WEEKLY ERA. THURSDAY, MAY 21, 1S74. KEPUBLICAN COUNTY CONVENTION. The regular Republican Wake County Convention will be held at --Metropolitan Hall, in Raleigh, on Saturday, the 30th day of May, 1674, to nominate candidates for Sheriff and other County officers, , and to take into consideration the condition of public affairs. The delegates and people will meet en masse, JO. W. IIOLDEN, Ch'n. J no. li. Neatueuv, Sec!. Nominated. The Democrats have nominated Bartholomew Ful ler, of Cumberland, for Judge, and Samuel Pemberton, of Union. for Solicitor in the 5th Judicial District. Hillsboro Recorder: the rules were suspended to allow him to offer the following: resolution : , Resolved, That this body when it adjourns do proceed in its organized form to call upon his Excellency, A Cremation society has been started in Charlotte, with a capital stock of $50,000. , A charter will be applied for at the next session of the General Assembly. Tho second attempt made a few The Haw River Excursion. The excursion of the Press Asso ciation to Haw River, on the 14th inst., was enjoyed finely by all hands. Everything passed off in the happiest manner, the crowd re turning to the city about 7 o'clock p. m., in the highest glee. They report plenty to eat, drink and smoke. much Daring Attempt. On Wed nesday, the HUth inst, Mr. J. J. llopgood, a mail carrier between this city and Roxboro, wa9 attack ed by a man, near Fish Dam P. O. in Wake county, who pointed a pistol at him and snapped it. Mr. llopgood fired on tho rascal who took to his heels. Had the pistol gone off, Mr. H. thinks he would certainly have been killed. At the close of the war Durham AAA A was a mere waier-siaiion on mo North Carolina Railroad, containing not more than half a dozen houses. A few enterprising men began the manufacture of smoking tobacco there, and to-day it is a good sized town. The beautiful cottages and handsome residences of its citizens, and the air of thrift and enterprise which pervades the whole town, speak loudly to us of what may be done in all our towns by the erec tion of manufactories. the Governor, in the Executive of: ST0 "theMmMve o,ri noxr him thorprfa ,i nignw since io ourn uie Vr' " Y3 "m,;ri"Vor;; - Baptist church, at uocky Juounii nant i succeeded. ; The people are AIIC ICSUIUUVu MUUU1IUUU9IJI adopted. ' The report of the Committee on Business was again taken up. and pendincr the discussion, Mr. Whlta ker moved thatjhe matter be post poned till 8 o'clock. Mr. Fulgrhum offered the follow ing substitute which was adopted: That a committee, consisting of the following gentlemen be appoin ted to take the whole matter under consideration and report at 8:30 this p. m: aiaj. ingeinara, air. .uraKe, Mr. Denson. Mr. Whi taker and : Thet cotton exchange, of New York.has suggested the 10th of June as the day upon which the assem bling of the cotton convention is to take place at Augusta, Ga. About one hundred members of the Indiana Editorial Association left New Orleans on the 14th, for an excursion to Washington. Balti- ple. i Brooks', friends here, agree States that the s United 13tltes shall that if this course is pursued no bp protect every State In the Union on pusiuuu vvii iwauo hj vim meet- j application oi ine legisiature or of ing of ;tbe Assembly in the State House as usual, and that he will at once dismiss ; his forces if you will do the same. I urgently re quest that all armed, iorces on both sides be disbanded, so that the Gen a grain of corn having lodged in his throat. The little reiiow was ouiy two years old. A new company has been formed to run a tri-weeklv line on the Chowan and its branches, connect ing at Winton with the steamer on the Blackwater river. i The Commissioners of Granville countv have been indicted by the Mr. Stone. The motion was adopted. Grand Jury for failing to advertise excited. A Ifttlfi nn of John Dillard, of Craven county, died recently from I vorabiy for the peaceful dispersing ui moos at .untie itocK, ; r Kansas. l Y USIHIUriUIl. -I3H1L1 I i . l l . l e - 1 more f New York nrtd ntW nninfq erai ssemuiy uiajr aw. ireu irom any luore, xxew x one ana otner points. m:ijfOTO nnwenm nr n(orraranr "XT ii.i : t i I rwit- -rT j. J : ni.i. r.-..