WEEKLY. ERA. THURSDAY, MAY 7, 1874. Voice of Republicans! Republican Convention in Chowan County. Pursuant to a call of the Republi can Executive Committee of Chow an county, a large and enthusiastic meeting of the Republicans con vened at the Court-house in Eden ton, on Saturday, 25th April, 1874, for the purpose of nominating dele gates to tne ensuing jongressionai and fcenatorial Conventions. On motion, Chas. Blair was unan imously elected Chairman, and O. r . Gilbert. Secretary, of the Conven tion ' On motion of S. S. Bookrum, every Republican present was con- tion. On motion of Win. R. Ilaughton, it was Resolved. That no person who is an aspirant for Congress, or a Fed eral office-holder, shall attend as a delegate'to the ensuing Conventions. On motion, it was Resolved. That a committee of five be appointed to report delegates to the said Conventions. Whereupon, the following gentle men were appointed : -fcximuna Mayo, Geo. R. Richardson, R. G. Mitchell, S. S. Bookrum and Wm. Heath, who reported as delegates to the Congressional Convention and the Senatorial Convention, E. E. Jackson, P. K. Jones, O. F. Gilbert, Kli&s Holley. The Chairman wa3 authorized to appoint an additional delegate from Third Township. Edward E. Jackson introduced the following resolution, which was passed, with only one dissenting voice: Resolved, That the act of last Con gress of the United States commonly known as the Salary Bill, whereby $5,000 was voted to each member, and drawn from the Treasury by a very large number of them, was a breach of a moral contract by each member so voting or receiving, with his constituents ; was corrupting in its influence and burdensome on the taxpayers; therefore, the Republi can party of Chowan county take this first occasion In Convention as sembled to denounce the whole measure, and those who sustain it, except the President of the United SUites, who was necessarily com pelled to sign the law, or stop the wheels of government by vetoing the appropriations for all Depart ments. The following resolution was of fered by P. K. Jones, and unani mously carried : Resolved, That having entire con fidence in the integrity and ability of Augustus M. Moore1 of Chowan county, we cordially recommend him to the people of this District as our candidate for nomination for Congress ; and the delegates to the Congressional Convention from this county are hereby instructed to give him their united support, and in every honorable way to endeavor to secure his nomination. On motion, the Chairman of this Convention was unanimously elect ed a delegate to the next Congres sional Convention. Mr. Moore, in answer to cans, in an eloquent and forcible speech of ten minutes thanked the Convenr tion for the honor done him : after which, thanks havine been tendered to the officers and the request made that the proceedings be published Jn the Era and North Carolinian, the Convention adjourned. CHAS. BLAIR, Ch'n. O. F. Gilbert, Sec'y. Republican Mediae: in Cur rituck. Pursuant to a call of ihe Chair man of the Executive Committee the Republicans of Currituck coun tv mpfc lit Currituck Court House in Convention, to nominate delegates to the Congressional. Judicial and Senatorial Conventions. The Convention was called to or der by James H. Ferebee, Esq.i Chairman of the County Executive Committee, after which, on motion! of the Chairman. Thomas G. Mun den, an old and tried Republican: was called to tne cnair, witnout a dissenting voice. Mr. Munden taking the chair, on motion of Jonn tarapson, .brank John Sampson, Sears was requested to act as Secre- tary. The Chairman explained the object of the meeting in. a few ap propriate remarks. On motion ot lLson Dozier, a committee of three were appointed to report suitable resolutions for the consideration or tlie Convention. The Chairman appointed on said committee, Wilson Dozier, John Sampson and Mark Cherry. During the absence of the com mittee, Col. P. Mcl). Lindsey, hav Inr been louuiy canea ior, came forward and addressed the Conven m m m a tion in a lengniy ana most appro priate speecn. Messrs. iaulk and Ferebee, of Hertford, Perquimans County, fol- nrww -ihiviov v wiiii iuruiuiu speeches. The committee on resolutions be ing ready to report, the following resolutions were read AViiereah, The voters of the Re- j publican party have not received a proportionate share of the patronage of the National Government, in that competent and worthy colored men have been ignored for places of honor, trust and profit, to which they were entitled ; therefore, be Jt JCesoiveti. mat we hereby con-, tiemn such action on the part1 of those who have controlled and dic tated appointments, and in the fu ture we will not support men whoj have made this unjust d iscri mi na tion. but will endeiwor to hnu leaders I . ., a i ii ' I claims, and beinir fully acquainted with their grievances, will aid them J in a determined effort to right the wrong of which they complain; and we do further resolve, that we will not give our countenance and support to any member of Congress who ilid in the last Congress of the United States receive increased com pensation for Congressional services already rendered and paid for. 