WEEKLY ERA. V. M. llHOWX, Manager. i tick in tho old "Standard" Build inir. one sqtiarr South of tho Court touc, Fayettcville Street. HATES OF SUBSCRIPTION: Wkkki.y Ono year, - - - $2 00 Six month. - - 1 00 Threo months, 50 Tki-Wkhkly Ono year, - - 4 00 Six months, - 2 00 Three months, 1 00 me montU, - 50 ,ttT 1NVAKIAHI.Y IN ADVANCE. -5. WEEKLY ERA. TIII'IISDAV, APRIL 9, 1KT-I. lie Iied for 31c. x;..r Dr. Bethunc death tbe follow ! watiful hymn, wliirh wm evi- Kiitlv written only the day previous, w;in lotind in his rtfolio. Its devout simplicity ami ex.iuiMto tenderness l ive !ta tilting plue beHide!ach asTop l.ulv Rock f Agw," and Charles 1 -Jesus ! Lover of My Soul !"' "Vli -i! !i:nc seems sliort, and death is !l far. And I am pre-I by douht and fear, And sin, and overwhelming til Aail my ito- on every side, 'I ins thought in v rlue ntill shall be, ! kni.w my .tviour die! for me. name is Jesus, anI ho died 1 r guilty sinners cruel fled : 'c intent to die, that he might win 'J h'-ir r:mom from the death of bin. -- sinner worse than I cau be, '1 lji'ref're I know h diet l r nie. 'Ifmee were louht, I could not buy ; Ir -rrao were 'oined, no wealth have I ; l!v irracc alone I draw 1113- breath, ii!i up Ir"tn v i -2;i.-tin death. Vfl 1 kii-jvv his jjraeo is free, I Ln-.w the Saviour died lor me. I 1 e 1 1 (iod's holy word and find .ii:i. truths wliii-li far transcend my iiiiiid ; - . iiiU d I know beside : :i; ii:ht m hiirii. and deep, and wide. 'i :.s my 1 M tli' !iry, 1 ;n v. tl;c .i -joii r licd for me. "My !":it!. is w, a!c, but 'tis Thy gift ; : li-Hi c.uiv. my li-:j les soul Uplift, i - Th v ! 'tui.i s of death are riven. 1 i; us by Me are all forgiven, '.: -Iri't live I'mm ruilt set free, Lin Sav !ot:r, died for thee." " I : ! I, Tin 2rayT oV tho Ietrotliol. ; A h; iy in tiie St. Louis Union, over tin- :!iature "i in !t-. f" jiorlra-.s her ri.-Hjiit.s in ;jic i;.)viu beautilul i "ii theeef hit marriage :j I'.i'. ii r, I come befro tin throne, Wi'h love ai:I bended "knees, tl :in'c Thee, with a grateful tone, 1 i ;i to mo. ! i !mi i; i ; i y i . i rt tlii le.ur i i t I ii. e, I ; i :; p a:It ; : .u s miuhty pwer i - it v. witii Ttiee. i :.o a .. nov. v 1 "a;:., r, i' -ry w.i!.-tl, in hn-ast." A I - if n - w i h : Ii-m; i ji.l-n ain ly sought '1 it , it.- loe stippreseil. V t . .u n the i v orslti j)p-d one, ii- ion liv 1 ,.iv .silo, A?i 1 I r. allies ti.r uiv I eann .t -huu, 1 i:e hl.-j tli (i:,ed briilo I " rtji e me if the loving ki.s lie leaver upon my brow I - thought of in ;.n hour like this, Ali.l thrills mei-viii nov. He's i-iioen me to be his love Atul coiuiorter through life, 1'. liable me, ol. iol, to proVo A 1 ivinj;, li.ilh.nl whe. I le k :: s no All-M -lions 1 Father all the deep !ltl I I. i Ii Illotl ,l!H Io inir ihoiiirhls ihat su irp 1 .-I O v. I Jil , .Si i ii,. lb knows not e i ' 1 1 fount of love That pushes warm and free ; .Nor , nil lie ever, ever M arm idolatry. pro e Then puanl him. Father, round his way, Thy ehoieest bii s-im,s esi.st ; And ri 'ider each siu-ees.sivo day Still happier than the last. And, Father, prant us so to live, 1 hat when this lllo Is o er, Within the happy home you five, We'll meet to part uo more. M I S C EL L A X 1 :0 US. A Slijbt Aciuaiiit:iuce. Cressy Mitchell and John. Martin met at a lift!" picnic party in a eoimtrv vii.ae. where she was liaising a few weeks of the intoler able ht.'t sunimer, atul he well, he ;is reading law for the present with 'Squire Morgan, the village oracle, and working about the 'So line's farm U pay his board. Xdm Martin was a handsome voting man, and as good as he was hand-collie. So said Mrs. Morgan and all thoold ladies of the village, :;saiso did the children, who loved him dearlv lor his kind acts and the cheerful words which he had for ev;Tvo:ic. 