' 1 - - A -: : ; ' . -f V-;':. .1 .' 'o , . I i WEEKLY ERA.! i - W. M. BltOWX, Manager. Hates of Subscription : I Wkkklt One year, in advance, $2 00 I Six months, in advance, 1 00 Three months, 50 TRi-VEKKLY-Oneyear,in advance, 3 00 f Six months, " 2 00 Three months. " 1 00 One month, 60 i f P tJ 1 lift .1 ; j ft , fei yea- i f 13 i 1 I ATOi ; , I " : :' W fl -rt IJJ - i KOmcipnrTHi?-t)6ifiTAiiDinr,' VOL. III. RAUSIGH, N. C, THIHSDAY, MARCH WEEKLY ERA. MISCELLANEOUS. Beatrice Cenci. THE 8TORY OP A WELL-KNOWN FACE. XIUILiVIMU "U3ilS(UAIU& BOUT II OP TIIK Cottbt House, Fatxtixviixe Street: -- Rates of AdvcrtlsinpTi Oooaqfaare, one Lime,7 f SniH , two times, three' times, 2 00 !l Contract advertis3ments takeu at proportionately low ratcs i $1 01 1 60 American f In the picture gallery of the Ber berina Palace, at Home, hangs the portrait oi a young- JXoinan girl, painted by Guido. It is a beautiful but melancholy face, whose south I I & It . i iuuk. u swrei, Hurruwiui eyes," re j produced in cromo, are so frequent- ly seen in parlor and sfiop windows. For of all the famous paintings in Home none is better known or more copied than this. It derives pecu liar interest from the history of he whoso features it is said to repre sent. - - m .- j? rancesco uenci. me- neau oi one of the oldest and wealthiest fa mi lies of Rome, was a man of violent temper, and, in his household, in- toieraoiy cruel, two or ins sous were assassinated at his instigation. At length, unable longer to endure his cruelties and tyranny, his fami ly appealed to the Pope, Clement VIII, for protection, the petition was miscarried, and remained, of course, unanswered. On the night f the loth of Sep tember, 1598, Francesco was mur dered. He was foun l with an enormous nail driven into each of his eyes a mode of assassination which indicated t!iat at least two Iersons were engaged in the work. Due of them wa.- finally captured, and upon examination, charged the wife, a son, and the daughter, Bea trice, with having pro-npted the deed. They had, he testified, put the victim to sleep by administer ing a narcotic draught, and then had introduced himself and his ac complice iti to Francesco's chamber. They were arrested and imprisoned in the Castle of St. Aturclo. where j they were from time to time, as was the practice during the middle J ages, -subjected to the tortures of the : rack to force them to conlWs the crime. As was frequently the case j with the accused, whether guillv or ; not, preferring diath to this linger- ingagouy, tne mother and brother made confession. But for i: early a year Beatrice con i in ued iirm in her t declarations of in riocence. At last a new method of torture was de vised, to inflict which which would make it neeess..ry to cut off her hair, which is uescnueu as oeing "tne j most silken, the longest, and the most marvelous in color ever .seen." ; At this she turned pale. "Touch not ray head," she cried. "Let me die without mutilation." And to save her tresses she, too, yielded. Her beauty, the belief in her in- fiiocence, the courage she had r. a It Homo Life A Lec ture by Grace Greenwood. "Indoors" Uthe title of a lecfufe delivered In Plymouth church, Brrooklyn, on Wednesday evening. by Grace Greenwood. She began the lecture by controverting the f .reposition that American home ife is declining, and that by an ex tension of the franchise to women it would receive it death blow. She did not believe, she said, in either of these propositions. She was will ing to ackowledge that American home life was not all that it should be, but the woman question, she contended, lay at the very thresh old of the home question. Having briefly alluded to the way in which men arrange matters for the guid ance of women, the lecturer propos ed to reverao tho-stafc-bf lhlfigs--td put the saddle on anotner norse,anu to. propound a code of rules for the guidance of man in such matters as manners, amusements, dress, love, courtship, marriage, deportment to ward wives and mothers-in-law, politics, religion, and so forth, hu morously illustrating the question by placing before the auditors a number of obligations incident to the above conditions. She asked how would men like this state of affairs, and with some elaboration, ridiculed the theory put forward by the Duke of Argyle that no woman had a right to appear on a platform except it was to be hanged, and that then, of course, it was inevitable. Men, she said, gave much lauda tion to women, but justice would bo better. She did not think that men meant to be unjust tyrants towards 1 . a women, and she averred tnat sne would not say so, even if she thought i so. The lecturer next rererreu to conjugal life, the great sheet-anchor of home, which, she said, had been more jested about than any other sentiment. This was especially w I I Why Women Marry. I Shaaantt U riwies.