WEEKLY ERA. THURSDAY, APRIL 30, 1874. City Republican Ticket. Flection, Monday, May 4, 1874. FOR MAYOR : -.JOSEPH 'W. II OLD EN. FOB O0MitI8I0NK3 : KasUm Ward II knbtM. Miller, Stewart Kixisojr, Cha. N. HuiyKiu Middle Ward Henry T. Clawson, James Bakkr, WVuferit iranf Joint C. Gorman, Jons R. O'Xeil, " James II. Jones. LOCAL AND STATE. Wiiko County Republican Con vention. A Convention. of tho Republicans of Wake County will be bold at the Court house, In Raleigh, on Friday, the 15tu day of May, 1ST 4, for tlie purpose of placing In nomination candi tint for tbe I?ilatu r e, and suso to uouiiuate ounty officers and delegate to tbe Congressional District Convention, and for such other buiincM an may be brought before L Each Township will Iks entitled to throe delegates and throo alternates and the ward of tbe city of Raleigh will be entitled to tb aaitip representation as Townships. It U Important that t?iere should be a full representation fruni rach Township. By order of the Executive Coin.: T. F. LEE.aw'K. IiiroKTAXT Notice. We are re quested to announce that His Honor Judge To ureo will be in Raleigh on Wednesday, May Cth, for the purpose of eettiing cases on ap peal from Special Term, 1874, of Wake Superior Court. Judge Tour gee was prevented from hearing such matters at the time heretofore :ipiointed, on account of other en gagements. New Yoi:k South. The last Mimbcr of this excellent paper is iU voted exclusively to North Car olina affairs. It contains cuts of our State Capitol, the U. S. Branch Mint at Charlotte, and the Atlan tic Hotel at Beaufort, and discus ses the resources of the State in the most favorable manner. It should l.e carefully read by our people. Reconsidered. At a meeting of the Hoard of City Commissioners held on the 2-"th Inst., the action of the Board allowing the construction of a railway from the Raleigh t ; as ton road to the new Govern ment Postollice Building was re considered, and the question indefi nitely postponed. The citizens along the line of the proposed road pe titioned against it. Acknowledgment. We are under many obligations to Col. T. M. Holt, President of the Stato Agricultural Society, for an iivi tation to a dinner to be given to t lie members of the Press Associa tion' on the occasion of the visit to Haw River in May; also to Messrs. Holt & Moore for an invitation to visit the Granite Mills, in Ala mance county, of which they are proprietors. Delegates. At a meeting of tho Republicans of Wake county, held in the Court House on Satur day, the 2-jlh inst., the following gentlemen were appointed regular delegates to the Judicial Convention which meets in Warrenton on the Gth of May, viz.: T. F. Lee, ror llect Jeffreys, II. C. Jones and Wm. Jinks. A number of others were added to tho list and requested to attend. Arrangements have been made by which persons will be car ried to and from Warrenton for one fare. Rf.purlican City Convention. A large and enthusiastic conven tion of the Republicans of the city of Italeigh assembled in Metropol- i tan Hall on Monday night, the L'oth inst., for the purpose of nom inating a gentleman as caudidate for the mayoralty of the city. The iiKM tiug was organized by the ap lointmcnt of Hon. Jas. II. Harris, as Chairman, and Francis M. Sor rell, Esq., as Secretary. The ballot resulted as follows: Holden, 292; Whitaker, 272; Shaf fer, 2 ; Lock hart, 5. On motion of Mayor Whitaker, the nomination of Hon. Jas. W. Holden. as the Re publican candidate for mayor of Raleigh was then made unanimous, Mr. Holden accepting in a few neat and appropriate remarks. Press Meeting. At a meeting of the representatives of the city press, held at the office of the Daily Xeics on Friday evening, the 24th inst., the following gentlemen were appointed as a committee to pro vide for the entertainment of the members of the State press who are expected to meet in this city on 12th of May : Messrs. R. T. Fulghum, of the Slate Agricultural Journal; John Bragg, Daily Sentinel; E. C. WTood son," Daily Xcxcs; John -8. Hamp ton, Daily Crescent; M. V'B. Gil bert, Fra; R. II. Whitaker, Friend of Temperance; N. B. Broughton, Biblical Recorder; T. B. Kingsbury, Christian Advocate; and 8. J. Fall, Spirit of the Age. On motion, Cap tain R. T. Fulghum was made Chairman of the Committee. A Card from Mayor WliitnJccr. 