. ji t ; WEEKLTEEA. e W. BL BKOWN, Manager, HATES OP ADVERTISING?. OiH! square, one time. - " twotimw, - - im " threotim;:. - io6 Contract advertisements takpn at Office intheoM "Standard" Hnild- S ntr. one unnnre South of tho Onurt . I.miso, FayeLleville Street. Wkkklv Onoycar, - - -Six months, -Throe month, -Tui-Wkkki.y One year, -fSix months. Three month, One luontli. prupurnonateiy low rates. ) ob work executed at short n. tice and In a style.. unsurpassed by any simUar estabtishment In the State. Spe cial attention vpaidto the'prfnting of Blanks of every description. w f.Or Invakiaiiuy in Advanck.1iX 50 ,.. ', .. . -.i. - a ,( 7. ,,,11 iK-3if W'ihl niTP&ZJjU' : ? !-.- fmn vn;, r -.;)' j. , u i'4L S VOI1.IH. ... : ;RAXEIGrHv!N i NO, ,4:SK l()ETItY. The oftquotcil lint, Though lost to ii:hL lo iiu it:ory dear," ongi- u:it4tl with Ilutliven Jenkyns, and WA-s lirst iiuuii.shetl in the uroen- wieh Magazine for Marines, in 1701 or 1702. Asa literary curiosity vc quote the whole jwcm : Sweetheart, vllye ! that lliitt'riup: sail Is sprim Ut wHit mo far from theo. And hooii bfn th fiiv'ring Rale My ship shall louml upon the sea. IVroham-o, all dtlato aud forlorn. Thesci'yes shall inl.s thee m.iiiya3oar; Hut uniorfrotien every r!:irm Though IomI tn siglit, to mem'ry lrar. Sweetheart, jforHlliye ! one last ouihnu-c! 1 cruel fate ! two mouIh to never ! Y t in ihis heart's ino.nt sacre.! nlaeo Thou, thou alone, shall dwell forever. i And till shall recollection trace In Fancy's mirror, ever near. Il.i. ii Miiiile. each tear, that forui, tliat face Though lost to ij;ht, to mem'ry dear. 31 ISC12LI-.ANKOUS. Mr. and 3Ir. SpriglitlyN ar- dcn. IY MAIUJUEIIITK. '()inc, Phil. cmt you work in :li''.mlcn smu- to-lay ? Vou know if i titnc th.tt i:ulslis. Icltuif nud :is wen jihuttiil.' l.itth Mr-. Sprightly forbore mcn tiuiiin onions ; her husband wood iit hudi'an inch if she did. As it v;i, h; sjiitl, Vi-s, ves, Nellie I .tit " "Hut what, Phil?" "1 have some hu-iness .vrite." letters to "if I tro and work awhile will Vll COlllC'.'1' "Vcs, Ji' answered, stroking his iiiou.dai he aud dipping his pen de liberately in the ink lMtth I don't want you to work, Nellie. I'll get ne one to do it." ;ur model niuple had not been mar ried hve-and-lorty years, but nev rlneless manifold experience was theirs concern injr irarden making. Slut how about the raisins? you :ek. That, I assure you, could not have Ih'Cii; excelled. Potatoes and beans were nowhere-; rag-weed, sinart-weetl, and a few other species good for medical purposes, grew f;ill and luxuriant. Alas, humanity is never Siitistied, IH-cially the luilf the women rep resent. Nellii' was not content with lat year'rf sue- t!ss, but proposed a ditlereut method. The lirst gre-at obstacle is to get her husband to eo iK-nite. The desire of his heart is to have the house cover the half- aer- lot ; but u.- that cannot be ac et.i,, - i.Mieti ims year. last vears top ju.st suiti-d him. lie wiu cyn gralulated often on it appearance. imrticulArly by uiu Jdies Nellie worked until her back ached. She then slinped quietly in and found 11 1 i 1 with bis feet as biIi as ids JioikI , hat tippiil to one nu the I iiii I fo-i 1 1 itn tint j I . i 1 1 irliila smoke from aciirar formed mini- nlure clouds around him. ou can come now, can t you asked the patient wife. "Pretty ouick. I want to look over the market reitort. Am not ilntiii M-rlliliir t-nt " 44 1 am a mitetired workingalone. "Don't work, Nellie, I'll Pi to Samson." 4 Wo cannot depend on him. He promised to come tw weeksago, :ind did not show his face," Nellie answered. Iliisiness parlies came m to see !r. Sprightly, and his wife went Inek to her task. If she had had half as much length of body as of will, the garden would have blos somed as a rose. She had the plot .l flower and vegetable garden in her mind s eve, and was so anxious lo m e it marked out that she com menced it herself. In the mean- lime, the gentlemen that called sat down to have a chat and a smoke. "It isadtieed lino dav!" exclaimed i'..!i li.irton. "Come over Phil, bring vour wife, aud M's have a game of en que-t." Philip looked up and down for Nellie, Ian in vait. 41 I saw her goingoul." saiil NcmI Isniwn. "She is among si true of the neigh bors. 1 presume." said Boh. and the hunt was relinotiished. (hit game followed another for two hours. Just as Phil was put ting the ball t brought he last wicket, cxpevtingto strike the stake and prove victor, he looked up. His eve rosUM on a sun-oonnct over ; he feiie-e among some flower beds. 14 Ilv George! I know where Nellie is now," and he threw down his mallet. 