WEEKLY EKA. THURSDAY, JUNE 4, 1S71. JjOCAI ani statk. Half Faii, Persons attending the Coinincntx'Dicnt exorcises at Trinity College, on the 10th and 1 1 Hi of June, will be passed over the N, C. It. It. on half fare. We wonld call' tho attention "nf our renders to the advertisement of Horace Waters fc Son, headed, Waters' Concerto Parlor Organs," and for a description of them we ran't do better than to copy the fol lowing:: - A 1kw Feature in ) khans Waters Concerto Pauior Or gan. Tho creat imritof the con certo-stop Is, that ii approximates ncuic-r than any other i the human voice. If we Hvert the attention Th6 pcfbmcoitaboafdTN'. C.7 has been discontinued'. ' ? v i i Mr. John Porter, formerly of Rockingham county, N. C, recent ly died in Missouri at tho age of ivz years, 3 months and 24 days. An. excursion ibr colored people win laso place over tho AlrLlne Railroad to Atlanta on tho 3d of July. Tho fare from Charlotte and return is $5. Dr. P. T. Shultz. of Forsvthe nas passea There vhs I UsTIXG L'ISII EI IjA V VERS. iliin. Keverdy Johnson, and Messrs. Carrol, Urewster and Budd, all dis tinguished lawyers from a distance, will bo in attendance during the i 'omiug term of the Circuit (tourt. ilEiii if. " J ?LV5 Z county, has a terrapin, on the shell icaie-addition is lelng operated, the I r,..iX,u :..-kL i .-nr ion rcwion isinsUiutaneousthatltis wMMi Woi,i fn,i?L tVT impresMi to the human voice under exquis ite culture that we listen. Of course the origin of this improvement, and the exact manner in which its ad vantages have been made so prom inent in this organ, are known to the patentee alone ; but we doubtif the inventor can make it plain xchy the direct result has occurred. The ft feet of the concerto attachment is Pim atokiai. The various mill lomIs creeks and branches around the city have lecoine popular it- simply softening and voleanizing. .sorts oflato foranglers. Hsl-ees, iktcIi. catfish. Ac. are said lo le abundant. UEt'll'E. The fol- inay le of service to Valuaijlk lowing recipe some of our readers during the Summer. It is wild to be a sure cure for Dysentery : White of two e-gs, half pint of new milk, three table sioonfulM of flour, one do. su gar. Mix and bring to a proper cmistencv over a slow Arc. Use oct-.Lsion-.illy." It seems to catch a note that might have been shrill or reedy, and at once soothe it into something as a human whisper. The writer was informed by Mr. Waters that on ac count of the popularity of the new stop, the instruments were bought up almost as rapidly a It was pos sible to manufacture them. Brook lyn Union. STATE. CiwriT Court. At the ap proaching term of the Circuit Court, the Chief Justice will hear only equity wises, and will not arrive in the eitv until the second week of u the term. Jury cases will be tried the first week, when Judges Bond and Hrooks will preside. During the eouitv trials tho Chief Justice A will oroide, with Judire Bond as Associate. Oxford has six editors. Enfield has a minstrel baud. Franklin county is to have a jail. Judge Mitchell is in feeble health. Salisbury has a. very small debt. Rock fish are abundant in Weldon. Warrenton is improving fast. Rockingham is not to be made a money order office, as reported. There are no prisoners in Rich mond county jail. which would indicate that it is at least thirty years old. Miles L. Eure, Esq., of Gates, has been nominated by the Demo crats as Judge of the 1st Judicial District, and James P. Whcdbee, for Solicitor. - A man named Bill Edwards, of burry county, eloped for parts un known on the 18th ult., with a wo man named Ruth douse. Edwards left a wife and three and Ruth a husband and a small child. A den of thieves has been dis covered in Northampton county, and six of the members captured and committed to jail. The den was on or near the plantation' of x rant t aison, Esq. The weather In Surry county Is tine on wheat, but death on tobac co plants. ..Great complaint about plants among the ; farmers, many or whom have planted their tobac co land in corn, as their plants have all been destroyed by the fly. On Sunday, 24th ult., Dr. Hen derson, a dentist from Caswell coun ty, had the misfortune to lose a very fine horse on Flat River. He was en route for New' York, no demonstration. Dispatches from Borne represent" tho conditU7ir.ois ioiyatner asseri,! I jfcg ff jlil M. . - - - - - ' l M or Stewart hasfntroctuced a ioint resolution .propbslng thu fol lowing as an amendment to tin Constitution : - Article b 1C If any State shall fail to, maintain ; a com rq on school system under which ail persons between the ages of fiveand eighteen years not incapacitated for It is, well -understood in well in formed circles, in Washington, that the civil rights bill is dead for