WEEKLY E R A . "THURSDAY, JULY 0, 1S7I. l,OCAI AXO STATE. Citrar Stand ami Hath Rooms. Iliunvx A- DrxsTON have a cigar Mini tobacco s-taml and bath rooms connected with their Barber and Ibiir Droin?r establishment, on the west side of Fuycttevillc street, hi Ilisrs fc J lifts' old stand, next .! r to Pink Hurdle's former dear 'n. I'uorosAis. Attention is called t I ho advertisement in another iurun, of Wm. II. Howcrton, i-n-tary of State, inviting sealed , ),..sals until the 1st of August, ! : tnrnihingfuel for the use of the . i . ral Assembly and the several partiiieids of the fctate govern-nt. Internal Revenue. Wo nn informed by Col. I. J. Young, Col lector of Internal Revenue for the Uh District, that the collections for the month of Juno amounted to 47,43.1.9;. For the fiscal year end ing Juno 30th, $.500,004.01. Since Col. Young has been in office, the sum of 2,19I,80G.19 has been col lected and by hi in turned over to the proper government authorities, and every inspection of his books has exhibited the fact that no officer in the service has more faithfully discharged all duties devolving upon him and more strictly ac counted for all moneys coming into his hands. 1 in Hi -in :t. The Superior Court Wake ounty has adjourned, :.!iit di-i"ii4 of a great amount of h;i-iit(s. Judgment was not prayed in a great many cases, and tin 1- fciiduiits were discharged on j t v n i e n t o f cost s. Th ere were t wo ntrmts to the State's Prison and ., ! of death. I'oii Canada. Jno. NichoU, i Principal of the North Caroli n:i Institution fortheDeafand Dumb t.I the Iilind, accompanied by !:. s. Tucker, Esq., one ofthedi nvtors, left this city on Mon- 1 1 the Gth inst., for the purpose ; ; tending the International !.;; Mute Convention, which t ikt-r- place at lieiievine, lanaua, l.'.th. The IouiiTir.-The day passed ofTin this city In a quiet way. We heard of no violations of law with the exception of a few hilarious fel lows who, having imbibed a little too much, gave vent to their lung powers, and were caged for a short time. The corner stone ol the new Court House and Postoflicc was laid bv the Masons in accordance with the programme. Cannon, bombshell, pop crackers, Roman candles, &ct fcc, greeted the ears during the day. The weather was fine. We will endeavor in a future issue to lay before our readers the address of Hon. E. G. Reade, on behalf of the Masonic Fraternity. scene on tho Immortal plains of Yorktown, giving to tho world a free Republic, and to as and our children all the inestimable privil eges of civil and religious liberty. To our readers we give "the day we celebrate." Tri- Weekly Era,Ath. Tria l of Jo iin Allen Blake. In accordance with a true bill found against John Allen Blake for the crime of rape committed upon Miss Haley, of this county, he was pot I will spend the months of July and upon trial on Tuesday.: the 30th august in me mountains T. T5. Henry, of Mecklenburg, hits wheat that averages 75 full grains to the head. The Granges of North Carolina have subscribed about $800 to the tlood sulferers of the South-west. J. Tillman Smith, formerly of- Anson county, is now a member of the Texas Jxgislature. The corner stone of the . new Catholic church in . Greensboro was laid on Sunday, the 2Sth ult. Hon.,W. A. Smith and family i th. i ui !: Ni w Post Office and j-.t HnrsK. The Daily Neics 'units that the statement made in it- iue of the .10th ult., that the :.. u Government building is to be ui It of brick, is an error, and that tin building will be a first class Mmcuiru of cut stone. V thought at the time that our neighbor was mistaken. Congress t- not in the habit of appropriating hI,ikhi to build a $GO,n(Mj house, i oat was mo.it too thin. Proposals. We call special at tention to the advertisement in an other column of W. A. Ilearne, Esq., Superintendent, inviting seal ed proposals until 12 M., July 29th, for dimension stone required for the exterior of the U. S. Court-house and Post Office in this city. Plans, specifications and forms can be pro cured on application to Maj. Ilearne, or at tho office of the Supervising Architect, Treasury Department, Washington, I). C. Samples of the stone projKjsed must accompany the proposals, and must be properly labelled. The Department reserves the right to reject any or all bids, if deemed to the interest of the Gov ernment to do so. Yin- "gentleman in black," who ti.