9 . "WEEKLY ERA. XV. 31. HUOWN, Manager. Officio in the old "Standard" Build- intr. one Hanaro South of tho Court I'nciso, Fayotu-ville Street. HATES OF SUBSCRIPTION : Wkkklv-One year, - - - 2 oo Sir months, - - 1 00 Three months, - - ,r0 Tri-Wekkly One year, - - 4 00 Six months, - 2 00 Three months, 1 00 One month, - 50 f-tJ" Invariably in Advance. f W EEKLY ERA. THURSDAY. JULY 30, 1S74. Public Meeting. A meeting was held in the Court House in Charlotte, on the evening of the L'Oth inst. Mr. Burt Schenck presided ami V. It. Myers acted as Secretary. After prayer by Rev. Iaac Stevenson, Rev. Mr. Pearsall addressed the meeting in an elo quent ami comprehensive speech, in eulogy of the late Governor Tod It. WEEKLY ERA. vol. rv. RALEIGH, N. C, THURSDAY, JULY 30, 1874. NO. 6. RATES OF ADVERTISING : Ono square, one time, - - $10O " " two times, - - l 50 ' " three times, - 2 00 Contract advertisements taken nt proportionately low rates. Job Work executod at short no. tico and in a stylo unsurpassed by 3113' similar establishment In the State. Spe cial attention paid to tho printing of Blanks of every description. ino news irom the Ffth District Tickets, ... wiwurasmg wianw. Tickets for Superintendent of ier. lienuerson is evervwherfl nnf-I xr.Ki: t 1 1 " 1 j. uuni iiiauucuuu nave ueen lor- ine aeiensive. We warded tr nrnminnnt rw-.ir.ta in oil CORRESPONDENCE. ting Scales on hear that in Rockingham (Scales' county) our nominee will make large gains on the "Shoot ing Bricradier ." The nonnlo tho Congressional Districts. Our friends receiving them will please see to their distribution throughout their respective districts. There (aid wen. a cominuiee was ap pointed to draft resolutions, during by the orders of Scales. the retirement 01 which, Mr. R. E McDonald, iy request, addressed the meeting in a feeling and appro priate seeth, impressing upon the convention the great loss which tho country had sustained. The com- of the District are becoming dis- being but one name, tickets can be gusted at the lew personal attacks written, and we trust that some on Col. Henderson, and will by Republican at each precinct will at- their votes prove that they have tend to this, should printed tickets not forgotten the horrors inflicted foil to come to hand. Orders for upon them and their friends during pUmell tickets sent to us will bo the dark days of Jeff. Davis' reign turned over to oroner nersons. A A It must not be understood that The Era endorses the sentiments of its correspond ents in every instance. Its columns are open to the friends of the party, and their communications will be given to the public as containing the views and sentiments of the writers. Cobb's Election Sure. To lie Editor of the Era: The First District All Right. To the Editor of the Era : The Democratic papers of the First Congressional District have been whistling to keep their cour age up by telling the people that Hon. C. Li. Cobb (tho standard bearer of the Republican party in this district) was afraid to face the The Sheriffalty.' Jo the Editor of the Era : We are confident that we aresus taincd by the sentiments of a large number of the qualified Republican ests of tho colored man were as firmly secured as it is in that of Squire Wynne's. Hi speech at Apex, advising them to vote for Dunn, the Conservative candidate, in the event of a choice betwnen electors of-Wake in denoufcinzithe I hiin. and the Km lire.; pprtn!nl i;.l .., K f.? -r:. " 11... I . . . - ' Lee,-as violation of U principles? of honesty and good faitii ; as det rimental to he causand the honor of oar party, an w n insult to the peopje or-: tncj-nnty. All good Repriblican&'bterlv execrato the Republicans of the Second Dis trict : vote for Hyman. Hon. C. L. Cobb is milking a most successful canvass in the Frst Dis trict. The Republicans of every county have become thoroughly aroused and will turn out and vote mittee having reported, Mr. Myers port of Thomas Ruffin forjudge. poke on tho resolutions, which I Hundreds of gentlemen of tho were unanimously adopted. Democratic party refuse to be A poem was read by Rev. Z. T. whipped into party traces in this Pearsall. District, and will sunnort Col. Rnf- I. X " fin for Judge. other paiers, to publish the pro- Calm, cool, clear-headed, and feedings, the meeting adjourned. well versed in the law, he will be an honor to the bench in the State, and recognizing his peculiar fitness for the place, the people without The Republicans of the 7th Judi- "1" ftlZ yiD5 iltS!