5 t I 3 WEEKLY EKA. ' TUUIiSDAA', JULY 30, 174. LOCAL AXI STATE. Ciar Stand ami Bath Rooms. Brown & Dunstox have a cigar ,,n,i nh.iYi stand and bath rooms connected with their I5arlcr and ir.,ii- niwsin? establishment, on l m w o the west side of Fayettcville street, in Hiss IligSP' ol(1 stand, next door to Pink Ilardie's former cigar .-tore. Register ! Tim rofristration book for the voters outside the corporate limits in Ilaleigh Township is open at the Hair-dressing Saloon of Messrs. for raie upon the person of a young Brown fc Dunston, opposite Tucker laIy near Morris villc, paid the ex Hall; those for Middleand Jwtorr, treme ,t of thoaw withinthe U iinis. at ino oiiictj oi . mi- aker, Ksq., Standard Building; and hat for Western Ward at the Store tht for Western of O. F. Alston, Ksq., near the N Ik'Iot. C. Notick. It. W. Wynne, Esq., Republican candidate for Sheriff of fakc county, will address the jeo pie of Raleigh in Metropolitan Hall on to-morrow (Friday) evening, at o'clock. ll cti-rsed.-Hi Excidlenev. " Governor Brotrden. retunied to the citv on Monday afternoon, the 20th . in.-t. ttiq Fxeellonov Some time since a complete sur- man andVthe War and Interior De nis excellency, r partments, shows perfect harmony Exchange (Jovcrnor Broirden. has consented t an exchange of circuits between Judcre Watts of this District and Judc Henry of the 11th District. Hi-'.movkd. J. IJ. Hill, r-sq., I'nih-d States Marshal for the East- mi District of North Carolina, has r. moved his oihec to the corner or Morgan and McDowell streets, just i ri i v ail i i i i i u - si reel. I st. mar s. inis ursi ciass sem- inary win do oienea ior ius siAiy- fifth term on Thursday, Septemler :ld. and continue twenty weeks. Rev. Aldert Smedes is Hector, a fact which is sufficient of itself to .-oeure a full attendance. Drowned. On Sunday, the 19th inst., a colored !oy named Cren- I hhaw, win drowned in the iond of Kobt. neming, near ake r or" I 111 this county. Ilia nfovereil alMiut suns't day. body was the same IM i:m)N-al.-Hon. W. A. Smith arrival in the city on Friday morn- ifi" ilu 21th inst. He hrinzs en- ouir.i-in news from tliecanv;ws in tlu V-st. and thinks that Win. S. Pearson, of Ihirke, Itepuldican can didate for tin Senate, will be ch-ch-d. The Nr.ws Office. We are au- iliiirixttl to state that Uie tmsiness .nitof the Daihj Xcicn has been removed, and the proprietors and others comuvled with the manage ment of the paier can lie found up atairs over the store of Wayne All cott, Esq. Rendition-. Governor llrogden having revived a requisition from Gov. Moses, of South Carolina, for the rendition of Daniel Hamilton, charged with horse stealing in that State, has issued an order for the delivery of the prisoner to the au thorities of Marion County, S. C, where the robbery was committed. At thirty-five the average Amer ican discovers that he has an "In fernal Stomach," and goes into the hands ot the doctors for the remnant of his life. Prevention is better than cure, but Dr. Walker's Vin kau Bitters will both euro and prevent dyspepsia, diseases of the -kin, kidneys, and bladder, and all disorders arising from an "infernal tomaeh." 0 Iw Visitors, Two companies of colored military from Wilmington, accompanied by music, have been in the city for the last two days on a visit. During their stay they pa raded the streets, and on Tuesday, the 21st inst., called upon His Ex cellency, Gov. Brogden, who ad dressed them iu a few remarks, ex tending a cordial welcome to the Capital. We aro pleased to state that they seemed much gratified with their visit. The Republic. The July num ber of this valuable monthly mag azine, published in Washington City, lias been received. Among its contents are to be found essays on some of the most prominent questions of the day, besides statis tical information of a useful char acter. To those desirous of politi cal knowledge it is of first-class im portance Tho prico of subscription is only $2 per annum, in advance. On