r - " - ., , - I I ': - - OFFICIAL. Aus or tiii: ir.viTi:n status, J. PASSED AT Tl I K VI ILST SES SION OF. Till-: iUUTY-THIK! CONGRESS. : General nature Xo. SG.J AN" ACT making: appropriations for the support or the .Military Academy for tJie fiscal year end- rigjuno imriiein, cigiuecn Hun dred and seventy-live, ie it enacted by the Senate and Ilqtiso of Representatives of tiio United States of America in Con grf assembled, That the following sums be, and the same are hereby appropriated, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appro priated, for the support of the Mili itary Academy for the year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-five : For additional pay of officers, and for pay of instructors, professors, cidets, and musicians, two hundred and thirty-seven thousand dollars. For repairs and improvements, timber, plank, boards, joists, wall strips, laths, shingles, slate, tin, sheet-lead, nails, screws, Iocks.butls, hinges, glass, paint, turcntine,oils, bricks, varnish, stone, lime, cement, plaster, hair, blasting-powder, fuse, iron, steel, tools, mantels, and other similar materials, fourteen thous and five hundred dollars. For pay of citizen-mechanics and labor employed upon repairs that ran not be done by enlisted men, eight thousand dollars. For fuel and apparatus, namely, - -oaI, wood, stoves, grates, furnaces, ranges, fire-bricks, and repairs of steam her. ting apparatus, fourteen thousand dollars. For gas pijes, lixlures, lamp posts, gas lamps, gasometers, and retorts, and annual repairs, six hun dred dollars. For fuel fortadets' mess hall, shops, and laundry, three thousand five hundred dollars. For postage and telegrams, three hundred dollars. For stationery,, blank books, pa per, envelopes," juills, sleel pens, iKMicus, mucnaire, wax, ami ink, six hundred dollars. For transudation of materials, uiscnargeu eaueis, and iernages.ono thousand eight hundred-dollars. 1' or printing tyie, materials for office, diplomas for graduates, regis ters ami blanks, seven hundred dol lars: :.For compensation of pressman and lithographer, one hundred clol lars. H'"or clerk to disbursing officer and quartermaster, one thousand six hundred and fifty dollars. For clerk to adjutant, one thou sand five hundred dollars. ;For clerk to treasurer, one thou sand five hundred dollars. ' fPor department of instruction in nathematics, namely : For repairs of instruments, fifty dollars; text lKoks and stationery for instructors, thirty dollars. For department of artillery, cav alry, and infantry tactics, namely: For tan bark for riding hall and gymnasium, three hundred dollars ; repairing camp stools, tents, and camp furniture, fifty dollars; floor ing and mats,apparatus,and repairs of gymnasium, five hundred dol lars; clock and furniture for otlice of commandant of cadets, seventy five dollars; stationery for uso of instructor and assistants, one hun dred dollars; foils, gloves, masks, fencing jackets, anil repairs, two hundred dollars. For department of civil and mili tiry engineering: For models, mips, repairs of instruments, text bxks, books of reference, and sta stionery for use of instructors, live Hundred dollars. Jbor department of chemistry. and wicking for lighting the acade my, cadet barracks, mess nail offices, s'able, and side walks, four thousand dollars; water pipes pi umbing, and repairs, two thousand iloinrs: cleaning puDJic buildings (not quarters,), five hundred and sixty dollars; brooms, brushes. pails, tubs, soap, and cloths, two hundred dollars; chalk, crayons, sponge, slate, and rubbers for reci tation rooms, one hundred dollars; compensation of chapel organist, two hundred dollars; compensation of librarian, ono hundred, and twenty dollars: compensation of non-commissioned officer in charge of mechanics, fifty dollars; com pensation of soldier writing in adjutant's office, fifty dollars; pay of engineer of heating and venti lating apparatus for the cadet bar racks, cliaix-l, and philosophical academy, including the library, one thousand live hundred dollars; pay of assistant of same, seven hundred and twenty dollars ; pay of five fire men, two thousand two hundred dollars; increase and expense of the library, tooks, magazines, periodi cals, and binding, two thousand dollars. For pay of librarian's assistant, ono thousand dollars. ror contingencies for superin tendent of the academy, one thou sand dollars. For furniture for cadet hospital and repairs, one hundred dollars. For printing catalogue for libra ry five hundred dollars. Buildings and grounds: For repairing and opening roads and walks, five hundred dollars. For continuing superstructure of the new hospital for cadets, twenty thousand dollars. For continuing construction of sewerage from barracks and quar ters, three thousand dollars. ' For repairs to reservoirs and in creasing capacities, one thousand dollars. Approved, Juno G, 1874. I (jkxkual natureNo. 