- tho entire ticket. Although Mr. uodd's neaiin nas been lor some hope I will be allowed space in anil ho vcnnUi tnmiv- r. VOIir eollimna frr fpVU (loanltnnr . i -r-kT .1 " , , . . . -" v..ju..j. i iint me Doo-tan uemocraiic nag, remarks, which in my opinion, may Mai. Yeates, to quietly trot over fn,o itJ OI AWPU 1 amsm- the'eourse, attended by the pseudo corrupt practices of Gov. Moses, of ddo bv diert fufoTr SouthP0plina, and deeply sympa- &nd tha Triii Hiin VvriTroTAr. w' uii uut uic uuuuuuue- mize witn tnat untortunate state tne ItepUbllCan Convention, held I m on f a fPW rlava sineA that nnr .,t. s in this place on the 28th ult., there champion had appeared in the dis- vulture that is previn upon her torIrftdoSSd trict Ld wouldTe . heard, caused vind yet, what Kls in ?n in rhin? whin f10"01"' consternation and dismay to to South Carolina, Timothy Lee is, Mrv '.ni th Y2, bc dePictc uPn the elongated faces in a measure, to AVake county. Wo thf'tri ?rS rnh Va?n of the Democrats and the renegades, do not in this comparison include Ms rf VifnS?in n?i n la3t Saturday,; the 18th inst., Mr; Lee's personal1 character, but HIS Dea in Washington, and COUld thorn u- rmhlin r iapninn t i -:-! YVWLh ?PJ?e ymoSth, anra after" 5SSo HtUe knd poTitS conffl. ho 'iauuifei, i vaacu una snarrinp' nv tne. rsenatorin rvirun not the people's choice for the Sher- iiot strengthen our assurance of his devotion to the welfare of tho col-' o rod people. It shows the utterly selfish nature of theman,who, rath er than to bear tho mortification of his antagonist's triumph, would 1 1 . nave me coioreti man commit sui- oi li To the Republicans of Wake county we say, in conclusion: If you would rebuke the evil doer and show him that the servant is not greater than his lord, voto'forMr. Wynne. If you would see tho taxes faithfully collected and legitimately expended, vote for Mr. Wynne. If you would maintain the glorious principles of your party and pre serve it from every blot of foul dis time feeble, yet he is meeting all his appointments and rapidly gain ing accessions. i circumstance rr inmre i r iTnhtvs i ,i is- t-. s n . i : . . . . . t . . . r .- i v .T, . , - uaies, ivduauiu,: tuu unsexvit- ittaltvisafact wliicnthe wicle-snronil I hr.i. frMr U',-1,,... prospects wun nis inenos: ana it tive-Renuhlican-Democratie asni- .1 " ,isoefeJr , ' ' ' rV: ' of if rant for Congressional honors, drew ducTv T.,;,b .t,v ilVlUA - IZnt iSS .",0 purpoS OI himsel.f UP, th5 P?ni,Q? A a strated beyond all cavil or refuta- ZIZJZL. Sheriff Lee's paper makes faces and calls ugly names, because the Ei-a says that the Sheriff hassquan-1 regard to party are determined to dered sixtv-six thousjmd dollars of I elect him. public money. Now, neighbor, as you are in the "sere and yellow Iejf " (though your heart is young), you doubtless recollect Dabol's arithmetic. Well, it appears from the statement of Wake finances Those Democrats of tho 7th Ju dicial District who have been de claiming so loudly against partizan Judges, and who never tire of boasting of the good old times when (official) that $.5G,250."j(5 is charged Judge Ruffin graced tho bench in against the Sheriff, with the credit i ti i . i ? i r 1 1 . i m mic oianK : wnne ratate ireasurer Jenkins has a bill for $10,530.54. Adding, after Dahol, we make the HL'L'regate indebtedness of Sheriff Loo t;r;,7S1.10. As to the participle u-ed in speaking of parting with tlii- sum, it matters but little with ( 'apt Lee, for he says we can call it -tealliur, defaulting, or anything el.e we like; so, having hi permis sion to cluxMO language, it does not In-come his paper, in taking up the endgel, to lose sight of that courtesy due from one journal to another. Our gallant young standard bear er, Thos. R. Purnell, is wrakingup thesturdy mountaineers, and every where the people are flocking to hear him. The "living and dead man" will soon be tho dead politi cian. Tho West is