T WEEKLY ERA. Official Orya.n of the United State W. IVI. 1JKOWX, Manager. THURSDAY, MAY 14, 1874. the caro of tho Republican organi zation in this County, according to the platform and rules of the same, prescribed by the State Republican Conventions for 1867, 1868, 1870 and 1872, all of which bodies assembled in the City of Raleigh and ordered the publication of their proceedings in the Republican papers of this State. Your County Executive Commit tee, therefore, in the opening of this campaign for the nomination of County officers, have assembled at the call of their Chairman; and at a regular session, held in the Capitol building, at noon, on Sat urday, the 9th day of May, taking into consideration the condition of affairs in the County and the con dition of tho Republican party in its present unsatisfactory and dis organized state, do declare and make known : 1st. That the Convention called by T. F. Xee, .Esq., to assemble in shown, that they agree peaceably and harmoniously to permit the said Convention to dissolve and pass away and that they join us in the grand mass meeting and bar becue to be held in this city on the same day, which will be the open ing gun of the present campaign in Wake County against the Demo cratic Conservative powers, which are anxiously looking for a divis sion in our ranks. Remember, fellow-Republicans, that division means defeat. Let us be united and we shall be victorious over every foe ! Come to Raleigh, then, to the mass meeting. Let every Repub can .spare one day for the sake of his country and the cause of the great Republican party of this Na tion. Let the cry be: To your tents, Oh, Israel ! For this day we expect each man to do his duty. JO. W. HOLDEN, hour, and doing good even to its enemies? - And now we turn to the other side of the picture and there we see the Literary Board of North Car olina take the" Common School Fund which1 the United States gov ernment had deposited here, away from those same poor children and use it to destroy the very govern ment it belonged to, and which was trying to educate the poor children of the State. People of North Carolina, will you think of these things ? Col. A. M. Waddell, the Demo cratic Representative in Congress, from the Wilmington district, not only voted for the 'back-salary" and toofc It, but wrote aA letter Me- STATE. -ttiircity, bnti STonsray; For Superintendent Tiiblic Instruction . THOMAS R. PURNELL, OP FORSYTH E. 8IXTIT JUDICIAL DISTRICT. For Solicitor: JOHN C. L. HARRIS, OF WAKE. Elections Thursday, Aucnt Oth. NOTICE. Persons desiring to recommend, through the columns of the 44 Era," anf friend for office of any descrip tion, must pay adrertislng: rates for the same, in advance, whether If e publican or Democrat, otherwise their articles (after the first com utunlcatlon relating to any one' per son, which will be inserted gratis; will not appear The charge for advertising the name of a candidate for any office, will be 5, in advance. The pnblisher can no more afford pace In these columns, furnish pa per, Ink and labor, without com pensation, than can a merchant furnish goods to the public, without pay Persons who want office can well afford to pay is illegal i void and of no binding effect. since it has been called without the proper authority; and we hereby notify the Republicans of the Coun ty that said Convention has been set aside, and that a legal, resilarly constituted Convention of the Re publicans of this County will be called at some early day, by our au thority as the only Executive Com mittee, and the only authority binding on the voters of the Repub lican party in this County. 2nd. We further declare that T. F. Lee, Esq., is not a member of the Executive Committee of this County; that he has no Committee with him or behind him; that he has taken his present place without a shadow of right so to do, and therefore has no authority to sum mon a delegated Convention of this County ; that J AS. II. HARRIS, STEWART ELLISON, Committee. er Republican Meeting' in Frank lin County. In pursance of previous notice, a large meeting of the Republicans of Franklin County was held at the Court House to-day, for the purpose of nominating delegates to attend the Judicial Convention to be held in the town of Warrenton, on the Cth inst,, and also to appoint delegates to attend the Senatorial Convention to be held in the town. of Tsashville, on the 19th inst., and aiso to appoint delegates to atte the Congressional Convention, at such time