37. j AN ACT to change the name of the port of San Pedro, California, to llunngton. 15e it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Con gress assembled, That the port of ban I'udro, on the I'acinc coast, snail bo called Wilmington. Approved, June 7, 1874. in General nature No. 38. J AN ACT to equalize pensions certain cases. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Con gress assembled, That all persons entitled to pensions under special acts fixing the rale of such pensions, and now receiving or entitled to receive a less pension than that al lowed by the general pension laws under like circumstances, are, in lieu of their present rate of pension, hereby declared to be entitled to the benefits and subject to the limi tations of the general pension laws entitled 44 An act to revise, consoli date, and amend the laws relating to pensions," approved March third, eignteen hundred and seventy three; and that this act go into ef fect from and after its passage: Provided. That this act shall not be construed to reduce any pension grained by special act. Approved, June 6, 1S74. mineralogy, and geology : For chemicals, including chemical ap paratus, glass and porcelain ware, paper, wire and sheet metal and .ores, and photographic materials, nine hundred dollars; rough speci mens, files, alcohol, lamis, blow pipes, pencils, and steel and agate mortars, for practical instruction in mineralogy; for fossils illustrating the different rock formations, for duly use in section rooms, and for gradual increase of the cabinet, eight hundred dollars; repairs and a lditions f electric, galvanic, mag netic, .electro-magnetic, magneto electric, pneumatic, and thermic apparatus, and apparatus illustrat ing opucai properties ot substances, eignt Hundred dollars ; aad metal work, inclm for the same, til? mechanic, to ber5 ical and geol' and In""" icmi Ci EN Kit A I NATURE NO. 30. J AN ACT to .amend the act entitled " An act to promote the develop ment of the mining resources of tho United States," passed May tenth, eighteen hundred and seventy-two. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Con gress assembled, That the provi sions of the fifth section of the act entitled 41 Ah act to promote the development of the mining resour ces of the United States," passed May tenth, eighteen hundred and seventy-two, which requires expen ditures of labor and improvements on claims located prior to the pas sage of said act, are hereby so amend ed that the time for the first annu al expenditure on claims located prior to tho passage of said act shall be extended to the first day of January, eighteen hundred and seventy-five. PP roved, Juno G, 1S74. neral nature No. 4a CT authorizing corrections Smade in errors of prize lists. Enacted by the Senate and .Representatives of the ;s or America in Con- Ied, That the second hagraph3 of the tenth navy prize law, ap thirtieth, eighteen Jnd sixty-four, which re s& shares of commanders of js ana iieet captains, shall otneers r vessel upon which tho same are to be laden, and the port to which they are intended to be exported. He shall, after the quantity of spirits has been determined by the ganger and inspector, file with the collector or the port an export entry verified by his oath ori affirmation. He shall also give bond to the United btates, with at least two sureties, satisfactory to the collector of cus toms, conditioned that the- princi pal named In said bond will export the spirits as specified in said entry to the port designated in said entry, or to some other port" without the jurisdiction of the United States. And upon the lading of such spirits, the collector of the port, af ter proper bonds for the exportation of the same have been completed by the exporter or owner at