WB EE LY -ERA. Official Orfan of the United States Official oran of the CItjv 1tr.4l. nl rtntrii-tirlt r.l1itfVI1 f 5 W. 1JROWX, Manager THURSDAY, JULYJST Republican Nominees. STATE T1CI1 For Superintendent nf TubUc Instruction THOMAS R. PURNELL, OP IX)RSYTIIE. It is our painful duty loannouncc tho death of Gov. Tod It." Caldwell. He breathed his last at tho house! Jof Col. Thomas liuthn, at II illsboro, Ion Saturday afternoon, about six 'o'clock. TTn 1 f 1.-l-- fn Vila ficnfl: health on Thursdav mornincr to at-Vi Jtend tho annual meeting of tat Stockholders of the North Carol! n: !-- t -i A Tl" 1 1-K-, ...rv J iJitauroau tomimny -uiii-ju.u.. Hand during tho day was attacked?, . . m . j I . . 1 1 ! wan vrernia irom which neuiec at the time mentioned. Gov. Caldwell was b rn ii Morganton, Burke County, in thitt Btate, February 11), ISIS. Hi father, Mr. John Caldwell, was ai: Irishman, who in 1800 settled iiJ Morgnnton, and became a leading! . . a m Z. merchant or tin; nlnce. lie Wf.., COXGKESSIOXAI-. TICKET. For Congress th District: JAMES H. HE ADEN, OP CHATHAM. .iiTiMCTivvr. TicJicj-rr. Fr Xdicitor-Uh District: JOHN ( L. II A KIMS. OP WAKK. I.KOIHLAT1VE T1CK1CT WAKElx)UNTY. For Senate lHth District: JAMES II. IIAIIRIS. Fr House of Representative THOMAS M. AlKiO, STEWART ELLISON, ISAIAH KINO, JAMES II. JONES. COPNTV TICKKT TUonms R. Punicll, Tim nninnpRifir' nnnonnrn tr'i"rVl M mnst'u.i . v.n...-!-v;?'Hl i hat Tim E . , . A a indorses the eentlineiils ol its correspond verv hard to prove that our cane. -rintJS in eVor- instance, its columns Jdidatc for Superintendent lie Instruction was a Ku Klux following letter from Mr Jon thi3 subject is to the will satisfy all true Republic: iGrand Mass Meeting and Barbecue that the charge is false : : . TftelAtrte Hi:viLLi:, X. C, M since the r June 30, 1ST- . S 'tlul Good Hit i,w. - 7 m r COKUESPONDRNCE, gsand dollars, all of win. h h-pr. mi; t THE CAMPAIGN. Iv i.ttld. JT -- ajj At f ho pnmmnnffmpnt n I ho W::i I " AW J. W m a XT -VJ w w w w - ' a itAM:J4;ic itirrAiL, iitici:s. CO KRECTKD UY WAYNE ALLOOTT. FAM- he espoused the Union cause u.d UEPL'BLICAX N I NATIONS. IIY OUOCKR, KAYKTTKVILLK MT. OA.. " riwmmnnlcattons will be given to the piHHVlurn0.hnnf. tria war. Tn IRfiS aru ISiDistrictsL i f ThtntAiuingtbeview an.l sentiments wfl .. rhatham ffiUnUt-.ci.IXTOM. J01Uj,r louo . Pun:cia . ! 3tv in the State Senate. He was np-n -tank. point iiiulg Opl Chatham Aroused ! jpointed by Gov. Holden one of thtid---jifrt-N a. HYjiArt, f warren. - ARTICT.KS. IK ICKH. (HM STKV PltOIUfK. 1 !'.: 15!:TrKK - l: rnthn-,n ,;RaiIrojVl in which capacity ieynh..jA!iEs ii. iie.idex, r ciwu. , (rfii, yh0 state faUhfi,y- in 1 laui. ,S ........ ffvVfiS72 hb was elected 'by the lUpub-llji,,;, r. UDKK!M. itry. i.'.ir- i Gen..E. J. Jlajapfon i Dear Sin: I learn that Coi. u. I'ooi. mv onponenr. iie wr.u-v rri a teratie nominee for oWw of Surxjilri-lrt-at v tendent of Public Instruction. jrr Hia To the FA'dor of the Krai Saturday, -July 4th, witnesscii aj? Gillian7 nartv to the position of Su- riiK-TJineiiuem m -j unite vuri.5, vvjiicn ne neiu until ns aoomiuu.j alhain. In accordance witblfcpaU?.4 ii'Sf 1"L"I asing a ccirtiticatcof one- G. M. M:.t -Pvious notict; , to the effect that he, SJi.tnd mass mectm i it... :t. Ciloro on Julv 4th. Lilt lUUll fnniita tiiYj; vv awakened the people of thesur-f educated at the Univer-sily ofNorthyhas no foundation. thews thew IJrotherhooi or Ku Klux, ant I m . .4- -v a I I it 1 w k tf'W ivtuni. uu win aiiu inu siiuvi " M ,. 4 - 4i. ....i. 4i irn.ir ml.i.nn tr, rot.t to Vf2irouH,"S',UIIl'Jr .lu.",u tayi, iim.. .,.i wi..,t I h v. 3this was the com Sid in i mv neec h T e chr-' ; SAt a,,out 10 a- HI- a Prowion was , a grand clebratio,; was held at Pitt"luI Y. QUF1Iut,lul'ul l -in'"t .ai aucanv i uri: :. IJIll IU 'u a cu4u.-. i..a.i. .r. i.;.lwn some of our btate works, buenf Carolina, whence he graduated witlitrvunouionetiuieoi ewuc,.. vun .;0f ih nn.i i,rW,Ta,i tn practical men should not be .. .. .... ' f nttncnmc from a man like Aia:-?""? ' ". V,1! riisunguisnexl Honors in lJvio. Jicf ..Vk; "1(lff .a ror,1,er:ocauiiiui grow; in me ouisKiris oi waslmmcdtotclv .ul.nitt,,. , tl , jM. 