this season. ' jff. ' ";V- The . Alabama -'and Chattanooga Railroad lias been soiu Dy the Gov- gress may prescribe. Congress have the power to establish therein such a system, and cause the same to be maintained at the expense of such state. . iteferred to the Judi ciary Committee. Motions to suspend the rules and ernoi of Alabama under authority tek. "P the rijts and curren river. Harris, of Virginia, -has ' intro duced a bill to restore to the pension rolls the names of pensioners of the Mexican war, who were stricken off for disloyalty". The lower nouse of the Arkan sas Legislature has passed articles at Miss Pattie Mangum's and had I of impeachment against nearly all turned his horse out in the lot. He of Brooks' adherents in the late was playing when he ran against a I struggle. cy bills were defeated in the House of Representatives on the 25th inst. two-thirds not voting in the affir mative. The vote was 153 to 84. The following Republicans voted with the Democrats: Brambunr. Governor Hartranft, of Pennsyl- ?f Alabama, Butler, of Tennessee, inia, has issued an order making J??df ,SPd 8ePfiT 01V,S&,?S hnlirinxr """h" utoviu, xviuuici oiuilii, Carolina. Thomas, of Virorinfa nnd The select committee on the Ar- Thornhurtr. of Tflnnps ti riA. kansas troubles consists of Pollard. I feat is not a finalitv. of Vt., Ward, of Illinois, Wood. The Senate bill cannot be got at ford, of N. Y., Taylor, of Ohio, and except under &' suspension of the Sloss. ofAla. rales by a two-thirds vote, and I .A a . A. a Senator Alcorn has presented a tS31 " snown py me action or the memorial from citizens of Missis- ope cannot oe secured ; but the slppi asking Congress to take charge I f udiciary Committee, -under its oi me levees on uie xuississippi I ' v:,;r . v , J of the IegislatUTe. Crosland, of Kentucky, has intro duced a bill providing payment to loyal owners for negroes mustered into the service of the United States. vania. decoration day a legal throughout that State. XoquofationTbf New "Tbrk mar kets received for the 30thr:Mayt"onj account of decoration day. . 'Iri'j Liverpool, on!the 30tli ult., cotton was dull at 8 to 8. i t k v. In Southern cities of the United States, cotton 13 to 18. ? t J rEW'ADVERTISEMENTS. nALEICII BET AIL FniCES. . OOBRECTED BY WATJTK ALLOOTT, FAM ILY OROCKB, FAYKTTKVILLK BT Sf rt day4 :vAhknTKi:i tpdtJ umlag oiu(WUi AUtiUU Jc DUiLL in good territory. Kn doraed by Oorernort of IOWA. Alt KANSAS and DAKOTA "s Catalog! free.' - vi - ( W. VILES, 8U Louis, 319, AKTICI.ES. PKICKS. port a bill which is a perfect copy oi me csenaw 0111, ana this can be passed by a simple majority and sent over to the Senate and there be acted on. tree, inflicting a wound of which he died that night. The horse was worth $300 and trotted at the last State Fair, making good time. On Sunday night, 24th ulr., the Hon. Y. A. Smith. This dis tinguished gentleman, who is enjoy ing a short respite from his arduous Congressional duties, sjent the day in our city on Monday, the 1st infet. Xo member of Congress from the South has more personal popu larity in Washington than Maj. Smith. His genial disposition and candid learing gain him friends in all parties. Every body knows what he is at home. Green peas are selling in New Rerne at 40 cents per bushel. A new lodge of Odd Fellows is to I false key and some 400 be established in .New-Berne. Fresh venison is offered for sale n the xev-iierne market. for tobacco barn of Mr. Mangum, near and John II. Reagan, of Texas. Knap of Reeds, was opened with a lbs. of to bacco stolen therefrom. Mr. Man- gum, anticipating the rogues, went to Durham and caught the thieves with the tobacco offering it for sale in Durham Warehouse. He arrest ed the sale and took charge of his goods, and will immediately have a warrant issued for the arrest of the guilty parties. The Pee Dee Courier says : Wo have been shown a specimen of Greensboro is braireriner on straw- genuine velvet cork, taken from a in circumference. I tree growing in the grounds of Col. ' Xortli Carolina Tobacco. History asserts that Tobacco was found growing indigenous upon the soil of North Carolina, as far back as the year 1584, when Sir Walter Raleigh's expedition landed upon JttoanoKe island. It is also claimed, that by the camp fires first lighted on the Eas tern shore of Carolina, the Eng lish pioneers of American civiliza tion sat and smoked the calumet of I peace from the prepared Ivinnicon- The Convention of Baggage Mas- lck, in the true Indian style, and ters and Breaksmen's .Life Insu- that there, the first native born Eng- ranco Company, held in Philadel-1 lishmen contracted the habit of i phia on the 28th ult., voted down smoking the newly discovered COUNTRY riiODl'CE. APPIES Green. " ! Dried, BUTTER