, A;i3 'Hi . r. v h , f THE ERA AND EXAMINER. THURSDAY. MARCH 12, 1874. Accident ox tuk Air Limc A freight trait on tha Air Line run off the tiack, kiji the 0oerr. Friday. A train hand was killed by jumping oil uie train. The Wibks O. K. We are Informed by Walter C. Richardson, the young and centlemanly telegraph operator at the North Carolina railroad depot, and one of the youngest in the State, that the wires on the liue from this eity to mar ltteare now in work inn order, for the first time in several weeks. Cuanoe or Srn edu Lt The sched ule on the Charlotte and Atlanta Air- Line rail road will bechanced, we un-dei-Htand in a few days leaving Charlotte in the morulng, instead or the evening as heretofore. This will make a close connection for tboto going from this city South, avoiding tho delay ot a tlay's lay-over in Charlotte. A Xkw Tklkukai-u Link to Nor folk, V'a. Uy the completion of an additional wire on the eaboard and lb aixtkfl railroad, the Western Union oilx-e in l hiit city lias direct coinmuni--u.ni with the city of Norfolk, result ing in frrnaiad vantage to onr business men w1k hare daily correspondence therewith. It much facilitates rapid transmimion and does away witti a "relay as heretofore at the town of Weldon. You can send a telegram to Norfolk and in a few moments have a reply, now, provided your man there is prompt. jj. t Thk aobicvltural Machine Wo it km. in our notice if these ma chine works, the other day, we were in error as to Mr. Rule. being thesuerin tendent of Uie works. Mr. Hope is the HUerintending ouicer. ilie public will Ik- r.V.ilied to learn tint J. II. Separk, whose name as a machinist and moul der is known throughout the "State, will continue with the new firm ia chargo us lore-man of the foundry. Messrs. Mt-Callum, Wyckoir and Hope adver tise the agricultural machine works in lo-day' iHHiie. We Inrsjx'ak a stream i patronage lr these enterprising gen tlemen. Abaut In 8pts TUK C'Rt'KI. KKKKfT OF a too Early 1'UKK S.MOKK A INN AMOS CjOAR. Wp truly fympHihiJu.'d with a sick little youngster at oneoi'our jHpular churches on Sunday night, just before Lie com mencement "t service. Our attention was calh-d to t!ie frantic njuirnis of the little fellow, by a friend, who observed "that ho really lliotight that boy (point ing to him wan going into a sjasin," and upon -.i.stin our eyes hitherward, we were of the same mind ; but all was well in a lev Mconds, fr with the ner vous twitching and spasmodic gulping f his little throat, all to no purjx.e, he commenced a rapid delivery, and we thought we could hear him ay, "may I never smoke again darn that lxy w ho gave me the cinnamon cigar just lefore I came here; oh, how sick I is." We sympathize with him yet, for we "have been there" and know how it ucd to work, tiuilice it to remak the little fellow retired in good ordr, a fiicnd following him, but he could only inuke the steps, where his checks were called for again, and he a second time nobly responded. Finally going to his home mentally saying: "May I never c a to twuKi cinnamon cigar." The Dinino-Room Waiters at thk Yaruorocou Hotel on a Stkikk. Sit ikes are uncommon, we are glad to know, in this quiet, goodly iittiw city or ours, out wo liatl a genuine one on Sunday morning last, at the Yarborough House, -ery unexpectedly too and in quicker time than it takes to dot these lines down, it being a demand of some additional duty which thev re fused to do. Hut for the coolness of I)r, Itlacknall much trouble and vexation might hare ensued. He "just let'em go," as he put it to ns, and forthwith ported hi-! bell cord, blew bis inevitable little whistle and in the twinkling of an eve gathered together his reserve for ces the room servants office boys and li:irler lwys, who were not at all green fr on "big day" thev had before worn creditably the dining harness and when the gong sounded, the charge for dinner; his men were all in place and "up guards and at tuem" was the won! as serene and placid as if nothing had happened to mar the quiet of this excellent house, the Doctor was all smiles at his suc cess, and standing at the door his eye expresseu it, I ve got em, tho battle s o'er mother." Towards niifht two of the ls3s come in and quietly resumed w ork on former terms, while the places of the others are iHiing filled by new waiters. e know but little of the grievances of the strikers, and what is here written is in no way condenma torynfthm. This is a free country if your labor is not remunerated as you tnina 11 otient 10 oe, or too ranc-aw re quired of you. why quit. We sympa thizo with lioth employer and employee in most striK.es. Hon A. M. Waddell, of this State, lec tures in Washington City; the 9th of March, at Ianoolu hall, on America before Columbus." A Tennessee lady of 27 years, weighs 752 pounds, and her brother, a youth of 18, goes up to 582 pounds with a reason able prospect of increase. Toe sanu wicn lsianas are agitaroa orer the excising question whether they hnll be ruled orer by a King or Queen, and the cirilized world holds its breath in suspense. Senator Dorsey's (of New York) wife's eyes according to a correspond ent, "rest upon yon and go with you, oriental eyes, large, dark, and half reiled with long lids and lashes." Ice water for one. The Mormons are getting tired of el derly female, and it is announced that hereafter none who have passed their thirtieth birthday will be forwarded to Salt I-ike City by the Mormon missionaries. The following is J. Billings latest: M st overy one luvs to listen to a slander, but tbaro ain't but phew but hat despise the author or it. hat a heartless world this would be u t bar wax no tears in it. Wize men are never surprised, while phools are alwns wondering at every thing that happens. l meet a great menny men whoze talk a like a bunch of h re-kr ackers when they are first touched oph, full of pop tor a fu in in nits, aud then all is orer. Without mutiny, without friends, and without impudence, is abont az low down in this world azenny man can git, and keep virtewous. After a man has passed the age ov 57. about all he kan tind to talk about and to brag on iz that he has got more pains and akes than enny ov the rest ov, his nabors. There iz nothing that a man iz so cer tain ov az he iz ov what he sees, and yet tbare iz nothing after all that deceives him oftener. Beware or the man who iz alwuzz reddy to swop old friends for new ones. Tho dog that will phollow everybody aint worth a kuss. When I pla whist I alwuzz like a pho-l for a partner, for they do ;hold such good hand-. I have had people set down bi mi side and konfulenshally undertake to ex plain sumthing to me of grate impor tance, and after talking 34 minutes bi tho watch, I not only didn't kno what they had been trying to tell, but had forgot a good