'aiho ton "where a lwiuntilui .linncrl bar. and in ho sa.ne ymr was e,ect al prosecutinc attorney fur hi mi return lo.lns i. 1e, ''-,;Ln tno groun(I ,L addition to tl. f KO HEIST shcii(r. W. WYNNE. or S'ufterioi Court Clerk and Jmhjc njl Prolxite : AIJJEICT MAONIN. For Register of Deeds : WILLIAM W. WHITE For Treasurer : WILLIAM M. I1KOWN Fr Coroner: PAUL LINC'KE. J. For Surraor : P. II. A I AMS. h"or (otjttf Ciirtfitxinncrx : MOSES (I. TOII, f LINTON W. WILLIAMS, N OUFL 1 : ET JEFFREYS, THOMAS V. SMITH, HENRY A. SMITH. tive county. He took an active part in politico and was elected to many position of trust. He was for several year.- a member of tho North Carolnu IIou.se of' Commons from JJurkt County', and in 1S.V) was ehxrto! U tho State Senate. In 1848 ho war bn tho elecoral ticket which ca; the vote of the State for Taylor and Fillmore, lie was a Henry Clay Whig of the most enthusiastic htrifH?. On the breaking out of the wai Mr. Caldwell was a firm and um- r Icompromising advocate of tl e Union, and a determined and bold foeof theSccossionists. He remain- i.nl true to his principles througn out tho war. In ISCto ho was ap- Ljpointed aid to Provisional Cover nor Holden. and the same vear ': ijelected a delegate from Burke ( Ithe first State Convention whicv urns r-illrvl nffor f in ivnr Tn lt.Ci he was nominated by the Itepul lican party for lieutenant Gove:-f nor, to which office he was trium phantly elected. He was inaugura ted on tho 1st of July, 18G8, and a presiding ofliccr of the Senate dis charged his duties in such a man- ner as to challenge the admiration iirw! spciiro tho oneomiun s of a I the menders of both political par ties. On the deposition of Gov. Hut does not this charge members of the Ku Klux tion a dilemma? If th .he charge to by true, ;js i hey ha caken a solemn obligation on tl iloly Kvangelist of Almighty God to stand bv and support the meniH bers of the order, even to tho extent of perjuring in the courts, they art oouihI bv that solemn oatn to vou for me, regardless of my political opinions. If they do not believe it, then. as honorable men, tbeysnoum denounce it as I do, as a vile slander. TIIOS. K. PUKNKJLL. . iln Hivi l x . . f nf nmt'iuinnD nnnirih. , Mparts of the country. It is estimated The Sentinel and News are very much disgusted at the independent candidate business, and would Ilia to whip them all into parttraces, but the prospect is that quite number of them will be electee, liul neither of those papers car. ibotit wivingariy thing harsh again; i n independents," tis such language might be treasured up and tact ytcaring on the election State prl iter next Winter. litWUnalKI inn unin vi nib iiiuiivi . Kvery Hung passed or wen anu yvc imay look tor a rousing report from Id Chalnaiii on tne (tn ot August, next. J CHATHAM.1'- Pittsboro, July 5, 1874. over f hooked and I am sure our present ad-i CITIZIJIN. Raleigh, July 13, 1874. remain in Ho is still a 2-entIeman. ami his nast courst! w m w ought to entitle him to a prominenif place either as Director or President t 3a.vidsou. jrtUC jO 1j U 31 It IT S ( HICKi Pit. K - I 'A rt i.i KLOUK CO O K, -P. r ii in i iy, :xi im," I Tickets! Tickets!! Wo are prepared to print Congress d sjionai, judicial, xegisiaii voanucoun-a niiiitkiivi u lino -Ji ''r,fcS L i ii .- it ' r i !.! i this vicinity. ThG namely tracts, at the J(lb,wing pne -s :d gentlemun is Silas Burns.fj (ntgreionaland JudUid 'fir!:: Q '' V ; nearly, spngiuiy uiumSiii'Ii thousand, i.o; ten inou 11A N-r ls . CORN MHAL l'OTM l.-.S Sw.rt. N. '. Irisli. oa""- 't:ii!...i ii n.s., " St-ed V- bnshel. atld, r more, of one rl, r) cett per thousand. j legislative 77cXv-fSaiiio prieesW abovei l Ii Counhf Tickets Single thousand s $2.00 ;i over one, and less than thrc thousand, $1.50 ier tfiousiind; ovei five thousand, $1.00 per thousand. CUiM'Kil ' 1 , liil. i.illk S;,l. t. " Republican Convention in lu-l JS Chish must accompany orders Parties ordering are miuested u write names of candidates, plainly. vidson. The Republican Convention oi Davidson county met in the Court house on the 4th day of July, 1871, for the purpose of nominating can didates for tho next General Assem rly and the various county offices. On motion, T. C. Ford, Esq., wa. made Chairman, and George Kin ney and b. rV. VrMl.r. !irnninf.pfl 1 - -jrr- - 2 ?lwi-prjirips Messrs. Jlcadcn and Davis atj Gn tho call of the townships ii Brasslleld's. I jwas found that all were represented 7b the Editor of the lira : (lout two, after which the follow- Yesterday tho Conservative can ying resolution was unanimously didato for Congress, Capt. Joe D-v-goprca ;w hero to address them. As t) .Snumbor of good men whose claim Sf ' ' vi - St-- 14 tl; r jl rowd was assembling, an.l Squi uPon, uie xvepuuncansoi uiueounv -runnrlv nrul hi iid rnir ,.: $ior tne nominations to tne variot I,ia wnmVsn!!n 4,ot o n-rw .iiSoflices is recognized and dcclarct Hl.