-fEEKLYJ5RA. "W. 31. HKOWX, Manager. offick in the old "Standard" Jluilri jng. one s'jwarc South of the Court I'ocise, Fayettt villo Street. lTvrnsTrF HUBiSCKIITION : Wkkki.v Ono rear, - f2 Six months, -Thne month. -Tri-Wkkkly Oneycar, - Six months. Throe months, I 00 4 00 2 00 1 00 50 One month. .r-ir I N VA HI A LT IX ADVAXCK. -tT V EEKLY ERA. TIfUUSDAY, AUGUST 13, 1S74. W. A. Smith on Oaksniitlu Dr. L. W. Martin, of Carteret, hiving addressed Hon. W. A. Smith a letter iu regard to one Ap plcton Oaksmith, Maj. 8. replied as follows: Pkinc'kton, July 2, 187 1. Hon. A. H". Martin, Beaufort ', N. C: DKAit Sik: Yours of tho 27th .June, making inqu tries about Ap- tleton akmitn, came to hand to- i iv I was first introduced to the individual at Morehead City several years ag. jus name was men MrDonald. After a short conversa tion with him I was satisfied that hi was a mere adventurer and a humbug. The next I heard of him was during the tir-t session of the Ia-t legislature. Col. Humphrey in.iosed to introduce him to mo as ppIcton Oaksmith. I declined hi" introduction telling tho Colonel that he was a humbug. I have been thoroughly convinced since that I was right. He is a humbug, a mere roiilidenee man. His whole stock in trade consists in a brassy face, a promising tongue, deceit, impu d niv, a slick liar, ram goats and -beep, and two jackasses. And according to my belief, from the lHt inforiiMtion 1 can get, he is i big rucal as ever scuttled a ship, inliabiu-d a Slate's prison, or es iqed hanging by having the virtue of acting a .spy upon a people he now desin-s-to misrepresent. It is Ik lievetl in Uailroad circles that he is the tool and pimp of certain Rail road corjKjrations which are trying to defeat consolidation. I have In-en led to bWieve this by his fre quent consultations with the heads of certain opining corporations during the sitting of the last Legis lature, and by articles written by him in NiwhiV, and other papers of the State; and also by his fre quent visits to New York, where he was closeted with the opponents of consolidation, and men who were trving to collect the Special Tax jlomls. The men who got out the injunction in the Federal Court against consolidation are the iden tical men who brought thebelf suit. It is the same "ring," and 1 believe oak one of them. His idiotic, or dtveptivc Ian, to build a road from IJcaufort Harbor through the moun tains to the Mississippi valley, to be called the "Midland' was simply a deception or a "tub to the whale" to divert the attention of the people vhlle he would destroy the State with Self suits, and also their Ilaii road enterprise. He well knows, as little as he knows about Jtailroads, that he could not build this great road, wlwVh would cost at least twenty million dollars, when he and his -tiK'khoIders did not put a cent into it. Thvy were without credit, and Oak, the leader, to say the least of him, was a man of doubtful charac ter. Appleton Oaksmith is put down in the Great Midland charter us hailing from Great Britain, France and Frankfort-on-the-Main, and it is thought that the charter is in his own hand writing. This in itself is enough to convict him of intended fraud, and should have warned sensible men to beware of him. It he was then a citizen of eithwr Great Britain, France, Ire land or Frankfort-on-the-Main, he is not now a citizen of North Caro lina. If he was not a citizen of either of these places then he lied to the member who ofiered the Mid land hill. 1 am informed that he was used as a spy during the war, to give in formation about the condition and movements of the Confederate troops; that he filled this position no wnl that he was afterwards par doned for stealing negroes or piracy on the high seas, after being cou detnni'd to be hung by the courts of Massachusetts. He lied and deceived Col. Humphrey about the Midland xheme. As soon as the Colonel found out that he was hoaxed and that Oaksmith, or McDonald, was a humbug the Colonel quit him. This fellow, Oaksmith, deceived many others about the same matter and would deceive even the elect if i hey were fools enough to listen to his oily tongue. O, what an oily gammon he is ! During the Legislature he visited the Republican caucuses professing to te an Ultra Republican, when he would divulge every secret he got, and vice versa with the Democrats, showing that he was not only a hypocrite, but a traitor. The truth U he deceived both, and if Little field had not arrived here before he undertook this big job (?) and