44 Where?" answered Bob. 44 At home working in that con founded garden." Pshaw! that won't hurt her. lt's finish the game," said Bob. 44 It won't take long," answered Philip, and he sent the ball against the stake. An urgent and lwfore he he was seated invitation folio we'd, realized his position at the Burtons' tea- table. It was a easy meal, with onlv Burton, his wife and baby Ned. who -was just old enough to prattle with sweet childish , inno cence. A handsome bouquet of ear ly llowers .stood in the centre of the table, flanked on one side by rad isheis and on tho other by nice bis cuit. Philip had an eye for beauti ful things. He thought of Nellie and of her love for flowers, and for a moment almost envied Bob Bur ton's fortune, thinking of the many comforts Nellie ahould have. Tak ing his hat from the stand he was about to low himself out, when his friends begged leave to detain him long enough to sec their gar den. It was laid out with good taste, walka neatly made and.flow ers blooming in profusion. Beds of vegetables wero visited too, and Bob showeel him tho hot-beds, and explained how he had hurried the growth of radishes because Allio was so fond of them. . ' 44 Who is your gardener, Burton?" asked Phil. My wife nnd I. We just do cri: joy it. xso one set.s their root on It to work since Pete bamson cat down half our choice things and called them milk-weed." 41 Where Ht:d when can yon find time?" "We take an hour in the inorn- mz or eveiiiriEr. or wnenever we can. 'i'lie only rule we have is to work some every day. Wo make wur on me weeds before tney are enouirh to defend themselves. would not have a gardener here 11 ne wouiu pay me ioneuing mm work. There w a beauty and a joy r 1 l.t . f in uuuig mese nomeiy amies wnen a family work tocrether. ' 1 Philip went home with a bouquet in one hand and early radishes In me ouier, aim a neart iuii 01 new 1 1 1 1 . .11 inouiiui ami Rduiuuuus. ucaiiug - 1 . 9 A 1 wiiiiiu mm. ixe enterea room tirst and pmceu n on the table; then looked around. Nellie was evidently waiting tea fifty years. She is now ; ninety for him. The table was set in a coven or ninetv-eiht vearsofaire. ne:t and tempting manner, and the tea kettle on the stove was singing a pleasant sonir. By Jove ! our table looks a.s inviting as the Bur tons'. J wonder why Nellie always takes so much pains just for me " ne said 10 mmseii. 110 lounu iNei- lie in the garden, accomplishing wonders. He led the little woman into the dining-room and placed her at the table; then made the tea and brought it to her. ' The nowers are lovely ; I did not know I was so tired. I am not hungry. Excuse me, Phil, and you eat without me." 'No, Nellie; drink some tea, and eat a little to keep me company. These biscuits are elegant." It took Nellie a week to get rest ed. I ler pale face haunted her hus band nnd drove him to the garden, and he soon accomplished what Nellie ought never to have tried to do. 1 le resolved to pattern after the Burtons in gardening, and when he told Nellie so she gave him a good, old-fashioned hug ; after it he had courage to narrate all that occurred the night he ate two suppers. A new leaf of his heart was turned for his wife to read, and reading it she was satisfied. .Jerusalem and its Environs. A correspondent of the Cincinnati (iazette has some interesting sketch es 01 Jerusalem and its environs. The. " Wailing Place at tho Walls of the Temples" still has its de votees, and is seldom without Jews in humiliation before it even now: We looked from the walls of the temple over into the Valley of Je- hosaphat and saw Absalom's pillar and other objects ol interest. The Garden of Gethsemane was pointed outr and. over, against us was the aMouiuoi knives, wiin 11s iripiesura- r 4 k 1 ? 1Z1 mit and the crown of the Church of the Ascension, and the buildings erected by tho Princess de la tonr and d'Auvenrne. The olive trees had lost their leaves, and were bleak aud bare, and the sides of the hills had an uninviting appearance. Brazil in grandeur and graceful Down to the Brook Kedron our gaze ness. While cutting a igiven line extended, or, rather, to its bed, as the valley was dry and dusty, as if no brook had ever flowed there, Other place's of historical or traeli- tional note were pointed out, but we were toe far away to diserern them clearly. We left the temple and proceeded to the Wailing Place of the Jews; here aro the founda- tions, orasmall portion of the lower walls of the great temple, wnere, on every rruiay, ine jews come to wail and weep over their downfall. Half a dozen were there at the time of our visit ; with their faces to the stone, they read from their prayer- books in a low, wailing tone that