7 WEEKLY ERA. W. M. BKOWN, Manager. - - - t . . . . - - , , ; Okfick in the old "Standard" IJuild iii, ono square South of tho Court fl'oase, Fayetteville Street. KATKS OF SUBSCRIPTION: AVkkkly One year, - - - 00 Six months, - - 1 00 WEEKLY ERA'. RATES OF j ADVERTISING: Ono square, one time, - - $ 1 00 " . two times, - - 1 to " U three tlmea, - U CO Contract advertisements taken at proportionately low rates. Jon Work executed at short no tice and in a style unsurpassed by any similar establishment in the State Spe cial attention paid to the printing of Blanks of every description. Three months, - - m ' ki-Wkeki.y Onevear.- - 4 00 Six months, - 2 00 Three months. 1 00 VOL. IV. RALEIGH, N. C, THURSDAY, JULY 2, 1874. NO. One month. - GO rT I.NVARIABLT IN ADVANCE. "?V; OFFICIATE I A VS OF Till 11VITKD STATUS, J PASSED AT THE FIRST SES SION' OF THK FORTY-THIRD ( O.MJRFSS. (iKNKKAL NATURE NO. 32. A X ACT for the benefit of occupy ing claimants. I W it enacted by the Senate and Hou-' of Representatives of the I'nited States of America in Con gress assembled, That when an oc cupant of land, having color of title, in gowl faith has made valua ble improvements thereon, and is, in the proper action, found not lo the rightful owner thereof, such m upant shall be entitled in the I '.-deral courts to all the rights and n medics, and, upon instituting the proper proceeding such relief as may given or secured to him by tin "statutes ,uf the State or Territory 'where tho land lies, although tho nth" of the plaintiff in the action "may have been granted by the it'tiited States after .-aid improve ments were so made. Approved, June 1, 1ST I. (IKXEIIAL NATURE NO. 33. AX ACT to amend an act entitled "An act to amend an act entitled 'An act to reduce duties on im- A V A 1 . A 1 A pons aim to reuuee internal taxes, ami ior oilier moved March A A 1 purposes,'" ap third, eighteen hundred arm seventy-inree. Hi it enacted by the Senate and ll-vii-e of Representatives of the I'nited States of America in Con assembled, That section third of an act entitled "An act to amend in act entitled 'An act to reduce A A. unties on iiiiHjri.,. tuu iu icuum internal taxes, and for other pur ples, " approved March third, ihtccn hundred and seventy three, He amended so as to read as I IIovs: "Sec. 3. That foreign merchandise which arrived at a port of the .Vnited States on or before the thirty-first day of July, eighteen - hundred and seventy-two, and upon which duties were not paid prior to August first, eighteen hundred : and seventy-two, though the same were not entered or transferred to a -public store or bonded warehouse, hall be entitled to the benefits 1 A ft 1 1 A i p.wvideu ior in tne eigmn section i the act entitled 'An act to reduce rdmies on imports, and to reduce internal taxes, and for other pur- ..).-es,' approved June sixth, eigh-'t-cn hundred and seventy-two, the , si ii ie as such merchandise would have been entitled to had it actually U-en in public store or bonded ware house on or prior to the thirty-first day of July, eighteen hundred and M.'vcnty-two: Provided, That the owner of such merchandise shall, within thirty days from the passage of this act make application there for in writing to the collector of the l-irtat which such merchandise ar-rivl-d." Approved, June 3, 1874. j KNEIIA I j N., TURK NO. 31. AX ACT changir.g the tima of holding circuit and district courts in Vermont. He it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Con gress assembled, That the term of the circuit court holden at Rutland on the third day of October shall bo held on the first Tuesday in Octo ber, and the term of the district court holden at Rutland on tho ixthdayof October, shall beheld on the first Tuesday of October. The W rm of the circuit court holden at Windsor on the fourth Tuesday in ; July shall be held on the third Tuesday in May, and the term of the district court held at Windsor ' on the Monday after the fourth Tuesday of July shall be on the third Tuesday in May: Provided, That this act shall not apply to the next terms of the circuit and dis trict court to beholden at Windsor, but the same shall be held at tho times nowprovided by law. , Approved, June 5, 1S74. IliLXKUAL NATURE NO. 3-3. AX ACT making appropriations for .the naval service for the year end ing June thirtieth, eighteen hun dred