XV. 31. imoWX, Manager. Okfick in the old " Standard ? Build ing, ono square South of the Court I'oaso, Fayetteville Street. KATES OF KUJJSCKIPTION Wekkly no year, - Six month, -Three inonti 8. - 2 00 1 00 iiO 4 00 2 00 1 00 Tui- . Wkek ly Ontfyear, - Six monins. Three months, One month. . 50 ZdTlS VARIABLY IN ADVANCE.! WEEKLY ERA- "THURSDAY, AUGUST G, 1S74. The Wake Legislative Ticket. The Republicans of Wake, while they differ as to county officers, an a unit for the h-gislativc ticket. Jamks II. Harris, the colored orator of the .South, is our candidate for the Senate, and though he is 1k irt with enemies on all sides, is making a manly tight for Republi ntn principles. He has heretofore met and vanquished such opponents as Judge Fmvle, Gen. Cox and oth ers, and he is having comparatively an easy time with Mr. Busbco. , lld, fearless and true, he docs not hesitate to declare for the right, K)jular or unpopular. He has been i r M Vral years one of tlie most vigilant and useful in cm Iters of the (.Viwrai Aw'inbly, and will Ikj re turned in the Senate by a handsome majority. T. M. Aiu;o, a talented young l iwver. is our leader on. the ticket i.ir the IIdih'. He is a graduate of i.ur lniver-iiy, a gentleman of ex tensive information a good debater, :.nd has hadcoiisiderableexperience having served two iinis us a member of the House from the county of Orange. He is thoroughly (Mtcd on all questions of State Milicy, and will reflect jtmHI on the Republican party in th IM-Xt HoUftO. Stk.waktKm.isox has heretofore -vr-l mot atxvptably in the IIo(i and will le returnctl by an inm-a-ted vote. He is an activeand .hiuioiis moodier during theses- in -ion, always pns-ent and prepared to vote, and though ver true to his podr'n-al eon vlrt ions, was the most popular eolon-d hioiiiIkt of the last Gt-ncral A nobly. Ono thing can U'saidi.J him that is true of but U'v other H!iiii-ians the day after adjournment he quietly returned to trade : a mrpentcr and stuck to mi i ..... . t .. i ii ii- ii-ne.-s tin ne as:ig:nn nuiiu mi tu eider this ca ivass. He may hot le :is gMwl :l .4 iaker as some, I. tit every one to tint I him. L-imd'mxnetlv where V " I .1 a niks II. Junks, an active and z-aluu worker fori the party, was nominated, hut h.is deelincd the honor of a -eat in the House, pre f -rri some othe Hsition where ln thinks lie ran b' more useful. Iiir Kinc:, a ilain farmer, uho h: lien time and again put luiu.ml iy t!ie Hepuhlictii s of his toui.-iiit as a r.uuiuiate ior tne lloi- i-. on' oft t lie "old issue a true Mm- I'moii man and wool- lil lt-iu!:i-.wi. This will be his lir-t x ion in lite General Assem- My, and In will represent one of the most imiortaat constituencies in the ermnfy. W i i.i.ik 1. Junks has announced himself a candidate, vice James H. Jones, d-cliiied, and w ill make a vigorous eanv;is. He lias long Im-vii in public life, has served in I .nth houses of the General Assem bly, and has never failed to give s.itUf.ietion to those who elected him. He is a capital canvasser, and know s exactly when and how to gie telling blows for the cause, llei-ono of the largest and roost -uci-sfiil farmers in AVake, and though he has just aunounced him - If, he will Im elected by a routing majority, lM-ing one of tho most Hpular men in the county. lb-publicans of Wake: You have i-ikm! 1'gislativo ticket. If you r- not already at work, roll up our sleeves and see to it that every nun on it is triumphantly elected. The Republican party cannot ntrord to endorse men who stand '- fore the country as professional o!liee-efkers and corrupt caucus n.wiipulalorn. The people have emphatically resolved no. to sup port that class of men, and if the K.