T i WEEEEY ERA. V. 31. HKOWN, Manager. Offick in the old Standard " Build inc one square South of the Court lloase, x ayeiieviiie Jt-i c f , " BATES OF SUBSCRIPTION : Weekly One year, - ti r - nntna nut xiiunw-t Throe months, -Tri-Weeku-One year. -Six months. Three months, One month. zjg- Im VARIABLY VS ADVANCE, -Q yEKLY ERA. THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 1874. $2 00 1 00 50 4 00 2 00 1 00 50 y i ir J VOL-. IV. i i i '.if RALEIGH, N. C, THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 1874. NO. 9. Conservative party may swear, that from the ranks of the colored Re publicans they will never receive any support; and in' the second place, that they are not going to do anything or demand - anything, which will drive from acting with them the thousands of white Re- barealized as it was told from man publicans who believe' the princi- Dcath of Hon. Sion II. Kogers. The sudden death of the Hon. Sion II. Rogers this (Friday) morn- to man upon their rising, and cast a gloom over the entire communi ty! Such a shock has not come upon our citizens in years; for yes terday Mr. Rogers was on the streets apparently well, and promising to 1 i ve as longas any of us ; to-day noth ing but his mortal remMns, is with his friends. Few men had as many devoted plea of the Republican party are right. So if the Conservative leaders live in the hope that anything will be done to help them change every white man in the State to a Ku Kluz, they will die disappointed. Election: Returns. I their alarm of 1870 was groundless, r I and enough Republicans returned k nr9 ,: mnn.. I to the fold to elect our State ticket the following counties officially : the gtate for Grant by a i nt wumy, x-uui, jvw,t j, you, i heavy majority, urnell, Rep., 1,799. County ticket ' So now. Piirnell, defeated by 100 majority. For Congress, Yeates, Dem., 1,972; Cobb, Rep., 1,759. For Judge, Hi 1 liard, Rep., 1,820, Jaris, Dem., 302, Scattering, 117. Solicitor, Martin, Rep., 1,819. Scattering, 158. Currituck, Pool, Dem., 744. Pur- nell, Rep., 335. For Yeates, 781. Cobb, 37G. The News of Thursday morning informs Its readers, that several changes In the Executive Depart- friends as Sion Roger?, not only ments are contemplated, and that here where he lived, but through out the State and Nation. Mr. Rogers leaves a family of four children, with whom an entire community mourn and sympathize. Gov. Broaden can't stomach some of the Directors of our public Insti tutions. We have known Gov. Brogden for a number of years, and although wre have heard from him no inti mation whatever of his intentions in regard to his administration, from what we know of his charac- Tlie Duty of the Hour. The plan of organization, adopted hv the Reoublican party in 1868, was efficient, and if honestly ad- ter, the Xews may rest assured that hered to, wouhl have been nearly Gov. Brogden will not consult that perfect. As we consider a want of paper as to his future course, or denization one of the chief causes- make its several editors his confi uf our recent defeat, it becomes the dants in regard to his future ap irnpenitiveduty of every Republi- pointments. can in the State, to see at once that Governor Brogden is a Democrat a similar disaster shall not again of the old school, and in his early occur for the same reason. political days, was never turned It is notorious, that the manage- from the pursuit of what he thought ment of the party had, in nearly all to be right by thejibes and attempt of the strong Republican counties, When it shall turn out. as it will. that the Civil Rights . measure- is never to be revived, thousand of good Republicans will gladly return to their old love. Then let us be of good cheer. Let us now begin anew the work or reorganization ana work from this day forth for the maintenance Congress, and perpetuity of those inestimable ngnts and oenents wnicn aretne le- cno Z 7 Jot rLZl ' the be reminded that 803. i eates, 86 ; Cobb, 7CG. all of property, all of amnesty, all Bertie, Cobb, 1,404 ; Yeates, 1,073 ; of genuine liberty they have, Is due Ransom, 15. Purnell, 1,327 ; Pool, l the Republican party. 