'V- WEEKLY ERA. Official Orrn of the United States. W. M. UKOWN, Manager. THURSDAY. MAY 7, 1874. State Republican Ticket For Svpcrintcndent rublic Instruction : THOMAS R. PUR NELL, NOTICE Persons desiring- recommend, through the column of the Era," wluj friend for office of any descrip tion, rouetpay adrertUIng rate for the same, in advance, whether Re publican or Democrat, otherwise .i. .1. .iMi miter the first com- u munlcatlon relating to any one per son, which will be Inserted gratis), will not appear The charge for advertising- the name of a candidate for amy office, will be 5, in advance The publisher can no more afford space in these columns, furnish pa per, Ink and labor, without com pensation, than can a merchant furnish goods to the public, without pay. Persons who want office can well afford to pay. Rcpublicans, heal up your differ ences, and combine to fight the com mon enemy. See notice of result of our muni cipal election, under local head. A portion of this will apply to every county. Nominate your best men ! That little sum of how much higher our taxes would have been had the Southern Confederacy suc ceeded has not been figured out yet. Democracy gave us all the law lessness and violence of the Ku Klux. Republicanism gave us law and order. Judge A. W. Tourgee has accept ed an invitation to deliver the Na tional Memorial address at the Union Cemetery near Wilmington, on the 80th of May. When in 1SGS, the Republicans sought to take the State of North Carolina from military rule and place its government in the hands of civil officers elected by our own people, the Democratic party de nounced it as 44 infamous." When in 1868, the Republicans nmKi; into the Constitution of North Carolina the right of every man to the enjoyment of the fruits of his own labor, the Democrats de nounced it as " infamous," and op posed its adoption with all their power. Remember this, working men. A Democratic paper calls attention to the fact that all violence and law lessness In the State has ceased since Judge Bond ceased his prosecutions in the Federal Courts. That's so, neighbor ; but you remember they didn't cease till Judge Bond com menced those prosecutions. Republicans! you will soon be called upon to make nominations. Nominate honest and capable men to fill your county offices. Republi can ascendency can only be perpet uated by good government. County rvmmlinnfr4 should be IDCI1 Of firmness, honesty and capacity. They arc the'eounty legislature. The Democracy has had charge of the Legislative Department ol the State for four years, and, they have done nothing,to wards comprom ising or settling the State debt. They continue to talk about it, and itcon tlniua to crow, but Uiey.dooZt cerrj "to fce lalihy'hurry 10 : inaRtTH anjr sniallcr. There is to be no general registra tion of voters this year. The old registration books will be revised by the registrars, and all voters who have moved into a different township from the one they hereto fore resided in, and all men who have arrived at the age of twenty one years since the last State elec tion will be required to register be foro they can vote. The national government seems to be fixing up things as though it meant to occupy the late confeder acy permanently. Federal Court-Houses and Post Offices are building or shortly to be commenced at New-Berne, Wil mington, Raleigh and Asheville, quite a number of light-houses are being built on the coast of North Carolina, several hundred thousand dollars have been appropriated to improve the navigation of the Cape Fear River, and new Post Offices are being opened and post routes established constantly. All thisis done by the United States government, which theDem- ocracy is so anxious to have our people think is so much prejudiced Against the Southern people I The Ladies of Charlotte ana the Orphans. It will be remembered that there appeared in the Era a week or two ago an article concerning certain orphans in Charlotte. It was stated that a gentleman had applied to several dress-makers in that place to make a little orphan girl a dress to wear to the Asylum at Oxford, but that the dress-makers were too busy making dresses for the ladies to wear to a memorial exhibition to raise money to decorate the graves of the Confederate dead to make one for the little orphan. The Charlotte Observe rises to explain all the facts, and under the heading "A slander on Charlotte," it says: This is a reflection upon the ladies of Charlotte which we cannot pass without noticing. The truth about the matter is: that in the afternoon of the dav on which he was last here, Mr. Mills called at no r Vl t o 1-1 1 Mrs. 4 rnrrf andkKTTr(TcouIclhave address- made for a little girl whom he wanted to carry off that evening to the orphan asylum. He was told that it could not be done, as all the dress-makers in that house were en gaged n dresses for ladies to wear that night to an entertainment by the members of the Memorial As sociation; that these ladies could not well be disappointed, but if he would see those for whom the work was being, done, and get them to have the making of their dresses stopped, then the