'con- demning the recei vingof such money compensation by Republican reore- i sen ta Uvea as the surest means of guished fellow-citizen, the Hon. bringing such a reproach on our Louis Hilliard, we do most cheer rtartv aa will, if endorsed bv us. in- fully and cordially endorse him. Bare . oux. defeat, and jeopardize as oar. liberties. . . . iiet(xvea, mat naving confidence! In the Republicanism of Col. D. McD. Lindsev, - of Perquimans County, a man who was a Republi can when it took men of iron will and indomitable courage to declare themselves in favor of Republican principles, we hereby recommend him to the Republicans of the First District of North Carolina, as a fit and suitable person and one- well qualified to represent the First Dis trict in the next Congress of the United States ; and hereby instruct our delegates to vote for him In the next Congressional Convention. Resolved t That J. W. Albertson, of Perquimans County, is our first choice for Judge ; a true and tried Republican and a gentleman of great legal attainments. Resolved, That in Miles Comman der, of Pasquotank. County, we jiave an outspoken, fearless, able and uncompromising Republican, and we do offer to him the unfalter ing support of the Republicans of Currituck, as one of our Senators in the next Senate of North Carolina; Resolved, That we do tender to C. V. Grandy, of Pasquotank, our undivided thanks for the able and efficient services rendered our party as our representative in the Senate of North Carolina, and earnestly request him to accept the nomina tion for re-election and as our standard-bearer in the coming campaign.. On motion of John Williams, the resolutions were unanimously and enthusiastically adopted. ' On motion of Aaron Rhodes, the Chairman appointed the following delegates, viz : Con aressional Con vent ion Jam es i II. Ferebee, Edmond Wilon, Wal ter S. Harrison, Mark Cherry and Frank Sears. Judicial Convention John Samp son, l. w. wnson, w. u. i nomas, James Martin and William G. Roberson. Senatorial Convention Johnson Lindsey, Aaron Rhodes, William Hunt, John Evans and Wilson Do- zier. On motion of John Sampson, the following gentlemen were appoint ed County Executive Committee: James II. Ferebee, Chairman, John Sampson, Edmond Wilson, Walter S. Harrison and Frank Sears. The business of the Convention being disposed of, Mr. Frank Sears was called for and made a telling speech of over an hour. I he proceedings or the Conven tion, on motion, were ordered to be published in the Era. Raleiffh, and the Carolinian, Elizabeth City. The utmost harmony prevailed throughout the entire Convention, and judging from the large atten dance and enthusiasm displayed, the Republicans of Currituck are thoroughly aroused and will do their whole duty in the coming campaign. With three rousing cheers lor Lindsey and the Republican party, the Convention adjourned. T. G. MUNDEN, Ch'n. Frank Sears, Secretary. Republican Convention in Edgecombe County. The Republicans of Edgecombe County met at the Court-House in Tarboro.cn the 2oth of April, 1874, for tho purpose of selecting dele gates to attend the Congressional Convention, to convene at Golds boro, Thursday, 1 It h day of May, 1874. On motion, W. P. Mabson was elected Chairman and Dr. W. A. DuirEran. Secretary. The follow ingr proceedings were had: On motion, the following gentle men were selected as Delegates to attend the Congressional District Convention at Goldsboro, viz: W. P. Mabson, Willis Bunn, Jos. Cobb, W. A. Duggan. And the following, as Delegates to the Judicial Convention, to convene at Williamston, on Saturday, the 9th of May, viz : Joseph Cobb. Allen Turner, W. P. Mabson, Matthew Allen. On motion, the Delegates to the Congressional District Convention were instructed to support tne Hon. Alexander McCabe, for the nomination, in said Convention. xne loiiowmg resolutions were introduced by W. P. Mabson, and were unanimously adopted with marked enthusiasm : - Wuekeas, The time has arrived when we should select a suitable. and acceptable man as the Repub lican nominee of the 2d Congres sional District; we the Republicans of Edgecombe County, in Conven- tion assembled, do Resolve. That the resolutions adopted by the Republicans in our last Legislature condemning the action of Congressmen in regard to the " back salary grab 11 meets our full concurrence; and we do repu diate all Republican participants in said salary grab, they having inereny lorieiteu our former con fidence and trust, as well as tar nished the purity of Republican ism, and circumscribed its useful ness. Resolved, that although the col ored Republicans of Edgecombe