Duty. Lieutenant Perrin Husboc, our esteemed young fellow citizen, who lately passed a first class examination at the United States Naval Academy at Annapo lis, Md., has been assigned to duty at Portsmouth, N. II. "Wo don't know whether it is owing to tho climate or whether its just natural ly so, but give our Italeigh young men half a chance and they are not to be beaten in these United States. Painful Case. Maxwell J. Gorman, a young man who had heretofore borne an irreproachable character and who was a short time since employed in the capacity of Supreme Court Librarian, was ar rested on Saturday afternoon, the 2oth int., upon the charge ot inter- cepting and opening letters ad- dressed to Mai. Uagley, Clerk o tu .,,mn rv.irt Ti,n -w,f -ro . . At n., i ,r a' 4. w-irxls. !. I i" I Vininl I I X Minn (kn UJtluc v "utiij, iC efficient clerk at the Raleigh Post- office, he having teen properly commissioned for the purpose. ' Hung. John a nAn nioio who .y Tr was tried and convicted at the last term of the Superior Court of Wake, penalty enclosure of the jail in this city, on Friday, the 24th inst., at about fif teen minutes to one o'clock. The death warrant was read by Deputy Sheriff Nowell, and prayer offered by Rev. Father Gross, of the Cath olic Church. The prisoner had nothing to say. He died hard, struggling much for several minutes. After hancrinc: for nearly nity minutes, he was pro- nouccd dcad b Dr- LittIe and other 1 r. ...u:U 1 "" "' I troa nf l-irr an1 i nrni-Fnl ItALKIGIT AND TaRBORO ItOAD. ' J v,. - and Rockv Mount was made for the propose,! ItaMffh and Tarboro Rail- road. It was conQdently expected conuaenuy expected Uiat the business men of Kaleigh would take the matter into consid- eration and that the work would be pushed forward at once. We have Iatcly heard vcry iittlc concerning if This road would doubtless prove of great advantage to our i iiwpiv, uuwiuui, in wuuauuu v -vy-v n I v a vw a sm k v maw with others, a most nirnct oourso to I the ocean, besides oneniner to mar- kct onc of the Dcst grain-growing soctions of our State. Wo hope that tWs schcmo will not bo abandoned, but that the moneyed men of Ra leigh will come forward with a lib- erality suflicicnt to ensure success. Horrible Accident. A most horrible affair took place near Lock- vilI, in Chatham county, on Thurs- fay the 03d inst., the particulars ot which ns far as we can trather them I aro about as follows- On the dav aroaDout as lollops, un tno aay vinntiAnnJ Al. Tntnno linmill an1 I key hunting. It seems that neither was aware that the other was along, They both commenced yelping in imitation of a turkey. Gunter was cautiously crawling through the woods to the supposed game, when Farrell mistaking him for a turkey, fired, the bullet taking effect in Gunter's brain, killing him instant- ly. Mr. Gunter was a young man about 19 years of age. The two The two were warm friends, and Mr. Farrell is in the deepest distress at his sad mistake. Fkeedman's Bank. We invitp attention to the notice of G. W. Brodie, Cashier of the Italeigh Branch of the Freed man's Savings and Trust Company, requesting de positors in said institution to pre sent their pass books for verification and to have them balanced. We again warn our friends who have deposits in the Bank against selling or transferring their looks at ruin ous discounts. Ave believe we are lustihed in siaunguiui me cern are in the hands of competent gentlemen who will make a thorough investigation, and secure to each depositor as much as possi- I on the spot has continued excessive ble. At tho expiration of tho pres- ly dull throughout the entire past cnt month Mr. Brodie's position as Cashier will cease, but he will re main in charge as agent to settle up the aflairs of the Branch Bank in this city. To Polliiolders. At the ensu ing election Jive ballot-boxes will be required at each polling-place one each for Suierintendent of Public Instruction Member ot congress; Judge and Solicitor (where no Judge is 10 oe eiccieu, a iwx lurounwiui Senator for Senators) and Bepresen tatives (or Representative) in the General Assembly; all county of ficers, including Clerk of the Supe rior Court. Tickets to be on white paper, without device. STATE Davidson county has a white martin. It was hatched in tho nest with a black one. The Mountain Hotel, at Morgan ton, kept by Dr. Happoldt, is now open for reception of visitors. John Lewis, residing near Apex John Lewis, residing near ivpex. Bank of Boston, one-half of a mil has become deranged and strayed lion Quch . Matland, Phelps, & Co., off. m . i a,!