaign next summer against the democratic party. Overdrawing". 3Ir. Waugh, of Surry, has Intro duced a resolution In the house of representatives- directing the at torney general to examine the books of the State geologist, and ascertain if said geologist has drawn more money from the State treas ury than ne is entitled Dy jaw to draw, and if such be the case the attorney general institute suit at once against the geologist for its recoveryt Ac. It may be wll enough for the general assembly to pass Mr. Waugh's resolution with tho following amendment, to wit: It shall be the further duty of the at torney general to pursue his enqui ries further, and ascertain from the journals of the house and the trea urer's books whether Mr. Waugh has not drawn money from the treasury as per diem at the rate o five dollars per clay when lie was absent from his seat and at home attending to his own private busi ness. or witnessing the autopsy of the corspses of the Siamese twins, and if such be the case, that the at torney general shall at once insti tute suit against the said II. M. Waugh, to recover back the money from him which it may appear has been improperly drawn by him. Let Us Have I'eace. To the Editor of the Examiner: Can you be hired tc suspend your remarks for a few weeks, until the legislature is able to incorporate one more blacksmith shop, and vote a road through one other man's goose pasture? It will never do in the world! ihey will nave to ad journ and leave this all-important work over till next year, n you keep on. Surely in this land of freedom, members of the legislature ought to be permitted to have their own way in the pursuit oi 1 i re, lib ertv. happiness, and live dollars a day, without being harrassed and tormented by so disagreeable a thing as newspaper criticism ; but they are worritted" until their pa tience is clean gone up. First, you go ana ten an the people wnat transpired at their democratic cau cuses! That wasn't pretty or kind in you, when they didn't ask you to do it. I say you told. I didn't hear you, but I did hear that a faith ful democrat, made desperate by your inconsiderate garrulity, threw his arms about and wildly tore his hair, and, as soon as he could gather wind enough, broke forth into ex clamations about "that Examiner's finding out everything, and telling it to all the world, and my county besides! Where do they get it all," he gasped ; and echo answered, "where!" Then, too, you vaguely hint that their services could be dispensed with without detriment to the best interests of the Old North State; and "most unkindest cut of all," you have things so mixed that a judicial reader might infer that you actually believe that ltaleigh will be able to survive the shock ol their departure to their several homes, to return no more forever ! I fear the catalogue of your -sins is-sng. I even fear that in the last uy you will hear the question, " what have you done with the men who reso luted in Raleigh ?" for I am sure some of the high-toned, chivalrous sons of the first families, will, in their frenzy, attempt to put an end to their troubles by committingsui cide in one of the gutters. Do not laugh, for it is a serious matter, and already the attempt has been made by more than one of them, but prompt assistance resuscitated them, and the next day they came back to their places in the theatre of life redder-eyed, if not wiser, men, and by their presence seemed to say, " we will try and bear the storms of this world a little longer, if the Examiner will but let us alone." Let us have peace ! Thufax. For Congress. To the Editor of the Examiner: You will please give me space through your paper to speak a few words to the voters of the second congressional district, concerning the ensuing election that will soon present itself to our people. The main object of this article is to con centrate the minds of the people on a man that is worthy of the posi tion. That man is 11. V- King. He is a long tried republican, and he has been in the ranks ever since the party has been organized. We could not get a better man to repre sent us than Col. R. W. King. His record is good, and his laith has been tried, and we have always found him true to his trust, and he is the man that the people want He will make us a good representa tive in the next congress. Let the honest voters of this district consid- t a. . i er the matter anu soiect murium man. I am, sir, your obedient servant, A Republican. Kinston, N. C, Feb., 187-1. Marriage. There! We know 4 " JJJ 1 we nave secured attention Dy a single word. Marriage is the theme. The ladies will agree that the times are slow in "marrying and giving n marriage." This is the f.iult of both sexes, and comes from the habit of both keeping up "style." Young ladies set their hearts too much on costly dressing, and young men are too prone to Sybaritism. This keeps the sexes from matri mony. Few women can look upon marriage as involving mutual obli gations ; hence we see too few wives who are truly help mates too lew young men who are disposed to marry and accept the true, noble life of the husband. While adies maintain costly habits of dress they must be rich themselves or marry rich ; and too many young men look upon marriage as omy possible in case they can form a wealthy