and seventy-five, and for other purposes. He it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the l'nitedStates of America in Con gress assembled, That the follow ing sums be, and they are hereby, appropriated, to be paid out of any money in the Treasury not other wise "appropriated, for the naval service of the Government for the year ending June thirtieth, eigh teen hundred and seventy-five, and for other purposes : For pay of commissioned and warrant officers at sea, on shore, on special service, and of those on the retired list and unemployed, and for mileage and transportation of officers traveling under orders, and for pay of the petty officers, sea men, ordinary seamen, landsmen, and boy, including men of the en gineers' force, and for the Coast SurYey service, eight thousand five hundred men, six million tyo hun dred and fifty thousand dollars. For contingent expenses of the Navy J)epartment, one hundred thousand dollars. For civil establishment at the litrerent navy-yards, as follows: At Kittery, Maine, eighteen thou uid seven hundred and fifty-nine 'lollars; at Charlestown, Massachu setts, twenty-three thousand and ninety-three dollars and forty cents; Jit Brooklyn, New York, twenty t!roe thousand seven hundred and eighty nine dollars and forty cents; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, twenty-one thousand two hundred and ninety-three dollars and forty cents; at Norfolk, Virginia, eigh teen thousand five hundred and tiirty-eight dollars and twenty ce its ; at Pensacola, Florida, eight thousand one hundred and forty- five dollars; at Washington, Dis - inci oi toiumDia, nineteen tnou sanu one nunureuana twenty-three dollars and twenty cents : at Mare Island, California, twenty thousand three hundred and seventeen dol lars and twenty cents; and at League Island naval station. Penn sylvania, four thousand six hun dred and eighty dollars: makinz in all, the sum of one hundred and fiftv-seven thousand seven hiirwlrprl and thirty-eight dollars and eighty cents. for civil establishment at the several naval hospitals and. naval laboratory, thirty-nine thousand one hundred and sixty-one dollars, BUREAU Vb iNAVJUATJOJV. For foreign and local pilotage and towage of ships of war, fifty nousand dollars. For services and materials in cor recting compasses on board ship, and for adjusting and testing com passes on shore, three thousand dollars. For nautical and astronomical instruments, nautical books, maps, charts, and sailing directions, and repairs of nautical instruments for ships of war, ten thousand dollars. For books for libraries for ships of war, three thousand dollars. For navy signals and apparatus, namely: signal lights, lanterns and rockets, including running lights, drawings, and engravings for sig nal books, six thousand dollars. For compass fittings, including binnacles, tripods.and other appen dages of ships' compasses, to be made in the navy yards, five thou sand dollars. For logs and other appliances for measuring the ship's way, leads and other appliances for sounding, three thousand dollars. For lanterns and lamps, and their appendages, for general use on board ship, including those for tho cabin, ward room, and steerage, for the holds apd spirit room, for decks and quartermaster's use, five thou sand dollars. For bunting and other materials for flags, and making and repair ing flags of all kinds, five Unsand dollars. For oil for ships of war other than that used for the engineer depart ment, candles when used as a sub stitute for oil in binnacles, running lights, for chimneys and wick and soap used in navigation deparrnent, twenty thousand dollars. For stationery for commanders and navigators of vessels of war, two thousand dollars. For musical instruments, find music for vessels of war, ono thou sand dollars. For steering signals and indica tors, and for speaking tubes and gongs for signal conainunication on board of vessels of war, two thou sand five hundred dollars. For contingent expenses of the Bureau of Navigation : Frieght and transportation of navigation mate rials; instruments, books, and stores ; postage and telegraphing ; advertising for proposals ; packing ooxes anu maienais ; umu t forms, and stationery at navigation boxes and materials ; blank books, offices, four thousand dollars. or drawing, enrny, and printing and