proprietress would have the dress made for the little orphan. Mr. Mills got quite angry, and made some hard remarks about making dresses to be worn to me morial entertainments, thus pre venting the making of a dress for a little orphan. Now we venture to say that, if Mr. Mills had called on every lady of the memorial association and stated his case, he would have found that nine out of ten of them would have readily consented, not only to have had the work on their dresses stopped, but, if it had been neces sary would have themselves made the dress for the little girl. So much for this. Mr. Mills called at Mrs. Reed's millinery rooms and asked if he could get the dress made. Mr. Samuel Wittkowsky, who was present, said never mind about having a dress made, that he thought he could get one ready made. Thereupon the two gentlemen went off, and Miss Farrington, one of the dress-makers present, stopped work and waited for the order to go to work on the dress, until word was received that a dress had been pro cured. Now. the Era did not obtain its w information from Mr. Mills at all, and did not know till the Observer nublished the fact that he was the gentleman alluded to. Politically, Mr. Mills and the writer of the Era article do not agree, but personally he is our friend, and we have full confidence in him as a generous whole-souled philanthropist and christian gentleman, and must be permitted to smile at the statement that he "erot nuite ancrry." &c. He was in a strange city, and was ac tively about the great business he has in charge (gathering up the little orphans and taking them to an Asvlum to bo cared for and edu cated.) It seems the Era was cor rect in stating that he found a little girl who had no dress fit to travel in, and that he applied at two dress making establishments to get one made, offering to pay, that he did not get a dress at either, and that in one at least the dress-makers were all too busy making dresses for the Durnose named to fill the order for the little one. Under all the circumstances, and taking into consideration his ponderous propor tions, we do not think the suggestion of the Observer that Mr. Mills should have trudged off in an unknown city to see an unknown lady who lived in an unknown house in an unknown street to ascertain if she would be kind enough to send by him an order to stop work on her dress is altogether reasonable. But we simply set out to publish the Observer's article and show that after all we.had come very near tell ing the story correctly, and that we had not intended to slander the good ladies of Charlotte, (a number of whom are very near and dear to pa) rf disjpis thasubject, - In different portions of the State honest men who have heretofore co-operated with the Democratic party arc saying that, inasmuch as their party urged them in the last Presidential canvass to vote, for Horace Greeley, who was an origin al abolitionist and the founder of the Republican party, and who never renounced any of his Repub lican principles, they will continue the good work and vote the Repub lican ticket, especially as the men nominated by the Republican party are not near as objectionable as Mr. Greeley. Democracy is sectional in its teach ings, and is governed by prejudice of race and prejudice of section. It is so narrow-minded that it holds that nothing good can come from the North. When it welcomes im migration, it is with the under standing that Immigrants shall not take part in politics unless they choose to vote the Democratic ticket. Republicanism is national, andJ Inculcates loyalty to the govern ment. It deals out justice to jflj, re gardless of color or place of birth. It welcomes immigrants, and guar antees to every citizenequal politi cal and civil rights, Social Equality. r Democraiic-secesh-conserxa- The tive party of B forth uaronna nave always claimed to, be bitterly op-1 nosed to social equality, ana nave RfA0, TothP Rpnnh- um auu n&au -- . .1 lican party with being advocates or it, and have moved heaven and i a. earth to prejudice the people against them on that account. Becently, however Governor Caldwell has shown by his acts (see the subjoined letter ) that he is not a social equal!- tyist ' and forthwith the whole Democratic Ku-Klux kennel open L! ru nr onri ripnnimpp upon mm xu iuu vj ----------- him frnm Dan tO BeersneDa" De- cause he chooses to be somewhat select in his associates. How it does hurt certain would-be gentle m pn hppflnsfi the Governor refuses to recognize them as equals ! Let them grumble and growl to their heart's content, it does not in the least affect the rGovejnorXequa- bs&IssbSsmssbUbbsmmmi mariner that it rather d! eases h im. We think we know the Governor well enough to be able to, assure his assailants that they are too far be neath his contempt to draw. any notice from him, and that their ma licious shafts fall harmless at his feet: ' - EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, State of North Carolina, Raleigh, 7th April, 1871. To the riatonio Literary Society, Rutherford College, iV. C. . I have just seen a notice in the Southern Home, a newspaper pub lished in