7b my Republican Friends :. : Fellow-Citizens Allow, roe to counsel, harmony and union in the coming city election. The Con vention to nominate a candidate for Mayor was the largest ever4 hs semblea In this city for any -pur-Pm. There were not b- hnu twelve huudred persons prenetit, ui.d nearly six hundred hniloU cast. Of this number, Mr. Holden received 292, and I received 272 giving Mr. Holden a majority of 20; therefore he is the choice of the party, and wo owe him our united .support. I am pledged to the action of the Convention, and lo my many friends, who have approached me, urging me to become an indepen dent candidate, I am compelled to say, under no circumstances can I consent to such an arrangement; on the contrary, after hearing the pledge of Mr. Holden, it is now our duty to give him such a vote as wul strengthen his hands and make him steadfast In his good resolves. I am proud to know that no one charges me with dereliction of duty as Mayor. I am proud to know that I am strong in the confidence and affection of my party, and my many friends who differ with me politically. My future life, I trust, will merit a continuance of this re spect. I am your ob't serv't, W. WIIITAKER. Raleigh, April 23, 1874. Good Templars. The Right Worthy Grand Lodge of the World of the Independent Order of Good Templars, meets In the City of Bos ton, on the 2Gth of May. STATE. W. F. Anderson, formerly of Wil mington, died in New York recently. Wilmington is to have a now brick postofflee. " The Charlotte Observer is now a twenty-eight column paper. The peach crop is promising in the New-Berne section. The Charlotte fair property is to bo sold on the 7th of May. J. II. Herbert is a candidate for mayor of Battleboro. Rows among sailors are of fre quent occurrence in Wilmington. 01dBaldy,at last accounts, was again rumbling. Silas N. Martin is spoken of as County Treasurer of New Hanover. G. M. Yoder, of Newton, Cataw ba county, has a dish made in 1796. The appropriation for the Mint at Charlotte has been reduced to $1,000. A new Court House in Asheville is to be contracted for. More building is talked of In Charlotte than at any period since the war. moccasin, tnirty incnes long, was killed by Mr. W. S. Royall, in Goldsboro, a few days since. J no. Nor fleet, Esq., is spoken of as the Republican candidate lor Mayor of Tarboro. Wilson is making rapid strides. New banks, stores, residences, &c, are going up rapidly. Capt. Bcnjamm Rtybfrrtson has beta nominated by the Republicans of Fay -etteville as Mayor of that city. A whale was captured on the coast near Morehead City a short time ago, which yielded twenty-seven barrels of oil and a largo lot of whalebone. The store and stables, at the Tar river mills, in Tarboro, were entire ly consumed by fire on the 23d in stant. Bryan Oxendine, brother-in-law of Henry Berry Lowery, shot and severely wounded his wife on the 16th inst. David Martin, the boy murder er, will be sentenced at the present term of the Superior Court for New Hanover county. Dr. R. S. Moran, of Wilmington, has received a call t6 the charge of St. Paul's Reform Church, in New York City, at a salary of $ 4,000 a year-. . . At the present term or the superior Court of Lenoir county, over one hun dred and thirty criminal cases were disposed of in threo days. Judge Clarke presided. J. II. Mills, Esq., superintendent of the Orphan Asylum, at Oxford, will address the people of Nash ville, on Saturday, May 2d, in the interest of that institution. Mr. John Eason, about three feet high and weighing about one hundred pounds, was married to Miss ivate Jerman, weighing about two hundred .pounds, in Johnston county lately. Latest News. Everv thing was quiet at Little Rock, Arkansas, on the 25th inst. The war is over in Arkansas am troops have been disbanded. Prof. John Phelps, the celebrated geologist of London, is dead. 4 Six very fine horses were burned in Mann's livery stable, on Franklin street, in Baltimore, on the 25th inst. Subscriptions for the sufferers in the South-west will reach $4,500 on the Cotton Exchange, New York. Tho cabinet on the 24th consider ed the Arkansas matter. No ac tion was taken. Washburne. the newly elected Senator from Massachusetts, will take his seat on the 1st of May. The news of the President's veto of the currency bill was received with delight in New York. ( A bill has been signed by the President to relieve the destitute in the Southwest. Mayor Cobb, of Boston, has author ized the Mayor of New Orleans to draw a second ten thousand dollar contribu tion. Samuel Milligan, Associate Jus tice of the U. S. Court of Claims, died In Washington on the 20th inst. Details from the sufferers in Lou islana are heart-rending. Cattle that have not been drowned are starving. The Supreme Council of Knights of Pythias was In session at Pitts burg, Pa., on the 22d inst. Some 2,000 members were present. A lar&e" 'meeting was hold In New- York on tbe 24th Inst, for the benefit of the Louisiana sufferer. Up to the 22d Inst, four thousand dollars had been subscribed in Bos ton for the relief of the Louisiana sufferers. A three story frame