Stowc, Turner, Warlkk, Waddill, Watson, Webb and WTiley 4G. The speaker, Mr. Robinson, tak ing the floor, Mr. Jones, of Cald well, in the chair, said he thought the bill was precipitate and had he been out of the chair on yesterday, he would have voted against the bill. His feelings for the universi ty were of the kindest nature, for with delicacy, he was connected by blood with the distinguished man who was at the head of that institu tion so long and whoe name would never fade from the hearts of all true North Carolinians, but he was equally opposed to the bill as now amende! Ac. Mr. MeCieheo moved to lay the bill on the table as amended. Ykas Mers. Anderson of Da vi lltackwell, Brown of Mecklen burg, Hryson of Jackson, I try son of Swain, lirvan of Sainp.-on, llullard, Hyrl,(.':irttr,Caron,Cistner,Crrtige, Ivis, Fn-eman, (iant, Gidney,Gil 1 rt, iilmer, Grady, (itidger, (Juy-tl.'-r, lIouton, Johnston, Jones of Caldwell, Jones of Tyrell. Joyner. Lindsjiv, I.uckev. Marler.Max well, JAHifliw, McNeill, Jitchell, Mr- ing.Xorment,( utlaw, P reason. Ileal of JAvkl"nburg,S4 ttlShinn of In Iell,Standford,Stove,lxll, Turner, Warlick, Waddill, Watson, Webb, Win-low, Wilev, and Whitmire 51. X ,v y s M ess rs . A b bo 1 1 , A n ( I erso n of Cla Ballard, I lean, liennett. P.lythe, Howe, How man, Brown of Iuvilon, lirvan of Pitt, Bryant of Halifax. Bryan of Wilkes, Brooks, Bunn. Cobb Dudley ,I)ula,Klli.son, Fletcher, Foster, (indfrey, Gorman, G km 1 vy n , 1 1 a n n er, 1 1 ay h es, 1 1 u gh es, Hampton, Jones of Camden, Jones Northampton, Jones of Orange, Johns, Jordan, King, Lloyd, Lutter luh, JcIiurin, Miller, Michael, Mi ycl I, Moss, Paschal 1, Perry of Bladen, Kcid of Randolph, Richardson, Scott ,Sha uvShnckel fc rd ,.Sneed , Wi I -liam-n Waugh, Wheeler and Whismyit ". On motion f Mr. Houston, the hoine aljourm l. THE FRA AND EXAMINER. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1874. IlAI.EIt:!! II ETTA 1 L PRICES. AIT.tLM. (DL'KTKY rROICCE. Al'i'LKiirwn. IrlI, liLTTEKliest country. Cool " " foshen, CHICKENS IX'CKS k;;s KLol'It- N. C .j.illv. " Kxtr-i, KODOKK- IN-- ni HAY iVr l' ttx , OMtN MK A r IMT TKS -wi-t. N. C Irish. OATs K tll. l V i If.. ' bushel. OKoCKKIKS. (ioMi iior C;iM 11 and the migration .Movement. I The fallowing letter from (i iver nor ( 'al'lwt II to lb v. J. V. McNa inam explains iW'lf : llxr.i t nvK Kki'autmknt, SlATi: iI Ni; l il t ' A I NA, Bi!. i-!i. Fi-b. 12, . J. I". M'-ynnnira : III v. ami IM-:ai: Sn:: I have tin- honor to a"U iloW'lf.iL;4 the re- eipt of your tation to iti the c day, met I reland. kind ami i re.M lit and ite 1 A rnrai iori.1 ind !iM of !.! in .1 :'.r t pariieipa' :n vi- e Patrick' t he annal- of t!:- heir: nf N-Ui', r.ulk Sl.lo. C K. " i KniokM " ShnuM.-rs, lU-st Suirar cured H.'Hiik. (DFKKK-OM !;v'iii nt, ltio l'rime, ;o.J, Klsll M.vkfH-1. No. 3.1 N C. IIi-r'ti,'s.cut! lit- rorn 4bll FLOUH rt.ipoo. Va. Family, " Extra, Snnerflnc. MOI.As.stS Cuba, new tnib, V hbll hlid si ; U stantl d A y bbl Extra C, r. Yellow, sYitrp isia.. i r. I III II 2". 0 4 " tl 0 0 l 0 ) i. 30 0() 0 15 U UO 0 ( 1 75 1 15 1 Mo o a) 0 7- O 75 0 00 o on It 1)0 o uo 0 w 0 l 0 ) 0 (( 0 Oil O IX) 0 (Ml I) DO o m 0 0) 0 01) 0 00 o mi 0 uu 0 00 0 (I) 0 00 8 50 so 0 00 0 ou 0 IK) 0 00 0 (Ml 0 00 0 10 0 00 I,t (. In 69 9 ( r. i-t ( (n, K f, a to, U w a tm to. "J 01 10 a 50 14 $ l-'i ...i j 2 0 1 25 1 10 1 10 .- 1 00 1 JO Ml) 00 00 0" 1 ll.lj I TKIiECIUAPJUC NEWS. XOO.X DISPAXC1 Vrsel lAntU. Liverpool, Feb. 12.-The Bark EMza Young, Dobray. for Barrow was totally wrecked at Crook Havin. DoiUlt of n Xrn.vulllng' Actor Jules Frillipetti, a travelling ac tor was found dead in bed at the Atlantic hotel yesterday. Extradition for Arson Montreal.. Feb. 12. Justice Ramsey to-day, in the ease of Ros enbaum, accused of arson in New York, ordered the prif-oner to be extradited. 37' Ml YZ .VI tft- to 25 W 12 00 A 10 I) (a n on ( 15 20 10 00 U, 8 00 K 00 Oil 45 10 11 ItllSOI.UXIO.'VS OF ME.VT. KfDoiisr:. Henatk Cn ambkr, Raleigh. X. C, I'cb. 3, 1874. At a republican cuucuh, held on the 3nl of i-'ebruary, 1674, the following res olutions were unanimously adopted: llrfAved 1. That thin caucus recom mend 77ie Ihxily Rxamincr and Weekly Era and Examiner to the republican party of this State, a.s a paper worthy of its confidence and support. Resolved 2. That all republican mem bers of thi.i general assembly bo re 'juested to subscrilx; to this paper and use all of their influence in giving it circulation and support. (Signed.) StjlTI KK TK1 VETT, l'res't or the Kep. Caucus. Mi'WAKD K. It"ii-KY, Secretary. LOCAL AFFAIRS. i every Irishman. As the sun of an Irishman John Caldwell, w hit iminirilcl to Amer ica in the year 1mi, the a;e of tventy-)ne y-ars, and who, al though a irn!etant, entertained the warm sentiments of friend ship for all of his eountrynien of w hatever religious belief.) it is very grateful to me to ee the Irishme'i of this eouv'ry jK'rjH'tuate the fes tivities' and notable holidays of their father-land, and to be red, us I am by your letter, thait they have the earnest d sire to improve thei-ondition of their adopted coun try, and to elexate it in the seal the nations of the earth. The.Irih are a noble-hoarU-d, e nial and enenus lK-ople, and a? elas I welcome t hem to North Caro lina, and bid th-m (IixI-sjhimI in their ev-ry eti"rt to improve thei i.wn eondition. a:l to elevate our t:tU- to an enviable position anion; the si-ter StaN-s of iur Republic 1 loii-.t, enterpriimr, energetic emi j.'r-Mtt- from every nationality wil alwavs ne't with a warm reet- in from everv true-hesirted sol ami daughter -f the "Old Nortl State. without re-'an I to their i-Ii-'io:i-i or iiolilical creeds, and no on.