'i'Ue young ladies all seemed to lutVe a great deal of regard for him, for t liev eat h -nd all foresaw that . . . . fun a goon young man must maKe tll 'IIVI m tlllVI U.J1I.0 I hey !V-lf assured that he would be i Mine verv rich, as well as influen tial : fr w;is be not reading law with 'Squire Morgan, who had .aiio 'l riches and influence in tho ; ; act ice of his profession? liii,'suieiiov, John had failed to appieciale the regard of any young lady until he met Cressy Mitchell, and from that time he felt that his heart was no longer his own. Crissy was a beauty, and she knew it. Ii was passing strange that she should feel willing to de prive herself of the homage of her many suitors and banish herself to a country village, even for a limit ed period. Hut she had planned on making her appearance at the sum mer ri-o; t of In r fashionable friends when the .season was over, coining Jiv.shatal hearty from her country retreat, while the belles of fashion o::I(i have become already worn andwtary with fashionable dissi pation. This was the reason of her seclu sions, and, with a swift, compre hensive glance, she scanned the face and features of John Martin, in wardly rejoicing that such a hand some and agreeable young man was to be her companion during her stay in the village. Siie did not have one thought that he would fail to present him self as a candidate for her favor. She knew her iower, and felt sure that John Martin's love would soon be hers. It was even as she had anticipa ted. At every picnic, pleasure ex cursion or party gotten up in the village, John Martin was her escort and companion, and ere the time which she had allotted herself to stay had passed, she was sure that she possessed all the love of John Martin's generous, noblo heart. She had learned to love him also. vol. in. His superioritv' overall other tnen with whom s,h hail associated. forced her to yield to him the re spect which w;ts due him, and re spect soon ripened into a wanner eelintr, wriicli Cressy Mitchell would iur acknowledge even to her own he:ut. The i ime drew near for her to take tier departure from the village, and Job. i 31art in had called to say good- bv. . W ittiout preliminaries, and with no words of cringing flattery such as her former huitor had . in variably made usoof, he told her in a straightforward, manly way of his love for her, and asked her to give him her hand in marriage. For a lime there wa.s a severe struggle in tho breast of this beau tiful creature of fashion. She loved John Martin. She knew it, and lie knew it, and her better nature cried loudly for a hearing in tho case. But prideand ambiUoa whisjsjrvd in her ear, 4 You roust not 'thus fling away all your bright hopes and prospects for the future ; you may form a splendid alliance ; be come the wife of a millionaire; wear laces and diamonds and revel in wealth and luxury ; do not listen to the promptings of your heart but let reason guide you." Thus importuned by the voicoof seliish ambition, she put the one love of her heart away from her, and turning to the man who stood with folded arms awaiting her de cision, she said : " Mr. Martin, I cannot afford to indulge in romantic dreams; that I love you I will not deny, but you are poor and I am not rich; conse qucntly cacn must lorm a more prudent alliance." lie stood for a moment as if trv.n-fixed, while the cold, worldly mm -m ideas expressed by cressy were lloatiiiir through his brain. Was this to be the end of the dream of happiness which he had so tenderly cherished ? Alas, he felt that all the world must be false and cold, now that his idol had fallen, and his beautiful Cressy, whom he had invested with all the ( harms and virtues of an anirel. had changed into a cold, scheming, worldly creature. lint he recovered his self-posses- sion, and extending his hand, he. shook hers warmly, and with a Good-bye, Cressy, God bless you and make you happy," he hurried away. The next day Cressy joined her lasmonauie menus at tne Springs, and for the time forgot Joiin Martin and his love. Summer passed, and winter came with its round of metropolitan gayety. it was mid-winter, and the "affair of the season" came off at the house of the leader of the ion, iiuuo uut my euu were there of course and indeel thev inc i c, oi course, anu, inaeeu, tney ton;" iione but the elite were were of the 44 exclusive" set. As Cressy was promenading the spacious saloon, leaning upon the arm of a cavalier, her escort sud denfy paused befere a tall gentle man, who stood leaning against a pillar viewing the gay throng with a weary air. 44 Miss Mitchell," he said, 44 1 am very happy to be able to present to you a valued friend of mine, who informs me that he had the honor and pleasure of a few weeks' acquaintance with you during the past summer." Cressy raised her eyes, and met those of John Martin fixed earnest ly upon her. Her heart gave an impulsive bound, but she checked its mad pulsations and replied coldly : 44 Ah, yes; I believe I did have a slight acquaintance with the gen tleman." Without another word she moved on, and, as the gentleman led her to a seat, he said : 44 Ileal ly, Miss Mitchell, you are a wonder of our sex." 44 Indeed, ir; and why ?" 