the port of shipment thereof, shall transmit to tne collector or internal revenue of the district from which the said spirits were withdrawn for expor tation, a clearance certificate and a detailed report of the gauger, which report shall show the capacity of each cask In wine gallons, and tne a a . a m m - ' 1 1 contents inereoi in wine, gaiions, proof gallons, and taxable gallons. Upon receipt ; of the certificate and report, and upon payment of tax on deficiency, ir any, the col lector of internal revenue shall can cel the transport ion bond. The bond required to be given for tho landing at n foreign port of dis tilled spirits shall be cancelled upon the presentation of satisfactory proof and certificates that said dis tilled spirits have been landed at the X)rt of destination named In the bill of lading or any other port without -the jurisdiction of the United States or upon satisfactory proof that after shipment tho same were lost at sea without fault or neglect of the owner or shipper hereof. Sec. 2. That on and after the first day of July, eighteen hundred and seventy-four, for the expense of pro viding and ahixing the stamps to each cask containing distilled spirits or exportation, there shall be charged ten cents for each stamp instead of twenty-five cents as now rcouired bv law. Approved, June 9, 1S74. General nature No. 42.1 AN ACT in reference to the oper ations of the shipping commis sioners7 act, approved June sev- a entli, eighteen hundred and sev enty-two. Beit enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Con gress assembled. That none of the provisions of an act entitled 44 An act to authorize the appointment of shipping commissioners by the sev eral circuit courts of the United States to superintend the shipping and discharge of 3eamen engaged in merchant ships belonging to the United States, and for the further protection of seamen " sall apply to sail or steam vessels engaged in the coastwise trade.except tho coast wise trade between the Atlantic and Pacific coasts, or in the lake going trade, touching at foreign ports or otherwise, or in the trade between the United States and the British North American possessions. or in any case where the seamen are by custom or agreement enti tled to participate in the profits or result of a cruise, or voyage. Approved, June 9, 1874. WEEKLY EBA. Official Org?m of the United State. il ?M--nv r 4v W Tne liepuoilcan party opposes everything looking to the mixing of the races in the family, the church itnd the I school, and every Republican member of the House of Representatives of our State Leg-, islature so voted last winter. Mr. ureeiey was notoriously in favor of all these things and the Democracy said he was the most proper man in all this nation to be President, T : - : .. v" When the people of North Caro- sistent political record. An old Henry Clay Whig, Dr. Cook's name ..was placed upon the Bell and Everet t 1 ickt for Presidential Elec tor; ho was o'pjMd to secession and was a UnionJ man during the war in principle, though j meeting all the requirements of. theC"ii feder ate Government ; has .!servvd sever al times in jtho State' legislature ; co-operated j with A the' Democrats and voted fin? Horace Greeley, which act he considers placed him in the Una hear the Democracy prating Republican ranks in-side other old about negro social equality, they lineWhtes. W. M. BROWN, Manager. will bo apt to remind them of what Mr. Greejey , was 'and what ho would have clone if elected irnsi tifnt. I Dr. Cook is an able debater and equal tothotask of discussing the. questions of the day. I THURSDAY, JULY 2, 1874. The .Lee Executive Committee Republican Nominees, j On Tuesday, theSOth of June, Mr. STATE TICKET. 