WEEKLY ERA. W. M. BROWy, Manager. THURSDAY, APRIL 9, 1874. State Republican Executive Committee, The members of the State Repub lican Executive Committee and the gentlemen appointed at the general caucus of the Republican party held in Raleigh on the 12th of February are hereby requested to meet in the City of Raleigh on the 9th day of April, 1874. S. T. CARROW, acting Chairman. The Native White Republicans of the South. . Tho great body of the American people can never realize the ostra cism, obloquy and bitter persecu fceft Ml A Contrast. Having told what the Republi can party is, It is but just to con trast a picture of Democracy, and in turning from one to the other General Caucus Proceedings. The following proceedings of the general caucus of the Republican party held in the City of Raleigh on the 12th of- February are pub lished for the information and guid ance of all concerned : At a Republican caucus held in the city of Raleigh, February 12th, 1874, composed of Republican mem bers of the Legislature and others, the following resolutions were unan imously adopted : Jlesotced, That two persons from each Congressional District and sev en from the State at large, in all twenty-three, be appointed to act with the State Executive Commit tee and exercise the full powers of a State Convention, and that during this campaign the persons thus ap pointed nave equal powers and au thority with members of the State Executive Committee for making nominations and the conduct of the campaign, and the following named persons are appointed : FOR THE STATE AT LARGE : J. L. Chamberlain, South Mills; Stewart Ellison, Raleigh ; J. H. Headen, Pittsboro; G. W. Reid, Ashboro ; Marcus Erwin, Asheville; A. McCabe, Tarboro ; T. L. Har grove, Raleigh. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS: First Dt. E. Ransom, Columbia ; C. W. G randy, Jr., Elizabeth City. Second J no. A. Hyman, War renton ; I. B. Abbott, New-Berne. Third AViliam McLaurin, Wil mington ; Wm. A. Guthrie, Fay etteville. Fourth 11. T. Hughes, Oxford ; T. F. Lee, Raleigh. PifUi H. C. Walser, Iexington ; Wm. A. Albright, Graham. SixthGen. Rufus Barringer.Char lotte; O. II. Doekery, Mangum. , Seventh T. J. Dula, Wilkesboro ; Wra. II. Wheeler, Salem. EiglUhJ. W. Bowman, Bakers A'ille; J. B. Eaves, Rutherfordton. i AUG. S. SEYMOUR, CA'n Jlepublican Caucus. E. R. Dudley, Secry. Judicial Convention Gth Dis trict. A Convention of the Republicans of the Sixth Judicial District will be held in Warrenton on Wednesday, the Gth day of May next, for the purpose of nominating a candidate for Solicitor of the District, to ap point a Committee for the District, consisting of one from each county, and to transact such other business as the Convention may deem best for th interests of the party. According to the plan of organi zation as adopted by the State Con vention in April, 1872, the represen tation of the several counties in the District Convention will be as fol lows : Franklin, 1 vote; Granville, 2 votes; Halifax, 2 votes ; Johnston, 2 votes; Northampton, 1 vote; Nash, 1 vote; Warren, 2 votes ; Wake, 4 votes total, 15. tion which the native white Repub- picture our feelings are rather those licans ofthe South have had to Clear as Mud. Sec. 4, Schedule C, of the reve nue act, passed by the late demo cratic General Assembly, contains this remarkable provision, to-wlt : "On each marriage license fifty encounter for opinion's sake. Loyal to their country through the dark days of the war, thousands of them lived in perpetual trepidation for their lives. Begirt on all sides with enemies, and dogged with spies, they lived in constant view of the conscript camp and Castle Thunder. The slavery of the blacks was bless ed liberty in comparison with the galling despotism to which Xhey of sorrow and sadness, than of pas- cents, anri on-each marriage con sion and resentment, for I n memory tract, mortgage deed anVl deed in trust we are carried back to the days to secure "creditors, where the when the Democrats were the lead- amount exceeds three hundred dol- ers of the secession movement lars, there, shall be a tax of one dol- when we were assured the United idrm. Provided, states wouiu oiti us, -go in peace- That mortgage deeds and deeds in when the dark days of the Con- trust made to secure amounts not federacy came when no old Whig, exceeding six hundred dollars shall whatever were his recommenda- not be subject to any tax under this tions, was advanced to preiermenc, section." but the old doctrine of "to the vie- will not. anmnmittee of Philadel bjected. And yet justice de- tors belong the spoils," was strictly pnia lawyers