-J V VJ1 l l'IIV,lllb II llliv u i-tj Jt, Nat friends time thev would have in an .jusi ; anu, wui ro , tn eunhequen lumc tney wouiu uave in an -l-5J. ' ' ; T. ' - . p Larte discussion, there appeared i the number ot camhdates it h fthocrowda man of meiliuiii statu: fi.feo.ccn thought Les to call a Convei. rki stranger, accompanied by Col. T. oung, known to many or tl Ti VL Tien u'jw at. once anxious ; iintervicwod as to who this disti - Utinguishcd looking stranger vs.t, f t it it i r i 1I...1.... i. votetl for Hoi-ft-oi1JmV8 ui;; ' The Democrats Greeley. Greeley was known ocjn;irtv n(1 th onnoIlcnt of Cai . ,1 ,wdwv . I.S.-W- tv T . -,r. T T 1 schooF6IJo.i Davis. Jhave done by charging -f M lOlcd ion: TliurMdtiy, aujumi tu 11.1 M. kcrlptiun dor fur llie ravli. Tickets. We insert in this issue a column of Purnell tickets, which we shall keep standing until tho election Cut out theso tickets and have them alout you when you go to theoll We would suggest to the Repub lican press of the State the propri ety of following our example in thb particular, as it would supplement the distribution of tickets. Sec to: it that each polling-place has plenty of tickets. JJowaro of Ku Klux candidates, for Judge in tho Wilmington, (iroonsloro and Charlotte Districts. The icoplo of Wake aro prover bially fond of shows. They never bargained, however, to !e taxed to? Inly one. We were in error in scaling n he registration books will close t (Idays before t lie ele -t ion. They w one dav oi'ore, out in civ 1 bo in favor oi mixed md the sKiial equal They have just discoven . A A' - . i terrible tiling n is logoior mix ugu Tnro ilinl ino0( his O - schools, and are trying to divt gford appointment and disappointed public attention from what th ity of the racor.ijsvhen told at Henderson by Colonel gj'-ov: iscovere! wb ;tS.Yoing that Capt. Davis was daily ganai ,Hm his speeches expressing a desip. van Registration. A new registration isiiotrcquirec ifor the August election, but ever man iho has rlKtngetl his residence since last election, that is, if he ha4 removed from one township to an other,(or from one ward to another. if the icitv contains (br e tliousiinc inhabitants, or more inew jor he must register cannot: vote, utiles your lpimt? is on the books of th township or wan! in which you ro side on thelay of eliection you can not vote. See about your tration ! regis Republicans arc in favor what the have done. that I of (bi the sat thai he eon print register before, 1 :-egis'.rai i;n v fl fact ion of the judges 13. 3' t.vfnfi.t county, one regular indenendenf. There are batch of ' indepen- Ilaiorsof quite a bate Slents1' for the Legi " 1 fc'uor Caldwell succeeled to the exi Isutive chair. In April. 1872. he v a? . . . I. ijnominated on tne nrst oaiiot ast'K nllepublicitn candidate for Governor, vass, elected by a majority of-,o('-.'.r3close As a rrimiiinl havvpr' CinvonitaMwhere iiialcs come of age on elect i ------- - --i 1 fi', cRihiv. or a voter shows to " ' '5 r... : n l... : , inonlrrto rriire tlie Kra It i8ii'"v..in ... un.un - - m . m -. Eli, tiaG.iikil at IIJ I 9 t f 1 4 lik ttt llitl 4 I , nrehnrv ilini llic price ur i iuivih-i-u, iiiii iia m uiuiaiiut - 1 - . . . . ... i Kiiuii n company nil r-h:.)f oarties never failed of an ele -Pl'e allowed on Hiat day. paper, our irriu nrViioii before the people when he ws..-f Hacandidate. 14 Inpkpknpknts. - i ne iu tv-jt ; TI14 mnnt irviiK ti ihn Sh.'.iil77wiM I earns that tlu'ie. are tor im inn woli L-nnvvn rmnim n n. tiomocratic candidates lor rtneriii ill a v V ' v a -v a v v- I Jtice at our hands in this article. A 3 His hist public acts were an ad- idress of welcome to the North Car olina Educational Association on Wednesday lat, and at the timtij lie was stricken down he was a! ilillslxjro to assist in the consolida tion of tho Railroads of the State a scheme which he long had neaif his heart. The announcement of his death has cast a gloom over the pcoph everywhere throughout the Statt ma is universally regarded as a jreat calamity. We defer a more extenilixl notice for a future number. Our heart W too much crushed now by the great ailliction for the mournful task. His remains were brought to nilnifr)i rtn Wnnlnv fvriinr unci lay in state in the Senate Cham ! ber durimr IMondav. 