alliance. A young lady had better marry an intelligent me chanic a young man with a posi tive capital in his trade than a man who has a few thousands, which a single year's disasters may sweep away. " W ill you accept my nana in the next dance V" asked a young mechanic of Massachusetts of an aristocratic Boston lady. " I never dance with mechanics,'' was the sneering reply. The young man lived to be Governor of his State ; the young lady married a merchant. and lived to take in plain sewing or a living. Exchange. The Australians never sue for a di vorce. When a husband wants his liberty he takes his dear wife to the brow of a cliff to view the gorgeous sunset, and over she goes. .Lucy Powell. To the Editor of the Examiner : In the Nexcs of Thursday morn ing the 12th inst. I find the follow ing: Tho readers of the News will remem ber how fully we exposed the infamous attempt on the part of a negro woman in this city to kidnap and sell this young white gir! to a life of shame, and now a member of the city police force lent his aid l tho plot. That paper then goes on to give, from a Norfolk paper, account of the arrival of Miss Lucy Powell in Baltimore in charge of "a full blooded indian woman," toward whom Miss Powell manifested much affection and attacl iiient. In the article publisl.vd in the News this "full-blooded Indian woman" is made to give this ac count of herself: She was born in Florida, and wxs tho daughter of a once not. d Indian chief. Many 3ears ago her father died, when she, with others of her tribe, removed to the interior of North Carolina, and at a later date she removed to ltaliegh. l litre sue uecamo acquainted witn a white lady who, upon her death bed be queathed an infant, six months of age, and who grew up to be the young girl Luey Powell. About six months ago the young girl was abducted from the In dian woman by a colored woman, assis ted by !a colored man but she was re stored to her adopted mother. The "member of the city police force" referred to in such unenvia ble connection is myself, and I propose 'not to remain silent under this renewedand unprovoked at tack. It will be remembered that the Netcdid, sometime last fall attempt to get up a sensatioJi article on Miss Lucy Powell; but, I was under the impression the local editor of that paper, after seeing, as he did see, that he had utterly failed as a writ er of sonsatibn fiction, that he had retired from the field of dime- novel-Ned Buntline literature, It is not necessary here to go over all the ground the Aeics tore up in its hunt after a sensation last fall suffice it to say that I did nothing, either as a police othcer, on an in dividual that I had not lull authori ty for doing, and nothing of which Mis.s Powell, or any friend of hers could have complained. In tli? first place, now, the "six months ago" abduction story of the indian woman is not true. The young woman, calling herself Lucy Powell, has been in anu about Raleigh for more than two years, She was left here by an indian half breed woman about two or three years aero, in charge of a colored woman of this citv ; this hali-breeu woman going from here to Ohio, and the colored methodist church took up a collection to pay her way. Whether the woman, Betsy Pow ell, who came here from Johnston claiming Lucv Powell as county, her dau; lif.r Iw tlni mntlinr rf t lie gui l Know not ; nor have we ever had any better authority for the statement that it was the purpose of Retsv Powell to "sell this voung white girl to a life of shame" for usts of a while man of Johnston county, than the story of tho Jtirs. l only know, iirst, that it was no part of my wish or action to aid such tranic ; second, that, l a. A no more than I was ordered to do; hiid, that the girl Lucy Powell went into the house of Jennie Davis of her own motion and accord ; and fourth that the said Lucy Powell teas an inmate of the house of this Jennie Jfavis for a lonjr time belore thi occurrence out of which the Beit's vamlv sought to make so much last Fall. The courts have been open all the time, and my conduct might have been investigated long ago had the set of the News the special champ ions of the Lucy Powell cause seen fit to place the public in possession of the facts of a case, which the local editor of the News to make a local sensation to compensate his Danbury disaster was willing to, and did deliberately and malicious ly falsify, and he still seems dis posed to persist in his course of out rage and misrepresentation. II. II. LANE. Remarks of Senator King, Of Lenoir, on the Death-Amend ment to Consolidation. Jlr. President .