and place as may be ap pointed for said Convention. On motion, Capt. C. II . Thomas was called to the Chair, and on as suming the duties of said position, made a very few but pointed remarks, urging his brother Re publicans to stand firm in the dis charge of their duties, and to be bold and determined in the support On motion, J. E. O'Hara, Esq., of Enfield, was chosen Chairman, and J. T. Reynolds, Secretary. The following named gentlemen were chosen as delegates to the Con gressional Convention : John Ury ani of Halifax, and Geo.W. Daniel, of Faucett ; alternates, L. F. Lar kin, of Weldon, and John A. Jones; of Enfield. As delegates to the Ju dicial Convention : W. F. Younsr.of iLittleton, and T. J. Fields, of Wel don ; alternates, John Mavs, of Lit tleton, and W. C. Hill, of'Weldon. On motion of John A. Jones. Esq., the following preamble and resolu tions were unanimously adopted : Whereas, We are again called upon to enter a political contest, and being our bounden duty and pleas ure to so conduct said political con test as to retain our party strength, gain new adherents to the tenets of the Republican party and win the approbation and confidence of those .11.. . 41 Nash G. V. Robbins. I Northampton J. W. Newsom. Warren Albert Burgess. Wake T. F. Lee. The Convention then adjourned sine die. RICH A Hi) FALKNKIt, President. W. IioniiiNs, Secretary. M. Beckwitk, Asst. Sec'y (J. J. In the afternoon the large crowd which had assembled on tho court green were addressed by Mr. T. It. I'urnell, Republican candidate for Superintendent of Public Instruc tion, -oi r. morn, J- c L. Harris, King, Johnston and others. Tin? greatest enthusiasm prevailed. War ren will increase her majority in August to 1,500. I is-Loyalty and Lying. 'Our attention has been called to crats of that District have re-nominated Col. Wi thus endorsing said "grab," and those Democratic mem bers of the late General Assembly who let off such beautiful- speeches Woodley Hawkins, E. T. Power, have Joined tire cremation crusade. I M. T. Hawkins, R. T. Edwards, , We are led to make the above in- and Oft' those speeches on ;the K?1 Thomas Conrad Jones, Ed uiry because of the following edi- Lartal tail n&- . YJyPS Is the Ku Klux Klan still in . Operation in North Carolina ? gates were appointecLtp attend the several Conventions: . C- H. Thomas, J. H. Williamson, P. B. Hawkins, W. H. Ransom, W. A. Bookram, Nick Williams, quiry because or the folio wing torial taken from the -.Piedmont Press of the 7th of May : It fS'time we commence shooting the deserters and punishing the recusants. The first step has been taken in that direction by the Democratic-Conservative State Ex ecutive Committee, in the adoption of the following resolution : Resolved, That we earnestly rec ommend to tho members of the Democratic-Conservative nartv to he stands alone, discourage independent candidates It is said that the garrulous grab ber from the Greensboro' gerryman der smiled sarcastically as the sweet-smelling smoke f curiously curled up In wavy wreaths from the smouldering speech of Person's Alfred Raker, Arch. Thomas, Ossa Thomas,4 Albert Davis, Henry Bowdin, Abram Davis, Rchard Baker, John Pediford, Matthew Shaw, Henry Fuller, J. B. Tucker, James C. Wynne, C. W. Conway, Ned Alston and Roe Davis. On motion, the following resolu- Puritanical commoner, and panto- tions were unammousiyaaoptea; Iicans of Franklin county in con as a Committee of one of which he arfd all other disorganizes, and that is the sole, sen-constituteciniemDer, all support be promptly withdrawn from every asnirant for office who shall oppose the regular nominees of our conventions. mimically pointing to the pyrotech nic pyre solemnly saids "Great God, fellow, citizens ! why don't you fling McGehee and! Scales on the pile and burn thera.itoo ?" And so the whole of the elegant Democratic philippics against the "Salary Grab" have 1 ended in Resolved, That we, the Republi cans of Halifax county, hereby re new our pledge and allegiance to the Republican party, both State and National, and again endorse the ... iuumi i hi !.