1 w For Superintendent of Public Instruction: THOMAS R. PUR NELL, OP FORSYTHE. lions. On the semblinsr of t CONGRESSIONAL. TICKET. For Congress Uh District: JAMES H. HE ADEN, OP CHATHAM. T. F. Lee's Executive Committee of Wake county met' in this. city. At the time of going to press we had learnt nothing of its deiibera- morning of the as le Committee we threw out the following suggestions: It has exceedingly difficult and re sponsible duties to perform. The success of the party in the county depends on the manner in which the Committee! shall act. There is JOr. Chapiii's Card. We publish i n another place B. Chapin, seen that he endorses as true the account to-day the card of Dr. A. I of Chatham It will be '1 Republican Meeting in Bertie. Recording to previous notice, a Convention of tho Republican p iK ty of Uertie county, N. C, assem bled at the Court House, in tho town of Windsor, on Thursday, '25lh June, A. IX 1874, for the purpose of nominating '-candidates to repre sent this anil Noi thampton coun ties in the Senate, and a candidate to represent Hertie county in the Legislature .fN. C.,and candidates to till the various offices of said county. The Con ven tio:i was called to or der by John W. Sessoms, Chair man of the Executive Committee of said county, and after explain ing the object of tho meeting and urging the Kepubiieans to have peace, and harmony for the good of the Kepubm-.in parts'. On motion, George l,ec was called to tho Chair and b W. IJell ap pointed Secretary. The Chairman then announced that the Convention was ready to proceed to business. ; It-then adjourned until 7 o'clock, P. M. At the appointed time the meeting met according to adjourn- M. . given by the Era of the discussion in the Franklinton Convention be- ment. being represented by every I - .- I rrninn.,Kln Sr. 4 k.. .. .1 .1 tween himself and Hon. W. A. Urt?tT'l ma,, 1 rfm folffiwincp nnminnfirirw Smith. Dr. C. distinctly states new Rn.nt, w r im, that lie did ; not even refer to the I Northampton. Ilepresen ta t i ve Wm . For Ward. For Superior Court Clerk W. 1 T. 1 JUDICtAL TICKET. For Xolicitor-Mh District: JOHN C. L. HARRIS, OP WAKE. LKGISLATIVK TICKET. WAKE COUNTY. For Senate 18th District JAMES TT. HARRIS. For House of Representatives : THOMAS M. ARUO, STEWART ELLISON, ISAIAH KING, JAMES H. JONES. civil rights bill in the convention, and further that he has ever oppos ed the bill. This settles the dispute between the Era and Dailu News, on this no use in concealing me iacunai subject in favor of tho Bra, and there is general dissatisfaction sh0ws how daspcrate the Democra- among inexiepuuiicauMU uiu cuuu- lhfiir ftflr0rb to eharrrfl n F.r T T. P.ilo T IT IT.J.I ty. Two county Conventions have Republicans with fovorinrtheSum- Cado Mountain and Wright Cherry'. been held and two sets of Republi- npr pivIi Trut n?n For Coroner Bryant Lee. mi -o ur i r The folloVIng persons were an- The Republican party is in favor ported tho Executive Committw of the equal protection by law to for tho county of Bertie, as follows : the colored man in all his rierhts. Coleraine Township John W. It p-imrnntpn him 1 hn rto-ht. tn ivnr. ePIn? . ' ) a - - w Gurley. i For Register of Deeds U. ForSheriff-F. W. Boll. King. For Treasurer John G. Mitchell. For County Commissioners f-1 1. COUNTY TICKET. For Sheriff: ROBERT W. WYNNE. For Superior Court Clerk an( Judge of Probate : ALBERT MAG N IN. For Register of Deeds : WILLTAM W. WHITE. For Treasurer: WILLTAM M. BROWN. For Coroner: PAUL LI NUKE. J. For Surveyor': P. H. ADAMS. can candidates are in the field. The causes which Jed to this division are well known and need not be re verted to here! If the Committee shall take proper action these dis sensions can bq healed and the har mony and success of the party se cured. Will an earnest and dispas sionate effort be made by the Com mittee to secure this end ? We con fess that we have our hopes and our fears in regard to tho solution of this question. I The legislative ticket put forth by tho Court House Convention is objectionable, l it was adopted by the Metropolitan Hall Convention not because it was satisfactory or because it was considered strong, but because it! was deemed better to adopt an Unsatisfactory ticket than run the risk of having Demo crat eiocieo. -Let tho objections to this ticket be duly considered, and if it shall bo found that they are weii tounucu, let ino remedy do ap plied, i ship God unmolested according to the dictates of his own conscience. It guarantees him the equal bene fits of the public sehoois;Jbut neith er the white Republicans or the colored Republicans desire tho mix- ing 01 tne races in churches or schools. Gen. II. G. Spruill, of Pasquo- Windsor F. W. Bell. Merry Hill J. II. Holder. Whites-Brown Holly. Snake Bite Bryant Lee. Woodville Watson Lewis. Roxobcl Perry Watson. Mitchells Wright Cherry. On motion, Johu W. Sessoms was elected Chairman of said commit tee by acclamation and F. W. Bell appoi n