1 ITHE ERA AND EXAMINER. THURSDAY. MARCH 12, 1874. S PXBSOXAL IlCTXIXIOaCTR. Col. C. (Lerenthrope; Rer. N. II. D; Wilson and J Col. Tbos. B. Keogh were In the city jveeterday, and were registered at the Yarbo rough House. mmm i Dirt, at the residence of her husband '' near Plymouth, Tf . CL. on Wednesday. Z January 21st, 1874, Mrs. M. J. Hardi I son, wife of W. A. Hardteon, Esq., aged GO years, 6 months and 18 days. BciiDiJro. The 1 TBI firtVXttXlTEXT master tnechanlo for the poetofflce and the Federal court house, direct from I Washington, under orders from super vising architect Mullett, reported for dnty in this city yesterday. 5 Thi RKrroa or Christ Church iMany rumors are in circulation in re gard to the calling of a Rector to Uke Hcharge of Christ Church, made racant ily the lamented death of the Rev. R. S. !M ason, T D. The vestry of this church 2ave taken no action in the premises as -ret, we learn, and will not for several rdaya to come. aaaajaaaaaaa $ Bask Ball. The Athletic Club have had the circus ring on the Baptist Grove Square, leveled down and the ground smoothed over with a roller, and on Yesterday were at It lively, in the highest style of the art. I We saw one old man on the base, we Won't aar who It was. who we thought ought to have been in the right field 5ut we soon saw we were mistaken for e took several bat balls In frantically. A bank officer on 1" tome run" fell about 20 feet. We lauzhed. lie wasn't fturt much but he had a bade case of the " Oh my." I Thomas M, A boo and J. C. L. Har ris, Esqrs., were tendered and declined the solidtorshlp of the ninth district by the governor, made vacant by the decli nation of Win. 8. Bytoum, Esq., upon tA-hich theappointment was tendered to J . L. Carson.Esq., of Rutherford county, s announced by us yesterday at d which ould have been incorporated in the notice but for a request otherwise. Messrs. Argo and Harris thought it best for their interests to decline tbe honor. (Cither of them would haye made an ex cellent officers. Items From Thomasvh.lk. Dr. R. W. Thomas and II. Clay Thomas, are en an excursion North. Tbe Doctor will siend a couple of weeks at the Mod leal Colleee in Philadelphia, while II. Clav Thomas will be tbe truest of Ed. M alley, in the city of New Haven, Con necticut. John R. Keen has his new steam saw mill in full operation, and Is "turning out an excellent chair, for which pur pose his mill was erected, and has great difficulty in tilling tbe many orders re reived from the different portions of North and South Carolina. John D. Taylor, a leading merchant "Cheap John," has been sell ins? his goods off at public auction, on Satur days, with a view to filling his shelves witn new articles. Railroad sills constitute a large por tion of the trade here. About fifteen thousand sills are piled up around the depot. The merchants pay thirty five cents each for them, one half In goods and one half cash. Messrs Lee and Elliott have about eight thou sand, and the rest are held bv Mesm. Lambeth and Bro.. and Mock and Moora Tell "brother" Raiford to bur ry up ani "receive" them and let's have no money for them. Mr. D. W. C. Johnson, a member of tbe bar. resides here, lie is said to be much rejoiced over the enlargement of magistrates jurisdiction. Hunks it will enlarae hi business. Everv other Sat urday is court day here, when the elo quence of the chancellor makes theneo pie look crave and patriotic He has everything his own way, except when somebody sends to Lexington after M. H.Penix,Esq.,when the chancellor.afier much perseverence and strategy, gen erally manages to run the "kid gloved gent" as be terms him, off home on the 5 o'clock train, without his dinner. The public school, under the man agement of Mr. Jabez It. Meudenhall is nourishing, with an average attendance of about eighty-five. Tub Slater or Asdbew Strong, of hb Robesox Outlaws, Suicides in avetteville. William Wilson, the Uyer of Andrew Strong, one of the Notorious-Robeson county outlaws, in December, 1872, committed suicide by shooting himself in Fayetteville on Vednesday night. He obtained a re Vard of fo.000 for tho killing, since thich time he had become addicted to intemperance, whether from remorse ejr the coming Into possession of so snug a, sum we do not know at any rate, he has been on the go ever since, first In tne place then In another, and at all Umes full of the ardent in other words, j Jou5 T. Cramer, Esq., of David kdn. We copy the following from the Jscitcrence Guardian, published at new Castle, Pa. : "JThe annual re-union of Battery B, iBt Pennsylvania Reserve Artillery, will bo held at Mt. Jackson on Saturday, April 20th. John T. Cramer, of North C arolina, was elected orator at the last meeting, with Captain J.H. Cboper, of tils city, as alternate." , We understand that itjs the purpose if Mr. Cramer to be present on the oc ilution. He will Uke his family North with him, and will remain until about tio first of July, returning, in time to Ijfel p his republican friends out in the next campaign in his county, where it ii proposed to elect a full republican iftet, sheriff and all. f A Civil Case. Mayor Whitaker fitting as Justice of the Peace, heard tbe cause of the State, and Frank Men- Hinge r, vs Is ham Jones Forcible Tres pass. 1 The plaintiff had a fence constructed arouna his land, and complained that the defendant Jones, claimed a right of ay through the land, and during the cover of night threw or tore down two pmnnels of fence many threats ..were 1 1) ade and hence th is act Ton. t " fins Honor upon bearing the evidence siid argument gave his decision that no trespass was proved satisfactory to Mm, whereupon the plaintiff Men nbigr, sued out an other warrant bind ing tbe defendant over to keep the reace, Hon. S. H. Rogers appeared for the defendant, Armstead Jones, Esq., fgr the plaintiff. A Steam Road EsoiJfE. The Chat ham freight train brought down yester day the road steamer which has been f ir some time at Jonesboro. Itiscon Hcned now to a party in Florence, S. C. 1( never accomplished much on the rfaul from Jonesboro to Fayetteville, aiid has been deemed inexpedient. It reemblee an old sea turtle very much, and looks roush from improper care. If goes to Floreuce to-day, and