-., i ikiiii i , ni umn's length, in the Southern Home of the 27th ult., headed "Blood hounds and Loyalty," In which tho truth is almost an utter stranger. This article states that Judge platform of kud pSrty as adopted ?'cWun"g and promulgated by the Republican Convention of 1867 and all subse quent conventions, v Resolved, That as corruption and venality are daily being charged, and in many cases proven, upon the leaders of both political parties, it is our duty to select none but true, honest and competent men to bear our standard in the ensuing campaign. Resolved, That the measure known eral Court at this place, allowed "Billy Smith" $9,500 as a salary for one year as receiver of the Wes tern N. C. R: R. Co.; while the re cords show that Smith was only allowed $5,000. The Home further states that Col. S. McD. Tate, who. it says, is a vastly superior railroad man to Smith, was only allowed by the same Judge, as the receiver of the same road, pay at tho rate of $2,000 per annum. While the It is really amusing to hear Dem ocratic orators and Democratic newspapers asserting that the col ored people of the State have "forced', them to form: a line of I a-In order to secure the Era it is necary that the price of sub scription shall accompany all or ders for the paper. Our terms are cash Distinguished Visitor.-tCoI. John H. Wheeler, of Washington City, author of Wheeler's History of North Carolina, and former Treasurer of this State, is spending a few days in Raleigh. We are pleased to see him looking well. Col. Wheeler is engaged, we be lieve, on his new work, giving im portant statistics and events that have happened in North Carolina. We wish him abundant success. and that hence his act3 as such are null and void, and without any binding virtue upon the party in this County. And we do also de clare that the Republicans of Wake will no longer submit to such an usurpation of all powers by one man, but that we are determined to have a free Convention, free speech and free votes, with better candi dates for places of trust and confi dence, that we favor and will main tain the equal rights of all men, and that we hold to the fundamental principle that the voice of the ma jority of tho people should rule in the choice of their delegates and their candidates in all of our assem blies both large and small. 3d. We notify the Republican party of this County that the State Republican Convention, which as sembled in this City, in 1872, or dered tho Regular Republican Ex- srm in l v n i itiuiuii t.uiii ri nm a i a i . . - TTnn .TWnh w ff nirfpn Jnspnh Avery say no the people must vote much ashamed to make any such T. Backalan, Esq., John B. Neath- as they and the Klan tell them or be humiliating confession, i or hear it vention assembled, once more an nounce our fealty to the Republi can party and express our confi dence in the nrincirjles enunciated in the great National Republican the Republican party ; we thereforo FfltfnrmhP pv ntr nnrs to he the ensure suun li press's men as voifu as the 41 Snlirv Grab nrlnnted hv "Ul" 1S limi Ul va UI,,y ifLn' JL.PiM ceiverofsaid road for about five ll'V JL J1 l J (JVVUUW WWl-i L VOOj Li.iU IIIV manner in which it was placed in a general appropriation bill to prevent the JKxecutive veto, was unjust, and tends to cast odium and discredit on wnat uoes tne ress mean Dy tlshooting the deserters and jmnUhing the recusants V Has it come to pass in North Carolina that a free man, who has heretofore co-operated with the Democratic party, cannot A t M 1 Jl I 1 turn irom me error oi nis way ana in politics. How the whites of persons were appointed as Execu- vote according to the dictates of his tnG state with a maioritv of 40.000 tive Committee of said county: P. -11 I " ' I T TT. 1- nuj TV,, XT registered voters, with j nearly all party of iustice and right: and be- iner thus founded it ought to suc ceed. 2. Resolved, That John H. Wil liamson be requested and authoriz- zed to cast tho vote of this county, at Warrenton, on the 6th inst., for Major B. F. Bullock, Jr., for Soli citor, he being our first and only choice for that office. On motion, the following named for said measure and received said back pay, as unworthy of the con fidence and support of the Republi can party, and we urere upon the District Convention to pass such resolutions as will express the dis approbation of tho Republicans of the Second District. weeks, and was allowed and receiv ed the sum of $500 for tho same, which was a . much larger per cent, upon his receiAs, than that allowed " Bijly Smith." While the report.f of the road show, and the truth isl that Col. Tate was hardly able to keep the road in running order,' from its receipts under his manage ment. And that under the man agement of " Billy Smith" for one year, the road has been increased in value , by the repairs to the bell, rolling stock, &c, between forty and fiftv thousand