house in Brooklyn fell on the 24th Inst., while being raised. Eight workmen were buried in tbe ruins. Secretary Richardson is going to Charleston. Savannah and other South ern cities to recruit bis health. He will travel by sea. On Tuesday night,21st Inst, Hax- all's large flouring mills in Rich mond, Va., were totally destroyed by fire. Loss half million, inclu ding machinery, flour and grain. Davis, of West Virginia, has given notice in the TJ. S. Senate that he would call up the bill giving $ 25,000,000 to tbe West and south, to be withdrawn from the surplus of the East and North. , , Louisa McKay, daughter of very wealthy parents, residing in New York city, was drowned on the 24th Inst., at the New Jersey Central railroad pier while attempting to leap on a ferry boat that had just started. Tne Houso Judiciary Committee has agreed upon a bill restoring the South ern pensioners to rolL Tbe present law excludes those who sympathized with the Confederacy. Edmunds' postal tel egraph bill provides for tbe commission oreitizens unconnected with any Tele graph Company, ahdah army and navy officer to enquire about the practica bility. The Senate has passed the bill amendatory of an act to provide in ternal revenue to support the gov ernment to pay interest on the pub lic debt and for other purposes, ap proved June 30th, 18G4. This bill provides that no legal document or paper required by law to be stamp ed, which was made, signed or is sued in the Southern States prior to the first of July, 18o, shall be deemed or held as invalid and of no effect by reason of the failure to im pose thereon the required stamp. The town of Mouroe. Louisiana, is entirely submerged. The town is on an island two and a half miles long by half mile wide, from which there is no exit except by boats or swimming. From the crossing of the Railroad and Desard street back. Is one wide sea. Boats come and go from Oakley's. People livintr in the rear have been driven in. All the vacant houses have been taken and several families are living in the same house. Business is almost completely suspended but tho houses are open. Fully one thousand people have not rations for three days nor money to buy with. Stock of every description gatberd in town are star ving. On Desard Island almost all the plantations are underwater. The President has vetoed the finance bill, saying that he was dis posed at first to give great weight to the argument that there was an unequal distribution of the nation al currency, but thought differently upuu i-uuuucnug mo i, 000,000 of such currency still re- raained in the treasury, subject to the demand of the sections desiring it. He adds: The fact cannot be concealed that the bill increases the paper circulation of the country one hundred million dollars, xne tne- orv. in his belief, is a departure from the true principles of finance, and Its approval would e a. depart ure from every message sent by him to Congress. The Secretary of the Treasury has sent to the House of Representatives a reDortofthe! Bank Kxarainer, Meigs, upon the condition of tho Freedman's Bank, and its branches in various cities north and south. The liabilities of the institution, including those of its branches, are S3,33S,8ys ; resources, 83.121.008. of which, $100,500 are doubt ful debts. There is a discrepancy in amounts due depositors between de posit books and general lodger of about lorty tnousand aoiiars, diu me exami ner thinks it the result of carelessuess in carrying the accounts forward and opening different accounts. By-laws were amended on January 1st of the present year so as to allow depositors only such interest as profits of institu tion warranted, and the examiner says that if derjosl tors will oxerciso reason able forbearance for six or twelve months under the regulation it will give the institution time to recuperate from the misfortunes of the past, and add largely to the safety of depositors. Market Summawt. In New York on the 25th inst., Cotton was quoted at 17al8J. Rosin quiet at $2.70. Tur pentine quiet at 40a41. Money closed easy at 2a3. Gold heavy at 12ial2i. Exchange firm at 486. Governments strong. State bonds quiet. In Liver pool, cotton 8. In Southern Cities of U. S., cotton quiet, ranging from 16 to 17i. CANDIDATES. R D To tlie Citizens of Wake County: The undersigned respectfully an nounces himself a candidate for the office of Clerk of the Superior Court, subject to the endorsement of the Republican County Convention. I am thus early in making this announcement in order that the public may have full and fair opportunity to scrutinize my past record, and I offer the same as a pledge for my future conduct. As to my com petency to perform the duties of the office, I