W JiJJiJKL V EK A. W. 3IlJilCWNrMsiiiaKi-- OFFiccJntheultl "."standard" Build nir. mo square South of I ho Court !lmsp, FavPttflville .StrooL HAT US OK srikSCKIPTJON : i.kki.y Oiiuynsir, - - - (tO Six mouths, - - 1 KJ Throe mouths, iX) Vkl'K i.v O.wyc-ar, - - 4 f0 S: months. - ) Ti.ro.' months. 1 IX) H.v month, - 50 T I N V.VKIA liLY IN Al)'A.N K. tj-t A . hort time Mnce, the Korsacky VOL. III. RALEIGH, 3ST. C, THURSDAY, JUNE 11, 1874. NO. 50. acrobats, were unnounwl to appear .n the tight-rope :t the TaginoiT . irct: in Moscow. Tho circus was crowded to tho utmost, and when - ih two girl- n.:.dr their appearand 'hey won gicetcd by a perfect? ton n 5 applause. When the last tableau came-- con sisting of the roses all uniting into h'lir iriirnntic t.owcr, with the two leisters seemingly gliding through sihe -iir tJw elder of then, Jevina, f'iddcnly 'mered a scream of terror, unl fell heavily ::non the .stage. Wh'.n as-irjUiJiv'. aiiio she was in--nsilk, mho her legs wero i 'jm1 to b brokciY. f The au-e of th. accident was at ; u pertained. Tho highest wire, r. which she hart stepped im- ;i:tt !y l fore bcr fall, had been !.t ii: tw:i!n. The manager said i he accident was inexplicable to . :.im, its the wires had been horotiiihly tested just before night . .all. I'pon closer insp.-ction, it was !'um! that the win must have leen ' '-tit, Ii-aving it iilii-. ntly connected not io snap asunder until the fair acroUit had tcped uion it. Tins diovery led to an investi gation as ti. who the persons were : hat had had aecccss to the wires after ;!u'v had been tested in the after noon, und Ik fore the beginning of sill. i.i.t piece, when they were drawn jn.n- the stage. The in- n: d -'ill r -covered sufficient con- - ti.- ir ; soon enough to tell the 'it e -... -i.ds :l;,t. Inside herself (.- -i.-tor lirada, no one had tMen mar the wire except Una , W'ogratz. the daughter ot the hotel 5;e'pvr with whom they had stopped. . ijtm. .-.he had noticed, had re : p-j.ti-dly touched the wires, and had finally asked to be shown the one that would be highest. This wire Msad Ix-en the thickest. Una Wo rratz had left before the close of the performance. An officer was sent Tor her. He found her at her father's hotel, where no one knew vet what had occurred at the circus. .Strange ly enough, when the officer asked the girlo accompany' him to the oircus she became VLsibly alarmed. and exclaimed repeatedly, " 1 had nothing to do with it." Theotiicer said nothing until he arrived with her at the circus, where she was searched at hi suggestion. In her pocket was found a pair of small but very sharp and iowerful sois.sors. At one point the edges were .-.lightly indented, and when the w o fragments of the wiro were olosely examined where it was rent, the indented spots on the pair of -eissors were found to correspond with them. Una Wogratz turned leailly pale as she witnessed all An Arithmetical Problem. Thorn I a man whom wo wjllcall IKtl rrn W I TU" Tj TT. T . "V" "RlTi. A L ;Gov. Vance passed through Ral-! party and Lazarus is a beggar that 1 ' L f rTrrfr rnnrinrr of-for TooTo. TSt. ! Wn3 laiCt nt h!3 CTteS. I Vahiiitoiis Stiengtli. Gen. Wflqon reTafpg oonnf of WE3SjLY' ERA, RATES OF ADVlittTISIX6V One square, one time, - - $ 1 (X) 44 44 two times, - - 1 50 ' 4 three times, - - 2 00 ; s Contract advertisements taken At proportionately low rates. : s Jon Wo kk exocutod at short no tice and in a style unsurpassed by an similar establishment in the State. Spe cial attention paid to tho printing of Blanks of every description. write his own name, nor count money. IJeing so ignorant, you may well know he is also very poor ; lor a man who has not vim enough to gain a common education cannot In? expected to possess mind enough to provide a decent homo for his family ; so John has always moved about from one shanty to another. For over twenty-eight years John has been addicted to tho im moderate use of tobacco. His chil dren are often hungry and always ragged, but one thing tobacco is never denied thej. .There is no doubt but that the intellect of each member of the family is benumbed by the excessive use of this injurious weed. "John, how much do you spend for tobacco in one year ?" was asked to a bout by the hero of the day and from which he obtained some inte resting personal reminiscenses o Washington. "During ti visit at Arlington House, Virginia, in 1854, ington could, like Marshal Saxe. break a horse shoe, and received for reply that he had no doubt he could had he tried, for his hands were the largest and most powerful he had - j . ever seen. Air. uusus then gave several instances of the General's strength, of which I recall-fche fol lowing: "When Washington was a young man he was present on one occasion as looker-on at wrestling J Y i . -p aA V gam.