-publiean party expect success, 'l. y must heed the warning voice f the eople. Toledo Blade. The above is from a leading Re publican paper in Ohio. The Era has all aloug been chatting in the - one strain, and yet there are men . ill ing themselves Republicans, to whom our talk seems strange. That the sheriff of Wake is a " corrupt "-inciH manipulator," the jeople p-ncrally, and especially the Ro huhlirans of Barton's Creek and Middle Creek townships, know townships. tliat he is a bribe-offerer, he con- f'SW'S. r 44 The people having em- phatically resolved not to support l,at class of men," and desiring "success," we ' heed the warning voice of the people" and .support a '"'Iter "class." Gov. Vance after giving Waddell alifl, proposes to go to Greenville anI givu a push for Yeates. It look rather bad for Yeates and liansoin to be sending off for. big ""-.ikers. It looks very much like U'UCohb. u. too, mucji ior the Do- tll(Harav a II. 1 Ii r I ? Ml .7,....., iMiiiiiii niiiiirr? VOL. IV. Election Law. The Conservative-Democratic pa pers of the State have been parad ing for some weeks the State law which provides that each voter may bo required to bring with him to the polls a witness to prove that he is the man whoso name is on the registration looks. As the Demo-. ends are making large calculations" on cheating numbers of Republi cans out of their votes in this way at our approaching election, prob- ably it is well enough to warn them of the risk they run if they violate the United Stales lata, which pro- tects citizens in their right to vote at any election. me taw oi congress, passed May 31, 1870, is in these Words: Sec 4. And be it further enacted, That If any person, by force, bri- bery, threats, intimidation, or other unlawfulmcns shall hinder delay. nwvpnt tr rdtrurf rr shall rrm nine ami confederate with others to hinder, delay, prevent or obstruct, any citizen from doing any act re- quirnltobodoneto qualify him to vote, or from voting at any election as aforesaid, such nerson shall for v 1 as aforesaid, sucli nerson shall for every such offence forfeit and pay the sum of five hundred dollars to the person aggrieved thereby, to be I - J L A! 11 ??v5 u a" " .V.1" ? wun iuu co3is, ana sucn aiiowunce for counsel fees as the CX)urt shall deem just, and shall also for every such offence be guilty of a misde- meanor, and shall, on conviction thereof, be finel not les than five 1 1 n 1 MiI rtillnru nr 1a imnnennod UUIUiltu ViI lUl ' -rvy iiijiiiuum iiAf Ioj Ihfln on month and not more than one year, or ootn at tne discretion of the Court. Svaj. 5. Ahd be it further enacted That if any person shall prevent, hinder, control or intimidate, or shall attempt to , prevent, hinder, control or intimidate any person from exercising or in exercising the "F":lr hi. riioflfWnth amendment to the Constitution of the United States, by means of bribery, threats, or K onif kifiviiiiiii fir iNi'iiiiiiLitni. tn ui 1 or oi ejecting such person from rented houses, lands or otner property, or by threats of refusing to renew leases , or contracts for 'Jr by threatsof violence to himself or fam- ily, such person so offending shall In deemed guilty of misdemean- . . - - ... ii e i or, and shall on convicuon inereoi, be lined not less man live huuuicu dollars, or be imprisoned not less than one mouth and not more than one year, or both, at the discretion of the Court. If any hot-headed Democrat shall violate the above law, and in timidate any Republican from vot- ing, or prevent him from voting as he desires, let the United States Commissioner be notified, and let such jerson be prosecuted in the United States Court. The Sheriff's newspaper says the Era did notdiscover, until the 80th ult that Gen. Jones was a candi date for the Legislature. Right, neighbor. The General (for whom we shall cheerfully vote) had under consideration for several weeks the matter of accepting the nomination tendered to him by the Committee presided over by Mr. Lee, and on several occasions led his friends to believe that he would not accept it. Indeed, Gen. Gorman wasconsulted M-ith n view to flllimr the vacancy on the Court-house ticket caused by tho declination of Mr. James H. Jones. We will not do Gen. J. the injustice to insinualo that a little of Byron would le applicable in his case 44 She sworo she never would consent, And then consented." We know that he announced him- self a candidate recently ; and about the same time, we learn, mat ;ur. J. II. Jones had declined all nomi nations, and we therefore dropped his name from