44 I don't believe another young lady present would have treated John Martin, the millionaire, as coolly as you did just now." "John Martin, the millionaire," she echoed." 44 Aye; he's rich as Croesus." 44l)ut when I knew him he was a hiw student." 4 Oh, pooh! that was one of his odd freaks; he always feared he would be valued for his money and not for himself." As soon as Cressy could free her self from her obsequious escort and admirer, she sought John Martin, and endeavored to explain her con duct, but he would give her no op portunity to do so, and persisted in treating her as 44 a slight acquaint ance." In a few weeks he brought his bride to the city, and introduced her to his fashionable friends. She was only a simple, innocent, coun try girl, but as the wife of John Maitin, she was welcomed to the beet society. And Cressv never ceased to regret that she pronounc- ed Martin only 44 a slight acquaint aice. Woman's Influence. Like the olive tree said to fer tilize the surrounding soil there are some few ministering angels in obnnt mir natha u-im u-ooti'ca..m to cheer and adorn life. Our . s !-.. . . I amusements are insipiu unless thev coniriouie i ? i a. i . . i noblest applaud they share some ruue spirits in the world whose bolder nature, female influ ence admirably serves to refine and temper; and perhaps it is an ex treme eulogism of the poet, that without that influence many a man had been a "brute indeed !" The concurrence of both sexes is as nec essary to the perfection of our being as to the existence of it. Men may make a fine melody, but women are also required to mako up harmony. RALEIGH, N. Advice for Ladies. A wife must learn how to form her husband's happiness; in what direction the secret of his comfort lies. She must cherish his weak nesses by working1 upon them ; she must not rA3V run counter to his prejudices. Her motto must be, never to irritate. She must study never to draw largely upon the small stock of patience in man's na ture, nor to increase his obstinacy by trying to drive him ; never, if possible, to have scenes. I doubt much if a real quarrel, even if made up, does not loosen trie bond be tween man and wife, and some- time's, unless the affection of both be very sincere, lastingly. Ifirri tation should occur, a woman must expect to hear even a strength and vehemence of language far more than occasion requires. Mild as well as stern men are prone to this exaggeration of language---Let liot a woman be tempted ever to say anything sarcastic or violent in re taliation. . The bitterest repentance must needs follow such an indul gence if she do. Men frequently forget what they have themselves said, but seldom what is uttered by their wives. They are grateful, too, for forbearance in such cases, for while asserting most loudly that they are right, they are often con scious that they are wrong (!) Give a little time, as tho greatest boon you can bestow, to the irritated feeling of your husband. Loveliness. It is not your neat dressyour expensive shawl, or your gold en fingers that attract the attention of men of sense. They look beyond these. It is your character they study. If you are, trifling, and loose in your conversation no matter if you are beautiful as an angel you have no attraction for them. It is the true loveliness of your natures that win and continue to retain the affections of the heart. Young ladies sadly miss it who la bor to improve their outward looks whilethey bestow not a thought on their minds. Fools mav be won bv trewfraws. and thft fashinnahlfi by showy dresses : but the wise and substantial are never naught bv sucn traps. Let modesty be your dress. Use pleasant and agreeable lanunm. and thouo-h vou mav not be courted by the fop and the ; sap, the good and truly grea will love to linger in your steps. Scrapiana. 