photo-iithograph ng charts, electrotyping and grating old plates, preparing and publish- mg sailing directions, and other hydrograpliic information, twenty thousand dollars ; and for making charts, including those of the : Pa- cific coast, thirty thousand dollars. For fuel, lights, and ofoce furm- turejeare of building and other la- bor; purchase of books for library, drawing materials, and other sta- tionery ; postage, frieght, and other contingent expenses, live thousand (iOlI&rS. - For rent and repair of pui ding, two thousand eisrht hundred dol lars. For expenses of Naval Observa- tory, namely: For pay of one clerk, one thou sand eight hundred dollars. For three assistants, at one thou sand five hundred dollars each. For wages of one instrument maker, one messenger, three watch men, and one porter; for keeping grounds in order and repairs to buildings ; for fuel, light, and of fice furniture ; and for stationery, purchase of books for library, chem icals for batteries, postage, and freight, and all other contingent expenses, ten thousand dollars. For transcribing astronomical ob servations upon sheets for publica tion, one thousand two hundred dollars. For one chronometrical thermom eter, five hundred and fifty dollars. For necessary furniture and equip ments for the new building for the great telescope, two thousand dol lars. For the last payment for the great refracting telescope, ten thou- sand dollars. For expenses of nautical Alman- ac: For pay of computers and clerk for compiling and preparing for publication the American Ephe- meris and Nautical Almanac, eigh- teen thousand dollars. t or continuance oi worK on new planets discovored by American astronomers, two thousand dollars. For rent, fuel, labor, stationery, boxes, expresses, and miscellane ous items, one thousand five hun dred dollars. BUREAU OF ORDNANCE. For fuel and materials necessary in carrying on the mechanical branches of the Ordnance Depart ment at the navv vards and sta tions, seventy-five thousand dollars, For labor at all the navy yards, two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. For repairs to ordance buildings, magazines, gun parks, machinery, and other necessaries of the like character, ten thousand dollars. For miscellaneous items, freight, express charges, and purchase of instruments, five thousand dollars, For the Torpedo Corps: For the purchase and manufac- j ture of gunpowder, nitro-glycerine, - ana gun cotton, twelve thousand dollars. For purchase and manufacture of electrical machines, galvanic bat teries, and insulated wire, twenty thousand dollars. For purchase of copper, iron, wood, and other materials necessary for the manufacture of torpedoes, and for work on the same, twenty five thousand dollars. For construction of torpedo boats, purchase of coffer work or hulks, and contingent expenses, twenty five thousand dollars. For repairs to buildings and wharves, one thousand dollars. For labor, including chemist, pyrotechnist, electrician.machinist. and clerical force, fifteen thousand dollars. For contingent expenses of the ordnance service of tho Navy, one thousand dollars. BUREAU OF EQUI PMENT AND RECRUITING. For equipment of vessels : For coal for steamers use, includ ing expenses of transportation; storage, labor, hemp, wire, and other materials for the manufacture of rope; hides, cordage, canvas, leather; iron for manufacture of cables, anchors, furniture, hose, bako ovens, and cooking stoves ; life rafts; heating apparatus for receiving ships; and lor the pay ment of labor in equipping vessels, and manufacture of articles in the navy yards pertaining to this bu reau, one million sixty-live thousand dollars. For contingent expenses of the Bureau of Equipment and Recruit ing, namely: For expenses of re cruiting, freight and transportation of stores, transportation of enlisted men, mile-age to honorably dis charged men, printing, advertising, expenses of auction sales, telegraph ing, stationery, apprehension of deserters, assistance to vessels in distress, and good conduct badges for enlisted men, seventy-five thou sand dollars. BUREAU OF YARDS AND DOCKS. For general maintenance of yards and docks, namely: For general expenses of the Bureau of Yards Docks : Freight and transportation of materials and stores; printing, stationery, and advertising, includ ing the