- in tin Stale will bo more rc jo:rtl-at a tcady inllux of Irish M rnian, laili-h anil other foreign er, or ra-pf hem with a warme jripofthe "baud and heart than I I h-"' a-ure vuii, inv dear sir, that it will ail'ord me re:d pleasure to mett with veil and other friends on the occasion ol the celebration of the patron Saint of Ireland, if it be in ii. v iiowertodo so. Thanking you for the honor done me by your invitation, and the kind terms in which it was couched, i am, sir, very truly and respectfully your obedient servant, Toi R. Caldwkll. M Wiik's C il kt. A soldier was up b-'foro liis hon r,oii yesterday, for steal int; wood. Ho wiw lound over to court in !ond lor his aiicarance to answer hire. tl. Skuvu ksok Nkw KriSCJPAL Cox uhkoatiox. The Rev. Edward It. Rich has accepted the call of tho New Epis copal Congregation in Raleigh, and will Ciiiduct the services of his church and preach in Tucker's Hall on Sunday at 11 o'clock in tho afternoon. The Sunday School of the new church will meet at the samo place at UJ o'clock p. ui. on Sunday. Irof. Kerr's Trip to Vienna. To flte Editor of the Examiner : In the proc'cding-- of the house on the 2Sth u:f., the Examiner rep resents Mr. Mc(iehee as saying that "car wheels by Mr. Ixjbdcll.of Wil mii.gton, Delaware, are now being manufactured near Lockville, and shipped to all parts of this country and even to Kurope." Somebody has misinformed Mr. McOehee. I nfortunately for the country, the furnaces at Buckhorn have not yet been completetl. The "Krdor Iron Furnaces" near Kgypt are in operation, but not a single ear w heel has been manufactured, and it will be a long time !efore rolling mills are built. The people here are opjK)sed to paying for the peregrinations of 1'r fsor Kerr in Furope. Respectfully, Ye KIT AS. A Wonderful 3Iaeh'ine. Mr. I. R. Williams, of Coving ton, Ky., has inventetl a machine hich inay well Ih calletl one of the wonders of the age, and a brief de scription of which cannot fail to le interesting to all engaged in the carpenter and joiner work. It is sty led "The General Joiner," and is'guaranteed to operate as well in all the following named characters as though it was designed for each individual purpose only: It will surface eighteen inches wide; it will work flooring: with a speed of twenty to thirty lineal feet IK.T minute: it surfaces and tongues nnil grooves all at me same oeration; it makes; the German, open or rustic siding or any kind HjssibIe to be made on a first-class flooring machine; it will thrust, grain and groove; cut ten tons with single head but very perfectly it will stick mouldings, from the smallest to the largest; it will stick sash and doors with a p rfection not surpassed by any ma chine; it will rip and cross-cut rapidly and accurately; it is adapt ed to turning circular mouldings up to eighteen inches in diameter, or straight work ; it will bore with any bit or augur; is easily adjusted and very accurate and rapid. The committee of award at the great St. I-uis Exposition in Octo ber J7:J, without a dementing vote, gave the General Joiner the high feet premium offered for the best general wood-working machine. A Max Killed ox the North Car o i.i v a Kailroah. When the mail train bound east on Wednesday night reach ed 'nm-ord, a man crawled up on the ti in ks of the sleeping car, endeavoring to get a rido to some point unknown. He did not long hold his position, but fell off upon the track, and, the wheels passing over hini, was instantly killed. We have teen unable to le.tru his name, and suppose he was some poor stranger. Iiting-nibea Arrival. New York, Feb. 12. Rev. Chas. Kingsley, the arthor, one of the chaplains in ordinary to Her Majes ty, Queen Victoria, arrived yester day on a visit to the United States. Tlie roasvnctinsetfw Ilmlature and Senator Sum ucr. Boston, Feb. 12. The senate passed a resolution annulling and rescinding the resolveof 1872, which censured Charles Sumner for his action relative to battle flags. FIIOM WASIIINGTOIV. Congressional Washington, Feb. 12. Senate Gordon of Georgia, presented a me morial from the city of Brunswick, Georgia, in relation to the establish ment ot a naval department of naval affairs. Gordon said he de sired to call attention to the fact that there was no naval department south of Norfolk, Va., and in case of war one on the southern coast would be necessay. Gordon introduced a bill for the relief of certain mail contractors in southern States. Pease from Mississippi .seated vice Ames. Bill equalizing currency resumed. A short executive session to-day. Drew was confirmed district" at torney of Florida. House Among tne execnuve documents submitted by the speak er after the reading of the;journal, was the response of the Secretary of the Treasury to the call for infor mation in regard to amounts paid for compromise of suits out of frauds on the New York and Bos ton custom house. The document, which was verv voluminous, was ordered to be printed. The fortification bill has passed. A long speech from Dawes on the financial condition of the government. ABRAHAM IIXCOIX. IS09. February 12. 