Best country. " j Good " " i Goshen. BACO-N. C. Sides. . Ilams, DUCKS- EGGS FLOUR-N. C. Family, 1 " Extra. FODDER Per 100 !hs llA Y Per 100 Bs., CORN MEAL PlTATOES-weet. " i N.C.Irish. OATSr-Bailed KM) tts.. PKOCEKIES: DACON Rib Bulk Side, it r u ' . " Smok'd" Shoulders. Best Hugar- eurea liams. COFFEE Old gov'ment. I " 1 Rio Prime, FI.SFI Sfackeref, No.JL i " f N. C. Her'ngs.cut ! ? Vina ? . - . K orn Shad, bbl r JjU u Ii I'aiapsco, : ' V a. Family, ! " r Extra, l" Superfine, irOLAS.SE.S-Cuba, new 1 crop, ! bbl t hhd IlICE-t SUGAR Stand'd A i bbl KxtraC, J YeUow. SYRUP Bbl., 0 : o 25 o 00 0 u) 0 00 0 00 25, 30 0 00 0 15 0 00 0 00 0 00 1 15 1 15 1 15 o m 0 (J 0 00 0 00 000 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 & M So 30, 35 14 m So 85 . I? y uo 8 00 2 00 1 25 1 50 N) 00 00 00 10 J & ..O QO , 13 50 0 00 8 25 1 (JU 35 30 e. 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 8 50 6 50 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 10 0 00 i0 tZ 50 fc 13 00 3 10 00 ( 4 S00 4-5 43 45 10 gx 11 31Ja The Ilouse has passed a bill re moving the political disabilities of Geo. E. Pickett and C. II. William son, of Virginia ; Thos. Hardeman, Jr., and James Jackson, of Georgia, ToWNsmiiriEETiiQ.-Ata meet ing of the citizens of Abbott's Creek and Richfork neighborhood, at Clod- wanted quickly. Fayettevillo continues to call a telegraph line. The Statesville Intelligencer is to be remove! to Salisbury. Counterfeit ten cent bills circulation iu Wilmington. are in Saturate a niece or breau or meat with gastric juice, and it ' trill dissolve. This is digestion. Add to such a mixture a little al- iih.l, and it w ill not dissolve. This & is iiidiiestion. Hownre. then, of ! tinctures, or tonics, or decoctions containing spirituous li(juors. Shun nil r ii in " tonics," and rely solely on Dr. Wa Lit mi's VixtxiAU Hit- 'i i:ns, the finest digestive invigor :uit known, and free from the fiery i-urseof Alcohol. V.) -hv Kri'KiTir Spkincs. Thes ccU bratcd Springs are leginning to at tract great attention on account of the wonderful properties of the wa ter. They areUi::tt d in the north- J- W I II A .1 A. , ern pari oi lrctieii county, aooui sixteen miles from Statesville, and can be re:ichcl three times a week y the Hack conveyance which . connects with the railroad. Instead of our people gwing to other States 'fin search of health, we would ad vise a trial of our own section. lloni'.EUY. We learn that the ..residence of Mr. Lock lea r, about two miles from this city, on the : 1 .ictievillc road, was entered on Friday night, 2d inst., and over I wo hundred dollars, worth of jew elry and wearing apparel taken. ; Mr. Locklear is an industrious and ; ireiitlcmaulv Knir'ishman who has hitely si'ttleil among us. Kvery ef fort has been made by Mayor Hol der! and liis police to capture the t!:irves, but so far without success. OakCity Mills. -Messrs. Up church, Williams)n & Thomas nre now having the large brick storage house at the foot of Davie street, near tho Central depot, con verted into a grist mill, and it is iexiHX'ted that in tiio course of a few weeks everything will be ready for business. The machinery is being . received daily. Thus, step by step, Iluleigh is growing in commercial : importance, and judging of tho fu ture by tho past, in the course of a 4 few years our population ought to w doubled. Decoration Day in Raleigh. A large concourse of citizens as sembled at tho Union Cemetery on Saturday, at 4 p. m. Tho cere monies were opened with prayer by the I lev. Mr. Mertz, and follow by Prof. C. B. Fairchild, the orator of tho day, who acquitted himstdf in a highly creditable man ner. His discourse, replete with pa triotic utterances and wholesome advice, was well received by the large assemblage. He was followed by Chpt. Albert Magnin, who read a poem appropriate to the occasion, entitled "Tho Nation's Dead." The firing of a saluto of 37 guns by Bat tery I, 2d U. S.- Artillery, under command of Capt. Hamilton, con cluded the ceremonies, during which time tho graves were decorated ,;jwith flowers. The presence of tho lofticcrs and soldiers at present on Jduty at this post, with their wives, 5 together with a goodly number of i ladies, and sweet strains of music from the Raleigh Brass Band, lent grace and cnlivenmcnt to the occasion. berries four inches Mocking birds are selling at fifty cent each in .New-Berne. Warren county has paid out the past year $250,000 for fertilizers. Bald Mountain has again assumed a threatening attitude. Greensboro is to have a market house ;0xS0 feet, with twenty stalls. Hog cholera prevails to a great extent in Rutherford county. The cotton prospect in the Golds bo ro section is bad. The Monroe Enquirer has com menced its second