984. Chowan, Purnell, 761 ; Pool, 591 ; Cobb, 753 ; Yeates, 621. The following returns from the First District have been reported : Camden, Yeates, 189 majority. Gates, Yeates, 508 " Hertford, Cobb, 85 Pasquotank, Cobb, 210 Washington, Cobb, 10G Tyrrell, Yeates, 250 Beaufort, Yeates, 300 With proper organization, time will develop that we are right when we predict victory in 1876 as in 1872. B. it 41 it tt CORRESPONDENCE. been permitted to fall into the hands of unscrupulous persons, who use its administration for their own selfish ends. They manipulate the primary meetings in such a manner as drove from them the true men of the party, who neither wanted nor sought office, and acted really In all things as if the party was establish ed and kept up for their individual benefit. Men were put forward for positions totally unfit to fill them, and the party told they must vote for them, because they were the regit lar nominees. The rankandfileOfthe party have refused to be thus dictat ed to by a few men, and it becomes our duty to take a new departure, and return to the practices xf the party in years gone by, so that every one shall have a voice in ad ministration of the affairs of the party they are called on to support. The principles governing the ac tion of the Republican party, are national in their application! and are the only principles upon which this government can bo adminis tered, and preserve its Republican form. Our opponents have only one feel ing in common, and that is a bitter and unreasonable hostility to the present administration. They have had the Legislative department of the State government since 1870, and what have they done? Inca pable legislators, they have spent their sesions in passing laws for particular friends, or by puerile evasions have attempted to defeat in divers manners, the written pro visions of the Constitution of the State. In short, during: the whole of their legislative career, they have spent three fourths of the time in " shooting at sparrows," as has been well said by a member of their par ty. Will they do better the coming session ? By no means; and it only rests with the Republican party to take advantage of the many short comings of their opponents, to re trieve our losses and carry the State by 10,000 in 1876. Like the old Whig party in its last days, the on ly active vital principle that held it together was opposition to the ad ministration, and upon the current liiestions of governmental policy, its representative men differed as widely from each other as they did from the old Democrats, or as do the present Conservatives from the Republicans. The Republicans in Congress will find out that the colored people of the South do not desire the passage of the "civil rights bill" if it is to engender a feeling of hostility be tween them and their white neigh l)ors and friends. However erro neoas may be the feeling that the bill seeks to legislate' social equality upon our system, still that feeling exists, and is intensified by the many misrepresentations of the op position press and speakers the penny-a-liners and cross roads states men whose eloquence on the effects of the bill will never more bear the same fruits, as the peculiar state of the public mind permitted it to bear in the -recent canvass. The many intelligent colored Republi cans in the State can easily, by tem perate action and prudent resolves, correct the false impression that swept the State in the last election, as to their real wants and status ed ridicule of the aristocratic element of the old Whig party. It is hard ly possible that he will be much affected by what may be said or thought of him by those who adopt the most objectionable doctrines of that party, and who advocate them with little of the ability known to its members of former days. Of the people, and knowing their wants, Gov. Brogden has ever been In favor of that policy in the admin istration of the Government, which would be attended with the great est cood to the largest number. With no advantages of early educa tion and no Influential friends, he has attained his present high posi tion, by his honesty and integrity of purpose, and his unflinching fi- Members Elect to the General Assembly of North Carolina for 18 74- 75. The following list of the members elected to the General Assembly is considered correct. The names of other members will be added as fast as obtained. SENATE. 