was exceedingly impressive, ivt the wailing place there are visible five courses of bevieel stones in a fine state of preservation, in some places they have been worn considerably by the kisses of the devotees that for many centuries have pressed around them, aud went for the downfall of Jerusalem. Both sexes and all ages are represented here, and they have come from all quar ters ol the globe. Oli ! ween for those that wept by llabers stream. Whose shrines ate desolate, whose laud a dream ; Weep for the harp of Judah's broken spell ; Mourn where theirfJod hath dwelt the godless dwell. Tkauic Affair. On Thursday night, the 25th inst., Wm. Elwood, of Rutherford county, was brought to Charlotte by ShenffB. F. Eogan, charged with tho murder of a man named Sandford, about two miles from Kings Mountain Station, on the Air Line Railroad. It appears that Elwood and Sandford were employed in goldi digging, and are said to have been on intimate terms. On Sunday, the 17th, they being to gether at the house of James Falls, Sandford begged Elwood to give him some pistol cartridges he had in his hand. Elwood said, 4Come out here anel I'll give you a load :" and tho two walked away from the saiel Elwood, and presenting. his "r:";,..r":VrrJr "v pistol, shot him through the brain, causing instant death. Elwood seemed greatly surprised, and cried to Mr. Falls, the only witness pres ent, that it was an accident. This, indeed, would appear to have been tho case, thongh it is one of those culpable accidents arising from the careless handling of : fire arms that ought to be punished in some way. Elwood was arrested and carried, to Shelby, and BubsequenUy to Char- lotteto be brought before Judge liosauon a wru oi -tuweas corpus, rho m.a nra iiuini k Tniimi ta. I gan on Thursday afternoon, Messrs. Lee and Durham of Shelby, appear- ing for the defendant Tho. latter was remanded to Jail in default of $1,000 bail. Elwood is a young man, the son of Mrs. Elwood, of Rut her ford ton, who is the heir expectant of a considerable fortune jin Eng- j land, now in course of litigation. I Filty Years a Pauper. The Troy Press relates the follow ing : "In midwinter, someforty seven or forty-eight i years, ago, .a man by .the name of JLoomis died in . Pawlet, Vt, after a long sick- S K SS made inroad3 upon the scanty stock of money and . provisions, and the widow was compelled to ask tern- 1 nnmw aetiatanm fmm fhn town. Whkh official refused Jierreauest; I . 7 - . ... . tookher little all ana threw n,er,ana the children upon ,the town as pau- pers. Jn those-days they were Dia hv nittm t th lms4r hiddr. but they .now hve,a:townrhonse, Mrs IVximbu rith a broken heart! I 7 - .. .. . . and worn oat by attending to ner. Uhould not want foe a panpecfar and on her last birthday made her annual visit from the town-house to Pawlet, a distance of one and a half miles, on foot, to visit her old friends and neighbors, and she intip-hinp-Iv remarks she will make y0od her word, havincr to live onlv tvVO vears more to doit. Her chil- dren became resnectable and eood housekeeners. and oftentimes offered her a homewbut she utterly refused to accept their assistance. She had many of Fers of marriage, but refused them all, saying that she would not swap off tho town of Pawlet for any man living. On making the remark that the town of Pawlet would not be without a pauper for fifty years, she said she belonged to a family who never died short of 100 years, and the majority lived years beyond that. The Wonders oi' Australia. The Brisbane (Australia) Courier publishes the following oflicial tel egram from Mr. Walter Hill, the Government botanist, dated from Card well, and received by the Queensland Secretary of Lands: 44 We have examined the banks of the Mulgrave, Russell, Mossman, Daintree, and Hull rivers, and have been more or less successful in finding suitable land for sugar and other tropical and semi-tropical productions. The ascent of the summit of Bell en den Kerr was suc cessfully made by Johnstone, Hill, and eight troopers. At 2,500 feet in height we observed an undescri bed tree with crimson flowers, which excels the Poinciana regia, Colvillia racemosa, Lm gersstroma regia, and the Jacaran da mimosifolia. At 4,400 feet a tree of fern, which will excel in oos clais. A" palm tree at life same hPin-ht. whioh will rivjdnnv of the others of the Albore- British-India species in graceful n . . . ..... - - - ness. On the banks of the Daintree we saw a palm tree cocoa, which far exceeds the unique specimen in the garden of the same genera from on the banks of tho river Johnstone, for the purpose of examining the land, an enormous fig