cbool ano Church, Drpartmrnt. i:. v. Dr. Ceo W. Sanderlin's -id- is now Koston instead of Golds- l-v. J. M. Tijse and lady of Golds ,. Presbyterian church were very cor l i-: ;,ai ii-,iiaVy welcomed by the ; r. J. J. Harper, of Suiithfield was l iiresideut of the State Association ,, (I . Disciples of Christ at Faruiviile, I'.rr t-.miitv. Oct loth. A few weeks airo we received a note f ,iu Mr. Thomas G. Gliddcus, of Wil . mills, in Johnston county, askinp t" act him a .-it nation as school-teach -, r. ind relating his efforts to make hi-wi.- in life, etc. HaviuK heard him well . ,k-r of, we inserted a card, and wrote s r.er.ii letter in hi-, behalf. It wis ood i .1 i :..!.! ...... ""A'.. V.': 1 I'ISl : ..'IlllLlilieiM .--..s. v j -:;rnn:c!o with pain the sad death of , . ir ''MiiT eouutymun. Thus G. Chddcus, , ll'. Ho ami Sidney A Smith, .'r . ".tie in a canoe ujou a lake on the south hide of Neuse river. H-rhaps I: i:r i:i or fi-liine. Mr. Gliddens trom -.me cause feil oveiboaid; and as he i-.iiiid u t switn, was drowned U-fore ir. smith could rescue liui. lie was a youiur man of high intellectual promise." University dots, from Jrxsmrer let ter : "Prof. Holmes has Ix eu in Dupiiu i-ou: ty for Mine tinie, collecting Indian relics, The I'niversity wi.l have a line ex hihit at the fair. A scientific society has been organized t i cany out scientific reseaieh. Dr. Yen- J u'r.'e is President. The mcmlicrship is J : ute large now, mid the Alumni J the i ;.t 11 nt inn are rapiilly sending inlheir i: tim-. 1'r Venable is one of the oli Jest , i-ntists in the South, ami he will use . '! .it to make the society instrnclivr and dcn'-tiiNul to its tuembci.s The corner .-nit; of the new chapel was laid on the !t(i. i'he immense rafters will be rais- ..ii the 1 Oct. The wo.k will bo at-t.-n 1 d with appropriate ceremonies. Ti e l iiil iintr bids lair to be anions t tic num. ; i ; Mi-inij structures of its kind in the south Tii-re irt hundred and eighty five stu deti' "ii the roll, with new ones dropping in ( very week- The nunilier will doubtless i. , ii J'M by Cliiistmas." -The r & M. was pleased to have . IV tn half a den or more of the j : i un iiu'iit educators i if the State. Our r: . t ; ! i -liim ii t of a weekly coluiiiti of -.,..! and Jhun h Notes' was not a i... re whim : it took rise in our belief that tii advancement and welfare ot North 'r.roiina hinges in meat measure tiii- la' mi's nt three a'jei cies. The . ;ii.'l. tin' Ci.urcli. and the Press ; " i viii mental training, an other - v ij moia! iruidance. and tlie Tress i i : ii r Practical Information, as v.. ii a- mental and moral surest im. Ii ore the three AreiK'ies are co-lahor-i r- : and the Tress. having greater ac- . -- l- the liulilic. slioilld seek to help lii thit n. Vmi will undei'stan-i. I : n ii l'ii'e. why we rive a column ii. Teachers and Pica . h- v i i k! v to er-. The hetit r they are known to the puhhe. the more ro4 they can do. We kuiw more than one man who inhrht have ili.ne ast ixood in the world, ii his i .'e--.ve modesty had not kept him in a l onn r: lorijetiai ( hrist's warning in tin- pliable that l.e who wrapped his talent :n a na,;kin. and hid it awav. was a- !-ad a-, or worse than, him who S jUriil-ieled it. We'. it vvas a pleasure to chat with T;e-i(!e:it Atkinson, of Charlotte Fe male Institute. a South Carolina ien t'.eiii.in. and oid-t ishioin-ti Soutlierner. wh.m J)r. Mayo tV'Uiid to le the hottest hornet ai the city famed as a Hornet's N -t"' for a century past. Trot". Atkin soi, was torn time at Tcaee Institute, hut iov has a fine school of bis own w Itii a superior faculty; and the work ; ! Art class was admitted to he one : the features of the fair. Miss Mat ! !,. who supervises this Department et 'his school is a true "Mastei of Arts." aui' !.t r services fi ive been repeatedly urht for by Institutions iu other M.iti . She is a dauixh'er of Kev. Dr. Matioon. of Jiiddle Institute, at Char-f-tte. Trof. Atkinson's exhibit took i i dozen premiums at the Fair, we hear. i' .lerome C. Horner came with bright looks, and a urood report of the pi..-rable Horner's.'' a school where 'er he is the third or perhaps, fourth. i i hue of heredity, and is helping to pass i: on without leterioration. we feel sure. Tiie Horner Cadets w ill attend Weldon Fair, and zive a tactical drill on Thurs liv. Trof. Horner beinr one of the iii.ir-hals of that Fair will sue that all e .. - i;ii iivhly and in order. Thinkim of" the Ik redity of North ' i!"l na teachers. Smetles, Horner, r. u veil. Jiitih.itn, in walks Maj. 11 n-ham, third of the name and with him in i-ter Itobert. who showed the : iir.i'v trait by pouncing on a book and ::i ;ir down to read while the rest ! i s. ,. May his shjulder be teady for t ie n. anile when it conies! Maj. liiiii: i -tin's eadets lookeil and acted very handsomely during their stay at the Fair. An 1 then a pleasant call from Capt. Adam C. Davis, of La (irange High lioul. w ho has shown uncommon zeal, lu :k. and energy in buildinir up a school at a I'oint which Iiad smalll promise to Mart with. Hut these things run in the !.io.;, I. Trof. Davis is a great-grandson : .James Davis, who started the "Vel-io-.v .Jaeket," at Newbern, the first iaper ever printed in North Caro- .a. The number of persons of school age i'i tin- country is I ..:; Hi.txx); there are ' ." mi im in public schools, .rifiy,(M)0 in private sctvu Is, and most of the rest ue k'oiiii: without instruction- About M' .no pi rsons over 10 years of age e. nn it real. ' -i."im( cannot write, one i. t h'-inkf colored A HftAC J II i'(. Gim. Bbkaks iikr Ni.'K. '.' '.