the Metropolitan Hall ticket, which wo support. Gen. J. not having been nominated by the convention which placed that ticket before the people, his a bribe. name can not be run up to our mast- The following is taken from sec head. He is a true Republican and tion 132, chapter 32, of Battle's Re- n siieh is receiving our support in f hoP columns as he will receive it at the polls. The party is a unit on the legislative ticket. We are sup porting PL'RN'EIiT,, HEADKN', Lo- cak Harris, Capt. White, and Mr. Adams, tried men, respecting whom there is nodivision. If Gen. Jones " is not in sympatny wun the Era," after this exhibit, It is to be regretted ; and if this paper loses ut rcfeicnw , f r his " sympathy " because It will not support an objectionable officer who withholds school monev and offers bribes, the Era will look for sym- pathizers among those xrUr ivrmlri have intelligent communities and . i . t.. Ii, m nmin nllinvirliin. nlace a premium upon public virtue. - 1 Freemen of WaKe I a reanui re- sDonsibility rests upon you. If you desire your children to nave tne benefits of the funds collected for their education, vote for R. W. Wynne for Sheriff. If you desire your children to grow up in ignor ance and wish to allow the money intended for them to lx squandered, then vote for Leo. RALEIGH, N. C, THURSDAY, T, F. Loc and the democratic jrariy. Wo charge, and can prove,that F. Lee is running In the interest the Democratic party. We can prove it both by positive and nega tive evidence. 1. Leo says himself, that, under certain contingencies, " he will bust the Republican party in Wake county in a hundred pieces.,, 2. He acknowledges himself to be a ueiauiier iniargesums doiii to me state and county ; and says " it will detrimental to the interest of the Republican party for him to be a cancijaaie iot snenn unuer mose circumstances. If detrimental to ..v.. aim every sane man kiiuv, h ia so of course it must be to the inle- rest of the Democratic party, 3. if t. F. Lee is not in the inte- rest of the Democrats, why are so I ......... f i. .. i:i.!.o p"y ouppurnus iwuj. How else account for the almost total silence of the Democratic press Gf this city in regard to his indebt- , edness? 4. Why was George II. Snow, Esq.. of this city, snowed under by tho Demnnrnrs of Wake eountv. at I " T their last nominating convention? 1 - , , ; , , , Ae answer is piam. ouupiy m- cause, forsooth, he had the candor and manliness, twelve months ago, . . T . to denounce Lee all over the county 8.botlt th is verv same matter, when I ' f 7 - I hia inr?phf1noq tn f hp nnnntv nml State was not one-half what it now is. Of course it would not do to put Snow in the field this time; he might spoil the whole thing com- nletely. This is the last issue of the Era that can reach many portions of the State before our people will be again called upon to exercise the privilege of voting for men who are tohold prominent offices and till the duties of Legislators during tne next two years, it is prooaDie mat the minds of the great majority of voters ,iave already been made up as to the men of their choice, but to sucn as nave not, we would urgea careful and unprejudiced review of . . . the situation. The Republican party has, for the last fourteen years, exercised com plete control over the nation ; and since 18G8 been mainly in the ascen dency in North Carolina. It is too much to sav that no mistakes have heen committed, but it is asserting ony the truth to insist, that they havebeen few and insignificant com- pared to what our people would have been called upon to suffer un der continued Democratic rule. Every good citizen looks back with horror to the outrages inflicted up on an inoffensive people during the Ku Klux reign in this State, and friends of humanity everywhere applaud a Republican administra- tion for the energy displayed in fer- reting out and putting them down, The principles of the Democratic party are too closely interwoven with and instigated by revenge for disappointed hopes of a disrup- tion of our glorious Union to allow them at this Juncture to achieve ascendency in