v.f 1 V . . . WEE-KLY ERA'- ," ' : : - V,Mi,-,i.ii5il Or rim In tho old " Standard " Build . i ik: one sauarc South of-tho Court House, Fayettevllle Street; KATES SUBSCKirTION : WjJeklY One year, - , ' Six month.'.-, -"Three month,' -Tui-WkeklY One year. - J2 00 1 00 50 4 00 Z 00 1!00 50 Six months, Three months, One mouth, XO-JitWRiAw-T in Advance. Wc clip the following bit of spice from ye'.1 Leaven worth Time : I "Wish ,1'was an Editor. I wish T was an editor, I really do, Indeed ; It seems to ine that editorx, Get everything they need. They, pet the biggest and the best Of everything that grows, And get in free to circusses And other kind of shows ; Aifd when a mammoth cheeo is cut They always get a slice. For saying Mrs. Smith knows how To make it very nice. Tho largest pumpkin, largest beet, , And other garden stuiF, ; Is blown into the sanctum by w An editorial putr. Tho biggest bug will spea!c to them, No matter how they dress A Kliabby coat is nothing, if You own printing press. . At ladies' fairs they're almost hugged ily pretty girls you know. That they may crack up t'VerythJyjc . And thus they get a blow-out free, At every party feed ; . The reason i because tliey write And otlier people read. Wt? publish the above us an un doubted specimen of pure poetry, it bein entirely :i creation of imag ination, with not a bit of reality in it, as far a- actual experience troes. Were the items about being hugged at fairs by pretty girls true, the business would be ruined, for every man in the country would turn -diinr about fair time. An Alarming I-vil. One of the saddest and moot a larming evils among us, is tho want of parental discipline, and the lawles? spirit resulting from it among the youth of our land. Children now-a-days generally govern their parents. When they get beyond the period of infancy, they a!m(xt immediately become young gentlemen and ladies. Boys and girls are generally, to a very slight extent, under the oversight of theirparcnts. Not unfrequently they are sent into the streets that moth er may not be troubled with them, and stub boys very quickly acquire all the accomplishment which belong to young gentlemen of the period. The girls walk the streets arrayed in the fashions of the day, and read the illustrated papers, ami, before they enter womanhood, often have their minds corrupted with faise views of life, and imag inations excited by images ruinous to mind and heart. Why, with such an education as our young people generally obtain, need one be surprised at the dissi pation of our young men, and the last habits of some of our young women? The evil seeds that are being sown everyday in our streets, must be exiccted to take root, and in due time spring up and bear , deadly fruit. Has not the time come for parents to watch more closely the impressions, for time and eternity, being daily made up on the minds of their children? Disobedience to parents is one of the perils of " the last day," 2 Tim, iii : L lA't Christian parents labor, watch anil pray, ami seek to .save from ruin those they love. Central Cnshiterian. Marrying by Proxy. The Court of Iiw and Kpuity, in Kansas, City,(Mo.) was recently the scene of a rather extraordinary matrimonial transaction. An aged man. evidently passed his fiftieth year, called upon the clerk of the court for assistance in marrying a wife. This was a marriage between two persons separated by fully (,0(H) miles of land and water. The old man informed the clerk of the court, that he wanted to get married to a woman now living in 1 loliand ; that he would perform such ceremonies as were necessary here, and she would be married to her brother in Ilollandasa proxy for him. Then, the brother was to ship him his wife with her baggage, direct to Kansas City. It appears that the lady has an objection to leaving her home in Holland before she had been mar ried in sme manner, and as the bridegroom cannot afford to leave his business here to go after his wife, he decided to apply to the courts for an act of procuration. The clerk, as soon as lie understood the ease, proceeded to prepare the necessary papers, and the old man went away delighted with the hap py consciousness of being a married man with his bride (5,000 miles away. There are many ways of being married, but this appears to be the most unsatisfactory way of all. It is not likel" that it wille come either jxjpular or fashionable. No Kffkct. A German paper contains a reply from a clergyman who was travelling, and who stop led at a hotel much frequented by wags ae.tl jokers. The host, not be ing used to have clergymen at his ta ble, lookedat him with surprise; and the clerks used all their artillery of wit upon him without eliciting a remark in self-defence. The worthy clergyman ate his dinner quietly, apparently without observing the gilxand sneers of his neighbors. ( ne of them.at last, in despair at his forbearance, said to him, 14 Well, I wonder at your pati"n..e ! Have you not heard all tnat has been said against you ?' 