-.i, men ineiasniomn Virginia. Tired of tho sport, he had retired to the shade of a tree, where he sat pe- rusmga pamnniet, tin cnaiiengca of him one day. "JJunno." answered John; "I buy a little at a time, you know." His neighbor questioned him closely with regard to the number of pounds used in a month, and the average price per pound, and con- strongest wrestler in the State. Washington declined, till taunted with the remark that he feared to try conclusions with the gladiator, calmly came forward, and without removing his coat grappled with his antagonist. There was a fierce strug- cl tided that John must have paid, gle for a brief space of time, when on an average, at least SoO annually the champion was hurled to the for tobacco. erround with such tremendous force "What arc you doing now?" ask- as to iar the verv marrow in his cd John, suspiciously, as he observ- bones. Another instance of his pro ed the other with paper and pencil digious power wras his throwing the in nanu. stone across the llannahannoel- at "I am going to show you how Fredericksbunr a feat that it is much money with simple interest quite safe to sav has never been uer- at six per cent. you have wasted formed since. Later in life a num- lor tobacco for the past twenty-eight bcr of voung gentlemen were con- years," answered his neighbor. at Mount Vernon in the John was astonished when the exercise of throwintr the bar. Wash- amount was shown him. inrrton. after looking on for some "I don't believe in figgering, any time, walked forward saying, 'Allow vay." hesAid. "I can guess straight- nie to trv.' and urasuinii the bar sent i i . . v ' . ' J ' er man any man can ngger." "Figures will not lie, John," re plied the other, seriously. "I have counted everything at the lowest possible rate, and have made no reckoning of that which you expend ed for tobacco when you were first me iron iiyii.g through the air twenty feet beyond iis former lim its. Still later in his career, Wash ington, whose 'age was like a lusty winter, frosty yet kindly, observed three of his workmen at Mount Vernon vainly endeavoring to raise learning to use it, which sum, with a large stone, when, tired of wit these proceedings, and when conU do tek-am that's a fact " nuitcl with the iKX)r acrobat she luirst into tears and confessed that he Iihi! cut the wire because, during the week since the Korsacky sisters bad I -evil at her father's hotel, her (Una's) lover, Ivan Kruger, had sfijietl to be f;ucinatetl with the elder of the two sisters, and had made love to her. in order to re wr.ge herself she had resolved to i ripple or disfigure levina Kor sacky for life. The youngest sister, unaware of her intention, had told her the day U'fore what kind of scissors were required to cut the wire. i-cvina lorsaoKyrccoverett from her terrible fall, kind Una Wograt. was sentenced tojsix years' solitary imprisonment. the interest all these years, would doubtless avnount to several hun dred dollars beside. There is no use in denying it, John ; the bad habit has robbed you of enough to buy a good, comfortable home for yourself and family ; enough to buy a good iarm as good a farm as mine, at least." "P'r'aps what Vou say is true," said John, reluctantly. "I s'pose these little driblets to eat a feller up wonderful." "Indeed they do ; and now, John, what can I say or do to induce you o break yourself of this habit ?" "What! give up my tobacco " exclaimed John. "Why, man alive, if I happen to be without it for one naif day, I'm down nek yes, eir, nessing their unsuccessful attempts, he put them aside and taking It In his iron-like grasp, lifted it to its place, remounted his horse, and rode on." Wisdom, .Pure, Simple, Refined And Unadulterated Section XVI, Article III, of the Constitution of the State of North Carolina is in theso words: -"There shall be a seal of the State, which shall be kept by the Governor," and used by him, as occasion may re quire, and shall be called the great seal of the State of North 0001103 All grants and commissions shall be issued in the name and by the author ity of the State of North Carolina; sealed with 4tho great seal o&fhe- estate", signea