(.. Va.. 1t,:toler IS. i i l- morning the family of Dr. Willis, ow Franklin street, were thrown into 'he greatest grief by the soninauibuiis "ieatii of his granddaughter. Miss ilui.lv 1 ernbroke Jones. The young i iy. who is the daughter of Captain I'l'tnbroke Jones, of Towhatan county. is attending school iii tlie city aud 1 " tnl'ng at the residence of her graud- ' i'i ' r. She was beaut. fid and accont ! I s' e 1. agd alfMit, 17 years, and was 1 : ,,, ,1 ami adin. e 1 by a large circle of 1 ii i-. Last she retired as usual, in t e- be-t of he ilth. This morning, before iut of the family or domestics hail v.se-i. he got out of Iter bed while ! I: i-!eep. She walked out of her von'-er and continuing her way in the ' ii'kncss. reached the bead of a sta:rcase i-iwn which she fell with great force. 'A i n di-covcred her neck was broken .' rid lite ex-inct. She burled from St. 1 ' -oi! "s (.'Lurch. Telryruiu. ''apt. Jones is well known among old ! l er-. and in (lie Wilunngtn s.ct'.ou v-l-eie lie formerly resi led. U. S. District Attorney Speaks. 'ol. 11 Waters V. S. I strict At- n v. Ka sas City, Mo. authorizes 'he following statement: & imuiitnii Jfer ' ".e cured my niece ol fcpasuis." Gee at tiruggLsta. $l.;y. For the Firmer and Mechanic Another Medley. A few years before the beginning of oui civil war a gentleman iu Washing ton sent to Mr. Webtcr and to a .South ern Senator a line fish each, which were wiapped in pajier, aud directed. The carrier delivered them amiss. Webster grt the Southern man's and ate it. The .xjutherner, on seeing his was directed to Webster, forthwith sent it to him. Webster, rn meeting with bun. jocular ly told him be was an honester man than himself. Toe city of liostou. if I do not mi-remember, srave to Webster at two ditferent times $1"0.000. avowed ly on account of w hat he had done lor their interests, by means of a protective tarilf. Aud yet. when he made his will, he inserted a clau-e begging them to L'ive more to his family. Webster, af ter voting for one of ("lay's compromise bilN. bad a public dinm-i uiven to h.ni. and was toasted as "a Northern man with Soutiiern principles." Iu bis re ph be said that, although fie might not come fully up to this description, he was sure he did in one particular, iu.-v-much as ' he never troubled himself about the payment of his h bis." This was when Mississippi repudiation was making much noi.-e in the world. If any North ern man thinks I am treating Vebtcr's memory cruelly and unfairly, let him read Theodore Talker's fu o r il oration on his death, and he will lind that iu comparison I treat Webster tenderly and compassio .alcly. When 1 read I'arker's oration, it produced a sensa tion similar to what I wou.d have left had I seen a'i dd sow tearing to i n i the dead body of a ireiitleiuan. Say ami Jiiuk as tlie Northern man may. there ha been hitherto a w ide d lieiviice be tween the la a of morals at the North and at the South. Hut if, as I believe, this has be-n distasteful to our Northern brethren, ami that, whatever may have been tlieir (toasts in asserting NortJiern superiority, they have all along been conscious of tlie contrary. I can believe that this consciousness wa a large I n ?r in inciting them to drag down ami I nniliale the Southern whites. Hut I beg them to possess for a while their souls in patience; at the rate we of ti:e South are now progressing under North ern rule, we shall soon beco.j e as big rascals as themselves, and lie a homo geneous people. I will lie-" s rt by way of parenthesis that iu Cratville county, as I was told by old citizens, when I first moved into the cu-iuty in lS.'ll, there had been but oue capital ex ecution ; although several crimes be sides murder had been made by lav capital otfences. Insanity among the slaves was almost unknown ; and I nev- r heard of a case of suicide amongst them. The only cases of suicide among negroes, that I ever read of. occurred at Savannah, in Georgia. A U. S. vessel captured a slave-ship, (I think it was called the Creole, but of this I am not sure,) which with its cargo of Africans was curried into the port of Savannah. The la v of the U. S directed that Afri cans thus taken should be sent back to Africa, whence they were taken ; but inasmuch as Congress bad made no ap propriation for this purpose, they were kept in Savannah about a year. When