" 1 T A MITIEII 'ABU. ltWImi VOt TOW! AID CIIITIY. DEVVTIf 'TB TME WELFA.ll BF . CAIOdlA, 0I1IE. AID TIE AM It! 11 CMftMIAlT. t . ' 4ICE:-S.IO FOR SIX MONTHI. ( RALEIGH, N. C, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 17. 18SV. 2.oO FOB ONE TEAR. S J VOL. MI NO 2;,, TIIK ALL RIGHT" 1 " ' JULIUS LEWIS & CO. DEAt.KRX OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, LIME, CEMENT, RUBBER AND LEATHER BELTING, Ac Largest Stootc In North Carolina, tor. 1 "RAT .TTnYITT 1ST n Waort Works t JOHN S.PESCUD. A. S. Wholesale and No. Jr1i.ve two of the largest Drug Store in North Carolina, with a carefully selected stock of Pure Bii'ars, Patent Medicines. Perfumeries. Mineral Waters, Fancy Goods, Toilet Articles, Grass and Bird Seeds, and a Fresh Lot of Buist's Garden Seeds Just Reeeived T f?rTobaccoH, cigars, etc , always at the counter. E1?A full line of Trusses. and Surgical appliances of the best makers. ' Todixn Tea," .nd Noitzky'a other preparations. ' untry phyt 'an, and merchants keeping medicines for sale, should call up n us. Price low as the market. Your correspondence aolicited,- Jvn 2, "21y PESCUD, LEE & CO. HELP FOR' COTTON GINNEliS! for ginning the crop. It is the best Seed Cotton Cleaner in uh. It saves the gin saws. It has no oi-iuplicated marhintry about it. It cau be icude at home. It takelvery little power to run it . It will coot about $25. 3-tuu Wagon Scalt-k. Freurht Paid, $3f Ota. County, and 8tat Bights are (or .ale. Ai ply to S. W. BARTHOLOMEW, Prop'r. taa talis, M C. .gJisslillKw i::urrtfd and Descriptive Catalogue to. They will all be not only pleased rui aavaniagra to receive It Write us tor facial terms ou ih. American Popular Dictionary Yob will be repaid for so-doUg. li.stnutioi.s for making a perlect btarkiioard tree on applicat.ou. Letters of inquiry receive the same attrition that orders do. ; ,. We aaut to hear from every County Superintendent uid Principal In WorthtroUna. . NATIONAL SCHOOL FURNISHING CO. 34 mud 36 Madison St , Chicago, 111. J 0 H N BOWER S , NO. 7. Hi OX BLOCK. GOVERNOR ST., RICHMOND, VA. 1IAE2LS AlTD UASELEIZED SLATE MACTELS AND SLATE HEALTHS. FRONTS AND GRATES, BRASS FENDERS AND FIRE SETS. " The Times " Cook Stove- Hi.l All: KIKXACKS EOIt HEATIXC TOIVATE KESIDENCES AND CHUB CITES. ;.-i AM. oil. (IIAMlEUEIiS. (iAS A M OIL STOVES, GRANITE IRONWARE,. J IN . U OOI.KXWAKK. IHON, LEAD ASC. TEKRA COTTA PH'E.. RK KRKiKRATORS ANI WATEK-COOLKKS GARDEN FLOWER VASES. Fluting Machines as Low ns Two. Dollars, One of the Fin7st SAMPLK ROOMS in the United States. PATENT Return Flue BOILER. eiflosion. "Tiir to lour profits. A M. P 8H.P IO H. P jri. Seed )Uce Thresher, Huber WANTED! 4 k. ... . w. . w. al v vnara Tiks?risiice. in . J m JVIUUH uiau va j ' Country .toi-; po4iitHii mm cerlLiu fir-U clM a. . a - l.. el taa'aattl! " AfMl'jWst- MO A "4 care t ft. A If iv LEE. EUGENE CRISSOM and Retail D RUG G I S T S . s OPPOSITE THE POSTOFFICE, 14 FfLvntfA-iHllA RT-f Raleigh. 2ST. C. THE seed conon HANDLER. It will take 1110 poinds of Sea Cotton from it. Hopper and pa it down to the ttin Hon, any , where you want it, quicker than a man ean hanole . 2U0 p pounds in baskets. it can De u.ea as an elevator .imply, or, by extending the Trough through the feouee, it wilt deposit the Seed Cotton In any stall desired on the right or left. Its general no. would aava enoueh Time and Labor to pay School Supplies i The most modern and practical com mon school apparatus are BA AJ)E'S UEADING CASE. MON TH IT IPS GR4.ND MAPS BLAN CIIARD'S HISTORICAL MAP OF TEIE U. S., and KENDALL'S LUNAR TELLURIC GLOBE. To ColleKes we offer the finest line of High Grade Kood. manufactured in this com. try . THE CELEBRATED TOEPLEK-HOLTZ ELEC'TRIOAL MACHINE works any and every day regardltWB of atmospherical conditions. CHEMICAL and PHILOSOPHICAL AP 1 A.KATUS of tested practicability. TO COUNTY SUPERINTENDENTS: We want your assistance. Bend us names of institutions aud persona that we may mail our iinnrn rrMniME COTTOX GINS, RICE THRESHERS and PLANTATION VILLB ha no equal. Economy, Safety and Durability combiaed. Boiler of the U-t plate aud hiKhest tensile .trensth. Engine the latest nd besldesiiru. Special features pat.nted ; every part Vf All nodrm iftaprovemeuta. Every EM.1AE amodel. Tolly lasted ; warranted to ine satisfaction or money refunded with oer cent. Interest. Sold direct from iirst hands, saying caiOoniera from two to Catalogue ISo. 10 firing lull 4tiU and Plantation Manufacturing IX Marion, Ohio. I ftMk SawHai B.. of. I 1 fclHIITiBsTnttlns- HM ' i k.n,uuk .Kucrwwa iimrin a KenteeL lucrativt ase&cy business, by which $5 to r day can be l8kWiawaavavOo-l.andlsIi,uUosi Jatat Hew 1 York. nu ruees. House -keeper, oc other womaa-neip to thte paper, aid give partlcnJara as to