- .Liif . xeguuauons are progressing la- i ine uniteu oiaiea iwrcws win give Baxter has issued a confrratulato ry address to his adherents. The Czar of Russia was received on the 13th inst., at Gravesend, by ranee or wales, Prince Arthur, and Duke of Edinburgh, who con ducted him to Windsor Castle. all necessary protection to the Leg islature; and prevent as iar as prac ticable, all violence and distur bance of the public peace. Answer; U. S. Grant. - w f Washington, jiay litn. Hon. Joseph Brooks, Little Rock Arkansas: I have susrjrested to Mr. Baxter the members or tne ueneral Tlje following were confirmed on Assembly now in session in Little Grand Outpouring of the Peopi-k. On Friday, lolh inst., the Republicans of the coun ty of Wake met in mass meeting at Metropolitan Hall, for thepurioseof listening to addresses from distin guished men of the party. The meet ing was addressed by His Excellen cy Gov. Caldwell, Col. 1. J. Young, Hon. S. W. Watts, R. W. Wynne, Esq., Hon. Jas. H. Harris and others. The greatest enthusiasm prevail!. Don't hb Discoubaokd. Suppose you have "tried fifty remodiow" and re ceived no benefit, i.s tlioro therefore " no lcilm iu Uilcad?" Verily there is. Your liver may be congested, your stomach half paralyzed, your nerves iuivcring, your 111 uncles knotttl with torture, your bowels constricted, yoiir lung disease!, your blood full of im purities yet in one week after com mencing a course of Dr. Walkeh's Vinegar Biltersyou will feel like a new creature, 4o 4w I. O. O. F. At the meeting of the Grand Lodge of Independent Order of Odd Fellows, held at Greensboro, on Friday, 15th inst., the following oflicers were elected : M. W. G. Master. S. W. Cham berlain, Wilson. R. W. D. G. M.--W. R. Edwards,, Lincoln ton. R. W. G. Trcas. R. J. Jones, Wilmington. R. W.G. Sec'y- J. J. Litchford, Raleigh. R. W. G. Warden I. Ii. Pala mountain, Tarboro. R. W. G. Chaplain. Peter Thurs ton, High Point. R. V. G. Representatives to G. L. U. S. Long term, Seaton Gales, Raleigh ; short term, W. II. Bag ley, Raleigh. The following were appointed by the Grand Master : W. G. Marshal G. M. Altaffer, Wilmington. W. G. Conductor J. C. Young, Ma you Holden's Banquet Kpkkcii. We regret exceedingly that the heavy pressure upon our columns, prevents our laying before the public the admirable speech delivered by Hon. J. W. Iloldcn, at the banquet given by the Board of Trade, of this city, to the Press Association, on the evening of Wed nesday, the loth inst. It is suffi cient to say, that It is pronounced on all sides, to have been an admi rable production. W. G. Guardian. D. B. Brad ford, Elizabeth City. W. G. Herald H. Porter, Ra leigh. The representatives from this city returned on Saturday morning, the ICth inst., and give glowing ac counts of their visit. Mr. Jones offered the following resolution which was referred to the Business Committee : Trat this convention taKe some definite action in regard to thees tablishment of regular rates of ad' vertising. The convention then adjourned until 8 o'clock, i m. At the even ing session the following preamble and resolutions were submitted and adopted : . Whereas. The members of the Press of North Carolina in many instances haye been defrauded by traveling: acreticies and other parlies Jiesolced 1st. That as a security against fraud, false dealing and im postors, each editor upon be coming the subject of imposition, shall notify the Secretary of the Press Association, giving him all the details of facts, and names of offendintr parties, and it shall be the duty of the Secretary to inform all the editors of this State, and members of the Association of such fact by letter or otherwise. Resolved 2d, That each editor who shall be the victim of any such fraud, false dealing or imposition, is requested to communicate forth with to the Secretary all the facts and information bearing upon the case. During the afternoon tho mem bers of the' Association visited the Insane Asylum where they were received and entertained by Dr. Grissom and his attendants in a handsome manner. STATE Press Convention. The Press Association of North Carolina as sembled in the Senate Chamber in this city, on Tuesday morning, the 12th inst. Maj. Engelhard, editor of the Wilmington Journal, called the Convention to order, after which it was regularly opened with prayer ingham county. New-Berne has a tame eagle. House rent is high in Statesville. Cucumbers have appeared in Wil mington. Fayettcvillc wants a new post-office. There are no prisoners erford county jail. Burglars continue their tions in Wilmington. Chicken cholera prevails in Rock in Ruth- opera- Tkinitv Colleok. Wo ac knowledge tho receipt of a ticket to the commencement party to be given in honor of the graduating class of Trinity College on the 11th of June, 1ST 1. The following is the list of Managers: A. D. Brooks, N. C, Chief; B. J. Reynolds, N. C; J. P. Everheart, Texas; II. Smith, N. C ; G. W. Wright, S. C; S. T. Hall, Ga.; D. T. Dicks, N. C; E. C. Hackney, N. C; C. W. Laney, N. C. ; J. J. Desmond, N. C, Chief Marshal. a toad with short in the A hotel is to be established at Portsmouth, N. C. Ashe county has paws. The fruit crop is mountain counties. Nash county now boasts of a gos ling with three legs. What next? The telegraph office at Hillsboro has been closed. New-Berne is bragging about new Irish potatoes. A lodgre of Knights of Pythias IIaukktt Street Free School. The school committee have suc ceeded in securing the services of Mr. E. IS. Thomas and Mis Loader, of Chapel Hill, to take charge of this school, and the male department was opened on Monday, the 18th inst. The committee has deter- by Rev. T. H. Pritchard, of the Baptist church. On a call of the roll, the following members were found present: W S G Andrews, Wilmington Journal; S M Carpenter, Neicber nian; J S Manix, Newbern Times; G W Nason, Jr, Newbern Republic Courier; E R Stamps, Tarboro Southerner-Enquirer ; J A Williams, Ullson Advance; H E T Manning, U'eldon News; W Wallace McDiar mid, Lumberton Robesonian; D Bond, Enfield Times; Geo S Baker, Louisburer Courier; Col L L Polk, Polktown Ansonian; Mr. Knight, has been organized at Charlotte. a VV TTX 1 I wauesooro Argus; w jv uavis anu J A Robinson, Oxford Torch-Light; U'illiam Pitt Drake, Statesville American; Abner K Murchison, Statesville Intelligencer; Maj J A Engelhard, IHlmington Journal; S J Skinner, Henderson Register; S D Pool, Newbern Our Living and Our Dead; J D Cameron, Hillsboro Recorder ; James O Cherokee Herald; Chas R Jones, Charlotte Daily Observer; John Bragg, Raleigh Sentinel; Jordan Stone and E C Woodson, Raleigh Xews ; J S Hampton, Evening Cres cent; M V'B. Gilbert, Raleigh Era; a statement or county nnancta as required by law. f A man named Ingram, was drowned a few days ago while crossing long shoals, on the French Broad Kiver, about seven mues south of Asheville. At a late meeting of the Directors of the North Carolina R. R. Com pany, it was decided to issue the bonds providl for in the amend- ed charter. This is the first prac-i tical step towards carrying out the consolidation scheme. i Times will be lively inCbarlotte about the 20th Inst. On the 13th the Medical Examiners of the State will meet; on the 20th , the Congress ional Convention, . and on the 21st the Medical Convention proper will assemble. A young girl, daughter of Ed ward Hull, whoresides near Mount Airy, met a terrible death on Mon day night, the 11th inst. It ap pears that the fire from a new- ground had blown and caught in a tree. The girls, three in number, commenced cutting the tree down, thinking that by so doing they could prevent the fire from spread ing and doing runner damage, but before they succeeded in felling the tree the fire broke out in another place, and two of the girls ceased chopping the tree and went to put it out, while the other continuea to chop upon the tree, which sudden ly fell with a tern Die crash strik ing one of the girls and crushing her to the earth, literally grind ing her head into a perfect jelly. The other two girls escaped un hurt, and were, in an instant, by the side of their mangled, bleeding and dead sister. This is an-ex tremely horrible aflair, ana espe cially so when we take intoconsid- the 14th inst. : Abbott, Collector of Customs at Wilmington, N. C; Clayton, of Georgia, Consul to Cal lao; Sharp, Collector of the 3rd Tennessee District. Judge Lawrence, Chairman of the Co mm it tee on War Claims has de- the Executive when the LcffLsIa- ture cannot be convened against do mestic violence; . andi whereas, said Elisha Baxter, under section four of article four of tjie Constitution, of tne unitea siatcs.ana me laws pass ed in pursuance thereof has heretofore made application to mo to protect said State and the dtiitns thereof asrainst domestic violence and whereas the General Assembly of the State convened in extra session at the Capitol thereof,- on, the 17th instant, pursuant to a call made bv said Elisha Baxter, and both houses thereof have I passed a joint resolu tion also applying to me to protect the State against doinesticViolence: and whereas; it is: provided in the laws of the united States that In all cases of insurrection in Any State It shall be lawful for the President of the United States! on application of the Executive when the Legislature cannot be convened, to employ suchx; RockJadiourh for a reasonable timet say ten ofays, to give you an oppor tunity to call in those members who may not respond to his call, so mat, inere may oe a iuu ljegisia ture. The United States will ffiv all necessary nroteetion to the Lee I part of the land iand naval forces as cided that the government had no islature in meeting aud transacting shall be judged necessary i for the nf rphpiiimi state after Ana-, so House, and nrevent!as far as practi- rection, or causing the laws to be came, an violence ana uisiuroance cjwtuieu; mm whwww.ii w of the public peace. I urgently required that whenever it may be request that the militaryof both par- necessary in .tne judgment or the lies De at once aiSDanaea, wnicn is iwiucih iu use me military i-jrvvw the first step towards a peaceable settlement. Answer. U. S. Grant. 