- tutelar demon of dram-shops, ..umes hNiur-st aspect when the i ..,d progress of Vinegar Bitters is i. ported "down below." The Peo- 's Vegetable Tonic is playing the iiief with his bitters fired with :. All diseases which those de - , nostrums aggravate, un- prfton-e of relieving, such as ,,! nil ;iuni:tc ier indigestion, sick headache, consti pation, rheumatism, gout, and in nnittent fvirs are cured by it. ATTKMI'TKI) Scicide. .lav, the :f)tli r.lt., Mr. Liv -On Tues James II. a printer of this city, at tempted to take his life by cutting his throat, but was prevented by the timelv intervention of friends. Mr. Livesay was suffering from mental aU-rration at the time, with whieh he is at intervals afllicted. I Ie is an inollensi vo, kind hearted man, and his condition excites the warmest sympathy among our people. A (;oi Chance. Col. L. W. llicnphrey, President of the A. fe N. C. Kail road, has succeeded in i aking arrangements with the N. t . Kail road by which persons de - i r us of mak ing a tour to the sea--ide, ean do so at remarkably cheap rates. The fare from Raleigh to Morchead City and return is only ?;.(, and proportional charges are made for every station as far as Charlotte. The people will thank C 1. Humphrey for the chance thus a Horded of enjoying recreation at little eost. A Promising Youth. At the late examination of the pupils of the New York Institution for Deaf Mutes, the highest testimonial for excellent scholarship and good be havior was awarded to Master Al bert Johnson Andrews, son of Mrs. Harriet Andrews, of this city, and grand son of our fellow-citizen, Al bert Johnson, Esq. As a compli ment to the efficiency of the youth, Mr. Bobbins, a member of the Board of Education for the State of Xgw York, volunteered to defray all the expense necessary to con tinue him at the Institution until his course is finished, it is the in tention of Mrs. Andrews to have him thoroughly educated, after which he will doubtless be assigned to some position of usefulness. alt Considerable difficulty was experienced in empanelling the jury, as most of our people had al ready formed and expressed opin ions as to the guilt of the prisoner. Miss. 'Haley set forth in a plain manner the details of the horrible crime of which she was the victim, and her manner upon the stand bore evidences of her veracity in every particular. At the close of he case, the jury retired only for a ew minutes and brought in a ver dict of guilty. Messrs. J. B. Batch elor and Armistead Jones were assigned as counsel for the defence, and performed Iheir duties as well as the circumstances of the case would admit. The sentence of the Judga was that the criminal be ex ecuted on Friday, the 24th inst., between the 1 hours of 12 m. and 1 p. m., and that the sentence be car ried out within the jail enclosure. Unfortunate. On Friday, the 3d inst, about 7 o'clock, a. m., Mr. Lemuel Yearby. a member of the firm of Yearby & Rogers, started from his store on Hargett street to cro to breakfast. Not returning at the usual time, his partner sent to his residence and was told by his wife that he had left. A search was at one' instituted, and he was finally found near the Hillsboro road, beyond St. Mary's Institute, in an unconscious condition, labor ing under the effects of a fit. . He was removed to his house where he still remains very ill. Some months ago Mr. Yearby was wounded by the accidental discharge of a pistol, which doubtless accounts for the aberration of mind ho is occasion ally attacked with. Ai'oMXiHTic. Any lack of read in.: matter in to-day's issue must be attributed to that inborniature that prompted us to keep the Fourth. All of our establishment caught the fever. The proprietors separated. nc remained to snutf the dust and ip lemonade in the city, the other in company with ourself, repaired to ylvan scenes and piscatorial ex ereises. The compositors, thus far, have refused to say anything con cerning their whereabouts during the day. We are consoled with the belief that Thomas Jefferson, if alive, would not complain ot the .' r w ant of patriotism. Tin: F n : : i : dm a n 's 1 5 a n k . The announcement that the mother bank of this institution at Wash ington City had suspended payment of deposits, and that its branches throughout the. South were instruct ed to pursue the same course, has causc-d