'and were! conveyeil to his- late home in Mor- day. . . potion, in order mat me claims and iicrits of the various candidate.1 Kishould be fully discussed and se-- Eldod ; therefore, be it f& Resolved, That the name of ru person shall be iroposed lor nom;- nntinti to thi I Vn volition tor unv rv I Ml i. onice wTno w in not pieoge nimseii ;tto abide the decision of the Conven rion lift- ... Yp ir Mr Header e$ On the call or tne roll ot tJie -- --- 7 - - 'FI'i. I il. ...II ; til .ownsnips me loiiowing naiue vei EES i- l a' .1 unanimously nominaieo.. lor ii various offices, as follows : Senate John T. Cramer. House of Representatives Jacoo r. llrown, John A. Heitman. Siierift" Jacob A. Sowers. Clerk Superior Court Levi K. .Johnson. Treasurer--David W. Pickett. Register of Deeds Will. II. Mo.' Sfitt. C"roner Philip w. Michael. Surveyor Peter K. Link. Mr. Headen followed oi.Sa onnnissioners -James 1j. fsmitn ,i ,v..u i.n.i t),;i-fr n.innf, -fi . W . HarMev. Da vid (;. KimeL W . 1 1 II. I IT.H II itllll bill. IV .K7 4 - . 7 - - - , 1. ,..i . ...tit,.. i..- -. r3i rOorw Win i th Abrjih.-mi ( Vms li Hi t It I . II XJIIIIX- 1L Lim.lV. L I I . - lif1: h ' " 7 - - - - f J?-Z n . ?. ni i. .a. 1 1 l : . . i old Union-loving people esoiveu, iiiai uie promNiiii-.-iui Ilrstleld',' that To Poi.ralobPKlis. At theciisu ing election jive, ballot-boxes will b required ut each pollin-junce on each for Superinlendeei f Public Instruction: Member f Congress Judgejiind Solicitor (iwhere iuy Jmlg is to be elected, a box lor Solicitor) Senator (or Senators) and I tep resell tatives (or Represeiitati ve) in tin General Assembly;' all county Of fieers, including Clerk of the Stipe rior Court. Tickets to boon whit pap( r, witiiout device. Ifl. S j i, llepabiicai K ss, will speak .1 Dislrici his own friends in order to mw: face to face his opponent. Nov, Mr. Kditor, I ank who is it tint !- dodginr V v ho is it that did iu 3 a.oi IThursda iesiro lomt discu.ssions? We Mr. 1 leaden, that he at i ited Capt. Davis and ait n;e. : would not come. So he went to the! Japtain. Captain Davis led off 01? '''lotir V he First IMstriet. Hon. ('. L. CoBh candidate for Conjriess to the people of the Fust as follows : Wash i n ! 1 oi i , 1 ii a 1 1 f( i.r i ty, Julv Kith, at 1 't:loc!v fc!i. ill. t m Plymouth, Washington county Friday, July 17th, at f oVun-k; p.nt Scuppernong, Washington cui' ty, ialurday, J ul lSUj,al IU) clock ). m. Gum Ntvk, Tyrrell county, Mon May, July 2)th, at 11 o'clock, a. m Columbia, Tyrrell count v, 'rues day, Juiy 21si, at I I o'chn-k, a. m " ' Smok'il Sl!OUl.ll'I, i'. t S uunr iMirNlfrriis, COFKKK-Okt Kov'inent, IiKiiim, lUo Prime, KIsii-Mm-kmi, No. :;. N ll.r'n:s,-iil " ll'HS " rn Sli.nl. Jibbl FLOi '11 - I'ntuitsco, a. Family. Ixtra. Superllno, MOLASs: s- (ula, m w htid RICK SUOAIC Alnii.rd A l,l 44 I'.xu.i f. ' Y. iiow, SYKUl'-Pl'L. n " i ui ii ti i o ui 0 in :a l (O t i M IN) ii m) i) tn) 1 15 i r 1 1!S i) INI . mi (I mi (I I XI 0 mi II kl (I u 0 mi 0 IN) ii mi 0 m) i) on 0 Ikl ii mi o mi o ui 0 (X) 0 m 0 (X) 0 IN) 0 U) 0 mi 0 mi o mi (I 10 o mi Oh I.' I.i ui. l.'i (A l.'i in i.i uh (.1 (V I.I I. Ul- (.'. (.11 ; (,i (: (. i". !l I I Ul I 'J. '. 1 .i S.I I-. mi lk II IP H ' I".' I'.l 11 It! lit da It) in (t ID mi (4 12 mi 11 mi ft s Ul (Ii ii ui (6 (.i. ( n (.1 Ul. m (',' 1 1 I . 1 1 II' I.' IJ 11 patkxt mi:iicixi:s. -7- count lirstetnl Thousands proclaim Vix. eoaii HifTUits tho most wonderful In vifroruat that ever sustained th1 sinking system. " No Person can tako those Hi Hera according to directions, and remain long unwell, provided their hones aro not de stroyed by mineral poison or other moans, and vital organs wasted boyoud repair. Khiouv Remit lent and Inter 1. jj ... mi 1 1.:: u i (v vers, wjucii arc so preva lent in thf- valleys ot through' :ir i'he United 1 1 1 n i o: t n rs a a d ed ori o!is of devotion i tMt 1 a V . : ; . . - m m w . v . .... , Ej'i i.i.. a.i .r,...i;A ,, u.! im . Miiifsvi: I'. iMm rrm iiiiituv I hnrw. . i. . ' A. a..,i i. ajm Ar,w.A v, -IKdav'. Julv !2.'d. at 12 n'cincl: m. &i to r 'i ! i ni i o i. n i ' . -.' i " i iv in it. iii ui Jin ipj . j i .... ivianin county, rr:r i t i . t ii ., t mi til r rJ,:'.i;L ri:i'. 