V WEEKLY ERA. THE LEE INJUNCTION. Official Otxan of the irHilrd Slates i . . ii Alter Withholding for three Years the School Money duo tho JPoor Children of Wake, the Sheriff OliSTHUCTSit COLLECTION! After Promising toSettlo on the 15th, HE KEEPS BACK the People' Money hy -TAKINC2 ADVAN- TAGL of , the i .... , . , "flaw's De lay ! XV. M. BROWN, Manager. j THURSDAY, JULY 9, 1874. Republican Nominees. STATK TICKET. For Superintendent 6J Public Instruction: THOMAS R. PURNELL, ' OF FORSYTIIE. An attempt made to llcmove the County Treasurer, that Officer being too Honest to. Surrender Vouch ers that the Ring Slight Defraud the County ! was dead? Was it not in Hillsboro, David Schenck, I.sq. the home of Strudwick, that thel Inasmuch as a letter written hy Jail doors were opened and defence- David Schenck, Esq.,. in 1871, has less prisoners taken out and scourged been the subject of much comment without process and in defianceof and dispute' in the 9th District, law? 'Did Judge Kerr or Strud- where Mr. Schenck is now a candi- wick use . their influence to put ;a date for Judged we have been per- stop to these things? - mitted by Gov. Caldwell, in justice Then there's David Schenck, the to all concerned, to publish the letter Democratic candidate in the 9th in full. District. He was not only a sym- The letter was written on the. 25th pathirer but a'rocmber, yeau chief of April,; l$7i, two months and a of the bloody brotherhood. There half after the appearance of Gov. Uno "doubt of I r'TIe hi mself acr Cafd well's ni essage 'declining to or- knowledges it yea he even swears der the election on the Convention he was, but the Democracy don't question, and was understood as an object to him on that account. It 1 endorsement of Gov. Caldwell's ac- isonly an argument in his favor. and they propose to elevate and honor him bv placing on him the m a - judicial robe, it may be for the assistance he gave tho Democratic nartv in the establishment and management of these den? of m- Sheriff Huglies, of Orange couu- famy in that District. .( iiudj conukhssionak, ticket. ur C-vjres-i ith District : ty, was in the city, on the Cth icst., for the purpose of selling certain property levied on by him by virtue of an Execution in favor of A. So we 3ee that 1 t is partizan uages that the Democracy want Judges tion on that subject. Here is the letter : LiycoLKTox, N. C, April 25, 1871. To His Excellency T. 22. Caldwell My Dear Sih : I hope you wilt not think it an intrusion Tor a per sonal friend, and member of the bar. to make a suggestion to . you with regard to the vacancy on the Supreme Court Dench. I desire to suggest to your Excel who will not scruple to pervert jus- Jency the name of Col. W. P. By- tico and use their influence for the Fo Magnln, County Treasurer, against 1 building up of the Democratic party. T. T. Tne. Sh ?r Iff. bfdner the Dortion r a unci rr rm a tnttixt I . d -3l1YLCjO jcl. n rirtiACji , 0f the school tax due the county for col. McKay. tncyear ioi,. out ne laueu iouo CJ, A. A. McKay, of Sampson, Deingserveu wiin aninjuucuou is thc Democratic candidate for issued by Judge Watts, at the In- j d . the 4th Distrtct. He was stance of Sheriff Ie. July 18th a bCcesiSionist and great war man, is the day set for the hearing or the bufc ho fought the yankees from afar. injuncuon. we unuenuuiu mau H soueht and accepted the safe theinjunction was issued upon mere .finnnf n-,, of the .ninth,. and fought it out on that line du- riner the whole war Wiiile the OF CHATHAM. .i i: ijicjI'VL. ticki:t. Fir ,Slicitor-4Uk District: .mux O . L . II A it n is, ! OF WAKE. I i 1: i I S LATIVKTICKKT. WAKE "COUNTY. Fur Senate Iblh District JAMES II. HARRIS. For llmt.se of Itejrcsentatircs : THOMAS M. ARGO, STEWART ELLISON, 'ISAIAH KING, JAMES H. JONES. technical grounds, of which Sheriff Lee took advantage for the purpose of delay. COUNTY TICK1CT. For ROBERT SJicrijf: W. WYNNE. For Sui'irior nurt Clerk ujhI Jiulgc of Jroba(e: AL15KHT M AON IN. For Tiffpxter of Deals: WILLIAM W. WHITE. For lYca-iiim- : WILLIAM M. IUIOWN. For Coroner : PAUL LINCKE. Knr .Surveyor : J. P. II . ADAMS. Read the following communi cation : How about it, Timothy? To the Editor of (he