f i WKKKLY Eli A. WICKK'LY KRA itATt: uy AjivjarnaiKiii ottffjteirr, ft tim, . 1 on Ihu tlm, M three firm, a oil t'ontriM-t lTi'rti4racxta taken at r W. St. 1UHIWX, Manager. L o. il.i M MtantUnl Build- . ! un- Nouth if iho C'eurt II. . t ajrcUcvU'.e Strict. ItATKS OF SUBSCRIPTION: Vuki.v On year, - - - 00 Six months, - - 1 e0 Tlirr months, 50 Tki-Wkhki.t Oncvcnr, - - 4 00 Six months. - 2 00 Throe months, 1 00 Ono month, - 50 INVARIABLY IX ADVASCK.t'': prvjHjruuuau-iy low rale. 2i3Jon Work executed atahnrt nn. tlco and in a ntylo utiMumaasfti Y,w VOL.. III. RALEIGH, N. C, THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 1874. NO. 43. similar establishment In the Stata. So cial attention paid to tho printing of plan ks or every description. s 5 OFFICIAL .wis of Tiir. i :wn:i i-, TASSKI) at THE Kilts r M'.s- SION OF THK FOKTY-TIIIKU 'ON GUESS. iGENEJiAL XATUIIE-NO. 16.J ihn ant pntltled " "'An acl Vo cneo1iWgGTTICrowtn of timber on western prairies." Be it enacted by the Senate and 1 lotion rT I?nrirpuntntirn4 fll tn United States or America, in Con cress assembled. That the net enti tled "An act to encouraire tho growth of timber on western prai rie," approved March third, eigh teen hundred and seventy-three, be, and the same is hereby, amended !.as to read as follows: That any person who U tha head of tifamily or who has arrived at the ape of twen-tv-one vears, and is a citizen of tho Inited States, or who shall have Mod his declaration of intention to Urome such, as required by the naturalization laws of the United States, who shall plant, protect, and keep in a healthy, growing condi tion for eight years, forty acres of timber, the trees thereon not being tun re than twelve feet apart each way, on any quarter section of any of the public lands of the United States, or twenty acres on any legal subdivision of eighty acres, or ten acres on any legal subdivision of forty acres, or one fourth part of .-.:iy fractional .-ubdivision of land lens than forty acre, shall be enti tled to a patent for the whole of said quarter section, orofsuch legal Miildivisiii of eighty or forty acres, or fractional subdivision of less than forty acre?, as the case may be, at the expiration of said eight years, on making proof of sueli fact by not ! thun two credible witnesses: ProTided, That not more than one quarter ot any M-ction shall be thus granted, and that no person shall make more than one entry under II provisions of this act, unle-s rnnal mimii visions oi T les than had under cultivation, for two years, one acre of timber, the trees thereon not being more than twelve feet apart each way, and in a good thrifty condition, for each and every sixteen acres of said homestead, shall, upon due proof of such fact by two credible witnesses receive his or her patent for said homestead. seal of the United States to be af fixed. Done at the city of Wash ington this thirteenth day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight Seal. hundred and seventy-four, and of the Independence of the United States of Amer- Republlcan Sentiment. The Ashevillo Pioneer, the organ of the Western Republicans of North Carolina, copies the editorial of the Era headed "Put none but Republicans on guard," and com ments as follows-! -v -vif r which, in exceed oin- II.K f 1 1 y a'-i-s ar- entered lb- a'rre 'at , shall not quarter .-eel ion. Ski-. 2. That the person applying ft r the ienclit of thisact. shall, upon q iieatiou of the register of the land district in which he or she is about to ma.;e snch entry, make allidavit tefwi- the register, or the ie- -iver, or . o:iie officer authorized to admini-ter oaths in the district where the land is situated, who is i quired by iaw to use an official seal, that said enlry is made for the cultivation of timber,and upon filing said affidavit with said register and said re elver, and on payment of ten dollars, he or site shall there uiKjn bo normitttft-K" ro enter the quantity of land specified; and the party making an entry of a quarter section under the provisions of this net shall be required to break ten iktcs of the land covered thereby the first vear, ten acres tho second year, and twenty acres the third rear after date of entry, ami to plant ten acrr of timber the second year, ten acres the third year, and twenty acres the fourth year after date of entry. A party making an entry of ciirhtv acres shall break and plant at the times hereinbefore prescribed, one half or the quantity required of. a p.rty who enters a quarter section, and a party enter in;: forty acres shall break and plant, at the times hereinbefore prescribed, one quarter of the quantity required of a party who enters a quarter section, or a proportionate quantity for any smaller fractional subdi vision : Provided, however. That no tinal certificate shall be given or patent issued for tho land so entered until the expiration of eight years from the date of such entry ;ajid, if at the expiration of such time, or at any time within live years there : f-.er, the person making such en try, or if he or she be 'dead, his or inr heirs or legal representatives shall pro e, by two credible wit . , that lie or she, ur they have j.;a:ied, and, fu. not le.sthan eight years, have cultivated and protected .