volume and is meeting with much success. A line specinien oflron 6rc has been discovered on the farm of Mr. I). T. Boney, in Duplin. The work on the new Court House at Asheville will commence next week. Wm. Sharpe, a citizen of Guil ford, residing near Greensboro, broke his leg a few days since Freight on corn between Char lotte and Goldsboro is thirty cents per hundred. Cumberland county has a Fleahill township, of which Flcahillville is the principal village. The young man who killed Steve Lowrey, offers for sale the banjo of the aforesaid outlaw. The Carolina Central Railroad will soon build a large depot at their wharf in Y ilmington. The next session of the Episcopal Convention will be held in New-Berne. Marble playing is being practised in Milton to the detriment of corn fields. The late Superior Court of Rock ingham county lasted only a day and a half. Col. A. H. Belo, (editor of the Galveston, Texas, Afetc,) and fam ily, are to spend the Summer in Asheville. Maj. Robt. Bingham is lecturing in various parts of the State for the John V. Leak, of this place. It is known as tne uuercus iSuuer. or Cork Oak ; was grown from an acorn sent out from the Patent Of fice fifteen years ago, and has now attained a height of about twenty feet, and a diameter of ten to twelve inches. The bark is now thick enough for bottle corks. The Charlotte Observer says: There still stands near the A., T. &, O. Railroad, about 13 miles above Charlotte, the house where the Mecklenburg Declaration was first drafted by John McKnitt Alexan der. There the neighbors assem bled and drew up this declaration on the 19th of May, 1775, and on the 20th hmuarbt it to Charlotte, where a meeting was held and these resolutions promulgated. The old house is now much over an hundred years old ; it has stood the Summer and Winter storms well, and is still right well preserved. The Newbern Times says : A young man of this city received from the post office on Friday night a letter that had been nearly four years to find him. The letter was written from this city, by his moth er, on the 6th of July. 1870, and ad dressed to Valparaiso, Chili, South America. It missed him there, and it is presumed followed him, in the ship in which he was on, but never overtook him ; it was returned to this country, and sent to the dead letter post oflice, where upon being opened it was returned to JNew Berne after an extensive travel around the world for four years. the resolution admitting colored people to benefits. The three county commissioners of Barnwell county, South Caroli na, who were recently tried and convicted of corruption, have been sentenced to nine years in the Pen itentiary. On the 2Gth ult., a young man and two women were crossing the river at A I ban v.- isew lorK, in a American narcotic, which has at this time become almost universal. When we consider that tobacco is indigenous on the soil of North Carolina, we are satisfied this is the best proof we can offer, that the climate and soil of the State are naturally adapted to its growth and culture ; but were we deprived of this element of proof, the history of its culture, growth and manufac ture would be ample evidence that boat, when the man on attempting the cultivation of the plant is pecu- Latest News. Fifteen firms were burnt out iri Elwood, 111., on the 29th ult. The Prohibitory law has passed the Rhode Island Legislature. The illness of the been confirmed. Pope of Rome has Butler championed civil rights in the House. The stage drivers of New York city arc still on a strike. Admiral Shubrick, of the U. S. benefit of the Orphan Asylum at Navy, is dead. Aged 84. Oxford. Salisbury is said to be the best hay market in the State. Several thousand bales have beeu shipped from that place since spring. The Charlotte Home says the Medical Convention was composed of the finest looking men that ever assembled in that city. Wm. Caw thorn, a member of the Legislature in 1SGS, has gone on a lecturing tour to the North. His subject is the "Union." W. H. Perkins, of Ashe county, recently caught in Ohio creek, at one sitting, 188 trout averaging nine inches in length. . Rev. J. Rumple and lady, while on their way recently to Davidson College, were thrown from a car riage and considerably bruised. R. L. Steele has been elected President of the Pee Dee Manufac turing Company of Rockingham, Richmond county. A horse in Pasquotank county was at the point of death with blind staggers, when he vomited up a snake and recovered. Jos. C. Hill (colored,) Register of Deeds for New Hanover county, has painted a scene on the Mediter ranean sea, which evinces skill of no ordinary kind. Money order offices have been established at the following places: Beaufort, Magnolia, Wadesboro. Lumberton, Kllzabethtown