Era : Some weeks since, when the State Executive Committee of the Re publican party was in session, it is rumored that Srferiff Lee gave a written obligation, that if he did not pay up his State and County indebtedness by the 15th of July, he would retire from the canvass, and no longer remain a candidate for Sheriff. Within tho past week, I learn that Sheriff Lee has declared that no such promise is contained in his -! A.I 1 4. A I 4. I C .1 wniien ouiiguuun, uub nutt ue stuu Confederate soldiers were suffering and ftehtincr and dying for the J o w cause which he declared was'right, he was at home quietly enjoying the huckleberries of his native coun ty. But we learn that Col. McK. was not entirely satisfied to devote his wholetimeto mustering the cripples and the diseased ot which the militia was composed, and so hesoughtand obtained the position of Confiscation Agent of the Confederate Govern ment. He probably got this office through the assistance of Mr. Geo. Davis, then Attorney General to the Confederacy, and who is now num. who. I thinlr, possesses high legal attainments, a cool and delib erate judgment, and as a North Car olinian, has at heart the purity- of the Bench and the consistency and dignity of the law. In addition to this, your Jxcei- lencv, to whom Western : North Carolina has been ever very dear, is aware that this portion of the State, representing more than one-thiruof the whole State, has no representa tive on the Bench, though she has furnished many men who would honor the position and whose ap; pointmeiit would be a source of pride to our people. l desire also to say mat joi. ny- num has no intimation of this let ter. I write it of my own accord, and without consulting him. I write ii .-Imply as one honest North Carolinian to another, tor it is a l pleasure to me to say that your Ex cellency lias shown a determination to do right" in your administra tion of the State government, which challenges the respect of every good man, and has thu; far met general approval. No one will be found more ready than myself to sustain you in all just rule. Very truly your friend. D. SCHENCK. Beaufort County Nominating Convention. We learn from theTVVfr Berne Tunes i that the Republican Conven tion of Beaufort county met in the Tho Democratic candidates for Judgt-s will not stump their Dis tricts, but thpy will 44 bush it." In other words they will visit all their old friends and make as many town of Washington, on Saturday I new ones as possible. Mr. Schenck, the K. K. kamli- date in the Charlotte District, and Cot. Hoke, the independent candi date, are exceptions to the above last, and was called to , ortler by J. B. Respess, Chairman of tho Coun ty Executive Committee, who was made permauent chairman of the Convention, and made the speech rule, and will stump it. of the season. The following ticket was nominated : I The Daily News sadly announces For House Of Representatives; I that " Independent candidates are a m Jesse Scott; Superior Court Clerk, said to be more numerous in Ashe George L. Windley ; Register; of yille than either lightning-rod Deeds, Geo. E. Buckman; Sheriff, men, insurance or sewing machine Samuel Corson ; Surveyor, George agents.". ' C. Respess ; Coroner, William B. Our information is that they are Camnbell : Countv Commissioners. I not onlv more numerous in all that r ' 9 f I J. B. Respess, Henry Hodges, Ed ward Warren, Samuel T. Carrow and Samuel Windley. : Thefollowing named gentlemen were appointed as members of the County Executive Committee: S JV B. Respess, William M. Cherry, Jordan Wilkinson, William Stllley, T. E. Taylor and James Webster. , The proceedings were harmonious throughout, which is another indi cation that the Republicans of the East will be on hand on the first Thursday of August next. section, but are succeeding better in their business. We hear the most cheering ac counts from the Third District. Col. McKay, our gallant Congressional standard-bearer, gains friends wher ever he speaks. Numbers of Con servatives openly refuse to support Waddell and the election of McKay is generally conceded. CORRESPONDENCE. were: It must not be understood tliatTnicERA endorses the sentiments or its correspond ents in every instance. Its columns are open to the friends of the party, and their communications will be given to the public as containing the views and sentiments of the writers. 