ted Secretary. By invitation the meeting was ably addressed by J. J. Martin, and tank county, died in Elizabeth City A. M. Moore, of Edenton ; tho lat ter is a wneei-horse on the stump. , On motion, it was unanimously resolved that tho proceedings of this mooting be sent to tho Raleigh Era and the North CbroUnian lor publi cation. On motion, tho meeting adjourned. GEO RUE LEE,Chn. F. W. Bell, Sec'y. on Saturday, the 20th inst. Tie was well known throughout Eastern Carolina vr.d represented the county of Tyrrel-;in tho State Senate from to 1812. Ho was also once a member of tho State B;ard of In ternal Improvements. At the time of his death Gen. Spruill w;isin the GGth year of his age. For Count Commissioners : MOSES G. TODD, CLINTON W. WILLIAMS, NORFLEET JEFFREYS, THOMAS C. SMITH, HENRY C. SMITH. There are tx many legislative Election: Thursday, Auns-tOth. Randolph. County Convention. The Republican County Conven tion met at tne Court-house in Ashe- boro, on Saturday, the 27th of June. The house was called to order by George W. Reid, Esq., Chairman of the County Executive Committee, who stated the object of the meet ing to be for the purpose of nomi nating candidates for the General aaIn order to &ecuie iheLia it is necessary that the pvjee of sub scription shall stcroaipjHf all or ders for (he paper. Our terms tire cash. I5y Authority. We are authorized bv JVIr. T. R. Purnell, the Republican candidate forSuperintendent of Public Instruc tion, to say that he never had any association or affiliation with the ut jHt v-svs ivAciivo m j m tit i -ww -tt i . . . Aec0mM,r or,,i hn nnt Jvu mux or any Kinrireu orgamza- O! . a.! . i I (inn rn.tlir.ii 4 K 1 . . r tn a Dase fabrication and', confemot- offices, at the same time declining name to be brought renomi- 1 r jitin- inili- dol- ing, )ia- V)ks, in- lars ; iiundred ich : For y for the use -cvcnty-iivo dollars. .ment of Spanish : For yuu:s and stationery for the ,1 Instructors, fifty dollars. For department of law and ethics i For text books and stationery and books of reference for, tho uso of in structors, fifty dollars: Provided, That the Secretary" of War may assign one of tho judge advocates of the Army to be professor of law. For department of drawing : For models for second-class, one hun dred dollars ; models for third class one hundred dollars ; tar board for mounting models, thirty dollars; frames for securing models from Injury, fifty dollars; colors, brushes, peaciLj,. and paper for the use of Instructors, twenty-five dollars. . For expenses of tho board of visi tors, four thousand two hundred dollars.. - For miscellaneous and contingent expenses: For gas, coal oil, candles, serving in those Kins from ADril. eighteen h titl ed and sixty-one, (thecommeuce- of the late war, ) and the shares shall bo paid in the manner as pro- Hams, Joseph .Thornburg. viueu jur uivision coramanuers in Th ranr iriatM oii oaiu Daoiiu uurairrann. mtuo iu uu uiumi uui ui inu naval I rlrmsrc intnrlmiol urtfh ct;.m'n to permit his before the Convention for nation for the Legislature, believing such a course best to promote the harmony and success of the Repub lican cause. On motion of E. T. Blair, Joel Ash wort li was called 'to tho chair and Dr. C. W. Woollen was re quested to act as Secretary. b Balloting for candidates being next in order, the nominations resulted as follows : For Senate, 2oth District, Dr. Ri- lev Brown, of Moore: for IIouso of Representatives, J. W. Bean, J. A. Blair; for Sheriff, W. R. Ash worth ; for Clerk Superior Court, A. M. Diffee: for Register of Deeds. Jesse L. Giles; for County Treas urer, Nathan T. Pearson ; for Coun ty Surveyor, M. C. Spoon ; for Cor oner, D. N. Burrow; for Commis sioners, R. M. Free, Isaac Lee, Joseph Hoover, Cummings King, John Brady. The following County Executive Committee was elected : W. C. Wellborn, N. T. Pearson, C. W. Woollen, P. P. Freeman. C. F. Fox, J. F. Trogden, Benj. Miili kan, F. Pearce, L. G. Bingham, Joel Ashworth. A. A. Barker. John Brady, Enoch Garner, Henry Wil- ible slander, but meaner than tho it, or the ono who tion. it is not naser or man who makes gives it eJ reva lidates fjom the city. All reside in Raleigh except one, and he in he immediate vicinity. Let this be looked to. 1 The ticket for County Commis sioners should he material! v clianed. Thoi Commissioners are among the most important omcers in the management of county finances in fact to these five men is committed the entire manage ment of the county affairs. With the exception of one man, the ticket nominated for Commissioners bv the Court House Convention is not qualified by experience or knowl edge of business to discharge the cers. Leave 1:0 m in on the ticket, no matter what . his. party services may have been, airainst Republican Convention in Cas well Comity I In pursuanco of a call by tho Executive Committee.through Wil son Carey, the Republicans of (Xt.