respectfully refer to the mem bers of the bar, the Hon. S. W. Watts and the Hon. A. W. Tourgee. Respectfully, 38 If , ALBERT MAGNIN. F' Oil SIIEUIFF. TO XII E RE PUBLICANS OF WAKE CO.: I take occasion to announce to you that I am a candidate for the nomination for Sheriff of Wake County, subject to the decision of the Wake County Republi can Convention, to bo held on the 15th of May next, for the purposo of nomi nating County officers. I make no especial claim for vour preferment. Iam simply a Republican, standing firmly upon the platforms of the party State and National. I have served the people and my party, in the positions heretofore conferred upon me, diligently and earnestly, and with an eye single to the honor of those I have represented, and for the best interests of the people at large. These places have been merely places of trust, with out profit,, but I have none the less en deavored to do my whole duty, and have received the approval and hearty endorsement of those who have thus honored and trusted me. I can only promise that if nominated for Sheriff, and sleeted, to strive to be an efficient officer, and a faithful servant of the peo ple. No stigma shall ever be cast upon those who elect me on my account. I Eromfse to faithfully turn over to the tate. to the County, and to the School Fund, according to law, every dollar of taxes which it will be my duty to col lect, as well as otherwise to perform the duties of the office with credit to my self, with honor to the party, and accep tably to the people of Wake County. JOHN a GORMAN. Raleigh, N. C, April 21, 1874. td CONVENTIONS. First Congressional District Convention. A Republican Convention for the First Congressional District of North Carolina wilf be held at Plymouth, N. C, on Thursday, 21st day of May, 1874, and be convened at 12 o'clock of that day. for the purpose of placing in .nomination a Repub lican candidate to represent the Dis trict in the 44th Congress of the United States, and for the transac tion of such other business as may be deemed proper. Delegates entitled- to a seat and vote in the Convention must be regularly delegated by a County Convention called by their several County Committees through their regular chairmen. Each County in the District is, jeo titled, under the plan of organization, to as many votes as it has members in the House branch of the Legislature. County Committees of the counties composing the District are request ed to call their County Conventions early, so as to insure their counties representation in the District Con vention. tt. T. uakku w , Chairman Dist. Ex. Com. April 23d, 1874. Second Congressional District. Rooms Rxp;Ex. Committee, For the gd Gmg. Dist. of N. C, New-Berne, N: C, April C, 1874. A Republican Convention for the 2d Congressional District of North Carolina will be held at Goldsboro, N. C, on Thursday, Ma 14th, 1874, at 12 o'clock, M., for the purpose of j placing in nomination a Republican candidate to represent this District in the 44th Congress of the United States, and for the transaction of such other business a3 may be deemed proper. Delegates entitled to a seat and vote in the Convention must be regularly delegated by a County Convention called by their several County Committees through their regular Chairmen. The folio wingare thecounties com prising the Congressional District, with the number of delegates and alternates to which each is entitled : Craven, '2 delegates and 2 alter nates ; Jones, 1 delegate and one al ternate; Lenoir, 1 delegate and 1 alternate ; Greene, 1 delegate and 1 alternate ; Wayne, 2 delegates and 2 alternates ; Wilson, 1 delegate and 1 alternate; Edgecombe, 2 delegates and 2 alternates; Halifax, 2 dele grtes and 2 alternates; Northamp ton, 1 delegate and 1 alternate; Warren, 2 delegatesand 2 alternates. County Committees, of the above named counties, are requested to call County Conventions in time to insure their counties representation in tne .District convention. By order of the Rep. Ex. Com. : THOMAS POWERS, Chairman. Judicial Convention 2d Dis trict. By virtue of the power and au- "2, men? , Sf the Committee of twenty-three. ap pointed by the Republican Caucus, on tne lztn aay oi eDruary last, in the city of Raleigh, I do hereby appoint Saturday, the 9th day of May. 1874. and Williamston, Mar tin County, anrttie place, for the R- Sublican party of the 2d Judicial listrict to assemble in Convention to nominate a candidate for Judge and for Solicitor for said District, and to transact such other business as the Convention may deem best for the interest of the nartv. The counties composing said District are requested to send delegates to said Convention. The counties of