commandant's office ; books, models, maps, and drawings ; pur chase and repair of fire engines; machinery, and patent rights to use the same ; repairs on steam engines, and attendance on the same ; pur chase and maintenance of oxen and horses, and driving teams, carts, and timber wheels for use in the navy yards, and tools and repairs of same ; postage and telegrams ; iur- mture lor Government houses and offices in the navy yards ; coal and other fuel ; candles, oil, and gas ; cleaning and clearing up yards, and care of buildings; attendance on fires; lights; fire engines and ap paratus; incidental labor at navy yards; water tax, and for toll and .0. n ofmnn ;n the navy yards ; and for flags, awn- , ancT packing boxes, and for contingent expenses of yards and docksnot exceeding forty thousand ei hfc hundred thousand doiiars" At tne N j Phiiadel- w Pennsylvania : Forsuperin- fendent, six hundred dollars; stew- ard f hundred and eIh'ty dol. , raatr0n, three hundred and gixty dollars cook, two hundred orty dollars; assistant cook, Qne him3red and sixty-eight dol- lara cMef Iaundress 0f10 hundred and' ninety.two dollars; three laiinilrMQOQ nf nnr hnnrlrnrl nnrl . . scrubbers and waiters, at one hun dred and sixty-eight dollars each six laoorers, at two nunured ana forty dollars each ; stable keeper and driver, three hundred and sixty dollars; master-at-arms, four hun dred and eighty dollars ; corporal, three hundred dollars; barber, three hundred and sixty dollars ; carpenter, eight hundred and forty five dollars; furnaces, grates, and ranges, six hundred dollars ; repairs of all kinds, five thousand dollars ; and for, support of beneficiaries, forty thousand dollars; in all fifty three thousand two hundred and seveny-three dollars ; which sum shall be paid out of the income from the naval pension fund. BUREAU OF MEDICINE AND SURGERY. For support of the medical de partment for surgeons' necessaries for vessels in commission, navy yards, naval stations. Marine Corps, and Coast Survey, thirty thousand dollars. For necessary repairs of.naval la- boratory, hospitals, and appendages, including roads, wharves, out- houses, steam-heating apparatus, side-walks, fences, gardens, and farIIiSj fi Ve thousand dollars, por contingent expenses of the bureau, freight on medical stores, transportation of insane patients to the Government hospital, adver- tismg, telegraphing, purchase ot books, expenses attending the naval medical board of examiners, pur chase and repair of wagons, harness, purchase and feed of horses, cows, trees, garden tools, and seeds, twenty-five thousand dollars. BUREAU OF PROVISIONS AND CLOTHING. For provisions for the officers, seamen, and marines, one million three hundred thousand dollars. For purchase of water for ships, thirty-five thousand dollars, For contingent expenses: For freight and transportation to foreign and homo stations; candles, fuel; interior alterations and fixtures in inspection buildings; tools, and re- pairing same at eight inpections; special watchman in eight inspec- tions; books and blanks; station- ery; telegrams; postage and ex- press charges ; tolls, ferriages, and car tickets; ice; and incidental labor not chargeable to other appro priations, fifty thousand dollars. BUREAU OF CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR. For preservation of vessels on the stocks and in ordinary ; purchase of material and stores of all kinds; labor in navy yards and on foreign sta t ions ; preservation of materials ; purchase of tools; wear, tear, and repair of vessels afloat, and for gen eral care and protection of the Navy in the line of construction and re pair; incidental expenses, namely, advertising and foreign postages, three million three hundred thou sand dcllars. For protection of timber lands, five thousand dollars. BUREAU OF STEAM ENGI NEERING. For repairs and preservation of boilers and machinery on naval vessels : and for fitting, repair, and pre servation of yard machinery and tools: and for labor in navy yards and stations not before included ; and for incidental expenses; and for purchase and preservation of oils, coal, iron, and all materials and stores ; arid for completing and erecting on board vessels compound engines with boilers, one million eight hundred thousand dollars. N A YA I, ACADEM Y. For pay of professors and others ; for one professor of drawing, (head of department,) two thousand five hundred dollars; four professors, namely, one of mathematics, (assis tant,) one of chemistry, ono of Eng lish studies, history, and law, and one of French, at two thousand two hundred dollars each; twelve as sistant professors, namely, four of French, one of Spanish, three of English studies, history and law, one of mathematics, one of astrono my, and two of drawing, at one thousand eight hundred dollars each ; sword-master, at one thous and five hundred dollars, and two assistants, at one thousand dollars each ; boxing-maiterand gymnast, at one thousand two hundred dol lars; and assistant librarian at one thousand four hundred dollars ; three clerks to superintendent, at one thousand two hundred dol lars, one thousand dollars, and eight hundred dollars, respectively; one clerk to commandant of midship men, one thousand dollars ; one clerk to paymaster, one thousand dollars ; one apothecary, seven hun dred and fifty dollars; one commis sary, two hundred and eighty-eight dollars ; one cook, three hundred and twenty-five dollars and fifty cents ; one messenger to superinten dent, six hundred dollars ; one ar morer, five hundred and twenty- nine dollars and fifty cents ; one gunner's mate, four hundred and sixty-nine dollars and fifty cents, and one quarter gunner, four hun dred and nine dollars and fifty cents ; one cockswain, four hundred and sixty-nine dollars and fifty cents ; three seamen in the depart ment of seamanship, at three hun dred and forty-nine dollars and fifty cents each ; one band master, five hundred and. twenty-eight dollars ; two drummers and one fifer, eighteen first class musicians, at three hundred and forty eight dol- j lars each ; seven second class musi cians, at three hundred dollars each ; (first class,) at three hundred and forty-eight dollars each ; in all, fifty-eight thousand eight hunched and twenty-six dollars. Pay of watchmen and others: Captain of the watch, at two dollars and fifty cents per day, nine hundred and twelve dollars and fifty cents; four watchmen, at two dollars and twenty-five cents per day, three thousand two hundred and eighty five dollars ; foreman of the gas and steam heating works, at five dollars per diem, one thousand eight hun dred and twenty-five dollars; twelve attendants at gas and steam heating works of academy, at new quarters for cadet midshipmen, and at school ships, one at three dollars fifty cents, three at three dollars, and eight at two dollars and fifty cents per day each, eleven thousand eight hundred and sixty two dollars; three joiners, two painters, and two masons, at three dollars fifty cents per day each, eight thousand nine hundred and forty two dollars and fifty cents ; one tinner, one gas fitter, and one blacksmith, at three dollars and fifty cents per day each, three thousand eight hundred and thirty two dollars and fifty cents. Pay of mechanics and others: One mechanic at workshop, at two dollars and twenty five cents per diem, eight hundred and twenty one dollars and twenty five cents ; one master laborer, to keep public grounds in order, at two dollars and twenty eight cents per diem, eight hundred and thirty two dollars and twenty cents ; fourteen laborers to assist in same, three at two dollars per diem each and eleven at one dollar and seventy five cents per diem each, nine thousand two hun dred and sixteen dollars and t wenty five cents ; one laborer to superin ten quarters of cadet midshipmen, pubic grounds, and so forth, at two dollars and twenty eight cents per diem, eight hundred and thirty two dollars and twenty cents ; lour at tendants at recitation rooms, libra ry, chapel, and offices, at twenty dollars per month each, nine hund red and sixty dollars; twenty servants to keep in order and attend to quarters of cadet midshipmen, public buildings, and so forth, at twenty dollars per month each, four thousand eight hundred dollars. For pay of employees in the de partment of steam enginery, for machinists, boiler makers, and others, eight thousand seven hun dred and sixty dollars. For repairs and improvements or public buildings, and for repairing the wall inclosing the grounds of the academy, fourteen thousand dollars. For contingent expenses, forty six thousand six hundred dollars. MARINE CORPS. For pay of officers