- f u! to. I w2Vn i EE on tho Vth of bury will take place on tno zim oi Gen. Robt. Itansom, of this State, has purchased a farm in Chester field county, Va.,and thinks of mov ing thero. David Wells, a colored man, has been arrested for participation in the burning of the Primitive Bap tist Church near ivocky Mount. i unminnfnn took a lichtwood torchon Thurs day, tho 23d inst., and went into a closet to kill roaches : there was a can of powder in the closet, and the flames being communicated to this It exploded, and burned the woman very oadly before friends could get to her aid. For the year ending Jane 30th there were received at Warrenton Donot 2,052 bushels of oats, 902 bar rels of Hour, 245 tons of fertilizers and 1G7 barrels of whiskey. Col. D. C. Salisbury has resigned the position of Superintendent of the Western N. C. llailroad.and J. W. Tate, of Burke county, has been appoimeu 10 mi inc ( piace. Col. R. R. Bridgers, President of the wil. and W . Railroad, has or- I dered a reduction of 20 per cent for I . . . T freight on naval stores, to continue until turpentine shall bo worth 35 cents a gallon and rosing a barrel post omiSfm&ot se ond and Chestnut streets, is rapidly ZlPOBichlns completion, and will be ready for occupancy by the 10th of August. It will be supplied with COO lock-boxes and 200 call boxes, making 800 in all. The bnilding is commodious and conve nient in every respect, the lobby af- fording ample space for standing room, while the officials will have abundant accommodation for their purposes. Latest News. President Grant and Secretary Bristow had a consultation at Long Branch on the 24th. Archbishop McCluskey sailed for Europe on the 25th inst. He will be absent two years. K 1 ihcciooouuiu ""' uinwi v-u a million and a half bushels of I ... 1 a. I ir! wheat in Minnesota and are liable to destroy a half million more. Correspondence between Sher- on Indian aflairs. I I rr i i - rf-i a man.i in fnnt ondition. Pipn. mand in excellent condition. Plen I ty of water and good grazing were found on the route. a Sundav School Assembly will be held at Fair Point, N. II., corn- mencing August 6th. All denomi nations will participate and will be present from many the country." Donalson's balloon Dassed over . Ctofelrill "M V nn thn morning nf - M the 25th inst. The rope being with- in reaching distance, was taken hold of by a man on the ground and a conversation hold. A large meeting of manufacturers of the Provinco of Ontario. Cana- da, will be held on the 12th and 13th of August to take into consid eration the proposed reciprocity treaty. A Coroner's inquest in the case of the little girl Katie Curran, who was killed in Boston by the boy Pomeroy, was held on the 2oth inst. The remains were round to be shockingly mutilated with some fa instrument. I Mrs. Victoria Woodhull is in "Nrr.nr Vr.i-1.- shn AorAama Viof tVin statement attributed to her in re- gard to her relations, with Til ton is absolutely without foundation and maisnowiu reserve wnai sne nas to say on the Beecher-Tilton matter until both parties have exhausted themselves. The net receipts of cotton at all United States ports during the week ending 21th inst.. Were 5,037 ; last year, Vl&lz ; total receipts, 73Q loaf voar 5? flJO ft7S Tvvnnrfa I lur, 10 aak . 'ioQf wftoii ? total fYnort?. 