ae, auiiea. pay, sad aewrewt depot- Wekave Baacerous limn of Ladies dciruui altuattoaa. As the paper glire. Its servlcea tree of charge, yon should euclcse stamp for reply r or the IT. at. Hoaseaola. (Concluded from last wck.) For our "lady of the Lake" we hatl th laasie "May" wh though the has but ame over the border" into her teens, can manage a boat like Ellen heiself. or like she may some day man ace a husband (at leant I hop so). For the cliffs a very gazelle is she. "a etep more light a foot more true, near from the heath flower dashed the dew.' -and withall a rjiavklins; little companion, who m v put vour elates for Jin an swer 1o her ' bright inle'ligence. It would require too much space to des scribe our varied pleasures in that week's A-ili wood rustication. Th long Au gust day were not long enough to com- "ass our delights, notwithstanding we ooked to a merrv evening round the camp fire; usually finished by a torch light procession to the top of the cliff to watch the train sweep round a not dis tant curve on the Western X. C. with iu headlight gleaming in the darkness, like a coronet with a star bespangled train. We learned that trick of climbing the cliff to see ti e cars pass, from hiar dogship, Mr. Dot, a young pointer that used to scamper up the cliff In great haste at the sound of the whistle, and gaze with all his intelligent eyes. We had four other bo j s besides the dog. Master Sid was our mascotte. Who ever wanted fish for dinner engaged him for a companion. Master Otis, our musician, who "came to grief" in the pond, with his good clothes on; Mas ter Ralh who did every thing he was told, aud a good deal he was c ; Mas ter Henry to catch minnows,aud some thing besides, for rocking the boat. Then a dwarf henchman, George, to keep out of the way when wanted, which ta&k lie performed, without a Muuder. The last evening, we spent in a loat. floating down the Catawba, ostensibly fishing for auy demented fish inclined for a late supper, but in reality, for the enjoy ment of the river breeze, the music of the waters, and beauty of the summer night. Then last, the sleep, after hav ing prolonged every other enjoyment into the "small hours" of the "stilly night.'. In my rabbles I lost sight ot the dear Household, for a goodly por tion of my mail was lost; but I caught on the wing the promise of N. L. II. to write me. I already . owe to the magic ol your pen, dear madam; something more lasting and true, than passing pleasure. Then let me be still more deep ly indebted. Sensitive Plant, I have been waiting, aud watching for you at the door of our Household. Thrice I . welcome you. twice for your ainsel my dear, and again for your chai ming letter, Veritas, - I have long meditated a friendly passage at arms with you, for impeaching the good taste that pro nounced your letters agreeable and enter taming. For me they hold an addition al charm for the sake of the "Green Isle." L. B. f am coming at your call ; wiz aard that you are with your sheets wand. Words are on my tongue for Charleston and others, if only the shiels would not till so fast, and fill me with compassion for Mr. Editor whom I am not going to slight any longer in my capacity as men tor. However ; this is rather a warn ing'. You will please not lend your ear too confidingly to auy foreign negotia tions matrimonial; we restrict your choice to the Old North State whose daughters are so deeply indebted to you. Helen MacGkegok. For tlie F. k at. Household. Newbern, Oct. 8, '83. Having beeu remembered in Judith's witty roil call of the Household, I take up my pen for fear I M-ay B-e C-ome forgotten, and propose to use it to-day in defeace of a dead giant, who, by the pens of pigmies, is being, in my humble opinion, most grossly misrepresented. I have just beeu reading that most fas cinating book. "Letters And Memo rials of Jane Welsh Carlyle,' and have formed an opinion diametrically oppo site that lately expressed by soaae mem ber of the Household respecting Carlyle, and his treatment of his wife. That she loved him with all the ardor of her im pulsive, irritable, self-tormenting nature is evident all the way through to the most casual observer, aud it seems to me equally evident that she was to him the oue woman iu the world, and that their union was one of soul and heart. Both were geniuses, and neither can be judged by the judgement meted to com mon place folks. She was a martyr to disordered digestion and nervous irrita bility, and had a wonderful power of of self revelatiou. In her letters she tells every emotion as well as every in cident; atone moment she shows her self on the sofa happy that her husband is out of the house, feeling "I would not, if I might, be blest I want no paradise but rest,'' The next she is writing