Charlotte,' N. C, that Randolph A. Shotwell has been elected an honorary member of your Society. If this publication be true, I desire at once to witnaraw as an hnnnrarv member of said Society, I am not willing, knowingly, to be associated in any way wun a noio- rlous Ku-Klux, who has shown no evidence of repentance, or with a penitentiary convict. Respectfully, Tod R. Caldwell.. .r t7v v uvvr i rnm q We defv the party to show where there was a frPA Rohool established until the Conservative party got possession of the Legislature in 1871. wwsion Sentinel. Well, as the Era is the central organ of the Republican party, and as it is u defied " "to show where a free school was established until the Conservative party got posses- sion of the Legislature," it will show from the record where some public free schools were established by the Republicans. In your own county of Forsyth in the year 1870, before the Conserr vative party got possession of the Legislature by means of the Ku Klux organization, the report of the Superintendent of Public In struction shows that there were twenty-three public free schools es tablished, and that there were twelve hundred and fifteen children attending those schools that fif teen public school houses had been built in Forsyth county during the year at a cost of twenty -three hun dred and thirty-six dollars and that two hundred and sixteen dollars and thirty cents additional had been paid for repairs of public school houses. Don't you think you ought to be a litilo Ipsa defiant. " Mr. Sentinel, or show a little more knowledge of .. , tT, J matters you wrue aDoui-r iu be so general in your statements, or the oeonle of Forsvth will not mj w- -- in the Sentinel. How many more public schools atq there in Forsyth now than in 1870? How many more school houses have been built? How much more money expended for public schools? The Era wants facts, not gasconade. Before the war we had a large number ofState banks issuing bank notes, and yvheu. those banks broke, as they sometimes did, the parties holdtng their notes lost them. The United States government, under Republican rule, has given us a national currency, and haJLhrown I such protection around its i citizens rr-m- holders of its notes lose nothing.' 1 Before the war when a bank-note was presented to a man he exam ined it carefully, and often hesitated to take a bill on a bank out of his immediate neighborhood. Now, under the protection of the govern ment, no. man hesitates to take a national bank note, and feels per fectly safe to take one even if the bank is situate in a distant State. Nearly every neighborhood can point to men who lost money by the old State bank system, but the man who has lost by the United States system will be hard to find. Moral: Every citizen can safely trust the national government un der Republican rule. A Good Democratic Team. Messrs. Blow A Lyon intend commencing the publication of a Conservative paper at Greenville, Pitt county, on the first of May, to be called The Register. Ral.Xeics. These gentlemen are fortunately named for the duties of Democratic editors, as the one can very properly Wojrforhis own side of the house. - wh. . the other can consistently pursuelrTeld Democratic policy lie-on the otne. ew-jieme lxmes. If the Democratic leaders continue to Blow & Lie-oi?,hey wil1 locate at the Pitt bottomlessslvxd of Pitt county. Col. S. D. Pool was nom- inated by the State Exec- Committee, as the Conserva tive candidate for Superintendent of Public Instruction. -No one will ueny iuan w is aumiraoiy sunea for the posiUon. If elected he will locate in Raleigh, remnv no- thither hia paper, " Our Living and Our Lead," which will be an advanta- L n t r pw-s tuangu oi Dase. (ouinem &or.ie- ' So it seems that the nomination was only given Col. Pool, so that he could move his paper to Raleigh, Of course it was not expected that he should neglect his newspaper for anv little duties in the office : of Public In ounuieuucui struction. Is not the writing up and publishing of how hard the Democratic leaders in North Car olina fought to break up the Union, and how the Common School Fund was taken from the poor children of the State and invested in Con federate bonds to help out the dear Confederacy, and how thousands of in ignorance because the; School -O - r Fund was squandered for war pur poses is it not more important to North Carolina and especially to the Democratic party to publish all lese things in Our Living and Our tad; than to have a late Confed erate Colonel fooling away his pre cious time in an office that was es tablish Ad hv the ReDublicans for the purpose of superintending the instruction of the poor children of the State, white and colored? Sheriffs. In reply to numerous enquiries made by persons from various coun ties in the State, we publish for their information and for the pur p0se of making separate replies to MOu the f0n0winsr sections from chapter 106 of Battle's Revisal, which is now the law of the State to-wit : Sec. 3. No' person shall be eligible to the office of Sheriff in any coun- i. 1 iLn.n4nr,Mi Vw-.n Knnn G V rift of sucn county ana natn ieu lu