5.7fi9.8l3! last I year, z,oi,328. totocK at an umtea oiaies pons, io,yy ; lasiyeur, 323. Stock at all interior towns, 2fi.010: last year, 2G.414. Stock at Liverpool, 982,000 ; last year, 799,- 000. Stock American afloat for Great Britain, 52,000 ; last year, CG.000. The Republican Stato Central Committee of Missouri met in St. Louis on the 24th inst. There was a full attendance. After a free ex change of views regarding the pre sent political situation of the State, resolutions were adopted declaring the present deplorable condition of affairs merits the serious attention of all good citizens, irrespective of party, and to bring about reform, Which is imperatively demanded, they invite the co-operation of all norsons and organizations of what- ever political lace, to that end. The New York market for cotton week. There is very little inclina tion to purchase for other than im mediate necessity, as the accounts of the new crops are exceedingly favorable and probably prices will be lower. Liverpool has been very dull, which may be attributed to the same cause. For forwara deliv ery there has at times been wide fluctuations and a variable tone to tho market. Every little news from the growing crop is at once picked up by the bankers who gath er about the ringr and bull and the market as may be to their in terest. The total sales of the week have reached 918,112 bales, of which 88,500 were for future delivery, 3, 312 bales on the spot, including 1,- ftrtl fff ornnrf O V!7 frtf eni nni'nrr and 244 for speculation. The accepted bids for the new five per cent loans amounted to $10,- 1 1H.550. all of which is sunnosed to be for Dcrmanent investment at investment home.. HPI-r fAllMiirf o 4Vin list r t VT 1 I ders: Fidelity Trust Company, Phila delphia, onc million ; Life Annuity, of Philadelphia, and the Suffolk New York, ono million : J. M. Ca- bells. New York, two million: Fo National Bank, New York, . uwi . t?', -nt tional Bank, San Francisco, one million for circulation ; three Wes tern Banks for circulation, nine hundred thousand. Market Summary. In New York, on the 2oth inst., cotton was steadier at 17J. Turpentine 36. Rosin $2.271a2.25. Money la2. Exchanere 48G. Gold 9L Govern- ments strong. States steady. In Liverpool, cotton was quiet at 8Ia81. WANTED. At the Insane Asylum, and John Watts (whites) residing at two female servants for Ward Williamston, where I have been labor duty, ono good hostler and a carpenter, ing as teachor for tho last 15 months. Apply to I 52--'t MRS. B. Y. IIUGGINS. I NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 44 TTSVCIIOIA!VCY, Oil SOUL JL CM ARZtiixc. How either sex may fascinate and gain the love and affections of any person they choose in stantly. This simple, mental acquire ment all can possess, tree, by mail, for 25c., together with a marriage guido, Egyptian Oracle, Dreams, Hints to La dies, Wedding-Night Shirt, dec A queer book. Address T. WILLIAM A Co., Publishers, 6 Iw Philadelphia. Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, and all Xnroat Disease, USE Wells' Carbolic Tablets, rat p onlr in hxixe boxes. I A TRIED & SURE REMEDY. Sold by Druggists. G 4w CyCC vJXOH AJfD ORGANS UJJ new and second-hand, of first class makers, will bo sold at lower prices for cash, or on installments, or for rent, in city or country, daring this month, by Ilorace Waters fe Son, No. 481 Broadway, than ever before offered m New York. Speciality; Pianos and Organs to let until the rent money pays the price of the instrument. Illustra ted catalogues mailed. A largo discount to ministers, churches, schools, lodges, Ac., ifcc. 6 4w RICH FARMING LANDS IN NEBRASKA, Now lor Sale Very CHEAP Ten years credit, interest only 6 per cent ! Send for I'll 111 PIONEER, a handsome illustrated paper, contain ing the Homestead Law, a new num ber just published, mailed free to all parts of the world. Address, O. F. DAVIS, Land Commissioner U. P. R. R.. Omaha, Neb. 6 4w MARY SHARP COLLEGE. Es tablished in 1851. This old and celebrated Female School is situated in the proverbially healthy town of Win