County number 3.000, yet, we de nounce any steo or .measure tend- mg to place tne nomination on a basis of color alone, and declare our belief that all such measures are but the shallow and despairing de vices of aspirants for otlice, who thus" hope to gain that political preferment to which they could otherwise never attain. Resolved, That in the person of the Hon. Alexander McCabe, of agecombe, we have a man whose Republicanism is unquestionable, and one whose past record as Sen ator and in other important trusts. leaves upon its pages not one sin- Qle'blot or blemish; one who has ever been faithful in his duties, faithful to his party, and to the honor and integrity of crood etov- ernraeni, ana one wlio has stood a:ni,ini.. i the everlasting principles of equal rights to ail ment - and one whose nomination to represent the District, would i faction to tho Republicans Edgecombe. rResotvedt That we pledgo our selves to support the nominee of the District Congressional Convention. on the 14th of May, 1874. r f Resolved. That having 'full and entire confidence in the ability, in- tesrrity and fidelity of our d is tin- eminently worthy of any office i within our gift, and do recommend. mm as our nrec cnoico ior tne 2d Congressional appointed as ioiiows. une delegate give entire satis- lor every civil and executing officer:. Ul U1U I Judgeship of the second Judicial District. 7 Resolved, That . our Delegates to the Judicial Convention, to beheld at Willlamston, on the 9th day of May, 1874, be, - and the same are hereby instructed to vote, as one man, for Hon. Louis Hilliard, for Judge, and Ihe Hon. J. J. Martin, Solicitor, of the 2d Judicial District.. On motion, a committee, appoint ed by the Chairman,, waited on the Hon. Alex. McCabe, who in a short, pleasing f and: well-timed address, returned his thanks for the honor conferred on hi id, pledging? in the future, as in the past, his fi delity to his constituents, and his party. On motion, the proceedings were ordered to be sent to the Era, for publication, with the request that t he Republic- Courier and New North State copy. W. P. MABSON, - ' t; - Chairman. W. A. Duggan, Secretary. Republican Meeting in .Greene. A mass meeting of the Republi cans of Greene county was held at the Court-house in snow Hill, on Saturday, the 18th April. Dr. 13. S. 1 la ray was called to the chair and W. P. Ormond requested to act as Secretary. On motion, a committee of five was appointed to draft resolutions expressive of the sense of the meet ing, viz. : John atnck, M. E. Dail, J. D. Grimsley, Marcus Shepard and Charles Best. During tne absence or tne com mittee, the Hon. Joseph Dixon was called for and favored the meeting with a review of his course in public life. S. A. Busbee was then called for and delivered a short address, ar raigning our public servants for their shortcomings. Tne committee on resolutions re ported the following, which were adopted seriatim : 1. Resolved, That the platform and principles of the Republican party of North Carolina, as hereto- tore declared in convention, are hereby reaffirmed ; and events have proved that their practical enforce ment is essential to the welfare of the country and to the maintenance of the rights, interests and liberties oi me peopie. 2. That in a free and representa A 1 , live government we recognize th man for Congress who favors one national system of education. We favor such legislation as will accom plish that ; and we respectfully re commend and ask of the National ucvernment sucn aid, by the setting apart of a public fund for the pur- pose of establishing such schools in the several States as will secure to the masses of the people of all classes the benefits of a liberal education. 3. That we heartily endorse and approve of the action of the State Republican Executive Committee in nominating Thomas R. Purnell our standard-bearer in the coming campaign lor the omce of Supenn tendent of Public Instruction. We recognize in him a man of ability and integrity and one fitted for the position. 4. That we recommend and urge that Republicans put their best men in nomination ; and we cordially in vite all meh to join us under the banner of Republican principles, to perpetuate our republican institu tions. o. That we recommend the elec tion of ten delegates to represent us in the Senatorial .Convention for Greene and Lenoir, to be held in Snow Hill, on the second Saturday in June, ana mac we noia our Coun ty Convention on the same day. John Patrick was then called for and spoke in defence of his course in the Legislature. Marcus Shepard, in response to calls, delivered a short address. The meeting then went into the election of delegates. Ellis Dixon was delegated to the Congressional Convention, with Dr. B. S. Hardy, . 