WEEKLY ERA. THURSDAY, JUNE 11, 1874. LOCAL AXI STATE. r- vf f p -X TiikSiikkipfalty.-A rc'Mirr I m olitainoil circulation, grottm up tloubtlesd for sinister purposes, that 11. W. Wynne, Esq., the Republi can candidate for Sheriff of Wake, has withdrawn. We arc authorized to say that there is- no truth what ever in the rumor. Mr. Wynne is a candidate and will continue to be until sunset on the day of election, when the honest inawes of the lie publican party will, we hope, have the pleasure of seeing him elocUal andourgood old county redeemed from financial ruin. Marshal Douglas. We take pleasure in copying the following compliment from the Western Jlrpoxitor, to Col. Itobt M. Douglas, United States Marshal for the Wes tern District of North Carolina. We have known Boh" from a mere boy, ami what tho flxpositor sa, isso: This gentleman is the Marshal for the Western District of North Carolina, and while we difTer with him in iiolitics, justice de mands that v.j should say that he is a mast excellent, efficient and worthy oOicer, whose official con duct is marked by high-toned sen timent and impartial demeanor. His accurate business habits, and polite intercourse with the people, make him a favorite." a- i i $ i i Ainuvr.i. Chief Justice Waite, Judge Bond and several distin guished barristeis from different wrtions of the Union, arrived in the city on Saturday evening, the tli inst. Wake Fokkst College. Tho Commencement exercises at Wake Forest College will begin on the 23d inst., and will last threo days. The address before the Literary So- out eyes. STATE. 0 A new iail is to be built in Char lotte. Bock fish are abundant in Wel- don. Three thousand children attend school in New Hanover county. Wilmington is soon to have a cotton factory. Strawberries are live cents a quart in Salisbury. Union county farmers are cutting wheat. The young men of .Durham pro pose to organize a fire company. Whortleberries are plentiful in the New-Berne market. Asheville is rapidly tilling up with pleasure, seekers. A man in Orange county recently killed a gobbler weighing 1 lbs. Moonlight pic-nics seem to be the fashion in Wilmington. Goldsboro brags of a chicken with- !i:atii or Mas. Mexxingek. Mrs. Hattic; V. Menningcr, wife of Dr. H. J. Menningcr, formerly of Ualeigh, died in New Yprk City, in the 2d inst., in the .iOth year of her age. Meeting of Stockholders. The twenty-fifth annual meeting of i In- stockholders of the North Caro lina 1 tail road will be held in Hills horo, on the 9th day of July. See noti e in another column. cieties will be delivered by Gen. A. M. Scales, of Greensboro, and the sermon before the graduating class by Rev. W. D. Thomas, of Norfolk, Va. The social gathering, complimen tary to the graduating class, will The blacklerrv croo is a full one in the Madison section. Sand. S. Brandon, Esq., is erecting an elegant residence in Milton. Six hogs were killed by lightning in Uranvillo county a few days ago. The prospect for a fine wheat crop be held in the Literary Halls of the in Granville is good. building. The following are the Marshals for the occasion, to whom we are indebted for an invitation: J. C. Jenkins, Charlotte ; J. B. Powers, The debt of Granville county is $28,000, as near as can be ascertained. Quarantine laws are now in op eration at Wilmington. Enfield has a band of music and The Board of Trade of this city having invited the Cotton States ( 'ongress, now in session in Atlanta, (Ja., received a telegram yesterday vening accepting the invitation; i here fore the next Congress will be held in Raleigh. New Hanover, W. It. Egerton, an organized minstrel troupe. Louisburg; Jas. W. Denmark, Wil- Seven convicts were sentenced at mington ; C.Tj. Wilson, Woodstock, the late term of the Mecklenburg Va., andB. M. Freeman. Franklin Superior Court. county. Dim-iiakged. the petit jurors Mjinmoned to the Circuit Court, have leen finally discharged, with the exception of those from Wake county, who will Ik4 again called on .Monday, the l.'lh inst. The grand jury is still on hand. An r.iTF.D. -Rev. M. M. .Marshall has accented the Rectorship of Christ ( Kpicopal) Church, in this city, to which position he was call- -d with the unanimous approval of tin congregation. He is expected to assume charge on the 12th inst. CiKci'Mcisiox. The ordinance nl" circumcision was administered at the resilience of our friend J. M. Rosenbaum, Esq., in this city, on 7th inst., Rev. Mr. Cioldsboro, the ofiiei The little fellow will the Sunday, f-rjwrr t -U' atiug Knhhi. 