WEEKLY ERA. Official Orjran of (he Ignited State. i Official Or pan of (lie City. S5- . J It. W. Wynne, Esq. This gentleman, who is the Re publican candidate for Sheriff of Wako county, is expected to ad dress the people in this city on Friday evening next, the 31st inst. We call upon all Republicans and others who have the good of the people of Wako at heart, to turn out and hear him. If the tax pay ers of this county stand idle when they aro lacing mercilessly robbed, they will deservo no sympathy. Wo venture the prediction that in no other county in the United States would such a state of things as ex ists in Wake county be tolerated for a moment. The authors of such Col. Fuller having boon "smash ed" at Morrisville by Col. Youner. again asks' another trial. Col. T. C. Fuller went to Morris ville to aid Capt. Davis when Col. Young replied to him on the 23d, and the effort of Col. Young so com pletely demolished Col. Fuller that he goes now to Egypt, in Chatham county, on Monday, the 3d day of August, to try, if possible, to re trieve his lost reputation as a speak er. Col. Ike will be on hand ready to drub the gentleman again. Look out, Col. Fuller ; you thought you had a " soft thing " replying to Col. Ike. but CaDt. Davis could have T. 31. mtOWX, Manager. ?- THURSDAY, JULY 30, 1874. Bepublican Nominees. HTAT 12 TICK 1ST. Ft.r Superintendent of Public Instruction: ! THOMAS R. PURNELL, 1 OK FORSYTHE. told vou better if he would. Col. prosecuted and Dlaced in orison J Young is making more reputation. Not only is the money of the people in this campaign than any man on collected for tho purpose of defray- either side, because he appeals to imrtho expenses of the Statoand reason and not to prejudice, and his CONG Ki:SS ION A 1a TICK ET. For Congress ith IHstrict : James h. headen, ! OF CHATHAM. .1 ticki:t. For Solicitor -f-fh District: '.)( II X C L. II AR1US, ; .OP WAKE. I.liH 1 1SLATIVK TICICICT. j wake"county. i For .Senate 18th District: JAMKS H. HARRIS. For House of Representatives : THOMAS M. ARGO, f STEWART ELLISON", ISAIAH KING, JAMES II. JONES. county withheld bv,tho Sheriff of the county, but aflr confessing the crime ho again cail upon an out raged people to ro-elocthini, with out having mado good a single cent of his heavy defalcation. Mr. Wynne has been the main instru ment in bringing to light this great outrage on tho people of all classes. The people of Wake county will yet see the day when they will pour out their gratitude to this honest old veteran for his strict devotion to their rights and his manly pro test against ono of the most gigan tic swindles ever perpetrated upon our people. Go and hear tho old man tell of the wrongs inflicted upon the poor white and colored children of the county, and if you can then cast your votes for the authors of them, you must indeed bo blind to the good of your country. appeals aro forcible and eloquent. All roiiorts from the Fifth Dis trict confirm us In tho opinion that Col. Henderson will triumph over the 44 shooting Brigadier.' The malicious attempts to break him down by contemptiblo attacks on his personal character have had the effect to create for our candidate a warmth of feeling among tho masses of the people never beforo exhib ited for any candidate in that sec tion. The earnest manner of the man and his devotion to the inter ests of the people will have a pow erful effect. Ho has Scales on the hack. Henderson pours it into him. Tho Brigadier gets mad, but still he has to stand it. He would no doubt give a great deal to hear no more of courts martial, deserter shooting, and such Headen Campaign Clnb. In response to the call for a meet ing on Friday evening, 24th inst., to effect the organization of a Head en Campaign Club, a large number of Republicans assembled in the tico that was done me, and aware of the fact that the minds of many good men were prejudiced against me. You are pleased to say. Judge. that you are credibly informed that Coiirt-hnncn at the time snecified. I have declared, that I advised Mr, Mr. J. D. Uzzell was appointed Samuel Phillips to join the Repub- Chairman and II. M. Miller and W. It. Harris were chosen to act as Sec retaries. Mr. Uzzell, on taking tho chair, made a few remarks explanatory of the object of the meeting, and ex horted all Republicans to increased zeal and activity from now on to the approaching election. Those wishing to unite with the Club then