deal that I knew before. '1 liar iz. little that iz new under the sun, and what iz aint good for much. One ot tho most perfekt viktorys yu can achieve over enny man, iz to beat him in Mlitoness. The rarest artikle quoted in market just iiov, iz good common-sense. Voting man, yu had better be honest than cunning, and it iz hard work to be both. I kant tell exakly what's the matter ov inc. but I am allwuz just a leetle shy ov the woman who wears her hair cut short. The world at larye judge ov us bi our suckcess. It ought to kure the pride or enny man when be reliekts that there aint no one living but what owes more to the world than the world owes him. To be familiar with every one and frcserve your respektand there esteem, s an evidenco of the most remarkybel talents. The grate mistake that menny people make iz to think that they wuz made before the world wuz, instead or since. ., , , , . , i , 1 - i IIUUDER OF A TCNITEI .STATES OTFICEIt IX TTESTEttN . f If OlXTa CADOLIN A. ' l '. Capture- suad , Cnfis)swa mi. , tle Murderer. . . , ... - The Asherilte Pioneer, 'of the 28th' February, contains a full account of the killing of Deputy Marshal Burns, here tofore alluded to in these columns: . On the 10th -lost. Deputy Marshal 3 urns, in company with Mr. WP, All man, loft Burns' house ia Swain tounty to execute several warrants and capiases which he had in his hands upon parties living in Graham, and : that portion of 8 wain county, which borders upon Gra ham. They went to Cheoah, in Graham county and found an illicit distillery in full blast, aud a tot illicit whisky. While at the stiil-houso they were sur rounded by a lot of illicit distillers, and were compelled to remain in the house during the night. An Indian came to the still-house for some whisky, which he violently attempted to carry away, but was knocked down by Burns and Ere vented from taking the whisky, urns then told him that if he did not go and tell Ross.an Indian chief with whom Burns was on intimate terms, to come with his Indians and relieve him, ho would kill him. The' Indian went to Rosses directed aud t about daylight Ross and his Indians came and took Burns and Allman outof the way of the threatening mob. After Buixs was re lieved from the place we hare men tioned, he discovered that he had left some important official papers at his house in Swain, and leaving Allman in a safe place he set out home, which he reached fn safety secured his papers and was on his return to Cheoah, where he left Allman. On Sun day, the 15th, as he was traveling on the road 12 miles from Charleston on the Tennessee river, he was shot through the heart and killed instantly by Wm. R. Ellis. The shooting' was done with a ritle-gun, and at such close quarters that the patching of the bullet was found in the hole where the ball pene trated the body. There were two men in company with: Dills, and the three were removing a cask of illicit whiskey. When they discovered these men, Walls and Freeman, pur sued their course. They stated that after they had gone about one hundred yards, they heard a gun tire, whereupon they turned to go back where they had left Dills, but met him in a very high stato of excitement, moving toward them. He told them not to attempt to go back in that direction or he would kill them, and began reloading his gun. The above facts in connection with other circumstances appearing at the coroner's inquest. Dills was immedi ately arrested and taken to Webster, in Jackson county, where he was lodged in jail, and is now held in close confinement. An Act Concerning1 Elections In this State. Supbexr Coubt. Tuesday, March FEUECTION LAW FOR 1874. 3 1874. This court met at its usual hour. All the justices present. k The following causes were argued be ing appeals from the ninth district: Thomas y Johnson vi m Jj mcii- waine Ad tn'r from Mecklenburg: Jones and J ohnston, for - plaintiff, Wilson And SJon Tor defendant.-. . J R.Er win, assignee rs Jj H Law- nracowsi irom aiecaienDurg ; wn Urhnrsdar of AnirtKif In th vir nf and Son. J E Brown for plantiff. H TF iaai?7 ?L AvS08 .? ,?er or Aiuion. vance ana JJowa jor aeienaant. w" "y"j vuuumuu f - J M Howie vs Robert RRea, from Qred and seventy-four (1874), and Mecklenburg; Vance and Dowd for everjr two years thereafter : Mem plaintiff. Guion, Jones and Johnston for bers of the eeneral assembly for Section If The'creneral assembly y-qf' North' Carolina do ' enact, That mere snail te an election neia for the following: officers, on the first rl ctfanA ant J Y Brico and Company vs J T Butter from ' Mecklenburg ; Vance and Guion for plaintiff, R. Bar ringer and Dowd for defendant. Edmund Jones vg North Carolina Railroad Company, from Mecklenburg; H W Guion, Vance and Dowd for plain tiff. R Barringer, Wilson and Low for defendant. . J T Tate Ex'r vs S P Smith from Mecklenburg; Wilson and Son for plain tiff, McCorkle and Bailey, Vance and Dowd for defendant. Court here adjourned till 10 a m to day (4th) when causes from the ninth district will be resumed. . t Notification - of thb Crusade. W understand that several of our whisky men received postal cards on yesterday stating that unless they ceas ed the sale ot spirits, they weuia oe vis ited, Ac. We saw our friend Fraps" notice, which was signed "many ladies' but it was written in a very mascnlinish hand, and was no doubt done by some wag. probably, to tease him. - We don't think any of the ladies of Raleigh will be seen engaged in this "gutter busi ness" they hare something better to occupy their time with. Fraps card went on to say "if you don't stop, we will come around and conrert you." The old fellow remarked, "By tarn, let 'em come ; I'll pay with 'em, but no mess wjth ray beer," and opening an other envelope he had just received, eaid, "Here ish sumding more impor tant a bank notish, by-George," which he read, folded up, and stepping inside, quaffed a glass of his splendid beer, with his usual serenity. We are a tem perance man on our own hook, but de cidedly opposed to all fanaticism. We hope if this thing starts here, His Honor the Mayor will issue orders to the police as the Mayor of Philadelphia has done, and nip it in tho bud. We have some fanatics in our midst, for the eclat that would be given them, who would quick ly put the ball iu motion, if they could so prevail upon the women, liuua an inebriate asylum, or a hospital, and take care of the poor drunkard ; but let us not have any of this "howling in the wildorness" on our thoroughfares. Archibald and the -Apple Pie. Mrs. Stubbs and her little boy, Archie, ... . i i , , . i riimf m me i aruuro no use anu iook diiver. Now Mrs. Stubbs used to be a tashioii.iMe woman ami live in the city, and though she now lives in the country and brings in chickens to town, she hadn't forgotten her city