4()h, yes; but I am used to it. Io you know who I am ?" 'No sir." "Well, I will inform you. I am chaplain of a lunatic asylum ; such remarks have no effect upon me." John Dog, of Massachusetts, has had his name changed by the legis lature of that State to John Kerr which is a distinction without any difference, except perhaps, as to the size of tho animal. Aid often comes at the right time; this is not the case when the point of somebody's boot assists you in toaung down stairs. ' ' . . I ' ' .. . . " 1 .f!t'i - ... i t ..-.i,Vt ' " i "i"'1 .' '"''. ' ,' -''.' . t r ' .... : 1 ' ' ... ri , --.I..1 , i in... :: VOL.IH;' WEEKLY BRA, THURSDAY, MAY 21, 1S74. Kiioiigli of Sectionalism., ' R very body,except t he Democratic party, have had enough of the' sec tional troubles which have fpr bo many years wrung the hearts of .the people of the .United States. - The Democrats are not satisfied, and oven in the presenceof widows who mourn hasbarids, and orphans des titute because their father, ,y(er& slain in a sectional war urged o&by them, they 'are trying " to ei Ihe West and, Xorthwest roinblnp.'with the South as against Ihe North' and East of our country, and are already hyf nnJhni hry ( will tia When they thus get the rsortn and -t-ast under their feet. They do not seem to be able to comprehend how the grain growing "West, the cotton pro ducing South and the manufactur ing North can live in harmony un der the same general government, and each contribute to the wealth of the other, and to the glory of bur common country. We.of the South, have had enough of secession, and we want no rings or combinations, either of persons, corporations, or sections of country. We want simply the Union of States our fathers fought for a country that is the admiration of the world, and an asylum for tho oppressed of all nations a govern ment strong enough to protect itself from all foreign enemies, and at the same time extend to its humblest citizen full and equal protection in all his rights. This is the difference between the two political parties in this coun try : Democracy is based on sec tionalism and stirs up strife between the different parts of the Union. Republicanism is based on loyalty to the national government, and labors to protect the week against the strong, to educate tho poor, and by internal improvements build up our waste places, develop our re sources and thus add greater glory and prosperity to our country. The Tax of Ignorance. There is nothing that will help more to improve the condition of tho people of North Carolina than education. We mean by "educa tion" not only a knowledge of books but a knowledge of the mechanic arts, agriculture, &c. If a boy is allowed to grow up in ignorance of both books and a trade, he can only command as wrages eight or ten dollars per month. Take another boy of equal intelli gence and give him a thorough knowledge of books,or a good trade, he easily commands a salary of $75 or $100 per month. The difference between the pay of the one and the other, is the monthly tax that the first is compelled to pay for his ig norance. Can any State prosper which al lows such an enormous tax to bo levied on its citizens? Knowledge is power. Knowl edge is wealth. Knowledge, wheth er of books, or of the mechanic arts, or sciences, is a capital which the State should furnish to every young man beginning life. Without that capital, he drags out a comparative ly useless existence. If he marries, he entails poverty, ignorance and all their train of evils on his wife and children. Asa citizen he can add only a mite to the general stock of usefulness, and is unprofitable as a means of revenue to the State. Not only that, but he is an actual burden. In health, he can baTely provide a scanty subsistence for those dependent on him, and if he loses his health or dies, his family must suffer or become a