considerable anxiety among our colored lei low-citizens. We notice from the dispatches of the :td inst., that in Washington City, many are disposing of their account books at a ruinous discount. We hope our colored friends will not be induced to follow this rash example, hut await further devel opments. In winding up, it is expected that ninety-three cents on the dollar will by realized, and any offer un der that figure ought to be rejected at present. There are many men on the lookout to entrap the igno rant. They should be shunned. The Glorious Fourth. To-day (Saturday) is the fourth day of July. Think of it. Ninety-eight years ago our fathers, driven to despera tion by the iron heel of despotic power, firmly resolved to declare in the face of the civilized world their inherent right to "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." Regardless of the fact, that in or der to accomplish the desired boon, long years of toil and misery would confront them, yet they prepared to "do or die." They accomplished the grand work and erected on this Western continent an Empire, which, let us-iaope, will be the wel come refuge oN.the liberty-loving for all time to come. Since that immortal declaration was first pro mulgated to the world, we have steadily advanced in civilization, and the thirteen weak and impov erished States have grown into f power whose towering strength, when put to the test.causes "nations to tremble and monarchs turn pale." Who can estimate our growth in thefuture? Already stretching from sea to sea, and from the frozen wa of the North to the burning plains of Mexico, doubtless in the next fifty years we can truly; realize the poetical dream and exclaim, -. "No pent-up UUca contracts our powers, For tue whole boundless continent is ours." Let us, of the living present, do our duty toourselves, our country and our God. Let us remember this day, the bloody field of Bunker Hill, the dark, despondent clouds that overhung our little band at Valley Forge, and thank God that they were followed by the closing I. O. O. F. Election of Offi cers. At a meeting of Seaton Gales Lodgq, No. G4, the following officers were elected for tho ensuing term : N. G. B. C. Manly. V. G. James T. Parham. R. S. Thomas P. Bevereux. F. S. William M. Brown. Treas. John C. Blake. At a meeting of McKee Encamp ment, No. 15, the following officers were elected : C. P. LeRoy G. Bagley. II. P. James J. Litchford. S. W. George Zeigler. J. W. Thomas Badger. Scribe John B. Hill. Treas. A. W. Fraps. ; At a meeting of Raleigh Lodge, No. Co, the following officers were elected : N. G. R. Harper Whitaker. V. G.John B.;ilill. R. S. Wesley N. Jones. F. S. H. T. Coley. Treas. William W. White. At a meeting of Manteo Lodge, No. 8, the following officers were elected: N. G. Charles M. Busboe. V. G. George Zeigler. R. S. J. C. Birdsong. F. S. T. L. Love. Treas. M. Rosenbaum. Appointment. It affords us much gratification to announce that Joshua B. Hill, Esq., who, since the appointment of Col. R. M. Douglas, has acted as Chief Deputy for the Eastern section of the State, and who was deputy under Col. S. Wentworth, have erected Austin Hilljthe murderer of Mr. Presley, near Weldon, has been ar rested and Is now in Northampton jail awaiting trial. . A colored girl in Pamlico county, about 18 years of age, was killed by lightning on Triday evening, 2Cth ult. The widow of Cant. James Tur ner, who committed suicide by drowning in the Roanoke sometime since, has received $3,000 insurance. Two colored men, Joe Sherrill and Julius Wilson, were committed to jail in Salisbury on the &)th ult., charged with rape. On Saturday night, the 27th ult., a little colored girl was burned to death from a lamp explosion, near Halifax. A new Postoffice has been estab lished at Boggan's Cut, on the line of the Carolina Central Railwav. Mr. Jas. Boggan, Postmaster. The dwelling and smoke house of Jno. M. . Cotton, in Pitt county, were destroyed by fire on the 29th ult. Dempsey Trevathan, one of the oldest citizens of Edgecombe coun ty, was. lately killed by being thrown from a buggy. A large party of Englishmen will start for Norfolk, Va., early in Au gust, and many of them expect to seek homes in North Carolina. The steamer Ella, on the Chowan river, ran into a smaller boat a few days since, bruising one man and drowning another. G. N. Brown, Superintendent