came forward and had their names recorded on the roll of membership. On motion, three Executive Com mittees (one from each ward) were lican party, and that I have express ed a regret that I did not do so at the same time. In all this there is not one word of truth I You are at liberty to have every word which I have ever ut tered, and every line which I have ever written, published to tho world ; and I then challenge you to produce a particle of proof to sus tain your informant. I have no wish to conceal one word which I have over said on that THE CAMPAIGN. REPUBLICAN NOMINATIONS. FOR XLIVth CONGRESSi Districts. j; latCLIXTOX L.. CODR, of Pasquo tank I 3dJOHN A. HITMAN, of Warren. 3d TVEILL. McKAY, of Harnett. 4th JAMES II. HEADEN, of Chat nam. SlhWILLIAITX F. HENDERSON, of Davidson. 7th-COLVAIBlJS E. COOK, of Wilkes. RALEIGH RETAIL. PRICES. CORRECTED BT WAYNE ALLOOTT, FAM ILY GROCER, FAYETTE VI LLK 8T. ABTICXES. .PRICKS.. Tickets! Tickets!! We are prepared to print Congress- Innal . .Tnri hmaI ' "Leffislnri vp nnrl mnn. subject, and therefore give it to you ty tickets, at the following prices : here, and you are at liberty to make appointed to conduct the canvass of jast what use of it you please, the city. The following named gen- In a conversation which I had tlemen constitute the several com- with Mr. Henry N. Brown, of this mittees : Eastern Ward Messrs. place, and which is the only one I Miller, Martin, Roan, Curtis, Hun- ever had with him on such a sub- ter. Middle Ward Messrs. Farris. ject, ana was at a time wnen J. en- Clawson, Ricks, Western Ward- Piwlnr. Winslow. Rrief hut stirrinsr speeches were I cated the bitterness of feeling which mado by Messrs. Gorman, Caswell, prevailed in the country that I had Te. Jas. H. Harris and Willie D. I loner thought our Southern section Congressional and Judicial Tickets Single thousand, $1.00 ; ten thou sand, or more, of ono sort, 50 cents per thousand. Legislative Tickets Same prices as above. County Tickets Single thousand, m - vvngnr, uoyie. wruuueu uu purpusw m uumg $2.00 : over one. and less than three Messrs. Keith, aidate ror any position whatever, J. thousand ' 41.50 ter thousand : over Sam'l O'Neil. I stated to him that I crreatly depre-1 I xx. V v miuuoauui w.m.wr x-rsx. buvrvau.-.. Jones. CORRESPONDENCE. COI'NTV TICIC1CT. For .Sheriff: KOItKKT W. WYNNE. For licrfister of Dcetts : WILLIAM W. WHITE. For Treasurer : WILLIAM M. BROWN. J. For Surveyor : P. II. ADAMS. Is it Ended ? L The declaration mado by Judge Merrimon in tho Senate of tho United States, that the mission of the Republican party had ended, has been caught up by some of the Democratic press of tho country and an erroneous idea sought to be favorably impressed upon the peo ple of tho nation. That the Re publican party has not finished tho work for which it was inaugurated It must not be understood that The Era endorses the sentiments of its correspond ents in every instance. Its columns are open to the friends of the party, and their communications will be given to the public as containing the views aud sentiments of the writers. Democratic Civil Rights. To the Editor of the Bra : Pursuant to public notice, there was a uemocranc iiudoud ana " Fish Fry," at Blount's Creek, on Saturday last, slightly dashed with the ardent. Ihe occasion was to have been a grand one, but the thing got spiled, owing to the pres ence of a lank-jawed Yankee, who like pasttimes in which I was the ally of the notorious Gra- he was wont to indulge in by-gone ham, of the "gray horse notoriety," try ten years ago. Vacant lots and ghostly chimneys tell the sad story to-day. As a specimen of or atory and pungency, let us quote Mason : was prejudiced oy tne indulgence of such a temper; as I doubted not that many rigorous measures had been forced upon us, and others would be in consequence of it: I mentioned that this matter had once been alluded to in a conversa tion between Mr.Phillips and myself and we had both agreed in thinking jgSy Cash must accompany orders. Parties ordering are requested to write names of candidates plainly. Registration, A new registration is not required for the August election, but every man who has changed his residence since last election, that is, if he has removed from one township to an other, or from one ward to another. COUJfTRY PRO DUCK. APPLES Green, Dried, BUTTER, Best countrj-. Good " CJoshen, BACON N. C. Sides. Hams., " Sh'uldrs. tiUUKKA!) FLOUR-N. C. Family, ' Fxtra FODDEB Per 100 W.t HAY Per 100 lbs., CORN MEAL POTATOES Sweet. " N.C.Irish, a mra ti.ii , . . . . 