i 5 WEEKLY ERA. official Orjran of the United States. Official Oran of the Cltf V. 31. 1IIIOWX, Manajr. TIIURSDAY, JULY 23, 1874. Republican Nominees. STATIC TICKKT. Fo Superintendent ofTublic Instruction: THOMAS R. PURNELL, OF FORSYTIIK. C X X ; IIKSS I ONAL TICK 12T. For CbngrcM Uh District: Capt, Maffiil" Withdraws. The subjoined card speaks for it self. It is to be regretted that the legislative nominees of the highly respectable Convention which nom inated Mr. Magnln for the of lice of Clerk, should have combined their Influence against him on the ques tion of irrimilarity of nomination. He was nominated fairly and by a lanre majority. The nominees for the Legislature tacitly accepted noini nation at the hands of a Convention which they now denounce; indeed. Mr. Harris, tho nominee for tht- Senate, accepted in a secch. It is to I? deplored that a man' fortune "glosses over any faults with which he may be charged" ; nay, more, it is a sad commentary on public virtue that such is a fact. We feel that we have a right to speak thus plainly, it having been agreed to read the card at every precinct. To tie JiejmlAicans of Wake County: Having received the almost unan imous nomination for the office of Clerk of the Superior Court of Wake county, at the hands of a large body of Republicans, assembled in Metropolitan Hall, on the 30th of May, I embarked in this contest as TAMILS H "rTEADEN a Republican, and with the firm milj0 ri- rLJ1Jjt'CjXN ' conviction that I would carry votes OF CHATHAM. .IIJI31CIAL TICIvI-T. For Solicitor -Mh District: J Oil N C. L . II A KllIS, ' " OF WAKK. . I l ie i ISLATIVK TICKlfiT. WAKE COUNTY. iFor .Senate 18th District JAMES II. HARRIS. For I muse of Rcjrrcentative : THOMAS M. ARGO, STEWART ELLISON, ISAIAH KINO, J JAMES H. JONES. COl'NTY TICKET. For Sheriff: ICOIIERT W. WYNNE. For Register of Deeds: WILLIAM W. WHITE. For Treasurer: WILLIAM M. BROWN. .1. For Surveyor : P. H. ADAMS. For County f,m)'ii.s.ioner.s : MOSES G. TODD, CLINTON W. WILLIAMS, NORFLEET JEFFREYS, THOMAS C. SMITH, HENRY A. SMITH. Fllcetioii: TInirclny, AucuhI Otli. Mr. PurncU. frhis gentleman is creating im mense enthusiasm throughout the West. On Monday, tho 13th Inst., hi addressed the people of Ruther ford ton in a speech of considerable length, and those who heard him, pronounce it ono of tho most tel ling sjeeclies of the campaign. lie is everywhere keeping Pool on the defensive, and the people of old Rutherford and other Western counties, are carried away with our noble standard-bearer. The ques tion of Mr. Purnell's election is set tled. Let his majority beat least ten thousand. enough to be elected. Owing to the following causes, viz : That the combined influence of all the Re publican candidates for the Legisla ture and the Republican candidates for the various county oflices is be ing exerted to its utmost extent against me and in favor of Mr. Hunting; and owing totneiurtner fact that my opponent, Bunting, has a fortune at his command, with whicli he can gloss over any faults with which he may be charged ; while, on my side, I have not a dol lar but what is needed by my fami ly for the actual necessaries of life, 1 have concluded that to pursue the contest further would only result in the election of the Democratic can didate. I am satisfied that I could carry a larger vote than Bunting, out witn me aoove nameu mnu- enccs at work, I am not satisfied that I could carry enough votes to elect me, therefore I have resolved to withdraw from the canvass. This action on my part is in good faith, and is taken with a view to promote harmony in the ranks of tne itenuDiican nany in wukb county. As the only condition or mis withdrawal, it is agreed by the Re publican candidates for the Legisla ture that one of their number shall read this card at every political meeting in this county during the present canvass. And now, in withdrawing, I de sire to return my sincere and heart felt thanks to my friends who nave aided me and cheered me on in this contest, and to assure them that I am actuated solely by a desire to further their interests as Kepubli- cans. itespectiuiiy, ALBERT MAGNIN. July 17th, 1874. State, In the full vigor of manhood, in the successful irseeution of his manv and responsible duties to tho public is arrested and silenced by the hand of death, his loss becomes a croat public calamity and it3 ei feets are felt throughout the State. Governor