1866, without compensation, on the grounds that the war had closed. A number of Southern Represen tatives, held a meeting in the room of the House Committee on Agri culture on the 14th inst., to fix upon some measure for the reimbursement i. of the cotton tax levied by the gov ernment some years since, antf sub sequently pronounced unconstitu tional by the U. S. Supreme Court. The amount of taxes Was sixty million dollars. Thirteen Southern States were represented, and the members were generally agreed that some measure of relief should be passed by Congress. An adjourned meeting of the friends of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, was held at Washington city, on the 13: h inst., to further the pro posed caiml from Cumberland to the Ohio river. It. was stated, that the one hundred and twenty miles of canal required to complete its con struction from Cumberland toCon nelsville, would cost in round num bers twenty million dollars. A committee was appointed to present a memorial to Congress asking for an appropriation, in order that fur ther surveys and estimates may be made by Col. Sedgwick. A reply was received by the President from Brooks,of Arkansas, for the purpose aforesaid, he shall forthwith by -, proclamation com mand such insurgent? to disperse and retire peaceably to their pmiv A. 91 I live nomes witnin a it nil leu iiur Nowtherefore, I, Ulysses B. Grant, Among tht)S8 drowned at Wil liamsburg,. Mass.. was the wife of TV T 1 A. A A. T I A. i Vaughn and Mrs. H. F. QugeyVr buuu,,u6vv.i v ."X-- commanrt a l ttirhu Mit ; , anil wmcn waa bwtpt uwuy, mm ui disorderly persons to. disperse ulu " v ' . tint rofirit nmatih ir In f hi. rnaruui. tive abodes within ten days from this date, and hereafter to submit themselves to the lawful authority of said executive, and the other constituted authorities of said State. I invoke the aid and co-operation of all crood citizens to : uphold the law and preserve the public peace. in witness whereof, 1 have hereun to set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. ing in of a far greater loss of life at Florence. The JNonotueK biiK uom Danv's works and the Florence Manufacturing Co.'s works are dam aged to the extent of $28,000. Con ductor E. M. Chandler passed over the road early on the lGth with his train from Williamsburg for New Haven just a head of the flood that swept away his wife ana child. Just below Williamsburg the flood swept; awav Skinner's factory with several women operatives who had J A. Il 1 A t. ITnxrlnniTilln ' just ueguu worii. Aniajucuviuc, Samuel Hayden, Gere & Co.'s facto ry, including their office ana iiay Market Summary. In New YGrk on the 16th inst,, 'money was ' easyat '2a3. Exchamre ,488 denville Savings bank, with a large Gold 12al2j. Governments steady. amount of funds, and also Loomiv States quiet. 4 Rosin $2.65a ,$2.70. hotel Iwas sweot awav at Leeds. . . r Mr. Warner's button factory was sweot entirely awav. taking: the canal railroad bridge in its course. At East Hampton the flood is The Goshen reservoir subsiding. on the 12th inst., declining: to ac- rode to the terms nronosed bv the Prfisidpnt through the Attornevl covered one hundred and fifty acres General. The telegram was to be a of ground at an average depth of subiect of cabinet consultation on 30 feet. It was drawn upon in dry praMnn that it has been onlv a verv I tho 13th inst.. and it is vnrv nrohi- times for the supply of the mills at short time since her mother com- I ble that the general government Williamsburg. mitted suicide bvcuttimr her throat, after havinc exerted its best influ- Haydensville and Florence reser- 1 a .At. A . f n 4-mmm n41 WfcX" 4- "I O ITAA rCS ences ior tne preservation or peace vuir waa wiianuuv auwuu j. c.xo and restoration of political harmony ago in order to afford reliable sup at Little Rock, will now decide defi- ply of water for the