chester, on a bench of Cumberland Mountains, Tennessee Commences its annual sessions of ten months on the first Monday in September. Still under anv school in the South. Send for Catalogue containing all essential particulars. G. S. WALMSLEY, 6 iw Treasurer. HAVE YOU TRIED JUKUBEBA. ARE YOU Weak, Nervous or Debilitated ? Are you so languid that any exertion requires more of an effort than you feel capable of making? Then try Juru beba, the wonderful tonic and invigora tor, -which acts so beneficially on the secretive organs as to impart vigor to all the vital forces. It is no alcoholic appetizer, which stimulates for a short time, only to let the sufferer fall to a lower depth of mis- ery,bufc it is a vegetable tonic acting directly on the hverand spleen. T r vamilatita rha rtTirAla mi lata tha nerves, and gives such a healthy tone to the whole svstem as to soon make tbe invalid feel like a new person. . rS? SnUenessthe patient experiences no sudden change, no marked results, but gradually his troubles "Fold their tents, like the Arabs, And silently steal away." L.I rGmedial results, and is nronounced bv the hishest medical authorities, "the most powerful tonic and alterative L-nnwn " Ask vour drurrist for it. orsale by Vm. 1?. Kidder fc Co., New York. 6 4w W Alt DEPARTMENT, SURGEON GEN'S OFFICE, Washington, D. C, July 1, 1874. ADVERTISEMENT. An Army Medical Board will meet at New York City, and a similar board at San Francisco, on the 4th of August next, for tho examination of candidates tor admission into the Medical Staff of the U. S. Armj'. Applications for permission to appear before these Boards should bo addressed to tho Secretary of War, through the Surgeon General, U. S. Army. The application must bo in the hand writing of the candidate, and must state the full name, residence, age, and date and place of birth. Candidates must be betwoen 21 and 28 vears of aee. and graduates of a Medical College having a tnorougn ana complete course oi meui cal education- - evidence of which must be submitted to the Board. Testimonials as to character and qual ifications must be furnished. If the applicant has been in the medi cal service of the army the fact should be stated, and in such cases the limit of age may bo extended, subject to the decision of the Secretary of War in each special case. No allowance is made ior travel or other expenses of persons undergoing examination, as it is an indispensible prerequisite to appointment. J. K. BARNES, Surgeon General, U. S. Army. 45 taugl JJ C. STATE PENITENTIARY, Office of thb Deputy Warden, Raleigh, N. C, July 10th, 1874. REWARD. Ten dollars reward for the apprehen sion of GeorgoIrown, an escaped con vict, if taken in the county of Wake, and $20 if taken beyond the limits of tho county. W. II. THOMPSON, Deputy Warden. Georce Brown, colored, weighs 163 pounds and is 5 feot and 5 inches high. J " rI II E LAWYER'S PIMVATE DOCKET. This Docket, arranged with great care, and after consultation with many of my professional brethren and the adoption of the suggestions of their experience, presents in the most convenient and compact form, an un equalled Hand Book for preserving an abridgement of one's cases. As a Man ual of easy and ready reference, its ar rangement, in the opinion of all who have examined it, is by far the best and most simple of any yet rHirtn. oUered to tne Price Docket of 300 pages, bound in law sheep, 4.00 " 200 3.00 muslin, 2.75 To which must be added cents, postage, if orderod from a distance. QUENT. BUSBEE. Raleigh, April 7, 1874. 7 tf W N E D An occupation as teacher, bearing at least a second grade certificate. If in formation bo required address Wilson G. Lamb. John G. Watts. D. W. Bagley J. n. kkuustkks, (ooiorca,) feb 3-tf Williamston, N. C. "Richnrvi I 118 ursi ana oniy irresiaenc, Zj. u.uraves, rforia J!f L,L' D For tfioroughness and cheap- w v ness or eaucauon.is not exceiiea bv CARDS. II. C. ECCL.ES, Proprietor, CENTRAL HOTEL, CHARLOTTE, 3M. C. Bailey & McCorkle, Attorneys and Counselors Law, at SALISBURY, r. C 4--Gm T. M. AKGO Attorney and Counsellor at Law, RALEIGH, :V. C. Office on Fayelteville street, near the Court House,) T. K. PURNELL, Attorney at Law RALETOH, N. C. Will practice in the State and Federal Courts. OFFICE near the Court IIouso. 