-t- weil met at the Court-house jit :m- J. C. L. Harris, Esq. Wo are requested to announce that our candidate for Solicitor in vnio i.-mv-u i.o ,,.i,Yw.ivu ceyvuie, on Juno ism, 187-1. from filling his appointments by The following nominations nrotraeted siekness in his fain il v. made: This is to be regretted, as Mr. Harris is a' good ; speaker, and his efforts in the District would tell well for the party.! were For House of Representatives, Philip Hodnett, Wilson Carey sub sequently, Mr. Hodnett decJjixMl and Mr. Thomas Harrison was sub- COBRKSPO DENCli. It must not be understood ihat Tub Era endorses tutj sentiments of its correspond ents in cvevy Instance. lis columns are open to the friends of the party, and their coiumunleac.on wIl be given the public as containing the views and sentiments of the writers, i stituted, who accepted.; lor Hiieriif, Jeremiah Graves; for Register ( Deeds, George Pinnix ; for Superior Court Clerk, John II. Kerr ; for Treasurer, T. J. Johnson ; for Com- , missioners, Yancey Jones, John S. Barnwell, Richard Jones, Henry J., Phillips, Daniel Johnson ; for Cor oner, Levi C. Page; for Surveyor, Charles Winstead. f . Speeches wero inde by .Ir. Ca rey, Prof. Fleet ana others. 1 After pledging (ts support to Col. W. F. Henderson and Ih'o other charge of defalcation can be brought. The Republicans of Wake desire Ir. Chapin on Civil Rights. To the Editor of the Era : My attention has just been called to an article in the Daily News, nominations by tho Republican pa r headed "Significant," in which an ty, and requesting Mr. Fleet to ad attack is made on the Hon. James dress the people of tho different II. Headeh for- remarks alleged to townshins of the countv on tin- snb- whom a have been ;mado by meattho Frank- ject of education, the Convention pension fund : and all acts incon sistent with the provisiona of this act be, and the same are hereby, repealed. Approved, June 8, 1S7I. Civil IUffhts Mixed School We sliowed in tho 'a.-: ; r,suo of the Era that the Republicans of rhe State are in favor of equ i1 r:hs before the law for all Amer-can citizens, but oppose :he mixing of the races in schools, churches, &e. Now we propose to show up the Democracy on the subject of mLxed schools. On the lGth of May, 1S72, Horace Greeley delivered an add re - lefore tho colored people at Pougii tee risie, New York. In that address he said : "I hope the lime wiis come when our educational' ius'Uuiioiis and seminaries wilt be open to men of all races witii a freedom, with a hospitality which has never vet been enjoyed, i trust the fine will come when no man's color w II exclude him from any re! igioiu or ganization whatever. &q ihey sav, with regard to our torn 31 an schools. wt It f x m 1 euiifl nflv- I ..rri K7f " j j wiiere a sinaii ais.ric; contains out 1, sampay responded in brief and spicy ad-1 95 nr f.,mii;wi it ; r,..atr?r of tho nav! aA fii....i ..-u or cHJ iamuies, it i.s -imply :m- linton Coiivention. The article makes a small mistake- (Democratic riflnpfs tiAUpr nnhlish fnJsphnntl ni competent county officers, and cred- misreprese)tiations), in which it is itab?e representatives in the Gen- represented that I denounced the adjourned. DANIEL JOHNSON, Ch'n. J. II. Fleet, Sec'y. eral Assembly. They desire an honest administration of county affairs, prompt collection of county taxes ana a prompt settlement with the County Treasurer as well as the State Treasurer. They desire that the school taxes shall be promptly paid over to the Treasurer, and that thy Commissioners shall promptly apportion too same among the owr.sh;ps-so thafihe public schools m.i," be opened at a season most convecUnt fo parents and scholars. If these sugg-stions are heeded if :he.?e reasonable demands are met and considered in a prope; spirit, tho