Dy tne governor na countersigned by the Secretary of State." Notwithstanding this provision of the Constitution the Democratic General Assembly of 187374 enact ed : "That if the Governor shall refuse to issue hiscommission to any Judge elect, in this State, as is pro vided by law, then it shall be the duty of any Judge of this State to adminstcr the oath of office to any such Judge upon production of sat isfactory evidence of his electron." Will the -wise men, the "Solo mons," who enacted this law, be kind enough to inform the public who is to issue the commission to the Judge elect? They say any Judge may administer the oath of office to him that has always been the law but where is he to get his commission if the Governor refuses to issue it to him ? If any judge is authorized to commission him as well as administer the oath we ask how is the commissioning and oath administering Judge fix the and a sly smile of satisfaction wreathing his face. lie stopped just long enough to enjoy a good laugh over the result, and then went 'on to Norfolk to tell about the "Scattered Nation." tlje efforts of Ckpt Lee, a motion to toceTlDi inhinW Ire lWO, the last llepublieM Mr. E. C. Davidson, of Meckleri burg,makes thefollowingannounce- ment in the Charlotte Democrat: I announce mvself an Indenen dent Farmers' candidate for Con gress, from the Sixth Congressional District, knowing no party and ac knowledging no affiliation with any Northampton County.' The Republicans of Occoneechee Township, Northampton County, will hold their meeting at Mud- castle, on the second Saturdav in June, for the purpose of appointing delegates to the County Convention, to be held in the Town of Jackson, on tho 4th day of the ensuing July. AH persons interested are request ed to attend. C. II. WILLIAMS, Ch'n Township Ex. Com. June 2, 1874. CORRESPONDENCE. Jt must not be understood that The Kra endorses the sent iinonts of its correspond ents in every instance. Its columns are open to the friends of the party, and their communications will bo given to the public as containing the views and sentiments of the writers. all that he owes by the loth day of T l t-ft I ill 1 - . T . juiy, which ne win uo ii it is aone at all by borrowing from one man to pay another, or by digging ono hole, as it were, to fill up another. And It will come to pass, therefore, tht Lazarus will be covered up in the first hole, for it is said that 44 the beggarrdied or it may be that if he gqts out of the first hole, he will fall into the other and perish, whieh i3'most probable. Arid yet as we have said before, $o we now say again, that Dives is the Chairman of the poor man's party in the County of Wake. r : x, q. k. r History of tilt 4 Lcet7onunittcc. the Editor oj the Era : A Nation he' hSforo hem r S "Z oar membcr of Concrcss? Have wo. the year 1870. Stick "a pin here. in iwi, party lines wero not JtcniiMircin Committee apDointed .for isfr. led ger published tliat he appolntrjd tho Committee of which Capt. Lee was Chairman iri pursuance of a resolu tion lassetl by a mtxMngdrbiiizctis) is thfe only tegular, l&publicati I2x ecutive Committee in the eountv, the opinion of Chairman Badger and Attorney General Hargrove to the contrary notwithstanding. . ' CIVIS. Presto Change. To the Editor of the Era ; , . What has produced the wonder ful change in.Vtho spirit of .tho dream" of the fdunder and propri e- tor of the Raleigh Republican to wards the Hon. W.A. Smith? Does not every one know in what not all heard him denouncing tho "npreesintalive" of the Metropolitan District? AW he seems to he hU drawn, there being only township poc defender nd hS tLn e. elections and the vote upon the Con- ffre chara f of him Thl S Tf ; ;i;,:: ;,; m., ?n ine oiaie ne can blind with his rtrr:"l. l Warnpy is 13Uly Smith. Ho reads Dives mid Lazarus. lb the Editor of the Kra : Dives is Chairman of tho Wake County Republican Executive Com- egram, late of this city, was the re cognized Anti-Convention oreran. So, whatever was done in the cam paign of 1871 and appearing in the columns of that journal, should bo taiven as omcial. In thoTTelegram of Feb. 23. 1871. I find the proceedings of an 44 Anti Convention (not Republican) Meet- ing,P at Metropolitan Hall. After the caption as above, except the pa rentheses, it begins, "A mass meet ing oi citizens1 &c. In the same paper, date March 18. 