7S: It is reported in Washington ti-d some of the depositors in the I Vc , man's Bank are selling their . hooks ior icss man the r va!, either from necessity or iirnoran of the fact that the Bank Examine Meigs, after a thorough cxumii;,, ! tionof affairs of the bank, has plac the assets, deducting the bad an i doubtful dcf)ts at ift cents on ij.,. uuiuu . i Mill t i iik; liMlljia say mat with proper rare on part of the management, the b !: will be worth more than that jip,, and that a large dividend will , made at as early a day as practi; ble. The circular letter of thf s. retary of the Treasury to the jr .n, inent bankers, inviting theni : make proposals for the. remain , of the new five per cent, loan, w , not officially promulgated until ti.. ikl inst. The proposals previmK, oti"rel were therefore eo: informal. r This Is what the Charlotte'. server calls 44 somnambulism ' : have a somnambulist in o'ur ;s , Yesterday morning Mr. J. W.I y Craney, a compositor on the . vei't son after lalljng asleeji, -out of btxl and began knoekingpar,.,-, of glass out of the windows w ith (. , fist. Som e o f t h e fa m i I y h ea r.I him fmd running up, found him j.ou: ingaway at the window gla was seized and dragged off, was found that his arm w i lt ah' i I! '.!- ing profusely. T!ic g:a-s and had the arm. Democratic Virtue in Davidson. To the Editor of the Era : Pardon me for a slight trespass on vour columns, but an instance of Democratic virtue has come to our notice which ought to be 44set up in type" for the benefit and comfort of clear to the bone the largest artery in it was some time before the t! could be stopped. 31 r. 3LCra:: is given to these lUs of sonmahi! iism. One of his recent j j t was going to me siuenoani, dressing himself, taking out : 1 the cups, saucers, plates, A-c, a piling them up in the middle the floor. cxj.iv ..... A number of colored men recent! v elected Trustees of New- Berne Academy. Upon objection being raised to their color, they have promptly tendered their resig nations. Their letter, which we clip from fhf 77m? as follows r I vuiuvi". ' . I A,. 1"r TT..,1Af.....l l t ti xt "i t at -i oi-r i I niilit tn hex "cot nr. in willHyiniui 11. ii;w-xJKurj!:, i. j. , iune LOi-t. uuuw :wmtn uugm w wo ow t To the Trustees of the New-Berne me penenti anu com.ort oi me uiea ot mixea scnoo.v , me gooapeopte, especially txo mat- its repugnant to me coioreo penp,, cademy : ter of record a.s to how the party of aa it is to the whites. Neither i We,-the undersigned. Trustees of honesty propose to carry the county jn North Carolin desire or adv. the New-Berne Academy, recently of Daviuson in the present contest. 0ate it. Tho Civil Bights ilill. i elected, hereby severally tender our On Saturday evening, the 20th in- we-nnderstand it, dors not resignation as such officers, for the stant. Rev. Greene Lambeth, a col- forced mixed schools. If it di!l v.. ease of perturbed souls and for the ored minister from Thomasville, would oppose it as earnestly afm purpose oi exniuuing, as nereio-1 was in me town w- iexingion,wncu man. i a a i i ii lntercepteu ny xx. ii. rm We are permitted to publish the followinar-extracts from a letter of Judge Buxton to a gentleman in Anson county : " As a judicial officer, I have al- wavs hppri relnetant to obtrude DO- last, to have the County Treasurer debts to people residing North, and Jitieal views upon any one. I have, if his "financial difficulties were not stumping the Wilmington District arranged," he would do so. Will for Waddell and McKay. Through "S?.?1! LnJfl eans of his profession as a lawyer, Was the eftort, made on Friday he know w,,at i'itixens were owing Fr Comity Comyn'-s.ioners : MOSES (i. TODD, CLINTON W. WILLIAMS, NOR FLEET JEFFREYS, THOMAS G. SMITH, HENRY A. SMITH. lClection: Tliurdy, AugUHt Oth. l,ln order to secure tltc Cra It Is necewfeary tlint the price of sob .Crlptioii hhall accompany all or tiers for tlic paper. Our terms are cali. removed, a part of that " arrange- ment" ? Was