and Marion. . i At the late term of the Federal Court, In Asheville, there were one5 nunared and thirty convictions. Forgery, counterfeiting and embez zlement were the principal causes. Lauder has been confirmed post master at Fayetteville, JN. C. The title of Duke has been con ferred on land. Prince Arthur, of Eng Walter II. Johnson has been nominated os postmaster at Colum bus, Georgia. . John Edgar Thompson, Presi dent of tho Pennsylvania Railroad, is dead. The Senate has rejected tho bill to establish tho Territory of Pem bina by a vote of 29 nays to 19 yea3. It is doubtful about tho passage of the bill for payment of South ern claimants this session. The Ilouse of Representatives has passed a bill removing the political disabilities of Raphael Semmes. A bill has been introduced into the House of Representatives to re fund the cotton tax. A four hundred thousand dollar firo has occurred at Independence, Iowa. Three persons killed. , Jas. F. Green ha3 been nomina ted as appraiser of merchandise at' Charleston. j The New York editors havo been received throughout tho State' of Alabama in a handsome manner. An entire business square ' Was burnt in Defiance, Ohio,' on the 29th (1 1 1""- ' - ' ' ' . .. . . - - r - -: , ' - "i"V- ' '",:,V,-"1iv Tho House of Representatives on the 20th ult., was considering the pill for the reduction of the army. The building - of the ; Southern Bagging Company,' f of; NewYork,' hast been I destroyeil by firb f loss to pull a dog into the boat, fell in. One of the women in trying to aid the man, fell in and was drowned. In a quarrel over a game of baso ball at Atlanta, Ga., on the 29th ult., Pink Price struck Luther Thrasher on the head with a bat, killing him instantly. Price fled. Both young men are under 20 years of age. A duel was fought in New Orleans on the 30th nit., between two Creoles, Guillotte and Pezeros. The weapons used were pistols. The distance was ton paces, and to llro at will and ad vance, timiiotto urea at tne worn oi command. &haptin Yvzetty. fchrojish tho side near tho heart. V Drawings for white militia cavalry in Havana will take place on the 5th ult. Tho total quota for tho island is 758 cavalry and 4,800 infantry. A decree has been issued authorizing railroad coin oanies to ciiartte douoie rates ior passengers and freight when paid in paper. An encounter has taken place in the outskirts of Bair, in which the Spaniards lost three killed and five wounded. liarly adapted to the soil of North Carolina. In all the large cities of this coun try and Europe, we find the cele brated brand of North Carolina and Virginia tobacco are sold, and the trade constantly increasing. No matter what is said against the so- called pernicious habit, the smoker smokes on, or the chewer rolls his quid, while each perhaps sanctions and even joins the abusti of the filthy habit. Its use is confined to no race or country, and all vie with each other in its consumption, and it is this v?st demand which has given im pulse to its growth and culture, and which, in a great degree, has dictated policy to the fiscal world. The fine chewing tobacco for the merchantable world is raised in abouc twenty counties bordering upon the Slate line, between Vir ginia and North Carolina, and in other counties very little else is cul tivated. Other sections of the State raise tobacco, but not in such quan tities and of as good quality as the fetter's? school house, it was Jlesolved, '1 hat we have the right to express our opinion as to wrho should be our next candidate for SuDerior Coiirt Glerk; and that while he have im plicit cbntidence in L. E. Johnson, onr present clerk, we say he has tilled the othce, $o far as wo know, with ability fur thefpast six years ; but we think a term of six years to hold the best oftlce in the ounty should satisfy any of our citizens, especially when the fees of said office since the sxirrender have been so remunerative, enough so, in fact, to make one man comfortable and well to do. , Resolved, That we desire that John F. Adams, who is one of our "farmer boys," fwhom we have known from in fancy to be a gentleman of the first or der, bo the candidate for the said office. and we; pledge him our hearty support and hope other townships will express tneir opinion on mis supject. we also suggest the names of Jacob A. Sowers. for Sheriff, II. C. Thomas, for Register of Deeds, and John W. McRarv. for Treasurer. Resolved, also. That the proceedings of this meetinir be published in the New North State, and Era, Raleigh. f Iv. JM. MORRISON, Uh'n. G Joo.tKiNNEY, Sec'y. 31 3t X ciiAJtittiNc;.Ilow either sex may fascinate and pain tha Iova m affections of any person they choose in suuiuy. xnis simple, mental acquire ment au can possess, lree by mail, for 25c, together, with a inarnaflre eulde. Egyptian Oracle, Dreams, Ilints to La- cues, weaaing-iNigitt snirt, Ac. A queer book. Address T. WILLIAM A Co., Publishers, 40 4w Philadelphia. " For " ' Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, and all Throat Diseases. USE ".'