- I had no intention of speaking upon the resolutions now before the senate, and but for the strictures of the senator from Buncombe in regard to the signers of the protest, would remain silent. I must say, however, in addi tion to the reasons given in the protest, I voted against the amend ment because I believed it would defeat the consolidation measure. I suppose it was the purpose of at least a portion of 'he supporters of the amendment to deleat consol idation, and even if it was not their purpose to defeat consolidation, the adoption of the amendment will certainly have that enect. hy was it, Mr. President, that tins amend ment was forced on this particular bill? It it was the purpose of the friends of this amendment to bann certain men that they intended to include in the amendment, why did they not pass a general law in 1870 '71, or lS71-'72, (or at the present cession; and apply the amendment to all railroads or other public works of the State; if it is not, the inten tion to defeat the measure, why ap ply it to this particular bill. No such provision has ever been en grafted on any other bill, and if they wish such a provision, why not "put it in the words of the con stitution, which says : All per sons who shall have been convicted of "treason, perjury or other infa mous crime?" Mr. President, I am as much opposed to the appoint ment to office of men that have been guilty of any dishonest conduct as anv member or tne senate. iVir. President it is well-known that this amendment was intended to apply to Hon. W. A. Smith, because it is alleged he refused to answer ques tions put to him by a committee of the senate some two or three years ago. iur. fomitn nas been elected president of the North Car olina railroad, and voted 'for by both republicans and democrats since that time. Further, sir, it is admitted that the North Carolina railroad did not de clare any dividend until Jr. S. took charge as president of thisr jad. Further, sir, I mnst say, that there is no evidence that Mr. S. has ever been guilty of any act that should disqualify him for the posi tion that he has so well filled in the past ; nor because he refused to an swer before the senate committee, that he should be banned by this amendment. What, Mr. President, are the facts in the case? Mr. S. has been fully endorsed by the stock holders and directors of the North Carolina railroad, since this refusal to answer occurred, and, sir, I re peat that Mr. S. ha9 been fully en dorsed by air parties interested in ', this road. In addition to this, sir, Mr. S. has been endorsed by the people of his congressional district, and is now, sir, at m this time, occupying his seat in the congress of the United States. Further Mr. Buford, fully exhon e rates Mr. Smith and proves con clusively that Mr. Smith did not receive any compensation on ac count of the lease of the North Carolina railroad, and was not guilty of any improper conduct in regard to that matter. . . 1 . 1 A J.1 J. II It 13 tnereiore eviuent mat me stockholders and directors of .the North Carolina railroad do not believe that Mr. Smith, has been guilty of any improper conduct. Again sir, it is evident that the people of his congressional district believe no such charges, from the fact that he lias been triumphantly elected to congress, in a district heretofore politically against him. For these and many other reasons not necessary to mention I voted against the amendment to the con solidation bill the only object of said amendment being to prevent Mr. Smith from being a director or president of this corporation, which in my opinion is a violation of the constitution of North Carolina. The Tupper Cliurcli Troubles. Notk. The Sentinel, having lent its columns' to one sida in this contro versy, with characteristic fairness de nied the other side ' -ring. Under these circumstances Uk aople came to the Examiner. To the Editor of the sentinel : We noticed an article in your paper which seemed to reflect dis credit upon us, as a church and also upon Mr. Tupper. It represented that a quarrel had been going on for some time between the church and Mr. Tupper. Now we trustees and directors of the 2nd Baptist church wish to correct these false impressions. Never in the history of the church has there been such a degree of prosperity as du ring this last year; and perfect una nimity and harmony of action : our membership never was larger nor our Sabbath school more prosperous. And instead ot trying to set Mr. Tupper aside, we are very sorry that the work ot erecting school buildings, actually necessitates his absence for a time. For nearly two years we have had an associate pastor, because the pressure of business rendered it ab solutely necessary, for him to have one. And the most pleasant rela tions have existed between them. and the church has been in perfect harmony with Mr. Tupper and we feel greatly indebted to him for our church. Your correspondent seems to think there is "w" connected with tho matter but it is a great trial to us. We h we been in peaceable pos session lor almost eight years ana we cannot understand how we could be put out of the building, when we have a deed for the property and the keys of the building, and this without any trial. And when the mayor sent the constable to get the keys we refused to give them up, and then, they broke in and turned us out. Now all we have to say is that Mr. Tupper has been true to us, and we intend to be true to him. His cause is our cause and if he fails in the supreme court we snail ax once bring suit to get possession. Tho mayor, in the JSpics. stated that Mr. Tupper had been turned out of the church. This is untrue. No such vote was ever taken inside of the walls of tho 2nd Baptist church. Another noticeable fact is that neither the church nor Mr. Tupper is responsible for this uproar. Both are acting together in seii-deiense. and we are quite sure that weshall have the sympathy of every good citizen in North Carolina. The