- Some close observer of social re- The season for, the pyosecutiorr of latiohs, havinglooked aboutamong shad and exnng usning in ixonn NorfoI k - boar yvs teruay ; peing ten TraiTels; wMch is now! the dailyiiv erage. 5 The snpfrly Svill; gradually increase until it reaches fifty and then one hundred barrels "per 4ay. The first North Carplina shad are caught iu the Albemarle-ffbd Para Ifce SouiidSj in sfake4 nets,1 each 36 feet Jonsr: Aboii 1 15JD00 of 2Q,000 of these riets are set. and fished by men in small boats; 200 het being managed by one: poa. ul From 500, 000 to 1,000,000 shad are! 'caught in; thi$ way ! every season' JThese fisl are at opce palkedih 'fee, and. in, a few hours are In Kdriblkaricr Jrt'24 horirUfr.Rr padght arethder in this city.' $Vm wafW-many-aro shipped to points iti the .West, - In March the'tNorth Carolina fisheries, about Edenton are in full blast, the enormous hauls of shad and herring 3iis5.' f being: mnqed by means or seines. At least one milliori snaa ana many more herring are here caught, the shipments' reach i rig from; 100 to 500 large boxes ' each ; da. . The North Carolina fish are considered superior, because they are 'caught as they ; leave the sea, and are al ways fat and in excellent condition. The first shad that; reached here this season' were; caught in the St. John's river," Florida, and brought here by the Savannah steamers ear ly in January. These fish are gen eral! r poor, a rid corn niand but .$30 per hundred, wH Id North Carolina shad command :."D1 The Potomac and JMiirvliindfi Mermen commence ih2 first of April. his married female ventures to crive the following list, with an attempt to indicate the reasons which influence many to marry. Number one has married for a' home. She got tired working in a factory, or teaching school. She thought married life on earth was but moonlight walks, buggy rides new bonnets and nothing to do. Well she has got her home, whether or not she is tired of the incumber ance this deponent saith not inas much as this deponent does not now positively know. Number two married because she had seven young sisters and a papa with a narrow .income! i She . II. .1 i I ' 1. A ' " . - - consuiieu ine interest oi nie iaiuiiy. Perhaps she had better consulted her own interest by taking in sew ing, or some other light work. Number three married because Mrs. sounded better . than She was twenty-nine years and eleven months old, and another month would have transformed her into a regular old maid. Think how awful that would have been! Number four married because she wanted somebody to pay her bills. Her husband married for the same reason, so they are both repenting at leisure. Number five married because she was poor and wanted riches.' She never counted on all the other inings mar were myeoaraoie iro:n those coveted riches. Number six married because she thought she would like to travel. But Mr. Number Six c anged his min i afterward, and all the travel- Mi 'net ween kitchen ing sne Mas done has and the back f shown, had won the sympathy and f compassion of the whole Uomau j populace, and the Pope was besieg- ed with petitions to grant her par i don. This he was nearlv ncrsuaded 1 4 A 1 11 io uo, wnen ai mu iriai ner cause was most eloquently pleaded by the counsel appointed for the de fense, and it was shown how orob 1 ably a man so generally disliked Sand dreaded as t rancesco should I have had enemies outside his own I household to plot against his life. i Other murders of similar character occurring about this time, induced the Pope to refuse pardon, and it is thought that his decision was in fluenced by thu considerations that in the event of their condemnation l he pioperty of the prisoners would come into the possession of the church. They were, therefore, pub iicly executed on the piazza of the bridge of fcu. Angelo, September the 0th, 1509. All the windows, roofs and balconies in the vicinity were filled with people to witness the scene, so trreat was the interest felt for the beautiful and young I