will be ppt to work there hauling turpentine and other freights. The wheels (4 feet hgh) are made of gutta percha with iron bands on the rim, about as wide as tl$o hand. The boiler is built as an or dinary stationary engine, with one cyl inder. Tho seat for the engineer Is on tfj), and is very much like the old gig t.it. The gentleman in charge of it told u that 011 a good road he could make it V, I cast 12 miles an hour. Supreme Court. Wedneaday.Mareh 4. This ourt met at its usual hour. All the justices present. Appeals from tho ninth district were resumed, and the following causes were argued : V J Hays. admr.. vs R F Davidson et al, from Mecklenburg; Jones and Johnston for plaintiff, Barringer, Dowd and Vance for defendants, two causes. James S Phillips vs TVm 11 Trezevant from Mecklenburg ; II W Ouion for plaintiff, Jones and Johnston, Wilson and Son for defendant. S E. Bratton vs J Allison from Meck lenburg; Vance and Dowd for plaintiff, Wilson and Son, Jones and Johnston, McCorkle and Bailey for the defendant. The following appeals from tho tenth district were argued : Q W Clodfelter vs Joseph Host from Cabarrus; Schenck, Smith and .Mr on for plaintiff. Arm field. McCorkle and Bailey for defendant, two cases. The following causes were continued: Amos Ladd and wife vs Henry Cham bers et al, from W ilkes county. James Harper, exr, vs John Sudderth et al, from Caldwell county. Aaron Ladd vs J P Adams from Wilkes. Pending the argument in the case of Clodfetter vs Bost, the court adjourned to meet inursday morning at 10 o clock The following appeals at the end of tbe docket, were taken up and argued John A Houston vs. John II lalton, from Rowan. McCorkle and Bailey and Armfield for plaintiff; Brown. Batche lor and Edwards, and W P Caldwell for defendant. Nicholas Jenkins vs. Henry P Conly et. al., from Caldwell, Folk and Arm field for plaintiff; C A Cilley, Smith and Strong for defendants. ; O W Crawford vs Thomas Lvttle from McDowell, J C L Harris and W W Flemming for plaintiff; Gaither and Bvnum for defendant. The court then took up tho cause the State of North Carolina vs R and D K R pending the argument, adjourned. About la Spots irginia Anniversary Occasion ok Qtekn of tub South Loikk of Gooi Tem flars. Assembling at their hall, over the Baptist church at 2 o'clock tho pro cession was formed, and the line of march began, going up Blount street and coming down Favetteville,and then repairing to itir IMaifi 1 ni 1I1 ill cation ct M -wr entered into. Death ofLccy Stainrack in V au kkn Jail, Accused of Poisoning her Hi snANO. Lucy Stainback, (c-.l.) who wJm arrested last May in Warren ctun t$ 011 the charge of poisoning her hus iind died in jail a few days ago. Stain- (ii-ii her huband died on ihe 22d of Ma;, and his body was disinterred on .tune 28th, Dr. Taylor of Richmond, Va.. analysed the stomach and contents uitd found unmistakable evidence of Mtvehnine being administered. At the 1 14 tTm of Warren court, the accused W;ni u Lk- Wrotf.'ht into the court room in-.i hair i-v uiou. mul some were si.ihI nt-i;xi Ji4get that the ws puttiug on." Her case was re moved to Franklin county and she was tali en back to jail. She died without aiiv visible aigns of illness to the at tending physician, and was evidently a rue case of broken nearteane. ' Villi ?J Ni IE FUNERAL OF THI XjATS tHil. T.I Neal in Statesville, who was hot and killed by young Elliott,. was -y sad and impressive in that- place. to endinir Cine vevnalDe ' ltk'hinond for Interment. Bust new wa chlelty suspended, and all that tfcild do so. joined the procession. nuking the longest funeral cortege ever mv" ln.the place, while the church bell rtitlnued to peal a sad requiem for the dvad. It is stated that in a few months l'j his generous and manly bearing be tbe friendship and esteem of hosts tf friends among the aged as well aa vun&. Mr. Neal was Interred In lllly wood Cemetery, and the A wteriean rurtiwr save: Aiav uae curr resi nirnuy Aon the bosom of our departed young Cilend, and rosea bloom in perpetual iMMuty over tbe grave or one wno. viile Uvinr, possessed' every manly irrMce. and scorned every mean action. prrftKM Court. Thursday, March J, i s74- This court met at Its usual hour. An tuejusuoes present. ifUe consideration of appeals from the I'm District, placed to too end of the ilrrket. was resumed and disposed of. avtoitows (israb II. Dula et al. vs. L. Toung et 14 from Wilkes county. Smith A hi.ic counsel for plaintiff! McCorkle ft liailey and J. Collins for defendants, IV. CJTernpteton vs. II. C Hummers, frm IredtlL BatcbelorA 11 wards and lrCWkle A Bailey forpUluiiHt; Col li f f"C defendant. A.T. A O. IL IL Co. ei aL vs. 8. A. NIirtaiaL, from IradelL MeCorkle A (isiWr for defendanui Caldwell and A rubU fur pUlatifXs. A, Itajrswl vs. W. J. Colvrt et aL, ,trn lrill. MrCorkle A lUllry fwf I :.IMiC 1 lUirhelor for derrstdjnu tvall Ta. If. II. IIHim, ffa A!e avmita A Mnms; Pir fUin nti 'iusaid ilrCwtkhl A iUlky lof liidabi. -After singing and praver, Mr. Jas. II Harris, who was presiding, in'roduced Mr. Cbas. N. Hunter as the first speaker. He said r This 1 oil go began on the night of the 13th of March, 1873, with thirteen charter members, in the Ft eed men's Savings Bank, Bro. Theo. N. Ramsay, so well beloved and so faithful as a worker in the temperance cause, acting as the instituting ofneer. I hat meeting, though small in numbers, was a deter mined one, and the grand soa of faces before me shows it. And not only has the influence of that meeting extended throughout the whole city, but it has gone over the whole State. He said this movement meant something, and that is, that not only is there a great reform going on in the city towards tho refor mation of the poor drunkard, but that good sober, honest men are to be placed Fu the official places of this laud. He continued at some length, encour aging the members to remember the victories of the past, and press forward to new ones that awaited them. " Go to the polls," ho said, " and vote down this traffic." Uev.G. li'.Brodio was then introduced. He thanked the members fr their call, but regretting that, expecting Rev. BUhon Hood to be nre.ont. he had not prepared anything special. But iio never knows time when