took everything, I think Oak would have even taken the hinges off the Capitol gates. I understand he says that if consolidation is a success, the road will be taken up from Morehead City. If he &ys thi3 he lies. The only hope for Morehead and Beau fort Harbor is to consolidate our roads and finish them to the Western termini, when the great Mississippi Valley will be opened up to your jort. And the best thing to pro mote this great enterprise is to elect known citizens of our own State, who are in favor of the enterprise. And to mako the thing perfectly safe, they would do great service, and advance the cause greatly by drowning Oaksmith, JIcDonaId,or whatever his name is, as ho will do all he can against it if allowed to live in this country. As he is be lieved by some to be a wizard, or a humbug, or both, drown him on either charge and consolidation is safe. liut to Ik; serious. The great Ixirds he speaks of in Kngland as his partners, are known there as guinea pigs. They have the titles of lords, but money they have none, f hey act for and allow their names " ttt . : . 1 - ' ' ' . :..'.!.'.': 1 .' ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' " ' . ' " ' rTr"" ''v : 1 -j f't ; 1 ' ' " 1 ". ; ' VOL. IV. to be used by humbugs like Oak smith for a guinea a day hence me name. Oaksmith, alias McDonald, told members of the Legislature that he would bring over gold to build the Midland, and that four of his direc tors would accompany him, to take care of the gold, and to see what a great railroad the Midland was. A part of this turned out to be true. Four of his great lords and direc tors did start, on the voyage with mm; two uieu on the ocean, and the two that lived to land had more ears than gold. If any of the rood dcodIg of Car teret should vote for Oaksmith, tney win nave no more sense than Oaksmith's long ear directors of the .Midland. Republicans here and in the West who have consolidation at heart, would much prefer you. who we know to be a true friend of the State, to a humbug like Oak smith. I understand that Oak has prom ised Dr. Arendell one half of the Atlantic Ocean to plant oysters in, besides having his (the Doctors) old claim reinstated, if he will help him to be elected. Now, your people should watch uaKsmitn ana ur. ivrenueii. as Oaksmith will promise more than Satan did, when he promised Christ the world if he would fall-down and worshio him. when the old rascal, like Oaksmith, did not own an acre. Tne uoctor ean sing a goou song, tell a good joke, and eat more soft crabs than any other man in America, "if you will fix 'em for him." Therefore it will be necessa rv to watcn tnem, ana iniorm tne a. people of their strong points. 1 am in hopes that no Republican or Democrat will vote for Little- field, Jr., McDonald, Oaksmith, or whatever the rascal's name is. I . wish you mucn success in opposi- ion to the vagabond, and am in tiopes you win oe crownea witn complete victory, as I believe ho is nothing but a bluebellied, down- Easter civil rights yankee, pretend- ing to come from Frankfort-on-the- Main, France and Great Britain. Yours truly, W. A. SMITH. The Result. Returns thusj far received indi- eate the defeat of our candidate for Superintendent of Public Instruc tion, the loss of two members of Concrress and several members of the General Assembly. For some weeks we had enter tained doubts of the result. The Republicans of North Carolina, lulled by repeated victories,had be come careless and underestimated the strength of their adversaries. The agitation of what is known as the civil rights bill, also had much to do in settling the contest. Al- though the number of Republicans ir. the State advocating the passage of such a bill was insignificant, yet, Democratic speakers throughout the State by the most unreasonable assertions prejudiced the minds of the people and led them without due reflection to temporarily desert the only party that can proveof any lasting good State. 