come to North Caro- were su mands that it be records 1 that their moral heroism was RiHicient to the test, and they came through the ter rible ordeal with their loyalty and patriotism as bright as gold tried in the furnace. When the glorious flag of the Union in lSGo again floated in tri umph over an undivided country the Unionists of North Carolina vainly supposed that their day of deliverance had come and that henceforth they were free to enter tain and express their own political opinions. But the Democracy sounded'the tocsin and the edict adhered to. We would forget all these. "We'll not call up their shadowy forms; We'd say to them, lost years sleep on, Sleep on nor heed life's pel ting storm." The record since those days does not present much, if anything, to commend it to men of sense, pro gress or philanthropy. What there is in the record that is good, is of little consequence, and what there is in it of consequence, will not went forth that every man who de- ri2hls. as thev have opposed every dared for the party which had saved Republican measure, and thrown every obstacle in the way of recon- lina and interview Mr. Norwood, and Col. W. A. Allen, the would- be iude and Dunham, and the r J Moron cads, and Waring,and Cowles, and Fleinming, and Merrimon, and Troy, of the Senate, and R. T. Hen nett, and Coot Jones, and Stanford, (Chairman of Finance Committee) and John Brown, and Jones Watson, and McGehee, and Craige, and ascertain from them what in tVA tlnU Ikna. OTtAOTl' If YX7 f Ol 1 1 T1 C commend itself as very good. Of TTI " . , , 1 j i wnai uieyia meuu ucjr sua course they have opposed the . . . t amendments to the constitution of the United States, which gave to" the colored race freedom and civil the Union and destroyed slavery should be accounted as accursed. They were ostracised from society, hooted at on the hustings and sneered at in the churches. No matter how blameless their lives, the vilest of epithets were hurled at them from every side, and employ- tjg for an imnrovement. mem was openiy reiuseu mem oe- cause tney darea announce tnem selves Republicans. Their names were not only cast out as evil, and their characters traduced and black ened, but extended to their wives and innocent children. Public opin ion ev claimed stmction. In these respects their opposition has been of very little consequence, as results prove, and have resulted in evil rather than good. They have found fault with everything, but have made no sug- On all questions of public interest they are silent or at loggerheads even among themselves. On the finan cial question Senator Merrimon, of be held as criminating themselves,) and theJTejfcSishten the taxpayers of the State upon the subject ? Verily the last General Assembly nosed of Solomons of the straitest sect. "Long may they wave." Taxpayers are respectfully re quested to examine the acts of 1873 '74, chapter 134, section 4, schedule C, page 212 where they will see this beautiful piece of legislation is spread out at full length. Thus it appears that upon all mortgages and deeds in trust to se cure a debt amounting to more than three hundred dollars, a tax of one dollar shall be levied and upon all fhw Sfnto who all the Democrats Wfii nnt w. n ho. wiu elected bv mortgages and deeds of trust to se- Trhiin vnfM nd TUvarri. of cure a debt of leu than six hundred rery where in tho South pro- Deiaware, have made able speeches, dollars, no tax at all shall be levied. ?d Republicanism to be the but other Deraocrats will not en- h! shadesuof Ruffln, and Gaston and Badger, wnat snail oe aone in this emergency ? People of North Carolina, look upon this law, and then behold your Solomons. How Jo you like them ? sum or all villainies, iney were surrounded on all sides by natural brothers whom the loss of property and disappointed ambition had transformed into unnatural beasts, who seemed to delight only in Drinking the blood of brothers with their rations, And crunching the bones of living reputations. But in spite of ostracism, and pro scription for opinion's sake, in spite of epithets and jeers and all manner of persecutions, these noble martyrs to the cause of human rights re mained true to principle and never once wavered from the path of jus tice. When epithet and ostracism and proscription failed to intimidateand subdue them, tfieir oppressors had recourse to the midnight mask and the aeafin's knife. The 44 Invis ible fmplre " with its oath-bound marauding bands sought to paralyse the oflicers of the law and strangle even justice itself, and when many began to despair of human govern ment and hope seemed about to take its