all right. The people want active, energetic men. They are tired of old political hacks. ,umius i-ioj. icaiw. rustv iacK-Kniie ana statea to tne I tin npimf h wnniri nf ho A I 1 M 1 a mM. Wll m -A- A a lm J A A vy V V J LA A. lll mJ AA L A w a j mm to J lY'S v thatheintended to handlo ceiVed the nomination even at the Henderson's Platform. mr. uodd wun ungioiveu nanus ana hands of the packed Convention, Col. W. F. Henderson, tho Re would preach his funeral discourse, had.he not pledged himself on the publican candidate for Congress but he failed to discuss any political honor of a gentleman and a faithful in the Fifth District, stands upon tho principle, his only j theme being servant to liquidate his entire in- following platform: i -. Cobb, Cobb, Cobb, ad after having debtedness before entering tho cam- 1. He opposes tho Civil Rights ranted and raved and beat the air, Daicrn. is a truth which Mr. Leo bill, and mixed schools, holdinir jl m Col. Young has accepted an invi tation from the Republicans of Fay etteville to address them on the po litical issues of the campaign, on the State, now have an opportunity of proving their faith bv their works. Col. Thomas Ruffin is a candidate for Judge at the solicita tion of the people without regard to party, and it will really remind U3 of "old times" when he hear the people everywhere praising Judge Ruffin. this ungenerous inuendo had no ef fect on any truo Republican; for the people of the First District had not yet forgotten that two years ago, Mr. Cobb not only met that old Democratic war-horse, D. M. Car ter, at every appointment to speak in the District, but rolled up a ma jority over Col. Carter of 1452 votes; more than his mostsanguine friends had dared to hope for. I simply make this statement of a fact be yond doubt in order to discredit any assertion or insinuation that Mr. Cobb was not in the field when he might have been. Now, however, Mr. Cobb is here, he invites discussion with the gen tiemen oi the other two telling speeches and howled worse than a " whang doodle mourning for his first-born," he brought his speech to a close, like the expiring strains of a far-off jackass gently wafted through a knot-hole. Mr. Cobb then arose and enter tained the people with clear and himself will not dare to call in nues-1 that no legislation is necessary to tion. At a period later on, when secure to the colored people their he saw the opposition against him full rights under the law. daily increasing, ho renewed his 2. lie favors repeal a of tho Intern pledge, and assured tho public that al Revenue Laws, and will intro the fifteenth of July should see every duco a bill into Congress for; the ro dollarofhis obligation discharged, peal of tho same, and the monev entrusted to his care 3. Ho opposes back nav and salarv unmistakable language told us that satisfactorily accounted for. In case I grabs. j he was opposed to the civil rights I of a failure to settle by the above I 4. Ho pledges himself to intro- bill in its present shape, but that he j mentioned time ho promised to re- duce and advocate in Congress, a Tuesday, the 4th of August. We bespeak for the Colonel a good I and has also spoken in Pitt and crowd, as he is one speakers in the State. I riiri rloaira a. ri7ii riorhta hill jt.rmt. I eicrn hi ri 1 n rf rn t h r tinrn nnrl I hill fnr o Inw rati rf inturnct twit (it Ild.3 JllctUU I ...1,1 i.,1 ; I 1 : r i-.. c x l 'i I 1 i .... n.i in this COUntv I tuiwcu xjjcih m neve iiie piucy ui me emDarniSS-j u-cevu si.v pei -eeiii., ui.iL oooi i uuumiii, ivtJULucis. v auu itjuucssw i lueut in wmcn no wouiu necessarnv i men. larmers. laoorersanti mecnau- 7 Beaufort met Jarvis Latham and the rae rihts before the law as involve it by attempting to secure ics may not be cruslu.H, the ....... of tho best stump Smi toriwsSStaln enjoyed by those in North Carolina, are-election. But W stand the ey kings. ite. this Z'ntv aeain when ho will and that an enforcement act was facts? The fifteenth of July has . 5. Ho Will advocate the bill nov meet the rednnhtohlp Phnmninnl nf necessary to secure them this right, long since passed ; tho campaign is pending in Congress, I makin; v v v - v v rr www a w usm m mm A m.