11 ly. W. W. JONES. ARMISTEAD JONES JONES & JONES, Attnrnnwc ot I n mi j t i i u i ii u V o u l u u n RALEIGH, N. C. Practice in the Supreme Court of the State, ae uustrict and circuit courts of the Uni ted States and the several Courts of the 6th Judicial District. -Office on Fayetteville Street near the Court House i-i ni SION H. KOGERS, Attorney at Law RALEIGH, TV. C, Office 071 Fayetteville Street, two half squares South of Yarborough House, Haywood old office. Practices Courts. in the Federal and State 49 3m. J. McO. PERKINS, Counselor at Law and Solicitor for Patents, 513 7th St.. Opposite XT. S. P. O. Dept. WASHINGTON, D. C. :o: SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO contested and abandoned cases un der the Patent Laws ; to Appeals, Re issues, Interferences, and Infringe ments ; and to suits at law and equity, growing out of tho rights and interests of Patentees. Correspondence solicited. 14 ly ATIONAL HOTEL BILLIARD SALOON AND BAR ROOM, Is now open, and is under the chargo o Mr. W. R. PEPPER. mch3 6t OHN ARMSTRONG, No. 1 Fayetteville Street, RALEIGH N. C, BOOK BINDER, And Blank Book Manufacturer. Newspapers, Magazines, and Law Books, of every description, bound in the very best stylo, and at lowest price. II . MAHLER, Manufacturer of 6 o I d and S i I v e r-w a r e. Also keeps constantly on hand ALL THE LATEST STYLES OF FINE Jewelry. All kinds of repairing done with neatness and dispatch. West Sido of Fayettcville St. Opposite Metropolitan Hall. 1-lm. R. E. PETTY. T. N. JONES. JONES E T T Y JOBBEUS AND RETAILERS OF DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS, SHOES AND HATS, QO Fayetteville Street. RALEIGH, N. C. We have opened to-day a new and beautiful stock of Spring Prints, Ging hams, Ac. PETTY v- JONES. Raleigh, Feb. 2(5, 1874. tf. TTTATERS' CONCERTO ORUANS V V are the most beautiful in style and perfect in tone ever made, ihe con certo stop is the best ever placed in any Organ. It is produced by an extra set of reeds, peculiarly voiced, the effect of which is most charming ana soui-stir- ring, while its imitation of the human voice is superb. Terms liberal. Waters' Philharmonic, Vesper and Orchestral Ortrans in unique French cases, are among the best made, and combine purity of voicing with great volume of tone. Suitable for .Parlor, Church, or Music Hall. Waters' new Scale Pianos have great power and a fine singing tone, with all modern improvements, and are the best Pianos made. These organs and Jflanos are warranted for 6 years. ITices ex tremely low for cash or part cash, and balance in monthly or quarterly pay ments. Second-hand instruments taken In exchange. Agents wanted in every county in the U. S. and Canada. A lib eral discount to Teachers, Ministers, Churches. Schools. Lodges, etc. Illus trated catalogues mailed. HORACE WATERS & SON, 481 Broadway, New York. Box 3567. 49 4t H ORNER A GRAVES' SCHOOL, Hillboro, iJN". C- A Classical. Mathematical, Scientific and Military Academy. Fall session begins the 2d Monday in July. Board and tuition, including fuel, washing, lights and furnished rooms, $157.50 per session of twenty weeks. INSTRUCTORS : J. H. Horner, A. M. R. H. Graves, A. M. Hngh Morson, Jr., Uni. of Virginia. Major D. H. Hamilton. A. W. Venable, Jr., Poughkeepsie Com. College. Circulars sent on application. 3&-2tawtilljulyl3 MATTRESS. MAKING AND CANE-8 EATING THESE branches being taught in tho North Car olina Institution for the Deaf and Dumb and the Blind, we are prepared to fur nish Mattresses of the very best make and material, and at cheap rates. Also, to cane-seat chairs, settees, tfec, Ac- UR003XS Wo also have on hand a large lot of excellent Brooms, which will be sold cheap. Address'Institution for the Deaf and Dumb and Blind, Raleigh, N. C. Ralelgp;farch 26, 1874. 