THE'ERA THURSDAY, AttGUST.J3, lS7f. , ;' , General Xcws. Uristow and XJolknap-xe turned to Wtslringtoa 311 ,tbe 4th Inst,.;, Thra JjoTSft h icves cJiansed at Osark. Arkansas, on the Sth lust. Ex-Mayor Lamb, of Nbrollr, Vft.", died 6tflcr Ctlt inst.V,apd Tl 's- VAnJknthb California forger, fa dead, iiuviD taken laudanum, f. JoVnJxttpoM, of Pittsburs tfa., who lost'hfa wlfo-and four children by tho late flood,has become insane. The Atlantic arid .Pacific Ihsur- ance Com pany :.of.jCMca0,Ja in solvent. , y ; i Col. a Falkner, author of the Arkansas Traveller, fa dead. Aged 71 years. , , Four hundred dollars of con science money were received by the 17. H. Treasurer on the 5th insL The President has jxistponed his visit to Morristown, N. J.t until about the J Oth inst. Haifa million of National Bank notes were exchanged for legal tenT dew in Washington on the Sth Inst. The new crop of cotton fa going into Savannah and other Southern lorts freely. It 6 reported that a prominent dry goods hou&e in New York has failed. The steamer Henry Ames, from SL .Louis to New Orleans, was snagged on the 8th inst. She had a full cargo. Three lives were lost. The Insurance Commissioners have ordered the Safe-guard Com pany, of Philadelphia, to stOD busi ness pending an investigation of its a tram. It is rumored in Paris that the German Government has notified its representatives abroad that the time has arrived to recognize the Sjmnish Republic. A young man twenty years old was sentenced to one year's impris onment in 2Sev York on the 4th inst., ior Kiunapping a gin s years old. The child was returned to the a rents. The government will sell a mil lion and a half of gold on tho first atm tniru Thursdays in August, and a million on the second and fourth Thursdays makincr in all f.VWO.OOO. Tho Board of Directors of the Driving Park Association, of Roch ester, New York, have resolved to give a purso of one thousand dol lars to the owner of any horso that can beat Goldsmith Maid's timo of The day has not as yet been nxed. lho following is tho monetary siaiementoi the JNew York market on the 8th inst. : Siccie shipments two and a quarter millions; loans decrease- one and a half million; Siocio increase half a million ; legal tenders increaso three quarters of a million; deposits decrease half a million ; reserve increase one and a Quarter million. Tho revenue officers in Nev York, on uic nil inst, seized about nine ty thousand dollars' worth of crude spirits on suspicion that fraud was intended the Government. The li quor was in i,47o barrels. A new order has been issued requiring all high wines to bo reiraucred before rectification. It is said that about $."j0,000 has been advanced by mer chants on the liquor under seizure. A post mortem examination hav ing leen made of the remains of Van Ktton, the California bond forger, it was discovered that his death had resulted from conjrestion of the lungs ; he having completely recovered from the effects of lauda num. His harsh treatment while under the effects of the poison, and the needless exposure beiugallowed him to lie naked for some hours, an Assigned as the cause which led to congestion. Five geese, owned by a man living ai .Mormon island, cal died from an unknown disease ; and on exam ining the gizzard of one, grain gold sufficient to make a five, dollar piece was found. The remaining four panned out, each, almost the same amount of the precious stuff. The gold was probably picked up by the fowls near -some claims when; the miners had been slucincr. and it is presumed that the quick silver attached to it caused their death. At Mollittsville, Henderson coun- iy. r. v... on i no ixi insr.. a vouno l;n!y nainctl Katie Tucker was kill l by a young German named Gar- soun. It apcar3 that Garseun was employed by the lather of the young lady, with whom ho fell des perately in love. lie becamo leal- ous oi me attentions or a supposed rival, and deliberately killed the young lady while the three were silting in Mr. Tucker's parlor. Tho murdererfled, but was arrested and is in jail at Henderson Court J louse. Victoria C. Woodhull and Ten- nie C. Clatlin were arrested in New ork, on the 8lh inst.. on com plaint of Mrs. A. M. Truman, who aneges mat in 1871, when vvoouhull and Claflin were doing i outness in jsroad street, she de j iositl with them for investment. the sum of four hundred dollars which she was to receive on de mand with interest ; that she has since made several demands but wvYcrKui me money, niey were new to bail by the Sheriff in h bond oi six nunureddollaas. Claflin