charge on the couuty. Should not those who aspire to rule the State give this matter seri ous thought and aid a reformation? If they fail to do it, do they not show themselves incompetent to rule? Dr. J. J. Mott, of States ville, is suggested as the Republican candi date for Congress from tho 7th Con gressional District. The Statesville Intelligencer pays him a handsome compliment, and well deserved, too, we think. His Iolitics we do not admire, and shall do all we can to defeat him should he be the candidate of his party; but he is undoubtedly the most promi nent, the most popular, if not the ablest Republican in the District, and if we must have a Republican in Congress from this District, we know of none whom we would pre fer above Dr. J. J. Mott. Salisbury Watchman. The Statesville Intelligencer and the Salisbury Watchman are both Democratic papers, and therefore the compliment to D. Mott is the more marked. ' I'm particularly uneasy !on this point,' siid the fly to the yonng gentleman who stuck hira on the end of a needle.' . ; B B . . 7i, f. .. -r-l VV IX II VII 111 . . . . .? t.,V W f m ' A V ,' J, 111 fi I I II - TT 7 . r ; . . . - ' I f . tt 1 i it' . : : z ' . . , . .. j i i.. Spclmanla, OrfrCIioico ' ' from Srielman ' The - followingraro a -fe choco extracts 1 from the' column? of'jthe' Blasting Powder of the 28th, of Aur ust, . 1872, a newspaper, canea py John -Spelraan who has recently been appointed to office by a H nUbllcan adm i n istratioh Here they are: ; ..."There are two candidates in the field for President of the (Jnited States one is ailtadical, the other a Liberal. The first" was nominated by a convention of the office-holders at Philadelphia : the other was nominated bythe. best and purest men in the now disbanded Republi can party .and was-afterwards norai- vention , at Baltimore h-: ' "The omco-noiaers' canaiaate is Gen. Grant, whosesoldiers reckless ly destroyed so much of our people's substance in the soring of 18oo. He was nominated by the men already in ofiice. because thev know that when Grant loses his office they .will certainly lose theirs also. It is cer tain that unless Grant is re-elected in November, they will all give place to better men. On the principle that one good turn deserves another, they hope by keeping Grant in to be kept in themselves, and they well know that the only way for them to retain their fat salaries is to re-elect Grant." It appears, however, that altho' they did elect Grant, this black sheep, Spelman, has managed to grab a fat salary himself from Grant whose election he so strenuously op posed. Ed. "Now, we of . the South know Gen. Grant; we became acquainted with him when the United Stages troops forageti through this country He was then a successful general. In 1SG3 he became a politician and seeing that both sections desired re conciliation he proclaimed, "Let us have peace." and; was elected on the peace platform. But what kind of peace has he given this country We assert, and no sane man will denv it. that his whole administra tion has been taken up with "agita tion." The just expectation of all law-abiding citizens, that good feel ing should be restored between the two sections, has been postponed. delayed and defeated ! lie has been thearcA aiVator.thinking thereby ltd secure his re-election. Peace be tween the sections and harmony. between the North and the South,' would result in the election of sdn(ie nthpr nprsnn n "Prsf ripnt-,. sn flraht stndiouslv knt alive the flames of hate and see.Uonal animaaJtoJ! might serve another term of four years, at twenty-Jive thousand dollars a year.11 Thus he made the welfare of the South entirely -subordinate to his own personal interests. He did . A tS 1 not care to promote ine puDiic goou, but only to gratify his own avarice. Selfish considerations weighed more with him than the happiness1 and prosperity of the Southern people. He has by false and wicked state ments deceived many of the North ern people as to the wishes and pur- Doses of the Southern whites. To accomplish this he has not scrupled to state falsehoods as tacts, ana to lend the weight of his name and of fice to gain credence for his untrue statements. He has deluded the ne groes as to the intentions of those who oppose him, and has permitted his associates and personal friends to fire the negro heart with inflam matory harancrues and with false and infamous declarations that those who oppose him