manners, and like Mr. l ureydrop, she is ever in structing young Archibald in deport ment. Arcme was in his best homes nun suit to-day, and his well-set head of hair was combed as sleek as a peeled onion. He sat at the table with Mrs. stubbs, and his eyes popped open to the very whites as the waiters In their white aprons flew around him. They brought in apple pie. Archie cleaned his plate ana tne waiter askeo, Have some more?" and Archie, with his jaws puff ed out, full of pie, nodded his head. Mrs. Stubbs looked a thunderbolt at him, but a crowd was at the table, aud she couldn't say a word. Ho cleaned out the second plate and was licking his knite, when the waiter Baid, More pie, nine dosst anu Archie sam he "would," just as Mrs. Stubbs went to kick at him nnder the table and struck a large fleshy man on me smn, who grew very red in the face, and said, "I beg your pardon, madam." Mrs. Stubbs and Archie walked home, that even inc. Thev had gotten a mile out on the Kham Ikatte road, aud Mrs. Stubbs hadn't spoken a word. Finally, she said, " Archie, will you have some more pie 7 " Yes, ma'am," said Archie, Zip, she took him, side of the head, and knocked him up in the corner-of the fence. He didn't know what in the world was the matter. They walked on a piece further, when Mrs. Stubbs remarked. " JVrhaps Archibald, you will take some more of the apple pier" xes, ma am, said Archie, and he sorter held his hand out. Slap ! She struck him, and he sat down on his stomach. Mrs. Stubbs actually knocked Archibald down three times between here and her home be fore she could make bim understand that he must never ask for but one piece of pie at a hotel table. Supreme Court. This court met at tho usual hour. All the justices being presont. The argument of appeals from the ninth district, was heard as follows : Burroughs and Springs, rs tho Bank of Charlotte, from Mecklenburg. Jones and Johnston for plantiff, Wilson and Son, for defendant. Clem Dowd, Am'r vp North Carolina Railroad Company, from Mecklenburg. Vance, Brown and Dowd for plaintiff, Wilson and Son, and R. Barringer for defendant. Wylio Roddie and Ames, vs J. G. Bryco from Mecklenburg. Jones aud Johnston, 'for plantiff, Vance and Dowd for defendant. A. M. Sloan and Company, vs R. J. McDowell, from Mecklenburg. Wilson and Son for plantiff, H. W. Guion for ie. ndant. OPINIONS. The following opinions were filed by the several justices: By Pearson, C. J. : II. J. Crawford vs. John H. Dalarym ple from Moore. Error. Venire de HOVO. State of North Caroliha in relation of J. A. Mabry vs. J. A. Engelhard et al, from Edgecombe. No. error. Affirmed. State vs' Stephen Bobbltt from W'ar ren. No error. Judgment affirmed. By Read, J. : D. Redman et al, vs. Thomas Redman et al. from Catawba. No error. Judg ment affirmed. David Clark vs. J. B. Williams et al. from Halifax. Judgment modified. Carson and Grier vs. Lineberger and company from Mecklenburg. .Error. enire de novo. Rodman, J.: Bank of Charlotte vs R. F. & J. M. Davidson from Mecklenburg. Judg ment modified and judgment in this court. William Johnston vs J. S. Rankin et al from Transylvania. Reversed and remanded. E. O. Elliott vs E. J. Robards from Catawba. Remanded, neither party re cover costs. Settle, J.:- S ate vs David Collins and Alexander Blalock from Johnston. No error. John Murphy vs the Wilmington and Weldon K. lt. Co. from Greene. Judg ment affirmed. Stato vs IjcwIs Camter, et al from Wilkes. Judgment affirmed. Bynum, J.: State vs John York.et al from Burke. Judgment affirmed. David Moore vs W. II. Edmunston from Caldwell (two cases.) Jndgment affirmed in Doth cases. Another "Lord HrooD" in the Field, but not on o Extensive a Style. A man by the name of Beard on, came to Clarksville, Va., about a year ago, who was quite a swell and maketh lavish expenditures of stamps, having a thousand or so in his pocket. He was accompanied by what he called a wife, her sister and a little girl. They lived elegantly he disported himself gailylv.making many boon companions with nis wines aud fine liquors. He professed to be from Canada, and finally rented a hotel which he ran in fine style, entertaining numerous other true Canadians who had come down before bim, and from whem it is re ported he borrowed several thousands in hard cash easily gulling them, but haring run to the end of his gaunlet he conc'uded it was best to fold his tent and silently proceed to other pastures more green, so he goes to a lirery stable a few nights ago, obtains a vehicle with a rapid team, puts his so-called wife and sister aboard (haring previously sent the little girl away for child-like sim plicity in giving wind to seme of his in side character, not so agreeable to him) and with some little traps, cracks his whip for the red hills of old "No rf Car ol! ny." His quandam friends of the tobacco village fleetly followed his in distinct trail, and warmed him up as far as Henderson, from thence into the goodly town of Oxford, where he tarried but for a "water," with a regular fox chase to near this city thence to Morris ville yesterday morning by train, where his pursuers again obtained fresh horses and continued the hunt in the direction of HUlsboro, where in all likelihood he was bagged to-day, of which impor tant knowledge we are bereft on account of the great western's again- being non workibus to that point. If captured he will probably be brought to this city to await a requisition irom the governor of Virginia and entertained at the hotel so sumptuous in rear of our noble court house. The Colored Temperance Pa rade. In addition to the programme already announced in the Examiner of tho celebration of the first anniversary of Queen of the South Lodge, No. 6, I. O. of G. T., we learn that a grand pa rade of the male members of the order will take place at 2 o'clock. All the members are requested to be puctually on hand at 121 o'clock, at the lodge room on Thursday, as it is designed to com- lete tho parade by 3 o'clock. This odge, we are glad to learn is in a most flourishing condition and is effecting marvellous good in this community among the colored people. Thirty-eight initiations took place last Monday night and a large numberof applications were received. We respectfully invite the attention of all interested to this notice. The Raleigh Brass Band will lead the procession. , Col. P. W. Perry, Supervisor of In ternal Revenue, returned to this city yesterday from Washington, whither he had been on a brief business visit. He was present during the big fight over the Simmon's confirmation, as collector of the port of Boston, and gives a ririd account of events, which was a hard struggle for the friends of Simmons to get through with. Coming to a vote in the Senate at night, it stood 15 for, 20 against, not a quorum, when his