1874. Ah I well it is, we say, For men to weave the laurel, and to crown Their heroes! Well to lift the marble - bieb. And bid it tell for ages the great deeds That saved the land ! And well to hal low days, And make them rich with blessed memories, That cluster round each passing hour, and lay A beauty and a fragrance on the time ! Well, not for him who sleeps in dream less sleep,' Whoso white hands lie upon a quiet breast. But for the men who livi- and work to day, For those who march with slow and weary feet. For those who lead tho people to the fray And bid them die for Freedom and for God. THE "COLLINS CAST" CAST STEKIj PLOWS. NEW AD VI P I O Fastest w: ::ir : ...... . Three valnabla sarr. j : . ; r i . i . . . . BRIDE, 707 Uroadnuy, :.'ew York Hard i:u!- RIIPTIIRFSecley'H TRUSSES Comfort and Cure for Hernia or Rupture. FinoSLccI fcprin.j; coated with hard rubber, highly posh ed. Free from all sour, ru.vy," t:.i:in, strapping or girthing unplcuitncs.-i. Cool, cleanly, light, safa and durable. Eveiy dcsin,'' pattern, ituhidlir-c tiio new Hard lit iiuRit lii.Aiii .N'iqiit Truss. Sent by mail or expro. ,SM by all dealers. Send for Illustrated cata logue. i:s:aii-i.m7 1'hesouit ki; r?,ii. t 137 Iird'j, N. Y,;JicarJ of japanned imitations. - ." .31:1- W1HMAII-ARN0LD N.Y. is on our lips, how was he Vessel Ashore Key West, Feb. 12. The ship Rpcons, from Antwerp, via Tybe for New Orleans, went ashore dur ing the last gale. The Bar, a wreck ing steamer, has gone to her assistance. Injunction Asked for New Orxkaxs, Feb. 12. The Stiin Bros., of London, holders of three millions of levee bonds, have filed a bill In equity, in the United States circuit court, asking for an injunction against the funding bill. Washing-ton Items. Washington, Feb. 12. In the senate, Mr. Conover of Florida, in troduced a bill to quiet certain land titles in that State. Referred to the public lands committee. yir. Harvey, tne new senator from Kansas, was seated to-day. Siamese Twins. Philadelphia, Feb. 12. There was no dissection to-uay oi tne bodies of the Siamese Twins. All that was done was tho perfection of the plaster casts, which were taken yesterday. No knife was put into the bodies which to-day were in spected by a large number of medi cal men. Soup House for the Poor of New York. New York, Feb. 12. The mem bers of the Stock Exchange have opened a subscription list for the establishment of free soup houses in the lower part of the city. James Gordon Bennett has given $30,000 o supply soup to the poor from fire and police stations. Fire at Sesu Key West, Fla., Feb. 12. The steamer Gulf Stream from Balti more for Havana and New Orleans, arrived yesterday, and reports, du ring her passage a hre broke out in the hold and burned for two days. and despite the exertions of the captain and crew, much of her val uable cargo was destroyed. The vessel is but little injured, as the lire was confined to the hold. Gov.Kemper Visits Washington and Calls Upon President Grant Washington, Feb. 12. Govern or Kemper, of Virginia, being in Washington on business, made a call of courtesy upon President Grant to-day, remaining at the Ex ecutive Mansion not more than fif teen or twenty minutes, it was some time ago stated that Colonel Mosby thad pre-arranged an inter view between these gentlemen, but the Governcr says there is no truth in the report, and that he called merely to pay his respects to the chief magistrate the same as any other citizen of the United States, and with no political object in view. The Governor to-night in conversation with friends who called upon him. at Willard'a hotel, spoke of the pleasure the visit af forded him. The President receiv ing him inaspirlt of marked friend liness and courtesy, and in the course of conversation expressed his views deliberately as if weighing well his words, which left a favora ble impression on the Governor's mind. As the interview was private, the subject of the conversation cannot be explicitly stated, but can only be inferred by the Governor's own free utterances to-night that he and his political friends in Virginia, stand on a broad conservative plat form which he says gives all the States co-equal rights as members of the Union, that they may dis charge all their duties and restore perfect peace and reconciliation to all parts of the country. They will sup port every body that supports that platform which thegovernor framed and which was endorsed by the people of Virginia, and they will oppose, he further says, every body who opposes tne conservative and harmonizing principles