WEEKLY ERA. THURSDAY, JULY 2, 1874. LOCAL AND STATE, appointment. Hon. Kenneth" ' iiayncr, of Mississippi, has been ..nnninted bvthe President oneof! the Commissioners on the part of i his country to make awards under the Geneva arbitration. MaiiriD. Co!. Robert M. Doug las, U. 8. Marshal for tho Western District of North Carolina, was uni ted In marnago on the evening of tho 23d Inst., to Miss Jessie M., daughter of 'Judge Robt. P. Dick. The ceremony took place at Dun- Icath, tho residence of tho bride's father, near Greensboro, and was solemnized after the Catholic Church, of Douglas is a member. Election of Pbesi dent. The li urdof Directors of the Atactic :iiid XoVth Carolina R. R., held a ma ting at New-Berne on Friday, Ik iXith Inst., and elected Col. I. W. Humphrey, of Way no county, I 'resident. The Fair Geounds Celebra tion. The celebration and dinner on the2ih Inst., in aid of theOx- A hen was killed in Edgecombe counly cn the 221 ins., from which live son ana nve hard exiis were taken. Miss Jane Lanier, of Brunswick county, was struck and killed by Jig'it!in g on Wednesday, the 24?li mat. ; The mill of Mr. Pleasant Ralcliff, near the scene of the lato accident ritual of the I on tne Cenlr.;! read, was burned on ine iu:n inst. los $ i ,ouu or ?z,uuu. J. M. Covington, of Caswell coun ty, his fitted up a circus and will give hi-, tlrst exhibition about the 1st of July, i which Col. The Stockholders of the A., T.fe Ohio Railroad will meet m Cnar- GKAND Mass Meeting. The K. publicans of Nash county will iifttd h crjiid mas meeting at Nash ville, on Saturday, 4th day of July, from Fayetfevillo and the Salem . -- t I Kon1 Af "Til o1y1- tli a 1 1 fiRmum lion. J. JL lleauen, iiepuuucan ford Orphan Asylum, was a great lotie on the 2d of July, and not the sucves?, considering the extreme heat and the lu.y time with our country friend. In the morning extra trains from different points brought to the city a large number of persons including, the military r.mdidato for Congress, Mr. J. C. L. Harris. Republican candidate for : w a Solicitor, and others will ai iin-ss the Deopie. Let mere do a full turn out. td McAPK.-On 'luesday evening, tin 2id inst., Benjamin Jones, a colored prisoner, made his escape i ruin the jail yard in this city, and :i lul accounts was still at large. 1 1 - was in the jail yard cutting uod, when, watchiug his chances, lie dodged the keeper and took to hi-; heels. Ben was confined for scaling harness, but his trial h;id not taken place. Lxcei.en- has ar- ful'owhig gentleman A lTOlXTMEN'TS. i I3 Governor Caluweli, pointed the Directors on the part of the S'nte in u Atlantic and North Carolina Kailroad: L. W. Humphrey, R. V. King, C. II. IL'rper, M. E. Manly, L. J. iloore, .1. C. Rhodes, s. L. Gihhle and Jacob Y. Soo't. Anthony Davis, of Lenoir, is s-ate's proxy. band. At 10 o'clock the different orders, soldiers and chizens assem bled in the enpitol square and marched to the ilanrrlt street sta tion, accompanied by the Salem Brass Band. Arriving at tho Fair Grounds, the procession repaired to the Grand Stand and listened to the excellent speech of Rev. A. W. Mangum, the orator of the occasion. Dinner v:is served in F'oral Hall and was nre-Ided over bv some of our mot ikmu::..;: and arcoinpusiv ed ladies. The crowd in at mid ance m ei;mHttd to have been about 1.500. and t-verythin parised off WC?. The F:yeteviUe military and S;;Ijm B-uh Baud were highly Ime'iied by our people, and froniwha; ome of Vc ladle? said about ' he g jod looks of the s mn- gers, our R:Icigh hoys had better spur up. 9tn, iw heretofore announced. Dr. Hoge, of Richmond, a distin guished Presbyterian minister, will preach in Greensboro on the zsth inst. There is a white woman in Wil mington who lus lately given birth to a male child, the ieft half of whose face is of a dark color. A grand masquerade ban was gi ven at the Atlantic Hotel, Beau fort, oa Thursday night, the 25th ins:. Hon. W. A. Graham leaves for Washington m a few days as arbi trator in the Virginia and Maryland boundary case. For the week ending Saturday, the 20th inst., there were slaughter ed In the Wilmington market 8G beeves, GSshcvp, Scalvcsand 4 hogs. Rev. Joseph W. B'ythe, of Hen derson county, died oa tho 11 inst. He had been a Baptist minister for 1 he last 18 or 20 years. S me scoundrel threw a rook info an f xur-ion rram on mo vt eern Nir!i Ca.o": :a Railroad lafe:y, killing g a H.r. aim. A Ma- ulc 1-s the 0.I:rd Orj recemiy heid at hoy xtnd nearly rxe;r:s. abo it (i i vai f r i ho relief of !iari Asylum, was . ;v.ke!rboro. ine asi ve ot expanses, wc-re Tae Pro- nirthe The "geritV-raau iib'.ack," who the tutelar demon of dram-shops, Hv-utnes hi9sour.t asprci when the ni!id orores of Vh-egar Bitters is re ported "down below." Vegetable Ton; rsp'ay 'mischief with his bit:, rs fired with rum. All diseases which those de motiiac nostrums aggnva-e, un 1. v pretense of relieving, such as n.digestion, sick headache, cot fil iation, rheumatism, gout, and in termittent fevers are cured by it. A i;uKiTEi.