Caldwell had been for more than thirty years a prominent, i n 11 uen t ial and active pol i tician ,and had participated in the discussion of the many important and exciting political questions pr his day. ana consequently had caused some prej udice against himself in some local ities and with some individuals,and which is but the usual penalty in curred by all politicians. Oii nf thf fiinst'hpflnf ifiil- find & (3 lovely characteristics of the human i t ! iamiiy, nowever, is mat wnicu Tim Lee filed his pledge with the promptsand induces all good people un normiiitran rnmmitt(W th:it if I in all aires and in all countries to i .1:1 1.:. fttH I Citsi. ".utr iiiaiiiit? oi uiQiuv auu J"i ueumnuL uit- ... j ttfum over t he faults and foibles wim me rtiaie aim toumj y f .lhfi dftl(I ftml to recollect and 15th day of July, he would withdraw cherish ouly their good deeds and fwin tii f-invM lift further 4 meir viriues. jjb it Gen. W. D. Jones and J. C. L. Harris, Esq., are working zealous ly, and by their efforts, will add greatly to tho strength of our standard-bearer in this District, James H. Headen. Esn. With the united V A oflbrts of Headen j Jones, Harris and Young, we can confidently claim the District by at li-ast five hundred maiority. The Fourth District will do its duty welli Let others fol low its example and the State is ours by at least ten thousand major ity. j 5 8 15 i i stated in the same pledge that he be lieved it would be DETRIMENT AL TO THE INTEREST OF THE REPUBLICAN PARTY fur him to run unlos he s ttled within the time designated. If Lee denies this, it can be proven. ! & I I I II I S I ' " j . Vote for competent men for Coun ty Commissioners. This Hoard is vour County Letri.-shiture. Bear this in mind. I Withdrawal of Mr. Lineke. To the Editor of the Era : Please drop my name from the list of the candidates, as I have withdrawn from the contest; and oblige, by doing so, Yours truly, I . LINUKK. Raleigh, July 20, 1S71. M r. J. II. Headen. The AVira acknowledges that Mr. J. 11. Headen, the Itepublican can didate for Congress in this District, is opposed to Civil Rights, but goc-s im to argue that Mr. Headen will destroy his inline nee in Congress as soon as ne votes against me uivn Rights bill. Now, if the JTetct will only think a moment it will le apparent that the Civil Rights matter will Ik. disposed of lefore .Mr. Headen takes his seat The bill comes up for action next ses sion, mid Hon. W. A. Sniith will represent this District during that whole session. So, as Mr. Headen will not bo called on to vote either for or airninst the Civil Rights measure, his influence will not be impaired by such vote, and lelnga Republican will Ik able to do much Tor the eople of this District Democrat that could bo ' . Tstand mis and "lden by a hand- im Ix.'e's Ex Vu IheStUhof i ms designated nity Oiminiv is, resignetl. tiy meeting of yUe the day almve p--nicnotitv therejf was Sheriff Lee's pajnT of Sat- fay has hoisted the name of Tim- othy's father-in-law ns a candidate for Commissioner in place of Mr. Rhodes, who, we learn, knows ni 1 hi tig of the change! "How is this for high"? or, rflhcr, how is it for tho exercise of the one man jiower? An ordinary laborer's pay, at the highest, is one dollar per day. Leaving out Sundays, this inaks his wages about three hundred dol lars a year. A great many families are sup ported on this amount, and many on less. Tim Lee has squandered the sum of sixty-su; thousand dollars of the people's money, enough to support over two hundred families for one whole year. The charge for tuition in our lest schools does not exceed forty dollars a year. Tim Lee has squandered and refused to make good enough money to .school one thoumnd six hundred and fifty white and colored children, even supposing it cost forty dollars a year for each child. At fmir dol lars a cord, Tim Le has squander ed and used for his own private purpose enough of the hard earned money of the people of Vke t buy sixteen thousand Jive hundred cords of icood for the poor white una coiureu peopio oi wane, lit cares nothing for ilie suffering fain Hies of the poor. He heeds not the clamor of tho poor Ignorant child. He has no thought for the oor shivering wretch. He adds insult to insult by asking the husbands and fathers of our good old county to allow him again to gel hold of their hard earned money. Tne Re publicans of old Wake are not to U: humbugged by