1 UAia rsuuru rt IU mg. " Seed v bushel, G&occuies. r BACON Rib Bulk Bide, Smok'd" " Shoulders, Best Sugar cured II a in s, COFFEE Old gov'ment. Laguira, Rio Pr me. Good. FISH Mackerel. No. 8. " N. C. Her nKs,cut " itoo " Corn Shad, i bbl FLOUR PatapHCo. Va. Family. Extra, " Superfine, MOLASSES Cuba, new crop, bbl hud RICE SUGAR Stand'd A V bbl " Extra C, 'J Yellow, SYRUP Bbl.. 0 ) 0 2T, 0 Ul 0 00 0 (X) 0 23, :w 0 00 0 I 0 00 0 00 0 oo 1 1 1 lo 1 15 o on o oo o oo o oo o oo o oo o oo o oo o oo o u 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 oo 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 10 0 00 :so 10 II 1V$ 12 " :u ! 00 H mi 1' 00 1 JS 0i a "j 9 ( 'l (0 (i (a (a (a cd (d 4 (") (l ") to & H 4 (4 10 (XI (a 12 on ( u im ( M (Ml (i (III li .'.I 00 mi' no 11 H?i M r.'i .iii :n 'A it 11 IN) 10 INI ( (. W a M H fed it in !;' li NEW AIVEBTISEMEAT8. it wrong in principle and injurious if the city contains three thousand : u a. xu i - t f I i t a ta m. i i days. Beaufort County. Our advices from Beaufort are of the most cheering character. Mr. Cobb will hold his own, with the chances in favor of an increase of his maiority two years aero. Of his "Feller-Citizens: What do you think this great radical party has done ; they have nominated in the place of my friend Itispess, a men tea on the Great ,iht . hv nigger that stands w . ' , . " " r " , " , Kicords for stealing a goose ; our menus in ueauioru uur meuu i j j reckon." CaDt. Corson is the Republican I This lank-iawed Yank, a rank nominee for Sheriff, and will be elected. Tho Democrats will gain in its effects upon the country. Mr. Brown said, 44 you ought to have gone with him." No, I replied; for there is this difference between us ; he was opposed to the war and had no agency in bringing it on ; while I had favored it, and had fought in it from first to last ; and when it resulted disastrously to us I had formed a resolution to which I had always adhered and from which I was resolved never to depart and that was never to desert those with whom I then act edthat it should never be said that I embarked in it with others, and then shirked its consequences and that such must be my course whether I approved of what was done or not. This was what I said to him then, and what I say to you now ; and if there be guilt in that, then am 1 guilty. But in this connection, Judge, I cannot but think it strange that you. who are aspiring to the office of judge, and should, there- inhabitants, or more, must register anew or he cannot vote. Unless your name is on the books of the township or ward in which you re side on the day of election you can not vote, see about your regis tration ! For Omnty Oomtnissioners : MONKS ;. TODD, CLINTON W. WILLIAMS, NO KF LK KT J EFFRE YS, THOMAS C. SMITH, IIKNRY A. SMITH. radical, actually mounted the stump I fore, be presumed to understand, at a Democratic meeting and upset I ancl be nrenared to expound correct- is apparent to every man who will l,vvu . " ,WUUY glpnhcation of his Democratic willing to condemn me thus pub- To Poll Holders Important. There having been some question raised as to the meaning of the elec tion laws, relating to the boxes ne cessary to be used in county elec tions and judicial elections, the undersigned j having been many times applied to for an opinion, construe the same as follows : 1. In county elections, but one box should be used for county of ficers, including Clerk of the Supe- 2. In judicial elections, but ono box should be used for Judge and Solicitor, in those districts where both such officers are voted for ; and but one box, of course, where only Solicitors are voted for. RALEIGH BRANCH Freedman's Savings and Trust Company. Depositors of this Branch of tho Freedman's Savings and Trust JCom pany, aro respoctfully requested to bring or send their Pass Books to this oilioo at the earliest practicable momont, tlmt they may be verified aud properly bal anced. By order of Commissioners. O. W. BRODII), Raleigh, July 22, 1874. Cashier. , Clerk and Collkctou's Okfick, i July Gth, 1S74. 'VT O T I C K. Acting under an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners, Junoliii, j.of-x, x uuiduv iiubtjjr ait jfuou.