'John,' said a stingy old hunk to his servant, as he was taking his supper, do you know how many pancakes you have eaten?" "Tho, sir. it if Well, you've eaten four- teen." "Well," said John, count and I'll eat." "you i "nix,.. . L GI(oray arid dissipated? youih . h h lisvprtvi lifc i- n worth having) "I hope I shan't be alive after thirty !" Unsympathetic elder party 44Is there any particu lar necessity why you should live till thirty?" " TQ ouol 1 Cncnn Tnn hinmrlviiTnn me to thegrave," wrote John Larch, of Alabama, four years ago, and left the note on the river bank. He was arrested tho other day in Cin cinnati, living with another wo man. Two deacons once disputing about a proposed new graveyard, one re marked : "I'll never be buried in that ground as long as I live !" 14 What an obstinate man i" said the other. "If my life is spared, I will." A man in Carroll county, read in an almanac that his feet could be kept warm by lining his boots with cavenne pepper. ie aon't ieei much like walking now, but says he would like "to find the man what put that in the almanac." An . Indiana lawyer used the word "disparagement" in his plea, and the fudge told him that if he couldn't quit using Latin words he could sit down. The lawyer under took to define his position and was fined 20 for contempt of court. A raw countryman gazing at a garden in the vicinity of lioston, in which were several marble statues, exclaimed : 44 Just see what a waste! Here's no less than six scare-scrows in this ten-foot patch, and any of them would keep the crows from a five-acre lot !" A clergyman, at the examination of the young scholars of his Sunday school, pjut the following question : "Why did the people of Israel set up a golden cau ?" "liecause they hadn't money enough to set up an ox," was the reply of a little chap, who took a dollar-and-cents view of the matter. A tinnier who had his load on. "fetched up" against the side of a house which had been newly paint eu. &noving himseit clear by a vigorous effort, he took a glimpse at his shoulder, another at the house, a third at his hand, and ex claimed, "Well, that is a careless tries in wnoever painted that house, to leave it standing out all night for people to run against !" A Monroe mau who was admir ing a. yunS lady's hair the other Avpnincr cqhI f Jcj tl .lnn. , ... -. ( picaoc tri v mn nnc replied the younsr ladv brisklv: "why these curls cost me a dollar a piece." r A DhilOSODhieal KnfnMrfin tvhn had but one shirt, and was lvine in bed while the garment was drying on the clothes line in the vard. was startled by an exclamation from his wife to the effect that the calf had eaten it. "Well," said the Ken tuckian, with a spirit worthy of a better cause, "well, them who has must lose." ' 1 m m mm mm m m .am . -mr a mm v m.-mm .m m m m v 7 km -m. . . i 1 ffl dJtoIBI 'Mill II I C, THURSDAY; WEE ELY ERA: THURSDAY, APRIL 9, 1874. ' Bally. - - The approaching campaign in this State promises -to be as heated as it is Important; and if the Repub licans are sf active a they have been in Tdrmer-electibiiYictbry ia almost certainly theirs ahcTtbeState will be redeemed from th&handsof those who by trickery -and fraud have had control . or itl foTiOne' rmsf. fnnr vearii :i That tho Stateis Republican i beyond' the shadqtirof a doubt, is proved by- thelfiiDtr- natorial arid Presidential uions; and the Democratic majority da the tained by their disgraceful gerry mander of the Distric ts - and by trickery and fraud. Shall this mi nority band ofunscrupuious trick sters continue to rule tiie State in the Legislature? When their course then is considered, the large amount of money they have wasted in class legislation, in doing nogood forthe State at large, ive feel assured the people will say, a thousand times no: ?; . , It behooves the Republicans, thereforei to make over effort to triumph in the coming election. To do this thing they must organize, or rather, revive and keep up their old organization, the force of which their enemy has so often felt. Let every District, County and Town ship look to their interest. If your District or County has gone Demo cratic before, it makes no difference; organize, the people were then de ceived by the false promises of the Democrats and believed they inten ded to do something for them. They cannot be deceived again and a strong effort on your part will