would put the col ored people back into slavery, lie lalso has allowed his dirty minions and his leadinir supporters in the Southern States to stir the negroes up to the commission of crimes and misdeeds and barn-burning, and has never rebuked them for their devilish course. He and his beloved carDet-baaaers have done these thincs and have used all other available means to keep the negroes in hostility to the Southern whites, and thus, he has aided in bringing upon us many of the misfortunes of . . -r-rt .. j Jt I tne past. Jtie nas aone inese uungs uru fully y knowingly and corruptly; he has done tliem to promote his selfish ends and to gratify his malice, 7iis spite and his hate. "Now what has he done for our benefit? What, during the entire term of his Presidency, has he ac complished in our behalf? Noth ing absolutely nothing. We defy any one to point to a single act of his that is calculated to benefit or improve our condition. If we have been at all prosperous, it has been in spite of .his wicked-designs and of his malignant hatred, not because ne has acted in a solitary instance as if he were President of the whole coun try. In return we owe him no kindness for his misrepresentations and no thanks for his still baser ac tions. He has dealt us out halt arid calumny ; and we have manhood to give him hate for his hate, detesta tion for his detestations and as for his calumny; we need only to repre sent him as his actions show him to be, for all honorable men to despise him. Such is the candidate of the Convention of office-holders." j The foregoing are verbatim selecr tions from the pen of John 8peZmarif who has the "manhood" to slander, hate and revile a political opponent, but has the craven meanness to cringe to that opponent,and to seek and ac cept office at' liis hands: Who would not rather be a kdog and. bay the moon, than be a wretch so vile? Other extracts, no less elegant, -will be given in future -numbers of the -Era. The Lutherans of Statesville will build a church soon. .U - .1 111 .j:iili.f "-"MW ll'J- Extracts j V.tTftp miiciwants . l Congress to r rP aPenU)apprr briatlon to buy Holy; Water for the Taxed aa our . people are, the-Era objects td any-' appropriation-' of money for the use of the bead of the Democratic party Wiia$ J does the headof , that party want with any thing that Is holy?! ' Neither hd nor his party aea in" noty'; tningsy and U ia!quiteo to acknowledge thorljcadetshjp, of ;the Devil and st ifbt pubUcmoney !td be appropriated "tohrstdranjf purpose. liA&lSkxinii to. be satisfied wjtk&ho ;pge.'. yoj Irmes of baclvw its leaders dnringtfiepast feu' years on all sorts of ; subjects, , without whimpering about appropriations to buy any other kind'of water. It is well known "that the whole Democratic party, head and all, is in a hot place, but it has no right to call on the government for assis tance to cool off. The government already has several hundred mill ions of dollars to pay on account of the wickedness of that t party,; and the peoplo don't want to hear any thing about further appropriations for tho use of that party Jill the war debt is paid, By a stupid blunder the Demo crats have last the 3rd Congressional and probably the 4th Judicial Dis trict. Waddell, the back-pay grab ber, and calumniator of v the North Carolina Legislature has received the Congressional nomination. Nor ment, aMerrimon bolter and disor ganize has been nominated for the Solicitorshipi The nomination of McKay may save the Judicial District.- He is an able lawyer and a pure man. Piedmont Press. The Piedmont Pess is a Demo cratic organ in the Western part of the State, and evidently don't like the doings of his brethren in the Wilmington "gerrymander." As the Presi advocates "shooting de serters and recusants," and as Col. McKay had some experience as Colonel of the Sampson militia in dealing with deserters and recusants during the war, the Era is not sur prised at the kind word spoken' for him by the iVes. to undertaxxdthal the Press wants Waddell shot for "grabbing the back-pay," along with "Norment the Merrimon bolter and disorganizcr?" Verily it begins to look like the Demo cratic leaders mean to atone some what for their outrages on Repub licans by "Ku Kluxing" each other. Gone Over. The many friends of Mr. W. W. Peebles, of Northampton county, will be surprised to learn that he has succumbed to the ofiice alluring voice of Radicalism. He made his turn over