flight forever, the national Con gress in thunder tones proclaimed that our Visible Republic was mightier than the 44 Invisible Em pire" that law and order should dorse their views, if indeed any one can tell upon which side our Ah Sin has taken his stand, for, we are told, his speech was 4 Gambling and non-committal." General educa tion, common free schools, have never troubled their minds, but when they are placed in contrast with that old pet of the aristocracy, the University, and then all their "Unload." Wc are about to open an impor tant pampaign, and if Republicans have any useless baggage in the spleen is aroused because the latter, party wagon let them throw it out. cannot be established to the utter If any man has received office at exclusion, if necessary, of the for- the hands of the party, and has mer. They are utterly at sea upon shown that he is incompetent to every important question. The discharge its duties properly, orthat vast difference on a single phrase he hasn't integrity, or that he pre- is, the Democrats are trying ;to live fers Democrats to Republicans, on the past, the Republicans for the dump him out quick and hard. the present and the future. Let him go out like the Irishman's frog jumped 44with a divil of a Put None but Republicans on I JoItT . Guard. It After you get the baggage wagon The Republican party has benfteuffidentlIoi)tfed, too liberal towards it opponents. Its liberality has been construed into an evidence of weakness, and its kindness, to servile cringing to wards the old aristocratic element. Every political party must look to its own adherents to carry out ter the guns. See that they are all in good order. There's no lack of ammunition. The guns have to be unloaded but be careful that you do not do that till you have got within range of the enemy, and that the guas are properly directed he restorer! jinrl that, everv Ameri Xho Chairmen of the County Ex- U however humble.should bers of t,,at Partr- No omcer has a ecutive Committees' are requested Un n u: ' r rteht to iernore the claims of those its principles. Every man elevated and sighted. That's the kind of "un to office by the Republican party loading" that tells most on the is under a moral obligation to give enemy, all his political, patronage to mem -Republican Meeting. A mass meeting of the citizens of Oberiin village, Wake county, was held on the 30th March, 1874. On motion, Norfleet Jeffries was called to the Chair, and James D. Morgan was elected Secretary. Mr, James Rue explained the ob ject of the meeting to be for the purpose of considering the condi tion of the Republican party, and to take such action in the premises as might seem best, after a full in terchange of views. The following committee was appointed to . ..report resolutions expressive of the sense of the meet ing: Messrs. James Rue, C. Lock hart and R. C. Pettiford, who re tired and after consultation report ed the following preamble and resolution: Whereas, The colored voters of the Republican party have not re ceived a proportionate share of the patronage of the State and national governments, in that competent and worthy colored men have been ignored for places of honor, trust and profit, to which they were en titled; therefore, be it Resolved That we hereby con demn such action on the part of those who have controlled and dic tated appointments ; and in the fu ture we will not support men who have made this unjust discrimina tion, but will endeavor to find leaders who, recognizing the merit of our claims, and being fully ac quainted with our grievances, will aid -us n a determined effort to; right the wrong of which we com plain. The resolution was unanimously adopted. The meeting was then addressed by Messrs. James Rue, Norfleet Jeffries, R. C. Pettiford and Mr. Nunn. The meeting then adjourned. N. JEFFRIES, Ch'n. J. D. Morgan, Sec'y. cannotjsoon be erased. Rapine and murder became in a measure legal ized,diiring the dismal period which elapsed between the reconstruction fiasco of President Johnson and the reconstruction of Congress. The condition of the negroes in the sev eral districts where the soldiers of the United States could not be near, was inpnitely worse than when the white nen had a property in them. The ,talk of a white man's govern ment ought not to mislead any one. That the negro race, not more than ten per cent, of the population, can ever rule Jthe country, is absurdity patentj to all. Their number is not sufficiently large even to be a fac tion. iBut be their numbers many or few!, they are by an inalienable right Entitled to freedom and pro tection by the law; and the