overcome any ordinary majority they may have. To all Repubh cans, we say, organize and let your organization be complete. The last Legislature tried to deny to many of you the right to vote by requir ing you to produce a" known wit ness who would swear to anything almost, concerningyou, that a chal lenger may ask him. Let the or ganization be so complete that this law shall rail in its arbitrary Inten tion and every one enjoy the right gusranueu la.nitn-oy ine vi ' m f? -W ysi l A ' A V m m. Vmfm tlV V V mmmUm mmm m, v States. In Republican Districts and Counties the party organization mast be attended to and made com plete, that there may be no falling off when the day of election comes. Let the preaches in our ranks be closed up, personal differences bur ied and everything made to work together for the common good, and we are safe. When this is accomplished, the candidates should be thougltt of, and your selections should bo the very best available men. ; Not simply men who desire office but the most" competent, reliable and popular men the best men in every respect. " Wire-putting" mast be abolished as far as possible and the people's voice listened to in the nominating conventions. Take a man's whole life into considera tion, select men upon whom yon can rely in any emergency men true to the principles of the Repub lican party, who will tell the people about the heinous crimes of Democ racy and not mince words in telling them, men who know their duty and knowing dare perform it, men of intelligence, honesty and integ rity. Simple service to the party will not do, although it must carry, its weight and add to other recom mendations, but beware of traitors, wolves in sheep's clothing men who are not of the stamp we have recommended, but are Republican for office and nothing else. With these two, a complete organization and good, reliable candidates, the banners of the Democracy can and will be made to trail in the dust and the broad, glorious standard of Republicanism wave in triumph. Another Moralist Heard From. That little defalcation of the De mocratic Treasurer and forgery of the Democratic Chief Clerk in 'Vir ginia has not raised the customary hue and cry of the virtuous press of that virtuous party. It .makes quite a difference with them whose ox is gored as in" the tale of the Farmer and Lawyer in Webster's spelling book. But our neighbor of the Sentinel thus speaks out in meeting: "In advance-they-enter pleas of insanity. It is pitiable to. see tho Colemans and 3ayos , thus disgracing : themselves and tire mother of States ; and statesmen. They , should; grab like the carpet baggers and ; take enough to'dignify the larceny ; and I buy : up i justice an&the courts."-1 :-tjJ5li; & Shades of departed decency, de fend us t TheK n Klux-Dejnoeratic, J:li frWftv x , fr --H. it; AtRLL 9, 1874. overdrawing, letter M editor dis coursing about the dignityj Jarce nyl And this is the, boasted vir- tue, honesty, intelligence, decency pnri Toanfohiiih, namnoMm,9 respectability of Democracy v. .wuvVmu"'vj v uiuviuvj If a man steals three thousand dol lars or forges a name to a paper for so pitiable a sum, he disgraces h im- self, his .State and his party, pro vided he is caught, but if he steals a huge sum he is dignified, respect- ZUJXC, UCWUb UUU lUieillSiein. At .llL... , , , , , Aeast mis is me aocinne anu aa vice of the central and leading Demo cratic! organ of this State. Well ! the editor of the Sentinel did try to overdraw1 'from the State Treas ury thirty-tliree hundred dollars- three hundred better than the Vir- Lginia man didbut he was detect- cu auu'Luaut; w remuu. no ua not. however, condemned by his party, no hue and cry was raised no proceedings were instituted, and if they had been, the 44 digni fied" plea of insanity could have been made available in his defence. He is again State Printer, and we know Treasurer Jenkins and Audi tor Reilly will not allow his insani ty to mislead them into allowing him to make another overdraw, as Democrats are trying to prove Mayo's insanity caused Coleman's forgery as well as his own defalca tion. As the Conservative-Demo cratic-white man's party never at tack the principles of the Republi can party, bufdepend on the cry of fraud and corruption," which they have, never shown was not fol lowed i t 1. 