various facto- nitely on the case, and that means will be taken to have its decision enforced against any opposition. Turpentine quiet at 30. No quota tions ior cotton. ' In Southern cities of the United States, cotton ranged from 14 to 17i, according to grades. IlALEICiH 11ETAIL. PIIICKS. COBRECTKD BY WAYNE ALLOOTT, FAM ILY GROCER, FAYETTEVILLE ST. ABTICLES. I. pRicra. Latest News. Congressional news on the 16th inst., unimportant. I A quorum of the Arkansas Legis lature is in session at Little Rock. Oakes Ames, of Credit Mobilier notoriety, has becnf declared insol vent, -v The Czar of Russia visited the Empress Eugenie: at Chiselhurst, Mr. Hoyt, cf the firm, of Hoy t, Sprague & Co., died on the I5th in stant, of pneumonia. Senator Davis has introduced a bill to re-imburse West Virginia for losses during the war. The so-called Liberal Republi cans of New York, have issued a call for a State Convention. It is understood that Grant has mined to use all efforts to make the school a success, and parents should Harper Whitaker, Friend of Tem- Kond their children as earlv in the perance ; C 13 Denson, State Agricuc session as possible. We hope a sub scription will be started at once for the puriKxse of purchasing books, htationery, Ac., for those who are unable to buy. Worthy Object. At the late meeting of our celored fellow citi zens, held for the purpose of devis ing plans for the erection of a suita ble monument in Hope (colored) Cemetery, Messrs C. II. Dunston, J. II. Jones, Mrs. J. II. Hood, and Mrs. O. M. Roane were appointed as a committee to solicit subscrip tions. Wo hope our people of all Hawses will respond liberally to this call for so laudable a purpose. Hon. J. H. Harris is President and Handi son liranch, Secretary of the organ ization, and we presume these gen tlemen will at all times give such information as may be desired in regard to the movement. Salem Female Institute. We have received the catalogue of this institution for the scholastic year ending May, 1S74. The number of pupils in attendance was two hun dred and thirty-six, of which, forty eight are from Salem, eighty-six from North Carolina at; large, thirty-seven from Georgia, twenty from South Carolina, 'and the re mainder from the different South ern States. The Institution was founded in 1801, and is believed to be the oldest existing boarding school for young ladies in the Southern States. Trains run daily (Sundays excepted) con necting with the North Carolina Riilro.id at Greensboro. The Sem inary is under the control of Rev. M. E. Grunert and an efficient corps of assistants. tural Journal; T II Pritchard, Bib lical Recorder ; Mr. Lockyear,StiY of the Age; Jno R Morris, Charlotte Tobacco Leaf and Planters' Journal. A committee was appointed to prepare business for the Association, after whichl a recess was taken. On rc-asseinbling, the following resolutions .swere introduced by the committee: Resolved lif, That this convention does still adhere to the determina tion expressed at the past meeting of the association, to procure the passage of an Act requiring the publication of all legal advertise ments in the newspapers of the State, and that a committee of five be appointeu uy tne cnairman oi this convention to renew the effort made by the last committee to pro cure the passage of the bill for that purpose, and that the committee be instructed to prepare a new bill if necessary, and to present the bill in person by some member or mem bers, ana ure itupon the members of the Legislature, after the bill shall have been approved by the executive committee of the Associa tion. Resolved 2d, That the custom of gratuitous advertising in the shape of local notices is detrimental to the interests of the profession, and in jurious to its character, and that this convention deprecates and dis countenances the same. Snow is reported three feet deep in Watauga county. Very little cotton or corn has been planted in Union county. Blackberries have appeared in Wilmington. The new post-office in Wilraing- Robertson, ton is rapidly progressing. The memorial celebration in Wil mington was an imposing affair. Asheville is to have another hotel on the first day of June, to be called the Central House. E. P. Lorch. Esq., of New-Berne, drew $125 in the late Norfolk lot tery. , Jno. L. Moore, a leading citizen of Shelby, died in that town a few days ago. Small pox has appeared in the vicinity of Reidsville, Rockingham county. A sow belonging to Mr. John Fenner, of Halifax, gave birth to fourteen pigs on the 7th inst. A large drove of wild pigeons passed