the effort, made by a portion of his sureties, to induce the now in his possession, and thereby defraud the county out of thirteen thousand dollars, a part of the V ar rajigement"? Was the sudden in solvency of a. portion of the Treas urer's sureties a- part of the ar rangement " If none of these were, will the Sheriir inform tho public what the arrangement" is? A KEPUBLICAN. P. s. Mr. Editor, if the above is not such an article as you are wil his business as confiscation agent .was to go around and collect these debts for the Confederate Govern ment. How extensively he engaged in this business, how long he held the office, or how much he collected, we have no means of knowing. But we learn that he collected from one estate quite a large amount, and gave receipts in full for the moneys collected. W further learn that he collected the same debt ling to publish as a communication, again for the yankee creditor after Tickets! Tickets!! We arc prepared to print Congress ional, Judicial, legislative and coun ty tickets, at the following prices : Congressional and Judicial Tickets Single thousand, $1.00; ten thou sand, or more, of ono sort, 50 cents per thousand. legislative Tickets Same prices as above. County Tickets Single thousand $2.n0; over one, and less than three thousand, $1.50 per thousapd ; over five thousand, $1.00 per thousand. lt- Cash must accom pany orders. Parties ordering arc requested to write names of candidates plainly. please insert it as an advertisement, and send your bill to me, for I am very anxious to know what the Sheriff means by his "arrangement." Partisan Judiciary. The Democracy have been loud' in their denunciation of 41partizan (and we are the war ended, though in so doing the land of the debtor had to be sold to raise the money. We learn further that he knew of the existence of the debt originally by being counsel for the debtor. So if our information be correct, assured that the par- ' Hon. Ralph P. Buxton is a can didate for re-election to the office of Judge in the Fayetteville District. Six vears ago he was the candidate of both political parties, and receiv cd the largest vote ever cast for any man in North Carolina. A learned jurist and a high toned : christian ircntleman. ho has given entire satisfaction to the people of his Dis trict and deserves to be re-elected a lanro, maloritv. The people -r r s themselves by honoring such udgoRuxton.7 ' 11 not turn out to .A TTIII .1 Ab xaiiisuoru, zen neonle from Vhlm. At Lock- about forty, Kvho turned furiosi ty. jd a very 'mocratic point ynven- fhad suffl Ihe ' Davis ir, and do not j-vrl amv fnvIhA lAoIInM with them. Mr. Headen will poll a heavy voto in his native county. We learn, from the New Berne Times that the Republicans of Jones county held their nominating Con vention in Trenton, recently, and nominated the following ticket: For Senate, G. W. Barker; For House of Representatives, J. S. Scott ; for Sheriff, Thos. E. Pritch ett ; for Superior Court Clerk, J. H. C. Bryan ; for Treasurer, E. S. Franks ; for Register of Deeds, J. T. Wilson ; for Coroner, J. S. An drews ; for Surveyor, Thomas Wor ley; for Commissioners, Sanders Kincey, A. McDaniel, E. M. Jar men, Dennis Jones and S. D. Stray-tiorn. Judges" ever since the adoption of the present Constitution of North Carolina. They have denounced so long and &o bitterly, that some persons who are unacquainted with ties are living and though they be long to the Democratic party are ready to testify to the trnth of the statement,) we have these facts : Col. McKay is a lawyer, as a law- their tricks supposed that they ycr he is employed as counsel by a were really in earnest and that a partizan judiciary was very obnox ious to them. But as the; time ap proaches for tho first election of Judges since 1SGS, this pretentious opposition vanishes. They keep up the howL, it is true, but look at their acts. Are these in keeping with their professions? Do we not neighbor who informs him that he is owing debts North ; that to as sist in keeping out of the army Col. McK. accepts ; the office of confisca tion agent, and as such agent confis cates tne aeots oi ms client and re quires him to pay in full to the