a man who has not only broken 'every pledge, but boasts of attempting to bribe an honest old man. Public Meeting in Morgantoii. A meetiner of the citizens of Mor- cranton and the surrounding coun try, assembled in the Court House for the purpose of expressing the sentiments ot tne community oc casioned by the sad and untimely death of Tod R. Caldwell, late Gov ernor of North Carolina. On motion, T. Geo. Walton was called to the chair and It. A. Cobb andG. P. Erwin appointed: Secre taries. On motion of Col. B. S. Gaither, the foliowinir resolutions were adopted: Whereas. Tne mortal remains of our respected and beloved fellow- townsman, Tod jR. Caldwell, late Governor of North Carolina, will arrive this evening in this his na tive place, for interment : ! Jiesolved. That as a manifestation of our regard for the memory of the deceased, all the business houses of our village be closed during the ceremonies incident to the inter ment of the deceased. Jiesolved, That the Chairman ap point a committee charged with the duty of su peri n tending all the necessary arrangements incident to the reception and the funeral of the deceased, and of showing that at tention to the comforts and conven ience of the ollicers of State and others who mayj accompany the re mains, that may be necessary to render their stay pleasant and agree able. The Chairman appointed the fol lowing committee: II. r. Bond, V. A. Ross, D. razer, I). ;McKen zie, J. C. Tate, W. G. Hogan, J. G. Bynum, J. K. Tate, W. M. VValton, R. K. Pressnell, C. F. McKesson, J. M. Happoldt, J. J. Erwin, S. C. W. Tate, R. A. Cobb, G. X . Jrwin, lir-solved. That in the death of our distinguished fellow-citizen, Gov. Ted U. Caldwell, we have lost a worthy and useful citizen, whose kindness of heart, integrity of pur pose, honorable deportment in life, generous impulses and zeal in what he conceived to be right, nave en- deaferi him to all. 1 Jiesolved, That in his death tne State of North Carolina has been deprived of the ability and services of ah active, efficient, diligent and faithful public officer and of the fu- turq influence and uselu loess or one of Her best citizens. Jiesolved, That we deeply and sincerely sympathize with the aged mother, the afflicted widow and children and the friends of the de ceased in this their irreparable lossJ THE CAMPAIGN. REPUBLICAN NOMINATIONS. FOR. XLIVih CONGRESS: Districts. 1st clintcw i conn, of raquo- ta.nk. 3d JOIIX A. IIFMAX, of Warren. 3d i:iLX IUcKAV, of Harnett. 4tli If. HEAD EX, of Chat ham. 5lli WII.I.IAITT ff. II EIV D I It SOX, of Davidson. 7tIiCOLUITIUS X.. COOK, oi Wilkes. Tickets I Tickets ! ! We are prepared to print Congress ional, Judicial, Legislativeand coun ty tickets, at the following prices : Congressional and Judicial TicJcels Single thousand, $1.00; ten thou sand, or more, of one sort, 50 cents per thousand. legislative Tickets Same prices as above. County Tickets Single thousand, $2.00 : over one, and less than three thousand, $1.50 per thousand ; over five thousand, $1.00 per thousand. jCgy-Cash must accompany orders. Parties ordering are requested to write names of candidates plainly. Ilegistration. A new registration is not required for the August election, but every man who has clianqed his residence since last election, that is, if he has removed from one township to an other, or from one ward to another, if the city contains three thousand inhabitants, or more, must register anew or ne cannot vote, unless your name is on tne dooks of the township or ward in which you re- Jiesolved, That a copy of the pro- side on the day of election you can ceedirii of this meeting be sent to I not vote. See about your regis the family of the deceased, and also tration ! that copies be forwarded to the Piedmont Press and to the Raleigh To Poll.iiol.ders. At the ensu papers, with the request to publish, insr election five ballot-boxes will be audi that the other papers in the required at each polling-place one State be requested to publish the each for Superintendent of Public same. instruction : Member of Congress: Jrio. Gray Bynum seconded the Judtre and Solicitor (where no Judge adoption of the resolutions, and on is to be elected, a box for Solicitor) ; motion of Geo. I . lrwin, to snow Senator (or Senators) and liepresen- further respect to the memory of tatives (or Representative) in the Governor Caldwell, the vote on the General Assembly; all county