tree stood in the way, far exceeding in stout ness and graneleur the renowned forest giants of California and Vic toria. Three feet from the.ground it measureel 150 feet in circumfer ence ; at fifty-five feet, where it sent forth giant branches, the stem was nearly eighty feet in circumierence. Tne river jonnstono. wunin a um- ited distance of the coast, offers the first and best inducements to sugar cultivation." How to Get Aloiiff. Do not stop to tell fetories in busi ness hours. If you have a place of business, be found - there when wanted. No man can get rich by sitting around stores and saloons. Never 4fooP in business matters. Have order, system, regularity, lib erality and promptness. Do not med dle with business you know nothing about. Never buy an article you don't need, simply because it is cheap and the man who soils it will take it out in trade. Trade in money. Strive to avoid hard words and per sonalities. Do not kick every stone in the path. More miles can be made in a day by going steadily on than by stopping. Pay as you go. A man of honor respects his word as his bond. Aid, but never beg. Help others when you can, but never give what you can't aflprd to, simply because it Ls fashionable. Learn to say 44no." No necessity of snapping it out dog fashion ; but say it firmly and respectfully. Have but few confidants; the fewer the better. Use your own brains rather than those of others. Learn to think and act for yourself. Be vigilant. Keep ahead rather than behind the times. Readers, cut this out, and if there be folly in the argument, let us know. Alodgc. An Irishman took tho contract to dig a public well. When he had "u?iur ?tu,uvu lwt LWA.UW the surface, he came one morning andfound it cavedin, filled nearly to the top. Pat looked cautiously arouna ana saw mat no one was near, then ; taking off his hat and coat he hung them on the windlass, and crawling into some bushes, he awaited the . result of events. , In a short time the citizens discovered that the well had caved in. ind Ing Pat's hat and coat they suppos- ed that he was at the tmttnm. nthn excavation. Only a t fewf hours of husband during 1 iitt . long sicKnessf fit to make the 4a ws far onrsoyerti ."lJll?J i?avo up long cherished wisheanxt i.t i ru on ies rpmarlrpri tlmt thn .mwn fltrawiet i vT:?tj f 6 . rtr-n brisk digging cleared the loUration which has enabled the States earin irom tne well. Jut . Uia nitinnna : c , . . . ! and. were wonderm where the bodv was, Pat camo walking out of the bushes, and very cood natured- ly thanked them for rliovino. htm of a sorry job. t. The, tired - diggers J were disgusted, -but' the loke was wo . gooa lf allow nvthin more than a. hcariv -lanph. which! soon followed. fc I TTT TT1 Tr Tc' I . V HI A c THURSDAY, JHfJNB '4l$f4; I A Wliat has Democrsicytont'pi:, -a Slate to enactgfxxlana wholesome ilawa for the people. Nothing little -Lwnr tkrtin should govern !w r - "T1 .r1" t SlfifrWoWftlAW .1 1 . t tMi mvI tn fhit ri. sJuouuiwgptsrK1 leitbojnber of citizens,., , i The Democratic party iboasts that L e.WvffHy: i1???. fmi licence Of the btate 01 IlOnhCarCH .. . - !.. -."' iliua, and thav-uiereioroflc atone Is ( That party has had a majority jn the General - Assembly . for four. years, and" .where are the good laws I which we had a right to expect from them ? . What have the people received in return. for Jthe hundreds of thousands of dollars paid in as taxes during that time, and which went into the pockets of the Benit ocratic law-makers? ' It is true we have a Congressional gerrymander, with one district run ning from the Virginia line on the North across the entire Stato to the Atlantic Ocean on the South, and another district running from Ran dolph county to Hatterks inlet. Were these districts formefl for the convenience of the people or for the benefit of the Democratic" party? Let the public answer. Then we have a large number of Senatorial . districts organized to cheat the people" of the 8tate out of their rights, and to smother the popular will. Next wo have the spectacle of these Democratic legislators gerry mandering the Judicial Districts so as to secure partizan Judges. Then we see these Democratic legislators pass an amnesty act to screen members of their own party from being punished for the viola tion of the most sacred laws. In short, these Democratic legis lators snowed so plainly that they only eared for the interest of their own party, and were so unblushing and unscrupulous in their efforts to get possession of the other branches j fiaiatAewici wholly neglected lnattclvbf the 1 . greatest moment for the prosperity of the Stale, that the public have