North Carolina. We know that with a full turn out in North Carolina and a fair ballot, the Republican party is in a large majority. Let the people every- where go to the polls. A defeat from mere lethargy may bring upon us evils which we may have great cause to regret. Let the election in 1874 be but the preparatory sue- epgsfui skirmish for the great battle in 187G. As goes North Carolina now, so may the Union go then. The Republican party is pledged to Jaw ana order. fcnerin Jee nas publicly announced that he offered visal Any person offering a bribe, whether it be accepted or not, shall bo guilty of a felony, and, on con viction, shall be punished by im- prisonment for a term not less than one year nor more than five years." The following from section 138, chapter 32, of Battle's Revisal, may oe of interest 10 our peopie: " If any Clerk, Sheriff, Register of Deeds, County Treasurer or other county or State officer shall engage n tnpurchasinff of any county or state claim at a Icas price than its full and true value, or any rate of discount tnereon, or do inieresteu al,y rulliuluu 1,1 BU Planus, 01 an(1 suhject to indictment in the QitnnrSnr IVnrf. rf thf Viintv in lit? Bllllll ik; (;uuijr vi n iiiioucuiuiii- Superior Court of the county in wnicn nie uueucu is ixmuuiiix, nrl fin ennviclion thereof, shall be 1 m A. 1 V I, I . . 1 liable to removal from office at the discretion of the court." Sheriff ,Lee boasts of how he fought in tho Union army. The report of the Adjutant General of Massachusetts shows that he was cashiered and dismissed from the service. He came to Raleigh as a sutler's clerk a mere ramp-follower. TIM f I Capt. Davis ami Internal Rev- enuc T. The Democratic candidate for of Congress in this District, in his ef- forts to convince his hearers that the United States Internal Revenue is oppressive, leads them to believe that the Southern States pay all. Let us see. We give below the to tal amount of collections made on account of internal revenue foryear ending June 80, 1873 : Alabama, ArJfcona, Arkansas, - California, Colorado, Connecticut, Dakota, 1.38,134 90 13,441 73 79,239 22 2,338,539 11 75,648 81 871,871 75 7,5G6 53 429,236 93 Delaware, District of Columbia, 130,052 09 157,901 50 Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, 459 ilfo '208 7 19 10,470 5,008,909 51 1,009,971 40 1G0.699 52 5,442,500 34 1,322,854 20 212,893 53 2,048,773 58 3,009,950 00 2,204,124 43 228,931 4G 120,943 27 4,240,089 87 24,018 11 242,962 33 60,257 11 324,089 00 2,558,735 01 22,950 25 19,129,248 12 1,402,558 96 14,791,000 70 71,231 0G 7,734,858 40 322,701 93 154,580 00 012,485 45 270,981 81 40,78G 23 G7,475 89 7,331,833 98 Iowa, nausts, Kentucky, Louisiana, 1 ii y , ' Massachusetts, it Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, I 111 ISSMIiri. M issoun, AfnntVna wimm, evaVl ,. nSwjSw jwsey, .New Mexico, -New York, I T f 1 INOrl'1 UarOlina, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Ithode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, 15,579 47 447,005 16 1,8G7,156 91 10,652 94 West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming, Total, $10o,G3G,8G9 74 The above table shows the net total of collections for all the States and Territories during the year above named. Virginia, Kentucky, Missouri, Maryland, i . . Louisiana and North V 1 Carolina, the six largest tax paying of the late slave States, pay about twenty-two million dollars; while XVw York Illinois Tndian t Penn- New York, Illinois, Indiana, l enn- sylvania and Massachusetts, the six largest tax froe States, paying of the former pay about sixty-seven millions of dollars, or more than three to one. New York, Illinois or Ohio, either one alone and singly, pays more tax by millions than the entire ten States comprising the late Confederacy taken together pay. Democratic Bosh. The Democrats are using the iden tical arguments against the Repub licans which they used in 1808 when the question of the adoption of our present State Constitution was before the people. The Democrats then charged that the proposed Constitution meant social equality of the races, and