over Charlotte on the 11th inst. Charlotte has a Swiss, who claims to be one of the survivors of the lost steamer Atlantic. Corn is sellinsr in New-Berne at eighty-five cents per bushel, by the cargo. One and three-quarter million of shad have been caught at the Albe marle fisheries this season. The Fifth Quintennial Convoca tion of the Sisters of Charity of North America was inaugurated at St Joseph's Convent, near Emmetts burg, in Frederick county, Ma ryland, on the tenth instant. About 350 Sisters including supe rioriasses of Asvlums. hosDitals and other, institutions at San Fran cisco, Boston, isunaio, jiewurieans and other cities, and representing, with but few exceptions, every American diocese were present. At the inaugural ceremonies, mass was celebrated by the very Rev. Father Guerdery, Superior in the commu nity in the United States. The Convocation will continue until Tuesday, May 19th. ries or mills on the river, which is One of the most fickle and uncer tian of streams, liable alike to floods and almost utter drought. It was built by a company of capitalists who were interested n in the various manufacturing enterprises on the stream and caused them appre hensions of disaster several times last year. It was repaired at a heavy expense, and since then been sup posed to be untiLnow tolerably secure, although it was known to be leaky. The new Senate currency bill passed on the 14th inst. provides for free banking, releases the re- iMMitma in mrnn laf inn ovcont fi rti " r. v . V V. Y" "' COFFEE Old cov'ment, per cent, which is to be deposited iSim,' in the treasury ior purposes oi " -rime, redemption in United States notes, FisH-Mackf?ei No. and requires reserves on deposit to . 1 I 1 A De Kept uy eacn oanit in lis own COUNTRY PKODUCE. APPLES Green, uriea. BUTTER Best country. " Goshen. BACON N. U. Sides. Uams, " Sh'uldrs. DUCKS-EGGS FLOUU-N. C.Fftmily, FODDER Per 100 lbs.. HAY Per 100 lbs., CORN MEAL POTATO ES Sweet. N. O. Irish. OATS Bailed a 100 lbs.. seed's Dosnei, 1 23 0 04 0 20 0 2ri (IU) 0 00 0 00 0 00 25, 30 0 00 0 15 0 00 0 00 0 00 1 15 1 00 0 00 0 75 0 7 0 00 0 00 GROCERIES. BACON Rib Bnlk Bldo, Sraok'd" " Shoulders, Best Sugar cured ilams. N. C. Hernra.cut j toe torn Shad, Jbbl 3. Of Ala inst., at in Tho TTnucn rf RonroOiill to f f VPS 1"1 n I nl,Un r - vf urViisili reconra cVinll vinsnntfiTi to St. IjOuis heini? Shpr- i lL. n: ,i -rr i a.. I. ' 1 . . - , o passeu ine jviver anu naiuui -"-P" De one-iourtn part oi tne com re wviuvi'w uu iiva i-J w i ... a m m i . 0 ....w.a. 9 propnation Din. me ionowing are The Cabinet talked two hours on the most important items : the 14th inst.. on Arkansas matters. Improvement of the Mississippi, The Legislature will be supported. Missouri and Arkansas rivers, $100,- UUU ; vvniie river, Arkansas, auove Jackson port, $50,000 ; Mississippi river, between the mouth of the Ohio and Missouri rivers, $200,000 ; mouth of the Mississippi river, $130,000 ; removing raft in Red riv er. La., $50,000 ; Mobile harbor, Ala., $100,000 : Savannah harbor, $50,000 ; mouth of St. John's river, Fla., $10,000 ; mouth of Namoni Creek, Va., $7,000; Rappahannock river, Va., $7,000: James river and Ap- The Press Convention bama met on the 12th Birmingham. The FreedmanV bank bill has been passed as heretofore tele graphed. It has been proposed in the Sen ate to send a committee to Arkansas to investigate matters. A bill referring: the claim of the heirs of Stephen A. Douglas to the pomattox river, Va., each $30,000 ; The prisoners in the Alamance jail made an unsuccessful attempt to escape recently. The Charlotte Fair Grounds have been sold to Dr. Jos. Graham, for $11,700. The original cost was $20. 000. Burglars raided on the house of Mr. A. David, in Wilmington on Friday morning 8th inst., but were frightened away and got nothing. W. T. Blackwell & Co. have com menced the manufacture of brick at Durham. They expect to make On motion of Mr. Stone the report of the committee was received. A general discussion ensued upon 1,500,000 this season. ine rupuri ui me wmumiue, in which Messrs. Spelman, Stone, Drake, Jones, Whitaker aud Wood son participated. The question of advertising in the local column of newspapers was the principal theme of the aiscussion. To obviate the During a recent freshet in the Roanoke, a log was seen floating down the river with thirteen white pigeons on it. E. B. Holden, Esq., of Pea difficulty. Mr Fu!Shum:offered the Friday .tto Sta ;totTTKlSi an oia anu respecteu citizen. v; ;j following resolution : Resolved, That the members of this Convention