and hit mother were on tho eve of de parting for Europe. On the 12th of Julv. Tlirw. Tfcir- rett, a policeman of New York, was liiu-u u iimu uog. no immedl. meiysnoi ine animal, but fear of iiyuropnoma preyed upon his mind to such a degree that he was con lined to his led for a week. When the roll was called on tho 4th inst. ho complained of feeling unwell and an omcer handed him a glass of water, lie aasnea it to the floor .and betrayed tho usual symptoms of the disease of barking and snap ping at those around him. lie was taken to Park Hospital and the physicians think it is a case of lyssa phobia instead of the genuine disease. Two lawyer i convicted '- of con-1 sniracv to defraud neirs were sen tenced to two years' imprisonment i and fivo nunareu dollars nne in New .York on the 4th inst,, : The creditors of Alex. Dorman fc Co., of St. Louis, have concluded to put the firm Into Bankruptcy. This action! Is . based : mai nly i u pon the fact about a week before .Alexan der's operations were made public, the State Savings Association and Fourth National Bank discovered they had forged receipts and re quired hlmtotaKe mem uporoe exposed, whereupon he paid the State Savings, Association $110,000. and the Fourth National Bank $1 15,000. Under lho Bankrupt law these corporations will be obliged to turn over these amounts to be divided among the general credi tors of the firm. The Treasury Department, since the adjournment of Congress, has naidout 030.000 on the claims of the Southern residents before the Southern Claims Commission. The Commission awarded over a million of dollars on the claims before then. Congress appropriated only $003, 7C3.82. There have been but two applications for the new western banks this month, and they aggre gate only acapitol of $100,000. The retirement of the currency has thus far exceeded the amount of new circulation. Tho National Bank of Missouri, located at St. Louis, has surrendered it3 circulation and re tired with its bonds to the amount of $9o0,000. INSURANCE. NOKTU CAltOIilNA STATE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, ItAr,El21I, NUKT1I CAItOIIIV.4, Capital, $200,000. OFFICERS : Hon. Kemp P. Buttle, President. F. H. Cameron, Vice President. W. II. Hicks, Secretary. Dr. E. B. Haywood, Med. Director. Dr. SV. I. Itovster, Ass't Med. Di'r J. B. Batchelor, Attorney. O. II. Perry, Supervising Agent. DIRECTORS: Hon Kemp P Battle, Hon Tod 11 Cald well, lion Jonn w uunningnam, coi r M Holt, Hon Wm A Smith, Dr W J Hawkins, Hon John Manning, Gen W R Cox, Col L W Humphrey, C Tate Murphy, Col Wm E Anderson, John G Williams, Col W L Saunders, R Y McAden, Col A A McKoy, 1 J Young, James A Graham, F II Cameron, J C McRae, J B Batchelor, J C Blake, Walter Clark, W O Upchurch, J J Davis, John Nichols. FEATURES AND ADVANTAGES. It is emphatically a Homo Company. It is large capital guarantees strength and safety. Its rates aro as low as tuose or an first-class company. It offers all desirable forms of insur ance. Its funds aro invested at homo and circulated among our own ueople. No unnecessary restrictions imposed upon residence or travel. policies non-iorieitable alter two years. its officers ana directors are promi nent, and well-known North Carolin ians, whose experience as business men, and whoso worth and integrity are alone sulli'cient guarantees of the Com pany's strength, solvency and success. XII i:0. II. 1IIL.I,, Local Ag:ent, O. II. PERRY. Raleigh, N. C. Supervising Agent. ZS" Good Agents, with whom liberal contracts will be made, wanted in every countv in the State. March 13, 1873. 38 w6m OF SALL OF KAILROAl) PBOPEBTY. In the Circuit Court of the United Slates For the Western District of North Carolina. Henry Clews, Hiram Sibley and others, 1'laintills, Against The Western North Carolina Railroad Co., E. D. Tod It. Caldwell, Rufus Y. McAden, The First National Bank of Charlotte, John Rutherford, Hiram Kelley, Thomas O. Greenlee, James Groenlee, Mary Carson, A. II. Erwin N. II. D. Wilson, Assignee, R. M. Walker and others, Defendants.' The sale of tho Western North Caro lina Railroad, E. D., heretofore order ed by the Court, and advertised to take place at the Court-house door in tho city of Salisbury, N. C, on the 18th day of June, 1874, has been postponed lv a sub sequent order of the Court, until the 17th day of August, A. D. 1874, at which time it will take Dlaee at the said Court-house door in Salisbury, and upon the terms ana conditions hereto- fore published. U. S. GAIT1IEU, Morgan ton, N. C. MARCUS ERWIN, AsheTillo, N. G. Til O MAS RUFFIN, Ilillsboro, N. C. THOMAS li. KEOGII, Greensboro, N. C. Juno 24, 1S74. 