1st District. Currituck, Camden, Pasquotank, Perquimans, Hertford, Gates and Qhowan, Wra. B. Shaw and Thomas R. Jernigari, Dems. 2d. Tyrrell, Washington, Beau fort, Martin, Dare, Pamlico and Hyde, Chas. Latham and Milton Selby, Dems. 3d. Northampton and Bertie, W. The Philosophy of our Late Defeat. To the Editor of the Era : The duty of journalism is best per formed when the truth is ever kept w. Peebles, Rep. before the public eye. v 4th. Halifax, John Bryant, Rep. That we have been overwhelm- 5th. Edgecombe, W. P. Mabson, ingly defeated, is but to state a fact Rep. apparent to all. cth. Pitt, Jos. B. Stickney, Dem. To recapitulate the causes and dis- 7th. Wilson, Nash and Franklin, cuss the philosophy of the result, Chas. M. Cooke and Nick W. Bod while It cannot change a figure may die, Dems. yet avail us something unless we 8th. Craven, Rich'd Tucker, Rep. shall let experience but prove in the 9th. Jones, Onslow and Carteret, luture as it nas in inepast, iiKe me w. T. R. Bell, Dem. stern-light of the ship. Is it fairly attributable to any fixed change of sentiment on the 10th. Wayne and Duplin, D. E. Smith and John D. Stanford, Dems. 11th. Lenoir and Greene, Josiah part of the great masses, or is it in- Sus-ar. Dem. dicative of great and sudden fright 12th. New Hanover, Edw'd Cant- atsome, or the approach of some, wrell, Rep. real or fancied injury? 13th. Bladen and Brunswick, People do not change their politi- Cashwell, Rep. cal opinions in a day. 14th. Sampson, Edwin W. Kerr, lnueea, as parties are iounaea on Dem. principles,and the Democratic party having yielded every principle upon which it was originally based, it cannot for a moment be assumed that the thousands of Republicans who voted on last Thursday with the Democrats had so suddenly nhnnowl frnnt. fnnohinp' anv mattprs delity to the interest of the masses. whicB had hitherto divided or were His character in this respect fur- supposed to divide the parties. ;ci,aQ o lk-i-nTflmnifithflvniinp Take for example Harris ot ' I AVnH-nnnrl I'd nrrD nf TlatTilann may De accompnsneu uy me mmm- Dy hundreds and are now defeated ed effort of an honest and determin- by hundreds; and yet all the blun- J Rep. ed will. ders one which will bo no- 22d. Chatham, ucea presenuyj wnicn nave oeen uem in i t.i : 4L i- Pnnirpoce I COLLI III lHtl Will 11 11 lilt) UYU North Carolina will be represent- 20 are the blunders of the Dem ed in the' Forty-Fourth Congress, 15th. Columbus and Robeson, W. Foster French, Dem. 16th. Cumberland and Harnett, Geo. W. Pegram, Dem. 17th. Johnston, L. R. Waddell, Dem. 18th. Wake, Charles M. Busbee, Dem. 19th. Warren, John M. Paschall, Rep. 20th. Person, Orange, Caswell, C. E. Parnsh and George Williamson, Dems. 21st. Granville, Richard G. Sneed, Edgecombe, Willis, Bunn, W T Goodwin, Reps. : Forsythe, Dr. W H Wheeler, Rep. Franklin, T T Mitchell, Dem. Gaston, W A Stowe, Dem. Gates, R H Ballard, Dem. Granville, H T Hughes, Crews, Reps. Greene, T E Hooker, Dem. Guilford, Nereus Mendenhall, John N" Staples, Dems. Halifax, J A White, G W Dan iel, Reps. Harnett, J A Spears, Dem. Haywood, Frank Davis, Dem. Henderson, James Blythe, Rep. Hertford, Solomon Parker, Rep. Hyde, A J Smith, Independent. Iredell, A C Sharp, A F Gaither, Dems. Jackson, E D Davis, Dem. Johnston, E J Holt, E A Bizzell, Dems. Jones, J F Scott, Rep. Lenoir, J P Parrott, Dem. Lincoln, W A Thompson, Dem. Macon, Jas L Robinson, Dem. Madison, H A Gudger, Dem. . McDowell, A MErwin, Dem. Mecklenburg, J Sol Reid, J L Jetton, Dems. Mitchell, Moses Young, Dem. Montgomery, Hardy, Dem. Moore, A A Mclver. Dem. Nash, W T Griffin, Dem. New Hanover, W II Moore, H Brewington, Alfred Lloyd, Reps. .Northampton, K J waldron, Kep. Onslow, JnoW Shackelford, Dem. Orange, Matthew Atwater, Jno W Latta, Dems. .Pasquotank, W J Munden, Rep. Perquimans, J