0:es Oi dCVOllOll lO ll-.. I'u.iin.ttuw.i. f'Jonstiutioii and the Union. Whiiejg On motion, tho Convention a g:-Jait. Joe is popular, personal I v,j"urned. T. C. FORI), Ch'n. fehr.w th. ini niwisleiwvnfbia inlit:.3 GEOllGK KlNNEV, ) A ... " " ' ------ r N- . rl iMl'l t Ill's 14 m 1 In. Arm Mr. Purnell has leon greeted by ge audiences in the West, and has made a splendid impression wherever he has spoken. 1 ,Wc v L islature. i year for independents! Wa 4w so intich oublic sniril? ... .. l A c-ff;cal course, so clearly and forcibi nrhown by Mr. 1 leaden, staggered ,Kli;s friends and made solid our on-ffi? ,;lire vote liero. At tho close of th ai'.ds?!.! KviMCulnii liativiimi 'MnujiM I Ya tSJ. ra-Rand Ileadea. Messrs. Skinner. Saml. :Cannadyanl Walker, Conservative ?rviTiilnmrr nnire.nfirosentin' their! friends in the county canvass, and rhe old vttoran and war horse, Ja3. Messrs. I leaden, il. C. L. Harris, ii 11. W C. Itadg.. Stanton, J I. Moore and Col. Ike Young ro-m James W. Newsom, Esq.. Chair- olied in behalf of our candidatesrrsman of the County Executive Com md although the Conservativeslfmittee, called the meeting to order. iiad their representatives, and thess Richard J. Walden was then made 3!i(;n!i nml Col. loung only to re-l SChairman of the Convention, and mm . Hamilton, ?lay, July ri4th, at 2 o'clock, p. m. Windsor, Jiertie county, Satur day, July iijth, at 2 o'chn-k, p. m. Lewiston, Rertio county, Mon pday, July 27th, at 12 o'clock, in. 1 Coleraine. Hertit' c f - i 1 1 1 v. Wt iliws; Nortliamptoii Nominating Coii-ldav. juv at WoVkxrk. m. volition. fa liarrellsviile, ' Hertford county. The Jtepuhlic-ansof NorthaniptonNift";ay -July at 12 o'clock, m county met in Convention in thefl r Vm.ton? Ilertordetiunty, Friday. town of Jackson, on the 4th of July,IjJU,1 U1. i ci)ck, iu. to nominate candidates for the Lc-fi , -Catesville, Gates cfunty, Satur gislature and (bounty ollices. Bd? A"SU! at 12 o'H-'k, m. m xLiden ion, uno wau county, ivion p Jay; August 3, at 11 o'clock, a. in. Hertford , Perquimans county. our great jivrr States, espcciallv those ut 1 1 1 r Mississippi, Oliio, Missouri Illinois renii -ssfo, Cuniberland, Arkan sas. Kcd ; nidiano, Ihazos, Kio ur.nnlo l'oarl. M.ibania, Mobile, Savanna!', l an ! .l uiies, and niauv others, will their ast tributaries, throughout oui. entire country dining the Summer and Autumn, and reniarkablv so during sea ;otis of unusual heat and dryness, anj, utvana Wy acconipanieil by extensive ile raiiiren;. nt. )f the stomach and liver, md other abdominal viscera. In their treatment, purgative, exerting a pow -i eriiii niiiiieii.-o upon thnso various or rlgans, is s-( -ntiall v necessary. There - - - - - jj-jm-i ui (vim x ifiui muj ii j b .yi let 1 1 1 1 m I. Sharp and others addressed thegply, they consented that one Col.JIWm. E. itiwns of Nash, at Nashville, onlIenry Arnold London, of Pittsboro,! t Each ...... . i lt i . ; . i . . ! 111.. Saturday. We jrowd was in very decided Old Nash will publican majority in August. Well invite attention to the letter! Stipe, published in this! It fully vindicates! d will be read true Republi- he last Legis-j cat those whof fland Ike Younir irot thmtifrh with! I London. Cannadv. Walkr and! Republicans allowed a registeredHskinner, all the Cannadys audi voter to take a certificate from thi J walkers looked sad and the Lon ,n,.L.i,.,r ,.r i,;. ti.t,ci,; ,,J Idons and Skinners had left the! i l.-imii wi ni.-i ivii iiuii' iiiim - -. .,, , . , , . . ,. Unround. It will be some time be at any place m his county. Ufnro Lon(lon ttlI1 l)e induced to car- Th DenwK'rats not onlv rciusr dr.wf.n.jf ii, nrunviiia .Vni Tof IT 1 t " T J t A lllll T 111V Cfcl V 11JV V v J to let a registered voter voUf-sMoorei and Skinner will reluctantly! j j. i -i icnrisiMit. lor Col. oiint" tn rnroAiifI i ... - t- j-- the Republican candidates. Put jdown Granville as 750 majority forp fileaden. Cant. Joe is a good fel-ft! luesday, August 4, at 1 1 o'clock, a. m. Tfc ft A nmlm Ktfi-ftirv is -oeividcre, ierciui mans county township was represented! I Wednesday, August o, at lUo'clock bv two delegates. On motion, they retired, and after brief consultation, returned and reported the followin ist oi candidates, wine n was ac- allowed 47o speak wjcc.Meepted vyith unanimity anil enthu-ft; , Mr. Editor, when Jim AIoorclsiasm, viz. : (j !S no e Dir. .J. is thev colored now els learn that a largff )"v ";,J ni,lu wma.llw.B' J"" attendance and ail,.,...:.,,, ,..), i,w. li.rhinimr mil or impnssion made.finstirance agent, so Moore said,) was reixirt a itohI Re-K'also . m Elizabeth City, Pasquotank coun ty, Wednesday, August o, at 8Jl o'clock, p. in. nit of his township, but have don dl in their jxiwer tokeophim from voting in his township. m 1 - - a t 1 'T-A a iaKU x-urwcuiur auiigo i j John A. Ilyman, the IUpub- By section 12, chapter 132, laws onJnVain-andidate for Coi g ess iti the! IC?5 7J tf t.1 .nniMnil tl... II ...l...mlx ... 