ho could not say something for temperance, fir to him it was tho cause of Christ. He was proud to see tho boys engaged in the temper ance prrMtWion. They are tho scions that shall fill the fiituro orchard. Hh honored Prof. Wright for his efforts to form the boys and girU into an a Kit tion. Tho women and our children are to bo the reformer!. God made woman that she might draw man nearest t His Maker. She, it va that, so to speak, is man's perfetion. Let woman g t. th. poor drunkard, nd however In-astly, lie cannot turn her away, while he might treat man with contempt .and insult He cited the case of a once noble m .111 who paid the penalty of death on the gallows, for a murder committed in a state of intoxication. He, too, counselled the members to I e faithful and carry temperance to the polls a well as el; here. Mr. T. N. Ramsay wan next introduc ed. For some time he held the audi ence, wltn eloquence ami piit Hum. JNall the Good Templars pledge upon your posts, he said, and the destrover will turn from that home. Extending his remarka at some length he concluded n a strong appeal lor the members to be lUUUb Tho Chapman Sisters are in Missouri. A nod from a lord is a breakfast for a fool. The Georgia minstrels are now In Canada. Duprexand Benedict's minstrels are in Illinois. A fox should not bo on tho jury at a goose's trial. Mrs. Oates and her comical opera company are In Pittsburg. Ho that makes himself an ass must not take it ill if men rule him Bonner sold his fine gray trotting stallion, "New York Ledger" for ten thousand dollars. Cal IFagners minstrels showed In Columbia last night the sixth. They will be In Raleigh soon. A calf born in this city last week has no narrative. Bangor Commercial. The Commercial bhould spin .he for 1L " What are you crying! about. Char lie?" " "Cause granny savs I must be born n-rain any I'm 'fraid I'll be a gal." Ma I line Lake and daughter. Miss Emma Iake, have secede., from the ir. ai Eastern Circus in Arkansas, and are en route for New York. ; The famous trotting ex-queen of the turf "Lady Thorn" dropped her first foal February 22d. which was in honor of the day appropriately named George Washington. Th Itev. Dr. Wharev. who has been delivering a series of eloquent and im pressive sermons, at the Presbyterian uuurcu. j ei t lor uis iiuiuo iu last evening. The New York comedy company closed the third week of a season at Danville, Va., Feb. 28, and were to con tinue tbe present week. They visit this city Monday next. The little boy at nis nrei concert, in nocently asked, when the; soprano was called back, "What's the matter, mo ther? Didn't he do it right?" In the Parisian theatres tlicro js usually a body of persons hired to vo ciferously applaud certain actors. They are called claqucm, and sit in the pit. but are distinguishable from the rest or the spectators. . An lrhuman, wno nau jusi lanueu, Raid : "The first bit of meat that 1 ever ate in this country was a roasted potato, boiled yesterday ; and 11 you cion'l be- iuve me I can snow 11 10 ye, ior na o it in my pocket. The saloon Keepers in uumoenana. Md., held a meeting on Monday, and resolved, in case the women began the crusade, to hire a brass band, which they projose to transport irom prayer meeting to prayer meeting, to drown with mus;c the voices 01 tne women. Prolancness is a brutal vice. He who ndulges in it is no gentleman. I care net what his stamp may be in socieij'. ero not what clothes he wears, or what culture he boasts. Despite all his refinement, the light and habitual taking of Gods name letrays a coarse nature and a brutal will. Chapin. That was a happy couple we saw yes terday in a wagon a white man and a darkey going out on tho Crabtree road. The white man had evidently been to the " crusade," as he was wrapped up in a blanket in the bottom of tho wagon " how come you so," and the old colored ge'mman was sitting on a barrel doing the driving, but his head was so war bled that ho was anxiously inquiring if he was on the road to Sater's mill. Ho was told better and "circussed" back. The Nashua Telegraph says the familiar beutenve, " One touch of nature," was beautifully illustrated by three little girls, who noi long since, lost their mother by death. Hearing that a lady friend of the family was dying, those three little children went to their grandmother, called her aside, and whUered in her ear, " Mrs. is dying, and we want you to go to her and tell her to give our best love to our mother'" The whiskey war in Greenville, Ten nessee, is conducted in true military style, the besiegers having erected tents in front of Mrs. Hard's saloon to pro tect them from the inclemency ol the weather, while she has received rein forcements for carrying on. the defence in tho shape of a keg of whiskey sent her by the ssaloon keepers of Knoxville. There is something so whimsical in all this that it is doubtful if a contest so conducted can havo any lasting bene ficial results. Senator Ilyman on Civil Rights. Congressional Proceedings. To thk EprroB ExaicmKit!- -vrxmwmumm? The introduction , ot- a resolution atjb Thd - senate considered the? into the lower branch of our legislaw nqa0r traffic commission and tra'ns-( Circular Letter to County Hoards ofKducation. By the constitution of the State the coun y commissioners who con stitute the county boards of educa tion have supervision and control of the public schools in their respec tive counties. Statk Ixmioratiox Ho A IU. A meeting of tne Hoard of Immigration has been called by the Secretary iUtc, who is ex officio president of the board, on the l'AJi int-, lu the office of secre tary of State. We republUh the name of the members of the board as named in the followingsection of the bill estab lishing the bnreaa : UECTiost 1. Th Qeneral Aembfy of ISorth Carolina do enact That the Sec ro tary of State, the State geologist, the commissioners of Immigration, David G Worth, of New Hanover county, Henry Nntt, of New llsilbrermunty.lt R Hridger. President of tbe Ullming ton and R eld on and Wilmington aid Columbia and Augusta Railroad, Cap tain H 11 Gray, of -Craven county, Dr ir J Hawkins, President of of the IUletgu and tiaston and lUleich and August Air Line lUUnwuls, 11 M. Holt, Ksq., of AUmsnce county. Col. Wtn. Johimton,of Mecklenburg county, and Col Ml win J Aston, of llunccmbe county, shall rontltute a IkMrd of Iin- tntgration, Ac i n Mecrrury i Mate, bv virtus of hUottlce. sltall lm troUlent of said Uiard, with soma tiirinWrof tbe same aa aerrrury, ti r reding, ami make a general a em Mr. rd W tr- rr"rt la th I lu t or t'arr. Hr4tm.