1 tds U? i IS GRAVKS COTTON PLANTER S' AVE YOUR MONEY TIME AND labor, by usinjr the G raves Cotton Planter." It sows the seed without the trouble of rubbing, and with much more regularity and precision. It will sow from 1 to 7 bushels per acre. It opens, sows and covers at the same time, and requires only one hand. ve refer to a few of the will-known farmers of North Carolina, who have used this planter: W. II. Holleman. ) . T. F. Lee. f " 'n-y. uen. Joshua Uarnes, Geo. W. Barefoot. Wiley Sim ms, - Edfconibe. W. F. Green. A. B. Williams, is. I). Kice. y Wavuo countv, uoruen x noruegy. A. C. SAUNDERS, A CO., Agents, Raleigh, N. C. oit i it i nr t i iv a HAVING TAKEN CHARGE of THE SENTINEL JOB OFFICE, ask a liberal share of patronasro from my friends and the public eenerallv. Every descrintion of Job work j'mf ly. Cheaply and Ejrneditiouslv Executed. anl at as low prices as the times will afford. All I ask is a trial. Satisfaction anteed. Very resDectfullv. j . JOHN V. MARCOM. CITY ADVERTISEMENTS W1 L L I A M S IMPS ON" PHARMACIST & IKUGGIST, 33 Fayettevllle St., RALEIGH, N. C, I Keeps constantly on hand a foil and complete stock of " , . ; . ' sf DIUKJS, - o-' ' CHEMICALS, i IMPORTED PERFUMERY HAIRBRUSHES, , COMHS, ' TOILET ARTICLES Of every description usually kept in a first-class Drug Store. A large stock of Fresh and lleliable fiarden Seed. just to hand. ... I would call the attention f thoe in need to my htu:k of II A It D RUBBER TRUSSES, which far surpass any other in use The y are liirht, cleanly and comfortable; never rust, break, chafe or soil. They may be had on trial for 30 days if not satisfactory they may be returned, wbr n the money vml be refunded. mb5-3m. O N K CAR f j O A D of the Celebrated STUDEBAIvEU WAGONS RECEIVED. . . , "These iustlv celebrated wagons. whose superior qualities, with their well earned and enviable reputation, so lone established, and more widely known than any other, are within the reach of all at fair prices and on liberal terms. The demand for them in all sections is constant and unabated, for they are found to be such wagons as meet the real wants, of an honest and discriminating people.. And though the demand for them has continually, in creased since thev were first made, now for nearly a quarter of , century, we propose to announce to THE FARMER, THE PLANTER, THE FREIGHTER, THE TEAMSTER, And to all who want the very best wagons, that we have now .most ample facilities, tJie most complete arrange ments, tho most extensive and periect stock of materials for the nianuiacture of wagons, the best in all respects ever offered in this or any other State or ter ritory. As to their substantial qualities lightness of draft and durability, ask tho thousands who have used them. They have stood the severest tests ol every climate, and wherever used in all tho Southern and Western States, on tho Great Plains, in all the Western Territories, and on the Pacific Coast they are pronounced the leading and best wagons for all purposes required STUDEBAKER BHO'S. Granges will find it to their interes; to correspond with us. WAYNE ALL.COTT & CO. mho tf Agents. WAR DEPAUTJIENT, SURGEON GEN'S OFFICE, Washington, D. C, July i, 1874. ADVERTISEMENT. An Army Medical Board will meet at New York City, and a similar board at San Frarfcisco, on the 4th of August next, for the examination of candidates lor admission into the Medical Staff of the U. S. Army. Applications for permission to appear belore these itoarag suoulu be addressed to the Secretary of War, through the Surgeon General, U. S. Army. The application must be in the hand writing of the candidate, and must state the full name, residence, age, and date and place of birth. Candidates must be between 21 and 28 years of acre, and graduates of a Medical College having a thorough and complete course of medi cal education- - evidence of which must be submitted to the Board. Testimonials as to character and qual ifications must bo turnisued. If the applicant has been in the medi cal service ol the army the fact should be stated, and irr such cases the limit of age may be extended, subject to the decision of the Secretary of War in each special case. xno allowance is made ior travel or other expenses of persons undergoing examination, as it is an indispensible prerequisite to appointment. J. K. BARNES, Surgeon General, U. S. Army. 45 taugl W, II MORRIS fc CO No. 3 Fayetteville St., RALEIGH, 1ST . J . , DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE, Spring