1k known among men as J. M. Rosenbaum, Jr. Death. Elizaleth Carlisle, a d.mfmute, died, at the Institution for the Deaf and Dumb and the Blind on Monday, the 1st inst. She is said to have been one of the bright est girls at the school, and was much hcInvciT by teachers and scholars, lfer remains were taken to her home in Halifax county for burial. Saturate a meat with trill dissolve. Add to such a piece of bread or gastric juice, and it This is digestion. mixture a little al cohol, and it will not dissolve. This is indigestion. Beware, then, of tinctures, or tonics, or decoctions containing spirituous liquors. Shun all rum 44 tonics," and rely solely on Dis. Walkeii's Vixegau Bit rr.it, the finest digestive invigor ant known, and free from the fiery curse of Alcohol. 4!)-lv IiiCEXSED. After an examina tion of two days, the following youug gentlemen have been granted licenses by tho Supreme Court to practice law In tho several courts of this State: Hiram Quincy Adams, -Transylvania county ; John Alston Barrin- erer. uuiiioru; itoDerc uswaiu jur Small pox has made its appear ance in the vicinity of Pleasant Grove, Caswell county. A number of Northern families have arrived at the hotels in Beaufort. In Wilmington goods are stolen from large stores for the purpose of stocking: small ones. The Senate moviner the has passed disabilities a bill re- of John J. D. Elliott, who killed Chas. T. Neal, at States ville, in February last, has had his case removed to Wilkes county, and the trial is set for next fall. - Warrenton hasa'new hole! which is said to be equal to any In the t t A A T A. -J A 1 - VV1ttl Al --- iiaie. n is unuer uns auvisiuu of Mrs. Norwood, who is represent ed as a first class stewardess. Franklin County has a hen twen tv-three years old which has raised a brood of chickens every year for twenty-one years. So says the Louis- burg Courier. W. S. Moore, of Greensboro, has purchased in the hist twelve months C974 dozen rabbit skins, 865 mink and otter, 3042 muskrat. 1049 ;rac coon, 578 gray fox, 20 red fox, 4293 opossum, 79 cat and 24 skunk. Elijah B. Teague, a prominent citizen of Forsythe county, died on Monday, 1st inst., of pneumonia fever. Mr. Teasrue was a member of the Constitutional Convention of 1868. There is a woman living in Bun combe county, 65 years old, who has not had a pair of shoes on her feet in 12 years. She ha3 six chil dren, and never had a bible or any other book in her house in her life. At an election held on the 28th ult., in Beaufort county, on the proposition to subscribe for the Jamesville and Washington Rail road, the vote stood against sub scription, 729; for, 673. Majority against, 56. -. The Charlotte Observer says : Mr. R. F. Grier, ot Steel Creek neigh borhood, has a ewe which gave birth this Spring to a lamb. In ten days after it was born she gave birth to another, ana two weeks alter this she became the mother of a third lamb all born within four weeks. This is the only instance of a thing of this kind on record, we believe, but it is true, for we nave Mr. Grier's own good word for it. The Charlotte Observer says : A man calling himself A. H. Buckner has recently swindled Mr. Allen Stewart, who keeps a private board ing house in this city, out of eleven days board. Buckner claimed to hail from Charleston, s. u., ana The Senate has passed a bill re movinsr the disabilities of Fitzhugh hLee and Van R. Morgan,of Virginia. Col. Bristow, as Secretary of the Treasury, and W. A. Richardson, as Judge of the Court of Claims, have been installed. ' The nominations of Bristow and Richardson havo been referred to the Finance and Judiciary Commit tees, respectively. Abraham Lansing has been ap- Eointed Treasurer of New York, y the Governor, on account of the incapacity of the former Treasurer. The motion to reduce the salary of the British Minister at Washing ton has been reiected bv a vote of 89 to 2 in the House of Commons. The convicts in the Jefferson City, Mo., penitentiary, mutinied on the 1st inst., but were overpowered by a company of armed citizens. Affairs are quiet at Little Rock, Arkansas. The State prisoners have been released on bail. Brooks walks the streets unmolested. Rush Sloane, lato President of tho Cleaveland, Sandusky and Cincin nati Railroad, has recently been indicted for forgery and embezzle ment. The following officers have been elected at the Cotton Exchange: President, Henry Heatins, Vice President, G. F. Newman, Treasur er, W. L. Miller. Geo. Aurer and Jacob Sawyer, of Columbia, S. . C, and David , S. Yungling, of Richmond, Va., were killed by a freight train on the Erie Rail Road on the 4th inst. Owen and William Mahon, were committed to jail in Brooklyn, N. Y. on the 31st ult., for stabbing their father; Owen held his father down while William stabbed him several times with a pocket knife. " ! The residence of Thos. Mclutyre, of Brooklyn, New York, was burned on the 6th inst. Mclntyre lowered his