to his mother thanking her, in the first place, lor h:iv- a ae-a mg oeeu icma enougn to promice ner husband, and uext for sending him back to her. "You have others; 1 have only him in the whole wide, wide world to love me and take care of me. poor little wretch that I am, not but that numbers of people love me after their fashion far better than I deserve, but then hid laIi- lon is so different irom all these, and seems alone to suit the crotchety crca- that I am." They were both "crotchety," botli highly nervous, both irritable aud both Scotch, which expresses a great deal when we remember that Carl vle's moth er said of him that he was "ill to have, but worse to want." That is to be with out. These letters are the most pathet ic and touching story of the trials, both mental and physical, of a highly-strung woman of genius, struggling with ner vous . excitability consequent ou bad health, and the frett;ug cares of a house hold in which there . was little money, and oyer which there presided an equal ly ..nervous, excitable man of genius struggling, as he says, "in th throes of MWlt yea wish to employ a Lady 1 escher, ' tlif French Revolut' tn. heavy' lailon hi many ways and pl.oniy of mind.'4 She aya of him, in n of hfr letters. '4Fr my huaband. he In . a uaual ; ' 'nerer '.healthy, never absolutely ill. irots-tiDi: agaitist 'things in general." with tlie old emphasis, with iucrea-Henl. vehemence just at present, ucinj m tne ngopiew n getting under way -with amrther boolr-. Mrs. Carlyle loved, her husband andj was proad of him. "ind the ugh with lurr arid laiglxr. while from oue peak w elf tormenting nature, she made her self miserable by her very love for him, I do not believe she ever once inbis whole married life thought of him a domestic tyrant, and this is the rolebei is now being made to till by t-rsons who look only at his nervous suscepti bility aud utterly ignore her rraphic power of reproducing every event aiid emotion in a highly dramatic manner for j the amusement of the friends to whom, she was writing. If he did "ramiiage" through the sleeping house hftrf the night, or if it was day time. snuJtreuly break out of his study, declaring he ! could neither "think nor live" while the necessary noise of the house was going on, she in her turn would be driven equally frantic by the ordinary sountfof night, and find "that dog unendurable, ' or declared she mut shorten her visit to a friend if a certain ass could not 'be prevented from braying under her win dow. Mrs. Oliphant. who knew both parties and seems to have been a sincere friend on whom Mrs. Carlyle greatly relied, says of them. "The curious household it was the mistress, brilliant, caustic, never to be calculated upon what next she might do or say : the husband laboring heavily through his work, fry ing every room m succession, fiinlil everything unsatisfactory. A wonder ful Northern Gothic couple, blazing off into thunder and lightning of sudden fierce wrangle, with volleys of .rolling words, far too mighty for the occasion, fire and dame and the smoke of battle, and laughter ringing through. Xo wonder that people misunderstood them !" In one of her letters to her cousin. Miss ITele-tf Welsh, she says' "the name of Welsh (that is the bearers, of it) has something iu it wholly and everlasting ly antipathetical to patience and tolera tion, aod i no mere capable of coalescing with it than fire with water." t When I remember Carlyles remark about the English nation heinjf VMaistly fules" (mostly fools) aDd read her jocosely expressed tear that instead of "ladies anJ gentlemen" he will commence his lecture.' with "men and women," "or perhaps fool creatures come here for diversion." I caDDOt but feel that Mrs. Oliphant is rijtht when she fays, "This man had the helpmeet most meet for him," and that the theory ol "ao unhappy murrrnre vH 1i love worn out on One side and never x isted on the the other, is as nnaocouun ble as any undiscovered hieroglyphic ever was." Harper Brothers have just issued a new edition of these letters in Literary form, certainly oue of the most fascina ting books I have lately come across As a writer, the wite, in her way, was e iua to the husbaud in his. but it seeuis to n.e a horrible outrasre on the memory ot both to have thas laid bare the secrets of their home, or what should have been such, to all but the friends to whom these let ters were written. What woman would like to have all her irritable utterancs on her neighbors for borrowing and never returning household articles, her coin ments on their shutlessness or her spats with her servant on the discovery of bed bugs in her bed. reported to the public, much less to have her husband judged by her pettish utterances when suffering from itl health or