heroine. ! The portrait by Guido is said to ? havo been pain ted just before her execution, and during her confine- ment in prison. Her story has j furnished food for many a romance, and has often been represented upon the stage. She is still gener ally supposed to have been innocent of the crime, and for every one ! recalling this passage of history, the i picture has a strange fascination, p If There was once a German noble f man who led a foolish and dissipa ted life neglecting his people, his family, and his affairs, drinking and gambling. lie had a dream k one night which vividly impress ; ed him. He saw a savage figure i looking at him with a serious face & and pointing to a dial when the hands masked the hour of Iv. The t figure looked at him sadly and f said these words, "After four," f and disappeared. The nobleman I awoke in great terror thinking the vision foreboded speedy death. J 44 After four!" What could it mean? i It must mean that he would die in four days. So he set his house in order, sent for a priest, confessed j his sins and received absolution. Heuiso sent for his family and i lxgged their forgiveness ior past offences. After arrauging his af- fairs with his ni n of "business he waited for deat':. The f'ur days ' passed on and he did not die. He I true in re.-pect to the Spanish, French, and Italian, as, for in stance: 44 A woman is to be found homo three times when she is christened, when she is married, and when she is buried." "He that takes an eel by the tail or a woman by her word may say ho holds noth ing." "He that loses Iiis wife and a farthing hath great loss of his farthing." But notwithstanding these things she believed that there is much conjugal affection among us yet, and that there is a good deal of truth in the old proverb, "There is but one good wife in the country, and every man thinks he hath her." .Referring to the relations which frequently exist between husband and wife, arising out of the sense of absolute and secure possession, she quoted the philosophy of Artemus Ward, who said on the subject, "Now you are married and cau eat onions." The enunciation of this sentiment created much laughter. She also referred to that compound of weariness and disgust termed ennui, which frequently springs up between young people who marry without any fixed and abiding love. Ennui she termed the deviPs usher. She then proceeded to the consideration of marital jealousies. The troubles of husbands in respect to mothers-in-law were humorously considered, and a difficulty was suggested in respect to Mormonism to the effect that, although the Mor mons might be reconciled to a plu rality of wives, they would scarcely bo favorably disposed toward a plurality of mothers-in-law. In reference to many marriages the lecturer said that when love is out at elbows all the world may know it ; that that skeleton will jump out of the closet, and always when company is present. She especially counseled domestic privacy, and in this connection she referred to the fact that domestic affairs were con tinually noised abroad in the news papers. The reporters did all this, of course, but she thought that many of the sins of society were frequently laid on the shoulders of the "rascally" reporters. She also sympathized with that class of un fortunates, in the fact that they are a a a at a so irequentiy oDiigea to listen io stupid lecturers, and expression of sentiment in which there is much justice. the well door. Number seven nu; rrn-d owt of spite, because her iirst love Iv.d taken to himself a seeond love. This piece of reparation iniit have done her gocd at th it iiu:e, but in the long run number s-ev ;n found it did not pr y. Number eight married because she had re. id novels and w:nted sympathy. Symntithv is a ibie thing, but it cools do-', rate it .ine domestic kept boiling, an 1 the domestic tur key is done. Novels and li on e keeping don't rue. very well to- - v OrijrUi o JPIants.-o, Jtli Madder cametrdrnttheisti Cabbage grew$ wiidiniberia Buckwheat came "from Siberia,? , Celery prig! h ateJ' i h. Germany, ,( The ChestnutleamV fromtaly. The Potato 1s ft native-WPerar i The Onion origjnatedangyptr Millet wasfirst known Jn India. The Nettle? fs a fiatiye of Europe The Citron is a native orGreece. Theine HlKItlve of America. trQats originated aniortji Africa. t The Poppy originated in, the East. Rye came? originally Trorh Siberia. Parsley was first known in Sardi- jJThe Parsnip is a naiye ofArabia. I Sunflower ws brought from ?eni . The Pear and 1 Ableare from Eu rope -Utaii-it I 'f' 4 Spinach was. fflrst : caltl vateb' In Arabia.? 