9a. 1- 'r -ri r.:ii x t ' Alternate; M. E. Dail to the Ju dicial Convention, with S. A. Bus bee, Alternate. On motion, the delegation to the Congressional Convention were in structed to vote for the Hon. Joseph Dixon. The following delegates were elect ed to the Senatorial Convention: Thos. Moore, Paul Speight, Araas Moye, John Patrick, M. E. Dail, Quincy Dunn, C. H. Harper, W. A. Conner, A. McF. Cameron and Joseph Moore. It was ordered that the proceed ings of this meeting be sent to the Era, with the request that they be published. On motion, the Convention ad journal B. S. HARDY, Ch'n. D. Oumond, Sec'y. Republican Meeting: in Nash. At a Republican meeting held in the Court House in Nashville, Nash county, on the Gth of April, 1874, on iiiuiiuu m j. j. oiiitiu, vvi. kj. X.J. I a: C T T C U "Vvl O I Sears was called to the chair, and G. D. Langly and M. Brantley re- quested to act as Secretaries. j vn mouon oi jx. lirunuey, vr. . i Robbins was requested to explain the object of the meeting, which he did m a few appropriate remarks On motion .of J. J. fcoiarp. the. Chair was requested to appoint a committce of five to draft resolu-s tions expressive of the sensefof the meeting. The Chair appointed onj that committee Messrs. ii. c Strick land, G. D. Langly, L...N.B. Battle, G. W. Robbins and W. f. Walker. The committee retired. In theabsence-or tne committee, - . .a . . I speecnes were maue oy .messrs. 1 t. - i Chairman, J. J. &narp, w. Jbason and others. The committee came forward and submitted the follow- entire confidence in the ability, in ing, which was unanimously tegrity and, fidelity of our distin- auupicu. , I . . Township executive uommiitee for the Republican party in the dlf- ierent jownsiups oi xswa county, Kers, itenry xayior; oiony ;reeic, Wm. il. Jiison : xxasnviue, w. jt.t Walker: Coopers, u: U. -tangly; Mannings. J. R. p. II. Ffach; PerrenSCB.Cr5tHc iiiiuiuiuj, v. ir . .i . VnnA la .11 l Ut.i.lr I In furtherance : oE the foregoiriffi tho nnderslgned committeemettxie- clare that, ; 1 i We, committeeirien Wiierkas, of the Republican party for the county .'of sash, do hereby reafflrm ourunredjmd unbiased conden r fjriffins. wiine Mitcneii: vvmia-. in the generous principles and lib eral offering of the Republican par ty for the general and uniform ad ministration of justice to all of our people, according to the Constitu tion of the United States, as all good citizens should do ; Therefore, be it Resolved, That we have and hold abiding confidence in the admin istration of our President, U.: S. Grant, and assert that his course of administering the affairs of the Na tion wilt inure to our common good; Resolved, That W. P. Walker be, and is appointed. Chairman, of the Executive Committee for the coiihty of Nash for the different Townships as declared above, and that the said committeemen report their dele gates to said Chairman for repre sentation in the said County Con vention for their Townships. Resolved, , That we do appoint Monday, the 25th day of May, the day for a , general Convention of all the delegates appointed from the Townships in Nash county, to as semble at the Court House in the town of Nashville to nominate suitable persons as our standard- bearers for the various county ora cers to be elected on tne nrst xnurs- day of August, 1874. . . Resolved. That we recommend Tuesday, the 49th day of May, for "-'- kja m - -w .- . uuu iu mis xjiswiKH ah o Nashville, and invite co-operation from the counties of Franklin ana Wilson. Resolved, That the proceedings ot On motion, the Convention ad this meeting be sent to the Raleigh journed with three hearty cheers for uru. iuc puuucauuu. un motion, the meeting aajournea. C. E. SEARS, Ch'n. Republican Meeting iu Nasli. At a Republican meeting held in the Court Hoase, in Nashville, on Saturday, the 20th day of April, 1874, to nominate delegates to the Judicial District Convention, to be held in Warrenton, on the 6th day of May next, to nominate a suitable man to bear the Republican banner through the Sixth Judicial District as candidate for Solicitor, also, to nominate delegates to the Congress ional District Convention, to be hM in Raleigh or elsewhere in the I . C3 . . ... Fourth Congressional District, to nominate a candidate for Congress ; it was 1. Resolved, That we, as loyal citi- aft zens, ever laitntui to tne adminis tration of justice in all free govern ments, do hereby endorse the plat form of the National Republican nartv. believing as we do, that through the just administration of a Republican government will snrino- forth near nrosneritv and happiness to all. 9. Resolved,. That one delegate fmm pni-h Tnwnshin in tho mimtv be appointed to represent us in the Judicial Convention at Warrenton, on the Gth day of May, to nominate a Solicitor. 3. Resolved, That one delegate be appointed from each Township to represent us in the Congressional District Convention to nominate a candidate for Congress. ' 4. Resolved, Whilst we are averse to trammeling our delegates, we entrust to them full confidence and rely upon their capability to truly represent us in the respective con ventions. 