-On Weo,r.e.?day s ?g Jlte L'lth inst., a party of while u rolored men succeeded in caj ' ulng iho man, John Alien B'.nke, w?o .ommiitetl the outr.-ge upoi Miss Ariianglments fou Laying THE LoRSEU bT )NK. 1119 IOjiOW- ing programme will be observed by th? Masiiidc fraieniitv on the oc- various L-ev ent societies propose tne j- ir Oxford to unse upon poe or" ra'sing Orphan Asy- C. -1 1! 'i . the ti'.-w t:ie eornvr stone ff to r. Po-!t-fli(V, oa ? CiJiirt House and .Sdurd t, the 4th Haley, near Moriisvl 'o, on the 22d He was fo'ind at the he-use of inst. Win. ia Wake county, and bro-jgh'. o Wheeler, nearllo !y SprhMgs, this city, where he is row o t.ie pe: crime. awaiting trial. Make has con tossed t ration of the h.e'Hsh U aliout twenty-iwo years o very black, and is po -essed brutal appearance. pp. He 1 ,Tf cf a High Compliment. I:i the Jolniatoii County Democratic Con vention, which met lately, the coin- nuiiee on nominations, we icarn, refused to entertain the claims of any man as a member of the Legis lature who declined to pledge him-M-Ifin favor of the repeal of the clause in the consolidation hill, in trnded to ban Hon. W.A.Smith as a director. This action shows that the masses of t.v-e people havo no sympathy with those who at tempted to perpetrate this malicious wrong upon the rights of a citizen, and it further demonstrates the strong hold Maj. Smith has vpon the aflri'tions tu .ho people of ail Ha-ts in his u.:ive cem'y. Thieves. On i:g"r, ine-i n inst., a ut fun; eat1 ages, pr ions, Ac, 'cv h erifn)!!! .he garden of Dr. K. (iAKI)KN d..y night. Satur- of At thh Havwood, in this lily. asonofthe year garden robberies are common. r-. A!bf rt Joh-jscn, f i his city, is the inventor o;"an alarm un which won id yrove of J: rent atl vantage in keeping off de predators. It is so r.rrand that if persons enter the gar ien nt a:;y point they am a!:noiA sure to touch a spring fixed for the purpose, when the guri will immediately explode. It shoots in fourdifTe-ent l:rect;os at the same time. T.'oy hj'e hen tried with perfect success. Too priit we believe, is only $2.50. John Allen Ketciiey. This notorious individual paid the jk :i alty (if his crimes by hanc:ng at Salisbury on Friday, he So-.!, ii.s". Although he denied thecomiirhm oi ine fecial act lor wiiiCi ne was tried and convicted,- yet he ac knowledged the perpetration of everal ouirages ujon the person and property of sundry citizens. He was a man of fine physique, and judgiug from his remarkable ex ploits was iossersed of a bold and daring disposition. Efforts were made to havo his sentence com muted to imprisonment for life, but His Kxcellency, Gov. CaUlwell, could find no mitigitlrg circum stances connected with t.'ie casa sufficient to justify him in interfer ing with Its execution. Ju!y. Ti e (i .and Lo I-e will cssemble at Masonic II all promptly at 9 o'clock, a. in. Tho procession will be formed ou Dawson street, near Iliiis'ooro, in the following order : 3fufie. Ci i -Hid Tiler, wi!i l):awii Sword. Urard Stewads, wi h Whie Itods. IMr.sier Mason?, Dor hie Rank. Principal Architect, with Square, IjOWi ;im! luinb. Grand Secretary and Grand Treas urer. Elblo, Square aul Compasses, car ried by an Ac'ig orl'ast Master or a L.'xlge. Grind Chapir.in. P-'.st Grand blasters. Pas; vu'y Grand Wi idens. Junicr Grand Warden, eairyiug the silver ve.401 witn ou. Senior Grand Warden, carrying the silver vessel w :ta w:ne. Di puty G'-and blaster, carrying the cro.cien v-.sei m .na orn. raster o' f heoUPst Lo.Ige, carrying the liook oi t;onst::u!:OiJs. Grand Mas'er supported hy two J ea co n s w 1 : a rod s. Grand Sword le:.rer, with Drawn Sword. His Exct!?oicy, the - Governor, MajTor Ilnhlen, and otiier State and city ofik-.rs will be assigned proper places and will march with the order to the s;.te of tho new build iug where the ceremonies will bo conduct ed by Hon. E. G. Reade, Past Grand Master. STATE. of Stokes Ti e b'eckberry crop county Is very large. The po-st office at Moi ver. has been temporarily dift:i tinted. T!;e Rowan Rifle Guard has been ro:va:r!zed in Salishury. Drt was broken on the Wilming ton Coast Railway on the 20th ins:. All through the Western part of tha ta.e the whe;.t c.op is good. Charlotte is trying to organize a new fire company. Ripe peaches are becoming plen tifu! in New-Berne. iiip3 ArMMr-r ll.O oiliest i to.