i.c appropriation was made, and when hy were about to be carried back to tln-ir native home they begged piteously to lie allowed to remain, and expressed a .viilingness to be sold as slaves; and finding this cou'd not be done, according to the accounts given by newspapers of that day, many- of them killed them selves. Whilst at the Uull'alo Springs in 'C.7 or in conversation with a very worthy ami intelligent negro waiter named Henry, fie told me bis wife was in a lunatic asylum. Up ui enquiring into the cause of her derangement, he said it was rexjtoii.iiliilifi As I did not understand this, he explained that she had had a kind master and mistress leaving her with no care or anxiety for the future of herself and a large family of children ; but that since emancipa tion, w hen she had to provide for all, the thought of such responsibility had made her insane. The best defence of secession that I have ever seen may be found in Irviugs Knickerbocker history ol New York, where be tells how the New Fnglanders bv lying, cheating, stealing, robbing, aud encroachiug, al most drove the smils of the honest, simple-minded Dutch, out of their bodies. I have no patience when I hear former slave owners declare that they would not restore slavery it they could. I would agree with them if they would make the proper reservation, which is, unless we could have it free from out side interference, such as came wheu the serpent of Abolition crawled into our Kdeti. W. O. Gkkuoky. Wilmington Star's Tkle(;r.mhic Ot ti.i.nks. A treaty of peace between Chili an 1 Tern hs been signed. Schooner Southerner, ot Beaufort, N. (J. - for Charleston, is ashore at New River. Ex Congressman Albright, of )hio, is dead I he JMrst Assis- tant Tostuiaster General recommends the extension aud improvement of the frte mail delivery service, and that postage on local or city letters be reduce! from two cents to o-ie cent. Excitement iD the New York stock market over a rapid advance iu prices ; thft jrceat feat ure was Oiepon Transcontinental, which on enormous df lings rose from :1"I to 4f,j Kev. Allied S. Randolph conse. crated as Assistant Bishop of the Diocese of Virginia. Accounts of the recent earthquakes in Asia Minor were much ex airgerated. A fire at Annapolis, Md.. destroyed ten houses and nine store rooms aud two lives were lost, Chas. Mc Cartney attacked by J." T. Fenuell and F. L. Thompson, at Fleuiingsburg, Ky., shot them both. AtMcBean Church. in Burke county. Ga., Sunday, Thos. II. Syms and bis two sons were shot and mortally wounded by sou-e vouok nieu with whom S"vms sons had a difficulty the day b fore Slight earthquake shocks felt at Malta and Trieste yesterday morning ; fresh sLocks also felt at Suiyr na, causing great alarm, but little dam age. Six men killed and three injured by an explosion in an English colliery. A dynamite plot discovert d at Que bec, to attack Lord Lansdowne on hU ar rival. Two sloops collided off Newport News. Va.; one capsized and three men were drowned. Injunction eranted iiraiost President Best of the Mid'and Railroad Company for the posses-ion of certain books ot the company, illegally retained. ....Seme lime in July last, Frank Kotreison. resietable aod 'vell-to-do . .... ...:l. i....... .-... t-iPn K. 1 u laru-' I, UVU Minis UUUI unnnn.t xmiill .-hot gun dim ulty with a reinhh. i alio ut a common ditch. The neighbui took out a warrant for his arrest, but he cou'd not be found. No attempt a made to find him. it beirg thought that he had gt ne to evade the consequences of the difll.ulty, and his absene Ii J ceased to be remarked. On last Satur diy, while Bob James was Imrtinepqi " rels in Mr. John Cherry's wtntds, Lis foot cauzht in somethicr. and looking down was horrified to tiud the bleached bones ..(' .. I. .n uL'oltnn ntanirlpd in I he ! remnant of a suit of clothes. A knife with a i usty, bloody blade lay near the dead man. Ilia lower jaw bone was found fifty feet away and hogs had gnaw ed it. The body was x miles from home, and had evidently been there two or three months. The knife and clothes were identified by bis family as those of Kogerson. From the open knite being found close by. it is generally supposed that the vic tim was a suicide. Tarboro Gvuie She Editor's sOwfe, Wiiilt AcivovLiDoimvTv or Calls. Coi- uroiniiii'i i '- Rsx-kip. tk3tflle unuiily ildre4 y extra cop t e it that we happen to hare Ufl from our re'jnhir edition, to prominent pernon ages up and down the rnnntni. l'leate examine., and if you deem sut h a paper worth four cents a wrk, the editor will be yl'id to enroll your name. tniT-iny subscriber who wishes a writ ten rrceijit trill please state it in his lit' fi-r; m which case the name will not be J printed in the paiirr. j ( apt. It. T. i'ad.iisou. Tt infer, uly j I". 1, and a pleasant call from th; j eiiial gentleman, who. by the by. was j on Wednesday ni.dit re-elected Ties!