1 , - , -,t The Mulberry tree onsrinated iu Persia:' ! ' l" ' 'The horse Chestnut is a native of Thibet. - ; . ... v- : , The . Cucumber came from .the East Indies. ;. ; The Quince came from the Island of Crete. 4 1 -TheRadisU native of China and Japan. K The Zealand Flax shows its ori gin by its name. Pears are supposed to be''of Egyp tian origin. : The Garden.Cress is from Egypt and the East. ... , 't , : Horse Itadish e'ame , from the South of Europe. Hemp is a native of Persia and the JSast Indies, ." , J t i Don't jGlo Elictc r $t Hi V said-1 that 'Agnes "Sdrei; the favorite sbf diaries VI. of France, was the first noble-woman that ever wore a diamond necklace, j It appears that -he ;Went;the other the' art of cutting ! and' polishine I niarht from an oyster supper, and on diamonds being 5 almost unknown I her father appearingat the door, ho 'ifil Kalma1! Tf i paid thftt thi 1 nhaorirorl . 'Wrtlln old tftdnole ! -.The Danbury".2Vctt4 says i ' Vjne of our vounir men has ceas ed to make calls at a certain house. i nqekjace, orcarcanet as it? was call-1 where. s . he- floating gazeue r ed, was so "heavy and imcomforta-1 whereas my 16ve now dreaming?" ble that AfirnesSOrel ' wore' it only I This seemed to indicate that some- .erations about Suad are not north of hv r and June. eae.ght in the waters ue.th as late as May lUimvh '.'American. ah ed v i. the (v .jUtes. v.'hi'V! t It " Kv t '1 i.-.. ill 1 .'. place i .i the t man may cf wives witii nn- , althou' h the proeeiJ iy v iu i i :i o: ive.e -e v.i ouraiucu-is ciiu cai julaii d' to endanger the Ibii: p;i:ii JLhe Uorianaer grows ..wild near the Mediterranean. : The Jerusalem Artichoke is ,.a Brazilian produbtiop. Barley was fouu-J in the moun tains of Himalays. ' on state occasions. fne nowever i tnincr-was-wan tea. so ne piaceu nis popularized the style1; and diamonds I hanp sadly on .tho ,young man's soarj became all the.rage, arid corti-M shoulder, stowetl "a way " a' largo manaeaaAUtQus, prices, as mere amount or leatner o unuer ; n is coat can be nothing: permanent, in the tailrand then retired into the.house. world of fashiorf. brillfantswere in The young man doesn't, go there time-superseded I by tartistioally aiiy'more. Ho says the small-pox wroughtgold rtaijewieirycath-f J is hereditary in the family."" fnne de Meaicis apa - JJianai xie I j -. . p m j r it i ... p JmmM? A Brick of a Name.- '! anu aiamonus wereulce uiscarueu i . , . ... . iratlPMary Stuart's f marTlage with I "Ascertain coUcgp professor asked 'Fra0r2r:9Ofao-9Wii .Rhe lanews.tidient to ; gfvev his " name, X)rpught.,some .remarKaDie, gems i ana was asiounaea wen inir young from England; but after that tin-j man'in ibonse'rerriarked, " You foctdnate queen's return 'to4 Scot- are a bncir.7'. "Wnat .ao you mean latidsubsequentt to her young husr sir.?,", he iuqqYred, and again the band's death, pearls regained their obnoxious answer was. given. At supremacy., On the r occasion-n of thf'th'o professor grey rtngry, de Marie de Medicis,' i jdorbnatiort, ;all clarlng that ho would not be Jnsul the ladies of the court wore elegant ted, when tho Innocent cause of his head-dresses of pearls.-Under the' mlh 'disclaimed any intention of reign of .Louis stones were brought titles from Persia wrn itinrfi ninrrb fo$?J Even the waist and sleeves' Profe.sor,s eitculatIonr as he settlel of i dresses were trimmed if that back, Md added'. 4YoU.wIll corn word may be iproperly :used-with rhencej your; lesson ,' ! ; ' lr; a iv turquoise and ruby passementerie, Brick."; ,.;;.; '.".' aigrettes of diamond, notto speak of the enormous and dazzelingly: brill iant-stomaclTers then in vogue. Diamonds were displayed in al most; incredible profusion, as bnt- JUA, i precious insulting mm, ana expiainea uy :, mt Jargo, quan- sayih My name is U. K. . and India, ana i Bricic unan Jieynoia naerson r wnrn -than be-1 " Ah'.