KedM, Mattreesen, Loolrini Glase, riRtew, &c. Spring Beds from $3.50 to $18- CAI.L AIV EXAITUNK The fi nest assortment of WALNUT CHAMBER S Ever brought to this market before, AND BE COVIXCED that what we say is true as regards to quality and price. W. II. MORRIS Jk CO feb27-tf. Q II RISTI A N ADVOCATE, RALEIQII, N. C. JCev. J. B. BobbiU, JSd. and Pub. DEVOTED TO Religion, Literature, Science, ART, NEWS, and GENERAL Intel ligence. TIIR ORGAN OP THE NORTH CAROLINA CONFER ENCE OF THE M. E. CHURCH, SOUTH. jJ3rv e olier no premiums. -fsi The ADVOCATE stands upon its intrinsi merits. - Most Excellent Advertising' Medium for jjustness iien Uenerally. TERMS: Two dollars per annum, in advance. $1.25 for six months. J3rTh cheapest paper in the State. IF YOU Yl'AX A PARliOR Church Organ go to OR NAT. L. BROWN'S. Raleigh April 7, 1874. CRACKERS, CAKES, CANNED Goods, Jellies, Pickle Sardines, Candies and Nuts, at BROWN'S. Raleigh, April 7, 1S74. (PATENT MEDICINES.' ICEARNEYS s p t; tt V D EXTRACT, "IT, c ED XT I The only known remedy lor bri on ts Z disease. , , And a positive remedy for K ?f GOUT, GRAVEX., STRICTURES; , vDIABETES,DYSPEPSIAir , NERVOUS DEBlL-; ; ' ; Non-reterition or: incontinence of f , i Urine, Irritation, Inflammation j or.Ul i . ceration of the - t " , I BLADDER AND KIDNEYS, SPEItMATORRHCEA, Leucorrhoea or Whites, Disease of the Prostrate Gland, Stone in the Bladder. Calculus Gravel or JBrickdust Deposit and Mucus or Milky Discharges. KEARNEY'S- EXTRACT BUCHU Permanently Cures all Diseases of the BLADDER, KIDNEYS & DROP SICAL SWELLINGS, Existing in Men, Women and Children. NO MATTER WHATTHE AGE! Prof, Steele says: "One bottle of Kearney's Flu id Ex tract Buchu is worth more tliau all other Buchuscombinen." Price, One Dollar per Bottle, or Six Bottles for Five Dollars. Sold by all Druggists. Depot, 104 Dnanc .St., New York. A Ppbysician in attendance to answer correspondence and give advice gratis. iSend stamp for pamplets, free.T TO THE Nervous ancl Debilitated Of Both Sexes. JVb Charte for Advice and Consultation. Dr. J. B. Dyott, graduate of Jeffer son Medical College, Philadelphia, au thor of several valuable works, can be consulted on all diseases of the Sexual or Urinary Organs, (which he has made an especial study) either in male or fe male, no matter from what cause origi nating or of how long standing. A practice of 30 years enables him to treat diseases with success. Cures guaran teed. Charges reasonable. Those at a distance can, . fox warn letter describing symptoms and enclosing to prepay Postage. ena ior uio uuiae to neaan. j-rice 10 cents. J. B. DYOTT, M. D., Physician and Surgeon. 104 Duane St. N. Y. feb. 4. ly. rjiHE CAROLINA SPRING BED. Patented January itli, 1874. Tho undersigned oilers to the public the CAROLINA SPRING BED BOTTOM, which for Cheapness, Durability and. Comfort, he challenges tho world. This bed is composed of tho spiral spring, maue oi tue nest tern perea steei. . is simple in structure, and is perfectly noiseless, being an improvement upon all other similar patents. I will sell County or State Rights at low figures. Parties wishing to nego tiate should communicate with me at once. Any one with a little energy, can make money with this patent. For particulars, address D. W. WHITAKER, jan. 2S-tf Raleigh, N. C. WIIItNOTON JOURNAL, CWEEKLY3 The Laraest. Best and Cheapest Paper Published in North Carolina. As a. First-class News and Literary Journal, it is Unexcelled One copy, for one year, 2 00 One copy, for six months," 1 00 Three copies, for one year, 5 00 Four -copies, for one year, 7 90 Five copies, for one year, 8 5U Ten copies, for one year, $15 00 Twenty copies, for one year, 25 00 3TTo every getter up of a CLUB OF TEN, one copy will be sent free for one year. Address JOURNAL, Wilmington, N. C. $20 II Ml XV A It I will pay a reward of twenty dollars for the apprehension and delivery, eith er at the Wako County Work House or Jail, of Solomon Buflaloe, who escaped from the Work House on the 10th day of April, last. Buffaloe is about G feet high, dark brown color, one or two front teeth out, or broken off, and weierhs about 180 pounds. He lived before sen tenced to the Work House, about 5 miles East of Raleigh. J. U. FERGUSON. 