of the Marine Corps, and for pay of non commis sioned officers, musicians, and oth ers of th corps, three hundred and nineteen thousand seven hundred and sixty dollar? : Provided, That the office of commandant of the Marine Corps having the rank of a brigadier general of the Army shall continue until a vacancy shall occur in the same, and no longer; and when such vacancy shall occur in said office, immediately thereupon all laws and parts of laws creating said onice shall become inoperative, and shall, by virtue of this act, from thenceforth be repealed; And pro vided further, That thereafter the commandant of the Marine Corps shall have the rank and pay of a colonel, and shall be appointed by selection by the President from the officers of said corps. For the civil force of the Marine Corps, ten thousand dollars. F"or pay of fifteen hundred pri vates, and no more, two hundred and seventy thousand dollars. For provisions, one hundred thousand dollars. For clothing, one hundred thou sand dollars. For fuel, thirty thousand, eight hundred and fifty-six dollars. For military stores, namely : For pay of inachanics, repair of arms, purchase of accouterments, ordnance stores, flags, drums, fifes, and other instruments, nine thousand dollars. For transportation of troops, five thousand dollars. For transportation of officers traveling without troops, one thou sand dollars For repairs of barracks, and rent of offices where there are no public buildings, six thousand dollars. For forage for horses belonging to field and staff officers, three thou sand dollars. For hire of quarters for officers where there are no public quarters, ten thousand dollars. For contingencies, namely : Freight ; ferriage ; toll ; cartage ; wharfage; purchase and repair of boats; labor; burial of deceased marines ; stationery ; telegraphing ; apprehension of deserters; oil ; can dles, gas ; repairs of gas and water fixtures; water rent; barrack fur niture; furniture for officers' quar ters; bed sacks; wrapping paper; oil cloth ; crash ; rope; twine; spades; ahovels; axes; picks; car penters' tools; repairs to lire en gines ; purchase and repair of engine hose; purchase of lumber for benches, mess tables, bunks; repairs to public carryall ; purchase and repair of harness ; purchase and re pair of hand carts and wheel bar rows; scavengering; purchase and re pair ofgalleys,cookingstoves. ranges, ranges, stoves where are no grates ; gravel for parade grounds; repair of pumps; brushes; brooms; buck ets ; paving ; and for other purposes, fifteen thousand dollars. Approved, June G, 1874. WEEKLY ERA. THURSDAY7ULY 2, 1874. North Carolina Republicans on the Civil Rights Bill. The Democrats of North Carolina are very thankful to the late Charles Sumner, with whom they voted in the last Presidential campaign for that Radical of Radicals, Horace Greeley, for tho bill which he intro duced into the Senate of the United States touching the civil rights of the colored citizens of the United States. These Democrats are trying to fix all the responsibility of this matter upon Republicans, when it is well known that. Mr. Sumner was not in sympathy with the Republican party for several years before his death. He bitterly opposed Pres ident Grant, the head of the Repub lican party, in the Senate, and was exceedingly anxious to see him de feated at the last election. He showed his opposition to Republi canism as held by the dominant party, by openly advocating and voting for the Democratic candidate for President against the regular Republican candidate. The civil rights bill of Mr. Sum ner has been pending in Congress for some considerable time, and some Democrats in the North Caro lina Legislature at its last session were anxious to manufacture a little party capital for this campaign by introducing and passing some bun combe resolutions in regard to it. In the midst of the discussion of the civil rights question, Mr. John H. Williamson, a colored man and the Republican member of the House of; Representatives from Franklin county, offered the follow ing as a substitute for the resolution then pending, viz. : Resolved by the House of Repre sentatives, j the Senate concurring, That our Senators be instructed and our Representatives requested to vote for such a bill as will secure equal civil and political rights, AND AGAINST