therein expressed. The governor will re turn to Virginia to-morrow morn ing. The navigation commissioners having concluded their business have adjourned to meet at Fvans ville, Indiana, upon the call of the president. A Horse with'a Long Memory. This man, whose name whose deeds Are written in our hearts, wrouentr What was his nature? V as he high or low T Did honorable wealth watch his young life, Or was he nurtured in a lowly way, And hardened for tho conflict from his birth, And so made ready for his victory ? Short, simple words should tell the simple tale. A poor white boy within a cabin home, Held down by the same curse that held . the slave; A lad athirst for wisdom, yet shut in, And pressed, and hindered by his pov erty ; A man with all the roots of greatness hid By overlying rocks of circumstance. What shall call out the hero, and uplift This man of men lo his own peerless These plows are incontestibly the best made in America for all purposes of the r arms, ana being most durable also, AKt liiiu ctiiAi' l ney are maue or an sizes irom one to six r.orse rignt or leit nana, with or without knife or revolving coulter, gaugewheel and chain. COST according to size and furniture ONE HORSE, Plain, f 12.50 to f 15. Two horse, plain, $18 to $24, actual freight charges to be added. Can be seen in use at "HOLLY FARM," three miles east of Raleigh, f on the Tarboro road, or illustrated catalogue and price list furnished on applica tion to SHAFFER A HARRIS, Agents, 20-tf ' Raleigh, N. C. READ ! READ ! READ ! READ ! GREAT DISCOVERY. The height? their tribute as All the kindly long years gave they passed, And hailed him master, grace, The childlike ways, the homely honesty, The tender lov, the loyalty" to truth, That flow and mingle in the gentlest blood, Were met together in .his blameless life. His story is not old ; no need to write A lengthened page to blazon all his fame. With sturdy growth he threw off every weight, And sprang, full-armored, to the battle front, And led the hosts of Freedom. In his hand He bore the banner of our liberty, And made its blood-dyed folds so glo rious, That, for their beauty, we forgot the hand That held it up amid the fiery storm, Until we saw him dead beside his trust. Ah, friends, to-day wo sit within this Elace, ink of home, and country, and fair hopes, And all the gi'ts of Freedom that are ours, Because such men have lived. Let us be glad That for a little space their hearts have felt, Their hands havo wrought for all the brotherhood. Let us break forth in fitting words of praise, And sing our psalms of triumph, though the flower Of victory, shining o'er the rescued land, Is rootod in the martyr's holy grave. Mary A. Ripley. BRADLEY'S PATEVT i:.aitii:i. PAINT. Cough and - For ' , Hoarseness, ' all hrmt iis.ic, - $2,500. Wells's Carbolic'- Tablets. ' m. u u r WMLJIV MM MmmJ sAf, ! a tiuei & sui;k m:?n:ir? Sold liV UniT-rlsfe C' 4' v mauu vt iuj our pi j m vt coitimxATiox pnosrr.crrs. It represents sample page and tyiii cf binding of 50 Intensely Interesting nr-d useful books, that SELL la every. fam . ily. Best thing over trhxl by can viu-m -;. A ' WTJ r vtpt ii . " v. i... f I X r,L IU lU&K V U JK I I J I" nent business on theso works. Hci $1.50 for Iprospectus, tho only ou' needed, choose territory and comni :r at once. For Illustrated circulars an . liberal terras, address JOHN E. POT TER A CO., Pubs., X'hUn., Pa. 32: 1 v, s 5 IcrX .3 5" MADE FROM Pure white Lead, Linseed Oil and Zinc, Chemically combined. Will last three times at long as the best lead and oil mixed in tbe ordinary way. . j ALWAYS READY FOR USE. SOLD BY THE GALLON. One gallon covers twenty square yards two coats. We especially cai the attention to the following testimonials of the Paint : jEssay. Tiik City I'i ijlic Sih arrs. Mr. Gorman, in the house on yesterday, of fered an amendment whirh authorizes the city of R;ileii;h, if the citizens, at an el' -ti.n to le had, should consent there to, t purchase Moore, Nash and Burke squares, at a fixed price, ($-l,0UU each for Moon- and Nah, and $0,000 for Burke .quarf, and in the event of a favorable vote authorizing the commissioners to Ksuc twenty year lond for the pay ment of the principal and tho interest thcrcou. But the amendment failed, as diil also the original bill, to pass the House. Heavy Cialc and Overflow of the lialtic Sea. London, Feb. 12. The heavy gale, which prevailed yesterday on the Baltic sea, caused it to overflow along the entire eastern coast of Schleswig Ilolstien. The dykes protecting the low lands were burst in many places, and great tracts of country were flooded. The damage to property was immense, and se rious loss of iife is feared. Sitiikmk CofUT.