- ihi failed to list their taxablos to conin tor ward and list tho same within the next ten days, under penalty of the law. -j Jf'llAJN U1S M. iSltKELb, 47 4t. Clerk and Collector. I Clerk and Collector's Offick, j Raleigh, July 17, 1874. 3. 5ut one ballot should be put I VT otice to tax payeus i in ofioh hnv- I JLl will be iClection: Thurday, Aucuftt Cltli. XQ.In ortlcr to tccurc tlie Urn, It ! ucrcfcftary that tho price Wrrlptiou khn.!! nccompanr all tjcrv for the (ipcr. Our terms aro ffibh. take a fair and candid view of tho situation of affairs in the Southern States. ' It is true that by the action of our party four millions of human beings, heretofore held as chattels, have been elevated to the position of American citizens; that the Union of our Fathers has been these accessions to their ranks will add nothing: beyond tho insignifi cant number. TO T1IK lOLLS! i j As this is the hut issue of our Weekly which will reach many of i Our subscrilKTs before tho day of election, wo make our last appeal to Republican", once more unto tho breach, dear friends !" Tho JJra in making fight on coun ty matters, has battled for the right. If confessed bribe-oflerers and squan derers of money paid by the peo ple of Wake for tho schooling of the joor children of the county, are to o continued in power, the days of the Republican party are number- WM. R. COX, Ch'n Dem.-Con. Ex. Com. THOS. B. KEOGH, Ch'n Rep. Ex. Com. Mass Meetings op the Re publican Party. The Republi cans of the First Congressional Dis trict are invited to be nrftsent in HIta vnnrsplf. T nnnnnf. lonlr nnnn a I Convention, caused by the attempt hard by where they gormandised, countrv wrecked, its Horv cone. Linnfinn Yur OllOb.1 , , , I r,f QhfrWV rrnvnnf TVfV TToTTia I A SCCOnd CUXSS then Waded in. but I i to nnnln ,1;,t,M1 onr Klron in I J t V." n m piacea upon a prouuer oasis ootn ai - ll!" A - did notiret asmuch of civil rights as JC XHin V IVl "" "fZr " vl homo and abroad than ever before, spring, a geuueiuau now on ui f. . Th t . . , r. f, " "t" 'V"?- viu, en.j. uuott, oi. . and that the country is now enjoy- ticket headed with the name of T. th b t q little on the bones chTas so long reigned "ovTr the fSToZtl St VSSS: ingastateof peace and prosperity f femilKeu u L U . 01 . i?XVr "PS d-nd still be willing to cher- T. M. Argo, Hon. J. W. Holdeh Still a Democrat. On the memorable fifteenth of May, during tho row in the County or- friends. Well, alter Uobb wasiiinivand sfivorfilv. unon evidence. stunk out by Graham's brother in I whinh vmi admit, to ho nothing hut arms, who loyes this land, as wid- j hearsay. ows and orphans and naked chim- Yon nnxfc ask mo to sav when T jita wm aiwai, wio uciiui "fr" became so mild ana moderate in of demolishing the ;lish Fry" principle and temper. In reply, I commenced. A select few from the I ha w tr coTr inrf tho iH pvnp. city had a table to themselves, two rionpo nf th inst fow wars f TTn- oi wiiom wn u. mvei pecK. oi ooues A second class then did not get asmuch of civil rights as the first. Then a third crowd took be in my oflico daily for tho next thirty days botween tho hours of 9 a.m. and 1 p. m., and 3 aud ( in., for the collection of tho taxes of tho City of Raleigh for the year 1874. Taxo must be paid within this tiino or thoy will be collected according to law. I FRANCIS M. SORRELL, 52 12t Colioctor. never heretofore experienced in its history; yet tho mission of the Re publican party is far from being at an end. Thero is much to do. If wo would continue to realize for our selves and our posterity the real blessings of truo liberty; if we would seo continued commercial prosperity, universal education, protection to all our people regard less of caste, color or pecuniary con dition, then we must vote to con tinue tho Republican party in the ascendency. The principles of the Democratic party aro in direct op- 9 A m A t A.m position to tno spirit or tne age. They are so connected with the old institution of slavery and its at- F. Leo remaked to a citizen of his township somewhat thusly: "I don't like tho way they are doing, I don't ; I am just as good a Demo crat as I ever was, I am." Yet this man is on the Court-house ticket and is now one of Capt. Lee's Republicans ! to pick, for the two first had more rights than they. Then came the fourth crowd, and after a survey of the festive board, one was heard in rather a low tone to say, " is this what they call equality and civil rights?" " aint we as good as them town fellows ?" Well, I reckon we better get equality and civil rights for ourselves and then we can at tend to the nigger. That Yank wTas We warn tho people against cir- j the only rad that had special atten- 44 Fish X. ish in my bosom the same fell de mon of discord ! and as some proof of my sincerity in this particular, I trust you will consider the temper in which I have replied to your letter. I am very respectfully, Your obedient serv't, T. RUFFIN. tho county ticket having on it the name of Robert W. Wynne. ' Up guards, and at 'cm I" ed. Then go to the polls and vote tendant barbarous codes, that they have become nauseous and obnox ious to tho people of the enlightened period in which we live. When the fruits of Republicanism have becomo permanently realized in alZ these Southern States as immutable and the principles of civilization in their broadest sense become a part who theretofore has been sheriff of of our fundamental law, then, and Fuch county and hath failed to settle not until then, will the great Ro iwith and fully pay up to every of- I publican party of this nation non. culars, rumors, &c, to tho effect that Tim Lee has either settled his taxes or made any effort to do so. No action looking to a settlement has been or will be, made. Tho people may rely upon it that the amount thus far squandered by Leo is a dead loss. Let us take care that he has no chance to further injure the honest people of tho county. tion at that Democratic Fry." Washington, N. C. Card from M. G. Todd, Esq. To the Editor of the Era : I hear it rumored that Sheriff Lee said at Anex that helerave me ten A dangerous counterfeit having appeared upon the hve dollar notes of the Traders' National Bank of Chicago, the Treasury Department offers ono-half percent premium for the return of the genuine five dol lar notes of that bank to tho De partment for destruction. The notes should bo stripped separately. and may be included in packages of ixaiionai uanK notes returned to the Treasurer for redemption, and and other prominent Republicans. Mr. Cobb will be present at as many of these appointments as possible : Coleraine, Bertie Co., Thursday, 30th July, 2 P. M. Windsor, Bertie Co., Saturday, aist July, vz m. Scuppernong, Washington Co., Monday, 3d August, 3 P. M. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. 1VEEP IT BEFORE THE PEOPLE, that Tim Lee pledged himself be foro tho convention that nomi nated him, that if ho did not settle 1 i .l a il. ' -l rfxtM. dollars, in 1872 to go for him. Now. EKE S speakers. & ii a . ; m i ii t r w 11111 . m www i'.i ti ir i . Public Speaking:. Col. I. J. Young will address the citizens of Chatham County on the )olitical issues of the canvass as fol ows: Merry Oaks, Friday, July 31st. Pittsboro, Saturday, August 1st. Egypt, Monday, 3d. All are invited to hear him. Time will be divided with Democratic IN BANKRUPTCY. NOTICE. This is to givo notico that I will sell for cash to the iihot bidder at tho Court llouso door on tho 29th of July, at 12 o'clock, m., A. 1. 1874, in the city of Raleigh, Wako county, N. C, all the rovorsionary in terest of Isham Young, a Bankrupt, in 5 small lots in tho town of Uolovillp, MAM.4.A2jMM. 1 i. t 1 i .i wuuuuiug hlhiui it acres eucn. v i.ho 180 acres of land situatod in Littlo Hi t r Township, adjoining tho lands of Wes ley Hartstield, J. A. Young and others. Also a life estate in 90 acres of land ad joining tho lands of Pocto.ria A. Mitch oil, Dr. Flemming and others. Also l." acres of land adjoining tho lands of John Pearco and others. All of nail lands aro situated in Wako country, N. C. I will also sell at tho samo tiino a lot of notes and open accounts, as the property of said bankrupt. This July fi, 1874. ; J. K. O'NEILL, 4 w3w I Assignoo. f $ ? ? ? ? ? ? ? v "No person shall bo eligible to tho oinco of sheritr in any county which wTere by law iicer the taxes luo by him. ;liittle's licvUal, Chap. 100, Sec. 3. Sheriff Lee's newspaper says that ?the eligibility article of the Consti tution sets this law aside. TheSher- cede that its great worc is ended. " Principles, not Moii Wo heard one of the speakers on up in full with tho State before tho loth would not consider himself a candi date. The convention nominated him on that condition. Ho failed to settle. He is therefore not a candi date of any party or portion of a party, and Is entitled to no consid eration at the hands of the voters of Wake. of his