speech in Jackson last Saturday, in which, he is .reported to us as saying, that "where there is tne greatest numoer, mere is the greatest good." This makes the second change he has made du- ring ms political lite, inose wno know Mr. Peebles' character, stand ing and ability, as we do, will be mor tified to hear of the step he has ta ken, and we venture to predict tnat in after life he will regret it more than any act of his whole life. Roa noke JSews. There are no better men in the State than W. W. Peebles, of North ampton, and W. T. Faircloth, of Wayne. They are both gentlemen of character, and have been for years leading members of the legal fraternity. They have both re cently announced their intention to co-operate with the Republican party, and we welcome them, and all like them, into the ranks of the great Union Republican party. The Democrats have made loud boasts of how much money has been saved by their ' management how economically, the State government is run by them, Ac. Don't the peo ple pay a3 much tax as when the Republicans had charge of the Legislature ? If such large sums nave been saved, where is the mon ey ? It is not in the State Treasu ry, and a - Democratic committee of the Legislature reported that Mr. Treasurer Jenkins' books were ail right. Nothing has been paid for internal improvements except a little on the Marion & Asheville Turnpike, jand the Democracy re fused to cdmplete even that small improvement for the people of the West . .;. . , .... - The people are not to be hood winked ! with these; fine stories, when the truth- is, that these Dem ocrats cut down :. the, salaries of a few,1; Berjublican : officers, in- order that - there r might be raoro mdney eft in the Treasury jfdr the 'mem ers;bf the ' itoocratl'c ' liegisla- bers ture.. .rii ires. The pMoxsrats are ynxious to revive .the tniyersUy'j but; they have made no efforts ; to T build up public schooisTo'r rthe poor Children of the State - 41 1 1 J ,,, ,,, ..,..T, . T-, . q ; !;? .' rvi IF . . . . s;lo L OWf.'i i & (ml TrZi o vrij tn nThe Democrats- have"5 had charge of (he legislature since 1870J Hayd thev-reduced the taxes any "? Have they buil't any railroads? Have they even built a turnpike road? Have they paid any of the State debt ? Have"" they ""made any ar rangement to compromise or settle any of the tatedebt? 1 "These are questions the people are - asking, buttheyf receive nd satisfactory answer'fro the Democracy. ' It taaBtWt be rtnderstood that Tne Eba enlse8 the sentiment $f lt dtrespond ,erits iq tverv instauco. Ipi columns are oped to tne meuds ot tRe party, aad their communication wilt oo given to the. public as containing the views and sentiments of Ym. mi ill HI in , Voters-rOyez. T the Editor of the Era : v That, wide-awake and sterling journal, the New York Times, in a recent Issue, 'rifter enumerating the magnitude and vital importance of the powers and duties of Congress, says: "If American government is to continue to be a thing of which we can feel as justly proud as we have formerly felt,! one of two things must come about either the de mands made upon it by the people must bo lessoned and changed, or the machinery of government must bq materially altered." . "The method by which officers are chosen does not secure men fitted fur so much work, or for work so complex, so difficult, so exten sive. fhe voters do not look for men qualified for it. They vvill not, as a rule, take, them when they can be found. They choose their officers for something else for personal popularity,' for. fidelity' to certain defined party ijrinciples, for their views on some particular question, but very rarely for that, capacity foryaried business; for that expe rience, trainingtactand versatility, which are required, to attend suc cessfully to the duties that are being crowded on all officers," &c. The above contains a reflection on the people themselves, as well as sounds an alarm to the country. By "the method by which officers are chosen" the Times evidently has allusion to the usual nominating Conventions. These extracts fur nish food for thought, reflection and action, especially at the present time, when the people are about to select candidates to fill those offices, whose work is "so complex, so difficult and so exteinsive." The whole difficulty, lies in tho apathy ajadlindi rTemnce of jtWapeopie-lThey mean well, but they suffer them selves to be imposed upon and cir