1 : : uy xvepuuixcau puni&u- ment, we hope they will rehash their old composition and treat us to a chapter or two on Democratic fraud and corruption. The Liberality of the Republi can Party. The Republican party has been since 1861, and we hear it charged that its leaders are actuated by a feeling of enmity towards the Southern people. Let us examine the charge. The Vice President of the South ern Confederacy has been pardoned for his rebellion against the na tional government, and now sits as ar member of the United States Congress. Gen. M. W. Ransom, late of the CSnKeitCe Army, sits as-tUnited States Senator from North Carolina, and in the House of Representa tives, we see Gen. R. B. Vance, Col. J. M. Leach, Col. A. M. Wad dell and Maj. W. M. Robbins, late of the Confederate Army, and Hon. Thomas S. Ashe, late Confederate States Senator from this State. These gentlemen were all slave- owners, and the Republican party is the party of freedom yet they are not banned or excluded from any of the rights of American citi zenship on account of their being slave-owners, but are admitted by Republican votes to seats in the National Congress. They were all ardent Confede rates, and valiantly led the hosts of Jefferson Davis to battle against the Union, and the Republican party is the party of the Union- yet, the Republicans of the North have said we are no longer Confed- erates and Unionists we are an American citizens and we will not exclude you from any rights be cause you fought against the Union. Gen. Longstreet is holding office under a Republican administration, Gen. McLaws has been nominated to the Senate by President Grant for a collectorship, and even the guerrilla, Gen. Mosby, stands high in the confidence of our Re publican President. With these facts before us, we ask where is the bitterness or un- kindness which the Republican . . . ji ri party has shown towards the South ern people even the, leaders in the war on the life of the Nation ? "The party (Democratic), owing to causes not now necessary to men tion! is somewhat demoralized, dis affected and indifferent." Thus discourseth a correspondent of the Daily News, who nominates Gen. D. H. Hill for Superintendent of Public Instruction. As far as it goes this is a candid, honest con fession, and we commend the cor respondent for the exhibition of the virtue so rare in his party; but would like him to mention those causes. The voters would like to hear them intelligibly explained by those who ought to know best the whys and wherefores. If those gen tlemen will not rise to explain, we v49 from time to time, tell our readers something of them, and we willr in all we say, speak by the tecord.1 The party is, as it should be; not only -somewhat, but com pletely, demoralized," disaffected and Indifferent, and the causes that have led to this condition are damn ing enough, to make every, honest man oi we parry diush jor sname. 1 . ' ' I I 1 - NO. 41. Wbo Proscribes? The wariagainsf the Union ended ninft vfrs np-o. 'lne iteDUDiiean party has! been! in charge of the F i i. I .. ... , . I rrnvornmont liirinfr tnitr. Tim A nn.'l has worked zealously to extinguish all sectional hates and ill feelings onfrnnrlprwl hv tl vi-nr Thf war engendered by the ur. ihe var was inaugurated and prosecuted in the interest of slavery, and yet the Republican party excludes no man fWxi l,n mvarnmant iium UWW V.iV, becausti he Was a slave-owner, or because he led the Southern armies against the government Lven members of the lvulvlux Jvian conyictea, or conspiring against- the government, and de priving American citizens of their lives and property, have been par doned by bur Republican Presi dent, although the outrages com mittod were all on members of the Republican party. Go- Ilolden : attempted to de- of rrT ihe Ku Klux organization in North Carolina. His efforts were only partially successful, and the Democratic party, under Ku Klux leadership, deposed him from office and forever excluded him from holding office in North Carolina. It may bq said that this was done in a moment of .passion, and under the influence of great party excite ment. -ill Grant it, and yet the Democratic Legislature of oSorth Carolina has held two sessions since, and though it extended amnesty to felons who were