1S71; appears this language : 44 This matter (Convention) is in no sense properly a party question." on May 12th, the Telegram con tain at a glance. Ho has not for gotten the bald-headed Irishman who lifted his sitting hen from her nest. He can't be honey-fugled by a man wlio has collected more than fifty thousand dollars from the tax payers of Wake county and has sunk it in his own capacious pocket and refuses to account for it to the proper State and county officers. He can't have respect for, or confi dence in the individual who came to Raleigh in tho wake of-tho Fed eral army in I860, plying his avoca tion as a bummer, with only about twenty-eight dollars in his pocket, and then prefers a loyal claim against the United States govern i"greatsealoftheStatetothe of law Attorney-General Hargrove matter possessed a party significance Sntmr ? o r oSzons ission? The Constitution says and District Attorney Badger have those who favored Convention must "S TaVlL Vx . . V vfK nr.-A ;r-. u,,n i.-. 7- 7 . .r iu. 1000 lusti up ti uriiiKiiig saioon in nor has a right tb teethe great seal; sumptuously every day." But there vored the callinjrof the Convention) rompieu 10 wiis aesper- without its impress upon a commis- is also another, 4 4a certain beggar only proves a mere, difference of ifivm sion, the commission'isornonjore na,med Lazarus.who is laid at Dives' opinion. Nothing more." !CUOnS. One Was engag- p-otA nnd rlASnnno tr hp f.l From tha Rv roforonno tho filoo . .f iUa value than a piece of waste paper. Some physicans claim that they can remove the appetite for tobacco,' returned the other. 44If you will make the trial I will pay the doc tor's bill." 44I don't want to be made so that I don't like it. IVsatl the comfort I take " and John walked indignant ly away, j Mind Your English. 'i lie Fat of Two Lovers. Tln-ie a iv linr .v rns and r.nvss : . amongst ti.- rocl.s ; one particu I if !vf .vruch w' took the opportu nity of visiting, as it ft -an only.bejen t'itl at tin 'bb f the spring tides. ! is very sj.ai-i-ni?, beautifully rtii'i.ed. .and eonijmsed of granite locks finely veitKi .with alabaster, which the imagitrution may easily form into a semblance of a female ligure, and is, of emrse, the Nereid of the irrotto. We wished to stav te (.1 II til TI 1 whv, lest the tide honldnishIn, Inch it is upposed io do from sub- 'rraneous caverns, as it till oeiore ic tide eo vers the sand of the ad- cent l-each. 1 was particularly ll'ect. tl with the fate of two lovers young gentleman and ladv from ifton) whos" friends were here for e sake of e.i bathing. They stole ut early in the morning by them- Ives, and strolled along the beach I thev came to this grotto, which, ing then empty, they entered. iey admired the strata of rock uiing in different directions. They mired tne incrustation wnicii ver? part of the sides, exactly re- nltiinu honey-eonii) : various i'l!- imbedded in the rock ; the 1 anei-io.se presiding its purple ::n animal llower clinging the rocks. Thev admired the t eirorts of vegetation in the pur and green tints occasioned by lichens and other mosses creep over the bare stone. They ad- red these together; they loved h t.iher the more ior having the ne tastes; and they taught the 00s of the cavern to repeat the ows which they made of eternal mstancy. in tne meantime uie e wiis coming in : 01 tnis iney re aware, as they now and then iced their eves on the waves ich they saw advancing at a dis- nce: but. not knowing tne pecu- nature of the aivcrn, they hit io Jirs pie Hie uig mi c lid glai ul ta liar In common talk we use a great many grammatic vulgarisms which could as well b& avoided as not, and tho error of which should always be pointed out to the young men who are forming their language. The Jfethoflusl sensibly says: Children should learn to speak correctly while they are children, for it will be L hard to correct .wrong habits when they become older. Many persons who have a smattering of French and even of Latin, too, are known to make bad blunders in their English because they never learned to cor rect themselves when they were young. The other day a little girl asked, Will you go to-morrer?" The answer was, 4I dunno." How much bciterjQ n renounce -the, words-cor -. . :. wm? . - 7 .'