- i'ate, died at Mor- 1 p; li'te.- i gar. r Oi; .i It) ;ist. A 11,. tew C a..r. l'.a v V ' M'tem;.'ed tocom r rsytlie counly a , 1 v re! 11 Iv. e'.v't h;;s L eea or 0.1 t:ie Caroii- . e . i . on Roc: ;t was drowned ie L'ith its., 111 a ru-county. ( 'arrow ha declined tho in : r Senator from tiie -d 't!:i' -sduv. 1 R.vcr, t'a lo.ed man Sied in Wilming- bleeding at the A tonmer.ily from nose. Gold badge are preheated by the Wiimuigton fire cvi:rjanies to the inoL efficient members. The Charlotte excursionists are having a goo I time in and around WilmiJgtoii. There are wen fy-lour candidates for eond;ctor3' places on the A.& N. G. Rai'road. " An invoice 012,000 broom handles has lately beea ieceived in New Br.e. Eighty miles of the Wilmington and We; d on Railroad have lutely been relaid wiih new iron. The colored man near New-Berne who was first saH to havo a frog in his stomach, has died of dropsy. Rev. Frank Sandford ha3 retired from the editorship of the Rocking ham Courier. R. Ii. Perry, late of iho Baltimore and New-Berne Steamship Com pany, has retired, and is succeeded by 5r. S. Easton. doubtiu;. liis righf of Charlo1 some ian 101 t urn is for t!ie lum. The AsheviiJe CUh? says: Cant. W. M. Manchester has succeeded in cap.unng John Li. Crane, a coun- iciieiter, whom lie ioilowed to Louisvil'e, Kv. Tliere is a man in Wilmington tliiriv vears olil who was born and raised there, hut never was in the Court House until ved net-day, 17lh in Capt. J. C. Mi:ls, of Brindletown, Burke couu'v, struck some rich grave about two weeks ago wh-eh leidttl GUV pennyweights 01 gOiU io ihe hand per day. The lii'.Io lovs and crirls of Mor- canton have formed themselves into an onti-tobacco society, in viileh t":ey pleilgo to at)stain from t he weed d u rl ng i i fe. Col. D vls, of Warren county,has cut S4 j worth of c over from two acrrs, ard lias enough left to pas- tare several horse for two months before it is tnizad down. In that t mo the clover will do to cut a second time. Capt. F. M. Wooton, who wa3 injured hy tbi lato accident on the ; 'entralRa'-road, is up again. Mr. Sinclair is st.l M in a very dangerous condition, ana n:s recovery is very aL: Huntey, wno naa eg broken, has been re moved to h"s home in Wadesboro, and although suffering intensely, is in no immediate danger. The Wilmington Journal says the Chairman of Committee on River and Bir Improvements has received a dispatch from Hon. T. S. Ashe, Washington City, which announces that the Conference Commit 'ee reported $150,000 for the Capo Fear Works, and that the re port had been agreed to. The Elizabeth City and Norfolk Railroad Company was organized on the 12th, with D. G. Bash, Pres ident; W. H. Taylor, Vice-Presi-den; W. A. Green leaf, Secretary; R. F. Overman, Treasurer; W. F. Martin, Counsel ; II. T. Greecleaf, Engineer. A contract to build the road was at once entered into with Sydney G. Miller, of New York. Says the Monroe Enquirer: Mr. Geo. W. Huntly, of Wadesboro, who was dangerously injured hy having hoth legs crushed by the terribie accident on the C. C. Rail- -W -V 1 1 1 ! wav, irtst weanesuay, lsamemoer of the firm of Kenn ill, Huntly & Co.. merchants of Vadesboro. He is about 123 years of age, and is one of the cleverest gentlemen we ever knew, and ii. was w:h deep regret we heard of this ierrible ace. dent. Cherry Mountain is situated twenty mi.es from Shelby, Cieave- md couaty. It derived its name i-i he following manner : Eighty years ago a man named Meiion brought from Virginia and planted a dozen cherry trees on this moun.a:u. S.nca then, birds and man havo scattered tho seeds for mi:cs. isow tiiLS mouuiain is ia mousfor i's gigantic and prolific cherry trees, numbering about 500, which produce Juscious blr.ckand red cherries; the.e trees rival in size and height tho huge oaks of the forest. One day last week, we paid a visit to No. G gold mine, which :s situa ted one mile from Murphy, and found it all hfe and activity out there. This mine has had a varied and exciting history running back fbr twenty years. Recently it was purchased by tho Messrs. lenoirs, of Tennessee, who are now erecting a splendid set ot worxs, under the superiniendency of Capt. F. F. Oram, one of tno most experienced miners in the United btates. 