20 3t. Sup't Work House. MATTItKSS.MAKING AND CANE-SEA XING .THESE branches being taught in the North Car olina Institution for the Deaf and Dumb and the Blind, we are prepared to fur nish Mattresses of the very best make and material, and at cheap rates. Also, to cane-seat chairs, settees, fcc, &c. Mieooiris. We also have on hand a large lot of excellent Brooms, which will be sold cheap. Address Institution forhe Deaf and Dumb and Blind, Raleigh?N. C. Raleiglr, March 26, 1874. S 3m C, STATE PENITENTIAKV, Office op the Deputy Warden, Raleigh, N. C, July 10th, 1S74. REWARD. Ten dollars reward for the apprehen sion of GeorgeBrown, an escaped con vict, if taken in tho countv of Wake. and?20 taken beyond the limits of the cot j. W. II. THOMPSON, , Deputy Warden. George Brown, colored, weierhs 163 pounds and is 5 feet and 5 inches high. Julyl4-3t Clerk and Collector's Office, Raleigh, July 17, 1874. TOTICE TO TAX PAYERS. I -LX will be in my office daily for the next thirty days between the hours of 9 a. m. and 1 p. mM and 3 and 6 p. m.. for tfce collection of the taxes of the Citv of Raleigh for the year 1874. Taxes must be paid within this time or thev will be collected according to law. FRANCIS M. SORRELiI. 52 12t Collector. E JD. At the Insane Asylum, two cooks. male and female, unincumbered ; also a trood washer and ironer. nninenm. bered, and a imod female servant for general house work. Apply to Mrs. B. Y. HUGGINS. 26 3t. Stewardess. T7- -n-j r.-caluis; i MUi C. ECCIiES, I ' 'JTXUpilCWl, I . m CENTRAL , i CIARLOTTK,, vBailev (t McCorkle, Attorneys and Counselors at . i h - i f;.A f:---, ' i 4-6m m T. M. AKGO Attorney and Councilor' at Law, Pjjte& 'pxfrJfayettevUle street, near the i Court House.) , T. K. PUKNEJUIi, Att or n e v at L aw RALEIGH. 2T. C Will practice in the State and. Federal Courts. ' OFFICE near the Court House, 'll-ly. : . W. W. JONES.' - JONES ARMISTEAD JONES & .TONES, Attorneys at Law RALEIGH, N. C Practice in the Supreme Court of the State, the District and Circuit Courts of the Uni ted States and the several Courts of the 6th Judicial District. . (.ea-Office on Fayettevllle Street near the Court House 1-lm SION H. ROGERS, Attorney at Law, RALEIGH, IV. C, Street, Office on Fayetteville Street, two half squares South of Yarborough House, Haywood old office. Practices Courts. in the Federal and State 49 3m. J. McO. PERKINS, Counselor at Law and Solicitor lor Patents, 513 1th St., Opposite U. S. P. O. Dept., WASHINGTON, D. C. SPECIAL. ATTENTION GIVEN TO contested and abandoned cases un der the Patent "Laws ; to Appeals, Re- issues. Interferences, and lntringe- ments ; and to suits at law and equity, growing out of the rights and interests of Patentees. Correspondence solicited. 14 ly N ATIONAL. HOTEL. BILLIARD SALOON AND B A ft ROOM, Is now open, and is under the charge o Mr. W. R. PEPPER. mch3 6t JOHN" ARMSTRONG, No. 1 Fayetteville Street, RALE IQ ft N. C., B O O It 13 I N JO E 12. , And Blank Book Manufacturer. Newspapers, Magazines, and Law Books, of every description, bound in the very best style, and at lowest price. II. MAHLEE, Manufacturer of Gold and Silver-ware. . . . k Also keeps constantly on hand ALL, THE LATEST STYLES OF FINE Jewelry. All kinds of repairing done with neatness and dispa ten. West Side of Fayetteville St. Opposite Metropolitan Hall. 1-lm. R. E. PETTY. T. N. JONES. JON E S: E T T Y JOBBERS AND RETAILERS OF DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS, SHOES AND HATS, SO Fayetteville Street. RALEIGH, N. C. We have Opened to-day a new and beautiful stock of Spring Prints, Ging hams, &c. PETTY & JONES. Raleigh, Feb. 20, 1874. tf. CAROLINA COTTON IN, McCAIjLjUM, WYCKOFF and HOPE, Successors to SEP ARK, HICKS & CO., ENGINEERS, IRON. FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS, RAIiEIGH, N. C. We are now manufacturing the Caro lina Gin, awarded a gold medal by the North Carolina Agricultural Society in 1873, for the best Gin made in the State. It has no superior, is the lightest run ning, strongest and most durable Gin made. We guarantee every Gin to give entire satisfaction. The prices are lower than any first class Gin sold in the State. We also manufacture the best steam En gines and Boilers in the market for running Gins and other machinery. Prices lower than any other. We also make Cotton Presses not excelled by any other. cotton Glivs and all classes of machine work repaired in the best manner. Castings furnished to order. Raleigh, April 7, 1874. 1 3m Til E LAWYER'S PRIVATE DOCKET. This Docket, arranged with great care, and after consultation with many of my professional brethren and the adoption of the suggestions of their experience, presents in the most convenient and compact form, an un equalled Hand Book for preserving an abridgement of one's cases. As a Man ual of easy and ready reference, its ar rangement, in the opinion of all who have examined it, is by far the best and most simple of any yet offered to the profession. Price. Docket of 300 pages, bound in law sheep, $4.00 " 200 3.00 muslin. 