of- resolutions was taken ing standing. Tho resolutions were unanimously. The meeting then adjourned. T. GEO. WALTON, Ch'n. by the meet- adopted fleers, including Clerk of the Supe rior Court. Tickets to be on white paper, without device. "I! A fAi.n in State Items. i Oxford has a reading club. A! new warehouse has been built Winston. A! boy, fifteen years old, has been arrested in Wilmington on a charge of horse stealing. i A' Mrs. Morton, of Anson county, was; killed by lightning near Wades boro, recently. Wm. Trick, of Norfolk, Va., has 30th, Hood's Store. St. Matthews Friday, July iJlst, Wake Comity Canvass. The candidates of both parties will address the people at the fol lowing times and places, to-wit : New Light Thursday, July 23d, at Laws'. Barton's Creek Friday, July 24th, at Hutcheson's. House's Creek Saturday, 25th, King's Store. Wake Forest Monday, 27th, at Forestville. Wake Forest Tuesday, 28th, at Rolesville. Little River Wednesday, July 29th, at Robertson's Store. Mark's Creek Thursday, July riAlEIGII nEXAIfi, PRICES. OORIIECTED BY WAYNE ALLOOTT, FAM ILY GBOCKR, KA ET'I KV 1 LLK ST. ARTICLES. PKICKS. COUNTRY ritODUCE. J ArrLESGreon, " Dried. BUTTER Best count ry, " Good ? i Goshen,1 RfcOX-K. CKiatw. " Hams, " " .SiiuUlrs. CHICKENS DUCKS i EtiGS ! j FIA)UR- S. C. Family, " Extra ! FODDER Per luu fcs'., HAY Per 100 ls COR-N I ! MEAL i j POTATOES Sweet, ! N. CI Irish,; OATS Bailed fi 1U0 s., j " Seed busjhel, GROCERIES. Sidt BACON Rib Ilnlk C R. " i " Smokd' Shoulders, " Best S ugar cured Hams,. COFFEE Old gov'ment, Laguira, ltio Prime, Good FISH Mackerel, 'No. 3. N. C. Her'Hgs.cut " " Roe " CoraSiiad, Jbbl FLO U lr-Pat.Tftsco, " Va. Family. " Extra, " Superlinet MOLASSKS- Cuba, new crop, 51 bbl hhd RICE SUGAR Stand'd A V bbl Extra C,: J Yellow. SYRUP BbU ! o ; 0 5 0 uo 0 00 0 00 o oo 6 m o i. o oo o oo 0 00 1 15 1 15 1 15 o m o oo o oo o oo o oo o oo 0 4M) 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 0) 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 10 0 00 a ( (m (- e & (a. (! :i 1U 11 1.U 12 " 30 9 00 8 00 2 00 i as PATENT MEDICINES. to & 1 25 1 50 so ut 00 11 10 40 :w '24 25 11 00 8 25 10 00 10 00 12 00 11 00 8 00 41 00 45i 'i 43 4.5 10 -If Hi 30 IN BANKRUPTCY. "VTOTICE. This is to give notice that JLA I will sell far cash to the highest bidder at the Court House door on the 29th of July, at 12 o'clock, m., A. D. 1874, in the city of Raleigh, Wake county, N. C, all the reversiouary in terest of Isham Young, a Bankrupt, in 5 small lots in the town of Kolesvtlle, containing about li acres each. Also 180 acres of land situated in Larue Kiver Township, adjoining the lands of Wes ley Hartstield, JVA. Young and others. Also a lite estate in 90 acres ol land ad joining the lauds of Fectoria A." Mitch ell, Dr. J? lemming and other3. Also lo acres of -land adjoining the lands of John Pearce and others. All of said lands are situated in Wake county, N. C. I will also sell at the same time a lot of notes and open accounts, as the. property of said bankrupt. This July 6, 1874. .1. K. ON KILL. 4 w3w Assignee. July Julv July commenced the ship building busi ness near Julenton. islr. Colburn, of New-Berne, re cently shipped 9,000 watermelons per schooner to Baltimore, I.IB. Abbott has received the ap pointment of Inspector of Customs at New-Berne, and has assumed at Powell's Store. St. Marys Saturday, August 1st. at Andrews' Store. Swift Creek Monday, August 3d, at Franklin's. Raleigh Tuesday, August 4th, Bovejoy's Grove. K. C. Pearson, E. S. Walton, J. W. thekluties of the office. i The time for talking will uon Ius3 away. In a few wcekn we will lie called upon to record oiir votes. Let it not be Siiid that there aro atiy laggards among us. An im mense responsibility rests upon the Republicans of North Carolina. Should the State be lost now, the great battle of 187Cmay bo in doubt. Our enemies are on the alert. They aro working day and night for our discomfiture. Let every man gird up and exert himself until the BXin sets on the Cth day of August. imvj iuiuuii uiiii viuri Justus l;irsn has greatly improv ed in hesdth sincn his return to his home in Yadkin. He writes to a friend that he feels able to enter on his judicial duties, and but for the short time before the adjournment of the present term of the Supreme Court, would return to this city and assist his associates in writing up opinions. We trut that the State will have the