1 1 ! ... .A !... .1 i 1 1 J uiu- nkino juuwutu uiai w iicijj iot conn iiiricL lspenuiiieo n waiK a - - . r voter m challenged at the polIs,Hover the course. The Democratic juion demand of any citizen of thef 1Commitlec met at GoldsUiro, a few fStati it shnll fn tho ilntv of fb in For Senate W. W. Peebles. For House of Representatives Richard J. Walden. For Superior Court Clerk- N. R. Odom. For Sheriff James W For Register of Deeds Buxton. For. Treasurer Jams W. Cope- land. For Coroner John R. Drake. Newsom. -Win. T. their voles bring a witH fntity. before Vrs to voto. Actfgovern- I- it -J ilCUCK, lllll for Judge in un,ti lit; uwiiuiu yiieirthat ho "puked" on hi. Qiates in tho dens. This has sol Vlllsgusted them, that they will not vote for him, and he is likely to be! Kicker on .the sixth day of August than V. "ithe Congressional Com- in i tteo . t, t hoso sea rch i ng quest iond to him. A lutrii .Hon. C. L. Conn. This distiu giilslK entlcman, who has been J for some timo to his room ijigum ny.on account oi llncss, w e arc pleased toj - y- ifc- so inr recovereu as to Dei able to Joiij the canvass in tho First DisL let. Mr. OobT" entitled to great cred- U for his energy and labor as a Rep resentative Congress, and we! hope will roll up a heavy majority in August. The Republicans of hi District are confident of his re-election. tspectors of tho election to require! said voter, before being allowed tol vote, to prove by the oath of some other ierson, known to these judges,H uie jaci oi nis residence lor thirty days previous thereto in the county in which hopuroses to vote." In order that you may be allowed to vote, go to tlio iiolls in company with your neighbor or some other! credible person. idays ago, and as they could not find any one who would accept a nomi-j nation from them, they adjourned Republican papers copy. bf the liost canvassers in the State,! jand will make the Democratic furl fly thick and fast wherever hef. strikes. joi. w. r. Henderson. v We hear that Col. W. F. I lender J son is inakinf a stilerulhl innvMuJ d i oi me r inn uisirict. ine preju- klicc against him is rapidly disap pearing, and Gen. Scsiles, his op ponent, is kept on the defensive. The Republicans are rallying toM the support of Henderson, and"J lafler licuring him onthe stumnU many Democrats declare that theyf will not vote for Scailes. The! kihances aro that Henderson will! be elected by a handsome majority Messrs. Mori ng and I fanner, Mer- rinion bolters, have been re-nomi nated for the General Assemblv in Chatham, and wo Wm thnt. Arrini lPit of the gearing of a threshi r h. k ;i in i 1 1 : 1 1 1 i mii ii riCO i. WaUUCIl. Ksn.. hn ilnnl.i wwll V V . - ...ww..vM,jHO severely as - " 1"-'v ui v-uiuiiuaie,jiion. without, making one. We are glad to see that II. Dockery has enteretl against Hon. O. the cam- For Surveyor Norman Parker. For County Commissioners Dr. low, but stands on poor principles,pWm. Barrow, Jas. W.Grant, Thos. rmlif it.i II tr on1 flit iri.i Ir i oou Hiofrt T W Immiu iitul Tottinu A iviiiiaii v unit itiaiiyuwj va iuojjvi x VViv. jjaio uiiu uoiiii.q jlm. fciuise has been so forcibly shown topBoone. jthe people ot this county by Mr.SK On motion, the Convention ad Headen and his friend, Col. 1 oung,0?journcd. that the eop!e will voto as hereto-3 The people present then resolved fore for Republican candidates and3NI1em.se! ves into a mass mating, Republican principles 111 Augustu ul many very able and eloquent isp3eches were made in detence ot rtthe Republican pari v. & RICHARD. I. WALDEN. Ch'n. next. A VOTER. Brassfields, July 11th, 1S74. H Wm. F. Drake, Sec'y. NEW Al V E UT S EM ENTS. To the Editor of the Era: About the vear 1833 there canu to Raleigh a mechanic and obtain ed a position on the State House .j then in course of erection. He was"-. aw mm m W t .V . . a . rjl I p:ign against A. m. Wadded, inniempioyed in. tne sinuns depart-g? the 3d District. Col. Dockery