friends rallied the next morning, 'and succeeded in carrying the day. Senators Gordon of Georgia, and Ran som of this State, were amon the Sena tors who voted for confirmation. New Advertisements. In our ad vertising columns this morning, we call the attention of our readers to that of Mr. Nat. L. Brown. No. 10. Fayette- rille street. Confectioneries ever so fresh are innumerable, canned goods. jellies and all kinds of fruits in season Musical instruments, guitars, violins, ban iocs, accordeons. etn. Rirria and bird cages, toys from a limber-jack up to a smiling wax doll, pipes cigars an tobacco, lie is also the agent for Wa ters A Sons celebrated parlor and or chestral organs and pianos, one of which isnow in use at the church of the "Good Shepherd." Orders from ad! tance will be attended to as well as if you were present in person. Mr. B. is a first class dealer. See card announcing the reopening oi the national hotel, billiard saloon ana par room, with w. K. 1'epper, a veteran in the business, as manager Go and see "Pep" our word for it he will treat you splendidly. The billiard tables are elegant. AImuI la 8pt. Georgia has a ten dollar poll tax. Florida has strawberries as large as rears. The Great Eastern Circus is in Ar kansas. Indiana has fout teen hundred and fifty grangers. Gen. Leslie Combs is 00 and wears a rose-bud iu his button hole. A Wisconsin legislator wants railroad passengers weighed and charged accor dingly. Next. A pension of fifty dollars per month has been granted the widows of Gener al Meade and Canby. The new ten-cent fractional note is nearly ready, and the public will soon hare a supply of clean currency. A man in Leavenworth; Kansas, who married and buried three sisters, is about to commence on another family. A G eorgia girl lately sold her kisses to three hundred men at ten cents each, and gave the money to the poor. Who next? Serenty years ago the Rer. Dr. Ly man Beecher, father of Henry Ward Beech er, was paid a salary of $300 and his firewood. A New Trial Refused. As will be seen in our Supreme Court proceed ings, on yesterday, the judgment of the lower court was affirmed in the cause of the State vs. David Collins, white, and Alexander Blalock, colored, from jounsion county, ror the murder or a colored man there some months ago This murder Is represented to hare been one of great brutality inflicted upon their victim for informing upon them in certain larcenies. Two of the Col lins' s (one of whom escaped,) with Bla lock, went to the bouse (at night) of the old colored man, and while Blalock stood sentinel, the Collins's beat him with a weeding hoe so violently, that death ensued in three days thereafter. But little hope, we learn, can be expect ed from the Executive, and they will no doubt be re-sentenced to be hanged. They are conn nod in our jail now for safety. Wk. S. Btncm, Esq. The solicitor of the ninth district, haring tendered his resignation to His Excellency Gorer nor Caldwell, the office has been ten dered to Jas. L. Carson Esq., of Ruther ford county. lie is a good lawyer. Fire in Petersburg, Va. We see from our exchanges that quite a fire occurred in Petersburg Suuday morn ing last, of which the associated press failed to inform us. The Index-Appeal says the tire originated about half past two o'clock on Sunday morning fn a frame building situated in the rear of and adjoining the old Appeal office on Bank street, and at the time of this writing threatens the destruction of sev eral adjacent buildings. The flames spread first to au out-house belonging to Mr. Thomas Baxter, and then to the large warehouse occupied by Mr. John Arrington A Sons as a storehouse for cotton, which is now in full blaze, and promises to burn for some time to come, since it is said to contain from 400 to 500 bales of cotton, not more than a dozen of which were saved. Unfortunately the steamer America, on reaching the spot, was found to be entirely disabled, and hence the supply of water was necessarily limited. The house occupied by Messrs. John Arrington A Sons as a cotton store house, was insured in the Mutual As surance Society of Virginia, Dr. James W. Clai borne of this city agent for $4,000, and the frame building in the rear of the building formerly occupied by the Index-Appeal, snd which they had only a few days since vacated, was insured with Mr. John B. Stevens for $400. From the rear door of the Appeal building to the frame buildings in which the fire originated, was scattered along the plat form a quantity of straw, for the pur puse, it is presumed, of destroying the Appeal building also, and it has just oeen seen that the cotton or .Messrs. Ar rington A Sons was wel 1 set on fire about the centre of the building on the second and third floors. We have sought in vain to ascertain the insurance on the cotton, which is variously estimated at from fire hundred to one thousand bales, but as none of the Messrs. Arrington werejon tne spot, we could not do so. The English "Lord" Captured. E. A. Wood, the English "lord," who played it so fine, as the deaf and dumb man at the Yarboro house in this city, has been trapped in St. Louis. He talk ed like a parrot out there, and was in the place trying to buy up city bonds. An old acquaintance chanced to spot the gentleman as a swindler who had eloped from that section in 'C5, but very soon "lord" Wood was in limbo of the law. It , is thought he will be sent to the penitentiary. Would he would wood up that little bill at the Yarbrol On thk Wjno. Woodson, of the News, is on the rampage up the TTestern North Carolina railroad drumming and buying chickens. Nick West, of J Lewis A Co., and Verny Royster, of the candy manufac tory are down in Warren. Senator Merrimon departed for TFash ington City yesterday morning. The colored ladies held a festival it Metropolitan Hall last night, which was largely attended, for some charitable purpose. Arrival or a Freight Car all thk way from Cincinnati. A freight car, loaded with wagons, arrived in this city on yesterday evening, all the way from Cincinnati via Washington and the Quantico, Virginia, route. This is the first instance of a car of the kind ever reaching Raleigh before. It is marked " P., C. A St. L. Railway" Pittsburg, Cincinnati and St. Louis, no doubt. A new era in the freight line dawns. An Electric Canary Biro Egg. Mr. Idie Johnson, a clerk in the drug house oi f escud, Jee a Co., has a ca nary bird egg ono of four nest eggs, which was unbatcbed. the other three being hatched by the bird. W hen he first noticed the egg, lthad a small hole in the side or it, and . thinking . it con tained a young bird, he made the. open ing larger; upon placing it on a level surface, it commenced to vibrate with the small end towards the floor, when placed upon its larger end the vibration