settle with and fully pay up to every officer the tares which were by law due from him :. nor shall any board permit such former Sheriff to give hond for. or re-enter upon the du ties of the office, until he has pro duced before the board the receipt in full of everv officer for such taxes. Sec. 5. The Sheriff shall renew hig Dondg annually and produce the receipts from the Public Treasurer I - AS County Treasurer, and other per sons, in full of all moneys by him collected, or which f ought, to have been by him collectedfrfor the use of the State and County, and for which heshall have become accoun table : and a failure of the Sheriff elect to renew his bonds, or to ex hibit the aforesaid receipts, shal create a vacancy. The many friends of Governor V Pennington of Dakota will be grat ified to learn from the followirig extract from the Dakota correspon dence of a territorial paper that he is succeeding well in his new posi tion: Our new Governor is a decided success. He is p!easant, sociable and gentlemanly in all his public duties. The. e is no BurbanK aDou him. He attends to his own duties and has not manifested any desire to interfere with any man's busi ness. an excellent qualification the late Governor did not possess Gov. Penninorton came here a stranerer. and so far as I can learn he has studiously avoided the least complication or interest inanyoi ouroid political fights, a fact that shows hw sound judgment. When he and the people become acquaint- od mutual satisfaction is sure to follow when they look back a few months and think of who we had then and who we have now as our governor. Republican Organization. In accordance with the plan of or ganizalion laid down by the party in 1868- for representation of town ships in nominating conventions three votes are given each township at larsre, and in cases where a city or town is situated in any township the wards of such city or town shal hA pntitind to three delegates for each ward. Where there are no wards, the town is entitled, to three rlpl plates In addition to the three i yy yip 1 1 jiffy farrtTOeTiei56 that a town of any considerable size, although not laid off into wards, would be entitled to three dele gates. The Democratic Legislature formed the Second Congressional District for the express purpose of creating trouble in the Republican party, but its leaders will be sadly disappoint ed when they read the resolutions of the Edgecombe Convention, in an other column of to-days Era, intro duced by a colored man and unani mously adopted, denouncing in the name of the three thousand colored Republicans of Edgecombe county all persons claiming office at the hands of party on the basis of color alone. In other words, a man must show a better reason than the color of his skin to entitle him to office at the hands of the Republican party. A negro preacher referring to the Judgment day, in his sermon said; Sly bredren and sisters, in dat day de Lord shall diwide de sheeps frum de goats, and bless de Lord, we knows which wears de wool.11 A poor henpecked husband de clared that the longer he lived, the more he was "smitten." Late in 1860, Gov. Vance made a speech in Raleigh, and used as one reason against disunion the argu ment that our taxes woujd be much higher under the proposed Southern Confederacy than under the United States government. He stated that would require an annual tax of two million and a half of dollars in gold to pay North Carolina's por tion of the Confederate tax. Some of those who are now loud est in their complaints against high taxes were then the loudest in their hootings at the idea of being unable to pay high taxes to the Confederacy. Moral : You can't trust the De mocracy. CORRESPONDENCE. Tt mnsfc not be understood that The Era endorses the sentiments of its correspond ents in every instance. Its columns are open to the friends of the party, and their mmmiinications will be given to tne puunc as ormtjiinine the views anu seiuimenis oi the writers., . To the Editor of the Era r As the time is rapidly approach ing for the neoDle of this District to nhnnsfi a sui table person to represent them in the .next congress oi tne United States, I beer leave througn vour columns to suggest the name Of lien. Willie u. uones, as euiu hiA Tprson for that position. He is social, affable, genial and popu lar, and when the Republican party was in its infancy in this State, Gen. Jones' voice was heard at every point in this District, cheering our rlP.voted band to renewed efforts in the cause of Republicanism. I do nnt desire to detract from the claims of other gentlemen, but insist that the qualities of Gen. Jones are hard to be found in any other, and that he can unite the party more tnor nncrhlv in this District than any other man. He is undoubtedly the rhoice of the masses and can com mand more votes than any other man in the Fourth Congressiona District. GRANVILLE. April 29th, 1874. Col. B. TV. King, of Lenoir lor Congress. To the Editor of the Era : In justice to myself andinumerous friends, who desire tnai s.iaii rep resent them in the 44th Congress o th United States, and as a contra riiffion to the