3 3m J Oil PRINTING. HXVING TAKEN CHARGE of THE SENTINEL JOB OFFICE, I ask a liberal share of patronage from my friends and the public generally. Every description of Job work Neat ly, Cheaply and Expeditiously Executed, and at as low prices as the times will afford. All I ask is a trial. Satisfaction guar anteed. Very respectfully, JOHN W. MAKCOM. 11 tf PATENT MEDICINES. R. R. R. RADWAS READY RELIEF CURES THE WORST PAIRS In from Ono to Twenty Minutes. NOT ORE HOUR titer reading thla adYcrUwment need any one ! ecraia with path. K AD WAT'S READY RELIEF 13 A CURB FOR EVERY PAIN. I rt wxt the first anT i Tho Only l?aln Remedy that Instantly stops tbe mct excrnclatinir pataa, allar Intlammatioit. anrt enrea Conception, whether of the Lang. Stomach, Bowel, or other gland) or organs, by ooe application. ix rapM oxb to TrmriT jrrNTTEa. no matter how riolent or exrroHaHnir the pain th RHEUMATIC; Bed-rklden, Innrra. Crippled. Nerroua, Neuralgic, or prostrated with disease ma iniTer. RADWAY'8 READY RELIEF WTiIl APPORD IKSTAJTT EASE. IXFLAXXATIOW OP THB KIDNEYS. ! INFLAMMATION Of THE BLADD2R. IXPLAMXATION OP THB BOWELS. CONGESTION OP TTTE Lrxn.q SORE THROAT. DIPFICULT BBBATHINO. HYSTERICS, CROUP, DIPTHBRIA. ! CATARRH. INFLCEXZ.v. HEADACHE.! TOOTHACHE. ! NEURALGIA. RHEUMATISM COLD CHILLS, AGUE CHILLS ma application ortne Kmay j&euerTO tne part or naru where the pain or ditllculty exiaU will afford eae and Comfort. Twenty drop In half a tn mbler of water will in a ft w momenta cure CRAMPS, 8 PASM8, SOUR STOMACH, HEARTBURN, SICK HEADACHE. DIARRHOEA, DYSENTERY. COLIC, WISD, IN TILS BOWELS and all INTERNAL PAINS. Travelers thouM always carry a bottle of ltal. wya ReaJy Relief with them. A lew lro. in water will prevent alcknea or pain from chance of water. It la batter than French Brandy or Bitter a a atlmalapt FEVER AND AGUE. PETER AND AGUE cored for fifty cents. Thro not a remedial agent in this world that will cure Kor and Acne, and all other Malariooa, Blloaa. Scarlet, Typhoid, Yellow, and other Ferere aided tor RAD- WArS FILLS 80 quick aa KADWAY 9 KJCA1JY UE- LIEF. Fifty cesta per hotUe. HEALTH ! BEAUTY ! ! STRONG AND PURE RICTT BLOOD INCREASE OK FLESH AND WglOHT CLKAR SKIN AND BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION SECURED TO ALL DR. RADWAY'S Sarsaparillian ResolTent THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. HAS MADE THE MOST AKTONTSHINO CCRE8t BO SUICK, SO RAPID ARE THE CHANGES, THE ODY UNDERGOES, UNDER THB INFLUENCE. OK THIS TRULY WONDERFUL MKDICINK. THAT Every Dai an Increase in Flesh and fBiM is Seen ana Felt Ererr dron of the SARSAPARILLIAX RESOL TENT communicates through the Blood, Sweat, Urine. and other Fluids ana juices or tne aystem tno vigor or life, for it repairs the wastes of the body with new and sound material. Scrofula, Syphilis, Consumption, Glandular disease. Ulcers in the throat. Mouth, Tu morsNodesia the Glands and other parts of the system. Sore Eyes, Stramoroua diachargea from the Ears, and the worst forma of Skin diseases. Eruptions, Fever Sores, Scald Head, Ring Worm, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Acne, Black 8 pots. Worms In the Flash, Tumors. Can cers in the Womb, and all weakening and painful dis charges. Night Sweats, Loss of Sperm and all wastes of tne lire principle, are wiuiin tno curanre range or inis wonder of Modern Chemistry, and a few days' use win prove to any person using it for either of these forms of disease Its potent power to cure them. it tne pattern, aaiir oecoming reaucea ny tne wastes and decomposition that Is continually progressing, sue. eeeds in arresting these wastes, and repairs the same witn new material mane rrom iieauny oiooa ana uuf the SARSAPARILLIAN will and does secure a cura Is certain; for when once this remedy commences iu wora or purincanon, ana succeeaa in auninisning in 1m or wastes, lis repairs win ier rapia. ana every aay I te