- : dent ot the State Horticultural Fair. ' And a good selection folks will say on recalling the success of the WdmingtoU ( Fruit Fair. "Tell us the secret,'" we asked "l)id you send your two steam- j boats to New York and bring down ex hibits to he'p out North Carolina, or did j you get the pretty folks to make a lot of j s(K;cimeiis of wax-fruit, and play them j oil' upon the (irangers for veritable ap-j pies, pears, plums. &c. Own up! An i editor can keep a secret." "None of that! Why, know that Kastcrn North didn't you Carolina is the eatural home of fruit?' "cll. I believe S r Walter Raleigh's captains brought back a wonderful re tort about the luscious fruits and vines; 'nt that was two hundred years ago. and you- Know that "ancient mariners" are supposed to stretch things a lit tle." "Oh. come now! I'm a steamboat nan myself, and there isn't any dis count on either our fruits or our vines. I have about seven thousand trees in my orchard, and Mr. Howard has several thousand. The Faison nursiries ; and tlie Tokay vineyard you know all about, I daresay But one thing that sur prises many people is the success of cabbage-growing in our sectioa. Num fters of Eastern truckers have sold car load after carload of cabbage to New Yoi k and Thila. both early and late varieties. I saw at Mr. Burns, the oilier day. a large stocK of cabbage, which would average 2S pounds, hard and plump to the head." "Indeed! Whv that equals Bun combe. Capt. Natt Atkinson and Dr. Vandiver well need to look to their lau rels. -W. M. Morgan, Esq.. Durham, July lit. '84. and always pleased to see him. The Durham Fertilizer Factory he says is in full operation, and will do a large business. Such enterprises help to build up the State. The company consists of Messrs. Eu gene Morehead, tlie well known banker, S. T. Morgan aud W. Jd. Morgan. They manufacture from a Formula spe cially prepared by State Chemist Dab ney. and have started with a capacity of J,ftK tons ; but expect to increase very rapidly, as the trial lots sent to promi nent farmers have won high praise. Young men of energy and capital. they mean Success ! When you hare written a man's name ever- week for six years you be gin to think you know him; so we enjoy ed a loug talk with that resjiected citizen of Warsaw. W. A. Faison, Esq., who give us many points of interest. He says the leading farmers in that section want the Stock Law. "Squire Faison renews to Jan. 1. 'No. and thus heads our list, for which we make a bow. It was pleasant to take by the baud Capt. J. W. Fort, and his friend, Mr. J. P. Kelley. of Lenoir. Capt. F. is an old subscriber, who located near Fav- etteville to educate hit children, but has a good store, cotton-gin, and farm, just across the bridge on the hills where Hardee's men threw up redoubts to shell Sherman, but didn't! "Why, I was right there, and helped to build those works." said Adjutant (ieueral Johustone Jones. coming in to renew his subscription to the F. & M. to August 1. '$1, "I recollect that after working all night, we were loading our guns for tight, wheu the order came to retreat! As we crossed the bridge, we waded knee-deep in rosin, aud men were hacking the timbers with axes t make them burn faster. We all hated to retreat, and pitied the poor l idies who came out to bid us farewell ; but of course Sherman did. or could, easily flank us out of our position '' "I was m Delaware Kemper's bat tery ; wonder if he is stilt living?" said Mr. Fort. "Oh, yes;" we responded, "he is now a professor under Col. John P. Thomas at the Citadel Academy, in Charleston. It is rather curious that so many of our famous warriors should have taken up that most peaceful of avocations, a Professorship, ("en. I). II, Hill and Gen. Stephen D. Lee. who with Longstreet, are the highest ranking otticers of the C. S. A., still living. (Jen. Cust is Lee. Gen. Corse, Col. Asbury Coward, in fact too long a list to men tion, -are iu the class-room. We'l perhaps they are fighting for the South as faithfully now as twenty years ago. Lee thought so." S. H. Cannady, Esq., Granville, Dec 0, 'S4. and it was a pleasure to many frien Is over this way to see him iu tine health, aud spirits. W. H. Howard. Esq., Noise, P. O.. Moore county. Oct 20. '4, by courtesy of Mr. Mottlt. Thanks, gentlemen. Wish we had "Moore" "Noise"' of that kind. Ashttwro Courier says there is a postoflice in the State uained "Cmiet." We like "Noise" best. And here is another friend from the South. Capt. U . II. McLaurin, of Mc Laurinburg, and though the crops and times are especially rouh this year down that way, he kindly renew to Nov 21, '84. a year and a mouth in advance, and that shows the clever gentleman. "Aud bring all your friends to Fay etteville Fair. savs Secretary Geo. W. Lawrence, (March 9. '84.) "for we mean to make it a good one.'" That is right. We have great faith in Fayette viile. The dav is fast coming when it will be the commercial and railway cen tre of a w iilescojie of the State. S. Weathersjioon. Esq., Moor,; countv. May 10. 