Jiarmony; and success of the .party ii.'che euunty will be secured beyond doulK. But if tho ticket nominated y the Court 'House Convent ion is left as it is, there is Hon. W. A. Smith for his course on the Civil Rights bill. Mr. Headen eannot bd held responsible for the views of all his supporters any more than Mr. Davis. Is Mr. Davis pre pared to endorse the views of all his supporters, say Jo. Turner, for in stance. Mr. Headen was not pres ent in the Convention, therefore he had no opportunity of endorsing me or defending Mr. Smith, and in the next place I made no attack on the Hon. W. A. Smith for his course on the Civil Rights bill, or even re ferred to it in any way. -. . Although my views or oninions mav hRnfliHlpmnuvmonno vat u persons 111 interest, may attend anl is well known in this narfc nf iha, show H?' if a.".y thev have, why the RiliSfi -1 ?"i?S prayer of the saiU peuiionor.honlii not . n T. ,.T. . uipuaeu be granted.- And tbat the second and rirst brougntiprward by those reat mo an place, IN B ANItRUPTC Y. "VTOTICE IS IIEIEEIIV (;iVl'., JL1( tJiat a petition has been filed in iln District Court of the . United States f.r the Eastern District of North Carolina by Jos. W. Kimbell, cf Nash eounlv, in said District, duly declared a Bank rupt under the actof Congress or March 2d, 18i7t for a discharge and ccj ; ijca thereof from alibis dehLs and other claims provable undersold act, and that the 29th day or June, 1H74, at 10 o'clock, a. m., at the olU-jo 01 A. W. Sliaircr, Kei .ter in Danki uptcr, inltaleh, N. C, is assigned lor the hearing of tho same, when and where all c. editors. who have proved their deb:s, and other Democratic lisrhts, Horace Greelev and Charles Sumner. A. B. CHAPIN. Had ley's Mill.?, June 21st, 1871. music by the Asheboro Brass Band. i'i T" s v .J' ! ""w " F'wuiugs ui schon! ajhI in thtwo r-K tr, foe of . a.u rU., 7. 7 . V . , . . . v" -w --jr I ' ' ' ' a uiiitjHvl .U5 1U lit UVc no ;i-.pe of su ces. Let there be no action, iet there be no crimination The discussion between Col. Hen- or recrimination. Let the Commit- derson and Gen. Scales came olf on j Fair IMay. iemier, or hasty To the Editor of the Era: this meeting j be sent to the and Kaleteh JSew Era for IGeneral nature No. 41. J AN ACT to facilitate the expor tation of distilled spirits, and amendatory of the acts in relation thereto. ... Be it enacted by the Senate arid House of Kepresentatives of the unuea btatcs of Amer ra In rvm. North State publication. 1 There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. JOEL ASH WORTH, Ch'n. C. V. .Woollen, Sec'y chi I di tit is to not have anv Monday, June 22d, 1874. Kach of j them spoke one and a half hours in school with white say that they shall school whatever." The Democratic party were so much pleased with Mr. Greeley's sentiments in regard to the uoliii- Mat - has a. heart the good of the joint discussion ; and notwithstand- Bankrupt New-fierne. N. C. June 11. 1874. C1IAS. K. TINKI5U, Clerk. Buns fc Williams, Attorneys. 51 lav3w THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE. Tliat on the 9th iiay of June, A. 1. 1874, a warrant in Car.kruptey ;i a snM out or the Di?tri -t Uoart o the Unites! States for the Eastern I;-tnct of North Carolina, ngibmt thec-'afe ot Harvil Harris, of Henderson, i.i tho county of OranviHo, and Siato of NorUi Carolina, who ha htou a iju n entire pi will b we:! in tne countv. and all 9 Otherwise, vice versa. Ir. C. Im. Cook, of Wilkes. y Nomiuatcd for Congress. i - . The Wilmincrton. N. CL. los sax-s mi ana social equality of the races Delegates (says the Statesville tliat, for the first time since the war. that in less than two months nflpr lmeAfia;i from tho smrm-ui mim. , - ... T l - - - . - ' - vM...- mere is a plethora of monev in tlm u.,,intu S SJXR??"!! nSPte "r th'hfX""- nominated him a, tl.eh- oandi- DUtr'et, ambled at Yadkinville. breath appealed to hi., Democratic " " MVJ I . . . . I . I AT" Z 1 A A 1 1 . 