will noU hereafter place in the local columns of their papers any notice of an advertise ment except a simple index of the same. Qn motion of Mr, Cameron, of the I flying squirrel, ; Warren has a remarkable chick en. It has four legs and two tails, and is living.. One of the tails is very short and ;the other is about . . m m m .... the length ana a nape - or that of a Court of Claims, has passed the Sen ate. The Mayor of Cincinnati has is sued orders to the Captain of Police to prevent women from praying in the streets hereafter. An iron steamer of twenty-five hundred tons was launched in Wil mington, Delaware, on the 14th inst. 4 John A. Hyman, of Warrenton, Warren county, has been nominated for Congress from the 2nd Congress ional District of North Carolina. The currency bill has passed. It provides for free banking until greenbacks are reduced to three hundred million. Secretaries Robeson, Belknap and Gen. Sherman, have gone to liarns ceived by it as interest on the bonds held as security by the unitea States Treasury. To prepare for specie payments the bill requires the retirement of greenbacks equa in amount to 25 per cent, of the new National bank currency issued the retirement to begin within thirty days after the amount of $1, 000,000 oi the JNationai Dank cur rency, has been issued. The max! mum amount of the United States notes is fixed at $382,000,000, and the retirement shall be in reduction of that amount until it be reduced to $300,000,000. The redemption section of the bill provides that on and after July, 1878, the greenbacks whenever presented in sums of $100 or any multiple thereof, may be redeemed in coin or bonds, bearing 4 per cent, interest in coin at tho oDtion of the government, and it Elizabeth river and Nansemond river, Va., each $10,000 ; Roanoke river, N. C, $5,000; Cape Fear riv er, N. C, $10,000 ; Galveston har bor, Texas, $60,000 ; Tennessee riv er, above Chattanooga, $100,000. au wrv late hour nn t.hfi niVht, shall be compulsory on tho Secreta f fhf orh int... a rlnn nf arJinst- of the Treasury to re-issue the notes motif, for thp tronhlps in Arkansas, exchanged for bonds. The , best tPiPrranhl fmm Washino-tnn I features of tliis bill are those which City to both of the contesting Gov- require the reserves on deposit to ornnra nf that. Rtntf T'hpir RpnrA- be keDt by the banks of different fipntntivpa and sLttnrnnvs had hfiPn parts of the country in their own in session during the entire day, vaults instead of sendingt them off and were also with the Attorney to iew iont iu uu wauyu .iur pyw General.at his private residence, up to a late hour at night discussing some method which would receive the approval of the general govern ment. It has now been agreecl, that both parties call a session of the Legislature to meet at Little Rock, ulative purposes in Wall Street, and which provides that a part of these resources shall he constitutea of one fourth part of the coin re ceived as interest on the bonds held by the government as securi ty. These provisions may serve to burg to attend a meeting of re-union on the 4th Monday in May, each to strengthen the banks at hornet and make a special call, no opposition to pernaps lenu wj kp up a utucr of army of the Potomac. The Emperor of Russia has had his brother, the Grand Duke Nich olas arrested. The charge against him Is not known. Harris, of Virginia, has intro duced a bitt ' changing the revenue laws so that the change or a nrm may not require a new license. The following nominations have been made: Philip Clayton, of Georgia, Consul to Callao; Jos. C. Abbott, Collector of Castoras for Wilmington, N. C. Cochrane's distillery and Wil liams and Green's malt house, at Typhecanee, Ohio, were burned on the 12th inst. Loss sixty thousand dollars. A disastrous flood has occurred in Williamsburg, Massachusetts, caused by breaking away of the reservoir. Large loss of life is re ported, and up to the 16th inst. twenty-six bodies had been found drowned. The Pensions Committee, of the Senate, has reported unfavorably upon applications for pensions for the war of of 1812. The committee favors the House bill erivinsr eight dollars per month to each, and, no questions asked, be made byeither party .and receive the claims of Brooks in opposition to Baxter. Both parties to have a full hearing, and the Legislature to determine who received a major ity in 1872. Both Governors are to disarm with - the exception of a bodyguard, and to abstain from all Warlike movements and from all interference jvith each other or their adhearents. The Attorney