- a ': tiuantitv an-.l character of tim- der the provisions of this act shall in any event become liable to the satisfaction of any debt or debts con tracted prior to the issuing of cer tificate therefor. Sec. 6. That the Commissioner of the General Land Office is hereby required to prepare and issue such rules and regulations, consistent with this act. as shall be necessary ana proper to carry its provisions Into effect: and that the registers and tho receivers of the several land offices shall each be entitled to re ceive two dol'ars at the time of entry, and tho same sum when the claim is finally established and the hnal certificate issued. Sec. 7. That the fifth section of the act entitled "An act in addition to an act to punish crimes against the United States, and for other purposes," approved March third. eighteen hundred and fifty seven, shall extend to all oaths, affirma tions, and affidavits required or au thorized by this act. Sec. 8. That parties who have already made entries under the act approved March third, eighteen hundred and seventy-three, of which this is amendatory, shall be per mitted to complete the same upon full compliance with the provisions of this act. Approved, March 13, 1874. CONVENTION UETWEEN THE UNITED STATES OF AMER ICA AND THE HE PUB- ' LIC OE SALVADOR. rave and stamp and swear they will stand by the principles of the " Democratic party, " who could not find one of those principles if he were furnished with a search warrant. .Wefye, all seen it before, and U.S. GRANT. By the President : J. C. Bancroft Davis, Acting Secretary of State, WEEKLY ERA. THURSDAY, APRIL 23. 1874. The Republican party . .was tho first party In the-eta to to ' allow- s homestead exempt from-cxecution for debt. ' ' ' way " Solomons n are ' made 6Fa least It's the way they are elected. temporary on the back " ana shouC hurrah! This is exactly : tho posi tion we have occupied when the Era was slravinff off on 'its - wide blat- form of "liberality," If we intend to maintain a party organization, we must sustain its friends, and when in the power of .the party, : elevate them to such positions as thev merit PUU UOfc pUSil lUeUJ IU glVf 4!MCi I 2 i;l room w repruuaieu imocrara. wnn j r: . axo rcSidy to sell out? soul na boxfTt , The Republican party was the first party in the State to give the people of North Carolina the op portunity to elect all. their officers Half Fare. The different rail roads pass representatives to' the pretend meeting of the Grand Lodge of I. O. O. F., to be held at Greensboro, both ways for one fare. to get , an - office. If .the Era had been tvith us all the time ; in con demning eucn outrages upon de cency, and justice as the 'elevation of a certain class of Democrats who to be itepubircans, we The Republican party is entitled to the honor of prohibiting the sale or giving away of spirituous liquors on election day in this State. wo ma be in a much better condition as a party than we now are. The Era has no question of pre cedence to discuss with its brother Republicans. The party As a unit on the question of giving Republi can patronage to Republican workers. Where's the million and a half of dollars the United States govern ment sent to this State in 1836 and which formed our old common school fund ? It went to help Jeff Davis destroy the Union, but no Democrat complains that that large sum was lost to the school fund. When a man is elevated to a government position by a political party, he receives in trust all the Extending the period for exchanging patronage of the office for the use of his party friends, and he who gives places of profit to political op ponents betrays his trust and de- serves the censure oi tnose wno elected him. the Ratifications of the Treaty of December (, 1870. Concluded May 12, 1873. Ratification advised by Senate March 2, 1874. Ratified by President March 10, 1S74. Ratified by President of Salvador October 28, 1873. Ratifications exchanged at Wash ington March 11, 1874. Proclaimed March 13, 1874. Bissett's residence, on Second and A "Warniiier, The following extract from the Chicago Tribune, one of the leading independentjonrnals of the country, speaks for a large class in' the coun try: Very likely the results of the elec tions in Connecticut and New Hampshire will inspire the De mocracy with the idea that they can carry the country with their old organization. This will be a mistake. The, Republican party has grown so rotten that the people for the moment turn to anything else as an escape from it. But such a feeling is not to be relied on in a Presidential campaign. The Wilmington Star, one of the Democratic organs for the Cape Fear section, copies the above