of the Wilmington Guano works, had one of his legs broken a few days since. Several new stores, an Odd Fel lows' Hall, and other buildings will be erected in Goldsboro during the present summer. Rev. R. W. Barber has resigned the pastoial charge of the Episco pal Church in Statesville. and is succeeded by Rev. Mr. Joyner. A terrible gale visited the coun ties of Richmond and Robeson-, on Friday, the 26th ult. Several build ings were destroyed. Hon. W. M. Robbins, of this State, delivered the late address before the students of Randolph Macon College, Va. Robt. Prince, a small boy, while fishing near Halifax, recently, was bitten by a snake. He went nome, drank copiously of whiskey, and no bad result followed. Tne citizens ot Williamston are delisrhted at the establishment of a tri-weekly mail route from Tarbo- ro. All mail for Williamston should now be forwarded via Tar- boro. Col. Boyd and Jas. W. Reid, of a beauti- There has been raging for seven days an extensive fire in the woods and in the dry fields in the vicinity of North Lake, Hyde County. The conflagration had the effect of driv ing from their hiding places large droves of deer, and the people in that vicinity are luxuriating on ven is mi. OFFICIAL. Cicero Everett, a well known col ored man of Goldsboro, while lifting a vegetable box from the A. & N. C. R. R. train to tbo W. & Wafew days ago, was taken suddenly sick, blood gushed from his eyes and mouth, he started immediately for a drug store, after reaching which he fell upon the floor, and died in less than five minutes. New-Berne Times : The business of the Freed man's Bank is s us men ded, and tho branch at this place has suspended for a time. At the last session of Congress commis sioners werei appointed, clothed with authority to investigate the affairs of the bank, and if in their judgment it was able to continue they might so declare, and it is with a view of affording the commis sioners an opportunity of making proper inquiry that the suspension is ordered. It is anticipated that the suspension will be temporary. PATENT MEDICINES. Iatest News. ful iron fence around the graves of some of their friends buried in the Methodist grave yard at that place. A couple ot manufacturers in Rockingham county shipped one hundred and forty boxes of manu factured tobacco to the North a week or two ago and realized eight cents per pound profit. The Trustees of Davidson College have elected three new professors. A. D. -Hepburn, (formerly of the N. C. University.) Professor of Latin and French: Professor Bar- T. Carrow, during his term of of fice, has been-appointed by the President as Marshal for the Eas tern District of North Carolina. The appointment of Mr. Hill is a merited compliment to a faithful and most competent public servant. Possessed of fine business qualifica tions, peculiarly fitted from expe rience with the duties of the posi tion, and with a personal character above reproach, his selection cannot fail to crive satisfaction to the masses of the people of all parties, of Mathematics, and W. M. Thorn- We .congratulate the Department of u.u.auuu.u.u. such an officered wo feci confident prisoners confined in Morganton REPUBLICAMIl.ATIO.NS. flint Mr. TTill will dnlvannreeiato. Jil escapeu mst v. Vo FOR( XLIVth CONGRESS: 44 enectea ny getting on iop oi uie vy leucwcuoAn nun -tsj i cacre and Knocking away me pias- compliment the President has be- tering, thus gaining entrance into Secretary Bristow has gone to Kentucky to attend the funeral of a member of his family. Gen. Letcham has accepted the appointment as one of the Commis sioners of the District of Columbia. Wm. (X. Avery, the new Chief Clerk of the Treasury Department, assumed his duties on the 2d iust. The majority for Constitutional Convention in Arkansas, is estima ted at sixty thousand. It is rumored that G. W. Scofield, of Pa., will be appointed Postmas ter General.