cumvented by the scheming politi cians. Den sagogues know quite as well how to create a favorable pub lic opinion and manipulate conven tions in the Republican, as in the Democratic party; and they must be watched, as well. It will be well for the goodand true men of the country, those who dd not seek of fice and who desire good govern ment, to keep a sharp look out for those who are constantly setting forth their assumed importance by blowing their own trumpets, or what is more common and shame less still, putting their trumpets to the mouths of others, to get them selves blown into public notice: "Dick,. Tom and Harry" maybe good fellows, may have acquitted themselves well in their several po sitions and occupations, but those facts furnish no conclusive evidence of their ability to manage success fully the affairs of this great nation. They can no more attain unto it than a common man can wield the club or do the labor of Hercules. It is utterly preposterous to suppose that every and any aspirant is qualified for the responsi ble duties of legislation. The press and the ' partisan may de claim as they please, but some ex perience and a vast amount of po litical knowledge, find a useful place :in the. machinery of states manship ; and these, with a modi cum of honesty and good common sense, are sadly needed just now in that department. The people would do well to note this fact ; and while no worthy and intelligent young man should be kept back, let it be borne in mind that as old men ex cel in counsel, the council chamber should not be closed against then). The moderation of age may now, as it has often times before, so tem- fer the impetuosity of youth, as to ead to the very best results. True merit is "modest, easily, :kind,J' and is generally far outstripped by brazen impudence and demagogue ry, especially in a nominating Convention. The political trick ster knows this, and having often verified the adage that "falsehood will go a mile while truth is putting on his boots,', be, i always keeps his boots on. etrihe people look out fdr these well-shod gentlemen, they will do well for action, but will fail entirely for counsel, and it is good yea, the ,very best counsellors that are needed in the present emergency. Let there then be less puffing and more modesty ; less excitement and more sobriety; less dictation v and more reliance upon the good sense and free choice of the people. And tne people too, must wake up, look around for themselves. select, their best men and take the trouble of going to the conventions and polls and. voting for them, if they do hot .wish their dearest and most, vital' interests to fall into the hands of , ignorant and corrupt men..';;;;,;,, . -; Sectional issues , Jiave heretofore ; engaged and divided the attention of our public men, but the questions now, looming up, are more enlarged and national. The currency, banks, Te venue, railroads, canal transpor tation, agriculture, telegraphs, sci ence, in a word, the most enlarged - - t ' i in KG. 471. political economy, are the mighty subjects forthe greatest minds-they cannot be comprehended by circum scribed intellects The Bepublicn party has done well and- deserved well, but it must look well to its men. or it win go down. H economy and reform .with are necessary to 1 present safet. future supremacy, If suitable' jnen are selected fa'earry out these de mands of the times1, all will go tveU. with the party and tho . .country.' Let us not be guilty of relying for success, any longer, on the follies, blunder and even the crimes Qf De mocracy r defeat will sharpen its wits,,while; jasting will- only 'whet its appetite for office. It can stoop very low in Its thirst to conquer, as it demonstrated ill taking a Itadi calfor its standard bearer, irt the last t Presidential:' contest: i ItT can tofore; let It not regain - its- lost power, through arry want of : vigi lance on the part of Republicans. . A VOTER. I Guillbrd County. To the Editor of the Era ; (ld Guilford is still alive, and Republicans are becoming aware that an important election is com ing on. They are -not boisterous, but their i minds are at work, and will develop the fact, that the party in; this couuty is, stronger to-day than ever before. They have buck-f led on tneir i armor for a glorious fight, and expect to come out victo rious. ; , Col. Henderson, that old and faithful leader, whose voice, has been heard throughout this district