and com- ments as follows : , ;'- i i Sts., caught fire.yesterday l !. r a- aforesaid, . atent for u eh ion of they shall receive quarter section or or forty By the President of the Un ited States of A mer ica : A PROCLAMATION. Whereas a convention .bTHin the United Statesof AT1 lVrpubllo of VacfolV.. ting for an extension of the pen for exchanging the ratification of the general treaty of amity, com merce, and consular privleges be tween the two countries, signed on the JIth day of December, 1870, was concluded and signed by their re spective Plenipotentiaries at San Salvador, on the twelfth day of May last, the original of which con vention, being in the English and Spanish languages, is word for word as follows: Tho United States of America and'the Republic of Salvador, de siring to extend the time fixed for the exchange of ' the ratifications of the treaty between the United States and that Republic of amity, commerce, and consular privileges, signed at Sau Salvador on the sixth day of December, A. D. 1870, have resolved to conclude a convention for that purpose, and have invested with full powers, the President of the United States, Thomas Biddle, Minister Resident of the United States to Salvador, the President of the Republic of Salvador, Senor Doctor Don Dano " Gonzalez, the Minister of the Interior and Pub lie instruction, who, after recipro cal communication of their said full powers, found in good and due form, have agreed upon the follow ing articles, to wit: Article I, The time fixed for the exchange of the ratifications of the aforesaid treaty bet wee i the United States Mr. J. Hanover, Third a . 1! 3 !?ftn tions Democracy has. won some vic- - tones instates which suffered these The Era is glad to learn that Mr. triumphs to be - overclouded at the Bissett's residence was "extinguish- very next presidential election. ed" without damage, ious to know what became but is anx- of tho i : : i subdivision ot eight n j.i.iotii wsuwH uitj--, 3 aillityt commerce, and consular ,. ; m provided. Atm! in cne it privileges, tigned at San Salvador leath of a person who has com- on tlw day of December, A.D. I With the provisions ot this act thoninil i-i.'ht. hiinrlr.wl nn,1 Woods, of Chapel Hill, U. S. Spe cial Commissioner, will be iu Ra leigh on the 1st day of May for the purpose of taking depositions of persons having claims against the government for property destroyed by the Federal army during the war. The more sensible course would be to avoid in future the ignei ifatui that have proven so fatal in the past. . , . . . ;v l i . Poor oldDemocracy, it is. mighty hard !br ybu to ukr yew without being called a tern in Latin by one of your follow ers. The Treasurer of Iowa has proven a defaulter, and as heisaRe publican he will probably be sent to the Penitentiary. If he were a " Social Equality." 1 As we are to have a canvass and election in North Carolina this year for various State and- county offi cers, Republicans may reasonably expect that terrible Democratic " so cial equality" bear to be turned loose again. Democratic and Conserva tive orators will lash themselves Thinfc abquTltJ It is important to the citizens of ' : . i . .. . nr i 1, evexy,couniy mai irs omcera snail pe good and true men and that we shall not in Oar zeal for good J udges, Congressmen, &c.t forget that our home affairs be looked after. We shall have to elect county officers this summer, who for two and four years! will exercise over us duties 1 L 9 il ana powers, wmcn, ii iney are per formed by ignorant or corrupt men, will greatly damage our prosperity as a county. Every one knows the 1 - AL!. A.I XI importance oi tins suitrtwuon: wieu are we thinking about it ? How are we goinsr to proceed in the matter of i iTt d. i : ,1 i. .1 1 oriugujgout our cuuuiua.ies unu wno these Icarididates are to be. We think i that the candidates should be nominated 1 by a fair and regular convention of the people, either by delegates from the different town ships in the county, or by a mass meeting: of the whole county. If we could have our choice we would say a mass meeting like we have seen in days past, when the old flag was brought out, and we would sing, 44 Rally round the flag, boys." In those ; days each vied with the other ; in .selecting as they thought the best men for each place, why, because it was the tenets of our faith, i Could we get upsuch a meet ing again ? are wo not now as then interested in the welfare of the county ? are we sleeping on our oars, satisfied that there are no breakers ahead ? Many of us, no doubt, are doing so. Let us wake up! We need good and true men ; we need men who can help us, provided we get into trouble : we may expect no quarters from those who have caused many of us to leave our homes on account of our principles, if they should, get into power ; but, says one,; I will not vote for one of those men who caused that trouble, and that the opposite party will not dare to put such an one on the track