-v. : - ' I rn-Tjr.To. . . r-vp vy - w . 1 i vlj i j i li r v i i ; ,:iJVJlijM .YJ.'.lSii'Jli' V .. , - i! IT. TIAECH 12, 1874 FO;-37.:--, VOL. Ti i. "X. , THE ERA Af.'D EXAM 1.'! EH. .'THURSDAY. MAT. CI I f371 77 THE DAILY w!!! . In tue Cttr at Kim v c ivl'l wefklTT M.tlll f r ? firslimnnihi; JiWfir I.. bmxTT-h ive ceot n r; TmTKi-WLtXLTf f 2 m rr. TlIitVtrKT.T V.T K a: t llx "-f "jr 1 - : " ..-, ' Jiu . .'.a.uNl In t e ; lleiuiMIcnii l'r.pc; crforcL,. a : ,5 a Coavc: i cr.no ConTentlon' . tion whether we shoald rr; ub! lean conven Hon for nt Urc; is one which has no ceneral expression of in , The 'KuthcrYjnl 'paper rc samcd tho old name' of th3 Kuthcr ford Start skr.d under the editorial manacm nt of 2Ir.J. B. Cirpcn " tcr, has fco.'eOfthe Etralt-cutVo - paUicua standard. ' Thai Hccord which euccccded to the Blor . some months tine?, v,a3 r.cutral" In poll - tic. -. i -; . It will be frratJfyin: to the repub licans of tho State to know that the Hon Is again represented ty aj of the pronounced' pontics of the Star : and under the able and Infla ential leadership of Judge Logan that section will rive a rood ac count of Itself next'Augrust. ' 1 M r. ., nirona me peopir,aunougn invited to discuss . , the matter through Uiese columns some weeks since.'..- . i : - l , . At a general caucus of jrpnb Iiciins;with republican members of f he legislature r on the twelfth of last month.lt was decided to recom mend to the State executive com mittee not foeall a convention for the State at targe this Spring ; but an their ilanderona ibnsexf governor CaldwelT, the buckles of whose shoes thegrcatmajority of thm are not worthyo'tinfasfeiU' Honestntel- iigent,. conscienuou3 ana jearnea, with . an abiding 7faitb in the good people of the Htatenrho have hon I ored h!mthcirabuio alii 'still-born and harmless at the feet of this great man and be can afford to scorn th& bittrnes!! of hlar ralnmftiAtnrsi' tot ; ; JIolnjr for OinUatlonirr; The Examiner begins to-day the pobl I cation of district v, republican executl ve-rcomm Ittecs'apDointed 1 n ad vWry- committee, consiit-; 1872, and;hc;dfnltH ing T)f' twenty-three representa tive republicans from all k parts of the :State,.. was created, and to that committee of consultation together with tbe executive com mittee was left the task of bringing lnfr ffia flntrl a : tiftaMn VonHrTat -. Ror the oQce of superintendent of presslon pf ttegne h public -Iiutructioi?: the- ihUyJJcktt PJ&WP-? for the State at lare the teoDle caw I w140 usual ImportancQ ana-.B.Inii ham hofnra (hpm thlavmr. I CanCC 'WTille th noliev of eallino-the Therefore these district meetings, the conventions of .the 'several di3 tricU tc nominate can41daic3 for. congress this yearv' b erf b .- ish Inasmuch as" IlTTiaabeen deemed tmnecessarp'bVvef DUW COO vention,;these district conventions become the:tabnne3:4for.the-ex; Senator Carpenter's Speech. The Exarrwirr yesterday morn ing contained the text of the speech of Senator Gtirpenteron Louisiana ufTairs, being tho only paper of tho city that did present the speech in full. j The sledge hammer blows of Matt Carpenter cannot fail In their effect; and the whole country must be seriously impressed by the point ed arguments of the ponderous sen ator. It will take time, patience, ar gument and research to arrive at a correct solution of the Louisiana difficulty, but it is perfectly appa rent that a deal of "unloading" is necessary for ail parties in that un happy Suite, v It is impossible not to believe that Kellogg and his associates are thor oughly unscrupulous end corrupt, but the source of all this difficulty is traceable to the wily Wannouth and his debauched democratic friends of the Greeley abortion. ' Candidates for Public tion. Instrtic- The Rutherford Hlar suggests the name of Itey. J. I. Carson, of Ru therford, for superintendent of pub lic instruction, and calls on the Examiner among other papers, to suggest a name for consideration. In compliance with sach request, ilJiino spirit of dictation what- ii.. t- .1.' ji. r"ftt - a. ever, Mio mucujhuict Huuiu iJ4&x;m for consideration the names of Oil ver H. Dockery, of Richmond, and Dr. J. O. Ramsay of Rowan. Either of these gentlemen would just precisely fill the bill. Both are rood canvassers. Each is thoroughly educated and ad mirably qualified for the place. Both are-young, progressive, prac tical men ; and as standard bearers of the republican party in a single bunded contest, either would reflect credit upon the party before the election, and the office afterwards. The Examiner would not be un derstood as nominating either of these gentlemen or as expressing a 'personal preference or pet choice In this matter. The above names are merely suggested for public consid eration. If these are not enough, the Examiner can name a dozen others. Furthtr West it has a favorite, but to others must be left the suggestion of his name. IMstrtct, County and Township Organization. It