84. Thank you ; an 1 the same to A. F. Page, Esq Jan 1 "84 Our potaI was not intended to be offensive. Rer. J. T. Kendall. Moore co., Oct 4. 'S3: Mrs S. B. Hunter, Halifax, Oct 25. 'S3; W. E. Spruill, Esq.. Vance co. Nov 1. "8 ; M. F. Adcock, Esq.. Gran ville. Oct 28, '83; Dr. Patrick Booth. Granvilb'. A pi 2 "83; and by courtesv of friend Job Osborne, Esq, Mr. J. X. Lyon, Oct 4. '84. a uew subscriber in that fine old county. From Earpsboro came Mr. James Buuu. (Mar 17, '84.) and several other good citizens of that section. And the renewal of J. A. J. Patterson, Esq.. Randolph co. Sept 1. '83, thoughtfully sent bv a friend ; and Mr. Geo. L. Wim berlev's renewal to Feb 16, '84, remit ted in the same manner. He is Presi deut of Tarboro Fair, and the gentle men who brought his subscription say that all possible effort to have a splen did exhibition will be made. Capt. J. K. l higpon, ot tlie a'ii countv. a!o gave ut a call. " Wnat itave you brought?" we asked. "M vm.-K ! and w e're talking aloui carry .ug the Mate Fair back Home with us." It reailv ' joohf-u ii m i v, a ji ut ii me rn.i i .line to vote on it. aiter speeches by h.ni and - 1 .1 ... 1.. .. .1 .. others. J Caudelle, Esj.. who has a first diss Confectionery at Frariklinton, p ea antly renews to Aux -0. "f4. He believes in sweet things. And so does friend Geo. Winston of the same county, who came as the escort ot a dozen or two vounir teun!e. most ly of the pretty sex; but they weren't ali l n. tons, we guess. Aud here is auoiher Franklin county friend, Eugene Cock. Esq . briiiriuif re rewai to Jan. lO.'-M.for T W Fu.-ter.E-q. e hone to some dav iro over that mi aud tet acquainted ith people. Sorry to hear th-i Mrs. T ii s. J. Black nail is seriously ill. And here is Bro. T' a-, of Ljuis bnrjr Tinos, (from which we pvt our Franklin county new hands iu the ca'd of Col. Varborouah atnl B P. Cul ton, K-q., ctieiiuir to sell t-r lease a car riaue chop ami biacksmitiiy : au 1 caaini: tor a partner to run a shutt.e anl s u-i mat.utitctorv. Walk 'in. Pro. W. A. Davis. ou are just in time to aosv. er w le tl.er tin Torchlight means to ever stop spieaQ.ii itself. It i, ai b g as a i la iket 'al ready." "Well, omniht.ses always lave room for one more. By the by. our 0: n! Tobacco Factory iias paid the I'anui , and Mechanic the companion! of naming one ! its best brands of Tobacc . after it. And I saw Mr. C i.art shipping large order of J-n.m.i iind Mtchinii- i. Atlanta. lat wt tk." That s clever! Awl the tobacco is bound to good It mustn't go hick on the name. Mrs. F. E. Tatrick. H;eluiiorid, Va . March 20, ,s4, handed us by courte.- o! Ii. B. lewis, Jr., Esq. it.tieii;hs tai' daughters wherever they go, almost ai ways wish to hear what is goitic on at their old houie. And that js ritiht- -Aud here is an oil friend, Capt. W Crawford Durham, (a brother of the la merited Plato, and Kev. C. Durham; who is doing well in the pnetiee of i tic law, at Morristown, Tenn., Aj.iil lo "s4. Miss Coriuna L Powell, Amr -l 's4 ly courtesy ot ot Jos D Powell, Es.i. one ut the largest land owners in Wake. Mei.-a gentleman ol intelligence, and his opinion that the maj jrity of the Eastern and mid dle Carolina farmers are not makiut; money. is not encouraging, but no man could walk through thecrowdat the Fair without hearing the same view repeated lv repeated by men who omdit to know Dr. W. T. Hodge, Juue 1, 4 by courtesy of J. C. Marconi E-q. The Doctor is one of Wake's most energetic aud successf ul citizens. Dr. Jas. F. Beall. Davidson county, Aug. 1, 'X4, and ":uauy good wishes lor the F. M.' Be assured ot cur thaukii, aud hih apreiatiou. Capt. JSaui. H. Webb. Alamance, April Iii, "84, aud one good thing we owe the Fair it brings us once a year pleasant calls from genial friends all over the State. Mr Arthur ('rimes, eldest son of the late Geu. Bryan Grimes, gave us a pleas ant ca I yesterday, and reports the crops on the Tar Kiver plantations nearly up to ordinary. Mr. Warren, his mot uer's farm manager, thinks he iil not tall nil in a total of about ;i'K) bales. He tried the ''extensive" system on one field, using $7 worth of manure per acre ; aud thinks he will get two bales per acre from it. Edwin M. Holt, Esq., (Sept 1. '8:5.) by courtesy of Mr. J. A. Holt, and we arc glad to learn that orr venerable friend is in fair health, though not so strong as he once was. Happily he does not need strength, surrounded as he is by a baud of stalwart and thriving sons. B. F. Bullock. Esq. Frankliuton. Feb 20. "81. and very clever to renew when he can see the paper tree, as we have two or three dozen subscribers at ' bis otlice. j A brain Venable, Jr., Esq., South ; Boston. 