nervous ex citability, and from them branded a "tyrant;" yet this injustice has leu done to Mrs. Carlyle. M. 15. C. For the F. M. Household. "Seusitive Plant," I break my long silence to welcome you into the House hold. You must not think, my dear, that my tardiness is indicative of indil ference. Just ask "L. B." to telt you what sad experiences have gone to make "speaking often and long," utterly im possible for me. Here's my hand. You have convinced all of us that to be "Sensitive" is to be very charmiug. "L. B." a letter goes to you by this mail. You will tiud it to contain some good news, I think. "Angelina Evergreen," do not think yourself forgotten. Wheu I can get time for a letter, you will understand aay silence. "Comfort Marshall" your last came to me while I was visiting in' husband's mother. I am at home now, and hope to be more prompt in answering the friends whom I have learned to love so sincerely. You will know, without the telling, how hard it is to find time for letters, when one is forced to look a I life over a rampart of fall sewing, aud unfinished MSS. "Helen McGregor," "Grandma." "Judith "Em Broiderie." where are you all? Will you not let vour pleas-, higher studies, and it is a study for ma ant voices be heard in the "Household j tine minds aud intellects. A child can aain? J do almost as much with Butler's Anal- "Tha't was a fine piece of pleading forjogy as he can with mo-t of the jgrnni the "uumathcmatical." L. B. Thank I mars that I have -ten used. Seven you. The multiplication table remains I years I conscientiously tried to teach a mystery to me to this dav. But 1 1 children English grammar, and seven must conless it to be a sense of regret i years 1 conscientiously didn't try. and that 'I was not compelled to stu.lv i were 1 to t-itch seventy times seven .ot,rr.iti.- Th..re i-m e loim.l oi i years longer, I would uot oluntarilv finer meutal training. And why should not a love for mathematics be cultivated as well as any other love? Some time ago a friend brought ine an oM Scribuer containing a really tine paper upon "The perfect measure o! man." full of art-sense and s nljitr Inrt. and I failed utterly to catch the idea ol it because I have no sense at all about figures. It was a great disappointment to me. 1 wanted to enter iuto my friend's tithusiasm ; I fully appreciated her appreciation, aud I enjoye l beyond expression all the suggestions of bei.utv and art. Iut in the door-way (as it were) there sat a grim and figure, with a mysterious device .rimetiv upon it. "mu'tiphers ot 2." was it? Or "the square of 12?" which.' 1 could not "read and understand," and conse - Guently I followed mv friend afar off and wandered in a mathematical misU I, too. have been visiting amoug relii- tivea, "Tar Heel," and such a jolly visit as it was ! You must kuovv, m the becinnint? that I have been blessed with a really wonderful mother-iu-law, j the only mother-in-law I ever saw son" w .allo th - I it worUiv tlu' iiti o n u iiiiHoauu slit- lscv-.. W !I! tli Jht tnothf-r made mv month's virt to b dcliglitfnl iu every svlia of the word. Hut the. ride ju-rms .this mountain rU'iie to her home whs a novel t-.ii-ri- ,cu e to ru hh! om all 'tether et.ju horse tt4fit hiufi- able. Little John's with pVaure. as onr could see the valley '-t-U'W and other lCHks beyond us. "Mamma, what makes t.'ie' prty hills always ahead nf .Jo ,nnkeJ. Ami I answered., "Tlits like ita.Viy ( boy," to bin confusion. He will under- .stand after awhile, will he not? , j Have any of yrtit read "Tlie 'Salon ol I MiMiame Aecker. to lie had in "Sa side'! fonn'r I can confidently reiooin meud it as a thoroughly readable Ikk. And "Maid ir Skjrv",. by Blackmore. also in sea-side form. ( Can we' not re-assemble' o,irrseles. Householders? Our vacation rnis been long enoughw.'-l tuast. caufess that our thinned rank lias bten a painful sight to ine. To the front, comrades ! M. L-'TI. For the F. a M. Household. Raising Chickens Before they are Hatched.' ' u There has recently been some talk io the Household about the helpless stu pidity of some 'people, in mathematics. Does-not the fault lirvnorcrTr the mrxle of iuttructkai Hjjd-.hitttt apprieatlen tof the pupil, Uian, in the, talent jbeslofalf In au, experience ,of( fourteen, years, f teaching in differenf .schooTsanu tocahV rtles, I found tftat a chtfdthatcbuld'leaTa auy thing could learu arithmetia. But I found, fome pupiln helpifaHyt dull be cause their minds were ,hopelesly dwarfed by cureless tea'ching and study ing. 