- Coriant was installed Assistant Secretary of the Treasury on the 2d inst. Gen. Creswell and It. Leopold have been appointed Commission ers to settle up the affairs of the Freedman's Bank. A. C. Cattell, who wa3 appointed one of the District Commissioners, has declined. Plow and Dennison accepted. Roderick 1). Entwisle, of New York, who was bitten by a dog about two weeks ago and taken to the hospital, died on the 1st inst. ..Henry Loth's sewing machine factory in Philadelphia was de stroyed by fire on the 3d inst. Loss $60,000. Marshall Jewell has accepted the Postmaster Generalship. His first Assistant will act until Jewell ar rives from Europe. i The Grand Jury at New Orleans has indicted the Chief of Police for hisrhwav robbery in seizing: the Bulletin's forms. In New York, on the 3d inst., a man named George Stone, while in a drunken condition, beat his wife to death with a soda water bottle. The programme for the celebra tion of the 4th of July in Philadel phia included the parade of 10,000 Temperance men, and a grand re view bv the Mayor on the centen nial grounds. The official organ of the German Government expresses great regret at the departure of Minister Ban croft. The Emperor has presented his portrait to Mr. Bancroft and ex hibited great regret at nis depart ure. A Trustee of Jay Cooke & Co. has received a check from the President of the Oregon Steam Navigation Company for thirty-seven thousand fivfi hundred dollars in erold, as a dividend on fiftet-u hundred thou sand dollars stock. Other divi dends will follow as the season ad vances, as the Company pays its JU'0AI.S FOR UTILES ION -I. fSXOIVE AMD CUTTINtt FOU TIIIT IT, S. COiritT HOUSE A IV 11 POST OFFICII AX UAI.EIGII, It. C. ! urriCK OF HUPKRINTENDBNT, KaIetcb. N.C.. Jiiivl. 1S74. Sealed Proposals -will b raraiired at this office until 12 M. of the 2t)th day of July, 1874, for furnishingana delivering at the site of the proposed courthouse and post office at Raleigh, N. C, all the Dimension Stone required for the exte rior of tho superstructure of the build ing, cut ready for belting, and. as re quired by the drawings and the speci fications. The species of stono from which a selection will be made will be contiued to granites, Hmestoue, freestones, and sandstones, and the qualities especially insisted upou will be uniformity of color and texture, durability, and the capacity for working under the chisel or hammer to a proper surface. No stono that has not boon tested by actual use as cut stone in buildings fori at least ten years will be eonsidered.and absolute proof that it has been, so used for that period must be furnished. The stone must further have a good grain and bo free from all discoloring sub stances, and the quarry from which it is procured must be fully opened, and capable of furnishing the quality and quantity desired within the time re quired by this advertisement. A sample block of the stone proposed to be furnished must be submitted to this office, the block to bo 12 by 12 by 12 inches, showing on one face the nat ural fracture of the stone and on the others the different grades of cutting required to bo done on the work, as shown by the sample blocks to be seen at this office or at the office of the Su pervising Architect, Treasury Depart ment. The stone, cut, lewised, and ready to be set must be delivered at the site ol the building; that of the water table, within three (3) months from the data of the acceptance of the contract; that of the first story within nine (9) months from date; that of second story within twelvo (12) months from same date ; and the remainder, being that of the third story, chimney stacks, dormer windows, steps, and copings, itc. within eighteen (18) months from same date, uuder a penalty of one hundred dollars ($100) for each and every day's delay beyond the time above stipulated. Proposals will be made for the entire work complete, as exhibited by the drawings and described by the specifi cations. No bids will bo received except from the owners or lessees of the quarries from which the stone is proposed to be furnished, or their agents, who must also be engaged in stone cutting, and have necessarv facilities for. a prompt execution of the work as required. Payments will be made monthly, de ducting ten per cent, of work executed until tho final completion of the con tract. All bids must bo made on the printed form to be obtained at this office, and must be accompanied by the bond of two responsible persons, in the sum of ten thousand dollars, ($10,000,) that the bidder will accept and perform the con tract, if awarded him, and execute bonds therefor in the amount of twenty thou sand dollars, ($20,000,) and a valid and binding lease of the quarry to the Gov ernment as security for the faithful per formance of the contract, tho lease to take