'lhe mice yields gold and argentiferous galena, and when properly opened and worked under good manage ment will, no doub pay largely for .. a a. . mi -7 ;n 1 me investment, idb mine wiu 00 worked by a 35 feet water wheel which is being put up near the mine, and which will crush the ore and run all the machinery used at the mine. Tne machinery is all of the best quality, and is being put up in workmanlike style, and reflects great craditon Capt. Oram'sskill asa mining engineer, we snail speaK of it again as the work progresses. Cherokee Herald. General News. mmmm urn 4 Congress adjourned at 4 o'clock, p. m., on the Zia inst. I Samuel Meyers, the theatrical manager of Chicago, is dead. The bill removing the disabilities of Robt. Tansill and Marcellus Christian, of Virginia, has passed. . Tho appropriation for the flood sufferers of the Southwest has been reduced to $400,000. .. " A bill lias passed to improve the Octanoula river in Georgia. It ap propriates $10,000. I The President ha9 signed the cur rency bill and tho bill ( for the gov ernment of the District of Columbia. The President, at last accounts, was at the White Sulphur Springs, W. Va. The President, accompanied by Mrs. Grant, left for a brief visit to West Virginia o:i the 2tinsr. Queen Victoria wiil arrive in Russia on a visit to the; Czar, about tho loth tf September, f Theie was another iunsucceful ballot for Senator fsom Rhode Is'and on the 25?h inst. Burnside received 13 votes. j Five thousand doliail? were sent from San Francisco o i the 25th inst. to ihe ilood suiferei of the South West. ! The statue of Ex-Pre&ident Fier- son, or Yale College, was unveiled on tht 25! h inst. Chief Justice Waite was among the speakers. i Eigene Hale has been appoint td Paymaster General, vi'e Cresweli, resigned. It is rejorteci that Cres wel! goes as Minister to Austria. ! The last legislative ?ct of iheses- s.o.i was the bin removing the dis abilities of James L,. Ffacrh. of Ala bama. ; io:,aer ineffectual t ballot mi fi.eSU inst. for U. S. a tor was Sen- Vo!n Rhode Island. Burnside roco. A "a ed 11 votes. number has been satisfactory to me, and I know it will so prove to the country at large.; ; . Yours very truly, - - U. S. Grant. To Hon. J. A. J. Creswell, . v Post master General. The following valuable informa tion has been telegraphed for the benefit of capitalists throughout the country: The Comptroller of the Currency is prepared to receive applications for the organization of national banks in all the Western and Southern States. Applications may be made by letter, eivingthe names of not less than tf ve shareholders of the proposed organization, which should bo accompanied with the endorsement of tho Senator or Rep resentative of the District where the bank is to Ins located, giving satisfactory information in refer ence to the character and means of the applicants. Applications will be considered immediately upon their receipt, and if-approved the necessary forms for organization of the new banks be at once trans mitted under the new apportion ment. All Western and Southern i States, with the exception of Colo rado, Montano and Wyoming, will be entitled to an additional circula tion. The State of Indiana wiu bv3 entitled to $2:800,000; Ohio, to about $G,000,000; Minnesota, to about $(500,000 : Nebraska, to about $200,000. The other Western and Southern States will be entitled to much larger amounts. The follow ing banks have been authorized to commence business : ue r'eopie s National Bank of Rock Island, III., with a capital of $100,000; First National Bank of Belleville, I:!., $125,000 ; "Citizen's National Bank of Winchester, Ky., $126,500 ; Na tional Southern Bank of Bowling Green, Ky., $50,000; Maricon Na tional Bant of Lebanon, Ky., $G3,000. National bank notes of denominations of ten dollars ae now being issued to National Banks as heretofore. THE CAMPAIGN. Juno .1 ii ! v Congressional CANVAss.-IIon. James jtl. Ileaden, Republican can didate or Congress, will add ress the people on the political issues of the day, on tho days and at the places .mentioned below. Ail are invitel:(to hear him. Easlo HSk. Wake, Hoc'xy Mdnnt, Nsh, OastalUf Ixuislij4, Franklin, Ihiea :tare. " Hrndei on. lpnvilk Oxford. ? -Brassfield's F ran k 1 i ti t o a . 