dollars; with a sur- denee in tho ability, integrity and "V' lity of our distinguished fellow- ovf "l??1 ' fidelity own conscience and judgment with out being "shot" for so doing? Must he be taken out and scourged because of his "recusancy11 .in not obeying orders as to how he shall vote? We have been laboring un der the delusion that every man in this country has a right to vote as citizen, James E. O'Hara, Esq., we do most cordially endorse him as our choice and being worthy of the nomination for Congress in the Second Congressional District, and our delegates to the Congressional B. Hawkins, Chairman, John H. WilHoTncn W A Bnntram f!.V. the real estate, and nine-tenths of rjnnwav. Jnsenh FTarris. Alfred Ba the education, can bo compelled to I ker TST t TTnrris. Matthew Walk- "PeriifnrH Convention, to be held at Golds of an inferior race (as thev claim Henry Bowdin, Abram Davis, Al- boro, N. C, May I4th, 1874, are of an inferior race (as they claim) vig, R0e Davis, Wesley hereby instructed to cast the vote wu"UHfc "iwucjr, iuwu lauua auu Best jewi3 Perry, Ossa Thomas, It. witnout eaucation, is a very strange t. Edwards and Knibb Thomas. thing and if we belonged to the I On motion, John H. Williamson The Home further says, that Judge Dick at a Court held at Greensboro, where there were threo parties litigant, allowed the law yers $2,500; which we understand is not true ; but that he allowed tho attorneys appearing for the road $'200 each, amounting in tho wholQ to not half $2,500. ' The Home also says, that Judge Dick also allowed Mark Erwin and he pleases; but Mr. Hussey and Mr. Democratic party we would be very was ca111 on for a speech ; he came we, the Republicans oi iiaiiiax A.L nunil.Kf .nfo Z? Jl cheers and loud ap- county, recognize a tried and true ery, Esq., Moses Patterson, Esq., I "shot11 &nd "punisied.11 Who, gen- and George W. Brodie, Esq., to re organize the County of Wake and to do so before the next regular Convention, which will be sum moned by us at the proper time. We shall, therefore, notify the Re- tlemen, have invested you with this power? Not the Constitution or laws of the State ; they warrartnc such imperial privilege. If your made. The whole story is against common sense and reason, and we simply don't believe it-and furth er, we don't believe the Democrats nlanse and made a most eloouent Republican, a competent ana trust and telling address, showing up the worthy attorney, and our delegates ilves believe it. heli est are to he obeved it must be 3 fSPHS??&5 X3Tihj by virtue, of your authority in the ' mMinw will heonlled fnrrhenhove I "InviSlbl Woklo couniy Jiauers. purposePtach of the same, to be The County Commissioners report held in the broad open day-light, Wake county out of debt, and yet and for the further purpose of elect witness tickets, jurytickets and coun- ?S frm their number one man to , rii i be a member of the Regular County ty orders are subjected to a heavy Executive" Committee, shave because there is no money in which Committee, according to the the County Treasury to pay them, said platform and resolutions of the And why is therel no mony there ? party in State Convention assembled T,, - ' in 1S72, is to be composed for the Because the taxes due the county County'of Wako of 8Yxteen mem. for B73 have not leen paid into the bers ; which members must assem- Treasury by Sheriff Lee. The peo- ble, elect a Chairman and Secretary, r1e of thf ronntv. and more nartie- and notify us that they are ready to laivu Liiaiuu ui vi aiictiio ui l ai ja meetings will be called for the above "Invisible Empire." Howl Jong, e hone ana submit to such oh how long, will sinew of the State imperious dictation ? Rise up, free men, and strike the shackles from your limbs before your liberties are taken from you by these oppressors of mankind. It may not be safe for Judge Mer Sunday morning, the 3d inst., S-fr' Democratic party in its truly hide ous position at the present time. Capt. Thomas was next called , and he stated that he hoped the good advice given by Mr. William son might be practiced and remem bered, and that the country might soon be relieved of the evil effects of man mmed. Jjavis. near ngham. Richmond' county. or has it that Yarbbro was ac- of having some unpleasant ith Davis7s wife, and Yar- boro, while passing the house of Davis, was accosted by IMrs. Davis who demanded to know why he had given her the lie. Yarboro dis claimed using any such ordered that these pro ceedings be published in