Confederate Government; that the war being over, Col. McK. engages fore, our uniform kindness to the white people of the community, and more particularly to remove every suspicion from the minds of those who think that we, as colored people, have a determined animus against our fair skinned brethren and their institution, by our contin uing to hold an office which may be more appropriately filled by white brethren. JNO. R. GOOD, GEO. B. WILLIS, AMOS YORK. The following named gentlemen were, upon motion, elected to fill the vacancies thus created: Messrs. VV. Neal, I. E. however, never concealed them, when they were inquired for, as by E. R. Stanly, G. VV. Ne; you, from proper motives. West and F. D. Shlachter. I have no hesitation, therefore, in replying to your inquiry. - That I am opposed to the civil rights bill, which was lately defeat ed in Congress, also to mixed schools, and to every species of leg islation, which attempts to control social atfairs. I believe social rela tions must regulate themselves, and are not legitimate subjects of legisla tion. Can I add any thing more to be understood ? My dear young friend, you have known me, since you tottered about your dear father's house, a little boy of two or three years old take me as you have known me Irom that he was nix, Esq., a Democratic-Conserva-tive-Bridle-Tail candidate for the House of Representatives, and re quested to walk around behind Mr. Rhyne's grocery store for the pur pose of speaking a few words pri vately. As a matter of courtesy Mr. Lam beth went, only to listen to a long and insulting harangue on politics, the substance of which was, that if the colored people would vote for the said icould-be legislator, he icouhl place in some store in the town of Thomasvule one nimurea ana jijty bushels corn, and five hundred powids bacon : and also in the town of Lex ington five hundred bushels com and Nor does it mean social o;nu',' : This is something that cannot ; regulated by Congressional ena ; ments or public laws. And 4 as the Republican party eonem; ed it is on record against any ; tempt of this sort. But it is i:. favor of and advocates equality l fore the law for -alt citizens f i,v United States without regard ' race, color or previous condition. Elizabeth City North Carolinian. " A cannon shot recently depo-i ed in the Boston Museum is mar! with the following inscription:' i ii twelve-pound conical shot fired !', i We learn that Col. George N. Folk has announced himself as an independent candidate for the Sen ate in the District composed of Caldwell, Burke, McDowell, Mitch ell and Yancey. Col. Folk has ap plied himself closely to the practice I ing to the facts of his profession since the war, and The proposition, however, has led if we are to have a Democratic Sen- BOu iuqiurn w now una . " " .1!. t . ' . , liberal gentleman proposed to carry ator from that District .we know of it out First, let us make an esti- no one whom we would prefer to mate as to the probable cost: CoL Folk. Ho is a frpntleman of 1.000 lbs bacon at 15c, $ 150 00 a Confederate batterv at the km five hundred pounds bacon, to be is- Qf New Berne, March 1 1, ISiL'. It suea ana given out co uie eveortu ptu- passed sideways through the ix.lv pie in consideration of their votes. of Samuel Lines of company F, l' a h This proposition was treated with Massachusetts Regiment, killi c the scorn and contempt it deserved, him instantly, and thence into not only by the colored man to tree,, from which it was afterwa i whom it was made, but by every cutby his comrade, II. N. Cimi decent citizen ot the county know- miners, bv whom it is presented.' see them gerrymandering Judicial with the yaikee creditor to collect Districts in order to secure the elec tion of Democratic Judges ? Do we not see them nominating Judges in regularly constituted Democratic Conventions? Do 'we not see the names of these nominees raised to the masthead of Democratic- news papers, and do wo not hear partt zan appeals each day from Demo cratic papers and orators to vote for the regular Democratic candidates forjudge? Look at their candidates. Col. McKay, of Sampson, in the Wil mingtou uistrict,-1 was an open syrapathzier