1 i a n k 1 i u . Wilsou Mill, r.l.nstuii, Elpvatk n, HmHhflcld, Princeton, CIyton. " R .esvii?e, Wake, Apex, Lashicy's X Roc .In, Wiu . Chupei Hw!, Oraas-, Mcs-nsru-ii's Sto e. Orantrc. Iickville. Ch'Iirri. Jo-ansm'scitorvi. I'hat ham. Williams'. Pace's " ' PATENT BIEUICINES. Mt. W-ruon in?, Chatham, Harper's X RouJs, s n ii ' it n r u " 17 ' H i-a .. vt -3i .V) :m - I ti 4 shooting and :aum2r of cases ocurrm m iNew YorI:aT,d Brooklyn Saturday night, the 20th inst.,1 caused by drunkenness. Tho c.'oeal:e-r of the House has ap posite' E. It. Hear, ahd Mitchel!, ot n ifc'onsm, to frame : j ermanent rni - f government for (he Dis-j-iet of Columbia. ' A su'lden rse fn -o7U took uhice in New York on the Sid inst. M. T. Pj xtt and M. Caldweijl announced to the Board that they could not meet their engagements. Franlc McI)oiia! McDonald, son the Baltimore aire, has been arrested charge of murdering; a named Berry Amos. ! of Wm. mi on llion the gambler The new law fixes the postage on papers ut iwo cents ! per pound : &Ly three; cents, and ten cents a vol magiziies, public iiocumeuts ume. Telei.r.nph'c commuincation has been established between this coun try and Brazil. The President has sent a congratulatory letter to tho Emperor. T!ie Sevate on Saturday night, 20th, agreed to an amendment to tlie apptopnation billi increasing the amount for improvement of the mouth of Cape Fear liiver to $200,- 000. A street fight took i laee on the 24th inst., at 'Richmond, Va., he tween Hon. J. Ambler JSmithand And?rson Washburaej a pension agent. The parties were separated without any damage being done. The President on the 23d inst., nominated Ex-Gov. Alex. Shep herd, Ex-Postmaster Dennisqn and Henry T. Blow, Provisional Com missioners to govern iho District of Columbia. Blow and Denr.ison were confirmed and She herd was reject ed hy 33 to 0. ! The President suh stituted A. G. Cattel, of N. J. who was confirmed A bill has passed the Senate re moving the disabilities of E. E. Winder, L. E. Eomax and Geo. E. Pickett, of Virginia: Richard T. Alpon, J. W. Bennett, A. S. Taylor and Geo. V. Hollins, df Maryland; Sardin G. Stone and Jos. Wheeler, of Alabama. i Tiie Senate has confirmed the following appointments: Lyman R. Bass, of New York, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury; Bluford Wilson, Solicitor of tiie Treasury ; Robert M. Douglas, Marshal of Western North Carolina, and Benj. J. Morey, Appraiser of Merchandise at New Orleans. The following is "a description of the closing scenes of the House of Representatives on Saturday mglr, the 20th inst: " Copious supplies of "emonade and i?ed tea were furnished in th9 ante rooms with the closing hours of Congress. The determination and energy of the Lrbby grows stronger. Old and famihar faces are seen at the doors hi earnest re newals ot appeals to Con gressmen to make final efforts in behalf of their claims for the last time. The lady lobbyists are not in great num bers, but they are the most impor tunate. Many of the CoEgressmen have already made arrangements to eave Washington in the earliest trains after the adjournment. Postmaster General Cf swell i:i a letter to the President of date the 24th icrt., resigned hu place in the Cabinet. The following is tiie re ply of 'he President accepting the resignation : Executive Mansion, Washington, D. C, June 24. Jlj Dear Sir: As I expressed to you verbally this morning when you tendered your resignation of the onice of Postmaster General, it is witn ine aeepess regret to me that you should have felt such a course necessary. You are tho last of tkfe original members of the Cab inet named by mo as I was enter ing upon my present duties, and it makes me feel as if old associations were being broken upr that I had hoped might be continued through my official life. In separating offi cially, I have but two hopes to ex press. First, I may get a successor who wii! be as fiiitiif tf and efficient in the performance of the duties of the office you resign ; second, a per sonal friend that I can have the same attachment for. : Your record latest News. Thos. C. Wrimer?, actor and manager, commuted suicide in New York on the 27th inst. Mr. Hale, the new Post Master General, enters upon his duties on the 1st of July. The Czar of Rus ia has bar.ished his nephew, the Grand Duke Nich olas, for life, on account of stealing his mothers diamonds. Wm. McCormkk, a bu'che-, died in New York on the 20th inst., of hydrophobia. He. was bitten hy a dojr about a month ago. At Barn urn's Hippodrome, in New York, on the Loth in 4t.f a h'-rsa Wii s i ti stan t !y kill 1 1 d u ri n g a h n r dle nv.iQ and the female rider prob ably fatally injured. The President and Mrs. Grant arrived in Ch.irlosi.own, West Va., on tiie zih insr. a lar crnva met him at the depot, lie is quar tered with his cousin, Co.. Swaun. Tiie following