only methpd ever devised by the wisdom of map to secure these blessings is the ballot. Wilmington Post. In a Bad Way. Tho Demo cratic f leaders are. certainly in a sorry J condition. They affect a high tone morality in political af fairs, put utterly failed to convince the public that they are really con verted from the error of their ways. They have preached honesty so often and practiced it so little that no fone has any confidence in their! sincerity. The short comings of a few Republicans have been eagerly seized upon by these disconsolate politicians, and they haveltried their best to convince the peopleUhat an exceptional piece of rascality was the rule of the par ty. But they have made slow pro gress in the work. So many Demo crats I have been mixed up in the corrupt schemes that have been ex posed through the vigilance of the Republican party, that a blaw aim ed at the head of an opponent is sure to kill one of theirown friends. It must be very perplexing for them to have their eloquent ser mons on the necessity of political purity marred by the indiscreet ac tion Of tlieir friends. If they could only enforce honesty among Demo cratsl for even a few months, they could then point to their followers as models of political excellence; but jto enforce an impossibility is beyo'nd their power, so they are obliged to accept one of two alter nativesthe repudiation of their own;' rascals, or their defense for the sake of the power which they wield in the Very element of strength which makes Democracy possible. To repudiate, is self annihilation ; to justify or defend, is to disarm them of i the only weapon which they can wield against Republi cans'. We repeat it. thev are in a bad! way. North Carolinian. A White Man's Government. This is a white man's government and must be administered by white men, is a dogma made familiar to every American by frequent repe tition during the past six years. Its meaning is that the white race alone is entitled to the privileges of gov ernment, and that any other races are interlopers, and have no rights except such as are graciously ac corded to them. The Asiatics, the descendants of the Africans, and the Indians who are within the lim its of the United States must, ac cording to this opinion, exist by sufferance only having no rights which the Caucassian recognizes. A slight inquiry into the relations which two at least, of the tabooed races sustain to the whites in regard to the presence here, may be useful in forming a conclusion upon the subject. The Indians can say that theirs was the right here if priority of occupation is a test. Occupancy in law, under certain conditions does give a title, and these condi tions do not interpose between their claim and the whites. But the negro race cannot set up a priority of right in the soil. Many years before their feet trod this country the whites had planted the germ of a mighty empire, xiid tne otner race tnen come as an invading nosi armea desk, chairs, tables, oaintintrs and en and prepared for a destructive war- gravingsd 3 billiard tables, otiica chairs, fare upon the peaceiul inhabitants stoojs, DasK era, twine, ciay pipes, emp y oarreis, ueKjijoims, u variety or siuji- ea tjiras ana animais, , panel anu giasa doors, dec., dec., the property vt Philip Thiem, Bankrupt. The above is one of the best selected stocks in the State. Tho wines, liquors, brandies ana whiskies areola and pure, andiwell worth the attention ot con noisseurs. The sale will continue from day to day untn tne wnoie stocK is sola oit. i THOMAS ITAMPSON, Assignee, 41 law2w Raleigh; N. C. mZW AD VFAlTLSltMESTS. 1 A A SCM OQ I TEACUIJlW JLrliri: WANTED To cngago du ring the Spring and Summer in a busi ness payingSloO per month in their own counties. Address ZIEfJLUIl tt Mo CUIIDY, Philadelphia, Ta. 41 4v WOrkinff UaSS a wook employment at home, day or evening; no capital ; instructions and raluablo paekagoof goods wont free bv mail. Addrcss,with six cent stamp, M. YOUNO it CO., 17.i Greenwich st., New York. 41 4 w For Conjrlis, Colds Hoarseness, mid all Throat Disease, USK Wells's Carbolic Tablets, Put np oiiI)r in IILUC buxck. A TRIKD S.Ui:i3 ItKMEDV. SoM by Druggists. ll-4w 3rillionw of Acres f RICH FARMING LANDS IN NEBRASKA," Now for Sale Very CI I IZ AIM Ten years credit, Interest only G per cent I ! Dcscriptivo Pamphlets with Sectional maps, sent free. THK PIONEEIl, a handsomo illustrated paper, contain ing the Homestead Liw, mailed ficu to all parts of the world. Address, (O.F.DAVIS, Land Commissioner V. 1. U. II., , Omaha. Xob. 41 4w 64 TViVCIIOJIAXCY, OH son, SfAiCJI I !'