- . know f Never say tech tine apples, but smh line apples. Jutt ax lice is another improper expression. You should say, just as lief. And uo not say, laint. There is no such word as ami in the English lan guage. You should say, I'm not, or it isn't. I heard a boy say, 4,I never saw sech Jiggers." That was very bad pronunciation. Another said, "I can holler louder than you ;" but a little fellow replied, ,41 don't think I can holler at all, though I can hallo so as to be heard a quarter of a mile." Now, children, try hard to speak properly, and never use such words as these: JLo-morrer, Dunno, Sech, Aim, Holler, riggers. There is one mistake that almost e verv body makes in saying "lie don't." 1 1 is well enough to say 4tI don't," or 4,they don't," but in tho third person singular you should say "he doesn't,11 A Singular Suicide. Tiif l-i n Snlo tnmnttr.tiiTA itnnn. of age, of Philadelphia, a local paper or a late date says, committed sui cide by eating the sulphur off the heads of matches. Jiertha seems to have been prompted to this desper ate act irom uiigntea anections. bhe was engag ed at the occupation of umbrella making, and was a girl of good character and habits. One day last weeK she saw the young man to whom she was betrothed in -com pany with another girl, and, while suffering from a galling sense of mortification, resolved to put an end to her existence. On Friday and Saturday she complained of be ing unwell, and a physician was called. . Upon searching her room a box of sulphur matches was found secreted. The heads of these matches she had evidently been sucking dur commission all onmmixsinn shall ha swilivl wffh .uyiu grreu auu mer is no connici the "great further says have been the real radicals, of the I V r A-.. Llllw 1 X 1 1 I ,1 - LL ft 1 il , i - Cf . . ueiwwii ihc omie auu national au- uayj ior, saiu inai paper, " we seal oi tnebtate, ana thority on this question. So we who: oppose it stand upoti old Dem it "shall be kept by the say, since both Messrs. Badger and ocratic ground." I$aleigh, could suddenly grow so ricn as io De roDDea or so large au amount by the army in Whose wake hd was such a patriotic camp-fol- T T!ll tt A finvrnnr und nsrvl him na oo- Hargrove aerree. Dives is the Ohair- Mav 14th: 44 Tt is not. v nnrfv I casion may require." No living m??? the Snty comi,ttfe. . question by any means," saiJ the Jeratands the ioprietot of tho Jil mortal in ihe State but the Covert JS Ji.5' J5Li ST"J&J&JW PuUkxm. who Is Xnint his .mpc'r liui mc aim ii tic juit-ii tiiu miivs i uci liiii iiii.iJiiiieiiL rLKiiiiiiiurMiis in- i gate and desiring to be fed from the crumbs which fail irom the rich if the Uovernor refuses to issue a man's table." commission, is it reasonable to sup- Lazarus is a printer, an old col- . " I 1 A. I .1 . pose that he would allow the great primer, auu ins namein jyiis sAnl to hp nftivl to nnA ), "ho v Bviouiuw ueuu cxiangeti iy mai fused to issue ? This legislation is surely wisdom, pure, simple, refined and unadulter ated, well worthy of the party who claims to possess all the virtue. wealth and intelligence of the State. Oh ! shades of Gaston, Badger, Ruf- J3y reference to the files of the Telegram, it will be seen that on the on money collected as taxes from the people, and thinks like all other honest men that said money ought rather to have been paid into the State and county treasuries where tt. :Virr.ilrl Ka nnniAti!ii(r1 in. l 20th June, 1871, a call was Issued, tSWlt : t not over uie signature oi any one I .i. l'i.ij- tiri... gentleman on the list of 1870 would .L "",iV of Sam. Gales. Broken with age have acted if the question had been i JrT " X,"" "! and years of toil, he is feeble imd one of party ) for 44 a convention of Siitho J a von-rrun 3Xn burden and desire has failed. But he was a strong man once, and many of us can remember him when delegates to this conventioiVfthe and last at the prayer-meeting, wnen.tne ricn notes oi his voice rivalled the mellow strains of a he was first at the 'possum hunt Republican plan prescribes a differ ent numberk On the i&th of June, 1871, the w- 1 A.A A. 11 ing uie two preceding aays, wnicn xxvuucii., t,.,.hix JOu -af phnrrh nrcmn rmiifi ho t;;t. r.r, o occasioned the alarming symptoms of the legal ability of the great and Lazarus has received a county or- Raleigh township. Running coun- WniCn Sne exniDltea. JV ClOSe WatCn wtA "Snlnmnns" who mm nnend tho rlpr. ft Walr a pnnntv r. Trior- fnr- rrt rnr tr fha nlan rr -r-.. f!M Mraa honnfnith l7-arr rn hnn mAirn I I i , T . - I - .- ... . .two M "i- vyc- rionoroi Aemhiirnf i ft75?.7-i 9 "Tav ior.nis support lor lliree montns. tneitenublican nartv. five rielemtes. w iA.kJVtA -'T w vr a AfAWT . - w I ' A X 1 " T - "'a a w I T - . 1 . 