following is the action of the 1st colored Baptist church, in this city, on last Thursday night : "v e, the members of the 1st col ored Baptist church deeply sympa thize with the 2nd Baptist church in the unchristian-like and sum mary manner in which they have been turned out from their house of worship. And we regard any minister who, by his conduct, recognizes this dis organized and unscnptural band which now holds possession of the house, or ministers to them as a church, as justly deserving of cen sure." We feol grateful to our sister church f t this kind expression of sympathy in this our hour of trial. Augustus shepard, Jack Yarboro, Fred. Yeargan, Chapman Alexander, Sherwood Capps, Henry Stutervant. A Political Polecat. To the FAitor of the Examiner : W onders will never cease! We see by the Stntinel that Jo Turner, the political polecat oi iSorth Caro lina, is crying for quarter from Ma jor Smith's frank and truthful pen. the idea that this polecat, whom the legislature has employed to throw his prutrid matter on every gentleman, should cry for quarters is refreshing to decent people. The "Barebones" concern will depart this life in a few days. Its pet per fumer, the vile slanderer, will fol low as soon as the people's money is kept out of that, Burly Beggar's hands. His filthy sheet will die, and his vagabond self will retire to "Little Eno" never to put his infa mous and dirty form before respect able people of North Carolina again. Farewell, " Barebones " farewell Polecat the people will rejoice at w m mm your going. May mey never iook upon your like again. A TAX IrAYER. The Short Story of a Success ful, ljiFE.-Tne .Lioweil uourur says: " Hon. Fredrick Smyth, late ly Governor of Aew Hampshire, and one of the best Governors the Granite State ever had, as well as one of her mast successful self-made business men, was once a resident of this city. He began here as porter at the Merrimac House, then kept by Jr Jurdock, and used to black boots at four cents ior niiir. He subseouentlv was employed on the Jiddlesex Corpo ration at $8 a montn, ana ne tells with honest pride that the frst pair of pants he ever owned, was earned on the Jiddlesex. He was after wards promoted as a yard hand on the Tremont at seventy-five cents a day. Having thus in a few months accumulated a little money, he went to school, and in due time worked his way up by energy, in dustry, frugality and faculty, to the JIayoraTty of Jianchester and jto the Gubernatorial chair of his native State. His first visit to the Jerrimack House after he threw down his blacking-brush as porter, was in company with his Executive Council as Governor of .New-Hampshire. llate and Love. The New York Nation thus justly summarises the actual feeling exist ing between this country and other christian communities, to which Mr. Goldwin Smiths impertinence has directed attention : As J we Imagine, there t is both truth and falsehood in Mr. Smith's assertion ; it wa3 much truer forty years ago tnan it is now ; ana it is truer to-day than it will be twenty years hence. England is some what disliked, or "hated," by many Americans. But, again, England is much liked, and even "loved," by many Americans, and this cannot be said in any such sense of the word about any other European nation. We are, formal ly, very fond of the Russians ; in reality we do not care two straws for Russia. We are supposed to be traditionally fond of the French, and so we are ; that did not, how ever, prevent us from giving the vast bulk of sympathy to the Ger mans all through the Franco Ger man war. Blood simply was thick er than water, as Commodore Tat nall once said. Everywhere in contact and competition with England; closely related to her, whether we will or not; con temned with a frightened and un easy contempt by certain classes of Englishmen, it is nevertheless true that there is a great and growing radical good will, and good esteem on the part of Americans towards England and the English, and we dare say on the part of Englismen towards Americans. We shall not suffocate each other with embraces, no doubt, but we do not hate each other half so dreadfully a3 some Englishmen and some Americans would be willing to have us hate each other. Polite Pickpockets. Among the English visitors to Paris during the gay season of the new year, were several pickpockets who were, however, in most cases, received by the police of the festive city, so that, as the American poet sings, "the subsequent proceedings interested them no more." There were some of the elite of the En glish practitioners who are, how ever, rivalled, if not excelled, in dexterity and ubiquity by their French compeers. The following story is told of the latter by a French journal : A physician, officially con nected with the prison of La Force and much beloved by his light fingered patients, perceived on leav ing the Varieties one evening that his pocket had been picked and that his opera-glass was gone. Next day, on meeting the denizens of La Force, he expressed his displeasure at the occurrence. "It is all very well," said; he, "for you to say I am popular among you, but I am treated just as others are. Some of your friends contrived to relieve me of my opera-glass last night, at the varieties." "That was only because they did