was much quicker and greater, extend ing an inch or two before; hecominir quiet, with the hole on the bottom when it became stationary. When placed on a slanting surface it does not roll down, but remains stationary. A magnet was applied to it. but it had not the slightest effect upon it. - It has some undeterminable attractive power, lt acts like a rubber ball in some re spects and is truly a wonderful phe nomenon. It will shortly be sent to New York, for examination bv experts. You can see it by calling on Mr. John son. The upper hair of the 'egg is s vacuum, the lower half seems to con tain a part of the yolk, from its light ness through the shell it would seem to contain nothing. The same phenomenon seems to prevail where it is placed Upon any substance either iron, wood, or pa per. Go and see it ye lovers of curosity. New York Comedy Troupk. This elegant company will appear upon our boards at Tucker Hall, Monday, March 9th. Their agent, Mr. Ligon, a nice gentleman, was out with the paste slingers yesterdey posting his attractive bills. This troupe has travelled oyer this entire continent, and the press have been loud in their praise. Let us greet them with a good house. More on this subject hereafter, A Cincinnati court has decided that any one purchasing a ticket for a theatre alter the hour announced for the cur tain to rise, will be entitled to any seat in the house whicn he nnds unoccupied on entering.;: The Old North Stat. Musquitos have presented their .bills in Wilmington. , . Wayne county superior court con venes on Monday next.' An interesting revival is in progress Captain Robert imagers Has resigned I form, and Marion and 'Ashkvtllb ""Turn pikk. The auditor is receiving daily. claims from , the contractors of the Marion and Asheville Turnpike, caused by the passage of the bill by the late egtsiature paying them fifty per cent. of their clai'ws; some seven thousand dollars will bo disbursed under this aw. his conductorship on the W, A W. rail road and Can tain G. Lvnch will be ap pointed in his stead. Tho. scales received a . mow rrom James Purcell near Gilchrist's Bridge, Richmond county, which caused his death a few hours after. Scales being under the influence of liquor made an insane attack upon Purcell. . Married, at Princeton, Johnston coun ty, on the 26th insL, by Rev. Israel Harding, Mr. Gilbert Haise, Esq-or Durhams Creek,' Beaufort ' county, to Miss Appie Whitley, of Princeton. They're singing these lines lq Ohio now: -.'! ' - , Rouse thee ! O despondent brother, . Cheer with hope these days of pain; When this whiskey war is over, ' We'll, O we'll get drunk again. The Star says a man named Barnes, now living in Robeson ponnty, .was born on the 4th day of July, 1776. If be should be so ibrtunate as to lire until that period arriyes he should certainly be sent to Philadelphia, at the expense of the State, as North Caroinas contri bution to the Centennial. ' ' -i: ' Two of the Bank of England for gers ard confined in the Pentonville Prison, and the two others in: the Holloway prison. !, No-visitors "Will be permitted to eee them nntill the eve of their departure. Each one will be transported to a differ ent penal colony. their ; respective ' counties and dis tricts; a county treasurer, register of deeds, county surveyor, five county 'commissioners, a coroner and sheriff for their: respective counties, and also for members of the house of representatives of the United States congrress for their respective dis tricts- Sec. 2.: That there shall be an elec tlonheldonJthesaidflrstThursdayof August,' and every four years there after, for the following officers : Solicitors for their respective judi cial districts, and for clerks of the superior courts for their respective counties. , ; dec. 3. That there snail be an election held on the said first Thurs day r of August, : and every eight years thereafter, for the following officers r -six superior court judges for their respective judicial districts in and for the following districts, to wit: the first, third, fourth, fifth, seventh and ninth. Sec. 4: That there shall be an election held on the first Thursday of August, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-six, (1876) and every four years thereafter, for the following officers, to wit: governor, lieutenant-governor, secretary of state, auditor, treasurer, superintendent of public instruction, and attorney general. Sec. 5. That there shall be an election held on the first Thursday of August, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and severity-eight (1878) and every eight years thereafter, for the following officers: five supreme court judges for the state, and six superior court judges in and for the following ju dicial districts, to wit : second, sixth, eighth, tenth, eleventh and twelfth. Sec."6. That whenever any va cancies shall exist in any of the above offices, by reason of death, resignation or otherwise, the same shall be filled, by elections to be held in the manner and places, and under the same regulations and rules as are orescribed for eeneral elections, at the first general election thereafter, except as otherwise pro vided in the constitution. Sec 7. That the sheriff or other returning officer of every county, shall j within thirty days after the election for the supreme court judges transmit by mail or otherwise, (if by mail in a registered letter,) to the governor of the State a state ment of the votes taken in his coun ty for each of said judges, which statement shall be in the form prescribed in section 23 and 24, chapter 185, act of 1871-'72, who shall open and compare the same in the presence of the attorney gen eral and secretary of State, and shall as soon thereafter as practic able, proclaim the result of the same. Sec. 8. That the governor shall issue to every person duly elected to the office of supreme court judge, a commission certifying his ap appointment immediately after the result of said election shall have been proclaimed, that if the gov ernor shall refuse to issue his com mission to any judge elect, in this State, as provided by law, then it shall be the duty of any judge of this State to administer the oath of office to any such judge upon pro duction of satisfactory evidence of his election. Sec. 9. That the sheriffs and oth er returning officers of the counties of each judicial district, shall meet on the third Thursday of August, at the following places in the sev eral judicial districts, for the pur pose of comparing the polls for su perior court judges and solicitors of the respective districts, to-wit: In the first, at the court house in the county of Pasquotank ; in the second, at the court house in the county of Washington ; in the third, at- the court house in the county of Lenoir ; in the fourth, at the