is 011c'!1110111! . K r no conunueii unui merf offick ok th i: Dkpcty Wa kokn, i.i 111, . i'hi 1 i7i C STATU I UXITK1VT I A IKY,1 raihntr wors ..I...J i l- 1 SI. IS coiupitaiuii ui uiu uuuui.il:. recent examination of the of the stairways, I have been forci-j bly struck With their durability as, well as that of the iron Mother portions of the building. x tt a .' . ,i In 1845 he was the successful con- ()ntheaiinouncimiento!lbe(Ie;dhtrac.tor unUer lhe administration of Gov. C-aldwelL Hon. W. H.Hof Gov. Graham, for feneinir in the K . .... ' ' IT.......).... w ... i' UU Vi tn fil Swmnrn ;inil low iol um? iiunnuMi. nuiiriiirv in OUIIC;, UOlI-LI J j"' w . . . 'till II' I'll I 1 V. llll 111 I I'lll III! V." . . nod i.ieut. uov. nrogden to renairri:- ;:r:: " ' :..w , , . I si.'. iacnoii ui an coiicciijuu. oouiiw to the capital to be in readiness toljaer his advent into the State, thefl Ik:' time the duties devolving uponjqv.ostion of internal improvements StateSI0111 to t,xcl the public mind 5.- d our ineiui neariny uspousoujg f jit:: cause. When the North Caro 3Ir. PurnelFs Appointments. Rxy.s Rep. Statk Ex. Com., Raleigh, N. C, June 8, 1874. Tuos. R. Puiixell, Esti., Repub Mcan noniinee forSujerintendent ol Public Instruction, will address the people at the following times and places : Morgan ton, Burke Co., July Lenoir, Caldwell ' - laylorsville, Alexander1' Statesyille, Iredell 4t THOS. B. KEOGH, Ch'n,7ro fern., State Rep. Ex. Com. 1G. ir. is. 20 '!i:iirio for the purpose equal to W ICR'S VlXKdAK IlrtTi:KS, .. ill speedily remove tho dark- isi id matter with which the are loaded, at tho same thin- .stimulating llie secretions of the li-' ; , and generally restoring the hi: functions of the digestive organs. Fortify the body against disease by purifying all its lluids with Vinkoau IHttkks. Xo epidemic cau take hold of a system thus forc-arincd. I)ysp"p:-!a or Indigestion, Head telie, .Pain iu the Shoulders, Couplis, . right 1 less of the Chest. Dizziness. 80111 Kruetations of the Stomach, Dad Taste! in the .Month, Hilious Attacks, Palpita-j tation of tie Heart, Intlauimation of tint Lungs, Pain in the region of tho Kid j neys, and a hundred other painful syinp toms, are tin; offsprings of Dyspepsia. One botth. will prove a better guarantee of its merits than a lengthy advertise ment. Scrofula, or King's Evil, Whito Swellings. VAwr. Erysipiis, Swelled Nock. Goitre;, .Scrofulous InllaujniaUona, Indolent Inflammniions, Mercurial .Affections. Old Sores. Kruptions of the Skin, Sore- Eyes, etc. In these, us in nil other constitutional Pis eaves, Walk kus Vixkoau I3ittkhs havo shown their great curative power in the most ohstinato and intractahle cases. For Inflammatory and Chronit iiheumatism. Gout, llilious. Keiuit-1 fc3 tent and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of. I J the bhx.il, biver, Kidneys mid Pladdc tricHc Haters have no enual. Such Disca: are caused by Vitiated IMood. . r4 FitANors M. Sorukli,, Sec'y. 4 Jinaiiicai Discascs.-l'ersons en- unkii-n in 1 anus auu jiiiii'J.iis. sutu in numbers, Type-sett ors, dold-bcatcrs, and Miners, as the)-advance in life, are subject to paifdysif; of tho IloweU. To puurd saint mis. take a dose of "Walker's Vix K'i a !i Itrn-KKs occasionally. For Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Tet-f ter. Salt-KIieiim, lilotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustuies. Hoils, Carbuncles, Kin-worms, Scahl-he.i'l. Sore Kyoi, " Erysipelas, Itch. Scurfs. I)icolorationH of tho Skin, Humor and Diseases of the, Skin of whatever nanw Congressional Canvass.--Hon. b James II. Headen, Iteputilican can lidate for Congress, will uddres the people on the iolitic:il issues ol lithe day, on the days and at the places mentioned below. A 1 nr invited to hear him. Johnston July I'eii (IoIIhi s rownril lor 1 he apprehen sion ot" (ioorge'lJrown, an cstipo! eon- Visu, 11 taken 111 the tt.uiity ot W ake in.t $20 if taken lovond tho limits of the count v. W. II. THOMPSON, Deputy Warden. tJtmro Hrown. colon! weighs V'iiiul.s and is f lect and .r inclies high Julv 11 :it him by a provision Constitution. nf the The Statesville American C'i.Kruv and ('or,r. KOTO it's Offick, July Uh, 1874. . -m.- a a m r .11 1 mm m m m . M . iuse. wnen tne iNortn uaro-eji Ptf . 1 . 