to a great extent lost that respect for the law, which is so essential to the quiet and well-being of a State. These men so disgraceel the high places thoy were chosen to fill that even their own party friends are ashamed of them, and as a conse quence very few members of the late General Assembly are being nominated for re-election. Education Immigration. -No : State can look forward to a hopeful future which does not pro vide for the education of its chil dren. By means of education alone can these children become useful citizens. North Carolina is far behind most of her sisters in the American Union in providing educational facilities for poor children. This causes thou sands of persons to grow up in igno rance and comparative uselessness who might otherwise be an honor tc the State and the Nation. It also keeps away from our bordera thou sands of immigrants who would like to come and bring their money and their new1 ideas' and assist us in building up our State. These im migrants enquire how our public schools compare with those of other States, and they, go Where they can educate their children on the best terms. These, immigrants know that want of education will doom their children to perpetual bondage, They know that witbout.education they will be always the drudges of the educated classes. They fully understand arid appreciate the di ference inhe price .which an uried- ucated' day Jaborer receives for his services and8 the price paid an edu cated ;inan ? for iijs! skilled labor, either manual or intellectual. They. have calculated all this, and sthey will overlook the advantages of cli- tnAtP.nil and eVervthins-eLse.tOP-o where iheir children stand the best - t : ...1 1 a chance for an. education. If good public schools were pro vided, these immigrants would flock to North Carolina. They, would buy, up our.t idle lands,' improve them, and thus add to the wealth of VfVAr VtV fJVS1?! we cannot Iiope to reap any advan- tag from the rich harvest ofirami- t - .. , w . . . v li oi mo in onn anci est looutstnn r so larjn the race of prosperity.; 4 M;en who set themselves, up' to miA iha tohenld nnnrW. . , 1 -.. T10 PlJ,. - m sUiAnt ho nniwfori Gen. It. Hi Vance 1 i ; i.'p..'m has. been re- nominated for, Congress tin the 8th District by the Democrats. .Thd Civil liijrlits BtlL For the information vof ouaread ers, we publish thboUin, pro visions of the civil i VigKts; bill' .as i passed the Senate: ! i See.' L That all citiierii and other persons "Within tho Jurisdiction of the United States shall! be4 entitled toihe fall and equal ' enjoyment of te'?accdmniodations,' advantages, fajcilitles 1 and1 1 privileges : ; of ; I nns,! public convey ahcesy on land or wa ter,1 i theatres; and! other places 'of publid amusement, and also of the coiiarrioh scHobls ;and iiblii? institq tioris4,bf learning 'or - behevblenceJ CTtTITVMI so' srhjportedi attd' also;: 'orinstitu tioTisknowri "as; agHraltaraPcol lesres endowed iy the Unitetl States? ub5dct only ltd 4 tKeJ 'condltiens-'dnd rilmitattotfdf eytablisnCdtW laanoT applicable alike loathe citizens' of every race and color, regardless'of any previous condition 01 servitude. . Sec. 2. That any person who shall violate tie foregoing section by denying to any person entitled to its benefits, except for reasons by law applicable to citizens of every race and color, and regardless of any previous condition of servitude, the lull enjoyment of any accommoda tions. advantages, facilities, or privileges in said section enuiner ated, or inciting such denial, shall, for every such offense, forfeit and pay the sum of $500 to the person aggrieved thereby, to be recovered in an action of the case with full costs, and shall also for every such offense be deemed guilty ef a mis demeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not more than one thousand dollars, or shall be im prisoned not more than one year ; provided 'that the party aggrieved shall not recover more 'than, one penalty, and when the offense is a refusal of burial, the penalty may be recovered by the heir at law of the person whose body has been re fused burial ; and, provided further, that all persons may elect to sue for: the penalty aforesaid, or to proceed under their rights at common law; and State statutes, and having elected to proceed, in the one mode or the other, their rights ,to proceed in other jurisdiction shall be barred;; but this proviso shall not apply to criminal proceedings, either under this act or the criminal Jaw of any State. t Sec. 3. That the District and Cir cuit Courts of the United States shall have, exclusive of the Courts of the several States, cognizance