nomination and election: then why should ho attempt to bribe me? Sheriff Lee. at least a month or more after the camDamn of 1872, met me in the Court-house genuine five dollar notes of this bank should hereafter be refused, and notes of that denomination thus driven out of circulation. No more of these notes will be issued hereafter by the Comptroller of the Currency to that oauK. The attention of bank ofn- County and I and handed me ten dollars, statins i a i j mm . - . - i if2i.iiiv. i 1 1 i-i Jii.iii i if in in iKiriir rim. of July, he was money raaqe up forthe rzryfl 9flr- G XZnZZL CUIUpUIgU, HUU matX mignt aS WO!! e:fxrrtf rmniUmtMMl-Unaa r, have it as anybody else." At the same time, he gave me money to carry to others, which I did, he re marking at the time that this too had been raised for campaign pur poses. 11 ne gave it as a bribe. I sity of promptly retiring these notes, which will entirely prevent the cir culation of the counterfeit. Itocky Mount Mail says: It will be remembered that, in nnr loot uia not Know it ana aid not accept j week's issue appeared the testimony it as such. If he gave it as a bribe, in the case of State vs. Chas. Bloom- as he said he did. he ousht to I or. charged with burning tho Prim. Wako County Canvass. Tho candidates of will address the people at lowing times and places, to-wit : Marks Creek Thursday, July 30th, Hood's Store. St. Matthews Friday, July 31st, at Powell's Store. St. Marys Saturday, August 1st, at Andrews Store. Swift Creek Monday, August 3d, at Franklin's. Raleigh Tuesday, August 4th, Lovejoy's Grove. NOTICE IS IIEREUY (1IV 12 , that a petition has boon lilod in tlio District Court of tho United Statos !r the Eastern District of North Carolina by Isham Young, of Wako county, In said District, duly declared a Jlank rupt under the act of Congress of March 2d, 1867, for a discharge and certificate thereof from all his debts and other claims provablo under said act, and that tho 29th day of July, 1874, at 10 o'clock, a. M., at the office of A. W. ShalW, both parties Agister m bankruptcy, iniCalolgh J. ft- fi i vv., lii assiguuu iur mu wearing oi uio Lilt; Wl- I e.mn n 1 nrl.n.A nil n.l:-.. who have proved their debts,, and other persons in interest, may attend and show cause, if any they have, why tho Erayer of the said petitioner should not e granted. And that tho second and third meetings will be hold at tho samo time and place, i -New-Berne, N. C, Julv 1, 1874. GEO. E. TIN'KElt, Clork. W. II. Pace, Attorney. 6 law2w Congressional CANVAss.-Hon. Saturday night make use of tho Keep it before the people, sin uj i or. cnarp-ea wiin Durninctrift Hnm. I t tt tt i t be indicted for giving it. and then itive RSntist Chnroh ftYiMi ' i r , -w v mv iitiiuiu ii ir iinfrruuu iiri i i aiifivnaa please the Falls of Tar River. On Fri- nifl ni i for neriurv. The nfionlfi will read tho Sheriff's oath of office. fiff is eligible, regardless of his short-1 above excellent sentiment Among Jhat ever vote to retain Tim Lee word to the wise is sufficient." i the "nrinrinlpaJ'nf ihnnnhitv,n I in oince is a vote to sanction tho party is popular education. Here is most stupendous frauds ; a vote to what nn mljit form sflva. encourage misappropriation of tho r.. 7 t r.. rri. i iu i A. 0 I nnrllr furwl'j vnto tr tnli thn rvl. oniy py a law-ama- the poor children of the state, so shame- ucational interest of the State, and comings, according to that paper. jefore toe PEon, of Sheriff is ono that If the Sheriff gave a bribe and I took one, then tho people ought to vote against us both. If some of the candidates ; have been bribed, and some have given bribes, and day last, upon an affidavit made bv G. L. Bloomer, a warrant was is sued by Justice Fountain for the arrest of David Wells, (colored) charged with tho same offence. At 3 o'clock a preliminary trial was gone into and tho defendant bound (l li 873-' Leo Says that If I nuly neglected in tho past, is a dutv -Ittempt to override j fnc?0 nifylng, when this general assembly, controlled by a general Assembly iadm,"orit,y'l,tnd " which C , . we navo failed, but we shall never cease pht. our efforts to obtain the same at the ' hands of the government of North t Carolina, and wo confidently rely upon CUlaP JiOtiCO ! uie poppio io sustain us. o. uai in a ireo ana re d rosea ta- a vote to seriously injuro the char- let tho people of both parties meet some have stolen all the money, do