-We m .ft - . mm. - . wsre sorry u irsrn tusi spu it. u. fprajtlna, uf tb North Carolina IUmI ss sutidrniy isarn sun i'imim i the ittngm, e his artisl ati Mbiru, TuMiUr suoruitig tia tbe null trstn, aad sihus Mr rre rtilrtuintt t Ills rwiwr, twt mm mtm vtsl i hwm t tl.ts m ttlmf ! t mM -t Unjrf. i'l l i lts 'rui4 hi.t t.l, sl tl ii4M tiratti fc hi ttmm br t SA m UmmU uat4 b chitrviy irwr. SCHOOL FUNDS. The law appropriates annually seventy-five per cent, of the entire State and county capitation taxes, a property tix of eight and a third cents on the hundred dollars worth of all property and credits in the State, all taxes on auctioneers and licensees to retail spirituous liquors, and the income from the permanent school lund, for the support and maintenance of free public schools. If this money is properly and eco nomically applied, it will be suffi cient to maintain a free public school from two to three months in every school district in . the State. If this money, alonjj with any bal ance which may remain in the hands of the county treasurer, shall be insullh ient to maintain schools four month-?, the law makes it the duty of the county commissioners to h'vy, annually, a special tax to supply the deficiency. The ques tion of the levy and collection of such additional school tax, however, must be submitted to the vote of the elect ;rs of the county. If in any county the vote is against the additional school tax, the only school fund in such county will be that which the law has absolutely provi ded as above mentioned. (iUAUD THE SCHOOL MONEY. In the administration of three hundred thousand dollars annually in four thousand school districts, it will be necessary to guard the school money with vigilance. The county board of education may adopt and carry out any one, or ail, of the following: rules, or others which may occur to them : That no order for school money shall be jkiiu by the county Treas urer, until it is approved and signed by the chairman and secretary of the county board of education. That tho school money in no case be aportioiied to any township, or paid upon the order of any school committee until the school census of the township is taken and re ported as required by law. XbrtMhe public schools shall not be taught at seasons of the year when laboring children cannot be spared from the farm. COL'NTV EDUCATION A f. ! ASSOCIA TION. The count v board of education and the board of examiners of each county are respectfully but earnest ly urged to call an educational convention in their county and or ganize a irinanciit educational m Nocl.it Ion. The State educational association which wti permanently organized In July, 1 87a, adopted a resolution ntiMiiiiiemliiiz that county educa tional aociatlon In organ I red. The educational Intctv!, which are the urea tew t IntcrrM of the hUtc, should Ikj fully represented and f.wtrml ly Ppn'prUtc county and Htatv ata-Utiiift4. .N-wn in tlte Htat which am CvoralU tit juUf tdiKUthm I will hr i titlUlt this rirvulxr fur laiormauoti. ture, denouncing the civil rights diii now Deiore me congress,l3 mucn to be regretted." The inordinate de sire to create party capital, - origi nated and pressed the resolution to a vote. If the manufacture of. po litical capital , was ail that could grow out of the resolution, it wpuld not be worth noticing ;. but the in troduction, discussion And passage of the resolution, Is calculated to do great harm. The best of feeling now Erevails among our people; the bad lood engendered during tbe last five or six years, has almost entire ly died out ; mutual good feelings have taken root, and in . a year. or two more, no evidence of the bitter ness of former days will remain. With such. a state of affairs as this, the introduction of the resolution herein alluded to, could noC have been intended. to have other than its legitimate effect, to-wit : to dis turb that good feeling which now exists among our people, otherwise, the resolution would not have been introduced and pushed to a vote. The democrats laughed in . their sleeves and thought, - they , had thrown a fire-brand , into the ranks of the republican , party,. when they, saw republicans vote for, the reso lution and others vote against, by virtue of which, they hoped to reap a rich harvest in . August next Vain hope! However strong the representative men of the colored race may advocate civil rights, they are not to be driven from their al legiance to the party of enfranchise ment and popular liberty, because, a few republican members, of the legislature refused , to rvote as the coiortd representatives did. upon this question.; The colored men will stand together in ihe approach ing campaign they will do their duty as they have done heretofore r calmly awaiting the "sober second thought," when they will receive full and complete support from those of their political faith, who were not able to think and vote as the colored members did upon the civil rights resolution. It is a matter of regret that this resolution should have been intro duced. Nine years have elapsed since the close of a fratricidal strug gle, from which the slave of two centuries emerged a free man. Dur ing these nine years much was done to create bad feeling between the races, but that feeling has disap peared during the last two years to a very considerable extent, and therefore, I regret that an inordi nate desire to create party capital should have caused the introduc tien of a resolution, the discus sion of which, could result -in nothing calculated to cement that friendship which should exist be tween the races. There are great and living principles which now agitate the people, that should re ceive the attention, the entire at tention, of that party which boasts that its ranks contain all the wealth, all tbe intelligence, and all the vir tue of the State. The democrats have raised a loud