effect upon the tailure of the con tractor to comply with the terms of the contract ; said lease to authorize the Government to take full possession of the quarry, and work it at the expense of the contractor, in caso of default; the bond to bo approved by the United States District Judge, Clerk cf the United States Court, or the District At torney of tho District wherein the bid der resides. The Department reserves the right to reject any or all bids, if it be deemed for the interest of the Govern ment to do so, or to divide the work of the base ment and superstructure, and award to different bidders, at its option. Kvery bid must be made on the printed ionn to be obtained at this office, and must conform in every respect to tho require ments of this Advertisement, or it will not be considered. Plans, specification, and forms -of pro posal can be procured on application at this office, or at the office of the Super vising Architect, Treasury Department. Samples ol tho stone (properly la belled) proposed to be furnished must be submitted with the proposals, and all proposals must be enclosed in a sealed envelope, endorsed "Proposals for Dimension Stone and Cutting for the United States Court House and Post Office at Kaleigh, N. C." and ad dressed to WM. A. II EARN K, 41 12t Superintendent. K I IV i TRADE, 1S74. nett, of Georgia, Adjunct Professor surplus to stockholders monthly. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. THE CAMPAIGN. stowed upon him. STATE. The town of Milton is out of debt and has money in the treasury. Greensboro has ripe apricots, pears, cucumbers, green corn, &c. Wilmington had a cock fight on the 4th, $500 a side. The young men of Salisbury are organizing a cavalry company. Lanesboro has a coach snake 7 feet G inches long. Ball, of the New North State, has a new house. Kelvyn Grove, Wake county, is the name of a new post-oflice. About Clinton they get 13,370 shingles out of one cypress tree. Active work is soon to commence on the Elizabeth City Railroad.- v Walnut timber is being shipped direct from Old Fort to Liverpool. Reidsvillo is in want of a good silver smith. The fall session of the Greensboro the srarret and knocking through the plastering over the passage leading to the front door and letting themselves down, uniy nve in all. None for any high crime. Within two miles of Ridgeway, Warren county, are planted one hundred thousand peach trees and all of them are bearing fruit. Mr. Labiaux imported over seventy thousand French vines from the south of France, and planted them out at Ridgeway last Spring and they are now looking remarkably well and are bearing the, grape, not more than five per cent, having died. The Asheville Pioneer says : On Sundav last. Mr. Wilson, of Bre vard, took from his trap a fish which has attracted considerable attention. It was 4 J feet long, and had a bill resembling that of a bird, 14 inches long, and three broad. Its mouth wTas directly under the eves, and measured seven inches in width. It was 18 inches in circum ference, with tail fins 14 inches broad. It weighed 28 pounds, and its color resembled that of a pike or iack-nsn, except tne head and bill, which were spotted. With Districts. 1st CLINTON I. COBB) of Pasquo tank 2d JOHN A. MITOTAN, ol warren. 3d--NEIl.il McKAY, of Harnett. 4 tli .T A HIES II. HEADER, Ol Uliat- Iiani. 5tn WILLIAM F. HENDERSON, of Davidson. Ttli-rOLUMBUS L COOK, Of Wilkes. M. ROSENBAUM, (Successor to A. Kline,) Corner Fayetteville and Hargett Streets. Mr. Purneirs Appointments. Rooms Rep. State Ex. Com., Raleigh, N. C, June 8, 1874. THOS. R. PURNEIiL, -Esq.,KepuD lican nominee for Superintendent of Public Instruction, will address the people at the following times and places : Hendersonville, Hen derson . Uo., Columbus, Polk " Rutherford ton, Ruth erford Morgan ton, Burke Lenoir, Caldwell Taylors ville, Alexander1 Statesville, Iredell THOS. B. KEOGH, Ch'n, pro tern., State Rep. Ex. Com. Francis m. sorrell, Sec'y. St July 9. 11. 13. 14. 16. 17. 