'a.. Mar lo, S4. and an inter- j esting letter telling how the tight is be- j ing conducted against Mahoue. and the j He-Adjusters. Virginia is at fever heat, j and means to throw oil its sick xemju-r i Muhouis, or make him awfully sick him- ' self. j Jos. J. Laughinghouse, Esq., Oct. 2o, ; '84, reuewed l tie uay of expiration, ami ; it was a pleasure to take his baud, uot.i simply because that brought half a d izcn j yearly subscribers, but because he iso.it" I of those uraight-lbrward, frank und l'cai- I ess men who ucver give their hand ith out meaning it Mr. Laughiughouse was warmly welcomed by numerous iriem;-, and spent several days in the citv ; lenv (ug a little daughter in the care of Dr. K. i 11. Lewis, the occuust. ! The uew subscribers brought by the thoughtful courtesy of our friend ( V ish this example was as "catching as measles) were Mr Jas L Fowle, 1 Mr Chas K Gthagher, Mr I rcdcrick olfenden, Mr ceth Bridgemau, Mr Churchill Bright aud Messrs D Litchenstein and Company, , all of Beaufort countv. irood citizens and I paid to Oct 20. lss-t. We much regret being abeui when many of our friends called. During Fan week the city is so crowded that even Bachelors must give some time lo thedu lies ot hospitality, so we rarely could a t into the office as early as ordinal ily. Bui I we sliall be please J 1 1 see our 1. !'().-ne.v l ; time they come to town. Bro FM W-I-j iiams of Newtou Entrrrise. (a paper we always read with much interest) .-herifF A 11 I add is .in and Ur W I' Knnett of' Tender. Capt. J B Harris of Caban-u;. Dr T Boot he, of Grauviile, Mr fiios H Couyers. ....Newbern Journal: The Supreme Court has atiirmed the judjren ml oi ihe court below in the cae il Joii i T S'lsf, who was ti ie 1 here iast fall lor Irdu'iv robbery and sentence 1 to the en.tentitiy for forty years, from which h.' a ipcaied. Suiit; ;ot tired waiting for thi Sij re uc Court and walked tmtof the city one .,ay and has uot been heard from sine A ictnarkatlo feature o a eas i: .tn Indiana court was the yoi t' f'i'ne s f i mother wh had. at the aire of oniv 13 'weii bin h to healthy twins'. Yn hful uaturity seems to have be n inhe ted, for this mother was herell born when j her mother was 13. In conn was ihe re i markablc spectacle of a g eat-prand- j mother, grandmother aud mother ofi twins, ihe ttreat-grandmotl er n .w beintr 40 year: old, the Krytno'her 27. and the j mother 14. Cincinnati Commercial Ga- j zette. j An explosion in a coalmine.it Uarns- j lev. Knii.. killed twenty men. The failure of the t. Croix Cotton Mills. New IJrunswick, is announced. Edward Iliivev handed in New York city, for murdering his sister-in-law. The oiiici-il report of Lieut. Iar- linuton. conimander of the recent Arctic expedition for the relief of the Signal Service party at Lady Franklin bay. confirm"! the statement that the crew ot the Proteus behaved badly and plunder ed the ship. The nmotiut paid fr peusions during the fiscal year, by the siovernmeut. was 00.004.8O'.i ; there were 303.C5S ensioners on the rolls: since 18G1, 021.073,2y7 have been paid for iensions and costs of disbursement. Margaret Harris, colored, was handed at Calhoun. Ga.. for murdering little Lelia Lewis; 4,000 persons were present; she made a speech ou the gal lows. Taylor Bryant, nemo, ban zed at Monroe, Ga., for outraging a white i woman. Afiiin ir.-Th-r -; t! j...t nmnth I the app"-nco o f" o Ftr,r and .V' '.i'o. Iih Km n li n n u-! '. i'e U- it atinovii.g our M .-i-'ers. and was e--t..ii.! . t. - . e , j iii'iuniii;- it mo l ill - he art en 1 tig-to OtT ) self, frying to practice hIlhiiwuI, we pat- 'i'i7.e home manufactures, and the much d.-soilori d. II iv ..ig no piess . our own. we tind it d i!i ultv to .jet go.ni printiu r. at any price There are other drawback- due t.- an ini: iiect o b. c. i aa'' 'uli cap;:ai; aitocllnr w;tli th tail that Kaleigh :s a small town. the m-i.-t expensive in the State, a- a po;nt for a tiewti-ijK-r publication. ( )ur cx peui for lent. fuel, boa.-.i.'ng, jiajT. p -'.agc. piinter-w.ige. et. .. etc.. an as large a- they won! I be in W;im'ng t"ti or Ilu-hntoiid ; w fa-rea the pr.trn a'e of the i ;i;..-r in those ;...vn ';.- nearly d i.ibic. Ii. h;e. or sextuble. owing ti., the greater j-.pu' atiou. niaii.i'.i tine-. i.'pping etc. :i t! tl.er hand. Ba!- ' e:g!i is a more agtcealle place for i t -' delict-, and li.u. ii supeii ..r in its aatun tas.es lor tn- -ni!!i , t.,.ii. And ! tnist e;e many years to ;in.! a steady in- i crea-e :n our m.-ivan ti!e in at.ti'at tur u. 1 and other patronage, th. n i.y -igi.i'vii e ' tiie e.vp msiou of the city a ct dug V the desert)' of the i ajita! of so gir at ai empii.-n- North ( ai'ot.: a. Having said thus nnu h. te add tha. we are striving with might and n.a.u i ; filedc t! e .!,-: cl ill the ,., r a,. M' m.i above i t let ! ed !... I u -pap-is one-f.i.irtlt largi-rthau at tni- ae ;a-; year: and we are u-:ng much bt u, r. ,;a'-, dy co-ting us from ?g to f:; pi.- ,tt hate th. m at tl at time. W e .-hall som nioiv a Mailing M.n hiiie to m-ure rt gu-i larity in that Department, other im j p:o eineiits aic contcini.Utcd. Andlc: ii- hint, fri. n. is and brethren, the inoii t prttmptly our subscribers -end in ti.eii scttieuu ii!-, tlie sootier we shall be . hie to iuclea-e the merit of tlie p.q r. --Trepn.