benefit of hU invaluable services for many years tocouje, Sheriff Lee was in high dudgeon when his threat to " burst tho Re publican party in Wake intoa hun dred pieces " was made publ ic. At Apex, on Saturday, ho advised the people to SUPPORT THE DEM OCRATIC NOMINEE FOR SHERIFF ! McElrath, W. 1). Sprague, W. C. Erwin, D. C. Pearson and Joseph Brittain. On motion, the Chairman's name was added to the committee. On further motion, the meeting adjourned until to-morrow at 12 o'clock. . J JuiY 1,1874. The nitH'tin.ic inrembled pursuant to udjournmenti . Tho Chairmati, ('ol. T. (ieo. Wal ton, paid a glowing tribute to the manv public and private; virtues Which HdoriKnt iln? fharsictor of Gov. Caldwell, t . To expri ui.re fully the ftlings of himself and the luauy J'rieuds of Gov. Caldwell here prtsent, Col. B. S. Uaither ottered the ; following resolutions: ? We have taken U the tomb and pv'rfrnied the last sad rites j towards the remains oil our esteemed and beloved fellowK'tti'-Uj Gov. Tod R. Caldwell, wlloe death has been so sudden und unexpected, ! that we can scarcely rt-nk;. the fact that he has passed ioj"-,itai bourne from wlieiict no iruvvU'r eturlls.,, We ir.tn d nothing :ni ore than mourn his los-!,and wi?lave now assembled to manifest to fiie world our high appreciation oi Ids many virtues and to express our sorrow and grief caused by this mysterious dispensa tion of di vi ne-Providence, j Governor Caldwell was ,a native of lids county and had j resided among us from j his nativity to the period when I up asftUinetl the high and responsible duties of the chief Executive olllcer of the State, and he has been a prominent and useful member of our rocteiy, intimately associated wish 'many of us in all the relations f life, ami it is but justice to hisiiieimory that weslrould peak a.s we leel, and expre-s the admiration wtf entertain j for Ins many virtue.-, its exhibited in his public and private life, j especially in hi social and business relations wit1! uh win) fiave leen his com panions and inends ami know his true character! and Worth better than anv other individuals in the State. j ! We all recognize in Gov. Cald well a cultivated gentleman of fine legal attainments, an eloquent ad vocate, and a pore and unblemished private and pruiesaional reputation, lie was a mad of strong feelings, decided and firm in his convictions, acted promptly: and with energy in the prosecution! of any determina tion of his mind, and even his adver saries always conceded to him hon esty and integrity of purpose. He was kind and genial in all the relations of life, perfectly honest, and scrupulously correct in all his business transactions, pleasant and accommodating in his intercourse with his neighbors and friends and Governors Ellis and Caldwell are lthe only persons who have died during their terms in the Executive histbrv of the totate. Charlotte. New-Berne and other to whs of the State have held meet ings! and passed resolutions expres sive of regret at tho death of Gov ernor Caldwell. Messrs. Black well & Co., of Dur ham, recently paid in Richmond, Va.L 150 per hundred for a lot of tobacco to be used in their cele brated 44 Durham " brand. -. ! One oi I he most terrific storms ever witnessed in that section pass- Notice. The candidates for the Legislature and other county offi ces lor tne county ot n ranKiin, win address the people on the various issues of tho day at the following times and places, to-wit : Harris' Township J. P. Timber- lake's store, Thursday, July 23. Jb ree man's Township Youngs- ville, Friday, July 24. Fra n k I i u to n To w nsh l p Fran k- linton, Saturday, July 25. Maysville Township Rocky Ford, Monday, July 27. Sandy Creek Township J. F. Jones' store, Tuesday, July 28. Gold Mine Township High TOXICJG-IS I1EKEBY O I VIS IV, JN that a petition has been tiled in the District Court of fhe United States for the Eastern District ol North Carolina by Isham Young, of Wake county, in said District, dulv declared a Bank rupt under the act of Congress of March 2d, 1867, for a discharge and certificate thereof from all his debts and other claims provable under said act, and that the 29th day of July, 1874, at 10 o'clock, a. m., at the office of A. W. Shatter, Register in Bankruptcy, in Raleigh, N. C, is assigned for the hearing of the same, when and where all creditors, who have proved their debts, and other persons in interest, may attend and show cause, if any they "have, why the Crayer of the said petitioner .should not e granted. And that the second and third meetings will beheld at the same time and place. New-Berne, N. C, Julv 1, 1.874. GEO. E. TINKER, Clerk. W. II. Pace, Attorney. 