Bertie, Hertford, Washington, Beaufort and Martin will be enti tled to one vote each, and the coun ties of Pitt and Edgecombe will be entitled to two votes each in said Convention. A. McCABE. Tarboro, N. C, April 18th, 1874. Judicial Convention Gth Dis trict. A Convention of the Republicans of the Sixth Judicial District will be held in Warrenton on Wednesday, the Cth day of May next, for the purpose of nominating a candidate for Solicitor of the District, to ap point a Committee for the District, consisting or one irom eacn county, and to transact such other business as the Convention may deem best for the interests of the party. According to the plan of organi zation as adopted by the State Con vention in April, 1872, the represen tation of the several counties in the District Convention will be as fol lows : Franklin, 1 vote; Granville, 2 votes; Halifax, 2 votes : Johnston, 2 votes; Northampton, 1 vote; Nash, 1 vote; Warren, 2 votes ; Wake, 4 votes- total, 15. The Chairmen of the county .Ex ecutive Committees are requested to issue immediate calls forCounty Conventions to elect delegates to to the District Convention. Arrangements have beem made with the railroad companies to pass delegates to and fro for one fare. Return tickets snouia be bougnt in first instance, as they will be marked good by the Agent at .War renton. The credentials of delegates must be sisrned by the Chairman and Secretary of the Convention. J. C. L..itAllVL, Ch'm'n Cong. Dist. Com., Acting for Judicial Dist. TO THE BEPW1LICAKS , wake COUNTY. I take this method of announcing myself as a can didate for the office of Coroner, subject to the action of the Republican County Convention. As to my competency, I inform the public that I have held this office for twoyear rgMELL. Raleteh. April 9th, 1874. 8 3t. o vroBTH CAROLINA,! Probate Ji WakbCocwtt. j Court, . - April 18th, 1874. Geo. P. Thomas A Co., vs. A. N. Up church, adm'r of Parker Overby, de ceased, i - in the above entitled cause, proceed ings have been lnsiuuted by the plain tiff in behalf of himself and all other creditors of Parker Overby, deceased, against A- N. Upchnrch, administrator. All- creditors of Parker Overby, de ceased, are hereby notified to file their claims with me on or before the 3d day of June, 1874. J. N. BUNTING, - Clerk. D. G. Fowle, Plaintiff's Attorney. April 18th, 1874. 44 w6t POLITICAL. I Republican Organization. The following is the. latest ar rangement of counties into judicial districts lor this state, in every district an election for solicitor oc curs on Thursday, the Cth day of August, this year. Anil In inn Aa 1L! 1 ll . elections are held by law for judf f our years nence the other six tricts elect judges : ' FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Currituck, Camden, -Pasquotank, Perquimans, Chowan, Gates, Tyrrell, Hyde. uare. SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Bertie, Martin, Hertford, Beaufort, Washington, Pitt, Edgecombe. THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Wilson, Lenior, Wayne, Jones, Craven, Greene, Pamlico. FOURTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Carteret, Bladen, Brunswick, New Hanover Columbus, Onslow, Robeson, Duplin, Sampson. FIFTH. JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Harnett, Moore, Montgomery, Stanley, lU:iion, Anson, Richmond, Cumberland. SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Northampton, Johnston, Nash, wake, Granville, Halifax. JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Rockingham, Person, Chatham, Warren, Franklin, SEVENTH Guilford, Caswell, Orange Randolph, Alamance. EIGHTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Surry? Da vie, Yadkin, Rowan, Davidson, Forsythe, Stokes. NINTH JUDICIAL Polk, ' Cleaveland, Gaston, DISTRICT. Rutherford, Lincoln, Mecklenburg, Cabarrus, TENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Catawba, Alexander, Caldwell, Alleghany, Ashe, Wilkes, Iredell. ELEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Watauga, Henderson, Madison, Mitchell, McDowell, Buncombe, Yancey Burke. JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Clay, Macon, Jackson, Transylvania. TWELFTH Graham, Cherokee, Swain, Haywood, Below is published the district organization of the republican party, by congressional districts as adopted for the campaign of 1872. To these committees belong the duty of calling the district conven tions for this Spring, and they are here reproduced for the benefit and information of all the republicans concerned. - SECOND DISTIIICT. The republican district conven tion which met at Wilson, May 9, 1872, elected a district executive committee as follows, with Colonel Thomas Powers, chairman : Craven county, Thomas Powers. Wayne