2.75 To which must be added cents, postage, if ordered from a distance. QUENT. BUSBEE. Raleigh, April 7, 1874. 7 tf THE WILMINGTON STAR. Established only Six Years! DAIIIf STAR. H AS THE LARGEST CIRCTTT.A- tion of any Daily NewsDaner in the State, and a circulation in Wilming ton NEARLY twice as large as that of j any otner paper. SURSCRaPTJO.V, In Advance : One Year, j 7.oo Six Months, 3.50 lnree juontns, 2.00 W E E K E Y STAR. THE WEEKLY STAR is now com bined with the CAROLINA FARMER and is one of the cheapest. papers in the country at tne following I2.eclu.cecl Itate s One Copy, One Year,. $150 " . V , Six Months, . 1.00 j2Clubs of 5 to 10, 1 year, $L25 copy. j23TClubs of 10 or more.l y'r, Si i codv Wm. II. BERNARD,?; Wilmington, N .C. G WVEItTISEMENTS. 46 T3SYCIIOMAIVCY, Oil SOUL . XT CMARIttlMG." How either sex may fascinat and gain the love and affectionVof any person they choose in stantlv. This simple, mental acquire- ment.all can possess,? iree, by mail, for 25c.f together -with a marriage guuie, Egyptian Oracle, Dreams, Hints to La dies, . Wedding-Night Shirt, &c A queer book. Address , . T. WIIil.lAMfcCo.,Pablishcrs, 6-4w 'h , ? Philadelphia. ft t For Cougrii Colds Hoarseness, ; .and all Tliroaf Iseosc, ; USE Wells' Carbolic Tablets, Put up onlf In BLUE boxes. A TRIED & SURE REMEDY. Sold by Druggists. . 6-4w Cff PIANOS AND ORGANS JJJ new and second-hand, of first class makers, will - be sold at lower prices for cash, or on installments, or lor rent, in city or country, during this month, by Horace . Waters fc Son, No. 481 Hroadwav, than ever before otfered in New York. Speciality t Pianos and Organs to let until the rent money pays the price of the instrument. Illustra fprl atalocrnes mailed. A larsro discount to ministers, churches, schools, lodges, . 6 4w RICH FARMING LANDS IN NEBRASKA, Now for Sale7 Very CHEAP Ten years credit, interest only 6 per cent J Send for THE PIONKKR, a handsome illustrated paper, contain ing the-Homestead Law, a new num ber just published, mailed free to all parts of the world. Address, F O. P. DAVIS, Land Commissioner U. P. K. RM Omaha, Neb. 6 4w M ARY SHARP COJLI.EGE. es tablished in 1851. This old ancl celebrated Female School is situated in tho nroverbiallv healthy town of Win chester, on a bench of Cumberland Mountains, Tennessee. Commences its annual sessions of ten months on the first Monday in September. Still under its first and only President, Z. G.Graves, LLi. D. For thoroughness and cheap ness of education, is not excelled by any school in the South. Send for Catalogue containing all essential particulars. G. S. WALMSLEY, 6 4v Treasurer. HAVE YOU TRIED JURUBEBA. ARE YOU Weak, Nerv ous or Debilitated ? Are you so languid that any exertion requires more of an effort than you feel capable of making? Then try Juru bepa, the wonderful tonic and invigora tor, which acts so beneficially on the secretive organs as to impart vigor to all the vital forces. It is no alcoholic appetizer, which stimulates for a short time, only to let the sufferer fall to a lower depth of mis ery, but! it is a vegetable tonic acting directly on the liver ana spieen. It resrulates the bowels, quiets the nerves, and gives such a healthy tone to the whole system as to soon make the invalid feellike a new person. Its operation is not yiolent, but is characterized by great gentleness ; the patient experiences no sudden change, no marked results, but gradually his troubles "Fold their tents, like the Arabs, And silently steal away." This is no new and untried discovery, but has been long used with wonderful remedial results, and is pronounced by the highest medical authorities, "the most powerful tonic and alterative known." Ask your druggist for it. For sale by Wm. F. Kidder & Co., New York. 6 4w RltANCII OFFICE OF THE Freedman's Savings Trust Company. Office .. of the Commissioners Freedman's Savings and and of the Trust Company, Washington, D. C, July 29, '74. Notice is hereby given to all persons, other than depositors, who may have claims against the Freedmanfs Savings and Trust Company or any of its branches that they sre called upon to present the same and to make legal proof thereof to the Commissioners or said Company at their office. No. 1507, Penn sylvania Avenue, Washington, D. C. Pass Books, when properly adjusted, will be deemed sufficient proof of the balances shown to be due