- indeed !" was the 'institu years :icro the of nimogamy. ;ome hou?e of a New Zea- lan-b r named Oades was burn ti by vn at a rapid j natives while its owner was tempo keitle is i.ot railv absent, and on liis return he found, r. j he thought, the .bones of his wii'o ;itnu children among the ether in harnes to i:se' a-sporting term, and number eights supply of sympathy dontt last verydong. Number nine married because she loved her huadatul with all her heart and soul, and she loves him still, and will probably continue; 13b love him, and is the happiest wife in the world so she says. We have got the right motive at last, a motive which, when sanct ioned by a desire and resolution to improve and elevate each other, and to live true and holy lives be-, fore God, cannot fail to call ,down the blessings of Heaven. But sad is the fate of those who marry from wrong1; motives, to escape their share of life's work, or get some thing for which they have nothing to give in return. ruins.: Ho ..thereupon . sailed for i then concluded four weeks. He could, but at weeks he was plain now. he the vision meant did all the good the end of two still alive. It is said, the vision meant four years, and in the next four years he gave his whole life and fortune for the improvement of his people, his neighbors, and the poor, taking an honorable part in public affairs. At the end of fonr years he was elected Emperor of Germany. A 1011 Portrait of IJisraeli. This great conservative leader, in whose hands have been reiosed all the material interests of the Church and aristocracy, is anything but the type of an Englishman. He is a tall and rather broad-shouldered man though otherwise not of stout build with a slight stoop, of very sphinx-like looks; a sallow complexion and a dreamy express ion ; a long and shaven upper lip, closely shaven whiskers, and an im perial. His walk is more like tnat of a dancing master than of a gen uine John Bull, his toes evidently doing much more work than his heels. A hearty, joyous laugh from him would seem to be impossible ; but there is frequently a very sar donic smile upon the" face of this master of irony. Whatever may be his religious views and they ap pear by some cf his novels to be a singular mixture of Christianity and Judaism he is the first of tho Hebrew race who has attained tho position of Premier of England, and he is equally proud of the fa vored people from whom he traces a distinguished lineage. Although in his sixty-ninth year, Disraeli shows no signs of . senility, and could 'wear out many a much younger man in hours of oratorical effort, or in watching the interests of 'the party he presides over, even from the foremost opposition bench of the House of Commons, ' California, and after the lapse of a few years married again. . But his first wife was captured, not burned, by the savages, and she had regain ed ncjfiicrtwJiti. .sbniade her .way to. Caiifoia, ibunfuner-Tras band, and; by a mutuai agreement i became and equal sharer with the SeCOnU Wlie lUtllVl UUsuauki, ftim a mutual agreement became an equal sharer with the second wife in her husband's American home - an instance of feminine generosity only paralleled by the English and Saracean wife of .-the old crusader. The family lived , contentedly enough, but their, neighbors were scandalized at this perversion and reversion of Enoch Arden's case, and they brought the, matter before the .courts. The laws of California, however, declares that if a husband or wife is separated from his or her consort for a period of five years, and either party marries again un der the impression, that the first consort is dead, the second marriage is not void except upon application of either party during the life of the other. As the two wives . in the present case are willing to live un der one roof, and as the husband is anxious to have them do so, the courts decline to interfere, and so the New Zealander is a bigamist according to law. . 15 a rn urn's next Sensation. The greatest showman of the day is once more in London, com pleting preparations for opening of the immense Hippodrome which he is erecting in New York. He has leased from the Harlem Rail way Company property in the very centre of the city, opposite Madi son Park, Fifth Avenue Hotel, St James Hotel, and other principal buildings. The 4track" of the Hippodrome is to be one-sixth of a mile in length, and some idea of the means which are being taken to create a sensation may be deriv ed from the following facts: Bar num has not only sent agents to Spain and Africa to secure attrac tions, but has himself visited the Hippodrome in Paris, the Circus Itenz at Vienna, Myer's Circus at Dresden, Salamonski and Garris's Circus at Cologne, the Zoological Gardens of Hamburg, Amsterdam, and other continental cities, selec ting and purchasing tho choicest animals procurable, and engaging the most talented artists. He has secured what may fairly be called an endless variety of attractions, raninc from araco horse to a Ho- man chariot. With the Messrs. j Sanger alone, he has done business . to the tune of ll,U0e. :Te has al- j ready shipped to New York ele- j phants, camels, and horses trained for every species of circus perform- ance. On tho Jioth a fuithor batch) will bo dispatched, including six- , teen ostriches ten elands, tea zjba3, a team of rein deer with Lapland drivers, a troupe of performing dogs, goats, etc., etc. 