wife first, and then four of his children, after which he jumped out himself, forgetting one child, who was burned to death. The Attorney General has decid ed that irrespective of the time or was engaged while here in selling place of a marriage or the residence nnrl trvinp. tn spll thf 'Fxcalsior I nf t.hf Twirtips. n white wnmnn mar- ton', Jr., Halifax; James Henry Julius Guthrie, of North Carolina. Clark Cordon. Beaufort : Francis Henry Darby, New Hanover; Robert Vance Davidson, Buncombe; James Albert Forney, Rutherford; Alfred Eugene Holton, Guilford ; James Alexander Lock hart, An son ; Eugene Stewart Martin, New Hanover ; Murdoch McLeod, Moore; Richmond Pearson, Yadkin; Geo. A. Sparrow, Beaufort ; Benjamin Jones Holly Spruill, Bertie; Clau dius Barringer Townsend, Robeson; Charles Frederick Warren, Beau fort; John Wilkinson Young, Randolph. Greensboro lias iortv-three cases of whooping cough, and several cases of measles. The crops in Anson county are far belu nd. Some of tho farmers have not yet finished planting corn. Corn is getting scarce in the New- Berne market and is worth one dot lar per bushel. E. Constantino Davis, of Meck lenburg, is an independent candi date for Congress. Duster .and Fly. Brush.7' A. few mornings ago he bundled up his clothes and. remarked , that he was going out to have them washed. He hasn't returned since that morn ing, and it is supposed he hasn't been able to get his washing done yet. On Tuesday morning, 2d inst., a lad named Wra. Newman, about 12 years of age. and residing in Lenoir county, made a most determined attempt at suicide. It appears that the lad got possession or a seven shooter belonging to the Sheriff of meeting another Prominent Republicans. The following prominent members of the Republican party from a dis tance were in the city on Wednes day, the 3d inst.: Hon. S. W. Watts, of Franklin, Col. Thos. B. Kcogh, of Greensboro, Hon. J. A. Hyman, of Warrenton, Oliver H. Blocker, Esq., of the Fayetteville Statesman, Col. Thos. Powers of New-Berne, Col. M. C. McNamara, Collector of 1st District, A. Mc- Cabe, Esq., of Edgecombe, Louis Hilliard, Esq., of Pitt county, Hon. W. A. Moore, of Washington Co., Gen. L. G. Pistes, of Edgecombe, Col. E. R. Brink, Postmaster at Wilmington, S. W. Stilley, Esq., of Beaufort county, J. H. William son, Esq., of Franklin county, C. H. Foster, Esq., of Hertford, J. C. Rhodes, Esq., of Wayne, Jos. W. Bcasley, Esq., of Bertie, John A. Moore, Esq., of Washington, and others. Some of the gentlemen were in attendance at the meeting of the State Republican Executive Commrttteo, and others were here to attend tho Federal and Supreme ho nnnnfv. nnii A new weekly line of steamers is boy he remarked in afreeand easy nn tn ho sorted hPTAVPPn Mlir- I n 1 : i.:n u : . way inaiiie was guuig iu &iu iuuj remark, but shortly atterwaras a report was heard, and on going to the spot, the lad was found lying on the ground speechless with the pistol in his hand and a bullet hole in his head. At last accounts the soon to be jiiarteu between juur freesboro, N. C.,and Norfolk, Va. The New North State denies the rejort that small pox prevails in Greensboro. The cotton buyers and bankers of Charlotte will go on an excursion to Wilmington, on the 18th inst. A prisoner in the Wilmington his recovery is impossible. jail was lately robbed by one of his fellow prisoners. There are 11,000 soldiers buried in the Federal Cemetery at Salis bury. A curious and very fatal horse disease is prevailing in Granville county. Patrick Myers, who was stabbed in Wilmington a few days since, ried to a citizen of this country, is to be taken and deemed a citizen of the U. S. A bill has recently passed Con gress giving an soldiers ami sailors who have lost an arm, at or above the elbow and are so disabled that they cannot wear an artificial arm, a pension of $24 per month. The President left Washington on tho evening of the 1st inst., for the purpose of being present in New York at the laying of the corner stone of the Museum of Natural History in Central Park. A call for a meeting' of the Na tional Republican Committee is ex- Tlie wheat crop in tho San Joa quin! Valley, Cal., is already threo or four feet high, and in one local ity a? field of 4,000 acres is covered with waving grain breast high. At Nichola3villei Ky.. on the 2d instd Harding IT. Masten was shot and killed by W. II. So per. About nooriiof the same day another trage dy (occurred 12 miles south of the sam'el place. GranvilleSmith, aged GO years, killed his nephew, Win. Hughes, antl then shot himself. Richard Gove, inventor and owner of the Gove patent detached reversi ble main spring for watches, has brought suit for a hundred and fifty thousand dollars