If not a member of the lawless and bloody Ku KIux or ganizatlon, which by secret oath- bound members, and by disguises, and by scourgings,and by burnings, aye, by assassination and murder, strove to subvert all law and order and establish in its stead tho crack of the cruel whip, the assassin's murderous pistol, and the unpro voked stab from the murderer's dagger. Is this man, fresh from these scenes of lawlessness and bloodshed, a fit man to sit in judg ment on the lives and property of his associates, or on those of his late victims who barely escaped with life from the partizan violence of the murderous and murdering klan? .. Then there's John Kerr, the Dem ocratic candidate in the 7th Dis trict. Did he too not sympathize with the hellish klan in their efforts to destroy law and life? Was it not in his town that Stephens was murdered in the temple of justice? Was it not in tho adjoining county of Alamance that Outlaw was brought into the Court House square and there hung by the nock till he the same debt a second time from his home client,, and collects by dis tress, even selling house and land to make the money for the yankee creditor. But was not Col. McK. submit ting to the results of the war? Was he not "shaking hands ' ovor the time up ; do not take me for what my enemies now say of me. The Raleigh Sentinel of the 1st inst. publishes a tissue of false hoods in regard to me. It charges that.I sought troops to be sent to Harnett county, an utter and entire falsehood! : It charges that I merely sentenc ed Andrew J. Jones to one year's imprisonment in the Penitentiary for embezzlement. The truth is, I also fined him $10,000 ; the impris onment was not longer because of the state of his health he died du ring the pendency of the appeal, &c., &C- rNMr.I'urner was mad with me be- cause l would not arrest uov. xioi den, at his instance, on a bench warrant, after the Justices of the Supremo -Court had decided that the Governor of the State could, not be proceeded against in that way, but only by impeach I onlv mention these things to you, to put you on against believing false reports, which are got up and circulated on the eve of an election." liberal views and his legal knowl edge and financial ability will be of great benefit to the State in the next General Assembly. But we would much prefer to see a sound Republican elected from that District. 650 bush, corn at $1.10c 715 00 Commissions for iss. 5 perc, 8G5 00 43 25 The Hillsboro Recorder says : ' regret to learn that the mill of Mr. VV. W. Guess, in the eastern par t f thecounty, was recently burnt, to gether with a large quantity of giuh;. The mill had recently been repaired, and the dam, which was earri i away by a freshet in the wint' i. just reconstructed. The loss is a serious one both to the propiyet .i and the neighborhood. LN BANKRUPTCY. T. B. Purnell, Esq. Advices from the Western por tion of the State are quite favorable, to the Republicans. Good crowds have turned out at almost every place to hear Mr. Purnell, and he is making a fine impression wherever he goes, independent Democratic candidates are springing up in every county. The general impression is that we will hold our own on the vote of 1872 in the Wesfc and will make gains in certain localities, while the divisions in the Demo- your guard cratic ranks will prevent a full vote. District Court of tho Unitel tho Eastern District of Hon. James H. Headen. We learn by letter, published elsewhere in this issue, from Selma, where. Mr. Headen sooke on Wed- Dioouycnasm'wnenneaDanooned nesdav. that the crowd was trood i. : i n a. x I " ' CT ma uuur I1UIIIO vilUUt MJ engage in vmafrWino- fhr Ktiv snoerm with I 2 f a l i -r i I o me serviro oi ine ncn lanKee We have . purposely refrained from noticing the attempt to break down the Era because it will not support one man in Wajse county. Mileage, We have disregarded niany things which have been said and done in this connection. We refused to support Sheriff Lee and gave our $908 25 Thus we-perceive he offers $908.25 for four hundred and fifty colored votes, a litte the rise of $2 per head and yet all this coming from, a man whose only cry on the stump atoticc is