will soon be time for the peo ple to begin to give attention to dis trict, county and township organi zation. Although there is but one officer for the State at large to be elected, the campaign before us is one of the first importance to the republican party in North Carolina. In six of the judicial districts judges are to be chosen. Eight members of congress are to elect, members of the legislature, twelve solicitors, a superior court clerk and all the county officers for every county in 'the State, and all township officers must be elected. And, in all respects, the campaign of 1874 is of quite as much impor tance to the republicans of North Carolina as was that of 187. The necessity of thorough organ ization in every neighborhood, and a system of frequently bringing the people of every township together is greater than at any former period in the history of this State. The democrats of the late legisla tare, in passing a law to coerce poor white men of North Carolina, disposed for the first time to vote with us, have also framed a law in tended to disfranchise hundreds and thousands of colored men. . This law is known as the identifi cation bill, and it provides that when a man shall start to the polls he must take along a neighbor to swear who he is. Hence It will be necessary for all of the republicans of every town ship to come to personally know each other, so that no man may lose his vote for want of identification. ' The Examiner will begin and pub lish the State and district organiza tions as they existed in 1872, and the republicans of the State are earnest ly besought to begin to get ready for the great campaign of the com ing Summer. ; should be essentially' and In every respect representative in their con stituent parts. And to make them pre-eminently so, timely notice should be given the townships-and counties, in order that the best and most thoroughly representative men may be sent up to the district conventions. It is further suggested that the several district conventions, each and all, recommend to the State or central executive committee a candidate for superintendent of public instruction. In that way a State convention is made absolute ly unnecessary, at the same time the wishes of the people are as thoroughly known as they could be through a State convention, for every township and county has spoken through the district conven tions. It is a system of triangula tion, so to speak, covering every inch of territory in the State. If thio suggestion be adopted it would be necessary for all the dis tricts to nave spoken by the mid dle of May, in order that the State or central committee meet and place the first choice pf the several dsstricts in the field by the first of June. If these district conventions could mtet in April, and let the candidate for superintendent of public instruction take the field by the 10th of May, it would be all the better for a single-handed contest.' The Examinvr would suggest to the various district committees the propriety of calling their conven- A t At J. 11.1L. - iTr - i April to meienw orarr?r?afnrat order that the townshipsv ..Toun ties may have ample time, let the calls for conventions issue not later than the twentieth of the present month. It is of very great importance to begin in time. There Is heavy .people together in convention for all regular State elections was reit erated and re-affirmed as a policy never to be called into question by the republican party, it was urged that this was an extraordinary case, a mere incident, and it was doubt ful if the republicans of the State could be gotten together In conven tion incidentally. Leaving out of the question trouble and expense, it was believed that the people could not be assembled for an oc casion like this In sufficient num bers, and in a sufficiently represen tative capacity, to reflect the gen eral views of the republicans of the State. So it was determined to leave the matter of selecting a candidate for the office of public instruction to the executive committee, advised by twenty-three representative republicans for the State at large; and with the addition of the iuternal improvement and free school resolutions at the head of this paper, the platform adopted by the republican convention of April, 1872, is to be the general platform of the republicans of North Caro lina for 1874. The above statement is made for the purpose of eliciting a popular expression of opinion, and if it should be found to be the general desire of the party for a convention, one will, of course, be called. Let republicans in all parts of the State be heard from. the; Stale .'Contrictln'aS ' Corporator and Eepudiatinif as a tiovereifirn- - A case te'notf beicsargned befsro the supremo court of this -Siatcv wherein certain parties are hopm to,attach theidisOTreP(i!atic: to.; the t name; of vNprtn tuaronna, The event illnstratesf that : the fcrro of private. galnJte.strOTgeri