Q A Wood, Rep. Person, S C Barnett, Rep. Polk, Garrison, Rep. Randolph, M T MofiSt, AH Ken dall, Dems. Richmond, Piatt D Walker, Dem. Robeson, Dr. R M Norment, Neill McNeill, Independents. Rockingham, W N Mebane, John Johnson, Dems. Rowan, J S McCubbins, Geo M Bernhardt, Dems. Rutherford, Eli Whisnant, Rep. Sampson, V H Bryant, James I McCallop, Dems. Stanley, A C Freeman, Dem. Stokes, Thomas Martin, Dem. Surry, Wm Haymore, Dem. Swain, TD Bryson, Dem. Transylvania, Thos Gash, Dem. Tyrrell, W W Walker, Dem. Union, Lemuel Presson, Dem. Wake, M W Page, L D Stephen son, Geo V Strong, Michael Whit ley, Dems. Warren, Hawkins Carter, Wm II Williams, Reps. Washington, G B Wiley, Dem. Watauga, J L Green, Dem. Wayne, Isaac F Dortch, John W Isler, Dems. Wilkes, J II Foote, T J Dula, Reps. Wilson, T J Jbatman, Dem. Yadkin, Glenn, Rep. Yancey, W W Proflit, Dem. 5 State Items. Robert Hood, of Wilkes county, is the tallest man in the State. He measures 0 feet 9J inches. : ? , Col. Ames has purchased the Union Hotel in Monroe, and will erect a new one in its place. The Richmond and Danvillo Company will pass visitors to and from the North Carolina State Fair at H cents per mile from the 8th to the 20th of October. A young man named Jno. W Harrington, of New Salem town ship, Union county, cut one hun dred and sixty-eight shocks of oats in one day recently. Rev. Charles F. Phillips, oneo the Professors in Davidson College, is at present filling the pulpit of the laDD street jresoytenan Church in .Petersburg, Va. The regular pas tor is absent in the mountains. iP3EELY:.;EA. RATES OF ADTSIITISINO : f Ono square bnd tfme, ' 1 ' ' v k $ ' 1 00 .two times, - , -.,,1 60 . :::,; i?. three timea , I .''A2j00 Contract advertisements taken at proportionately loir rates. . r Job Vobk executed at abort no tice and in a style . unsurpassed by any ffihiilAr esUblhment IntheStAte.. 8po cial attention i paid to tho printing of Blanks of every description. which begins March 4, 1875, as fol-1 nify ? The explanation, viewed in laws : Carolina Central Itailroad. We acknowledge our indebted ness to Col. S. L. Fremont, Chief W. G. Albright, Engineer and General Superintend ent of this railroad, for a copy ot 23d. Rockingham, James Irvih, his interesting and instructive de- Dem. scription of this roan, and the coun- ocrats. 24th. Alamance and Guilford, try through which it passes : and a Then what does this tornado sig-1 jas. T. Morehead, Dem., and A. S. history of its construction under the SENATE. W. Ransom, Dem. Merrimon, Dem. HOUSE. 1st District, Jesse J. Yeates, M. Aug. S. Holton. Rep. 25th. Randolph and Moore, K. H. Worthy, Dem. 6th. Richmond and Montgom ery, James LeGrand, Dem. 27th. Anson and Union, U. M. T. 2d 3d 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th tt ti tt the light of historic precedents, is plain and the lesson it teaches un mistakable. It is attributable, and solely attri butable. ' to the action of Congress touching the Civil Rights measure. McCauley, Dem. The Senate had passed the bill by 28th. Cabarrus and a strict party vote and the House, on Geo. Anderson, Dem. a vote to take from the table, had 20th. Mecklenburer. R. P. Warinsr. i . " . . . - A. m. waoaeu, vein, shown a decided majority in tavor Dem. J.J.Davis, " of its passage. The people Decame 30th. Rowan and Davie, alarmed, irignienea ana entirely clement, Dem. lost their balance. 31st. Davidson, Alfred Ilargrave, It was by far the most odious mem. The Carolina Central Road is now completed to Beaver Dam, ten miles from Monroe, and about thir ty-five from Charlotte. As soon as the eastern division of the road is completed to Charlotte, the Wes tern division will be completed to sneioy. iiyaropnoDia nas made its ap pearance at Morganton. A little pet dog has been killed whilst mad. A little girl living at Mr. Frank D. Irvin's, who took the dog in her arms, has been taken with fits, and 1 ; . i -i nie piiysiciAiis pronounce it nyuro phobia. The Charlotte Observer says : We learn reliably, that Gen. Robert B. Vance, member of Congress from the Eighth District, has given his Cadetship in the United States Naval Academy at Annapolis, Md., to Master Edgar Fulenwider, son of E. H. Fulenwider, Esq., of Shelby. Hil lsboro Recorder: A good lady called upon one of our merchants the other day and asked for ten cents' worth of snuff. The snuff was handed down. The customer asked for credit to the amount of the pur chase, which was declined. 