damages against San Francisco parties for infringe ment of his patent. The officials in the Boston Custom House are considerably exercised by the action of Collector Simmons in reducing the expenditures of of fice pf several weighers, gaugers andj measurers, which have been merjged under one head, materially reducing the" force ; besides which, the services Of some 2 1 clerks are dis poned with. T)io Secretary of the Treasury has directed the Assistant Treasurer at New York to sell one million and a half of gold on the 1st and 3d Thurs days of each; month, and one mill ion gold on (ho second and fourth Thursdays oft each month, and five miljion during the month of June. There is no direction for the pur chase of bonds. The Alabama editors called on thelPreident on thf 1st insf; rtont- Screws, ot the Montgomery Jlacer tiser. made a neat little speech to the President, to which the Presi dent replied in his usual style. The Alabamians have been hospitablv entertained Since their arrival by Messrs. SIoss, Sheats, Caldwell and Stokes. . ' The House passed a bill to deepen the I channel at the mouth of the Mississippi river. It authorises the Secretary of War to advertise for proposals to do the- work, by dredg inelor otherwise, and to contract with the lowest responsible bidder, at rates not exceeding $150,000 for 20 feet depth and 200 feet width, or $15,000 a month for maintaining that depth. , The Judiciary Committee have reported favorably on the bill to re mote the disabilities of the follow ing persons : A. S. Taylor, Geo. N. lloliings and R. T. Allison, of Ma ryland ; George Picket, J. W. Ben nett', Henry Heth, James L. Pugh, E. L. Winder and L. L. Lomax, of Virginia ; James Jackson of Geor gia i S. E. Stone, John Forsythe and j Joseph Wheeler of Alabama, and jThomas C. Claiborne, of Texas, all o;f which were placed on the Calendar. Tfti. House has passed the bill in reflation to the Mississippi levees. It provides for tho appointment of a Commission of two officers of f a enirinppr T'nrn nnrl thrnn rivil self. No attention was paid to the pected in Washington. Tho object engineers to make a full report of the best system for tho permanent reclamation and redemption of the alluvial basin of the. Mississippi, which report they must first transm it to COngress at its next session with -.s ,1 a : i- rni. bov "was stil alive but it is thought Produce Exchange had interviews rewu"iiuaMuiw unu... xi.u yy':, inou2nt thn PridPnt. nnd scrota of civil members of the Commission are to receive five thousund a year each and travelling expenses, and the secretary.to receive two hundred dollars per month. The amendment is to consider the political situation and confer with members of Con gress concerning the coming elec tions. A committee of the New York The Salem Press says: Mr. Rob ert -Masten and Ximily, while re turning, a short tiim since, froUarn meeting, in that vicinity, met with a distressing accident. The party had almost reached home, and while Mr. Masten was letting down the draw-bars tho horse took fright at has died of his wounds. Many thousands of dollars have been lost in Rutherford county on account of the hog cholera. The residence of Mr. Andrew C. Morrison, in the Western part of Iredell county, was destroyed by lire on tho 27th ult. Rufus Thigpen, aged 13 years, son of J. R. Thigpen, of Edgecombe, died at the Wilson Collegiate in stitute on Sunday, 31st ult. Col. J. H. Thorp, of Rocky Courts and for private business, c. Mount, has realized from one bee ' I 1 I A 1 1 nive, in less man mree weeKs, one thft iimhrfllj in thft vflcrnn and fitartarl nff in a full run. knonkino- 01 Uiaims : I'ecer JNegiey, dnwn atv Mnctnn nnrt ti-imniinfr ant Treasurer at Baltimore. with the President and Secretary of State on the 3d inst., in regard to a reciprocity treaty with Canada. Tney were pieasea witn tne views of the Wash i ngt tt-ofl3 cial. The President has sent to the Sen ate the following nominations: Benj. F. Bristow, of Ky., to be Secretary of the Treasury : Wm. A. Richardson.to be J udgo of the Court Assist- over him, lacerating his face terri bly and breaking his left arm near the shoulder. After running a short distance the wagon was upset near a small branch, and Mrs. Masten and the children were thrown out and considerably bruised about the head. One of the smaller children was found under the wagon, in the branch, comparatively unhurt. Dr. Keehln was called and gave the family all necessary attention. It is seldom that we hear of an acci dent where all of the parties were more or less injured. making: tho Commission consist of threje army engineers and two civi engineers was auopteu. ine on passed by a "viva-voce", vote : this is known as Jnorcy's bin. The