report in circulation fhaf. T hftvfi withdrawn from the canvass. I desire to state that I am a candidate for the Republican nom ination of Congressman from the Rpcond District, that I have not with drawn, nor will ' I do so, until the Congressional Convention shall have decided, on the 14th day of JMay next, as to who shall be the nom inee. Respectfully, JR. W. KING. Kinston, N. C, April 29, 1874. Dr. Mott for Congress. To the Editor of the Era : Allow me sufficient space in your excellent and popular paper to pre sent a subject that merits the ma ture consideration of every patriotic citizen in tne 7tn uongressiona District. The time is rapidly ap nroachiner when a candidate for a seat in Coneress should be presented that is worthy of the support of the Republican ireemen in tnis uisinut. Success depends entirely upon the selection. Thereiore, l conceive i to be of paramount importance that the candidate snouia possess an irreproachable private character and whose political integrity is be vond Question, a bold and fearless debater, a high-toned and chival rous eentleman. Mr. Editor, I know one man in the District that possesses all the essential prerequisites to rep resent an intelligent constituency That is Dr. J. J. Mott, of Iredell He is the popular Collector of In- ternal Kevenue ior ine otn uistrict He has discharged every duty tha has devolved upon him to the en tire satisfaction of the people, and in the interest of the governmen as well. His bitterest political ad versanes concede that there is no officer in the service of the govern ment entitled to more respect for the impartial, urbane, and court- I I .3.-1! T l eous penormance oi ms uuues. jl do not propose loinuuiije e-x-uruv agant expressions as to his peculiar fitness for a seat in uongrress. toui- fice it to say his intimate connec tion with the heads of the depart mentsatWashingto iwillenablehim to render such service to the people of this District as perhaps no other man could. VVhv is it that an intelligent com munity should elect a representa tive that cannot possibly exert one particle of influence for their good in consequence of his extreme bit terness and malignity? Would it not be better to elect a man like Dr. exert Jtt4Ue benefit ,gf the. peo ple, irrespective or political consid eration? With such a candidate, the Democracy will not dare pre sent XX Robbins as his competi tor. They know the intelligent and patriotic citizens of this District would not defeat him with the only man in the Legislature of '68 and '69 that confessed heco.nmitted the grave impropriety of receiving XX Dollars in connection with a matter that he would have to act upon in his position as a Senator, and received that, too, from poor Stephens, who, the Democrats said, stole chickens. Greater was the shame. No 6econd : rate man need be presented. I am confident no name has been mentioned in con nection with the nomination that the Republicans of this county would so cheerfully support as Dr. Mott. A Republican Voter. Republicanism iu Old Edge combe. To,the Editor of the Era : In the official report of the Republi can Convention held in this place on the 25th ult, perhaps space did not per mit the Secretary to record some facts worthy of note to all good Republicans, and which, because of his omission, I propose briefly to do. The Convention was largely attended ; the entire county being represented, and great unanimity of feeling and sen timent prevailed among the delegates and all Republicans present excepting one or two" sore heads." Some few Democrats were spectators, expecting as your correspondent is in formed, to see much dissension, "a spin in the party," iKc, out manKs io the loyalty of the good republicans of i . v i ji i l J all went away with a 44 flea in their oar." xneir long cner,isnea nopo 01 nquuu can split in this county is again dashed to the ground, nor will it ever be realiz- ea so long as the xtepuoncau party ui Edgecombe is j composed of its present i. 1 ! material. The Republican organization of Edge combo was never more perfect nor were f 1 1U!inl r -" XT we evermore eager iorm jjuhi.iv." umu ai present. uemw v-vv---p - -County officers, Legislators, etc., (which we are certain to aoj wo usual majority of nearly 2,300 in Au gust next for Superintendent of Public Instruction, ana for a Congressman from the Second District. Of course I need not say again that tno non. Alex ander McCabe is our first choice. In our Convention on tne zoui, m au dition to the neat address ot senator McCabe, addreses most cheering to the Republican cause, and most appropri ate to the occasion, were delivered by Willis Bunn.i w. f. jiuusuu umuus. pakk PcnaJ Tho Convention in an outspoken and enthusiastic manner en dorsed all of Ithese gentlemen, one evi dence Of the just appreciation huicu will be evinced for each and all of them, by the voter4 of this county in the fu ture. I . Of our success in onr own cqnmy we cans throughout the State AvYllgo'ToIJe' polls in solid pnaianx as we expect auu nmmiso to do in August next, then surely all wll be well j the setting sun of the 6th day of August will view the political grave