-This Court mot at its usual hour, all tho Justices being present. The following causes were arued : 1). Pen per vs. Griihn, from Halifax. E. J. Haywood for plaintiff; Smith A Strong, Clark A Mullen for the defen dants. Remanded. Stato vs. McPherson and Williams, from Wake. Attorney General for tho State.J. C. L. Ilarriss and Thos. Purnell for defendants. Gideon Perrv et al vs. II. M. Tupper, from Wake. Fowle A Lewis for plain- tills; Smtlh & Strong, S. II. Rogers for defendants. The Western Plan for the Suppres sion of Liquor Saloons to be adopt ed in ew York. New York, Feb. 12 The wes tern plan of suppressing the liquor saloons will be tried at last in about ten days. Worcester, Massa chusetts, will be first operated on. A mass meeting of the citizens is to be held when a plan of operations will be explained and organizations for work will be formed, which it is proposed to prosecute vigorously. Ashlyns, Baltimore Bo, Md., May 27, 187 Mr. C. P. Knight : A.t the recommendation of a friend, I was induced to ap your patent " Bradley's" Paint to my house. I havo pleasure in stating that it After the expira- j eyes fixed upon it and conquered economical, and carries better gloss than ordinary paint, and is freer from disa- .TllDMUIIT DISPATCHES. Spkciai. Tkrm ok Wakk Superior Coi-rt, His Honor Jldue Ioubuee RKsiniNG. The following cases were heard and disposed of 3-esterday : A. T. Smith vs. J.M. Moring. Judg ment for plaintiff. Retts, aughn A Allen vs. s. u. liayes. Judgment against plaintiffs for costs. W. II. llolloman vs. liaieign ana Augusta Air-Line railroad. Verdict for laintiff. W. B. Allen vs. Raleigh and Augusta Air-Line railroad. Verdict for plaintifl. V. II. Howell vs Raleigh and Au gusta Air-Line railroad. Action uis- missed at plaintiff's cost. 11. J. Booker vs. li. 11. Altorii. ment airaiust defendant. Sam Wortham vs. B. N. Howell. On trial. The Premier of England London, Feb. 12. There is con siderable speculation as to whether Disraeli or the Earl of Derby will become premier. Cardinals of Rome. Rome, Feb. 12. Cardinals Anto nelli, Capalti and Tarquini are se riously ill. The last mentioned is one of the Cardinals recently ap pointed by the Pope. Judg- IIofSE Proceedings Yesterday Evening- The house, during the after- . S- 1- noon session, postpone!, lnuennueiy, the bill to aid the University by the sale of vacant lots and lands in and near the citv of Raleigh, after a majority had voted to incorporate Mr. Brown's (of Davidson) amendment that the proceeds should not go to the University, but to the common school fund. The bill in relation to the Western North Carolina Railroad passed its sev eral readings. The bill in relation to amnesty and pardon was laid upon tbe table, after a failure to adopt Mr. McGehee's amend ment to incorporate into the bill a par don for every one, save in the crimen of j arson and rape, lhe democrats for, and tho republicans, generally, voting against it. Weather Probabilities. Washington, Feb. 12. Proba bilities for Friday in New England and the middle States northeast to southeast winds, falling barometer, cloud and rain. ITIinister ot tireecc. Paris, Feb. 12. John Meredith Read, Jr., late Consul General of the United States in this city, is about to leave for Athens to assume duties as Minister to Greece. A. T. A. Torbert, Secretary of Legation, is Read's successor here. Many years ago Mr. Abram Dodge, of the town of Ipswich, Massachusetts, owned a beautiful horse, which was the pet of the family. He was admired by all who knew his playfulness and good qualifications. In the sum mer it was Mr. Dodge's habit oc casionally to have a frolic with his horse in his barn-yard, and then let him out alone, and he would go to the river, which wa3 about one third of a mile distant, where he would bathe, then go to a common and roll on the grass, then with the freedom of air start for his home. His stable was renovated for him while he was gone, and his breakfast put in his crib. If he met his master he would show some coltish pranks, bound for the stables, pull out the wooden pin that fastened the door withnis teeth, and rush to the manger where he expected to find his food. One night the horse was stolen from the stable. tion of sixteen years Mr. Dodge was at the tavern when a man drove a horse up to the door. Mr. Dodge at once recognized the horse, and he told the driver his reasons for beleaving it to be his; the man told of whom he bought the horse, and said that he had owned the horse for several years Mr. Dodge claimed his horse, and it was agreed if the horse would, on being taken to his old stable go through the habit of bathing, rolling on the grass, and pulling the pin from the stable door as above described, that Mr. Dodge should have him. When the horse was led out into his old yard he reviewed the premises for a moment, then started for his old bath tub, then for his green towel on the common, then to his old stable, pulled the wooden pin, won for himself a good meal, and his old master his favorite horse. The facts are vouched for by reliable old residents of the beautiful, pic turesqued old town, and show con clusively the long memory of our noble animal. Sixty-five years ago to-day began one of the -tales which history de lights to tell. A life dawned which was to mark an era in the world's progress, Its origin was obscure and poor. None could think, the day it came, that it was to bo so great. Its lot was hard. Its growth was sturdy. In the strong school of toil it grew in honesty, sobriety and patience, in