5 law2w THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, That on the 9th day of June, A. I). 1874, a warrant in Bankruptcy was is sued out of the District Court of the United States for the Eastern District of North Carolina, against the estate ot Uarvil Harris, or 'Henderson, in the county of Granville, and State of North Carolina, who has. been adjudged a Bankrupt on his. own 7 Petition: That the payment of any debts. and the delivery of any property be longing to such bankrupt, to him or for his use, 'Bad the transfer of any property, by him,..are forbidden by law : That a meeting of the creditors of said bankrupt, to prove their debts. and to choose one Or more assignees o1 his estate, wilt be held at a Court of Bankruptcy,- to be holden at Raleigh. N. C, before A. W. Shaffer, Register, on tne 29th day ot June, A. L. 1874, at 10 o'clock, A. M. 4 JOSHUA B.1IILU Deputy Marshal as Messenger. Chas. M. Cooke, Attorney. 51 w3w edover Pittcounty afew days since. Town Springs, Wednesday, July 29. It stretched over a belt of country Cedar Hock Township Town- seven miles wide. The cotton, com, ship House, Thursday, July 80. and! every vestige of vegetation, were almost entirely destroyed. (General News. Cypress Creek Township Al- Fnday, July 31. Ijouisburg August 1. t n i ioru's VValter Lenox, lormer mayor of WashiMiotj City, died on the KUh Li-ii, ax d o7. Tlie ft.nore e; d of the new tele graph c caoh was successfully land ed at Portsmouth, N. 11., on the morning of the loth inst. Mrs. Chancellor Walworth died at Saratoga during the night of the 14th in.-t. She was found dead in herjbed next morning. Tjhe total insurance on losses by th.ejChicago tire is $2,727,2ii). The estijnated salvage is $4S2,320. Nett losjl,244,f)7. Tjhe bodies of two men and one child were discovered under the ruins of a house in Chicago on the Cong hession al Canvass.- Ion. James 11. Headen, Republican can didate for Congress, will address the people on the political issues of the day, on the days and at. the places mentioned oeiow. .Air are invited to hear him. I Chapel Hill, Orange, Juiy 21 Smith's, " . " 2 Manguin'fc Store, Oritnge, i " 27 Lockville, (. hatliani, ! .9 Johnson's Store, L li.tthiiiu, 30 Williams'. " i " 31 Pace's Mill, " August 1 Eil wards' Stor, " 3 Alt Vernon Springs, Chatham. i " 4 Harper's X ltoads, " - " i lime will be divided with Cant. Joseph J. Davis, the Conservative candidate for Congress.at the above named appointments. j nig A it of the loth inst. distinguished for his affection and cjevotion to jia' immediate Tamily. The premature and sudden death of such an individual is at all times greatly to be regretted and deplored by his friends and acquaintances, who necessarily feel that ja ; vacuum in society has been produced which time cannot fill lip. But j when the highest Kxrentive officer! of the man named Christopher Woos- ierjms br-t-i! arrested in Philadel phia, charge 1 with being one of the parties engaged in the Rothschild stealing ease. : i The five hundred; dollar eounter feitjnote recently. discovered in the Treasury Department at Washing ton, is :m t nittnl States . note and notjof any National Rank. Among the residences buriUHl in Chicago are those of Horace White, editor of the Tnbunei llim. J. Scamnon, J. IC. Forest, City Clerk, and L. J. Hal!. OttoSeyser, of Tallahassee, Fla., shot himself through the brain at Hoboken, on the 15th. One hun dred dollars in greenbacks and a fine gold watch were found on his person. General Spinner, U. S. Treasurer, hasAvritten a letter to the President in which he claims that inasmuch as he is held responsible for all funds coming into his hands, he should be allowed to select his own subordinates. stockholders ! of the Central National Bank, of Baltimore, have giVfjn ofheial notice that the Bank willi retire from business, and that application will be made for a cnange or title and its transfer to Ne York, under the provisions of the National Banking Act. First District. ) Hon. C. L. C'obr, Republican candidate for Congress, will speak to the jHiople of the First District as follows : Jamtsville, Mart in county, Thurs day, July 23d, at 12 