for any county omce. , uertaimy not ; they, will bring forward men wno VerhWs did noteaxitisv'sbu navewotf romci!J.w yrsusnj for these men ? Howtney ccurcealed them, denied the existence of the organization. How they were ready to go to court for them as bail, or as witnesses to prove their good char acter, &c., &c. Can we forget these things? We forgive them, but will we put them in positions to cut oiir throats ? Then think, work; let us have good men of our party put out for every othce. men who wTill do their duty and men that we can all work for. We can only succeed by doing right: then let each township go to work, hold your meeting and North) Carolina A Prediction. The tide is turning. Before an other year a much larger stream of immigration will pour into North Carolina. Our reasons for making these predictions are these : 1st. The climate is superior to that of any other State; mild win ters1 and long cool summers. Out every day in the year. Catt e and sheep can be carried through the entire year with little feed. 2d. Productions: the soil produces to perfection every grain, grass, fruit and vegetable peculiar to the Northwestern States : in addition, nearly all the valuable crops of the semi tropics succeed well, with almost; absolute freedom from drought 'or ' failure because of the great number of wateis courses in the- State precipitating .moisture during! the hot season. 3d. The lands are the lowest' in the Union at this time. Western Attacked by Vampires. What an awful item this is for tho worshippers of mere Nature. It is meant to excite the self-protective industry of Man 4,He who looks upward" to the destruction of tho horrible creatures ? or to incite him o the disgust of mere materialism, . he thtmrCTtlexfommon pprig? i I in Surinam, he woke about four " o'clock one morning, and was con- 8iderably alarmed by finding him . self weltering in congealed blood, r . and was unable to account for this, as he Xelt no pain ' whatever. This niystery," says he, 44 was that I had been bitten by a vampire, or spec tre of Guana, which is, also-called . the flying dog- of New Spain This is no other than a. bat of monstrous; size, ipatucKs me oiood xrom men and cattle when they are fast asleep, even, sometimes, till they die; and as the. manner In which they pro-. SWkArl k 4 .... 1 ... I - I -T Tit lands, Surrounded by thesameap- dor to pliances of civilization, are.selling Kowihk' ?J instmtt 'tnffffifl-- - -for three times as much per aero as !0tt?LzZlF ' , - I CM-flA L1UIL LI II. V 1 infill 1 111 HI IJ I'K IV I II a sound slumber, they generally " " alight near-the feet, where, while 4 the creature continues fanning with ' " his enormous wings, which keeps , , one cool, he bites a" piece out of tho great jtoe, so very small indeed that i the head of a pin could ecarceJy. . bo be placed to his profit, as his stock thrown t.hiJ oriflA i,Anffn,, S iULf1 such the blood until he is obliged to to carry them throusrh the winter, f ,i;c. tt i i. FL i ailU . I iLnn 4.(M.. I. - i j; 4. Until recently the outside world D"lt'""t: nnh?h h wasfade knowatopass from time to eter- blood! Hows spontaneously. , Hav ing applied tobacco .ashea, as the best remedy, and, washtd the 'goro from i myself and 1mm, mock, I ob served several heaps of; congealed blood'all around, tho place where, I had lain, upon the groanxL on ex amining which the, surgeou judged the same aualitv of land here. A farmer! there can only work out doors about two hundred days in the year, and one hundred of this is devoted to making food for his. stock to eat while thev are idle in the stable. Here a farmer can do out door- labor three hundred and 1 less indifference about these ters is past. Active steps are beine taken to let the industrious and in telligent class in the North and in Europe who desire to emigrate know all about the facilities and advantages spread forth in this country by a beneficent Providence or any and an wno come and prop erly utilize them. North Carolin ian. , ; - that I had lost about four of blood." How Alexander H. Stephens ' . Started in Life. When Stephens was a boy. two sisters,E old maids, attracted by his brightness, adopted, educated, and destined him for the church. Buta een ounces Pleuro-Piicumoiiila. John Crane. New Jersey, said Democrat, and lived in Virginia, he might be sent to a lunatic asylum. I int0 lury over tneawiui consequen- decide wnetner we snail nave a mass That's the way they keep their, ces which will follow the success of party respectable, but if they keep the Kepuoiican party, anu win again the thing up it's going to be mighty charge that party with being In fa expensive building asylums. vor of 44 negro social equality." IN ow every Dooy kuo ws wiat inert? is no such thing in the world as so cial equality. Tjiere is no political party in this or any other country meeting to nominate, or whether wTe shall have a convention of two, five or ten delegates from each township. Think about it. Star and Record. Boss Tweed complains heavi ly of the great difference between Republican justice and Democratic iustice. He stole his millions for Organize. The time has about arrived when the Republican party should begin to organize for the coming campaign. Tne movement should let the Republicans put him in the New York Penitentiary, while Jo. Mayo, the Democratic Treasurer of Virginia, took only three or four thousand for himself and was sent to a lunatic asylum. . I - I " :ne penoo oi turee years, ins hi its or legal representatives shall h:.ve the option to comply with the provisions of this iwt, and receive, at the expiration of eight years, a pa"--nt f.r one hundred and M.xty ;;-.