that mixed schools would be the result of Republican success. They further charged that the whites and blacks would be forced to muster in the same companies, and if the blacks were in a majority in the District that the whites would be forced to muster under colored officers. The Republicans were successful' in that campaign, the Constitution was adopted, and not a mixed school or militia company has been estab- lished under it. On the contrary, separate schools and companies have been provided by the Repub licans, and that too at a time when they had sufficient majority to do whatever they chose. If the Republicans had been in favor of the social equality of the races, does it not stand to reason that they would have provided for it then? The Republicans have ever fa vored equality before the law for all citizens, and they have always opposed every measure looking to mixing the races in schools, or in any of the social relations of life. Col. Thos. Ii. Long. The late arrest in this city in re gard to tampering with the United States mail should teach those who have any desire to do so, that they might as well think of anything else as escaping the Vigilant, watch ful eye of that efficient agent, Col. Thos. B. Long. With the exception m t.., of now and then demoiishing some leading Democrat on the stump a thing in which he takes much pleasure we know that he devotes his whole time in looking after the interest of his department in the government. You hear of him to- day in Georgia, next day in Florida, and in a short time he has pounced upon some violater of the law in niorm Carolina. u nin to me wise is sufficient ; look out. AUGUST 6, 1874. Republicans throughout the State are amazed at the state of things in Wake county. The election of Tira Lee will be thrown up to us by our enemies as a verification of their prediction, as to the corrup tion of the Republican party. Shall we give the Democracy a chance of thus injuring us ? We owe it to the administration of Gen. Grant and to the true men of the party to strike down corruption. Hie Re- publicans of Wake are true and tried. There is only one man who is the cause of all their troubles. Vote for the great principles of our party. Let not one man cause you to do an act calculated to bring dis grace upon us and our children. Re member the Republican party is a Party of. aw,oraer,1oesty,Tamy n(1 Justice. ote accordingly. Col. Marcus Erwin has issued an andress to the Republicans of the. Eighth Congressional District dis couraging the policy of supporting Plato Durham. Col. E. is of opin ion that the endorsement of inde pendent Democratic eandidates by Republicans will have a pernicious influence upon the integrity of the party in the future. He defends Gen. Vance against the charge that he was a Ku Klux, and says that he "has been a faithful, diligent, impartia. and just representativeof. the whole people of his District, without regard to party." A friend writing from Alamance says You may be sure that we are all ngiit in mis county. Alamance gust wnai mey win ao. Mr. ti. will n(r horror over the soul that thick wil,!leSJ ill independent ticket, get a vote in Orange i that he never en? the blood in tho veins, making and if Guilford does her duty we wdl forget, and if a 1 the counties the whole head sick and .tne whole win twu of iiaiui v e ixiv penecuy organized, neany every man has registered. Col. Henderson will get a good vote. Col. Ruffin will carry the county of Alamance by a large ma- jority I hear of various changes among the conservatives in many parts of the county. If the Republi cans are as active in other sections we will have a large majority in the State." Keep it before the people, I . . m - Wf 11 11 J T that R. w. Wynne is me only lie- P"" caimiuatw oueiui oi Wake. Tim Lee was nominated on condition that he would settle .. . nf hit! ,iPf., winn up the amount of his defalcations w me county anu otatu uy liio lui of July. He lias failed to comply with the conditions. He is therefore rhP eandiditP of no mrtv Tie W the candidate of no partly, lie is running on his own hook, and is therefore en