o'clock, m. Hamilton, Mai tin county,' Fri day, July 21th, at 2 o'clock, p. m. Windsor, Bertif county, Satur day, July 2.3th, at 2 o'clock, pj m. Lewiston, Bertie coujUy, Mon day, July 27th, at 12 o'clock, m. Coleraine, Bertie county, Wednes day, July 211, at 12octoek, m. Ilarrellsville, Hertford county, Thursday, July 30, at 12 o'clock, m. Winton, Hertford county, Friday, July 31, at 12 o'clock, m. Gates vi lie, Gates county, Satur day, August 1, at 12 o'clock, m. Edeuton, Chowan county, Mon day, August 3. at 11 o'clock, Ja. m. Hertford, Perquimans county, Tuesday, August 4, at 11 1 o'clock, a. m. I ; j Belvidere, Perquimans I county, Wednesday, August 5, at 10 o'clock, a. m. j j Elizabeth City, Pasquotank boun ty, Wednesday, August 5, at 8i o'clock, p. m. j j THIS IS TO GIVK NOTICE, That a general meeting of the creditors of Thomas P. Devereux,will beheld attbe Kegister's office in Kaleigh, N. C, be fore A. W. Shaffer, Esq., Keidster, on the 2d day of July, 1874, at, 10 o'clock a. m., ror tne purposes named m tne 27th and 28th sections of the iliankrupt Act of March 2, 1867. W. J. 1IAWKLN8, Waltkrclark, - f Trusteen. Raleigh, N. L, June 22, 1874. 2t THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, That I have been appointed Assignee of the estate and elfects of Thomas II. Blacknall, of Kittrell.-. (iranville wuii- ty, N. C. who was adjudged a bankrupt by the District Court of tho United States for the Eastern District of North Carolina upon the petition of one of his creditors. j . L. D. HE A KIT, Assignee. Raleigh, June 5, J 874. ol 2t urateiul Thousands proclaim Vin. egar Bjtters the most wonderful In iporarit that evr eusuincd th sinking system. , No Person cjui take tlicse Hitters according to directions, and remain lon unwell, provided their bones arc not de stroyed j by mineral poison or other means, and vital 'organs wasted beyond repair. ! ! . lliUm liemittent and Inlcr lii it tent Fevers, which arc so prcva leut in the vallcvs of our great rivers throughoujt the United .Stabs, especially those jofj tlic Misjissijipi, Ohio. Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Ark:in sas Kei, Colorado, llrazos, Kio (Jiande, PearlJ Alabama, Mobile, Savanna!', llo. anokci, James, ami many others, with their vast tributaries, throughout our cntirei coujitry dm ing the Summer and Autumiiand Yemarkibly so during sea sons 6f unusual heat and dryness, aiu invariably accompanied by extensive d rangejnents of tlic stomach and liver, and other abdominal viscera. In their treatment,! a purgative, exerting a pow erful intluence upon these various or gans. is essentially necessary. There is no cathartic Tor the puriosc equal to UK. .1. NVAI.KKK'S VlXF.dAU HlTTRks. as they will speedily remove tho dark colored ! viscid inattrr with which tin no w els are loaletl, at the same tin.. stimulating the secretions of the ! and generally restoring the h functions of the iligestive organs. Fortify the body against disease by purifying all its lluidswith Vini:;ak lUTrr.ns. j No epidemic can take hold of a system thus fore-armed. Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Head ache! rain in the Shoulders, Coughs. Tightness ;of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour iucraiions oi uie Momacn, jau lasie in tho Alotith, llilious Attacks, l'alpita tatioii of the Heart, Iuiiammation of the Lungs, I'uin in the region of the Kid ncys, and a hundred other painful symp toms,! arelthe otlsprings of Dyspepsia. One bottlowill prove a better guarantee of its merits than a lengthy advertise ment. Scrofula, or King's Kvil9 White Swellings. Uh ers, Kryf.ijelis, Swelled Neck, Goitre, Scrofulous IiilUminalions, Indolent ; Inilummations, Alercuriid A tlections, Old Sores, Hniptions of the Skin, Soro Kyu, ete. In tlnse, as in all other constitutional Dis eases, Walk Kit's f Yikkoar Kittkus have shown their great curative powers iu tho most olistiuato and intruetaLle eases. For Inllaiuuiatory and Chronic Rheumatism, Gout, Kilious, Remit-! tent and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of j the hlood, Liver, KiJ'ieyrt ft,,(l niadder, j tljese lil ttirs IiaveUo enn.il. Such Diseases ! are caused by Vitiated Illood. j Mechanical Diseases. Persons en gaged in Paints and Minrras, such as 1'luinhers, iType-si-tters, (Johl-beaterH, and Miners, a.s ihvy advance in life, aro subject to paialysi of the Bowels. To guard against this, take it dose of Walkkk's