1 .Li 1 l il 1 r l. I iu in ptrupiu lu me It is no time to despond. We must gird up and reorganize for the great contest of 1876. Thia tempo rary defeat will doubtless prove a great blessing if its lessons are prop erly studied. The principles of the Republican party can never perish. They will live as long as the Republic itself exists, and when they fail to predominate, the rights of humanity will be seriously en dangered if not effectually eradica ted. Let us not despair. Tlie Re publican party must at once reorgan ize. In doing this, wo must put honest men at the helm of party. If there be any who, for the sake of self aggrandizement, attempt to force themselves upon us to the in- nrv n our cause. let sucn men do . , , .1 rt nsidp or at once crushed under tho wheels popular and all things let us adhere to the max- im that the Republican party was created for no one man or set of men, but that it can exist only as an onranization devoted to the best nterosts of the whole neonle of i . . .lit: I Wake County. The battle is over, the smoke and dust have cleared away, and tee are beaten ! The Clerk of the Court, the Register of Deeds, ana one rv 4uu uui. vvri-u I missioner, are the only Republicans elected. Of our local troubles we shall not speak here. We bow to the decision of the people, in whose capacity for self-government we ! have confidence. Republicanism, as intended by the founders, is like an arch it gathers strength from su perincumbent pressure.. Entering the field reorganized and having for its leaders and officers men who will carry out the great principles which we hold dear, the Republican party will again commend itself to the pgpple and sweep not only this county but the entire State. We should profit from the past. While regretting this more than Waterloo defeat, let us not repine. The future is ours, we trust that tne Jjemo- , u0-:f tne prouuexs oi wmcn, aioug wiiu, saw a man snuuguu aiawcuseaiui of our great cnanot oi f. ilk f e 0ita he obtains reetlv behind him. who was rubbing equal rights. Above ha verv Robinson Crusoe-like subsis- his hands and alternately holding RALEIGII, N.,.C.,l cratic county government wilTkeep in view that wrhich was; before the Era in the late campaign the jwel fare of the people and the credit of Wake. The following is the vote of Wake county : SUr-ERlA'TENDENT TCBLTC INSTRUCTION. Purnell, 3,640 1 Pool, 3,640 FOR THE SENATE. Harris, 3,582 1 Basbee, 3,824 FOR THE ITOUSE REPRESENTATIVES. Arpo, Klli son, 3.6S5 3.G18 Page, Stephenson, Strong, Whitley, TREASURER. 3,773 3,741 Joqes, 3,676 3,638 FOR COUWTT 3,7.t0 Kins:. 3,737 Year by, 3,590 Brown, 93 I Lewis, 3.S33 FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS. Whito, 3.S62 Goodwin, FOR SURVEYOR. 3,576 Ailams, 3,637 Atkinson, 3,7H 3,709 FOR CORONER. Lashley, 3,573 Jones, FOR SHERIFF. Lec, 3,570 Wynne, 134 Dunn, 3,612 FOR SUPERIOR COtTRT CLERK. Bunting, 3,812 J Williams, 3,647 FOR CONGRESS. 3,6S5' Davis, FOR SOLICITOR. 3,660 I Williams, FOR COMMISSIONERS. Ileailen, 3,730 Harris, 3,648 3,569 Jinks, 3,651 3,510 3,577 3,586 3,594 Adams, Jones, Allen, Turner, No well, Chavis, 3,697 3,712 Austin, Thompson, Rhodes, 3,687 3,629 Klection Returns. The following are the reported results of the election as far as we have heard. Johnston gives 812 Democratic majority. Orange C00 Democratic majority. Chatham makes Democratic rrn l n Cumberland countv reports larare Democratic gains. v Wayne elects entire Democratic ticket. Lenoir and Richmond Green elect Senator, county gone Dem- ocratic. Wilson reported Democratic. Granville Republican by about 350. Lenoir county gone Republican. Franklin county Democratic by small majority. Pitt county reported Democratic, Appleton Oaksmith has been elected independent from Carteret. Dr. W. H. Wheeler has been elected to the House of Representa tives from Forsythe by 117 majori ty. A Republican gain of 61. Davis has a majority of only o00 in Orange. Indications are favorable to the election of Hon. Thomas Ruffin as judge of the oth Judicial District, rrhe following letters from a friend afcHillsboro, have been received: : IIlLLSBORO. Aug. G, 12 P. M. The vote as far as counted stands Headen, 290; Davis, 268; Ruffin, 319 ; Kerr, 210 ; Bason, 304 ; Strud- wielr. 243. Senate. Brown, yu4 Bumpass, 289 ; Parrish, 245 ; Wil- i cer TT . C Dnn.nnnn I namsou, zoo. xiuu&e ui lieuiwcu- I At' r-ii i or . 1. rauves, irayiiuriij, ooo j uuuujc, twater. 