-f x A I A. A . A. A A. ; AT M I 1 - . . 1 - 1 t- .position at this nlace. Latham a au ejcpiaineu lo ui saiisjaciioii ui iar aavancea, ana yet Mr. Lee has ireignis Republicans of the Fifth trict : vote for Henderson. Dis- e opposition at this place, Latham uniform aiUUMJU I 1 1 L! I 1 j. iU 1 I . i f "ii i " . ., , . . I t -r 1 i ri i i and Ransom. Whenever and wher- ailills u"u 1U. w y not oniy ianea to settle nis account, umiwi ounes. othor 1 lttL' auu 1113 viewo upuu ujc umcx i uuu remains on me ticket, ana witn I o. xxe is in iuv throughout now making the ever he speaks he invites the side to a discussion of the issues of Col. Thomas B. Long delivered a the day, showing that he not only issues before the public thereby unblushing effrontery goes before tho children or of educating all of the State, and to Republicans of the First District: vote for Com:. Mr. Koss, a Democrat who had never voted tho Republican ticket, was recently nominated by the Re publicans of Pitt as a candidate for the 1 Iou- of Representatives. He made many professions of allegiance to the principles of the Republican party, but being a very illiterate man, and withal a very weak ves sel, Ids Republican professions soon hoiked out, and he returned to his wallow in the Democratic stye. The Republicans of Pitt heartily thank Mr. Ross for leaving so soon, us he would have lost us votes if he had continued in tho field. As it is we lose only tho promise of one vote, tho Republican party is Shall white children and negro children bo forced into association in the same schools? Daily News. Well, if Republicans are elected to office, separato schools will be provided, but if the Greeley De mocracy aro olectod, it is probable exceedingly close. uiat me wnuo cnuuren anu negro children will be " forced into asso ciation in the same schools." A vote for Republicans is a vote for separate schools a vote for the Greeley Democracy is a vote for rvi ivinrr ' ' does not wish to avoid them but is anxious to meet them. Under his powerful reasoning and candid and unvarnished statements of facts and figures the disaffec tion has been dispelled and discord has melted like ice in the sun, and rl vOrl lfcolf Infn fhr nnva anrl do not carry Davie tho vote will be refreshing streams of peace and harmony. All is now calm and quiet as the bosom of a summer speech at Smith's Grove, Davie county, on Monday, the 20th inst. It was on the occasion of the meet ing of the county candidates, and we understand that tho Colonel mado a fine impression. If we healing dissensions! in our own the honest and intelligent nennlonf this end. will favor the passairo of a ranks and enlisting! recruits from Wake and solicits their suffrages, bill in Congress, to devoto tho pro- the ranks of the enemy. Maj. Latham then ventilated him self in behalf of eates said he could not reply to Mr. Cobb's speech any better than a schoolboy that his throat was sore we rather think it was his heart, yet he felt called When two parties mutually aerree to a contract and the one violates his part of the agreement, the other is absolved from further obligation. The nomination of Mr. Lee was of the nature of a bargain. The sup port given him by many up to the sea, and the result will be that on r3 , the 6th of August, the pent-up wa distinct understanding that he ters will rush out with an irresisti would settle in full with the County ble force and carry everything be- and State or withdraw. Having broken his pledge he is no longer tho nominee of even a packed con- upon to say something ; so he pro- day fixed for settlement was not ceededtojerkouta little chin-music unqualified, but conditional. Mr. for the amusement of the boys. He Lee, however, has failed to stand took his text on Cobb imagined bv his liarmin. anrl refuswl t,n mm- cecds of tho sales of tho public lands to educational purposes, and no other; each State to share pro portionately, North Carolina to nave her part. 7. Ho will favor tho restoration of tho direct land tax collected, in 1807, in tho; counties of Rocking--ham, (iuilford, Alamance and Da vidson, amounting to$Jio,ooo, which money was taken troni the nam himself to be a new-fangled patent ply with the condition expressly