thereon. De positors will therefore present their pass books to the respective branches by which they were issued, as soon as possible, that they may be properly verified and balanced. JNO. A. J. CRESWELL, KOliT. PURVIS, R. H. T. LEIPOLD, jy 29 3m Commissioners. A PROCLAMATION GOVERNOR. II V THE $3 00 R E W A R I) . Executive Department, Raleigh, May 18th, 1874. WHEREAS, OFFICIAL INFOR . mation has been received at this Department that one Joseph Richard son,late of the county of Johnston,stands charged with the crime of murder and that the said Richardson has fled the State or so conceals himself that the or dinary process of law cannot be served upon him ; Now, then, I, Tod R. Caldwell, Gov ernor of the State of North Carolina, by virtue of authority in me vested by law, do issue this my proclamation, offering a reward of THREE HUNDRED DOLLARS for the arrest and delivery of the said Joseph Richardson to the Sheriff of Johnston county, at the court house in Smithfield. Done at our city of Raleigh, the r -,18th day of May, A. D. 1874, and i- .jin tne ggth year of American In dependence. TOD R. CALDWELL. By the Governor : J. B. Neathery, Private Secretary. description : Joseph Richardson is a b.'ack negro, about 5 feet 0 inches high, weighs about 135 pounds, thin visaged, has lost one front tooth, has a scar over right eye, and lovas to loaf around bar-rooms, and is aDout 3 years 01a. SIVIAEE nVILDING LOTS FOR SALE CHEAP. I offer for sale ten small building lots in the City of Ra- leign, near -Tappers church, at terms within the reach of every laboring man who saves his surplus change. The map showing exact location, size and price can be seen by calling at my office at the Club House on Hillsboro Street. A. W. SHAFFER. Raleigh, March 23, 1874. 1 tf RN! 9IEAL! IIAll One carload corn ; one carload bolted meal; two carloads timothy hay; 100 bushels Virginia oats, and 75 bbls. Rockland lime, at . MURRAY & ALLEN'S . PATENT MlSIHCiNICS: R. R. R. RAOWAY'S, READY RELIEF CURES THE WORST PAINS !n from One to Twenty Minutes. NOT ONE HOUR after re Mag this advertisement seed tax one rotter wrrn paix. RADWAVS READY RELTEF IS A CURB POa EVERY PAIST. It was the first and Im XHo Only Iaiii Romody that Instantly utopn the most excruciating pa In, JUv inflammation, and core Concetton. whether of tfi. . Lime. Stomach, Bowels, or other clanda or organs. .y on application. IK FROM ONE TO TWENTY MINUTES. no matter bow rlolent or excntelatlne; the pain Hi. BHFI'M T1:. rid.len. Infirm. Crippled. Kerrou N ui jiic or prwevrated with disease may suffer, RADVAY'S READY RELIEF WILIj AFFORO INSTANT EA8Z. INFLAMMATION OF THE KIDNEYS. INFLAMMATION OF THE BLADDFs INFLAMMATION OF THE BOWK.LS. r ,t CONGESTION OF THE LC.V. SORE THROAT, fclFFICCLT BREATH INO i PALPITATION OF THE IIEAKT HYSTERICS, CR3UF, DIPTHERIA. j r t I CATARRH, IXFLUEVlz I nEADACHE. TOOTHAfTIE. fv NEURALGIA, EHECMATlU colh ennxs. aghe chills. f Th? application of tlie Itewd jr Jlellefto th? paitt n. part wicre the pain or difficulty uiiu will afford eu and Comfort. i i Tw-ntvlropf1rt half n tumbler of water wilt In r,w miKTipnii enr CRAM PS SPASMS, 8oUR STOMA u 1IKRTBI RX, SICK t 0RADACHE, DlAKRMot i HYKSTKRY. COLIC WIND IN THE HOW EL' a;id nil INTERNAL PAINS. , Tr'iTfierft.fchouM alwav carry a bottl of Ritd. ..y" JCrxdy Jlrllef with iliem. A few drt.-J, (." . rr vM! prevfiit KicknriM or pain from rhun.j f.r. ItUtH-tier tluiu Kreuch Brandy or Uiiur a. , FEVER AND AGUE. j FYER AND AGUE enred for fifty centi. TVri , ni a remedial aateut I this world that will riu K.K,'r And Atrue, and all other Malarious, Hilou, Sent!, t Tvphoid, Yellow, and other Fe-rrs faldert bv kT(' W WS PILLS) so quick as RADNYAY'S KliAltY Ki. LltF. Kitty cents per bottle, , . . HEALTH! BEAUTY!! i STRONG AND PURE RICn BLOOI-ISCREI OK FLESH AND WEIGHT-CLEAR SKIN amJ UEAUTIKl-L COMPLEXION SECURED TO ALL. DR. RAD WAY'S Ssrsaparillian Resolvent : "M2 'GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. II VS MADE THE MOST ASTONISHING CFRF.S i OUIC!C: SO RAPID ARE THE CHANKS Tlir ItOliY UNDEJtES, UNDER THE INKLI'FV y OF THIS TRULY WONDERFUL MKDHi THAT ZYery Daj an Increase in Flesh Seen ana Fell Evorr dr- p T ihn SARSAPARILLTAV nF.r,t, VKXT ronintiuHi'iifi-. t'lronirh th Blixxl, Sweat. I riii.