'A modest, self-posseased, we'l dressed girl of a booi eighteed, once en tered a school in which I va.t teaching. After he priiicipal . had. f xamined and dismissed tier hesent for iikj "Take her to vour class-room," h jait,,"but she can "enrV-r" none 'of your ' regular classes' " "iiocm slie ktiow nothing rV I asked in sul'i rise. hr i had been t tracU'd by hersippearauce. "Absolute ly nothing." he replied, "and she has been m' school all tier life. I put heir in simple addition, and after -several moutiiH of hard work we reached long division, aud there I gave up. It was perfectly iucomprehensible to her.. She tried to learn, t ut it was too late. In h school of one hundred, she was always ihe most tastefully dressed girl, 'anil her manners wore pleasant. Here, thought L tlu motherjs .taiuing stopped, the rest wa left t caieles-. teachers. "" It fe'l t my lot once to examine a "new girl.' I asked her if she could tell me what a pnijM-r fracfon was. hu very promptly i;ave me the correct answer I asked her then to give me an example. She seemed not to under stand. I repeated the question, and af- ' r-r a little, iiesitauon s.'ie sum. "a dog . can run.'' I was much pu..led to know j why 'ie gave this inU al f any other . aliMird answer, but alter further exaini- I nation I found she lial been studying au lui''iis!i "raminur, in wticii the iieslioii ( i vs an example.' otLen oc curred, the answer beiiiij always a sen tence of some kind. 1 put hei to study ing huulish ni'iminar too, because she I insisted oil it. but he never got as far ; HS a ,ilf (n . I knew (UiiiU.t r girl, who. on leaving school, told her fi lends that !ie expect ed 'o be married soon. "Why,"' said oue, "you are not ready to marry. If the market man telU you his chickens are 12 i eta. each, you can't tell how much you ought to give him for three. What will you do in such a easel'" "liaise my own chickens," was the ready renly. I am sure that girl could have learned arithmetic if she had start ed right. Tliis reminds me of a little incident that occiined th.j other day in a district school not far off. A boy went up to the teacher's desk w i'h a history in his hand, and asked her what B. C. meant. She explained thai it was an abbrevia tion for Helore Chrit, and that it was prefixed to cer'niu dates to distinguish them lrom thoe with A D. pretlxed. "Anil now," she continued, "can you tell me what A. I. stands fori'" "Yes'm; After the Devil," he replied without a moments' hesitation, and with a serious air. ' Are any members of the Household teachers? If not, I fear I may seem prosy. But let me say one thing more while we are talking of schools aud scholars, ami then I will have done. What I am going to say may be set down u educational hereuy, but I will say it nevertheless. English grammar, as it has generally been taught, ought to be root d out of ur preparatory school. With the present system of text books, its place is amongst the put a child to studying Fnglish gram mar. And now I have done. Fakjikk's Wikk. Oct. -2ml 1S.".:J. ' There r.ierprisiBg: silvet-woikers, Wm II. Wamer X B.o., ll'JS Chesnut St., Phila.. snd us programme, mtdal, etc, of tl e Gcrmau-Americaa Bi cen tcnuial (or two hundredth) anniversary of the settlementtf the Germans io Pcnra , at German town, which is now a suburb ot Philadelphia, the city limits euibrac- ; imr the cntne couuty. The nrst invoice i October 'b, It:f, comprised some rO j ersous under Faster I'astorious. The j procession on tie t'.th inst, had umo Germans in lice and MJ.tXiO j German wives and ' chi'dren look- mg on. lruiv tne nine eoiony, wnicn old Quaker Wm Penn tokl to wa'k right in. and find a eat. aol sit down, hath IT, I I-..1 1 I obeyed tbe words of the precept To.in- crease aud multiply, acd replenish' the I earth !" The medal made by the War- j ner Bros is very neat and artistic. Kf Un r. t - HowkolL M'S.M?a v'rhftn'i" Piand ! O f.tr Matters. , lr rreat-trrarsfraotrir, Heaven Tft f Kv mi .si. .ji 1 w . .. m f L.V' i 1 iu a txoiriotiu-to to Uw. tkrphau Irair. hei aonutlU- in the fair ciis of Mich iri'nd, and oe item of this cootrib'ition was iwrive rxniTia or DISCK rati. Whirl' was made a uiooth before ike fair a a t bo in atucvoeti perfect nets m ihe tuw o'xrV ' .I" "'A'. utt'l rfT i oe diner raod dattchterti offrnnf v-' nerrfln 'tWcOnttQeficB of ibis Ske. aker ro'fceed mlwis,-rrtttj"-. i'Uitihit a bo bosie bar. raiL Li , toy dear, put all the seeds of ti e rataiu in ih'is bowl for poor Mrs. McGarrahaaV T g. "Iirf1 wrsodrnama, " how w.tirh g uj jau rainio red do a iir t ' ' ji.:-. ; i "Moie uiy ear, jit f.lirf do any ; Ibauj' thev were thrown away." Wise frandinarna! 8hef aix! 