patient win ieei nimseu growing oeuer anastrongcr, 1 1 food digesting better, appetite Improving, and dusk I ia weigni increasing. Not only does the SAMArAKiLLiAir Rinoimrf exc I I known remedial agents in the euro of Chronic, KcrJ Llous. Constitutional, and Skin diseases; but It la th july positive cure for , Kidney B Bladder Complaints, v I iiiai j ami Jt iui yj uioaooa, aa o tui, iiouuicii! ai wijbj Stoppage of Water, Incontinence of Urine, Brlght'sDw ease, Albuminuria, and in all canes where there are rick-dust deposits, or the water is thick, cloudy, mixed wun suDstanccs ime tne wmto or an egg, or tnreaus uae white silk, or tht-re is a morbid, dark, bilious appear ance, and white houe duxt deKDits, and when thero is a pricking, burning oensation wncn passing water, sua paiu in tbe Small of the Hack and along the Loins. Tumor of IV Years9 Growth Cured by liculway's Resolvent, DR. RADWAY'S PfirfectPiirgatiTe&ReplatiiigPills perfectly tasielese, elegantly coafed with sweet gum, iur' reiulate. nuriiv. clc.mae and strengthen. Kad- war hills, for the cure of ail disorders of tho Stomach, Liver. Bowels, Kidneys, P.laddor, Nervous Diseases, Headache, Constipation, t;ost!venePi, inaigemon. Dys pepsia, Biliousness, Billons Fever. Inflammation of tne Bowels, Piles, and all Derangement of the Internal Viscera. Warranted to effect a positive cure. Purely Vegetable, containing no mercury, uiiuoral or deleteri ous drugs. A lew aoees or kauwai ri.i-.i-i wui iree ino t. ten) from all the above named diflordcrs. i'rice. 30 ecu is p?r Box. 80LD BY DKUGGIST.S. RttAD "KAL8E AND TRUE " Send ono letter ttamr to RADWAY A CO., No. 32 Warren St.. New xorK tiroriuauon worm iuuiuauunui uoscuk yoa. IC 1 S A Ia S YOU WOOD I COAL. Office of SECRETARY OF STATE, Raleigh, N. C, July 3d, lb71. Sealed proposals in duplicate with a coDVoftliis advertisement annexed to each, are invited and will bo received at this office until 12 o'clock, m., Saturday, August 1st, 1874,; for furnishine fuel for uso Of tho Gener al Assembly and the several Ex ecu tiro ; offices of the State, as follows : 500 cords of merchantable ham wood. 25 tons of hard coal. . The Quantities to be more or less as may be required, and to be delivered at the Capitol yard at such times as tho un- dersigned may direct, subject to inspec tion. Bids to be made separately for wood and coal, and each accompanied by bond and security (justined) for the de-; livery of tho articles mentioned, the , bond upon bids for wood to be $500, and the bond for coal to be $200. - Bidders are requested to be present at , the opening of their bids, li.nvolopcs' to be endorsed "Proposals for Wood or Coal," and addressed to the undersigned. WM. H. HOWERTON, Secretary of State. 45 tilaugl TOKTII CAROLINA.) Probate J3l Wake County, f Court. J Uoi April 18th. 1874. Geo. P. Thomas fe Co., vs. A. N. Up- church, adm'rof Parker Ovorby, de ceased. In the above entitled cause, proceed- intra have been instituted by the plain tiff in behalf of himself and all other creditors of Parker Overby, doceasod, againsb a. x . wpciiuruii, BuiuiuiaMawi All creditors of Parker Overby. de ceased, are hereby notified to file their claims with mo on or ueioro tne 6a aay of June, 1874. J. N. BUNTING, uierK. D. G. Fowle, Plaintiff's Attorney. April 18th, 1874. 44 wCt ATIONAL HOTEL, Delightfully situated, next to Capitol ttquare, RALEIGH, N. C. A N E WI O USE. luno Rooms, well Furnished and fitted up in tne dcsc styie. ATTENTI VE SEE VANTS. Tho tablo daily supplied with tho best tins anu oilier markets auoru. C. S. BROWN; Proprietor. Late of tho Hoyden House, Salisbury, feb 19-1 in t-H 2 O 5- o 3- 3 o 3 XT ' O n o c D o C ) 3 ? &3 5 3- Ha 5 o 3- "1 o o ft V 4 jmmmmt PM 2 C o c a 1 fi s O 2 3 o i CO sr CD O o e 0 O to A ft we ., 5 o a h3 . o CD o c " -d -ft t-i S. o tr1 c c si . M 1 a o S g. CO I o" D v rT P O o C5 tr-1 o c 'J rt h3 t3 rt o 3- C pi M P o CO g. ! O -1 I & v 52j p tr1 -3 o i P tr1 - o p -3 . . Wit. o I TO 2 s? i 2 i J g d ' p p I.