1 . A v aH I JTft . ments. but desnite the utmost vi?i lant of Bertha's parents, she sue- the good Lord forbid that the State ceeded in procuring more matches, j shall ever beso sadly afflicted again. iati. i j I ana persisted in tne uesperate aeter minatiqn to put an end to her life. On last evening she exhibited symp toms of faint ness, and was put to bed. Shortly afterward her limbs were drawn up in convulsions, and she appeared to suffer considerable pain. Maimers. .Manners are more important than money.- A "The nomination of F. N. Strud- wick, Esq., to be Solicitor of the 7th Judicial general satisl plans of his (Billy Smith's) professed friends, and we undertake to say that our knowledge of their plans will result in their defeat, for at the proper time we intend to out with the whole matter to the utter dis mavnf thp intriyiiAr Wn lofir the founder and proprietor, and ono or both of his editors, (whom he is . paying with taxes wrung from the people,) to "out withj' whatever they profess to know With regard to the Era or any of its managers or friends in any effort it fias mado to since he has grown too old and fco- &c, were requested to be appointed, ble to do what he never failed to d HOW MUCH REPUBLICAN, when he was able, work for and SO PAR ? These editorials and support himself honestly. And meetings were the prelude and pre being in sore need, Lazarus has liminaries to the Convention which taken his county order to Dives, assembled on the 1st of July, over V 11 .11 ,m"" District w l give Tverv who has farms and horses fine which Mr- Bad?er Presided. Of Semen make v 'Qt&RK houses and jewels, and who has also this body the Telegram of the 2d, Sforeve siatxion. -i,u(. ieus. ohnnt. cu. nf mnnow UoAfofi ,i-tC . ThQ v,-aAf i iJ i I HE Iorver nereai ter noia your peac I " 1 I -"" - "-WWF-I J rWM3-L VML1VV vs it is generally Known that there is a very large number of Ku Klux in the 7th Judicial District, who still have the terrors of the law boy who is polite and ranging over tneir guilty neaas, it want, ne is oia ana r.Irnir.t in lwrnnnnPN will ilium vs. I is hv nr. mnnns strnncrothA nnminn- I -Llves is ncil ttlHl Jl have friends nnd will not often nrmkn I ir c-,i ., I every day. enemies. Liooa nenavior is essen- , ir. , .UfV viU5.yu" e uaaa wiut uuu one rixxv. -.no ftfon. Afh(l,llk tial to prosperity. A boy. feels when I"""' "ill-J wrote himwn-ft Dem?cifr?rjlI . T-r.' i. t5 l '" 1 - " rwi8s,-sss,i- , sav ,-vwi pJ. VJ 1 11 wild I Jill kite DttUlV Ul if Ull 1, JiOllf I about $50,000 of. money collected from the gat here customs him to give him the money for the of Republicans, puper, ior ne is thought themselves safe ; when on udden. as thev were in the fur t jart of it, the waters rushed from lissures in the rock with rriHe roaring. They climbed t tioin K-iX 'n u ledge of the rocks, btit tin : the waters rose impctu- y, ami at length idled the whole io. 'Iheir ladies were found next day, when the tide was reclining on a shelf of rock : he the tender attitude of supporting in tne very highest accessime and leaning his head in her o that he must have died first, r lovers I Mrs. Jlarbauhr Life HorLs. tin in t. : m V; grotl the i llt, in her part, la V i'OOI and The act of James Lick, of San Francisco, deeding the whole of his property to the public, excites much comment. He donates $700,000 to the construction of the largest and best telescope in the world for the ( ibservatory at Lake Tahoe : '$420,- 000 for public monuments ; $150,000 for public baths in San Francisco ; $100,000 for the Old Ladies' Home ; $10,000 to the Society for the pro tection of animals ; $25,000 to the Ladies' Protection Relief Society ; $10,000 to the Mechanics, Library;; $25,000 to the Protestant Orphan Asylum ; $25,000 to the city of San Jose for orphan asylums ; $150,000 for the erection of a bronze monu ment to tho author of the "Star Snangled Banner" in Golden (fate Park ; $300,000 for the endowment of aschool of mechanical arts in Cali fornia, and the residue in excess of $1,780,000 to the Pioneer Society. He makes ample provision for his relatives, and reserves $125,000 jer annum for himself. everybody pleasant about you, and gain friends wherever you go, cul tivate good manners. Many boys have pleasant manners lor company, and ugly manners lor home. We visited a small railroad town, not long since, and were met at the depot by a little boy of about eleven or twelve years, who entertained and cared lor us, in the absence of his father, with as much polite at tention and thoughtful care as the most cultivated gentleman could have done. We said to his mother; oeiore we leu her home, i ou are greatly blessed in your son, he is so attentive and obliging. "Yes,'' she saltl : VI can always depend on Charley when his f At her is absent, lie is a great help and comfort to me." She said this as if it did her heart goed to acknowl edge the cleverness of her son. The best manners cost so little and are worth so much, that every lx.y can have them. Children s Advocate. 