cry that if the bill before the Oon gress becomes a law, that it will force social equality ; that it will destroy our common schools, and create bad bloody All such talk is bosh. Examine the files of the Democratic papers of 1868, and you will liud that such papers teemed with the asser tion that if the present State consti tution was adopted, that we would hae mixed schools, mixed militia, and intermarrying between whites and blacks. Were any of these as sertions true? Has time proved them true or otherwise? They carried falsehood upon their face they have been proven to be such ; and the great hue and cry concern ing the bill now before congress contains as little truth and fully as much untruth, as the cry raised against the constitution in 18G8. The colored members of the house were determined that they would not vote for any measure that cre ates a discrimination between the races. Politically neither race is supe rior to the other; they are equal, and we desire that equality shall be maintained; if we are citizens, give us all the rights that any other citizen possesses, and no moro. If we have these rights now, and they cannot be enforced in our State courts, we desire that the Federal Courts be given jurisdiction of such offences, that our political and civil rights as citizens, may be vindica ted, and enforced. That is idl.vve ask no more, no less; and that is all the colored members of the house meant to express when they voted against me resolution concerning the civil rights bill now before the congrefc-ss. Social equality cannot bo regu lated by legislation ; it is a matter for so iety ; and the idea that peo ple can be made socially equal by legislation, is the height of folly and stupidity. The colored man demands equal, civil and political rights. lie does not want social equality he would not be the so cial equal of the white man if he could be made so by the stroke of a pen. Conscious of havin faithfully discharged every duty devolving upon him as a citizen, the colored man camly and patiently awaits the subsidation of the waters of preju dice, believing that all he asks for is simple justice, and that it will bQ given him in good time. in conclusion, l call upon., my brethren throughout the State to buckle on their armor and pre pare for a vigorous campaign dur ing the approaching summer." Har mony, backed by energy and a full vote, will wrest the State from our political enemies. If differences exist, they must be healed. No in dividual must be allowed to stand in the way of success. Principles are everything men are simply the representatives of these prin ciples, and as such should be Sus tained. : - We clasp hands with our brethren of the West over the civil rights question, and pledge ourselves to send utSi good report from the East in August ; and we sincerely trust thnt that party which has done everything to prevent the comple tion of tne western xsorth Carolina railroad, will be as thorougly beaten at the next election In the moon tains, as we arc confident they will be In the East and Centre. John A. 11m ast. portation question."' No action. " Mri Carpenter beat Cameron who wished to push, the centennial! bill. and. after hearing the Louisiana election bill read West asked Sena tor Carpenter if he proposed -to fol low up tils speech by- amotion" to refer. Mr. Carpenter replied, that derived from the constitution, not I was ' not ! Drobable that there from the tumults in Jjouisiana orl would :,some jinanUuHytheaJ the frauds of Durell or the Lynch, I that there was lost time, for as board, and be asked every senator he scanned the political horizon he within his hearing if congress had thought he could see more than one not the power to give Ihe people of candidateyind It was not Improbable that Stale what they had been cheat- that the i Vote of Louisiana migh t ed dot ofinamelyr the right to elect their own officers. -" Should our gov ernment be overthrown it would be by,, their . steady "encroachments. Congress should see at all times that each State had a republican form of change the whole thing. The ques tion should be settled now ana put out of the wav as It was neither ) wise ornrudent to ' artiounrit. He had no personal feeding in the mat ter, his relations with : iveiiog nav- he was well aware of the. fact that government, and any senator de- J ing been of the most friendly char- daring -that congress had not the power to "Interfere now would tJe- clare to Kellogg and his followers, you cant repeat this thing in 1876, in ;r 1880 or in 1884. w Congress has no power to set it right. If Congress had no authority to interfere, then the MclSnery government could set itself up also by force. Violence was as good a title as fraud, and a little more manly, r When a man skulks be neath the soiled roles of a federal judge, he has not the manliness of the one who goes out with sword in hand to maintain his position. Warrcnton, X. a, Feb. 21, 1S74. Tltr Paci fic IXoad Clear of Snow Halt Lakr, March (L Twor-v m nyrr trains from tho treat enrimj at odcn to-day and tho tra& b bo lU ved to be clear of snow fcal f rkttfr?!i ml Cmst Ct C feamitftj 4 m &Uttt4 lAnr. !ith ' fcAn cr-t tm Urn Ium .y t!.2LIIr !'.trTcf lr.!s At I X. lie Hi . ifiri rublt lUrjihw .J U t L.t rWi. I'uU InUnaUva. i mtk of Cj L.l ;JL the senator from Louisiana wanted to speak! and he would not deprive him of that privilege. The motioa of Mr. Qarpen ter totlay aside all pending- orders and take .up the Louisiana bill was agreed; to. 