'i'he armor anil costume makers of London are to be set to work immediately, - he pantomines are oil' their ban. Is, onrl r'iin -vortirn .f tlir T.'l r . 11 b Pr- j nalia which is io contribute zo the (gigantic whole, will- e shiptea weekly. The hij'pourome will be opened in April 'next, and in tbe preliminary "parade, Vv-e have no doubt, the citizens will sav that J their greatest and most popular showman has far outstrippe d ali his former efforts. We may add that New York enterprise will in no way interfere with the famous tent fihmv owtirvwhoro L- n r i -1 1 o j 44Barnum's Great .Museum, .Me- -.: Could anything be batter than the' nagerie, Circus and Travelling! loUovying, copiea, irorn ineitravei-, World's Fair." London Em. i era' book at au iun in Switzerland : A Uriel' Temperance Lecture. The Duke of Orleans, the eldest son-of King Louis Phillippe, was the inheritor of whatever -rights his father could transmit. He was a noble young man physically noble. His generous qualities had render ed him universally popular. One morning he invited a few compan ions to breakfast, as he was about to take his departure - from Paris;to joih.his regiment. Ih the convivial ity of the hour heurank a little top much Wine. He did' not become ihtoxicatedhe;Was not -in any re spect ardfesipated man ; hischarac ter was lofty and noble but in that joyous hour he drank just one glass -rtn miinf) T r; "fo fc-'i nt t llO V"if rti rffr "gTaesgW his body and ot his minu. isiaaing adieu td his companions, lie entered his carriage ; but? for that one glass Of wine he woutd'have alighted on his feet. His 4iead struck the pave ment. Senseles? arid bleeding he was taken into;a beer shop near by, and died. w The extra ' glass iof wine overthrew the Orleans- dynasty, confiscated their property of one hundred millions d dollars and sent the whole &mily into exile. A Danu. ; Chas. Ai'.DannV editor of the New York ' Atw; is neatly; sixty. He walks -in -an 'eref unit 'hrttiorhtv ymn ami biuua aim unis, ou tuo iiu way, withfirm . and lively step, of snuff-boxes and-jewel Cases; -on He is very strong,- and hasasolid tlie handles of iwhifxs, parasols, and y buiit frame. -His eye? are sound swprds aud the heads of canes; and, ; and clear, and his voice is stiff and aive an, oa ine. lace-couars oi me hard A3 ever. It is marvelous to see hpwrittie ho has changed 1 n twen ty yea-st Pana 4has grown rich, through lijs , proprietary interest in ) courtiers. i. How Success is Achieved. When Profossdr Agassiz was asked tb become a mem ber of a Arm with the assurance v that he could, make 'any amount 6f money he replied 441 -have no time to make money." The principle of this doctrine is the secret of success in- Ule. . If a man could multiply himself, issue him self in many copies, and each copy apply "itself to some business, he would, if-he were a- capable man like Agassiz, succeed . Jn all : but -each man can, apply himself only toJjiU own business, and ; there he mult' use his Energy if he would succeed This is .the'seTet con- Agassiz had up U lne'tCK in inon- e, io make love, to be a statesman, lawyer, mechanic, anything but just what he Was-a scientist, whose, specialty was ichthyology. All his energy was devoted to this pur hose, and tie succeeded. The concentra tion was r intense" and long-continued, and not even the-'great Cuvier was his equals 5ii: Jt : , iJ' Why Is a man who never lays a wager, quite as bad as one who does ? Because he is no better, -yd The Serpent of Appetite. It is an eastern fable that a cer tain king once suffered the Evil Ono to kiss him on either shoulder. Immediately there sprang- there from two serpents, who, furious with hunger, attacked the man, and strove to eat his brain. The now terrified king strove to tear them away and cast them from him, when he found, to his horror, that they had become a part of himself. Just so it is with every one who becomes ii slave to his appetite. He mav yield in what seems a very littfe thing at first; even when he finde himself attacked bjrthe (ser pentthat lurks in the grass, he may fancy he can cast him off. But, alas"! he finds the thirst for strong drink has become a part of himself. It would be almost as easy to cut off his right hand. The poor poet Burns seid that if a barrel of rum was placed in one corner of the room, and a loaded cannon in another, pointing toward him, ready to be tired if lie approached the barrel; he had no choree but to go for the rum. ! . The person who iirst tempts you to take a gla.