In soci3 people, than their pride r of public. honor. T ixf't, , The 'fee aJladed ':to;lst one in which 4he 5 Staie, asu corporator &$ed ta -vL corporation Jbno wn ' C2 the Richmond t arid Danville rail road.erlnterest Jn theNbrth Caro-. MnAroabSJeTrt tok?Z H to causa thd States, as aaovereigsi xd. repudiate the contract after sho L: i ratified it'In; her capacify as a so eiim ' ' i . - The resnit-oXlha,cJbeforo cur 6tatottmim,sm -littid c: r; encefone way or, tbeptber, -or It i ; understood that the, parties to i 3, will appeal to that tribunal' t)f last and s , long resort, th jfnijreme court of the United States; and the parties '. to " the ' defence are understood to be in position to own the stock of the State In the North Carolina railroad long before the period of litigation is ended by final decision of the case in the highest court of the land. The Examiner simply takes notice of this case, here, to protest, for the people of North Carolina, against this, to them, expensive litigation in the interest of one railroad ring fighting another. With this suit, the State of North Carolina has paid, of lawyers' fees alone, not less than ten thou sand dollars within the past twelve months, for services charged for in railroad and public debt liti gations, and one is led to believe from the nature of things that the paying has hardly begun. :V ' , And what is all this for, do your ask?' .).:-, , ,r- It is -a melancholy fact, that, North Carolina has not one dollar of interest in any railroad within her borders, save the equity of im possible redemption. All is mort gaged, deep down 'below the hope of recovery, some two and three times over, yet the State treasury is being constantly de pleted to gratify some rival rail road line and give the legal ; pro fession of the State a profitable air ing. That the State of North Caro lina has no actual interest in the niiuuau uvci virtual uua, iiugauuu i It follows that the power eiven to the general assembly to provide for the election, gives them the power to elect the trustees" (of the university) ' them selves. These are the closing words of the article which the Daily 'Neves gives place to with pleasure as being to the point, and it should be preserved as a good example of begging the question. Backed by all the intelli gence or the utate, the jsencs ought to have been able to produce a more able article, filled with more of the characteristic bitterness and venom of its party, especially when most of its colleagues have had their say, and a month's time to write out this sage opinion. The Examiner is gratified and refreshed that the writer had the boldness to say he believes both the parties to the controversy are firmly persuaded of the correctness of their respective opinions,and the question is simply, who is right? Who is right ? The governor or the (so-called) trustees ? This amendment to the constitution is plain and gives the general assem bly power to provide for the elec tion of trustees. There is noth ing in the amendment about other wise provided for, and Stanly's case quoted by ,,rJnlversitas,"of the A'irtG does not apply. No doubt the governor is correct in his opinion, and the courts will so hold, if the question is,as it will be, brought before them. But take the argument and apply it to other sections of the constitu tion. Art. 9, sec 2, says the legis lature shall provide by taxation for a uniform system of public schools, dc, and by the same logic, this The C - f y Ar tron c : this:; fence c cfi': that r mir-: have, the r ha4,t' t: - than': " r-v.-. gec: 1 i r.nj the Examl- ...zbzzdry and a Tpa" m irr, publishes in 3 paper a letter in de .ngcrj, la which he ler to task for some to his ordefti.3 J ngcrar are so little : 13 highly probable tfielr i purposes are , and .writing from a ccneral observation, :ral reputation, it is 3 t!:at'thls paper may c ! its t emarksdone ::htjnja3tice. v if it 1 publication of tills ; t-!ren r.s a dispqsi 1 ia. t-3 premises, '. : . . -cH 1 at all times 3 fcr such letters as it -zl to , the gsneil Carolina is a gratifi- papcr, c.T.l . any rangement or understanding with the bondholders, pay them off, work the roads out of debt and re tain them to the profit ami glory o the State.".-;': ; '-fM, The scheme to save this great property and give the State an un broken line of railroad from the Cherokee country to : the Atlantic ocean at Beaufort, was perfectly feasible, and if the legislature had seen fit to give the North Carolina railroad . company the charter it asked for, - there would have been no difficulty , in the way. .' But cer tain mem bers of. the ; legislature were wiser men, more practical rail? road men, more patriotic and more honest than the railroad company; Mathias .EManly, -fWalter L, Steele, J. H. Wilson, Burgess S. Gaither or Governor Caldwell, arid the scheme Is . practically, defeated, for no one now has any confidence In or respect for the bil cs it passed the legislature. " . - In view of the article the Hrcr7?