earnings of the people. Republicans of the Third trict : vote for McKay. Dis- vention. fore them for the Hon. C. L. Cobb. His popularity is greater now than at any time since he first came before the neonle : the falsft and un charitable statements regarding tacking Mr. Cobb, . or to ransom him have created a stronsr svmpa- meuiswYes nom ponnuai uauum cob-crusher, and ground out a little stated by himself, and clearly un cob-meal to teea bis frienas upon. derstood by his friends. We sub While Mr. Cobb is winning gold- mit it,ifi his action has notcancelled en opinions of all sorts of people, all claims on his part for Republican the Democrats and renegades hope allegiance and justified the with to alienate the Republicans by at- drawal of the support that any may Sj lie pledges himself to use his influence to get pay, (20,000,) for the Court House at Lexington, de stroyed by fire in 180."i, while occu pied by federal troops. Our Chatham friends will please notice tho appointments of Col. Young, at Merry Oaks, July 31st ; Pittsboro, August 1st, and Egypt, August 3d, and get him out good crowds. Col. Young is one of our most ef fective speakers, and all should hear him. Let our friends go to work. ' From a friend we learn that Col. Ruffin will make tremendous galas in Orange and Alamance. It is be lieved that ho will carry the latter county by a handsome majority and that the vote will bo close in Orange. thy even in the breasts of the more honest and upright portion of the Democrats, and to-day he stands before the people of the First Dis trict the injured but honored cham pion of Republican principles, the only representative we have ever tion by creating division in our ranks and encouraging tho rene gades. Ransom had nothing to say against Yeates, and Yeates' friend, Maj. L., had no fault to find with Ransom, nave exienaea mm. xno course of this j gentleman in taking the field as candidate for Sheriff merits the severest condemnation at the hands of every worthy citizen. It cannot be characterized otherwise than as dishonorable and impudent; evincing as it does, an utter disre- behalf of The Colonel will be met at each ap- Pirengu.encii ny tne nomination oi DOintment doubtless by some of Calvin Cox, llsq., an "original true- Cant. Davis' friends, as he has blue," and there is no longer any ever made any effort in lilastern North Carolina. I assert without the fear of con tradiction that he has had more money appropriated and expended in developing the resources of this Tho back-bono of Democracy is I section than all his predecessors for being broken in Orange. Headen the past eighty years. had in the U. S. Congress who hass attacks on Cobb, and were like tales but the speeches of both wore only I gard for plighted honor, for truth Gov. lirogdcn. This gentleman has entered fully upon tho discharge of tho duties of the high office to which ho has been called by the sudden and unexpect ed death of his predecessor, and a great portion of the people and the press of the State are anxiously blie his -told by an idiot, Republicans of the Sixth District: vote for McLean. Full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing." All of which helps elect Mr. Cobb. MARATOCK. July 21, 1874. wx , iui uuui I ?x; i . . . i and for party welfare. The Repub- "waun.g ms ursi imiipriant .pui licans of Wake county owe it to r, ,. V1UV Ui uuwmu""' themselves who have been deceived poucy. and imposed upon; to their chil- Y ro. pleased to note that a dren who are daily wronged by the J Pint, of forbearance and a dtspusi- unjust withholding of the school J. fund, and above all to tho purity """V" '"'K " "il1; a-nd safety of the Republican or- actenzes the opposition press a fact m)ni7ofmn fn n,i!of A ,i,a remarkable only because of their is making rapid inroads on the op- doubt about our success in Pitt. openly invited them to a division of position Ruffin and Headen is time. Horace Greeley was notoriously in favor of civil rights, social equality of the races and mixed schools. The Democrats nominated him as their candidate for President. He never retracted a word he said on the above subject, and tho Demo crats voted for him almost to a man. Mr. Sumner, a