the ra. Oh motion, the meeting adjourn ed. . C. H. THOMAS, Ch7n. J. B. Tucker, Sec'y. of Halifax county for him until in xS0CVe$, nat in J. u. U. .arriS, f ,lvnPMinfr !,! rm.l fr.r Rfllrw we, the Repuoncans oi iiaiiiax w . . i t TV7.i that they were only allowed $500' each. So it is now easily to bo seen what Judge Dick and "Billy Smith" get for their loyalty a lying edito rial article in the Southern Home. We notice that the Charlotte Ob server and Hickory Press have made similar false and wicked statements in regard to this matter, and we suppose these untruthful ana injurious-articles will, without . ' i. : i 11... oueriiJg a currtxuuu, nuvui iuu rounds of tho veracious Democratic press of the State, with a diaboli cal QXm.Statesville American. rimon to Haw himself atllickory J-JSL -SfifthS Republican Meeting in Martin. Pursuant to previous notice, the language, Republicans of Martin county met at the Court House in vviinaraston to the Judicial Convention to be held at Warrenton, May Gth, 1874, bS and they are hereby instructed to cast their vote for lum for the office of Solicitor for this Judicial District. Resolved, That five hundred cop ies of the proceedings and resolut tions adopted by this Convention fa -.Tnf-Htl frr rliefrlhnHrtn . nnri hii. onenng a cation to the Jra ana Roanoke JNeivs. On motion, the Convention ad journed. J. E. O'H ARA, Ch'n. J. T. REYNOLDS, SeCy. For Judge. We publish in another col urn n the announcement of Judge Ijogan, declaring himself a candidate for Judge in this district. Wo take ularly the Republicans of the coun ty, demand that this money be paid over to the Treasurer, and that this shaving of tickets and or ders cease. lfthis money is not paid over in full Sheriff Lee is there by rendered by Jaw ineligible for ro-election. Even if this were not tho law, he has no Vight to expect his party friends to re-nominate him unless he shows the receipts of the State Treasurer andthe County Treasurer for all public moneys col lected by him. The Republican party is the spe cial champion of free public schools or by packing and stacking, which audit will not stultify itself by nas been mtnerto practised ganization in this County, when we will surrender our trust to them, for it is time, fellow-citizens, that tho party was re-organized on a safe and sound basis, that the people may see that the day of packing and proxies, of trickery and treachery has passed away from among us forever. Your regular Republican Exec utive Committee takes this oppor tunity also to warn the delegates, who have been misled into being Station, the place where the Pied mont Press is published, .until he swears out a peace warrant against Messrs. Hussey and Avery. He may be shot or punished if he goes there. The editorial above quoted is most assuredly as applicable to him as any one. "It is time we commence shooting the deserters and punishing the recusants." Will Messrs. Hussey and Avery please inform the public who "we11 are that are to do the shooting, and also who are the "deserters11 that are head of Yarboro, dashing out his brains. CORRESPON DUNCE. Convention of Sixth Judicial District. Aprorrlinfr tn nrevions cill. tho on this day, for the purpose of nom- Republicans of the Sixth Judicial p easurein p acin- h is n no mating delegates to the Judicial W met at Warrenton. on the -puiri? "lsi";1122 -i s r i 1,1,1 i " . . ' ai uui juaat iimu, art uuui iciai.i Ston on the 9th Of the present inatine- a oandidate for Solicitor, to month, and the Congressional and appoint a committee for the Judic ial i District, and to transact such It must not be understood that Thk Era endorses the sentiments of its correspond ents in every instance. Its columns are open tothe friends of the party; and their communications will be given to the public as containing the views and sentiments oi the writers. Davidson Always Republican and Never Bolts. To the Editor of the Eral: : A report is in circulation to the delegates I A-Arwt tnnt 4-s-fc rrl swim ffAivi Tlrt ' I appointed to attend Mr. Timothy fn hG sho, ftml who the I T" r Tk" F.Lee's illegal Convention, that . . nmijth,df . Tj, Jlidpa Mer- liSSSk ' ClSSSnvnti wnetner iney wereiainyoruniainy . -7; 7 - rczn lS0rwT-iAntin Tif Vh0n to selected, by public meetings or in se- rimon a "ueserier- or- is ne a .-re- " 1 a wr cretconclave.by6o;ia ?cjma orities cusant?" Is he to be 'hot"oris ,"'.VV " 1 1 11 1 v i nr 11 TFti rrwxs -i.rifi- y -i iriiu iir 1 nominating any man, no matter what his services may have been, who has collected money for free he to be only "punished?"' anxiously await a reply.