so often in defence of the principles of our party, and who has always been found where duty called him, is still looked to as our champion, arfd I am glad to state that his pros pects for! the nomination to repre sent us in Congress are very flatter ing. This is asit should be, for many reasons, i He is deserving of all the honors the party can bestow upon hi ra j for li e has s t ood by i t f ro m i ts in fancy to the present moment, ever the same, unswerving advocate of its principles and of the rights of tre poor man. He is undoubtedly t he strongest man that can be placed id the field, and will, if nominated, carry the District by a handsome majority. The Democrats fear Henderson, and I believe would rather see any other man nominated, because he hhs a peculiar way of his own of dealing blows that hurt, and be cause they know something of his popularity. iBut I have digressed, I only wanted to tell- yoa- thnt if -we ftre ndt making much fuss up here, we are not asleep, by any means, and the party will be found in good trim, with lamps brightly burning, when the time for canvassing ar rives, and let the nominee be who he may, he will be a Republican who represents our District next time. GUILFORD. Greensboro, May 11th, 1874. For Judge Seventh Judicial District. Tb the Editor of the Era : ; The time is fast approaching when the Republicans in this District will be called upon to express their pref erence for a gentleman to fill the high and responsible office of Supe rior Court Judge. For this position there is no one who combines all the qualifications, and has higher claims to the position, than James II. Headen, of Chatham county. The writer has been personally. and well acquainted with Mr. Headen for thirly years, and knows him to be a man of unswerving integ rity and firmness, of fine legal abili ty, of dignified mien and popular address. For years at the Pittsboro bar, Mr. Headen has sustained an enviable reputation, and has shown himself the peer in professional ability Of such legal giants as Hon. S. F. Phillips, Hon. John H. Haughton, Hon. John Manning and others. : I Mr. Headen is an unflinching Re publican. He is personally very genial and popular. He was elector on the Grant and Wilson ticket. He is generous and liberal a friend to the poor man, and favorable to the dispensation of impartial Justice to each and all. Outside of his own party, he has a large family cod liectiori, and exerts a commanding influence. j Let him be nominated, and we gain three members in the General Assembly. His name will be the rallying note of victory, and after the election, no one will be found who wears with greater dignity and honor than he the judicial ermine. ! , ORANGE. James H. Headen, Esq. ?b the Editor of the Era : f Having noticed in reading your most excellent paper,that it has be come common for voters and classes of voters to express their preference for the various persons whose names have jbeen mentioned as suitable candidates to represent the people of North Carolina in the different offices to be filled at the approaching election in August next, we, a large number of the voters of Chatham county, would beg leave most re spectfully to present to the favora ble consideration of the voters of the Fourth Congressional District, the name of James H.' Headen, of phatham, as a suitable person to be nominated as a candidate-for Con gressby the Republican Convention soon to assemble. Mr.J.H.'Headen is inl every way qualified forthe bosillon, and can more fully con centrate the vote of the pistrict tharitany man whose name has been mentioned in connection with the nomination. ' i MANY' VOTERS. Chatham Co., May 11, 1874. RATES OP ADVERTISING i Ono square, one time, $ I 00 " two time, . 1 fiO " three times, - 1 r 2 00 Contract advertisements, taken at proportionately low urates. y, T t ser J ob Work executed at short no? ticeand in a style unsurpassed, by any similar establishment in the SUta. ' Spe cial attention. paid to thq printing of, ulawks or every description. : .From the New North 8tate. , W. A. Smith's Iteport. ' Morgan-ton, April 1st, 187-1. Hon.iP:Pick: u A .v, . Judge U. & Circuit Court T ! 'for Western DisVbf N. G! SiRt I.would submit the follow. A ing Report showing theropcrations or tne w. xm C. It. Road for II J, months, commencing April 20th, 1873pthe day on which I took charge of. the. Jload. as-. Receiver, , ending April .