VlN soar ItiTTKits oceiisinally. For Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Tet ter, Salttltlieum, blotches, Spots, Pimples, 1'ustules, Boilsj Carbuncles, King-worms, Scald-head, Sore I Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discoloration of tho" Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skin of whatover name or nature, are literally dug up and carried ! out ol the system in a short time by tue use of these Jh'tters. j Pin, Tape, and other Worms, larking in the system of so many thousands, 1 are elTectually destroyed and removed. Ho KVtftem of medicine, no vermifuges, no an thelminitics will free tho system from worms like these Bitters. For Female Complaints, in young or old, married or single, at the dawn of wo manhood, or tho tarn of life, these Tonic 'Bitters display o decided an inflaenco that improvement is soon perceptible. Cleanse the Vitiated Dlood when ever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in Pimples, Eruptions, or Sores ; cleanse it when you find it obstructed and sluggish in tho veins; cleanse it when it is foul ; your feelings will tell yoa when. Keep the blood pure, and tho health of tho system j will follow. it. ii. Mcdonald & co.. Druggists and Gen. A gto.. Sun Francuoo, CtdifornU, od cor. of Wanhinirton 1 Charlton 8ta., N. Y. Sold by mil l)racfclts itt Dealers. ANS ! PIANOS ! it o l-'Olt s I. NEW AIVjEKTISE3IKTS, WOOD 1 COAL. Office of SKCRETAKY OF STATE, IlaJeigu, M. C.r J uly 3d, i Sealed proposals in duplicate, with a copy of this ad,v6rtisei)teut annextnt to each, are invited and will bo received at this otlice until 12 oVhx-k, m., i Saturday, August 1st, 1874, for fuLrnishine: fuel fdr use of the Gener al Assembly and the several Kxecutive offices of the State, as follows: 0(h) cords of merchantable hard wood. 2o tons of hard coal. The quantities to be more or lens as may be required, and to lie delivered at the Capitol yard at such times sis the un dersigned may direct, subject to inspec tion. - liids to be made j separately for wood and coal, and each accompanied by liond and Hocurity (justified) for the de livery of the articles mentioned, the boncf upon bids for wood to lie $TO0, and the bond for coal to bo $2fX). Bidders are requestefl to Int rresentat the opening of their bids. Envelopes to be endorsed "Proposals for Wood or Coal," and addressed to the undersigned. WM. II. IIO WERTOX, QRO CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES AT brown's vakiKti: stoiu:, No. 10, Fayettevillo Street, KALEIU1I, N. C. M U8ICA L I N STRUM ENTS, Sliwli ;w CJ u i tars, I itao joes, -Concertinas, Piccolos, ' Fla'eolcts, Klutes,? liones. Cast i nets, Violii s, Ac-ordeoiis, Flutinas, Clarionets, Fifes, Triangles, Drums, Albums, 45 tilaugl Secretary of State. WANTED. At the Insane Asylum, two. female servants for Ward duty, one good hostler and a carpenter. AppIV to ( f-2t MRS. F. Y. IIUGr.'INS. FOK SALiE CHEAP! ONE NEW FIRST-CLASS HER RING'S Patent Fire and Borgia r i-roor isare cost in New York $375. 00, and has all the litest improvements. Will be sold cheap tor cash the owner having no use for d. Can be seen at the Commission Hou4e of W. II. Jones dr Co., RaFHgh, N. C 7 tf A. W. sriAFFER Tamborines, lIarinouicas,Tu ning Forks, TFork Bojtes.Jews-harpx, Irish Harps, Ilnnting ilorni, Musical Boxes, Violin and (Juitar Strings and Trimmings, Dulcimer Wire.Druin and Banjo heads, Snares and Cord. Birds and Bird Cages, Beads and Fancy (itxd, Toys, Soaps, Perfumery, Croquet sets.KeguIatioii Balls- and Data j a large assortment or fan cy and plain Bakets,CoiuhM Hair, Clothes and Slioe Jlro-l s, Fish Hooks and Lines. Confection eries, Canned Good, Jellies, Orange, Nuts, Lemons, Frewh Cracker and Cakes; Pipes, Cigars and Tobac co, and many other things too numeious to men tion. Call and ex amine my stock and prices before you, NAT. L. IIKOWiN, Raleigh, N. C. Agent for Horace Waters fc Son's cel ebratel Concerto Parlor and Orchestral Organs and Pianos. Send for Illustra ted catalogue. m-h3diwGm Clerk and Collector's Office, Julv Cth, 1874. o i' c; u. . Acting under an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioner, June-'ii, 1874, I hereby notify all Krsons who failed to list their taxables Ut come for ward and list the same within the next ten davs, under penalty of the law. FRANCIS M. SORRFLL, 47-4t. Clerk and Collector.

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