5. Resolved, That the proceedings of this meetintr be sent to-4ho Era for publication. After the nomination of delegates the mectinsr was addressed by the chairman, Messrs. J. J. Sharp, L. tv, t. Tiattin nnn Unas. k. sears: at- ter which, the meeting adjourned. W. P. WADKiili, (Jh'n. ?Em 4 5?SSi r?' Secretaries. Ju N; B. Battle, j Kepublican Meeting in -Pitt. In accordance with previous no- tice; the Republicnsof Pitt County mpt. in ponvention at the Court- house, in Greenville,, on the 21st dav of April, 1874. W. L.Cherry, Chairman of the Republican County Executive Com mittee, called the Convention to or der arid explained rthe purpose for which it was caneu, to-wiu : to ap point delegates id the Congressional and Judicial Conventions. The Congressional Convention to be held at Plymouth, on the 2lst-day of Mav. 1874. to nominate a candidate for Congress for the First Congress ional DUtrict. The Judicial Con vention to be held at Williamston, N. C, on life 9th day of May, 1874, to nominate candidates for Judge and Solicitor for the 2d Judicial District. On motion of G. W. Cox, Jacob McCotter was elected permanent Chairman, arid H. E. kelson was re quested to act as Secretary. On motion of Calvin Cox. a cora- . sii' . m ...:.. 17 T. 'P TJr.r hilLA. II. Mansfield S.A. Perry, H. Pevton and Hardy Gorham were ap- pointed to draft resolutions for the ! i r A I . I consmemiiou oi uie meeuug. wxiu after a short" absence returned and throusrh ' their Chairman, .'A. H. Mansfield, presented the following resolutions : 1. Resolved, That we endorse the administrations of General . Grant and Governor Caldwell, and , that we hereby pledge ourselves to carry out tne great ana glorious princi- pies of the Republican party, which are equal rights and justice to all men; 2. Resolved, That we tender our sincere thanks to the Hon. C. Li. Cobb, for his integrity and valuable services to the citizens of this Con- gressional District, and cordiallv recommend his name as our stand - . aru - bearer in the comincr campaign 8. Jiesolvedi That having full and gmsueu leuow-ciuzen. tne non. 1 1 . . -ww Louis Hilliard. we rfn mnf.ihMr. fully: and cordially endorse Moras eminently worthy of .-anv. oflice within our gift, - and recommend him as. ; our first choice ; for thd JnrlcroBHlrrf tha slann -i T,,rliiol listrict.i. i 4. 2wiAfi That s m Wnn j0Senh J. Jilartin; amUorthefaithfanS uicu uuu uuiaiMjrmEr. Jrceniinucuo i , ...... - -r . . award hfni jt'riWKr uai a .5. Resolved; That oar delegates tb xjugressionai uonventlon to dq held at-Ply mouth, on the 21st day of May, 1874i be and the same are herby.instrnctedtavoteasonemari C. Cobb, to repre- sent the First Congressional District in the next Congress. 0. Resolved, That our delegates to the Judicial Convention to be held at Willlamston, N. C, on the 9th day of May; 1874, be, and the same are hereby instructed to vote as one man for the Hon. Louis Hilliard, for- Judere. and Hon. Martin for Solicitor, for the Second uuuiciaL jjistrict. The foregoing resolutions report ed by the Committee were ably seconded by F. J. Johnson, Calvin SXVSV, A' Perry G- w- Cox and W. L. Cherry, in stirring and well timed speeches and were unani mously adopted. On motion of W. A. Quimmerly, B. L-T. Barnhill,S. A. Perry, Aus tin Flood and W. L. Cherry were appointed delegates to represent the -rvepuuucans oi .Fitt County in said Congressional and Judicial Conven tions. On motion of Hardy Gorham, the names of the Chairman and Secre tary were added to the forgoing list oi delegates. motion oi w. Li. Cherry, a vote of thanks was tendered to Ja cob McCotter, G. W. Cox and W. P. Bryan, for the able stand taken by them in the late rLiaiatnro ; On motion, the Secretary was di- i svwbvk w.dvUU Jk .HSJ U1UVCCU iugs im vum (jonveution to me jzara, Baleigh, New-Berne Weekly Times and Elizabeth City Carolinian, for publication. vxjuu, .miiiara ana martin. JACOB McCOTTER, Ch'n. H. E. Nelson, Secretary. TTALCABLE RAILROAD PROP. V ERTY FOR SALE. Pursuant to a decree of the Circuit Court of the United States for the Wes tern District of North Carolina, at the April Term. 1874. at Greensboro, in a proceeding then and there pending in Equity, to foreclose a mortgage men tioned in the pleadings between Henry Clews, Hiram Sibley and others, .Flaintins, Against The Western North Carolina Railroad Co., TE. D.l Tod R. Caldwell. Rufus Y. McAden, The First National Bank of Charlotte, John Rutherford, Hiram Keller. Thomas G. Greenlee. James Greenlee. Mary Carson. A. H. Erwin. N. H. D. Wilson, Assignee, R. M Walker and others, Defendants, The undersigned. Commissioners ap pointed by the Court at the said April Term thereof, will sell at the Court House door in the city of Salisbury, the 18tli day of June A. I. 1S74, at Public Auction, to the highest bid der, all tho franchises, road, road-beds, rolling-stock