renegade Repub lican, co-operated with the Demo cratic party, and heartily assisted in the effort to elect Mr. Greeley President, and introduced the civil rights bill, which no Republican member from North Carolina voted for, and which is opposed by every prominent Republican in the State. And yet tho Democrats charge that the civil rights measure is a part of the Republican platform. Tim Leo has squandered sixty six thousand dollars of the people's money in six years. This is only elev en thousand dollars per year besides h is regular commissions. This being the case, if he should be elected again for the next two years his defalcation in the same proportion will reach the enormous sum of eighty-eight thousand dollars. He has not a cent's worth of property upon which an execution can bc levied. Papers are said to be returned and marked no property found. Think of it, Republicans of Wake. Hon. Oliver H. Dockery is doing valuable service in tho Third Dis trict. On Monday, the 20th inst., he spoke at Magnolia to a crowd of over four hundred persons. Such was the desire to hear him that the merchants closed their pkices of bus iness and listened attentively. The people of Duplin are tired of being humbugged by the Ku Klux De mocracy, and now declare they in tend in tho future to hear both sides and vote dispassionately. Tho news from the Third District is of the most cheering character. We learn from an intelligent gen- the rallying cry of the patriots of the old classic county. Hon. C. L. Cobb is making a gal lant canvass in the First District. In view of these undeniable facts it is a task rather beyond the pow ers of Maj. Yeates or any other man to persuade the people of the First District not to vote for him. In the two speeches made here by Mr. Cobb, the Democrats have, if I may be allowed the expression, double Seventh Judicial District. To tlie Editor of the Era : Will you allow me space in your on a triumphant election by his su- ganization, to repudiate a man who has proved so derelict in the dis charge of his functions, and who, in anticipation, felicitates himself form erj plan of attacking untried and unheard, every Republican of ficial. Many of them go so far as to express the belief that ho will make a good Governor, an admis sion at this early day important! in th IXlxllx 111 I -if m. ii . " a . ' . didate for Judge in this District? I the full knowledge of his damaging Hlwn anu lo 1,10 IP10 caascarcely pick up a Democratic record, would be an endorsement of ?l XV- 'i r ooa -rl columns to say a few words in be- perior knack in falsifying and man nan oi uoi. xnomasixumn, our can- aging. o vote lor sucn a man in normr hnf I coo onmoth n(r coirl I hid o-llilf. anti a hirl fni- fiitiim uhucoci tu. I teamed him? Mn . Lnthnm nnrl l.r I ... - .V . I . . T. . . I T1 Itrnrw nn will moL-o rv.,1 ihe people TTmVX etrue Republics are rallying Bansorc both took the standgain?t Tmm SSLm Oof "o McKay has turned the tables com- asonemanto his support, and his him .and used every effort in their Tb editor of tho Mecorder, pub- conscience oppoted to Mr.Lee.but pub c good, if mature ago ami lnri;o pleWnpon his opponent on the elation is predicted by an increased Stta Stfe 5& iXXt S?ifS civil rights question. The opinion majority. pre-eminently gifted with the fac- ifohod at Durham, seem to be the regular and onlv rnirJl ence to tho cause of right, are deem- among all Republicans is that we will carry the District by a hand Mr. Business Manager Uzzell, of ulty of vituperation and abuse) to wofoH thon oil v, ntt,or nxWr? mv ovinn ed necessary to a good Governor. 1 1.1 nr l.V, 1, - 1, : I "'" luivivanu vxxcxxx un vxxv I vx . v. vu. vtiUKUw vyx x. I iir irx 11.1 l- x ger uzzeii, ui uw u iur.uu up uwuro iiia uuu-1 combined. They speak like votion to party rule borderinff on 1 unuer uio new onmo maioritv and even a irood the Republican, says tho insertion " " a s . .au x1DJU"Q;ucf they are really alarmed at the situ- abject servility. Such a spirit is aamimsirauon no interest oi jvprui some majority, ana even a gooa I ' TT . light, but happily without success. nnA irirtrii ri r f;OOMn ' I Carolina will suffer: no class of her manv Democrats have been heard OI we name oi 01. xiarna, xur To th ch - f M inf f I rii 51 -l" I neoplo discriminated airainst : no i yi j i . i ii a. at i.