titled to no consideration whatever. The choice is between Wynne, Republican, and Dunn, Democrat. A mere youth in this city appro priated to his use the small sum of twenty dollars. He is arrested and the prison looms up before him. Tim Lee appropriates sixty-six thou sand dollars to himself, and he is not only not arrested, but is allowed to solicit votes to continue him in office. "Through tattered rags small vices dp appear. Robes and furred gowns hide all, Plate Hin with gold and thentroiig lance of justice hurt less breaks; Arm it in rags, and a pigmy's straw, doth pierce it." Col. Waddell, of the Third Dis trict, was so sorely pressed by Neill McKay that he raised the sign of distress, and Zeb. Vance has gone to his relief. Whenever you see Democratic candidates sending" off for big speakers, you may set it down that somebody is scared. That is what is the matter with the Democrats in the Third District, and that accounts for Gov. Vance's visit to Sampson. The injunction restraining the Sheriff of Orange from levying on Lee's property has been dissolved. The Sheriff of Orange can now pro ceed to sell, provided he can find anything, but before selling, he must give thirty days' notice. Time j is what Lee wanted. Remember that Lee is the candi date of no party. He was nomi nated conditionally. He failed to comply with the conditions. He is therefore entitled to the support of no member of the Republican party, The Republicans throughout the Rolesville section of Wake county are almost a unit against Tim Lee. Tho oontteU between Wynneand Dunn. County Commissioners who allow a Sheriff to qualify before he has qualify settled the taxas collected by him in f"11 are liable to indictment. Tim Lee's paper says it is a dirty trick for the Sheriff to be required to show receipts before qualifying. iiot rtru.h- TTnn.ir,m rv.nt.tv i thronged with visitors. i'J H NO. 7. CORRESPONDENCE; It must nt he understood that The Era endorses the sentiments of n correspond ents in every instance. Its columns are op-n to the friends of Jhe party, and their communication will lie given to the public as containing the views and tx-utlmt-nts of the 'writers. ! Orangro County. ; To the Editor of the Bra : Be sb good as to give these few lines si place in your paper. Or- I ange county is in a political blaze from one side totho other, and there is a great revival in the Republican party. All the. candidates were in Hillsboro to-day, excent Parish and At water. Mr. At water was neces sarily absent on account of the death of his son. It is reported herb to day that Atvvater will resign his nomination and the Hon. Josiah Turner will take his place. Capt. Davis and Mr. Headen made their tJ What a pity that such talent and intellect should be wasted; and thrown away I O he is so bitter against the administration iind the Republican party. He is so violent and bitter that he charged Mr. H. with secession and with signing the: orai nance 01 secession ; but the Captain was wrong, for one of the greatest men in the United States did the same thing. I allude to Gov. W. A. Graham, of this town; yes, and Capt. John Berry, boUras Sff '"l ","1 chanre bv the time Mr. II. was done .with him. Mr. Headen made one of the best speeches of his life. I lU oh ani'( nf voting fnr surh a man man that can do something for his people; a man whose influence will be felt. I tell you the people are getting tired of this bitter wrang ling and strile; they want peace. and you will see on the Gth of Au- i i t.ui xiou4Lu win give xi. nit; voie mat oia urange win, his eiec- tion is certain. H. B. Guthrie, the old war horse, is in the field with new life and vigor, a candidate for the House of Representatives. He takes his own way about things, and l find that Ins way of settling puunt Usui ia laivnjg jiku: W1IU fire, without regard to party. His plan is, repudiate the last dollar, new and old. Ike R. Strayhorn is among the best orators in the State. He is the candidate with Guthrie I vv ivuuob) f JfXJIAUg UJaU, ilgUUU awyer and a profouml reasoner. tor uio rioube, a young man, a good r ii t r . . iveryDouy iikcs