county, H. L. Grant. Edgecombe connty, Alex. Mc Cabe. Lenoir county, R. W. King. Greene county, Chas. H. Harper. Halifax countv. Henrv Ennes. Northampton county, J. W. New som. Wilson county, G. W. Stanton. Jones county, Jno. S. Andrews. Warren county, Jno. A. Hyman. . THIRD DISTRICT. The executive committee for the third congressional district, as con stituted by the republican conven tion which met at Clinton, Samp son county, May 22, 1872, is as fol lows, with W. P. Canaday, chair man : New Hanover, W. P. Canaday. Onslow, E. B. Sanders. Harnett, J. S. Harringtbn. Carteret, A. C. Davis. Duplin, Enoch Hill. Brunswick, E. M. Rosafy. Cumberland, A. G. Thornton. Columbus, R. N. Maultsby. Bladen, Evander Singletary. Sampson, Clinton Ward. Moore, A. R. McDonald. FIFTH DISTRICT. The republican convention for the fifth congressional district, which met at Greensboro, May 15, 1872, constituted the following executive committee for that district : S. C. Barnett, of Person. Wilson Cary, of Caswell. H. M. Ray, of Alamance. S. A. Douglas, of Rockingham. Thomas B. Keogh, of Guilford. R. F. Trogden, of Randolph. Henderson Adams, of Davidson. A. H. Joyce, of Stokes. SEVENTH DISTRICT. The following gentlemen compose the Executive Committee of the Re publican party for the Seventh Con gressional District: David L. Bringle,of Rowan, Ch'n. J. B. Howell, of Alexander. A. B. Carson, of Alleghany. Eli Graybeal, of Ashe. R. L. Patterson, of Forsythe. J. J. Mott, of Iredell. Samuel Forkner, of Surry. James H. Foote, of Wilkes. Lewis B. Banner, of Watauga. William B. Glenn, of Yadkin. William B. March, of Davie. rrio BUILDERS AND CONTRAC- JL TORS. Sealed pronosals will be received in the Town of Louisburg, at the office of the Board of Commission ers for the county of Franklin, until 12 m. on the 20th day of May, 1874, for building a jail for the county of Frank lin. Said tail is to be built of eranite. and is to be two stories high and about 44x22 feet. The granite is convenient to the spot. Each proposal must be accompanied with plans and specifications. Propo sitions will also be entertained for a jail, with jailor's house attached. The com missioners resume tbe right to reject any bid. The successiui Didder win do requir ed to enter into bond in the sum, of I $2,000. for tbe faithful terformance of his contract. P. B. HAWKINS, Chairman. J, B. Tucker, Clerk. 4t NI2W ADVERTISEMENTS. irALUABLE U1ILOOAD l'UOP. y EKTY FOB SALE. Pursuant to a decree of the Circuit Court of the United States for the Wes tern District of North Carolina, at the April Term, H874, at Greensboro, in a proceeding then and there pending in Hiqmty. to foreclose a mortgage men tioned in the pleadings between Against IS- I The Western "North Carolina Railroad Co.. TE. D.T Tod R. Caldwell, Rufus Y. McAden, The First National Bank of Charlotte. John Rutherford. Hiram Kellev. Thomas G. Greenlee. James Greenlee, Mary Carson, A. H. Erwin, N. II. D. Wilson. Assignee. R. M. Walker and others. Defendants, The undersigned. Commissioners ap pointed by the Court at the said April Term thereof, will sell at the Court House door in the city of Salisbury, the 18th day of June, A. D. 1874, i at Public Auction, to the highest bid der, all the franchises, road, road-beds, rollincr-stock s and property of every kind, nature and description belong ing to the said The Western North Carolina Rail Road Company, men tioned and described in the said Decree. The purchaser or purchasers will be required to pay to the Commissioners Ten Thousand Dollars in Cash on the day of sale, and will be given cred it for the balance of the purchase mo nv until Mondav. the 6th dav of Julv. 1874, the first rule- day of said Court, at Greensboro, N. C, next ensuing after the day of sale. Those who purchase at said sale, pro vided they be holders of bonds secured by the mortgage mentioned in the said Decree, may retain their shares of the purchase money, except as to tho said sum of 10,000.00, by surrendering to the Commissioners an equal, amount of said bonds. The said Commissioners are author ized, so soon as the said sale shall be confirmed by tho Court, to give imme diate possession of the said Railroad, its property and effects of every kind and description : and all persons who may be in possession of the said Railroad or any of its property are commanded to surrender the same to the purchasers upon the production of the Commis sioners' deed to them. This Road, when its connections shall be completed, will form one of tbe most important thoroughfares in the entire South. Its length is 142 miles, of which 115 miles is complete; that is from Salisbury to Old Fort, in McDowell county, at the Eastern base of the Blue Ridge; and the greater part of the remainder of the road is graded, or nearly so. - There has already been expended upon this Road, about $6,000,000.00. It is now sold to satisfy a debt of about $1,400,000.00 which constitutes the first lien upon the property. The Commis sioners believe that the title of tfio pur chaser will be good. For any further information, address B. S. GAITHER, Morganton, N. C. MARCUS ERWIN, Asheville, N. C. THOMAS RUFFIN, Hillsboro, N. C. THOMAS B. KEOGH, Greensboro, N. C. April 22, 1874 . 