1 X 1 1 im mi muiroau was euariereii, ni',W Acting under an ordinance parsed b ieu.jvtli a tew others, met at tlin tmrtrstii tv.ani of (VimmiinnPiN rim? pers-us who to come for- ithin the next the Ihw. FRANCIS M. SOURKLL, Clerk and Collector. . I t J l 7 - A -ml X.- ,. A 1 1 1 iiuw aa iwHiijiiis denounces mixeur.nouse, 111 inisciiy, in i-k5,hiii i )rin-ii. , 1 ery nnmy an Ll. 1 1 ri'li rvj Itt li...l-i-r t!r.i lr.w. . 1, FJoI themselves into an Internal Im-fil-e - ist " taxabies I . .. . . M,.-.-,vnmnf iw.ir.fe o nl f l lio.f 3wanl and 1 ist the same w whites ami then slips around andW ;'" jjburg couiiiy, was caught iu some! fV-f-. , .-. . I 1 t " 1 T . . WTlM Y fc.i llfiius tni vr in.H't mtr-j vvit! r nr nnl. Pi. . . 1 1 ... . . - ...... ..... "Jtieui ior uie imoeius iriven 111 me ioreil jK-oplo at night. Efscheme. At one of the meetings l..lrl ullAllf fl.aji-- iimn ut iirltw.li1 1 I 41 L It 1 llllll llllll, fV If lllll. f )rl 1 hit ' -. J III Ult.a 4 OKI LA A Jl.IJL.II. VI ' ' . UIIIIUUIl UllVt JLi.V-VJUVlllUlIk- E. IJell, of Steel Creek. Mcckien-MMorehead, Swain and Manly wereEj it. tome prcsent, this gentleman was calloduf wher .on for a seecn.'. He excused hi m- j IeA :lself, but rtjuestiHl the subscription Lt. 0 NEW PIANO AX IES.S THAN New York cost, at " NAT. L. DItOWN'S. HaleiRb, April 21, 1S74. il Cm - mithfleltl, PriinH'ton, ;iayton. " 1 Itolesville, Wake. . a Apex, " 21 Liushley's X Itoa.ls, W.ike, Jhapel Hill, Oritur , ' '2i Smith's, : " 2." Mannum's Store. irsini-e. ' 'S. bockville, liathuni, " ilolinson's Store, I'huthain. :n I Williams', " 31 we'u Mill, ' Antra! i 1 Edwards Store, :', VI t Vernon Sprinus, 'iialhaiii. 4 Ilarper'h X ItojuJs, " lime will be divided with Cant. Joseph J. Davis, the Conservative candidate for Congmss,at the above aamed appointments. "VT"TICfc:. This is liive notice that AJ I will A-U l'r eash t- tho hii'lH.'-.tJ' Oidder at the Court IIotist lMir dii the LiDth of Julv. at 12 oVloek. A. D. 1874, in tho city of U.deiuh. Wake l.fiirity, N. C, all tho n.vendoiiarv in- ;ter;st of Isham Yoim, a liankriit. ins - . .- small lots m the town ol Kole-svulo, eontaitung aunut li acnu each. A1mT IbO aes ol land HiLuatiMl 111 I.itiln l.iv-m-vl v4f Pi"fc17 1141 l)it lltr1llitirr itfA !..i.1 ,. w . r i ley Hartstield, J. A. Youdk and others. I Also a lite estate 111 90 acres or laml ad joiwiiig tlie lands of IectHa A. Mitch- oi!. Dr. 1 leniniinir and othor. Also ir acres of laml adiomintr tho lands oil won iv i'earce ami othorx. A ot said lands aro situated in Wake county, N. C. I will also sell at the same time a lot of holes and ' open accounts, as the property ol said bankrupt, mis July 0, 1874. ' J. 11. O'NEILL. 4 w3w Assignee. or nature, arc literally dug up and carried out ol the system 111 a short time by tuo Ur,o of these Hitters. ; Tin, Tape, and other Worms, lurking ift the system of so many thousand. are effectually destroyed and removed. system of medicine, no vermifuges, no an thclininitlcs will free the system frutn worm like these Bitters. For Female Complaints, in youni: fx or old, married or single, at the dawn of wo manhood, or the turn of life, these TriJ.' Bitters display so decided an influenco tlaf improvement is soon perccptihle. Cleanse the Vitiated Hlood tvhru- ever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in Pimples, Eruptions, or Sores, cleanse it when von find it obstructed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when it h fonl ; vonr feelings will tell yon when. Keeji the blood pure, and the health of tho system will follow. It. II. MtDOXALD & CO., Dme-cist." nml Ufn. Acrt?.. San Francisco. Culif'rni.v and -n. of Walnii!rton anil Charlton St.. N. Y. Sotil by all DrugglKts and Ieulem. A T 1: i r .iir v A-Mf-m t.-r v aw f 4 TW-n-v ! in mm . ine leiisseu. out. reouesiea uiu siiosenniionfj iu Tnv x,- t io require :uniuta-vJl)Ook to be handed to him. whenH ' ' BROWN'S. ijhe put down his name for tenthou-y ltaleigli, April 7, 187 1. S" VOU WA.Vr A lAICLOIl OR Church Oman go to NAT. L. BltOWN'S. Raleigh April 7, 1874.. An occupation a-. t':n-.ir, lMi inr least a second ratio cci'iincaic. li in i'orniatiou lf rcijuircd addroxs Wil.o. J. Lamb, .Jolin i Walts, . W. ISal v and John Watts ( w 1 1 i t - residing at Williamston, where 1 have Imcii lapw ing an teacher for tho last lf months. J. II. ItlOia'STKRS, (colorod,) feb3-tf Williamston, JN. C F on TnrsicAf. is'rmr.tiiTN Sirinu;s and 'IVitninin k, ro to BltOWN'S. It-ile gh, April 7, is; 1.

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