-re-. r revive without delay a I it; :it tor forty acres, relinquishing .i.i v i.iim to the remainder. i:r. That if at any time after ; he ilM.i: t f aid atlidavit, and prior ! ti e K-ii:n-r of tl.i patent for said ' i :. v'.aitnant shall abandon de a!.i. r i ; -. i 1 to do the breaking : i:d piaiitin itiuiivd by this act, r any p:.it ih -leof, oV .-hail fail to -.i;i:vaie. prottet, aial keep in go.d . ni.tlaion stic! tiinf-er, then, and in that event, siirh land shall be sub ject to entry under the homestead laws, ur by ou:e other person un der the provisions of this act: Pro- vided. That the party making claim to said huuh either as a homestead settler or tinder this act, shall give, at the time of tiling his application, .such notice to the original claimant is shall be prescribed by the rules established by the Commissioner of the General lind Office, and the rights of the parties shall be deter mined as in other contested cases. Sec. 1. That each and every person who, under the provisions of the act untitled 44 An act to secure home steads to actual sealers on the pub lic domain," approved May twen tieth, eighteen hundred and sixty two, or any amendment thereto, having a homestead on said public domain, who, at any time after the end of tho third year of his or her residence thereon shall, in addition to the settlement and improve ments now required by law, have seventy, (1S70,) is hereby extended toa period not exceeding twelve (112) months from the date of this con vention, or sooner if possible. Akticlk II. The present convention to receive the ratification of the President of the United States, by and with the advice and consent "of the Senate thereof, and by the President of the Republic of Salvador, with the approval of the Congress of the same, and the ratifications to be exchanged within convenient time to facilitate the aforesaid extension. In witness whereof the respect ive plenipotentiaries have signed the present convention in dupli cate, and have thereunto nffixpfl their seals. Done at San Salvador the 12th day of May, A. 1). one thousand eight hundred and EOventy-three, and of the Independence of tho United States the ninety-seventh. THOS. BIDDLE. seal.1 D. GONZALEZ. seal. And whereas the said convention has been duly ratified on both parts, and the respective ratifications were exchanged in this city on tho eleventh instant : Now, therefore, be it known that I, Ulysses S. Gkaxt, President of the United States of America, have caused the said convention to be made public, to the end that the same, and every clause and article thereof, may be observed and ful filled with good faith by the United States and the citizens thereof. In witness whereof, I have here unto set my hand and caused tho the Democratic party and his party law to require Mr. A to visit and remain on intimate irienuiy re lations with Mr. B, even if A and B Vere near neighbors and the best of friends. Men who appeal to the prejudice of race by prating about 14 negro .social equality" seem to forget that this is a free country, and that every man is left entirely and that no law co'uIdk be'4passed which could possibly force persons to visit, or associate in any way with those who were not entirely agreeable to such persons. silly enough to attempt to make a j begin in townships which should assemble and prepare for the Coun ty Conventions. There ought not to-be a township in the State which 3VC-reprQdutfP!Qthe utr: should be unprepared two weeks hence. The Executive Committees of the counties -should see to it that there is a: delegation from each county for the various conventions which will in a short while assemble. The opposition is already mov- JOruiOU Otur tut tu ucie ucaiiiig uuuu the subject of nominating capable men for county offices. We would remind Republicans, that the po sition of County Commissioner is one of great importance. See to it that the nominees for your county legislative body possess firmness, honesty, a knowledge of finances, and that they place the public good above individual interest. Masonic C e l e n r a ti ox. Th e masonic fraternity are making ar rangements to celebrate in an ap propriate manner in this city, tho approaching 2-lth day of June, St. John's day. It is expected that Ex-Governor