ici.iti irv is Radicals, thieves and corruption. that a petition has been til. If there was a Jiepublican in David son who was willing to pay even the one-fourth of that amount for a seat in the General Assembly, the mass of the people would regard him as a fit candidate for the Lunatic Asylumand send him there, too. The second inquiry is, where is JViarsh. going to get the money? Some say, he will get it where Rob bins got that $100 for the barbecue at Shel ton's two years ago. Others say, that thing's played out since Tweed has been put in the Peniten tiary, while others, the more know ing and wisest, say he intends to borrow the money and refund from his per diem in the Legislature. Let us see how that will work. Of course the session will not last more than sixty days. Then 60 days' per diem at $5 00 $300 00 40 00 340 00 Less 60 days' board at $1 50, 90 00 creditor ? Was he not showing that he was. true .to the United States government when he refused to recognize his own receipts for the money he had collected for the "rebel Confederacy?" But Col. McK. is the Democratic candidate for Judge, and his Samp son client, if he has not been forced to move out of the District by rea son of having his home sold by Col. m ar a Am w . aiciv. to pay tne xanicee debt a second time, must submit to vote for him or bo denounced for being untrue to the Democratic party. reasons for such refusal. 1 il.i e.' i - ii I xiuriiiers, uuu uim our irienus mere Jf the tn E j k t -ll?lAJ ll 11.. fl . i I X were ueiignteo wim uie-nrsc ap- weshall not remain quiet much pearanceofourstandard-bearer,and ionger. We give fair notice to all concerned that we will not longer submit to injustice. We publish the proceed I figs of a people's meeting in Swannanoa Township, Buncombe county,' in which prominent Democrats make an open declaration of independ ence of said party and denounce his speech was received with great enthusiasm by our friends, and much chagrin and disepmfiture by our political enemies. Let our friends at Mr. Headen's various appointments turn out and hear him. He will confirm the wavering, delight the "fire tried," and convince any fair minded Denv ocrat who will listen. His clear and forcible explanation of his op position to: civil rights, so satisfac tory in itself to both races, is suffi cient to denominate him as a logi cal and clear headed debater, pos sessing excellent qualities of both heart and mind. The following is the Republican ticket nominated in Montgomery the Conventions which nominated countv ; Gen. Vance for Congress, and the For Senate, Col. Allen Jordan : one which nominated candidatesfor for House of Representatives. J. the Legislature and county officers. This action of Democrats in Gen. Vance's own county looks like the ."Merrimon Senatorial . bolt is pro ducing tares" in tho Democratic fields of the West. Well, let 'em tear it's none of our party, and we had as lief have tares as the miser able chaffy stuff called Democratic wheat. WV Beeves; for Sheriff, WVL. Au man; for Clerk of the Superior Court, N. M. Thayer ; for Register of Deeds, P. PL. Morris; for Treas urer, A, L,. Henderson ; for Sur veyor, W. G. Deberry ; for Coroner, J. M. Robinson ; for Commission ers, W. G. Chandler, Daniel McAu- lay, P. Callicott, L. Dennis and D L. Parsons. Capt. J. J. Davis has been to Chatham, and while there he un dertook to inform thepeopleof that county that Mr. James II. Headen, our candidate for Congress, was a k Secessionist. Now the people of Chatham know Mr. Headen much 250 00 Then $250 00 from $908 25 would leave an amount of $655 25 that he would be in arrears. How is he to raise that? Simple enough. He has harped and blowed so much over that "Fraud Commission Re port." that it is quite plain. Sell his vote. There is no other alterna tive, for everybody knows Marsh cannot boast of being a man of sur plus means. Especially since he compelled Uncle Phil Clinard and other creditors to make comprom ises that not much more than canceled the interest. It will be remembered that this same Marshall ll. Pinnix, Jq., who now proposes to buy his election was a candidate in 1872, and was better than Mr. Davis does, and they are not disposed