'Mr. Carpenter said he proposed ,, to go directly to business ana not waste tbe time of the senatejin any g'owing speech. He would repeat nothing he had said on former occasions; but would endeavor to single out mat ters in connection with the Louisiana case, upon which both himself and the Senator from Jndiana agreed, wonld endeavor to show . that all circumstances required the passage There was no question in his mind of the bill proposed by him. He as to the power of congress to take reviewed the election 'returns and up the constitution of any State and said- It was clearly shown that declare wnetner or not it was re- McEnerv had received 9.960 major-1 publican in form. The power of ity; though he did not hold the I congress was supreme. election was a fair one,'-as congress Mr. Ferry of Connecticut, said he naa aireaay, autnonzeu an iuveau- i must diner from the gentleman as gauon into . we .xjouisiaaa aoairs. i to the power Of congress. SSISiL&ifS Carpenter said he waa. sorry " - "'"" - senator would -stand m his atfJS adfrle from Indiana, Mr, M6rton,' as to the 5SJ?wJt!2!SJo'? fiSSfSi TXf 'SSSLS 5 5w grcould noTinter: iMfifSy ferlDid he mean to say if a band SSfSSZilS? ?e.5S)5 of republicans .should seize the SiiSPSIS? lt?J. State that - congress could not tLT 1 hLnffn8; then interfere. Ferry said he meant fS7nrf4Syfwtf"Sir? to sy that under our system of (Morton) from the committee on goy" there is within the f!SlSSSJSa fSMfflS Stale a remed for usurpation of ?iiir ir? PhS dfftS tfae government, or else a republi- fi ? n SSSSr ?n dm JSlSi form of government, is a total that the Lynch board in mak ng failure carpenter said suppose IFSFhni the PePle Connecticut should of electors had no legal evidence decla hev would have mon. t0liJh li CSUlu C0UTiitlle votes' archy, that they were sick and tired The senator had shown that no va- Qf a republican government, and SSfcES 'S6? .ff6 " that th&r governor and legislature 17 t rZr iXX should remain in office for life. presidenUalelectors,and both houses Woud then have power of 'congress acted upon that report. to interferef Ferry said there was Wi5?SSnfi?,,,T0fttei5?ati PP16 of the state Preferred a had decided that the Lynch board monarchical government, and was was the legal board, bnt he (Car- entirely different thing. Hehearti- Pnter) ledattenUon to the fact , concurred with the senator from rh!tlfdSf?h? Itm?dftT'e Wisconsin, Carpenter, that the the report of the senator from In- o1JFt .V;,, dla"f oJfS root and branch usurpation but irlJ.teenator(Mor; could not agree with him as to S.yXiw rcarpenter said in de- ' rrnj" . .i, bate of this Kind, he was in a posi &"u lu- ,T tion of fighting in open field VJ"V2"T.-fret an ambuscade. The rZn,fJ gentleman had his views but l!?' eec?n but would not let them out. If he k, V ioi o in sSZTL 'S'l u has a plan why not let it be known. l1 ffr? SPL'2 He (Carpenter) was like McClellan t h CoQ f TitT Tni K v,o in one thing not wedded to any SM, Parcular pfan, Laughter. If th mnmft. Thr,nma ZZf senator naci a plan and it was better tTtq r K aVi than the one he (Carpenter) pro Louisiana was part of the State d he was ready to support it government, and when congress 80O'n as the aeaatorwould remove in.iuAreo! the seal of confidence from it. The i: 8 rtuu,Tu senator ( Ferry )concurred with him. r ' r, . Vu" r X. rv. zrJ7 The present government of Louis .rSSSr Iana was nogovernmentat all, but zj..:r' i "i" Jt:."-Z' usurped by Kellogg, he (Carpenter) SStiSf XiSlFZrZW Kellogg government V i J T """""was held up by bayonets of the 5"A55rA,i?.l258 United Statef: 'Sustained this hour mnV"nf th JinV rp 0 by troops of the United States, and ?fJS gof tht TinVfJSfo? hJ wanted to know what reinedy flF.S1 there was for the difficulty. The lV!Vru .fil" V1? "r supreme court of the State was in 7:?"i" tlr conspiracy with Kellogg, and he ment's consideration. The court tI SwSZX jt u form. Ihe btate legislature was in lT"rJ: conspiracy and would not I do so. The governor would ioo tho ToTroi iowV THi-if ii not and the people could not, be- ooTh Kaf TTar,! l",' cause federal bayonets were levelled fSt Th fSSfnr 2HS thT at em. The powers of the federal &n7i!SL- government we?e sovereign except , r"VQ rhTtoi r as iimitea oy tne constitution, as ifJfJJlL those of Czar, of Russia. Congress ML?1,S- coulddeclareVarto-morrowaglinst k,; k ; aI fir TuA T any nation with or without cause, 5Ahe Rl?L?l Snitt? it could tax the last dollar from fA-irr"""" pockets of people or establish fe KT"LZ-. ."r.ri male suffrage and put the women liiiu never ltccu lunua uui iui i (i,n Yi,r rru (. r1,,.Ii. u ij .t i i in the army. 1 he great argument r,,Xufiy" kkA I made in the press particularly was i in,oV7r hil T Xi sV V, VA6 VkTo the inexpediency of ordering a new to illustrate his fidelity to the ad- electloniion the ground that tt ministration, a thing entirely un- ' i k ,,aJZ,.a " iVrrii ..VT u' vr; but that was not sound logic Calo iSE mel was a dangerous medicine and Virzir'u "Zti t ri as well might it be said that be- cause doctors gave it to grown men u ! r:. " they might give it to infants. Look A" trV -"7 JL. at the probable effect of congress, r.c"VrrAuAOT,: saying it could do nothing, look at ihrJ Vt o-Tfo-t , h the present condition of these nrffnT b?D hltoC?rvPJSni Southern States having just emerg- ESSSS ntt i-SLfiSSSS Ifi ed from a civil war, wSuld it be safe pointed out a misconstruction of a tn tf. hnrri ' ,. hm tt ifatt ss.k inBtino. oo Afar,c0iH to sav to them, when you hold your eV X' "m-jk, rrrr elections next Fall, get in by fraud YiSJL rAJ . -Ta orany way there is no power to ilste QJ&lui 2 Put you out ? What greater license iT. could be given to the lawlessness of "A"', the land? That element would say, would knock you down for suggest- ie of . ., , fj u i 66tt. if that is your game we will play it, JV:1":"" Play it under the r.1 tlt"T"ir "1?.XA sanction of congress. Such action aily w Mi p.cUtiu m tne present condition of some of iwacuiiigw uiouiguiiieui ui mo the Southern States would be the Senator from New Jersey (Freling- most dangerous thing that could be huysen) as to the power of the Slljd. The senator from Indiana president to act in putting down in- (Morton) had said, pass this bill and surrection, when he waa satisfied there would be bloodshed in Louis himself that it existed. iana. He said the republicans were Carpenter said there was but one all in favor of Kellogg and the re man in the United States, except spectable democrats wereallin favor Senator Frelinghuysen, who enter- of him. If they are, who is to cause tained such opinion, and that was the blood-shed ? He could be elected Audrew Johnson, and he main- fairly .congress would sustain him in tained that he "was "the United his high office. The speech of sen States, but he did not have power ator Morton about bloodshed ex tol nterpret the constitution. ceeded anything he (Carpenter) had -Mr. Frelinghuysen said the