npt know you, doctor," replied a prisoner.. "Who was on duty at the varieties last nigntr ne inquired, turning to a comrade. The answer was given in a whisper. "You shall have your glass to-morrow," he added. Next day a person called on the "are all the opera-glasses stolen two nights ago at the varieties. Please point out the doctor's." The lady raving done so, tne ooilglng pick pocket handed it to her, restored the others to their cases, and disap peared. Pall Moll Gazette. Old Definition of Wit. Old Isaac Barrow, in his famous sermon on "Jjooiisn raising ana Jesting," gave a somewhat lengthy description of facetiousness or wit, which was pronounced by Mackin tosh to be the greatest proof of mas tery over language ever given by an English writer. This illustra tion, which is too diffuse and uncer tain to bo called a definition, is so old that it will be new to many. He says: "Wit is a thing so versatile and multiform ,appeari ng in so many shapes, so many postures, so many garbs, so variously apprehended by several eyes and judgments, that it seemeth no less hard to settle a clear and certain notion thereof to make a portrait of Portens or to define the figure of the fleeting air. Sometimes it lieth in a pat allusion to a known story, or in seasonable application of a trival saying, or in forging an opposite tale ; some times it playeth in words and phrases, taking advantage irom the ambignity of their sense or the affinity of their sound ; sometimes it is wrapped up in a dress of hu morous expression ; sometimes it is lodged in a sly question, in a smart answer, in a quirkish reason, in a'shrewd intimation, in cunningly diverting or cleverly retorting an objection ; sometimes it is couched in a bold scheme of speech, in a tart irony, in a lusty hyperbole, in a startling metaphor, in a plausi ble reconciling ot contradictions, or in acute nonsense ; sometimes a scenical representation of persons or things, a counterfeit speech, a mimical look or gesture passes for it ; sometimes an effected simplic ity ; sometimes a presumptuous bluntness giveth it being; some times it riseth from a lucky hitting upon what is strange ; sometimes it riseth from a crafty wresting ob vious matter to the purpose ; often it consisteth in one knows not what, arid springeth up one can hardly tell how. Its ways are un accountable and inexplicable, being answerable to the numberless rov- ings of fancy and windings of lan guage, Iron Mountain Railroad Robbery St. Louis, Feb. 13. Governor Woodson will issue a proclamation to-morrow offering a reward of two thousand dollars a piece, dead or alive, for the men who robbed the passenger, express and mail train, on the Iron mountain railroad, at Gads Hill, January 31. In addition to this it is understood that the Governor of Arkansas has offered $2,500, and the post office depart ment $5,000, making an agregate of $175,000 dollars A Memorial Monument to the late Prof Arassiz . Boston, Feb. 13: At a meeting of prominent citizens to-day it was proposed to make at the museum of geoiogy at uamoriuge a memorial -monument to Proffessor Agassiz. In order to do this it was resolved to raise the sum of $300,000 to com plete the endowment. A commit tee of thirty was appointed to re ceive subscriptions, and before the close of the meeting they announced that $65,000 had been subscribed. A chap given to statistics, esti mates that over 2,000 toes were frozen during the ' past winter, by young ladies keeping . their beaux lingering at the gate, instead of j asking them into the parlor. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. V. ' Death of a Hotel Proprietor ' New York, Feb. 13. B.' Brock way, proprietor of the New York hotel, died to-day. Cholera and Yellow Fever. Lisbon, Feb. 13. The yellow fe ver is unabated in Rio. 2 The cholera is raging in Buenos Ayres. s - ! Ztoadon Items. - - London, Feb. 13. Lord George F. Hamilton and Mr. Coop, conser vatives, have been elected for Mid dlesex by an overwhelming major ity. The county was last represent ed by a conservative and a liberal. Schneider, president of corps leg islatiff under last emperor, has had a stroke of appoplexy to-day, Tessel Sunk Twelve of tho Crew Drowned. London, Feb. 13. The barque Pulcinella, from New York for Bristol, with a cargo of eighteen thousand bushels of wheat, went ashore Wednesday, at Cartle Town- send Island, and sunk. Twelve of the crew were drowned. Search for tho Remains of Grand Master French New York, Feb. 13. A commit tee of aldermen made another inef ficient search for the remains of Na thaniel French, the Masonic grand master, who was buried in Potter's field. Ifew- York Academies under Re- ligious Control Albany, Feb. 13. In the assem bly a motion was made to with draw State appropriation froms all academies under control of relig ious and all denominational socities or which makes religious profeasion a test of admission. Defeated. Election to fill Vacancies in Consti tutional Convention. Toledo, Feb. 13. The election held in Lucas county yesterday, for a successor to chief justice Waite, in constitutional convention, result ed in the choice of Gen. James B. Steedman, independent democrat, over Wm. Barber, regular republi can. Fleet Exercises Florida Bay, Feb. 13. The fleet exercises were continued yes