. ' ' ' '' Wells' ' Cartolic Tablets,, Put op nl jr in RIAJE boxes. A TRIED & SURE REMEI V. Sold by Druggists. ' 49 4w SEND FOR THE NEW CATA LO O TJ 1 and Price List, mailed Free. 100-PIECE, FRENCH China Dinner Set for 139. French China and Stone ware given away (almost) .Tea, toilet Sets and everything else same way. Call or sond foicatalogues. WASHINGTON II ADLJiY'S; 6th Ave. and 12th StW.'T. 49 4w ' - LIVINGSTONE IS DEAD. For 30 years millions hare intently watched his perilous yet heroic strug " gles, and grand achievements, and now eagerly desire the complote life-history of this world-renowned hero and bene factor, which unfolds also the curlosiths and wealth of a wild and wonderfi l country. It is just ready. 2,000 agents One agent sold 1S4, another IDG one week. For particuhtrr. address HUBBARD BROS., eithfr Philadelphia, Boston, or Cincinnati, C. 49 4w. fC-J) t H The LiOng-contested iSu.il of the EICTIT I'OIl SALE. Pursuant to a decree of the Circuit Court of the United States for the Wes tern District of North Carolina, at the April Term, 1874, at Greensboro, in a proceeding then and there pending in Equity, to foreclose a mortgage men tioned in the pleadings between Henry( Clews, Hiram Sibley and others, riainuns, . Jtgauisl The Western North Carolina Railroad Co. E. D. Tod R. Caldwell, Rufus Y. McAden, The First National Bank of Charlotte, John Rutherford, Hiram Kelley, Thomas G. Greenlee, James Greenlee, Mary Carson, A. II. Erwin, N. H. D. Wilson, Assignee, R. M. Walker and others, Defendants. The undersigned, Commissioners ap pointed by the Court at the said April Term thereof, .will sell at the Court House door in the city of CO., against the Singer, Wheeler I Wilson, and Groverand Baker Com-? jpanies, involving over $250,000, is il-r- i nail v decided bv the Supreme uourt 5of the United Statos in favor of tho? FLORENCE, which alone has broken tho monopoly of high prices. . I I 6 THE NEW FLOUEXCE J lis the only machine that sews back- $ward and forward, or to right and Icft.f Simplest Cheapest Best. ? Sold for casq only. Special terms to Clubs and Dealers. Florence, Mass. f April, 1874. 49 Av, rfel.-Qj -XSCv: ."CV .-CVWO -V.- -XV -SV roc .N- Ji rf --Cv." I-OJCr VVV f. " EDEOGRAPIIY" anew book on the art of, writiDg by Sound ; a con. pleto system of Phonetic Short-hand, tho shortest, most simple, easy, and comprehensive, enabling any ono In n short time to report trials speeches, sermons, Ac, The Lord's Prayor is written with 49 strokes of the pen, and 140 words per minute. The unemploy ed should leam this art. Price by mail 50 cents. Agents wanted. Address T, W. EVANS A CO.. 139 S. 7th St.. Phil adelphia. Pa. ' ' J 49 4w 0 Tho Highest Medical Author ities ot Europe say the strongest Tonic, Purifier and Depbstiucnt known to medical world is ? JUEUBEBA. It arrests decay of vital forces, exhaus tion of the nervous system, restores vigor to the debilitated, cleansos vitia ted blood, removes vesicle obstructions A acts directly on the Liver and Spleei t Price ft a bottle. JOHN Q. K ELLOOG, N. Y. 49 4w AGEXXS WANTED FOIl THE It now appears that the Russian Nicholas, gave diamonds belonging uru ." fhia fhPr to Tn Fpnniv of ceeded fifty millions of pounds, which, at an average price of ten sections aiiuded to. The tobacco "" vjl oentenniai uazeueer ot tne to his mother to Miss Fennix, of Phoenix, a beautiful American. The circumstance of the theft, to gether with the fact that he had deposited large sums of money with his bankers to make provisions, as he says, ajrainst the necessities of old age, leads to the belief that he is insane. 4 Thesteamship Faraday, with new Atlantic telegraph cable on toard, which sailed from England on the 17th, is lying off the Halifaxr N. S., pen(jenCe. mo at Tn a four laxra fho ihlft will I . . be landed at Berry Head, Parr Bay, in Guisboro county, distant from Halifax ono hundred miles. After landing the cable at Parr Bay the Faraday will proceed to Bye Beach, N. H. One of the members of the new cable company has arrived in Halifax. dollars per nundrea pounds, gives us five millions of dollars. This vast sum of money went into the hands of the planter, and by him was turned over to the mef chant, etc. It went into the actual wealth of the State, and aided in building up its material prosperity. It gave an impetus to every diver sity of industry and placed the State on the way to material inde- All who have been encased in