'no doubt Mm-' Mci'arrahab. and beyond hH peruj venture tba pif , have been dead '"thee forty years and better,' ' but the pqiut ol her remark is still popd., w t , Soiall t h iti gs. that are mere r'gbVM and waste to soujeare 'fftemioies1 mc' and drink to the MeQarrahatw ad their P1K- ),:' ;ti i-th i;-5 el -It Fer exatuple, the eoflee grouotJBVud. tea leaves teit from one break last aid, .upper table are thaoxfulfr'feivefl' b souie foof neighbor, white' aa.'wVU as black, the iiiuer that a Lm, rfske of meat has been boiled in, 'he skira,tujpA of a pot of soup, cold "bread, pr vceai htes, all saeh remeautr'are uladr' takcrl bythftlees well to do! es'eotaBy 1fe (trpep who 0im '! -noaes for a,)mc kitchen vittlcs if, ooly a potliquoraV I know a ' kitchen at wbo 'door a walv tiifht keir has stood for; sererat years, wherein all nan ner of rem nam. nreta j We triuamiacv, distr water etc.. find ator age aod dai'y, thr sanhhtoe or storm comes n M nepro man armed and equipped with two buckets in which to bear awy the afofesiiid slops for th use,iberM tit and behalf At a family ol in difent awi no of which be staada ixe 1 and OMiussedv , . , These flora's, gentle hoieholders, re small' at.d homely in dt'tail.' but hev are a great j heip to 1 the" needy,' 'anij even ruoh poor - and - uearo ihisirs ean bear the stamp of that, divine charity which diatlainsno ofliee however lowly for its fellow men. Indeed, I often think the truest cnari ty, the rao't genuine kindnei-s is f ho wad ui tbe incessant retneiulraoo of , small services, "thi mint, anie, and cummiu"? as it were, which eary patience, aud test the fibre of Labitual temper. Buti diubtress, in much of this I am 'Teachin llinnibal ar,!' ao with love to you all I -cjlltfay adiu,,., .... A, t Non QriD Ski Qfw. For the F.'A M IIouh, lul.l. Dloken's Dream of Death. Has any of the Household ever no ticed, iu reading Dickens' works, the un ique aud beautiful manner iu which he describes dt at h-iied scenes ? I will seud some of them to the Household, lor per haps borne ui.e who has not read them may appreciate their bt antics a 1 have. NuthiU ou I e moie touchjnjily beau tifui than the deal It of tittle Paul Duuj bey. iu "iJombey ud Sju:" "ow lay ine down,'' he said, "aud Fiov. come u.wtc io me, aiid let lue see you!'' Skatei uud bi-il er w tuitd tbedr arms aroitud each oil.er, and th- golden iiiiht came streaming in. and fell uiu iiieui, locked tojceiln r. ' How fast the river run, between its jtiiiu banks and ihe iusl.es. F oy ! But '.'ery near the sea 1 hear the wave.-.! they always aaid so ! Presently he told her that the motion of the boat upou ih-j sticam wi luliiux him to rest. How retu the banks were now; how bright tbe flowers v rowing on them, and huw tall tbe rushes ! Now the boat was out at sea, but thump smoothly on. And now there was a shore befoie him. V?ho stood on the bank ? He put his baud together, & he had beeu ustd to do at bis prayers. If a i-l i . 4 rwi trw-i - f A I", i j anta t a A t if Imt they saw him fold theiu mj, behintj ; 11C Ul' UVV ICUiUIC VI ILI.l vi u her neck. Uauiiua is like jou. Uloy. i know ner vy ner lace 1 lul tli ttietu that the print upon the ataira at school ia not divine enough. The lijcht about the head is shining on me as I :o !' , ' The golden ripple on the wail caiuti back agaiu, and nothing else stirred iu the room. The old, old fashion! The fashion that came iu with our hist gar ments, and will last unchanged until oui race has run its course, aud the wide firmament is rolled up I ke a scroll. Tho old, old fashiou Death I Oh, thank i 1 a la li t (iod. all who sees it, lor that oiucr . ,, i 1. IV fashion yet, of Immortality ! rnu looa unon us. angels of young children, with regards, n quite estranged, when tbe swift river beara us to the ocean ! Tbe death cf the miser, Anthony (,'huzzlewit, iu "Martin C'huzilewit :' Old Anthony, dressed iu his usual clothe, was in the room beside the ta - ble. lie leaned upon the shoulder ol his solitary friend ; and on his livid face, ana on nis norny nanus, ana in nis giasvy eyes, ana trauea ny an eternal linger id the very drops of sweat upon his brow, wa one word Death! He spoke to them in something of bis own voice, too, but sharpened and made hollow, like a dead man's lace. What he would have said, God knows. He seemed to uttei word.-, but they were such as map had never beard. And this was the most fearful oirouui&tauce of all, te see him standing iheie, gabbling iu an uuearthly tongue. They put him iu bis easy chati and wheeled it near tbe opeu window; theu. setting open the door, exposed him to tbe iiee curreut uL morning air, lui not all the air that U, nor all the winds that ever blew 'twixt Heaven and Earth. c oald have brought new life to hirn Plunge him to the throat in goldeti i a . , nor tn. ru.- t r.u.iMi ns,w n.i niti- n.irT nrispr kiia.i In "Bleak House" the death of tbe poor, igDoraot street sweeper Jo, with his only friend, the doctor, bt side him : the eart is shaken ail to pieces, a do tbe rugged road is very near its end. "Jo, my poor fellow ! - ' . "I hear you, siriw the dark, bat I'm a gropin' a gropu' let me catch hold ol your hand." - - i . " ofJo. can yoa say what I say ?'' j : I'H eav anything as you saj-'s'i,-- foi renews it's good.1'- . .j 4 " inrr Father, ," .v,.T.r t. , "Our Father! yw, that's very goodi -i 1 t r. "AH in i!r rw, is wr ' - .