sena- heard since he left the nursery. It tor's, Mr. Carpenter, . information reminded him of the old song "fee, was very limited, not to know that firfo, fum," to smell the blood of the president had such power. an Englishman, blood, blood, blood, . Mr. carpenter sal a one or tne blood, he said four times. Did the greatest pleasures of his life was to senator expect to influence the sen- add to nis store or information, ana ate by any such argument? There he would listen as a faithful disciple would be no blood shed by. a new at the feet of his mother. When election. The government could the gentleman - from New Jersey enforce it by the army and nayy, ii would undertake to show him that necessary; if not, this nation had under the constitution the president better furl its banner and put its of his -own volition, and with- affairs in the hands of a receiver. nut the proper record . from Carpenter then read from a speech M. m. . M M the state could determine, that I made by Kellogg in the senate in an insurrection existed; m ine state xbw, in wnicn ne saia an tne peo and proceed to put down a court of pie of the state wanted was a fair justice: could not decide a case be- election, and whenever any thief tween uie senator ana nimseii 01 1 was in omce unaer me guise 01 two hundred dollars without a re-1 being a republican, he should cord. Why? ISecause it was a I be put out The people wanted a court of record aud had a seal, and I fair election, even if it be by fed- certainly the U. S, Court was aleral interference. In concluding court of record. Tbe mere cry by I hit argument, Mr. Carpenter said telegraph to the President to come congress was In a predicament where and help us, was not sufficient for it could not stop. Louisiana had his interference. He (Carpenter) but one senator here and the con- believed that if the federal troops stitatioa says she most have two. were withdrawn rrom lxraisuxna, i ine senator rrom rew jersey, vn. Keller' coveroment would noi llnheysen. had said he would not Und. There were two questions vote to scat I'lnchback, and by that In vol red j to the rstveeef thU ho declared there was no rcpuLilcnn bill i First, have we the power to covemsjent la IxraWana. Uy raslt? t?rr:dttheexpctncscyc;f scstlr-j I'lschtock, the fcnaie rr.v-Ir.T iU The consUiull?ti ro wcu!J have rrrrnlrtxl KtSIrrz. vlics that each ttito t:;i;I Lava I Uy ttlr.7 ; :c . .ILi, It wctil J Lave a rrpttLiifaa i-jna - o covi r recicaia-u c -arm us i?y rtiut- EitrJ esi- coat--rf- th cm lies loetat cuarr.u xccrtni tzirni rt'i!:!trt t-f a frptitUct! txn ff j tiJ tu co tlcttloa there rat f , . , t . f mi - . aeter, but he wanted the congress of the united States to do its duty .and order an honest election so that peo- e couia nave their choice. P td HEW ADVERTISEMENTS. TT A WERK TO AGENTS.--tPilfO f'te8t selling artlcieM out. Three- valu&blesamplea for tf n cent. J. BRIDE, 767 Broad wky, New York. M WorkmgTCIa at home, day or evening; no capital ; Instructions and valuable package of goods sent free by mall. Addrcss.witli six cent stamp, M. YOUNG A QO., 173 Greenwich sC New lYorlc. 4:33 '. ;':" o ' ." Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, and all Tftrolat lIaase, Mr. Frelinghuysen said he desired Wp11?,5 Carbolic TaMp; speak on the suject. but he yield- 11 .tA.aDieX'S i -m. ' . . . i pni no oniv hu uiiiJi', novel. ea 10 ;ir, uameron who moved that the senate proceed with the con sideration of the centennial bill. Pal op oalflB OLVEboxef. A TKIEI & SURE REMEDY. Sold by Druggists. 30: 4 w Mr. Thurman said he alsodesirecT to speak on the!jOuisianaaffiirs and hoped the centennial would go over u u lo-xnorrow. . Mr. Coukli as said that the senator from Pennsylvania (Cameron) was anxious to get away, and it was due nim to taKe uo and disnme of lha A 9 a fc mt centennial bin to-day ir possible. Mr. Cameron's motion to iake up A. m m a . . ine centennial Din was agreed to. pending a motion, being to refer it to the committee on appropriations. Mr. Thurman spoke against re ferring the bill, and said if it went ng would be that there should be Jft15.nC M Im.Hlwitho, an n nn.nn.in 4-J-v ts-m aa! amt. S vm I ' T and this he opposed on the 'ground that congress had no power under the constitution to vote money for such purposes. Adjourned. House. The cheap transporta tion bill, to regulate commerce by railroad among the several States, was debated in the house without any result being reached. R 1 1 PTI I R F ley 's Hard Itub- I KUooto Corafdrt and Cure for Hernia or Rupture. Fine Stool Sprinsr coated with hard rubber, highly polish ed. Free from all soikr, rusty, chating. strapping or . girthing unpleasantness. Cool, cleanly. Tight, safe and durable Kveiy desirable pattern, including the new UiKD - KCBBEB ELASTIC IMIOHT Truss. . Sent by mX or express. Sold by all dealers. Send for illustrated cata logue. Estab'ts.1347 Chestnut St. Phil. A 1S7 Brd'y, N Y. Beware of Japanned imitations.,. i SO'.iw A Tt . our spl'nd'd COMBINATION PIIOSPECTL8. Represents 50 differetnt books, wanted tn everydmPjr.Agem-a wnntrt fmnvry county and town In the United State , to make a permanent business on these works. - .. ' - - SALES sums and rrflts IAIIGC Complete outfit sent poetp'd on rec'pt of $1.50, enabling you to commence at once. For outfit and flail Particulars ad dress JOHN E. POTTER CO., Pubs., Phila., Pa. PATENT MEUICINES. KEARNEY'S fRACT, i rLUU) EXTRACT, The Highest Medical Author ities ol Europe say the ntrongt Tonic, Purifier and DeobstrUent known to the medical world is 34:4w B U C Tho only known remedy for B RIGHTS DISEASE. And a positive remedy for GOUT, GRAVEL, STRICTURES, DIABETES,DYSPEPSIA, NERVOUS DEBIL IITY, DitorsY, Non-retcntlon or incontinence of Urine, Irritation, Inflammation or Ul ? i ceration of the BLADDER AND KIDNEYS, i SPERMATORRHOEA, Leucorrhoea or Whites, Diseases of the Prostrate Gland, Stone in tho iv Bladder. Calculus Gravel or Brickdust Deposit and Mucus or Milky Discharges. EBA. It arrests decay of vital forces, exhaus tion of the nervous system, restores vigor to the debilitated, cleanses vitia ted blood, removes vesicle obstructions feocts directly on tho Liver and Spleen. Price ?l a bottle. JUJNJN ij. ii.iiijL.uuu, 18 Piatt