following.is the substance o the report, lately made, of the ope rations of tho Western Union Tele- Dkatii. We regret to announce the death of Mrs. Carrie Keith, wife of Leonidas N. Keith, Esq., of this city, which took place on Sun day morning, 7th inst., at one o'clock. Mrs. Keith had been in bad health for some time. She was an active member of Hickman Lodge, No. l.. I. O. G. T.. and was a most estimable lady. This is, we learn, the first death that has occurred of any one belonging to that lodge since its organization. Mystkuious. On Sunday after noon, the 30th ult., Mr. Wm. T. McCraw, of this city, left his res idence for the purpose of taking a walk, sinco which time nothing has been heard of his whereabouts by his distressed family. It seems that Mr. McCraw had been quite indis losed for several days with fever, and it is feared that while suffering with delirium he has either wander ed otr, . or been subjected to some seriou accident. Any information (oncerning him will greatly relieve his family and friends. Horner and Graves' School We invite attention to the adver tisement of this school, situated at Hillslk)ro, N. C, in another column. As a classical, scientific and. milita ry academy, it is unsurpassed by any in the South. "The corps of in structors are gentlemen of high standing and first class literary at tainments, while tho cost of board and tuition is so moderate as to place it in tho power of parents of limited means to have their sons thoroughly educated and prepared for the varlod duties of life. hundred pounds of honey. Mrs. Dr. J. J. Phillips, of Edge combe, lost $10,000 by the failure of the First National Bank of Norfolk, Va. Our Candidate for Superior Court Clerk. Albert Magnin, the Republican nominee for the of fice of Clerk of the Superior Court for Wake county, was born in Nor folk, Va., from which place he re- i'hiladclphia, where he continued inst. to reside until the breaking out of r nrns. nfrtonad. is in r Latest News. The National debt statement, is- graph Company : Net profits for 8 years, from J uly, lsoo, to J une yoth, 1871, (last montn estimatea) are $23,077,009. Of this sum there has been paid, dividends $4,857,230.34; interest on bonds $2,53(1749. Of the balance, paid for new lines and wires, 1,920,868; for stock of leased companies, &,c, $uo.:jy; western union stock 2,877 shares, and many shares of other companies, leaving a balance of net profits $1,G98,21G, 89. Cash on hand and due agents $47u,000. increase of net prohts in AnriK Mav and June of this vear. mi T- .1 i. i i I - - j - - - .. . . 2 xne rnaiuem, acuompameu ny r li:A)AnH) more than in Same neriod e i- : i : l ti , : ' oecreutnwixisii auu ivulujsuii, urnv- last -year. suea on tne isc insr., snows a re duction during May of $4,456,837 ; coin in tne Treasury, $81,958,879 currency, $ii,i,7yd; special de posit held for redemption of certin cates of deposit, $7C,050,000. The Captain and five men of the ship 'Portuos" from Italy, which was abandoned while sinking, were Eicked up and landed at Staten 3land on the" 1st inst. They had been out nineteen days, three of which they were without water. Carl Schurz has malarial fever. has erone to St. Dr. Fouches, a prominent physi cian of Chatham county, died sud- his field on Monday, 1st has tendered Gen. Sherman Louis. Solicitor Barnfield his resignation. The Pope of Rome continues very ill with fever Char- The Assistant Secretary of the tho late war, when he enlisted as a I lotto for the purpose of buying a I Treasury has resigned. private in the Union army, whose fortunes and misfortunes lie shared until the end, when we find him Adjutant General in the 10th army corps at Raleigh, N. C. In him many of our citizens will recognize the kind and courteous officer who had in charge the Safe Guards in large tract of land on, which to set tle a colony. Gen. Bristow will probably enter upon his duties as Secretary of the Gen. Dyer, who died recently in Treasury on Friday, the 5th inst. Washington City, was commander , . of the Fayetteville Arsenal for . A Arenas' 'occurred at Susque- ed in New York on the 2nd inst. , for the purpose of attending theceremo nies of laying the corner stone of the Museum of Natural History at Central Park. A man named Murphy went to a farmer's house in Tipton county. Tenn., on the evening of the 30th MA A At. -9 uit., ana cue open ine neaa ot a Mrs. Donaldson with an axe, kill ing ner instantly, lie also cut seven gashes in the head of aser vant girl. The object of the murder was rob bery. The criminal was captured ana shot by, the citizens. A quarterly dividend of two per cent, declared, payable July 15th. The will of, John Edgar Thomp son has been admitted to probate in Philadelphia