44 Well, Mr. W.i" said she, "won't you lend me ten cents to go somewhere else and buy my snuff?" He didn't see it" and she withdrew, wonder ing how town people could be so unaccommodating. The Salisbury Watch?nan says: It is gratifying to note the high stand that North Carolina boys take abroad. Whether as farmers, teach ers, orators, or what not, they al ways deport themselves with be coming dignity, and show them selves the equals of those of any other section or State. We notice that Prof. J. N. II. Summerell, A. .ts., is lecturing witn success in Texas: that Frank Brown is mak ing speeches to the Grangers in Mississippi, and Frank B. Craige is raising cotton, corn and fine stock with marked success in East Ten nessee. Wherever they go or are, they generally make their mark. Hurrah for North Carolina, and in this instance for Salisbury. The Hillsboro Recorder comes to the front with these remarkable cow stories: There is now in the pos session of a gentleman living near Oaks, in this county, a calf, only eight months old, which for some time past has been giving milk A man dropped tlead In Albany, the other day, from drinking too much ice water while he S was over heated. , Grasshoppers ..have, literally ide voured everything In north era And southwestern Kansas and Nebraska. The damage inflicted on vegetation is far greater than In 1860. Tho corn crop throughout all this region is totally destroy ed. Moulton's testimony in tlielieech or case was very brief. Ho refused to give up any of tho documents to the Committee, excepting such as had been alluded to and of which extracts had been handed to-the Committee by Tilton. These show that Tilton had garblod letter for his own advantage, and in tho same cases had divided tho documents for the purpose of handing in cu mulative testimony. There is great excitement in Paris in consequence of tho receipt of in telligence that Marshal Bazainc had escaped from the island SalntoMar gueritesome time during Sunday night, the 9th inst. Details of the manner in which he succeeded in getting away are unknown, except that he used a ro'no ladder and got on board a vessel bound for Italy. Tho night was dark and stormy. The journals of this city declare that the government will act promptly and energetically in punishing nil who connived at his flight. The police of St. Louis have con siderable information in the Forti- meyer abortion case, but refuse to give it out at present. It . can be said, however, that she has made a confession to the effect that she has been in the business seven years and has procured several hundred abor tions, and implicates quite a num ber of highly respectable persons in this city. It had been her custom to burn all foetuses on tho ground, as she expressed it, "ashes tell no tales." Tho German. girl who was sent to the hospital she says will die. J. A. Hyman, Dem. Rep. A. M. Scales, Thos. S. Ashe, W. M. Robbins, R. B. Vance, tt tt original and amended charters. The fact that so much valuable informa tion has been condensed in so small a space is an evidence that Colonel Fremont is the right man in the richt nlace. The road from Wilmington runs freely- not only giving milk, but is Stanley, Dr. through a well timbered and thrifty milked regularly, the milk being agricultural section of country one auaea to ine oiner, siock oi me hundred miles to Charlotte the dairy. The calf in question was un great railroad centre of North Caro- commonly well grown, and a J. H. lina. A comparison of the distance younger and smaller calf, kept away from Charlotte to tide water, shows from its mother, was in tho habit of the line to Wilmington fifty-two applying to its larger companion miles shorter than to Charleston, for supplies to relieve its hunger. Judiciary. Tho following' compose the Supe rior Court bench of North Carolina : 1st District, Mills L. Eure. Dem. measure which had ever been pro- 32d. Stokes and Forsythe, Nelson one hundred and sixty-five shorter The excitement of the lacteal glands . ... a m i J I . - , I.. . - -T- -i j r it xl ,-. 