- .p.Ublishedestcrday S t. asks tho djerstood as emanating from a spirit of hostility. ' . In their crusade against ."middle mea" and; "monopolies," the gran gers are in danger of running into absurdity, and it was to confine the order of patrons of husbandry with in the sphere of their legitimate ac tion agriculture, and the improve ment of agriculture that thd Ex atyther has published what it has. I Willie thanking "A Patron" for his letter, he is reminded that a co operative association-may become tne worst of monopolies. The rail road companies are all co-operative associations, and against these the grangers, have been loudest in their cry of oppression. On the subject of transportation, the country roads are the chief lines of transportation, and in them is chiefly Involved . the question of transportation. What are the grangers doing in the matter 01 country roads ? Have they thought of the subject ? As to " middle-men" they are the very life and soul of the country. Commerce is older than agriculture, and without merchants the country would grow up into a wildnerness. Merchants give a commercial value to thV products of the farmer, that the farmer cannot give them himself and the "idea that the producer and consumer can come together is idle a fatal delusion. If the grangers shall confine them selves to the improvement and de velopment of agriculture and agri- is going on at the expense of the j cultural science, they Will do well. Tyn, irrir rnoney is - being L If they attempt to railroad; bank, awyers 'Tees; ThV v"itrd5BJ4-S in work before us, republicans of North Carolina. Organization for Judicial tricts. Dis- 8quanderecr' - in - bawyr r-t ' x r 1 TTI- 1 1 jucammcr quoies iruui xu.uu; if . . Smith, president of the North Car: olina railroad, an authority tha will not be questioned touching the affairs and status of that cor poratlon. In his late messages to the peo ple" Major Smith says : "It Is well known that the demo " cratic oartv opposed the measure consolidation in this covert mari ner, falsely stating that tney iwUT nn nnt t tie?xo oear in minu that iniiuew idation locate themselves in the midst of some of those now prose cuting the suit against the Rich mond and Danville railroad com pany, referred to yesterday. Tho:e anti-consolidationists are them selves in the market for construc tion bonds of the North Carolina fciilroad, and from their hope to possess these bonds and thus own and control the North Carolina rail road, springs the desire to have the lease nnnulled. And it was to protest against tax ing the people to pay the expense of such "shystering" that the Ex aminer published its article yesterday. No Free Schools. For the judicial districts the re publicans are without the beginning of an organization for the approach' ing campaign. ' The democrats have already or ganized their judicial district com mittees, having accomplished the work through a joint meeting of their State executive committee and democratic members of the legislature. The Examiner frequently called for the republican State executive committee to meet, but no such meeting was had. The congressional districts all have their old organization of 1872 to begin work with, but fof the ju dicial districts the republicans have never had an organization. To illustrate the trouble: The first congressional district includes all the counties of the first and sec ond judicial districts, except Edge combe, which is In the second con gressional district ; and Pamlico, whiclrisin the first congressional district, Is in the third judicial dis trict. Again.the second congressional dis trict includes counties of the second, third and sixth judicial districts. Some other counties of the sixth Ju dicial district belong to the fourth "Solomon" legislature had the right congressional district; while other. to taice tne tax ana teach tne puouc counties of the fourth congressional sunnort schools. This would make the of- belnnv in thAittventh Indlcial dI.4- I not in that, category. We under Kit in I t ,;f:.; -r-t"- j stand that, for the local offices in strucUon, the State and county And so on. .11 through the. Stile, ttl hoards ox education, teachers, &c, confusion is worse confounded be-1 nominations. - fin 'order that no one useless, and if the principles of the I tween these eie-ht concressional and may be disappointed in the course a o a a m. - - RAtAtnAna tn, fanirkt ilnnM I A 1 Jt-1-1 JtJJ. ' V I til 13 DSPer Will aUODE W6 U1U3 V&Tiy TTTZrrr.T.. r.ZT .r7Tr k K . . . take occasion to announce : that me fsiaie into a cnaos 01 moral aeg- The only remedy now, apparent I wnie before the town and county " feared tho State would be a loser, " when in fact, the State had no ' moneyed interest in the North " Carolina road, as a decree of court " had already put the income of that "company . into the hands of . the " bond holders." : u It is well known that the State's interest in the North. Carolina rail road company is pledged for the pay mentof the state bonas issued to obtain the money which built the road. This constitutes a first mort gage. A second mortgage was ef fected bv this company Guarantee ing, in a manner, the bonds issued in aid of the Western North Carolina railroad. A third mortgage was made in 1866 to pay off a floating debt of the North Carolina railroad company. Yet. in the race or these iacts tne people oi iJNorth Carolina are called upon to pay the eJtpense of a need less, captious, iooush litigation over a property lost neyona tne hope of redemption : Supporting one Another. The following expressed deter mination of the editor of the Eliza beth city Carolinian is not a bad idea for a local paper to adopt The Carolinian of Wednesday the 4th insksays: , te The North Carolinian has always been free and independent in -its4 declarations and opinions. .. .While it is always true to Its friends; it feels under no sort of obligation to or sustain those wnot are raaauon. Article iz, secuon z : is for the State executive com? xne general assemDiy snail pro- mittee to meet - and settle on tide for the organizing, arming, some Dlari of immediate relief for the equipping and discipline of the ml- juidlclal districts. What that 'plan litia, and for paying the same when shall be is perhaps a subject In vol v- called into active service." So that I ing difference of opinion, but the In addition to the duties of superin- greater the difficulty and difference tending and teaching the, public the greater the danger of delay, schools, our democratic legislators and so the Examiner once again conventions ft will be neutral as to candidates, should any one be nomi nated -who hasn't:' local pnae or Eublic spirit enough to patronize is local paper it won't support him. In . times ' like these, and in a por tion of the country so much need ing and so much benefitted by the : influence of a newspaper, the man who. does nothing to encourage or sustain one isn't tit for public office had the right (logically?) to buckle on their knapsacks and "go for a publican State executive com-1 The editor of the Sentinel writes soldier" to officer and command mittee. ' ' " . I himself another' letter- In y ester the militia to dispense with the In thls'paper tcwlsyarrangemeiit dssp'sjia s!gtis'u;vMM.V'A office of adjutant general, and all of the twelve Judicial, districts Is demcaLticinvestigatingcommittee others of lower rank, and elect their published. k This ; publication will f of a: democratic; legislature In 1872 pets to man the militia. One might be followed by '.the . congressional reported that , thelsald editor was quote further, but this Is enough to 1 districts. This Is done for the con- Ipverty, fond of the letter MM.TfHis show the absurdity of this school-1 venience of, reference, and . that it I extravagance of ; aSbction lit that boy proposition. If democratlo may be seen how necessary it Is for f direction footed up the rsnug little scribblers will thinks little, they prompt 'action in lgard. to the Ju sum of.C35S.t)0, at the'experiso of J t 1 L J. r . , can dispenso with a great deal of I dicial districts. tho public treasury. .1 farmers, they can but injure them selves and damage the country. Manufacturing must be encour aged at the South as well as agricul ture; and to her mechanics must she look for much of her architec tural grandeur in the sense of ma terial prosperity. Consolidation and the State's Interest in the North Carolina Railroad. If the State has no moneyed - in terest in the North Carolina road, as Major . Smith, president of that corporation, says, it may be asked by some, what becomes of the con solidation plan of President Smith and others? As stated in the Examiner yes terday, the State of North Carolina has no interest In any railroad now, save the equity of redemption, but this fact did not necessarily defeat or make impossible the scheme of consolidation. jno matter who may now or hereafter own the property of the INortn Carolina railroad, the com pany 'remains intact.. It was not the State seeking consolidation, but the North Carolina railroad com pany. That company came before the legislature asking the authority of the State to make the consolida tion arrangement. Because the State happened to be a stockholder in this road which she has hypoth ecated arid mortgaged away, did not alter the case at all, for had the North Carolina railroad company been, from the first, a private cor poration of individuals it must have come' to the legislature just the same for any change or enlarge ment of powers in its charter. Unless something is done to re lieve this " mortgaged property, the State wilt , cease to be a stockholder in name, as well as in fact, eight years from this date. Unless the State' bonds Issued to build the road are paid, and the