( " How either sex may l'aseinate and gain tho love and alltcLions of any person they choo'so in stantly. This simple, mental acquire ment, all can possess, tree, by mail, for 2oc. together with a marriage guide. K di queer book. Address T. WIIjIjIAM Sc Co. Publishers 11 4w Philadelphia, Rgypii:m Oracle, Dreams, Hints to La lies, Wedding-Night Shirt, Ac. A 66 TT1IF.OIJUAISIY,A cw HOOK Jlion the art t of writing by sound ; a complete system of Phonetic Shoit lland, tliCSliorlcst, most simple, easy, and comprehensive, enabling any ono in a short time to report trials, speeches, sermons, tte. The Lord's Prayer is written with -40 strokes of tho pen, and" 140 words per minute. The unemployed should learn this art. Price by maifoO cents. Agents wanted. Address T. W. K VANS V: CO., lS. 7th St .ll4w Philadelphia; Pa. m Ajyoung man in Henderson owns a fast trottiner horse wnicn ne is willinar to bet can beat the railroad traips on schedule time. ! LN BANKRUPTCY. BjlNKBUPTCYNOTICE. I WILL i sell at the Store No. 18 Fayetteville Street, Raleigh, N. C, on Monday, the 20th: day of April, 1S74, at 10 o'clock, A. M., ; the 'stock, comprising groceries, liquors, wines, whiskies, brandies, syr- upsj bitters, canned oysters, lobsters, canned miitsjelIies,rnarmalado, sauces, captsupsJ mustard, pickles, bar and fandy soaps, perfumery, lamps, 1 oilice to issue immediate calls for County Conventions to elect delegates to to the District Convention. i Arrangements have beem made with the railroad companies to pass : delegates to and fro for one fare. Ileturn tickets should be bought in jlirst instance, as they will be ; marked good by the Agent at War renton. The credentials of delegates must be signed by the Chairman and Secretary of the Convention. J. C. L. HARRIS, Ch'm'n Cong. Dist. Com., Acting for Judicial Dist. son and property by the nation's strong arm. That dark day of persecution and blood has passed. We see the op ponents of Republicanism adopting its principles and rallying under its banners. But amid all the scenes of the present we cannot forget the past or cease to admire the heroism and devotion to principle exhibited by the Republicans of the South. who placed him in power, and ap point political opponents to places of honor or profit, not even if those opponents are of his own kindred. He that is not for Us is against Us. Republicans of North Carolina, you have nothing to gain by cring ing to your political enemies. Re cruit all you can from the enemy's ranks, but ba careful you do not whom it might find? Was-it in seeking new fields of conquest that the swart sons of Africa first landed upon the shores of America? sso. but by the greed, and tyran ny, and oppression which impelled the whites to snatch from his home across a thousand leagues of water, the weak and unresisting children of Ham, and consign them and their posterity to a slave's life. It was to carry out tne tneory ot a white man's government and absolute do minion over tne rest ot mankina, that the negro race became denizens of America. The progressive spirit of the age at length decreed that American slavery should cease. The Iijrgret Tiling: ct. Humor; wit, pathos, life, fun and laughter, ,""0 comic cuts. Tho people yearn for it. It will sell in dull times!! Show it to a man and he surrenders. It is suro every time. Don't -bother with heavy books that nobody wants. Humor is the thing that takes. Agents wantetl everywhere. Send for circulars and extra terms to TO-DAY Pub. Co., lhi adclphia, New Vuik, lloston, or Chi cago. il Iw The Highest Medical Author ities ol Europe say tho strongest Tonic, Purifier and Deobstruent known to tho medical world is J U K II B E 13 A. It arrests decay of vital forces, exhaus tion of tho nervous system, restores vigor to tho debilitated, cleanses vitia ted blood, removes vesielo obstructions it acts directly on tho Liver and Spleen. Price-?l a bottle. .lOXNQ. KLLLOUO, IS Piatt St., N. Y. 11 lw On our first page may be found an article from the pen of Plato Durham, concerning Gov. Kem- hands of a political party he thereby acknowledges himself a representa tive of that party, under an implied if not expressed promise to stand bv the principles and members of f - A - that party. When members of a party faith- Who lid It? r, justly entitled to the honors and been appointed Chief Clerk to the emoluments of the party, and when Superintendent of the U. S. Court- zealous workers are unceremoni- house and Postoftice that is to be ously thrust aside to make room erected in this city. Mr. Spelman for bitter political enemies, the Era, was editor and proprietor of that as the accredited organ of the one When a