1 " . .1 : .1 L. 1 L l posed, ana neitner. past amiiauon, s cook, Kep. than to jnohoik anu ninety-nve uy mesucKing, uiu itjugui pro the memory of common union 33d. Surrv and Yadkin. J. G. shorter than to the inland city of duce a flow of milk which has con airainst that partv which had en- Marler. Dem. Richmond. tmued and increased, and become couraged and connived at (to use 34th. Iredell, Wilkes and Alex- The Western Division of the Road permanent. This is a possibility the mildest form of expression ) tne ander. R. F. Armneld and it. z. extendinar now ntty miles to sunaio weu Known to naturalists. ;xne horrible Ku Klux organization, Linney, Dems. Creek, is soon to be completed to above statement is made to uspnr r f w mil m i i vim r ri n t m i iii iiftri i 17 laws v 1 1 m m m 1.1 2d 44 Louis Hilliard, Rep. 3d 44 A.S.Seymour, 44 4th 44 A. A. McKoy, Dem. 5th 44 R. P. Buxton, Rep. 6th 44 S. W. Watts, 44 7th 44 John Kerr, Dem. 8th 44 T. J. Wilson, 41 9th 44 David Schenck, 44 10th 44 Anderson Mitchell,44 11th 41 James L. Henry, Rep. 12th R. H. Cannon, 44 Ku Klux partv ties nor party drill could old the indignant masses. Then, we contend that our defeat is the effect, and effect solely, of a sudden panic. As bearing out our tneory we nna 35th. Alleghany, Ashe and Wa- Shelbv, four miles further West. -r w mm a A 1 1 1 Tne ioiiowing extract win oe es- tau&ra. A. J. McMillan. Dem 36th. Caldwell, Burke, McDowell, pecially interesting to our readers. : Mitchell and Yancey, J. C. Mills, J. 44 The road as originally chartered, . - i a a m a " j ii f:i M. Young. Dems. 37th. Catawba and ijincoin, juaj. was to connect the two points, Wil mington and Rutherford both that the counties of Forsythe and w. A. Graham. Dem. within the State of North Carolina Yadkin, where the Republicans are 38th. Gaston and Cleaveland, Jesse extending a distance of two hun authority too valid to quesjipn.? There is in the same vicinity, a cow a cross of native on the Durham; which gives twenty-four : quarts at a milking. This is as good as j Boston pump. more than ordinarily intelligent, Jenkins, Ind. Dem. as a consequence of it and through the instrumentality of those bril liant stars, Glenn and Wheeler, thoroughly informed, have stood firm amid the storm faithful amongst the faithless. Many can yet remember vividly thesamesortofuprisinginl840,and okee, Clay and Graham, James R The right of Louis Hilliard will probably be contested before the Courts by Judge W. A. Moore, and yet two years afterwards the Dem- Love, Dem. 39th. Rutherford Walker, Rep. 40th. Buncombe and Madison, J S McElroy, Dem. 41st. Haywood, Henderson and Transylvania, T. W. Taylor, Rep. - -m . rt n r , dred and seventy-two miles. Under and Polk, M. the present charter, it has been deemed best to stop the line, for the present, at Shelby, in the County of Cleaveland two nunoreo and iorty- two miles from Wilmington. For a Western extension it has been General News. 42d. Jackson, Swain, Macon.Cher- thought best to connect this railway the right of T. J. Wilson will contested by Judge Cloud. be Solicitors. 1st District, Jas. P. Whedbee, Dem. 2d 3d 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th tt tt tt tt it tt tt tt tt J. J. Martin, Rep. Lon. J. Moore, 44 W. S. Norment, Dem. S. J. Pemberton, 44 J. C. L. Harris, Rep. F. N. Strudwick, Dem. Jos. Dobson, 44 W. J. Montgomery,44 W. H. H. Cowles, 44 A. C. Avery, W. L.Tate, tt it ocrats carried the Legislature and elected a U. S. Senator. In 1848 Gen. Taylor swept the country on account of his gallantry in the war with Mexico, yet four years after wards another General equally gal lant, but whose political opinions wTere utterly distasteful, was badly defeated. To come to our own times : In 1870. one of the most patriotic Gov ernors we ever had, elected by an line with that of the Western North Carolina Railroad