terday under sail. Men were drill ed aloft in preparing and manipu lating of the rigging for battle. The weather is delightful at Key West. The monitors Sawgus, Jahapac and Jianhattan had target practice to day. The National Grange. Sr. Louis," Feb. 13. In the Na tional Grange yesterday the com mittee on constitution and by-laws completed its report, but as amend ments to the constitution will have to be ratified by a twro-thirds vote of all the State Granges before they are effective, they are not given for publication. The Whisky War. Cincinnati, Feb. 13. The whis ky war continues with farcical fury. At Shelby, Ohio, one hundred la dies were grossly insulted on the street by a saloon keeper. At New Holland they were assaulted by a saloon keeper with a power. The Siamese Twins. Philadelphia, Feb., 14. It is believed the dissection of the bond betweerithe Siamese Twins began, yesterday, morning, but no facts have been obtained regarding it; every thingjs conducted with the greatest secrfecy, the operation being performed solely in the presence of five medical gentlemen whose names nave already been pub lished. Congressional Items Washington, Feb. 13. Senate Senator Sargent presented a pro test of the citizens f California against the influx of Chinese to this country. Senator Gordon introduced a bill in relation to claims, for the cotton seized by the treasury department. Senator Goldthwaite presented a memorial for the improvement of Mobile bay. Referred to the com merce committee. The house is unimportant. FROM WASHINGTON. Washington, Feb. 13. Senate Mr. Sargent presented memorials signed by 16,G58 citizens of Califor nia, calling the attention of Con gress to the influx of Chinese on the Pacific slope. Mr. Sargent said there were sixty thousand Chinese near the Pacific coast, and they un derbid native labor; they imparted no value to the community ; they were pagans ; they evinced no de sire to become assimulated to our institutions ; there had been but one or two instances known where any of them had expressed a desire to become citizens ; they added nothing to the material wealth of the community, taking away with them all they accumulated not even allowing their bones to rest in American soil. This was a ques tion which did not now concern the States of the East, but it would soon become a national question, for the Pacific coast was the gateway through which these people would pour, and finally spread over the whole country. The memorials were referred to the committee on foreign relations. Mr. Goldthwaite presented a me morial from tne Mobile board of trade for improvingMobiie bay. Referred to the committee on com merce. Mr. Gordon, introduced a bill in relation to certain claims arising from seizure of cotton . by the treas ury department. Referred, to the judiciary. A resolution was offered a few daysago by Bayard, calling Vpon the President to inform the senate as to the conduct of Maj. Lewis Merrill, an officer of the army on duty in South Carolina, was taken up and discussed by Bayard and Scott. Bayard during his remarks referred to the fact that many members of the South Carolina legislature were ignorant, not being able to read and write. Mr. West of Louisiana, inquired of the gentleman whose fault that was. . Mr. Bayard said that it may suit the gentleman to ask that question now but there were peri ods in his life when he could an swer it, having lived in the com munity under the laws, and in sym pathy with those who were charged with preventing the colored people from receiving an education. Here the morning hour expired. The distribution of the currency resum ed. Merrimon and Gordon partici pated in the debate; Death of A Cardinal. RomeJ Feb. 14. Cardinal Tor- quini died last night. Spanish Form ot Government. MadrId, Feb. 11. It is probable that the form of government in Spain will be decided by plebiscite. Murdcrof Don Carlo' Chief ot Staff. B A yonne, Feb. 1 L It is reported that General Dorrequay, chief of staff fo Don Carlos, has been mur dered. Massachusetts legislature Iteso lutin? of lS7i, censuring' Senator Sumner rescinded Boston. The ITouse to-day re scinded the resolutions of '72, cen suring Sumner. The vote stood 118 to 49. I A Ivu Ivlux Pardoned. Washington, Feb. 14. Julius Howe,, of South Carolina, con victed of ku klux crimes and im prisoned at Albany, has been par doned. i Bank Itobberjr. CirroAfio. Feb. 14. The vault of the First National Bank of Quincy, Illinois, was robbed on the night of the 12th, of about 100,000 in cur rency, besides a quantity of bonds and valuable papers ana a large amount 6f special deposits. The burglars cut throuerh three feet of solid masonrv. The safes were burst open with powder. There is no clue to the perpetrators. Adjournment or the National Grange. St. Louis, Feb. 14. The nation al grange report on transportation, after partial discussion, was with drawn on the trround of being too specific, not general enough in character matter lies over until the next meeting of the grange Adjourned to meet in the city of Charleston, S. C.,- in February, 1875. The Philadelphia Catastrophe. Philadelphia, Feb. 14. Four bodies were taken out of the ruins of the Brewerv last nicht. Two of the dead were terribly mashed one with both legs mashed and an other