man accepts office at the take in spies instead of deserters. If Gen. Gntnt had appointed his officers 1mm Gen. Lee's army, the Union wuld Dot have been saved. If the Jlepublican party is to be successful, we must look alone to Republicans far its success. Its en emies do noi desire it to succeed. CORRESPONDENCE. per's veto, which we publish, with I notorious secession sheet, tho State I hundred thousand Republicans of It must not be understood that The Era endorses the sentiments of its correspond ents in every instance. Its columns are open to the friends or the party, and their communications will be given to the public as containing the views and sentiments of the writers. tion of the future political status of the emancipated race, the best in tellects of near forty millions of people were applied. The solution was reached by making them citi zens and giving them the ballot. Some considerations of expediency and a temporary balance to the ele ment hostile to the government were involved in the settlement ; but the best and wisest of those statesmen who were engaged in the subject, put the right of the negroes to participate in the government to which they owed allegiance, upon the ground that no portion of the community could be deprived of it without being at the mercy of those who did. The corollary of citizenship in a Republic is, to vote and to hold office. Although governments have been administered under the names of Republics in which a part of the citizens were debarred from a voice in public affairs, yet they were rpiIIS IS TO (JIVE XOTICE, That JL. on the 2Ud day of March, A. D. is4, a warrant in uanKruptcy was is sued out of the District Court of the United States for the Eastern District ot North' Carolina, against tho estate ol Joseph V. Kimbellof , in thocoun- Tn tho mip- ty of Nash, and State of North Caroli- cures all II n mors from the worst Serof. nla to a common Blotch or Pimple, Irom two to Blx bottles am wrrnnt7i tt implei as and twclro Lot Scrofulous na, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt on his own Petition : That the payment ot any debts, and the delivery ot any property belonging to such bankrupt, to him, or for his use, and the transfer of arty property, by him, are forbidden by law ; that a'meeting of the creditors or said bankrupt, to prove their debts, and to choose one or more assignees of his estate, will bo held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to bo holden at Raleigh, N. 0., before A. W. Shaffer, Register, on the :11th dav of April, A. D. 1784,! at 10 o'clock A M. ; ! R. M. DOUGLAN, feb ID 3t; Marshal as Messenger. BuInn & Williams, Attorneys. cure Slt Rbenm or Tetter. Ij on Face, Bonn, I2ryalpcl Liver Complaint. Six to twe tics, warranted to cure Srrn nv tiling anu sorca ana all Skin and niood Diseases. By its wonderful Pectoral properties it will cure the moM severe recent or lincerinr Cough In hall the time required br any other medicine and is perfectly snfc, loosening cough, ott! in? irritation, and rcMeTlnjr nrenoEi. Sold World' Dlttpciisnry liiulalo, X. X. T)AKHUITCV SALE.- .J J is hereby NOTICE IS HEREBY (JIVEX, jThat a Petition has been tiled in the District Court of the United States for the Eastern District of North Caro lina ; by Robert W. Best, of Wake county, in said District, duly declared a Bahkrupt under the Act of Congress of March 2d, 1867, for a discharge and certificate thereof from all his debts and other claims provable under said Act, and :that j the 4th day of April, 1874, at lOlo'clock, A. M., at the oilice of A. o the comments of the Asheville Pioneer. We commend to our Democratic friends Mr. Durhf vigorous thoughts, so forcibly ex pressed. Journal, published in this City du-1 North Carolina, will raise.its voice ring the war, which was conspicu ously malignant in its abuse of Union men, and endorsed and encouraged every persecution that was heaped upon them. After the war, for a while, he published an ultra Con federate Democratic .sheet in New Berne. Later still he was associate Col. Neill McKay paid us a visit this week on his return from Ra leigh which place ho has visited on behalf of snmpnf his Hinnta in fhf Federal Court. The Col. brings in- editor of the Daily Sentinel, of this rormatlon from Jion. lv. C. Badger, city, while that journal was en- j. o. iviau Auuruey, umi uuis Ol mnmr no- JCn KInv nutro. costs will be remitted against all parties who, under the guidance of bad men, and while excited by par ty leaders engaged in that misera ble Ku KIux demonstration, and who have submitted their cases to the magnanimity of the govern ment. The government