is the New York bank statement as published on tho 27ih inst. : Eoans decreased two and three quarters of a million specie decreased quarter ot a mil lion : legal tenders increased one million ; deposits increased fiveand three-eighths of a million : reserves decreased nearly half a million. Bids for supplying official envel opes to post mas'ers throughout the United States, were opened in Washington on the 2bth inst., with the iollowmg result: Geo. F. Nesbit & Co., New York, 254.910 ; Morgan Envelope Co., Springfield, Mass., 24,545 : Geo. H. itay, New York, 23,G95. The nunibtr of en velopes is eleven million nine hun dred thousand. The following is the New York comparative cot too statement: For week ending June, ilbdi, 112,- 42G ; same week iust year, 18,888 ; total to date, 3,702,494 ; same date last year, 3,481,803. ' Exports for the week, 15,441 ; same week last year, 24,995; totalio date, 1,814,737; to same date last year, 2,448,058. Stock at all United States ports, 244,440; last year, 205,415. At all the interior towns, 41,003 ; last year, 39,G13. At Liverpool, 9G0,C00 ; last year, 882,000. The American afloat tor Great Bntian, 12o,000; last year, 160,000. One of the most important meas ures passed by Congress, was a bill the President to ap point a commission ot engineers, composed of three army and two civil engineers, to report at tho next session of Congress, through tho President, a plan for tiie per manent reclamation and redemp tion of the alluvial ba.in of the The board will prob of the following of- an f.h j! Appointment:. Cut. W. F. Henderson, Republ nominee for Congress ,i the Y District, will ddre.-w"h:s fellow-citizens at the following times and places ; S: one's Store. Profit on J Sick, D:tnburjp,- Wn Lnut- Oov?, tokes. o R.R.R. RADWAY'S READY BELIEF CURES THE WORST PAIUS In from One to Twenty Minutes. NOT ONE HOUR after rea tins this mAmrt1immnt imJ an stroma wrra paiic. l KDWAT3 HEAD T RELIEF 13 A CU1B F01 ETKHY PAIN. It wuUte first and la THo Only 3?aln Homody P' 'wunttygtopsthe most cxeraeUtln vahML J1tc iiiUtmmatinna, and care ComreaUAaa, kUwr tb o"e .ppWj Ik,WeU r OUl,r or wr. is niosi one to tTTESTTircrcwat. RAD WAY'S READY RELIEF IXFL.MATION Of THE KIDnYt INFLAMMATION or TITR BT innB I.NrLAMMATIO.N OK TUB BOWELS CONOE8TION OV TTTE f mrnn SORS THROAT, DIFFICULT FRKATHIV Lvxas- PALPITATION OF THE RKltT HTSTERICS, CROUP, WPTHER1A. AT. nEADACnE. TOOTIlACHKCATX,mir- VTyzx. KRCRALGIA, SnZTlCATISlC. COLD CniLLS, AGUE CHILLS. The application of tha Rdy Reltcfto tha part or r aru where ttie pain or dUUcalt exiata will aXTord taa and Comfort Twenty dropa In half a tumbler of water wftl In a few moment cure CRAMPS. 8PA8M3L BOl'R STOMACH. ! MCK IIKAUACHB, diarrhoka. Tue? la ,-. Fri'lJiy. Sal ut-lay, June I'VSENTKRY. COLIC WIND a-M ail INTERNAL PATXa i ravo'.er nhrvuhl tltriri i IN TUB AoWELtC Ieul!icaii .Speai!ir. irfou. John A. Hvmiin. J. C. Y. Hairls, Kwj., V. P. I :.-on, Iq., J. E.fOHara. Eq., T. M. Av-n. others, wi.l the liie fo'i:oviiijr in'esnnd E-q., sxr.d p pop 1 4 t place: J act? so. Rulu.'da;.. Ju'v J. Wei-Ion, Tue.lay, J : y NEW AIVERTISE:ili3XTS. a day (iuaiiati.i:d iikiiig- our W iZI.L. AUCillS A: ia foud lerrilory, lln dorsed by Gorcrnors of A1S KASAS aitl D.IIa.O'l'A uta:ograo f.eo. C;3I:2S,.St. Loi:i ;, 32 1. Coughs, For Colds, IIoo ilississippi. ably consist Ccers : Gen. G. . and a:i T 'jro t Miscast-?, j USK Wells' CaAolio TaTAets, l'ui. D? oljrin LLCU luxes A TIlIEi & sui:e remedy. Soldi by Druggists. - 2 4w LIVINGSTONE IS DEAdT For; 30 ye:i".s mi": i.;us h.?.ve hu'itily wa Celled, his perilous yet iiPr.lc nig gles, and gr-n:d achiov?iien:s, :n-l now eagerly desire the complete si'-' h tory ol' this wor -' '-renowned iieroanJ bene factor,' which uui'ulus a":si the curiosities aud wealih f a wlIJ aul voti-.!cri'ul country. It i t just rendy. () agei'Js wanted qxr.e'i.y. Oim aent sole 184, anot her li.Jope week. I''r . : s, address UiiBAKD Ul?OSM either Piiilade'pliia, Boston, or CiiKiu:in:i, O. 24.W. 2 PIANOS AND OUCIAKS new and second-hand, of lirst class makers, will be sold at lower prices for cash, or on installments, or for rent, in city or country, dnriny; this month, by Horace Waters fc Son, No. 481 Broadway, than ever before oliered in New-York Speciality: Pianos and Organs to lot until the rent money pays the price of the instrument. Illustra ted cata'ogues mailed. A large discount to ministers, churches, schools, lodges, fec, fec. 2 4w FOREWARNED, FGiEEAKHIED. To be forearmed now when you are threatened with all the ailments caused