(lsrv lS7d; and .includes tho Report made.to your Honor on Oct. 1st, 1873. . The total cash receipts , i - from all sources were $135,512 50 Total expenditures on all ; i accounts were i . '3 k 107,570 01 ; 1 . a;t.v m.,-. : ' Leaving a balance on' hand, on April.l.1874; ,tZ7.'.V .5 iiutun olb'cUtli r andpaid to xrthcr njads on freight and passenger", exchange ac counts, leaving the sum of $61 ,900.89 as the expenditures of W. N. C. R. R: fop 111 jpxmths. COMPARATIVE STATEIKN?: FOR t,. ,; 1873 and ;874. . Gross earnings of W N. , C R. R. for 12 months , . , -to April 1,, 1874, $799 47 Gross earnings- for 12;i . months . to : April , 1. U873, :.. ... GS;4Gfc 15 Excess of gross earnings' '$tl"13t 02 or an increase of IGJ per ct. ' ' Expenditures for same 1 time in 1873 were ; $70,( 0 ) 3 1 Expenditures ; fdr same ' 'timeiri -t874r ' ? 68,340 41 Decrease in expenditures '$2,563 90 in 1874, r, rf o ' - ? "i -i . This last amount? added to $11,- 131 02 makes the sum of $13,699 92 as the actual increase in favor of 1874. From the Master Median's Re port, it will appear that the incrcaso in the value of the engines and roll ing stock on April 1, 1874 over their value on April 20, 1873 Is ! $1,075 39 31,717- cross-ties have been purchased, paid for and have been all , put in track, cost 5,95G 93 44 tons of iron have also been purchased and put in the track, valuo 3,740 00 4,448 cords of wood have j been purchased, of which 2,200 cords are now on hand 1,760 00 Estimated increase of value to the track by repairs to bridges and general repairs, $ I, '467 68 of road, beds and roll ing stock, $20,000 00 I consider thisincreaso to bo fully $20,000, and if to this sum bo added the actual cash on hand on April 1st, 1874, to-wit: $27,963 55 It will show the actual condition or the property to be worth $17,963 55 more than its value on April 20, 1873, when I first took charge as Receiver. For detailed statements of the matters set forth in the above, I would refer your Honor to the Reports of the Treasurer, Secretary and Master Mechanic, submitted herewith. . I would also report that thero have been, and are now pending against me, various suits, both in the Federal and State Courts, which I have defended, viz: Holmes vs. Receiver W. N. C. R. R. McAdcn vs Receiver, In the State Court, and So. Ex. Company vs Receiver, and Boyden and Bailey vs. Receiver.jp the Federal Court. , . I have also brought soveral suits against agents of this road, who were defaulters at the time I took charge,and have obtained judgment against some and the other suits are now pending. I will say, in concluding my Re port, that the amended! Charter of theN.C. R.R. Co., pirM by the last Legislature of Nonipxrlina has been accepted by thatiyoiupany, and as soon as the preliminary ar rangements of passing titles can bo . gone through with, it is the purpose of the North Carolina -Railroad Company to commence operations on the Western North Carolina Railroad, and the work will bo pushed through -with all possible dispatch, until the great consolidated railway is completed. I have the honor td'be,'. Very respectfully, . Your ob't servant, i W. A. SMITH,' ... Receiver W. N: C. R. R. j Would not Go. A commodore being confined to his, room by a so vere fit of the gout,' some sweeps were employed to sweep thd chim neys of the house next door to him, and one of the boys by mistake came down Into the commodore's apartment. The boy confused at his mistake, seeing the commodore in bed, said, SIr, ray master will come for you presently., Will lid?' said the commodore, leaping out of bed. 'I beg to be excused" for stayi Ing here any longer, then,' and im mediately ran down the stairs. ' . f . - ; i i A good mother was trying to ex plain to a young hopeful, the other day, about fighting against the dev il. After telling the little fellow who he was,' and how hard he was to be successfully resisted, ho turned around and said : 'Mamma, I'd bo scared of the bid devil ; but if I was to come across one of the little devils, I'd knock the stuffllng out of him.' t lr .I; i . ? ; .; .. . ..; ' A farmer -lost-a gimle ' n ine woods near Montlcejlo, Minnesota, three years agOj and 1 the1 other day cut down an iron! wood tree, last In the forks of which he found not a gimlet, , but , a .three quarter, .inch auger! ' He Is sorry he didn't wait a year or two longer, as a twd lech auger was just what he wanted.

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