court house in the county of New Hanover : in the fifth, at the court house in the county of Rich mond; in the sixth, at the court in the seventh, at the court house in the county of Guilford ; in the eighth, at the court house in the county of Davie: in the ninth, at the court house in the county of Lincoln; in the tenth, at the court house in the county of Wilkes ; in the eleventh, at the court house in the county of Yancey; in the twelfth, at the court- house in the county of Macon, under such rules and regulations as are prescribed for members of congress in the con gressional districts in chapter 185, section 21, act of 1871-'72. Sec. 10. That any person duly elected superior court judge or so licitor In each of the said districts, upon obtaining a certificate of his election, shall procure from the governor a commission certifying his appointment, which the gov ernor shall issue on such certificate being produced. Sec. 11. That the compensation to be allowed the returning officers for the comparing of the polls, as set fourth in section eight of this act, shall be the same as are allowed In chapter 185, section 27, acts of lSTl-TO, , for comparing votes for members of congress. Sec. 12. That all elections herein ordered shall , be. conducted in all particulars in such manner and under such rules and act shall assemble on the third Monday of November following the date of their election. Sec. 15. This act shall be in force from and after its ratification. In general5 assembly read three times and ratified the 14th day of Febru ary A. D., 1874. J. L. Robinson, Speaker of tho house of rep. C. H. Brogden, ! President of the Senate. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Office Secretary of State, Raleigh, Feb. 18th, 1874. I, Wra. H. Howerton, Secretary of State, hereby certify that the fpregoing is a true copy from the original act on file in this office. Wm.'H. Howerton, Secretary of State. Later! News from Ex-President Fillmore. i Buffaix), March 3. -The condi tion of Ex-President Fillmore has remained unchanged since lastj night. - - Ex-President Filxnore's Condi j ; tion. . . ' ; Buffalo, March 3. -Mr.1 Fill more's nhvsicians hope to be able to place him on his feet again soon. Starvation in India, i London, March 3. A special cor respondent of the iVeir, in India, teleerraphs that the inhabitants of the villages of eastern Tirhoot are slowly starving to death, and the future prospect in other districts look terribly ominous. I Filial Importunity. Dearest mother, get lout Iyour watch, And tell me the time of day ; Dearest mother, shut up I your heart Against what people say. - Dearest mother, dry np N your tears, For I'm not going to the army ; Dearest mother, cork up I my ears. For yon really do a'arm me. Dearest mother, get.up and get f Your morning cup of tea ; Dearest mother, be blamed I the sou Who'd cause one pang to thee.' CONGRESSIONAL. Washington, March 3. Sen ate. Mr. Fenton presehted a me morial from a large numberof lead ing business men of New York, ex pressing alarm at the unlawful ac tion of the secretary of the treasury in issuing reserves that never before had any civilized government re sorted to, putting out irredeemable paper currency in time of peace, and asked Congress to immediately prohibit the secretary from issuing any more of the reserve, and to withdraw at once the amount issued to this date. Refered to the com mittee on finance. Mr. Fenton said the signers to the memorial represented at least five hundred million dollars. Mr. West submitted a resolution instructing the committee on con tingent expenses to inquire as to the propriety of furnishing each senator with a copy of a text-book published by W.-H. andO. H.Mor rison ; also including the national banking laws, and in formation con cerning the public debt. Adopted. Mr. West moved to postpone the centennial bill, and take up the ar my appropriation bill. Mr. Sher man suggested that the centennial bill could be disposed of in an hour, and that the finance resolution which had been postponed until to day, could be proceeded with. Mr. Sumner advocated proceeding with the appropriation bill, and express ed the belief that if Congress went into th- centennial business it would result in an expenditure of thirty millions. The motion of Mr. West was lost; ayes, 1G, noes 30. Mr. Carpenter said, that to-morrow when the senator from Indiana, Mr. Morton, who was now detained from the chamber by indisposition, would be present, he would ask to take up his Louisiana bill for the purpose of making his promised re marks. : Mr. Hamilton, of Maryland, gave notice of his intention to submit re marks Upon Louisiana affairs. The centennial bill was discussed to ad journment. House Took up the bill to se cure homesteads to actual settlers on the public Domain. The bill was amended by adding a proviso that nooath should be required of any one desiring to secure a home stead except the oath to support the constitution of the United States, this was mainly for the benefit of the people in the southern States, who under existing laws requiring the taking of the iron clad oath can not avail themselves of the benefit of the pre-emption laws. The bill also repeals the pre-emption laws, it was further amended by a pro- i FOREIGN STEWS. The Steamer Edgar Stuart on a Trial Trip. Baltimore, March 3. The stea mer Edgar Stuart having comple ted her repairs, made a trial trip down the bay and returned to-day. Several government officers! were aboard, also reporters and invited guests.! , Bloody Fight near Bilboa. Bayonne, March 2. Five thou sand republicans, who were en camped near the village Zomoros- talo. fifteen miles Northwest of Bilboa, were surprised by the Car lists, and a bloody engagement took place, in which one thousand of the former were killed. The remainder took to flight and were closely pursued by the Royalists, and all of them were ; either captured or drowned in an attempt to cross the river in way of their return, j Between tho Dances. Deep night t TLi . night is worthy of you, sweet, . So many stars it has! A soft wind . . woes , . - . The aspens truiii'diug o'er the garden seat, . - ... . .. And murmuring, such low tones as lovers use, , , f , It breathes along tho flowers ; and slum bering spices I" Are blown abroad -beyond tho glided spears ,. , ; Which crest the gates, entices . ' . Tho wind-harp into sound like tears. Changed by a charm to it seems, h That you and nigh I are sisters; ko pure, . . So beautiful, so made ' to lore and lure,- .. L ; , So full of musli'i murmurs, odors, beams; ' Doth queens of dream divine ami starred repose . Which day nor man less heaven en compassed Knows i How coyly it strains' which music! i Love, both Prominent Personals. t .i Movement of Spanish Troops in