hirrj, both sides, ""Hhstandlng Orange is Democratic by 700 majority,: it is generally believed that Strayhorn wiu be elected. I need say nothing m praise of this Republican comet, Strayhorn; he will show for himself. I must pass over; sev- eral of the other candidates to get to the Senatorg We now Qr Brown and Bumpass, and Williara- son and Parish. Mai. W. was here irom Caswell; was bitter on the Republican party, and brags that there are not more than ten white Republicans in Caswell. Brown says there are not ten colored Dem ocrats in Orange. Brown and Wil liamson had it pretty tight, I tell you. 15. scarcely left a grease spot of the Major. It was a glorious day for Brown. Parish was not there. It seemed that Parish never eould rallyjagain. B. brought some grave cnarges against p.; charged him with getting the appointment to take the last census by saying that he wa3 a Republican, or would act with! them; charged him with be ing bought, getting the money and men running away. Mr. l is a nZrrniD,,ffl 7 xxu inntSL S2ffii?rlt?i?dldate?'helftl,i' ed earnestly for the regular nomi nee of the party. I wonder , when he became so, Four , years ago . R. M. Jones, a strong1 old , line seces sion Democrat, like. Parish , himself( ran as an Independent candidate fox the Legislature, and P. voted IXot him in preference to MaJ. Graham; the regular nominee of the conven tion. I know what I. say. Howjs! that for high ? Don't it. look jikq he will vote for Col. Ruffin foe Judge? I think so. .-,)",, M OLD ORANG&M Headen and Confiscation, i To the Editor of, the Era : l In the News of the 24th Inst.-'is s( letter with the above caption, writ ten by young London; the Insurance man. The letter opens in this wise: 44 The good Union people of this Congressional District are called Upon-by the Republican party to vote for a man who not only signed the ordinance of secession,5 but who actually made an effort, during the war, to confiscate the property of thosefUnion men whosought refuge in the Federal lines from the op pressions of the Confederate Gov ernment." ' This sentence does not contain one teord of truth. It Henry was honest m mis statement, he was en- tirely ignorant of the facts, and be ing quite a prominent lawyer, and a . ,n .lS,ti r,' ut s ' J3 H UC I'UICU 1UI 1113 JgUUIUtJCU. mi ' n . m . ine connscaiion resolution was introduced, as he alleges, by Hon. ." of Govern- x? rm un r.tc . Th0 Confederate Congress had al- ready passed confiscation laws, Vinict. 'a" no rigm, xmacx me lyonsuiunon, io pass ir secession was riqfd. the States individually had , the right to pats confiscation - me laws as they might see proper, If indeed the right existed anywhere, Headen took the ground that the Confederate Congress, nor tho States themselves, had the right to confiscate property, for the reason, that U was in express violation of the Gnnsttfutlon of the Confederate States, Henrrran find this restriction by WEEKLY ERA. . i i . HATjES OF ADVKHTISINO: One square, ono time, - - $10O "j two times, - - l co three times, - - 2 00 Con ract advertisements taken at proportionately low rates. Joh Work executed at short no tice ami in a style unsurpassed by any similar establishment in the State Spe cial attention paid to the printing of Blanks every description. T referring to section 10. article 1, of rhepld Constitution of the United States, .which was copied Into the -Constitution adopted by the Con federate; States. This " article ex pressly forbids the enacting of any I .. . . ji. J iav irtfjuu-uiy itr. uoiMjaiiuiny con tract." Headen introduced the resolution only as 6ne of inquiry, so as to bring the matter before tho Convention, and to have the question properly settled. He made an able speech against the confiscation laws of the Confederate Congress, and took the further ground that North Carolina had no right wuler'tte Constitution to confiscate one dollar's icorth of property. He was overruled then by men who are now his enemies. These are stubborn facts, and "the good Union people of this Congres sional District" will not fail to vote for Headen, because he was about the