He appoints trustees after providing for his wife and two sisters, niece and nephew, and said trustees are to appropriate the re mainderof tho net income of his es tate, after the payments specified or so much of it as may be judiciously applied threto, to the education and maintamance or the female orphans of the railway employees, whose fathers may have been killed while of their many years before the war. Tho number of mi nils in attend ance at the Salem Female Academy during its Spring session, justclosed, od hanna, Pa., by which twenty build- ings were destroyed. Loss $75,000. i if SnHniS -SK upon the Pennsylvania i ton salt main features of which declare that ond, tothosepf theGeorgi and about tho city immediately af- was two hundred and thirty-six. tor tho surrender. Mr. M. married in this city in August, 1865, one of Wake county's daughters, and with his wife removed to Philadelphia, where he remained until tho Spring of 1867, when he returned to this place, since which time, by his up right course and gentlemanly bear ing, lie has won for himself a popu- A special term of the United States District Court will be held at Hendersonville, in August, Judge Dick presiding. The boiler at the Ashton mill, at Syracuse. New York, has exploded, killing two persons. The steamship Farady, with the new Atlantic cable ow board, has arrived at Berry Head. Col. Tom Scott wTil! be elected to A thief entered Whitaker's CliaD- AH the vacancy as President of the SLSJf JwfJ Jr"r nsTlu ik i S i i t SSr Pennsvlvania'jRailroad McCullock, while on one of the el Church, near Lnfield, on the 29th i ennsynama itanroad. bridges at Niagara Falls, fell off the uit., uuu sluic n uiuiu umi nuu uwu i . waiier n. jonnson nas Deen con in use for 40 years. firmed as Postmaster at Columbus.' It is expected that the Carolina Ga Central Railroad will be completed The Senate has passed the bill in aiscnarge oi tneir duties, the The Reformed Presbyterian Syn- preference; to bo given first to or l, in session at Philadelphia, has phans of the employees engaged 1UUU , ow ia railroad between Augusta and Atlanta; Ga.; third to those of the lines controlled by the Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany, by lease or otherwise,' and fourth, to those of the employees of any otner rauroaa company or the United States of America. The On the 1st inst., a painter named estate is valued at two million dol lars. the recognition of Jesus Christ, as the mediator between God and man. and as the ruler of nations, is im perative, and should be adopted as a part ot tne constitutions of the different countries. larity second to none in tho county, from Wilmington to Charlotte by making appropriation for the West He has filled with general satisfac- ine ist 01 fceptemDer. Point Military Academy. tlon tho position of Deputy Sheriff, Two eggs were lately picked up, An extensive fire occurred in Coroner, Deputy Clerk and County m a .ya m Wilmington, which Chicago on the 1st inst. Loss $300,- Treasurcr, which lat named posi- WL UI um"" ' mm m 1 VI. VBBW KJiUJV.iJJ TV M m,MJm . f - mi T IT 1 . tion ne now holds. As Deputy . . 1 xne -wew xotk euicoriai excur Clprk. Mr. M vKrvi -c fnr capu w. J?. Lollin, conductor on sion party have arrived in Phila- , . . , me .v. six, u. luuiroaa, nas resign- uelphm, his efficiency from all, and was es- ed, and E. R. Page, of KInston.has pwiui-y i-uixipuuienieu dv iuuge ueeu appoiuieu in nis sieau. Tourgeo from tho Bench during the sitting of the Court. Mr. M. is a general favorite with all classes, and wo bespeak for him a handsome majority on the first Thursday in August, next. Henry Rochefort and com pan ions sailed from :New York fnr Mr. Sandy lUrkpatrlck, formerly Europe on Saturday, the 6th inst.. - -. A, f 1L. TkT k T 1 Tfc . t I m -W-fc m uiib oi uio ionn uironoa rvau- m me aieamer jfriDiu raid, at Ilarnsburg, died on Toes- i. ui xflwiw meiniemai ievenne scaffold and was carried by the cur rent near the edge of the falls. where he caught on a rock. At last accounts he had not been res cued. Great excitement prevails in the vicinity. A'post mortem examination of the body of Geo. Cardes, who died near-Harrisburg, Pa., of trichina, from eating raw ham, has been made. A powerful microscope made visiDle thousands of trichina, mov ing like snakes resembling boa con strictors. In the space of an eighth of an inch sixty-five were counted. There were doubtless millions in the body. The sufferings of the man were terrible. The American Medical Associa tion at Detroit, selected the. i follow ing officers for the ensuihg year : President, DrAVull-Jiowling, of Pa., : Vice Presidents. Wm. Brodie. Mich., J. J. Woodward, of the U. S. . -vw rW --. -r mwm army, i. w isrown, or Texas, li. D. Didama, of N; Y. : Treasurer, Capt. Wester, of Pa. ; Librarian, William Eee, of the District of Co lumbia ; Committee on Library, Johnson Elliott, of D. C. ; Assistant Secretary, wm. walling, of Ky. ; Chairmen of Committees appointed as follows : Practice of Medicine, Materia Medica and Physiology. Austin Flint, of N. Y. : Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Chil dren, W. II. Byford, of III. : Sur day, 2d Inst., of congestion of tho iJpvti l"inra-tvenne I . The following confirmations were gery and Anatomy, E. W. Moore, of . .