and property of every kind, nature and description belong ing to the said The Western North Carolina Rail Road Company, men tioned and described in the said Decree. The purchaser or purchasers will be required to pay to the Commissioners Ten Thousand Dollars in Cash on the day of sale, and will be given cred it for the balance of tho purchase mo- nv until Mondav. the 6th dav of Julv. 1874, the first rule day of said Court, at Greensboro. N. C. next ensuing after the day of sale. Those -who purchase at said sale, pro vided they be holders of bonds secured by the mortgage mentioned in the said Decree, may retain their shares of the purchase money, except as to the said sum of 310,000.00, by surrendering to the Commissioners an equal amount of said bonds. , .The said Commissioners are author ized, so soon as the said sale shall be confirmed bv the Court, to erive imme diate possession of the said Railroad, its property and effects or every kind and description ; and all persons who may be in possession of the said Railroad or any of its property are commanded to surrender the same to the purchasers upon the production of the Commis sioners' deed to them. This Road, when its connections snail be completed, will form one of the most important thoroughfares in the entire South. Its length is 142 miles, of which 115 miles is .complete; that is from Salisbury to Old Fort, in McDowell county, at the Eastern base of the Blue Ridge ; and the greater part of the remainder ot the road is graded, or nearly so. ' There has already been expended upon this Road, about 6,000,000.00. It is now sold to satisfy a debt of about $1,400,000.00 which constitutes the first lien upon the property. The Commis sioners believe that the title of the pur chaser1 will be good. For any further information, address fc$. . liAlTUJUK, Morgan ton, N. C. MARCUS ERWIN, Asheville, N. C. THOMAS RUFFIN, Hillsboro, N. C. THOMAS B. KEOGH, Greensboro, N. C. April 22, 1874. 44 w8t S' TATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, County of h ake. In the Superior Court. Fab. II. Perry and Indiana Perry, his wife, against Wm. H. High and T. r . Lee. Summons for Relief. State of North Carolina, To the Coroner or Wake county Greeting: You are hereby commanded to sum mon Wm. H. High, the defendantabove named, ii he be lound -within your county, to be and appear berore the Judge of our Superior Court, at a Court to be held lor the county ot Jyake, at the. Court House in Raleigh, on the 8th Mondav after the 2nd Monday of Feb ruary, 1874, and answer the complaint which will be deposited in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court for said county, within ten days from the date of this Summons, and let the said de fendant take notice that if he fail to an swer the said complaint within that time, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. Hereof fail not, and of this summons make due return. Given under ray hand and seal of said Court, this third day of March, 1874. J. N. BUNTING, Clerk Superior Court, Wake Co. March 4, 37 Gw. w AKE COUNTY.- -In tuk Supe- RIOB COUBT. Mary Warren against J. Francis War ren. Summons for Relief. The State of North Carolina. Tb the Sheriff of Buncombe County greeting : , You are hereby commanded to. sum mon J, Francis Warren, the defendant above named, 1 if lie be found within your County, to be and . appear before tne Juuge 01. our superior .Court, at a Court to be held for the County of Wake, at the Court House in Kaleigh, on the 8th Monday after the 2d Monday of Au gust, 1874, and answer the complaint which will be deposited in the office of the Clerk of -the Superior Court for said County, within the lirst three days of, said Term, and let the said defendant take notice that If he - fail to answer the ' the tnf (ha nira,7w,c7reiiei aemanaea in tne complaint. IT lAho " 5' 1 Hciwif rail Tint AnA Af thla nM.nn make due return. i Giren nnder my hand and seal of said Court, this 16th day of March, 1874. ...J'.- J. 2f.- BUNTING, Clerk Superior Court Wake County. J- C. X. Habris,. Plaintiff's Attorney, . April 10, 1874. r . ,4-w6w ' PATENT MEDICINES. KEARNEY'S v LTJID EXTRACT, - - $ 11 B U C II U 1 The only known remedy ior B RIGHTS DISEASE. And a positive remedy for GOUT, GRAVEL, STRICTURES, DI ABETESjDYSPEPSI A, f NERVOUS DEBIL ITY, Dropsy, Non-retention or incontinence of Urine Irritation, Inflammation or Ul ceration of the BLADDER AND KIDNEYS, ! SPERMATORRHOEA, Lcncorrhoea or Whites, Diseases of the Prostrate Gland, Stone in the Bladder. Calculus Gravel or Brickdust Deposit and Mucus or Milky Discharges. KEARNEY'S EXTRACT BUCHU Permanently Cures all Diseases of the BLADDER, KIDNEYS & DROP SICAL SWELLINGS, Existing in Men, Women and Children. JS5-NO MATTER WTH AT THE AGE! Prof. Steele 8ays: "One bottle of Kearney's Fluid Extract Buchu is worth more than all other Buchuscombinen." Price, One-Dollar per Bottle, or Six Bottles