General dispatched to both parties, the telegram of which the above is the substance saying, it was sub mitted for the approval of the con testants, and expressing the hope that it would settle the questions at issue. The following are the letters of the President to the contestants for Governor of Arkansas, in relation to a peaceable settlement of exist ing difficulties. Washington, May, llth, 1874. Ti - J. 7 J r 'in. T i distribution of currency .the volume of which, however, it seems inevi table must be increased if the bill becomes a law. Thus there j is to be more or les3 of inflation under it, and the much talked of 44 elastic ity " perhaps. The provision re leasing the banks from the main tenance of a reserve on their depos its except o per cent, deposited in the Treasury for purposes of re demption is a liberal one forjthose institutions. The President has issued the foi lowiner proclamation : II Whereas, certain turbulent; and disorderly persons pretending that Lliha Baxter, the present Execu tive of Arkansas, was not elected, and have combined together with force and arms to resist his author ity as such Executive and oth0r au- said Elisha Baxter has been declared Hon. Elijah Baxter, Little Rock, duly elected by the General Assera Ark: I recommend that the members of the General Assembly, now at Little Rock, adjourn for a reasona ble time, say ten days, to enable Brooks to call to the body his sup- blv nf said State, as provided in tha Constitution thereof, and hasjfora long period been exercising the functions of said office, into which he was inducted according to the Constitution and laws of said State, be a full Legislature. Any hasty sidered as the lawful Executive action by a part of the Assembly thereof; and whereas, it Is provided will not be satisfactory tothepeo- fn tife Constitution of- the United FIX) U Ur 1'atapsco. " Va. Family. " Kxtra, " Hnperflne, M0LAS8KK-Caba, new rop, bbl hhd RICE SUGAIt Stand'd A V bbl Extra O. G YelloW, SYRUP Bbl.. I 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 8 50 0 AO 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 10 000 ! r (ai ( (' p (3) a ('i ( ' Oil 13 80 60 H JKIt 12 00 & 10 00 1.1 00 & 12 (0 (ft 10 00 to b 00 to . i 2 00 10 . 30 00; 11 x ;i 60 0 00 2 00 1 li 1 00 1 00 w 1 00 . 1 do NO 00 00 001 10 i If4 toj to to to to to to 10 - 11 31H Orange County Convention. There will bo a Convention of tho Republicans of Orange, in Hills boro, on Saturday, May '23d, 1871. to nominate county candidates and to appoint delegates to the Congress ional, Judicial and Senatorial Con ventions. : Let every Township bo fully rep resented. t . i By order of the Executive Com.: 1 GEO. M. HARDEN,! td. 1 Chairman. $5,000 II E W A IK D J EXECUTIVE OFFICE, j .Statu op Nobtu Carolina, ; Raleigh, May 7th, 187f. In reply to numerous enquirers I havo to state there Is an outstanding- reward of ' ' I FIVE THOUSAND EfOLliAllS offered by the State of North Carolina fortbedeliveryof MILTON 8. UTTIjB FIELD to the Sheriff of Buncombe county. North Carolina, at tho Jail in tho town of Asheville. t ' 4 I Said Littletield is indicted in the Su perior Court of Buncombe for coopi racy and embezzlement, and has ab sconded to evade prosecution. Ho for merly lived in North Carolina; but now resides at Jacksonville, Florida. i ,' The reward will be promptly paid fa United States currency by the Public Treasurer of North Carolina upon presentation of a receipt from the Sberr iff certifying that said lugitive has been delivered to him, ? - . . . , j , TOD R, CALDWELL, ; . Governor. , ... i ' i The Floridian, at Tallahassee, Flor ida, will publish once a week for six weeks, and the Savannah News, at Sa vannah. Georgia, once a week for four weeks, and send bill to Executive office at Raleigh, N. C. . . 1 21.1m. MATTBES8-nAKIlfOA!0 CAN8EATINU THE3K branches being taught in the North Car olina Institution for the Deaf and Dumb and the Blind, we are prepared to fur nish Mattresses of the very best make and material, and at cheap ratea. Also; to cane-seat chairs, settees, fcc, tc 1 imooMs. We also have on hand a large lot of excellent Brooms. , which will be sold cheap. . , , . , . Aauress institution ior tne xcai ana Dumb and Blind, Raleigh. N. C. ; ' r Raleigh,' March 20, 1874; ' V 3 3m 1 1 " 1 T ' ' " ' ' 1 C BACKERS.. -CAKES, , CANNED Goods, Jollies, Picklen. Sardines. Candies and Nuts, at BROWN'S. ' Raleigh, April 7, 1874. 1 , F YOU WAITC A : PAULO IS , OXt L Church Organ go to ,j ii NAT. L. IJRQWN'S. Raleigh April 7, . t

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