by debilitating Spring and Summer weather is to make free use of JUKIJBEBA. which will make the Liver active, as sist Digestion, Purify the blood, strengthen the Uterine and Urinary or gans, invigorate the system, and make you enjoy life as you ought. Price $1 a bottle. John Q. Kellogg, New York. 2 4r !?r hrmiil alw.ra carry a bottla tf Tim A. wr Ktady IXeller with tham. A faw dropa In wnifr will prevent icanaa or pain from rhang f warr. It U better than Frciictk Uraod or Slttcra as FEVER AND AGUE rEVHil AXD AOtB cnrM for flftr canta. TJMra a not a remedial apnt In thu i world that will ear Tarar end atnie and all other Mala rtooa, Bllonaj SearUt. Trphold, Yellow, and othr Tr (aMad br HAD WAY S PILLS) ao quick aa RADWAT h Kg Iffj LIKF. FUty cenu par botua. .. HEALTH! BEAUTY!! mwimi am i i ivK Kirn BiAnm iJrrRKARH OF FLKSH ANI WEIGHT ,LKAR 8KIM ANIa BEAUl lKt'L COMl'LKXION ECUSSI TO A I T DR. RADWAYfS Sarsaparilliaii Resolvent VHE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. HAS MAPE THE MOST ARTONTSniXfl vTRBg: SO ' QL'HK. SO RAPII ARK THE CHANOEti. Til K liODY UNOEKOOKd, UNDER THE INFLUENCK K THIS 1'HULY WONnfiarUI XI1C1S. THAT , - Every Day an Increase in Flesh aufl Hw is Seen an! Felt. Ercry r,i (f hc RARSArARTttlAV RKSOL VKN'T ctniiT!ii!lc!ii'M tlirotiRh th Blood, Hweat, lrrlnt an. I other I'luil.4 end juk-eaof the arttam tha Iff or of life, for it re;-ars the wastes of tha body with naw and ouud material. 8 c rot u la. Pyphllta, Conaaraatlon. Glandnlnr lln'ase, L'lcera in the throat. Month. Ta mers. No lcsin thoGlandnandother paruof thefrtm, Soro Eyes. Strnmorous diachartcea rrorn the Barf, and tha worst form of Skin diaea.iea, Eraptlona, rarer Sores, Scald Head, Ring Worm, Salt Rheam, Erraipalaa, Acne, Black Spots, Worma in the Fleab, Tnmora, Can. ccrs in the Womb, and all weakening and painful (Un charges, Nitf ht Swcata, Losa of Sperm and ail waatei of the lite prlnclpie, are within the curative range of thif wonder of Modern CheinUtrv, and a few day tun w lit Srovo to any person usiug it for either of thcaa furnu of iease iti potent power to cure them. If the patient, daily becoming reduced by the wastee and decomposition that Is continually progresalng, euc creJu in arresting these waste, and repalra the aam with norv natrrlal mado from healthy blood and thia the SAR.-UI'AIULLIAN will and does aeenre curja is certain; for xvlijn o:ico this remedy commence It) work of purification, mid auccecda In dlminishlag tha Ids of vvaKtt-R, its repairs will bo rapfd. and every day t!: patient will feel himself growing better and atroneer. the mod di'esiin better, appetite improving, aud ties and weight incrcuning. Not only does the Sarsaparjllh! Rmoitutt excel all known remedial genHin thecure of Chronic, 8crf l ulcus. Constitutional, nud bkin Uiaeaaes; but U Is tha c.uly poEitivc cure for Kidney t Bladder Complaints,' ' I'rinary nn;l Womb d:eas, Gravel, Diabetes, Dr Sii.ppagi-of Water. Incontinence of Urine, Brlght'i I'rinary nn;l Womb d:eas,Oravel, Diabetes, Dropay. oi ater, lncoimucnce or l rine. Bright' iila cft.se, Aiiu!ninuria, ana in all casea where there are brick dust dopoKits, or the water Is thick, cloudy, mixed with subr&i-c l:ko the white of an egg, or thread like w!ii,o s:lk, or there is a morbid, dark, bllloua appear ance, nn l v. iilic t one dut deposit, and when there la a rick nu. biiriific'Dt fisatlou when passing water, and pain iti Uic ;uaii 1 1 the Hack undj along the Lola. Tumor of IV Years9 Growth Cared by liadway's lie solvent. K. Warren. United States Engineers ; Gen. If. L. Ab Iiott, Unitei States Major ; W. H. II. Benyuard, U. S. Kng utei-s. Tiie Civil Engineers are Gov. Paul O. Heberr, of Aia'iama, and John Syckle, of Ar kansas. The requirements of the military service may require a change of I lie army engineers, but tha ajipoim inont of the civil engineers is fixed. The Board will probably meet at Newport for organization. Important changes have lale.y taken place in the Indian Terri tory. All the agents of civilized Ijpdfans have been relieved except ing B. Jones, asentof the Chero- ageney has been ites; established and a centra' it Fjti Gil)son. Ti.