St.. N. Y. 3C:4w KEARNEY'S EXTRACT BUCHU Permanently Cures all Diseases of the BLADDER, KIDNEYS & DROP SICAL SWELLINGS, Existing in Men, Women and Children. SNO MATTER WIIATTHE AGE! Prof. Steele savs: "One bottle of Kearnev's Fluid Extract Buchu is worth more than another Uucmiseombinen. Price, One Dollar per Bottle, or Six Bottles for Firo Dollars. Sold by all Druggists, j Depot, 104 Duane SI., Now York. A Pphysician in attendance to answer correspondence and give advice gratis. j&'-Send stamp for pamplets, free."tS TO THE Nervous and Debilitated Of Both Sexes. Charge for Advice and Consultation. SO M ETH1NG t hatwl 11 pay you. fl II T C I T TA nn Congenial, Hon'rUleWU 1 I I I IU UUiliMPLOYiME.NT. L.argecash wages guar- li 1 IT an teed fur all, either s ixtJJ JLV I J I J young or old ; can be done during lei sure time at your lomes or pays im mensely to travel. large Salaries to experienced AUENTS. A splendid out fit free I Write for ilt at once, to LA RANE & II ALL, 10J North Charles St., Baltimore. jd. ... . 30:4w la J ft- s lift Dr. J. B. Dyott, graduate of Jeffer son Medical College, Philadelphia, au thor of several valuable works, can be consulted on all diseases of the Sexual or Urinary Organs, (which he has made an especial study; eitner in male or re- male, no matter from what cause origi nating or of how long standing. A practice of 30 years enables him to treat diseases with success. Cures guaran teed. Charges reasonable. Those at a distance can forward letter describing symptoms and enclosing to prepay postage. ! Sena tor Uie uuiae to Health. I'rice 10 cents. ! J, B. DYOTT, M. D., Physician and Surgeon, 104 Duane St. N. Y. i feb. 4. ly. ROPOSALS FOR WORK AT Military National Military Cemeteries. Quartermaster Gen'l's Office, Washington D. C, i February 23, 1874. Sealed proposals, in triplicate, with a copy of this advertisement attached to each, will be ready at this office until noon on niUKSUA l, tne zu tlay ol April, 1874, for work at tho National Military Cemeteries, as follows: Inclosure walls ot brick or stone, or iron railings, at the .New-Jierne, N. C. and Beaufort and Florence, S. C, Na tional Cemeteries. Brick or stone lodges at the Wilming ton, N. C. Lebanon and Logan's Cross Roads. Kv and Chattanooga and rort Donaldson, Tetiu., National Cemeteries. The work will be inspected by compe tent engineers, and a strict compliance with tne terms ol the contract will be required., I Copies ot plans anu speculations may be seen at this otlice, and at the Quar termasters'-, offices at Nashville and Chattanooga, Tenn., Charleston, 8. C, Fort Johnston anu Fort Macon, JS. C, and Lebanon.! Ky. Copies may also be seen at the cemeteries above mentioned. Proposals should be indorsed, 44 Pro posals for (Railincrs. Walla or Lodges. as the case-may be) for National Ceme teries," and addressed to tbe Quarter master General, United States Army, wasmngtoiJ, v. u. By order of j the Quartermaster Gen eral. A,. J. McGONNIGLE, Capt. and A.. Q. M., U. S. Army. feb26-4t. . i S3B8!i5f! si SrPiPlillll FZn 1 rSll m S1 3 -t- 3fillions ol Acres RICH; FARMING LANDS IN NEBRASKA, Now for Sale Very CHEAP! Ten years credit, interest only 0 percent! Descriptive Paihphlets, with Sectional maps, sent free. THK PIONEER, a handsome illustrated paper, contain ing tbe Homestead Law. mailed free to all parts of the world. I Address, O. F- DAVIS, Land Commissioner U.P.R.R., Omaha, Neb. 36:4W 1,000 FIKHT CLASS We Want . BOOK AGENTS at once, to sell two of the most popular works ever published : UO D n M HO A record of prison II fo Oi DU IN UO at Fort Delaware, by Rev. I. W. K. Handy, and Marsliall'd lUfo of Gen. Robert E. Lee. ajif-Sf-nd for circular at onco. TUKNBULL IIUOT1I I2RS, Baltimore, Md, 3G:4w I STATE . OF NORTH CAROLINA, I County of. TFakjc . In the Superior Court. Fab. H. Perry and Indian Perry, bis ' wife, against Win, 11. High and T. F. Lee. Summons for.Relief. i State of North Carolina. To the Coroner of Wake connry Greeting: You are hereby commanded to sum mon Wtn, II. High, the defendantabove named, if he be found within your connty, to be! and appear before the Judge of oar Superior Court, at Court to be neld for the county of Hake, at the Court 1 louse In lUlefgb. ontnefcUi Monday after the 2nd Monday of Feb ruary, 174, ami answer the complaint which will be depoaltrd In the odlee of the Clerk of the Haf xrtor Court fur aald county, within ten dara from the date of title Hummotia, and let the aakl tie feadant Uke ontlce that If tie fail to an wer toe nmipuint wtthla that time, tne Court i Urn erM laiet. lUw f UX n4,nt mt IUI CBskeatterHutn Mivett ntrf mf ttl mmt ! mt eaij ton. tlM t&trd dy f 1 1 r-t. t : I J. N. IU MING, Otf k Hnftiuf tVttrt, V akt CO, f.lalBtitf wtn apf Ir in tte th relief (kmauOeU ta the enres all Humor from the wont Serof. nla to a common Blotch or Pimple. From two to six bottle aro warranted tc cure Sal Bbeam or Tetter, Plmplef on Face, Dolia, Erysipelas and Ilver Complaint. Six to twelve bot tles, warranted to care Scro talons Swelling and Sores and nil skin and Illood Dtaeasea. By It wonderful Pectoral properties It will ear the most severe recent or lingering Coagb In hall the fimo required tor any iher medicine and la perfectly safe; loosening cough, aooth ing irritation, and relierinfr (wrmrEn. fJold by all DragUL.A lu V. PIEJtClV. jn.D.. World's Dispensary, iuilalu, X. 1. A T I O N A L HOTEL, to Capitol Delightfully situated, next Square, j RALEIGH, N. C. , - A NE Wlr O USE. Fine Rooms, well Furnished and fitted up in the beat style. & j A TTENTI VE SERVANTS: The Uble daily supplied with the best this and other market afford. ! . C. S. BROWN, Proprietor. Late of tbe Boyden House. Salisbury. .Si - ,-- . - w N E An occupation aatearhitr. hAarlnff at it a eoermd Rrade ccrtlncate. If In formation be renolred addmai Wilson O. Lamb, John U. Watts, D. W, llagley and John Watt (whiten) resldinir at Willlamston. Where I have been labor Ins as teacher for the 14 IS months. II. llIlUMTi:ilH, (colored.) fab Sl-tf W itliamston, N. C MK.raiYT. r tT.K.JovEa, PIS T T V A J O N i: H 088KttS A KCTAtLKKa or X tnssa axo titTa, UO fKvrtr-tUe'fSirvr j:au:i lit, tVf ie rfn I tJjy a new a4 tauu;4latMiaf " t'i"ti, "i iU.:.!, t'U an, 1;4 ; . U