-e to i;o then' ! Where.' - Wel l ,11 Fair ! 1 The yeoiiianrv will swann like b"s ! To t.rar " I all Sycamore'' Vol bees! And the Farm and Stork Show i-c-rtain to be ' As good a" the goode-t this vear. ' And the handsome "Hmhnkhs"' njil! daily "dinf And ihe fa-hi jnable Fair ies will ' flirt at wi.l, j And the blooded nags will trot like i a streak, ' And the programme promises a live- ! ly week. . ' For everybody is coming to town. -.yn i evervno.iy yym t,e done " .... , , , . And t he loti4r and the short of it . 1 , .., . , (1. Mac liiiNiil : remember.! t'ertili-s this, -don't di Wehion N'oveniber. ...n 1. 1... 1 . . -.1 win uc ociier uoue .1111: i $C All rtlcl for e x tiioit ion h!ioiiiI bf Hut to the a. T. it. A;riru!iur,U Society yVrl.ion, N. C. Tlit-y wi t lie inaif.l oil trio .'ro'enl anil j.roii- j rn. tTbrv.t un 1 r-e 01 ripeuse. r reiif at crmr. ei i i I ! ri'tniKlril ly lijnuiiil on prt-Kt-utuUou ol ! proiT isTtificateH. 0K UK TIIK TlttlHi.M FaTUKKS ! - lnt lot ihe hi i lt-s and the iveddiiu foliower refleet iwon the presents of a century suro as mentioned in the diary of Tarson 1? lllentine of Westfield, Mass. his dausrh ter was married Ut. 10. 17f h and her i wedding presents are thus catalogued : '1 gal rum. 2 jrs do., leg of mutton, 1 .jt. rum, 'J do., brandy, flour and suet, some Iwticr. pig, 2 qts. rum, a loyn ot rntut m and butter, some cranb- tries, v pig firi l th-'ie fitwN. a piece of veal an' siief. atiples. cabbage and potatoes 1' fowl- 2its. bandy." And this a minis ter's daughter! Springlield HrpuLhcan. A Grateful Parent's Certificate. HtlwiKWAV S. C. Oct Ilth. I s-s J. Mk. W. 1 Dwis savs he has (,uit a trade on BOYKLVS WOltM KILLKH. I 'old him some last trip and he says a nier 1. mght a bottle and gave a dose to '" child : -hfl next time he brought to i.t n a id-iss J ir (ehow-ehow -J ai) packed ui: of worn s. to show. Siuce then cv- e y line wants y oi m Vours. iVc, lv K. IIaktv NEW ADVKRTISEMSNTS. TOBCC0 MANUFACTUKEUS AM) Jobbers of Cigars, Cigarettes, etc. STRICTLY A WHOLESALE TOBACCO HOUSE. UNCLE SAM Ivest iu the W'irld f ir the money (a'l for Ta'C AMD 1 1 t U S Htt CMM'O, tR AND RUSH, i () ir Salesman will fee North far li la trade every iV day "it for him and give us a tiia1. Special and piompt atteution to or.ie'. 'o'lr ,iinrls. WHEAT and GRASS. ALLISON Sc ADBISON'S Id LG LI GRADE F E RTiLIZE R S . STAR 1JHAND TRADE GUANO. ACIB PHOSPHATE (or Dissolved South Carolina Bone.) Pure Flour of Raw Bone. The-e Fertilizers, so Ion- anJ favorably known throughout Virginia and North 'Volb'a, continue to sustain the;r reputation as the very best. We intend, if nossible.' to make them better this year than ever before, and recommend them vith exeat confidence to all in want of Fertilizers that can be relied on as being -t uniformly hiuh grade. Thpr r-,nnot hv surraed. Allison & Addison, Manufacturers. Ticlimondt "V"a. For sale bv Airents at all point in the Wheat growing sections of North Caro lina and VirVmia, at prices as low and on as liberal terms as any other standard high-grade fertilizer. We solicit your confidence and patronage. Mr. I K. M--!l. of Ar! !, !e -.t r ,w.r of Tu. kn Hall j A r t.y iin; -u:!ered a of a -'"! 1 '"''"' r- H " ' " T" kt ! ' " I "- '"' ! "Ml. H Ml w i i i.cv It ft. host ever, i in cur- " j LATEST MARKET REPORTS. ! ' ' j TK "nr p" r TUESDAY ICHT. H t,;ti I rj-jrt ! T lb. Srs T r T of t b Ct tt.m I'lihuv. '- Tort, hy Trlrv-irc Tal,t mil t I'trwr K -porta r ukw trom i.1u.im U t-i tw- K tl.tt ;il tsOTTOS MtUKET. '.-w, Vl.lJ.;u V; ! ; i: rf stn t l. Ml H'.l . ... Mi. H,. Ks-r:o-t .V- l r.lj ; Ti-! . !ri: i.!. 10 M Vi.KE VAKklTv i'r-iua. rr;--u':t.. l.S. : I m ) r r . T oti.;t,,.u f I.4t i - Krtu -tiDtrtisfttur.t 6. IMPORTANT TO A COACH AND BLACKSMITH SHOPS FOR SALE OR LEASE. on good tenn. Tids is a hm stand f'oi business ,ri lid- hue fur a fiist class Cih Maker Mith asmail a cap ital Trt fcr to e' b"t wiil ie.t-e for term of tars Now is a irood time to trade. before the rii'ro.id trets here. Will be plad to eoi -respond with auy partiis wi.hiiij: . 01 this business. Address, Cot. W. H. YAPBOROUCH, or B. P- CLIFTON, I.ouistmrtf, N. (J I al-o have a nice store with Thoto irrnph Ialiery aliove. which I w mid like to rent on irood terms. Thus is a first cl t.-s ..ii.i.rt niiit it 4 min 11 it Ii t i.il.J iM'in'iiuun 1 nu u uiuu n uu riuaii tapnab j u. rilll t t.c t-tore turcther with the ii-cie 1 tiu-liiess. l.. . .......1 r., t...-i or ( 'ooferf uiiierv and tiroeery biMnesc. wantlmi .;..rl.r to in.. .l..,til. " v. "ash. Door, aud Blind Factory, have splendid water power, aud large house, -itiiated here iili. 'e theie is plenty dog. wood, holly and other kind of li tuber cheap. Correspondence solicited B P- CLIFTON, liiui-tiurg. N. C. Fast Potato Digging! The Monarch Lightning Potato DIgjcr Saves its cost yearly, nn Sent en times oveh, to cvt-ry farmer. Ouarantred to .ltiuSUllundred l(unh- 30 Bays' eu a lay 1 TEST TRIAL VTrltO Postal Card for Free Illustrated Cir culars. Mention thla piiper. Address Honaoh Manufacturing Co, 163 Randolph SL, Chicago, 111 Administrator's Notice. ltaviiii taken out Ltteni of AilminlRlrntlon upon thf ptaof JOHN W. PKRKV, ilKC .l, thm U to ive notice to all juthoiib having claiiuH ai(ainat tno deonluut 'i jir.Bent them to ni on or before thSail day jf O.