44 w8t WJ AKE COUNTY IN THE SUPE- BIOR COUKT. Alfred Morris and wife and others, against Leon id as Page, Leroy Page, Sarah E. Page and Cora Page. Sum mons for Relief. The State of tforth Carolina, To tho Sheriff of Wake County Greeting : You are hereby commanded to sum mon Leonidas Page, Leroy Page, Cora L. Faire, and Sarah 13. Pasre, the defen dants above named, if thev be found within your county, to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court for the county of Wake, within twenty days after the service ot this summons on them, exclusive of the day of such service, and answer the complaint, a copy of which will be deposited in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court Tor said county, within hve days from the date of this summons, and let them take notice, that if they fail to answer to the said complaint within that time, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. Hereof fail not, and of this summons make due return. Given under ray hand and seal of said Court, this 22d day of April, 1874. J. N. BUNTING, Clerk of the Superior Court, Wake Co. S. H. Rogers, Plaintiff's Attorney. April 22, 1874. 44 w6t W AKE COUNXY.- -In the Supe- RiOR Court. Lucy Ann Haithcock, against Francis M. Haithcock. Summons for Re lief. The State of North Carolina, To the Sheriff of Wake County Greeting : You are hereby commanded to sum mon Francis M. Haithcock, the defen dant above named, if he be found within your county, to be and appear before the Judge of our Superior Court, at a Court to be held for the county of Wake, at the Court House in Raleigh, on the 8th Monday after the 2d Monday of Au gust, and auswer the complaint which will be deposited in the office of the Clerk of the 'Superior Court for said county, within ten days Irom the date of this summons, and let the said defen dant take notice that if he fail to answer the said complaint within that time, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint. Hereof fail not, and of this summons make due return. Given under my hand and seal of said Court, this 20th day of April, 1874. j J. N. BUNTING, Clerk Superior Court, Wake County. A rqo fc Harris, Plaintiff's Attorneys. April 20, 1874. 44 wCt CIRCUIT COURT OF THE UN1- KJ TED STATES EASTERN DIS TRICT OF NORTH CAROLINA. United States vs. 6 boxes manufactured tobacco, 1; box smoking tobacco, 1 double wajon, 2 mules, 2 sets of har ness, 1 lot j of blankets, 1 lot of cook ing utensils, property of W. O. Man gum. Libel of Information. To W. O. Mangurn and to all whom it may concern : Greeting. Notice is j hereby given, That the above mentioned property was seized by M. C. fMcNamara, Collector of the 1st Collection District of North Carolina, on! the 18th day of March, 1874, as forfeited to the uses of the United States, for violation of tho Internal Revenue Laws, and the same is libelled and prosecuted in the Circuit Court of the United States for condem nation for the causes in the said Libel of Information set forth ; and that the said causes twill stand for trial at tbe Court Room of said Court at Raleigh, on the First Mniiday of June next, if that be a jurisdiction day, and if not at the next day of jurisdiction- thereafter, when and where all persons are warned to appear to show cause why condemna tion should not be decreed, and to in tervene for their interest. Given under my hand at office, in Raleigh, this 26th day of March, 1874,, ' R. M. DOUGLAS, , f United States Marshal. March 30th, 1874. 40 4t A j 1 ' NOW IS THE TIKIE TO SECURE bargains. Prices suitable to the times. , j NATL. BROWN, - f I Raleigh, N. C. Raleigh, April 7, 1871. 