2o9 ; latta, zo'J. Purnell's vote is larger than Head- -wwa m t VI A 1 en's, win sena you iuu returns to-morrow. If Ruffin has not car- nea the county, it is close. HiirLSBORO, Aug. 7, 1874. " All the boxes not heard from. Our vote is not so large as Cald well's, nor is Pool's so large as Mer rimon's. Davis will beat Headen ahout 500 votes in the county. He is now ahead (with Durhams and Gunters to hear from) about 275. Brown and Strayhorn run consid erably ahead of the Republican ticket. Strayhorn win De Deaten about 200. The county is close be tween Kerr and Ruffin." b. A Massachusetts Hermit. Worcester. Mass.. seems to have lust discovered that it has a necu iiariv eccentric hermit living on its i mi 1 I I western poraers. xnerecmse nas I ..... m , a little iarm oi some ten acres, irom stone house, ana beguiles nis lone- v.. . , a ; f,fQ,-r.i the casual visitors who come to him from the city. It is only on reli- gious topics that this singular man I it ml--4 11 TT T nfmn VTrTn I is uiucivcvi. -liu xixiatLkLiKxs ihuj- i teii lu ue itf &uit ui iiii:a uuca iu the Almighty, and every Sunday he holds services in a rude stone buildinsr. which he calls his temple. In buvinsrhisten acre patch of rocks thehermit displayed his eccentricity by insisting that the deed should be maue in uenan 01 uih ieny aa a siwj r . l 1 4-4.. , y-v lor a leiiipie , a ii li nut uusviug iaj uiu perishable registry at the Court at House, he is recording it at his leis ure upon the solid face of a rock in bold letters. The queer occupant of this domain is a man somewhere in the forties, of pleasant address, considerable intelligence, unscrupu- lousiy neat in nis esiauiisumeiu, and correct in the habits of life. He was formerly a teacher of music and a citizen of Cambridge. A se rious lllnesai - resulted in a partial paralysis, and also affected nis brain He has chosen his present mode of life voluntarily, and thoroughly enjoy it appears to Steamboat Supervisor Smith has been removed. His successor is not named. Ex-Assistant Secreta ry Treasury Sawyer has resigned his nlaee a3 representative, of the Treasury Department among the centennial vxnuiijisoiuiici;?. tence. He lives in a substantial THURSDAY, AUGUST 13187 Hi; The Girl to .Find. The true girl has to bo sought af ter. She doesTiot parade herself in show goods. , She is not fashiona ble. Generally she is not rich. But, oh ! what a heart she has when you find her! so large and pure, and womanly. WThen you see it you wonuer it those showy things ou; side were women. If you gain her love, your two thousands are mil lions. She'll not ask you Jbr a car nage or a first-class house. She'll wear simple dresses, ami turn them when necessary, with no vulgar magmheate to frown upon her econ omy. She'll keep everything neat anu nice in your hkv panor, ana give you such a welcome when you come home that you'll think your power higher than ever. She'll en tertain true friends on a dollar, and astonish you with the new thought how little haDDiness depends on money. She'll make you love home, (if you don't, you're a brute,) and teach you how to pity, while you scorn a poor fashionable society mat thinks itself rich, ana vainly tries to think itself happy. Now, do not, I pray you, say any more, "I can't afford to marry." Go find the true woman, and you can. Throw away that cigar, burn up that switch cane, be sensible your self, and seek your wife in a sensi ble way. Long Lost lirotlier. Robert M. Greene has been knock ing around the terrestrial ball since he was eighteen. Under the same roof-tree in London, where Robert howled his first infant squall, an elder brother was born; About fif teen years ago this elder brother, too, began playing the roleofjhe rolling stone. He has, however, been a resident of St. Louis nearly three years, and for nine months past the brothers have been living within a half dozen squares of each other, wTalkmg the same street dat ly, and yet never met. The elder i , . , - . , , orotnera lew evenings ago cnancea in a hotel to hear a gentleman say, 4 T ctorf frsf T.rnrlri- f rs-rvi nrmwr " He. addressed this gentleman and asked him if he would deliver a letter to a certain number in Ter race Garden. London. "With pleasure," responded the gentle- man, " and, by the way, there is another man here who gave me a letter to deliver at the same place and to the same person. Are you relatives?" A reunion was the consequence, and the brothers, who had neither seen nor heard of each other for fifteen years, met From Ocean to Ocean. The commencement and comple tion of a ship canal between the Atlantic and the Pacific oceans, un der the auspices of tho American Government, is only a matter of time. The heavy and inter-ocean commerce demands this accommodation,and no unnecessary delay will be allowed in securing its accomplishment. Intelligence has been received oi the successful completion of the m a -T- .J .1 survey oi tne jNicaragua rouie, aim of the arrival of the United States commissioners at Panama, on the 14th of April. Thence they pro ceeded in the United States steam ship Saranac to Chiri-Chiri bay, to determine the relative features