the manufacture of tobacco in North Carolina have done very much to Dromote the development of the latent resources of the State, they have infused a spirit of energy and enterprise into farmers and plant ers, dispelled the gloom and de spondency which had settled upon flTnhn M. Fleming. State SuDer- certain communities, and convinced intPnrlpnt. of Pnhlhv Schools for very many that North Carolina is Tpnnpsspp. has issnprl a circular the garden spot of the Republic and wherein, after reciting that the that in a proper development of the Civil Bights bill now pending in resources of the State, prosperity Congress, in its provisions concern- and happiness are sure to follow, ing public schools, is in direct con- Madison Enterprise. met with the law of Tennessee, ne suggests that no new contracts for teachers for either white or colored schools be entered into by the. Di rectors, and if the bill becomes a law further instructions will be giyen. v The annual session of th Board of Delegates of the A merfcah Israel ites, commenced in New iork,.on the evening of the 27th ult? Dele gates were present foar congregations, representing the States of New York, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Tennes see and the District or Columbian Ttie Treasurer reported the receipts of the Trust Fund for the past year to! be $4,920; the expenses $3,013; leaving a balance of $1,909. The next meeting will be held in Phila delphia In 187G. Circular. Office of the Coms. of Claims, Washington, D. C, May 25, '74. 1. It is ordered by the Commis sioners that every deposition given after June 15, 1874, in support" of any claim pending before this Com mission, be taken down in presence of the witness at the time- ot the orominatinn nn1 tliaf ouorw C!1ftl from twenty-1 rV handwriting of the special comrai: sioner authorized to take the same. 2. Depositions taken for use be fore this Commission previous to June 15, 1874, andpn which the fees have been paid, shall be forwarded to this office on or before that date, or they will not be received or con sidered as evidence. . 3. Depositions taken before June There is no doubt that Secretary 1 15. 1874. and which may be retained Richardson will soon retire from for non-Davment of fees, must also. office, out some 01 nis inerios say be forwarded on oroeiore mat date, ho will hot do so ' until definite ac tion shall have been taken on the subject of the Sanborn . contracts. The President leaves to Richard son the fixing of the time of retir ing and will- nominate him tofill the vacancy on me Dencn 01 me In order that they may be stamped, or otherwise verified, for future use as evidence After they are so ver ified, they will be retained in behalf of the special commissioners, and not subject to inspection or use by claimants or attorneys, till the fees Court of Claims, which he is now are paid : or , they will be returned prepareu 10 accepu uu view 01, 11 is to tne special, commissioners, as me intended resignation as Secretary, latter may elect. All such deposi the Committee of Ways and Means tions may bo forwarded, and will will not, according to the present be returned, at the expi use of this nWrlOKtan flints 1 inlrYKltlCA IhAlf nffina: .1 - j J XlKs resolution of censure of the Secre tary. Assistant Secretary and the Solicitor of the Treasury. , Ail im pression pervades in Senatorial and offlcialcircles that Secretary Delano .,, 4. Tho actual fees charged or re ceived on each deposition, or set of depositions, ; taken after June 15, 18f 4, must be noted thereon by the special commissioner taking the will be. appointed as Richardson's same. , t ? 1 "111 i 1 I I . - - . . . t-. -t t A r -r.-A- successor, aiwiougu mere is no pos- , UIIAS. r . AiiviJAiiijN, itive authority for tno statement. Clerk of Commissioners of Claims. A. I). 1874, at Public Auction, to the highest bid der, all the franchises, road, road-beds, rolling-stock and property ot every kind, nature and description belong ing to the said Tub Western "North Carolina Kail Road Company, men tioned and described in the said Decree. The purchaser or purchasers will be required to pay to the Commissioners Ten Thousand Dollars in Cash on the day of sale, and will be given cred it for the balance ot the purchase mo- ny until Monday, the 6th day of July, 1874, the lirst rule day of said Court, at Greensboro, X. C, next ensuing alter the day of sale. Those who purchase at said sale, pro vided they bo holders of bonds secured D3' tne mortgage mentioned in the said Decree, may retain their shares of the purchase money, except as to the said sum of 10,000.00, by surrendering to the Com mission ers an equal amount of said bonds. The said Commissioners are author ized, so soon as the sraid sale