-s-r'?j vwj pww.YAiui-i mauo on me za insr.: jiriscow, oi nocnescer; jieaicai jurispruaence, uoir to navo peen anvep from ?MUr l Kv.. Secretary of the Treasury : Chemistry and Ph vsiolrov. JArorne brain. An alligator nine wenrnini?' . . o leet in lensrtn fmoahnf innoift -. - . hundred, and I (. -.A-r. vff one and eighty pounds, was caught on the nn inst. out of the mill race of J. C. Williams, of Sampson county. The clerks of Wilmington have A new party, to bo called "th Americans," has been started in Syracuse, N. Y. The nlatfnrm nf principles is tO bo framed bv n. rorn. nrovnilpl iinnti flifur f-mnlnvoM fr mittee of one from each State. The close the stores at 1 o'clock in tho muii prominent leature Is anLnp-on ism to secret societies. The Senate nomination of Appraiser of. Charleston, S. C. .The Convention of Cotton Ex changes of tho United States meets evening, from 1st of June to 1st of In Augusta. Ga., on the 10th inst. beptemoer. A large attendance Is looked for. luchardson, Judge of Court of j Cochrine, of Ala. ; State Medicine and Public Hygiene, II. G. Bow- ditch, of Mass. -t- - - - mJ w at Baltimore, and James B. Mc- Kean, Chief Justice of Supreme Court for Utah. The confirmation of Richardson was attended with considerable opposition, and the vote was very close. The convention adjourned to meet in Louisville. May 1st, 1875. The attendance has been very large ; four hundred and twenty seven delegates being present. A largo per centage of them bein the 1 .1 : A oiuesi pnysicians oi ine country. .. The bridge across the Mississippi river at St. Louis has been opened for wagons. Jefferson Davis is now en route for New York on the steamer Adriatic. Market Summary. In Nevy York on tho (Uh inst., money was easyat2a3. Exchange 4S7. Gold 11 . Governments dull. States quiet. Cotton not quoted. In Southern cities of the United States, cotton 10 to 17. , , : ftAL.IICJlI IlETAII. laRlCJS CORBKCTKD BT WAYNE ALLCOfTT, FA1I- ATICL.. 1 PIUCES. r- COU-fTRY PRODI CK. ' A1PIES Green, ' Drietl, llUTTEnnest country, ' ) (iootl " " (ioshen, BACON X. i Side. Hams. ' - SUuhlis. CHICKENS DUCKS E(1GH FLOUK-N. i Family. " " i:.tr:t, FODDEIt IVr W Us., HAY Kr l(JMs., CXJUN MEAIj POTATOES Swcot. N. V. Irish, OATS Balled f ltd) lts., ; " feSi oU t bushel, GROCERIES. I BACON Itib Bulk .Silo, ' smolc'd" Shoulders, Ileal Suj;ar-! cured Hums, COFFEE Old gov'rucnt,, IKulra, " Kto Prime, i .ft) 0 23 o 00 I) (Ki. 0 . 0 ) 2o. 30 0 (M) 0 l- 0 ID 0 IX) 0 00 1 15 1 1.1 1 15 0 U) FISH Mackerel, No. 8.: " N. C. Her'ns,cut Ke " ; ; CornSJiad, bbl' FLO UK Patatfsco, i n. Famllv. ' M Extra," " rtuperflne.i . 3JOI. ASS Cuba, newi vrop, p bbl r - , nn RICE- aUOAR Wtnnd'd A ?- bbl 44 Extra C, " V Vol low, SYItUr Bbl., 0 (0 (1 U) u u a) o io o (Ml 0 00 O 00 0 00 .0 oo 0 00 0 00 0 00 00 0 00 0 00 8 oO e so 0 IK) o oo ' 0 00 000 0 01) 0 00' 0 10 0 00 "A (; (rlV H (' (il ( 1 tat 1 (oi (0 (li h.- (0 Ui ('! lot (V Cv 1:1 i - .i it',; i i; MM) 8 ( 00 1 .riO N im; oo oo . 1) !)' J 11 IV. :; l :i a ;) .t (n) 12 00 $ 10 on ii 12 .V) (n , 12 00 en 10 )) v t ) ( f) W on an ("J t 41 V ID - if-"' 11 31 'i "VTOTICE. T1IK TWKNTY-P1FT1 1 JN ' annual meeting of the Stock holders of the North Carolina Railroad Compa ny, will bo held at Hillsboro, N. C, on Thursday, July 9th, 1874, and tho trans fer book of stocks will bo closed from this date until after the mcotiiiK. J. A. McCAULKY, 50-"t Secretary X. C. R. R. C. Company Shops, N.C., Juno 1, 1S74. patent 3ii:iicixj:s. R. R.R. RADWAY'S READY RELIEF OXJRKS THE WORST PAINS '. In from One to Twenty Minutes. NOT ONE HOUR n't r rfu ar.R this advertisement neod any ooo SUFFER WITH PAIX. .UU '.Y-S UEADT RELIEF 13 A CURB FOIl ETERY PAIN. It was the first anl la 'I ho Only Fain Remedy '"mi infinntSy ftorw the rnwt excnilatlnir painn, allava lu::nmi:iutins, and curcx Conuextionii, whether of ifin I.u:i. sinnuch, Bow.K or other gland or orgau, by " :-p licatitn. I.V FRO M ONE TO TWENTT MINUTES. i:.' i .tii r nnw vioifni or cxcruciniinjf ni ptm ino H!U i'M-Tl;. Bcd-rlildeii, Inflrni. Crippled. Kcrvoua, N. ni 1-.