9 asked 12 to 18 per cent: It savs aaie ,or highest office :n the 'iuesany, to select a suitable candi- if1-" ,u out ai.H "nn in a11 there is no business in Wilmimrton pift of tho Amprin npnn'P Ar ' rlAtnnri rl.A TprnMiM f?Puf . ine democrats on tne aay ol eiec- .i ,. ;; .... - fc" I v r I ..v.w I nnn cn oa to innn tr oftvnf 1,Sr represent vhis District m the next Henderson rose nnd ifTnm mjr tins was the i anoointment Messrs. tScales and the Democracy fee grot the worst of it, as soon as Gen. Scales, who had the last speech. closed, one well known Strudwick was ei ven a chance at our candidate. Col.Henderson as his competitor had failed to meet the issues. He said H. was a man of straw, hutat the next Of That tho on hi payment own L'c.y.ou: of anv tlehts. I Henderson, and and tlie delivery or a:iy pr.;ei tvr bo iingr that they had ln&'sto Mich bankrupt, to U'xmv that will bear such rate. It owner or owners of distilled snirirs shall dosire to withdraw the same from anv distil I prv hnnr?! warehouse for exportation nnrlpr existing law, such owner or owners may at their option, in lieu of exe cuting an export bond as now pro vided by law, give a transportation bond with sureties satisfarv tn tho collector of internal and under such rules and regula- uuus as uie secreiary or the Treas ury may prescribe, conditioned for the jdue delivery thereof on tni K S,?2I" Tftaion, ' 1,0 P'. by drinking buttermilk. They these lJemocrats, after! (hey have SSS hCK SSJL S?le. ''y failed in their gigantic effort to fiiS- of export, too exported or ..wmVn I mkXtVr r niUUar enCCt !. clal quality. In TMOT -! t- oKr.11 t 1 , 1 .... I . j w. uuii uuttouau nil in t-f l ih r fi v nnriti a. - .j ..m.j :?"r "Vx"0,".?1 l" uunnlngham, the murderer the payment of anv l Rnmnpp. tho nnrfimii. I r'.nA A W9 . 4 1 A W 1 A I avi v uca Liir: uun k m m i a f w imroF tuoir a, " auvocaie oi xur. man four, five or six per cent, to I xuirouu nis civu rigit3 o.a i depositors, and that eight per cent. I the Senate of the Uuited States, .i J- "oul,u cnarge oorrpwere, and the Democrats seemed anxious dunrVyVh,Ch is to have a man in the;1Pres!de.'3 vuciit yu vi uuivi uui ;Veo me Dili II The Wlmlncton kartells of an 1V !"uum 1 1?3 V " : 1 entire family bein? DoLsonwl in thf . ssow Wltn whav onn.r.Mteney m or for his use. and the transfer of anv property, by him, are forbi.lden by law; xnat a meeting or tno -rrlitorM of said bankrupt, toiovo their deb:., and to choose one or mere assignee of his estate, will be held at a Court ot Bankruptcy, to le hoMen at R!i-ih, N. C, before A. W. Shalfer, Itev'isu r, on the lth day of Juno, A. 1. 1874, at 10 o'clock, A. M. JOSHUA D. IIILTw, Deputy Marshal as Messenger. Chas.'M. Cooke, Attorney. 5lw3v Greeley, had just Congress. In the absence of the only a man of straw, they need THIS Is.TO G.IVB NpWCB, That a introduced his civil rights bill into proceedings had, which have not PA emselves to any trouble, TlVoS p! Dever .1. .. . i nui innr itrra wa artrtmexrt xxrit inh nrn i . . . . - yet come to hand, we can merely ? vn!,,MOWed whlJ PS SceJa W u.,ie state that the invention was large- IcmlOiTRn TtRPTTRT.Tr! a w ' hll' b?Z setting, forth his intention to "? Stembur?, nelr OM IFort Sade port the same, and tho name of tho a full coSesiiM. ' ade the churches and schoOiS upon the people of the country- what righ t hi ve they to charge their acts on the llepublican party ? . '1 large- attcndei.1, tho nreatest harmonv and enthusiasm prevailed, and after a friendly consultation, Dr. C. L. Cook, of Wilkes, was chosen unan imously rbr the position. Dr. Cook was present, accepted and made an able address to the assemblage. The choice is a most excellent one. Dr. Cook is no stranger to a large number ' , of our ; citizens. ; He is a gentleman of talents and has a con ACOIiORED REPUBLIC A N". Milton June 23d, 1874. . j- ; r In Syracuse, New York, on the 24th iusti, the roof of a church fell in, killing nineteen persons, mostly young ladies. Several others are so badly injured that their lives are despaired of. The cause of the dis aster was the defective construction or the building supporting the truss, which was composed of planks spiked together. Tho excitement is very great. the 2d day of July, 1874. at 10 o'clock a. m., for the purposes named in tho 27th and 28th sections of the Bankrupt Act of March 2, 1867. VV. J. HAWKINS. 'WALTER CLARK, Trustees. Raleigh, N. C, June 22, 1871. 2t THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, That I have boon appointed the Assignee of the estate, and effects' of Thomas Edgerton, of Johnston county, N. C, by the United States District Court for the Eastern District of North Carolina. JOSHUA B. HILL, Assignee. Raleigh, June 8, 1874, d-2t