slightly injured. An unknown citizen, who was assisting in the search, fell into the excavation and was instantly killed. Two policemen were seriously injured by falling into same excavation. The Women's Temperance Move ment in New York. New Youk, Feb. 14. Tho Wo men's temperance movement is un der headway in Brooklyn, and a committee was appointed yesterday to importune the legislature for amendments to the excise law. The superintendent of the South Side Long Island road has been requested to issue orders refusing to receive as freight any intoxicating liquors. Destructive Fire in Loudon. London, Feb. 14. Taylor's pan techuicon and furniture repository in Beljrravia, covering an acre of ground, was burned last evening. The fire broke out at four o'clock, p. m., raging until midnight, and then the tire was only stopped by the engineers demolishing walls and preventing its progress. The destruction of the building alone, is $l,000,000,!'which, however, is most ly coverecHby insurance. The total los3, including contents of the burn ed structure, consisting of pictures, mirrors, five hundred carriages, and a vast amount ot other goods of va nous kinds, is estimated at $lo,000, 000. Five houses and several large stables adjacent, were partially de stroyed. There were a number of accidents. Two firemen were killed The tire attracted an immense and unruly crowd, anu it became nec essary to call out the militia to pre serve order. FROM CM1A. Riot iu Madrid Arret of an Editor. Havana, Feb. 11. A mob ol several hundred men marched to wards the Captain General's -palace last evening, demanding that the government send into the field the entire battallion of volunteers with tneir own offlcers, instead of one- tenth of the battallion as ordered in Jovellar's recent decrees. The mounted police dispersed the riot ers. No casualties. The Captain General to-day quartered a detach ment of Gen.s Dearmes in the bar racks opposite the palace. The police have arretted Latumo Mortinez, editor of the Union, a workingrnan's journal, and a priest named Castroboth, and: sent them to Morro Castle. They are known to be strong: republicans, and are reported to have been connected with yesterday's demonstration as stated. The draft will be carried out within twenty days. The city is not quiet, but further trouble is feared. The eonsular agent of the United Status, at Barroco, officially denies the truth of the report that the steamer Kansas took soundings of the harbor while recently lying at that port. Ibe Arapilesis leak ing badly,! and will probably go to Martinique to be docked. Santa Anna, arrived in Ha vana yesterday from Nassau ei- route to Mexico. He returns to Mexico under Jerdo's proclamation of amnesty, and will take no part in Mexican politics. FHO.TI VASIII.UTO.V. Congressional. Wasi 0 nt; ton , Feb. 1 4 . Senate. The coiimittee on privileges and elections this morning decided in the matter of the charges affecting the election of senator Spencer, to proceed therewith upon documen tary evilence furnished, and if held advisable during the progress of the investigation, tosummon witnesses. The couLsel for both Spencer and Sykes wbre heard ; the lormer ad vocating the determination of the contest In documentary evidence, and theatter favoring an oral in vestigation. IIou. The cheap transporta tion ad locates have had a field day in the ipuse. .Bell, of Georgia, de- liveredln exhaustive argument in favor q water transportation, and ih advt racy of his mil granting aid tothe Atlantic and Great Western Canal, lie was followed by Air. Cleiriers, of Illinois, who also urg ed the leticssity of water transpor tation t tbe people of the west, as a reLie to their present distressed conditinj which grew out of the fact of their inability to reach a market Both of these gentlemen urged lat the true policy of good govern eut was to afford the best means r the development of new industr il ! interests, and that no pretens i of false national economy should e permitted to stand in the way otlhe just demands ot a sui- fering pople. TU 13 'COURTS. ' SrKciAt, Term ok- Wakb Scpkhior Ccvm His Honor Judge Touhoek ritKHiDXNO. Tho following cae wero on trial and disponed of yesterday : Harris vs Dunn. Judgment for plain tiff for $70. Upchu rch vs Crawford. Motion for new trial. Allowed, on payment of full costs. Lee va Kalfcitfu L Gtutou lLiilroad. Verdict for plaintiff. of this week. Supreme Court. This court met at its usual hour, all tho .justices being present. In tho cause of tho puMic prin ter, the argument wero concluded, and the following additional causes wero lu-ard : J as. W. Jenkins A Co. vs. JamcV II. Heal, from Halifax, lutchf lor tt Kd wards for plaintiir. Ivlward Onigland fnc defendant. David (.'lark vs. J. 15. Williams and wile, et al. from Halifax. Smith A Strong and Walter ( Mark for plaintiir. Conigland, Moore A: iatlinj; for defen dants. Stato vs. Stephen I'.ohl.itt, from War ren. ; Attorney General for tho State. No counsel lor defendant. James N. U..le vs Commissioners (f Franklin county, from 1- ianklin. Mer riinou, fuller A Ashe for plaintiir. J. J. Davis lor defendants, was plu, ed at the end of the doeket. Poetry ok Jls ricK. lverylMd v who lias had occasion to visit tho court room, wherein justice is dispensed, either Federal or