- r proetratcd with disease oiaauffer, r2DWAY'S READY RELIEF n i i.ii r run. inni Alo I fiAlfi. t ;.s i:s or the kidneys. inflammation of the bladder. ix: j.a ..on ok the howf.ls. , i ofOE3TIO? of the LUNCrt. THROAT, DIFFICULT BKEATIIINO. PALPITATION OF THE HEART. i:YTE:::i'f. CR3Ui', diptheria. CATARRH, INFLUENZA. HEADArilE. TOOTHACHE. KKURALGIA. RHEUMATISM. T.n nriLLS. r.rr. thill.h. i '! HtIUafi.m ot tho Jtrttdy Rllfto thm part or : u ,i. n'lla- jiain cr di!lk-ult vxli will afford futo I i::.' tr'.. . i -niv dros In half a tnmblerof watr will in a few i tirv. CRAM P. SPASMS. BOUIl HTOMAOH. RTKIKX, SICK IIKAPAOHE, DIARRHOEA, ' ': VTKR Y. COLIC, WIND IN TUK BOWJKLS. n.i lNTEKNAI. PAINS. r.-li-r liitiid nlwuvs carry a bottlo of IKnd ' ICt'iii- ICoIlcr with thm. A low drojm iti .' r pr-v tit hlcknem or pulna from chan f i It is in kt tliaii French Uraudy or Biura as a , Mil. FEVER AND AGUE. t . K. AND AGL'E cured for fifty cent. Thrro . . :--iri'di.il aprnt In thin world that will rnro Fver ii . i'.-uo. miii n other Malarlooa, lillous, Hcarl-t. v .'! 5. Yi !l.w. and other Keera aided bv KAI . -.VS !ll.l.i no uiek a RADWAY'ti BEADY K i'i;:y ci:nta jlt liottlc . HE<HTlEAliTV ! ! :tu'io and rt itF. r.icrt iiU)bn ikcreari? OK I LKMI AXI WEIOHT CLKXH SKIN ANIi i.EA t'Tl Kl.'L rtJMl'LEXIO-I SECURED JO AUU DR. RADWAY'S Sarsaparillian Resolvent VH2 GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. 1. AS M ADE TnE MOST ASTONISHING CTTRES: PO ' VlIt'K. RAPID ARE THE CHANOE.S, T11H ! Ji01Y UNDEUOOES, UNDER THE INFLUENCE K TH 1.5 TRULY WONDERFUL MEDICI K. iHAT .very Day an Increase in Flesh ' aiii Weight is Seen and Felt. in'i juir-iin int ayineni mo vigor oi the yraatcaoftlM body with new and Frortrt, Fyphllta, Contomptinn. t. tlci-nr 1a Aha throat, Moutb. Tu- i:rrr Oro "f tlse ARKAPARILLlAJf REBOI, VEST ii'.1 !"-. : ' "thrnUKli tha Blood. Hweat, Urine, auil i.il. t-r ! iifi i iiikI ju iron of tha ayntem tho vigor of inc. I .i it r. Mirtwie yraati-i ..rtiultiUr '. l--ne. i:ii'.-b. Nodeh lii tlieOlatiilnand other parta of the nyttem. re -.yi'ii. s.rniuuruun aiacnanrea I rum ina liar. ani he worfct fonnn of kin dUcaae. Eruption,. rcver ire.-', scald H-aif, Ring Worm, Halt Rheum, Eryalpela. Acite. Hiack KotA. Torm in the Flesh. Tumort, Can. t-rii im the Wom. and all weakening and painful dia--lir.'e5, Kifht riweata, Losa of 8pnn and all wastes nf ' jue lire irtiiciile. ar within the curat! re range of tliia 1 wnnder of Modern Cbeinktry, and a few days' one wil jn)T to any ton nlnjr it for either of these forma if diH-ae its potent power to cere them. If the patient, daily becoming reduced by the wastes and deciiinoititjn that is continually progressing, sue (-rd in urnrtin thee waxtc. and repairs the same wi'a new innterial made from liealthy blood and thlf ; thr SAKi'APARILLIAN will ami doca aeeure car j t rertnin; for wiien once thin remedy commences it n orU of .iirtflcattoN. un4 succeeds in diminishing the .. oi wartcc it repair will le rapid, and every day the patient will reel himcP if rowing better and stronger. ir i n digesting iMlter, apieiito tmprovint;, and Hess ; , bud weight incrvaxJiig. i t onlv dM-a the WasniLtAW RicnoLrrrr eci all tiMtwn remedial ageula in theenre of Chronic, rf Constitutional, and k:u diseases; but it li tUa .-.v osiU' cure for i 1. KMtiey & Bladder ConfplaiiUs, " it . . ' . j I'rinnry an TVomb dea. Gravel, Diabetes, Dropsy, f.cppajreof Water;Iuooatiieiioeof Urine, Brigkt'a Dia- . Albuminuria,, and M " eaea wijere toere ara brick dust dpoias. er tbe water t thick, elondy, mixed with suhetaiMslik tho white wf an egg, or threads ilk w hite silk, or tr.ere i a morbid, dark, bilious appear ance, and white bone dut duitueita, aad wbea tbermle i . a pricking, burniu:.' rittloii when paaaioc water, aad pain io tbe in a II i the Rack and along the Loin. - ' . : ".:--. . t . t ' :t Tumor ,of 12 , Years' Growth Cared by littdway'if Jlesolyent, u DR. RADYAY'S,,. ; PerfeijtPnratiMeatiniUs perfrr;:v taxteleiw. eleganUy e.a:ed with- sweet torn, i ' purr . rrctilate, partly, clranm aud ktrerwthen. Rad-, , Tra , i "itw. I or itiecureoi iiigwracii oi ute loniacn. : L . i. Muiwela. Kidneva. Bladder. Nerroaa Diasas. . Ueadache. Constipation. uotivenest imugestioB. Urt pepaia, EUliouarfeaa, Billons Fever. Inaainaiatlon of tha ' ' ' rhiwela, Pila. and all Dvranguutiii of tha Internal . Yiaccra. Warranted to effect a positive cure. Purrfv Vegetable, containing no mercery. nuiifraU vr deleter U : utiadnin. A few doaea of RADWAY'S PILU win free tHe pt. I tenlromallthealioveiiametldi-Mirdei-. Vrice.Uceuu . . ii lvii ii uv nuiiiiniuTj i - .'READ "KALSK AND TRUE" toidiane letter' 9Ump to RADWAY Jc CO., No. 33 Warren HL. New. , York iMfottuatRju worth tnouaaudawUl to tent you. 'I! FOR ITIUSICAI, IITIla7-EVr, Striugs and Trimminsrs, go tfi : Raloili April 7, 1874.