18, 20. I am now receiving my Spring and Summer stock oi General Merchandise, recentlv unrchased In person at Korth- ern Manufactories, ana being rrom nrst hands, I am prepared to offer advanta ges to the Trade seldom offered in the city of Raleigh. - My stocK or f Ready-made Clothing is full and complete, bonght principally at auction sales from lirst-class nouses. I think I can offer inducements, both to the wholesale and retail trade, that cannot be surpassed south or the Hew York market. STAPLE marked Congressional Canvass. Hon. College will begin on the 29th inst. I the exception of its head, this sin- James H. Headen, Republican can x-o-Tiomo i frftrhtAriPd hfiCftiMA gular fish was entirely boneless. or a mad dog. The blacksmiths of New-Berne are striding for higher wages. "Watermelons have made their appearance in Robeson county. 1 A new daily is talked of in New- a wm ITT We understand that E. R. Stan- Iv. Esq., late President of the At lantic & North Carolina Railroad Company, has furnished a large amount of money, seme nve thou sand dollars, we believe, to make up the amount necessary to meet didate for Congress, will address the people on the political issues of the day, on the days and at the places mentioned below. All are invited to hear him. Henderson, Granville, Oxford, " Brassfleld's " Franklinton. Franklin, Wilson's 11111, Johnston. July Berne, to be called the Evening Ex- the July interest on the mortgage a5ffi!Se&f press. W. T. Watts, son of Judge S. W. Watts, is postmaster at Williams ton. The Wilmington excursionists have returned to Charlotte and are ubilant over their trip. Tho attendance at the recent commencement exercises at David son College was very large. J. W. Happoldt has been appoint ed depot agent at Salisbury, in place of A. O. Halleyburton. debt of the Road. This is an illus tration of the liberal mind and pub lic spirit of tho gentleman, and is no surprise to those who have been associated with him upon the Board of Directors, nor is this the first time that he has come forward and used his private funds for the public benefit. He has repeatedly advanced , large sums of money to pay the Principal and Teachers of the New-Berne Academy. Long may he live, and, in the words of Princeton, uiayton. Rolesville. Wake. Apex, Lashley's X Roads, Wake, . Chapel HIU, Orange, Smith's, Mangnm's Store, Orange, Lock vi lie. Chatham. Johnson's Store, Chatham, WilHoma' ww mum f Pace's Mill, " Edwards' Store, " ML Vernon Springs, Chatham, Harper' X Roads, M 9. 10 " 11 " 13 " 14 ' 16 " 17 " 13 " 20 " 21 22 . 21 " 25 " 27 29 " 30 " 31 August 1 " 3 " 4 " 5 of every grade and style, and at prices that will sell them. BOOTS, SHOES, HATS & CAPS in every variety, embracing every st ye quality and novelty of fashion. ; The China, Crockery and Olass Ware Department is a specialty of my trade, and I can furnish croods in this line to mv whole sale trade at factory prices. Call early to secure bargains. Especial attention paid to the retail department. Attentive ana experienced salesmen in every department, and I can assure the ladies it is not a trouble, but a pleas ure, to show goods. April 23, 1874. 14 3m. $20 It lu XV A It JD Time will be divided with Capt. Jospnh J. Davis, the Conservative Joe Jefferson, " Here's to you and candidate for Congress,at the above your family." Nec-T$erne Times. named appointments. I will Day a reward of twenty dollars for the aDDrehension and delivery, eith er at the Wake County Work Uouse or Jail, of Solomon Buflaloe, who escaped from the Work House on the luth day of April, last. Bnffkloe is about 6 feet high, dark brown color, one or two front teeth out, or broken off, and i weighs about 180 pounds. lip lived before sen tenced to the Work House, about 5 miles East of Raleigh. ! J. H. FERGUSON, 20U. Sun't Work House. lirateful Thousands proclaim Vix. re ah Bitters tho most wonderful In Yijrorant that ever sustained th sinking sjatexn. No Person can take theso Bitters according to directions, and remain long unwell, provided their bones aro not de stroyed by mineral poison or other means, and vital organs wasted beyond repair. i Kilions, Remittent and Inter in it tent Fevers, which aro sopreva lent in the valleys of our great rivers throughout the United States, especially those of tho Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkan sas, lied, Colorado, Urazos, Rio Grando, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Ro anoke, James, and many others, with their vast tributaries, throughout our entire country during the Summer and Autumn, and remarkably so during sea sous of unusual heat and dryness, aro invariably accompanied by extensive de rangements of tho stomach and liver, and other abdomiual viscera. In