-e Cherokees. Chocia'.vs, Creeks, Seuii nf lesf Chicasaws and other c' vii ed Irdians, will be isnder aeut Jenes. Trds is regar led r.s an experiment on a small scale o lam ;ii:ia In dians with Stlf goeniment under future tenitoriul organ iztUion. A number of prominent Indians wiil take strong ground in coming an nual election in tavor of seeiionizing their country territorial govern ment and citizei-sliip in the United States. The Oakhthoma Sart pub lished at Caddo, in the Choctaw nation, openly advocates this doctrine. Market SuioiARY. In New York, on the 27th inst., cotton was easy at 17. Rosin dull at $2.15. Turpentine 36. Money easv, at 2Ja3. Gold lUallf. Exchange dull at 48SJ. Governments strong. States quiet. In Southern cities of the United States, cotton ranged from 15J to 18. AGEMTS WANTED FOIl THE Centennial Gazetteer of the United States. No book l.as ever been published of snch'univerKd interest toliie Auitrican people. It aj-peals to no pailicuiar class alone, but to p.ll classes; to men and women of all professions, creeds, occupations and poii.ical opinions to Farmers, Lawyers, Business Men, Me chanics, Physicians, 1'olr iciaus, 'leach ers, Students, Alaim 'ac;urers, Sa'eitnen, men of learning and men who can only read, to old anu youn. Ail want it as book of constant relerence, aud to preserve lor tue.r ciiiiuren ana ci;;i- dren's chi-dren as the only complete and reliable work, t-howin tha gigan tic results oi tha Urst one hundred year or tne greater itepuD.ic ae world ever saw. l; is nor a luxury out a necessity to eve wU Inclined American citizen; Aent- make to $J0J per month. Sen-t far ciren'str. 2 4w Pi::ade ;hif Pa. "jp0SXl03rE31E.VT OJ? SALE OF BAILEOAD PirOPEBTY. In (he Circuit Court of the United Slates-For the Western DUtrict of North CirHna. Henry Clews, Hiram Sibley and others. Plaintiffs, Against The Western North Carolina Uailroad Co., E. D. Tod It. Caldwell, Kufus Y. McAden, The First National Bank of Charlotte, John Rutherford, Hiram Kelley, Thomas G. Greenlee, James Greenlee, Mary Carson, A. H. Erwin N. H. D. WiUon, Assignee, It. M. Walker and others, Defendants. The sale of the We.Jem Xorth Caro lina KaUroaJ, ii!. D.J he.f-to:'ji e o.der ed by the Court, aau Uverti-ed ;ake place at the Coutt uouae door in ihe city of Salisbury, X. C, on the iS:h day of June, 1S74, has beeupot;oned by asub Beqnent; order of the Court, uutil the 17th day of August, A. D.1374, at which time it will-take place at the said Court-house door in Salisbury, and upon the terms aud conditions hereto fore published. B. S. GAITHER, Mornnton, K. C. MARCUS EHWIN, Asheville. Ii. C. THOMAS RUFFIN, ; Hillsboro, X. C. THOMAS B. KEOGH, Greensboro, N. C. June 24, 1874. . v 1 tds DR. RADWAY'S PerfectPTOtiveepIatingPills per' v:y tasfclca. lciranlly coated with tweet film, pur . . i-.-uiate. nurlfjr, clano and atrenathen. Had w.-r I'i'is, tor tin cure of all disorder of tho HUomach. LiM.. H.iwls, Kidneys, ltUddcr. Nerrooa Dlaaaaca. lii .iJ.i -l o. (lonstiprttion, Ctlv ii', IndlfeatioD. Dr. ptTsia, Biliousiie8f, Biiloa Kt-ver. Inflammation of in l..w i-i, Piles, and all Iraiii:einenu of tha Internal Viscera. Vurrnnd to effect 'n ponitlre cnre.; furalr iv.-uiWe, conuimiij; uo uicrcury, iuiuvraloraclatrl ourt drug ' A tew dose of KADWAVS PILLS will frea th y. te n) fruni all the alxve named dixrUera. I'rtcc.U ceuta' per Box. HOLU HY DKUOlISTS. HE.Ut "FAl-SE AND TRUE " Rend ona UtUr tail! : KA1WAT A CO. No. S3 Warren Mt. Maw Sort uiriitdtkii worth thotuanda will basant yua. ANS ! PIANOH I Striugs and Trimmings, go to BKOWKS. Raleigh April 7, 1874. QUO AND j CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES AT : BKOWX'S VARIETY STOKE, No. 10, Fayetteville Street, KALEiair, n. c. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, touch as : Guitars, lianjoes, Concertinas, Piccolos, Flageolets, 1' lutes, Rones, Drums, Violli h, Accoideons, Flutinas, Clarionets, Fifes, Triangles, Albums, Castinets, Tamborines. liarmouicas, Tu ning Forks, TFbrk Boxes, Jews-harps, Irish Harps, Jluntincr Horns. ir i i t rx l : t r i ' Strings and Trimmings. Dulcimer Wire,Drum and Uajik Snares ana Cord. Jlirds a Caces, Beads and FancW Toys, Soaps, JJJ' Croquet set? ' " .Balls ar large asso( cy andpiair . Hair, Clothes Fish Hooks S eries, Canned Nuts, ; Cake amine bily.- AgenU ebi'ated Cv Organs aiy ted cata!ogaN l im wm . ... 0 lebl-w2m, THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE. That I have been appointed Assignee of tLe es' ito and etfects of Thomas H. B.ackn ill, of Kittrells, Granville coun ty, N. C, wlio was adjudged a bankrupt by tae District Court of the United Siatos lor tho Eastern District of North Cvolin i upon the petition of one of his creditors. ; L. D. HEARTT, Assignee. Raleigh, Juno 5, 1874. - 51 2t ANEW PIANO AT LESS TIIAN New York cost, at NAT. U BROWN'S. Raleigh, April 21, 1874. 1 Jrn AFiAUGU VA IK I LTV OF Goodsr Toys, Ac., at Raleigb, April 7, 1871. FANCV. BROWN'S.