-s, may appear very friendly. Ii waf 'riot a- dart that Satan aimed at the fated king. He only gave, him a kiss. But the ser pent that Sprang from it was just as deadly, for all that.. ' .; ; : O. be careful letting this serpent j ot appeaie- get possessiou oj you, ior it, will be a miracle of grace,indeed, if vou are ever'abie again to shake hiiq ou., ; t j , . v - , TlTE TWO TRAVELERS. t- --l t . vi-- - "I've lost, my. portmanteau."', ?"1 pity your gr?ef. ' ; ' All my sermons were m it." iXpity the thief." Soldiers Fifty lollars per thou- ; fkihd;' ;;;- ' A' - Among the Ashantee allies pf the British forces, "under Sir Garnett Wolsely, were 11,000 men provided L m b y Jv i ngs Ansa ' and At ta.' These trw monarchs, witl; a noble patriotism, required neither pay for themselves nor 'their troops; only a few1 hun dred muskets with some ' powder and lead, which, of course, ; were supplied. The actual services of other native troops were secured at fixed rates, wblch, regarding the bejligerent nature of the, services, wefe not high.! pChe Kings were paid i0 or fifty dollars ih roupd figures, per month for evy , thou sand of the colored troops brought into the field. The Chiefs, answer ing ih rank to our Major ".Gerierals we supposed received five .shillings a day, While tlje fighting men were paid three pence a day for; prbvis-. ions, but nothing for fighting that being include! in the 10 dpueeur to the ebonv sovereigns who own r Black Wirl 4Isay, Joshvl war gwine down de street, de odder tday, un' I seed a tree bark." "Why, dad am nothing, Sam, I seed one holler once." ; , ' Ya ! ya! ya ! did he tako .his trunk wid him?", , i "NcL he left dat iovjoarfl." Another. ''Mr. JolVnson;dld you hear 'bout dat queer case I had de Oder day ?'! 1 ! ; "No, Pompr1; what war i t like ?." Well,-1 .will tell you. Mr. Grub came to m8 da odder day an' says he, rHere Poihp, Pll gib you my FhAiioo on' ri ir flno Vitfia frw liV uou ci. t a aov an Af v iivrt w a cent?' ' u , 44Good golly. What did you say, Pomp?'? ' " Why. I I said he couldn't cheat rdis nigger." ; them. Taking every , thing j into consideration, England 'golf her food for;powder at a chejp jrate. Of course she.pdt'her colored allies in front where they, couldnit well run away; but then at fifty d6llrrs a -thousand Sir Garnet could well afford: occasionally to be 4 pttle reckless in his native warriors Evtarts' Don k ex Story. t4 Wi 1 -H Mam Trcif flla thia ttnri' " A H few summer, since, at? the urgent request of. ope of his youngest daughters, he ssntup to Jiis; coun try, place in Vermout a dopkey for her use. She had read about don keys, but was not,- familiar hrith their peculiar vocalism. f -i'lxe? ani mal's strapgO j noise inspired "her with the profoundest pity fpr his evident distress, j.o she ?wrote,tQ her father: , 4D3ar piipa, I do w.ish you would come. upt here ;.ri,Miiy donkey is..sp ;lonesomefr; As Ir. Evtirts Tenders- this pathetic appeal it is irresistible' r e. 'How to Manage Mistaes. An a minister and lawyer were riding together, said the j minister , to the lawyer: i 44Sir do you ever1 make mistakes in pleading?" i r "I do" said the lawyer 'And what dq you, do with the mistakes?" ehquirefl the minister. uWhy, s!r;if laVge 'ones, I mend them ; if small ones, I let them go," said the' lawyer, j i4And pray, sir, continued he, 4Mo you ever make mistakes iu preaching?" , 4lYes, sir, I havcl" .4And what do you- do with the riistake?", ! t i -44 Why sir, JL dispose of them in the same manner! you do 1 rectify the large ones, and pass' the small ones. Not long si nce,coti tinned he, 'as. I was preaching, meant to observe that tho devil was the father of liars-? but "made,. a mistake, and said the father (of laicyers. The mistake was so small that I let it go." . i . 