-. We in a shameful manner, that said Con vention, called to assemble in the city of Raleigh, on the 15th day of May. 1874, is illegal, null and void ! schools and failed to pay it over to. But the Republicans of this county, the County Treasurer. on the t)ther hand, are invited to Taxes are levied and collected .VnTl ,nZ?S?rZL cntirehite n.alo poJatiuto 1 . I ... v.. .j' :: " y' 'V Vi' . -. ..it privuiu usu vi uu v man Education Prej udicc. In July, 1SG2, while the Southern States were conscripting almost the peopl Davidson are of the true grit. They have never bolted a Convention, neither have they ever, bolted an election. in 18G8 one Senatorial Conventions, to be held in Plymouth on the 21st inst. On motion, Merrick Gray was called temporarily to the chair, and then on motion of Jos. M. Siterson, John Watts was selected as permanent Chairman. On motion, W. A. Johnson and Peter Hassell were requested to act as Secretaries. The object of the meeting having been explained by the cnairman, On motion of A. vv. .rowers, a committee of two from each town ship was appointed by the Chair select delegates to the aoove named Conventions, which dele gates were as follows: To the Judi cial Convention : W. J. Watts, Harry Biggs, Augustus Johnson, P. W. Emett, Harry Ballard, Moses Crookston, VV. A. other business as might be brought before the Convention. Mr. Albert Burgess, Chairman of the County Executive Committee of Warren, called the meeting to order, after which Mr. J. C. L. Har ris, Chairman of the Judicial Com mittee for the District, explained ;tv inei.ODjecc 01 tne assemDimg 01 me Keen . 1 .i-rl " w convention, anu nominateu Jr. Richard Falkner, of Warren, for President of the Convention, who was unanimously elected. On motion ot Mr. H. C. Jones, from all portions of the district.and from conversations with leading Republicans, we are sure he is tho choice of the party and that his course in declaring himself a can didate meets the approval of the party from Polk to Cabarrus. In 18G8, in this district, even witli Catawba county, a strong conserva tive county, in our , district, Judge Logan received a handsome ninjor- Ilis course as Judge has such that we are satisfied that the majority will bo increased at the coining election. He has given general satisfaction to all law-abiding citizens ; none have had cause to say that in any- B,Ir'.G;lV IJobbins ?f Nash was thing before him as Judge has ho T T 1 A A fPliAtf TnnA thS,.! mTinr? iZZZX Sers, Bennett Burgess and Abner "w V VnoAn JUUQV U and the Republican party will not say that u man who has collected taxes and failed to pay them over as the law directs is the best man to collect t ixes in the future. The Era takes no pleasure in re ferring to this matter, but a high iteiise of duty to the public and to the Republican party requires that it shall not remain silent. SheritTIiCo must pay over the taxes, or stand aside for some good Republican who will. The County Executive Committee i"sued the following address on Sat urday last : Republicans, Attention ! Let every Republican who reads this Circular, rally to the City of Raleigh 011 Friday next. OTJIl MOTTOILS x 2ual rightsor all men : Better candi dates or office! Free votes, free epeeeh and free Convention Dovnx with the one man power? The voice vf tke people must rule Fello W-REruBLicANs The Chairman of our Republican Coun ty Convention for 1S70, Dr. Thos. L. Banks, by order of the delegates 1 there assembled, appointed a Re publican County Executive Com mittee, consisting of Hon. Jos. W. Holden, Jw. T. Backalan, Esq., John B. Neathery, Esq., (Private Secretary to the Governor,) Moses Patterson, Esq., and Geo. Wr. Brodie, Esq., and charged the said County Executive Committee with addre!?w of distinguished men on thexcondition of affairs and the pros pectsxof the party in the next cam paigm Let all Republicans, therefore, who are in favor cf maintaining the regular organization of the party, who are in favor of free schools, who are determined to vote for no officer, who has not promptly settled his accounts with the pub lic treasurers i who, in a word, are in favor of a faithful, respectable, orderly, honest, Republican form of government, join us enthusias tically in this movement for the purification and salvation of the Republican party in this, the me tropolitan county of the State. We shall and we dQ denounce all