U determined to protect its citizens, and when polit ical sinners see the errors of their way and become reconciled to live and let live, then will it be liberal even to them. Pay. Statesman. That is all true, BrotherS!taman. upon defenceless Republicans. Two years ago, during the gubernatorial cam paign, he published a Democratic Ku Klux campaign sheet entitled JBlasting Powder, which character ized President Grant as a " butcher," and the Republican party of the State and nation as an organization of 44 thieves and scoundrels." Even later still he was attached to the editorial staff of the Sentinel, and volunteered his assistance to Jo. Turner in abusinir. villifvincr and and the in thunder tones against it. Let thof-e who have ignored Re publicans and placed Democrats in office understand that they must look only to the Democratic party for future honors. The . man who apoints hiar personal frienda or his relations to office in disregard of his party friends, must understand that in future he has no just claim on those party .friends. As Republicans, let us honor those who honor us, and ignore those who ignore us. uioctiraiiy uuirarciivtj, ami ju uieiii Kaleiirh. x. C is assigned for the iiaur- - - , - - .. , i rn t - 7 en Correspondents will please con-1 ine crudest tyranny was practiced ing of the same, when and wi-cro all I A1 . 1 sider capacity when recommending aginLsFne unprotected classes. n.ncy m nrt -... But it is admitted by those who persons for office. Most recom- rt that hif mn QVO titled toad minister the government, that all citizens are by rierht in cluded in the privilege. This denies ine rigm; or ciiizensnip 10 ine oilier races. This is practically the case with the Chinese and Indians, the former by a proscriptive law, and the latter by their own choice. The negro, they say, is disqualified by his ignorance from performing these exulted duties which attach to a mendees are unknown to us; and while our columns are open to our friends, we do not desire to be im posed npon.VeiSTIude" to no par ticular case. T Alison County. To the Editor of the Era : Please give me snacein vour val liable paper to suggest to the voters creditors, who have proved their debts, and ther persons in interest, may at tend jand show cause, if any they have, why ! the prayer-of the said petitioner should not be granted. And that tho second and third meetings will be held at the bailie trmeand place. NeW-Berne. C. March 18th4 1874. 40 -2t; GKO. E. TJNKJSK. Clerk. Merrimon, Fuller ox Asiie, Att'ys. XfOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Xl !Tht a Petition has been tiled ii the District Court of the 'United States for the Eastern District of North Caro lina by Alexander Eatinan, of Nash counjty, in said District, duly declared a Bankrupt under tho Act of Congress or Mrch 2d, 180, for a discharge and certificate thereof from all his debts and other claims provable urader said Act. of Anson county the propriety of I citizen, and they submit under pro nominating a suitable person for the test to the law which lately made House of Representatives. Sandy him one. Little is now. and has been a true If those who are ienorant are to The Republican State Executive and tried Republican: one always be excluded from the possession of and that the 4th day ol April, i74, at ... - . . -W-. ... . I mr. .r-I n I . . 1 r A. I IL. I 11.1 XI A 1 ... , I 1 i ,S K T , 4l I , C 4 II.' uommittee meets intaieien on ine i rowy. huu wiiiinsr 10 worK ror me i iue uauut men me line win not v vw., . mu mce n a. r . . i . - - nu.jv.. i j ; . x 0K ,.r Aifil Thoir nrnnf f calonf I PYWVI III LflA Whnla Ijamihlion Hflrtir htlVP hMTI flfQWn xr rowo TV.,- Oliajier, XVeillSier 111 liaJlKrUPU'V. in the shroud in which its party is to I -tus namenas Deen suggested in this law ior many generations sequested be buried in August next. lialeiah connection, and his claims will be knowledge from the neero. But Daily News. brought before the next nominating many whites are also disqualified if x, .. OM m.,.a T. Ar , convenuonoiAnson. ine name 01 1 education is tne test. And when ou are mistaken, Rro. iVr. j0jrAa caraway, for the Senate, this iirnorance is the ohilrf nf nrp. XilC VAIUIIMtklVU UlbVW IIUIU U As he has never affiliated with Every American citizen may safely trust the United States government slandering Republicans In the hands of our Republican I party. President and Congress. .It pardons even the Ku Klux, but the Demo cratic party of North Carolina has refused to pardon Gov. Holden for trying to destroy the Ku KIux Klaus. That's tho difference be tween Republican magnanimity and