Cuba. .Havana, March 3. A detach ment of three hundred volunteers, the first mobilized since the captain- generals decrees were issued, went to Cinck Villas district to-day, for active ! service in the field. Two thousand more leave to-night for Puerto Princesso. The governor of LaguajLa Grande announces the defeat and dissertion of the insur gent force at Muleacita, near Sifnto Domingo, within two days after its appearance. We publish the 'following because Bret Ilarte wrote it, a id nol because it seems to us to be poetry ; Written for the New York Times. The Ghost That Jim Saw. (Kansas Pacijle Railway.)) ,..... v , "Why, as to that," said) the engineer, , "Ghost ain't things we are apt to fear", .Spirits don't fool with levers much. And throttle-valves don't take to such ; And as for Jim . -, I What happened to him ' . Was one-half fact and t'other half whim ! "Running one night oa the line, he saw . J A house as plain as the moral law Just by the moon-lit bank, and thenoa Came a drunken man with no more sense Than to drop on the rail, Flat as a flail. As Jim drove by with tho midnight mall. Down went the patents. Steam reversed. Too later for there came a 'thud.' Jim curs'd. As his fireman, there la the cab with htm, Kinder stared In the face of Jim, ( And says, 'Wtyat now?' Ways Jim, 'What now V Tvcjustrun over a man that's howl' The nreman stared at Jim. They ran Hack, but never found house nor man Nary a shadow within mile. , , ' Jim turned pale, but he triad to smile; Then on he tore. Ten mJle or nJore, In quicker time than he'd mads afore. Would you believe itlj-tlie very next night Up rose that house in the moonlight white, Out comes the chap and drops as before. Down goes the brakes jand the rest encore And so. in fact, Each night thjat act . Occurred, tin folks swore Jim was cracked. in Xcw Murder and Suicide i York City. ; New York, March 3. At an early hour this morning, a murder and suicide occurred in Prince street, between two former part ners in business. Their names are Anthony Barli and Peter Tarchini. Thev were formerly in with an other man named Sycardy Barli. He did not attend properly to the business, which was a source of re peated quarrels between him and the other partners, who bought him out two months ago. Barli and Tarchini met a week ago and quarrelled, but did not meet again until tins morning as they were going to work. They quarrelled again, when Barli drew a revolver and shot Tarchini in the breast, after which he shot himself in the head. Coth men being instantly killed. mph! Let hie see ; it's ayear now. most, it I met Jim, East, and says, 'How your JIu That uhostr I 'Gone,' says Jim ; 'and more, It's plain That gbofct don't trouble me again ; I thought I shook That guost when I took A place on an eastern line but look t 1 meet the first trip out Miners Quit Fighting Fire at the Empire Mine Grave ! Fears. : Wilkesbarre, March 3. The miners who have been for the last Winer tlrgatthe Era- vise, that all laws granted to rail roads shall be subject to the provis ions of the bill in all cases where such roads have failed to comply with the conditions of the laws. The bill was then passed and amended. The house had also under consid eration the bill reported from the committee on railways and canals, to regulate commerce by railroads among the several States, and which proposes to prevent the imposition of unreasonable rates, and to pro hibit discrimination of rates. It provides for a board of commis sioners to be appointed by the president, who are to institute a thorongh investigation and inquiry into the rates of toll and compen sation charged for transporting freights and passengers and into the reasonabledess thereof. The com missioners are to fix for each rail road line a separate schedule of reasonable maximum rates of charges for the transportation of freight and passengers, and cars loaded and unloaded, and the rail road companies are to be bound by these votes. Speeches were made by McCrary, of Iowa, in support of the bill, ana by Arthur, of Kentucky, against. The bill is a special order from day today. r, United States Supreme Court Decisions. regulations as are prescnoea in chapter 135, acts of 1871-'72, and 124, acts of 1871-'72, both of which, so far as they are not inconsistent with the provisions of this act, are hereby, re-enacted, Provided, That any elector shall be eligible as reg istrar for their several townships, in all such elections and any pro vision of chapter 185, laws of 1871V72 inconsistent with this proviso is 4 hereby . repealed. that when a yoter is challenged at the polls, upon demand of any citi zen of the State, it shall be the duty of the inspectors of the election to require .said . voter before being al lowed to vote, to prove by the oath of some other person, known to the judges, the tact of his residence for thirty days previous thereto, in the county, in which he purpose to vote. . x ; ' Sec 13. That at all elections for Judges t)f tho supreme court, Judges of the superior court, and solicitors. there shall be provided a separate box Tot such supreme court judges, and a separate one for the superior court judges and solicitors. Sec. 14. That the members of the general assembly, elected under the provisions of the first section of thi? Washington, March 3. Among the decisions of the supreme court to-day were the following: In the case of Chaffee et al, vs. United States, brought to recover the penalty provided by the forty eighth section of the internal reve nue act of June 30th, 18G4, against the plaintiffs in error for having in their possession certain distilled spirits for the purpose of sale, with the design of avoiding tne duties imposed thereon this court will re verse the judgment of conviction on various grounds of evidence and for the following error in the in struction to the jury. The court in substance instructed the jury that in this class of cases the govern ment need only prove the defen dants presumptively guilty of an other duty thereupon devolved upon them to establish their inno cence and if they did not they were guilty beyond a reasonable doubt on this point. It is held that the error is palpable on its statement. All the authorities condemn it. It sets at naught the established principles, and justifies the criti cism of counsel, that it substantially withdrew from the defendants their right of trial by jury, and convert ed what, at law, was intended for their protection, the right io refuse to testify, into the machinery for their sure destruction. Mr. Justica Field delivered the court's opinion. The case of Bulliani, trustee, vs. the National Eagle Bank.oi 1'. ston. The court holds that anatiui ..i bank organized under the act of 1 - i, can not acquire a valid lien uj n the shares of its stockholders by irtue