Vance will deliver his lecture, entitled 44 The Scattered Nation, " and that the proceeds arising from the sale of tickets will be appropriated to the Oxford Orphan Asylum. A grand dinner will also be given on the occasion. Our Confederate soldiers had not even had time to cut the brass but tons off their uniforms at the close of the war before certain North Carolinians rushed on to Washing ton City to claim the lands appro priated by the United States gov ernment during the tear for the es tablishment of an Agricultural Col lege in this State. The land scrip was obtained, and the land was sold. What became of the money ? Have we any Agricultural College in the Stato? eieTbTius'njbr in the American Farmers' Club, that this disease is and lias been prevailing to an alarming. extent fe w months of theological training throughout the State, bringing dis- convinced the young student that aster and failure to butchers and the profession had no attraction for dairymen particularly. The Leg-' , him, and he announced to his bene- islature should take the matter in : factors his intention of exchanging hand. A compensation (law should the pulpit for the bar. Shortly af- be paased. The fkimers do not ter he was admitted to his new pro- want to be paid for stok that die, . faaatm-j . q laii'am'f ortea miTnliTi'nra hnf fin r?fir an anhmnridMnn ''. s the estate of the younger sister, the which will enable them to .kill the . other having in the meanwhile died, cattle which have taken the con ta He afcked'her to let him manage gion, iand so prevent jits further the c4se.jfQrher, btvavfcTOtof spreading. He suggested a com his i nexnerience' X. JTcr mlttce whose business" "It" should be for some Older lawSiasrone to value and slaughter JXhe' Stock' wrote to her whom' she approved, when first afl&cted. .This,. witb an: a and having asked the advice of her appropriation relieving the , farmer , . friends she confided the matter to of one-half his loss, would soon end him. The contest was warm, the terrible trouble. A member vexatious and long; but she came thought, if theJoss of cjattle came out so triumphantly of what had from an epidemic, the farmers' de-. been regarded as a hopeless snarl, sire for assistance a reasonable one, tnat sue douuied ner counsel's mod- ueiieveu careiess ieeumg siock est fee. The intercourse between had often much to do with produc- the two had been by letter exclu- mg sickness. Brewers' grains, for sively, she living in the country, he instance, contain a poison from tho in a distant city, so that the trick beer which is exceedingly injurious, which you have already guessed aQd which renders it unfit for food. Stephens had played on her was, Another member not only agreed t under the circumstances, auite with the above, but creditable. Out of his fee he reoaid grain, given in large what she had spent on his educa- productive of anything rather than tion, and his success in so delicate a good flesh and milk ; a very little niece of business was a fine bej?inn- rye with plenty of good straw, be j m , HM 11 A 1 mgiorayoung lawyer. savannah "'s tne proper ioou in Advertiser. tion. bought all (quantities, bis estima- Home and Mother. A wan derer far away in foreign lands will often think of the home of his childhood, and in the stillness of the night, as he dreams of home, there will fall unconsciously from his lips the sweetest and dearest word in the English language, the word-44 Mother ;" and when coupled with 44 Home" there is nothing so tender and divine, which makes itl almost inexpressible. What other name than Mother, can bring to weary hearts or hearts bowed down, a balm so sacred, so like di- A An Owl Flying Away with Steel Trap and Chain. James Warner has bken doing a considerable amount of trapping for the last few months. While settinghlstrappingsome'timeagohe concluded he would baitffor a largo bird which he bellevel had been fHf.forhisiurpose. Inseveral-l-vineaO earthly frWotU-tliera bothering his chicken accordingly did so, and ing after, on visiting found one of them other morning Mrs. lives ten miles away Warner's, hearing a roost. He the morn his traps, gone. Tho Rogers, who from M r. disturbance islfoueifcit 4uwier. f. 1111 ILI li-'l . trict conventions have been held j smile; is always welcome, and to soine, mat memory can recau is What We'll Hear. In the campaign about to open we may expect to hear all about the State debt. Men ' who have shown themselves incapable of run ning a two-horse farm profitably will tell the people exactly how the State debt was incurred and exactly how it can be paid. Men who can't tell in three guesses how many counties there are in the State will tell how much ignorance has been shown by our law-ma kers in the past. Men will denounce members of the Republican party as ''Radi cals," who can't tell what the term signifies if they were on oath. Men will dwell patneticaijyon the purchase of 44 cork-screws " and 44 ostrich feathers " by State