of all crimes and offences against and violations of the provisions of this act, and actions for penalty given 1 J It j 1 Dy tne preceuing sectipu may ue prosecuted in the Territorial, Djs- 1 tret, or Cireut-CoJtrt& fiui. Uni ted States, wherever the defendant may be found, without regard to the other party, and District Attor neys. Marshals ana .Deputy mar shals of the United States and Com missioners appointed by the Cir cuit and Territorial Cciurts of the United States, with poiwersof ar resting, imprisoning and bailing offenders against the laws of the United States, are hereby specially authorized and required to insti tute proceedings against every per son who shall violate the provisions of this act, and cause him to be ar rested and imprisoned or bailed, as the case may be, for trial before such Court of the United States or Territorial Court by lavvf as has cog nizance of the offense, except in re spect of right of action accruing to the person aggrieved, aod such Dis trict Attorneys shall cause, such proceedings to be prosecuted to their termination, asj in other cases, provideel that nothing con tained in this section shall be con strued to deny or defeat any right 0f civil action accruing; to any per- son Dy . reason or tms act or otner wise. I Sec. 4. That no citizen, provid ing he has all the othi'r qualifica tions which are or may be prescrib ed by law, shall bedisualifieel for services as grand or petit juror in any court in the United States, or of any State, on account of race, color or previous condition of servi tude,, and any officer or other per son charged with any; duty in the selection or summoning of jurors, who shall exclude or faU to summon any citizen for the cause aforesaid, shall be deemed guilty of misde meanor and be fineel not more than one thousand dollars, j t ; , Sec. 5. That all cases arising un der the provisions of this act in the courts of the United States shall dc reviewable by the Supreme Court of the United States withoutregara to thesumin controversy, under the same provisions and regulations as are now provided oy law ior me re- view oi otner causes in ine saiti court. Compulsory. EbuciTioN.-Gov ernor Dix, of New York, has signed the bill which compels parents and guardians of children! between the acres - of . ei&rht and fifteen years to 'give them in a school or at home at - U eastfourteen wecksreguiarinstruc- tion every year in reading, writing, arithmetic, English grammar anel geography. It prohibits the em- nlovment of children; within the ages named, at any labor during the M. f Z time when the district schools are opened, and school officers are given Uf7i A.. a i iwr-rtatttnttmi m i.tho Sfnfo an propnaies mtjouueanu wuiuy pou MXfors purposes .of. education and for, the support of, the poonbutthe Or paid out for public schools if the TTr 5 f fif o foci Hnnm-iktu alia 1 1 ivica the civil rights bill. Constitution of North Caro- lina provides that one or more bub - lie schools! shall be mainlined' In ftftph school district at least 'foiir months ihf each' year, Commis ilbners are rendered liable t6 indicttnent if theV fail to tm - piy with the above reituiremont.,; General waste but had an abundance 1 of Itimo id discuss the dolor of olectiori tickets, and howio cheat ineri odt of their i. ; i , f , . 4 vpte;.niWtr lshi f ioi:t,.- n v 1 - ill U CQIlRESONpOJ3.). tit must not be uuderstdcKi that tub Kua endorses the sentiments of its correspond- : entei in sver ylnttincei j Its toolunuiu iro topitotiie fijeiwiK ,4iie tw. and tncU" iThn ' Temheratic rnemhtorsi nf tho I As.semblv had no time to tho work. hTvnrZfceXr" in fixing up, onr State debt, I of this enterprise is! due to tiin LoammnnfcationKWlll beelTentOthc DublliiVtVimt- litmt- rnTw-f- . -.. . - am as containing tne views and sentiments Of the writers. f - UAi .' , t . ..ttfy ocuoois JketueLUoii. , , . PY O. HUNTER, JR. ' " . m i7.X 'rrj.v.. A . tx... . t r' ' uuu, j . . somewhat neglected, he spent his I In compliance with the wishes of vacation of '72in the North, solicit many who are interested in the hag aid for .the commencement of a cause oi juueauon, uuiiuurw ut- rectly that of the colored man, we have cheerfully consented to give a brief historical sketch of each in stitution and school for the educa tion of the colored people, in and about the city, with a statement of their present status. , In entering upon this important duty we have four reasons to as sign for accepting it : 1st. Because my very soul bur.ns with pride and patriotism when. I look around, and see the many spa cious and beautiful school buildings, those towering monuments, 1 might say, .erected to the memory of the philanthropic people in the North, dedicated to tho education, 'of tlio negro. ' " .