of the route iust surveyed and that . t i i f , 1 , , previously surveyeu uy winuiiauufi n il. . i -i xi at .: ,1 jsennuge, Dy way t)i ui j-mijujii aim Atrato rivers. The commissioners are understood . j 1 At to be favorably impressea witn tne Nicaragua route, but decline to make any report until a personal examination of the Atrato route has been made. Republic. A Ludicrous Scene. The venerable Father Willis, in his interesting reminiscences of a half century, in the Universalisl, says of Thomas F. King, the lather of Star King, that on a very cold Sunday in winter, he was preaching in Con necticut in an old church that had no means of warming it ; for, fifty years ago, few churches, especially in the country, had the appliances for making them comfortable by artificial warmth. He said he was in the midst of his sermon, when he cast his eyes to the gallery and I At 4- saw a man shuuk mine uuui sea n 1 , r 1 1 .1 1 witn a Dusny, nery reu neau, anu them over man' head tnougn lie coutaaerivesomepenent m-imcfannoa fhf ho found it difficult to suppress a loud laugh in church, while some others who saw it dm actually laugh so 1 y-v i wl r 4-n nffwinf off onfinn iuuu a iaj aiti tkvu uuiunun . Living Testimonies. No religious experience is worth anything that does not blossom out into the beauty of a holy life. Men and women need to be taught this iuoib auu iuuic, uy pictcpv, lustration, by practical rebuke. The sermon on tho mount and the trag edy at Calvary do not constitute the whole of the New Testament. In the Acts of the Apostles we are called to behold Christianity in mo tion : we see the benevolence, ten- derness, fearlessness, , death-defying neroisiu, ui patucuiai mcu auu yu- men. uorcas manes garments ior the poor, the Bereans search the W-S. A. AW Scriptures. Cornelius is remembered for his alms-deeas, aui declares that neither bonds nor death shall hinder him from finishing his course with joy. Stephen seals his testimony to tne trutn witn nis blood, and goes to that glory wThose reflected vision has made his face like that of an angel. The Charlotte Oberver relates how a negro was nearly, and a horse and mule were killed by lightning a day or two since. The i Corn- antl j Tobacco Crops. rne recent , gentle and copious rains have very materially im proved the prospects of the growing crops in this section of the country. The early planted corn has been se riously damaged by the drought. But the later planted, where it has been well worked, will make an average crop: tne improvement is marked. But'weare compelled to saw that owing to the hardness of the ground, the backwardness of the seasons and other causes, a great many crops have not been worked as they should have been, and it is a matter of doubt whether too late working is any advantage to the corn crop. On the whole, however, we incline to theopinion, that with out freshets, the corn crop in this section will prove to be a larger one than was gathered last year, of sound corn. The improvement in the tobacco found standing by the late rains is marvellous. We never recollect to have seen such a transformation in the fields. But there is no disguis ing the fact that there is a small crop standing on the hill. Few place it as high as two-thirds of an average crop. The better opinion as we can gather it, is that under no circumstances can more than half a crop be standing on the hill, and we do not think that twenty thousand additional hills were planted during the late season, in this county, for the reason, that the plant beds have been literally burnt up during the drought. Our advice to our planter friends would be to cultivate well, the hills you have standing. Keep off the worms, cure well and handle neat ly, and though you market a small crop next year, you will market one that will bring you lots of money. Tobacco will be tobacco next year. MiUon Chronicle. The Receiver of the lMamoiids. The Philadelphia Bulletin gives the following particulars of the American " Miss Fenix," w ho was the cause of the theft of diamonds by the Grand Duke Nicolas of Rus sia : " The young woman who figures before tho world in this disgraceful affair as Mrs.' and 'Miss Feenix ' is a Philadelphian, well known to a very large circle, especially to the opposite sex, in this city. Her ca reer has been one of continual pro fligacy for a dozen or more years past, during which time she has been twice married, her first hus band dying suddenly in West Vir ginia, and her second, a young New7 Yorker, whose