for Five Dollars. Sold by all Druggists. Depot, 104 Duane St., Sew York A Pphysician in attendance to answer correspondence and give advice gratis, 0-Send stamp for pamplets, free.'tS , TO THE Nervous and Debilitated, 7 Of Both Sexes. No Charge for Advice and Consultation. DR. J. B. Dvott, graduate of Jeffer son Medical College, Philadelphia, au thor of several valuable works, can be consulted on all diseases of the Sexual or Urinary Organs, (which he has made an especial study ) either in male or fe male, no matter from what cause origi nating or of how long standing. A practice of 30 years enables him to treat diseases with success. Cures guaran teed. Charges reasonable. Those at a distance can forward letter describing symptoms and enclosing to prepay postage. send lor the Uuuic to Jicaitn. l'rice 10 cents. J. B. D YOTT, M. D., Physician and Surgeon, 104 Duauo St. N, Y. l'eb. 4. ly. INSURANCE. I NORTH CAROLINA STATE LIFE INSURANCE j! I COMPANY, KALEIGir, NORTH CAROLINA, Capital, $200,000. OFFICERS: Hon. Kemp P. Battle, President. F. H. Cameron, Vice President. W. H. Hicks, Secretary. Dr. E. B. Haywood, Med. Director. Dr. W. 1. Royster, Ass't Med. Di7r J. B. Batchelor, Attorney. O. II. Perry, Supervising Agent. DIRECTORS : Hon Kemp P Battle, Hon Tod R Cald well, Hon John W Cunningham, Col T M Holt, Hon Wm A Smith, Dr W J Hawkins, Hon John, Manning, Gen W R Cox. Col Jj W Humphrey, C Tate Murphy, Col Wm E Anderson, John G Williams, Col W L. Saunders, R Y MeAden, Col A A McKoy, 1 J Young, James A Graham, F H Cameron, J C McRae. J B Batchelor, J C Blake, Walter Clark, W G Upchurch, J J Davis, John Nichols. FEATURES AND ADVANTAGES. It is emphatically a Home Company. J t is large capital guarantees strength and safety. Its rates are as low as tuose or an first-class company. It oners all desirable torms oi insur ance. Its funds are invested at home and circulated among our own oeople. No unnecessary restrictions imposed upon residence or travel. Policies non-ioneitaoie auer two rears. Its otneers ana directors are promi nent, and well-known North Carolin ians, whqse experience as businessmen, and whose worth and integrity are alone sufficient guarantees of the Com pany's strength, solvency and success. TIIEO. II. II1L.L., Local Agent, O. H. PERRY. Raleigh, N. C. Supervising Agent. JESB Good Agents, with whom liberal contracts will be made, wanted in every county in tho State. March-13, 1873. 3S w6m w AKE COUNTY IN THE StJPE- rior Court. Alfred Morris and wife and others, against Leonidas Paze, L.eroy Paere, Sarah E. Page and Cora Page. Sum mons FOB ItELIEF. The State of North Carolina, To the Sheriff of Wako Countv Greeting: r You are hereby commanded to sum mon Leonidas Page, Leroy Pae, Cora Lu ruse, ana arah E. Pace, thedeten- dants above named, if they bo found within, your county, to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court for the county of Wake, within twenty days after the service of this summons on them, exclusive of the day of such service, and answer the complaint, a copy of which will be deposited in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court tor said county, within nve days from the date of this summons, and let them take notice, that if they fail to answer to the said complaint within that time, the. plain tiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. Hereof fail not. and of this summons make due return. . Given undermy hand and seal of said Court, this 22d day of April, 1874. Clerk of the Superior Court, Wake Co. S. H. Kogebs, Plaintiff's Attorney. April ZZ, 1874. wot MATTBESS.MAKING A CANE-SEATIXG THKSE branches beinff taught in the North Car- Xlina Institution for the Deaf and Dumb and the Blind, we are prepared toiur- nish Mattresses or the very best mo and material, and at cheap rales. Also, to cane-seat chairs, settees, fcc, Ac DHOOMS ye also have on nauu large lot of excellent Brooms, wmcn will be sold cheap. , Address Institution for tne wcw Dumb sind Blind; Baloigb. N.. C. 4 Kaleigh, March 2G, 1874. ; 3-3m IfJEW A1V15RTISI3MENTS. T A A .school, ti:aHi:hs X tttl: WANTED-To -engage du ring the Spring and Summer in a busi ness payingSloO per month in their, own CURDY, Philadelphia, Pa . 414W. AlJ-.l Male or Female, W 0TK 1 11 U laSS a week employment at home, day or evening; no capital ; instructions and valuable package of goods sent free by mail. Addrcss.with six cent stamp, M. YOUNO CO., 173 Greenwich st., New York. 41 4 w For Couglis, Colds, Hoarseness, and all TJiroat Liscastv, use ; Wells's Carbolic Tablets, Put up only in HL.IJK boxew. A TKIED & SURE BEMKDV. Sold by Dru0-gisia. lLiV' 3Xillion4 ofAcn'H RICH FARMING LANDS IN NEBRASKA, Now for Sale Very CHEAP! Ten years credit, iuterest only per cent ! Dcscriptivo Pamphlets, with Sectional maps, sent free. THE IIONEMR, a handsome illustrated paper, contain ing the Homestead Law, mailed free to all parts of tho worlds Address. ' O. F. DAVIS, Land, Commissioner U. V. H. H., Omaha, Nrb. 41 4 w 66 XSY1Io:TIA!VCY 0,1 SW,T X CllAltltHNCJ." How either sex may fascinate and gain tho love and affections of any person the chooso in stantly. This .simple, mental acquire ment all can possess, Jreo, by mail, for 25c, together with a marriage guide, Egyptian Oracle, Dreams, Hints to La dies, Wedding-Night Shirt, ttc. A queer book. Address T. WILLIAM tt Co. Publishers 41 4W Philadelphia. 