to put much defeated by a gentleman much his faith in anvthiner he savs after at- superior, not enly in character and tempting to gull them with such stories as the above. We learn that the Democratic Executive Committee of the Sev enth Judicial District met in Greensboro, last week, for the pur pose of requesting Mr. F. N. Strud wick to retire from the canvass, to the end that a lawyer might be nominated for the office of Solicitor. Mr. Strudwick declined to give way for any gentleman of that profes sion, and so the Democracy are in a fix. morality, but in legal capacity, namely, the Hon. Jacob T. Brown. Mr. Brown will defeat him again on the next election day by an increased majority, after which it is to be hoped if he concludes to take a trip to the Jfiedmont Springs again, that he will have better suc cess in returning. Poor Pinnix! We can already see the epitaph that will be vritten on his tombstone on the evening of the first Thursday in August : Died of a chronic attack of the Leg islature. HIC JACET. June 30th. 1874. Netv North State copy. i v i: in t North ( ';in.'lifi i by Jos. W. Kimbell, of Nash cuiniv, in said District, duly declared a IJank rupt under the act of Congress of M;ii' ii 2d, 1867, for a discharge and cerlili'M!'' tuereor irom all his debts ami ,t - r claims provable under said act, and ti.a' tho 29th day of Juno, 1S74, at lOo'elork. A. M., at tho o!Dce of A. W . fSliail r, Register in Bankruptcy, inltalcigh, V C, is assigned for the -hearing of tii same, when and .whoro all creditoi-. who have proved their debt, and oih; r persons in interest, may attend an i show cause, jf any thoy have, why the prayer of the said petitioner shouldn't be granted. And that the socond a.i I third meetings will be held at tho sain time and place. ' New-Berne, N. C, June 11, 1K71 CHAS. E. TINKER., Clerk. Bunn tfc Williams, Attorneys. 51 law3w THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, Tin: on the 9th day of June, A. I. 1874, a warrant in Bankruptcy was is sued out of the District Court of the United States for the Eastern Distu. : of North Carolina, against theestaN-t Ilarvit Harris, of Henderson, in V. county of Granvillo, and State ol' Noi tii Carolina, who has been adjud .;d Bankrupt on his own Petition: That the payment of any deb!-, and the deliver' of any propertv be longing to such bankrupt, to him "i for his use, and the transfer of any property, by him, are forbidden I law; That a meeting of tho creditor of said bankrupt, to prove their debt-, and to choose one or more asigiit r-. his estate, will be held at a Court f Bankruptcy, to bo holden at Ralei::;i, N. C, before A. W. Nhaller, Rctii-t. .. on the 29th day of June, A. i 171, at 10 o'clock, A. M. JOSHUA Ii. HILL, Deputy Marshal as Messcnvr'-r Ciias. M. Cooke, Attorne-. "! We learn that Hon. Thomas Ruf- fin of Orange has announced him self an indenendent candidate for j Judge in the Seventh District. Col. Humphrey, Presdentof the A. &:,N. C. Railroad, it is thought, will succeed in meeting the July interest on the mortgage bonds of the company, j THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, TIhi general meeting of the credit. r- Thomas P. Devereux,will beheld at t Register's office in Raleigh. N. '..'. fore A. W. Shaffer, Esq., r-ui -! '' ' : tho 2d day of Julj 1874, at lo : ' a.m.. lor tho DurDoses nau: in; 27th and 28th sections of the Bauki i.j Act of March 2, 1807. .s 1 V. J. HAWKINS, WALTER CLARK", ; Trustee Raleigh, N. C, June 22, 1874. 2 rjMTIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, That J have been appointed Assignee the estato and etrects of Tlmmas I' Blacknall, of Kittrells, t ranville coin, ty, N. C, who was adjudged a bankrupt by the District Court of the tinit- 1 States for the Eastern District of Norin Carolina upon the petition of ono of lit er editors. Ij. D. HEARTT, Assignee Raleigh, June 5, 1874. 51 -t THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, Thai I have been appointed the -Assign'-of the estate and elfects of Tin una Edgerton, of Johnston county, N. bytheUnitel States District Court for tho Eastern District of North Carolina. JOSHUA B. HILL, Assignee. Raloigh, June 8, 1874. .l-2t v.