of the articles of the associa.ion or by-laws. This re-affirms the decis ion in the case of Bank vs. Lainer, 11 Wall street. Mr. Justice Strong delivered the opinion. Mr. Justice Clifford dissented. work, having become convinced that their efforts to control the firey element were becoming more hazard ous and unavoidable. Each day of subsequent events proved that the apprehensions were not un founded, for last evenincr a most extensive "cave in" of the mine oc curred, exceeding in the extent of the fall of the Baltimore mine, which took place a short time since. ! Great consternation pre vails in thb neighborhood of the mine, and families are preparing to leave the dangerous proximity. The fire now has a free scope, and threatens to ruin utterly one of the most valuable possessions of the newly formed Wilkesbarre and Xiehigh coal company. Wrecked Teasel on Scotch Coast Fifteen Drowned, Ac, The Xicli borno Claimant refused a new Trial, Ashantee Expedition. London, March 2. Bark Grace Darling went ashore on the Scottish coast near Aberdean during the late gales and became a wreck. The crew took to the rigging, but 15 of them were washed off and drowned before help could be sent. Four men belonging to a life saving sta tion who went to the rescue of the Wrecked men also lost their lives by the swamping of their boat. Its stated that application of counsel for Tich borne claimant for a new trial is refused. He will make an appeal to the House of Lords on behalf of his client. The morning journals ap prove the verdict given against the claimant. Rumors of a very bad nature in regard to Ashantee Expedition are current in the city, $ut they can be traced to no trust worthy source. A despatch has been received at the Indian office from Lieut. Governor Bengal giv ing a most alarming report of the condition of the people in that presidency. He says fuHy 107,000 persons are starving to death in the districts, affected by famine, and that all the poorer classes ; are beginning to want for food. What should But that very house that we talked about, And that self-same min 1 "Well," says I," I guess It's time to stop this yr foolishness." Bo I crammuq on Bteam, When there came a scream From my nreman anjl it broke my dream "Tou'ye killed somebody 1" Says I, "Not muen: I've been thar often arid thar ain't no such. And now I'll prove it.'r Back we ran. Aud darn my skin l-4but thar was a man On the rail. dead. Smashed In the head Notir,'- eall that meanness I" That's all Jim sum.. hreCTTaTTwrr A Plea for the MUlcr. That millers steal, v o do confess, For stealing is the fashion ; . And millers may net stand the teat, Without an extra ration. But don't jondemn This class of men. Without mature refection. For lawyers steal, m ho tko tho fee, From unsuspecting client; And make the dupe quite clearly soe, The Wrong 'gains! right defiant. ' But when the case The jury trace, Tho cost falls on ihe client.: ' -4 . : . The Doctors steal, for nature oft Would soon correct the ailing ( But ipecac and jalap mixed, - r Makea nature unavailing. So day by day, The patients pay, The heavy bills enti tling. The merchant steals, for oft his woighf Is two ounce short of measure ; And "ditto" at alarming rate, Adds to guilty treasure. But if you aim, . To dodge I he same, How easily he headi i you I ...... The farmer, too, sells addled eggs ; k The tailor cribs your linen ; Through paper sole;! tho cobbler pegs Your weaver cheats in spinning ; And so I charge, The world at large. Have guilt alike in sinning. Modern Hood. Improvisations. BY BAYARD TAYLOR. A grass blade is my warlike lance, A rose leaf is my i ihield ; Beams of the sun ar ), every one, aiy cuarges ior tne neia. The morning gives fane golden steeds, The moon gives silver white ; The stirs drop down; my helm to crown, When I go forth tj fight. Against me ride In iron mall The squadrons of the foe ; The bucklers flash, I he maces crash-. The haughty trumpets blow. ' Allig-k Old Time Among: Laborers. Steady Bombardment of Billoa. London, March 3. A dispatch from St. Jean de Luz, a French town eleven miles south west of Bayonne, dated to-day,-says the Carlistshave kept up a steady bom bardment of Bilboa for the last two days. f New York, March 4. The la borers on the Brooklyn reservoir works,Hempstead, L.I.,have struck for an increase of wages. More than half are Italians, who are willing to work at the old rates. The Irish and German laborers assaulted and drove the Italians off, and many were injured. Steam shovels and other machinery were broken. The jiolice sent for to quell the distur bance were assaulted, and for a time driven off. after shooting one of the rioters, j The ring-leaders were cap tured and the others dispersed. The Washington manufacturing company, of Gloucester, N. J., dis charged seven hundred men yester day who asked for higher wages. The men, accompanied by their vrives arid children, surrounded the" residence of the superintendent, at which they hurled missiles of every description, and threatened to fire the mill. They were finally dis persed by the police, after a severe strurgUvi.i which many heads were broken. M f Colliery Explosion. Hatjfax, March 4. Last Satur day, seven more bodies of the vie-1 timsof the Drummond 0111617 -explosion were recovered from No. 1 sloDe. Some of the bodies were at once identified by widows and friends of the dead. The flesh on the bodies was much shrivelled,but the clothiner. hair and beards were quite natural, and not at all burned. Striking- One touch, and all, irith armor cleft. Before me turn and yield. Straight on I ride : the world ia wide; a rose ieat is ray snieiu I Then dances o'er the water fall The rainbow, in Its glee ; The daisy sings, the Ally rings , . Her bells of victory. So I am armed whoije'erT go ; I And mounted, night or day ; ' ' Who shall oppose the conquering rose, And who the sunbeam slay f Harper's Monthly. A Quick Retort. A specimen of tho quickness aptness of retort with which the late John Pi Hale was gifted is afforded in the follow ing illustration Jefferson yDavU once concluded a speech on slavery witn a tnreat tnatJ if tne worth did demands of the of that section ..AVI ...V V i P. Hale snranjr to not yield to the South, the States would depart Israel." John his feet, in his ringing voice, said : MAnd what became of the ten tribes of Israel ? Dispersed, scattered, lost and no one knows what : became of them ; but the ark of the covenant of the living God! remained with the tribe of Judah. 4-e. and powerful, he law of God by branches must of the sun. and are lower: by which the tall trees must protect the weak plants beneath them, iseecner. If a man is rich comes : under that which the highes take the burning shade those that

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