-hl a c It i , i - i f' j ils'Wf.f V I. TK- li.l.. k. ..i .k.. j.l ...KreS v. lfsii If.. (i UJrIJ- Ir4 'ny i ..t ao l .tuIv tieaf iVad. ItuM Iwvrretid and W vWrTvovemsd e-f vry orier ' I Vmf ' Hiftl ai wvetae: brn' ''W n rtavevi ecnpaesm.n io Ttiar f Aud 1) inS at" Tr everyday." ' ' V ! H.r.ITioje',?ll death f Mrs radar? " "L" w. vTttid SOt.Ott l Mfkfli n ; -u!J ". turn rom sklq to ,ai.ri a'tciej however, that Lr Vive T"oicihipfred with, arid 'that ' th rffctcr , SI t ht-f ehMfMeM ifvr stvw haH. ws, U bai-d. . It 06PsUr Itille lt frurt ;4 , Wviuderful Bvi uaiiirs.ta. Ur;ag io ra ulmio her wrafprm. The Jtand vibu stopt4 In the Yui?vt cf tReuJ V the L'h that had alay brrt reeblr and mu be hied the wkrinffmtntcji wm ou, and. even Mr. ,Urariud rux r'd tr..oi lb shadow in which man wik.eih aWl dUtuieth himself in Vain.' tind took liWj Ihe drr-ad iol;ukBity of th ae? aiidatriatTT).' f' '4 " . " "The- deaths rf 'Wtn.11 Horrtt ttid h! btmfe, infJrtfe Iorm," ar3 hcami Itlttf detteribe-1' "Km? tXirrlt had xa thapy , years of hfctliiVio 'ifarkhaTsra Krisiiiii He iTxMVcd larro fortune wlife 'there, w rvleased and went avKeJetnae-of wpalth and areV One day buwas ndden'y trn-lr co djwn tod imagined that be wa ain i the Marslialsea. Heptniniicd under thia illu.-KHl until as Ihrkcnx sayx: l VOnietly, quietly, all the iuirw rf ttu plan of the grat castle malted. ouaU-i Bother Quietly, quietlv, the ruled tud rrosh-ruied ' countenanee on whub the? were fracrtl, brcame fair aud blank. Quietly, quietly, tbe rehVcted marks ot tbe prison bars and of the aif-ujt iron D the wail failvdaway. Quietly, ijuietly. the foc subsided iulo a far vuuum hko uess of her own thau fhe had ever seen ten under the jjray hair and sauk tt. : rest. . ; j ' ' It' was a uuKinlixlit .uirbt ; but tL-i moon rose laie, being long past the full, j WheaU was high in the peaceful firrua uient, it shone tbrounh half-close blinds toto the solemn room where the stumb j lings and Wander iog or a life had eo I lately ended1 Two ipiift figures were I within the room, two figures equally Mill aud inipassivt; ejia!ly removed ly an uotravrrablddistaiice from the teeaiiiiP' j earth aid all that it contains, though soon to lie in it. Ooe. figure reposoti ! upon the bed. The other. kteclin on I the floor, .drooped . ppr I. the arm. j easily and peacefully resting on the cov erlet ; the face bowed down so that the ; lips touched the hand over which its l.t-t breath it had lent. The two brother' were with their Father ; far boy-md the ; twilight joiletnientw of this wnrld : hich al.wtve its mi.ts and obscuril ies. " In "The Ijouc Voyage,'' one of liix short sketches, there is a very strikiri piece on dying: "Thoiitrhta of a voyager -unexpe-otedly suiniuoiied from home. win. traveled a vast distance, aud could now , return. Thoughts of this unhappy way , f'arer in the depths of his sorrow, in the bitterness of lib anguish, in the help lessuesa ol bis self-reproach, in the des- i juration of his desire to act right what ! he had left wronj;, and do what be had left uodone. For there were marr .uiany tr.ms ne nan m-irttvcivM. Mmi? ruatt f while ho at home and surrounded by meui, out iinus ot unduly moment when he was at an i m measurable distance. There were many many blessings that In- i .i e , . i i . . i . -i iiaa ina equaieiy leiu tiiere were many trivial injurita that he had not forgiven, there was love that had boeu oooilv ru turned, there was friendship that he hai too lightly prised ; there was a million kind words that he might have spoken, a million kiad look that be might have given, uncountable slight easy deed in which be might have beeu nnt truly great and good. Oh, for a day! (he would exclaim), for but one day to make (.mneiuls 1 iiuitheeua never shone upon that happy day. aud out of bis remote icaptnuy uc never came. ny was iin. traveller a fate otftTnnj? on New i ear's Eve, the other historic of travellers with which my mind was tilled but now, and ca.-t a shadow over me Must I our dy make this journey ' Kvtn .o Who shall say that I may not then he tortured by such late regret , that I may tot then look from my exile on my empty plare and Undone work? ' stand upou a sea shore, where the waves are years. J hey birak and fall, and 1 may little heed them; but with cvctvUav- . tt .1... ! wave me sea i rising, ana l know that . . -11 ii . .i- . ii , n v.m n jai me on tins traverer s voyage at last." There are many a prftty in his other works, but longer, and I fear t have al ready written too ui'ich. IrDtrti. Woodville, Oct. '-rih, 1s.;. ; -.