Democratic proscription. autopsy on the dead body of De mocracy. But don't trouble your self about the shroud " we'll see to it that the Ku KIux gown on the body shan't be removed. As will be used in the District Con- judice then its possession is for more vention of Anson and Union. PEE DEE. the Republican party, or retracted the Democracy, wore that gown one word of abuse of Republicans, daring its last iHnes. it wouldn't blamabie, and is more deserving of .. . . . ...... w punisnment, man wnen it is the re salt of law. The colored; people have struggled for knowledge since their emancipation with as much zeal as did the white race which in habited the South before the war, and the question is asked, who is responsible for this appointment insult to and outrage upon the whole Republican party of the A man in Indian has had lots of fun out of a valentine, in which he was depicted as "mothers pet." This set him in . a raire : he srot I and are Riirplv flmnlrin if drunk, abased his mother, whipped It is scarcely worth while to go his. wife because he thought she into the subject of how much a por knew SOmethincr about It. was dis- Hon of thewimmnnitv "Nrr Anderson a Canadian . ha piacu iu me iuuj, armeu 01 tne Danot, suffers at the thO MCivaV I Was arrfiStwl. flnnH oKnnf 1Qanr1 on oo T.f5. :l vwAAnvcu wiiab J t tJU- be exactly fair to remove it now. recently purchased - the McKay plantation In Granville county.; sent to jail. dures, in letters of blood which Raleigh, N. C, is assigned for tlie'hear- lngor the same, when and where all creditors, who hve proved their debts, and qther persons in interest, may at tend and show cause, if any they have, why the prayer of the said petitioner should not be granted. An l that tho second and third meetings will be held at the same time and place. New-Berne, N. C, March 21st, 1S74. 40-2t GEO. E. TINKER, Clerk. GEp. W. Blount fc Bro., Attorneys. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Tie undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as Assignee of Elijah Albert Gupton, of . Lonisburg, of the county of Franklin and State of N. C, within the Eastern District of N. CM who hasr been adjudged a Bankrupt qpon hi own Petition by the District Court of i said District. Dated Raleigh, N. C, March 21, Hi. 39-3w TIIOS. IIAMPSON, Assignee. NOTIC i: iy civcuthaton Wod 15th day of April. 1871. at 10 o'clock. A. M., at the Courthoiiso door 'in Ha!ci"h N. C.. I will sf 11' at mihlff jmHinn tn the highest bidder for rash, tho n-vor- stouary interest in tho Jlornesti-acU of the following named bankrupts, to wit: r i. .janies i'. LJiotuut, ol Johnston countv, N . (..'. 2. TJioma.s JIanly, of Warn-ii . oni.t v. 3. Allison T. Uunn, of Wako coutitV. 4. Dandridge J. Hilliurd. of Warn'-n countv. l.aikin O. JJation, of ,Jolintou countv. (',. S. XV. Strickland, of Nash countv. 7. Anson ditcher, of (iranvillb ' n. .James U. Suit, y. itichard S. Baker, of Wake 10. John V . Perry, of 11. John Watkins. of Warren 12. D.init 1 Bissett. of Nash VI. Micajah Jlilliard, of Wure n " 14. Jj. R; Whitley, of Nash 15. Ilandj' Brantley, of " 10. Edwin S. Tisdale. of Johnston " 17. Hanson II. Biggs, of Nash " 18. James Coggin, of " ' I'J. Jiullin I.aiiiiMii of u 20. Wrn. S. Mann, of Wake " 21. Vurry W. Wyche.oT Granville '1. Joser.li rr. Miami of U'uL-i. o lii. James II. Bryan, of Johnston 21. Samuel I). Bras well, of Nah 2 i. Robert 1'. RickM. of Nash 2. Sion II. lingers, ol" Wako 27. R. W. Best, . 2v. James I. 1'ullon, f 44 2!J. Pliilip Thiem, of 44 3). Benjamin I'. Jenkins, Granville. The purchaser will ho required to pav the cost of Deed, and tho probate thereof THOMAS IIAMPSON, Assignee in Bankruptcy. Raleigh, Nl C, March 21, lb74. CAKOIjIXA IIOITSK-CORNER OP WILMINGTON AND HARGEPr Streets, Raleigh. N. C. Centre- of the City. J. B. BRYANT, proprietor. Raleigh, April 4, 1S74. 41lw LOST.-T WO SM A L L S I Z E D CI 1 1 1,. dren's finger rings. One of them has the namo of AN.Mi-,, engraved on the inside. The finder will be liberally rewarded by leaving them at this ofDco A SI M 7. mm a V April 4, 10 -t. o tf MATTlli:SS.JIAKirV(; AWti C A IS V. - S IJ A T I X t ; T 1 1 1 !S I.' branches being taught in the North rSir. blina Institution for the Deaf and Dumb and the Blind, wo aro Dreoared to fur nish Mattresses of tho very best makn and material, and at cheap rales. Also to cane-seat chairs, setteos, c., Ac, ' nuquiUN.-woaiso have on hand a arge lot of excellent Brooms, whh-h Will be sold cheap. Address Institution for the Deaf anil Dumb and Blind, Raleiarh. N. C. luueigu, March 2G, 1874. 3 3m r

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