independence and modesty, in kindness and humility. It clung to these. It was reverent and aspiring. Whatever might happen, it would not be base. Through no selfish ambition, but by suffrage of fellow-men, the love and honor of a few of whom it had secured, it was summoned to our country's supreme place. There it was appointed to stand, the centre and guide of the nation, while the nation's life and the worm's pro- FIIOM PROFESSOR W. G. EMMONS, WAKE FOREST. Wake Forest ColIege, N. C, Oct. 4th, 1873. Mr. C. P. Knight Dear Sir : We have for several months been using your Bradley's Patent Enamel Paint on our College Building, and are well pleased with it, though it was applied by one having no experience ill such work, yet we have a good job. We shall continue to use it, believing that hi point of econmv, durability and facility of application it is superior to any other pigment offered 111 the market. Very Respectfully, W.U.SIMMONS. S3 a S r mr'r fc" Tho Highest Medical Author ities ot Europe say tho fctrtingest Tonic, Purifier and Deobstiucnt known to tho medical word is JTJRUBEBA. It arrests decay of vital forces, cxhau tion of r tho nervous system, restore vigor to the debilitated, cleansed vlli: ted blood, removes vesicle obstructions tfc acts directly on tho Liver and Spleen, Price $1 a bottle. JONN Q. KELLOtlO, 18 Piatt St., N. Y. . 3itw DR. PIERCE'S - - ALT. EXT. OR Golden Medical Discovery , cures all Humors from tho worst Scrof ula to a common blotch or pimplo.Prom two to six bottles are warranted to cure Salt Itheum or Tetter, Pimples on fate, Boils-Carbuncles, Krssipelas and Liver Complaint. Six to twelvo bottles war ranted to cure the worst Scrofulous Swellings and Sore pains In Bonos and Sore Throat caused by Poison In Blood or mercurial treatment. By the won derful Pectorial properties it will cu the most severo recent or the wo lingering Cough in half the time rep ed by any otner meaicineanuispr ly safe, loosening" cough, soothii tation. and relieving soreness. SV rll drmrirists. R. V. PIKltCK, vsridvriTsiwiisaryrrnnTaToTTrrvr ro nr. o 1S73. Darnestown, Montgomery Co. Md., Oct. G, Mr. C. P. Knight, Sole Agent for Bradley'' s Patent Enamel Paint. Drar Sir I received your favor of the 3d iust., asking my opinion of the "Bradley Patent Enamel Paint," for which you are Agent. It affords mo pleas ure to add my testimonial with many others, of its value and thorough adaptation to the Rural Districts especially. Having a practical experience of thirty years in preparing plans and building with all branches .of Artisans and Mechanics and used most of the material for painting, I was induced to try " llRADLEY PATENT ENAMEL PAINT," owing to its portabilility, being mixed of all shades and quantities to suit. I applied it for inside and outside work and found it dried thoroughly covered the surface perfect and dried with a beautiful Enamel luster, and covered twenty square yards two coats. I'have recommended its use to others in the city of Washington and lower Maryland, with equal satisfaction and good results. Mixing colors by ordinary Mechanics is not often done to the satisfaction of proprietors and this Paint" being already mixed all desired shades and frequently to suit, renders it more desirable in "Rural Districts." I cheer fully recommend its general use and feel assured that all who use it will be satis fied that it is all that is claimed' Durable, Beautiful and Economical." Yours respectfully, JOHN L. DuFKIF. Architect and Builder n ft Dr. Sac Jstarrh It' lioiacdy k itsnuUMical-II rtlc,fj , which cures by liirorxrtIes. tho dUcuvo j icias when tho eystun In been put In perfect order nilh Doctor X. 1lrttu C.oIClCIl medical Discovery, which thouH betaken earnestly to correct blood and system, which aro always tU fault, also to act spcctncally, upon tho diseased irlands of tho noso and its chambers. Catarrh itexnedy should be applied with Dr. Plcrces Nasal Douclie,with which medicine can bo carried htqH up znd perccllu applied to all parts ot pas sages and chambers In which sores and ulcers exist, and from which discharffe proceeds. So successful has Uils course of treatment proven, that tho proprietor offers 500 lie ward for a caso of "Cold in Head" or Vatarrh which he . Tho hrd mMliclllCl With gress hung on the issue of a terrible connict. now noDiy it siooa, amiu what a rain of sorrows, treacheries, hatreds, labors. the world's cold Xew York Commissioners to the CentenuiaJ Albany, Feb. 12. The senate has agreed to a resolution passed by the assembly to rescind the ap pointment of commissioners to tne j centennial exhibition. An Ordinanck and other Mat ters. At a meeting of the board of city commissioners on Wednesday night last, tho following introduced by Mr. Battle was adoDted : . Be it ordaineu that the owners of all lots along which are dirt sidewalks, over -hich tho people of the city usu ally pass, be required to repair the same with loam or gravel free from clay, sloping one foot in fifteen to the gutter, provided that all sidewalks which, the street commissioner shall deem to be in sufficient repair, are exempt from the