- - "-r . ... - . 1,1 i v 1 1 it, lid w i l iniriiriiiir:i i m. v it i ivr muiat it vr i iirri s niiiiiiin.1 w . the civil rights bill, he replied that wouid say to these editors they have ofright higher than mere civil or measure left untried to insure hcrX he was opposed to that bill known d gr0unds to be alarmed at the political regulations. To that welfare ; and tho 1j&CXS as the Sumner bil , but that he was ituation. our people are becom- standard all men should seek to buj hcgy m favor of a civil rights bill that m bolder am moro indepen- conform their actions and unheal- People hiseffortj would insure to every citizen of the ,7, f Qr1 Q-0 ;n(r fW tho V htincrw rpf..r tn mnmmA f Carolina whero sir States of Georgia, Tennessee and : ' x f lutu nrinn.-ni k,t oosJ r longs in the front Kentucky, the enjoyment of all j instead of being used alto- the bidding of ami power, whether w-JJeme Timef --p, t'- - o x i.f iL.i.fir. to declare that McKay is every- """"aiwiiuaMMuw wlftkUl' where getting the best of the fight. Rhodes, was an error. Republicans of the Fourth Dis trict : vote for Headen. Appleton Oaksmith, a carpet bagger from Europe, Asia and the northern portion of North America, is tho Democratic Independent can didate for the House of Representa tives from Carteret. Republicans of Carteret, you would now be in a majority but for men like Oak smith. Let him severely alone. He has no claim on the Republi cans for support, and we call on you to see that not a single Republican vote is given him. Vote for competent men for Coun ty Commissioners. This Board is your County Legislature. Bear this in mind. Republicans ! the registration books are open. See to it, that your name is on them and the correct name. teed by the 14th amendment to the constitution. In regard to the " salary grab," every conceivable statement had been made but the true one ; false impressions had been made and the minds of the people prepared to consider any man who had dared .1 f 1 r- j f IX V. iL I !l xl Xi getner ior personal preierment oi a i it uu me civu arm or ine party i -i few self stvlecl leaders. whin. Far be it from U3 to coun- PERSONAL. .v It is high time that the honest tenance the total abandonment and day, a very plc.f yeomanry of the country were as- rejection of party discipline. This T. B. Long, ail serting their inalienable rights of i3 absolutely necessary for its sue- Office Departing free thought and free action. And cess and perpetuity. The point that ularly connecU-L I believe the time has come when we wish to enforce is that the Re- tho money ordts. our people will learn a lesson that publican party,with all its excellen- Long is a native ofX- . j m A - fl!Ll t a t a i Am a a t . T?onnMiMna nf thn Rnvfnth "ni- I xi i Z liDerty witnout inuepenaence is a cies, is iauiDie, ana tnat wnen error i was irom ino start, anu' r - - V" , a uiuusr ivu stab at tne ri htg of ey Araeri. creeps in it can and should bo recti- has been, a staunch Union trict : vote ior cooiv. mean iu.uuk an nonest man ui tne citizen "And we veal to fied Within thepale of the organiza- prominen face. Despite all this, he explained mu , . , n ,a , his vote on that subject to the satis- The campaign in Orange is being faction ofevery fair JunbiaSed mind. pushed forward vigorously by and received his acquittal in the Messrs. Iko Strayhorn and H. B. cheers and plaudits of his audience. man;. Guthrie. Hon. W. A. Smith will accompa ny Col. I. J Young to Pittsboro, and will address the people on Sat urday, the first day of August. The Democrats expect to get a bill through the next Congress giv ing them continual and exclusive authority to favor social equality. Their only regret seems to be that Greeley and Sumner are both dead, and they will therefore have some difficulty in getting a candidate for President in 1876. On the morning of the 21st inst, Maj. W. A. Smith, the Republi- when the compositors of the Cin- It was a triumph. By the advice of his friends Mr. Cobb will remain on this side the sound until the election, despite the advice of Mr. Latham and 2r. Han