ALL BILLS TENDING TO AN ENFORCE MENT OF SOCIAL EQUAL ITY." The above, introduced by a col ored member, was voted down by the Democrats, BUT EVERY RE PUBLICAN MEMBER OF THE HOUSE VOTED FOR ITS ADOP TION. The Democrats are charging that the author of the bill who co-operated with them during the Iastyears of his life, meant to force social equality by th passrgo of the civil We publish to-day, the procced rights bill, arid they are trying tp ingsof-the Executive Committee. charge that the Republicans of North Carolina favor such social equality. But the facts are against them, as the above resolution will show. ' If any one doubts the genuineness or iur. Williamson's resolution, let him turn to page 29G of the House Journal, 1S73-'71, and there he will unci it recorded. And it any one charges that the record is falsified, tell him it was made by Stephen D. Pool, the Clerk of the House, who is now the Democratic candidate for Superintendent of Public In struction. The position of the Republican party is well known on this subject, ft advocates equality before the law, for all citizens of the United States without regard to race, color or pre vious condition. It demands that the colored citizen shall have all the rights accorded any other citizen but both the colored and white citi zens oppose the intermixing of the races, in the schools, churches or elsewhere. The demoralized Democracy. We have information from West ern North Carolina of the most cheering character. The Demo cratic party is everywhere divided, and there is a general squabble for the offices 'among the "unterrified." Plato Durham is making a vigorous canvass in the Eighth District, and hundreds of Democrats are rallying to his standard. The trickery of political wire-workers in manipu lating party Conventions is tho roughly exposed particularly the Convention at Ashevillo which nominated Gen. Vance for re-elec tion. At one time, it was determined to send for Gov. Vance as a sort of political missionary to operate among the stiff-necked and rebelli ous Democrats who refuse to abide by the action of the Asheville Con vention. But the Merrimon men in the mountains swore that they would all vote for Durham if Gov. T T .. a i -r i a I v ance came up mere, in snon, thev scouted the idea of their beiner treated as heathens" nnrl hviW a political missionary sent among them to teach them the way the Democratic Executive Committee would have them to go, and they waxed so hot at the bare mention of such a thing that Gov. Vance was written not to come, and so Gen. Bob is left to carry on his " meet ing " without any missionary as sistance, and tilings are assuming quite a Platonic appearance. The damage of the traditional " bull in the China store " was light when compared to the damage of the Durham among the doughty De mocracy. J. M. Gudger, Esq., of Yancey, lately the Democratic Senator from the 43d District, is an independent ,.j - x.-.i canuiuaie ior ooiicuur m ouu nenry s jjisinci against uaj. n. i. A il 1 I ivvery, me uemocratic nominee, Tndononilnn f nn r r 1 5 r 1 a f o arc cnrin rr. j i . i.. j I the resolution of the Democratic Executive Committee against dependent candidates" don worth a cent. A few stragglers to be seen running about try rally the klans, but the gre of the Democracy are assert independence of the gallir ism which has heretofore them down, and declaring the termination to vote for their c regardless of party; nominations The crack of the party lash everywhere drowned by the kick-Tj ings oi me resuve auu me jingie 01 broken party traces, and even the drivers are ready to abandon the whole thing in despair. The Republicans are enjoying the Democratic Declaration of Inde pendence, and having been always on the side of liberty and freedom, naturally sympathize with the "in dependents." The Daily News of the 2Gth inst., after publishing sundry appoint ments for Mr. Davis, 13emocratic candidate for Congress, says : "Mr. Headen having refused to agree to a joint canvass, is . hereby offered a division of time at the above mentioned places, if he de sires to attend." ; We are authorized by Mr. Head- en to state that, not only has he never rejfused a joint canvass with Mr. Davis, but that he has expressly declared his willingness to such an arrangement to Mr. Davisin person. Mr. Heaclen's friends seeing