or ine - ooiomons ; m night birds will sing their mourning dirge as the shades of evening draw closer, and the last safi rites will have been pronounced ere anoiner uuy un be ushered jn. ' As the canvass progresses, perhaps you will hear again from J 7 Lr RAD- Tarboro, May 2d, 1874. L.lfo in Russia. What U. S. Minister Jewell has to 1 Say About it. A letter from Mr. Jewell, United States Minister at St. Petersburg, gives the: following story of life in that country : At one ball at the palace there were 2,500 guests, 1,900 of whom isat down to supper at 2 o'clock in the morning, and 600 took their lunch standing. It takes 45,000 candles to light this palace for such aiball. At this ball there were more royal persons than I ever saw together before. The Empress of Russia,! Crown Prince and Prin cess of Prussia, Prince and Princess of Wales, Crown Prince of Denmark the aboveareall of Imperial rank; of royal rank there were the Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh, all the Russian Grand Dukes and Duch esses, Prince Arthur of England, and fifteen or twenty princess from Asia and Europe besides. We had had a separate presentation to them all previously. They all danced and mingled with the crowd. The new married Duchessof Edinburgh, in whosejhonor the ball was given, thA celebrated Russian dia mAnri nonVlnpA estimated to be worth $20,000,000. The Empress' dress was trimmed with solitaire diamond! buttons each one of which was worth $50,000 or $100,000. All thA imnerial ladies wore diamond crowns. It is thought there were more diamonds worn that night than Avar before at one time, as they came from the three empires of Germany, England, and Russia. It ia of no use to try to describe tho -A week afterward there was a small and select ball given there to one ihundred guests. At tins timA tho Runner was laid in the large hall, which is about 100 by 350 feet and forty leet mgn. x-ony nnlrn trAes. twentv to thirty feet high, had been brought from the PTPAn-house : round each was built tnhlAifor ten to twentv eruests : eight thousand candles lighted this room ; so we sat down to supper in a real palm grove. It was magnifi nont hArond description. This is latitude sixty, the same as that of ureeniano. Speaking of green-houses, we vis ited one the other day for trees and . ! Jl AS 1 snruos, f ierns ana cacti umy, nut flowed which has 30,000 varieties in it, arid 70,000 pots or specimens. All the! corps diplomatique are in vited every winter. There appears to be no end to the money this court spends on such an occasion. This ofi course is seldom done. The Emperor is a splendid man, very polite, I and for that matter so are they all to us. There . s little or no middle class in Russia. The few live liie princes. The many work and live like s'.aves. Very fine and handsome peop'e are the nobility ; very low and degraded are the work ing classes. But it is vastly im proved under this Emperor, who is really a just and good man. Russia' has its o wn code of morals I suppose, which the people live up to. Frotn our point of view there are no mora here. They all cross themselves on going past a church or shrine. There is a shrine in every 1 house, in the presence of whichino one can wear his hat, not even the Emperor. So inside a Russian door hats off a carpenter's - - - - . . - --- same. i They: keep , .Lent, rigidly, Circuses and theatres are full Sun days except in Lent. Thorp are over sixtv "pros wicks or fetej days in the year on which no one will work. Sunday is less cared for, though generally no work is done dn't'hat day. Drunkenness Is more common than in any country iu thb world. Common people drink jall the "bodka" they can get. Their! food is a black, sour bread and cabbage soup mostly. Butt they are a good-natured, laughing race of beings. There is but little social life here, though in fact not much visiting as we do it evenihgs. So much social inter course corries from our schools and religious affinities, which are en tirely lacking in this country, that it makes the difference very mark ed to: an American. The French language is almost as much used as the Russian more so, in fact, in the higher circles. Most of the govern ment!; officers speak English also, and irfore than half the Russians I meekjl All the young ladies speak it, as they have all English govern esses'! English and American books are i hi all first-class libraries, Russia having but comparatively little lit erature of its own. Law and order here aVe as much respected as with us. While the Emperor appoints everyjthing and everybody and can do exactly what he likes, still he governs by and through law. The knout i3 long since abolished, and trial by jury i3 regular and safe. It is no heathen country by a long ways; but the Greek or orthodox church is strict in its discipline and thorough in its organization. Divorce is almost impossible. Prisons are few. Capital punish ment is unknown, except for at tempts on the Emperor's life. All convicts are sent to Siberia, the worst to work in the mines and others on the land. Their families can go with them if they like, so that country is now full of "pretty good people of this kind. This na tion is growing rapidly in all the directions of national greatness. Ed ucation is being pushed slowly but steadily. Most of the people I see can already read and write. But the rich being so rich and the poor so very poor makes progress very slow. The police regulations are perfect, though people drive through the streets as fast as ever they can go Those on foot have no rights which the carriages are. bound to respect.1 Handsome black Tartar horses go past one like the wind with little light harness, no blinders, and low light sleighs or sledges as they call them. - Nobody goes out a minute hero without being fully wrapped un In fur. ana no one sits a minuie 1 1 il : - T this way they never appear to iaKc cold, in no otner way cuuiu mey live in this very changeable climate. . J. 1 1 I 1,1 1, f r. IVOt one OI us nas nau a uuiu mw winter. So alL the stories about this being so bad a climate appear to us to be a humbug. But great care is necessary, ana that everybody takes of him self. So in this way wo get along and on the whole find the climate not bad. Do I like it ? Well some. Don't believel should wahttospend my life here though. The Consolidation Hill Adop ted. V t? IlllU III (flCUSUlU Ul nutimiiii, ; the meeting of the stockholders of the North Carolina Railroad Com pany at Salisbury on the 16th. inst., at which time and place the Com pany accepted the consolidation bill as an amendment to their charter, except so much of it as was intend ed to proscribe certain parties from holding office in said company be cause of refusal to answer certain questions. This was a result anxiously look7 ed forward to by the people of Wes tern North Carolina .and docs much to strengthen the belief that it will not be long beforo thoJ Western North Carolina Road will be pushed forward to Paint Rock and Duck town. Although the opposition was pretty strong and very violent, the friends of consolidation tri umphed by an overwhelming ma jority, exceeding 80,000. Promi nent men among the opposers of the scheme were the Moreheads, Grahams, Webb, Paul Cameron, D. F. Caldwell and others. xiOixiiueiiL geniicujc-u nu heart and hand in this move seem very confident that they will bo able to put the affairs of the North Carolina Road in such shape beforo long, as to enable them to go to work and build the Road. Wo earnestly hope that they may bo able to carry out their plans. Wo are willing to make any honorable concessions in order to see tho road completed. At this time the charter is not al together acceptable to the North Carolina Company, but they look hopefully forward to the next Gen eral Assembly to give such amend ments to the charter as will be en tirely satisfactory. We earnestly hopo that nothing will bo left undone which will tend to advancelhis grand scheme which is dear to the heart of every good man in Western North Carolina. Asheville Pioneer. Paying Poultry. Poultry might be made to better than they generally do. pay The older hens should no wbe weeded out, keeping, as a rule, nothing over three years. Fresh cockeral's of suit able sort should be secured at once, for nothing 'more rapidly deterior ates from in-and-in breeding than barn-door fowls. Tho hen houso should be in a sheltered, warm situation, ceiled so as to secure a more equable temperature, white washed at least once a year, and cleaned out every week. Where there are facilities for feeding the poultry in the house or yard attach ed, they should not,! during tho winter, be allowed toj run out for more than a few hours in the middle of the day. Good dry food, such as oats, barlev, refuse wheat. Indian corn, with an occasional mess, of boiled meat given warm, should be supplied night and morn ing. Chopped meat or butcher's refuse, mixed with a daily meal of warm food, greatly helps the pro duction of egg3. Scrapiana. Conscience is. a sleeping giant. awakes. A man may be gresit by chance, but never wise nor good without taking pains for it. Bad habits are thhtlcs of tho heart and cyery indulgence of them is a seed from which will spring a new crop of' weeds. A down-east editor advises his readers, if they want to get teeth inserted, to go and stes 1 fruit whero a watch-dog is on guard. , "ou want nothing, do you?" said Pat. Bedad, if it's nothing you want you'll find it in the jug whero the whiskey was." "How is coal thia morning?" said a purchaser to an Irishman in a coal-yard. "Black as iver," re-' plied Pat, taking off t e remains of his hat. Never flirt with a oung widow ur christian wno cans you uy yq name the second ti me y ou meet her ; unies3 you nave qui te made up your mind to the word t. v nen a Cincinnati man goes up to a Dar to urinK, ana i s asked what he will have, he says : Give me some headache and a family fight," and the bar-tender knows just which bottle to hand down, j A beautiful lady was kissing and caressing her beautiful little lap dog: " Ah Maria 1" exclaimed her foppish admirer, 44 hy not grant me the favor you are wasting on Fido?" 4tI don't kiss every puppy," rcpliod the pouting fair. ....-.: r

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