operation of this order. The North l arolina railroad company agrees to remove 'all obstructions to tbe street and sidewalk after being notified by the board, but requested mat a small encroachment be allowed tnem, which was cranted upon the condition that the said road put in repair the side walk there. Metropolitan hall was granted to me The Soverigrn of IndUktry St. Louis, Feb. 12. Council No. 1 of the sovereigns of Industry, was orgainzed here last night. This is the first sub-ordinate council of the order organized in the West. Wreck off German Bark London, Feb. 12. The German bark, Hercules, has been wrecked and eleven of the crew perished. Produce Defaulter Exchange. ..A Arretted New York, Feb. 12. At a meet ing of the members of the produce exchange this afternoon, a commit tee of fifteen was appointed to raise . j a. t zr m a. i money ior me sunering poor oi ine city. The Jersey City authorities re- free use of the colored ladies of the Me- J eeived a telegram to-day from Col. tbodist church next tuesaay nisni. LrDln, commanding the federal MPMID. ASkCn. Jjee uu men .-K3i Bradley's Patent Enamel Paint. It is but a little over a quarter of a century since the art of mixing paint was confined al most exclusively to a few, compar atively speaking. Now, however, through the ingenuity of Bradley a practical painter, as well as a Chemist, we are not only enabled to apply the Paint, if we desire, but can see the shades in advance, beautiful sample cards, being furnished gratis, with the differ ent shades, or tints numbered. Not having used the Enamel Paint, we can't "or course speak; irom ex perience, but we have not a doubt, it a i a. is a -f s a. i a. is an mas is ciaimeu ior it, auu must evidently supercede the old style PAint.' As an evidence of the great worth of the Enamel Paint, we most respectively request all of our readers, lo carefully read the excellent testimonia's of Mr. C. P. Knight, on the 6th page of our pa per. 29 6 1. ,To connect the memory of Charles les Dickens with scenes in which his earliest and latest years were passed, his executors have erected in Rochester Cathedral, England, a handsome brass tablet, recording his birth and death, and the fact that his remains repose in West minister Abbey. wfrfl ordered to iriade the south side walk of Cabarrus street, and it was also ordered that Wilmington and Morgan Btreets be pavPtl with good brick. forces at Brownsville, Texas, sta ting that Hamilton, tbe defaulting treasurer of Jersey City, had been nrrcHted there. Raleigh market: cotton, more doing; low middlings in good demand at 13; stained grades 6J11; receipts up to threo p, m, ISO bales. into tender admiration by its in flexible worthiness I How grand it showed to be the qualities which make a true manhood ! Their worth is its illuminated lesson. A nation's best possession is its noble children. They are better than wealth ; they are wealth's security. They are better than laws ; against them there is no law. They are better than con stitutions j to keep them in order no constitution is needed. In danger they are its safety. They are law, order, wealth, safety, progress, all in one. And when it dies they are its immortal life, their memory its undying glory. Of these, surely, is our Abraham Lincoln. Noble as a boy, noble ax a man, he was noble as head and ruler of the nation perhaps no blest in the unselfish loyalty to Right, which refused even to seize the immortal honor of proclaiming Freedom until he clearly saw it to be his duty. Worthy was he to issue the glorious Proclamation of Emancipation. It was the triumph of his unselfishness and Jus humility. " Oh, Truth ! oh, Freedom ! how are ye still born In the rude stable, m the nangen nursed : What hnmble hands unbar those gates of morn Through which the splendors of the New Day burst!" " With honor, honor, honor to him Eternal honor to his name." F. F. greeable odor. Yours respectfully, JOIIN WETIIERED. Baltimore. Dec. 10. 1872. Mr. C. P. Knight Dear Sir : It affords me much pleasure to say to you tha the Bradley Patent Enamel Paint far exceeds my expectations in economy, beau ty, and I have every reason to believe in durability. More than twelve months since, I painted the roof of my house (Mansion House) with the Bradley Patent Enamel Paint, and I was so well pleased with it, I determined to paint the fronts of the " Hotel," and I am most happy to say that it gives me perfect satisfaction. In conclusion, I will say, if this testimonial will be of any advantage to you, you are at liberty to use it. . Yours most respectfully, ! ISAAC ALBERTSON, Jansion House Hotel, Cor. Fayette and St. Paul Sts. Baltimore. Hillsboro, Va, July 14, 1873- Mr. C. P. Kniyht, Sole General Agent, 93 West Lombard Street, Baltimore. Md. Sib We the undersigned having used Bradley's Patent Enamel Paint, lor which J. Early Thompson is agent, cheerfully certify that for beauty of finish, durability and economy it is in our opin without an equal. Yours very respectfully, THOMAS i:. t'AMJ', -i -r- ( '.l?Sl?"':lILM (J. MANLEY HAMMERSLEY, RODNEY MATTHEWS. Baltimore, Md., Sept. 30, 1872. C. P. Knighl, Esq. Dear Sir: I havo had the Bradley's Patent Enamel Paint, which I purchased from you, used insido and outside, both, at my dwelling and store, for two sea sons. It gives me great pleasure to be able to say, that it comes fully up to your recommendations in facility of use, eeonomy, dnrability and beauty. Yours truly, THOMAS J. IRVING, . 