only man in the Convention of 18G1 who had the nerve and the boldness to denounce the Confeder ate Congress for its acts of illegality, and to do battle for the rights of "tho good Union people of this Congressional District," as Henry is pleased to so lovinqly call them. , CHATHAM. Ingratitude. To the Editor of the Era, : There is a man in this section irtirt u'lva I10 !a imdnr mnrn rittlSiri. tions to Col. Ituffln than any man 'X'"?: ana . "??! vises mo peopio to voieagainsi mm. Oh ingratitude, ingratitude! of all the dark spots on depraved human A .11 . ? . - A . nature; of all the vile acts of man towards man, none throw such a freezing chill over the purple cur rent on the aching heart, like base and damning ingratitude. Indif ference continued, coldness perse vered in, favors forgotten, friend shipunrequited by one who has been the willing recipient of our esteem and bounty, bringapalsy- i heart faint. Pour upon a man of fine feelings, a noble, generous soul, tho com bined diseases flesh is heir to; let death snatch his loved ones from him ; strip him of all his earthly woods let him bo assailed bv keen adversity and pinching want ; let prison grates confine his body to the lonely cell ; let tho poisoned arrows of malice and revenge bo hurled and pierce him with many wounds; these, all these, aro a panacea to his . x . . . bleeding heart, compared with tho deathly pangs inflicted by base In- gratitude. ' Avaunt! thou thin infernal ! Extract of baseness ! essonce of black ness I ;; Krgotolmeannoss! Conccntratod wison! Spawn of the adder! fuel of liell ! Tliy breath is pestilence! thy touch Is palsy ! " Datnniu; ingratitude !" Yours, CONSLSTKNCV. Mr. Headen in Chatham. To the Elitor of the Era : It was my fortune to-day to again hear our next member to Congress, James 11. Headen, address his fellow-citizens of Chatham, at John son's store. It was a masterly ef fort one of tho best speeches of his life. He dealt tho radical Democ racy some severe blows which could not be answered by Mr. Manning, who attempted to reply to hi nr. He told them how in 1872 they en dorsed Horace Greeley, the man who endorsed Butler's notorious New Orleans order in regard to the ladies of that city during the late war. When he told them of their course in voting for mlxed-school-civil-rights-candidate, Horace Gree ley, for President, they squirmed and twisted, but to no purisc, ror they can't crawfish out now, too late ; they have made their mark. heir course on the civil rights uestion with Greeley is of record. Jvery man to his iost now. A few ore charges and tho day Hours. tham is wide awake, and will o her whole duty in electing her Worthy son. si'htTA'nm. July 30, 1874. Caswell County. To tlie Editor of the Era : . Jas. II. Fleet, of color, is laboring ?uito , successfully for Col,.W.,F lendcrson, in Caswell County, and from what we can learn' from him his labors will be crowned ' With Success. He is a young man of keen ? perception, watching the enemy on every side. He says his reason for working for Col. H. Is because t(r , Col. H., is thelaborlngman'sfrlenTl one who has ever kept an eyeslnr to the agricultural interest of our noble old State, , in short, ,a gentle- 4 man, a scholar and a lawyer. Cas -well will give him a majority of at least 200 on the sixth day of August next. A. : Yanceyville, July 27, 1874. A Card from Judge Tourgee. To whom it may concern : Certain parties having under taken to declare my preferemu without my knowledge or oni.-ut, I hereby announce that I hall tri my vote and influence to secure tho flection oi lion. I nomas lCumu to y"-" whatever source. Is false. , . A'.w AUV1JfJJlP Judge Superior Court, 7th Dist. Greensboro, July 24, 1874. How often have the politicians tried the humbug of a white man's party? How often have theyliot courted the colored vote by offering to go as far as the Republicans had done? They even nominated Horace Greeley for President, a man who announced himself as In favor of mi xed schools. Nowy these poll- ticians want a white man's party. ' Wit. Pout. i r J.

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