Democrats! it continued the I .if proScriptive ban; on Gov. Ilolden. The men who attempted the life of the nation hayeall been pardoned by the Republican Congress and President arid admitted to all their rights. The men who burned and whipped and murdered in the interest of the Democratic! party, have been par- foned by the Democratic IWa- ture. And the only; man in North Car olina who is not a freeman is Gov. Ilolden. He was banned by Dem ocrats for attempting to destroy the Ku Klux, and though they have had the power for four years to re lieve him,, they have refused to do so. if Our Wants. W0 want more capital In. the South, and every citizen of North Carolina .should unite in welcom ing immigrants. Let them come from the North or from Europe or from the islands of the sea. Let them understand that we want more capita"! and mpre brain and more sKiiiea ' J labor. We don't want any more day laborers. We've g0t a sufficient! number of these. No laborers in the world will work as well for the wages given and the fare j furnished as our colored men and women. But we need skilled labor. We want to learn how to improve our worn-out; lands. We want to learn how to grow the grasses, and feed our cattle land our horses better, and raise more home-made manure. We want to learn to rely on our own selves for support. We want to raise our own fertilizers, our own corn, our own ; bacon, our own hay, our own agricultural implements. We wan t to manufacture our own cotton in our own State, and by giving employment 10 our people add to the revenues of our State and materially improve ourselves and ourjneighbors. We have the lands, but they need skilful cultivation. We have the water-powers, and the fuel to run the steam engines. We raise the cotton, but instead of manufactur ing it here at home, and giving empl6yhient to our own people, and realizing certain profits to com pen fjii '. - sate 'fori the uncertainty of growing it, we ship it off in a raw state to the North and to Europe. We let the people there grow rich on what slips through our fingers, and then curse thej yankees for being sharp enough! to take advantage of our stupidly, and sit down and mourn over Ourj poverty. In a Bad Fix. The Democracy of the Old Do- minion seem to be in a bad fix gen erally, j Gov. Kemper wouldn't help them deprive the people of Petersburg of the right of self-government, and the whole Ku Klux kennel dashed at him, and gnashed their teeth and bayed and howled and lacerated, him till the whole State was in an uproar. The bark ing and snapping and howling has been interrupted by the sentencing of a hih Democratic official to the Penitentiary, for forgery, and the arrest of the Democratic Treasurer of the State for embezzlement. Where's the boasted honest y and the, virtue of Democracy is the above; specimen ? YEEKLY ER!A:.'1. ' Ono square, one titnel a . ' $ 1 00 A two times, - - 1 60 J V three times,- 2 00 ! Contract advertisernentV taken at proportionately low. rates. -u t Job Work executed at short no- tice and in a style unsurpassed by any , simifar establishment in the State. Spo- cial attention paid to the printing of :,' Blanks of every description. Kemper's Veto. We give itt full, says .the. Ashe- -ii T"- i ... vine jriuntxT, aii euitonai winch a?Peare Banner of tho 21st ultimo, which I n i n ."il -r-r . 13 mo urouuetion oi mo iion. iaro Durham, who is prominently known to the people of rsorthCar- omm iw iuo itauer ui me jemo- cratlc winff of the North Carolina Legislature in lSGS-'O. While the article tve give : below , is moderate in tone, it certainly deals a ponder ous blow at that class of wild fanat ics in the Democratic party, not only in Virginia, but in North. Car olina; also, who clamor' like a set of ravenous wolves for tho spoil of office, let it cost the people what ever sacrifice it may. Without fur-, J tlier comment we present the views of Mr. Durham to confirm the fact that within the ranks of the Dem- K ocratic party there is a class of metv viu Tfin uoi uesiiaiu 10 Bacriucetno ' best Interests of the whole peopio in order to elevate themselves. " LTpon the election and inaugu ration of Gen. James L. Kemper i as Governor of Virginia, hist fall, ; the conservative and democratic press throughout the country were J filled with rejoicings, and