168 West Baltimore Street, Baltimore, Md. Princb George Countt. October 24, 1872. C P. Knight, Esq., Baltimore I Dear Sir Having given your paint a test of six months, I take pleasure in say ing that it comes fully up to your representation, and I think looks as well now as when first applied. It maintains its gloss and color perfectly, and I think will outlast any other paint I have ever seen. Very, respectfully, MEMORIAL. Senate and House op the Uni ted States of America : C. P. KNIGHT, Sole Agent, No. 93 W. Lombard Street, Baltimore. S Specimens and Price List furnished gratis. ff Baltimore, Nov. 2d, 1873. 2t-2ai For ages it has been the custom of people and nations to hold in dear remembrance the name of him whose life was devoted to his kind and his country. To him who proclaimed the de claration of independence a living reality, eternal remembrance." On the twelfth day of February, 1809. the soul of Abraham Lin coln was launched into time. We, the undersigned, do petition your honorable assembly, the senate and house of representatives, that you uo nominate and appoint the twelfth day of ebruary a ' legal holiday," that a universal people may rejoice together in this great gift of God to man. I I S m H9 MsiiliM: Mill: ilTl mm a i 4 febl2-w6m. O T here are about forty families o1 Cherokee Indians living in Chero" j ke o county. I FFICE OF TDE A. &. N. C. K. K Newbers. N. C Dec. 29, 1873. Notice is hereby eiven to holders of the mortgage bonds of the Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad Company, that Coupons on said Bonds due on the First Day ot January, 1874, will be paid at tho Fulton National Bank, New York, on and after the 10th day of January, 1874, on presentation. E. K. STANLEY, Pres't. 28-lm A. A N. C. R. R. Co. JJ- OTICE! We have this day disposed of our entire Book and Job Printing Estab lishment to Messrs. GORMAN, MAR COMdk LEE, together with all books, accounts, notes, and other claims due the establishment. The new firm will also settle all claims owing by us, by note, account, or otherwise. JOHN NICHOLS. Sept. 6th, 1873. The undersigned will continue the Book and Job Printing Business, un der the firm, name and style of GOR MAN, MARCOMd: LEE, and respect fully solicit a continuance of the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed on this establishment by the public. JO II IV C. GORTCAir, JOIIN W. ITIAKCOM, ClIAHLCS K. LEE. 3-tr A WET NURSE CAN BE HAD BY applying at once at Intelligence Office. ; The Only Known Medicine THAT AT TTK SAME TIME j Purges, Purifies 'd. Streng thens tlio System. Dr. Tutt's PIIU aro composed of many ingredients. Prominent among them are Sarsaparilla and wild cherry, so united as to act together ; tho ond, hrough its admixturo with othet substances, purifying and purging; while the other is strengthening the system. Thus these Pills aro at the same timo a tonic and a cathartic, a de sideratum long sought for by mod leal men, but never before discovered, in other words, they do tho work of two medicines and do it much belter than any two we know of, for tho.y icmovo nothing from the system but, impuri ties, so that while they purgo thoy also strengthen and hence tiny causo no de bility and aro followed by no reaction. Dr. Tutt'it Pllla have a wendeful influence on tlio blood. They not only purify without weakening It, but they remove all noxious particles- from the chyle before it is converted into lluid; and thus makes impure blood an litter impossibility As thero is no debilita--tion, so thero is no nausea or sickness attending the operation of this most t x cellent medicine, which never strain or tortures the digestive organs, but causes them to work Jn a poifoctly natural manner ; hence persons taking them do not become pale and emaciated, but on the contrary, while all impurities aro - being removed, the combined action of the Sarsaparilla and Wild Cherry puri fies and invigorates tho body, ind a ro bust state of health is the result of their v united action. Price 23 cents a . box. Sold by all Druggists. . Principal office, 48 and 50 Cortlandt St., New York. 32 4w. JOIIN ARMSTRONG, No. 1 Fayettevili.k Strekt, RALEIGH N. C, I O O 1C 11 1 2$ D fr It , And Blank Book Manufacturer. i Newspapers,: Magazines, and Law Books, of every description, bound in the very best style, and at lowest prices. Old numbers of Supreme Court I'm-. ports taken in exchange for binding, j " i i , JALEIOII FEMALlj SEMINARY. ICALEIUII , N. C. ' ! i F. P. IIobgood, A. M., Principal. II. W. Reinhart, (U. Va.) Assciatr' Principal. - , Dr. L. Von Mcyerhofl, of Vienna. Music Department. The Spring: term will open on Mon day, Jan. 19, 18TU . m For particulars apply for Circular wl Ctaalogue. - -, . ZT febl

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