bolters from and all iisorganizers of the nartv. and we shall cut them off without regard to rank or de gree, when they resist the regular authority which is herein exercis ed in the name of the people for the general good. Let all such be ware! ror in the name of free speech, free votes in Convention, freedom from the tyranny of the rings, cliques, and combinations of corrupt office-holders, and in the name of the great people of this county, we say to any man who is disposed to stand in our path : j Give way ! Or else the car of Republican victory, rolling tri umphantly onwards, shall crush you into insignificance 1 Therefore, we direct in conclu sion that the delegates to the so- called Convention, who are our fellow-Republicans and for whom we entertain only the kindest feel ings, and who have been iuvited to meet here on the 15th day of May, that since the said Convention has been illegally called as we have General Leach's nephew,:'. 17. Rob- bins, in the field, who was beaten Carolina two hundred and seventy by the gallant J. T. Cramer for Sen thousand acres of public lands for ator. But we wTill add that all the in 1C70 dred majority; they gave Judge L To Congressional and natorial flAttiA ih hnnrirH fmTHnHHr Convention : Jos. M. Siterson, imrnolUUaiettJatonMft. J.fiifosg . Merr 1 P.k . .Uxayjas. Congress passed a Dill giving North educational purposes. That Con gress was controlled by the Repub lican party and that bill was signed by Abraham Lincoln, Republican President. Yes, even while those terrible battles were being fought around Richmond, and the whole South was arrayed in deadly hostility against the life of the nation, that nation, with parental care, was calmly providing for the education of the very children of the soldiers, (we will not use that harsh term good people want is a fair expres sion of the whole District; a fair, unpacked Convention, ; and the strongest man to receive the nomi nation, then I assure you that vic tory will crown our efforts. A true and unflinching REPUBLICAN. Lexington, N. C, May 8th, 1874. Aew? North Stale copy. Voice of Republicans! Republican Meeting ;iii Jfasli, At a meeting of the Republicans of .Nashville Township, held at Nashville, on the 4th of Mav. for reDeis") ennsteu and ngnting un- the purpose of appointing delegates der the Confederate flag. to the Senatorial and County Con- T there nnv hti in that not nf ventions to be held at Nashville, - nn iha 1 Qf V. nf Afov nn rontinn rvf At A A l.il.t( A 1 I - f 111 Ul . , w u.vk.uu VA tnegovernmeniioarusineoouin w H. llnhhins. Esq.. VJ P. Wal- is there any mance in tnat enortoi the Republican party towards the Southern people? With all its boasted chivalry, we challenge the South, nay the world, ker was made Chairman, and Cal houn Griffin and S. T. Cooper re quested to act as Secretaries. On taking the chair, Mr. Walker explained the object of the meeting in a few remarks. The following to show an act of equal magnanim- delegates were appointed for the ity. Was there any cruelty in the United States government appro priating hundreds of thousands of acres of public lands to educate the poor children of the South, while Southern guns were belching forth murderous storms of shot and shell at that very government? Does it not present thesublimespec- tacle of a nation rising far above the passions and prejudices of the Senatorial and County Conventions: Solomon Harris, Ricks Arrington, A. C. Griffin, Willie Ricks, Martin Rose. For County Convention, W. H. Robbins, J. J. Walker, Port Cooper, J. G. Bennett, W. P. Wal ker. ' On motion of W. H. Robbins, the Secretaries were requested to fur nish the proceedings of this meet ing to the Era for publication. On motion, the meeting adjourned. W. P. WALKER, Ch'n. A. C. Griffin, I crpt&ries S. T. Cooper, j secretaries. " . -r- l 1 Aicnaru .XT T1 Z. Eborn, Thomas West, Jones, A. W. Powers, J. J. Smith, J. R. Mizell, W. P. Moore, Put nam Shephard, W. A. Rogerson, Whitly Griffin, H. F. Putnam, W. A. Johnson, Matthew Williams, Lawrence James, J. J. Martin, Danief Latham and Charles Rober- son. On motion, it was ordered that the Chairman's name be added to each of the above list of Delegates. While the Committee was ab sent, the meeting was ably ad dressed by several gentlemen. On motion, it was agreed to hold a Convention at Williamston on the second Saturday of June, for the purpose of nominating a candidate to represent the county in the Gen eral Assembly and county officers. On motion, the