1 YOU ICnnw t.lmr vrm. hhvo mil umc people, ior Uives is a tax- irresveetive ofvartv. in which ALL "Z'rz 7tY "v""';r. r, and sits at the receipt of opposed to Co nvention were invited " JS1"1 , and Lazarus has asked to participate, was composed mainly . v i a iiiTLLiiiiiK. i i iii h nine i n ii. i in rjYi some of whom T"Vi:":"'s r," " " .t:;;".::. . i in tuuusiiuu nuifM m iii'LLir lrii'iin nungrv ana in seemea Dent on maKintr tne nuei- u.nr :,.. A 7. , ires sumptuously i raiiea." iviv tcacics. uanaiaates i . mu l. ... were nominated, three Republicans 72SLA " LA VLW "A" il.-i I l i-.-7i.r"kViT m mi., rrt j . I mucwciiuuutv; ttuu lllUIJUUUtt WJ at least give them great satisfaction I It no doubt will be much more sat istactory to them if he shall be elected Solicitor, and Hon. John Kerr, be ejected Judge of the same district. Such a result will be of far greater service to the Ku Klux than any amnesty law the General Assembly could have passed. Southern R a i lroa i s. The following is a list of the number of miles of railroads complete in the Southern States : lrginia, l,o47 miles; Tsorth Carolina, 1,281 ; South Carolina, 1,323: Georgia, 2,202; Florida, 47G ; Alabama, 1,871 ; Mis sissippi, 1,023: Louisiana, 568; Texas, 1,331 ; Kentucky, 1,396 Treasury. Tennessee, l,6io ; Arkansas, osi j Total 15,312. ; While the Republican State Exe cutive Committee was in session on Wednesday, Sam. Gales, an old colored man, over 80 years of age, was begging on the streets because there is no money in the County Treasury to pay off tho miserable pittance allowed by the County Commissioners to keep the poor from starving. Another one legged colored man, Geo. Laws, was hobbling about the city begging some one to take an order of $M' issued to him for three months' support. And yet Republicans are asked to vote to continue in oflice the man who causes all this trouble by with holding the taxes from tho County Timber along our Railroads. The officers of the Illinois Central Railroad have become so well con vinced of the value of the European ed chairmanship of the Republican liiii-ii iia uuiwr iar, mm iiitry i f'nmm ftw. in IK. nnnnftr rrut. V m. y m JL 1M.11 &- . W . BiMlUW . In another column will be found an account from one of the oldest and truest Republicans in Wake giving a true history of the dlsput- have otfered to transport the trees of this variety, free of charge, to any point on their lines in Iowa, pro vided they are Dlanted in the vi cinity of the road. Governor Baxter is a native of Rutherford county, in this State, and moved to Arkansas about twenty years ago. article presents the views of a large number of the Republicans of the county, and we will state as a fact that the Committee of which Sher iff Lee claims to be Chairman has never been called together since the close of the Convention campaian in 1871. in county, has said to Lazarus; that al though he (Lazarus) is a beggar and without friends, yet he, Dives, can not give him even so much as $3.50 for his county order, because he has mislaid, or lost, or squandered, or speculated away all the people's money, and there is nothing left, not even a cent out of fifty thousand dollars, to give to Lazarus to keep him from starvation ; but that he, Lazarus, can go, if he wishes to do so, into father Abraham's bosom, while he, Dives, will stay here awhile and fare sumptuously every day for some time longer and read for his own enjoyment tho pleasant writings of Moses and the prophets. So Lazarus has to go away, it is said, from the presence of Dives ; but meeting with a Samaritan in tho way, who takes compassion on him, he tells his tale of sorrow, and is relieved of his hunger and thirst by the charity and compassion of one of the men, who has already paid tribute to Caesar for this very purpose. As we have said Dives is the legal Chairman of the poor man's party in this county,, for we have the highest legal evidence in the State that such is the case, but Lazarus is only a beggar and his name this