name, it appears, she still wears, having married her in Paris, and afterwards separated from her. "'Mrs. Fenix' is the daughter of a former most eminent clergyman of this city, now deceased, and so spared the bitter humiliation of the notoriety which this Russian scan dal has given to a life which, in its comparative privacy, must have inflicted untold sorrows upon those connected with a fair woman gone so hopelessly astray." Incivilitj'. As a crowded train left Boston for New York recently, a gentleman approached a handsomely-dressed lady who occupied half of a seat with numerous bundles, and asked, 'I Tj tint unnt. tnnii rIrvl iri'iflti rvi " Yes, it is," was the snapping re ply. The man walked on. In half an "hour the door opened and in walked a tall, rough fellow, coarse as a Polar bear, with huge beard uncombed and stained with tobacco juice, and clothes badly fitting and smelling of the stable. Spying the lady's seat, with great deliberation he seized bundle, bandbox and bag, put them into the lady's lap, and sat down in the vacant spot. Her defiant looks produced no impres sion. He whistled ; he stroked his beard ; he threw round his huge arms, and chuckled inwardly at her evident rage. She left the cars at New Haven, when the gentleman who was refused the seat reappear ed. To some gentlemen who seem ed to take a great interest in the proceedings he said, " Did you see how that woman treated me?" " Yes." " Well, that man is a horse doctor that sat down beside her. He belongs to Bull's Head. I gave him a dollar to ride with that woman as far as she went." We do not know which less to approve, the incivility of the "lady" or that of the "gen tleman." A correspondent of the JYewa says : " The Orphan Home is progressing. A noble work is being done and every generous heart snouia neip. The funds are judiciously and eco nomically expended by the able and indefatigable Superintendent, John H. Mills, Esq., who makes a full report to the Grand Lodge, furnish ing an itemized account. The Lodge appoints a committee to examine the report and vouchers, and then report to the Grand Lodge, which report is embodied in the minutes. In addition, the books are open to the examination of all, and may be seen at any time. The institution is capitally officered and the corps of teachers is excellent because of the nigh reputation of the ladies for intelligence, education, experience and many feminine graces." If the Democracy would only stop fanning the flames of discontent, we would have peace. They only have entered the graves of our sleep ing dead and resurrected the evil days of the past, for which they alone are responsible. They only in advance have endorsed extreme Radical measures, which they charge on Republicans. They would have the mantle of charity thrown overall their sins, while they de nounce Republicans a3 thieves and scoundrels, having as many or more rascals in their own ranks, vThen brought to light. StatesviUe A met: 8. state Items. ' A colored man nnlmcd Voods, of Lincoln county, is It ! years old. A handsome brick church is to 1)0 erected in Lumlverton. Ileal (state in Charlotte. is advancing rapidly A' Baptist revivaf is in progress at Durham. The wheat crop in. Orange county proved a failure. ! Orange comity made nearly 4,000 bales of cotton lastypar. i Work is to be resumed on the Cape Fear bar. About Apex the corn is smartly cut up by tho drill worm. - Tlje crops throughout the State are Excellent. It is probable that a tobacco fac tory will be established at Warren ton next fall. Tliere has been no rain in the Caswell section to do anygood since tho first of June. Ground lias been ' broken for the proposed Cotton Factory at Wil mington. ' . The Greensboro Female, College has opened the Fall session with a large number of students. A large bed of kaoline clay has been discovered within a few miles of Greensboro. A.ipostoflico has been lately estab lished at Melville, Alamance coun; ty, N. C. North Carolina pays $1,402,546.96 Internal Revenue tax. Fourteen States nay" more than North Caro lina. Tho tobacco crop in Person, Or ange, uranvine ana uasweu win m . - a 1 a not be over two-fifths of what it was last year. D. O. II. W. Gillespie, Republi can candidate lor huperior Court Clerk of McDowell county, was lately stricken with paralysis and rendered unable to walk. Wilmington is to have a new ev Conin ert to - The Wilmington Star has found the wickedest man in that town, He is a young man twenty years of age, and has never read