at or near Hick ory Station, by a short line from Lincolnton. This connection made, and the two gaps inf that Railroad, between Old Fort and the warm Springs filled up, we will have a continuous line from Wilmington, overwhelming majority, acting un- G. Candler, Rep. HOUSE OP REPRESENTATIVES. Alamance, Jas E Boyd, Rep. Alexander, J M Carson, Ind Dem. Anson, W E Smith, Dem. Ashe. Sauire Trivett. Rep. Beaufort, William A Thompson, via Asheville, toMorristown.where Dem. connections exist with the Railways Bertie, Wm T Ward, Rep. to Chattanooga, Memphis, Little Jladen, Jonn JNewen, tep. .kock, ana tne i-acinc jtvaiiroao, Brunswick. D C Allen, Kep. Nashville, Louisville and uincin Buncombe, M Patton, Dem., W nati, and by the completion of the der the mistaken advice of friends, organized a military force to sup press one of tho most dangerous and treasonable organizations that ever arose ana nourisnea in a iree government. What was the result ? Thousands of well .meaning Re- son CaryJBeps. Burke, S. McD. Tate, Dem. Cabarrus, Paul B Means, Dem. Caldwell, M HBarnhardt, Dem. Camden, FN Mullen, Dem. Carteret, Appleton Oaksmitb, Ind. Dem. Caswell. Thomas Harrison,6 Wil- "pon this question. One thing tho The attention of Republicans, is particularly called to the article in another column sie-ned B." It is from the pen of one of the truest Republicans in the State,, and pre sents the true reasons which caused our recent defeat. It is! with great satisfaction that Catawba.' S M Finger, Dem. Chatham,. Jno M. .Moring, OA Hanner, Dems. , Chowan, Elliott, Rep. Cleaveland, Allen Bettis, Dem. Columbus, V V Richardson,Dem. Craven; Jno R Good, Edward H publicans were deluded Into the apprehension, that a Military Des- i ' ' 1 . n MtAkllntiiul pOblsIII Wilis UUUUb IU my csutuuaucu and that the civil power would be subordinated to the military. In a moment of fright and panic impressed with this idea enough of them ioined the Democracy to en- Hill. Reps. able them to carry the state by Cumberland, 4 Jas u Mcnae, J 5,000 majority. McD..JessuprlDems. That was the solemn voice of the Currituck, J;M Wood house, Dem. we announce tne re-eieciion oi pcopieagainst mniuury jwwcr.iiuw f airc, j -j Judge .Buxton in . the 5th District. is elemnyoi KIKES' Under the circumstances It 1s t a W-- w ; vie Sarldn . Dem. high' compliment to the integrity jySk at the past. ' Duplin; A G Moseley, W B and legal ability of that gentleman. I In 1872, the people found that I Wells, Dems. Mock, A change of Ministers is immi nent at Madrid. Twelve thousand barrels of oil havebeen burned in Pittsburg, caus ed by lightning. Block's paper mill at Marseilles, 111., has been destroyed by fire; Loss $60,000. , The latest reports from Austin, Miss., are that the troops have dis banded and gone home and peace restored. . ? The first bale of 'new cotton was connections exist with the Railways received atSelma, Ala., on the 11th inst.; it weighed ooo pounds ana was sold at auction at 17f cents. Two boys were drowned while bathing, and found by the keeper of the New Light House, at Her ford Inlet, on the 10th inst. The boat was found bottom up. The statement of the sugar crop of Cuba for the past year shows that 79.58 per cent, of the total exports of sugar and , molasses went to the Un ited States or was taken by the United states. ; . .. At Creton, Iowa,- Sunday night, the 9th inst., J.rT. Burnett entered the bed room of his stepson and cut the'Iatter's throat from ear to ear. The murderer fled. Cause of the act unascertained. j ' - f ? Gen. Pope telegraphs Lieut. Gen. Sheridan that the Indians who have been marauding in Southwestern Kansas have gone to the. border of Leans Estacado, a i country filled with gamer and that they have an abundance of ammunition. Three columns of troops . now operating will converge on the section named. ; Cumberland Gap Route (about forty miles more) we have a short line to Cincinnati, Chicago, and all the Northwest. The distances are as follows : From Wilmington t it it it it Jfiles. 