shall be conlirmed by tjie Court, to give imme diate possession of the said Railroad, its property and ell'ects of every kind and description ; and all persons who ' may be in possession of the said Railroad or any of its property are commanded to surrender the same to the purchasers upon the production of the Commis sioners' deed to them. This Road, when its connections shall be completed, will form one of the most IMPORTANT THOROUGHFARES in the entire South. Its length is 142 miles, of which 115 miles is complete; that is from Salisbury to Old Fort, in McDowell county, at the Eastern-base of tho Blue Ridge ; and the greater part of the remainder of the road is graded, or nearjy so. There has already been expended upon this Road, about $0,000,000.00. It is now: sold to satisfy a debt of about $1,400,000.00 which constitutes the first lien upon the property. The Commis- sioners believehat the title ofthe pur- cnaser-wiii De good. For anr further information, address ; B. S. OAITIIER, Morgan ton, N. (J : MARCUS ERWIN, Asheville, N. C. THOMAS RUFFIN, Hillsboro, N. C. , THOMAS B. KKOGH, I Greensboro, N. C. United States. No book has ever been published t such universal interest to the American people. It appeals to no particular class alone, but to all classes; to men and women of all professions, creed?, occupations and political opinions ti Farmers, Lawyers, Business Men, Me chanics, Physicians, Politicians, Teach ers, Students, Manufacturers, Salesmer, men of learning and men who can only read, to old and young. All want It a book of constant reference, and to preserve for their children and chil dren's children as tho only complete and reliable work, showing the gigan tic results of tho lirst one hundred years of the greatest Republic tho world ever saw. It is not a luxury but a necessity to every well-informed American citizen. Agents make $100 to $300 per month. Send for circular. ZIEGL.ER A McCURDY, 49 4 w Philadelphia, Ta. April 22, 1874. 44 w8t MAT TRESS -IW A KING APTO CANE-SE ATI NO. THESE branches being taught in the North Car olina Institution for the Deaf and Dumb and the Blind, we are prepared to fur nish Mattresses of the very Dest make and material, and at cheap rates. Also, to cane-seat chairs, settees, etc, Ac. Ritooms. YV e also have on hand a large lot of excellent Brooms, which will be sold cheap " i Address Institution ior the Dear ana Dumb and Blind, Raleigh. N. C. Raleigh, March 26, 1874. 3 3m ATE RS CONCERTO ORGANS are the most beautiful in style and perfect in tone ever made. The Con certo stop is the best ever pi ace 1 in any Organ. It is produced by an extra set of reeds, peculiarly voiced, the elfect of which is most charming and soul-stirring, while its imitation of tho human voice is superb. Terms liberal. Waters' Philharmonic, Vesper and Orchestral Organs in unique French cases, are among the best made, and combine purity of voicing with great volume of tone.- Suitable for Parlor, Church, or Music Hall. Waters' new Scale Pianos have great power and a fine singing tone, with all modern Improvements, and are the lest Pianos matte. These organs and Pianos . are warranted for 6 years. Prices ex tremely low for cash or . part cash, and balance in monthly r quarterly pay ments. Second-hand instruments taken in exchange. Agents wanted 4n every county in the U. S. and Canada A 111 . eral discount to Teachers, Minister?, Churches, Schools, Lodges, etc- Illns-' trated catalogues mailed. , .. 1IOII AGE WATERS & SOX, . .. 481 Broadway, New York. Box 35G7. , 40 4 1 VroBTH CAROLINA, )Probate JJN Wake County, j Court, April 18th, 1874. " Geo. P. Thomas A Co., vs. A., N. Up church, adm'rof Parker Overby, de ceased. . " In the above entitled cause, proceed ings have been instituted . by the plain till in behalf of himself and all .other . creditors of Parker Overby, deceased, against A. N. Upchurch, administrator. All creditors of Parker Overby, do? ceased, are hereby notitied to file their claims with me on or before the 8d day of June, 1874. - J. N. BUNTING, .Clerk, ;i . D. G. Fiiwlk, Plaintiff's Attorney. . April 18th, 1874. 44 wCt N E P l R ACKERS, uooas, An occu nation as teacher, bear in cr at least a second grade certificate. If in formation be required address Wilson G. Lamb, John G. Watts, D. W. Uagley and John Watts (whites) residing at Williamston. where I have been labor ing as teacher for the last la 'months. J. II. RFJUSTERS, (colored,) feb 3-tf Williamston, N, C. CAKES, CANNED Jellies. Pickles, Sardines, Candies and Nuts, at BROWN'S Raleigh, April 7, 1874. , , , lt4. on rv vhr wwr a PARLOR L Church Organ go to 4 ' . u.) i i NAT. 1 BROWN'S, v Raleigh April 7, 1874. .""i f 171 NE CIGARS JD Tobacco, at Raleigh April 7, 174. AND SJIOKI.MJ BROWN'S.