a page of the Bible. When the Carolina Central Road is completed to Charlotte, and the Raleigh and Augusta Road taps it, a new route will be opened irom Charlotte to Raleigh, seventeen miles shorter than the present route by the North Carolina Railroad. Mr. J.T. Barrom, of Edgecombe, was the orator at the recent com mencemcnt exercises of the Vir ginia Military institute, it gives us pleasure to see North Carolina boys doing themselves such credit abroad. Mr. A. W. Segraves has brought to our office a cucumber of the snake species, which measures for ty-two inches in length, and about the size of a large, snake, which it very much resembles, except the color is green. It lsquitc a curiosi ty. It is said this fruit will make excellent pickles. StatesviUe Amer ica?!. Tarboro TJnquirer Southerner MrJ Louis Pender has given us the particulars of an outrage perpetrat- ed upon his brother, who is a weak- . . I minded but perfectly harmless per- son. it seems tnat 'lie was anurea out in the woods not far from his . i home and entirely stripped of every article of clothing and left in that condition. There is evidence too that he was whipped upon his nak- ed body by the persons who com JL a A I mitted the outrage. Truly remarks the Charlotte Ob server: "A newspaper, that has no enemies is a newspaper that has no characf er no courage no boldness no backbone, "spinality," as ele gant writers say now-a-days. And its influence is not a feather's weight. "Woe unto you when all men shall speak well of you !" Is a warning that we pay heed to. There is more good sense in the Scripture than in all the other books of the world combined." wju 4- ciu t t i r ,i y iiuii ui oii.uc xxcci, u iw uuy ago, we saw wnau purports to pe a photograph of Flora McDonald, the illustrious heroine. The histo ry of it is as follows : A Miss Fer- guson, oi uuraoenanu county, in this State, had a portrait of this honored Scotch lady, and Mr. Dan iel McQueen of this county had a daguerreotype taken from it, and Mr. David Banks had Photographs taken from it. This is said to be the only picture oft lora McDonald nowtooc nau, anainat ivir.i5anKS is gone to ocouana ior me purpose oi selling tnem. w netner mepno- tograpn is a true copy or not we are ... . oaJ'' n mncent ngure. iwoesonvan. A site county cx)pper Mixes, iuite a large iortune nas oeen re- alized out of this property. It was originally owned by parties in Ashe county and was sold to parties in Lsanimore ior ten tnousana aoi- lars. These parties sold it to an- nthpr comnanvfor seventvthnnsnnrl dollars. The present owners have organizea a stocK -company with shares to the amount of three mil- lions and the stock is at par. This company is about to build a ran- road from somewhere about Wythe- vil!e,on the Tennessee and Virgin- people to pay development of the mineral inter ests of Western North Carolina. As soon as the election Ispver we have a suggestion to make to the Caroli na Central Railroad in regard to Cranberry Iron Works Piedmont Press. . 4. i . II.. ,i ii. r : 1 i lercial Reporter. INIessrs. Rob- TZ ..rr4V" ... Vm? )L "Vr. J 4". ivennedyano 1. h. warrock arc i 4i ' ri v o i be the proprietors.. r. w ..i. i' ' ia Rail Road, to their mine in Ashe An insane student, wnom msnop county. This should encourage our Whipple, of St. Paul, Minnesota, more, attention to the reiusea to oruam as i-nesi on ac- KRTISING : . jOno stjiiarr, quo time,, t ' two times 00 ll . , , tlirnn imi 2, Off Contract adverusementH taken at proportionately low rales. . , , i grS- Jon Wouk execute at short no tice and In a stylo nnsurpaascd by any similar tibllslunent in tho State. Spe cial attention . paid to tho printing of Blanks of every description. The nillsboro ifrcorcfrr. In speak ing of Mr. Duncan Cameron, who was recently woundcdinMississippi, fays : Wo are glad to say that sub sequent, though not very full Infor mation, has relieve! the anxieties felt; for this young gentleman's safety, -4IIis wounds are not of a serious character, and it is hoped he will soon return here tally restored; Ilillshoro Recorder: On Sunday week a gentleman was crossing a bridge across New Hope creek, in hio earriago draw n by a pai r of mules. In the , earriago were" his wife and two daughters. , Upon rising the abutment, the mules be came alarmed at the ricketty con dition of the bridge, and began to back, bearing tho (farriagOf aalust the railing. The railing gave way, and carriage, ridersL mules and all went over, fortunately catching in tho tops of some