proceedings were ordered to be published in thejEWi and JXortli Uarolinian. un mouon of Jos. Ray, the meeting adjourned. WM. A. JOHNSON, ) PETER HASSELL, J oecs elected Secretary ; and on motion of Mr. C. D. Upchurch, Mr. J. M. Beckwith, of Johnston, was elected Assistant Secretary. The several counties were called, and the following delegates answer ed to their names : Franklin C. H. Thomas, J. II. Williamson, C. W. Conway, W. A. Bookram, W. II. Ransom and N. Republican Convention in Iiai iiax fjounty. In pursuance to a call of the Re publican Executive Committee for Halifax county, a Republican Con vention was held at the Court-house in the town of Halifax, on Satur day,: the 2d of May, 1874, for the purpose of selecting delegates to represent the Republicans of Hali fax in the Republican Congressional Convention for the Second District, to be held in the town of Goldsboro, on the 14th day of May, and also in the Judicial Convention for the Sixth Judicial District, to be held at Warrenton, on the 6th day of May, 1874. The Convention was called to order by Henry Eppes, Chairman of the County Lxecutlve Committee. uranvnie cnernng Hester and James I. Moore. Halifax Winfield Young and l nomas r ie!ds. Johnston John D. Massey, OfFy Whitfield, 1 nomas Morgan and J. M. Beckwith. xNasn jr. v . jionuins, w uov Mitchell and Calvin Pctliford. Northampton I nomas Key, II. R. Deloatch, Jerry kSeott and Clai born Faison. Warren J. A. llyrnan and Rich ard! ralkner. Wake Norfleet Jeffries, Henry C. Jones, Wm. Jinks and T. F. Lee. The meeting was then addressed by Mr. J. H. W llliamson, who withdrew the name of Mr. B. F. Bullock as a candidate for Solicitor, and by Mr. Key, and by Mr. Argo, who also withdrew from the con test and by Messrs. Thomas, II. C. Jones, Lee, Harris and Moore. Mr. Fields nominated Mr. James E. O'Hara. &r. H. C. Jones nominated Mr. J. C. L. Harris. The several counties were called, and voted as follows : For Harris : Franklin one-third of one vote: Granville two votes; Halifax one vote; Johnston two votes; Nash one vote; Warren two votes; and Wake four votes total, For O'Hara: Franklin two-thirds of one vote ; Halifax one one vote ; and North ampton.one vote total, 2j. Mr. 'Harris was declared the nom inees of the Republicans of the Sixth Judicial District for Solicitor. The following Committee was then appointed for the District : Franklin C. H. Thomas, Chair man. Granville- Dr. L. C. Taylor. - Halifax Henry Eppes. Johnston P. T. Massey. acted partially. He has been the upright Judge, who all are willing should decide their causes,believing that he, would act as a Judge should. To Republicans we say, wo have now our.candidate in the field ; let us go to work and for eight years to come we need have no fears that right and justice will not bo done to all "without regard to racecolor or Ruiherford Star. The grand jury of New York has found a presentment against the present reform commissioners of charities and correction, charging that since May Jst, 1H7J1, the com missioners bought dry goods in a manner at once wasteful and ex travagant, and leading directly to corruption. The Commercial has a story about a well known charity organization, St John's Guild, charging that large sums of money contributed have not been account ed for, that a temporary treasurer has decamped, and that he did with the knowledge of the other officers. The receipts of the Guild in cash in February and March were $20,000, of which sum $1,500 are said to have been expended for the reiiei of the poor. IN I5AXKKUPTC Y. 5 THIS IS TO GIVE IVOTIC'K Tliat a warrant in Bankruptcy lias hist been issued out of the District Court of the United States for tho Eastern Dis trict of North Carolina, against tho es tate of Thomas II. ttlacknall. of Kit- trell-s, in tho county of Granville, in. said District, who has been adjudged !a lianKrupt upon tne petition oi one of his creditors ; That the payment of anv debts, and tho dflliveryof any property iJtiuiigin iv naiu Ditijkrupu, ku mm, or for his use, and the transfer of any pro perty, by him, are forbidden by law ; j. uitL a ui uiu cruuiiurs oi saitl bankrupt, to-wit : to prove their debts. and to choose one or more assignee of his estate, will be holden ou the 18th day of May, 1874, at ' 10 o'cloek, A. M., at the Register's oilieo in llaleigh, N. C, before A. -W. Shaffer, Esq., ono of the Registers in Bankruptcy of said District. . . . . R. M. DOUGLAS, 10 2v V, S. Marshal and Mt'ssouirer, V v A J: ! f t i ' (