the re- luctancd on the part of Mr. Davis friends io enter-a joint canvass, and the timd for the canvass being quite limited have published a thorough canvass) for Mr. Headen, and we are authorized to invite Mr. Davis to accompany him. vr i r 7 s if Johnston County. J recently assembled for tho purpose oi nuing certain vacancies on tho county ticket. . In parting with Mr. Hatcher, supposed to be with us until tho appearance of his card; in which ho says that he has always been a Con servative, we would remark that our friends in Johnston had good reason for supposing him to boa Republican. lie went round or ganizing the Union Leaguo and making extreme speeches in ISttS, even advocating, as reported, the equality of the races, Ac, thus going a bow-shot beyond Republicanism. And to the knowiedge of certain rfH prominent citizens of Johnston, he was advocating tne cause of the Republican party a month or two ago. Inasmuch as the Tarboro Ea quirer-Southerner has questioned the propriety of the pardon granted by Governor Caldwell to Austin Dozier, a colored man convicted at Spring term of Edgecombe Court and sentenced to tho jail of that county for six months for receiving stolen croods. we will sav that the pardon was urged by a large num ber of citizens and recommended by Judge Moore, on the certificate of Drs. MacNair and Duggan that Dozier was suffering from chronic rheumatism and from ulceration of the left leg, tho result of necrosis. These gentlemen further gavo it as their opinion that ho was unfit for hard labor and that his sufferinirs were materially aggravated by confinement. CORRESPONDENCE. It must not be understood that Tne Kka endorses the sent ImentM of lt correspond ents iu every Instance. 1U columns arc open to the friends of the party, and tliclr communications will be Kiven to the public as containing the views aiid hcntlment of the writers. Cape Fear and Deep River Nav igation Works. To the Editor of the Era : There were some statements here tofore, in your paper, in reference to the sale of the State's interest in the Cape Fear and Deep River Naviga tion Works, and to the orosncct of reviving at least a portion of those . . I. 1... improvements. And it may bo in- teresting to the public to hear that the Deep River Manufacturing Company, which purchased the State's interest, aro steadily' pro-, grossing in the repairs and exten sion oi tne improvements, xney now have about thirty miles of good navigation, viz. : from Buckhorn Furnace, near the Harnett county line, to Carbonton, in Moore county. And during the last week the boats brought from Carbonton, freights, which required six railroad box cars, and from Endor, superior new Chatham iron, requiring seven box cars, me ireignts are transnippeu at Lockvillo from the canal to the railroad, which is right on the canal bank. This is only a beginning,. and I predict that the railroad will soon be heavily taxed by the accu mulating freights from the river. It is believed that the navigation will be extended about fifteen miles """"i Ht1"11" year; an i I will add that the discoveries and and developments in iron ores along the cape Fear and Deep Rivers are luiiy 1 A - XI T 1 ' responuing 10 tne opinions uuu pru dictions of Dr. Emmons. RE3IrX. ine , 187 1. . Ilcadcn. Da- been p. athy is th erally be friends are their lavo sequentlyl and althr hand to" nent, ye T toll cient enth. mocracv not, as he wt "inf Tr 't wof V. W A A A vote in Orangtf As to the disL came off moreX Capt. Davis had proI witli an artillery that mig been of some avail against a Re v.. nue officer; but being funiishetrv with nothing else, of course he could ?.v not hit his opponent at all, who charged upon Mr. Davis, captured i his Revenue artillery, spiked his guns, and then with a brigade of I facts, directed by invincible logic, .; overthrew the gallant Captain, and left him lying on the field, wishing Josiah had his place, and wiping : his eyes with his revenue tactics i and the ! Greeley-Sumner Civil Rights Bill. : i Our. people are greatly pleased 4 with our able candidate, and well -they may be. We will work for : him with a will. ; : We are all alive and at work, and hope to give a good account of our- selves on the 6th of August next. Yours, XY,Z. x Hillsboro, Juno 21, 1874, . v

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