low trees close by the bridge, which prevented mate rial damage to person, mules, or carriage. The young ladies escape I with some slight contusions and much fright. . Xheii: mother leajHxl from the carriage- and alighted safely on the bridge. , The Polkton Ansonian&xysii We learn (but not officially) that the warehouse of tho Carolina Central, now being built in Wilmington, is 328 feet long and 128 feet wide, anil will bo the largest 'in tho Southern States. The roclc:for tho founda- tionji is taken from RogganTs cut, whieh is a most beautiful trranite gray uur county nasan inexhaus tible supply of stone of ,vnrlous col ors and textures, admirably adapt ed to building purposes. We have in the Geological Museum at Ra leigh a specimen of red sandstone, found near Wad( oro, which is equalled by that fd und in'but one other State in thc learn from a rockt rnion. And we nason, who has sent a block to ' Professor Kerr, to be classified, that ho has found an immense bed'of stojnojn the vicini ty of Wadesboro which is whiter than Parian feaarblo, ; Atlaxtio,!.Tennessi:k & Omo R. R. The order for the sale of the A., T. A O. RiRii under the Child suit on the first 'mortgage bonds tluir claim and transfer tho judg- mentfor the benehtof the gold bond- holders, Mr. R.Y. McAden, of this city, one of the, trustees under the gold mortgage, at tne request of the Roard of Directors through his At torney, Col. II. C. Jones, of the firm of Messrs. Jones & j Johnston, of this city, obtained a restraining order preventing tho sale of the road. The injunction wa?, issued upon the complaint of Mr.. McAden in the interest of the gold bondhol ders and tho stockholders of the road. We are pleased to know that there is every effort being made by the Board of Directors, the large stockholders and the trustees under the gold mortgage to save tho road from sale. Charlotte Observer. Additional information regarding the alleged forging of cotton ware house receipts in St. Louis by Al exander Dorman & Co., is that 'the younger members of the firm, viz: Willie Dorman, JohnT. Butler and Henry S. Ogden, had nothing what ever to do with any knowledge of the matter. They were released from custody on the Cth inst. Bethel C. Alexander, senior, ! Is still in prison, iv statement says the for- A geries began about six months ago, i ; i -i at a anu cunsisieu in lorgmg signatures m A w. xvouuisuu, vvient olefins . v. ... . . an i-eppers warehouse. This he alleges was done by C. H. Shepperd, la conucientiai clerk, who, however, indignantly denies he did It. Al exanaer says tne lorgenes were a . ' committed for temporary relief and not lor the purpose of fraud, and if they had not been detected he would have been in a position in fifteen days to take them all up, and should nave done so. How many of these forged receipts have been issued is not known, but it is believed that over $100,000 worth havo been hy pothecated at dinerent banks. The bank officers are reticent, but it is tolerably well known that tho Ger man Savings Institution held 21.- uuu on tne fourth National Bank. about $20,000 on thoThird National Ranlr. nhnnr 40 OOO Ttnnlr nf Wt : , i ' ' ana perhaps one or two others, and two or three business firms and in dividuals are involved in small amounts. A package of five thou sand and a check for eight thousand dollars were found at Alexander's residence after his arrest. The money was identified by the cashier. of the Bank of St. Louis, and re turned to him. Attachments were pressed on the Gth inst., and the sheriff took possession of the store anu effects of the firm, and also levied on 210 bales of cotton in Pepper's warehouse. Between two and three weeks ago Phleps Bros. &Co., of this city, bought 2oO,000 bales of cotton of Alexander Dor- man&Co.,and paid $100,000 thereon and received genuine warehouse re- ceipts. mis nrm nas been gar- msheed for any amount over the sum that may be due Alexander Dorman & Co., but it Is thought that tms action win not stand in court. Alexander states that the firm has nsLSLs sufficient in mvpr nil Ioqqoq If V left to their management. The nrm began business here about one year ago, the members coming from Louisiana and Texas, and has done quite an extensive trade as cotton factors. count of hi3 unsound mind, at tempted to shoot the Bishop 'during service on the 4th inst. A half million of bank notes were exchanged in Washington on tho Oth inst. I a m a, m ' ar 1 . I . A m Z .. & .mm. Am.

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