som that he had better go over on the other side. It is a rather sin gular thing that neither Dr. Ransom m m x x r x x every voter in tne district betore tion. v ltn regara to tne case in they cast their votes on the Gth day hand, there is no necessity for leav of August, to make diligent inqui- ing the ranks to rid ourselves of the ry as to the merits and fitness of disagreeable burden inflicted upon the candidates that they are to cast us in tne person of Mr. Lee. We organiza-1 prominent in local and general pol itics, an ablo stumn sneaker, and withal an officer In a difficult de partment of the government ser vice. The quietude and reticence of Col. Long, and his agreeablo and their suffrages for. It is conceded have sinnply to unload him where I courteous bearing as an official of by the better thinking Democrats westana and select in his stead one the government, have left a pleasant xl T-"x?x XI X xl I Z LI. , xl I - - 11 1 x t oi me xiistrict, mat tne noraina- i every way capauie. anu iu ine i liupressiuu uu uu who met mm j i x l xi i l I, Z V. uxj ,1 xl e I iiru I, 1 . n lions maue at uraiiiuu, on ine ou oi uigiiwsii uegreu wuruiy ui uur con June, aremen totally unfit to fill the fidence and support, important positions of Judge and It is needless to stato that we re Solicitor, and call loudly for re- fer to R. W. Wynne, Fxsq., a gen dress. The voters Of both political tleman whose nrivata nharapfr la Wherever ho goes he proves that bluster and loud talk are not neces sary qualifications for a vigilant and efficient officer. Georgia paper. Col. Long is certainly a good pos- Republicans of thev Eighth Dis- J Yeates have any cause of disagree- trict: vote against Vance. ment, although one is a soi desant .Republican, the other two wool dyed Democrats. Fortunately the iepuDiicans ao not believe Dr. Ran som's statements, and I can assure him that he will not get a sinsrle andMaj.Latham nor Dr.R. and Maj. "f" r vipwin thP k an u k? mu r 13 , J1 "nly a Sooa ios. Yeateshaveanv cause of diaaCTee- i?"11 vie wing the situation unimpeachable; whoso Republican- tal agent, and wo arc glad to see thought it was a duty demanded of ism is sound to tho core, and whoso that several mail robbers and nost- them to heal tho damage that was efficiency as a servant of the people office thieves have been brought to done, urged upon Col. Thos. Ruffin, is acknowledged alike by friend and account recently through his efforts, of Orange, to be a candidate for foe. The charges by which Mr. Wo hopo ho will continuo the gOod Judge, and GeorgefF. Bason, of Ala mance, to, run for solicitor, and af- Lee is endeavoring to prejudice the mmdsof the colored voters lice the work until they have all been captUr a gainst eda nd thepeople can entrust their ... .. . n nnnn i isivotti i7 ri f 1 nnn r ltmii i n i uxuv iv t xxx uuv a. aiii"i i x x-i i:xx: x- . can Representative of the jNletropol- , 7 CT j irT f vote that Mr Cobb would have or ier rep1 auuaiauuns irom doiq Mr. vvynne are not only a tissue of money to the mails without tno tear iin.cm.. how aft5iSS?tS?5SMr asassM'SSfi: ss?njs ui,. uuovuuiouvu uy iiitucu, Tin,..h "m n T.iiio Tqti Now it remains wun tne nonest tion by serious-thinking men. The Tho safe and office furnlturo of nn mpmhpr from the .Southern maae against mem uurintr ine uay. i uu" A1 "" vnfnN nf this rlirrirf, fr u-hn ,i.if r ft 4i. x. , - , . --u r . i i r . i wiiuuvk vrx Himtcunciiiau siiiuu iuu i iiiu iucui umiiuii ui mu r icvuiunu a t , - i States is more popular in Congress -Ater the regular midnight lunch or with the President. Vote tho Republican ticket. several compositors were seized J. S. Jones has been appointed eight years. wiiii siciiiiuse uuu uiey ivru suppus- i u miu oiuies iuarsnai ior tno oOUln ed to have been poisoned. I era District of Florida. shall reign over them for the next rebellion has. been in utter antago nism to these slanderous flccusa- SSLLi Usri!xUAINlJUAL. tions. Wo would that our faith in Hillsboro, July 19th, 1874. 'Mr, Lee's attachment to the inter- Dank of New York, was seized on tho 21st inst., by a city marshal un-. der a judgment in tho casoof Ara bella R. Mappin.

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