-iol.r, l&Hi. All I't rfou u.leliteil tu the aaid d.-cr1nt will make i:i:nii-0ia e ia)'iunut to the uiultriiKuel. 1NHUEW HMK, Pulilic Admluintratur, aud Ailm'r ot John W. Perry. SMOKING TOBACCO our New Vjik Cigars They cannn, be beat TATE ANO W LXE' NO. 7, UHCU AH. TATE & WALKER, Mehanesviile. . C MARK. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ARRIVED AND AT WORK ! Best Modern Machinery for Making The FINE F;s :!--a t' A't i:i. W! e tt . .vu-.ot b. Iiy i Flavor ai Btea !-m.tk tig. Ti- '. -,-i a ;:, week- ;n i-v.itii.ii.ii,' !., U-t ii::. i ii.:iei ui :i. g' t North-Wr-t. Tf c New M ji bio rt w:, , k , ,-. cd to hati t. and t'.u- tv.x'w A! unan. . 'S ur t... p. .-' .. are now Stt.ly -ju j j nam n u : . ". til.. ;i .! r i' trom ant j-t:;- i No, i'i t ; ..ii. 4. o, n.,.;; .---A tU, "- n tii T: i:s. Uil '. i-; I: j. n- ! ll-.i--M:''! D -ubh- d.v.U trt n- ! i:-rj i un: :. ! N A I aroi.ua Fn! JAMK- I. JAM I J t 1 g.tc :t at i a! a U T. 1 fi l 1 iNi.f K ur lie-t ll and- : t.,:,-.., r..,. !; Kalt'ish. Agent- wtiiini, ; . any a. k you waul. litcrt !:.i;..i 1 " 'i 1 T. H. BRIGGS & Sons, Raleigh, N. C. Ni:v ECONOMIST Cil Steves. An y Ml Stove that i crfeetly made, i-osi'y managed, safe anl free from olur, is a cotiven n nee ou.-e enjoyed, no tai.iilv would lie with out It will do the work o' aeooLinir stove . IJTSSSIU I.I II I i Ve Kim th; in every esseut n! Iiutur S'ft )' K are oei ii-'-t an 1 gran I 'iw.,. I a oil tiifht. odorless, and si simple in cntitii( -t. "i i i . . t ti uat'il with less tneihle thsn anv ntln-r - it.- lath- tr also have a uoo I st n k .d' 1 irnii i; ! .r ih. " rvns tea kettles. boiUrs i.nistraled price list. 1 St. LEADERS IN HARDWARE AND STOVES. fK k. (i LASS FRICTION ( OTTON (ilN. Our(iin jiossi-ss n every advnrit : vance t e i in fi.llowinkf reasons whv iHt. Our (im la ouiiiutc lire. I at hum. home lo I. oil.J up your i Hpilal n y. 2. Ourl.in is guarantee. i to ch-an si-- I ( )ur I Jin is iiar tu'eed to make as t,' i.i 4. Our (Jin 18 vcuaraiilct to nxu f:ister 5. Out I i in is trust riiiiti-e.l to make a het ti. On l I Jin is jjuaritntei"! to lie more e..n operated 7. Our in ik tiaranteniii to do im re wi uk S. Our ( Jin is u.'tranti't'd to he thi' Ih-hI !i. Our (Jiu is narunteed to last lor. i r ot fier. Second liand Jins for sali- of every in.tl.H. Ah So-mi K i,:i h- , Jln .Ma .-nJ Ac. bend for catalogues to GEO. L. TONNOFFSKI, Sec'y. Kjtlri-I., N ; ortoJ.C. BREWSTER A CO. Hardware Dcalorn. THE TISE WELL FIXTURES! WHITE BROTHERS, Manufacturers, Molanc, IT. C. A GOOD WATER SUPPLY MALE EASY! pfiltfll YM - ) niJ3 Ellltf itwr ii"' ! lfSiy n'!'V 'y'T:; :siy ,:;:r r:.:a It tipjily mut lo"H f'-tt. No morr r iililrn irt A child mi nmr old ru uv-n - Un W. Actiov Jtrek, tbf ixru tMt tli'DK of . PRICE COMPLETE $15. OO EXAMINE THEM OM FAIR CROUNDS, AT THE STATE FAIR. Manufactured aud fur rale bv WHITE BEOS., Asians, IT. C. lKor pale by J. C. Brewster !c Co., lUleigl . . U. Iloii.e, MoM.ih , an I II. 15. Jordau, C; ry. THE J. P. NISSEN WAGON, GEO. E. NISSEN & CO., Man'fs, FACTORY AT WAUCHTOWH. If you wut tb bit 4nd a wrruiw mot tiuu. n u- - "w" - .nd rlm.im the bent Wviton mde la the country. tid th'i.litnr li onr ml aami? the pt ix mouth hveut t-n more ttii 1 "'l- "' J" rODi'sitv. Hvln redund our pnw-lo nol Wj c. rn W m -l-, -j'.' it y HevuiR -" w 'ou. All tu'juiriM promly neri S-n l to' circa r u.l who hvr uaed them hve to FLOUR Wc n; t.. rr T. r tr. N"e ;s t, li' irr-ii n- ' M . .." i ,i. r 1 n 1 1:. t i i. K f 1.4:;. v . S;.! A Noii'! o A 1 1 .c -.! TATE & TROLIJrJER, MFHAKVll If. N. t J 11 t: ! .1. IlimTI, Fe-or pat p o M W ECONOMIST wv s.v. T r4!.i:r, tttlhout llm iiivS'iiv ruseUvc uf tiaul- "l r a.. and 1 i! m; I h" I a t of im - liiil the finr eau h- htfl.U-d shed at n.. is- M I ur in I. . 1 l.t'ONOMlSf nil, mi 1 -liH It. ill. ' .t!i 1 Lept elean an i ii)l!il-S .'. hi . i M i it ,,r itrfv f St-ti i for ir , , si, THE RALEIGH COTTON GIN CO. MANUFACTURER i ami REPAIRERS. I .inii- t '"i 'i"n '. . 1 1 V . . r ' i . - I l n , :4!l I id- i h I U- U:ld l-V IV On It I ft 'Vlh 111 I h ft fit ;ih vdl h not ttln r i .4 Himpl-' as any otli.-i. h:i'i anv i !l.. i. --vr yi.-ld I fi tn ;i i v ot Iht. enniilly i'nis.r'. t l, wi hl s ri-pms th: in r i'!4i I r tl. -i . an 1 el. i,) " "i I In- inn k t . and jive l.fn-r s.i-i.u leoi tli . ' i iiiiy :: tin lllii-'r-tl -ti lf tit a i.w ait'1 al iiai! !iv.ii!i .11 ' v I I . 4. I . 44. Ti. a. 1 1 ri.y1'l.4 tt rii Ir ' I.- . I n 'I lir" -l . T 1 1. - 4 t I .-ii, .,.1 'It J. .r - . 1 1 - I ' r " I hurt : N iu-rr 11 fruturi' ; SALEM P N. C. We r- ron- he V I - i i .4 til. V '..l.t.-r-'l 1; :.. ..-' ' ' " ' -.1 ,lit !'l ' I' ' " GEO. E. NISSEN & CO.