their treatment, a purgative, exerting a pow erful intluenco upon theso various or gans, is essentially necessary. Thero is no cathartic for the purpose equal to Dn. J. Walker's Vineoar Bittbks as they will speedily remove tho dark colored viscid nyittcr with which tho bowels are loaded, at tho samo timo stimulating the secretions of tho livor, and generally restoring tho healthy functions of the digestivo organs. Fortify the hody against disease by purifying all its Uuidswith Vinegar uVitkrs. No epidemic can tako hold of a systm? thus lorc-armcdi Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Head ache, rain in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of tho Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, Bad Tasto in the Mouth, Hilious Attacks, Palpita tation of tho Heart, Inflammation of tho Lungs, Pain in the region of tho Kid tinvs mthI m lilmilrnil nthnr rninfn! atrmn. toms, are the offsprings of Dyspepsia. One bottle will prove a better guarantco of its merits than a lengthy advertise ment. Scrofula, or King's Evil, Whito Swellinrs, t'kers, rryaipelas, Swelled Nock, Goitre, Scrofulous Inflammations, Indolent inflammations, Mercuriiil Alfections, Old Sores. Kru4!ious of the Skin, Soro Eye, etc. In tin-e, us in nil other constitutional Dis cjivcs, Vai.ki:us Vinkoab Bitters havo shown their jrrent curative powers in the most i.b-tih.;1'' ami intractable cases. For Inflammatory and Chronic Rheumatism, (lout, Bilious,' Remit tent anl Intermittent Fcvors, Diseases of the !U(!ol, Liver, Kidneys nnd llladdcr, these. Kiltrr have no emial. Such DlSCttSCS are. caused by Vitiated blood. Met hun mil Diseases. Fersons en- ir:iro, in 1 '-i juts .i lid Minftrnlfl. finch aa l'hiujliers, Type-set tow, Gold-bcatcn, and Miner-, as they adv;mce in life, aro subject to puralvMs of tbo Bowels. To guard against this,' Like a dose of TValker's Via kg a n IiiTTKns occasionally. For Ski it Diseases, Eruptions, Tetter.- Sait-lthcum, IMotchea, Spots, Pimples, Pustules. Itoils, tVirbuuclc?, Hing-wonni, Scald-heaii, Soro- Kye.. Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs,. Discoloration of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skin of whatovcr name or nature, aro literally dug up and carried out of the system iu a short timo bj tho use of these Bitters. Tin, Tape, and other Worms, lurking ii. the. stcm of so many thousands, system of medicine, tio vermifuges, no on thelminitics will free the system from worms like these Bitters. . For Female Complaints, inyounjj or old, married or single, at tho dawn of wo manhood, or tho turn of life, theso Tonio Bitters display so decided an influence that improvement is soon perceptible. Cleanse tho Vitiated Blood whon- ever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in Pimples, Eruptions, or Sores: cleanse it when jou find it obstructed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when it is foul: your feelings will tell von when. Keep the blood pure, and tho health of the system will follow. it. ii. Mcdonald st co.. Droughts nd Gtn. Agts., San Frftnciaoo, California, and cor. of Washington and Charlton 8ta., H. Y. Sold br M lra(((titi and Dealer. O ROANS! PIANOS ! - AND CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES AT BROWN'S VARIETYJ3 No. 10. Fayettevilli' itALEiaii, r CasHrfets, MUSICAL I Such as G altars, Baa joes. Concertina! Piccolos, r FlaireoV it nin? Wbrl Irish Y 'Musical ; Gtrit Dulcimer Vi Snares a& Caarescea. Toys, : So Croquet sets;-. o 1 1 anrl Hot ACSA0 aj AfvO f large assortment of fan cv ana plain isaskcts.uom dm Hair. Clothes and Shoe Urushos, Fish Hooks and Lines. Confection cries, Canned Goods, Jellies. Orangm, Nuts, Lemons, Fresh Crackers and ; Cakes; Pipes, Cigars and Tobac co, and many other things too numerous to men tion. Call and ex amino my stock and prices before you buy. ! NAT. Ii. BROWN, Kaleigh, N. C. Agent for Horace Waters 5c Son's eel ebrated Concerto Parlor and Orchestral Organs and Pianos. Send for illustra ted catalogue. j mch3dAwCin QOBJf! IVEALI HAY! One carload corn ; one carload bolted meal; two carloads timothy hay; 100 bushels Virginia oats, and 75 bbls. Rockland lime, at f MURRAY A ALLEN'S 32 3t Feed Store, N. C. Depot. NEW JPIAXO AT LESS TIIA Nov York cost, at ! ; - NAT. U liROWN S. Ralolgb, April 21, 1874; 1-Om A

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