balance of the State debt arranged, whatever pub ic property the State may have a claim to, must inevitably pass into tha hands of the creditors of the State. : The income the State would derive from; the North Carolina Railroad,' now goes to pay interest on, the construction bonds of the road, .and the moment the bonds mature the courts will transfer the State stock in the road to the bond holders. And , this will be a little ess than eight years from this date. Consolidation - proposed to save the Interest of the State in her great works of ' toternal,, improvement: This- plan proposed to consolidate all the railroad i lines from the At lantic ocean to Tennessee, mortgage the ,"' whole ' route by. equitable ar-! The News wants to know why there are no free schools in Raleigh for white children. That paper is referred for "the reason why," to the action of its democratic friends of the late legis lature who would not allow the property owners of Raleigh to tax themselves to establish graded schools and receive the aid of the Peabody fund. It is referred to p.uch representa tive men of the democratic party as Senator Waring and representative Whitmire, who opposed all such measures as this, because it looked to the education of colored as well as poor white children. And especially is the News re ferred to the public declarations of Mr. Whitmire, that, he would "never vote a cent to educate negroes; m mm m w m rtrtri rut trvr the. nnnr nhu nnt.fi.ren nr -.'y. j r. .-T i, , , , able to send them to school let them go uneducated1 And the News is also referred to this resolution of the republicans of the last legislature, for the informa tion it evidently seeks by the ques tion it asks; The republican members of the legis lature, in joint caucus assembled, rep resenting, as they believe, the unani- feeling of the republicans oi mfstaken if you will not find L tenths, cr more of the articles cx fered for sale, of nothern manufac ture, 'Oar merchants are allowed the privilege of purchasing at the lowest per cent, out when the far mer undertakes, to do .the same thing, thereby saving that that is justly their own i e., the profits of the middlemen, it is thought by some that itls time to "put a stop to such an action so far as he Is con cerned. I venture the suggestion that if the firms mentioned will combine together and extend their Works they will be able to compete with otherjmanufacturersand there-by-find plenty to do. ; V 4 in the comments on the articles from - the Charlotte Observer, and Statesviile American, the Examiner says tr-"The Examiner charge? that this eAme oath bound political eocI etyknown as the farmers granges, or Patrons of. Husbandry;, is the democratic party in dl?guise, more dangerous if less hideous than the ku klux, disguise the same party put on a few years ago." - ' In reply to the above allorr me to say that 1 belong to the order of Patrons of husbandry, and am also a republican and have been a sub- Tudicial Districts of Zlcrth Car y olina.-:-.T": .. Tho following i tho Jatc t ar rangement of counties intojudicLil districts for this State. In every district an tlectioa for solicitor oc curs on Thursday, theCth daycf August, 11 1- yrnr. . . And iii.iho liri, .third, fourth, fifth, seventh, uml ninth districts, elections are held by law for Judrcs. Four years hence the ether six dis- elcctji mW rmsr judicial, district, j . Currituck ;; Chowan,.,--,V Camden,..- ; Gates, .t Pasquotank, Tyrrell, , Perquimans, ' Hyde, - " ! ' Dare. -"r". -: SECOND JUDICIAL. DISTRICT. ' " " Bertie, ; ' - Hart! .3,' ' --Mlertrd, ..: r-ur::t, .,Wehinrtcn, Pitt, TIIIHD JUDICIAL. CI-lTriCT. t . Wihon ayno, Craven, 1 mous ieeling or the North Carolina do Resolve, That the education of the poor children of the State, so shamefully neglected in tne past, is a duty the per formance or which we have attempted to obtain from this general assembly, controlled by a large democratic ma jority, and in which we have failed, but we shall never cease our efforts to ob tain the same at the hands of the gov ernment of North Carolina, and we confidently rely, -upon the people to, sustain us- The Patrons of Husbandry setter iroin a itcpublican lirangrer. To the Editor of the Exam My notice has been directed to an article or articles in the Exami ner of the 5th., condemnatory of the order of Pajrons of Husbandry, in which articles you make It ap pear that the granges are opposed to the mechanics and workmgmen and otherwise use language; at whieh lam surprised. You say in your comments pn an article from one of your exchanges, "these granges started out under the cry of opposition to monopolies. They had but oneidea, and they have run into the very essence of monop oly. The order is a huge monopo ly within itself, and one to be se riouslyconsidered." Yet the arti cles concerning which these re marks were made state that the grangers of Iowa have bought the patent of a harvester, and