188 220 238 318 400 To ' Charlotte, Lincolnton, Hickory, Asheviile, Morristewn, Cumberland Gap440 Cincinnati, 580 or about the same distance that it is from Baltimore to Cincinnati. It is about 914 miles from Wilmington to Memphis, via Chattanooga. By the extension to j and beyond Asheville, by .way of the , Western N. C. R Ri? IBs we, have before stated, we bring the Western 3Iar kets at Chattanooga, Memphis, Lit tle Rock and the Pacific line, Nash ville, Louisville, Cincinnati and the Northwest within easy reach of tho Atlantic CozstNetcs, At ten o'clock, on tho morning of the 13th Inst., tho investigating Committee met in Beecher's back parlor, in Brooklyn. Two stenog--ranhers were present. Becchersat at the foot of tho table, holding In his hand manuscript notes, from which he gave his statement refut ing the charges of Tilton. He an swered such questions as wero put to him by several members of tho Committee, upon each point of in terest. The examination was ad- ourned for lunch at 12 o'clock, and was resumed at 1 o'clock. At 2:30 the Plymouth pastor was still under examination. Bishop Whitehouse, of Illinois, had been sick but a week. Previ ous to his illness he had taken a trip of 21 days to Wisconsin. During that period he had preached forty sermons. His efforts proved too much for his constitution, and ho at once gavo up work. On reaching home he was not considered dan gerously ill until Saturday cvenirjg, when ho suffered a stroke of par alysis and became unconscious. On the 10th inst. he aroused sufficiently to recognize his children and re ceive the holy communion, but thenc3forth declined gradually un til his death, which occurred at.) o'clock, a. m. At tho time of his death he was 71 years old. The opinion of the Attorney Gen eral is that the United States has exclusive jurisdiction over cemete ries, and concludes, 44 but if as is usually the case the State In mak ing the cession, or in giving its con sent to the purchase reserved tho right to serve and execute the pro cess upon the land , or any other like condition, it has been held that the acceptance of a cession with this reservation amounts to an agree ment on the part of the United States to permit the free exercise of such process as being quid hoc its own process, and upon any other construction the cession wouhl be nugatory and void." The following interesting particu lars of the'r escape of Marshal Ba zaine from his prison on the Isle of St. Marguerite, has been received : The apartment occupied by Marsh al Bazalne opened upon a terrace which was j built upon a lofty and precipitous; cliff joverhanglng the sea. The sentry was posted on the terrace with orders to watch the prisoner's every movement. Sunday evening the Marshal walked upon the terrace with Col. Vilctte, his aid-de-camp : at ten o'clock he re tired as usual, apparently to sleep, but before daybreak he had effected his escape, f le must have crossed tho terrace in the dead of night, and eluding the sentinel on tho edge of the precipice, thence by means of a knotted rope -he I descended to the , sea. He evidently .slipped i during the descent and tore his hands, as spots wero found stained with blood in several places under the ciirr. in the head of the boat were Bazalne's -wife and cousin : they received him as he reached the water, and Mad am La Marchale- taking tho oars herself, rowed directly to a strange steamer, which had been lying off the Island since the previous eve ning. They reached tho vessel In safety, were taken on board and the steamerlithen put to sea. It is thought that they have landed at Geneva, as the steamer . proceeded in that direction. Tho first news of the aflair came to Grasse. the near est place on the coast, and the Mag istrates oft the town -immediately sent officers, in every direction to search for the fugitive. There was great commotion in Marsalllcs when the facts became known, ah in vestieration wras ? opened, and Col. Villette, who was walking with tho Marshal on the evening of-his es cape, was discovered there and im prisoned. The commandant of the fort of St. ! Marguerite was placed under arrest, and Gen. Lewville has . . A A f A A gone. to the lsianu to invesuguig i tho affair. v,--- . i -