officers without ever knowing or telling how much the Legislative Depart ment of the State government costs during the past year. Men will promise to favor a re duction of taxes, who won't be able and delegates appointed. They have set an example in this respect which it behooves us to soeedilv IOIIOW. In those counties which are hope lessly democratic there should be a consultation in our party, wrhich will look to the bringing out of our entire effective strength, and to taking advantage of any dissensions among our opponents. Because in those very counties there has here tofore been a deficit in our real strength, and care should be taken that those votes which may be lost in the county should count in the elections which we have a reason able hope to carry. IVil. Post. Sexator Sumner's Axcestry. The Society of the Cincinnati of tne Commonwealth of Massachu setts, of which Charles Sumner was a member, furnishes the following information relative to his ances try : Charles Sumner was the eldest son of Charles Pinckney Sumner, and was born in Boston on January 6, 1811. His father, Charles P. Sumner, was born in Milton, Mass., January 20, 1776, graduated at Harvard in 1796, was high sheriff of Suffolk county from 1825 to 1839, and died at Boston April 21, 1839. The grandfather of the late Senator was Job Sumner, who was born in Milton, Mass., April 23, 1754, and graduated at Harvard in 1778. In 1775 he joined the army, and was a lieutenant in Bond's regiment at to tell how much tax is now levied the siege of Boston, tie was com on the hundred dollars valuation of missioned captain in Greaton's3d land, and who are as ignorant of Fmnt January 1, 1777, and ma , "1U - & jorinl783. After the close of the the revenue law as they are of the Jwar hewag appointed commissioner Hebrew language. to settle accounts of the United Men .will froth and foam, and States with Georgia. her gentle loving smile. How lone ly and how sad is the life of a young child who is left motherless. A child will go to her in perfect con fidence and faith, and who is there that can guide and direct in the right paths, better than a mother ? How often we hear one say, 44 oh ! if I only had a mother and a home ; or if I could call her back again I'd love her better than before." How little we appreciate a mother's real worth, and we do not miss her gentle voice and good counsel until it is too late. ens,- arose. quickly, ana. taking ,a ., light went to see. what was the" matter. She succeeded In catching the object, and to her prise found it was a huge owl. great sur- Atr Mr. War- Visit from the State Auditor. The many Iriends of Maj. John Reilly, State Auditor, have been fa vored with his presence in layette ville for the past few days. Maj. Reilly enjoys the reputation not only of being one of the cleverest of gentlemen, but ot tilling every po sition of trust to which he has been called by the people in an eminently satisfactory manner. His enemies have 44 investigated " him and 44 sifted" him, and have been com pelled to withdraw every whisper of reproach that has vainly endeavored to spot him. Quiet and reserved, he . 1 A" 1 1 A 1 . has never passeu ior nis real worm, but his friends, who are not confined to hisi own political party, who do know! him, regard Maj. Reilly as an honest, upright and faithful public servant, against whom the shafts of slander and malice will ever avail nothing. The Republican party in this section are proud of their rep resentative at the Capital of the State,; and his political enemies here regard him with the highest degree of respect and confidence. Fayette ville Statesman tacneu to tne owl was ner's trap and about tein inches of chain. Two teeth were broken out of the steel trap, and just where the teeth were" broken out, the jaws of the trap had firmly held the leg of the bird, cutting all ajround quite to the bone, but withoutjinjuring it. The leg, however, was by this timo recovered and well, the wound having ample time to heal during the two months that had passed since the owl had first flown away with the trap. Bath County Kg.) Neics. i Schuyler Colfax appears in an Indiana paper in a letter declin ing the nomination for Congress tendered to him in his district. He says that the truest happiness in life is in being out of office and master of one's own.) timo and movements, and that no possible inducements that he can imagine could tempt him to desire a return to Congressional life, with what are so well known to bo 44 its cares and toils, its injustice and falsifications. its envyings and all uncharitable ness." " The first national reunion of An- dersonvillo prisoners took place In Worcester, Mass., on Thursday last. Thirty-one surviving prisoners were present, representing nine utatea and eighteen regiments! An organ ization was effected under the namo of the "National Union of Ander- sonville Survivors," with articles of compact and agreement, and of ficers chosen to servo for ono year,