made arrangements for building, and sel ling them to farmers (the only class that use them) at $140 one half the former price. I entirely fail to see how a move in that direction will result in injury or damage to the workmen and mechanics en gaged in that line of work, but it seems to me reasonable, when pro perly considered that such a move will be to their advantage, irom the fact that if the Iowa grangers can produce an article of good mer it $140 less than former prices, the extended use of the same will as suredly call for a more extended manufacture, the benefits of which will stop with the workmen engag ed in their manufacture. In this I see no Injury that will befall any one except those who have hereto fore manufactured and sold at the ruinous rates mentioned viz $280. You say, "suppose there are one hundred thousand plows wanted by the grangers of North Carolina. Their agent or representati ve goes to some large manufacturer of plows, the Mayhers for instance, and makes a contract of course geting the benefits of a liberal discount. This agent does not go to Separk, Hicks & Co.. of Raleighjto Richard son of Weldon, to Farmer fc Wain right of Wilson, or the Edgecombe Agricultural Works of Tarboro, Ac &c" Now, Mr. Editor, you may go to any agricultural house in North Carolina, and I am much eerier the jura irom tne cay u etarlc3, r.d I ir.r..:t cay t' "r.::!; ixajU.t :3.-To tho e::... discussion of politic. . crn.,: 4, not allowed- in the - eranirevVhy sir. if I am not much mistaken the granges had their origin in one of t A : A. 1 if rA. A tne strongest repuoiican estates in the union, and notwithstanding the manipulation of the different par ties, they as a whole have herd aloof from politics. . They may in their selections choose those who are .in accord with them, (and in this they will not be the first to establish the precedent) but that they will as a whole unite themsel ves . to any one of the politcal parties now existing. I am not prepared to believe. One thing however, I am certain of, they will keep a sharp eye on' tne squanderers of our public money, of I whatever political party they may belong. This the Examiner cannot find fault with. In contradiction of your assertion that the grangers are in opposition to mechanics and working-men; I refer you j to the labors of deputy Abbott, who has charge of the work of organizing lodges of the Sover eigns of Husbandry, composed J of mechanics and working-men, an account of which may be seen . in the New York Weekly Times dated 4th February, under tho head of Patrons of Husbandry." t - The .Eta in. an article last sum mer or ran threatened to . tax . a certain wagon the Mllbourne out of the State, because as alleged it was furnished at a less price than the same could be bought here. Now I ask the Examiner- if this is right. I dare say that if in buying material for running the Examiner it Was found the same article could be bought cheaper from some other State, its orders would be sent there. But in the name of reason, why this charge concerning the granges, or to my knowledge the Jra en dorsed the granges, last summer, and criticised others of the press for not doing the same. JJoes the x aminer think there are no farmers in the republican party, if so -a trip to pyviiljurnish evidence to the is5rrapelled to resort Parr.!:;-. .. FOURTII JUDICIAL IT C.'-terct,' " . V ' IL. t lii ! fiptii juroyi-i L. X)i oTiii(j r. Harnett, . '-r; tJnisn, !:' ' ; Mcorev. Ahson, 5 Montgomery,' , Richmond r Stanley,,, 1?: Cumberland. , SIXTH JITTJICIAL DISTRICT. Northampton,.. ,4 'Johnston, ; Nash,, . V . ' Wake, s Warren, Franklin, Granville, Halifax. SEVENTH JUDICIAL. DISTRICT. Guilford, Xl ; -Rockingham; Caswell, -Person, Orange -1 ' -.: Chatham, : . Randolph. ' . . EIGHTH JUDICIAL. DISTRICT.- Surry. - Davie; ; Yadkin,; -A-r-i Rowan, , i Davidson,' . Forsy the,. , s. Stokes.',,,;"., fii'.,i ; ,. ' NINTH JublCIA"i)isTitICT. , . Polk, . . Tl Rutherford, Cleaveland, . W , Lincoln. Gaston," - f - - Mecklenburg, ';. .'.till Cabarrus, -I.i TENTH f JUDICIAL piSTRICT.' Catawba',5 J Alexander,' Caldwell, ' 1 -Alleghany,'! Ashe, Wllkesrt. U;:',. Iredell. fri t.ltU ELEVENTH JUDICrAI' DL6TRICT. Watauga, : ' - McDowell; Henderson, r i. Buncombe, Madison,,, t Yancey.' , -Mitchell, , . Burke. . TWELFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Graham, Clay, Oherokeer". Macon, Swain, Jt 1 M ' " Jackson, Haywood, ', Transylvania. ares means to enable them to longer fol low the business. Their farms are growing more and more dilapidated everv da v. their children are grow ingiupinjgnorance, and their hard worked wives and daughters are put; to their wits end to arrange their wardrobes, so as to appear neat in society. Every thing in the way of supplies has gone up an hundred per cent, and some things over. Boots and shoes are over double former prices. Coffee the farmers beverage is, on account o the high price, with him, a luxury But notwithstanding these things and many more I could mention thel Examiner is opposed to the measures he has adopted to extri cate himself from these difficulties. The above Mr. Editor, is written with the kindest of feelings, but in defence of the rights of that long imposed upon class, onet o whom I am, a class that has been the (least complaining, acd one whom the records will show have petitioned the Legislatures, and Congress, the least, though their grievances are legion, although these odies are flooded by petitions irom an o sions. her; classes, trades and profes- So mote it be. A Patron. Legislative Stultification. AN ACT CONCERNING ELECTIONS OF S CERTAIN OFFICERS. Si ' Section 1. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : -That there shall be an election held on the first Thursday of August, in the year I of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-four, to fill the vacancy in the following office: to wit: Sunerintendent , of F " A .Fublic instruction. - Sec. 2J That there shall be an election iheld in the second and eighth Judicial districts to fill the vacancies caused by resignation oi E. W. Jones, in tho second, and by reason of the non-acceptance or jj. H. Starbuck in the eighth district. Sec. 3. That the elections nerem provided for shall be held and con ducted under the same rules and regulations as are provided in the general election law. ; i in general assembly read three times; and ratified this 13th day of February, A. D., 1874. J. Xu iiOBINSON, ; Speaker of the House. C. H. Brogden, President of the Senate. Proposed Reception of Duke ana Duchess of JCdinuurcr in IiOndon The !Famine in In- m V uia. London, March 5. The Duke and Duchess of Edinburg are ex pected to reach England to-morrow. Extensive preparations have been made for the! r reception . The day will be Observed as a holiday. . Lord I Northbrook, Viceroy ano nnvprnnr.npnprfll of India, tele graphs to the Jndlan office that iOs expected the government will be obliged to maintain three million persons; for three months. The. ex penditures on account of the famine, to the end of February last, are es timated at $750,000. ',H-;;v ., District Organizations. . Below is i published the ; district - organization . tot I the republican party, by congressional districts as adopted for tha campaign of 1872., To these" committees belong the ;duty of railing the district conven-1 here rcprc !r-?r 1 for the U:i .,i "r information of all tho rTU"l.-.:. concerned. ; ' SECOND. .DISTRICT. 1 The republican' district conven tion which met at Wilson, May 0, 1872, elected a district executive committee as follows, .with Colonel Thomas Powers, chairman . Craven county, Thomas Powvpa.. Wayne county, H. L. Grant.. Edgecombe connty, Alex. Mo" Cabe. ' Lenoir county, R. W. King. Greene county, .Chas. H. Harper. Halifax county, Henry Eopes. Northampton county, J. W. New-v som. - 1 Wilson county, G. W. Stanton. Jones county, Jno. 8. Andrews. Warren county, Jno. A. Hyman. - Ji-IFTH DISTRICT. The republican convention for the fifth congressional district, which met at Greensboro, May 15, 1872, constituted the following executive committee for that district : 8. C. Barnett, of Person; Wilson Cary, of Caswell. ' H. M. Ray. of Alamance. S. A. Douglas, of Rockingham. Thomas B. Keogh, of Guilford. ! R. P. Trogden, of Randolph. Henderson Adams, of Davidson. A. H. Joyce, of Stokes. . THIRD DISTRICT. 7 The executive committee for the third congressional district, as con stituted by the republican conven tion which met at Clinton, Samp son county, May 22, 1872, is as rou lows, with W if, uanaaay, chair man: New Hanover, ' W; P. Canaday . Onslow. E. B. Sanders. i Harnett, J. S. Harrington. Carteret.A C. Davis, : j. Duplin, Enoch Hill. Brunswick, E. M. Rosafy. "w Cumberland, A. G. Thornton. . Columbus, R. N. Maultsby. Bladen, Evander Slngletary. - . Sampson, Clinton Ward.;: -r jt Moore, A. R. McDonald. ; ' . NoTE.-The chairmen of the ex ecutive comtnitlees for the first, sixth, seventh and eighth districts will please forward the names oi . their committees to the Examiner immediately, as they have never before been published. - - Arrival of three War Vessels at Key West Corresjonacnts Ordered to Leave Fleet. New York, i March 6.A Key West desDatch savs the Wabash, Despatch and Pinta arrived yester day from , Havana. Admiral iaso made a general signal ,that all re- Sorters be required to leave me eet;1 all correspondents thereupon left immediately. DliMtcr n th a IM of Lll arlibCasu ... London, March 6. Reports con tinue to come' to hand of wrecks. accompanied with loss' of life and disasters to .vessels, caused by tho heavy gales which lately swept over the Atlantic, The steamship Sedra. from New Castle for port, it is said encountered a storm and was lost. Thirty of the people on board were drowned; ,V'.- la :1 n'-ty'i C 4 iv1 4 1

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