-. mid utlier i"i-ii"i' wnd jiiloosof the system tho vl.' ir t lilt-, ior It r iuiir ilift wustes of the body with new nn,i sound material. Prrolula, Syphilis, Conmiiiiptiiin, Glandular diM-nni, Ulcers In the throat. Mouth, Tu mors. Nodeiiin thoGlaiidsand other parts of the mttm, sore Eves. Ptruuiorou discharjres from the EK v she worst form of 8kln dlea"c. Eruption. Kovr sres, 8cald Ht-ad, Rlnif Worm, Halt Rheum. ErvIpelm. Acne. Black Spots, Worms in the Flesh, Tumor. ' rcrs in the Womb, and all weakening and painful dis charges. Night SweatJ, Lom of Sperm and all waste ui the life principle, are within the curative ranjfe of th i wonder of Modern Chemistry, and a few days' iim wiij prove to any person using' it for either of these foniu ot disease its potent power to cure them. If the patient, daily becoming reduced by the vfaii'i nnd decomposition that ! continually pr)K'rewltnf, i-tii. reeds in arresting theo wastes, and repairs the nw ve new material niade from !iealthy blood rn j thir 1 1,- SAR.-'APARTLLIA N will and does secure a cur l; oertauj: tor w Uen onco this remedy commences Iti ork of tiriflcn'jiui. und succeeds in diminlslilng ttn- , .-.of whtt-K. its'repalrs will be rapid, and every djr I patient will i'rel himself growing (tetter and utnuiuir, I tuo.t digpsxiiii; better, appctitu improving, aud tl I id welfflit increuing.1 Not only does the SiRSiPAKiLLiirr ItKmLrcoT eic . known remedial agents in the cure of Chronic, Serf jilotn. Constitutions!, and Skin diseases; but it U tli inly positive cure for Kidney ' d Bladder Complaints, I'rlnnry and Womb diseases. Gravel. Diabetes, Dropsy. 9:opiae of Water, Incontinence of Urine, Bright' l)u fiiMj, Albuminuria, and in all chao whera there nr ick dujt deposit, or tte water I thick, cloudy, mixed with KUbxtauces like thd white of on egg, or threads hku white silk, or Uxtu i.h h morbid, dark, bilious appear ance, and vt'hite txme !ift deposits, and when there n a pricking, burnii).' &. i.hMtion when passing water, aud pain iu the Small c i Hack and along the Lolas. Tumor of Pi Years' Growth Cured by Jladway's Resolvent. DR. RADWAY'S PerfectP nrcative&RegnlatingPills perf-cMv tantelcss, elefjantly coated with iweet JTOm, pi" -i yulste. Mirifyj cleanse ond strengthen. Kad w I'iiN. for the cure of all disorders of the Ktomach, I, .. Bowels, Kidneys, Bladder. Nervous Diseaex, in-.-KiiiChe. Constipation, Costiveness, Indigestion, Dy pepKia, Biliousness. Bilious Fever, Inflammation of the Kowels, Piles, and all Derangements of tho Intemtt v'iccera. Warranted to erTect a positive cure. Puretr Vegetable, containing no mercury, mlueralsor delvten oti8 drugs. A few doses of RADWAY'S FILLS will free the t em from all the above named dtorders. Trice, 26 cents n-r Ho. SOLD BY DKUUOIST9. READ " FAIjSE AND TRUE " Rend one liur itanif or RAD WAY 4 CO.. No. S3 Warren St . New iiorinutlon worth thousands will be seut yos. JC O s I. FOR- wood; 1 COAL. Office of SECRETARY OF STATE, Raleigh, N. C, July 3d, 187 1. Sealed proposals in duplicate, with a copy of this advertisement annexed t' each, are invited and will bo received this office until 12 o'clock, sr., Saturday, August 1st, 1874, for furnishing fuel for use of the GewY al Assembly and the several. Executive offices of the State, as follows : 500 cords of merchantable hard vo4 25 tons of hard coal. The quantities to bo more or Iohm :i may be required, and to bo delivered iii tne Capitol yard atsuch times as the un dersigned may direct, subject to inspec tion. Bids to be made separately for woi and coal, and each accompanied ly bond and security (justified) for the de livery of the articles mentioned, tl.e bond upon bids for wood to be $T00, and the bond for coal to bo $200. Bidders are requestod to bo present fit the opening of their bids. Envelope to be endorsed I "Proposals for Wood or Coal," and addressed to the undersigned. WM. II. IIOWERTON, Secretary of State. 45 tilaugl . W. T. AUfiaiS SON, ! Manufacturers and Dealers in STEAM 'lEN GINKS. SAW AND III ST ITU I.I.N, Plows, Harrows, Cultivator, Ilositlng- Mac Iii c, and all kind of CASTINGS. All work neatly and promptly exe cuted, by skilful workmen, on tho mt reasonable terms. Tae senior partner has had over 1 ' years experience in the business, and feels justified In saying that he can gi entire satisfaction. ! WANTED 100.000 pounds of old Cajt Iron, for which the highest market prUje will be paid, in cash or exchange l'r work. Works one Square Wet of Conn House. Raleigh, Aug. 13' 1872. w3m. T OVEJOY A C.A I) K .11 Y The Sixty-sixth August 5th, 1874. Session will begin J. M. LOVEJOY. 5G-4t J. M. WHITE. TTTj 'ANTED.- -At ii ie Insane Asylum. two female servant. for Ward duty, one good hostler and a carpenter. Appl' to 1 52 2t MRS. II. Y. IirCfilNS, 32 3t Feed Store, N. C. Depot.

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