6 6 rriDEOti UAPIIY," A New HOOK Jli on the art of writing by mouiu!; a complete system of Phonetic Short Hand, tho shortest, most simple, easy, and comprehensive, enabling any one in a short time to report Jrjals, speeches, sermons, Ac. The lord's Prayer in written with 49 strokes of tho pen. and 140 words per mi i) nte. " ho i.pcinpluyod should learn this art. I'ri by mad i) cents. Agents waiuet!. Address T. W. EVANS A c..i ., 1.,'JS. 7th St., 414W l'hiladelphia, Ta. Tlie JtiggcKt Tliiiifr Vet Humor, wit, pathos, life, fun ami laughter, ." comic cuts. Tho people yearn for it. It will sell in dull times!! Show it to a man and he surrenders. It is sure every time. Don't bother witli heavy books that nobody wants. Humor is the thing that tikes. Agents wanted everywhere. Send mr circulars and extra terms to xu-ua 1 i uu. x iu. adelphia, New York, lioston, or Chi cago. 11 4 w Tho Highest Medical Author ities 01 Europe say the strongest Tonic, Purifier and Deobstruent known to tho medical world is JURUBEBA. It arrests decay of vital forces, exhaus; tion of tho nervous system, restores vigor to 'the debilitated, cleanses vitia ted blood, removes vesicle obstructions tfe acts directly on tho Liver and Spleen. Price $ta. bottle. JOHN Q. KULLOUO, 18 Piatt St., N. Y. , 41 4w curc3 all Humors from the worst Scrof. nla to a common IHotcb, or IMmplo. From two to eix bottles are warranted tt cure Salt Illicnm or Tetter, 1'lmplet 011 Face, IIoi. . Erysipelas anj liivcr Complaint Hx to twclvo bot tles, warranted to euro Sicrofuloua Kwclllnrs and Sores and all Skin and Illood Illscascs. liy iu wonderful Pectoral pi-opertics it will euro tho most severe recent or lingering Cougli in half the time required by any other mcdiclno and is perfectly safe, loosening cough, eooili. inp irritation, and rcJiCTlnir ttorcncan. FoJd by all Prujrjrisls. II. V. rfritCE. irr.I).. World'w Divpciinar) , liiillalo, . V. CIRCUIT COUIIT OF THIS UNI TED STATES KASTKKN DIS- TKICT OF NORTH CAROLINA. United States vs. 9 boxes of manufac tured plug Tobacco, 1 mule, 1 wagon and 1 set of harness, property of Brummet. Libel of information. To Jirummet. and to all whom it may concern : Greeting. Notico is hereby civen. That the above .mentioned property was seized by M. O. McNamara. Collector of tho 1st Collection DistricGof North Carolina. on the 18th day of March, 1874, as for feited to tho uses of tho United States, for violation of the Internal Kcvcmm Laws, and the same is libelled and erosecuted in the Circuit Court of tho nitcd States for condemnation for tho causes in the said Libel of Information set forth ; and that the said causes will stand for trial at tho Court Room of said Court at Raleigh, n tho First Monday' of June next, -if that bo a jurisdiction day, and if not at tho next day of juris diction thereafter, when and whero all persons are warned to appear to show cause why condemnation should not bo decreed, and to intervene for their in terest. V Given undermy hand at oflice. in Ri- leigh, this liOth day of March, Jn7i. 11. M. DOUOLAS, United States Marshal. March 30th, 1874. 40-lt ' ISCUIT COUItT Of Till; UNI TED STATES KASTKKN DIS TRICT OF NORTH CAROLINA. United States vs. 0 boxes manufactured tobacco, 1 box smoking tobacco, 1 double wagon, 2 miile, 2 sets of har ness, 1 lot of blankets, L lot of cook ing utensils, property of V. O. Man ifum. Libel of Information. To W. O. Manguin and to all whom it may concern : Greeting. Notice is hereby given, That tho above mentioned property was seized by M. C. McNamara, Collector of tho 1st Collection District of North Carolina, on the 18th day of March, 1874, as forfeited to' the "uses of the United States, for violation of tho Internal Revenue Laws, and the same is libelled and prosecuted in the Circuit Court of the Unitod States for condem nation for the causes in tho said Libel of Information set forth ; and that tho said causes will stand for trial at tho Court Room of said Court at Raleigh, on the First Monday of June next, if that , be a jurisdiction day, and ir not at tno next day of jurisdiction thereafter, when and where all persons are warned to appear to show" cause why condemna tion should not be decreed,' and to in- ' tervene for their interest. ' Given under my hand at office, in Raleigh, this 26th dav of March, 1874. R. M. DOUGLAS, United States Marshal, March 30th, 1874. 40-r-lt FIE CICAKV AND NAOKINM Tobacco,at UROWN'S. Raleigh April 7, 1S74. r IT U nrllmiii m i i iJ ml