in a bond of $250 for his appearance acter of the Republican party as an organization of honest and law- abiding men. KEEP IT BEFORE THE PEOPLE, that Tim Leo acknowledges he has used the peopled money without the least shadow of right to do so. ne says m sunstanco that ho is a defaulter but at the samo time wants (2. chapter 132. laws Of I tivo government, wo recognize the Dar it is provided that " when nW" obiigatlan to provide efficiently I a voter is challenged at the polls, I and we favor such legislation as will ac- H nrvn ftnmanrl rt ann ntllvnn f Ka I COnmlLsll that Oml ' til at WA rrarvw! fuller . Rto If ihrr r i. recommend and ask of the naUonal gov- the people to trust him again with ; -- v. era men i, sucu aiu, oy uio provision of 8pectors Of tho election to require I public fund, or the donation of public , said voter, beforo being allowed to P2!52TS.?f J?8" i vote, to prove by tho oath of some I cure to tho masses of the people of all , nlhprnprsnn A-nmrn tnihooA inrlm I classes tlio bcuefiU of a liberal educa- , - " w . J v.t3v, I fnrr and nominate a new ticket. But if I would take a bribe why did I not take one a few months ago, when I was asked by tho Sheriff "if two hundred dollars would silence me?" and when he, upon my becoming a member of the Board, offered me a bribe to work in his interest when he needed a friend ? M. O. TODD. at the next term of Nash Superior tjourc. uossey uattle, .Esq., ap peared for the prosecution. The defendant had no counsel. the people on the political issues of the day, on the days and at the places mentioned below. All are invited to hear him. Johnson's Store, Chatham, July 30 Williams', 3i Pace's Mill, " August 1 Ed wards' Store, " "3 Mt. Vernon Springs, Chatham, " 4 Harper', X Roads, " " 5 Time will be divided with Capt. Joseph J. Davis, the Conservative candidate for Congress,at the above named appointments. their money. We want 41 men" who will see to IVEEP IT BEFORE THE PEOPLE, that the poor whito and colored children of Wake county are being denied the right of education, be- A Card. IIillsboro, July 22, 1874. Hon. John Kerr Polkton Ansonian says : One of I Notice. The candidates for the our neighbors, Mr. Stephen Bovet. Legislature and other county offi- iiaa a uock oi sneep to Which he 9 lur "itjcuuuiy ui rrariKiin, win pays a great deal of attention. They address the people on the various were prompt and regular in coming issues of the day at the following up, but thoy failed about three times and places, to-wit : wecKs ago. After they had been Cedar Rock Township Town missing about 15 days, he accident- ship House, Thursday, July 30. , -AI- ally discovered them in an unoccu pied house on the plantation, where he is satisfied thev had been the fact of his residence for thirty ciaj s provious thereto in tho county u this principle araount to canso Tim has squandered and forced to acknowledge myself under whoIe flock greatly emaciated. ... ..v, i-.vvc iV , snmpfh n- Th mmibn-ohuf i k U3i ior fliaown Denent ine monev omiinmona 10 you ior its nuniica ww. a saw iwtiviUViVlllUl LllfJ I I A A Dear Sir: I havo just read vour during that time. He thinks they letter addressed to the Editor of the f ntered the house, and in their rest Hillsboro IZemrrTjv- and thntK-h lessness, by some means closed the many of its statements are unfound- dor and thus were self-imprison ed and its temrjer malevolent-1 am Several were dead, and the Cypress Creek Townshin- ford's, Friday, July 31. Louisburg August 1. In order that you may bo allowed to vote, go to tho polls in company with your neighbor or some other credible person. handkerchief!" the school money, the school money ! collected for the purpose. tion. In the first place, sir, detect in The family of Lewis Shutt, in First District. Hon. C. L. Cobb. Republican candidate for Congress, will speak to the people of the First District as follows : Harrellsville, Hertford Mr. Dunn denies the report, that should ho succeed in obtain ing tho office of Sheriff, no negro would ever enter his room in tho Court House. We make this state ment in justice to that gentleman. There is only one way in which Lee can hope to settle the taxes now due. It is to get possession of tho tax list for tho present year,colIect the money and pay as much as he can on old score. So far, so good: countv. I X" OrSVtn COUnt V. Jim nnnqirlnrahlv I 'rhnrslaw Tnlxr .01 at1)AMAi. " I m m ...... . every nno or your communciation. exercised at mvsterinna nmus hnnt I wintnn TTorffrtrri t-.J IF1" " up seiuemeni win no , nn,,Bni0 ' i . ' ;. ."