all ad- mitted, that his inaugural address ! indicated a high order of states- I manship. In this inaugural, as well as in his stump speeches be fore the election, he took the bold ground, that reason and right, and notdemagoguism, ought to control theacts of all public men; that Vir- ginia was oounu to no political par ty, but would cheerfully co-operate with men of whatever political party, in securing and maintain ing her rights and equality as a member of the Federal Union, nnd the civil rights of her citizens un der the constitution as it is, as ex pounded by the Supreme Court of the United States. These senti ments of the young and gallant Governor were hailed with ap plause throughout Virginia and the whole South by all' who ad mired honesty, frankness and bold ness. . A few days ago, the Legislature passed a new charter forthe govern ment of the city of Petersburg, and the Governor being invested with the veto power, and believing the -f .1 A. A. l- ; lead to a new breach of bitter an tagonism between parties and races, declined to give the measure his official sanction, and returned it to the Senate, the House in which it originated, with his objectionH. His action in. tho matter created great excitement In Petersburg, and an indignation meeting was at once held, in which he was so-; verely denounced as "havingsoiai out" tfca, and at which ho was burned in effigy. From this the; Dress, took ud the cudcrel.and Keiri-1 X peris now being held up by avJewl of those so-called democratic anu. conservative journals, as a traitor to his friends and as a renegado from the principles of a lifetime; and a few of Dur North Carolina -cotemporaries, having no more to do with the matter than the . man in the moon, but desirous to show their extreme loyal tv toparty now that candidate time is coming, on, are joining lustily in this de nunciation and abuse. Our pur pose in alluding to this local diffi culty of our Virginia neighbors is to show the absurdity of allowing a few brainless youths and bomb proof shirkers, who happen to bo in control of a few newspapers, "to have the least influence upon pub lic sentiment, even npon the most ignorant. i Let Kemper, who offered his life for his country on a hundred fields; stand firm, and the day is not far distant when these same bomb proofs, would-be leaders of public opinion, will crawl. to his feet to do him homage, as they did from bomb-proof holes to do homage to the blue coats upon the surrender of our brave armies. ! But was Kemper right? There is a large republican majority in the voting population of Petersburg. By the new charter, the wards of the city were so gerrymandered and the number of aldermen to be elect ed by the several wards was so ar ranged that the control of the city would have been given to tho Dem ocrats. Kemper holds that this Is not only wrong in itself, but that it establishes a precedent, by a Democratic Legislature, which would be soon followed by a Re publican Legislature in several of the Southern States, and that most of the Southern cities would by this means be turned over to the . control of the colored people. I Upon the return of the bill with the well considered and unanswer able objections of the Governor tho Senate, which had passed it by a large majority, sustained the veto by a vote of 2G yeas to 11 nays, thus showing the great appreciation by that body of the firmness, fairness, good sense and statesmanlike mo- tives, which actuated him in the matter. By his firmness, to do riglit, regardless of popular clamor, or the dictation of friends or foes, Governor Kemper has raised him self immeasurably in the estimation of all who admire honesty, Inde pendence and manhood.. Let the contemptible paper pellets from bomb-proof holes continue to pour their fire upon him; they are as harmless as if their fire Were di rected at the King of day." "If you don't see what you want, ask for it," is posted up in a con spicuous place in a Logansport gro cery. A native stepped into the establishment last week. Ho saw the card and remarked : "I want a ten dollar bill, and don't see it." "Neither do I," was the laconic re- piy. J :,.r ' Thtt health of Mrs: Worth, widow of the late Gov, Worth, ,has much Improved. 41

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