-- 2d. Because I am struggling hard to educate myself. i z,h 3d. Because I am deeply interest ed in the education of the ' whole people. I 4th. Because I am desirousof arous ing my people to a sense of their duty in regard to education. Shake speare has well said, 44 Where Ig norance is bliss, 'tis folly to -be wise," and I add, that if we intend to allow ignorance to predominate, it is foolishness to educate the young. An ignorant people is a powerless people, because knowledge only is power ; withoutit we may have the wealth of a Rothschild or Astor, the liberty of a King or Cannibal, and We will be but a bubble on the ocean of; life, but give ma knowl edge anel 14 show me where to place my feet, and l wm move the earth'. Though ? the clouds mayVeem to nbver i thick blackness thereof darken our pathway to intelligence, yet I can see a glimmering hope in the future, a sure hope, not far distant, which is anchored in the rising generation, and just as sure as ages continue to roll, the sun of intelligence will rise and carry these clouds before it, like chaff before the wind. 44 What moves mind but mind?" A strong intellect jwill as naturally move one of less ; powers as the stronger muscle jwill move the weaker. Therefore, for the reasons given, and hope entertained, I shall en deavor t6 give, from time to time, such impartial sketches as my data will permit. . SIIAW ICOLiLiEGIATE INSTITUTE. This flourishing institution owes its origin to the meritorious labors of Rev. Henry Martin Tupper, the present 'principal, in the fall of I fi.uou, ana as mucn over aspossi 1805, Mr. Tupper opened' a school ble, to aid in furnishing this build-'' in tne ruia union iiouse." now known as National Hotel. Here he taught alone until the 1st of October, necessary, but they are first deslr 186(5. when he secured the assistance ous of showing to the world (more ; of three other teachers who remain- ed with him through the session of 180G-'G7 At the opening of the school in IS67, two other teachers were employed and aided him until 1808. January, 1869, Raleigh Insti- tutewas! organized; u Through the energetic efforts of Mr., T., the site upon vvhich the second - Baptist church now stands was purchased and the building better known as Tiinner's church was erected. In this enterprise the colored, people took no - little, interest, but. gave of their scanty earnings and1 labor all that theexigency of the times would allow. Many friends in the North made .liberal, donations, i and the Freedman's Bureau gave $2,000 to- ward the completion . of ? rooms therein ifor school purposes.,! Soon 1 after completing, these, reomsthey ' were cruwueu iu . uiear,, utuioau ca-- 'pacity, and r many ; students, , who came fr6m a distance, were com- pelled tOi return or otherwise get "board and lodging", outside of the school, i Thus it became, necessary to erect other buildings for dormito- ries, which was done on this same lot. Finding this to be unequal to the emergency, in 1870 Mr. X, as agent for t the Baptist , Home JMis- sionary p Association, purchased, the valuables Barringer property, with the beaxitiful mansion, much of its furniture, all out-buildings; and about twenty, or twenty-five , acres of landl attached, for.$15,000. - Just here I might say that this is an ad- joining loo- to the Governor's Pal- ace, anu i mere is no piace in this city that was more lavishly bededked with ornaments and flow- ers of an endless- variety, than this, in day of yore. And I am happy ers received second class. 1W3V. a. to say, bone of its original ' beauties Shepherd, of the theological denart have either fadedor departed by ment,is now general agent Of Nortli becoming property for ,the colored rnan. it yet retains me appearau w i of "old time" aristocracy- ; :i O this nrtrphflfiP. I thSSffiTfor a large. buifding was niHMi iuu;i uaiuuK VA w. l drawn and put in execution. JVTany friends in the North freely gave of r,n4 fnrthi. nohleobiect; lEy SSS Piovidce-ever rtVwriharpeo i a. ii.. r iv' rriT i niriflnii. rest upon donors ; were Siibbath schools, churches. soeloU 1 individuals. Mr. Eliiah Rhw r Wales, Mass., having given 'the I :fr!"Vu"Jrt. we lnsil- tUtT med ta" Work 1 00jliCsPoLjAuJadentJua 1 was made.wromplete.thewestwinff wnicn 9,-476.12 was realizeel in I financiering of Mr. T. In 71 thelbandationof this build- lSSdSSfift y ,uctSber, 72, it was com pleted, furnished and occu- piedf .rrEecost of this wing iseSi- matedat $25,000. During the ses- sioridf T2--3 'every aVallablo place" in this building, tho mansion. 