--",rw,x iiujr, iy, a. u., M VVWVAVtaiJUVAXJ UU VUU1 IUUL til I Lllt.ll I1I1U7IM ill I HT I1MTIT I M U mrU I I II I TT -C I O r I mF rSm I 1 a t ...v. ..mu-uuucu wimug ucican nuiuius uui a ieei- uinira never occur aurinjy t.h rtav. I iatisviiip riafaa ..nf,, Cn,,.. I ftttta e- . - . I i m- ' a. m I i . .. o 1 1 I " vuun L y . uoiui- I ' people OI WaKe A uisauuumiuieni, growing OUC ana never wnen there isalifht hum- duv. Annit 1 a lO lV m Carolina r I nf onnk . I .1 1 I ! XL.1 . . . I .VM.m v VI 1A,B, J-U. I sauandered with !m- " wuv:uuu, wum nave iug in menouse : Dut become verv JSdenton. Chnwan mnntv Afnn. croaiiors. I Hintotorl Ort -mrnVln T. ! I A 1 . a I a ' . " v" J 1 I No patched for the people. money of tho should not bo punity. The people have a right to demand a settlement at once. THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, That on the 9th day of June, A. D. 1874, a warrant in Bankruptcy was is sued out of the District Court of the United States for tho Eastern District of North Carolina, against tboestaUM't Ilarvil Harris,! of Henderson, in tho county of Granville, and State of North Carolina, wbo haa been adjudged a Bankrupt on his own Petition: That the , payment of any dobt, and the delivery of any property bo longing to such bankrupt, to bini or for his use. and the transfer of any property, by him, are forbidden by law; That a meeting of the creditor of said bankrupt, to prove their debts, and to choose ono or mere assignees ot his estate, will bo held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at Raleigh, N. C, beforo A.' W. Shaffor, Itogister, on the 29th day of June, A. I. 1874, at 10 o'clock, A. M. JOSHUA B. HILL, Deputy Marshal as Messengor. Chas. M. Cooke, Attorney. 51 w3w THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, That a general meetine: of tho creditors of Thomas P. Devereux,will beheld at tho Register's office in Raleigh, N. C, be fore A, W. Shaffer, Esq., Register, on the 2d day of July, 1874, at 10 o'clock a. m., for the purposes named in tho 27th and 28th sections of tho Bankrupt Act of March 2. 1867. W. J. HAWKINS, WALTER CLARK, Raleigh, N. ci, June 22, 1874. 2t THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE. That I have been appointed Assignee of the estate and effects of , Harvil Har- Henderson, Granvillo coun- wno was adjudged a bankrupt District Court of the United the Eastern District of North unon the petition of oneuof hw flinfnwl ' I 1 . a ' . I . 1 - viita u rcuAaeaa an euusion as uisuncsanairequentas soon asdark- dav. Ausrust 3. at 11 oVlookr. a. yours. I ness envelopes the scene. Lararenum- Hertfnrrl. Pamniman. mimtv me In thesecondplare, you furnish bers of the neighbors visit the house Tuesday, August 4, at 11 o'clock hrrr le the opportunity to aUude to, and many of them are considerably a. m. f rtT G. ROSENTHAL. Assignoo. Raleigh, July 23, 1874. a3 21 IS mi rw v n 11 rnu 1 . ,1 a. a . . - . f mf civuvi xiiu vauj" 1 uuu vaji a iti uii ii in i o i i iiTTi an ro Minn 1 1 0-t nr. T noan o rrn vnti r v-i 1 iii r .t ; .: t- t 1 m-w bnt how about thnnt vttlpmpnt? n u r , . " ; YZY' atttt vTt i licul ujuuhuh- xwiviuere, 1'erquimans county, At tbe' insane Asylum, two cook out now aDout tno next settlement Y paign" will bo found appointment jegard to myself, which I would tations. Some declaro that they Wednesdav! August 5. at 10 o'clock male and female, unincumbered ; a! caT Election, Thursday, Aug. 6, If the defalcation is now $CG,000, of distinguished Republicans for the n.ot notice 30 lnS as their circula- have seen a shadowy and ghost- ... 1 av til II I mm, a . . I , I TIAn TfO CJ Ann n At 4 I 1 1 1-v A. aX3 11 . AW m . tw vuuuucu Lvi H.IIUI1 virifiiiw i iikh iiiriii iiirrintr nnnnr in rno hAnciA what will it bo in 187C? time. biop it in First District. Let our friends turn out in force and listen to thom. correspondents and mercenaries of If the spirit is questioned it answprs me jrnwj, inuugu ieeiin.tnoinjU3- oy raps. a. m. Elizabeth Cty, Pasquotank coun ty, Wednesday, August o, at o'clock, p. m. Asylum, two cook4, lincumborod : aw a good wasner ana lroner. unineuui- bered, and a good female sorvant for general house work. Apply to Mrs. 13. Y. HUOaiNS, 20 3U gtowardJ

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