1 6m. MISCELLANEOUS. PUBLIjSHEJts; ERA, PRACTICAL . u, Book and Job Printer Fayetteville treet. : RALEIGH. N. C Are now prepared to execute ever description of ' ' IMnin and Vancy BOOK L JOB PRINTING from the smallest .CaAl.tci, the. largest Poster, on as reasonable terms as the same work can bo done at anv estab lishment la the State. - : We will keep constantly on hand, ot print to order, Solicitors1 Superior Court Clerks Sherijfii' and Magistrates1 Blanks of the latest improved form, on most rea sonable terms. .) , e . . COMPETE IN PRICE AND EXECUTION with the best and cheapest houses in the State. Special attention paid to , SCHOOL CATALOGUES, CIRCULARS AND BRONZED TOBACCO LABELS. , r, Orders by mail promptly attended to, id work shipped by Mail or Express and to any portion of the State. Orders solicited. W. M. BROWN Manager, Raleigh, N. C. CIRCUIT COURT OP ! Til 12 UNI TED STATES EASTERN DIS TRICT OF NORTH CAROLINA, United States vs. 9 boxes of manufac tured plug Tobacco, 1 mule, 1 wagon and 1 set of harness, property of Brum met. Libel of information. To Brum met, and to all whom it may concern: Greeting; y Notice is hereby given! That the above mentioned property was seized bv M. C. McNamara, Collector: of the 1st Collection Districgof North Carolina, on the 18th day of March,' 1874. as for feited to the uses of the 'United States, for violation of the Internal Revenue Laws, and the same is libelled and Erosecuted in the Circuit Court of tho Tnited States for condemnation for tho causes in the said Libel of Information set forth : and that the said causes will stand for trial at the Court Room of said Court at Raleigh, on the First . Monday of June next, if that be a jurisdiction day. and if not at the next day of juris diction thereafter, when and where all persons are warned to appear to show cause why condemnation should not bo , decreed, and to Intervene for their in terest. Given under my hand at office, in Ra leigh, this 26th day of March, 1874. it. oi. uouujuah, United States Marshal. March 30th 1874. ... 40 4t PROPOSALS FOR DIMENSION stone for the United States Court House and Post Office, Italeigh, N. C. Office of Superintenpent, U. S. Court House and Post Office, Raleigh, H- G, April 6, 1874. Sealed proposals will bo received at this office until 12 M. of the 6th day of May, 1874, for furnishing and deliver ing at the site of the United States Court House and Post Office at Raleigh, North Carolina, all of the dimension stone re quired for the exterior of that building. The species of stone from which a se lection will be made will be confined to granites, marbles and sand stones, and the qualities especially Insisted upon will be uniformity of color and texture, durability, and the capacity for working under the chisel or hammer. A sample block 12x12x12 inches must be submitted with each bid, showing on one face the natural fracture of tho stone, and on the others different grades of cutting. The stone must hare a good trrain and be free from all dlscolorintr substances, and the' quarry from which it is procured must be fully opened and capable of furnishing the quality aud quantity desired within one year. About 30,000 cubio feet more or loss will be required. The actual average of tbe stones cannot now be given, but will approximate 10 cubic feet, the largest stones containing about 75 cubic feet. The stone will be ordered on a schedule of net sizes, aud allowance of one inch to each cut face will be mado for quarry dimensions, according to tho rules made by this Department in order that' the contractor may male proper allowance for cuttincr. In tbe quarrying, and on this schedule payment will bo made. Bidders will state how soon they can. commence delivering the stone and tho amount per week they can deliver. They will also state the average and maximum size of the stones that can be obtained from their quarry. ! i No bids will be received except from the owners or lessees of tbe quarry from which the stone is proposed to be furnished, and a certificate from the Re corder of the county in which the quarry is situated that the bidder is the" owner or lessee of the quarry must accompany each bid. ' t . All proposals must be made on printed forms to be obtained on application to this office, and must be accompanied by a penal bond in the sum of fire thousand dollars ($5,000) that the bidder Kill ac cept and perform the contract if awarded him, ana give bond therefor in the pe nal sum often thousand dollars, (10.000,) and execute a valid, and binding lease of tbe quarry to Ihe Government as se curity for the faithful performance of the contract; the lease .to take effect upon the failure of the contractor to comply with the terms of the contract, said lease to authorize ; the Government to take full possession of the quarry and work It at the expense of the, contractor in case of default. The Department reserves the right to reject any or all bids, or to divide tho contract and use two or more kinds of stone. - - ' Proposals must be enclosed in a sealed envelope and endorsed "Proposals for Dimension Stone for the - United States t Court House and Post Office, Raleigh, North Carolina," and addressed to ; WM. A. HEARNE, 7 12L - i. Superintendent. all! febia-wSm. IHHIM

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