4ltho ,-,f.i...I,.,ii,.'j . v I wuuw it, anu me rooms imxnevcnarca eamcw. weta mM ih i t m,ii, ht n . ! irisulncient,.'Mr.,t 'T.'s ever -restless brain was again put in action, and soon a feasible plan was devised by whichanother, building could be erected. ; As the females had been seminary for their especial benefit At a social union of many Baptists in Greenfield, Mass., by chance ho was allowed to make a statement in regard to his mission and labors in this State, and, 44yankee like," ho took advantage of the opportu nity,as a large number were present, and said that he was in search of the man irJi.n inmiJl aiii Iiitti S nnn ;. which to commence this huildintf. From this .remark (which would seem idle in these regions,) the rep rrpresentatives from : Brattleboro, !Vt., voted that Mr. Jacob Estey, of their town, should give the sum 'mentioned. Mr. Estey gave it and fsent Mr. T. back in this direction, rejoicing. In coining through Put nam, Ct., he met Mr. George M. Morse, Who gave him $2,500. Thus with $7,500 he began the erec tion of the Estey. building. The walls Iwere partailly up when this amount was exhausted, and the work discon tinued. Again Mr. T. was at a loss as to what course to pursue, but soon he fathomed the depths of this problem by the organiza tion of a band of singers, which he took North in the summer of '73, and by his return in the fall they had sung up, or realized by musical concerts, $3,518.72. With this, the work went bravely on' until Janu ary, '74,: when1 the nmotmt was! ex pended and work stopped' until March, when Messrs. Shaw and Es tey came down on a visit, and t lie latter gentleman made another Jib-, eral donation, which commenced tmrlr- nnrl irlll nnmnlnli. 4ltu 1 ciear oasn."" and. nnnmnrtnin. rtv-prF?h2l('neor tfe Iareest-nnd-Hnest school-1 SitevS: Building in tbe BUln very tow days. This building is estimated at $35,000. The entire-property r be longing to this institution is esti mated at from $75,000 to $100,000, with an indebtedness of k about $2,500, which' will soon be settled;' This is the result of only ninifyears' labor, for a down-trodden 'people, by a man who openeel his first Sitb bath school under an old oak tree The Estey building, or Seminary for females, will 'comfortably ac commodate one hundred scholars.' It is six stories high, and contains about fifty rooms, including recita tion and drawing rooms. It will be completed and furnished by the first of October, and in connection with this it-might be well for me to say that forty of the leading male students' of 'this school have agreed to raise $25 each, making mg. lnisnooie enon on ine parr of the young men is not altogether especially tho Northern portion ) thafc the colored man is willing tor help himself J secondly, to show to the sex for whose especial benefit this - Institution was founded, that ; they are 'willing to help them; thirdly, to show to the 'North that there are some Southern people who are wining to neip us. rnese young men reside in different parts of the State, and 'during their Vacation thev propose to make this effort. ' and it is believed that v all who de- , sire to seeine-negieciea; icmaies oi thegood old North State11 properly cared for,: and thoroughly educated, will not turn them, away empty ; hence, you who profess to beai des holrs, will have an opportunity " to prove it by givlnga mite to this gallant object. This division of tho school, will have an industrial, mu- aiwi, auu tuai partment in it. ' . " During the '.session j ast closed 1 there were .'156 'students. .. Their i principal studies; were grammar, , mental, and , written, arithmetic,. , composition, algebra, latin, phvs- iology, geometry, Ac. The examln- 1 ation of the past- session reflect l great credit upon the accomplished, i principal teacher. Miss G. A. AVool- f son, and her assistants, Misses SI. A. ( t Lathrop and M. J. Woolson. There- has been a theological department to this institution ever since 18C9, and a medical department is strong- ly anticipated. Upward 4 of pno, hundred students of this institu- tion taught public schools last Va- crtwuui wju ucanjr mcoiwuouuwij arernow teaching. Some received, , first-class certificates after a rigid ex- amination.while nearly all the oth- csaroiina, wria8.,AUJwiuipj' ' ,"U"C,1"V? , rr f V 7T pWa. This Institution Is lust , bo COIDII ? SUlI-8UUUU(UUi least $5,000 have-been paid' as . taiuon : - - - - - o. . ' -t, it. av ' mr - . . a since 1869. If aU the Dau axe.. in readiness three Jt . can be accommodated next session. none mth of Washington, and is;d; become one of tho first iiim iiimlilliliuii jo dcwuu w des in the land.