State, in tins city, ha Jieard the stentorian tone of our worthy "crier," and observed him industrious ly "stitching away" at his trade as a tailor, between his cull of court duty. Civil eases only are being tried at the special session of Wake court, now In' session; and being, as a general thing, without interest' to others except the lawyers, their clients, and tho enforced attention necessary on tho part of tho judge and jury, the monotony existing, affords the "old man" a lino opportuni ty to ply his trade. In one of these sea sons of concentrated dullness, tho jxetie genius of the able and learned presiding judge,-was wrought upon, and the fol lowing lines wero evoked: R ES r EOT V V t. LY INSrRlRED KINO, ESli- i TO ItY Jl'lMJK A. W. T. Wrinklod and old was tho crier grey As ho sat in the court-house dim : Tho wordy tumult Hfat o'er him ro Was naught in the world to him. Tho lawyers wero wrangling, pro con, Tho wearied jurors slept ;. The badgered witnesses blundered on, As slowly tho moments crept. , Tho Judge on tho bench, with anxious eye. Sat watching the noisy scono To hold the scale with an equal Was a wearisome task, I ween : But amidst it all tho crier grey, With a smile on his grizzled face, With his needle, contentedly "working away, As ho sat in his .'customed place. The bustling crowd of lookers-on Smiled as they passed hipi, toand fro, While tho evening sun wove a golden crown O'er his brow, with its settingglow. 4 But his needle flow, and ho waxed his thread "Stitch! stitch ! stitch !" as tho poet wrote Of the woman who served for her daily bread, Not crooning the " Kong of tho Shirt," but instead The cheerful rhyme of tho crier's coat. Bright be tho evo of tho cier's life, Unbittereu by tno dream or woo An oasis in the waste of strife. Unsunned in the sunset glow. RALEtOir, l'h. 13, 1K74. Sl'KCIAI. TkKM OK WAKK S.Ul'KUIOU Court, 1IimI1onoh Juimjk Tourokk Prkst di n k- The following cases wero heard and disposed of yesterday : Sam Wortham vs H. N. Howell. Ver dict for plaintiff for W.S" and interest. James M. Jones vs Arthur Jones. Verdict lor plaintiff. , A. (J. Sanders vs. J. S Illinton. Judgment against phiintill' for cost. Jell". Fisher and others vs. P. 1". Pes cud. Judgment against plaintiffs for. costs. Joseph Blako vs. Brown it. 1-Mwards. Verdict for defendants. This court will continue in session during the next week, after which n re-ce.-.s will bo taken until tho third week in March, when tho trial of cases on tho civil docket will ho continued. Suprmk Court. This court met nt its usual hour, all tho Judges being present and tho following causes vero argued : - Francis A. Ilodgo vs. Madison 11. Hodge, from Wake, I). (J. Fowle for the plaintiff. JS. (1. Haywood and H. but placed at the end of tho docket William M. Urown vs. Josiah Turner, Jr., and W. II. Ifwerton, Kecrcfarv c f tmr ... , vc, irom y a k c. .inriyr. jruo and liatchclor for plaintiff . Attorney 'Gen eral, Fuller and Ashe for -jWndluU. iho argument will bo concluded this -morning, it being the causo in which the question of the public printing is involved, having consumed most of tho time ot tho session of this court on yes terday. - A New Daily Thk Evkninu Cum. cent. Tho Crewent 1'ublishiiig Com pany, composed ol lour orthy printeis of Edwards, liroughtoti t Co. s pub lishing house, propose in about ono week from the present time to com mence tho publication of an oveninar journal with the abovo title, to bo edit ed by T. II. Kingsbury. Esri.. now of the , Sentinel. ,It will be conservative in politics, but at the same time temper ate and courteous, studiously ovoiding all oflcnsivo, personalties. Terms cash in advance, .i perannum ; $2.50 for six . months, Ac. They will also publish a weekly at 81.50 for ono vear. Wo wish all concerned the fullest success. troinincnt I'crwouulw. Capt. T. C. Evans and lady arc 'at tho National hote!. Major Jno. W. (Jraham, of Ilillsboro. was in the city yesterday. Dr. A. B. Chapin, a leading republi can in Chatham, is in the city. Capt. Tom Arrington is assisting (ico Jones, the agent at the N. C. depot. - j J. W. Moore. Ilsa.. of Hertford. IVri- quimans county, in at tho YarborongW. Kev. Dr. R. fi. Mason, Rector of ChrisLs Church in tbL city, is aeriousily ill of pneumonia. j Judge A. W. Tourgeo mado a flying trip homo last night. Ho will boon , hand Monday morning. Lewin W. Barringer and lady aro at tho Yarlorough, having arrived on yes terday afternoon from Philadelphia. That was a magnificent hunk of beef Dr. Blacknall had swinging to the breeze in front of his hotel yesterday. Capt. J. W. Doyle, a well known ho tel keeper and railroad man of this State, died at Petersburg on Thursday morning. . . Doorkeeper Hill maketh a racket knocking to orJwr unruly members with his knife on tho reporters desk not much more of it now T We were gland to shako Topi Evans by tho hand yesterday, and shall bo glad to hear him repeat his lecture soon. Ijiie as 1 have seen it." Judge Tourgee has adjourned the su perior court of Alamanco' to Monday week, in consequence or the serious ill ness of the clerk. Col. W. A. Albright. W. J. Woodward of the NM-York South, is stijll in tho city. The Nftrth Carolina edition or his paper will be issued in March, and ; fifty thousand . copies will be printed. bud