4 ."i , IS On a Sunday evening, recently, a weib known v clergyman i was elo nnontlv nlahriocr unon the dutv7 of fortfivinsr one's enemies t and, f : among the? questions Which he?$ut f ind somebld hameas.y T' " i n i i ; i A Fable. "The millennium come," said a lion' to a Iamb : 'sup pose you conie 6ut of that fold, and let -us He down together, as it. has been foretold we should;"; 'Been to dinner to-day V inquired the lamb. y'sNot a bit of , anything since breakfast," was. the reply, "except a"feW lean swine a saddle or two the iSwiduting, five-years:, and his income from his , paper, and from the Cyclopedia (the second edition of which he is. now editihg, in com- r pany with Mr, Bipley) mthtsafe- I. ly be put down. ,a.t ono hundred thousand dollars a ; year for all the rest of the years of h is life: . j A' mild and. affectionate wife in Lancaster overheard . an acquaitej tai nee. remarked that her husband was too iond of !Loo..vSho waited up for him that night, and when he came homei. -demanded to know ifhehad been spending his time agauujAuiJioo.w.Thtt u nsuspect i ng husaria"adinitiiHi:-iint k haa, when, without" "giving him time to explain, she went for him with a fire shovel. The husband does not exactly remember how thoi Interview ended,; but he never could convince his wife that Loo Was a game of card, and always plays euchre now4 and gets, home before ten,o,cIock. w Out of five children which com posed the family of 'John Jacob As tor, one only remains. Thisis Wil liam B., who is now upwards of ejghty.. He is now one of the old est 'native-bom residents of New York, and' has seen a wonderful se ries of changes. 'He can remember the first steamboat which greeted his boyish eye -when he was a yputh of fourteen, anil ll ias sen the city increase. 'from 30,000 to a population of more than a million. He has also seen: his fatlier's estate expand from $200,000 to $.0,000,(K)i, aud he has beheld all the associates of his youth pass away, as well as his parents and their children. An exchange says: A prospec tive son-in-law while relating "the old, old story" to his charmer, at the old folks' home, last evening. sat down on a bent pin, which had been placed in position by the pro spective brother-indaw. Ho sprang about three feet in tho air, and while coming down was 'heard to whisper softly, l4I think it is cool- er near tne wTinuowr love." iiis smile was sweet, but sad. "Got anything for a sick man. to read?" inquired a pug-nosed boy at a news-stand the other day. "Yes, anything you want Bibles, poems, religious books, Christian Herald, and so forth," replied the clerk. Bibles ; ' ecnoeu inu ooy ; -uo you thing dad's a hangel? Gimme a lively dime novel one with an Injun sculping a soldier!" Detroit Free liress. , - i , An Irish domestic, new engaged, v presented to his master onemorn viM a pair of boots, the. leg of one of which, was much longer than the other. "How comes it, you rascal, that these boots are not of the same length?" "I really don't know, sir : but . what : bothers, me most h that the pair down stairs are in the same fix." . , a e to the i congregauoa wiwio ur,r ox course; xnectihgTan, answer--wa iDo you love your endmiea ?' ,Tp his surprise some one prombtl y. re plied, f4Nof sir TheBpeaker who thus ! unexpectedly. maae,:an3twer was a little boy sittxnginone otther front pews ;;and the result,ms may, bedmagined, was the upsetting of the gravity d both; xpreacter1 and I distrust . millennium," contin ued, the iamb, thoughtfully, fj which consists splelyJin our. lying down together. My hdtibn br that liappy time'is that' it Is ; a period inf-whicn pork and leather are not articles of diet, but in wnich eyery;respctable lion shall have, as much mult on as Lemon' Pudding. Weight of two'ecrers in butter. Which beat to a cream, same weight of flour, same of pounded white sugar, tho grated rind and Juice or two lemons ; oaKe half an hour In a small flat pie dish, with a rim of paste round the edge : serve with sifted sugar on. top, and - J . genu uy tvery uvv ,f, u it: It ia proposed; to appeal t io Con gress to dam tho Ohio river! One would imagine that the ejaculations of passengers on board ,-fiteamers that have been ''stuck In the sand," sum- that ne cau consume, nowever. vou isit a low siae oi water were may' go 5 overyotf'' sun hy i i 1 1 arid f cient to answer all ; purposes I n lie down utttiMicdme. ill i .tit i'f dlrectidn. k.uIk-t

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