- - 1 There is a coustant t part 0f that rim monger -ftjTl on I,l!'fca', tLt to TKome master of mortal man Only a j laws can ' Yet too sudden j improper careful observance of natural render his effcris unavailing, often injadicious exces-e.-, changes, too great exnosiirc. I m l a ; iooi or other anuses of nature or cn the eateway and Ib.cac gains a victory Sometimes if m-st?ry is so complete tbat atore ot herself can never rrV:t a disrodgement In such in-tarces rein force nature with judicious use o.1 Itrown's Iron f5itter aud we guarantee, io a short time, all disease will be van ished. ...."Let u hlar we are married ...T.t l:.tl.. i.".l:.t . f , so n nine j.uiiu. anu l win br.ng 1U , " "- T , ,J : .T , l 1 "U .. "' j ' ' s 'i' bother me now: I wuiit t !.., .u- t i ' - ! lnWH'irp'r' li.,ztr. 0D WAtcT A UliHN cusv ao Horse Engine Complete, vita boiie. tor tl.GUJj Jwjoq wsat aur auytbicg in tha iucbiafTj liii.T If so, sand for vriees and term to J. C. WHITTY, Manafaotursra Agrut, 5wtrn, C. kn-ai THE BKST IS THE CHEAPEST." SAWIPMAIMirO TKRESURS, KILLS, ForallaMttouaaad parpjwi. ) Wnteluri 'rw I'sm.hlat SBd TMM to las anil ins 11 3fc Taylor Co. , MaiuCld. uoitr. I For tSc Cure nf irfrrr, t Y a. 1 1 ( xirrnt, CrtSUf , A-tl aoav, Jir t . a arul i m the. rritef of t 'Wei KV i, '.. 1 .r 5!c )..." IV- ' ' tW A. t'1'V I it, A UV 1 Attorney nnd t i4.:ieliK at,lv. ;' WAliKE.N Tl'N. X.'t r.:orjEY ! l v-. areiTI IU Jtik'i S' 1. si :..!,; ' etse.u Real Estate! wT.f.'T.r.r;? lit Hi. i t'll-i St.. ku.l n Inn , COLIM M. HAW K.INS ICO., , . , . Wm: H. s: Burgwyn. 1 tlrtto of l"'uhti!ioif, M4.I AUcrncj zL Ccsiialcriair. HtsrKJ'.siL.N, Vnx Co. I n hm Courts. to Ike t'mlfiry, Hi . 1 1 ' KMi.! P. 1. WILEY, ' THE JOB PRINTER. ''!)) Nan aual iiu.a liu.lli ' r,o jio i: ALiTcn, x. c Good Work. Lrr Price:. Berkshire Pigs FOR SALE. t Sir I, e eivl.t tin ' -t-l llfMif I , ) ri iikl. ' C!'l'ral-1 oM. III.. I. C. L. HINTON, I :..!. , s . s. (.t. la. A GOOD HOME ' In a Good ITcirrhborhood ! Nl 'l Ifll'tl liil' IS ! t tf tl,' !.''', ' '..tlli -ri!ttia. ll:-'i. h.'HlO . flouriMtiioK ;ti.., Witll tlM! s'a. tbiutrb ii.-r tri'i. :r f t.-t.riiM, .tiitv. ii '', , rr ; II U.i I.. I'cr tiii.ii-. l.la., 1 1 ' r. well !. IS "J Ill-, Ollt Ijnllxin, !(., - I all on i! miU- Irvtn l.ii,:ll x S U (!. llitkll. A (e ".Jr irn!t Uj it;n 1 ur fuil!y. I.i' iiik !i fir., i iMv-nli,rt H-:il ei1 ,1 kr.. i tefv, n f,.r (1, ir- . nsln.;. Wfii tl. J TATE 4, TROLINGFR, Mfl'MOH"-, N r Ei i a Wh.tt is J L : is ;lic i)f Ur ! I- 'l .V.li. Heartbiini. Si- k s-f in.i' h Ilea I i i.aill.' . ''.Ii- Tasting your 'iod a:l r .i'iti.iiL5 nil i''ur l''). st.pittion, T"rj-M L'v.r. Ilej.J t'' li. '"! ' . '-rnrM lrr'0,if.!!.'ty, Jr nfs. 1 lit-turlieii lei i. wiMi Im i- U spiiiji 1ieains and l M.nl Ji i .ii. BECKWITK'S Anti-Dy:psptic Pills r;J Ol- lii-nivti 'l . IT T'TK, ' I ' i vi.f Htff Saul,!. I I Jf I ry o.i oi , N. -t; "I h . iu' t i.icl'teiHi t-i-:i-t.u It. K f. Il'n,1. '.1 Ml 1 unnJ lr. fc ki; Aj Li X) , ii' 1'.... .' i -ii- i . . 1 In n.J r. f'r t, n w.rv. f.-l - -t r U.l-lii Uli III HI f'Ulll Ml.-l' i Uw lffi.lw u t... p ..!'. I S:i k.!!!!:.' '.;!.,-..'.-, Il'ey i unliuTi iii i!..r'-'if. In sri orfjt, .!.! ; . .mm- 'I n- sl.'.v, n. ly i-lwHI'di frmn ma'.y n fi. uiur t.uj -Jtrr M.st .l!i-i r w . 1 !. u, i It? lT. j r.-i t y h K. f.f.' K ITU, Hiuiirlii, Hrtr.Ulll . V. , frvlu Mfi xrif,.., Ii-.!;-: . til. .1 ut ii !'. kit'i. 'i. 1 ilrLKKl'lo i"f.-i"..y. E GREAT CURE Is RHEUMATISM U it Ii fir aU tfce patrinl lMH-tw of Ui KIONCV8,l.lVER AND BOWtLB. it It cle!.. ir?'ia f U. s. -r. 1 i?,:' " ta miim nrilul mn:Tnrm only tuo vl4.m of iijtmumtt jtm r4 r- &.i.! . THOUSANDS Of CASES 'J of te won't f'.rm. cf Oils itt rrfn , have Ivoen u nciy w-'.r.v -1. i i iMti u.iu. . PERFECTLY CURED. ! J rr. ii r, si. uui iitim hk. nu n rr iiir.i.M , 14- I'rtwml Ufrntm-t. Prof. W.H. NEAVE, ( an l xiuHmwI. i.' sl.-.iiliy, o u b tittA. H-i.tl.. otn j 1B1. '..( an it . y.,, u... j t.iw- r Itt N. I'.; ...'1 III Uim. r.l-JxrtS, 1 ;.t ft iiii.U an't no ftir,""S trr nia v'nrtl "Kin, ff-t well k-wsam li- iirst f.roli: uat rirr:.- of . TBfr In the vln.!' u'i"tti fw i-fimkr!. a. snob, axil exeiovo-d (row co'isenptrou Ly Uit IJ. r. A.. .scj tarj 4 War, aufl mjtc'.y nf (ii lrw- 1 -miii.t lrtl;TfH anil fmprsetlc tl of tfum bmioik tbe aaaay amv haiuls Ha,aisoaoDly, ean an'l ilow Civ. &rt clj coiica-n.4 U aul bai.u. lu ; tor ' his s"rvic. f H- rtW Music to or'lur. to fM, for bar.a, ar ' cii-Mra, plkuoa, voice, U. fills Uciuaii'li fur not l.s Uitisic at great ft-ativ:s wttti t ban 4 cnu'Jl S af ,n j ,rl c A mstm m, nlMl Ii'mii msny tuwus um IU -t te, after lh luajiii- rcf Lis St.u bsird fvr j Yurf own. Hla permanent aJilr Is s.iil)urjt 1