time is George Laws. lie too went to Dives for some help, for the County had said that out of the fifty thousand dollars which the rich man had collected, that he, a poor, one-legged colored man, might have nve oi it to keep him also a little while longer out of the comforts of father Abraham's bosom. But like Sam Gales, so George Laws has laid at the gates and been fain to eat of the crumbs that fell from Dives' table, and yet he received nothing, but only grew weaker every day. Yet another Samaritan chanced to pass him by likewise, and he too has been relieved of his sore dis tress, and the pangs of hunger will not oppress him for a short time to come. And yet as we have said. Dives is the Chairman of the poor man's appear the official proceedings, at tested by the secretaries7 signatures, headed " Convention of the People of Wake County opposed to Con vention." The Chair was author ized to appoint an Executive Com mittee of nine, charged with the duty of filling vacancies which might occur in the ticket. This duty, and no other, is named. It does not ap- pear mat said committee was clothed with any power beyond this. So, after the vacancy .occasioned by the declination of Mr. Wynne had been filled, by the appointment of Gen. W. D. Jones, this committee wiLs functus officio. Mr. Badger, as Chairman of a citizens'1 meeting, declared by the Telegram a "failure" as a party gathering, appointed T. F. Lee Chairman of an Executive Commit tee of nine to vacancies. Mr. B. says he appointed the committee pursuant to a resolution of the said meeting of citizens. Why say "citi zens', " if he recognized it as a Re publican, Convention? In the Telegram of July 9, 1871, appears the notice of public speak ing in Wake county, headed, "The People's Canvass," and starting out with "The People's (not the Repub lican,) candidates." In arranging with Mr. Snow, the then Chairman of the Democratic-Conservative Committee of the. county, this eo- pleys canvass, by the"eofe's (anti- convention j canaiuates," uapt. juee first arrogated to himself the chair manship of the Republican County Executive Committee, his authority-coming from the Chairman of a citizens1 meeting, among whose nominees was a Democrat. The conclusion is, that there hav ing been no Convention of the Re publican party, as such, in 1871, the appointment of the Committee made in 1870 held good until 1872, when another Committee should have bepn appointed; but the county Convention of that year having failed to appoint, the old (Republi can,, not citizens') Committee waa continued till 1S73, when, through wrong, and it has too much self respect to fawn upon ! and Hatter Maj. Smith or any other man in au thority to his face, while It abuses and traduces him behind his buck, as does the Republican and those who are engineering it. The Era has never had cause to complain of any but one act of Maj. Smith since he has been a member of Congress, and it had the manliness to speak out its sentiments and not conceal them from Maj. S. oraiy oneblse, while the founder of the Republican and its editors were as loud in their condemnation of that; act as j the most outspoken on thej subject,' but now, hoping to ingratiate itself into favor, it cm wis upon its belly, and in the most sycophantic tones be smatters and besmears the man whom it despises and fears, with most loathsome and disgusting llat tery.so debasing as to make the heart sick. Well does Maj. Smith under stand all this Irish blarney, and he has an unmitigated contempt for the men who are trying to gull him with it. Mr. Purncll and the Crescent. To the Editor of the Era : A correspondent of the Crescent writing from High Point, says 1 repeated in a speech at that place; the rumor concerning the establish--ment of the Crescent, and insisted that it was run by a ring. The Crescent says this "was simply in famous." I merely read my card as published in the Era some weeks ago, and said the seal of secrecy had not been removed. Col. Henderson and I both informed the proprietor of the Crescent of tho falsehood told by the correspondent, but no cor rection has' been made. Remove. the bar to the proof. Mr. Proprietor. and let thej public judge whether there was truth in the rumor or not. Are you afraid to untie the tongues of the witnesses ? If you are afraid of the truth!, do not let lying cor respondent lead you into the error of making unkind remarks; T. It. PURNELL.

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